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Religion: The Cult of Deviation

Deviate from What? That would be the logical question. The Answer being
Righteousness, and Religion taking the place of The Almighty Creator. The Jewish
Peoples, Catholic Peoples, Muslim, and Hindu Peoples accept these deviations. These
deviations allow them to gain the wealth and false status the satans offer them. It is
called material capitalism.
All of the idols and ceremonies of religion are but folly and reverence to the idols and
'gods' they worship. As to do so blinds them to the truth that all they bow to is what The
Almighty forbade them from having. It all begins at Enoch and it is the community of
religion that misleads the people. The root of the misleading is the false promise of
wealth, which does not exist, as everything belongs to The Creator.
The fallen spirits that rebelled against the Almighty have an ever covenant as stated
in Enoch. These fallen spirits have been condemned to the chambers of eternal
punishments. It is this that the fallen spirits give as a gift to man, the same destruction
as passed down from The Throne of Righteousness.
The most heartbreaking aspects of the modern religion is that they are entwined with
the beast and cannot discern that they are in fact apart of the beast. Many if not all
transport themselves by way of automobile and airplanes and live in plush mansions
which use air conditioners and other appliances and products that require Rare Earth
minerals. The extracting of these minerals sickens the Earth.
The Earth is a living organism; from the soil to the seas, from pole to pole life was
created. From those same expanses, life is being destroyed. Contrary to what the
preachers and minister minister, their very existence is at the expense of the destruction
of The Almighty Creation.
When humans come into the Earth as life, it starts from the life of sperm which is
living. The womb is also living within the female of the creation. But, somehow, the
fallen spirits get people to do as they chose to do: sleep with them. This them equates
to cow, sheep, dog, snakes, goat, chicken, and animals of all types. The deviation is that
once the fallen spirits deceive man to deny themselves as established through Creation
anything is possible. As is the case with one named Jesus.
When Religion established the Virgin Mary Birth and Jesus, the most important
aspect of which is that it Deviated from Creation. If you can get preachers and
ministers and the masses to believe this aspect of creation, they can deny and deviate
from Creation at any point. For example in the beginning, when the heavens and earth
were completed and was found to be Good, there was not one automobile, or private
jet, or tar sands project, or F-35 fighter jets, Nuclear warheads, plastics, pesticides, or the
death of any of the species created in the beginning.
How many preachers and ministers raped and murdered African Slaves while holding
bibles and singing hymns? How many catholic priests and nuns raped and murdered
boys and girls and stole babies and destroyed families? These things continue on
through to this day. These oppressions from The Jews and their slave ships to the Ivy
League institutions of not education. Notice, these institutions have departments of
religion. That is correct. The institutions created by the murder and oppression of
people are attempting to convince people that they are within the Will of Creation and
are not Deviants.
The preachers wear ornaments and make up and dress as women. This is all stated In
Enoch. The fantasy and illusions are carried out in modern times through Hollywood
and Disney through the programming through television and other optical illusions in
video game apparatus. The primary cause in the physical is industry or the
incorporation. The Corporations are only the physical manifestation or representation
of the spiritually fallen which rebelled from the beginning.
They are held together through the currency. Currency is only the illusion of wealth.
Everything from gold to diamond must remain with the Earth. The illusion of gaining
in this world is only a deception created by the fallen spirits. The jewels and minerals
only have a value to the Earth as The Almighty Created so. Man has no use for those
things created. It is the Earth that was assigned to care for Man, the fallen demonic
spirits has Man attacking The Earth which was created to Care for Man.
To be fruitful and to multiply referred to actually inhabiting the Earth. This order of
Creation to Create is what people deviate from as they are evolving, as The Creation
of The Almighty is evolving into destruction and extinction.


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