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3 February 2017

Men in Sheds, Hull is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a CIO) Charity registration number 1161177.

The objects of the CIO.

To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people, particularly but not exclusively men aged 18
or over, within Hull and the surrounding area, from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people
who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society through the provision of facilities in which they
can meet to undertake creative, physical or recreational activities, learn or pass on skills and knowledge, and support
each other socially. Targeted primarily at male residents aged over 50 in Hull, the project is an innovative approach to
ending isolation for an increasing population of elderly males in our city.

A brief history of Men in Sheds.

Men in Sheds started in Australia when elderly men came together around practical tasks carried out in sheds or
workshops. Many of those taking part are retired, as people often lose some sense of purpose and become isolated
from their community, particularly if they do not play sport or go to the pub to meet friends.
A shed is a larger version of the typical mans shed in the garden a place where he feels at home and pursues
practical interests. A shed can be a garage, community space or workshop where members can meet to share the
tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and
inclusive environment.
Sheds are places of skill-sharing and informal learning, of individual pursuits and community projects, of purpose,
achievement and social interaction. A place of leisure where men come together to socialise and work. The
environment not only enables proactive use of past skills, but can also be the platform to enable younger audiences to
learn from the vast experience within the membership. Likewise there are benefits for the older members by shared
experience with the younger generation, as well as mentoring and coaching. Sheds have an important place within
the local community.
There are now more than 80 sheds in the UK.
Evidence from existing sheds in the UK shows the positive impact on the health and wellbeing of elderly males.
Loneliness and social isolation can affect everyone but older people are particularly vulnerable after the loss of friends
and family, reduced mobility or limited income.
Isolation, loneliness and poor social relations are major factors leading to the exclusion of older people. Social
isolation affects about 1 million older people, and has a severe impact on peoples quality of life in older age.
In the UK, over 1.2 million older men reported a moderate to high degree of social isolation and over 700,000 older
men reported feeling a high degree of loneliness. Recent research has shown that isolation is as damaging to our
health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day (Campaign to end loneliness).

Older men are also more dependent on their partners. Older men without partners are more socially isolated and
lonely than older women without partners three-quarters (76%) said they were lonely compared to 71% of women.
The demographic change means that there are increasing numbers of older men living alone by 2030 numbers in
England and Wales are projected to be 1.5 million, a huge increase of 65% so loneliness is also set to grow.
Age UK reported that by participating in social and leisure activities in the community, older people can continue to
exercise their competence, to enjoy respect and esteem, and maintain or establish supportive and caring relationships.

Our continued challenge is to reach the highly isolated males in our city. To reach this group we need to be targeted
with our marketing, collaborate with local housing groups, health centres and existing members and ensure that all
target beneficiaries feel empowered to join us.
The key social benefits of the Men in Sheds, Hull project include:
Providing a number of community hubs (sheds) where elderly men can meet on a regular basis.

Reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation that members may have.

Improving the quality of life for its members.

Enabling elderly local men to remain active and participate in a community initiative.

Make members of a shed feel valued as individuals.

Allowing members with common interests to meet regularly to socialise, make friends, exchange ideas and help
each other.

Giving members the help to pursue a hobby or pastime.

Providing local men with the opportunity to pass on skills and to maintain their own.

Supporting the community as a whole, by service or deed.

Enabling members to interact with wider parts of our community, via skills and knowledge exchange with young
people from the city.

A shed gives lonely and isolated local men a sense of ownership: members are encouraged to become involved
in the continued planning and development of the project.

In many cases Men in Sheds Hull will give members a reason to get out of bed in a morning, to go beyond the
transition of bedroom to living room each day, and the long periods of isolation they may encounter between family
The key health benefits of the Men in Sheds Hull project include:
Reducing social isolation amongst elderly local men.

Improving mental health, health behaviour and physical health.

Access to mens health and the delivery of vital messages for the group.

Counselling, many issues can be born out of a conversation between friends in a shed and members can
direct access for support services

The group can reach men that can be classed as missing from social circles but also those men that may not
be otherwise accessing health messages

Informally get men talking about their health, concerns and fears in an environment they feel safe in
In fulfilling the purpose of the group, we believe that the members feeling of usefulness in the community will
increase; there will be an improvement in their wellbeing and self-worth. The group includes initiatives to use the
developed skills to help the more vulnerable in society with projects such as gardening, garage/shed and home
security, minor repair work, etc and thus result in making the community a better and safer place to live.
Men in Sheds, Hull
The shed is located at:
The Pavilion
Oak Road Playing Fields
Beverley Road

and is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10:00 and 16:00 where the door is always open and the
kettle is on!!

Current activities include board games, chess, computing, cookery, gardening, joinery, metal work, model making,
photography and of course trips and visits. The activities are developing and increasing as the shed is very much led
by the members. In addition to participating in practical projects, there is always the opportunity to socialise and chat
with like minded people.

Recent and Current Activities

East Riding Country Pork was the venue for members to practise their sausage making skills and to take home what
they had produced. A great time was had by all especially watching some members trying to control the sausage filling

The members enjoyed a visit to the Crystal Brewery in Brough, where after a guided tour around the brewery, the
members sampled the beers. It is hoped that a return visit is organised soon!!

A snooker tournament was recently held at The Cumberland pub, where a number of members enjoyed an afternoon
showing off their skills!!

A Christmas meal was held at The West Bulls in December 2016, where members and guests enjoyed a meal followed
by entertainment. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon and hope it is repeated!!

A Santa run was held in the local streets by active members helping to raise funds, using collection tins, for the shed.
Those involved had great fun peddling a trike which had been transformed into a Santa sleigh and distributing sweets
to the local children who came out to greet them.

An outing has been arranged for members and guests in February to The York Railway Museum. Members can either
visit the museum or wander into the city, both if they have the time or are feeling energetic.

Later in the year, a Well Man session will be held at the shed with the help of Hull CCG, at the request of members. It
is anticipated that this will be well attended.

Many other ideas are being discussed for future trips and visits such as rambling, other museum visits, meals out and
places of interest.

In addition, members are currently busy making a number of articles such as bird feeders, decorative candles and tea
lights, gavels, pens, wooden bowls, plaques and small childrens wooden toys for selling at local summer fetes in order
to raise funds.

Most recently the BBC visited the shed to film a documentary to be called Holding Back the Years Maureen Lipman,
the presenter, was wonderful and engaged with all the members. We are all looking forward to it being shown in

Baz Wharf
Vice Chairman/Trustee of Men in Sheds (Hull)
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01482 803700

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