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def start_game(): #Starts the game

yes_no = input("Do you want play? (y/n): ")

while (yes_no.lower() != "y" and yes_no.lower() != "n"):
yes_no = input("\nWhat you typed was not y or n. Please try again: ")
if yes_no.lower() == "n":
print ("\nThat's okay. Maybe you'll play next time. Bye!")
print ("\nGreat! Let's get started then.")
return yes_no
def game_info(): #The initial 5 questions about the game collected all in one f
unction with verification
print ("Now we'll fill in the data for you.")
name = input("\nWhat is your name? ")
#This determines your civilization level for the game
civ_lvl = input("\nHow civilized are you? (0 - 3): ")
while (civ_lvl.isdigit() == False or int(civ_lvl) < 0 or int(civ_lvl) > 3):
if civ_lvl.isdigit() == False:
civ_lvl = input("That is not a positive integer. Please try again: "
civ_lvl = input("That value is not within the valid range. Please tr
y again: ")
#This determines your initial fuel amount
fuel_amount = int(input("\nHow much fuel do you start with? (10 - 50): "))
while (str(fuel_amount).isdigit() == False or int(fuel_amount) < 10 or int(f
uel_amount) > 50):
if str(fuel_amount).isdigit() == False:
fuel_amount = int(input("That is not a positive integer. Please try
again: "))
fuel_amount = int(input("That value is not within the valid range. P
lease try again: "))
#This determines the maximum turns this game can have
max_turns = input("\nWhat is the maximum amount of turns this game? (1 - 10)
: ")
while (max_turns.isdigit() == False or int(max_turns) < 0 or int(max_turns)
> 1000000):
if max_turns.isdigit() == False:
max_turns = input("That is not a positive integer. Please try again:
max_turns = input("That value is not within the valid range. Please
try again: ")
#This determines if amazing explosions happen or not. If they do happen, the mil
d explosions automatically happen as well.
amaz_expl = input("\nDo you want amazing explosions to happen? (y/n): ")
while (amaz_expl.lower() != "y" and amaz_expl.lower() != "n"):
amaz_expl = input("What you typed was not y or n. Please try again: ")
#This determines whether or not mild explosions happen or not if amazing explosi
ons dont happen
if amaz_expl.lower() == "n":
mild_expl = input("\nSince you don't want amazing explosions to happen,
do you want mild explosions to happen? (y/n): ")
while (mild_expl.lower() != "y" and mild_expl.lower() != "n"):
mild_expl = input("What you typed was not y or n. Please try again:
mild_expl = "y"
position = 0
return name, civ_lvl, fuel_amount, max_turns, amaz_expl, mild_expl, position
def movement(planet_number, position):
#This part asks rhe user if he would like to roll the die or choose the
noext position
selection = input("\nWould you like to roll the die, or select your next pos
ition? (d/u): ")
while (selection.lower() != "d" and selection.lower() != "u"):
selection = input("What you typed is not d or u. Please try again: ")
#This part is the dice roll
rand = r.randint(1,6)
res = rand + position
if selection.lower() == "d":
while res >= len(planet_number):
res -= len(planet_number)
print("the die was... " + str(rand))
print("the previous position was... " + str(position))
print("and the next position is... " + str(res))
#This part is asking the user where he wants to go with verification of
res = input("\nWhich planet would you like to go to next? (0 - " + str(l
en(planet_number)-1) + "): ")
while (res.isdigit() == False or int(res) < 0 or int(res) > len(planet_n
if res.isdigit() == False:
res = input("That is not a positive integer. Please try again: "
res = input("That value is not within the valid range. Please tr
y again: ")
print("\nOkay! Travelling to planet " + str(res))
res = int(res)
return res

def encounter(fuel_amount, civ_lvl, position, alienlvl_list):

