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DOI: 10.7251/SSH1301042S UDC: 797.122.

Struni rad Professional Paper


Fakultet fizikog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka,
Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fakultet sporta i fizikog vaspitanja, Ni, Srbija Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Ni, Serbia

Korenspondencija: Correspondence:
Prof. dr Toplica Stojanovi Assoc. Prof. Toplica Stojanovi, Ph.D.
Fakultet fizikog vaspitanja i sporta University of Banja Luka
Banja Luka, R. Srpska, BiH Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
e-mail: Banja Luka, R. Srpska, B&H
tel. +381 65 8 432 432 e-mail:
+ 387 65 382 622 phone: +381 65 8 432 432, +387 65 382 622

Saetak: Sa razvojem kajak kanu sporta (stvaranje ra- Summary: With the development of canoe kayak sport
zliitih disciplina i oblika), popularizacijom i masov- (creating different disciplines and forms), and with a huge
nou svjetskih razmjera, raste i konkurencija. Danas popularization of worldwide proportions, the competi-
je kajak kanu uz atletiku i plivanje sportska grana sa tion is growing. Todays kayak canoe, along with athlet-
najvie uesnika i dodjeljenih medalja (Peking, 2008 ics and swimming is the sport with the most participants
84 medalja) u programu Olimpijskih igara. Nastojei and awarded medals (Peking, 2008 84 medals) in the
da pobijede protivnike, sportisti i njihovi treneri koriste Olympics. Trying to beat the opponents, athletes and their
iskustva drugih veslaa. Primjetna je stalna dinamika coaches use the experience of other rowers. The constant
napretka sportskog rezultata. Primjenom saznanja iz dynamic of sport results progress is notable. With the use
oblasti medicine, fizike, biomehanike i psihologije of knowledge in the field of medicine, physics, biome-
stvorena je predstava koliko su sportska tehnika i psi- chanics and psychology, it is concluded, how much sports
hofizike sposobnosti znaajni za postizanje vrhunskog techniques and psychophysical skills are important for
rezultata. Kajak kanu, odnosno svaka od disciplina, ima achieving superior results. Rowing and each discipline has
svoje specifinosti, gdje razvoj odreenih oblika sna- its own peculiarities, where the development of certain
ge zauzima posebno mjesto. Moemo rei da je ona uz forms of strength takes a special place. Among the endur-
izdrljivost i brzinu prva meu jednakima. Mnotvo ance and speed, strength is the first among the equals. A
disciplina u kajak kanu sportu uslovilo je specijaliza- variety of disciplines in the kayak canoe sport, required
ciju takmiara za pojedine discipline. Koji su to oblici specialized competitors for each discipline. Major issues
ispoljavanja snage bitni u kajak kanu sportu, njihove facing the profession and science are which forms of pow-
specifinosti, koje su to metode i sredstva za njihovo er manifestation are essential in kayak canoe sport, their
razvijanje i unapreenje glavna su pitanja, koja se po- peculiarities, and which methods and exercises are essen-
stavljaju pred struku i nauku. tial for their development and improvement.

Kljune rijei: snaga, razvijanje, opte metode, speci- Keywords: strength, development, general methods,
fine metode, kajak kanu. specific methods, kayak canoe.

Postoje brojne definicije snage. Snaga sportista There are numerous definitions of strength. The
se moe definisati i kao sposobnost sportista da se su- strength of athletes can also be defined as the ability of an
protstavi i savlada djelovanje spoljanjih sila ili razli- athlete to confront and overcome the effects of external forces
ite varijante otpora. Sportista se suprotstavlja delo- or various forms of resistance. Athlete opposes the action of
vanju sljedeih spoljanjih sila: inerciji sportskih re- the following external forces: inertia of sports equipment, the
kvizita, inerciji sopstvenog tijela (tjelesnoj teini), sili inertia of their body (body weight), the force of friction, the


