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March, 19-16 SEPARATION


Preparation aad Properties of Serum and Plasma Proteins. IV. A System for the
Separation into Fractions of the Protein and Lipoprotein Components of Biological
Tissues and F1uidsla~b~c~d
H. I,. T A Y L O R ~ ~
Natural products rarely exist in a state of maxi- components as nearly as possible in their natural
mum purity or maximum concentration. They state.
are generally found in plant or animal tissues or The separation of the many protein and lipid
fluids in the presence of other natural products, components of a biological fluid or tissue can be
and often in sma.11 amounts, or in inactive physical accomplished by control of their relative solu-
states in which they are stored as biological re- bilities in a multi-variable system. The larger
serves. Natural: function may demand the libera- the number of components and the more nearly
tion of the active component in but a small, con- alike their physical chemical properties, the more
stant concentration. The greatest value of each variables, each under accurate control, may be
active component, however, whether as reagent needed in order to determine conditions in which
in therapy or in chemical technology, is often in. a sufficiently large differences in solubility obtain
highly purified, stable arid concentrated state. to permit satisfactory separations.
The present series of reports describes the de- I n practice, conditions must be determined such
velopment of a system for the separation of the that the protein to be separated has (1) a high
protein and lipid. components of a biological tissue, solubility when most other components of the sys-
first into a sma1:i number of fractions in which the tem have low solubilities, or ( 2 ) a low solubility
major components are separated, and then into a when most of the components of the system have
large number of subfractions into which they are high solubilities. Solubilities of 0.01 to 0.1 g. per
further concentrated and purified. The tissue liter generally suffice to separate fair yields of a
that has thus far been most thoroughly investi- component as a precipitate, Solubilities of 10 g.
gated is human blood. The methods that have or more per liter are generally adequate if other
been employed are, however, general and can be components of the system are to be precipitated.
applied to give comparable inclusive fractiona- Conditions such that the solubility can be varied
tions of other biolcgical systems in the interest of from a hundred to a thousand fold should thus be
obtaining as many as possible of their valuable known if satisfactory fractionation and purifica-
(la) This work w:s ori,:inally supported by grants from the
tion are to be carried out. The larger the variety
Rockefeller Foundation and from funds of Harvard University. of conditions under which a given protein in a
I t was aided early in 1!441 by grants from the Committee on Medicine mixture can be maintained in either the higher
of the National Re,rearch Council, which included a grant from t h e or the lower solubility range, the greater is the
American College of Physicians. Since August, 1941, i t has been
carried out under contract. rccornmended by the Committee on
chance of effecting sharp separations from other
Medical Research, between the Office of Scisntific Research and De- proteins whose solubilities are influenced by the
velopment and Harvard Lni\-crsity. same variables.
[ l b ) This paper is Number 43 in the series Studies on Plasma Euglobulin Precipitation.-Certain proteins
Proteins from the Harvard hIedical School, Boston, Massachusetts,
on products develcmpeli by the Department of Physical Chemistry
can be separated in aqueous systems because of
from blood collected k y the American Red Cross. We are indebted their insolubility in the isoelectric condition.
t o t h e Antitoxin and Vaccine Laboratory, Massachusetts Depart- Of these, those termed globulins are readily dis-
ment of Public Health, for preparing in sterile and safe form i.he solved by neutral salts. Solution of globulin by
various fractions that have been made available for clinical use;
arc now licensed products under t h e National Institute of Health
a neutral salt is due to forces exerted by its free
and have been prepared in large amounts in industrial plants under ions. Ions with equal valencies, whether positive
contract with the Ijnited States Navy which, for nearly five years, or negative, are equally efficient, and the efficien-
has collaborated in this program. cies of ions of different valencies are directly pro-
(:IC) This article ha!; been released for publication b y the Division
of Publications of the 3ureau of Medicine and Surgery of the United
portional to the squares of the valencies.2 The
States S a v y . T h e opinions and vicws set forth in this article ice ionic strength thus defined for the first time in
those of the writer:: and are not to bc considered as reflecting the terms of this interaction influences proteiti solu-
policies of the h:iv!; DeparLment. bility so profoundly that the phenomenon was
(Id) Our various chemical and clinical collaborators in this and
other institutions :are making their results available in this and
noted by Denis a century The influence of
other j3urnals. Wa would like t o acknowledge their assistance in the ionic strength is so great that fractions of
the solution of many problems as well as that of members of the serum globulin with a solubility of approximately
staff of the Pilot Plaut which has been in continuous operation f o r 0.07 g. per liter in water a t 25 readily dissolved
the past four and one half years and included, besides the authors,
I<. Ambrose, A1. J. E. Budka, J. H. Cameron, M. Y.Clark, M. E.
to a water-clear liquid in 0.1 N solution of sodium
Collier, C. Goodruin, H. T. Gordon, P. 31. Gross, AM.M . Hasson, chloride.4 The quantitative separation of pro-
K. W ,Kelty, I-. I.[. Larsen, S. G. Miller, D. A . Richert, M. 13. (2) J. Mellanby, J . Pbvsioi , 33, 338 (1905-19061, c/ p. 373.
Smith, A. H. Sparrow, and J. H. Weare. (3) J. Scherer, Ltebrgs A m . d . Ckem und P h a r m . , 40, 1 (1811)
( l e ) Lieutenant H(:m) USNR. (4) E. J. Cohn, J . Gen. Physzol., 4, 697 (1922), c/ p 716.

teins of this kind has thus depended upon the re- formation of protein complexes when precipitation
moval of salt by dilution, dialysis or electrodialysis takes place a t reactions between the isoelectric
and adjustment of the pH to the isoelectric zone. points of the proteins is, however, only one form
Globulins differ from each other and can be of protein-protein interaction.
separated from each other since they have differ- I n all but the very few proteins that have been
ent isoelectric points, different solubilities in the separated and purified from all other proteins,
absence of salt and different activity coefficients solubility is influenced by the nature and the
in the presence of salts, especially a t very low con- amount of protein in the system. Four variables
centrations of salts. The precipitation of a thus determine solubility in such systems: (1)
globulin passes through a sharper maximum the pH, ( 2 ) salt concentration, (3) temperature and
freer it is from salt. Freedom from salt, a t least (4) the protein in the system. If the tempera-
as applied :o the proteins is, however, relative . , . ture and the amount and nature of the protein in
Moreover, three distinct sources of error may the system are maintained constant, a family of
make . . . ithe point of maximum precipitation of curves can be constructed describing solubility
a protein appear a t a hydrogen ion concentration as a function of pH and salt concentration.
other than its isoelectric point. Globulins are, however, known (1) whose solu-
The first of these is the presence of another bility is increased by salt on either side of the iso-
protein with a slightly different isoelectric point. electric point, and ( 2 ) whose solubility is in-
The observed precipitation is in this case the sum creased on one side, but diminished on the others8
of the precipitations of the two proteins. As a The latter effect is often a function not only of the
result the >:one is usually widened, and the point nature of the protein, but also of the nature of the
of maximum precipitation shifted in the direction salt. In any such system, however, curves of
of the isoelectric point of the second p r ~ t e i n . ~ constant solubility can be constructed in which
In order to achieve satisfactory separation be- pH and salt concentration determine solubility a t
tween such proteins, therefore, the precipitation constant temperature and total protein concen-
zone of each should be approached under condi- tration.
tions in which all the proteins in the system either In many systems only a small proportion of the
bear a negative electric net charge, that is, are proteins are insoluble in water near their iso-
alkaline to their respective isoelectric points, or electric points. The separation and crystalliza-
all bear a positive electric net charge and are tion of these has heretofore not been carried out
acid to their respective isoelectric points.6 The a t low salt concentrations. And yet it is pre-
cisely a t the lowest salt concentrations that the
interactions with electrolytes are most intense.
These depend upon the number and distribution
of the electrically charged groups, as well as of the
other side chains, and therefore upon the same
structural pattern that determines the highly
specific nature of the protein molecule.
The system of fractionation here reported in-
volves lowering the solubility of the protein so
that separations may be carried out in the range
of low ionic strengths a t which the interactions
of proteins with electrolytes differ from each other
markedly, both in the isoelectric condition and
when dissociated as acids or bases.
Salting-Out.-The separation and crystalliza-
tion of water-soluble proteins has heretofore most
generally been carried out in very concentrated
salt solutions. The practice of reducing the
solubility of proteins by salting-out, introduced
in the middle of the last century by Panum, Vir-
chow and Claude Bernard and Hofmeister, has
been developed to take advantage of the influence
of pH and temperature upon protein solu-
(7) F o r convenieuce the sum of the proteins in the system is
treated as constituting the environmental variable. A more detailed
I analysis would treat each protein component as a separate variable.

m. (8) This effect of minute quantities of acid on the solubility of a

globulin in salt solutions was early observed by Osborne and Camp-
Fig. 1.-Protein solubility as a function of pH for var- bell [THISJOURNAL, 19, 482 (1897)] and has since been repeatedly
ious salt concentrations. studied [W. B. Hardy Proc. R o y . Soc. London, B79, 413 (1907);
_____- K.Linderstr#m-Lang and S. Kodama, Compt. rend. lrat. lab. Corls-
( 5 ) E , J. Colin, J . Gen. Physiol., 4 , 697 (1922); cf. p. 699. herg, 16, No. 1, (1925); S . P. I,. Serensen and 1. Sladek, ibid., 17,
(6) A. A . Green, THISJOURNAL, 60, 1108 (1938). No. 14 (1923); and A . A. Green, J . Bioi. Chenz., 93. 517 (193I)I.
March, 1936 SEPARATION

