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Top Lang Disorders

Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 323338
Copyright  c 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Teaching Expository
Comprehension Skills
in Early Childhood Classrooms
Barbara Culatta, PhD; Kendra M. Hall-Kenyon, PhD;
Sharon Black, MS

Purpose: This pilot project implemented and evaluated a theme-based unit designed to teach
expository comprehension skills to young children in four preschool classrooms. Method: The
program and the unit were collaborative efforts of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and early
childhood educators. Within topically related units, 71 children ages 4:1 to 5:0 engaged in
first-hand experiences related to narrative texts, adapted expository texts, and mapping tasks
within large group, small group, and class routine contexts. Data sources consisted of expository
compare/contrast and problem/solution tasks, classroom observations, teacher and parent inter-
views, and parent surveys. Results: During instruction most of the 71 participating children
made gains in both the compare/contrast and problem/solution tasks. They spontaneously applied
problem/solution strategies in noninstructional settings. Teachers and parents reported that chil-
dren were motivated by and engaged in the playful but systematic instruction. Discussion: Al-
though there were limitations in the study, results suggest that preschool children are able to
benefit from expository instruction that is explicit, purposeful, and focused on topics of nat-
ural interest to young children. The study should be replicated with refined measures and a
more diverse population. Key words: Collaborative service delivery, early literacy, engage-
ment, explicit instruction, expository instruction, expository comprehension, expository con-
cepts, integrated instruction, mapping of expository texts, preschool instruction, theme-based

C OMPREHENSION of informational texts

and content learning are vital to chil-
drens eventual academic success. If activi-
sure to and instruction using them (Caswell
& Duke, 1998; Duke, 2000; Duke & Kays,
1998; Moss, 1997; Pappas, 1993). If they do
ties are relevant, interesting, and engaging, not feel hurried or pressured and if they re-
young children are capable of beginning to ceive individualized scaffolding and support,
develop some of the mental processes and children with language deficits and disabili-
thinking patterns that will influence future ties can also participate and benefit from the
comprehension and learning. The results of early intervention. Thus expository text in-
studies have led researchers to conclude that struction should have an important presence
young children are capable of comprehending in early childhood education programs (Duke,
expository texts and can benefit from expo- 2006).
To explore implementation of expository
comprehension instruction with young chil-
Author Affiliations: Communication Disorders
dren, we piloted an instructional program
(Dr Culatta), Early Childhood Education consisting of developmentally appropriate ac-
(Dr Hall-Kenyon), and David O McKay School of tivities targeted to develop early literacy skills
Education (Ms Black), Brigham Young University,
Provo, Utah.
in four early childhood classrooms. This ar-
ticle presents relevant literature and gives
Corresponding Author: Barbara Culatta, PhD, 301
McKay Building; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
methods, results, and discussion of the pilot
84602 (Barbara study.

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE from age 3:9 to age 6:2 using multiple ex-
pository texts of gradually increasing diffi-
Importance of providing early culty. During the preschool phase of the study,
expository instruction the child responded to the books by asking
Researchers and educators are aware of questions, engaging in conversations, seeking
the importance of early instruction prepar- to understand facts, and using informational
ing young children for expository texts (Duke, book themes during play and conversation.
2006). Good comprehension skills for expos- Although expository texts focused on infor-
itory texts are vital to learning and contribute mational content are not often introduced in
to success in school (Pearson & Duke, 2002; preschool classrooms, they are informally en-
Seidenberg, 1989). But preparation does not countered (Pentimonti, Zucker, & Kaderavek,
need to wait until expository text compre- 2010). Preschool children are exposed often
hension becomes critical. Current studies in- to simple expository texts in the form of class-
dicate that young children are capable of room environmental print: e.g., job charts, la-
learning from expository texts (Duke, 2000; bels for locating or putting away materials,
Pearson & Duke, 2002; Williams, Hall, & and signs with class rules or procedures like
Lauer, 2004) and that they benefit from the hand washing.
direct teaching of expository text organi- More formal encounters with expository
zation (compare/contrast, problem/solution, texts in many forms also occur in early child-
sequence, description) (Hall, Sabey, & Mc- hood classrooms. Oral expository instruction
Clellan, 2005; Williams, Hall, Lauer, Stafford, takes place as teachers diverge from narra-
DeSisto, & deCani, 2005; Williams et al., tive stories to expand and elaborate back-
2004; Williams, Stafford, Lauer, Hall, & Pollini, ground knowledge. Expository information is
2009). also common as part of thematic units: Top-
Preschool children who do not obtain ad- ics such as community workers, animals, and
equate preliteracy skills, including text com- life in the sea are centered in informational
prehension skills, are at risk for future literacy content. Picture books about animals are of-
problems (Justice, Invernizzi, & Meier, 2002; ten found in the classroom bookrack or li-
Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998). Support for brary corner. Accounts of personal experi-
preparing children in preschool classrooms ences are often used to convey some type of
with some skills and dispositions for compre- factual information: experience with a police-
hending expository texts has a solid rationale: man or postman, responsibility for taking care
to capitalize on student interests, to develop of an animal. Teachers give oral explanations
language skills and capabilities, and to build to convey a variety of information (e.g., why
further cognitive strengths and abilities. the children must walk to the bus with an
adult, where milk comes from, etc.). Other
informational or expository texts that young
Expository instruction in preschool children encounter take the form of simple di-
classrooms rections or procedures: a recipe, instructions
Although research supports childrens ca- for a game or craft.
pability for comprehending and learning from However, early childhood educators are
expository texts (Duke, 2000; Hall et al., 2005; beginning to suspect that children are not
Pearson & Duke, 2002; Teale, 2003; Williams encountering written expository texts fre-
et al., 2004; Williams et al., 2005; Williams quently enough. In examining books used
et al., 2009) and of developing enhanced abil- in classrooms, Moss and Newton (1998, as
ities through using these texts, only a few cited in Pentimonti et al., 2010) found that
studies have addressed expository compre- in preschool 82% of the texts read aloud to
hension in the preschool population. A case children were narratives, 13% were mixed
study by Maduram (2000) followed a child narrative and expository, and only 4% were

