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82 Brian A. OShaughnessy
Lawrence G. Lenke

Posterior Spinal Deformity

Correction Techniques

INTRODUCTION patients who are clinically deemed to be stuck (e.g., their curves
show no sign of demonstrable mobility with prone positioning
Over the past decade, we have witnessed a dramatic advance in and truncal manipulation and confirmed radiographically),
the treatment strategies for a variety of complex spinal deformi- more advanced osteotomies are often necessary for correction.
ties affecting both children and adults. Many severe deformities Provided the patient is medically able to sustain an extensive
that were formerly treated in a staged circumferential anterior/ operation, these severe immobile deformities are often best
posterior manner are now corrected through a single-stage treated with a three-column osteotomy such as a pedicle
posterior-only approach.5,12,13,16 Fundamental to optimal surgi- subtraction osteotomy (PSO) or vertebral column resection
cal care of a patient with spinal deformity is careful preopera- (VCR).4,17
tive assessment and planning. Reviewing the appropriate Radiographically, patients initially obtain upright anteropos-
imaging studies; evaluating the correction requirements in the terior (AP) and lateral 14 36-inch radiographs to assess
coronal, sagittal and axial planes; and determining whether or regional and global spinal alignment.17,18 It is of utmost impor-
not an osteotomy is required for spinal realignment are all tance that patients do not use compensatory mechanisms dur-
paramount issues to be considered preoperatively. In this chap- ing their standing radiographs. Unilateral and/or bilateral
ter, we will review modern techniques for posterior spinal knee flexion is a common method by which a patient is able to
deformity correction. In addition to preoperative patient evalu- partially or completely reorient his or her head over the femo-
ation and optimal intraoperative positioning, we will cover ral axis and compensate for an otherwise significant coronal
implant considerations, osteotomies, and various posterior cor- and/or sagittal imbalance. Hyperextension of the cervical spine
rection maneuvers that have become integral to our practice. and retroversion of the pelvis are also common compensatory
mechanisms. A vertically oriented sacrum is a radiographic fea-
ture of long-standing sagittal compensation and must be noted.
PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT Compensatory mechanisms will tend to underestimate the true
magnitude of the deformity and can result in undercorrection
As with all conditions involving the spine, preoperative patient if not recognized and accounted for in the surgical plan. Along
evaluation begins with a thorough history, physical examina- the same line, patients with long-standing sagittal imbalance
tion, and detailed neurologic assessment. In patients with spi- may rarely develop mild hip flexion contractures, especially if
nal deformity, it is important to get a sense of their inherent they spend an inordinate amount of time sitting. These should
curve flexibility, both clinically and radiographically. As part of be recognized by the spinal surgeon and appropriately managed
our clinical evaluation, we routinely compare patients defor- in collaboration with a physiatrist and/or physical therapist.
mity while patients are standing versus lying prone on an exam- Coronal curve flexibility is evaluated with side-bending,
ination table to determine whether their curves are flexible, supine, traction, and push prone images. Flexibility in the sagit-
stiff, or stuck. It is occasionally surprising how flexible certain tal plane is assessed with lateral hyperextension radiographs
very severe coronal and sagittal spinal deformities can be (Fig. over a bolster in younger patients with kyphosis. In the adult
82.1). Patients with flexible deformities are often able to be population, plain lateral supine or prone radiographs are often
satisfactorily treated with basic ligament releases and correc- valuable determinants of sagittal curve mobility and overall
tion by bringing the spine to an appropriately contoured rod rebalancing. More commonly applicable in the pediatric popu-
with multilevel segmental pedicle screw instrumentation. lation, preoperative halo traction can be used both to evaluate
Patients with stiff deformities, by contrast, frequently necessi- how stiff a deformity is and to gain small increments of correc-
tate additional intraoperative techniques to achieve the desired tion in a safe, gradual fashion. In well-selected patients, we have
correction. In most patients with stiff curves, apical facet-based found preoperative halo traction to be extremely useful as both
osteotomies (i.e., Pont osteotomies [POs] in the unfused a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in severe pediatric spinal
spine and SmithPetersen osteotomies [SPOs] in the posteri- deformity (Fig. 82.2).19 It works particularly well in pediatric
orly fused spine) are often sufficient to loosen the deformity and adult patients with a proximal thoracic or cervicothoracic
and thereby transform a stiff curve into a more flexible one. In junctional kyphosis. Even patients who have been previously

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824 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis








Figure 82.1. Coronal flexibility radiographs. (A) A

588-year-old woman with a long-standing severe, left thora-
columbar scoliosis and severe coronal imbalance. She stood in
what appeared to be a rather fixed deformity with over 25 cm
of coronal imbalance from the midline, and chronic changes
of her right-sided lower ribs indented into the iliac wing.
However, on both supine and push prone positioning, her
coronal deformity corrected a substantial amount, showing
that it was rather flexible. (B) Similarly, in the sagittal plane,
B her forward sagittal imbalance realigned nicely on supine
UPRIGHT SUPINE positioning. (continued)

fused surgically and do not have instrumentation across their physical examination. Moreover, even in extremely rigid defor-
prior fusion site can potentially benefit from halo traction. The mities, halo traction often facilitates a gradual correction over a
most common circumstance in which we use preoperative halo sustained period without incurring any acute changes the spinal
traction is in a pediatric patient with a profound deformity that cord might not tolerate. Patients are awake and are monitored
is either very stiff or stuck and in whom we are considering a neurologically. In fact, although without scientific validation,
VCR. In this setting, halo traction affords a more accurate preoperative halo traction may, in certain cases, render correc-
assessment of the curve rigidity than does plain imaging or tion with VCR safer. An additional benefit of preoperative halo

