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WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES &rving North and Central ll'hidbey Island


Anti-noise group launches three-prong attack

of n environmental unpacl U.:i.temenl Tom Punch. WlSE"s Navy ha1son pota:ltla.l - in town . NAS Whidbey
nn 1M Navr 's Air IIISU!Llatlon Cam- clulntUln. a id d1rP<'l commanding orf,cer Ca pt Dave
pa11ble Ui;e Zones I AICUZ ) could be negotiations w~ 1otna a1 a sna11 WU hams wroU! Ure town in July saylll(I
taken under the Nalinnal En- pace" bu t I.hat be thought they ouJd be the Navy can ' t comply "''1th the
11roomenUll Protecllon Act tNEPA > pnidur tive . Punch. 1 t:oupern le nsolulion, and urguig town officials to
lnv,led by Coupeville attorney Ken Realtor, asked nol.$e reside n ts to cooperate in AICUZ planrung efforu:.
Pickard lo address the WISE meeung, let blm mow l10'JI many fl lih II per do Y Ullder the WISE plan. even OS
Gendler also discuued poulble in- they "ca11 live 91th" ror or IUip lklo would proceed. s.aid Jones.
ver.e coademnallon litigation llel!)lla tiJli. 1ttempt1 to "est.abh.ib a dlaloeue with
cla.imillg dl'valuatioo or resldenlial PollUcal acllon comm lllee cha ,rm n the NayY" lor direct n,eaoUallona
propeny by jl'l nolst. Dennis Ar&enl wld Ole sull1, 'l'Ol&ld c:oottnue. and ~ would
WISE should exi-t lltl.pllcn to cost ioAal ditJei11 tion reporled cmlillue to be put on loc:al. st.ate and
anywbere between and recelvlllll "stacb ol letten," and he f elected otfidals to help solve
nesald W1ed rumben to keep writing th~1r theproblem.
The IJWP has not yet ntalnl!d elel'Uld Np'fSelltalives. Tbe problem W(SE cites is ll\al
lawyer. but WISE lepl committee U cllrect Dflll(laUon aJJd pohl1ca.l openl.loal bave lncraued drutically
chairman Will J aid be recom- aetioo aren't -.It, uid J OCld. and are apcctcd to continue lo In-
mmas lnO'ltll& rllJll out.. Wilb a lepl tlClklllllioo la11'S1Jit " mlpt eet tho _ . al the Caupeville OLF, aJld
action plan. alld hlrilla la,vyer befan ol the snemmmt." He aaid ol IODll' areas - such u
theeodof N his muc,i .aimatt wu bued on a11 'sOJwe-are~
With lhe Yll'I ,080 ku ol ptaper1y use. to .....,.,e noise lev al
resarcb ould comp! eel by I.lie dUe ca Jet Daile and accident potenlial, Ldn~lD ar
end ol O.C-ber and a la .. loci and U'.'IJWid the la a
the t!ld of Febnlary, Field
aa:SINIIINl to J '
WHIDBEY NEWS-TIMES Serving North and Central n hidbey Island


A group
launches three
prong attack

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