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Oneill cilyane 9 shall! oh et gael meal! FAN plaid! yaaa! Llp soaa op dada “Chien, Saal ae oa ies ccgunat Que Haale ls) Ais Co Aull ye pale pal as! Hagiography paul) jue GUUS ac Cm Day CAS AnS opel (cinsll eam oye gsi ell Sf Hadas jal 2 gbl yl Coapalll yaw ADE Gye pilday dab sda ccrslseme Cady ples pqeinns «cgay tek GES LS Len ol can oes Shae Coal Lily La gee LS gil joey cya jl CN jaallig Sad aly es Aapatl saell tly atl sal gb did WSS ob ey ipl ial Le gd Bist Ge bee st Oe Bayly Byady Bale diladn ye pty cil yally Ayal Ayoalt Claeys ol Vly SAY y cqecinall Va AAU Ques 4 pa My «phos ull "agi bafLall cee a ate pat at se a5 2 Call cyl cl) asl {St Gall Cant patty * clade al il yal Lagi ay pany Sy May Lay pce 92 can IS Sel sip Legs ik Que clas Iyecingl coiianal alll Go jyS ate Lal coh all Alesina GAM abe (1) SMSC yay pe Le cid pall oi Gy Gang gl AbLoly o peaic y AUS Gol Gy gi pen y Apdo jul a I Lap as gh A sy Aalabl SAS AGh Cand yl f CANS) ILS ll Evelyne Patlagean cuadtl cubibl dal ys puny call Solely, at gL seme Lays calle Ugh cae tly pe lite I GK Lak gh Ul a nel le Ug Sy gD DMA etl ol gill oy laggy ghd! geal Go Bay cceig Hl GR pd Lge By LSI pe gene Lala ys alin | bl Aa jal bt ty sLeall yy ooh wall Sie Gaya les Legh le Cpe Le AISI SS Sey ue Leal ed opal ein ‘eB cols gels CLS tle lil 14 Gay Ulm same IMU Liye yy Aaa any a) Layaal gt pl} Caley Mie iy UE ca latina ll gia Aekl Ge Yas oaié "popular literature Guat Lil LeisS ph ASS Y Lal yp samell Gaal oft Ul sty lle nel Apolain YH SL gal Yiall yfall gf canal la Af oy CALS cipal Cignyy Cass UA Li SAIS thy seb lon gamed GAM col ty palaned aly SY Sth jamal) DA Lead cHghs jyl BAN hall gS Laie slr Sanh ye BIE Cyt J G9 Lay bay le wshys hiatal - re Hippolytos Delehaye «slabs ou siulsi qoiny ocx ptall (vill alle ws Velma! LISS oe tage a eal AT all gl CLS Ge lk ada SH Mina eagy eMgtiSh Mylan CALS y Ugh Asal All walially Gosling Ames te Da Cyst gush (1) 2438 oath Ls) CIS y acute all ual Patlagean , E.,"A Byzance : Ancienne hagiographie et histoire sociale” , Annales 23 (1968) , pp. 106-126 , repr. Idem , “Ancient Byzantine Hagiography and Social History" , trans, J, Hodgkin , Saints and their Cults : Studies in Religious Sociology , Folklore and History , ed. 8. Wilson Cambridge : Cambridge University Press | 1985 , pp. 101-121. Wil sonal Os UY Apts ble cyl ail Halkin yySlla Aut jo Lang) ital all oa gal guy PAY LY Laat sill led Caley ye hy cily aay Gay a Ghat any Ladys Gh aes La US cca il Aaa Alia ge JN lib GES 5 Sul Lilja gana of an BAS reg La ashl el esltly As jy ob eel abel) I ye lage Gye Gut 9S gle A Sokal esha ce y Lake gg jill ye eats acl Ba hy call Ge Vy aaa Halkin , F., 'L hagiographie Byzantine au service de ! histoire" , Proceedings of the Xilith International Congress of Byzantine Studies , London :Oxford University Press , 1967 , pp. 345-354, pCi Tg Ay julesyl Lan) bel Halkin , F., "Byzantine Hagiography in the Service of History" , trans, D. Jenkins »www. byzantine nd.edw/Halkin.html Hiya cally Lae gi lular SUN pt jul jaa ll in eel aabatll cals y th Sha oy Magoulias , H.J., “The Lives of Byzantine Saints as Sources of Data for the History of Magic in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries A.D., Sorcery, Relics and Icons*, Byzantion 37(1967), pp.228-69 ; Idem ,"The Lives of Saints as Sources of Data for the History of Byzantine Medicine in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries” , Byzantinische Zeitschrift (1969) , pp.12?