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Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 825

Figure 82.1. (Continued) (C) She was treated with a long posterior reconstruction from T2 to the sacrum
and ilium with several thoracolumbar SmithPetersen osteotomies and a second stage anterior lumbar inter-
body fusion from L3 to the sacrum. Her 3-year postoperative radiographs show marked coronal and sagittal
rebalancing. (D) Pre- and postoperative clinical photos compliment the radiographic realignment.

traction in patients with severe deformities is that it affords anterior column) and implant loosening than plain radiogra-
time during the hospitalization in which cardiopulmonary and phy. In patients with a thick posterior fusion mass from prior
nutritional optimization can occur (Table 82.1). surgery, an axial CT can be useful for planning the size and
In addition to plain radiographs, preoperative analysis of a length of fusion mass screws. MRI is performed in any patient
deformity will be augmented with computerized tomography with an unusual scoliosis or a severe kyphotic deformity in
(CT) scan with or without myelography and/or magnetic reso- which the spinal cord is displaced ventrally and draped over the
nance imaging (MRI) in most cases. CT scan offers an in-depth posterior vertebral bodies along the apex of the curve. In the
look at the bony architecture, thereby providing useful infor- adult population, MRI is particularly valuable in assessing the
mation for osteotomy planning and screw placement. It also lumbar disc spaces and determining whether or not there is
provides a better evaluation of fusion (particularly in the evidence of central or lateral recess, or foraminal stenosis. The

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826 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.2. A 910-year-old boy who presented with a severe proximal thoracic kyphoscoliosis. He had a
left thoracic scoliosis of 138 and a kyphosis of 125. The apex of his coronal plane deformity was nearly
abutting the proximal ribcage. He was placed in prolonged halo-gravity traction and, with 25 lb of traction,
showed correction of the coronal plane to 100 and kyphosis to 111 with improved positioning of his
kyphoscoliotic apex off the ribcage.

integrity of caudal discs will often have an impact on distal patients must have a healthy spinal cord if a three-column
fusion levels, with markedly degenerated discs at the lum- osteotomy is planned in the thoracic spine or proximal lum-
bosacral junction usually forcing the surgeon to extend the bar spine at conus level. Even if the osteotomy is performed in
fusion to the sacrum (Table 82.2). a technically flawless manner, the acute configuration change
Perhaps most important in the preoperative planning, par- associated with these procedures can be more than a sick
ticularly in evaluating patients who are radiographically can- cord can tolerate. Patients with thoracic myelopathy and/or
didates for three-column osteotomy (i.e., PSO or VCR), one prior anterior spinal surgery in which segmental vessels were
must determine their suitability for the procedure in terms of harvested appear to have heightened risk of neurologic com-
physiologic and spinal cord reserve. Patients must have the plications with thoracic VCR. Patients with chronic preopera-
cardiopulmonary capability to withstand a physiologically tax- tive neurologic impairment are often transiently worse after
ing procedure with the potential for substantial acute blood surgery but do often improve with time, provided persistent
loss. This is best assessed with multimodality preoperative test- spinal cord and/or nerve root compression is not present.
ing that includes a cardiac echocardiogram, carotid Dopplers, Intraoperative cord hyperperfusion with iatrogenic systemic
and pulmonary function tests. There is also an element of hypertension (mean arterial pressure 80 to 90 mm Hg) dur-
physician experience that goes into determining a patients ing surgery is of critical importance during the osteotomy to
physiologic reserve. As important as physiologic prowess, limit neurologic sequelae.

Preoperative Radiographic
Advantages of Preoperative TABLE 82.2
TABLE 82.1
Halo Traction
Anteroposterior/lateral 14 36-inch radiographs (standing,
Provides information about curve stiffness supine, push prone, side-bending, films)
Often allows gradual correction by axial stretching of large CT scan: evaluation of bony architecture
deformities Magnetic resonance imaging: evaluation of neural elements
Patient is awake during the slow correction process and is (spinal cord, nerve roots) and disc integrity
neurologically monitored CT myelogram: evaluation of neural elements with indwelling
Time for preoperative respiratory therapy to improve pulmonary instrumentation
Preoperative nutritional supplementation CT, computed tomographic.

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Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 827

INTRAOPERATIVE POSITIONING chest rolls is more effective. The proximal pads must be clearly
free of the axilla to avoid any undue pressure on the brachial
Prone positioning for posterior spinal reconstruction involves plexus. Patients are placed in either GardnerWells tongs or a
appropriately padding all bony prominences and ensuring that halo with gentle (10 to 15 lb) axial traction to keep the face and
the spine is also aligned with the hips extended. Optimal posi- eyes free of pressure during surgery. Patients who were placed in
tioning of the head and neck is of critical importance when halo-gravity traction preoperatively are positioned in their halo
involving the cervical spine and occiput in a fusion since the abil- with a reduced amount of traction weight. Counter-traction (20
ity of the patient to accommodate is vastly diminished postopera- to 30 lb) using a femoral traction pin is typically performed in
tively. An open Jackson frame with adjustable pads is used in neuromuscular deformities with a significant amount of pelvic
most patients; however, in very small patients, a closed frame with obliquity (Fig. 82.3).7,20 Because spinal distraction forces are

Figure 82.3. (A) A 142-year-old boy with arthrogryposis and a severe 153 right thoracolumbar scoliosis.
His supine correction was to 99 and push prone to 120. (B) To optimize his spinopelvic realignment, he
underwent intraoperative halo-femoral traction with a unilateral left-sided femoral traction pin placed. He
had 15 lb of traction placed on his halo and 20 lb on his femur. (continued)