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Teaching Expository Comprehension 325

expository. In a nationwide survey, Moss disabilities are spending more time in in-
(1997) found that none of the most frequently clusive classrooms and less time in pull-out
read books on any grade level were nonfic- programs; and more SLPs are going into
tion. Going to the teachers themselves for those classrooms to assist them during class
clarification, Davinroy and Hiebert (1994) (Ritzman, Sanger, & Coufal, 2006). Thus
learned that teachers of young children sel- increased collaborationincluding positive
dom used expository books with their stu- communication and sharingbetween teach-
dents. Teachers claimed that they did not ers and SLPs is critical (Sanger, Hux, & Griess,
know how to alter these texts or how to 1995). In a policy document, the American
support young childrens comprehension of Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA;
them. Accumulating evidence now suggests 2001) states that for literacy, the responsibili-
that this is a misconception. ties and roles of SLPs and classroom teachers
Even preschool children can benefit from are essentially collaborative in nature.
learning basic structural patterns such as com- One of the central features of the current
pare/contrast (Dreher & Gray, 2009). Learn- study was collaboration. The program stud-
ing expository comprehension skills, such as ied was designed collaboratively by an expe-
the ability to recognize and reason with text rienced SLP and an early childhood teacher
structures, improves their comprehension of educator. Then it was implemented into a
factual materials (Weaver & Kintch, 1991). Ex- university laboratory preschool jointly by ad-
pository skills, like other literacy skills and vanced candidates preparing for careers as
capabilities, develop as a result of guided preschool teachers or SLPs. In this way, a
encounters with relevant texts. Substantial ex- strong collaborative relationship was devel-
perience with a genre is necessary if knowl- oped by the SLP and early childhood teacher
edge of that genre is to develop (Duke, 2000; educator and then modeled for the preservice
Dreher & Gray, 2009), including opportu- teacher candidates and SLPs.
nities for reading, writing, and discussion
(Pearson & Duke, 2002).
Thus deliberate exposure and explicit in- METHOD
struction are necessary; they should begin in
preschool and be integrated into kindergarten Purpose
classrooms. This article describes implementation and
Because there is a recognized need for ex- results of a 16-week pilot project designed to
pository preschool instruction, researchers explicitly but playfully teach expository skills
and educators are suggesting ideas, strategies, to young children in preschool classrooms. A
and programs for how to provide this in- pre-post design without controls was used to
struction (e.g., Moss, Leone, & Dipillo, 1997). explore the feasibility of the intervention. We
These instructional strategies rely on or are acknowledge that this nonexperimental de-
similar to those that have been shown to be sign has limitations in its ability to show ef-
effective with intermediate grade children; ficacy of the intervention approach, but the
however adaptations have been made to make work was designed primarily to illustrate ways
tasks age appropriate, and the interventions in which SLPs and early childhood educa-
need to be evaluated for their efficacy. tors can work together in planning and carry-
ing out instruction. The two purposes of the
Collaboration between speech-language project were (a) to evaluate effectiveness of
pathologists and classroom teachers instructional practices involved in the theme-
With the emphasis on education for based unit and (b) to increase teachers aware-
all students generated the by No Child ness of how systematic and explicit instruc-
Left Behind legislation (2001), more chil- tion can be made engaging and relevant for
dren with language impairment and other young children. The second aim was chosen

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because systematic literacy-focused instruc- children performed poorly on the PALS