-150 ; Idem , " The Lives of Byzantine Saints as Sources for Byzantine Agrarian Life in the Six and Seventh Centuries" Greek Orthodox Theological Review 35/1(1990), pp.59-70 ; Kazhdan , A., “Byzantine Hagiography and Sex in the Sixth to Twelfth Centuries" , Dumbarton Oaks Papers 44(1990) , pp.131-44 ; Kazhdan , A., & Maguire , H., "Byzantine Hagiographical Texts as Sources on Art" , Dumbarton Oaks Papers 45(1991), pp.1- 22. duds Jy lasel gil "Byzantine Saint ; A Bibliography’ Aajtiaa! 4yil yp sy8! Latta , Cap Cl japeny a Gey. Wwwiunfiedu + ly yyli Jlat dude aise ule Paul Halsall Chee sal) Qeatl ge pel) JR aislatany Jy all age + shel ch sy) ASE le By yall cases jul! SVeT VO se Hpk oT ARO gall lg y Yh Gy a Ag ca YE Sy le yes jh Delehaye , H., The Legends of the Saints: An Introduction to Hagiography, trans. (v) VM. Crawford, University of Notre Dame Press, 1961. plea aly be le GSH Hig) JUS Gail yh 1 io/www fordham, edwhhalsllbasis/delehave-legends.himl al GES ote sl cal) ete Cian gt cetilel pall gana cy gaaaill (Y) « pucall Aa gegah Cd jn BURG CaTS 1AM «Ppl all sll yal ale yy 199 hay cual (MUdaal cfd equal Dall Lage Alas yo elgie alae) Aylall ys HI te I eg ¥I AAS! pall jae Ge Hus Lake G) MISS aye cle ll gaaetall Al) AS goal yu DSS Ags Cae Gye YE + god CATS hall Sse led eZ Dall ye & ill ld ee Lala Gath al Dall Lage Gf aed sa! Galil Gi Giny wet aga de ate pall oy DIS Gye sold yj slg alge Capel cy iS) EAD i pat Gab gh Sapna Gluaa’ Gull SIS conget) Gaull I jase Se sages 52538 Un gy cpl Laas gb day pte ake al Gia all le GIS Bull a Dg peal AS Say MD Oe ls el ya gale LG gh FW J yall jy AU ld gi Gale clined usd hy ony Dall |b pn yal SMS Gy Lay eaten J pga sd ah gh oY GLY alsa 5 sb gh aly ely) Auli cesas sagt Linge oepll Sh pa) a. ol} AY! "apeall Glsaa! (yiley Ci jamal cals ee od Unmet Y Gureluus St. Febronia lis ni duuill, St. John Prodromos CDE Gosia Ly ye ea (al) Lyall) Auligll lati! willy USL e slea ye 2 Gasiall @ Bball dage gi Al Clocks Panacea USily Hygieia bea Taso july PL, 129, cols. 717-18. (ve) NT ye cgi smell Spall ech (1) The Miracles of St. Artemios : A Collection of Miracle Stories by an Anonymous (YY) Author of Seventh-Century Byzantium , trans, VS. Crisafulli , Leiden - New York ~ K6ln, 1997, mir, 3 , pp. 81-3. ( hereafter : Crisafulli , St. Artemios ) oe 05 in LS od oll BOG Amastris ya ell ge Gir Jb (T) (Sy sjneal od shérbté i sale: Sal pa yay gina any scrotal Boil Ofadll cle ys he ge Ape y Crisafulli, St. Artemios , mir. 35, pp.185-9. (ra) cee ees etl ADE Euporos cas ssis: ee id Oe oes eed (Te) Sy toad i Bet geile of el asa S tes ell) Hd le Gam ae Ue UD GBD y Haga gh Aaa jal Wa yg tp BRA gh OT gin geal y td he uly "opal Constantelos , Byzantine Religiosity , p.143. hase yess Crisafulli , St. Artemios , mir. 38. (ra) Masng Ley gall tclene le gale gh satel Ue aa J Gal of ll Cl jamal Gals yy a Wii cal AAD gl Landy ely Raa May oY US yd eli Lae IM ABU ALAN hy ginny Ly yh SA aga gh cgay pig at Lin gs Lats all Gud ye is gi cell te i jp BS leaky Uy DE cae Hy ged sad esse) de) tal Farle CAS Wy al Sayell of Abad ga": Age yl Belen gall epi el aye GIS hg aia Vy ALI cy yall ty gH olga yaad quay Lay Hyg oa TAgyed CY Lall 984 Lake, cil jpn geo gh Ase Lal Wey siph Aa) le aang Ibid , mir, 24 , 45. my pd ea ab plat jal ptilly Aa G yll LAMY Lage CIS 1g cg EG pga pL gall Cath gay gles jul yeast) GLANS Gl Se pal aly le jal Appaall Suhall (gb hee (GURY! ple AUN ode CS Se pal GY! Sty cabs yl 2a Lid GES ual ol ill Aig SL ples jad juan) Liye sang allay Za ts ee ale Cugsllld AK abe Qualiony pyle Atlin ogi Uelilly pull ely eral Ge dettly ually denell 9th pais Ml lial) gb IS Gus) DLLs Lay gf Leh any ald itty ake uals jal ual Cl jase bail 3 Bay TARAS Ca jase Nene gb ay Coat aged) Gd 5951) call Cl jee ge sgt