trenja, sili zemljine tee i otporu elastinih sila rekvi- force of gravity and the force of elastic resistance of equip-
zita (Stojanovi i sar., 2009, 172). Najea podjela ment (Stojanovi et al., 2009, 172). The most frequent divi-
snage je na maksimalnu (apsolutnu i relativnu), repeti- sion of strength is into maximal strength (absolute and rela-
tivnu i eksplozivnu. Razlikujemo statiku i dinamiku tive), repetitive and explosive. We can distinguish between
snagu, te prema angaovanim dijelovima tijela, snagu static and dynamic strength, and also strength based on the
ruku i ramenog pojasa, nogu, trupa (Herodek, 2006). engaged parts of the body, arm strength and strength of the
Da bi se poveala brzina amca potrebno je sma- shoulder belt, leg strength and torso strength (Herodek, 2006).
njiti otpor i poveati silu. Ako se otpor vode na trup In order to increase the speed of the kayak or canoe it is
amca svede na minimum, jedino preostaje poveanje necessary to decrease the resistance and increase the force. If
snage veslaa. Snaga igra vanu ulogu u postizanju the resistance of the water on the body of the boat is reduced to
vrhunskog rezultata. Gotovo je nemogue ostvariti a minimum, the only thing left is an increase in the strength of
uspjeh bez izuzetne fizike pripremljenosti. Prilikom the rower. Strength plays an important role in achieving top re-
zaveslaja se vri rad, djelujui silom miia na veslo sults. It is almost impossible to achieve success without excep-
na odreeno rastojanje u odreenom vrijemenu, gde su tional physical fitness. During the rowing is made work, who
miina sila i brzina kontrakcije miia obrnuto pro- acts with the muscle force on the paddle at a certain distance
porcionalne (Stojanovi i sar., 2009). in a certain time, where the muscle force and speed of muscle
U kajaku i kanuu sila jednog zaveslaja moe da contraction are inversely proportional (Stojanovi et al., 2009).
iznosi 16-35 kg zavisno od discipline, amca (kajak, In the kayak and the canoe the force of one row can be
kanu) i pola. Najjaa sila se ispoljava u startu, te u up to 16-35 kg depending on the discipline, type of vessel
periodima ubrzavanja. Nakon ubrzanja sila opada na (kayak, canoe) and gender. The greatest force is manifested at
priblino 20 kg kajak ili 25 kg kanu (Adisson, 2000). the start, and thus in the periods of acceleration. Following ac-
Vesla za odravanje brzine koristi odreenu frekven- celeration, the force decreases to approximately 20 kg for the
ciju zaveslaja (50-160 zaveslaja u minuti) zavisno od kayak or 25 kg canoe (Adisson, 2000). The rower, in order to
discipline, amca i dijela staze (Endicott, 1980). Razli- maintain the speed, uses a certain stroke frequency (50-160
iti oblici snage su zastupljeni vie ili manje zavisno strokes per minute) depending on the discipline, boat and part
o kojoj fazi trke, disciplini i amcu je rije. U kajaku i of the course (Endicott, 1980). Different forms of strength are
kanuu rije je o dinamikoj snazi. manifested to a greater or smaller extent depending on the
Maksimalna snaga najznaajniju ulogu ima na phase of the race, discipline and boat. In the case of the kayak
startu. Tada je potrebno u to kraem roku amac ubr- or canoe we are dealing with dynamic strength.
zati od nule do maksimalne brzine. Takoe, bitno je Maximal strength is most significant at the start.
koliko maksimalne snage vesla uloi u svaki zaveslaj. Then it is necessary to speed up the boat as soon as possi-
Jai vesla moe odrati istu frekvenciju zaveslaja ko- ble from zero to the maximal speed. In addition, the extent
ristei due veslo i sa lopaticom vee povrine. Kod of the maximal strength a rower invests into each stroke
takmiara istih tehnikih kvaliteta vie e ubrzavati is also important. A strong rower can maintain the same
onaj koji ima veu miinu snagu. Koliko je utroene stroke frequency using a longer oar and with a greater
snage uloeno u pokret veoma zavisi od tehnike vesla- paddle. Among competitors with the same technical quali-
a (Endicott, 1983). Kada je rije o maksimalnoj snazi ties, the stronger of the two can row quicker. The amount
u kajak kanu sportu, bitnija je relativna maksimalna of energy that is spent in the movement depends greatly
snaga (snaga veslaa u odnosu na njegovu kilau). on the rowers technique (Endicott, 1983). In the case of
Tei vesla vie uroni amac. Time se poveava i do- maximal strength in kayaking and canoeing, what is more
dirna povrine sa vodom i raste otpor vode na amac. important is the relative maximal strength (the strength
Taj vesla mora utroiti vie snage da bi postigao istu of the rower in relation to his weight). A heavier rower
brzinu kao laki vesla. Maksimalna snaga neto vei can make the boat sink deeper into the water. This also
znaaj ima u brzim disciplinama (kraim stazama). increases the contact surface with the water and the resis-
Repetitivna snaga ili snaga ponavljanja ima ci- tance of the water on the boat increases. This rower has to
kliki karakter ispoljavanja. Za nju je karakteristino invest more strength in order to achieve the same speed as
smjenjivanje naprezanja i oputanja miia. esto se a lighter rower. Maximal strength has a somewhat greater
ne moe nai granica izmeu repetitivne snage i izdr- significance in quicker disciplines (short distances).
ljivosti u snazi. Neki autori sve aktivnosti koje uklju- Repetitive strength or the strength used for repetition is
uju ispoljavanje snage do 30% maksimalne snage, of a cyclical character. What characterizes it is the alternation