tion had not been used previously in this (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening;
preschool setting, and the work was viewed Invernizzi, Sullivan, & Meier, 2001), earning
as a collaborative interdisciplinary personnel scores less than 5 on the rhyming and begin-
preparation activity. ning sound assessments. These four children
also performed poorly (scoring less than 5) on
Setting and participants the two story comprehension tasks (question
The theme-based instructional unit was im- answering and text retelling).
plemented as supplemental teaching in four
preschool classes with two teachers, each of Classroom setting
whom was teaching both morning and after- The instructional unit was conducted at
noon classes. The classes were part of a labo- the laboratory preschool over a 16-week pe-
ratory preschool program affiliated with a pri- riod, with 2 weeks spent on each of eight
vate university. subunits. Each week consisted of 4 days of
instruction (M-Th), with the teachers allocat-
Teachers and students ing certain times within the week for im-
Both of the classroom teachers held a plementation of the supplemental unit by
bachelors degree and had more than 10 university student instructors (i.e., preservice
years of teaching experience. Both were well SLPs and early childhood teacher candidates).
trained and experienced in developmentally The project directors considered the use of
appropriate practice. Their approach to lit- multiple classroom contexts to be important
eracy instruction had consisted of stimulat- to implementation of a wide variety of ac-
ing letter knowledge and concepts of print tivities (Culatta & Hall, 2006), so the teach-
skills within language- and print-rich environ- ers gave permission to the project instructors
ments, but neither had followed a specific to access large and small group instruction
literacy program or had targeted language time, as well as classroom routines (transitions
comprehension, particularly with expository and snack). During each week, class times
text. available for the unit included two fifteen-
A total of 80 children participated in the minute large group sessions, daily small
four classrooms (approximately 20 in each), group centers, two transitions from large
and 71 of those children were enrolled in group to centers, one small group literacy
our pilot study. The children were between rotation, and two snack and transition times.
the ages of 4:1 and 5:0 years, with a mean
age of 4:7. All were from middle class fam- Unit of instruction
ilies and spoke English as their primary lan- A 16-week unit entitled People and An-
guage. According to the information provided imals Living Together dealt with various
by the classroom teachers and observations relationships between people and animals.
of an experienced SLP, one child was be- Within the broad unit theme were eight 2-
ing monitored for a developmental delay, and week subunits dealing with some ways in
eight children had noticeable phonological which people and animals impact each other.
production errors. All children who progress The subunit themes consisted of such topics
slowly in early language and literacy devel- as animals helping people, people helping an-
opment are not considered to have a disor- imals, animals living in the right places, peo-
der, and prevention practices can sometimes ple giving animals what they need, animals
avert or lessen the severity of a disability and people fulfilling their needs to sleep and
(Justice, 2006). Thus early literacy and lan- eat, and people knowing which animals make
guage comprehension tasks were used to good pets.
further discern students entering language/ Expository texts and structures were in-
literacy performance levels and needs: Four cluded throughout the topics and subtopics.

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Teaching Expository Comprehension 327

For example, the unit on the right places to and vocabulary explicitly, presenting expos-
live contrasted places that are good for an- itory texts aloud, mapping conceptual rela-
imals and/or people to live and addressed tionships, and providing concrete hands-on
how a persons or animals living situation has experiences.
to meet particular needs. Texts and lessons
dealt with problem solving (e.g., finding ap- Relating to prior knowledge
propriate living situations for some animals) and experience
and comparisons (e.g., discerning similari- An important aspect of the early expository
ties and differences in animals and peoples unit was the introduction to new content. The
needs). preservice teachers and SLPs introduced the
topics within the subunits in ways that re-
Unit planning and implementation lated content to the childrens prior knowl-
As the unit was to be conducted as sup- edge and experience and added emotional ap-
plemental instruction in university laboratory peal. As Barnes (2008) has stressed, the child
preschool classrooms by preservice SLPs and will make sense of the lessons only by using
early childhood teacher candidates, planning the new ideas, experiences, or ways of think-
and implementation were collaborative across ing in order to reorganize his or her existing
disciplines and professions (see ASHA, 2001; pictures of the world, and how it can be acted
Bauer, Iyer, Boon, & Fore, 2010; Ritzman upon. This is partly a matter of relating the
et al., 2006; Sanger et al., 1995). The unit new ideas to what a learner already knows.
was initially coplanned by two university pro- It is only the learner who can bring the new
fessors/researchers, one in speech-language information, procedures, or ways of under-
pathology and one in early childhood educa- standing to bear upon existing ideas, expec-
tion (the first two authors). tations, and ways of thinking and acting.
After the unit was planned, it was approved When those connections and applications
by the classroom teachers and later refined are not made, learning is not meaningful for
with input from the university student instruc- the child, and knowledge temporarily gained
tors. The student instructors and university is soon forgotten. In the pilot study, teachers
faculty met periodically to further plan the and SLPs were careful to bring out students
unit and refine the lessons. The classroom prior knowledge and experiences and to fa-
teachers set up mechanisms for the classroom cilitate this process of connection. Teachers
delivery and shared in supervision of the stu- could do this for large or small groups of stu-
dent instructors. Additionally, the teachers dents in the general pedagogical setting. For
participated in evaluating the program and in example, the instructor might relate new con-
planning a parent literacy night during which tent from the unit to childrens prior knowl-
the program was shared with the childrens edge and experiences by any of the following:
parents. The teachers were present during all 1. Relating targeted information to feelings
unit instructional activities and provided feed- and experiences: e.g., being frightened
back when requested. by the unexpected appearance of a rac-
coon, skunk, or mouse.
Instructional activities 2. Bringing in a prop or contriving an expe-
The unit on people and animals living to- rience to build shared knowledge: e.g.,
gether drew upon several different types of showing the children a nest that an ani-
instructional activities. These activities were mal made in a persons home or an ob-
implemented to support childrens under- ject chewed by a mouse that crept into a
standing of expository content; they included persons home.
relating text to childrens prior knowledge 3. Asking the children questions to bring
and experience, dramatizing texts, telling out prior knowledge or experiences: e.g.
personal accounts, teaching key concepts Have you ever been in a place where