SSM) LGN Aaa alg Uninc c5 5 SSI) Hed jap cians geile Ge Lia pany GSAS Gt tng Bay hah LY ala od Ud ies ein hy ala lal james gil pel ay Faget Lnglall HS GaeY le ah jeatiali andl ol) ns Al Fay ncll cies 1) sin y «ll + path droll oo app. citiadly oLaill pe pb cle paally Shy yall COU, ciblans SNVAGAVAVA (ya ape 0 ball Sas ll yl gl gb inal Hall chine Sajal ae aya AVS (ye ctueall Gian cane Chg ji (1+) Sige EIB ccc gb Mey Ginga IS ity” cilell Aiea gd iS gall gf apse agall yi 255 (1) Bally DKA ke Ela My al pM Gye calla pains Gull 4 cand shes See gh CH allt Lal Sala gig (TEV gia) “pam (ALLEL ica Lally eco y aul ¢cpblatly eal yesh ale pasa ghey corr phe s UES uty Culsbiny Gye penny TES Eee V9 gia) “era mats ell ecygtias E ally wall culty egy 6th ly 3) g yap catasi Oe cislans Lyisly byshnal) DUD all ola gi glad gli aio" aie gan gly o(PV=VA: ISM SF OL sl dks Laaly 48 Gt gees IE IS A Ud ae cee IS lds eal 4 IS ASE cata Gaze hy Igtaly of Aa) cyengin Aaa cihaall yi gate yall I yany WAAAY] Og) £Om Es 1 V ade FEN) A a) roll AE Gey (OO Vad.) VAYIANY/ OWS 1 CONT ANTH/ Tyee AMD) AVY 0/ A ia) SLU ali (14-11 SVAPVED VY AP EYAL A ie) Gaby ty MN alles ge dibithy (1-3; © Lag AV EVLA TATA A PVRTA/ OUTS YVR JA AYeRV/ OP ERTY/ VAYARTN) ¥ Gal ye lis (EAE J A GEYHY0/ © cad ye TIT] gs) gall GS aid (IVT A/V ET AAENRV] A Wingy 1 OVRENY Ve EMRYY] A Gaye | TEAA/ Ye VRYY/ 4 gis) spall SPVYAL Y (yay) gall ath (VT) V Gad ye TESTY / 4 ts) panally Qu yall ality AAV) VE Mg) oli yin pd atlity (OPO) Ung TAAL CUES ce Cpe bey Apezaly sal) any piel span pall gy 6) Ayala ig Ll aa Les canted) of gia 92 LS set) gd oy ald ol jane GLY) gi al ollanyy ald 4 OS I ging Ua glad Lagall ly VI gle Uke pled pte ABW! od y0 aul} cS AMS) peta Cy OHS de cl) GUN! oly lay Giy "ey olds oad Gieah cpalilanal Oe ool) amg cal gal" Yale GUI Le) Aa jlaey canal jena) dee oily corel pM) clad dan ge cals aaa OS aly Sat) AS pee RBM pb all iy os Agi al Laas od 5a Se CH dw ely oT. cal yall Glasal Ald sary cgyabeall WE cobs LG cohol Yl: une yeade Lull STP RB ally ASA SF gy gh gust sl ow SVN Sale gl cli Guage yl ay jenll CG Ces Ge Cale ll pgpie JE ALY yo pall 04] Uys LADLE ye Gall py Leaks Hath an gs Lginanyy nals diy [gia Dally ke SL jae Lil yeh AS dua gill pA hy cpus gall Cay Sagal yap ab eb pil 1S Ge selec Go seat J all cl jane Gals chy all gy OLS pala) yall Hae gf Uae Hise LY 858 Quill allied ADL Gye gill equal call gage cally 13) Lany cp cca La I Lael OS ely doux yall 48 day AB 3M Lal asl gay 39 BU) joe iS) oo 8 Yl ality edt oY coe LA ye Lilaiad Liga Dy of ce Yang celia Aa Abe eh equal Als Gat yy eye Gf sep AILS causal yas gh gay ad cy pl Lay cpllall Ugdleny USLE Tat «J aL St. Theodore of .iSet) s5298 Gell 5a oS Lend ae ee pape ay OAM Sy tee Gant ga BLS Gatley Sil jama’ pasate cise 4h dell hel yd 2ay (TY) G5 pele sal gle gia egy ye Se eghy dba del eg Stl eas re oe nel se Opty gael Galata pals ca ast Syste wuilly Gall oe E geod) CaS ce erlistl L(TENY/ © Se Deel) “gal Lagan AS canal C1 VAY ia (TT) VIEL NT esi s8 inde al A Aa (1A) AY Sigs lide) lM Ala 8) Crisafulli , St, Artemios , mir. 24, pp.143-4. - ‘The Life of St. Theodore of Sykeon , in: Three Byzantine Saints : Contemporary Biographies of St, Danie! the Siylite , St. Theadore of Sykeon and St. John the on Sho OU yl} Leo Gg pall Gull gilt Ally cya Ost) gd 2ay Ly lapitione Sykeon Ney pee NSH gtyy Ua ya pla dash chy GV gle UUlabe palleely «te pt! ST gee all ge y otal oe by ol cy MV) ayk le UaLall ~ ail suai Uae! Fags 6 cal gas ll canal Des ggg pall Gapsll Lye GOKAY Li, eqs all i yale galley Syegele Gilneas SY pliall gb pied gill eLibY! Lang FP gant Gaba y oS ye SLI jucnll Gil ya ne iS D6 A Cilge