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smatraju izdrljivou u snazi (Herodek, 2006). Sve between contractions and relaxations of the muscles. The line
preko te granice smatraju repetitivnom snagom. Drugi between repetitive strength and endurance is often difficult
poistovjeuju ova dva termina. Na osnovu metaboli- to determine. Some authors consider all the activities which
kih reima djelovanja (Szanto, 2003) repetitivnu sna- include the manifestation of strength up to 30 % 1RM en-
gu dijeli na aerobnu i anaerobnu i ovdje se vidi bliska durance in strength (Herodek, 2006). Anything over that limit
veza sa sposobnosti izdrljivosti pa repetitivnu snagu is considered repetitive strength. Other authors equate the
jo i zovu izdrljivost u snazi. Sposobnost izdrlji- two terms. On the basis of the metabolic regimes of activity
vosti snage oznaava se kao sposobnost otpora umoru (Szanto, 2003) repetitive strength is divided into aerobic and
organizma kod dugotrajnih uinaka snage. (Harre i anaerobic strength and here we can see a close connection
sar., 1979 prema: Lenz, 2003, str. 39). with endurance, so repetitive strength is also known as endur-
Eksplozivna snaga je znaajna, prije svega, prili- ance in strength. The ability to maintain strength is known
kom ubrzavanja amca ili poveavanja frekvencije za- as the ability to resist fatigue of the body over longer strength
veslaja (start i fini). To igra posebnu ulogu kod sprin- exertion. (Harre et al., 1979 in: Lenz, 2003, pg. 39).
terskih disciplina te u slalomu. Explosive strength is significant, primarily, during
Iz prethodnog se moe uoiti da su sve tri vrste the increase in the speed of the boat or the increase in the
snage bitni dijelovi veslaevog fizikog profila i treba frequency of the strokes (the start and finish). It plays an
posvetiti panju razvijanju svake od njih. important role among sprinting athletic disciplines and thus
in the slalom as well.
From the abovementioned we can note that all three
RAZVIJANJE SNAGE types of strength are very important parts of the rowers
Kako se poveanjem snage poveava i brzina, physical profile and attention should be paid to the develop-
razvoju snage se treba posvetiti posebna panja. Zato ment of each of them.
je u pripremnom periodu trening snage zastupljen
30-50% od ukupnog vremena treninga. Mehanizam
prilagoavanja miia na trening sile i snage je hiper- STRENGTH DEVELOPMENT
trofija miia, odnosno poveanje poprenog preseka With the increase of strength and speed increases,
miinih vlakana (Stojanovi i sar., 2009). Da bi mii- the development of strength requires a lot of attention. For
i ojaali potrebno im je dati odgovarajui stimulans that reason, during the preliminary period, strength training
(trening, vjeba). Ako se primijeni adekvatan trening u makes up 30-50 % of the total training time. The muscle
poriodu od 8-10 sedmica dolazi do hipertrofije miia. adaptation mechanism to strength training and force is mus-
Mii hipertrofira tako to se poveava: broj miofibrila cle hypertrophy, that is, the increase in the cross-section of
po miinom vlaknu, kapilarna gustoa po miinom the muscle fibers (Stojanovi et al., 2009). In order for the
vlaknu, koliina proteina i ukupan broj miinih vla- muscles to become stronger, they should be given the ap-
kana (Nikoli, 2003). propriate stimulus (training, exercise). If adequate training
Od znaaja je intenzivno i konstantno razvijati is applied in a period from 8-10 weeks, muscle hypertrophy
snagu, od puberteta pa tokom itave sportske karijere. occurs. The muscle hypertrophies with the increase in the
Pri tome, trening snage se razlikuje u zavisnosti koju number of myofibrils in the muscle fiber, capillary density
vrstu snage je potrebno razvijati, od uzrasta, perioda per muscle fiber, the amount of protein and overall number
sezone, grae i kvaliteta sportiste. U uzrasnoj dobi od of muscle fibers (Nikoli, 2003).
11-14 godina djeca su u senzibilnoj fazi za razvoj sna- What is important is to intensively and constantly de-