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there were animals you hadnt seen be- questions: Can a real mouse actually live in
fore (national park, camp site, etc.)? a hidden place in your house? Does a real
Has anyone had an animal make a home mouse have pictures and signs on his wall?
in your garage or attic? Does a real mouse sleep in a fancy box?
Through such experiences, children were Can a real mouse get into food? Does a real
able to relate more personally to the unit mouse play with food like this?
content, and the instructor could help
make the new content more relevant and Telling personal experiences
meaningful. As part of the unit, instructors gave per-
sonal accounts that fit within the targeted
Dramatizing texts theme. These were real experiences with ani-
Preschool children have had varying mals that had happened to people the instruc-
amounts of experience listening to texts read tors and/or the children knew. Such stories
aloud, and young children with language not only catch students attention, but also
difficulties tend to have deficits in atten- help them learn to listen, concentrate, and
tion and listening skills (Brinton & Fujiki, follow event-structured material (Jalongo,
1999; Finneran, Francis, & Leonard, 2009; 2000, p. 200) in a nonfiction context. For ex-
Ross, Neely, & Baggs, 2007). Therefore, the ample, in discussing Mouse Mess and describ-
teachers and SLPs involved in the study ing what real mice need in order to live, the
would often use dramatic storytelling and teacher related an experience in which a real
audience participation techniques with both mouse had made a nest in a persons house.
expository and content-relevant narratives to The children participated in this personal
get children involved in unit topics (Culatta experience narrative by retelling, answering
& Hall, 2006). questions, and filling in cloze or sentence
Although the children were being exposed completion promptsenhancing their ability
to relevant expository texts, they also en- to extract information from experience.
countered and enacted narratives that fit the
theme and provided opportunities to discuss Teaching key concepts and
and map expository content. For example, vocabulary explicitly
in the subunit titled Finding the Right Place Developing literate vocabulary is vital in
to Live, the teacher told the story from the childrens preparation to deal with exposi-
book Mouse Mess (Riley, 1997), a story about tory texts; although a few picture books may
a mouse that lives under the stairs in a fam- be written in the everyday language of the
ilys house and comes into the kitchen during home and playground, informational materi-
the night and makes a mess with the food. als usually are not. Children need to begin en-
The narrative was told with periodic expla- countering book language early so they are
nations, comments, and dramatizations. The ready to handle it as it gradually becomes the
instructor used gestures, actions, intonation, medium in which they are expected to learn
facial expressions and props to illustrate the and communicate as they progress through
story. He also gave children active participa- school. An examination of childrens books
tory roles to play during the dramatic telling showed 50% more unusual words than either
(e.g., stretching and yawning when the mouse prime-time television or most conversation of
wakes up) and opportunities to act on simple adults (Wallach & Butler, 1994). Words that
props (e.g., a toy mouse, various food contain- are not high frequency in childrens lives must
ers or pretend foods) (see McGee & Richgels, be explicitly taught.
2003). In the project on people and animals living
To prepare the children to work with together, activities were created to explicitly
compare/contrast structures, the teacher teach words relating to the compare/contrast
would occasionally make comments or ask and problem/solution expository structures

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Teaching Expository Comprehension 329

(compare, alike, similar, different, etc.) and to make them more accessible to the chil-
to the content being conveyed (e.g., pet vs. dren (Price, van Kleeck, & Huberty, 2009).
wild animal, or wild vs. tame animal) in the Thus during the pilot study written texts were
subunits. told rather than read, which enabled sim-
To teach vocabulary explicitly, teachers plifications, modifications, and elaborations
and SLPs provided children with multiple during presentation. While telling and dis-
clear examples of each target word and in- cussing the texts, the instructor would sup-
cluded child-friendly oral definitions and ex- ply background information and fill in any
planations, sometimes pairing a word with important implied or assumed information.
a common synonym and providing verbal The instructors would also show the chil-
and physical examples (Beck, McKeowen & dren pictures in the expository texts and
Kucan, 2002). The instructor would relate talk about the content, making adjustments
the target word to the childrens experi- yet still enabling children to associate the
ences in order to contextualize the word information as having been conveyed in writ-
meanings (Beck et al., 2002). Often the in- ten form.
structor would give examples that involved Expository texts used in this project were
role play or demonstration (e.g., spilled wa- picture books that provided heavy contextual
ter, ripped paper). For example, an instruc- support. When appropriate, the teachers pre-
tor taught the word alike by bringing in sented the expository information in either
common things for the children to compare problem/solution or compare/contrast struc-
during a role play in which he wore a boot ture, since these were the expository organi-
on one foot and a shoe on the other; packed zations emphasized throughout the unit. The
a bag with sets of two items that were alike instructor would state the structure in an in-
or different in certain ways; and commented troduction (e.g., This book shows different
on how items in the sets were either alike or kinds of horses, and well see how they are
not alike. Instructors sometimes contrasted alike and how they are different). While pre-
examples of word meaning with clear nonex- senting the text, the teacher or SLP would em-
amples or pointed out actions or attempts phasize the underlying conceptual (organiza-
that wouldnt be solutions to particular tional) relationship: Now that really is differ-
problems. ent, isnt it!
Words taught in the unit included real vs.
pretend, need vs. want, belong, and respect. Mapping conceptual relationships
Because the word solution might have been a Information should not be presented in un-
difficult concept for some of the young chil- related pieces; all pieces should fit together
dren, it was always combined with simpler in a logical, connected framework. Helping
words and an explanation. The instructor ex- students represent texts visually is a common
plained the word problem as when some- and effective way to help them see relation-
thing goes wrong or breakssomething you ships among main ideas in expository texts
didnt want to happen. The term solution (Armbruster, Anderson, & Ostertag, 1987;
was taught with a synonymous phrase: how McGee & Richgels, 1985). When students
to fix the problem. learn the patterns common to expository
texts, they can create maps or graphs that
Presenting expository texts aloud make it possible for them to organize and re-
In preschool classrooms, children with and member factual content. Additionally, maps
without language difficulties need scaffolding and graphs provide a context for decontextu-
for expository texts. When expository texts alized material and help them in expressing
are presented to young children, instructors their knowledge (Wallach & Butler, 1994).
should avoid simply reading them as writ- In the unit on people and animals living
ten, but should discuss and elaborate them together, children were given opportunities