ue eh! dino» Galen pusilla Hippocrates bl iY "ypcbell Gili” juuntll ile 13 ay Li LESS aiallé «SL nell Aad jae ob dal fine ab Gye Ue Leal BALD Gal cya plead GUY! GIS Hy -Lyad fines Gull Lige gle Lise Leypa ay Sal Cap iki gid I (gle dpiaaie bps ody ie of Aula! de gl} MN ode ES Cae coal Leal ey capil, iyi) Gab Gye 3 ylaial cqecelly Gara eee sual sf ago ually asad) cD Rage cy Lt so GUA y INT Boles Slee} adage! Almsgiver , trans, E. Dawes , introductions & Notes by N.H. Baynes , London, 1948, chl7. Toid , ch.146, ocala cull) egal Sat tly 90 gf gall fall GS hay lS Medieval & cilainall Gunby Jguaill pli! aoe easy SLadla yp oth GitiSll bia y eal Saat pl Lag sil jbl, .www,fordham.edy : aig yjle Sourcebook Vie de Théodore de Sykedn , trad. A.Festugitre , Bruxelles , 1970 , ch.17, p.18 ; ch.146, pp. 119-120, A gd pm SL pl ill _peaall gat jens pe IS (ye Nate ll oda pac (4) haat gb le gS belay lie cogil jae Ugg GA pga ob yale etl Bay HHS Onell Sl jone GS np rine Mahal ugha aba quill Ga JWI OD oe git tl gd Urgent) asl CI jmnal Uyenall GOS) lad Oil ga AMT Gail CAD ge gi pl cpap th il jane ue geal Shall of Aba DLally woe Gay gue Bayan gal yn Ela NS cas Sy Clay cle oS Col py spel ZOE Gly cpus CB DIE yf yb yBhe jal a AS Gl Lil Shadi ay peti oh ogy Stay! oBiey Leak CHALGHy Cig hb Sauly OLS ALi ode GM ye Sy uniy aS Lee pagal ala cycle Bigent DS cy all yall IS Ge Ng ye QaalAll Gill Ye Ci james gy GAS An TY) egy all aa gt AS Ln ny oa aly Spm ll Uy the fap Cl Sn yp SS YL Shy Sam Hine CO I AYN fh engl Qe Sl pl ill ell 558 ye allyl ot Eads SAB 63a IY lal ecm SS YI 7 ty Co eaBLilly J ill uSay gash cabal Gye GES UI) Gi of gi day, Gott le SE ye anak Lay les call Gad gf yay DINU y SGA agua Ante ie gill ail ny cgay Gully Aula) ult Heal gs gh Laci oDlall gale Cha eae ceil) ll On JM Chal gb Un gtly ina esi ayy dy ey yey SLs Mast) ce sah gd Cl cLySo Lilla ya! IS ceil Gesios Gu siue duals y.y Shae! Lay GIS AY TMADU Le ylay Ugetlid jugat play Coal Hagel Giles Ge Las coma ele seal 5b sable page apie ony ya Genpell Glial gl Chay Seal Aish Ny Hal pgislee” I Gunaall (ye heey Y) Leal pa gl SB Ayjles] Bynes iY Ladle Gh Leet) Gay Sy bingy cupid! guasall Ge ow oot Casillas dal il pian Ayub Cling Cada cL ge Qs agghll AL og gi OF ngs AS sal Ge 4G Fred ay AS GA AT Gessin Ganel Le Ole pay cpgths FanesiS ol) Lad elgad Nal ads ga GAS Gil abl Agana eli ge Gul Athan (ye CDN slaty Gf gd Mal Lael getting lees Chay (ny iS Lin gs Suna cael shel) ll GS als hy gine Ay sal off Lia as dLll ay Cedally depends «yal Gye paul Gaal till cy Aahae 5 gee Of ag ll Festugiére , saints Cyr et Jean , mir, 30. my FyOSyly dias i Gall Sl eum Maem lL hall peal pees any CLth Apis TEDL aiaai ol Aeneas of Gaza oss) jill ubgl Ale aS «gD Gaal cil olf Procopius of Gazays 3) jill uesusS yy Ale GiSy cesiaall Gaba ¢ 5 ph Gila JS lj sl sgh egg Ay Sal 4) BT LS aS ye li ll sags Oly AN lal els IS Ang * of cob Gyula gi oS yyy ctl UB, IES AL og ape GIS Sy ie Nutton, Galen . ayaa) cbse} ya cfizoe) SS ge glial Jjla Lasie Heraiscus yy sSual ys AM eel DD yates gd Ula Lape ASH is gh jidl cuba Ll. (to Alexander, p. 6.) ue} da) B Hierokles ualSsya ay gle Banal) A ghOUN yaya egadhell Gala Gall ow Alla BURY! gle sel ilps bar ecayy SY pl Vasey le SH Mer yealy Hyphal Ce caste sigd pea Gall Ugh glls Filia ge She sy ‘Theophrastus — iy nl staal ale oly Fl cgi tl jaaiall yh peje pyuady cy! Uti Gls Ii) y Vyaae ai egg all ala Yo Ayal) pg yuo Al3 digest le Lil yng US + AT ES col gate all SI yily gall Slike Gheall I tila pal Lis-Liall co egal le gi ghends celll att Ly al oly pa 8s tees Gem a (gill stil pee apety ol Lab cue US oS ga day Le GIS ancl Nba gi'y ccs Any Suey pl Naenie