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828 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.3. (Continued) (C) He then underwent a posterior spinal fusion from T2 to the sacrum and
ilium with intraoperative traction and apical SmithPetersen osteotomies. His 2-year radiographs demon-
strate a correction of 46 of residual curvature with a nearly level pelvis in the upright position.

introduced with femoral counter-traction, this technique should three-column osteotomies to slowly compress the osteotomy
be strictly avoided in patients with an angular kyphosis and/or limbs closed posteriorly with a central rod mechanism.
those undergoing a VCR where any undue distracting tension on Thoracic pedicle screws, which have been studied extensively
the spinal cord at the time of surgery may be harmful. over the past decade, are the ideal method of bony fixation in the
Often, with general anesthesia, use of a muscle relaxant, and thoracic spine.911,14 In our hands, screws are placed by using an
proper prone positioning, reasonably flexible deformities are sig- open freehand technique with starting points determined by pos-
nificantly improved. Intraoperative radiography is performed in terior element topography. Even in patients with prior surgery
all cases toward the end of subperiosteal spinal exposure with the and distorted surface anatomy, critical landmarks for screw place-
dual purpose of level localization and reevaluation of spinal align- ment including the pars interarticularis, transverse process, and
ment. These radiographs are often helpful adjuncts during place- superior articular facet are often still present. A curved, blunt tip
ment of segmental instrumentation and, in rare circumstances, gearshift is used to develop a pedicle tract prior to screw place-
can alter the surgical plan such that a less challenging osteotomy ment.10 This strategy has been proven to be safe and effective
plan is utilized because of better spinal alignment than seen on even in cases of very severe deformity11 as well as in a revision set-
preoperative supine radiographs. In fact, a recent study in adult ting.9 Although we perform screw placement without image
spinal deformity patients found an additional mean 17 more guidance, each surgeon should utilize a safe technique that works
lumbar lordosis intraoperatively during prone positioning as effectively and efficiently. Ancillary techniques to facilitate tho-
compared with the upright preoperative lateral radiograph.6 racic pedicle screw placement include undertapping over a
K-wire and fluoroscopic or stereotactic CT guidance. Stereotaxy
with CT scan can be useful in cases with a large posterior fusion
IMPLANT CONSIDERATIONS mass that has obliterated all visual cues as regards to an appropri-
ate starting point. Particularly in cases of severe deformity, pre-
Integral to posterior spinal deformity correction is obtaining liminary apical facet osteotomies (POs or SPOs) performed for
solid points of vertebral fixation to both facilitate correction correction purposes can also be quite helpful during apical screw
and allow the maintenance of a stable spinal configuration placement as the spinal canal and medial pedicle border are
while the process of bony fusion takes place. In most cases, we then accessible. All pedicle screws are checked with intraopera-
prefer segmental pedicle screw instrumentation to other forms tive radiographs. Intraoperative CT scans, which have recently
of spinal implant such as hooks or sublaminar wires. Pedicle become available, are also useful in confirming appropriate screw
screws have the advantage over other fixation choices because placement. Some of the scatter artifact from stainless steel (SS)
of increased insertional torque due to fixation of the spine in implants can render the intraoperative CT scan difficult to inter-
all three columns. Three-column control not only offers a more pret; however, a high-resolution scan can often allow the surgeon
robust grip of the spine but also allows true axial derotation in to pick up any clinically significant violations. Electromyographic
cases of scoliosis. The one exception to this is the use of fusion stimulation of screws below T5 is also performed.
mass hooks to close spinal osteotomies.22 We routinely place Types of pedicle screws that we commonly use are monaxial,
well-seated hooks above (downgoing) and below (upgoing) multiaxial, and multiaxial reduction screws (MARS). Monaxial

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Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 829