bility.9.10s11~12There are, however, limitations globulins in water, and this observation has been
both practical and theoretical to the separation extended to other pr0teins.2~223,~~
of proteins by salting-out. From a practical point Reducing the solubility of a protein to any de-
of view a protein separated from a concentrated sired extent by the addition of a water miscible
salt solution must next be freed of the salts pre- organic liquid, a t a temperature sufficiently low
cipitated with it. This is particularly necessa.ry to prevent protein denaturation, has both theo-
since the substances commonly used in salting- retical and practical advantages. From a practi-
out are usually not desirable when the protein cal point of view the volatile organic liquid can
preparation is to be used clinically. The removal be removed a t low temperature. -4 most con-
of unwanted salt has generally been accomplished venient procedure for this operation consists in
in the past by dialysis, a process which exposes lowering the temperature sufficiently below that
the protein for relatively long periods of time to employed in processing to freeze the wet protein
conditions which are rarely bacteriostatic. precipitate, and then removing both the organic
From a theoretical point of view the highly liquid and the water under reduced pressure.25,26,27
specific forces that determine the interactions be- The dangers of bacterial growth which beset di-
tween proteins and electrolytes a t low ionic alysis are completely avoided, and the final prod-
strengths are masked in concentrated salt solu- uct is a dry preparation of the protein and of such
tions. The predominant forces determining solu- non-volatile substances as precipitate with it.
Protein-Electrolyte Interactions in Alcohol-
bility in concentrated salt solutions, far from Water Mixtures.-Theoretical advantages in
being specific for proteins, are common to inter- carrying out plasma fractionation in a system in
action with gases, electrolytes and non-electro- which solubility is reduced t o a convenient level
lytes.11~13~14~1sSalting-out for proteins, as for by an organic liquid are manifold. The electrolyte
simpler molecu.les, even gases, depends largely concentration may be maintained in the low
upon the volunie of water displaced. The con- range in which interactions with proteins depend
stant defining the salting-out of proteins by sul- largely upon the ionic strength and the specific
fates or phosphates varies only by a factor of two electrochemical properties of the protein. 28 In-
or three to one1as contrasted with the very great deed, the interactions between proteins and ions,
variation in the interaction of different proteins as those between ions, are increased by the addi-
with electrolytes a t low salt concentrations. It tion of water miscible organic liquids which de-
was in order to take advantage of the more specific crease the dielectric constant of the solution. By
forces between proteins and electrolytes that an- balancing precisely the solvent action of the elec-
other method of reducing protein solubility was trolyte with the precipitating action of the or-
employed. ganic liquid widely different conditions can be
Alcohol Precipitation.-The solubility of pro- defined, such that the solubility of the proteins
teins may also be reduced by the addition of under consideration remains constant. The solu-
alcohols, acetone or other water miscible organic bility of the other proteins in certain of these
solvents to protein solution^.^^^^^^^^^^^ Such addi- (22) R. M . Ferry, E. J. Cohn and E. S. Xewman, J . B i d C k e m . ,
tions a t ordinary temperatures generally lead to 114, Proc. 34 (1936); THISJOURNAL, 60, 1480 (1938).
protein denaturation. Irreversible changes in the (23) E. J . Cohn, J , A. Luetscher, Jr., J , I>. Oncley, S. H. Arm-
strong, J r . , and B. D. Davis, ibid., 62, 3396 (1940).
labile protein molecules can generally be mini-
(24) E . J. Cohn, C k e m . Rea., 28, 395 (1941).
mized, however, if the temperature is maintained (23) The process of drying proteins from the frozen state yields
sufficiently low. Thus egg albumin, a readily de- soluble, undenatured preparations in most cases [ref. 20). For cer-
natured protein, could be recrystallized after tain lipoproteins, however, freezing appears t o weaken the attach-
ment between lipid and protein. This effect is even greater if the
being in 25% ethanol a t -5 for a month, if the freezing takes place in the presence of a n organic liquid. Indeed,
ethanol was removed before the temperature was freezing in the presence of a lipid solvent insoluble in water has been
raised. Keutral salts increase solubility under used as a method t o remove lipid from the protein t o which it is at-
tached (ref. 27). The removal of organic precipitants from lipo-
these conditions much as they do the solubility of proteins thus raises special problems.
(9) H. Chick and C . J. Martin, Biochein. J . , 7, 380 (1913). (26) E. W. Flosdorf and S. Mudd, J . I w z m i ~ ~ ~ o2L9,,, 389 (1936);
(10) S. P . I,. Srlrensen and M . Hdyrup, Coinpt. v e n d . tvau. lab. see also E . W. Flosdorf, F. J. Stokes and S. Mudd, J . A m . .\led.
Cnrfsbevg, 12, 213 (1915-1917). Assn., 116, 1095 (1940); R. I. N. Greaves and M. E. Adair, J .
(11) E. J. Cohn, Piiysiol. Rev., 6, 349 (1925). H y s . , S9, 413 (1939); J. & I. and D. C. Pfeiffer, A m . Internol
(12) A. A. Green, J . Riol. C h e w . , 93, 517 (1931). .\fed., 14, 201 (1940); hl. M. Strumia, J. J. McGraw and J. Reichel,
(13) P . Debye a n d J . McAulay, P h y s i k . Z . , 26, 22 (1925); P. A m . J . C l i n . Path., 11,480 (1041); M . M .Strumia and J . J . AlcGraw,
Debye, Z . p h y s i k . C h e w . , 150, 56 (1927). J . L a b . C l i z . M e d . , 28, 1140 (1943).
(14) G. Scatchard, C h e w . Rev.. 5, 383 (1927); T r a n s . F a r a d a y So.. (27) A. S.McFarlane, S a t u v e , 149, 439 (1942).
23, 484 (1927). (28) The experimental evidence t h a t the logarithm of the activity
( l a ) M. Randall and C. F. Failey, C h e m . Rea., 4, 271 (1927). coefficient of a protein increases with the dipole moment a n d , as a
(16) E. J. Cohn, A n n . Rev. Biochcm., 4,S3 (1935); cf. p. 136. first approximation, by slightly less than the first power of the dipole
(17) J. Mellanby, P r o c . Ror. Soc. ( L o n d o n ) , BBO, 399 (1908). moment of the protein. and the expectations from the theories of
(18) W. B. Hardy and S. Gardiner, J . P h y s i o f . , 40, lxviii (1910). Scatchard and Kirkwood [ P h y s . Z . , 33, 297 (1932)j and Kirkwood
(19) L. D. Felton, Bull. Johns H o p k i n s Hosp., 88, 33 (1926). [ J . C k e m . P h y s . , 2, 331 (1934)] are considered in detail hy Cohn and
(20) H . \Vu, Chinese J . P h y s i o l . , 7, 125 (1933-1934). Edsall [Proteins, Amino Acids and Peptides as Ions and Dipolar
(21) R . A I . F e r r y , 12. J . Cohn and E . S. Newman, J . Bioi. C h e m . , Ions, Reinhold Publishiny Corp.. Xew York, X. I.,1943, r f . p p .
109. Proc. 32 (1!13>); THIS J O U R N A L , 58, 2370 (1936). 609-61 7 1.

