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I've discovered modern family. Life is better now.


nursing school is 100% turning me into a hypochondriac

I didn't think I was a needy person but I just googled 'signs your hamster doesn't like you' so

chances are I am.

nursing school has forever changed me. now whenever I hear someones stomach gurgling I say

in my head: "normoactive BS, gurgling noted"

being productive but got sucked into the beautiful but dangerous wormhole of watching endless

beyonce videos

It's so cute how the first year students that I tutor look up to me. Brings me back to when I was

in their shoes

rewatched ORDINARY PEOPLE as a visual reference for the style of my next short and it tore

my heart to shreds even the 2nd time around

so far this is the year of dreams coming true and also gaining thicker skin and better problem

solving skills

you know you connect to a show when it makes you ball your eyes out

not feeling super well so I'm gonna watch Stealing Beauty in bed & probably revel in Liv

Tyler's beauty and the lush visuals

going to start The Leftovers I wonder if it will live up to expectations built by my friends who

have told me it's great

everyone is so emotionally tortured in The Leftovers it's almost hard to watch? so much inner

spoke to my lyft driver today about brain injury, art as healing and to shed light on complex

emotions, vulnerability & depression

I love getting into real conversations with strangers. we spoke openly of our past difficult

experiences, and it was touching.

why do people put down slimmer girls to make larger girls feel better. Slightly hypocritical

there's nothing more disappointing than making a cup of tea, putting it down, forgetting about it

and then finding it has gone cold

urban outfitters stop emailing me I can't afford you

results day makes me queasy


the weather in subang jaya is so bloody temperamental

impossible not to feel good when this comes on

my taste in clothing and my bank account are not compatible

how am I meant to revise when there's so much going on in the world that, quite frankly, I am

currently much more interested in

running out of data makes every commute suck

information overload if your head is spinning, it could be your vestibular nerve, but it could

also be the sheer volume of information. why is everything about ophthalmology so


Why are there no sushi deliveries

1. why have I not seen this video before 2. why am I not selena gomez pls

when I start throwing around the 'thumbs up' emoji u kno shit is about to go down


nothing irks me more than being called "dude" but yday I got called a "bro" and I think I'm

ready to cause collateral damage

the most exciting thing i've done all day is change my bullet points from dashed lines to stars

#controversial #lifeontheedge #yolo

People who manage to stay calm before exams and don't feel like vomming/the world is going

to end are my inspiration

I didn't think I was a needy person but I just googled 'signs your hamster doesn't like you' so

chances are I am.

good avocados are honestly the best thing on earth, but the chance of mushy disappointment is

usually enough to deter me altogether

thank u medschool for giving us 172 pages of immunology to learn, then examining us on

approximately 4 of them

time to let sheer panic do its work #cram #cram #cram

how have i spent all Easter revising and yet i still feel like these exams are going to depend

entirely on my ability to cram

i've had a good day but still rlly wanna set ppl/things on fire

That tune makes me wanna burst forth from the tube as the doors open and use the gust of air

from the tunnel as a wind machine

if all sounds could be replaced with @hernameisbanks I could live with that.

it's always such a bummer when your mum walks in on you having a solo 10 minute dance


This evening I belatedly watched Good Vibrations. It's extraordinary.

i rediscovered this today and i can't do anything except listen to it with my forehead on my desk

listening to music that explains your elusive arse emotions so you dont have to

current anthem: CRZY (Kehlani). recommend to those who need energy in adversity and/or just

like a bit of disco house

JOY is a work of art. Really, really, really good filmmaking + a lovely hint of surrealism.

Are we all feeling the sheer, visceral disappointment of this, then? Glad to know I'm not alone

here. It physically hurts.

Reminder - Shake It Off is a very efficient and feel good pop song. It is good on trains. It is

good in cars.

kehlanis sweetsexysavage is SO GOOD. have not accomplished tasks because am dancing.

You know when you think you know someone? More than anyone in the world? You know you

know them, because youve seen them, like, for real. And then you reach out, and suddenly they

are just gone. You thought you belonged together. You thought they were yours, but theyre


Sometimes people walk away from love because it is so beautiful that it terrifies them.