any day hy ccJtill 1Se julss alley Le pine gf) SD Gung all lily Bey Ata cdlal jal) Aight ol sily ol fA Leal Jy vad Guedes y ol jail Festugiére , Saints Céme et Damien ,mir.28, (eA) Festugiére , Saints Come et Damien mir.29. (04) patie Ge sil penal gd Uae ye Chadley Gulej9S Gal Cl je CaS yf uILAS adh Go Lede pl selSiy ccna ce ple re Lay Lal pally oledl col payne oe all Ley gill Ribas) ella) Cae ing ye LueS cdg! yall Cilla sLilaay gil gi it cpl ail Ge gst) te aly UNE, Ga8ey CLD ull Late,y cos pe 8 Lee! LD gh Sl onanll gu yue ale pL tae cgaiad Be Ong ot Laskey aga Ul) a) cape dale ad aly Uy Phang A Leib clad He Festugiére , Saints Céme et Damien ,mir.1 aggre phy plac obp tle: cLagl dela Aygo (5) LG) all als Gh Dian see CAE Gin ys yet cs hl Baa ay BM 3 A NLM ogi) Lagi Jala AI dal ol_ye] ply cca gull Aig sot + sen ib Laatoy Ae AaSlge) 9 CLapl Ande Sp pal Laskey i ya ie apse elt Sal le dr el all Festugiére , Saints Céme et Damien mir.5. Aye oo celal Gt) opal pany lala dpe Gh IS) Lal je pune AS Lae Ay as sol SU gl ol till ol gus eS) pS sassy plgay Old 4s) gash o-algl St. Matrona of Perge 2s!yill Lis sls Auguill sje Gals ye Sy cafe I eal Ge lo yee gd What edb Ge gDiull Gadel gal S25 IMI cual Lege ‘Euphemia lui» Wises Antiochiane 434s sal YY ptpele Abe Yigal Uys) gy Lal elgadle Ge eLLYT Grey Vole Lie yall lait Veen BAL gh peteliS plantl DIR Ge Natal oy lT gis 0 HyiSals ol eel chadiy Glad gle Wao yl she DIS a Ay pda) ally GUL] Cals J Ling op esuenas YY coscian Y cyill ola cele Lal Ide. US cal pl cada) Sane’ Gad ole Ge ALSIYI epee gall coe Vay chlo of pilin ye Basle LAS ye Ut Low ol os psls of gd Aa GS Y TL Bode ay yal Sab Y gpl Gakll car St) Gl aN Nghe aS gh aS Le yh cqgaatll Gall gale! oI Ge UD Ge Se Rasps cl} pad ill Sage fl ASULLI 5 jaeall Le! yu St. Elisabeth cay! ll dugatll suas GSS Gate gy ll OS sis ce pt Ba aad Ug os yy chal Lynd ALAS Ci jae CDE ye Saaly gd olga etlal Gua S aL! AS ccimgall 5b elgtl aep G58 Om ply hy Ales Ale epee CIS Gls IS Wee eC cad alld ais of G59 eb le 458 ce SY dag ol Ley Led cL egal le Leb Gye Uy Lente y tls Caay gl} Ay phacll ALM oda DEE Gye | gase ab USN oY ga GIS Ly ce Berl y oT AS Mel Lye s peel AB qin cya Ay il Rial gle Le LLYN Hy gat. cous AULA Sy col} Nye ally aang 5 lll Adal ela) ha Le Legs ON Gaal) ype alll epee sf aay A oye cyullall Life of St. Matrona of Perge , trans. J.Featherstone & C.Mango , Holy Women of (1+) Byzantium : Ten Saints lives in English Translation , ed. A-M. Talbot , Washington, D.C., 1996 , pp.13-69, esp.49. epi sine ash Ayla 3 y dp 5 CAMS gh SVU che gay (lad gpl pga Spall GIS ate vesetil tess Marcian ohio ybl nyl ty ya Ally «(p£41-£¥8) Sphorakios Ibid , p49, 0.87, 89. tla (p£VY-€7V) 5 sl DDL Gail ele J! Anthimus Life of St. Elisabeth the Wonderworker , trans. V.Karras , Holy Women of (1\) Byzantium : Ten Saints lives in English Translation , ed. A-M. Talbot , Washington, D.C., 1996 , pp.117-136 , esp.p.134. - OAH Lig pe gal Cal jane GY Lila os hme yl pene cy yaaiy pel" Anargyroi* sal ghy Compal cop pte ale Allan Gf 9Sety ly CHS ny ya Alla LEIS 5 pee Cy Sy cole Ail pk J Stil cus Le SH ah gd ath ch pue GA Gus) ol yb cust Saal coe lsh Aa sally cyglans LLY GIS Cosmas capill Cl jase gly ELLY! So eel gle lh il lL no ad gh ppt ems SS Clay egal eet Uglies Apigbatbaall Le! asl ce sual Leste ceitiilly Gluaally « jet cye Anu Lege called lal Le IS al adsl Shy i ib pi! salad MPAA De oli Quads ASD ob baad pal YY OI oey ccuntledl Guus gle tbl Gail: Anargyroi (4) Festugiére , Saints Céme et Damien ,prol. Vg ple Aang pall Y} apalenge ge lt slo sal ppl ie AY Conall oF nd Gill) easly lal gb as yeh BLE p02 J) pgisland Wg ya iid Iba ISI