systems will generally be sufficiently different to the framework of this system. However, in the
permit satisfactory separations to be made. fractimation of plasma proteins that has been
A further advantage in carrying out protein carried out for the Armed Forces on a large scale
fractionations in systems containing the desired with the blood of over two million donors to the
concentration of electrolyte and organic precipi- American Red Cross, a five-variable system has
tant is tha.t five independent variables may be sufficed in which the limits were as follows
maintained under accurate control. I n a system Variable Limits employed
containing five variables, three of which are main- PH 4 . 4 to 7.4
tained constant and the other two are chosen such r/2 0.001 to 0.16
that one will increase and the other decrease solu- Ethanol concil., mole fraction 0 to 0.163
bility, conditions can be determined and curves Ethanol concn., vol. %' a t 25' 0 to 40
constructed defining the constant solubility of any Protein concn., g./liter 0 '7 to 66
protein. For example, in the system that we have Temperature, "C. 0 to -10
employed, the desired solubility for a given pro-
tein can be reproducibly achieved under a variety These conditions have been attained, and the
of conditions of electrolyte and ethanol concen- variables maintained constant, by the use of
tration a t the given pH, temperature and protein acetate and carbonate buffer systems to control
concentration. If the protein is a mixture, the p H and ionic strength, and by the use of ethanol
composition of the precipitate and that of the as precipitant since i t was readily removed by dis-
solution will vary along a curve of constant total tillation. These reagents are both convenient for
solubility. The smaller the protein Concentration, the processing of biological systems and safe to
the more accurately can the solubility curve of a use in the preparation of protein and lipid prod-
mixture and the compositions of the precipitate ucts, even where large quantities are destined for
and the solution be predicted from the solubility intravenous use. The high values for protein
curves of the components. concentration, PH and ionic strength are those of
I n a system in which PH, salt and ethanol the original plasma. Precipitation was carried
concentrations are variables, curves will not out a t the lowest convenient ethanol concentra-
suffice to define conditions for constant solubility; tion and temperature, and a t the optimum p H
a surface must be constructed. The conditions and ionic strength for each separation. The lower
for constant solubility are then given with three protein concentrations decreased interactions and
variables as parameters. permitted sharper separations to be made, al-
Variation of the temperature has also been em- though each protein species constituted a separate
ployed in order to effect reproducible separations component and its concentration a variable in-
in the fractionations that have been carried out. fluencing the interactions of proteins with electro-
X more cornplex diagram would be necessary to lytes, with the organic precipitant and with each
represent graphically the conditions for constant other.
solubility-either high solubility where the pre- 11. Materials and Methods
cipitation of other components was desired, or low Plasma.-The normal human plasma employed in this
solubility when a component was to be separated investigation was separated from blood collected by the
Boston Metropolitan Chapter of the American Red Cross
as a precipitate-in the multi-component systems in standard bleeding bottles, containing 50 cc. of 4% U.
that have been fractionated. S . P. sodium citrate solution into which approximately 500
Other or more complex systems can readily be cc. of blood was drawn. The plasma was separated from
employed with other limits to these variables, or the red cells by centrifugationzg a t the Massachusetts
Department of Public Health Antitoxin and Vaccine
to which other substances are added a t variable Laboratory, and pooled after completion of serological
concentrations in order to vary still further the tests. Fractionation was begun within seventy-two hours
properties of the solution in which separations of the time that the blood was drawn. Except for a few
are to be effected. Were the proteins to be sep- hours occupied in separation of the cells, the plasma was
arated strongly basic, like histones or protamines, Analyses of 34 large pools of citrated plasma, carried
a more alkaline p H range would be required than out under the direction of Dr. H. B. Vickcry of the Coil-
has sufficed for the plasma proteins; were they necticut Agricultural Experiment Station, gave an
average value of 9.88 g. per liter as the total nitrogen con-
more soluble in organic liquids, like the pro- tent of citrated plasma. Of this 9.63 g. per liter was
lamines, a different range of concentration of the protein nitrogen.30 Multiplying this value by the con-
organic liquid would be required. Certain separa-
(29) A number 3 International Centrifuge maiiufactured by the
tions may be more effectively carried out in solu- International Equipment Company, Boston, Massachusetts, was
tions containing either higher alcohols, acetone, used. Comparable, a n d in some cases better yields have been ob-
dioxane or ether, or polyhydric alcohols, or mix- tained using either cup centrifubes or special continuous centrifuges
designed by either DeLaval Separator Company, 165 Broadway,
tures of organic liquid with sugars or with dipolar h-ew York City (Model Number 54) o r Sharples Corporation, 23rd
ions, such ai; glycine, which increase the dielectric and Westmoreland Streets, Philadelphia 40, Pennsylvania, bowl
constant of the solution. Moreover, specific type 18 C Y 4 4 for the separation of plasma in one or another of
interactions with ions, which either have solvent the seven commercial laboratories who have had S a v y contracts for
plasma fractionation by these methods.
or precipitating actions other than those due to (30) Non-protein nitrogen was determined after precipitation of
their ionic strength, very often prove useful within the protein with 10% trichloroacetic acid.
March, 1946 SEPARATION
ventional nitrogen factor, 6.25, gave 60.3 g. per liter as the By this method a determination could readily be made in a
protein content of the average pool of citrated plasma. few minutes with as little as 1 cc. of solution.
Water.-Distilled water was prepared by a single dis- Acetate BuEers.-The control and adjustment of the
tillation of Boston city water through a still with a "Span- acidity of the solution was effected by the use of acetate
ish prison" type In order t o minimize bacterial buffer solutions of known PH and ionic strength.33 Prepa-
contamination the hot water collected from the still was ration of such solutions is facilitated by the use of the
stored in borosilicate glass containers a t a temperature Cartesian nomogramg4 or the more recently developed
above 50". All apparatus was rinsed with this hot water D'Ocagne nomogram.Q6
and cooled immediately before use. Reagent grade acetic acid and sodium acetate were used
Ethanol.--,?, commercial grade of 95y0 ethanol has been without further purification for the preparation of buffers.
used without further purification for the major part of Stock solutions of 10 M acetic acid and 4 kf sodium acetate
this work.32 have proven convenient in the preparation of the buffers
Ethanol-Water Mixtures.-Ethanol solutions were used in adjusting PH to a more acid reaction. The use of
inade up with hot water and then cooled and stored a t buffer solutions rather than free acid, which was never
-5' or below. The concentrations were determined by employed in these investigations, protected the proteins
density measurements a t 25' and are recorded either as in the system from acidities greater than those of the
volume per ccnt. at this temperature or as mole fraction buffer solution. The addition of all reagents, either by
ethanol. The composition and the criteria for the stand- diffusion through membranes, or from capillaries with con-
ardization of a f e w of the ethanol-water mixtures used stant stirring, was designed to prevent the development
repeatedly in thi'j investigation are given in Table I. of local excesses in order t o minimize the denaturation of
Ethanol concentrations of solutions containing non-vol- proteins from acids or alcohols.
atile solutes were determined by sublimation in vacuo of pH.-The PH in these systems was controlled, wherever
the solvent from .:he frozen solution. The refractive in- possible, by the use of buffers t o yield the desired ionic
dex, read on a Pulfrich dipping refractometer, proved a strengths. The values of PH recorded do not refer to those
convenient method of analyzing for ethanol in the distillate. in the ethanol-water mixtures a t the low temperatures a t
which the proteins were fractionated. The PH was always
TABLE I determined by dilution of these systems to concentrations
PIICSICAL CHEMICAL CONSTANTS O F ETHANOL-WATERsufficiently low in ethanol that the pH value did not
MIXTURES USED IN PLASMA FRACTIONATION appear to change significantly with further dilution. In
systems of low ionic strength, neutral salt solution was
Volume Density a t
70 Mole 25'C. Refractive Freezing used as diluent. The measurements of PH were made with
ethanol fraction, referred to index, point, a glass electrode a t a temperature near 25".
a t 25' ethanol water a t 4'" 25'b 0C.C Temperature.-All temperatures during processing
8 0.0266 0.9860 1.3366 - 2.6 were maintained a t 0 " or lower. The plasma, as soon as it
LO ,0328 ,9835 1.337'7 - 3.4 was pooled, was brought to 0" before the addition of an
ethanol-water mixture. During the addition in all but
15 ,0509 .9775 1.3405 - 5.4 method 1 the temperature was maintained close to the
18 ,0624 ,9741 1.3422 - 6.8 freezing point by carrying out the process in a -5' room.
05 ,0997 ,9659 1.3463 -10.1' In order to increase the rate a t which the temperature
'LO .1630 .9448 1.3537 -23.0 could be decreased, cooling coils were introduced into, or
surrounding, the glass-lined or stainless steel kettles in
53.3 .2462 .9198 1.3583 -33.5 which processing took place.36
PHYSICAL CHElMIOAL CONSTANTS O F ETHANOL-WATER The processing room a t the Harvard Pilot Plant was
maintained a t -5'. The deviations of the air tempera-
PROTEIN SYSTEMS USEDIN METHOD 6 ture within the room rarely exceeded The tem-
~~ Estimated densities perature within the processing tanks was maintained to
Supernatant Mole Ethanol-
solution of fraction Temp., water Protein within *0.5'.
fraction ethanol "C. (salt-free) solutiond In certain steps the temperature was reduced below -5".
Plasma 0 0 1.03 This was accomplished by the use of accessory refrigeration
equipment to cool the processing tanks, centrifuge or other
I 0.027 -2.5 0.990 1.01. equipment.
I1+ I11 .091 -5 ,977 0.99 Centrifugation was the principal means used for separat-
IV-1 ,062 -5 .981 1.00 ing the precipitates a t each step in the process. \\rhere the
IV-4 ,163 -5 .963 0.97 volumes were more than a few liters, a continuous centrifuge
was used.%
v ,163 -5 .963 0.9i
a Data a t 25" taken from Landolt-Bornstein, "Physi- (33) E. J. Cohn, F. F. Heyroth a n d M. F. Menkin, THISJOURNAL,
kalisch-chetnische Tabellen," J. Springer, Berlin, 1923, 60,696 (1928).
p. 448. Densities. a t other temperatures estimated by (34) A. A. Green, i b i d . , 66, 2331 (1933).
extrapolation. * Taken from Official and Tentative (33) W.C. Boyd, i b i d . , 61, 1035 (1945).
Methods of Analysis, 3rd ed., published by the Associa- (36) In large-scale commercial processing i t was found convenient
tion of Official Agricultural Chemists, Washington, D. C., to operate with closed, insulated, brine-jacketed kettles, which could
1930. Xote a p. 1457. The densities of plasma and then be located outside t h e cold processing room but connected with
of the supernatant solution from which each fraction was i t by stainless steel, insulated pipes. Connections to centrifuges a n d
separated brought to room temperature have been taken filters within the cold room were a s short as possible. 411 equipment
as: 1.02, 1.02, 0.9& 0.9&0.95, 0.95. and connections used in processing were either glass-lined or of stain-
less steel, and installed so as to be readily cleaned and sterilized.
(31) Model ShlQ-Em from Barnstead Still a n d Sterilizer Com- Rubber gaskets and rubber connecting tubes were eliminated wher-
pany, Inc., 2 Lanesville Terrace, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. ever possible.
In localities where t a p water contains an excessive amount of organic (37) The temperature control was effected by means of a Duplex
matter more extensive treatment may be necessary to eliminate con- air operated control and recorder manufactured by the Foxboro Co.,
taminants which give rise to febrile reactions following intravenous Foxboro, IMassachusetts.
injection. (38) Sharples supercentrifuge Model 16, manufactured by T h e
c32) In commercia. production denatured ethanol formula 3A Sharples Corporation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. All parts com-
obtained from various sources has been substituted without detected ing in contact with the material to be centrifuged were stainless steel.
ch.mae in t h e fractionation. When denatured alcohols are used i t is When using the high speed centrifuge i t was necessary to dissipate
important to be sure t i a t all denaturants are readily removed by the the heat produced by air friction. This was accomplished by refrig-
procedure w e d to remove ethanol. erating the air m a c e between the rotor and the frame. Even momen-
Filtration was, in some cases, used as a method for re- Nitrogen and Dry Weight Analyses.-Nitrogen was
covering precipitates, but it was used principally as a determined by micro-Kjeldahl. To permit estimation of
means of removing traces of suspended material not re- non-protein nitrogen (NPN), protein was precipitated by
moved by centrifugation or gravity sedimentation. By 10% trichloroacetic acid. Dry weights were estimated
careful clarification of solutions small amounts of material after heating for twenty-four to forty-eight hours in an air
were removed which, if present during a subsequent pre- oven a t 110". These analyses have largely been carried
cipitation, would contribute impurities to the precipitate. out by M. M. Hasson and M. H. Smith.
In most cases it was found useful to add calcined diato- Lipid Analysis.-Total cholesterol was determined by
maceous earth as a diluent for the filter cake and thus an the method described by Bloor, Pelkan and Allen.43 No
aid to rapid f i l t r a t i ~ n . ~ ~ , ~ o attempt was made to carry out detailed analyses for the
In order t o ensure adequate removal of suspended mat- various lipids in plasma.44 For the purpose of controlling
ter by filtration nephelometric measurements41 were often separation and standardizing products, measurements
used as a means of control. In the separation of albumin were occasionally made of lipid phosphorus, and routinely
a correlation was established between the clarity of the of total cholesterol, by P. Gross.
supernatant from which the albumin was t o be precipitated Electrophoretic analysis of plasma and the various frac-
and the thermal stability of the albumin. tions has been used as a convenient means of characterizing
Drying from the frozen state was used in many cases as certain of the separations. Its application to the problems
a means of removing ethanol employed in the processing, of plasma fractionation has been previously d i s c ~ s s e d . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
as well as a means of reducing the proteins to a dry, stable The measurements reported for methods 1 and 2 were
state for storage or resolution in an appropriate solvent. carried out in a phosphate buffer a t PH 7.7 and an ionic
Most of the drying a t the Harvard Pilot Plant was carried strength of 0.2. A more complete resolution of the
out on Folsom type driers. Where more rapid drying, or a-globulins and albumin was obtained in the analysis of
drying many small final containers, especially to very low the fractionation by methods 5 and 6 by substituting a
moisture content, was desired, one of the more recently sodium diethyl barbiturate 'buffer a t PH 8.6.50and an
developed biological desiccating units was employed. The ionic strength of 0.1. The electrophoretic measurements
precipitates t o be dried were suspended in water, and have been made by M. J. E. Budka, A. H. Sparrow, K. C.
where ethanol was present it was usually diluted to less MacDonald and M. Clark under the direction of S. H.
than 15%. The suspensions were frozen in a Dry Ice- Armstrong, Jr.
ethanol-bath and the volatile material removed in vacuo. Ultracentrifuge analysis of the various fractions was
For preparations which are t o be immediately redissolved employed as an aid in determining conditions for their
the drying process need go no further than is necessary to separation, as a method for characterizing the separated
remove the ethanol. I n order to preserve many labile proteins, and as a means of determining whether denatura-
components in the dry state, however, very low moisture tion had occurred.45 An air-driven Pickels type ultra-
contents must be achieved rapidly and the final product centrifuge equipped with Schlieren Toepler optical system
stored i n v a m o . was used. All ultracentrifuge measurements were made
Sterility was obtained in liquid products by liltration by C. G. Gordon and G. K. Thurber under the direction of
through asbestos-paper pulp pads.. This operation was J. L. Oncley.
carried out immediately following solution of the dry prod-
uct and sterility achieved as rapidly as possible, since the 111. System of Plasma Fractionation
conditions in the reconstituted aqueous solutions, in con- The system of plasma fractionation described
trast to t h o x in ethanol-water mixtures a t low tempera-
tures, are not bacteriostatic.4z here has been repeatedly modified and is subject
- to further modification. The possible conditions
tary failure of the refrigeration can lead to a rise in temperature suf-
ficient to denature proteins in the presence of ethanol,
for the separation of the components of the system
(39) Several grades of calcined diatomaceous earth filter aids are many, and one method has replaced another
manufactured by the Johns Manville Corporation, 22 East 40th in our effort, which still continues, t o determine
Street, New York 16, N. Y., have been used. The filtration equip- the optimum conditions for the separation of
ment used a t the Harvard Pilot Plant consisted mainly of a 14" each component from all the others.
stainless steel horizontal plate filter manufactured by the Sparkler
Manufacturing Company, Mundelin, Illinois. Buchner funnels were The experimental conditions that obtained in
used for small-:jcale filtrations, and a few experiments were carried four of the six methods that have thus far been
out with a continuous rotary filter manufactured by the Oliver employed in the fractionation of normal human
United Filters, Inc., 2900 Glascock Street, Oakland, California. plasma are given in Table 11. The number of
In most cases a'jbestos paper pulp pads were used of the types manu-
factured by I?. R.Hormann & Co., Inc., 1 2 1 Roerum Place, Brooklyn, major fractions was purposely maintained as
New York and Republic Filters, Inc., 204 2lst rlvenue, Patterson 3, laboratory filters manufactured by F. R . Hormann & Company and
A-ea Jersey. Model 200 I E plate and frame press manufactured by Republic Fil-
(40) aids Rere usually washed before use with several vol- ters have been used to hold the filter sheets for sterilizing filtrations,
umes of 2 y 0 sodium chloride, followed by several volumes of an (43) Pi. R. Bloor, K . F. Pelkan and D. M. Allen, J . Bid. Chem.,
ethanol-water sdution of the same ethanol and salt concentration as 52, 191 (1922).
the system to be filtered. I n certain systems, where the buffer con- (44) More detailed studies of the lipids in Fraction I V have been
centration was low, i t was found necessary to wash the filter aids carried out by H. E. Carter, A. Chanutin, and E. Chargaff (personal
and filters with sufficient buffered solution to bring the $H of the communications). See also doctor's thesis of G. Philips carried out
filter close t o t h a t of the material t o be filtered. under H. E. Carter, University of Illinois.
(41) Most of the nephelometric measurements were made in a (43) E. J. Cohn, J. L. Oncley, I,. E. Strong, W. L. Hughes, Jr.,
Zeiss-Pulfrich photometer with nephelometer attachment, in which and S. H, Armstrong, Jr.. J . Clin. I n v e s f . , 23, 417 (1944).
the scattered beam makes an angle of 4.5' with the unscattered emer- (46) A re-appraisal of the electrophoretic analyses of the plasma
gent beam. More recently, a photoelectric tyndallometer designed proteins based on tne consideration of the technical problems in-
by Hans Mueller and C . Rad0 has been used. This latter instru- volved in the interpretation of Schlieren diagrams (refs. 47 and 48)
ment was developed under a contract recommended by the Com- and the refractive index increments of the plasma proteins (ref. 49)
mittee on IIrdical Research, between the Office of Scientific Research are considered in two subsequent papers in this series.
and Development and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ( 4 1 ) S . H Armstrong, Jr., M . J . E. Budka and K. RI. Morrison,
primarily for use in the study and acceptance of normal human in preparation.
serum .rlbumin (see G. Scatchard, S. T. Gibson, L. hf. Woodruff, (48) H. Svensson, Aukiw. K e m i , Mineral. Geol., ITA, 14, 1943.
4 . C. Batchelder and 4 . Brown, J . Clin. Inz'esl., 23, 445 (1944)). (49) S. H . Armstrong, J r . , M. J. E. Budka, P. Gross and &I, Has-
(42) Pads manufactured for this purpose by the F. R. Hormann & son. in preparation.
Company and Kepubiic Filters have been used successfully. Small (50) L. G. Longsworth, Chem. Rev., 30, 323 (1942).