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what they eat, where they sleep, how they

keep warm, and how they move around. Pic-
tures or objects were used to represent how
people live and how mice live. The teacher or
SLP would place an object in a cell and explain
what it represented. (This is a nest. Mice live
in nests.) Students would then select other
items to put on the chart and decide where to
place them. The teacher would respond with
comments stressing key words like alike and
Children were also supported in graphically
representing problem/solution relationships.
During the subunit on animals needing the
right kind of place to live, an SLP told a per-
sonal story about her sons pet hamster who
Figure 1. Illustration of the mapping of the com- did not like his cage and escaped from it
pare/contrast structure using concrete objects and because it did not fit his needs. The instructor
pictures to represent information. told and illustrated the story, then supported
the children in mapping the experience. The
to map the two targeted structures (compare/ instructor set out a chart with two columns,
contrast and problem/solution) once or twice one labeled at the top with a frowny face for
in each subunit. Maps or graphic represen- the problems and the second with a smiley
tations were created from contrasts between face for the solutions. The instructor modeled
make believe and factual information, first- how to represent the problems and solutions
hand experiences solving problems, and ex- on a chart by putting pictures or objects to
pository texts told and discussed. Instructors represent each problem and solution in the
mapped, highlighted, and discussed these appropriate cells of the chart.
structures in very simple ways to help chil- The SLP and the children went through a
dren become familiar with two important sequence of problems described in the per-
ways in which expository information is sonal narrative and solutions that had varying
organized. degrees of failure or success. After creating
Compare/contrast texts were represented the chart, the instructor reviewed it with the
using a simple matrix with columns represent- children, talking throughit and emphasizing
ing the items being compared. Props or pic- the problem/solution relationships. Retelling
tures were placed at the top to serve as labels a text from a graphic organizer permits the
for the items, and rows represented the di- children to organize the information linguis-
mensions or features on which the items were tically, differentiating between main topics
being compared (see Figure 1). For example, (i.e., problem, solution) and the events in the
following the Mouse Mess story (Riley, 1997) texts that are the examples or supportive de-
and a discussion of how real mice live, the tails of those higher-level categories (Meyer,
instructor guided the children in charting a Brandt, & Bluth, 1980). For the preschool chil-
comparison between people and mice. A two- dren, retelling a text from a graphic repre-
column poster was placed on the floor in the sentation with adult support became a joint
middle of a full-class circle; at the top of one coconstruction rather than an independent
column was a picture of a person, and at the retelling, as the children were given turns
top of the other was a picture of a mouse. to select options from the picture-choices or
Each of the rows was designated to repre- fill in the supportive details, and the instruc-
sent different characteristics being compared: tor modeled and involved the children in the

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Teaching Expository Comprehension 331