screws, placed using a straightforward trajectory, are low profile followed and reevaluated should the patients subsequently
and used preferentially in locations where implant prominence develop distal degeneration.
is a real concern, such as along the periapical convexity in ado- The ideal rod diameter utilized is determined on the basis
lescent idiopathic scoliosis and other scoliotic deformities. of the patient size and the magnitude of the deformity and cor-
MARS are placed strategically in the following locations: (1) rection technique. Patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
apical concavity of a scoliosis, (2) proximal and/or distal levels are often treated with either 5.5-mm SS or 5.5-mm CoCr
of a severe kyphosis or kyphoscoliosis, (3) the concavity of any implants. Thin adult patients without severe deformities are
deformity in the lumbar spine, and (4) above and below a PSO also frequently managed with 5.5-mm diameter rods. By con-
or VCR. Apical concave MARS in scoliosis allow the spine to trast, large adult patients are more commonly instrumented
translate posteriorly and derotate in the axial plane. In the set- with a 6.35-mm SS system. Similarly, large adolescent patients
ting of a PSO or VCR, MARS can be used above and below the in their late teen years with adult spine are sometimes man-
osteotomy to counteract any pathologic segmental translation. aged with a 6.35-mm SS rod. Not uncommonly, we will use a
In general, while MARS tend to introduce kyphosis as they have 6.35-mm SS rod on the correcting side and a 5.5-mm SS rod on
the potential to translate the spine posteriorly as the rod is the contralateral holding side (Fig. 82.4). Also at our disposal,
being reduced, these implants can be used effectively for a vari- and commonly used in long adult deformity reconstructions,
ety of circumstances in which versatility is valued. are 6.35- to 5.5-mm transition rods. We will often use a 6.35-/
All patients with a de novo fusion down to the sacrum are 5.5-mm transition rod with the 6.35-mm portion at the lum-
instrumented with bilateral tricortical sacral pedicle screws bosacral junction and lumbar spine, and the transition to
and a second form of caudal fixation, either alar screws or, 5.5-mm introduced just above the thoracolumbar junction. Of
more commonly, iliac screws.21 Sacral alar screws offer three course, in juvenile and infantile pediatric patients with a smaller
primary advantages over iliac screw fixation: (1) decreased body habitus, 4.5-mm and 3.5-mm SS systems are frequently
prominence, (2) implants confined to fused segments thereby used (Table 82.3).
minimizing the risk of screw pullout or fracture with time, and
(3) does not cross the mobile sacroiliac joints. Alar screws are a
consideration in the setting of a shorter fusion to the sacrum in
a young, thin patient (e.g., high-grade spondylolisthesis). In Osteotomies are the primary tool in the surgical armamentar-
the overwhelming majority of long adult posterior spinal recon- ium by which the spinal surgeon can introduce mobility into the
structions with fusion to the sacrum, iliac screws are utilized spinal column and effectively restore spinal balance in cases of
because of the powerful resistance to cantilever forces afforded severe deformity (Table 82.4). The simplest form of posterior
by these implants. In addition to iliac fixation, structural inter- release is resection of the ligaments that comprise the posterior
body cages or grafts are routinely placed at unfused caudal seg- tension band, the so-called soft tissue release. Although, strictly
ments through a transforaminal access portal. In addition to speaking it is not an osteotomy, a properly performed soft tissue
providing a solid foundation for a long fusion to the sacrum, release can introduce a significant amount of flexibility into the
caudal segment interbodies are able to increase foraminal spinal column in appropriate patients. The most commonly
height and thus relieve lumbosacral nerve root compression in performed true osteotomies in reconstructive posterior spinal
the lateral recess and foramen due to hypertrophied ligamen- deformity surgery are facet-based osteotomies (POs and SPOs)
tum flavum, overgrown facets, and degenerated discs. and three-column osteotomies (PSO and VCR). The choice of
Beyond gaining segmental control of the spine, posterior osteotomy is dependent on a variety of factors including the
deformity surgery requires strategic selection of the rod, both goals of the procedure, correction requirements, native bone
in terms of caliber and metal. The large majority of our defor- quality of the patient, subsequent screw purchase, and the anat-
mity reconstructions are performed with SS implants. SS is an omy of the deformity. Each of the posterior osteotomy tech-
ideal rod for deformity because of its strength, in situ contour- niques has specific advantages as well as inherent drawbacks and
ing ability, and lack of the notch sensitivity of titanium (Ti) limitations. They can be used individually or together in combi-
when bent. Notching of Ti rods predisposes to rod fracture, a nation to achieve the desired correction17 (Fig. 82.5).
clearly undesirable event that may result in loss of correction
and predisposed to pseudarthrosis. The primary drawback to
Soft Tissue Release
the use of SS implants is the impressive streak artifact that ren-
ders interpretation of postoperative CT scans challenging and As stated, a soft tissue ligamentous release is not truly an osteot-
MRIs nearly impossible. In patients fused down to the sacrum omy; however, for many posterior deformity cases, it is adequate
for deformity without any spinal cord issues, SS is the implant to achieve an excellent correction. For most primary adoles-
of choice. Reconstructions for tumor, however, are better man- cent or adult idiopathic scoliosis curves in the 50 to 70 range
aged with Ti constructs which has the advantage of facilitating with flexibility, soft tissue release is all that is needed, particu-
spinal cord and spinal column visualization on subsequent larly when coupled with bilateral segmental pedicle screw
postoperative MRIs. instrumentation. Soft tissue release involves resection of the
In recent years, we have started selectively using cobalt interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, and facet capsules
chrome (CoCr) rods with Ti screws. CoCr rods, currently avail- bilaterally. In addition to removing the facet capsules, partial
able with a diameter of 5.5 mm, lack the notch sensitivity of Ti, inferior facetectomies are performed at all levels being instru-
are stiffer and stronger than similarly sized SS rods, and possess mented and fused with the exception of the distal instrumented
MRI compatibility closer to Ti than SS constructs. In patients vertebrae. Resection of these structures comprising the poste-
with spinal deformity who are fused short of the sacrum, CoCr rior tension band often results in substantial mobility to most
instrumentation is ideal because it allows visualization of the curves, including the ability to increase kyphosis at the lordotic
neural elements and caudal discs after surgery, which can be apex of idiopathic thoracic deformities.

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830 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.4. (A) A 147-year-old girl with a 70 Lenke 1AN AIS curve. (B) She was treated with a poste-
rior spinal fusion from T3 to L1 with segmental pedicle screws, and an apical derotation maneuver. She had
a 6.35-mm stainless steel correcting rod placed on the left side and a 5.5-mm holding rod on the right side.
Her postoperative radiographs show normalized coronal and sagittal alignment and apical derotation seen by
the screw position. (continued)

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Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 831

Figure 82.4. (Continued) (C) Her pre- and postoperative clinical photos show nice clinical alignment and