Protein in
Mole Protein in N X 6.25
fraction system g./liter
Fraction Method 9H r/2 Temp,, ' C a ethanol g./liter of plasmab
Plasma 7.4 0.16 60.3
I 1 Uncontrolled .08 0 0.027 30.1 4.2
I 2 Uncontrolled .13 0 .033 29.0 4.1
I 5 Uncontrolled .14 -3 ,027 51.1 4.3
I 6 7,2 .14 -3 ,027 51.1 3.8
I1 1 Uncontrolled .04 - <5 ,051 28.0 6.8
I11 1 Uncontrolled .02 -3 .091 24.6 7.0
I1 + I11 2 Uncontrolled .08 -5 .091 29.9 13.5
I1 + I11 3 6.8 -09 -5 .091 29.7 16.3
I1 + I11 6 A .8 .09 - 5" ,091 30.0 15.5
IV 1 5.5 -05 -5 .163 10.6 13.4
IIT 2 5.8 .09 -5 ,163 10.6 14.1
IV 5 5.8 .09 -5 .163 9.9 9.7
11:-1 6 5.2 .09 -3 ,062 15.8 4.3
IV-4 6 5.8 .09 -5 ,163 10.1 5.8
v 1 4.8 .06 -5 ,163 7.2 26.7
v 2 4.8 .ll -5 ,163 6.9 27.9
v 5 4.8 .ll -5 ,163 6.7 29.6
V 6 4.8 .ll -5 ,163 7.5 29.9
VI 1 4,8 .06 -5 ,163 0.7 2.8
VI 2 4.8 .ll -5 ,163 0.2 0.6
VI 5 4.8 .ll -5 ,163 0.2 0.6
VI 6 4.8 .ll -5 ,163 0.2 0.9
a The temperature control in method 1 was accurate to * 2 O , in subsequent methods to *0.5'. The size of fractiont
was reproducible to about 0.5 g. per liter plasma. Certain preparations have been Carrie d out a t - 10' in the interes
of diminishing depressor nature of lipoprotein fractions.

small as possible so as to facilitate and render tion, IV-1, rich in lipid and in a-globulins and
economical large-scale processing. Further divi- readily denatured by high ethanol concentrations,
sion of these major fractions into subfractions and was first removed a t a lower ethanol concentration
the final separation, wherever possible, of chemi- and a more acid reaction than was employed for
cal components will be the subject of succeeding the complete precipitation of the globulins in
papers. Fraction IV. This change in procedure, which
The attempt was made to have as much as again brought the number of primary precipi-
possible of the fibrinogen in Fraction I, of the tates to five, thus made available a- and P-globu-
y-globulins in :Fraction 11, of the lipid-bearing lins as soluble fractions available for chemical
@-globulinsin Fraction 111, of the a-globulins in and clinical studies.
Fraction IV, and of the albumins in Fraction V. The high albumin yield in Fraction V was first
In method 1, Fraction I1 and Fraction I11 were obtained with method 5 , which was specifically
removed separately by increasing the ethanol developed for that purpose, since the clinical use
concentration a t constant temperature and with- of this fraction had been established before the
out adjustment of the pH, first to mole fraction value of the y-globulins for prophylaxis in
0.051, and then to mole fraction 0.091 ethanol. measles and infectious jaundice, of the isohemag-
This attempt a t fractionation by simple ethanol glutinins in blood-grouping, or of the various
precipitation proved unsatisfactory since both products of fibrinogen and thrombin as hemo-
7-globulin and prothrombin were distributed be- static agents, films and plastics51 was demon-
tween the two fractions. In methods 2 to 6, strated. The present uses of these diverse prod-
therefore, Fractions I1 and I11 have been precipi- ucts of plasma fractionation are again leading t o
tated together and the various important and revision of the earlier steps in the process so as to
useful components in the mixture separated from increase the yield of fibrinogen in Fraction I and of
each other by subfractionation. y-globulin in Fraction 11. These developments
On the other hand, Fraction IV, separated in will be considered in subsequent papers in this
methods 1 to 3 as one precipitate, was removed in series.
method 6 in two steps. Fraction 1V prepared by In method 1 reagents were introduced through
methods 1 to 5 contained denatured protein. cellophane membranes.23 The experimental con-
Method 6 was therefore devised in which a frac- (51) See J. Clin. Invest., '23,417-606 (1944).
466 Corn, STRONG,
MULFORD, Vol. 68

Fraction Method Albumin a-Globulin Cholesterol &Globulin 7-Globulin Fibrinogenb
Plasma 33.2 8.4 1.6 7.8 6.6 4.3
I 1 0.3 0 0 0.2 0.7 3.0
I 2 1.0 0.3 ... .4 .2 2.4
I 1 0.2 .2 0.02 .8 .5 2.6
I G 0.3 .3 .01 .6 .3 2.3
11" 1 1.5 0 .2 1.3 3.7 0.3
111 1 1.5 .1 .3 2.6 2.G 0.2
I1 I11 2 0.6 .9 ... 5.9 4.7 1.4
I1 111 5 .7 1.8 1.1 6.2 6.0 1.6
I1 + 111 6 .6 0.9 1.3 6.7 5.7 1.6
Iv 1 5.6 4.2 0.7 3.0 0.4 0.2
Iv 2 4.9 4.9 ... 3.7 .B 0
IV 5 1.0 5.4 0.4 3.1 .2 0
IV-1 6 ... 3.9 .4 0.4 .04 0
IV-4 6 0.9 2.7 .04 2.2 0 0
v 1 26.0 0.3 0 0.4 0 0
1- 2 27.0 .B ... 0.3 0 0
v 5 29.0 .6 < .01 0 0 0
\- 6 28.4 1.2 < .01 0.3 0 0
T'I 1 2.2 0.1 0.02 0 0 0
VI 2 0.5 .1 ... 0 0 0
\-I 5 .3 .3 ... 0 0 0
TTI 6 .7 .2 ... 0 0 0
1 37.1 4.7 1.2 7.5 7.4 3.7
Totals 2 33.5 6.7 ... 10.3 5.5 3.8
5 31.2 8.3 1.5 10.1 6.7 4.2
G 30.9 9.4 1.7 10.2 6.0 3.9
a This early Fraction I1 should not be confused with Fraction I1 prepared in later methods by subfractionation
of I1 f 111. Estimated by electrophoresis. The amount of clottable protein is always lower and presumably more
ditions obtaining for each separation are re- the solution. The rates of addition through
ported in Table I. The pH and ethanol concen- capillary jets varied from 50 cc. to 500 cc. per
trations a t which separations were made are minute a t different stages in the process. Through-
graphically represented in Fig. 2. The method of out the additions, temperature was carefully con-
adding reagents by diffusion through a membrane trolled so that the heat evolved as a result of mix-
was introduced so that the equilibrium conditions ing ethanol and water did not lead to a rise in
for separations would be attained without risk of temperature,62 and so that the desired tempera-
local excesses, either of ethanol or of acid, which ture was attained a t the completion of the addi-
might lead to protein denaturation. Where frac- tion.
tionation is carried out on a small scale advantages The conditions of pH and ethanol concentra-
inhere in this procedure which will sometimes tion a t which separations were made were much
outweigh the manipulative advantages of the as in method 1. The ionic strengths were, of
subsequent methods, which were specifically de- course, higher, since salt was not constantly being
signed for large-scale processing. lost through the dialyzing a t the
Method 2.-It was found possible t o avoid the same time that the reagents were being added.
manipulative difficulties of carrying out dialysis The greatest difference in ionic strength occurred
on a large scale by substituting direct addition ( 5 2 ) Whenever possible ethanol was added a s an ethanol-water
of reagents through capillaries a t a slow and mixture. Since the final volume in the process was 4 times plasma
controlled rate. The ethanol was always added volume (see Table I) a n 0.246 mole fraction ethanol-water mixture
in an ethanol-water mixture as dilute as possible proved convenient for many operations. Adding 0.246 mole frac-
tion ethanol a t -5' t o 0.051 mole fraction ethanol a t -5' can easily
and the acid as a buffer mixture as high in PH as lead t o a mixture with a temperature of 0' or higher if provision is
possible. The volumes in which the reagents were not made for adequate absorption of t h e heat evolved. Such a tem-
added were as large and the temperature as low as perature rise is quite sufficient t o injure even the more stable plasma
convenient. The systems to which the reagents proteins in the presence of ethanol.
(53) The removal of electrolytes and of most other small molecules
were added were constantly stirred so as to avoid is conveniently accomplished in the later methods by reprecipitation
local excesses of the added reagents, but without or by trituration of a fraction under conditions such t h a t the protein
entrainment of air and the resulting foaming of is insoluble.
March, 1946 SEPARATION

Method 1 Method 2

4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8

PH. w.
Method 5 Method 6
0.20 - Y 131-4


8 0.10
; *

5 19-I
I 0 T
4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8
Fig. 2.--Ethanol concentration and PH for separation of plasma fractions by various methods.

a t the separation of Fraction 111, which was as low the procedures for recovering Fraction V or Frac-
as 0.02 in method 1, and close to 0.09 for Fraction tion VI in method 1 and methods 2, 5 or 6.
I1 I11 in subsequent methods. Increased solu- The albumin in Fraction V was readily further
bility, especially of globulins, due to increased purified of salts and other molecules, including
ionic strength can generally be balanced either by thermally unstable impurities, either by crystal-
change in PH, increase in ethanol concentration li~ation or~by
~ reprecipitation. In methods 1 and
or decrease in t e m p e r a t ~ r e . ~ ~ 2 Fraction V was largely dissolved in ethanol of
Since the smaller molecules, especially the mole fraction 0.051 a t Oo a t a concentration of
carbonates and citrates removed by dialysis iri about 3% protein. A small amount of material,
method 1, were still present in the supernatant of containing some albumin and a large part of the
Fraction I1 +
I11 in methods 2, 5 and 6, the acid a-globulins, remained insoluble. The dissolved
required to neutralize the dialyzable buffers was albumin was then reprecipitated by raising the
large in comparison with that required to neutral- ethanol concentraticn to mole fraction 0.163.
ize the proteins. Any variation in the proportion Method 3 differed from methods 2 , 5 and 6 in
of citrate, carbonate and protein in the collected t h a t the albumin in the supernatant of Fraction
blood imposed a variation in the buffer required, IV was not concentrated by isoelectric precipi-
so that each fraction might be removed under tation, but by vacuum distillation. Although
conditions closely similar to those that have been the ethanol and water could be conveniently re-
found satisfactory to effect the desired separations. moved by this process, which could be carried out
The albumin was present in the filtrate from a t sufficiently low temperatures to prevent de-
Precipitate IV and was separated by isoelectric naturation of the protein, the non-volatile com-
precipitation in Fraction V. A small amount of ponents were concentrated with the albumin,
the albumin was found in the mother liquors and the concentrate was therefore very rich in
(Fraction VI). There was no difference between salt. This step, which thus yielded Fraction
(54) In later methods the pH at which Fraction I1 + 111 was re- V +VI as a concentrated solution, was followed
moved was adjusted to 6.8. I n the reprecipitation of the ?- and by dialysis. Method 3 had advantages for specific
certain of the @-globulins of this fraction, when the pH was again
brought t o a more alkaline reaction in order to remove lipid, the ionic
purposes. It required neither a centrifuge for
strength had again been reduced (see subsequent papers in this ( 5 5 ) E. J. Cohn and W. I-. Hughes, Jr., subsequent paper in this
series). series.