Sometimes they leave because the connection shines a bright light on their dark places and they

are not ready to work them through. Sometimes they run away because they are not

developmentally prepared to merge with another- they have more individuation work to do first.

Sometimes they take off because love is not a priority in their lives- they have another path and

purpose to walk first. Sometimes they end it because they prefer a relationship that is more

practical than conscious, one that does not threaten the ways that they organize reality. Because

so many of us carry shame, we have a tendency to personalize loves leavings, triggered by the

rejection and feelings of abandonment. But this is not always true. Sometimes it has nothing to

do with us. Sometimes the one who leaves is just not ready to hold it safe. Sometimes they

know something we dont they know their limits at that moment in time. Real love is no easy

path readiness is everything. May we grieve loss without personalizing it. May we learn to

love ourselves in the absence of the lover.

this mid-sem break may have been a revision weekend but the only thing I revised was my

alcohol tolerance

happy happy happy birthday bb! I had so much fun getting to know you <3 its literally

impossible to frown when surrounded by your spunk and positivity, and I am so so grateful to

have you this year and for the next two <3 have an a

'the strain' is delicious I love you guillermo del toro

The only acceptable response if someone asks you your results is a mocking silence. Why is

mystery dead do not see how anyone could watch

this and not be absurdly happy

I've reached that point at the end of term when no amount of sleep will stop me feeling tired

It turns out that I have 10+ turtle necks and also possibly a turtle neck addiction

Travelling home after a night of sheer, complete love. Never has a morning felt so light.

Someone needs to ween me off sugar. Like, now!

I have tried and failed to get into GoT 3 times now. Potentially too much elf for me to handle.

Reeling from Never Let Me Go. Hilarious, gritty, deep, raw, romantic, tragic. All the adjectives.


The train in London, where personal space is non existent and inappropriate touching is rife

cried intermittently throughout Frozen. I don't even know who I am anymore. Disney you did a

beautiful thing

Constant pressure by society to eat an avocado

romeo and juliet looks absolutely horrific, so horrific that not even douglas booth can redeem it

Why are avocados such a constant presence in life, they aren't even that nice

Inception has caused confusion so far. Many windows breaking frequently and leo di caprio

speaking in impressive hushed tones, what can it all mean

muffins are such an endless source of ambiguity to me #isitbread #isitdessert

genuinely feel like I'm about to die. have googled all symptoms of meningitis and it seems to

add up. melancholia is not the word

Call the Midwife is just despicable but the script is so awkward and takes itself so seriously that

it's kind of endearing

Felt like such a goddess after running for five minutes, yearly workout done

First exam tomorrow - what's my best bet for a semi-serious but non-fatal disease?

GRIM mood

All of my study efforts are calculated self deception

A perfect world in which everyone understands my obscure movie references

My hair, unable to deal with the forced jollity any longer, has gone flat. Like my mood.

getting the sleep deprivation shakes. Racy

let us take this quiet moment for worship

Bimonthly viewing of Her

Banks is the only woman who can get me through revision but I fear more energy is spent

singing along than actually learning

Home for the holidays. Time, I think, to sink into a Brideshead marathon

In huge need of more Muji in my life

Gym related question: can you wear New Balance trainers to the gym? I literally know nothing

about trainers, except that I want green ones

I don't understand why people don't like it when I tell them to listen to very specific parts of

songs. Like, I'm doing you a favour

So, so, so very excited about Pan (directed by Joe Wright):

At times like these, subsistence on tea and toast is the only option
rewatching Red Band Society and questioning the sanity of who ever thought it should be


3 more shifts until home time. Not that I'm counting.

Perpetual dissatisfaction is going to be the death of me

went out for breakfast with my best friends. We must do this more often, I think.

Great British Bake Off! That is all.

Clinicals tomorrow - grim prospect.

