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The Mg-deficient leaves show advanced interveinal chlorosis, with

necrosis developing in the highly chlorotic tissue. In its advanced form,
magnesium deficiency may superficially resemble potassium deficiency. In
the case of magnesium deficiency, the symptoms generally start with
mottled chlorotic areas developing in the interveinal tissue. The interveinal
laminae tissue tends to expand proportionately more than the other leaf
tissues, producing a raised puckered surface, with the top of the puckers
progressively going from chlorotic to necrotic tissue. In some plants, such as
the Brassica (i.e., the mustard family, which includes vegetables such as
broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi,
mustard, rape, rutabaga and turnip), tints of orange, yellow, and purple may
also develop.

These leaves show a light interveinal chlorosis developed under a

limited supply of Mn. The early stages of the chlorosis induced by
manganese deficiency are somewhat similar to iron deficiency. They begin
with a light chlorosis of the young leaves and netted veins of the mature
leaves especially when they are viewed through transmitted light. As the
stress increases, the leaves take on a gray metallic sheen and develop dark
freckled and necrotic areas along the veins. A purplish luster may also
develop on the upper surface of the leaves. Grains such as oats, wheat, and
barley are extremely susceptible to manganese deficiency. They develop a
light chlorosis along with gray specks which elongate and coalesce, and
eventually the entire leaf withers and dies.

These leaves show some mottled spotting along with some interveinal
chlorosis. An early symptom for molybdenum deficiency is a general overall
chlorosis, similar to the symptom for nitrogen deficiency but generally
without the reddish coloration on the undersides of the leaves. This results
from the requirement for molybdenum in the reduction of nitrate, which
needs to be reduced prior to its assimilation by the plant (see textbook
Chapter 12). Thus, the initial symptoms of molybdenum deficiency are in fact
those of nitrogen deficiency. However, molybdenum has other metabolic
functions within the plant, and hence there are deficiency symptoms even
when reduced nitrogen is available. In the case of cauliflower, the lamina of
the new leaves fail to develop, resulting in a characteristic whiptail
appearance. In many plants there is an upward cupping of the leaves and
mottled spots developing into large interveinal chlorotic areas under severe
deficiency. At high concentrations, molybdenum has a very distinctive
toxicity symptom in that the leaves turn a very brilliant orange.

The chlorotic symptoms shown by this leaf resulted from nitrogen

deficiency. A light red cast can also be seen on the veins and petioles. Under
nitrogen deficiency, the older mature leaves gradually change from their
normal characteristic green appearance to a much paler green. As the
deficiency progresses these older leaves become uniformly yellow (chlorotic).
Leaves approach a yellowish white color under extreme deficiency. The
young leaves at the top of the plant maintain a green but paler color and
tend to become smaller in size. Branching is reduced in nitrogen deficient
plants resulting in short, spindly plants. The yellowing in nitrogen deficiency
is uniform over the entire leaf including the veins. However in some
instances, an interveinal necrosis replaces the chlorosis commonly found in
many plants. In some plants the underside of the leaves and/or the petioles
and midribs develop traces of a reddish or purple color. In some plants this
coloration can be quite bright. As the deficiency progresses, the older leaves
also show more of a tendency to wilt under mild water stress and become
senescent much earlier than usual. Recovery of deficient plants to applied
nitrogen is immediate (days) and spectacular.


These leaves have abnormal shapes, with distinct interveinal chlorosis.

Plants require relatively high chlorine concentration in their tissues. Chlorine
is very abundant in soils, and reaches high concentrations in saline areas,
but it can be deficient in highly leached inland areas. The most common
symptoms of chlorine deficiency are chlorosis and wilting of the young
leaves. The chlorosis occurs on smooth flat depressions in the interveinal
area of the leaf blade. In more advanced cases there often appears a
characteristic bronzing on the upper side of the mature leaves. Plants are
generally tolerant of chloride, but some species such as avocados, stone
fruits, and grapevines are sensitive to chlorine and can show toxicity even at
low chloride concentrations in the soil.


