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ECE413EL 01


AUGUST 23, 2016

1. Differentiate amplifier with negative feedback from amplifier with
positive feedback.
In a positive feedback control system, the set point and output
values are added together by the controller as the feedback is in-
phase with the input. The effect of positive (or regenerative) feedback
is to increase the systems gain, ie, the overall gain with positive
feedback applied will be greater than the gain without feedback. While
in a negative feedback control system, the set point and output
values are subtracted from each other as the feedback is out-of-
phase with the original input. The effect of negative (or degenerative)
feedback is to reduce the gain.

2. In an RC phase shift oscillator, discuss the effect/s of varying the

values of the components of the feedback circuit.
By varying one or more of the resistors or capacitors in the
phase-shift network, the frequency can be varied and generally this is
done by keeping the resistors the same and using a 3-ganged variable

3. In an RC phase shift oscillator, what will happen if the number of RC

section is increased? If decreased?
If the number of RC section is increased, the stability of the
oscillator can be greatly improved. While, if the number of RC section
is decreased, the stability of the oscillator at low frequencies is
generally poor.


It is observed that there are three sections which are the R1C1, R2C2,
R3C3 that are connected in the feedback path between the input and output
of Q1. The capacitors were equal in value and the resistors were also equal.
The output is connected to the input. When the operating voltages of the
transistor was measured, the voltage at the collector has the highest value
near to the input voltage, and at the emitter has the least value with a
difference of 0.638 from the voltage of the base.

Before putting the input of the oscilloscope to the test points, the two
waves were set in a similar way, the same amplitude and the same starting
point. When the input of the oscilloscope was connected to the test points A,
B, and C, it is observed that there was a change in the amplitude and change
in the starting point, there was a shift in the distance between the two
waves. The phase shift increased by 72, 120, and 180 respectively.
When the capacitors are replaced to 0.01Farad, the new time period
needed for one wave to occur is faster, and the new operating frequency of
the phase shift oscillator is twice the measured frequency when the
0.022Farad was used.


It is concluded that RC filters are to cause a phase shift, and by using

multiple filters, a feedback circuit with exactly 180 phase shift can be
produced. When used with a common emitter amplifier, which also has a
phase shift of 180 between base and collector, the filters produce positive
feedback to cause oscillation to take place.

Also, a number of identical filters are used in cascade, with the output
of one filter feeding the input of the next, a total phase shift of exactly 180
is be produced at one particular frequency. Three filters are used with each
filter producing a phase shift of 60 at the required frequency.

Lastly, the relationship between the frequency of oscillation and

capacitance in the RC phase shift oscillator is inversely proportional. The
greater the value of the capacitors the lesser the value of the frequency
while the lesser the value of the capacitors the greater the value of the


Feedback Systems (2014). Retrieved from http://www.electronics-

The RC Oscillator Circuit (2015). Retrieved from http://www.electronics-

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