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Civics 4

Lord of the Flies

Would having a leader increase or decrease your chances of survival?

Having a leader could either increase or

decrease the survivors chances of survival. If
the island possesses a good leader, then the
chances of survival would increase since the
leader would understand the basics of
survival such as obtaining food, building
shelter, getting water, and keeping everyone
safe. However, a bad leader would result in
decreasing the chances of survival since
he/she would be incapable of making the
right decisions.
How Might The Group Choose A Leader?
The group can choose a leader similarly
to that of an election. The members of
the group may appoint who they want as
a leader and choose the leader of the
group based on a voting system. The
candidate with the majority of the votes
to him/her would become the leader of
the group.
What Rules Would Help Everyone Survive?
The rules listed below are mandatory to achieve
survivability together.

1. Harming of another member in anyway is not

2. Stealing/keeping of non-individual property is
not allowed.
3. Everyone must work their fair share of work,
if work available.
4. There will be rewards for working!
(Individuals receive food, water and shelter
depending on the amount of work they did)
5. Everyone must be treated equally.
How Would You Deal With Conflict Between Those Who Want To Uphold The
Rules And Those Who Think The Rules Should Be Changed or Eliminated?
For those members who want changes in the rules
would have to explain their thinking on the change. If
their thoughts are agreed by 60% or more of the
entire group, then the change would occur according
to plan. However, if the percentage of the group that
wants the change is lower than 60% then it wouldnt
occur. If a member wants to eliminate a rule, then
he/she must explain strongly why it should be
eliminated. If his/her thoughts are found true and
agreeable by the majority of the group, thus approved
by the leader, then the rule shall be eliminated.
How Did Your Values Affect Your Responses For The First Three Questions?

Since I live in a place where we have a

democratic government (Canada), my initial
response to leadership is democratic. I
believed a leader would increase the chance of
survival if he was organised and was
responsible. This is how most leaders are in
democracy. I wrote that the process of
choosing leaders should be done via an
election, which is the same process used in
democracy. The rules I had written are very
common in most democratic countries, and are
the norm for maintaining order and balance.

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