Facet-Based Osteotomies more beneficial from a bonescrew interface standpoint, pro-

vided they can tolerate the procedure physiologically.
POs and SPOs are facet-based osteotomies performed in the As discussed earlier, a lateral radiograph with the patient
unfused and posteriorly fused spine, respectively. For the pur- positioned supine offers a great deal of information about sagit-
pose of this chapter, we will refer to these osteotomies collec- tal curve flexibility and is valuable when considering SPOs as the
tively as SPOs. In theory, the SPO offers approximately 10 of primary correction osteotomies. The taller the disc, the more
sagittal correction per level; however, 5 to 7 per level is more effective a SPO can be. If the disc is severely degenerated and
commonly achieved.4,17 It can be performed at any level in the collapsed, placement of a structural interbody graft anteriorly in
thoracolumbar spine and, because it involves opening of the the disc space can restore disc space height and allow greater
anterior column during kyphosis correction, a requirement is correction from posterior closure of a SPO. In using this tech-
that it is performed at segments not anteriorly ankylosed nique, one caveat is that large interbody spacers not placed
(unless the anterior fusion can be cracked open as in ankylo- anterior enough in the disc space can block posterior closure of
sing spondylitis). Scheuermanns kyphosis is the prototype a SPO and result in limited segmental sagittal plane correction.
deformity where periapical SPOs allow posterior-only treatment One important consideration is the risk of pitching a patient
of even stiff curves (Fig. 82.6). Anterior column ankylosis is with kyphoscoliosis off to the concavity of the deformity with
usually clearly visualized on preoperative radiographs or a CT multilevel SPOs. In a scoliotic deformity, the anterior column is
scan. Primary stiff coronal plane deformities, such as severe close to the convexity and the posterior column toward the
adult thoracic scoliosis, can often be treated with multilevel concavity. Correction via SPOs results in posterior column
SPOs and segmental pedicle screws. Correction from SPOs can (concave) shortening and anterior column (convex) lengthen-
involve multiple rounds of compression and, as a result, strong ing. As a result, kyphosis correction with SPOs can be accompa-
segmental fixation is paramount. In older, osteoporotic patients nied by coronal plane decompensation toward the concavity.
with weak anchor points, a three-column osteotomy may be This can be averted by performing asymmetric SPOs in which

TABLE 82.3 Characteristics of Metals for Rod Selection

Titanium Cobalt Chromium Stainless Steel

Least artifact on CT/MRI Limited artifact on CT/MRI Worst artifact on CT/MRI
Best for infection Good for infection* Worst for infection
Notch sensitive Not notch sensitive Not notch sensitive
D: 5.5 mm, 6.35 mm D: 5.5 mm, 4.75 mm D: 5.5 mm, 6.35 mm
Not ideal for deformity Excellent for deformity Excellent for deformity

CT, computed tomography; D, commonly available rod diameter; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
Further basic science and clinical data needed to confirm the infection profile for cobalt chromium
spinal instrumentation.

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832 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Osteotomies in Spinal Smooth Deformity Focal Deformity

TABLE 82.4
Deformity Surgery
Soft tissue/ligament release Thoracic Lumbar Thoracic Lumbar
Pont osteotomy (facet-based osteotomy in the unfused spine)
SmithPetersen osteotomy (facet-based osteotomy in the fused
Anterior Column Fused?
Pedicle subtraction osteotomy
Vertebral column resection
Yes No Yes No


the convex portions of the osteotomies are larger and both sides
are compressed equally.4 Last, multilevel SPOs are required in Figure 82.5. Algorithm in osteotomy planning for severe deformi-
attempting to correct thoracic lordosis deformities from the ties. This algorithm must be interpreted as a general guide. Every
posterior route as the posterior ligamentous structures are patient and spinal deformity is different. The appropriate surgical
severely shortened and thickened. Thus, release of these poste- treatment must be determined on a case-by-case basis. For example,
rior structures will be essential for the posterior lengthening in a patient with a smooth lumbar kyphosis and profound global sagit-
tal imbalance, a lumbar pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) is often
required to produce kyphosis (Fig. 82.7).
warranted. POs: Pont osteotomies; SPOs: SmithPetersen osteoto-
mies; VCR: vertebral column resection.
Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy
PSO, a far more powerful technique than SPO, can reliably column is irrelevant in performing a PSO and, if anything, is
achieve between 30 and 40 of focal sagittal correction at a helpful in terms of added stability during osteotomy closure.
single segment.13,8,17 This technique involves removal of the An asymmetric PSO can also be performed to achieve a com-
pedicles, facet joints above and below, and resection of a trian- bined coronal and sagittal correction. A super foramen is cre-
gular wedge of bone from the vertebral body. PSO results in a ated that houses the root at the level of the PSO and the root
sagittal plane correction, which is determined by the extent of at the level above the PSO. While thoracic PSOs have been
the wedge resection. Unlike a SPO, the rigidity of the anterior described,14 PSO is a technique most useful in the lumbar

Figure 82.6. A 15-year-old girl with a 94 Scheuermanns kyphosis with correction over a bolster with
hyperextension corrected to 60. She underwent a posterior-only spinal reconstruction from T4 to L2 with
apical SmithPetersen osteotomies, demonstrating correction to 37 at 3 years postoperative without any
junctional problems and overall good sagittal balance.

