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Lesson Reflection Planning

STEP 1: PLANNING (10 minutes)

1. What did the teacher do? What did the students do?
Teacher: designed a template in Google slides, along with a model example, and
expectations for introductory assignment
Student: viewed expectations, model example, and then designed/created their
own. Students were also expected to present their information to their peers.
Evaluation was based off of both content and presentation.

2. What effect did technology have on engagement, retention, & enhancing the lesson?
Allowed for student creativity and inclusion of personal effects. Student were
originally asked to present their information in a show and tell format. This new
format allowed for personalization, but also took some of the talking pressure off
of students.

3. Provide links to student examples.

4. Consider your Evolution of Thought & Practice survey results, did this lesson move your rating in
any of the seven dimensions? Why?
Not a significant amount of movement. I did feel that starting the course with a
technology assignment set precedent for future assignments and expectations.

5. Where would your lesson rank on the SAMR continuum?


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STEP 2: CREATION (30 minutes)
l and add to portfolio
Create something with a
a. Audio recording using Vocaroo
b. Video using WeVideo or MySimpleShow or
c. Interactive image using thinglink

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