I really, REALLY wish I could be less polite without feeling guilty for being less polite.

i am mentally preparing for the extreme boogie i will doing post exam on wednesday - think MJ

hip motions w/ david byrne shakin

seeing A for the first time in over a month. Excited.

I'm going to bed. I've had enough of today.

immediately regretting using colour gel pens on my revision notes because of severe eye burn

caused by excessive re-reading

Allegri's 'Miserere' and some overdue tears. I wonder what I'm trying to do to myself?

God I love Meryl Streep.

Please excuse me whilst I watch 'Mamma Mia' and cry into my ice cream because I'm shit.

Also I rediscovered this today and I can't do anything except listen to it with my forehead on my


This from @sza remains a feature in the hours of my day I spend oozing 'don't fucking talk to

me' from my very pores

I know, I miss you! We definitely need a proper catch up soon. xx

Lecturer said 'you know' 204 times in one hour

no matter how many striped tops u have there will always be more variations of stripes so

you've gotta buy them all

brb just going to drown myself in the notes I am meant to know in impossible detail

I think I cannot possibly spiral any further into despair yet here I am

Being hungry in a lecture is always an ordeal

Keep having an urge to tweet song lyrics and having to stop myself so as not to become one of

those people that I despise

Papa's coming to visit me today. Torn between finishing my preps for isolation lab or meeting

him early.

Friday night in my trackies, watching chick flicks. Excellent way to end the week. The weekend

starts here

re-watching her and wishing i had more of an external mind. there is so much delicacy to


i've had a migraine today. in other news, I'm really into solange's new song dont touch my

hair. i'm crying at dog videos too.

Just pressed play on the pilot episode of Breaking Bad. I know this is the descent into chaos.

You must watch Dogtooth. I did not realise Greek cinema could be this interesting.

Gone mad for Mad Men

Refusing to feel guilty about croissants since 1998

Will I ever not look completely perplexed when reading? Will my eyesight ever stop

deteriorating? These are all questions.

Another email account bites the dust. Feeling so lonely.

The sensation of having your hair washed at the barbers when the rest of you is dry is SO

PECULIAR I can't bear it

Pls spare a sympathetic thought for cinema workers everywhere on Monday when Spectre is


One of my least favourite words in the entire world: 'garnish'

In bed, feeling ill and sorry for myself. Also have overwhelming desire for moules frites.

Having spent my morning so far reflecting on nothing much at all, I've decided that 'bloody hell'

is very vocally satisfying but q gross.

Am I just too delicate for the gym? It all feels a bit... you know... public

I've listened to Banks' albums almost exclusively over the past couple of months because they

are just so incredibly gorgeous

a year ago I was a bright-eyed fresher heading to matriculate and now I'm a sweatshirt wearing,

caffeine addicted second year *sobs*

As of 5:30 tomorrow I am free of all exams. Au revoir library you shall not be missed

Need to crawl to the English faculty and refind my essence.

French oral tomorrow. Want to cry. Failure is imminent.

i am mentally preparing for the extreme boogie i will doing post exam on monday - think MJ

hip motions w/ david byrne shakin

somehow convinced myself that this was my last exam & therefore have spent the entire day

boozin/sunbathing. bad decisions

Weeping into my books as everyone finishes exams and I realise I'm 5 weeks away from even

starting mine

Fully ready to go out, but have also accidentally climbed into bed The idea of now leaving

feels like slow death

I had 9 hours of lectures today. In conclusion, I'm tweeting from the afterlife.

Good luck everyone else doing history tomorrow - you are all clever bunnies who will do

sparklingly well. xxx

pro self-care tip: when stressed, stop at the pet shop on your way home to look at fluffy

creatures, and then buy yourself a pomegranate.

I may be a massive parody of myself, but god damn it I am ready to take on the world/tonight/

this essay

if im ever feeling inadequate I just google a Harry Potter quiz, smash it & reassure myself that

this knowledge will have a real use one day

To all that have a fully functioning right nostril: treasure it. u never know what u got until it's

gone x

when revision is done i'll have no purpose anymore and i'll wander the earth like some lost soul

who has a little pharmacological knowledge

What words could be sufficient? Bless you Alan. You'll be missed.

