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Norvilus 1

Christopher Norvilus

Dr. Hoehl

COM 380- Nonverbal Communication

17 February 2017

Observational Studies 2

For the first observational study, I chose the first study under Body Alterations and

Coverings. I chose to read the magazine Entertainment Weekly. I noticed it on a table in the

Warrior Underground. I normally do not read this magazine but decided to use it for this

observational study. There are about 4 different hair colors in the magazine black, brown,

blonde, red, purple, and others. The purple hair was a short boy-style. Others were stereotypical

mid-length styles with some being perfectly curly and others completely straight. Facial hair on

men is seen a few times but not very much. A lot were somewhat younger and cleaner cut. I saw

one man with facial hair in an advertisement. The norms for our culture today are reflected in the

advertisements and appearances of the models. Many young people today experiment with hair

color and styles not only with their natural hair but also with wigs. I was not surprised to find

little to no men with facial hair because it seems less common in general throughout society. The

choices of the advertisements fit the theme of the magazine because they range from hair color

ads, upcoming movie posters, popular TV shows, concert ticketing services, novels, and tobacco

products. Although they sound all over the place, they do reflect the theme of the magazine

because Entertainment Weekly covers all mediums and genres of entertainment which explains

the variety of advertisement. Their intended audience ranges from young to old and trendy to

traditional so that variety makes sense.

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For the second observational study, I chose the fifth study under Kinesics.People who

display emotions in the workplace tend to be easily distracted and not always as focused.

However, there can always be exceptions to this statement. At school, I have seen emotions

displayed of extreme sadness and extreme happiness. I have seen fellow students leave class

after an exam and be close to tears. On the other hand, I have also seen people look extremely

happy and even hug one another after receiving a high grade on a test or project. Socially, I have

noticed extremes at school through behavior in the cafeteria. I have seen people crying to their

friends and also people getting loud when laughing and talking with friends. The close knit

culture of the college has everything to do with the emotional displays and peoples reactions to

them. However, there are definitely times when it is more socially acceptable and appropriate. In

class or other professional situations on campus, people who demonstrate extreme emotions can

seem a little dramatic. But in situations in the cafeteria or walking through campus, extreme

emotional displays are not looked at as being as out of the ordinary. Instead, people notice them

but go about their business whereas in class it can become everyones business.

For the third observational study, I chose the second study under Vocalics. Some iconic

voices from advertisement include Morgan Freeman and Samuel L. Jackson. I recently saw

Samuel L. Jacksons television ad for Capitol One credit cards. His voice is so deep and has an

unbelievably significant presence that makes people tune in and listen. It is ideal when wanting

to get viewers interested in a product or service. The extreme deepness of his voice is ideal

because it is not typically heard and it commands attention no matter what product or service he

is talking about. Advertisers make poor decisions when using voices that are too high in pitch.
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This can annoy the viewer because of its sharpness especially when compared to a deep voice

like Samuel L. Jacksons.

For the fourth observational study, I chose the first study under Chronemics.

The list of my schedule for a typical Tuesday is as follows:

5:15 AM Wake up

6:00 AM 7:30 AM Weight lifting with the football team

7:45 AM Go back to sleep

8:45 AM Wake up and get ready for class

9:30 AM 10:50 AM Drugs and Society Class

11:00 AM Lunch

12:00 PM 3:00 PM Work on homework and study

3:00 PM Leave for work at Risen Savior

4:00 PM 6:15 PM Work at Risen Savior

6:30 PM 9:30 PM Work at the Pettit National Ice Center

9:45 PM approximately Midnight Study / Free Time

Nearly every item on the list is formal. Tuesdays are my busiest days of the week. Class and

work are unable to be changed. Weight lifting with the football team is technically optional and

less formal but I make it mandatory for myself because I am committed to the team and am

willing to put in the work during the off season. The only entirely informal items on my list are

lunchtime and my study/free time at the end of the night. I have more freedom there to take time

to relax during the busy day. In this day I have eleven activities. This does not surprise me at all.

Working multiple jobs, having a full course load, and being a student-athlete causes me to have a

very full schedule on a daily basis. I thrive on being busy because it helps me remain focused. I
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am aware of the decisions that I have made in terms of how full my schedule is but I prepare for

them and am always trying to improve my time management.

For the fifth observational study, I chose the first study under Eye Contact (Oculesics). I

chose to sit in the cafeteria near the fireplace by the double doors. I sat at a small table closest to

the walkway. When I said hello to my football teammates or friends and professors that I know,

everything was normal and they were very friendly. When I saw males who I did not know, they

would head nod and just keep walking. They do not seem creeped out and I can tell it goes in one

ear and out the other. Females who I did not know would look more offended and get a dirty look

and assume that I was hitting on them. Professors who I did not know were friendly back but I

expected that because they are always professional and would never want to appear rude when

spoken to by a student in an appropriately friendly manner.

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