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Alex Kollar


BITH 315

Response #2

Self-Giving as the Inner Life of God by Arthur C. McGill

In this chapter, McGill takes on the task of comparing the

arguments between Arius and Athanasius regarding the Trinity.

Specifically, Arthur focuses on the questions: what makes God divine?

He describes Arius argument that divinitygenuine full divinity

cannot be communicated and that Jesus, as the Son of God, is not

the fullness of God himself, but only a creature (70). In Athanasius

arguments, however, he takes a different approach. He states that

Christ is not one iota less fully divine because he is generated and

produced by the Father. He claims that it is the constant action of

relationship and connection between the Father and Son, who are one

in the same, that creates divinity.

I wont lie, reading this chapter sent my head spinning more than

once. When asked the question who God was, I had always responded

with the typical response of He is love. Although the imagery of the

Trinity has always been a beautiful picture in my mind, I guess it has

always been an abstract thought when it got down to it. I would never

have to the who is God question with the Trinity. In the past, when I
faced difficult theological topics, I would shy away and remain within

my own safe, bubble. However, as I read this, I kept asking myself,

Why am I a Christian? Why do I worship God? Although weve spoken

about the difficulty of comprehending who God is, I think I am finally

ready to face this question head on.

During my time at Wheaton, I feel as I have lost my fire for the

Good News. Ive lost my love for Christ, and Sunday school answers to

my questions will no longer suffice. Who is the God I am meant to

serve? I pray that He opens my eyes as He reveals Himself to me.

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