These copper-deficient leaves are curled, and their petioles bend

downward. Copper deficiency may be expressed as a light overall chlorosis
along with the permanent loss of turgor in the young leaves. Recently
matured leaves show netted, green veining with areas bleaching to a whitish
gray. Some leaves develop sunken necrotic spots and have a tendency to
bend downward. Trees under chronic copper deficiency develop a rosette
form of growth. Leaves are small and chlorotic with spotty necrosis.

These iron-deficient leaves show strong chlorosis at the base of the

leaves with some green netting. The most common symptom for iron
deficiency starts out as an interveinal chlorosis of the youngest leaves,
evolves into an overall chlorosis, and ends as a totally bleached leaf. The
bleached areas often develop necrotic spots. Up until the time the leaves
become almost completely white they will recover upon application of iron. In
the recovery phase the veins are the first to recover as indicated by their
bright green color. This distinct venial re-greening observed during iron
recovery is probably the most recognizable symptom in all of classical plant
nutrition. Because iron has a low mobility, iron deficiency symptoms appear
first on the youngest leaves. Iron deficiency is strongly associated with
calcareous soils and anaerobic conditions, and it is often induced by an
excess of heavy metals.

Some of these leaves show marginal necrosis (tip burn), others at a

more advanced deficiency status show necrosis in the interveinal spaces
between the main veins along with interveinal chlorosis. This group of
symptoms is very characteristic of K deficiency symptoms.


Executive Summary A detailed explanation of how to identify

nutritional deficiencies and disease was given in this workshop. The central
thesis is that farmers should take a holistic approach to farming that focuses
on optimizing fertility instead of maximizing it. Av recommends that instead
of fixing problems with band-aid solutions, farmers should try to figure out
what the root causes are and address them to ensure long-term viability. In
order to use systems to our benefit we must begin by understanding them
better. Details of how to identify deficiencies are therefore explained at
length below.


Central thesis: the biggest issue is that we still have conventional

mindset in terms of fertility issues.

Holistic farming is the mantra of talk Problem avoidance by design

by Ann Clark. Designing your farm to avoid problems.

Most people have a linear approach to farming. The conventional

mindset is that we should maximize yield. The best way to do is by adding
organic nutrients. This brings costs onto the farm. Nutrients lead to weeds,
which lead to increased tillage/labour, and more costs. Tillage also breaks
down soil organic matter, which results in unhealthy soils. This leads to
diseases and unhealthy plants that attract insects. Poor soil structure and
yields are the result of this method. A common response in conventional
farming is to add more nutrients. For organics it means shortening the
rotation, moving from one cash crop to another. Time is not allowed for land
to replenish.

This is linear thought about organics we tend to use band-aids as a

society instead of getting to root cause of problems. However, band-aids
come at a cost - in terms of economics and the way we think about farming,
having faith in nature etc.

tries to encourage a move from this linear thinking to a more holistic

view. By looking at what in the system is causing the problems you can come
to casual based solutions. This workshop is not concentrated on quick fixes
for nutritional deficiencies. Instead, Av advises that farmers should mimic
nature when they can optimizing nature rather than maximize it for

When taking a system-based approach, farmers must realize that

nature can provide the answers. We must take the system we are given and
use it in our benefit. The maximum yield myth is not sustainable. We do not
have a good system that supports it. Go from maximizing yield to optimizing
it. This will require a mind-shift to occur. Yield must be viewed as production
per cost of input.


Observing where the plant deficiencies are occurring will help to

narrow the possibilities and give you an idea of addressing the problem.
Mobile nutrients you see them at the bottom of your plant and they get
transferred up to the new growth, top of plant.

Bottom P (phosphorus), K (potassium), N (nitrogen)

Middle: Z (zinc), Mo, Mg (magnesium)

Top = S, Ca, Fe, S, B Cu immobile nutrients. If trying to treat you

should use foliar solutions. Should not apply something to soil, as it will take
a long time to reach the top of plant.

Inverse true for lower deficiencies do soil drench instead.


Flow charts are used, ease you through the process and show you what
to identify (Handout).

N is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies. Yellowing leaves
in typical pattern - tip of leaf first, then going back towards stem. Typically
comes when using a mulch or compost that has a high carbon to nitrogen
ratio. 12 carbon atoms for 1 nitrogen atom are normal. Mulch could be 200 to
1. Mulch will therefore take nitrogen away from plant.


