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GBW Student Leadership 16-17

What is the goal/vision for student leadership at West?

o Fun, joy, laughter!
o Be together, grow together, and serve together
Growing in faith
o Discipleship
o Have a strong foundation leaving high school
Opportunity to have a larger role in YL at your school
o Advocate for YL at your school, bring underclassmen!
o Have a role in club, campaigners, camp, etc

Why do we do it?
o I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10
We want to experience abundant life in Jesus ourselves
We want other people to know him and experience this life
as well!

Practically, what might this look like?

Dinner meetings
o One Sunday a month, 5:30-7:30
o Eat, Hang, Be encouraged, Grow together, Plan club/other events
Student Leader Retreat
o September 24-25 (tentative on finding a lake house.. hmu if you
have one)
o GBW + GBS juniors/seniors boys and girl LOTS OF FUN
Club Help
o COME! Be a consistent face at club
o Invite and bring others with you (underclassmen)
o Opportunity to lead games/mixer/skit/music/etc. up front
Show up 30-45 minutes early if leading something
Senior shares at club or campaigners
o As interested
o Come consistently, bring others

What is your interest level?

(Anything is fine, but please let us know the degree to which you would like to be involved in
student leadership this year/ what you are looking for in this new program. Be as specific as
possible. What do you hope to get out of this? Any other ideas/thoughts? We want to hear
from YOU.)

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