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Correlate - A mathematical process used to determine if an observed outcome is attributable to an imposed condition.

A correlation of 1.00 indicates absolute dependency. A correlation of zero indicates a purely random outcome.
Detailed Sketches - Sketches that communicate the information needed to build a model of a product or structure
Expert - An expert is someone widely recognized as a reliable source of knowledge, technique, or skill whose judgment
is accorded authority and status by the public or their peers. The expert differs from the specialist in that a specialist
has to be able to solve a problem and an expert has to know its solution
Freehand - Done manually without the aid of instruments such as rulers
Interview - 1. A formal meeting, in person, with the specific purpose of obtaining information. The interviewer asks the
questions, the interviewee answers them. 2. A conversation in which facts or opinions are sought
Multi-view Projection - A system used to view an object. The six mutually perpendicular directions any object may be
viewed are top, front, right-side, rear, left-side, and bottom. Top, front, and right-side views are also referred to as the
three regular views because they are the three views most frequently used
Orthographic Projection - A method of representing three-dimensional objects on a plane having only length and
breadth. Also referred to as Right Angle Projection
Parameter - 1. A synonym for criterion or criteria and constraints. 2. Mathematically or in physics: A variable kept
constant during an experiment, calculation, or similar usage.
Perspective Drawing - A form of pictorial drawing in which vanishing points are used to provide the depth and
distortion that is seen with the human eye. Perspective drawings can be drawn using one, two, and three vanishing
Refinement - The act, or the result of refining a design or design idea; the removal of impurities or a high-class style
Schematic - drawing or diagram of a chemical, electrical, or mechanical system
Sketch - A rough drawing representing the main features of an object or scene and often made as a preliminary study
Survey - An investigation of the opinions or experience of a group of people, based on a series of questions
Technical Working Drawing - A drawing that is used to show the material, size, and shape of a product for
manufacturing purposes
Working Drawings - Drawings that convey all of the information needed to manufacture and assemble a design
Working Sketches - Sketches that convey all of the information needed to manufacture and assemble a design

1. The use of symbols and drawings promotes clear communication of a design solution.
2. Drawings and sketches are used to organize, record, and communicate ideas to experts.
3. Engineers use working drawings to show all the information needed to make a single part, subassembly, or a complete
design solution.
4. Technical drawings are used to evaluate design solutions for any necessary refinements

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