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Created by:

Septiyani Wahyu Shalikha



English Department
Faculty Of Letter And Culture
State University Of Gorontalo

First at all, give thanks for Gods love and grace for us.

Thanks to God for helping and give me the chance to finish this paper timely. I would

like to say thank you to Maam Rusni Podungge, S.pd. M.pd. as the lecturer that always

teaches us and give much knowledge .

This paper is the one of English task about PROSE Analysis Animal Farm Novel

using Psychoanalytic Approach, I realized this assignment is not perfect. But I hope it can

be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assignment be better.

Thank you .

Gorontalo, 30 December 2015

Septiyani Wahyu Shalikha





Background.... 1

Problem Statement. 3

Objective.... 3


Definition of Character.. 4

Theory Psychoanalytic by Sigmund Freud 4


Methodology. 6

Approach... 6


Discussion..... 8

Conclusion 11



1.1 Background

One night at Manor Farm, all the animals belonging to Mr. Jones gathered in a

warehouse to hold a meeting led by the pork, the old mayor, tells us that he has a

dream that one day in this world of animals can live free from violence of the farmers.

After a while said about it the old mayor was finally dead. After which the animals

was inspired to rebel against Mr. Jones. Napoleon and Snowball are the two pigs

which is an important figure in the planning rebellion are fraught with danger.

Revolution occurred when Mr. Jones forgot to feed the livestock, Mr. Jones along

with the farmers being chased by livestock. Manor Farm then changed into Animal

Farm and seven orders animalism painted on the walls of the warehouse.
At first, the uprising runs successfully. The animals can finish with a good

harvest and meetings every Sundays for the debate on agricultural policy running

smoothly. The pigs are as a farm supervisor because of intelligence what they have.

Napoleon was in fact a power-hungry leader and often abusing his power to steal milk

and some apples for himself and the other pigs. Napoleon also uses the services of

squealer, a pig who have the ability to persuade other animals that have always

believe that the decision taken by the pigs are true.

After that Mr. Jones and other farmers back to the Animal Farm and trying to

reclaim the farm from the animals. The animals can beat Mr. Jones thanks to a plan

which is owned by the snowball and the battle known as the Battle of Cowshed.

Winter finally arrived, Mollie is a horse that had no expectations and is only

concerned with the ribbon being dragged out of the farm by others farmers. Snowball

devises a plan to build a windmill as a media for generate of electricity to the animals
to have enough time in winter but Napoleon insisted against it on the grounds that the

animals will have little time to produce food. Sundays, the pigs were advised to take a

vote on the animal but Napoleon who do not like the plan call a herd of vicious dog to

attack the snowball as it exits from the farm. After that snowball was never seen again

and Napoleon stated that no discussion or debate about building windmills and it will

be built later, Napoleon also lied by stating that the idea of a planned snowball is his

idea that has been stolen.

The next year was spent mostly to build windmills. Boxer the strong horse

proved himself as the most useful animal in this work. Meanwhile, Mr. Jones, leave

the farm and go to other parts of the city. Napoleon hire a lawyer and start trading

with neighboring farms, it is contrary to the principles of animalism that they profess.

When a storm occurs, the windmills are already half built collapsed, Napoleon blame

snowball over it and ordered the animals to build the windmill backs.
Napoleon desire for power increased sharply up to the point where he turned

into the dictatorial leader, forcing the recognition of the animal weak and helpless

as well as Napoleons have the dogs killer that he placed around the farm. Napoleon

and the pigs moved into the Mr. Jones houses what was empty and they began

sleeping in Mr. Jones beds. The animals also received less food while the pigs are

much fatter than ever. The windmill was completed in August, later Napoleon sold the

remaining pile of wood belongs to Mr. Jones to Frederick, and his neighboring

farmers pay to use counterfeit money. Frederick and his men attacked and blew up the

windmill farms but they were defeated by the animals. Most of the seven orders

animalism destroyed by the pigs, like, one night after the pigs was very drunk, the

command, There should be no animal to drink alcohol was changed to No animals

were allowed to get drunk to excess.

Boxer back offers strength to rebuild a new windmill but at the time of making

it suddenly he fell because of exhaustion, later Napoleon sold it to the Knackers, The
Glue factory. The animals was angry heard about it but Squealer then made up a story

to the animals which saying that the boxer actually brought to the vet and died in the

hospital, the animal was eventually believe it.

The years passed and Animal Farm expands it is borders after Napoleon

bought two plots of neighboring farmer named Pilkington. The lived of the animal is

very hard unless the pigs. Finally, the pig began to walk to see the past and take many

lessons from the farmers who never oppress them. The seven orders then cut into a

single law: All animals are equal / But some more than others.

1.2 Problem Statement

The problem statement is:

How is character Squealer is reflected by George Orwell in Animal Farm Novel?

1.3 Objective

The objectives of the study are as follow:

To analyze the novel by using psychoanalytic approach



1. Definition of Character

According to Cambridge dictionary, character is the particular combination of

qualities in a person or place that makes them different from others. Also character is

a person represented in a film, play, or story.

