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February 21, 2017 Contact: Maddie Gavel-Briggs, (626) 664-7323

Patrick Briggs, (626) 664-3487

(H) (503) 625-1427


Our Indivisible Revolution Sherwood

Resistance groups nationwide organize to support the ACA during the House recess

WHAT: Members of Our Indivisible Revolution Sherwood (OIRS) and supporters from
SW Portland will join together to show solidarity for protecting the Affordable
Care Act from Republican repeal. Thousands of Americans are speaking out not
only to keep the ACA, but to expand it.

The Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act would be devastating -
30 million Americans thrown off health insurance, with many more denied care
for pre-existing conditions and unable to afford their premiums and prescription
drugs. In the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, we understand that
healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Representatives from Healthcare for All Oregon will be in attendance;

participants will share stories

WHEN: Saturday, February 25, 2017 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST

WHERE: Sherwood Cannery Square (next to the Sherwood library)

15601 SW Willamette St
Sherwood, OR 97140

At noon, rally may march from location through downtown Sherwood to SW

Oregon Street to TVF&R Station 33.

WHO: Our Indivisible Revolution Sherwood (OIRS), is a hybrid chapter of Indivisible

and Senator Bernie Sanders inspired Our Revolution. We are focused on
resistance of the current administrations divisive and decidedly un-American
agenda through spirited civic engagement built on the belief that democracy
only works when we all participate.


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