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Sarah Miller

Classical British Literature

Dr. Sharon Coolidge

3 November, 2013

The Necessity of Grace

In The Divine Comedy, Dante embarks upon a journey from a state of

sinfulness to one of redemption. His experience in Hell highlights the human

proclivity for sin, while time in Purgatory demonstrates change and reparationthe

purging of sinful desires. Finally, Paradise shows fully redeemed humanity.

However, it is only by divine grace that this state of redemption can be reached.

Only by accepting grace in a posture of humility can one attain salvation and the

perfect alignment of human will with divine will.

Dantes journey begins in Canto II when he accepts the grace extended to him

by the three ladies, Beatrice, Lucia, and the Virgin Mary. However, Dante first

attempts to climb the hill in Canto I on his own, stopping short when he is ambushed

by the three animals representing sin. While Dantes intentions are good, he is

exerting his free will apart from divine grace. Virtuous actions alone do not merit

salvation, so Dante must wait for grace to be extended to him. Dantes initial

hesitation to accept demonstrates how his will is still far from being aligned with

Gods. With encouragement from Beatrice, the Lady of Grace, Dante finally does
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accept the grace offered to him by the three ladies. This is representative of the

divine grace that is mercifully extended to humanity through the Holy Trinity, and

the freedom humanity has in choosing to receive that grace.

As Dante and Virgil prepare to set off together, Dante says, Let us start, for

both our wills, joined now, are one (139). While Dantes will is not yet aligned with

that of the Divine, this is the first step in preparing him for such a time. It is

important to note that this alignment of wills is not compulsory. It is in the humble

acceptance of grace that Dantes heart is moved to begin the journey that will lead

him to salvation. He has chosen to receive grace, and thus has chosen to receive


The First Circle of Hell, called Limbo, shows how virtue, without grace, is not

enough for salvation. Like Virgil, the shades in Limbo have never sinned, but their

great worth alone / was not enough, for they did not know Baptism (34-35). While

the souls in Limbo are not subjected to extreme punishment or torture, their choice

to live virtuously is essentially meaningless in relation to eternity, because they

never knew and never will know God. The honored souls of the sciences and arts are

further testament to this: they represent the best of human reason and virtue, but

out of the context of Gods will and apart from divine grace, they are still fallen souls.

Because they have chosen not to accept grace, they are denied salvation and must

live in eternity without Gods presence.

There is no place further from Gods divine grace and will than the depths of

Hell. The immobility of the souls frozen in ice is indicative of the absolute
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helplessness of humanity apart from grace. There is no relief from their punishment

and no hope for salvation because they have chosen to reject grace. Satan, who also

rejected grace and acted in flagrant defiance of Gods will, is trapped in Hell for


While Hell is a place of eternal damnation for those who have rejected grace,

Purgatory is a place for sinners to accept that grace and, through redemption, begin

retraining their will to be aligned with Gods. Humble and repentant souls are given

the opportunity to receive grace in Purgatory. Divine grace not only heals the soul,

but also strengthens the will, turning one from a desire for sin to a desire for

righteousness. This process of humility followed by grace is evident in the two

conditions set forth for Dantes entrance into Purgatory. Dante is first instructed to

replace the cord around his waist with a reed, which is symbolic of humility

replacing his former self-confidence. Then, his face is washed clean, symbolizing the

renewal and restoration that occurs when grace is received. Dantes choice to

humbly accept these conditionsto accept graceallows him entrance to

Purgatory and leads him one step closer to salvation.

As Dantes journey through Purgatory continues, it becomes increasingly

clear that redemption by grace is the only means to salvation. This is evident when

the souls climbing the mountain are unable to move upwards at night. Without

lightwithout gracethe will is rendered impotent. While the souls may move

downwards, they are unable to move up the mountain and closer to salvation,
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because their wills have not yet been retrained. It is by grace alone that the will is

strengthened and perfected, and it is by grace alone that salvation is reached.

Gods merciful grace continues to be revealed as the only means by which

Dante will reach Paradise and salvation. In Canto VIII, a soul is amazed at Dantes

very presence in Purgatory. He calls another soul to come and See what Gods grace

has willed (66). It is only because of divine grace and mercy that Dante is able to

pass through Purgatory. The two angels that protect Dante and the souls in the dark

valley are another example of this divine mercy bringing him closer to salvation.

Clad in green, these angels symbolize the hope of salvation, a hope that is possible

only by grace. The angels intercede in an act of grace, giving hope to the travelers by

protecting them from the serpent. Similarly, when God intercedes by extending

grace to humanity, there is hope for eternal salvation. The saintly lady rousing Dante

from his fixation on a dangerous siren and Dantes dream of an eagle swooping

down and depositing him at the gates of Paradise are additional examples of such

mercy. It is through these acts of intercession that God extends grace to Dante,

bringing him closer to redemption in Paradise.

As Dante leaves Purgatory in the final cantos, he experiences the redeeming

power of grace in preparation for salvation. Beatrice prepares Dante by first

subjecting him to harsh judgment. She embodies divine judgment as well as divine

grace, grace which is evident when she leads Dante to the holy river Eunoe. After

drinking from the river, Dantes memory of past good deeds is restored and he

emerges feeling reborn, renewed, immaculate. This renewal of memory allows him
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to be freed from the slavery of sin so that he may focus on righteousnesshis will

has been retrained. Dante is eager to rise, now ready for the stars (145). He has

been redeemed by grace and is finally ready to enter Paradise.

By grace, Dante has reached Paradise, but now he must learn that true

salvation is only experienced when ones will is perfectly aligned with Gods. In

Canto III, Piccarda explains that each soul is content with whichever sphere of

Heaven that they reside in. If anyone wished to be higher up, then their will would

not be in accordance with Gods. In Paradise, there is no will but that which is one

with Gods. Though some souls may be higher in the ranks of Heaven, every soul

experiences complete bliss, because the light of Grace Supreme shines to the fullest

capacity of each sphere to receive that light. Grace is being extended and received,

thus leading to the perfect unity of human and divine will.

As Dante and Beatrice journey through Paradise together, she continues to

prepare him through divine revelations of perfect grace and love, for his final

entrance into the presence of God. In Canto XXIX, Beatrice uses the example of

Satans fall to contrast the humility of the angels. It was only by Gods enlightening

grace that they were raised to their place in Heaven, and it is only by grace that

Dante will reach the final sphere of Heaven.

At last, Dante is granted the grace to enter into the presence of God. Over and

over, Dante speaks of the light that surrounds himLight of Truth, Eternal Light,

Living Light, the Great Light. It is the light of divine grace. As Dante gazes into this

circle of light, he yearns to know how mans image could conform to it, how mans
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will could be perfectly aligned with Gods. In a flash of understanding, a flash of

lightof grace, Dante understands. It is here that Dantes will is finally made one

with the Divine. He has received salvation. Dante says, I felt my will and my desire

impelled / by the Love that moves the sun and the other stars (144-145). Not only

is God the source of all movement towards salvation, He is the Love that is the

source of redemptive grace. Because of this great love for creation, God extends his

merciful grace, and those who humbly receive it may attain salvation.

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