In other words character is a behavior or attitude from someone who can

describe that person and each person have a different characters with the others.

2. Theory Psychoanalytic by Sigmund Freud

To analyze character of the novel can use theory psychoanalytic; the famous

theory of psychoanalytic is from Sigmund Freud. Based on, Freud, Sigmund. An

Outline of Psycho-Analysis.Trans. James Strachey. London: The Hogarth Press and

the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1940-1949. Freud distinguished three parts or

functional principles within the mind; the id, the ego and the superego. The dynamics

of interplay between these functions determines ones actions and obvert behaviors.

These principles of psychic dynamism are central to the interpretation of abnormal

behavior in psychoanalysis.
Id is the prime-mover; it is the source of all psychic energy. The psychic

energy or drive within it called the libido, if left totally unchecked will lead to

amorous activities and if fully checked will lead to damming up of libido. Both are

dangerous, to the society and to the individual respectively. Id is governed by the

pleasure principle, with an overriding goal maximizing pleasure and eliminating

tensions and conflicts associated with achieving pleasure. The characterizing way of

processing information or thinking by id is referred to by Freud as primary process.

The primary process is primarily emotional, irrational, illogical and filled with

fantasies and preoccupations of sex, aggression, selfishness and envy (Barlow and

Durand 25). This dark and inaccessible part of personality functionally belongs to the

unconscious mind.
The ego is governed by reality principle instead of pleasure principle that

governs the id. The information-processing or thinking of ego is characterized by

logic and reason and is referred to as the secondary process. Ego is drawing power

from the id while controlling it as a rider on a horse. The horse in this metaphor is id;
the primitive and animal like source of energy. The rider is the ego which may be

weak or strong, clumsy or skilful. The rider can direct the energy (if skillfully and

well-controlled) towards positive aims.

The third part of personality called the super-ego the moral censor, which is

identified with the voice of conscience. The superego is partially unconscious and

partially conscious. So, the man in psychoanalysis is a primitive being, driven by

pleasure dominating principles, being exposed to external world. Ego meets the

demands of id by channelizing it to the activities acceptable to external world that are

being censored by the super-ego.

About the formation of superego, Freud says, the long period of childhood,

during which the growing human being lives is dependence upon his parents, leaves

behind it a precipitate, which forms within his ego a special agency in which this

parental influence is prolonged. It receives the name of super-ego (OP 3).



1. Methodology

The methods was I used to analyzed Animal Farm Novel by George Orwell

is using qualitative methods.

A qualitative research is a research procedure, which produced a descriptive

data, and it is focused on such as written or spoken words relates with people and

manner that able to observe (Moleong, 1989:3).

2. Approaches
Based on Andreas, Roy S. 2011. The Motivations of Conducting Negative

Actions as Reflected in Napoleons Personality, in George Orwells Animal Farm.

Yokyakarta, there are five approaches proposed by Rohrberger and Woods (1971:6

-15). The first approach is the formalist approach, which regards only with esthetic

value of literary piece. The second is the biographical approach; where the authors

background is used in appreciating his/her work. The third approach is the

sociocultural-historical approach that is concerned with references from social,

cultural, and historical events where the literary work is produced. The fourth

approach is the mythopoeia approach. It views that a literary piece contains the

themes of ancient myths and folk rite which are included consciously or

unconsciously by the author. The last approach is the psychological approach. It deals

with identifying any aspects of psychology underlying a certain element of literary

The approaches to analyze Animal Farm Novel by George Orwell are using

the last approaches there is psychoanalytic approach. Psychoanalytic approach is

approaches which analyze of the character from the novel more deeply and I used the

theory by Sigmund Freud.



1. Discussion

Squealer is partner-in-crime in the leadership of Napoleon which is having the

ability to persuade other animals that have always believe that the decision taken by

Napoleon is true. Because of his personality which is greedy, selfish, want to always

get the profit, he decides to follow the rule from Napoleon.

Character of Squealer began to show the properties of ego on the following

line, You do not imagine, I wish that we are the pigs do this for ourselves? Most of

us honestly did not like to drink milk and eat apple but for preserve our health we
must to eat and drink it because of us is a brainworker so we need nutrition to be able

to keep running this farm. How do you think if we fallen dawn when we work? It will

be make Jones to come back. Do you want it happen guys? (In chapter IV pages 51)

In this line can describe which is Squealer use his ability to convince other animals

with his intelligence about the case is really truly happen but in the fact it just a reason

to covered they greedy. He said like this because of him also gets the benefit from the

case itself.
The next line which is convince about ego of Squealers character is, He tells

to the other animals which the fact about plan to build windmill, it is a Napoleons

idea but Snowball stolen it to make the other animals interest. He also makes

Snowball like a betrayer with his story. Here squealer looked very sly. (In chapter V

pages 68) For this line Squealer make Snowball as a betrayer with his untrue story

and for once again he can convince the other animals to believe it. Squealer does like

that because he is partner-in-crime Napoleons and to make the Napoleon gets the

trust from the animals.