Tabela 1. Faktori uticaja u treningu snage (Harre, prema: Table 1. The factors that influence strength training (Harre,
Lenz, 2003, 89) in: Lenz, 2003, 89)
Vjebe / Exercises Obim optereenja / Volume of load Intenzitet optereenja / Intensity of load Od znaaja je / Also importance is
opte namjene broj ponavljanja po seriji dodatni teret fiziki razvoj
specijalne vjebe ukupni obim (broj) vjebi frekvencija vjebanja ukupni trening
takmiarske vjebe ukupni obim svih vjebi po jedinici treninga, u sedmici, brzina kontrakcije redoslijed vjebi
/ general purpose periodu, godini trajanje kontrekcije trajanje pauze dinamika optereenja
special exercises / number of repetitions per set uestalost treninga / physical development
competitive exercises / the total volume (number) of exercises / additional burden total training
the total volume of exercises per unit training, of the week, frequency of exercise order of exercises
period, year speed of contraction dynamics of loads /
duration of contraction / pause duration
training frequency /


ge. U tom periodu upotrebljavaju se samo vjebe za velop strength, starting from puberty and during the entire
savladavanje sopstvene tjelesne teine. U periodu 15- course of ones sports career. At the same time, strength train-
19 godine postepeno se poveava intenzitet vjebi, uz ing differs depending on the type of strength which should
primjenu dodatnog optereenja, ali veoma oprezno da be developed, the age, phase of the competitive season, build
bi se izbjeglo preveliko optereenje kimenog stuba. and quality of the athlete. At the age of 11-14 children are in
Snagu treba razvijati prvo optim, pa tek onda speci- the sensitive phase of strength development. During that pe-
finim sredstvima. riod only exercises meant for overcoming own body weight
are used. In the period between the ages of 15-19 the intensity
of the exercise increases gradually, with additional weight,
SREDSTVA TRENINGA ZA RAZVIJANJE SNAGE but very carefully so that excessive load on the spinal column
Osnovno sredstvo svakog treninga je vjeba. U can be avoided. The development of strength should start first
kajak kanu snagu razvijamo vjebama opte i specifi- with general, and then with specific exercises.
ne namjene. Trening snage optim i specifinim sred-
stvima ne iskljuuju jedan drugi, ve se nadopunjuju
i ine jedinstvenu cjelinu u pripremnom periodu ve- MEANS OF DEVELOPING STRENGTH THROUGH
Trening snage optim sredstvima se najee re- The basic means of every training is exercise. In canoe-
alizuje optim vjebama snage sa dodatnim optere- ing, we develop strength through general and specific exer-
enjem, ime se stvara podloga za kasnije razvijanje cises. Strength training through general and specific means
specifine snage. Prilikom odabira vjebi potrebno je does not exclude one another, but complement each other and
obratiti panju na: vrstu snage (maksimalna, eksplo- form a single unit in the rowers pre-season training.
zivna, repetitivna), ciljanu miinu grupu (optereenje Strength training through general means is usually car-
2-3 grupe miia na jednom treningu), vrstu (da li an- ried out through general exercises with the additional weight,
gauju iste ili razliite grupe miia) i broj vjebi (4- and they are used to create the basis for the development of
12 vebi po treningu), intenzitet ili teinu tegova, broj specific strength. When choosing exercises it is necessary to
ponavljanja, serija i odmora izmeu njih, uestalost pay attention to: the type of strength (maximal, explosive, re-
treninga u toku sedmice (4-7 puta) i ukupno trajanje petitive), the focus muscle group (2-3 groups of muscles dur-
trenanog ciklusa razvijanja snage. ing one training session), the type (whether the same or differ-
ent groups of muscles are involved) and number of exercises
(4-12 exercises per training session), the intensity of the load
METODE TRENINGA ZA RAZVIJANJE SNAGE or the weight of the weights, the number of repetitions, series,
Metode su naini kako se koriste optereenja za rests between them, the frequency of the training session per
razvijanje snage. Izbor metoda u kajak kanu sportu week (4-7 times a week) and the overall duration of the train-
zavisi od adekvatnosti optereenja za svakog veslaa. ing cycle to develop strength.
Osnovni kriterijumi su: da metoda mora da podstie
funkciju CNS-a koja odgovara kajak kanu sportu i
funkciji miia u tom sportu, da reguliu broj ukljue- STRENGTH TRAINING METHODS
nih miia u miinom kinetikom lancu koji se koristi Methods are ways to use loads to develop strength. The
u tehnikama veslanja, da se ne remeti unutarnja i me- choice of methods in kayak canoe sport depends on the ad-
umiina koordinacija veslaa, da se usklade njihove equacy of the load for each rower. The main criteria are: that
tjelesne karakteristike i antropomotorike sposobnosti the method must stimulate the function of the CNS which
i da vjebanje bude usklaeno sa tehnikama veslanja. corresponds to kayak canoe sports and muscle function in
U praksi se najee koriste: 1. metod maksimalnih that sport, to regulate the number of involved muscles in the
naprezanja (optereenja od 1RM i vie), 2. metod sub- muscle kinetic chain used in rowing techniques, to not dis-
maksimalnih naprezanja (optereenja od 90-95 % od turb the internal and intramuscular coordination of rowers, to
1RM i vie), 3. metod ponavljanja istog optereenja, align their physical characteristics and motoric skills and that
4. metod mjenjanja optereenja i 5. dinamike metode practicing is compatible with the rowing techniques. In prac-
(doziranje sa doziranom brzinom kretanja). tice, the most commonly used are: 1. method of maximum
Metode za razvijanje maksimalne snage: Ra- load (load of 1RM and above), 2. method of submaximal load
zvijanje maksimalne snage zahtjeva vei intenzitet u (load of 90-95% of 1RM and above), 3. method of repeating