Finally saw Grand Budapest Hotel. Total Wes Andergasm.

I was feeling sad but then I went to the shop and bought loads of vegetables and now I am


never underestimate the restorative powers of retail and veggies, kidz

the urge to re-watch Gossip Girl is considerably outweighing my pretty feeble urge to do college

work this is dangerous

I've literally sat in the library for 40 minutes doing nothing but sinking further and further into

this existential crisis

what's the point of eating kale, when you could just not eat kale?

Merlin has left me so emotional. Or, well, more so than usual.

Thank goodness this horrible, horrible week is over. Never want to leave my room again.

This essay just will not be written. The structure will not sort itself out and I think I may have a

breakdown. (All my own doing, I know.)

Not only one, but two presentations tomorrow. Oh, fate. How cruel you are.

Happy Birthday, dearest Megan! I wish you all kinds of wonderment and joy and such lark

French oral tomorrow. It's going to take more than luck to get through that one.

Desperate for a Pride & Prejudice marathon. Alas, I cannot stay up all night ogling Mr Darcy.


went for a haircut. absolute disaster. can never leave the house again.

Home. Have eaten far too much delicious food, and had an altogether glorious time.

Really miss not having the people I love around me (D & B especially). Constantly thinking

about the verb 'to hold'. Constantly thinking.

Dear A,

Ive been sitting here thinking about all the things I wanted to apologise to you for. All the pain we

caused each other. Everything I put on you. Everything I needed you to be or I needed you to say.

Im sorry for that. Ill always love you because we grew up together. And you helped make me who

I am. I just wanted you to know, that there will be a piece of you in me always, and Im grateful for

that. Whatever someone you become, wherever you are in the world, Im sending you love. youre

my friend to the end. Love, L.

saying 'erm' as a response to something sounds more dignified than 'um', it has a kind of

indignant edge to it #semantics

Skiing and me are two opposite poles which I intend to keep opposite. Very opposite.

Bates Motel back on absolute top form with season 4. such a delicious pleasure to watch

So many train delays. Provisions diminished. May eat my lip balm.

it's at times like these when my housemates leave me home alone and I attempt to sing Phantom

that I really worry about my sanity

thought i'd just lost some work, i'd spent 2 hours doing, phew.

Ugh, I REALLY, dislike coffee at this moment, even the word.. makes me feel queasy.

burping and saying "pardon me!" even though you're by yourself, because you're SO polite
Minor meltdown because I don't think I have a sufficiently ink-filled black muji pen to use in

my exam tomorrow

Never sell your soul to one type of pen alone, it can only end in disaster

Outlander: sweet period drama with swashbuckling eye candy to political historical drama to

full on psychological horror. What on earth?

listening to Yann Tiersen, I had forgotten how beautiful the Amelie soundtrack Is! on replay, good song/ album cover. making revision

less tedious.

Secret I haven't told anyone no i: I have a date tomorrow night. Secret I haven't told anyone

no ii: I'm colossally nervous about it.

Perfect marks on my Gram staining practical. So happy.

Many happy returns! Hope being a year older's wonderful!

Hilarious stream of consciousness and can't tell if it's great or bad journalism but I love it

Christopher Niquet is SOMETHING ELSE. Who looks like that?! Who?! I think I'm in love

with his face.

I walk the streets of the city, squinting at every stranger I meet. Are you my enemy? Is it you?

Why do you walk so slowly?

Many thanks to my mother in assisting me in the struggle against my enemy. The battle


I had thought The Witch was going to be more The Crucible and less 'demoniac goats', but

effective all the same.

Have been house-bound for 3 days trying to learn everything ever about Latin. Hasn't worked

but have watched every river phoenix video in existence.

RIP to formidably intelligent enigmatic master-director Jacques Rivette, a celebrator of women,

storytelling & FUN.

kehlanis sweetsexysavage is SO GOOD. have not accomplished tasks because am dancing.