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Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 833

9+4 9+4
2 2


10 56
Figure 82.7. Severe thoracic lordoscoliosis. (A) A 9
4-year-old girl with a history of total spine radiation due to
neuroblastoma as an infant. She had a progressive lor-
doscoliosis with 50 of coronal plane deformity and 56
of thoracic lordosis. Her pulmonary function values were
13% FVC and 14% FEV1 preoperative. She was actually
referred to our center for consideration of a lung trans-
plant; however, her severely limited thoracic chest volume
precluded consideration because of her severe spinal
deformity. (B) She underwent a posterior reconstruction
from T2 to L1 with apical SmithPetersen osteotomies and
posterior translation using multilevel bilateral reduction x
screws. Her postoperative radiographs show correction of sva
the coronal plane to 10 and more than 75 of thoracic
kyphosis reduction to 21 postoperatively. (continued) A

9+4 9+4 x 1-29-07

2 x
2 2



10 56



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834 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Preoperative Postoperative
Figure 82.7. (Continued) (C) Pre- and postoperative computed tomographic scans show a markedly
improved space for her heart and lungs and improvement in her FVC and FEV1.

spine. When PSOs are performed at the thoracolumbar junc- CORRECTION TECHNIQUES
tion (T10 through L1), we will often remove the superior disc
and close the inferior end plate of the body above onto the Scoliosis
osteotomy for added correction (Fig. 82.8). This strategy also Posterior spinal deformity correction techniques for scoliosis
removes one additional disc around the PSO that could poten- are idiosyncratic and therefore highly surgeon dependent. In
tially lead to a pseudarthrosis. recent years, posterior approaches for idiopathic scoliosis, even
in anteriorly accessible adolescent idiopathic thoracolumbar
(Lenke type 5) curves, have predominated. Three-column con-
Vertebral Column Resection
trol afforded by segmental pedicle screw instrumentation allows
VCR, an extension of the pedicle subtraction technique, involves the surgeon to manipulate the spine and introduce forces in a
resection of the posterior elements, entire vertebral body, and variety of manners and sequences to produce optimal correc-
the discs above and below. Although originally described as an tion and spinal realignment. Moreover, particularly important
anterior/posterior procedure, we now perform this osteotomy in the lumbar spine and thoracolumbar junction, the potential
through a posterior-only bilateral costotransversectomy kyphosing effect of anterior correction is avoided.
approach.13,16 Its correction potential is most significant in One major advantage of pedicle screw fixation is the wide
severe angular deformities.16 PSO and VCR are not differenti- variety of correction techniques and maneuvers available.
ated by the amount of bone resection so much as they are dif- Besides the traditional forces of posterior compression (to close
ferent in terms of correction mechanics. Unlike a PSO, in which open discs and lordose) and distraction (to open close discs
there is a fixed osteotomy closure angle determined by the and kyphose), pedicle screws allow any type of anterior, poste-
parameters of the wedge resection, VCR has no such closure rior, medial, and/or lateral translational forces to be applied to
angle. VCR is a spinal dissociation osteotomy in which the arc of the screw itself, or to the rod/screw construct once attached. In
correction is anterior to the spinal canal. Because of the tremen- addition, one unique advantage to pedicle screw fixation is the
dous instability created during the performance of the osteot- ability to perform segmental and/or en bloc derotation at the
omy, the value in the early application of temporary rods cannot apex of the scoliosis. This has revolutionized the treatment of
be overstated. adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) in that the rib prominence
Correction from a VCR is typically larger than that afforded is consistently improved during the reconstruction to obviate
by a PSO and appears to be dependent on a number of factors the need for a thoracoplasty procedure in most cases.
including the focality of the deformity and height of the struc- The sequence of correction maneuvers depends on many
tural intracorporeal cage utilized (Fig. 82.9). VCR is a tech- factors, including the size of the coronal plane deformity, sag-
nique best suited for the thoracic spine where PSO is less effec- ittal plane alignment, and planned instrumentation to be uti-
tive due to the short, triangular shape of the thoracic vertebral lized. We consistently use either SS or CoCr as our choice for
bodies.15,16 Moreover, since thoracic nerve roots can be sacri- the rods utilized to correct spinal deformity. In our SS con-
ficed with impunity, VCR is readily accomplished and working structs used for thoracic AIS, typically we will consider a
space is rarely a problem. We utilize this technique from T2 to 5.5-mm diameter rod, or a hybrid construct consisting of a
L1, inclusive. Below L1, because of the critical need for nerve 6.35-mm concave correcting rod and a 5.5-mm convex holding
root preservation, we typically find PSO to be more practical, rod. The increased strength of the 6.35 mm rod allows for cor-
except in unusual circumstances. recting the apical lordosis (typically with multiaxial reduction

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 834 8/26/11 5:43:02 PM

Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 835

Figure 82.8. (A) A 541-year-old woman with a long-standing

untreated thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis measuring 110 in the sagittal
plane and 85 in the coronal plane, which side bends to only 77. She has
concomitant thoracolumbar kyphosis and positive sagittal imbalance as
well. (B) Her hyperextension lateral radiograph shows correction of her
110 thoracolumbar kyphosis to only 80. She has a very stiff
deformity. (continued) B

screws-MARS) by pulling the spine posteriorly to the stiffer 5.5-mm holding rod is placed in situ with compression forces
kyphotically bent rod. The also affords a means of apical dero- applied across the convex apex and also appropriate forces to
tation by the posterior and simultaneous medial translation the UIV/LIV to further optimize tilt. Postcorrection, long cas-
that occurs by this maneuver. The 6.35-mm concave rod is sette intraoperative radiographs are then obtained to evaluate
captured above (set plugs loose) and below (set plugs tight) the spine for appropriate correction and balance and minor
after adjusting to the optimal sagittal plane alignment of the adjustments made as needed.
precontoured rod. Then the intermediate screws are captured Thus, most primary cases of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
from the ends to the apex, along with the apical MARS uti- are well treated with multilevel soft tissue releases, pedicle
lized in a similar fashion as described earlier. Once the cor- screws, and various correction maneuvers as described. The use
recting rod is locked, a coronal in situ bending can be per- of MARS along the apex of the concavity results in controlled
formed to optimize scoliosis correction, and then appropriate posterior translation and derotation (Fig. 82.10). Drawing the
compression and distraction forces may be applied to opti- spine posteriorly to the rod by using MARS in the thoracic
mize the tilt required of the upper instrumented vertebra spine is particularly advantageous in idiopathic scoliosis in an
(UIV) and lower instrumented vertebra (LIV) to maximize attempt to normalize the sagittal plane, which is usually in lor-
optimal balance of the spine above and below. Then the dosis at the apex.