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vjebama. Postoje dvije razliite metode razvoja mak- the same load, 4. method of changing load and 5. dynamic
simalne snage: a) Metoda visokog ili maksimalnog methods (dosing with dosed speed of movement).
naprezanja sa intenzitetom od 80-100% uz najbru The methods for development of maximal strength:
izvedbu, 1-4 ponavljanja i 5-8 serija i b) Metoda ume- Maximal strength generally requires greater exercise inten-
renog naprezanja sa intenzitetom od 60-80% od mak- sity. There are two different methods of the development of
simalne snage, 8-15 ponavljanja i 4-8 serija. Najee maximal strength: a) The method of high or maximal load
se koristi metoda serija, piramidalna ili polupirami- with 80-100% intensity with the fastest execution, 1-4 rep-
dalna metoda, a rade se vjebe za 2-3 grupe miia. etitions and 5-8 series and b) The method of moderate load
Vrijeme odmora izmeu serija moe biti 3-5 minuta, with 60-80% intensity of 1RM, 8-15 repetitions and 4-8 se-
a 36-48 sati izmeu dva treninga maksimalne snage. ries. The method most frequently used is the method of se-
Metode za razvijanje eksplozivne snage: Koristi ries, the pyramid or semi-pyramid method, and the exercis-
se metoda maksimalnih naprezanja sa intenzitetom od es include 2-3 groups of muscles. The rest period between
50-70% maksimalne snage, uz izvoenje pokreta mak- the series can be 3-5 minutes, with 36-48 hours between two
simalnom brzinom. Radi se 6-12 ponavljanja i 4-6 se- training sessions of maximal strength.
tova. Odmor izmeu setova je 3-5 minuta, izmeu dva The methods for development of explosive strength:
termina treninga 24-48 sati. We use the method of maximal load with the intensity from
Metode za razvijanje repetitivne snage: Koristi 50-70% of 1RM, with a maximum speed movement. A
se metoda umerenog naprezanja sa intenzitetom od total of 6-12 repetitions and 4-6 sets are completed. Each
20-60% maksimalne snage. Izvodi se veliki broj po- exercise is performed at maximal speed. The rest period be-
navljanja 15-60 ili vie u svakoj seriji. Ukupan broj tween the sets is 3-5 minutes, and 24-48 hours between two
ponavljanja svake vjebe na jednom treningu moe training sessions.
biti i 100-300. Odmor izmeu serija je od 30 sekundi The methods for development of repetitive strength:
do 2 minuta, izmeu termina treninga 6-24 sata. Za We use the method of moderate load with 20-60% intensity
organizaciju se najee koristi kruni trening. of 1RM. It is a case of multiple repetitions 15-60 or more in
Najvanije grupe miia koje se angauju u ka- each series. The overall number of repetitions of each exer-
jak kanu sportu su: a) musculus deltoideus - pars acro- cise during one training sessions can be between 100 and
mialis; b) musculus triceps brachii; c) m.trapezius; d) 300. The break between the series is from 30 seconds to 2
m.biceps brachi; e) m.rectus abdominis; f) m.latissimus minutes, and between the training sessions 6-24 hours. The
dorsi; g) m.pectoralis major i h) m.obliqus externus most frequently used form of training is circular training.
abdominis. The most important groups of muscles used in kayak-
ing or canoeing include: a) m.deltoideus - pars acromialis;
b) m.triceps brachi; c) m.trapezius; d) m.biceps brachi; e)
m.rectus abdominis; f) m.latissimus dorsi; g) m.pectoralis
major and h) m.obliqus externus abdominis.