A Nos Amours is a gorgeous, moving film. Female friendship, female autonomy, amazing


Brilliant, insightful piece, nails the exact feeling I've never been able to shake about Taylor


belated and extraordinarily satisfying recycling #closure

On most days, I can choose not to be weighed down by the reality of the world we live in.

Today is not one of those days.

charlotte rampling is still around, and lovelier than ever. have i mentioned that 45 years is

criminally underrated?

Actually getting a little excited for Suicide Squad. And not just because Margot Robbie is

impossibly alluring in everything ever.

Today is Macbeth day and I've banned people from coming with me in case they talk and I'm

forced to end them. THIS IS SACROSANCT.

Crimson Peak is everything I need in a film: snow soaked red, thigh length wavy hair, costumes

that are 87% sleeve, & Hiddleston bum. (Not spoilery - that's all in the trailer anyway except the

bum, but bum is implied.)


Yeah, earache/cold/sore throat/nausea have now reached the 'I want to claw my face off' point.

No painkillers are touching this.

There's this utter turd at work and every time I see an email from her I clench so hard I crap



In work. Feel like death. Everything's been rather unremittingly bleak and disappointing since

holiday ended. C'mon fate, throw me a line.

I saw The Lady in the Van yesterday & it's one of my favourite things I've seen all year. Massive

glowing 5star rec. It'll make you smile <3 Very very Bennett though so if you don't like him

(I've heard that such people exist?!) it's probably not for you.

finally watching Twin Peaks. enjoying it so far. everyone says it's soooo weird, which made me

expect all kooky self conscious weirdness. But nope, Twin Peaks really is weird. Like ineffably,

compellingly, mildly-pervasive-wtaf weird.

There's a guy at work who starts every sentence with "at the end of the day" & it's one of those

tiny things that's building up to murder.

so many Oscar acceptance speeches to cry at, so little time.

likewise petal!

Would very much like to borrow @margaret__zhangs wardrobe. Wouldn't mind her job either.

Having a listen to the new @mikasounds album. Always reliable for enjoyable pop with a bit of


Night, week, LIFE made!

going to Starbucks is like being muggedI ordered a coffee and cinnamon roll and now Im


It wasn't even nice would at least expect life-changing culinary experience in exchange for my

life savings

Having very mixed feelings about the prospect of a "Scarface" remake...

admittedly belated, but so on point:

Legally Blonde soundtrack on repeat to remind myself that, despite efforts to convince me

otherwise, a blow dry and an IQ aren't inimical

why am I so late to True Detective?! why have I missed so many opportunities to hear this


I resign to glorious things

There are no words to accommodate cruelty on such a terrible scale. Love to all


Feel kind of bad for being presumptuous about Jamie Dornan's acting skills. Belatedly watching

The Fall & chilled to my bone. OH MY GOD.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOAN DIDION [of course! of course! a fellow Saggitarian!]

happy birthday to the poet I will carry with me always, who we all carry. SYLVIA FOR AYE!

People loudly doing goodbye cheek-kisses in the library. We're not on Made in Chelsea here,


Les Mis. No words to describe a) the tears and b) Eddie Redmayne's smoking' hotness

since starting Game of Thrones, I keep having epic Arthurian dreams. Where everyone is having

sex. Thanks HBO

why on earth do Tinder users so often choose pictures of themselves wrapped around a hot

person. SUCH BAD GAME #swipeleft

so now I'm totally bereft of HTGAWM I thought I'd check out new PLL only to find this

coming ep is themed "ROBIN HOOD"?!

So sad to hear of Chantal Akerman's death. Not even very old and with so many films left to


finally watched Pride massive sprinkling of Brit-film-stellar-cast fairy dust.

