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Berklee Fundamentals of Music Syllabus

Lesson 1: Rhythm Part I




Rhythmic Notation Activities

Lesson 2: Rhythm Part II

Eighth Notes

Beaming, Dots, and Ties

Rhythmic Notation Tips

Rhythmic Dictation Activity

Rhythmic Notation Activity

Lesson 3: Pitch Notation

ABCs of Pitch Notation

Treble Clef Notes

Bass Clef Notes

Grand Staf


Accidentals: Sharps, Flats, and Naturals

Lesson 4: Major Scales

Half Steps and Whole Steps

Chromatic Scales

Whole Tone Scales

Major Scales

Other Major Scales

Key Signatures

Scales and Key Signatures

Lesson 5: Minor Scales

The Minor Scale Sound

The Relative Major/Minor Relationship

Parallel Minor

Harmonic Minor

Melodic Minor

The Descending Melodic Minor Scale

The Real Melodic Minor Scale

Minor Scale Key Signatures

Lesson 6: Intervals

Interval Number Names

Interval Sound

Perfect and Major Intervals

Major vs. Minor Intervals

Perfect/Major vs. Diminished

Perfect/Major vs. Augmented

Compound Intervals

Lesson 7: Chords I: Triads

Major Triads

Minor Triads

Diminished and Augmented Triads

Chord Symbols

Lesson 8: Triad Inversions

Triad Inversions

Bass/Chord Theory

Voice Leading

Parallel and Contrary Motion

Lesson 9: Chords II: Basic Seventh Chords

The Major Seventh Chord

The Dominant Seventh Chord

The Minor Seventh Chord

The Minor 7

The Diminished Seventh Chord

Chord Symbols and Review

Lesson 10: Inversions and Voice: Leading of Seventh Chords

Inversions of Basic Seventh Chords

Positions of Basic Seventh Chords

Voice Leading Seventh Chords

Voice Leading: Two Ways

Lesson 11: Using the Lead Sheet

Harmonizing the Melody

Creating Harmonic Accompaniments

Voice Doublings

Increasing Activity in the Bass

Lesson 12: Melody Writing

Making Melodic Connections

Repeating Phrases


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