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 835 8/26/11 5:43:03 PM

836 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.8. (Continued)(C) She underwent a posterior reconstruction from T3 to the sacrum and ilium
with a transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion at L5-S1, and an L1 extended pedicle subtraction osteotomy
(including the T12/L1 disc). Her pedicle subtraction osteotomy was closed with a central hookrod mecha-
nism that was kept for additional fixation. At 2 years postoperative, she has very nice realignment of her coro-
nal and sagittal plane deformity with good overall balance. (D) Pre- and postoperative clinical photos
demonstrate the triplanar correction afforded by this three-column osteotomy procedure.

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 836 9/1/11 9:58:50 PM

Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 837

Figure 82.9. Severe scoliosis. (A) A 126-year-old girl who presented with a severe 159 adolescent idio-
pathic scoliosis. On side bend, her curve corrected to only 135. (B) She underwent preoperative halo-gravity
traction and a single-level posterior vertebral column resection with instrumentation and fusion from T2 to
L4. At 2 years postoperative, her correction is to 32 in the coronal plane. (C) Pre- and postoperative clinical
photos demonstrate the marked correction of her severe truncal deformity.

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 837 8/26/11 5:43:05 PM

838 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.10. (A) A 131-year-old girl with a 91 Lenke 2BN adolescent idiopathic double thoracic
scoliosis. Her side bending correction was 26 for the proximal thoracic curve and 47 for the main thoracic
curve demonstrating 48% correction. (B) She underwent a posterior spinal fusion from T2 to L2 with apical
SmithPetersen osteotomies and multiple concave periapical multiaxial reduction screws. Her main thoracic
curve improved to 12 of residual deformity demonstrating 88% correction. She was well balanced
radiographically. (continued)

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 838 8/26/11 5:43:07 PM

Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 839

Figure 82.10. (Continued) (C) Her pre- and postoperative clinical photos demonstrate the marked
truncal realignment in the coronal and axial perspectives.

In children with scoliosis, use of the vertebral column Kyphosis

manipulator (VCM) device (Medtronic Spinal and Biologics,
Memphis, Tennessee) can result in powerful derotation of the As described, the most fundamental posterior approach to
spine along the apex of the curve and subsequent remodeling kyphotic deformity is SPOs and segmental pedicle screw instru-
of the chest wall. The VCM works by linking multiple screws mentation (see Fig. 82.10). SPOs are performed in the periapi-
bilaterally, which enables a significant derotation force to be cal region over multiple segments, and deformity correction is
applied to the spine and minimizes the stress on any one bone achieved by a combination of cantilever forces and segmental
screw interface. One noteworthy drawback of the VCM is the compression. MARS are used at the distal end of the construct
proclivity to produce lordosis along with axial derotation; for to capture the rods as they are bilaterally cantilevered across the
this reason, preexisting thoracic lordosis is a relative contrain- apex of the kyphosis. A rocker-blocker is used to sequentially
dication. The VCM is especially useful in the lumbar spine to cantilever the rod into each screw while continuing to tighten
provide optimal correction when attempting to stop at the L3 the reduction set screws on the distal levels. Rounds of compres-
level (Fig. 82.11). sion are then applied at each level. Compression across the
In patients with larger and stiffer curves, periapical SPOs osteotomies is preferentially performed pushing caudal on the
are required to introduce flexibility into the deformity. Apical screws as the inferior pedicle appears to be stronger under com-
SPOs are also helpful during concave screw placement, which pressive forces than the superior pedicle. Compression forces
can be particularly challenging due to the often tiny, sclerotic are introduced slowly and correction is performed gradually.
pedicles in this region and the proximity of the spinal cord The principle of back-and-forth is initiated in which multiple
(Fig. 82.12). In extremely stiff and profound deformities, VCR rounds of compression to achieve small incremental amounts of
is the procedure of choice. Through a posterior-only approach, correction each time. This strategy allows the interplay between
VCR allows tremendous correction potential and nice reduc- stress relaxation of the soft tissues with creeping correction of
tion of the rib hump. In scoliosis, VCR correction is introduced the spinal deformity.
by compression of the osteotomy along the convexity of the As described earlier, severe fixed deformities may be treated
curve and in situ rod contouring. In most cases, SPOs above with a three-column osteotomy such as a PSO or a VCR. Angular
and below the VCR are useful to achieve additional correction deformities involving the thoracic spine are often best treated
if needed. with a VCR. Also, in the past 6 years, both primary (Fig. 82.13)

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 839 8/26/11 5:43:08 PM

840 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.11. (A) A 158-year-old girl with a Lenke 3C adolescent idiopathic double major scoliosis.
Preoperatively, L3 had 21 of tilt, and the center sacral vertical line just barely touched the lateral edge of the
inferior portion of the body. The lumbar curve was reasonably flexibly. (B) She underwent a posterior spinal
fusion from T4 to L3 with an apical derotation maneuver by using the vertebral column manipulator device
in the lumbar spine. At 2 years postoperative, L3 is well centered with a 0 tilt angle with excellent
radiographic alignment and balance.