ely cal Ey Ow vill Lats J gape glad clas -Patlagean , E., Pauvrete economique et pauverte social a Byzance , 4e-7e siecles , Paris , 1977 , p.352. cB egestas Ung Gall Sais) Laas Ugaald Ba ages 8S eset) Quill jn ody de hogy 3 I peal paid NLA ps ALS cdg che oll LagiSl) aye Syke y etal Ciiglie Ani] DLE li Theoteknos yesiSsgh cil ghuad ais Rass Jools el oh wail gy nn tase ae Aaa 9h ately ssl op ae Cue CD! Lele oul lawl Oe ate; LaiSly Daca NS ce segi yl yagall agey agi) hia! Laie boll a5 shy lil Gig Gi Gi sole + LS als yl gay lll etn La ae 5 oe Crisafulli , St. Artemios ,mir.27 , pp.153-5 ; mir.36, pp.189-193. el jane GAS aged 8S atl ly eleay Dhan ol Gaal co se US ais compel 4a 8)yy ISS soil Ryall Lael Lisl Ge alt dni dey ead SY Ges AY! AG Sy Lal) Gall My yay ay ya Dh yh pal aed ein gy cyl AaglS AB sly dae Leleny ele.) Aig i pill Clik any aly sle'y Haishy AU Fs Ugh ats Jyh Db gal) lass Cltl ge ei gle als cl jena Ay Aight NS y dey all ail ol jal bey caval eel a al gy TS GL NE jane gly MOM pany of Alar GL pin gle Ggil® aS 03a cg Cay yaa pl eed os th inne gly Ale Ott ut all cy “Uall Jesh cay all hj tee Crisafulli , Si, Artemios , mir , pp.83-5 ; mir.23 , pp.137-141 ; mir.15 , pp.103-7 ; mir, 19, pp.121-3 , mir.37 , 193-7. cA) Cagle UN yt all Aaah UpDhe Ne o(KErBEE al) atl pA pall le pl} Cut IA Ct sony (OE) Sythm siall , clit Ae pal Festugidre , saints Cyr et Jean ,mir.46, qr) -ue ede gol} cs placa an Lenk yA! Ne gis ght ol Ly Leja Bate Li} ot Nehp ee Cel Fall obey Cie jung OLS Lede Gulbed | pal ce aly cual) schema UgS ib al gla iad sf Auad cial y si Mebad alle Yah uel gps gus all Ge ol 059 Gh pualy Foot gi cagat! Quill Cl jane Gols cate ygill alll gf ¢ daadudl yey agin Y gate lg gd Mada ey Le gdae GIS aly Maal cad Lille OSs of Le Raold geo yall Gye el! Ualolit yall Zssdal yyeVl ayaa dageae ab yy celgbaill 4} gine SF gis NL gl) i ecg ally Call uy Ab peat ya ADE Ugly Ag yk all yt oN ka lke Jit UMN le dy TY] os sige aad) Sop pleads} Ailst Lua pia GIS cations age (gid «SL penal DIS Le jue pill Bata alent sale psld al ofS gall Gill Hylan gly elajaags aad Gllge lyse es ey aide ogi Mall oda yan ust (Say LS Lys Gila yas CDE ya pa Aaa fad all ya gang et SLM (plat jal jell palin Lyall CLA! cll yal ata acl) 2 fl DS dye Sal) cilyitnally ayy gla ua) geal gi cule! LLY 5 gal LS dad 08) Cal jane SIS" Ly gh Le jpeg Cutead oll gay ly GIS pada Crisafulli , St, Artemios , mir.36, pp. 189-193, (at) eesesss 28 Ung Quail Laat ot Lei S85 by ipa cline! Gian grnly Le Saal daly i Abs Slay Raabe yy gf Gun LG sels ling cesses Ganill ape Gee LoS st a col ak CRAY ih ot Cuba 9S cally @Da) GL ag Ady Gla jue gd Fe Ul eLLLY Dy Daf UG sages reine git) id gid daily Yale ¢ 5 Binal elt! samy Ae i Ui (li yl lied Gl yle de whoo gs obit Wat ah": Gaal Yd Ul oats G5! qe ft SE Gy pl eninge ll a ay cya Ll glad) ce Gas ot Lely Ligne a leeds ety 3k cebity LAY! galas Gata Jones , A.H.M., The Later Roman Empire (284-602) , Oxford, 1964, vol, 1, 447-8. (1°) ceralds Ley cage Lejnasi Guaed obbW! pie Codex lustinianus ciytiae Ziad Uiiy (11) Bign her seae Gh sty scams Cally Cynend cpp be Gasloall pliy case Qype ssally SLAY oe Uh gels Gg go Yl DDS oe Lila) 9 ol gle yay AS pau sab og geal glee Gala mee on gatladl cll od Ui Ny oad US Ge ut cs gill Jal 29) ull ele y type yal ela ay alel jul Lacalall gi ala jy Jal Ia Gh pi EY La yasd Gumadly Qty Nutton , Gallen 10 Alexander , p. 11. shal call ally Gall) oa ill yf as yall Lge ll yh Gey -We tle pl Attia ade satya Gal os a Alle gb Gus ol? sauna i alla Ui Semissis joo! : bxaly La jaegi 0 ily oaae Gyo aglatbaadls his gu Ui HS Goa pill Sl jae dy heratia Ubi od ay tremissis suas fy CD ASI cas ya ee Gg Gad Gaul al YS ate Lest Gil datall Cuts clin yay eile jy gt Sls ESM oY ge Mpbes G LGY Gb Aa y alle Gye gous Le ey YY 6S) all Gf Maj gh A ney egal Gall ge Yuh Nyala 5 yea pb gull Le etd A I pat lS jalan cams od ed site ag til Rags OS Al dy deny asl Y) call 4A al thal ps aig Aglay 4 1 Contd a SM Caaaill pd Luis) ¢ 54 Sozomen cues jue chy LS inate of Grierson , Ph., "The Tablettes Albertini and the Value of the Solidus in the Fifth and Sixth CenturiesA.D.", Journal of Roman Studies 49/1-2(1959), pp.73-80. 