Primjer vjebi sa tegovima Examples of weight exercises

Slika 2. bench press (potisak sa klupe), sit press (potisak u Figure 2. the bench press, sit press, diagonal bench press at
sjadeem poloaju, kosi bench press ugao 45 an angle of 45

Slika 3. bench row privlaenje sa klupe, ljuljanje, T ipka Figure 3. the bench row, rocking, the T-bar

Slika 4. jednoruno dizanje tega sa podizanjem trupa Figure 4. one-arm weight lifts with torso lifts

Figure 5. weight thrust-

Slika 5. izbaaj tega ers

Slika 6. podizanje i rotiranje trupa Figure 6. torso lifts and rotations

Slika 7. rotiranje trupa sa tegovima u sjedeem ili stojeem Figure 7. torso rotations with weights in the seated or stand-
poloaju ing position

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Slika 8. dizanje i sputanje tegova iza glave ili podizanje u Figure 8. lifting and lowering weights behind the head or
sjedei poloaj lifts in the seated positions

Slika 9. letenje sa ispruenim ili savijenim rukama buicama Figure 9. flying with arms outstretched or bent barbells

Slika 10. podizanje i rotiranje trupa sa tegovima - na kosini Figure 10. torso lifts and rotations with weights - at an angle

Figure 11. the simulation of

Slika 11. simulacija kajakakih kayak movements with barbells or
pokreta sa buicama ili tegovima weights

Primjer vjebi sa spravama Examples of exercises with props

Slika 12. privlaenje ispruenom rukom sa rotacijom trupa ili Figure 12. drawing in an extended arm with torso rotations
dvoruno veslanje or the double-handed row


Slika 13. privlaenje iznad glave jednom rukom (ispred ili iza Figure 13. drawing above the head with one arm (in front of
tijela) or behind the body)

Slika 14. povlaenje prema dole (ispred ili iza glave) Figure 14. drawing downwards (in front of or behind the head)

Za trening snage bitno je naglasiti da su intenzitet i For strength training it is important to point out that
obim optereenja u obrnutom odnosu: the intensity and extent of the load are inversely propor-
Intenzitet (max:%) Broj ponavljanja tional:
95-100 1-2 Intensity (max:%) Number of repetitions
90-95 2-3 95-100 1-2
85-90 4-5 90-95 2-3
80-85 6-8 85-90 4-5
75-80 8-12 80-85 6-8
70-75 12-15 75-80 8-12
60-70 15-20 70-75 12-15
50-60 20-30 60-70 15-20
50-60 20-30

esto se jednim treningom snage prepliu razvoj It is often the case that during one strength training
maksimalne, eksplozivne i repetitivne snage. session, the development of maximal, explosive and re-
petitive strength overlap.

Tabela 2. Saeta tabela modaliteta treninga (Szanto, 2003) Table 2. A concise table of the modality of training (Szanto, 2003)
efekat treninga intenzitet ponavljanja broj serija odmor brzina pokreta
/ Effect of training / tereta % u seriji / Number of series minuta / Speed of movement
/ Intensity of bur- / Repetition / Break minute
den % in series
maksimalna snaga / maximal strength 85 100 16 58 35 optimalna / optimal
/2 metode/ /2 methods/ 60 80 8 15 46 35 tena / fluent
eksplozivna snaga / explosive strength
eksplozivan / eksplosive 50 70 6 12 46 35 brzi / fast
brzi / fast 30 40 8 15 46 35 brzi / fast
repetitivna snaga / repetitive strength
anaerobni reim / anaerobic regime 40 60 15 20 48 12 optimalna / optimal
aerobni reim / aerobic regime 20 40 30 80 5 10 30 1 mala / low