process of telling from the organizer (Piccolo, problems in obtaining turns during conver-
1987). sations and in both asking for and giving
clarification (Brinton, Fujiki, & Sonnenberg,
1988). Language production rates for children
Providing concrete hands-on
with language delays and disabilities have
been shown to vary with classroom contexts
In supporting childrens expository com- (Peets, 2009). Teachers at the lab preschool
prehension, teachers and SLPs need to relate made a variety of contexts available for the
concrete experiences to the abstract and re- instruction so that conversations could be
mote factual information to which children initiated and orchestrated to meet student
are being exposed (Cummins, 1984), engag- strengths and needs.
ing them in the content or permitting them to The Center for Research on Education,
explore the content and extend their knowl- Diversity and Excellence (2002) has rec-
edge. Thus the unit plans for the preschool pi- ommended that In instructional conversa-
lot study included presenting information in tion (IC), the teacher listens carefully, makes
the presence of contextualized experiences guesses about intended meaning, [and] ad-
related to the thematic content. justs responses to assist students efforts(np);
An example of one of these concrete these same processes are relevant whether in
experiences developed from the problem/ graduate seminars or among toddlers. The in-
solution personal text concerning the ham- structors in this study were trained to elabo-
ster that did not like his cage and managed rate ideas and highlight the compare/contrast
to escape from it. The instructors arranged for or problem/solution structural relationship
the children to work in small groups to design the children encountered during different
a cage that would meet the hamsters needs. activitieswith redundancy and reteaching
As the groups designed their hamster cages, built into the process.
the instructors responded to and elaborated
their ideas, extended the information, and re- Assessment tasks and data collection
lated it to the targeted unit content: the im- Comparable pre-post assessment tasks
portance of matching an animals living envi- were used to examine students comprehen-
ronment to its needs. sion of expository texts by obtaining data on
their ability to map and recall orally presented
Engaging in supported conversations problem/solution and compare/contrast texts
Purposefully orchestrated instructional (see Hall, Markham, & Culatta, 2006 for
conversations (IC) were an important aspect illustration). Each child was administered two
of this study because of their importance expository comprehension tasks: one using
in scaffolding both group and individual a compare/contrast text and the other using
knowledge, skills, and engagement. Ketch a problem/solution text. Both tasks were
(2005) advised teachers, Conversation helps administered during the same session.
individuals make sense of their world. It helps In the compare/contrast task, the students
students sort out their ideas of the world were told how two animals were the same and
and begin to understand how they fit into it. different based on three attributes (what they
Used as a connection to cognitive strategies, eat, where they live, and what they look like).
conversation fosters comprehension acquisi- While telling the compare/contrast text, the
tion (p. 8). In a preschool classroom, a wide task administrator placed concrete props on
variety of children with diverse experiences a graphic organizer (matrix) to highlight the
are struggling to make sense of a variety of similarities and differences between the two
different worlds; all of them need help. animals. After the text was read, the props
Children whose conversation is more difficult were removed and the children were asked
because of language deficits have particular to retell a puppet what they learned from the

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text. Following the unsupported retell, the low 90% for some of the items scored by
children were asked to again recall what they the first team of scorers. Therefore, they dis-
learned from the text by placing the props cussed those items and came to a consensus.
in the appropriate cells on the graphic orga- The team then independently scored another
nizer (matrix) to illustrate the ways in which 10% of the pre- and posttests and inter-rater re-
the animals were the same and different. As liability was 90% or better for all of the tasks.
students retold the text, they were offered a For the second team of scorers, reliability was
general prompt (Is there anything else?) to greater than 90% on their first attempt.
ensure they recalled as much information as
they could. Scoring
In the problem/solution task, the children On the compare/contrast task, students re-
were told a personal account where the main ceived a point for each prop that was placed
character had a series of problems to solve. in the correct cell of the matrix and a point
When the account was told, the task admin- for each comparison from the text that they
istrator used concrete props to highlight the verbalized. Each verbalized comparison was
problems and solutions in the text. As in the counted as correct only if the student sig-
compare/contrast task, after the personal ac- naled the comparison through structural orga-
count was told the props were removed and nization (comparison of same characteristic
the children were asked to retell a puppet what they eat, where they live, or what they
what they learned from the text. The props look like) or through the use of a clue word
were then reintroduced, and the child was (e.g., both, same, alike, different, and). If stu-
asked to retell the account by placing the dents provided an idea from the text that was
props in the appropriate column of the t-chart not stated as a comparison (e.g., sharks have
to highlight the problems and solutions. Dur- sharp teeth), they received half a point. Stu-
ing this task, the students were also given dents did not receive any points for no re-
additional support in the form of general, sponse, I dont know or I cant remem-
open-ended prompts to encourage them to re- berresponses, elaborations, and/or irrelevant
call the problems and solutions in the story information.
(What is one problem had? or What On the problem/solution task the students
was the solution to that problem? or How received a point for each correct problem or
did fix (or solve) that problem?). How- solution they recalled from the text. Because
ever, these prompts were more specific than the problem/solution task had additional sup-
the prompt (Is there anything else?)that was port (i.e., open-ended questions prompting
used in the compare/contrast task. problems and solutions), responses were not
scored based on the use of signaling words.
Inter-rater reliability The placement of the props also was not
Two teams of scorers scored all of the pre- scored because the task administrators noted
and posttests for both classrooms. The first that a majority of the students appeared to be
team, consisting of three graduate students, randomly placing items on the chart. Students
scored the compare/contrast pre- and posttest did not receive any points for no response, I
tasks and the problem/solution pretest task. dont know or I cant remember responses,
The second team of scorers, made up of the elaborations, and/or irrelevant information.
first and second authors, scored the posttest
problem/solution task. Prior to scoring, both Observations and interviews
teams created scoring guidelines for the tasks. Additional indications of the effectiveness
After the scoring guide was complete, each of the instruction were expressed in obser-
member of the respective teams indepen- vations and interviews. Recorded observa-
dently scored 10% of the protocols to estab- tions included review of classroom videotapes
lish inter-rater reliability. Reliability was be- and anecdotal records, such as spontaneous

