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Diphtheria is an acute bacterial disease that usually affects the

tonsils, throat, nose and/or skin. It is passed from person to person

by droplet transmission, usually by breathing in diphtheria bacteria
after an infected person has coughed, sneezed or even laughed. It
can also be spread by handling used tissues or by drinking from a
glass used by an infected person.
In its early stages, diphtheria may be mistaken for a severe sore
throat. Other symptoms include a low-grade fever and enlarged
lymph nodes (swollen glands) located in the neck. Another
presentation of diphtheria can be skin lesions that may be painful,
red and swollen.

In more advanced stages, the patient may have difficulty breathing

or swallowing, complain of double vision, have slurred speech, or
even show signs of going into shock (pale, cold skin; rapid heartbeat;
sweating; and an anxious appearance).

Diphtheria Homeopathy
Treatment & Homeopathic
#Mercurius cyanatus. [Merc-cy]
The mercurial preparations generally have very little, if any, relation
to the diptheritic process, and their efficacy the disease is a matter of
doubt. They may be indicated, however, by bilious, glandular or other
symptoms. Mercurius does not produce the sudden and intense
prostration of diphtheria. Mercurius vivus and Mercurius solubilis are
never indicated in this disease. The iodides of mercury are
sometimes of use, the Mercurius biniodide with its left side
indications, inflammation, febrile excitement, headache, etc., and the
Mercurius protoiodide with the right side indications, yellow tongue,
glandular swelling, etc.; but there is a preparation of mercury which
is one of the best remedies in diphtheria that we have, and that is
Mercurius cyanatus. It seems to get most of its symptoms is from the
hydrocyanic acid of its composition. Thus we have, as indications,
great and sudden prostration and very high pulse. The weakness is
extreme, collapse symptoms showing themselves even at the
commencement of the disease. There is an exudation in the throat;
at first it is white, but it may turn dark and threaten to become
gangrenous. The tongue is brownish and blackish, with foetid breath,
nose bleed, loss of appetite, profuse flow of saliva, etc. It is especially
a remedy in the malignant type of diphtheria and when the disease
invades the nostrils. The great prostration will serve to distinguish it
from Kali bichromicum, which has the thick, tenacious exudation,
also found under Mercurius cyanatus. Clinical experience with this
remedy has proved that preparations below the 6th are less effective
than the higher, and not as safe, since it produces a tendency to
heart failure. The 30th potency seems to have been a favorite one.
Dr. Villiers, of St. Petersburg, treated 200 cases of all sorts of severity
without a single death, using the 6th to 30th potencies. Dr.
Neushafer treated 85 cases with three deaths, using the 5th to 15th
potencies hypodermically. Dr. Sellden, in 1879-82, reported in a
district of Sweden 564 cases of diphtheria, of whom 523 died,
amortality of 92.7 percent. None treated with the cyanide of
mercury. In 1883-86, 160 cases were reported, of whom 29 died. In
132 of these 160 cases the cyanide of mercury was used and only
one case died. He and his colleagues have treated 1,400 cases with a
mortality of 4.9 percent. A strength equal to the 2x was used.
London Lancet, April 24, 1888.
#Diphtherinum. [Diph]
The Nosode of Diphtheria and the idea of its use did not urgent with
Boerhing, nor with Roux. Long before Pasture, a German
homoeopathist named Lux conceived the isopathic idea and
successfully treated cases with it. Cartier, whose long experience in
the diphtheria pavillion of the Childrens Hospital in Paris advocates
Mercurius cyanatus and Diphtherinum as the successful remedies in
this disease, the latter also being useful in post-diphtheritic
paralyses. The higher potencies are used.
#Kali bichromicum. []
This remedy, which is perhaps more useful in the croupoid form of
the disease, has marked symptoms. There is apt to be deep
ulceration and a thick, tenacious exudation, often streaked with
blood; the membrane is yellow looking and the cough is croupy and
accompanied with pain in the chest. There is also swelling of the
glands. The indication for Kali bichromicum may be chiefly
summarized as follows:
1. The yellow-coated or dry, red tongue. 2. The tough, tenacious
exudation. 3. Pain, extending to neck and shoulders.
These, and the fact that it is most useful in the later stage of the
disease, when the line of demarcation has formed and the slough
has commenced to separate, make the indication for the drug