alien_lvl = alienlvl_list[position]
#This section is executed if there are aliens on the planet
if int(alien_lvl) > 0:
print("\nThere are aliens on this planet! Their civilization level is "
+ str(alien_lvl))
#This case is where the astronaut wins
if int(civ_lvl) > alien_lvl:
print("\nGreat! The astronaut is more civilized than the aliens!")
if listOfString[position][1] == 0:
loss_gain = 0
loss_gain = r.randint(1, listOfString[position][1])
listOfString[position][1] -= loss_gain
print("He won " + str(loss_gain) + " fuel litres.")
print("Planet " + str(position) + " now has " + str(listOfString[pos
ition][1]) + " litres.")
fuel_amount += loss_gain
print("\n\nThe astronaut now has " + str(fuel_amount) + " fuel litre
#This case is where the astronaut has a draw
elif int(civ_lvl) == alien_lvl:
print("\nOh well... the astronaut is equally as civilized as the ali
if int((round(fuel_amount/2)))== 0:
loss_gain = 0
loss_gain = r.randint(1, int((round(fuel_amount/2))))
print("He lost " + str(loss_gain) + " fuel litres.")
fuel_amount -= loss_gain
print("\n\nThe astronaut now has " + str(fuel_amount) + " fuel litre
#This case is where the astronaut loses
print("\nOh no! The astronaut is less civilized than the aliens.")
loss_gain = r.randint(1, int(fuel_amount))
print("He lost " + str(loss_gain) + " fuel litres.")
fuel_amount -= loss_gain
print("\n\nThe astronaut now has " + str(fuel_amount) + " fuel litre
#This section of code executes if there are not aliens on the planet
print("\nThere are no aliens on this planet.")
if listOfString[position][1] == 0:
loss_gain = 0
loss_gain = r.randint(1, listOfString[position][1])
print("He won " + str(loss_gain) + " fuel litres.")
print("Planet " + str(position) + " now has " + str(listOfString[positio
n][1]) + " litres.")
fuel_amount += loss_gain
print("\n\nThe astronaut now has " + str(fuel_amount) + " fuel litres.")
listOfString[position][1] -= loss_gain
return fuel_amount
def rock_collection(position, rock_counter, rock_list):
if round(listOfString[position][2]) == 0:
print ("Unfortunately, there were no rocks to collect!")
print("\nYay! The astronaut collected " + str(round(listOfString[positio
n][2]/3)) + " rocks!")
print("His rock collection is now " + str(rock_counter))
print("The planet " + str(position) + " now has " + str(listOfString[pos
ition][2] - round(listOfString[position][2]/3)) + " rocks.")
listOfString[position][2] -= round(listOfString[position][2]/3)
return rock_counter
def turn(name, civ_lvl, position, fuel_amount, max_turns, mild_expl, amaz_expl,
listOfString, rock_counter):
print("Now showing the astronaut. Commencing turn number " + str(turn_counte
print("\nThe astronaut " + name + "'s civilation level is " + str(civ_lvl))
print("Right now, he is in position " + str(position))
print("and has " + str(fuel_amount) + " fuel litres")
print("and collected until and including this turn " + str(rock_counter) + "
rock specimens")
print("He is alive and ready to move!")
def end_of_game(name, civ_lvl, position, fuel_amount, rock_counter, max_turns, t
urn_counter, python_planet):
show_board(" end of game")
print("Showing astronaut ... end of game")
print("\nThe astronaut " + name + " has civilization level " + str(civ_lvl))
print("He is in position: " + str(position))
print("and currently has: " + str(fuel_amount) + " fuel litres")
print("and collected during the whole game" + str(rock_counter) + " rock spe
if turn_counter == int(max_turns):
print("So... he is very alive!")
print("but he cannot move anymore since the game ended!")
elif int(fuel_amount) == 0:
print("He is stranded since he has no fuel!")
elif position == python_planet:
print("So... he is very alive!")
print("And he also reached Python Planet,so he won!!!")
yes_no = input("\nDo you want to play again? (y/n): ")
while (yes_no.lower() != "y" and yes_no.lower() != "n"):
yes_no = input("\nWhat you typed was not y or n. Please try again: ")
if yes_no.lower() == "y":
print("Let's get started again then.")
turn_counter = 0
fuel_amount = 1
position = 0
rock_counter = []
return yes_no, turn_counter, fuel_amount, position, rock_counter
def end_of_all_games(game_count, win_count):
print("\nThe user played " + str(game_count) + " games in total")
print("of those, the astonaut won " + str(win_count))
print("To conclude, the program will do a conversion from binary to decimal!
print("taking as source the list of rock specimens in the last game board")
def binaryList(lis):
print("\nList with rock specimens: " + str(lis))
newList = []
for i in range(len(lis)):
print("Corresponding binary: " + str(newList))
return newList
def toBase10(lis):
num = 0
negative = False
if(lis[0] == 1):
negative = True
for i in range(len(lis)):
if(lis[i] == 1):
lis[i] = 0
lis[i] = 1
for i in range(len(lis)):
digit = lis[len(lis)-1-i]
newDigit = digit * m.pow(2,i)
num += newDigit
num = 0 - num
return int(num)
def addOne(lis):
i = len(lis) - 1
done = False
while(not done):
if(lis[i] == 0):
lis[i] = 1
lis[i] = 0
i -= 1
if((i < 0) or (lis[i + 1] == 1)):
done = True
return lis