the separation of the albumin nor drying equip- near PH 6.8. This adjustment was made by the
ment for the removal of the alcohol. On the other addition to the ethanol solution used as a precip-
hand, where human albumin was to be separated itant of a sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer with
for intravenous use its removal and purification a molar ratio of salt to acid of 1.77, and served
by isoelectric precipitation a t low temperature to protect labile components of plasma from
was preferred. alkaline reactions. The yield of prothrombin was
Method 4 differed from method 2 in t h a t the also increased in method 5, and components of
albumin in Fraction lr was finally crystallized complement were concentrated in it which had
under somewhat different physicochemical con- been destroyed in the earlier methods.56
ditions of PH, temperature, ionic strength and Loss of albumin into Fraction IV was minimized
ethanol coricentration than sufficed for amorphous in method 5 by changing the order of the addition
reprecipita t i ~ n .However, ~~ normal human serum of the reagents. This change is illustrated in
albumin could be prepared in far larger amounts Fig. 2. The PH of the supernatant of Fraction
and with higher yields if further purification by I1 + I11 was adjusted in method 5 before the
crystallization was not superimposed upon the ethanol concentration in the system was increased.
process. 'The standards of purity determined As a result, protein complexes formed a t PH
upon for the albumin delivered to the Kavy in values between 6.S and 5.8 and insoluble in 0.091,
large amounts were chosen so as to assure freedom rather than in 0.163 mole fraction ethanol, were
from untoward reactions with maximum efficiency more likely t o be those precipitated in Fraction
in large-scale production. IV. Albumin represented over 3056 of Fraction
Method 5 was a further development of IV as precipitated in method 2 . The amount ex-
method 2 New physicochemical conditions pected from occlusion should not have exceeded
defining optimum points for separation had been 2%. Since albumin is relatively soluble in ethanol
determined, as well as optimum conditions for of mole fraction 0.163 a t pH 3.8 and r/2 = 0.09,
approaching these points, with the result that the amount retained in this fraction was presumed
the y-globulins were more completely concen- to be precipitated in combination with proteins of
trated in Fraction I1 + 111 and the albumin in more nearly neutral isoelectric points. Washing
Fraction Ti. This was accomplished largely by of the precipitate with ethanol of mole fraction
more careful consideration of the charged condi- 0.163,O.l molar in sodium chloride did not remove
tion of the proteins and therefore of the protein- albumin, Albumin was, however, much reduced
protein interactions interfering with their separa- when the washing was carried out a t PH 6.2. The
tion. The ethanol concentration, the ionic results of the experiments leading to method 5 are
strength, and the temperature a t which fractiona- given in Table IV.
tion occur red were tentatively maintained as
before (these variables being reconsidered in TABLE IV
method 6), since our investigations demonstrated COXDITIONS FOR SEPARATIOX AND EXTRACTIOX OF ALBU-
that substantial advances could be made by MIN FROM FRACTION 11'
better definition of pH and of the order in which Fraction IV
Preparation washed at
Electrophoretic analysis
fraction I V
the adjustment in PH and the increase in ethanol Method number pH Albumin a 6 y
concentration were effected. 2 82-84 28 40 30 2
The changes in the separation of Fraction I 5 57 16 52 29 3
were to lower the temperature to approach -3' 5 91-95 5.8 17 52 29 2
during the addition of the ethanol-water mixture 5 96-98 6.2 11 55 32 2
added to precipitate the fibrinogen, and the eth- 7-% Fraction V-
anol was decreased from mole fraction 0.033 to Q
0.027, so as to minimize loss of albumin or y- 2 82-84 99 1 0 0
<5 91-93 5.8 98 2 0 0
globulin into this fraction.
5 96-98 6.2 08 2 0 0
Increasing the ethanol concentration to mole
a Fraction I\' not washed.
fraction 0.091 and lowering the temperature to
-5' did not suffice in method 2 to precipitate all
the y-globulins or all the isoagglutinin^^^ in These changes in procedure resulted in precipi-
Fraction I1 + 111. For during processing carbon tating
less albumin in Fraction IV without, how-
significantly decreasing the purity of the
dioxide was lost and the alkalinity increased, often
to a PH as high as 7.8. By careful control of the albumin in Fraction V. Fraction V was precipi-
pH it was found possible to obtain more nearly tated under the same conditions in methods 2
quantitative precipitation of the y-globulins and 5 . Conditions for the resolution of Fraction V
without further increase in ethanol concentration. were, however, modified. The ethanol concentra-
The pH of the supernatant of Fraction I was tion was reduced to 0.033 mole fraction ethanol
reduced in method 5 by the addition of an acetate and the temperature to -2' in the interests of
buffer so that Fraction I1 + I11 was precipitated minimizing protein denaturation. 9 s in method 2
a small precipitate was removed and the albumin
( 5 6 ) We 'ire indebted t o L t I Pillemer for his collaboration in a
preliminary .tudy of the isoagfiiiitin~niand o f t h e component5 of was reprecipitated a t - 5' and 0.1G3 mole fraction
complement in human plasma ethanol.

Method 6 was developed in the interest of Fraction IV-1. I t can be readily separated into a t
making available not only fibrinogen and throm- least three subfractions, and their properties will
bin, y-globulin and albumin, but also as many as be described in a later communication in this
possible of the diverse components of plasma, as series. One of these fractions contains most of the
nearly as possible in their native state. The pH lipid of the plasma that is combined with a-
of the plasma was adjusted before the precipita- globulin, has a low solubility in water near @H5.2,
tion of Fraction I so as to avoid reactions alkaline is soluble a t pH 5.8 and 4.8, and is readily precipi-
to that of blood. Increasing the ethanol concen- tated a t the latter reaction by even low concen-
tration beyond mole fraction 0.027 or decreasing trations of neutral salt.8 Another component
the $H increases the size of Fraction I, largely, contains the blue-green pigment previously de-
however, by the precipitation of other proteins in scribed in one or another study of plasma pro-
addition t o fibrinogen. Optimum conditions for t e i n ~ , and
~ , ~appears
~ to be isoelectric a t an even
the quantitative precipitation of fibrinogen and more acid reaction.
the antihemophilic globulin, without the inclusion Essentially all of the protein remaining in solu-
of prothrombin, the fibrinolytic enzyme, or
7-globulin in Fraction I, are being further explored
tion after the precipitation of Fraction I1 I11 +
could be precipitated by maintaining the ethanol
and will be reported subsequently. concentration a t mole fraction 0.091 and the
Although 7-globulin was almost completely temperature a t -5' by increasing the acidity to
precipitated by 0.091 mole fraction ethanol a t PH close to PH 6. Since it has often been convenient
6.8 and a t -3') the temperature of this separation
has been further reduced, in certain experiments
to precipitate Fractions I and I1 +
I11 together,
it is thus readily possible to divide the plasma
which are continuing, to -10'. This was at- proteins into such a fraction and Fractions IV +
tempted in order to concentrate in Fraction I1 + V precipitated together under these conditions.
I11 depressor substances which previously were The first fraction would then contain most of the
distributed between Fractions I1 I11 and IV,+ proteins of neutral isoelectric point, such as the
rendering their subfractions unsafe for intravenous isoagglutinins and the y-globulins and most of
use. -It least certain of these depressor substances the proteins of low solubility such as fibrinogen
appeared to have a very high heat of solution in and the lipid rich 0-globulins and prothrombin,
the range of ethanol concentrations from mole the latter being isoelectric near pH 5.2. Were the
fraction 0.OG24 to 0.091 and could therefore be first precipitation carried out in ethanol a t acid
partially separated from Fraction I1 I11 by + reaction under conditions such that interactions
reprecipitation a t a slightly higher fiH and tem- were minimum, most of the proteins in Frac-
perature, -3'. The ionic strength a t which re-
precipitation took place could be reduced to any
tions I + I11 +IV +
V would be precipitated
desired extent by varying the volume of the sys- In the present process, water insoluble proteins
tem in which the 7-globulins were insoluble and of closely the same isoelectric point, such as pro-
many of the other components of Fraction I1 + thrombin (111-2)) the lipid rich 0-euglobulin
I11 extracted. The further purification of the (111-0)) and the lipid rich a-globulins (IV-1) were
7-globulins, the isoagglutinins, prothrombin, and readily separated. hloreover, the ethanol con-
the fibrinolytic enzyme by subfractionation of centration necessary for the precipitation of the
Fraction J I +
I11 will be reported in subsequent latter fraction was close to the limit a t which it was
papers in this series.j7 denatured a t this pH and temperature.
The supernatant solution from Fraction I1 + The precipitation a t pH 4.7 and mole fraction
I11 had the same composition in method 6 as in ethanol 0.091 a t - 5' of all the proteins remaining
method 5 . The greatest change in this method, in solution after the precipitation of Fraction IV-1
however, had to do with the precipitation of the would have definite advantages, once satisfactory
lipid rich a-globulins in Fraction IV a t a more procedures were developed for the separation by
acid reaction where they were insoluble a t a lower subfractionation of the lipid poor a- and 0-
ethanol concentration. This fraction of lipopro- globulins (IV-4)59 and the albumins (V). The
teins was denatured a t higher ethanol concentra- molecular dimensions and osmotic behavior of the
tions, such as the ethanol of mole fraction 0.163 globulins in Fraction IV-4 resemble those of the
employed in the precipitation of Fraction IV in albumins in Fraction V rather than those of the
previous methods. Separated a t 0.062 mole frac- other globulins of the plasma.60 Fraction 117-4
tion ethanol and a pH near 6.2, these lipo- precipitated in combination with Fraction V
proteins could be redissolved to yield water-clear under these conditions contained nearly all of the
solutions. These a-globulin lipoproteins differ hypertensinogen61of plasma, whereas precipitation
in many respects from the @-globulinlipoproteins
precipitated in Fraction I1 111. + (58) J. A. Luetscher, J . Clin. I n u e s f . , 19, 313 (1940).
( 5 0 ) This fraction was designated IV-3,4 in previous communica-
The precipitate separated near 0.062 mole frac- tions.
tion ethanol and a t pH 5.2 and -5' was called (60) G. Scatchard, J. L. Oncley and A. Brown, unpublished work.
(61) We are indebted to Dr. Lewis Dexter in the Department of
f d 7 ) J . I, Oncie), bf. hlelin, D. A . Richert, J. W. Cameron and Medicine of the Harvard Medical School for the assay of hyperten-
P >f, Gross, r.uhsequent paper in this series. sinogen.

