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Key Issue Two

9 major regions are North America, Europe, Latin America, East Asia, Southwest Asia (With
Northern Africa), Southeast Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa

More Developed Regions

2 regions are considered more developed, North America and Europe
Regions above 30 degrees N latitude are MDCs
North America: HDI 0.95
13th place
Highest in GDP and literacy rate, but low in education and life expectancy
Used to be one of the worlds major manufacturer in steel and cars, but now it is Japan and
The large number of health-care providers is because of the private sector
The region also provides entertainment, mass media, sports, and other leisure activities
Subprime loans were made to businesses who cannot repay them
Worlds leading food exporter.
Europe: HDI 0.93
During the Cold War Era (1940s-1990s), Europe was regarded as 2 regions, a West closely
linked to the United States, and a Communist East. Since the fall of Communism, the 2 regions
have become closer
The elimination of economic boundaries have made the European Union the richest market.
Core area are: Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Luxembourg
Because the Eastern countries lag in development, Europe is below North America
Dependent on trade, both within and international
Make high-value goods and services, such as cars, banking, and insurance.
Unemployment rates are high and the government is fighting a recession.
Russia: HDI 0.73
Under communism, the Soviet Union had 5-year goals for the entire region to help build
roadways, canals, goods, agriculture, and minerals.
Before the Soviet Union, Russia was a rich country. Its HDI was above 0.9 and now itis below
Unemployment was high
Japan: HDI 0.96
Third area of high HDI
Development is remarkable because of the unfavorable ratio of population to resources
Took advantage of people willing to work hard for low pay
More time on education and training.
Oceania: HDI 0.90
Although the HDIs in Australia and New Zeland are high, the remaining islands are less
Leader in mining minerals and exporting food to the UK.
Economies are tied with Japan and other Asian countries.

Less Developed Regions

Latin America: HDI 0.82
Located mostly in Brazil, Argentina, and Buenos Aires.
Level of development varies sharply, high level of development in large cities and high GDP
in the coastal cities, but low development in central Latin America and islands
Clearing forests for money
Inadequate income distribution: Wealthy families control most of the land, Tenant farmers give
food away to developed countries.
Economy is linked with the US so they are also hit hard by the recession.2.
East Asia: HDI 0.77
The economy of East Asia and the world is being controlled by China
Used to be wealthy, but after civil wars and invaders, they dropped behind Europe
In 1949, when the Communist party won a civil war, they set up the Peoples Republic of China
Priority in the new economy was given to people in rural areas and tenant farmers
Farmers rented land from the government, had to grow a certain amount of type of crop, they
could then sell any above the minimum requirement
Manufacturing has been increasing in China. By paying workers low salaries, they produce 2/3
of the worlds microwaves, DVD players, photocopiers, and shoes
By partnering with Wal-Mart, they are pushing down prices for the products, but the workers are
getting paid less. The recession has slowed economic growth because of declining global
demand for manufactured goods
Weaknesses remain in Chinas economic performance: management is weak, no legal
protection, bad banking, and increasing amount of pollution
Southwest Asia and North Africa: HDI 0.74
Mostly desert
Middle East
There is a large gap of GDP between countries that have and do not have petroleum
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emeritus have petroleum
Border Persian Gulf
Islam dominates the economy: workers stop several times a day to pray, shopkeepers let people
unwrap their payer rugs to pray, women have low literacy rate
Need to find a way to balance development and religion
Several internal conflicts like war and terrorism.
Southeast Asia: HDI 0.73
Most populous countries are Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand and the Philippines
Tropical climate limits cultivation: intense heat, rainfall, volcanoes, and hurricanes
People are concentrated on Java because the soil is rich from volcanic ash and the Dutch have
their colonial headquarters there
Because of the distance vegetation, farmers harvest products that are used to makethings like tin,
rubber, coconut oil, and rice
This region has suffered from warfare
France and the US fought to percent Communism on Vietnam
Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines have been developing
Economic growth has slowed: it was once achieved by cooperation between manufactures and
government, but lately, government officials invested unwisely and are corrupt.5.
Central Asia: HDI 0.70
Most of the countries were once part of the Soviet Union
High in Kazakhstan and Iran
Leading producers in petroleum
The leader of Iran does not want to develop because he is a Shiite and that is a Western idea
Afghanistan has one of the worlds lowest but it has not been calculated because of war
South Asia: HDI 0.61
Includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan
2nd highest population and 2nd lowest GDP
Population density is high and natural increase rate is high
The Green Revolution increased agriculture
Created miracle rice and wheat seeds
Rely on the monsoon seasons from May to August
India is South Asias largest country: 4th largest economy, produces wheat, rice and other
products, economy growth is right behind China
Sub-Saharan Africa: HDI 0.51
Lots of minerals
Bauzite in Guinea, Cobalt in the Congo, diamonds in Botswana, and petroleum in Nigeria
Least-favorable prospects of development
Highest % of people living in poverty
Economic growth has deteriorated
Landlocked states have difficulty shipping trade
Highest natural increase rate, so the land is overworked

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