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Answer the question according to the text.

Text 1

As the song goes, here are some reminders about R.E.S.P.E.C.T.:

Recognize the inherent worth of all human beings.

Eliminate derogatory words and phrases from your vocabulary.

Speak with people - not at them ... or about them.

Practice empathy. Walk awhile in others shoes.

Earn the respect of your coworkers through your behaviors.

Consider others feelings before speaking and acting.

Treat everyone with dignity and courtesy.


Behavior: comportamento.

Coworker: colega de trabalho.

Inherent: inerente/ relacionado

Derogatory: perjorativa (o)

An appropriate tittle for this text is.

A) Why people need respect.

B) It is good to get respect.

C) When to show respect.

D) Where respect is necessary

E) How to demonstrate respect.

Vamos tambm entender as alternativas de resposta dessa questo!
A) Correta.Incorreta.A alternativa esta incorreta porque faz meno a causa de o respeito ser
necessrio, o que no foi exposto no texto.
B) Incorreta.O texto no trata da questo de que e bom obter respeito.
C) Incorreta.O texto no trata de quando mostrar respeito, mas de como faze-lo.
D) Incorreta. A inadequao esta no fato de o texto no mencionar um local especifico para se
demonstrar respeito, ha um carter generalizante.
E) Correta.


2 the following text and answer.

Read the following text and answer.

Its ten in the morning and Michael is sleeping. He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel. His
secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails. The manager is making the arrangements for
Its ten in the morning and Michael is sleeping. He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel. His secretary is
Michaels show. Outside the hotel there are people waiting to see Michael.
talking to his fans and answering emails. The manager is making the arrangements for Michaels show. Outside the
hotel there are people waiting
The police is to see Michael.
helping to control the situation. His fans are saying, I love you Michael.
Everyone wants to go to his concert because he is the best. He is a great singer and a wonderful dancer
The police is helping to control the situation. His fans are saying, I love you Michael. Everyone wants to
too.The show is tonight and I won't miss it.
go to his concert because he is the best. He is a great singer and a wonderful dancer too.The show is tonight and I
won't miss it.


Manager: gerente, empresrio

Sleep: dormir
Make arrangements:
Manager: gerente, fazerpreparativos
Outside: do lado
Bedroom: de fora
Wait to see:
Talk: esperarparaver
Miss: perderresponder
Make arrangements: fazerpreparativos
O tema geral do texto ?
Say: dizer
Outside:a do
A) Michael lado de fora
Wait to see: esperarparaver
B) Michael a famous writer.
Miss: perder

C) Michael a famous
Ao analisar singer.
a resoluo dessa questo, o que preciso saber?
Primeiro, importante sabermos o que se pretende aferir nesse exemplo.
D) Michael a famousactor.

E) Michael a famous soccer player.

A habilidade contemplada pelas questes 1 (um) e (2) so osProcedimentos de leitura. E o
descritor: Identificar o tema ou assunto principal de diferentes gneros textuais.
Segundo, Identificar o mesmo que: reconhecer entre diferentes elementos
apresentados aquele(s) que corresponde(m) s caractersticas propostas ou
que pode(m) se adequar melhor a determinada situao.

Assim, o item do texto 1(um) uma questo que avalia a habilidade de

leitura. Questo de nvel bsico possibilitando obter resultado por

QUESTION 03 e 04

A habilidade contemplada pelas questes 3 (trs) e 4 (quatro) so os Procedimentos de leitura.

Descritor: Interpretar diferentes gneros textuais articulando os elementos da linguagem verbal e no

Interpretar - entender; traduzir; determinar o significado de um dado, um
acontecimento, um resultado, uma representao grfica.

Text I

Read and answer the text.

I am an oak tree
I am very tall. I am 7 years old.
During the day,
I see robins.
During the night,
I hear frogs singing.
During the day,
I grow leaves.
During the night,
I rest and wait
Until tomorrow.
Erik, Durham Elementary. Available at:> Accessed on:
Feb. 27th, 2008.

O poema I am an oak tree possui uma caracterstica que o difere de outros textos, que
A) a utilizao de pargrafos
B) a presena de letras maisculas
C) a presena de palavras longas
D) a utilizao de versos
Questo 04

Text II


By Sonia Racy

The number of Brazilians living alone grows. IBGE Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
discovered, in its last survey, that 5 million Brazilians live alone. Of this total, 63% are senior citizens, but 22%
are people in the 20 to 29 years old age range. It is a market that grows 6 to 7% a year and draws attention from
different segments of the economy. After all, most of these consumers earn from 10 to 20 minimum wages and
have college degrees.

O que caracteriza a maior parte dos consumidores brasileiros retratados no texto II?
A) Ao percentual de idosos, entre os cinco milhes de brasileiros que moram sozinhos.
B) Eles ganham entre dez e vinte salrios mnimos e tm diploma de curso superior.
C) Ao nmero de pessoas que vivem sozinhas em todo o mundo.
D) Ao percentual de crianas abandonadas nas ruas das grandes cidades brasileiras.
E) Ao ndice de brasileiros morando sozinhos.

Answer the question according to the text:

Will in the sentence So Ill just be on the couch expresses a

A) decision.
B) plan.
C) prediction.
D) promise.
E) result.

Vamos analisar a resoluo dessa questo?

Aqui, importante sabermos o que se pretende aferir nesse exemplo.
Os itens das questes 05 e 06 avaliam a habilidade de reconhecer as varias formas, aspectos e funes
dos tempos
Verbais na afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. Dessa forma o item da questo 05 (cinco) contempla o
conhecimento lxico sistmico
Tambm entenderemos as alternativas de resposta dessa questo!
A) Correta. Nesse trecho do texto, a personagem esta expressando uma deciso tomada no momento da
fala (um dos usos de will).
B) Incorreta. Essa alternativa esta incorreta porque a idia de plano e expressa por going to
C) Incorreta. E incorreta porque apresenta outro uso de will, que no se encaixa no contexto
D) Incorreta. Pela mesma razo da justificativa da alternativa C, aqui tambm e feito outro uso
de will, que tambm no se encaixa no contexto (promessa).
E) Incorreta. J a opo E esta incorreta porque a idia de resultado ligada a will aparece em
frases condicionais, o que no e o caso do fragmento em questo.

Tropical Forests cover only two percent of the earth is surface, but 70% of all plants and animals
live there. To provide land for farming, ranching and other activities, people have been cutting or burning
down those forests. More than half of the world is tropical forests have disappeared since the beginning of
last century. In the Amazon, scientists estimate that an area of forest the size of a football field is
destroyed every minute.

According to the text ( I ), which is the right alternative?

a) Scientists estimate that an area of forest the size of a tennis field is destroyed every minute.

b) The challenge isnt to find new ways to protect and preserve our environment.

c) Man is use (and abuse) of natural resources has been in the magazines for a short time.

d) In the last decades the human impact on the environment hasnt been disastrous.

e) It is time to stop cutting down the forests.


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