of Fraction IV-4 by 0.163 mole fraction ethanol Method 6 : Directions for the Preparation of Normal
a t p H 5.8 and -5' led to destruction of hyper- Human Serum Albumin.-The plasmac' is stirred gently
but thoroughly and cooled as quickly as possible t o 0'
tensinogen and presumably of other labile com- without permitting the formation of ice.
ponents of the fraction without, however, de- The stirring is continued while sufficient sodium acetate-
stroying gross molecular structure. Fraction IV--1 acetic acid buffer in a 53.3 volume per cent. (at 25'-
contains the esterase of plasma,62 and an iron see Table I) ethanol-water mixture is added through
capillary jets to bring the pH to 7.2 * 0.2 and the final
binding globulin fraction.63 ethanol concentration of the system t o 8%. The addition
The stability of the globulin fraction (IV-4) is rate is 80-100 cc. per jet per minute and the over-all time
far lower than that of the albumin fraction (V). for the addition should be about one and one-half hours.
Moreover, the reagents that have rendered i t During the addition, the temperature is allowed t o fall so
that the system is maintained close to its freezing point
possible to increase the stability of albumin64to andoso that the final temperature is between -2.5 and
the point vvhere it can be pasteurized in the final -3 . This first step requires 0.177 liter (measured a t
container65do not interact with the globulins in -5') of 53.3% ethanol for each liter of plasma (meas-
the same way. In order to take advantage of the ured at 0 '
) and about 1 cc. of 0.8 molar sodium acetate
bufferedat pH 4.Ou with acetic acid for each liter of plasma
greater sta.bility of the albumin, the procedure should suffice for the pH adjustment.
followed in method G has been to precipitate IV-4 Precipitate I consists principally of fibrinogen. The
under the same conditions as were employed in precipitate is removed by centrifugation a t a temperature
the precipitation of Fraction IV in methods 2 between - 2 and -3'. If the undried fraction is stored
a t -5" for periods longer than a few months loss of
and .Le6 :Fraction IV-4, prepared in this way, fibrinogen occurs. Storage a t lower temperatures slows
was completely soluble after having been dried but does not completely stop this loss. The fibrinogen
from the :irozen state, and has been prepared may be preserved by dissolving in four volumes of sodium
routinely free from depressor substances and safe citrate buffer a t PH 6.1 and ionic strength 0.3. After
clarification and sterilizationas by filtration the solution is
for intravenous injection. Method 6 has thus dried from the frozen state and for best stability the dried
yielded two water-soluble plasma fractions not fraction is stored in vacuo.
previously available: IV-1,rich in a-globulins The supernatant is next brought to 25y0 ethanol and a
and lipid in a form that can be dried from the pH of about 6.9 by the addition of coli 53.3rb ethanol con-
frozen state, and IV-4, rich in relatively soluble taining a sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer. Capillary
jets are used as before, the rate of addition is about 100 cc.
a- and /3-globulins of low lipid content. per jet per minute, and the over-all time is about five
The albumin in the supernatant of Fraction hours. During this addition the temperature is held a t
IV-4 was separated as Fraction V by the same the freezing point until -5' is reached and then main-
tained a t -5' throughout the remainder of the addition.
procedure that was employed in methods 2 and 5 . This step requires for each liter of supernatant I an ethanol
The preparatim of albumin with as small a ratio buffer mixture made as follows: GO1 cc. of 53.3% ethanol
of sodium to protein as convenient became of in- a t -5O, 0.88 cc. of 10 ill acetic acid a t 25', 0.44 cc. of 4 M
terest, however, in connection with certain clinical sodium acetate a t 25' and 2.30 cc. of 95yo ethanol. The
buffer used in this step has a mole ratio of sodium acetate
application^.^^ This was accomplished by chang- to acetic acid of 0.2 and if, before the 53.3y0 ethanol is
ing the conditions for the reprecipitation of Frac added, it is diluted eighty-fold with water, it should have
tion V to a pH near 5.3 instead of acid to 4.7 as a pH of 4.00 * 0.02 a t 25". No attempt has been made
to vary the composition of the buffer so as to adjust the
in earlier methods, in order to reduce the acetic system to an exact pH and, indeed, the system varies by
acid precipitated with the albumin. several tenths of a pH unit as a result of changes in carbon
The procedures describing the detailed fraction dioxide concentration. The buffer addcd in the two addi-
ation with each method were made available, as tions contributes 14 milliequivalents of acetic acid for each
liter of plasma.
they were developed, in directives to the labora- Precipitate I1 +I11 is removed by centrifugation at
tories with Navy contracts for the fractionation -5' and by electrophoretic measurements it consists
of plasma to yield blood derivatives for the principally of p- and yglobulins. It contains nearly all
of the itninune globulins an? the is3agglutinins. Nearly
-1rmed Forces. Publicatix~of all these descrip- all the proth:ombin is precipitated in this fraction. It
tions in this Journal would appear unwarranted, also contnins large amounts of ch:,lesrersl and other
since so many of the earlier procedures in use in
(67) While these procedures were developed with relatively large
1941 have been superseded. Rlethod 6 is, how- volumes of plasma, the same methods have been successfully applied
ever, given below in the form in which it :md the t o plasma volumes as small as 100 cc. T h e y are being further
earlier methods were described to the manu- developed as an analytic method for characterizing very smill
amounts of plasma.
facturers. (68) This buffer has a mole ratio of sodium acetate t o acetic acid of
( 6 9 ) We are Indebted to Dr. Ralph W. Brauer in the Department 0.2 and is conveniently made up b y taking 200 cc. of 4 M sodium
of PharmacoloF.y of the Harvard Tvledical School for the assay of acetate, 400 cc. of 10 .4!f acetic acid and water t o make 1 liter. This
esterase. buffer diluted with water eighty times should have a pH of 4.00 f
(ti3) Personal communication from A. L. Schade, in press in 0.02 when measured in a glass electrode a t 2 5 ' .
.S'iei?ce. (69) When this crude fraction is used as a source of antihemophilic
(64) C. A. Ballou, P. D. Boyer, J, & I. and F. G. Lum, J . Clin.
Luck globulin (ref. 70) t h e fraction should be dissolved and sterilized
I n z m t . , 23, 454 (1944). as soon as possible after fractionation, and with a minimum amount
(OS) G. Scatchard, L. E. Strong, W. L. Hughes, Jr., J. N. Ashworth of filtration necessary to insure sterility. T h e loss during filtration
and A. H. Sparrow, ibid., 2 4 , 671 (1945). of this component of plasma has rendered it necessary t o prove its
(6G) A somewhat greater yield of albumin in Fraction V may be ob- presence by iit viiro studies of its effect in lowering the clotting time
tained if Fraction IV-4 is precipitated a t p H 6.0 t o 6.2(see Table IV). of hemophilic blood.
This does not, however, always result in an albumin preparation of (70) G. R . Minot, C. S. Davidson, J. H. Lewis. H . J. Tagnon and
high purity and satisfactory thermal stability. F. H. L. Taylor, J . Clifz. Iirvest., 24, 704 (1945).
March, 1946 SEPARATION

lipid substances. The undried fraction has been stored a t bility of the final albumin that the filtrate be highly clarified
-5" for at least a year without measurable loss of anti- so that it possesses a t most only a slight Tyndall effect.
body activity, and there is no evidence of deterioration a t After clarification is complete, all filtrates and washingsi6
longer periods. Substantial loss of isoagglutinin activity, are combined and the PH is lowered t o 4.8 by the addition
however, may occur in six months time, and prothrombin of a sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer while the tempera-
often shows a measurable loss after two or three months. ture is held a t -5' and the ethanol concentration a t 4070.
Storage a t temperatures low enough to free the precipitate The addition takes about two hours, and when completed
or drying from the frozen state result in alterations of the system is allowed t o stand for a t least three hours with-
the lipid containing proteins. To ensure the stability out stirring. During the addition the temperature is held
of the various components of this fraction, they should between - 5 and -6'. For this addition, the buffer is
be separated from each other and stored by procedures made up by taking for each liter of clarified supernatantes
suitable t o their particular properties. 5.0 cc. of 10 I\' acetic acid, 2.5 cc. of 4 M sodium acetate,
The supernatant from Precipitate I1 $- I11 is brought to 10.5 cc. of 957, ethanol and enough water to make 25 cc.
a p H of 5.2, and 1870 ethanol by the addition of water Precipitate V contains the bulk of the albumin present in
and a sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer. This addition human plasma. I t generally contains less than 3y0 of a-
is carried out in two steps. globulin as measured by electrophoresis a t PH 8.6 in a
1. The first step consists of the addition of 311 cc. of barbiturate buffer of ionic strength 0.1. By the same
water a t 0' for each liter of supernatant I1 -I- I11 a t the measurement it should contain less than 0.5% of B-
rate of 400 cc. per jet per minute, holding the temperature globulin. The precipitated protein is removed by centri-
constant a t -5'. fugation or filtration a t a temperature between -5 and
2 . The second step is the addition to each liter of super- -6". The supernatant should be almost completely clear
natant I1 I11 of 78 cc. of water a t 0" containing enough and should not contain more than 1% of the plasma pro-
of sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer to lower the pH to 5.2 tein as albumin.
* 0.2. The mole ratio of sodium acetate to acetic acid Purification of Precipitate V.-For certain clinical
in the buffer is 0.2.68 The amount of buffer necessary is de- applications it is advantageous to reduce the electrolyte
termined by preliminary titration. The rate of addition is content of the albumin to a minimum. Impurities with a
100 cc. per jct per minute. The temperature is held a t -5". stability inferior to that of albumin which are present a t
After the addition is complete this system is stirred for this point must also be removed. If this is not done, the
one hour and allowed to stand six to eight hours at -5" final 25Yc solution will not remain clear when heated a t
in order to complete the formation of the precipitate." 50" and visible particles will form.
Precipitate IV-1 is removed by centrifugation a t a tem- Precipitate V, as obtained from the centrifuge, is in the
perature of -5". By electrophoretic measurements it form of a paste, each liter of which contains about 250 g. of
consists primarily of a-globulins and a considerable quan- protein, 0.045 mole of sodium acetate, 0.075 mole of acetic
tity of lipid material.j2 This lipid rich cy-globulin is acid and 0.035 mole of salt contributed by the plasma, of
readily denatured by standing a t low pH in the presence which about 85% is sodium chloride.i6
of high alcohol concentration, even a t low temperatures. Purification is carried out by the removal of substances
If the fraction is to be preserved in soluble form, it should insoluble in lOyc ethanol, 0.01 111 salt, a temperature be-
be dissolved in about four volumes of water a t a pH near 6 tween -2 and -3", a protein concentration of 3%, and a
and then frozen and dried immediately from the frozen pH between 4.5 and 4.7. Precipitate V is dissolved in
state, or else separated into its various components by six volumes of water a t 0" and t o the solution is added one
further fractionation. volume of 53.3YCethanol over a period of about two hours.
The supernatant is next brought to a pH of ,530 * 0.05, During this addition the temperature is reduced to be-
an ionic strength of 0.09 M , and an ethanol concentration tween -2 and -3". The resulting turbid solution is
of 40yc at -5'. The bufferi3 is added first over a period stirred gently but thoroughly for about two hours, and
of about half an hour or more and the temperature is held then clarified by filtration.ii*i8
a t -5' throughout. Following this addition the system Albumin is precipitated from the filtrate by raising the
is brought to 40% ethanol by the addition of 456 cc. of ethanol concentration to 40%, lowering the temperature
cold 9570 ethanol for each liter of supernatant IV-1, while t o - 5 O , and, in order to minimize the absorption of acetic
the temperature is maintained constant a t -5'. acid by the precipitate, raising the pH t o 5.2. This is
Precipitate N-4 is removed by centrifugation a t - 5 " . done by adding sufficient sodium bicarbonate to bring the
By electrophoretic measurements it consists principally of PH to between 5.0 and 5.2, followed by the addition of 545
cy- and P-globulins with some albumin. The esterase cc. of cold 95Y0 ethanol t o each liter of filtrate over a
activity in plasma is largely concentrated in this fraction, as period of about two hours a t a temperature of -5".
well as some of the hypertensinogen. The precipitate can Albumin is removed by centrifugation or filtration a t
be dissolved in cold water and dried from the frozen state. -5 to -6" and dried from the frozen state a t as low a
The supernatant from Precipitate IV-4, after centrifuga- temperature as is practical. By electrophoretic analysis
tion, contains a small amount of suspended material and is
therefore clarified by filtration.i4 I t is essential to the sta- ( 7 5 ) In order to minimize loss of albumin in the filter pads and
filter cel washing of the filter cake is desirable. At the Harvard Pilot
(71) This fraction precipitates rather slowly and should stand for Plant we have used, for each liter of starting plasma, 250 cc. of cold
a period if Frtrction IV-4 is not t o contain some of the easily de- 40% ethanol containing 0.1 mole of sodium chloride per liter.
natured material precipitated a t this point. (76) If precipitate V is dried and restored t o a 25% protein solution
(72) Although rich in lipoproteins, this fraction can be dissolved in a t a pH close t o 6.8, the solution will contain approximately 0.12
water a t a p H near 6.0 and dried from the frozen state t o give a mole of sodium acetate per liter.
material t h a t is readily soluble in water, However, if the fraction (77) The practice a t the Harvard Pilot Plant has consisted of sus-
is held for any length of time a t low temperature, either as a paste pending 0 . Z 5 ~ oof standard super-cel in the solution and Eltering
or as a frozen solution, a part of the protein becomes insoluble, through a Republic K-5 pad a t -2'. T h e albumin occluded by the
(73) At the Harvard Pilot Plant we have used for each liter of Elter cake was washed out with a small volume of 10% ethanol a t
supernatant I V - 1 a mixture made up of 1.14 g. of sodium bicarbonate, -20.
7.90 cc. of 4 JZ sodium acetate and enough water t o make 77 cc. of (78) When salvaging albumin from certain contaminated plasmas,
solution. If a preliminary titration indicates t h a t this mixture is or in other cases where the level of unstable impurities may be high,
not adequate to give the proper p H , it should he adjusted by altering still further purification may be desirable. If this is the case, the
the ratio of bicarbonate ion t o acetate ion concentration while the ethanol concentration should be raised from 10 t o 15% and the
total sodium concentration is held constant. temperature lowered t o - 5 ' . The precipitate is then removed,
(74) This has been done a t the Harvard Pilot Plant by suspending the solution clariEed, and the albumin precipitated in the regular way
0.5% of washed standard super cel in the supernatant and filtering While this procedure will result in loss of albumin, a substantial
a t -5' through Republic S-1 sheets pre-coated with standard super- purification is effected. I t may b e possible t o recover some of the
cel and washed. loss by recycling the precipitate through a second rework.