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Teaching Expository Comprehension 333

comments children made either when they level, all but five showed gains on the posttest,
were comparing and contrasting items or with a mean gain score of 2.21 (SD = 1.67).
events or as they were discussing or com-
menting on problems and solutions (see Ja- Problem/solution performance
longo, 2000).
Children showed gains in understand-
Interview data were collected from parents
ing problem/solution relationships as they
and teachers to evaluate their perceptions of
retold a problem/solution personal ac-
effectiveness of instruction. A parent session
count with support. Of the 71 children, 61
was conducted at the end of the project dur-
made significant gains in their retelling of
ing which parents were shown a slide show
problem/solution text. The mean pretest
concerning their childrens work and learning
score was 2.50 (SD = 1.42), and the mean
(Hyson, 2008) and asked to respond to sur-
posttest score was 6.77 (SD = 3.55). The
vey questions indicating their perceptions of
t-test revealed a significant gain between pre-
effectiveness as they had observed and inter-
and posttest (t = 10.20, p = .001) and a large
acted with their children (Jalongo, 2000).
effect size of (d = 1.58).

RESULTS Generalization of concepts and content

Observations by classroom teachers and
Since this was a pilot study conducted over
unit instructors noted that children spon-
a relatively short period of time, the data were
taneously talked about problems and solu-
examined for basic directions and trends. Pre-
tions in their classrooms. They used the key
liminary results are described in this section.
problem/solution concepts that they had
been learning through the stories, lessons, ex-
Compare/contrast performance pository texts, mapping activities, discussions
For the compare/contrast task, differences etc. For example, during a regular classroom
between pre- and posttest scores were ana- activity (not part of the unit), the students
lyzed using a paired t-test for the group of 71 were making muffins and realized that they
participating children. The mean pretest was did not have enough eggs. The children spon-
7.0 (SD = 2.5), and the mean posttest was 7.8 taneously suggested that they had a problem
(SD = 2.6). There was a significant gain score and needed to find a solution. Responding
(t = 2.60; p < .01), but the effect size (mea- to the opportunity, the classroom teacher ex-
sured as Cohens d) was small (d = 0.31). At panded the problem/solution concepts that
the posttest, most of the children were able were being addressed in the unit; the children
to make comparisons of animals based on the discussed the problem of not having enough
same attribute (where they live, what they eggs for their muffins and brainstormed possi-
eat, or what they look like), but they infre- ble solutions (e.g., ask the teacher in the class-
quently used signal words such as alike or dif- room next door, double check the fridge to
ferent to make the distinction. be sure there werent any more eggs, ask the
Of interest is that 49 out of the 71 children preschool director to buy more eggs, go home
(69%) scored 6 or more (max = 12) on the and get eggs). Classroom observers reported a
pretest, suggesting that they had some knowl- number of similar experiences during which
edge of comparing and contrasting processes the children spontaneously talked in class in
prior to the instruction. In addition to analyz- terms of problem/solution relationships they
ing the group data, we were interested in the had been learning.
performance of 22 children (31%) who had a We also were interested in whether or
lower competence level, having scored less not the children were making out-of-class
than 6 on the pretest. Of these 22 children applications of the content and concepts
who began the instructional unit on a lower they were learning. So we asked parents to

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identify if they heard their children talking Of particular interest to those who had
about any of the content, concepts, or activi- developed the project, some parents also
ties at home. The parents were given a list of reported hearing their children discuss or
content and concepts from the unit and asked demonstrate their knowledge of some of the
to report generally on the activities, ideas, and concepts they were learning.
stories that their child shared with them about
He does talk about finding solutions. He has also
talked about getting a pet a lot lately.
Of the parents who were willing to share
their experiences, slightly more than half in- My child has talked about how to take care of pets.
dicated that their children did not refer to [He has] shared the stories that he likes, also shared
any specific information about their experi- what the problem was and how it was solved.
ences in the classroom: e.g., He hasnt told I really like the project. My son has started to focus
me very much about it, He has talked a on problem solving.
little bit about it, No! I should say, how-
ever, I have not asked. However, responses I would like to do [reading like] this at home.
It makes books and stories more interesting and
of those whose children did bring their learn-
ing home were encouraging. Several parents
reported hearing their children talk about the
content they were learning from the exposi- Teacher reactions
tory texts/lessons on animals: The teachers who participated in this study
had been trained in a model of develop-
She often asks me questions that are obviously
linked to what she has been learning about. Typ-
mentally appropriate practice. Instead of hav-
ically her questions arise when she sees something ing a specific curriculum, they had relied
that reminds her/cues her. For instance, when we on creating print- and language-rich environ-
were shopping one day we saw a blind man with ments that would provide naturalistic stimula-
his seeing-eye dog, and I was astounded by her tion for literacy exploration. Although explicit
interest and knowledge. This makes more sense teaching of literacy skills was not the central
[now I know] that this was part of one of the focus of their instruction, the teachers did
books. agree to permit the supplemental literacy
My daughter does not talk about [specific] stories. program to be implemented in their class-
She has been asking questions about animals, and rooms and to assist in evaluating its ef-
now I know where these questions have been com- fectiveness. The program designers held
ing from. some preliminary meetings with the teach-
ers, during which they shared a draft of the
Given the ages of the preschoolers, re- program and assured the teachers that the
searchers were not surprised that many of instructional strategies would fit within de-
them became particularly interested and per- velopmentally appropriate practice. With the
sonally involved with the stories. permission and support of the preschool di-
I have heard about stories my child has experi- rector, the teachers willingly agreed to accom-
enced at preschool as she has made connections modate the instructional program and sup-
with the story and her life. For example, an older port the student instructors as they carried
sister had a sore tooth, so my child shared ideas out the lessons and activities.
from Bears Toothache. We had mice we were try- Discussions and interview data indicated
ing to catch, and she talked about Mouse Mess. some change in teacher beliefs about literacy
practice. The teachers felt that as a result of
She loves all the reading and focus[es] on each
participating in the program they had learned
about the value of using expository texts
Very excited about dog storiesloves story with young children and providing explicit
time. literacy instruction. One of the two teachers

