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Reading Guide

The Declaration of Independence

Who? 56 signatures from representatives of the first 13

states against the tyranny of King George III (despotism,
injuries, and usurpations) and the Coercive Acts of 1774.

And What? A pledge of fortune and sacred honor for the
Equality dissolution of political rule by the UK, in favor of political
liberalism and republicanism. All men are created equal.

When? July 4th, 1776 during the American Revolution


Where? Philadelphia, PA

Why? Laws of Nature and Gods Nature, equality and

liberty through democracy, Boston Tea Party led by the
Patriots (1773), followed by the Battle of Lexington and
Concord (1775), American French alliance captured British
at Yorktown (1781), British captured and held NYC for
duration of war, Patriots capture British at the Battle of
Saratoga (1777)

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