Just had a wonderful hour of weirdness seeing #Chairlift. Caroline, you are quite literally a


I am a blubbering mess. Bloody Downton. Loyalty rewarded.

is there a particular form of deteriorating eyesight where you think every boy you see is Sufjan

Stevens because I think I have it

how much belated crying at Oscar acceptance speeches is too much belated crying at Oscar

acceptance speeches?

when will people stop blindly reblogging bullshit Tumblr posts that have no credible sources or

truth behind them whatsoever?

debating Apple Music but I don't have the heart to say goodbye to the playlists I've laboured

over on Spotify

It's this time of year I really need to start knuckling down and making an effort with uni, yet I

find myself doing less than ever, fuck uni

shout out to me for still being alive after having 7 hours sleep altogether over the last three


Post hair cut trauma. I think I might like it. It's just not what I asked for, who knew a trim meant

two and a half inches!

About to go 1 week without a phone. Feel my pain people. FEEL MY PAIN. And if I hear one

"first world problems" I will spontaneously combust

Very upsetting to have to stop finding a boy attractive because he chooses to wear a signet ring.


well that's just great, Nina Simone, you have made me cry. jeez. admittedly in quite a fragile

state to start with

accidentally listened to this upwards of 30 times today

v=H1Yt0xJKDY8. feel like it best communicates my brand of narcissism

this also got a ridiculous amount of air-time in the car.

experimental jazz I guess? gorgeous find

regardless, one for bed

at some point in my life I really want to be able to say "see you in court" to someone.

suddenly remembered what a force Cher Horowitz is and how fabulous all her outfits are:

on impulse I chucked away most of my clothes vowing to have a sportif capsule wardrobe. I

have nothing left.

I genuinely am less keen on the bake off now that Norman has gone, what a man.

(You haven't watched so you can't judge me. You don't know my woe, just keep silent.

I don't understand why the sky continually acts in opposition to my outfit choices. THE


Why do my friends send me these things when I'm trying to be a sensible mature adult

I get so disorientated when I see good looking people in this city like, where have you been

hiding? are there others? take me to the source

I live in a constant state of annoyance that I am not either Florence Welch or Erykah Badu

Pete Liddle crush update: really becoming quite debilitating at this stage.

he is my Saoirse Ronan. my Eddie Redmayne. my Britney Spears if I were a 14 year old boy in


Happy obituary birthday Kurt.

Waiting in Byron for a friend to arrive and fell asleep. I look like a narcoleptic with an

imaginary friend.

wish I could stop watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Keep having a recurring dream that I have

the face of Sarah Michelle Gellar.

just pre-ordered @katenash's 'Tremors'. I don't wanna be pushy but you should probably do the

same. but like, do what you want I'm not your mum.

If sad lyrics and soggy beards are your thing then...well that's just quite weird. But anyway,


A brief weep in the library.

If anyone needs me I'll be in my pants eating spaghetti watching Orange is the New Black

To spice things up I have orchestrated a competition between me and me to see how much can

be eaten in the duration of one episode.

YES Syb, you are a woman after my own heart. Such good hair/cap game. I wanna run my

fingers through his ponytail. (were on a wavelength here, and those brows are fiercely foxy)

throwing a Grimes listening party for 1 in my bedroom, ain't nobody else invited

Such rookies coming to the silent study spaces at this time and expecting to get a seat

when getting in a taxi alone do you sit in the front or the back? I never know.

Realistically, this essay won't write itself and realistically, I need to revise more, but realistically,

nothing will get done

I want so much to think GoT is great. Have settled for blaming my detachment on inability to

keep track of whos who.

the reunion between me, @hannasbrna, @hudaashri and @azreendna tomorrow is going to be

simply magical (although I could give Huda a miss really)

suffragette is a solid 10/10, carey mulligan is far out in it, very affecting portrait of feminism

Listened to the Young Thug x Jamie xx collab and had a religious awakening.

a Belle & Sebastian song came on shuffle and now I'm misty-eyed and sniffling in the street

6 occasions today I have felt hurt because I can't eat cheese

The way I feel today makes me believe my body made up of 60% venom, 10% bitterness and

30% of "don't fucking look at me"

Brooklyn is incredible. Someone get Saoirse Ronan an Oscar/get me a Saoirse Ronan.


aspiration in life: to be as fashionable as North West

nothing annoys me more than when people write 'abit' instead of 'a bit'
is the reason people stare at me in public because a) I'm smoking hot b) I look lost or c) I'm

really spotty

guy in the caff has this lilting, gorgeous scottish accent. never stop speaking gorgeous voice


by the end of today I will have been at uni for 12 hours. kill me softly



I told someone to be quiet in Starbucks. This is it, I am fearless. I have transcended to a higher


Apparently, my room has only two states: the you're in Narnia and the I'll cook you alive.