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(.4) ee gal oh ceing YS of Y) colt yal sis gb Mac gh Ait poy ah beaSLall ow cl sol pagal EU) IS Lay casey 6 gil Cl gy Lal Gata all Osh ols OS (VOM) Apt hal eg OD le thn gata ga aca ede ll ya cans col os SAL CMA ob LLY sal CU ob dylll Sy Lay as stl Gab Gey (194) chy Lae eh gakse' Wl Fy ll OS bly olga SS ELBy Gia Hal ghd eM goal glee MN gd DAY Lysih ul pa anal ot pay call Lag Un ges Gog S cal ga pte gl old Uti aay Coal Lely eal Glan BASS) Gage he oh dlny ppd Lagiah ob lal Sie By GD OY alka y ali ay gi Al Loediat yal Uggh ly al aya YT ge any ial Ny age oll Ch yay DE ag SeSind) yh Rand Chnday GSS Goal Syne ly uae CDE abs yal anargyroi cB LASS Gh gS MT elgg le ah Bal ge cll EDS Gels ib Ge FLL hl ete Ball gle canal of any Yel SLs 9b A Rh oe panty Uy a ay pel Adel elie Ay 0 SS Ng ot be tly Al al 5S apne ey tly cps OES egal ANO=V\ cn oily eS opal deat do glad US ol Lyall obSl lyr cael cis ln Ammianus Marcellinus , Later Roman Empire , p. 253. 4) ae Athy bg pd aaliy 448"! Gerontius Qu ysiy ae Gusball cia Queda ae ell ply NH ce ces OSS cel gall le ob BY ol iill allead tly (ili jaae elbl af Zachariah of Mitylene (aulull LS j cima, ABS Ld Litho y Logis Leda coLuilly Lalyy Lia olS' ah (Sergius cx sie je eh pee sonaly LRM Seth oo) cali 4 eal alee ogi gael jt) ha Leia Canty Real pall cde ly ops ley Lely RDM Caall os gal ya clay dal slant pif ake aol 5h gil gil ysis hl ech ae OF coat gall Lithy die Vy illag clgal St CLL clad cattle cise Gill Cl pull Ge og ship eS Gale ob lad ut Y gl id yay eal gl gly of cbalinall bial! ggliy pel oH LY des gle ll Aly oda gle Gull Gaon ante! aby Mae of coil gol yall pptbbes cuial Le 13) pa june city cull pglen gill antl Gal co ph Sozomen , Ecclesiastical History, book.viii , ) Zachariah of Mitylene , The Syriac Chronicle , trans. F.J. Hamilton & E.W. 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AS egAAIS C079 tA nll alll Sy ll Lap sl) gi Sele LS Hyg od Legg GI Sly sand G+ Dall Lia ke GIS Laing edt GS Naps Lal ad capa GS mall yay agai NM Gye Gay Hg Se gSath pashan Gf Ake Lyle col Sols sil pay Ange LLY ola caulall Langy Tein cf Agee Ste Cyuhh Use gS Y ipegd WO cage gS) AE ay pas YT pgilacial Mic hy Tye epYoes Ali cesgpaee Jujall ge CBee Lan Lagi fe IS cs gel aay ple (Se sano} agi SyuIl ode Ute (Magoulias, Byzantine Medicine , p. 138.) ise Ayam pty cyt depth le eLWKh aang of shel pall pedatl al yall Uke i abinall ga ofS CG La A da ty Hyg pans pl Uae ated Soy Le yay lon! ad pee dil ae By made an lem Why Leal Sl 1 lds sae Coal 6 4 Vy Rall Agha yl olsall gd Ugdalen Haldon , Supplementary Essay , p. 44 ; Magoulias , Byzantine Medicine ,p.138. (Vt) -"W - Oe Ab eles All OLLI GIA Ay) palaall Guam as of Gd Lay ogdeal yALs pte pb Cia ol ada gladly al co lubSU bil ye gun) Gis Salle gle Ayan than yy all Ga cohen Ley gail aa! dysleall all jm gong Sel cla lead Slat) Gill Qa 3 ypuall oe Allanne any dat all adel) Gly Fah i (gh Lea fine UME ell Rigs gatas le AUS alld 2h ail y soll ait Sag Ng Lala DIOS pytly Lgah cial Ayano Qo cba hy SLM jul poled A, 1) poled) Salo fll OLE! Cuan 6 gla od Mell ye. Cue) ual