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The discovery of gibberellins is related with Bakane disease

of rice.
The deficiency of gibberellin hormone cause stunted
growth in plants.
Ethylene is gaseous plant hormone.
ABA (abscisic acid) is also known as the stress hormone.
Etiolation is the depigmentation of leaves when plant is
planted in dark for more than 36 hrs.
Bolting may be induced by gibberellins.
Day neutral relates to flowering in all possible photoperiods.
Auxanometer is used to measure the growth of plants.
Genetic dwarfness in plants can be overcome by treating
them with gibberellins.
ABA theory gives the latest explanation for stomatal closing
and opening phenomenon.
The hormone that delays senescence cytokinins.
Gibberellins induce flowering in long day plants under short
day conditions.
Auxin is synthesized more in the absence of light and
increases the length of internodes in plants.
Induction of flowering under low temperature treatment is
called vernalization.
Abscission of leaves is caused due to ABA.
Avena Curvature test is the bioassay of auxin.
The action of ethylene can be counteracted by the application
of auxin.
Absence of light during growth in plants leads to yellowing of
leaves called Etiolation.
Vernalization is an aerobic process.
The phytohormone which stimulates anti abscission is auxin.
Biennials can be converted into annuals by the process of
Ageing of leaves is called senescence.
Apical dominance in plants allows plant growth and retards
the growth of lateral buds.

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