Most common on organic and small scale farms. It keeps plant in very
vegetative state. They look good, but dont fruit. It is common in potatoes or
tomatoes. They are rich in above ground growth but not in lower (not
growing underground). Excessive N creates lots of sugars and amino acids.
They collect within the cell to the point that the cell is weakened and they
start excreting out, which makes it easier for bacteria to get in. It weakens
the cell wall. Excessive N also limits the amount of calcium that can be taken
up. It is important to find the cause of this problem.


Look for purpling of leaf. There is a challenge now with new and
heirloom varieties, as its difficult to know what is a nutrient deficiency and
whats the actual genetic colour. Might be common to see earlier in spring
(purple colour). When you have cold clay soils there is not a lot of active life
so youll see the purple. As temperature rises activity rises, the purpling will
go away. If you are getting blue-ish green on plants (potatoes) its a P
deficiency too.


For many new farmers theres often a P deficiency in soils (esp. clay
soils). Soils tests dont show them. As you progress as an organic farm
(animal based manure in system) you get excess in P. If you see algae
blooms it means excess. It will limit uptake of other nutrients you might
have zinc or iron deficiency as well.

Mobile nutrient it is very critical to pathogens. K plays an important role in

cell wall structure, therefore you want to have good levels of it. If you have a
deficiency the outside of leaf margins will curl. When you see the leaf turn white
along leaf margins it means K deficiency.


Mn Deficiency:

Interrupts photosynthesis. It leads to inter-veinal yellowing (chlorosis).


High levels of N are often the cause of Z deficiency. See spotting on

potato leaf. Can identify by spots of chlorosis and zebra stripping.

Mo Deficiency:

Mo is important in the fruiting aspect. See stunted development of

flower and irregular growth occurring. A small amount can cause problems -
if you are deficient by 2 ounces per acre you can see increased incident of
disease. Harder to see mineral deficiency - they arent apparent unless you
have dead soils. Not common to see these deficiencies.


Cu is important in building immune systems of plants. In wheat you will

see irregular fruiting of head; leaf roll with potatoes. This is similar to P
deficiency, white around fringes. Work within the plant and make
antioxidants that help boost immune system.
Nutrient deficiencies will be seen over broader scale because they are
problems starting in your soil. If they are only in one plant there could
be another problem, very specific. It would be deficiency within the
plant, an insect virus or disease.
Question: Does copper harm soils or plants?
Answer: Not sure about copper residuals in scientific studies. If trying to
lower ph in blueberries, do not add more than 400 tons of sulphur per acre.
You have to do soil test to make sure levels are fine.


S is essential in growth. Now that there is less S in rain we are seeing

this problem more. Looks similar to N deficiency (difficult to tell which one).
Soils in the Maritimes will hold on to sulphur.


Main aspect to remember is that it is not lacking in soil, but rather that
plant cant take it up because of high phosphorus levels. Must lower
phosphorus to fix. Iron is important in the transfer of nutrients and amino


In strawberries looks like cat face. Celery cracking stem (linear).

Boron plays important role in the immune system. There is a fine line
between toxic and deficient levels. Add, but not liberally. It leads to weaker
cell walls, not stacked up as well, allows more disease susceptibility. Also
leads to less being produced. With boron toxicity it looks like a burn in
strawberries. Soil test results needed.


Calcium regulates water transport. In cabbage / lettuce tip burn see

it at the top, new part of plant. See cavity spots in carrots, black heart in
celery, bitter pit in apples.

The hard part is to find out what the cause is. Using a band-aid is okay
until you figure out the real cause.
Quick fix solutions include Epson salts for Mg; Borax for B, Baking soda
etc. Immobile nutrients will require frequent foliar sprays; while mobile
nutrients can be addressed through a drench.
However, the fix may only be temporary or may not work if there is
an underlying reason for the deficiency like a virus, root pest, or
nutrient imbalance.
If it is a simple nutrient deficiency rich in rock powders, seaweeds, fish
emulsion and molasses sprayed into a living soil should allow a plant to
address its deficiencies.
Horsetail tea (high in silica content) works as great fungicide. Other
teas compry or nettle tea also work.

Question: Is there a time factor in nutrient deficiency?

Answer: It depends on the nutrient; time specific depending on which one.

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