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Teaching Expository Comprehension 335

commented that she had learned particularly simplified or perhaps supported as in a dy-
about the need for purposeful yet playful prac- namic assessment task.
tice and application of literacy skills.
Cautions and considerations in
DISCUSSION implementing early expository
Although this study was preliminary and in- This study supports the recommendation
cluded no control group, its results can pro- to use expository texts in instruction with
vide SLPs and early childhood educators with preschool-age students. In this pilot study,
practical ideas and some concrete methods the instruction focused on a number of
for implementing an early expository program genres dealing with informational content:
that is based on relevant research and is devel- personal accounts, content-based narratives,
opmentally appropriate for preschool class- expository read alouds, and hands-on expe-
rooms. Ultimately this pilot study reinforces riences in the presence of contextualized
the notion that children of preschool age can instructional conversation. Although we
learn expository information and deal with agree with the concern that young children
expository concepts and structures. Several may not be able to distinguish between
lessons have been learned from this experi- fact and fiction on a metalevel, we also feel
ence that may lead to future research related that relating themes presented in narrative
to early expository instruction in preschool and expository texts enriches childrens
classrooms. understanding of the theme and content
and provides motivation in the form of
Appropriateness of early integrated instruction. In mixing genres we
expository instruction believe that it is important to make explicit
Through this project we learned that ex- contrasts between how situations occur in
plicit, purposeful instruction does not have stories and how they really happen or appear
to be boring or unrelated to childrens in real life. The use of personal narratives
lived experiences. Thematic units can and that highlight factual information with
should be constructed on topics of natu- compare/contrast or problem/solution struc-
ral interest to young children and related to tures can create a bridge between narrative
childrens lives and experience. Many of the and expository texts. In using personal nar-
children were also able to apply expository ratives, the SLP or teacher can make it clear
concepts to their own experiences. Several that the real life situation happened to a real
parents indicated their children were start- person she knew.
ing to think and talk about things in their
lives in terms of problems and solutions. We Limitations and need for further
feel that one of the reasons that the prob- research
lem/solution retelling task may have had the This pilot study has opened up possibili-
largest effect size was because these were ties for additional research into models and
the concepts that the students used sponta- methods for preparing young children to deal
neously both in and out of the classroom. with expository texts. We recognize its limi-
Thus it seems that the children internalized tations in time and population diversity. We
these concepts and then were able to use highly recommend application of similarly
them more effectively in their retellings at the conceived programs in preschools serving
posttest. Mapping was shown to be valuable more diverse populations, in first and second
in developing these patterns; however, the grade classrooms, and in classrooms contain-
randomness with which some children com- ing children with more severe language de-
pleted the problem-solution mapping on the lays or deficits. Research is needed using an
posttest demonstrates that the task should be experimental design with controls.

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Adjustments and revisions need to be made tures that were used. There are inherent
to the tasks to provide children with the differences between problem/solution and
necessary support and to make the tasks compare/contrast structures. For example,
more comparable. Both of the tasks required compare/contrast texts are less story-like.
students to retell a well-structured exposi- In contrast, problem/solution texts are often
tory text with the support of a graphic or- more similar to narrative texts. We also
ganizer and concrete props. However, there believe that the problem/solution concepts
were differences between the two tasks, and and experiences were more compelling for
thus they cannot be compared. The first dif- the children (see results from observations
ference was in administration. During the and parent data) and that the assessment
problem/solution task, the students received task reflected gains due to the content of
general support as they were prompted to re- the unit and the problem/solution structure.
call problems and solutions. Another differ- The children seemed more intrigued by the
ence was in the scoring of the two tasks. problem/solution than the compare/contrast
In the compare/contrast task, students were content.
given credit for their use of signal words and Despite these limitations and cautions, the
placement of the props on the graphic orga- results of this pilot study add to the in-
nizer. However, in the problem/solution task creasing body of literature supporting the
students were given credit only for the prob- introduction of expository text instruction
lems and solutions they recalled from the in preschool and kindergarten classrooms.
text. We hope that the activities described in
In addition to these task limitations, this article will encourage others to see the
there were differences in the text struc- possibilities.


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