def read_string_list_from_file(the_file):
<file-name including extension .txt>(String) --> List of strings
1) the_file is in the same directory as this program
2) the_file contains one planet data per line
3) after the data of each planet in the file there is a return (
so that the next planet is in the next line), and also
there is (one single) return after the last planet
in the_file
to call or invoke this function:
listStrings = read_string_list_from_file(<file-name.txt in quotes>)
using the data provided the call to this function would be:
listStrings = read_string_list_from_file("planetsData1.txt")
fileRef = open(the_file,"r") # opening file to be read
for line in fileRef:
string = line[0:len(line)-1] # eliminates trailing '\n'
# of each line
localList.append(string) # adds string to list

#print ("\n JUST TO TRACE, the local list of strings is:\n")
#for element in localList:
# print (element)
#print ()
return localList
def file():
file = input("\nType the name of the board file including '.txt' or type d f
or default :")
while (file.lower() != "d" and file.find(".txt") == -1):
file = input("You did not type the file name correctly. Try again: ")
if file.lower() == "d":
res = "planetsData1.txt"
res = file
return res
def create_lists_board(listStrings):
1) The listStrings parameter will have a list with the strings,
2) each string corresponds to the data for one planet
3) de string for each planet is: civlevel-fuel-rocks
4) civleve, fuel and rocks are integer numbers each
# your code will process the parameter list and return 3 lists:
# one list for the civilization level in each planet,
# one list for the fuel liters in each planet
# one list for the rock specimens in each planet
civlevel = []
fuel = []
rocks = []
for i in range(len(listStrings)):
civlevel += [listStrings[i][0]]
fuel += [listStrings[i][1]]
rocks += [listStrings[i][2]]
return [civlevel,fuel,rocks]

def display_board(planet_number,lst,pos,python_planet):
result = "Planet# CivLevel Fuel Rocks \n"
for i in range(len(lst)):
result += str(planet_number[i])
for k in range(len(lst[i])):
if len(str(lst[i][k])) == 1:
result += " " + str(lst[i][k])
result += " " + str(lst[i][k])
if python_planet == i and python_planet > 0:
result += " <===== Python Planet "
if planet_number[i] == pos:
result += " <===== Astronaut Position\n"
result += "\n"
print (result)

def show_board(title):
#This will be useful to show the board each time that
#the borad needs to be shown to the user.
#the parameter title woudl allow that the function is called
#at differnt times and the title so indicates: exmple: after creation",
#before turn number xxx, etc
print ("\nShowing board... " + title)
print ("\n The board at this point contains...\n")
# your code...
return display_board(planet_number,listOfString,position,python_planet)

def convert_to_list(a):
res = []
for i in range(len(a)):
lst = []
st = ""
for k in range(len(a[i])):
if a[i][k].isdigit() and not(k == (len(a[i])-1)):
st += a[i][k]
elif k == (len(a[i])-1):
st += a[i][k]
st = ""
res += [lst]
return res