a t PH 8.6, the albumin generally contains less than 375 of TABLE V

globulin impurities. When made up t o a 25y0 solution
in 0.04 M acetyl tryptophan solution with the $H adjusted V PREPARED
to 6.8 with sodium bicarbonate and sterilized by filtration, METHODS
heating a t 50' for several months should not result in the X x 6.25
Total i
formation of particles nor in materially increased cloudi- Method
ness. This test is most sensitive to the presence of un- for pre- Protein in fraction V
stable impurities and therefore reflects the quality of the cipitation Direct
of Frac- Prepn. Difference6 analysis Discrepancy,
separations. At a temperature of 57" the albumin solu- tion IV no. G./liter of plasma cols. 3-4
tion should not change in clarity markedly until after
one hundred hours of heating. This test is most sensitive 82 27.9 26.8 1.1
to the stability of the albumin itself, and therefore reflects 2 83 26 8 27.0 -0.2
the care with which the albumin was handled throughout 84 28.3 28.3 0
the processing. Heating for ten hours at 60' should not
result in a visible change in the solution. The sodium 91 28.9 28.4 11.5
content of the 257, albumin solution prepared by this 5" 92 30.1 29.5 0.6
procedure should be less than 0.33 g. of sodium per 100 cc. 93 29.4 29.4 0
IV. The Distribution of Proteins in the Sepa- 96 31.1 30.9 0.2
rated Fractions and in Plasma 5 97 30.1 30.1 0
98 29.2 29.5 -0.3
The system of fractionation in terms of five or
more variables, all under precise control, that has 182 29.6 30.1 -0.3
been described, could be applied to any body fluid 8 183 29.0 (27 5) 1.5
or tissue extract and could be followed by any 184 30.3 30.4 -0.1
characteriz,ation of the components whose sep- 185 29.9 30 5 -0.ti
a Fraction I V washed a t PH 5.8.
aration was desired. In the case of plasma, it has
been our pllan to separate into different fractions * All results for Method ti were calculated from weight
measurements and involved no density correction. For
protein, lipoprotein and lipid components having other preparations, densities measured a t the tempera-
different physiological functions, and therefore ture of fractionation were used in calculating results of
therapeutic value in different conditions. The analyses made at room temperature (see Table I ) . All
measurements listed by direct analyses were made by
clinical evaluation of the separated fractions, even weights.
their study by immunological or physiological
techniques, is so time-consuming, however, that The smaller the precipitate removed in the
simpler chemical procedures to aid in effecting process of fractionation and the higher the nitro-
separations have been employed. I t seemed reas- gen content of the supernatant before and after its
onable t o assume that sorting the proteins in separation, the larger the error introduced in
terms of their size and shape, lipid and carbo- estimating the yield by difference. The yields
hydrate content, amphoteric and dielectric prop- were smaller because of protein lost in the spray
erties, wodd yield fractions homogenous as well of the centrifuge, adhering to tanks and centrifuge
in their physiological properties. bowls, as well as to Filter-Cel where filtration steps
T o simplify analytical procedures further, the were introduced for clarification. In order to
primary fractionations were routinely followed estimate not only the magnitude of such losses,
by determinations of nitrogen and cholesterol but the extent to which recovery was possible,
and of electrophoretic mobility. The separated the tanks and centrifuge bowls after use were
fractions were then made available for study and rinsed with a detergent solution (Duponol C) and
the procedure revised on the basis of other chemi- these rinsings analyzed for nitrogen. The loss of
cal, ultracentrifugal, immunological and physio- spray from the centrifuge was not recoverable, but
logical resu1.t~. was estimated from the loss in weight during
During the period when the process was being centrifugation. It was found in one preparation
developed, it proved convenient to estimate investigated that about half the observed loss was
yields (1) by determining the difference in the in spray from the centrifuge, and the remainder
nitrogen content of the supernatant solutions was in protein adhering to the equipment. The
from which successive fractions had been precipi- results are reported in Table VI. ;irnong the
tated and (2) by using the conventional factor of results obtained by difference, a high value for
6.25 to convert nitrogen to apparent weight. The fraction IV-4 is compensated by a low value for V.
errors introduced were negligible when the nitro- U'hereas the sampling and analytical errors lead
gen factor \vas near 6.25, when the fraction sepa- to unimportant discrepancies for Fraction V,
rated was large, and the nitrogen content of its whether determined by difference or direct
supernatant, small. In the case of the albumin analysis, the losses in the case of small fractions
rich Fraction V, which represented approximately like I and IV-1 may be as large as 10 or 2070.
one-half the total plasma protein and which was The loss in the case of Fraction IV-4 is even larger,
lipid poor, no substantial error was introduced by because of the very careful filtration step carried
the analysis of the supernatants rather than by out on the supernatant from Fraction IV-4 which
direct analysis of the separated precipitates. Re- was necessary to yield a supernatant of great
sults obtained by these two analytical methods clarity and an albumin preparation of great
are compared in Table V. thermal stability Xephelometric analysis of
March, 1946 SEPARATION

PREPARA~ION185 BY METHOD 6. TOTALS X 6.25 -Preparation number--
182 183 184 185 Average
Protein in Fractions Protein lost in processinga Fraction g.a/liter of plasma
Direct Column Re- Esti-
Difference, analysis 2 - 3 covered matedb 1 3.13 3.17 2.91 2.99 3.05

Fraction g./liter of plasma
3.8 3.0 0.8
g./liter of plasma
0.7 0.8
I1 + 111 15.1 11.9 15.1 15.4 15.1
IV-1 3,6l 3.44 3.15 3.82 3.51
I1 + I11 153 15.5 0.0 0.3 0.3 IV-4 3.80 3.62 3.73 4.18 3.83
I v-1 4.3 3.8 0.5 0.4 0.5 30.1 30.4 30.5 30.3*
V (27.5)
IV-4 5.8 4.2 1.6 1.0' 1.6 VI 1.5 2.0 1.2 0.9 1.0
v 29.9 30.5 -0.6 0.1 0.1 Total 57.2 54.6 56.5 57.8 56.8
VI 0.9d 0.9d *.. ... I . .
PlasmaC 60.8 60.0 59.9 60.2 60.2
Total 60.2 57.9 2.3 2.5 53.3
-Grams protein/gram nitrogend-
Studies indicate that about half of the loss is from
the fraction and the other half is loss of protein from the I 6.11 6.11 5.96 6.1
supernatant solution during separation of the precipitate. +
I1 I11 7.66 7.76 7.57 7.67 7.7
Estimated losses are derived by taking for each fraction 11'-1 8.48 8.42 8.49 8.24 8.4
the higher of the two figures in columns 4 and 5. Fil- IV-4 7.13 7.02 6.97 7.07 7.1
tration loss included as 0.5 g. per liter of plasma deter-
mined by extraction of filter cake with 0.02 M sodium V 6.23 6.39 6.28 6.24 6.3
acetate in water followed by nitrogen analysis. By Plasma 6.82" 6.94' 6.7ge 6.82e 6 . 8
analysis of the supernatant before and after filtration the a Grams calculated from nitrogen multiplied by 6.25.
loss in the filter was estimated to be 1.5 g. per liter of Value for 183 omitted from average. 29.0 was obtained
plasma. The analysis of Fraction VI was corrected for by difference. The plasma values have been corrected
non-protein nitrogen which comprised about two-thirds for the non-protein nitrogen present. The average NPN
of the total nitrogen. times 6.25 was 1.4 and nearly all of this nitrogen appeared
in Fraction VI, which has also been corrected t o exclude
this filtrate proved a useful indication 'of the ex- this component from the table. For 182, 183, and 184
tent to which light-scattering material had been the observed dry weight values were corrected for amount
r e m ~ v e d . ~ 'The protein lost in the Filter-Cel of non-protein solid calculated to be present because of
which could be extracted with 0.15 M sodium occlusion during precipitation. For 185 the ratio was
determined after prolonged dialysis against a buffer of
acetate had an electrophoretic pattern close to known solid content and free of nitrogen. e Sitrogen
that of Fraction IV-4, except for an elevation of factors calculated by taking weighted averages of factors
the albumin by a factor of two. In no case was it for each fraction using size of corresponding fraction as
possible to extract all the protein from the Filter- weighting factor and excluding Fraction 1-1,
Cel and the insoluble material probably contained tent of 16.4% for the fraction as compared with
lipids and lipoproteins readily denatured by 16.9% for the fibrinogen or fibrin separated from
ethanol. it, Although the nitrogen content of Fraction I1
The actual yields of the various fractions are, is reporte,d to be 16.070 and the nitrogen factor
of course, most accurately given by direct analysis
of the separated precipitates. The results ob-
therefore 6.25, the value for Fraction I1 111, +
as well as for Fraction IV, is very high, reflecting
tained with this, procedure for four consecutive the low nitrogen but high lipid and carbohydrate
preparations carried out in the Pilot Plant by contents of certain of their components. Thus,
method 6 are given in Table VII.7g The volume
of plasma fractionated in each preparation was
the cholesterol content of Fraction I1 I11 is +
6YG,the ?-globulin separated from i t in Fraction
about 44 liters. The reproducibility of the process I1 isless than O . O O c ~but
, that of the ''X-protein"81
is indicated as well as the occasional deviation in in Fraction 111-0 is over 20y0. Comparably, the
yield or in analysis (see Fraction V of preparation cholesterol content of Fraction IV-1 is iyc, but
1S3) which inevitably creeps in when much sys- that of the lipid rich protein separated from it
tematic work is done. (Fraction 117-1,l) lGYG. The carbohydrate con-
The nitrogen factors of the fractions separated
in this series of preparations were also estimated
tent of subfractions of I1 +
I11 and of IV is over
27,. The analyses of these fractions and of com-
by simultaneous determination of dry weight and ponents separated from them that are thus far
nitrogen and are recorded in Table VII. That available are, for convenience, collected in Table
determined for Fraction V is remarkably close to 17111.
the conventional value assumed in previous cal- The electrophoretic analyses that have proved
culations and reported for crystallized human so useful in enabling us to determine the optimum
serum albumin.80 The nitrogen factor of Fraction conditions for the separation of these fractions,
I is slightly lower, reflecting a high nitrogen con- recorded in Table 111, are subject to correction
(79) In this series the p H a t which Fraction I V was precipitated for refractive index increments and nitrogen
was 6.2 in order to minimize the occlusion of albumin (see Table IV).
If the pH is not readjusted to 5.8 before the filtration, however,
factors.46 Recalculated in terms of the nitrogen
though the yield may be higher, stability is often impaired by the in- (81) A. S. hlcFarlane, Biochem. J., 29, 407 (1933). K. 0 . Peder-
clusion of impurities in Fraction V. sen, "Ultracentrifugal Studies on Serum and Serum Fractions.'
(80) For references. see Table VIII. Almyvist and Wiksells Roktryckin A B , 1Tpsala. l?l4.7

