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Get ready!

O Before you read the passage, talk about @) Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
these questions. words best fit the blanks.
1 What are sorne important steps to take during 1 rescue breathing/chest compressions
emergencias? ------ helps, when someone stops
2 What kind of injuries do nurses see in breathing.
emergency rooms? can save the life of
someone whose heart has stopped.
Reading 2 blisters/shock
@ Read the first aid poster. Then, choose We elevated Meg's feet because she was in
the correct answers.
1 The poster is mostly about how to Tyler has a lot of on his
A perform CPR. foot because his shoes are too small for him.
B help injured people.
3 responsiveness/third-degree burns
e administer morphine.
Only doctors can effectively treat a serious
O 1dent1fy third-degree bums. medica! condihon like _

2 What is the first thing a person should do to lrs important to check for
an unresponsive person? in accident victims to see if CPR is needed.

A administer CPR
B check for breathing
e sterilize his or her wounds
O cover the person with a blanket

3 What can be inferred about first-degree bums?

A They usually cause people to go into shock.
B They are less painful than third-degree bums.
C They occur more frequently than other bums.
O They require more bandages than second-
degree bums.

A seriously inured person needs

this rs an easier and more effective way
immediate attention from paramedics 0t
to reset an abnormal heartbeat.
other emergency medica! personnel.
However, you can help the ined person Sterilize any open wounds that an
before medica! professionals arrive. iniured person has and place a bandage
ovar them. Look for bllsters that
First, check for responsiveness. lf an
1ndicate a first- or second..<fegree bum
1nured person is unresponsive, check for
and cool them with cokl water or ice. For
breathing and a pulse. lf these are
those in shock elevate their feet. cover
missing, perform CPR.
them with a blanket, and get help.
CPR consists of chest compressions,
People with senous injuries such as
designad to restart the heart and
third-degree burns requ1re pamkillers
circulate oxygenated blood, and rescue
like morphine and other treatments that
breathing, designad to provide oxygen
you carnet pro-.ide Wait with the injured
for someone who cannot breathe on
person unt help amves.
their own. lf a defibrillator is available,
O Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F). Speaking
1 _ defibrillator 3 _ sterlize 5 _ morphine 0 With a partner, act out the
2 _ CPR 4 _ paramedic 6 _ bandage roles below based on Task 7.
Then, switch roles.
A making something unable to transmit disease
B a device which delivers an electric shock to the heart in an
effort to reset it Where are you
C a procedure designed to be used on people in cardiac injured? I think it's ...
and/or pulmonary arrest Wejust need to ... it.
O a piece of cloth used to cover a wound
E a person trained to respond to emergency situations and Student A: You are a nurse in
provide medical assistance the emergency room. Talk to
F a drug used as a pain reliever Student B about:
where the injury is
0 g Listen and read the poster again. What treatment how the patient was hurt
should a person in shock receive?
how you are going to help
the person
0 g Listen to a conversation between a nurse and a Student 8: You are in an
patient in an emergency room. Mark the following emergency room. Imagine an
statements as true (T) or (F) false. injury and talk to Student A.
1 _ The patient has a third-degree bum.
2 _ The nurse gives the patient medicine for his pain.
3 _ The patient's cut must be cleaned and covered. Writing
@ " Listen again and complete the conversation. 0 Use the conversation from
Task 8 to fill out the notes
summarizing the patient's
Nurse: Hello, sir. Don'! worry, everything's going to be okay.
injuries and treatment.
What happened?

Patient: There was an 1 at work. A machine caught
tire behind me.
Nurse: Okay. Where are you 2 ? LONGMA N
Patient: My back hurts pretty badly. 1 think it's 3 _
Nurse: 1 can see that. But 1 don't think it's too serious, though.
Patient: Really? How can you tell?
Nurse: Well, it's blistering, and that's a good sign. lt means it's HOSPITAL
probably not a 4 ----' _
Patient: That's good. lt still hurts, though. EmergencyRoomPatient
Nurse: Of course. 1'11 get an icepack to 5 _
. That should make it feel a bit Nurse:----------
Patient: _
Patient: Thanks. 1 also cut my hand as we were trying to put the
tire out. lnjury: ----------
Nurse: Okay, we just need to 6 it and get a
bandage over it.
Patient: All right. Thank you so much.
How lnjury Occurred: ----- Treatment

Administered: _

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