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Communists (check Alger Hiss) at the end of WW2 wrote the United Nations charter.
Evidently Putin and Trump are not in favor of the New World Order, and this is
putting the 'collectivists' that have taken over the United States, since actually
before WW2 in a very dire panic about Trump beating Clinton in the election. Did
Senator McCain just admit all of those "conspiracy kooks" trying to warn the US
citizens of a New World Order were actually very correct and accurate? As Putin and
others have alluded, this man spent some years in a hole in Viet Nam. He may
blame the anti-war movement for his extended stay, and now is bitter toward the
US. Perhaps he suffers the Stockholm syndrome. The man almost certainly left with
scrambled emotions back in Viet Nam, and he is now 80 years old. He may now
believe the Marxist/socialist Global ideology to be better than the Founder's concept
of sovereignty and independence for all legitimate countries. Has he now aligned
with those power brokers and oligarchical One World Globalists? He was once a
courageous patriot that understandably became disillusioned with the ten year Viet
Nam war...just as so many millions of other patriotic US citizens. It was an
unnecessary war----just the same as Iraq. Give this man the respect he really
deserves, after all...he did risk his life for this country before he like those other
millions of people of the US and around the world finally became aware of the truth
about the Viet Nam war. As the video shows, he unfortunately appears to agree
with the concept of a New World Order he claims began with the end of WW2 and
the creation of the United Nations. There has been nothing but war following war,
beginning with the first UN war with North Korea. How can this NWO be a desired
Global system if constant wars are necessary to force all of the countries to accept
it; and if it is so good for the world why keep it so secretive not announcing and
explaining it to the worlds peoples?

Plenty of Hispanics now in Arizona vote for Senator McCain. That is why borders are
so important...foreigners can transform a country from what it was to whatever the
new majority of foreign influence makes it! The country is not seeing legitimate,
controlled has been a planned invasion for the destruction of the
Constitutional Republic since President Reagan and Bush 41 gave amnesty to about
5 million illegal immigrants back in the 1980s. The US Government, Government
run Education system and Government/Corporate Media is fully loaded now with
men and women taught and conditioned with a combination Marxist/Fascist
ideology...and President Trump is now the President of an Executive branch of these
government employees. How difficult do you suppose it will be for him to change
the path of the United States with a compromised and unconstitutionally minded
Congress and Supreme Court... when his own Executive branch of government has
been transformed from the ideals of the Founders Constitutional Republic to the
ideology of Marx and Lenin? The citizens should have demanded TERM LIMITS for
Congress, an age limit for the Supreme Court and a vetting for Constitutional
eligibility for the Office of Presidency many, many years ago. The people can now
only pray President Trump will be able to right the ship of state with citizens still
loyal to a Constitutional Republican form of self-government...and possibly with the
help of Divine guidance!

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