def planet_num(a):
res = []
for i in range(len(a)):
res += [i]
return res

def replace_rocks(planet_rocks,listOfString):
for i in range(len(planet_rocks)):
listOfString[i][2] = planet_rocks[i]
listOfString[0] = [0,0,0]
def mild_explosions(listOfString,planet_lst,planet_rocks):
global mild_count
planet_position = 0
random = (r.randint(1,len(planet_lst)*5))
for i in range(len(planet_lst)-1):
if (random == (i+1)):
print("\nOooooh! A mild or amazing explosion is happening in planet
# " + str(i+1) + " \n the board will have more rock specimens!")
mild_count += 1
planet_position = (i+1)
for i in range(planet_position):
for k in range(planet_position,i,-1):
planet_rocks[i] = planet_rocks[i] + planet_rocks[k]
if (planet_position > 0):
print("\n\nOh oh! An amazing explosion occured in planet # " + str(plane
t_position) + "\n")
show_board("after mild explosion")
return planet_rocks
def amazing_explosions(listOfString,planet_lst,planet_fuel,planet_rocks,pos,pyth
global amazing_count
planet_position = 0
engame = 0
check = 0
random = (r.randint(1,len(planet_lst)*5))
for i in range(len(planet_lst)-1):
if (random == (i+1)):
print("\nOooooh! A mild or amazing explosion is happening in planet
# " + str(i+1) + " \n the board will have more rock specimens!")
amazing_count += 1
planet_position = (i+1)
for i in range(planet_position):
for k in range(planet_position,i,-1):
planet_rocks[i] = planet_rocks[i] + planet_rocks[k]
if planet_position > 0 and planet_position != pos and planet_position < pos
and planet_position < python_planet:
pos -=1
python_planet -=1
del planet_rocks[planet_position]
del listOfString[planet_position]
planet_lst = planet_num(listOfString)
print("\n\nOh oh! An amazing explosion occured in planet # " + str(plane
t_position) + "\nThis planet will dissapear!\nand the board shrunk\nbut the astr
onaut was not there and it did not affect his position...")
check += 1
elif planet_position == pos:
engame = 1
elif planet_position > 0 and planet_position != pos and planet_position > po
s and planet_position > python_planet:
del planet_rocks[planet_position]
del listOfString[planet_position]
planet_lst = planet_num(listOfString)
print("\n\nOh oh! An amazing explosion occured in planet # " + str(plane
t_position) + "\nThis planet will dissapear!\nand the board shrunk\nbut the astr
onaut was not there and it did not affect his position...")
check += 1
elif planet_position > 0 and planet_position != pos and planet_position < po
s and planet_position > python_planet:
pos -=1
del planet_rocks[planet_position]
del listOfString[planet_position]
planet_lst = planet_num(listOfString)
print("\n\nOh oh! An amazing explosion occured in planet # " + str(plane
t_position) + "\nThis planet will dissapear!\nand the board shrunk\nbut the astr
onaut was not there and it did not affect his position...")
check += 1
elif planet_position > 0 and planet_position != pos and planet_position > po
s and planet_position < python_planet:
python_planet -=1
del planet_rocks[planet_position]
del listOfString[planet_position]
planet_lst = planet_num(listOfString)
print("\n\nOh oh! An amazing explosion occured in planet # " + str(plane
t_position) + "\nThis planet will dissapear!\nand the board shrunk\nbut the astr
onaut was not there and it did not affect his position...")
check += 1
return [planet_rocks,planet_lst,python_planet,pos,endgame,check]

def drawPlanet(lis):
for i in range(2):
def drawSpace():
def drawAllPlanets(lis):
for i in range(len(lis)):
def drawAstro(planets, pos, fuel):
def startPos(n):
space = 0
space = n/2
space = n//2
'''space = (n-1)*50 + 25
def determinePlanetFillColour(lis):
colour = (0, 0, 0)
value = lis[2] * 17
if(value < 1):
colour = (0, 0, 0)
elif(value < 255):
colour = (0, value, 0)
elif(value < 455):
colour = ((value - 255), 255, (value - 255))
colour = (200, 255, 200)
return colour
def determinePlanetOutlineColour(lis):
colour = ""
if(lis[1] > 0):
colour = "orange"
colour = "black"
return colour
def determineShipColour(fuel):
colour = ""
if(fuel < 1):
colour = "red"
elif(fuel < 10):
colour = "yellow"
colour = "green"
return colour
def clearBoard():
#Planets is the matrix of planets, pos is the position of the player,
#fuel is the amount of fuel the player has
def drawBoard(planets, pos, fuel):
drawAstro(len(planets), pos, fuel)

#Test case for drawBoard()