Trening snage specifinim metodama stvara pret- Strength training with specific methods creates the
postavku da se kondicijske osnove stvorene optim assumption that the fitness basics created through gener-
treningom snage mogu pretvoriti u takmiarski pokret. al strength training can be transformed into competitive
Sredstvima specijalnog treninga pripadaju trening na movement. The means of special training include water

Jul/July, 2013 49

vodi i veslanje na povlanoj spravi. Specijalne vjebe training and machine rowing. Special exercises with their
svojom prostorno-vemenskom i dinamikom strukturom spatio-temporal and dynamic structure of movement
pokreta (vrijeme snaga), grupama miia koji su u po- (time strength), the groups of muscles which are in-
krete ukljueni, ne smiju odstupati od takmiarske struk- cluded in the movement, cannot deviate from the com-
ture zaveslaja. petitive structure of the stroke.

Tabela 3. Promena intenziteta optereenja u treninzima u Table 3. Changes in the intensity of the load during training
odnosu na promjenu otpora in relation to the change in resistance
Dodatni otpor Smanjeni otpor Additional resistance Reduced resistance
dodatna teina u amcu veslanje nizvodno, additional weight in the boat downriver rowing
veslanje sa konicom veslanje u valu breg amca, rowing with a stop mechanism rowing in a wave of faster boat
veslanje u plitkoj vodi krae veslo, rowing in the shallow water shorter paddle
veslanje uzvodno manja lopatica. upriver rowing smaller blade
due veslo longer paddle
vea lopatica greater blade
tee veslo harder paddle

Najpopularnija metoda za razvijanje specifine The most popular method for specific strength de-
snage je svakako veslanje sa konicom. Nije dobro ko- velopment is certainly rowing with a stop mechanism. It
ristiti prejaku konicu jer to moe smanjiti frekvenci- is not good to use a stop that is too strong since it can de-
ju zaveslaja. Dovoljno je da se na trup amca privrsti crease the frequency of the strokes. It is sufficient that the
predmet koji e ga koiti (konop, limenka, koni remen, hull of the boat is fastened to an object which will hold it
teniska loptica). Meu veslaima su svakako najpopu- (rope, a tin can, a leather belt, a tennis ball). Among the
larniji gumeni tregeri za vezivanje amaca (lako se pri- rowers the most popular ones are rubber suspenders for
vrste). Druga jednako popularna metoda za razvija- binding the boat (they are easily fastened). The second
nje specifine snage je veslanje u optereenom amcu equally popular method for specific strength develop-
(5-15 kg). Nedostatak ove metode je to to mijenja rav- ment is rowing in a loaded boat (5-15 kg). The short-
noteu amca (amac je stabilniji), pa se gubi osjeaj. coming of this method is that it alters the balance of the
Dobra strana je to to se poboljava osjeaj prijenosa boat (the boat is more stable), and so any feeling is lost.
snage. The good thing is that it improves the feeling of strength
Specifine metode treninga se mogu primijenji- transfer.
vati u svim periodima sezone, ali se najee koristi u Specific method of training can be used in all
predtakmiarskom i takmiarskom periodu. U predta- phases of the competitive season, but is most often used
kmiarskom periodu trening je ekstenzivan (interval in the pre-competitive and competitive period. In the pre-
dui od 1 min, vrijeme veslanja 20-45 min.). U takmi- competitive season the training is extensive (an interval
arskom periodu trening je intenzivan (interval 10-60, longer than 1 min, rowing time 20-45 min.). In the com-
vrijeme veslanja 5-15 min.). Najbolji rezultati se posti- petitive period training sessions are intense (the interval
u intervalima maksimalnog intenziteta. Vrijeme traja- is 10-60, the rowing time 5-15 min.). The best results
nja ove vrste treninga bi trebala biti 10-30% ukupnog are achieved during the intervals of maximal intensity.
vrijemena veslanja. U glavnom takmiarskom periodu The duration of this type of training should be between
(zbog pada brzine) izbjegava se primjena ovog treninga 10-30% of the overall rowing time. In the main competi-
nekoliko dana prije takmienja. Za specifini trening u tive period (due to a decrease in speed) the application of
zatvorenom se koristi kajak ili kanu ergometar. Trening this training is avoided for several days before the com-
je isti kao na vodi. petition. For specific training indoors we use a kayak or
Vrhunski veslai u treningu snage moraju imati canoe ergometer. The training is the same as in the wa-
vie treninga specifine nego opte snage. ter. Elite rowers during strength training must have more
specific training than general strength training.