Fale sana GUUS ph hae gs I cil poled os il bel i pat Gy Lead! Lin y Aga Sy CMa LIS Apel all laa cual of gle asl yay § lay Soe AA 6 ll ALN gle ld ety gly egal hija caine) the 5 Luba! BAUR y plat oan Hl Na 5yles Uy coated’) alg 1b CUAL st igs 9S Albis Gees clay Uualein Ge Gy Sy Ab fia auesll Gyiabl Jatsd dally eA call Goyd yey SHG Ha Bed Gf SALE peal plead glad AALS co Aaa) Sasha AS My SLD Nal she Land Yh gel Gu gle Ga gil oe Binz Procopius GesisSs OS GOL Gelall Jill gly eedaall Chile WB gaye CS GE Gye US coal LS Oa) oI le Le dy Seal chy My aul Cl janes Lilly hal “Usepall duanaill sal! Cals” Theophylact Simocatta Ammianus Marcellinus , Later Roman Empire , pp. 96-7 , 359 , 316 , 354. (ve) lll cca ogy egasSs 4 J ce Daal ow set (VY) Procopius , Secret History , pp. 149-55, 223-7 , 263 ; Cameron , A., Procopius and the Sixth Century , London & New York , 1996 , pp. 88-91. SVOYNTR=VTA 0) VY 68,0 4s al a eg sS 8 Ales aay (Beka gb aly SUMAN Guys GOAL phe lym Ulf ape DU aly (VY) eA Aly gh egal hy ocyly Raph gle yb CUS $30 anys ala oh ll Ll yy SA POMA ple sia pl Mi yg co pel JUN Som ol al) AL cnt jas IS Ua ah Nagamine a ial cgay GLE Ui Gye Sage hee) pd cates cypeLlll egal ole Drizipera waaly psa Theophylact Simocatta , The History of Theophylact Simocatia , trans. M.& M. Whitby , Oxford , 1986 , pp.199-200. - Mt - cassali) Ul dye tcl) laa) Gina Lea jue Cary ede lle Alyy cones oe Spec Lila yang! GS Sle cly Late ull Ga ae) Gund aii Evagrius yay Mal) aah yy J&Io Guaagsill (pany Ae gue CLE YA J alana kaa | can g pages Glas Lay eathae Cll Laas Qe Gay Jt AS i gpl ll pill SGI) gd Gus aa Ig GSy Ayghilauill; Sosthenium alco gb Gubilaud leas ll St, Michael ce ead et eye pee cathe) Dall (gill Guts Cyne IS 4 coal yall Yule Aanid rag yall dog Lente y co gus die Cial5 Gy dele gd clit el aging of ay ce lbi ep gS lf lan aad yal ale cal LLM she Gly cc Gined geal ob Tegal 5s canal Nia hy A phy Dal aaa 5g cial Gis ye ay echt Bxtad Gaye sable chy lle od aS Yar atey Leahy Aeglll Cl jen Ge Chand LS SH yaaa Oe elas AS Bip ny ly ASD all 1S Kel y GA) Lemmly cil jesl obey Ibid , pp.233-234. 2 AaaS gb ES je Clg al ts Shee le Leake 38 Sy pety othe ipa OM doaingy COU SS of lyase BoM Culy sped pally @pO4AT play AR yall Rslall ohn Gye cil yi GLE dey Gaye dle Ge yan if tla! Grégoire , "Sainte Euphémie et fempereur Maurice" , Le Muséon 59 (1946) , pp. 295-302. Pay ess all Las Glad Lasts oa hy egg Dial hall Gig gd Hecal Aula cuss (VA) 3 obal ccuailly quay 6! phall Si jaaay Chronicon Paschale , pp.9 , 26-8 31 , 37,39, 41-2, 102-3 165, 169, 174, 180, 183-4, 186, 188. Pe VE ally cbaslay GATS canal ais pga JUN Ge ol pba ih GM Lyssa y Ibid , p.180. yr ji DR ASU gb WAS CMs gail eye cages (TP ple ate esalid aly (V4) Fuad ip) she y ocyyiill La jae sea gin cigilll Al yal Syylailandll Jai) pb (p00 +0 f-) AePNTHOV%) saan aS lhl UH Ue dan Evagrius , Ecclesiastical History , pp.x Symeon the Elder S¥\ cosa cpgsil Cl jmnny 5 yuan | ee Alle vg reli Gua aly BAU jG gue Sie LenS ici ead Copal cgbdLge ght doy - whey Ga eggs un Gaby Lag fh yh jl) pal ill pps cdg align = whet epVAVY a ali pall 4550 cle je eget) usa ~ C8 SAY AS gle Aytjyll Gal all gllye og Ubal idhaay Jal ye - SYA VO sa cpt eo GME dl dasa y geal dey ll gm Ga cgi jell Ay ghia yb adel dll chan pall ae - wet neo Be Hae st emny GEV! DY alles gob spell Ghiaa’ cane hay Su — AVAAY equal anal cca cue Reales Ut silly Ayo yl) cabal yal BESe chug GLA elagtll Quasi) soul eal! Lays eghalay Gag - 2 kee Galil yal Bagel Aybatl de urge - rr. .com/tib/index. badre=4/12 GAG coagnne Supa we Chee dans aS fst cs gual) Ling — Xovs “ 4A

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