#drawBoard([[0, 0, 0],[1, 10, 20],[3, 10, 15],[2, 30, 20],[1, 0, 5],
# [1, 10, 6],[3, 10, 30],[3, 10, 4]], 0, 10)

import random as r
import turtle as t
import math as m
fuel_amount = 1
game_count = 0
win_count = 0
mild_count = 0
amazing_count = 0
max_turns = 1000000
turn_counter = 1
position = 0
endgame = 0
rock_counter = []
listStrings = read_string_list_from_file("planetsData1.txt")
listOfString = convert_to_list(listStrings)
yes_no = start_game()
planet_number = planet_num(listOfString)
planet_civ_level = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[0]
planet_fuel = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[1]
planet_rocks = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[2]
python_planet = 0
check = 0
if yes_no == "y":
show_board("just created")
python_planet = int(input("Which position should python planet be? (0-" + str(le
n(planet_number)-1) + ") 0 has no affect: "))
while not(str(python_planet).isdigit()) or python_planet <0 or python_planet > (
if not(python_planet.isdigit):
python_planet = int(input("That is not a positive integer. Please try ag
ain: "))
python_planet = int(input("That value is not within the valid range. Ple
ase try again: "))
if python_planet == 0:
python_planet = int(-1)
while yes_no.lower() == "y":
while turn_counter <= int(max_turns) and int(fuel_amount) > 0:
if turn_counter == 1:
data = file()
listStrings = read_string_list_from_file(data)
listOfString = convert_to_list(listStrings)

planet_number = planet_num(listOfString)
planet_civ_level = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[0]
planet_fuel = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[1]
planet_rocks = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[2]
display_board(planet_number,listOfString,position, python_planet)
name, civ_lvl, fuel_amount, max_turns, amaz_expl, mild_expl, positio
n = game_info()
planet_number = planet_num(listOfString)
planet_civ_level = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[0]
planet_fuel = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[1]
planet_rocks = (create_lists_board(listOfString))[2]
display_board(planet_number,listOfString,position, python_planet)
turn(name, civ_lvl, position, fuel_amount, max_turns, mild_expl, amaz_ex
pl, listOfString, rock_counter)
if amaz_expl.lower() == "y" and position > 0:
result = amazing_explosions(listOfString,planet_number,planet_fuel,p
python_planet = result[2]
position = result[3]
planet_number = result[1]
planet_rocks = result[0]
endgame = result[4]
check = result[5]
if check == 1:
show_board("after amazing explosion")
mild_expl = "n"
elif amaz_expl.lower() == "y" and position == 0:
result = amazing_explosions(listOfString,planet_number,planet_fuel,p
planet_number = result[1]
planet_rocks = result[0]
endgame = result[4]
check = result[5]
if check == 1:
show_board("after amazing explosion")
mild_expl = "n"
if mild_expl.lower() == "y":
mild_explosions(listOfString, planet_number, planet_rocks)
position = movement(planet_number, position)
if position != python_planet:
fuel_amount = encounter(fuel_amount, civ_lvl, position, planet_civ_l
if int(fuel_amount) > 0:
rock_counter = rock_collection(position, rock_counter, planet_ro
game_count += 1
yes_no, turn_counter, fuel_amount, position, rock_counter = end_
of_game(name, civ_lvl, position, fuel_amount, rock_counter, max_turns, turn_coun
ter, python_planet)
print("WOW! The astronaut reached Python Planet and the game is now
game_count += 1
win_count += 1
yes_no, turn_counter, fuel_amount, position, rock_counter = end_of_g
ame(name, civ_lvl, position, fuel_amount, rock_counter, max_turns, turn_counter,
if turn_counter == int(max_turns):
game_count += 1
yes_no, turn_counter, fuel_amount, position, rock_counter = end_of_g
ame(name, civ_lvl, position, fuel_amount, rock_counter, max_turns, turn_counter,
if endgame == 1:
game_count += 1
yes_no, turn_counter, fuel_amount, position, rock_counter = end_of_g
ame(name, civ_lvl, position, fuel_amount, rock_counter, max_turns, turn_counter,
turn_counter += 1
end_of_all_games(game_count, win_count)
newList = binaryList(planet_rocks)
num = toBase10(newList)
print("Which converted to decimal is "+ str(num) + ".")

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