#Kali muriaticum. [Kali-m]
The indication for this remedy rest on a clinical basis, and it is one of
the legacies of Schuessler to Homoeopathy. That it is a most
excellent remedy and deserving of a high place in the treatment of
diphtheria cannot be doubted by anyone who has ever tried it. The
only indication we have are pain on swallowing, and white deposit in
throat; but numerous well-marked cases of the disease have been
treated with the remedy and symptoms like prostration, thick
exudation over the tonsils, and entire soft palate, foetid breath, etc.,
have entirely disappeared. Perphaps like Kali bichromicum, it will be
found to be better adapted to the croupoid form. Kali chloratum or
the chlorate of potash is useful in diphtheria when gangrenous spots
appear; ulcers with foul secretions and offensive discharges. It is one
of the best remedies to prevent extension to the nasal mucous
#Kali permanganicum. [Kali-p]
This is another of the potashes which has achieved some reputation
in diphtheria, where there is ulceration, gangrenous suppuration and
foetid odor. It has been also been used as a local application, but like
all local applications in constitutional disease it has done little, if any,
good. The indication for its use are, throat swollen both inside and
outside. The throat is oedematous and the membrane is horribly
offensive; there is a thin discharge from the nose and a Lachesis
difficulty of swallowing and regurgitation. In many respects it
resembles Apis, but the extreme foetor will distinguish. Dr. Van
Lennep considers it almost a specific.
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Oedema stands first among the indications for this remedy. Stinging
pains, and sore, blistered tongue are also characteristic. The throat
has a glossy-red appearance as if varnished. Membrane forms on
either tonsil and is grayish, dirty-looking and tough. Swallowing is
most difficult owing to the oedema. The throat is swollen externally
and there is much prostration,dry, hot skin and restlessness.
Suppression of the urine is a complication that will call for Apis. Lac
caninum has achieved some reputation in diphtheria; it has swollen
both internally and outside as under Apis; and it has a restlessness
something like Arsenic and Rhus, not a nervous fidgetness as under
Apis. Scanty urine in diphtheria is a symptoms found under Apis as
well as under Cantharis and Lac caninum.
#Lachesis. [Lach]
Dr. J.E.Gilman thinks no remedy is so frequently indicated in
diphtheria as Lachesis and it is wellknown that animal poisons in
general are suitable to low forms of disease, so Lachesis is a
wonderfully good remedy in diphtheria. Great sensitiveness of the
throat will always bring it into mind. Further indications are the
appearance of the disease first on the left side of the throat,
spreading to the right. Extremely painful and difficult swallowing,
violent prostration and great foetor, the patient sleeping into an
aggravation of all symptoms. The dyspnoea is so marked that the
patient must sit up to breathe. Gangrenous tendency and specific
condition. There is a purplish throat and much swelling and
infiltration externally, here resembling Apis. Very similar symptoms
are obtained under two other of the snake poisons, namely, Crotalus
and Naja. A characteristic symptom of Lachesis is that the throat
feels worse from empty swallowing. Carbolic acid. Low fever, no pain,
great accumulation of exudate, foetid odor, prostration, violent fever,
headache, thready pulse, nausea and weakness. The septicaemia of
the disease is met by this remedy. The secret of antitoxin success in
diphtheria may be due to this remedy. Most antitoxin is 3X potencies
of these preparations. Baptisia is a powerful agent to counteract
septic poisoning, foetid, feverish breath, dark red fauces, swelling of
glands, aching of back,body and limbs as if pounded, face dark,
flushed like the intoxication of a poison, tongue dry and red, typhoid
conditions. Rhus. Putrid as in Baptisia, swelling glands, tongue dry or
#Lycopodium. [Lyco]
Lycopodium bears the same relation to the right side of the throat
that Lachesis does to the left. There is stoppage of the nose, with
inability to breathe through it; the disease begins on the right side, or
is worse on that side. Like Lachesis, the patient is worse after the
sleep and after swallowing drinks, especially cold ones. Especially is
to be remembered the Lycopodium aggravation from 4 to 8 P.M. Fan
like motions of the wings of the nose is also an indication. The
symptoms of Lycopodium are quite clear, but the remedy is less
often indicated than some of the others.

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