There's no in between.

Im sat here sobbing at the end of Gladiator, Maximus babe

been bookmarking things I'm going to get on payday and 90% are wes anderson related items

cat has just ferociously scratched me across the lip, knob

listening to the les mis soundtrack whilst doing the supermarket shop wasnt my wisest idea, cue

crying girl in bread aisle

Just finished Breaking Bad. Don't talk to me, I'm drained emotionally.

my sexuality: Russel Crowe in the Gladiator. so so perfect.

how do you concentrate on your studies when there's a chris hemsworth-looking phenomena

sitting meters from you

I fear that to successfully obtain a boyfriend I must part with my sarcasm. Looks like it's me and

you, wit.

I literally can't comprehend how anyone could look at Taylor Swift with anything but pure


I'd go so far as to say I'm obsessed with Strictly Come Dancing

I swear Dominos has guilt in the sauce. why do I feel like a sack of shite every time I eat it?

theres no greater blessing than an uber driver who doesn't want to chat. thank you, you

understand me

can you repeat your name?" "sorry what's your name?" "how do you spell that?" don't know

why I bother with Starbucks

if I don't see @ soon I may strategically combust. I need my

my only criticism of college so far is that there's no way to lie down and be social at the same


would love to know what it's like to wake up and not want to rip my face off

keep getting told off for speeding on driving lessons but I can't help it I just love the rush and

live for the thrill x

Spent all day feeling spacey as hell, complete write off of a day. only moved to make tea.

when will my mum stop trying to set me up with girls at her golf club

how many more exam induced breakdowns do i need to have before i run out of tears

giving up on liking things "ironically" and fully embracing the art of pop music is the best thing

i ever did

honestly people who want to talk about Bukowski on a first date are not the sort of people you

need in your life

need to stop lying about books I've read to impress fit people with floppy haircuts and glasses

the only exam preparation I've done is putting the hoover duck gif onto my phone to help me

cope with the stress

I know it's become part of my hilarious and adorable personality that I amass crushes on

celebrities more than I take in oxygen. but think how difficult it is to be me, just going about my

business and I see a prada ad from a year ago and I'm like HOLD UP TYElush SHERIDAN
is the new tlsp song a piss take have i aged out of their schtick or am i right in thinking its a

crock of shite

can people stop telling me to cheer up left right and centre I CAN'T HELP I HAVE RESTING


Always nice to see a strangers obvious displeasure when I sit next to them on the bus

if I come out of this exam on Friday and no tears have been shed I will be very very surprised

today has been a good day: I have not hated my body, I have been relaxed, I have written the

first paragraph of my dissertation draft

happy birthday to this perfect gene pool

happy birthday @NoNormMacdonald my love! (attempting to send birthday wishes through

each mode of social media lol) xxx

how the hell did I get an A in English I had my head on the desk for 2/3 of that exam

today I watched heathers, blue lagoon, secret admirer, and sixteen candles and have virtually

pixelated myself to become part of an 80s film.

if I use "awesome" in an essay to mean awe inspiring will they think I'm a) pretentious or b)

trying to resurrect noughties lingo

a support group for people who watch more than the first 40 minutes of Atonement and are thus


david attenborough documentaries are the best viewing when you're ill

drat tall boys and their whole oh Im so charming and I loom over everyone devilry. stay


Am liking the look of the Life in Squares trailer, but, as with everything new, my constant

refrain is "please don't be bad"

*finds the most brooding, troubled, bitter, sarcastic, neurotic, morally grey character in every

TV show* this ones my favourite

Richard Ayoade has made another film, all is right with the world.