VI11 Clin. Invest., 23, 557 (1944). The remainder of the
electrophoretic component amounting t o 3y0 is included
ESTIMATESOF NITROGEN, LIPID AKD CARBOHYDRATE with the &globulins. A similar situation occurs with
COMPONENTS OF PLASMA. FRACTIONS PREPARED BY Fraction I1 + 111. Experiments suggested a clottable
METHOD 6 AND PURIFIEDCOMPONENTS OF HUMAN PLASMAprotein content of about 5% so the remaining 7% was in-
Per cent. cluded with the 8-globulin. Satisfactory resolution of
Per cent. Per cent. carbo- the al-globulin from albumin in Fraction I\'-1 has not
nitrogen cholesterol hydratee been accomplished and since probably less than 25% of the
Fraction [I 16.4 0.26 1.2 fraction is albumin, any components with mobilities similar
t o that of albumin have been included with the a-globulins.
Fibrinogen 16.9" < .1 1.2 Further work on this point is in progress.
Fraction 11 + I11 13.0 6.0 1.3
factors in Table VII, though not for refractive
y-globulin 16.03" <.06 1.1
@-globulin 14.84ab index increments, the yields of the fractions sepa-
X-globulin 8.0" 20 (2.0)
rated by method 6 are given in Table IX.
Fraction 137-1 11.9 7.0 2.2
If we are to employ our knowledge to yield a
clearer insight into the protein composition of
Fraction IV-1,l 10 16.0
plasma, correction should also be made for the
Fraction 1:V-4 14.0 1.7 2.9
losses incurred during the fractionation process.
Fraction ' J 15.9 <.04 0.16 This has tentatively been done on the basis of the
Albumin 15.95" results in Table VI, and these estimates are also
Total protein 2.3 (1.16) recorded in Table IX. Although the process re-
Measurements made by E. Brand, B. Kassell and mains subject to improvement, the separation of
L. J. Saidel, J. Clin. Invest., 23, 437 (1944). Fraction the components of plasma into fractions that has
111-2 representing about 10% of I1 + I11 and containing been achieved concentrates most of the fibrinogen
627, p-globulin. Measurements of an euglobulin sepa-
rated from Fraction 111-0 and containing over 80% of in Fraction I, of the y-globulin in Fraction I1 +
X-globulin. S. H. Armstrong, Jr., M. J. E. Budka and 111, of the a-globulins in Fraction IV, and of the
I(. M. Morrison, in preparation. * Estimated by the albumin in Fraction V.
orcinol reaction, referred to galactose. M. S$rensen and These gross fractions are the starting materials
G. Haugaard. Compt. rend. frau. lab. Carlsberg, 19, No. 12,
(1933). for the subfractionations reported in the subse-
quent papers in this seriess2 to yield as many as
IX possible of the separated protein and lipoprotein
DISTRIBUTION OF PLASMA PROTEINS INTO FRACTIONS BY components of normal, convalescent, hyperim-
METHOD 6 munized, pathological, human or animal plasma,
Al- Fibrino- as pure as possible, for study and utilization in
Fraction bumin a B y gen Total connection with their specific properties.
Per cent. of fraction
Plasma 55 14 16 11 4" 100 Summary
I 7 8 15 9 61 100 A system is described for the separation and
I1 + 111 4 6 48 37 5" 100 purification of the protein and lipoprotein com-
IV-1 . . 89* 10 1 0 100 ponents of biological tissues and fluids and is
I v-4 16 46 38 0 0 100 applied to the fractionation of human plasma.
5' 95 4 1 0 0 100 Simultaneous control of all the variables of a
VI i6 23 1 0 0 100 multi-component system permits the choice of
Grams per liter of plasma recovered in fractions
the optimum conditions for the separation of a
component from a mixture. The separations re-
Plasma 36.3 9 . 2 10.6 7 . 2 2.5" 6 5 . 8 ported have thus far been achieved by the precise
I 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.3 1.8 3.0 control of five variables: (1) salt, ( 2 ) protein, (3)
I1 + I11 0.7 1 . 1 8.9 6 . 9 1.0 18.6 water miscible organic precipitant, (4) pH, and
111-1 .. 4.2b 0 . 5 <.1 0 4.7 (5) temperature.
11-4 0.7 2.0 1.7 0 0 4.4 Concentration of salt is maintained as low as
V 29.0 1 . 2 0.3 0 0 30.5 possible in order (1) to take advantage of the di-
VI 0.8 0 . 2 <.l 0 0 1.0 versity of protein-electrolyte interactions, and
Total 31.4 8.9 11.9 7.2 2 . 8 62.2 ( 2 ) to avoid the necessity of dialysis.
Grams per liter of plasma estimated in plasma
Concentration of protein is maintained (1) as
low as necessary to minimize protein-protein
I 0.2 0 . 3 0.5 0.3 2.1 3.4
I1 + I11 0.8 1 . 1 9.1 7 . 0 1.0" 19.0
interactions, but ( 2 ) as high as possible in order
to render practical large-scale processing.
IV-1 0 4.5b 0.5 0.1 0 5.1 Concentration of the organic precipitant-
1\'-4 0.9 2 . 7 2.2 0 0 5.8 ethanol in these studies-and the temperature are
v 29.9 1 . 3 0.3 0 0 31.5
maintained as low as possible, in order to minimize
VI 13.8 0 . 2 <.1 0 0 1.0
protein denaturation. The ethanol-water mix-
Total 3 8 . 6 10.1 12.6 7.4 3.1 65.8 (82) The fractionation by these methods of other tissues including
a Electrophoretic components of plasma with mobilities bacterial toxins and toxoids and the components of erythrocytes and
close t o fibrinogen are resolved with difficulty. The value other enzyme and hormone rich systems, in this and other labora-
of 4% is taken from Edsall, Ferry and Armstrong, J . tories, will also subsequently be reported.

tures employed in plasma fractionation have not electric points and the directions of the inter-
exceeded mole fraction 0.163 and rarely 0,091, actions with salts of the protein components to be
and the temperature has been maintained be- separated.
tween 0' and the freezing point of the solution. Crystallization of a separated component has
The balance between (1) the precipitating ac- also been effected in an ethanol-water mixture of
tion of ethanol and ( 2 ) the interaction with salt low ionic strength and low temperature.
permits attainment of a variety of conditions Removal of salts and other organic molecules
under which the protein to be separated may be by trituration, reprecipitation, or recrystallization
brought to any desired solubility. This balance in an ethanol-water mixture a t low temperature
is different a t constant ethanol and salt concen- replaces dialysis of protein solutions in this system.
tration for each pH and temperature, and for Removal of the organic precipitant without rais-
each protein component. ing the temperature has generally been accom-
The pH has been controlled by buffering the plished by drying the separated proteins from the
ethanol-water mixtures with acetates or other frozen state yielding stable, salt-poor, dried pro-
buffers of known ionic strength, and adjusted so tein products of any desired degree of purity.
as to take advantage of the differences in the iso- BOSTON,MASSACHUSETTS
RECEIVED 12, 1945



Organo-silicon Compounds. I. Synthesis and Properties of n-Alkyltrimethyl- and


In 1863 Friedel and Crafts' synthesized tetra- thesis of neo hydrocarbons are well known?
ethylsilane, the first tetraalkylsilane, by heating whereas the synthesis of tetraalkylsilanes, which
diethyl zinc with silicon tetrachloride in a sealed contain a neo silicon atom (silicon attached to
tube; tetramethylsilane was synthesized by the four carbons), is a relatively simple procedure and
same method2 Twenty years later Polis3 utilized may be achieved in high yield, due to the ease with
the reaction of sodium with a mixture of aryl which silicon-halogen bonds couple with primary
halide and silicon tetrachloride for the synthesis of Grignard reagents. The higher n-alkyltrimethyl-
arylsilicon compounds, a method applied later by and rt-alkyltriethyl-silanes may possibly supply
Kipping4 t o the synthesis of alkylsilicon com- indications regarding the physical properties of
pounds. In 1904 Kipping5 reported that Gri- neo hydrocarbons which have yet to be prepared.
gnard reagents could be used in the synthesis of We have synthesized and here reported seven
organo-silicon compounds. Chemists were quick new n-alkyltrimethylsilanes and six new n-alkyl-
to adopt this method, since it was far superior to triethylsilanes, and, in addition, we have prepared
those previously used, and the synthesis of organo- again three known n-alkyltrimethylsilanes and
silicon conipounds went forward at a rapid pace. three known n-alkyltriethylsilanes to insure a
In 1916 Bygden6 reported the preparation and comparable purity for determination of physical
physical properties of sixteen tetraalkylsilanes. properties including viscosities. Incidental to
An;ong these were five n-alkyltriniethylsilanes and the synthesis of new n-alkyltrimethylsilanes, we
threc n-alkyltriethylsilaries. have synthesized five new n-alkyltrichlorosilanes.
As a starting point for our program of research Preparation of the Tetraalkylsilanes
on organo-silicon coinpounds, we chose to extend
the series of n-alkyltrirnethylsilaxies and n-alkyl- In the preparation of n-alkyltrimethylsilanes
triethylsilaries into a higher molecular weight two methods were used. Method I involved pre-
paration of an n-alkyltrichlorosilane from a Gri-
range; a study of the physical properties of such gnard reagent a i d silicon tetrachloride in yields
coinpounds seeined of considerable interest. It of about SOYo. The n-alkyltrichlorosilane, after
should be noted that only six carbon analogs of the purification by fractional distillation, was added
iiineteen tetraalkylsilanes herein reported are to an ether solution of methylmagnesium bromide
known. The difficulties encountered in the syn- to give the n-alkyltrimethylsilane in about 70%
(1) Friedel and Crafts, Ann., 127, 31 (1863). yield. This was the method used by Bygden6 for
12) Friedel and Crafts.. ibid... 136.. 203 (1865).
i 3 j Polis, Bey., 18, 1540 (1885).
, . the preparation of n-alky-ltrimethylsilanes
(4) Kipping and Lloyd, J. Chem. SOL.,79, 449 (1901). RMgBr +
Sic14 +RSiCl,
(5) Kipping, Proc. Chem. Soc., 2 0 , 15 (1904).
(6) See Krause and Grosse "Die Chemie der metall-organischen
RSiC13 3CHIMgBr --f RSi(CH3)3
Verbindungen," GebrQder Borntraeger, Berlin, 1937, p. 263. (7) Cf.Whitmore and Fleming, THISJOURNAL, 65, 4161 (1933).

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