In other line squealer show his ego with this statement, after that Squealer

was around in the farm and arrange the animals minds when they take a rest. He

convinces that the resolution on trade and using money had never been approved or

recommended. It is just imaginary and a lie deliberately spread by Snowball. Some

animals apparently still in doubt with the Squealer words but he cleverly began to ask,

are you sure that is not a dream, guys? Did you have a record of such a resolution?

There are written in anywhere? if it really true should have been written, the animals

was happy to hear that and realized that they had made a mistake.(In chapter VI

pages 73). Why I say squealer show his ego? Because from that line it can be

concluded that Squealer doing it so that the animals still believe Napoleon that had
done nothing wrong and do not betray the animals. If the animals be angry it would be

bad for Napoleon and himself.

This is a next line from Squealer parts, In the evening Squealer called the

animals with the face that very surprised and said that he had some news that is

serious enough to tell, Friends! Cried Squealer very nervous, we has found a

terrible thing, Snowball has sold himself to Frederick the owner of the farm Pinchfield

and they are planning to attack us and take the farm out of our hands now! Snowball

behaves like a hero when the attack had occurred but in the fact Snowball acts like

thats because his arrogance and ambition, but it turns out that one, if you know the

real reason? Turns out since the beginning of the Snowball in the part of Mr. Jones!

He is a spy to Mr. Jones, all of this has been proved by documents which he left and

we founded. I think this explains a lot of things, friends, if we do not see how he tried

to -fortunately fail- makes us defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Cowshed? (In

chapter VII, pages 83-84). For this line, Squealer intentional act like that to make the

animals have bad perspective to Snowball, because of they still doubt about

Napoleon. The purpose is to convince the animals to believe Napoleon is a good

leader but he was betrayed by Snowball. Squealer do like that because it is the way to

Napoleon get the reliance from the animals and then, if the Napoleon can get their

trust it will be make easy for them to carry out their politics propaganda. Because of

that it is show about ego which Squealer has.

In other line Squealer also shows his ego, such as; It is the most moving

sights I have ever seen! Said Squealer, while looking down and wiped his tears. I was

at his side when the last time in the end his life, he was almost too weak to speak but

he whispered to me that grief one-which is to go before the windmill unfinished.

Forward, friends! he whispered, advanced in the name of rebellion. Fight, animal

farm! Long live Napoleon! Napoleon is always right! are the last spoken by Boxer.
Having said that, the attitude of Squealers suddenly changed, he paused and his little

eyes glanced around the corner to see the view of the animal before he resumed his

Derived from his knowledge, Squealer said, that the stupid and malicious

rumors that have been circulating on the death of Boxer that was not true. Some of the

animals had noticed that the van used to pick up the Boxer has the words Horse

executioner, because of this the animal concluded that the Boxer is actually sent to

Knackers. It is really unbelievable, said Squealer, because it is a stupid idea, of

course, he cried angrily, twisting his tail and jumping from one side to the other side,

they certainly know their beloved leader, Napoleon, better than that? But the

explanation from Squealer is very simple, the van which previously had belonged to

Knackers but has been purchased by a veterinarian and not gotten around to its logo

painted to be eliminated because it is directly used to pick up Boxer. Because of that

there was a misunderstanding. (In chapters IX pages 117-118). In this line it is the

most of rudeness from Squealer just to cover the Napoleon was done. For the safety of

Napoleon because he was sold Boxer to the Knackers although Boxer was give all of

his power to rebuild the windmill, if the animals knows the truth they will be very

angry with Napoleon. Once again Squealer gives a fake story for the animals use the

act ability was he has. Well, Squealer have a job to clean up the action was done by


2. Conclusion

In Animal Farm novel, Squealer is one of the characters was written. Squealer

is a pig with the intelligence and has ability to convince the others because of that

Napoleon makes him to be his partner-in-crime.

From the discussion, the characters of Squealer is ego. Ego is a character

what doing anything because cause and result, this character is considers which have
to do. While Squealer also like that although in a bad thing because what he do just to

reply what he get with help Napoleon to convince the animals to believe what the

Napoleon to do is right and it is for their prosperity. It proved by most of Squealer line

show about the ego and what he was did is not from his own passion which is through

the Napoleon desires so it is like take and gift. When the beginning he convince the

others animals about a milks and apple was stolen by Napoleon with his knowledge

about science and about the pigs who are does not like milks or apple but still should

to eat that for their brain to operate the farm, he like that because he also get the profit

from it. Squealer always covered the Napoleon action from the animals because he

must to do that. Why? Because of the action was Napoleon does, he gets a lot of profit

from that and if he does not want to cover it will be bad for him.

Orwell, George. 1945. Animal Farm: a Fairy story.

Orwell, George. 2004. Animal Farm: a Fairy story.

Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis.Trans. James Strachey. London: The

Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1940-1949.


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