and revision (Fig. 82.14) severe thoracic kyphoscoliotic defor- than gentle force is required for osteotomy closure, one should
mities have been managed with VCR procedures. By contrast, reevaluate the carpentry at the osteotomy site and determine
stiff or fixed lumbar imbalances are frequently better managed whether additional resection is required.
with a PSO. Of course, the anatomy of each deformity must be During closure of a three-column osteotomy, the distal limb
considered along with several other factors to develop the ideal of osteotomy may translate ventrally relative to the proximal
operative plan. Correction of kyphosis with a three-column limb. This occurs because the hips are extended forcing the
osteotomy is typically by gentle compressive forces. If more lumbosacral spine into lordosis. To counteract this tendency,

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 840 8/26/11 5:43:08 PM

Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 841

Figure 82.12. (A) A 4710-year-old woman with an untreated adult thoracic idiopathic scoliosis. She has
a 93 thoracic deformity, 65 lumbar deformity. The thoracic deformity was quite stiff, with only 8%
flexibility bending to 86. (B) She underwent a posterior spinal reconstruction from T3 to L4 with multilevel
apical SmithPetersen osteotomies and translational correction with multiaxial reduction screws. At 3 years
postoperative, she has acceptable realignment of her coronal plane deformity and good overall coronal and
sagittal balance. (continued)

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 841 8/26/11 5:43:10 PM

842 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.12. (Continued) (C) Pre- and postoperative clinical photos demonstrate the marked correction
of her truncal deformity, including the improved rib prominence, which was obtained with spinal correction
alone, as a thoracoplasty was not performed.

Figure 82.13. Adult idiopathic kyphoscoliosis. (A) A 587-year-old woman with a long-standing untreated
98 right lower thoracic scoliosis side bending to only 76. She has an associative 109 of thoracic kyphosis.
She was also osteoporotic. (continued)

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 842 8/26/11 5:43:11 PM

Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 843

Figure 82.13. (Continued) (B) On lateral view, her 109

of kyphosis corrected to only 68 over a bolster in hyperex-
tension. (C) Because of her large stiff triplanar deformity and
concomitant osteoporosis, she underwent a posterior recon-
struction from T2 to L4 with an apical posterior vertebrec-
tomy at T10. She had an anterior cage placed through this
approach for an anterior fusion from T9 to T11 as well. At 2
years postoperative, she has marked realignment of both cor-
onal and sagittal planes and good overall balance. (continued) B

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 843 9/1/11 9:58:59 PM

844 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.13. (Continued) (D) Pre- and postoperative clinical photos show the marked correction of her
truncal deformity following this vertebrectomy procedure.

Figure 82.14. Thoracic kyphoscoliosis. (A) A 98-year-old boy

with neurofibromatosis. He had five prior anterior and posterior
spinal fusion attempts. He presented with a progressive kyphosco-
liotic spinal deformity with 92 of coronal plane deformity, 87
of sagittal plane deformity resulting in a combined 179 of thoracic
A kyphoscoliosis. (continued)

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 844 9/1/11 9:59:00 PM

Chapter 82 Posterior Spinal Deformity Correction Techniques 845

Figure 82.14. (Continued) (B) He was placed in 20 lb of halo-gravity traction wherein his coronal
plane corrected to 77 and his sagittal plane to 65 in preparation for his posterior reconstruction. (C) He
underwent a posterior revision reconstruction from T1 to L3 with a three-level vertebral column resection.
At 2 years postoperative, his correction is well maintained in the coronal and sagittal planes radiographically.

LWBK836_Ch82_p823-847.indd 845 8/26/11 5:43:16 PM

846 Section VII Idiopathic Scoliosis

Figure 82.14. (Continued) (D) Pre- and postoperative clinical photos demonstrate marked correction of
his significant truncal deformity.

we place MARS above and below all three-column osteotomies. selection is ideal. Posterior translation of the thoracic spine
If the distal limb translates ventrally, the MARS are used to draw from a severely lordotic configuration into a sagittal kyphosis
the distal limb posteriorly and reduce the subluxation. often results in a markedly enlarged chest cavity and improved
When a three-column osteotomy is performed through a pulmonary function tests.
posterior fusion mass, closure of the osteotomy can be per-
formed through a central hookrod mechanism.22 This is valu-
able in that it does not load permanent implants that will be CONCLUSIONS
retained after the osteotomy is closed. Powerful force can be
applied to the spine by using this technique; however, unlike In this chapter, we have reviewed the principles and modern
with the three-column control afforded by transpedicular fixa- techniques of posterior spinal deformity correction. The pri-
tion, closure using a hookrod construct is associated with less mary technique to achieve optimal surgical results begins with
control. If using this technique, we routinely also use a track- careful and thorough patient evaluation. Next, safely and
ing rod in the permanent implants that is not locked down to securely applied segmental pedicle screws provide the neces-
the screws but can guide the closure and resist subluxation. sary vertebral anchors for the myriad of available posterior-
based correction techniques. Understanding segmental
Lordosis instrumentation from both a conceptual and practical stand-
point is critical as is selection of an appropriate rod in terms of
Some patients have pathologically severe thoracic lordosis. In size and metal. Osteotomies, the workhorse of posterior spinal
such a condition, the space available for the lungs in the chest reconstruction, must be used wisely and in the correct setting
cavity may be compromised. If the onset of the deformity is to achieve the best outcome. Integration of the principles dis-
congenital or infantile, it can result in maldevelopment of the cussed with expertly executed technique will result in safe and
lungs and chest wall. In severe cases of thoracic lordosis that are successful deformity correction.
either radiographically progressive or result in pulmonary
decline, surgery should be considered. Surgery involves seg-
mental pedicle screw instrumentation and multilevel posterior REFERENCES
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