Tabela 4. Zastupljenost treninga snage Table 4. The amount of strength training

Klasa Opti trening % Specifini trening % Class General training % Specific training %
Poetnik 70 30 Beginner 70 30
Napredni 40 60 Advanced 40 60
Vrhunski 30 70 Elite 30 70

Sutina svakog sporta, time i kajak kanu sporta, The essence of each sport, and thus kayaking and ca-
je postizanje vrhunskog rezultata. Pomjeranje granica noeing is the achievement of top results. Moving the lim-
sportskog rezultata mogue je samo postizanjem savr- its of the sport results is possible only by achieving perfect
enstva tehnike izvedbe i vrhunske sportske forme na performance technique and top sports form at the most
najvanijim takmienjima. Savremeni trening u kajak important competitions. Modern training in kayaking and
kanu sportu je jedan sloen proces koji zahtjeva maksi- canoeing is a complex process which requires the maximal
malno angaovanje kako sportiste i trenera, tako i svih inclusion both of the athlete and the coach, as well as all
onih koji su ukljueni u ovaj sport. those who are included in this sport.
Karakteristino za dananji kajak kanu sport je gu- What characterizes current kayaking and canoeing is
stoa kvalitete rezultata. Za najvea odlija ravnopravno the density of the quality results. For the greatest titles, row-
se bore veslai visoki jedva 170 cm, kao i oni od 200 cm ers who are barely 170 cm compete on equal terms, as do
visine. To je rezultat sagledavanja njihovih psihofizikih those of 200 cm height. That is the result of the overall view
sposobnosti, i na osnovu toga individualni pristup njiho- of their psycho-physical abilities, and thus the individual ap-
vom razvijanju i izgradnji tehnike i stila, te postizanju proach to their development and the building of their tech-
vrhunske forme. Pri tome metode i dinamika optereenja nique and style, and thus the achievement of top form. At
(obim i intenzitet) predstavljaju osnovnu jedinicu za izra- the same time the methods and dynamics of load (the extent
du valovitog i ciklinog programa od polimakrociklusa and intensity) represent the basic unit for the manufacture
do mikrociklusa. of the wavy and cyclical program from the polymacrocycle
Izbor metoda za razvijanje snage u kajak kanu spor- to the microcycle.
tu zavisi od adekvatnosti optereenja za svakog veslaa. The choice of methods for strength developing in kay-
Adekvatnost optereenja u treningu snage zavisi od kva- ak canoe sport depends on the adequacy of the load for each
liteta i funkcije miia svakog veslaa, odnosno od njiho- rower. The adequacy of the load in strength training de-
vih tjelesnih karakteristika i antropomotorikih sposob- pends on the quality and function of muscle of each rowers,
nosti. U praksi se najee koriste metode maksimalnih in other words by their physical characteristics and motoric
i submaksimalnih naprezanja, metod ponavljanja istog skills. In practice, the most commonly used are methods
optereenja, metod mjenjanja optereenja i dinamike of maximal and submaximal load, method of repeating the
metode. same load, method of load changing and dynamic methods.
Napredak rezultata e dalje zavisiti i od ukljuiva- The improvement in the results will still depend on the
nja trenera i vrsnih veslaa u proces poboljanja sport- inclusion of both the coach and the top rowers in the process
skih rekvizita (amac, veslo, odjea i dr.), kao i stvaranje of sport prop improvement (the boat, the oar, clothes and so
instrumenata za mjerenje treninga i rezultata (pulsmetri, on), as well as the design of instruments for the measuring
brzinometri, GPS i sl). Dugorono planiranje rezultata of training and the results (pulsometers, speedometers, GPS
mora ukljuiti sistematski trening podmlatka. Izmjena and so on). The long-term planning of results must include
iskustava i nove metode u treningu podmlatka mogu the systematic training of younger competitors. Altered
predstavljati impuls i eksperimentalno polje za ukupan experience and new training methods can represent an im-
razvoj trenanog sistema. pulse and experimental field for the overall development of
the training system.
Izjava autora
Autori pridonijeli jednako. Authorship statement
The authors have contributed equally.
Konflikt interesa
Mi izjavljujemo da nemamo konflict interesa. Financial disclosure
We declare that we have no confl icts of interest.

Jul/July, 2013 51

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Primljen: 15. decembar 2012. / Received: December 15, 2012

Izmjene primljene: 8. februar 2013. / Revision received: February 8, 2013
Prihvaen: 12. februar 2013. / Accepted: February 12, 2013


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