I might start wearing heart eye sunglasses to uni so I can simultaneously cover up my dark

circles and look cool and a bit mysterious

listening to best coast, reading plath, wearing all black and sitting in a caf alone is making me

feel the worst clich of all time

chanting I am Rory Gilmore I am Rory Gilmore in my head to get me through the day.

update: I am NOT Rory Gilmore

Ahhh yes, I just *clenches fists* love not being able to go to sleep when *grits teeth* I have a

10am interview tomorrow.

current favourite visual phenomenon: people walking into Starbucks whilst holding a coffee cup

from a different Starbucks

my happiness rate is determined by the relation of time between when I last had cheese and

when I'll have it next

Can feel my eyesight deteriorating at an alarming rate from all these pharmaceutical articles I'm

reading for a paper I gotta write

is it in the criteria when applying to big brother that all the people on it must be genuine,

absolute useless boring knobheads

anyway. how is everyone. don't let finals stress u out too much that u aren't taking good care of

urself. we're all doomed regardless

am feeling very in touch with my teenage angst and will answer every bland "how are you?"

with "crying, and yourself?"

I've discovered myself in uni so far, like exhibit A: the fact that interacting with people too long

gives me an eye twitch

just saw a girl in lecture who had her desktop set to a pic of nicki and beyonc and why have I

not thought of that concept

the only films that make me cry are Pride, Brokeback Mountain, and Billy Elliot. why do my

tear ducts have a gay agenda?

I sort of really enjoy sleeping? Comfy pyjamas, you're technically sort of dead for a while,

fluffy pillows.

i am suppressing the urge to buy a block of cheese and eat it with my bare hands. it's becoming

more of a reality every time I think of it

I think art foundation has made me hate myself to lengths I didn't think was possible

I base my self worth on how many jealous looks I get from underclassmen when they see my


what are the odds that every single boy I hated in primary school have become Facebook


is everyone listening to Justin Bieber ironically or am I completely missing something here

haven't been legitimately infuriated in a very long time this might give me an aneurysm

strange desire to watch the wonder years that I hope doesn't signal a relapse in my crush on 12-

year-old Fred savage but who am I kidding

someone rescue me I'm at empty bowls alone making fleeting eye contact with too many


I feel an emotional connection to the people I walk in on mid-bathroom mirror pic selfie

my snapchat story is roughly the length of a feature length film, i'm sending it to Cannes for


that fact of the matter is I've only slept for 4 hours every night this week but i dont care & am

being sustained by the glorious sun alone

hypothesis that I am part plant looking more & more feasible.

My god, I need a pet to absorb all this spare affection I have knocking around.
sophie turner playing jean grey is such a conflict of interest for me.. I have a rly irrational

dislike of Jean grey but I adore the ground Sophie turner walks on.

Apologies to anyone behind me on an escalator for my bad depth perception and inability to

step on them

still remember watching sofia coppola's somewhere, underfocused, sitting there, dialogue free,

presuming i was watching a beautiful film

can't stop thinking about my date tomorrow. I've gone soft. [This is why I never do dating]

I'd make a relatable tweet about the Meryl Streep, but I'm still currently in denial about them.

Give me another week.

the urge to re-watch Gossip Girl is considerably outweighing my pretty feeble urge to do college

work this is dangerous

one month left of legally being a child. what sort of hedonistic, autobiography-worthy nonsense

should i get myself into

if I use "awesome" in an essay to mean awe inspiring will they think I'm a) pretentious or b)

trying to resurrect noughties lingo

let me just take a moment to express my abject disgust for the term creative writing

every time I trip in public I need two days off work to mourn my facade.

really? you're male and you... don't really like jane austen? way to make a cutting edge

statement about your literary tastes

not to be operatic but theres a strong chance I am actually dead

slow and unpleasant death by essays

grand budapest hotel was absurd to an obscene point of absurdity that no film should ever reach

(i loved it)

lol passive tweet about imminent exam failure and feigned careless attitude lol hysterical use of

I have been defeated by the flu. And I don't admit defeat easily.

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