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Name : Dewi Ashari Ciptaningrum

Student Number : 1506757094
Faculty & Class : Public Health

1. Title of the Article : Learning The Hard Way

2. Author(s) : Maggie Tiojakin from The Jakarta Post Weekender Magazine

3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article :
I have chosen this article because I really interested with the first sentence in the
first paragraph in which it states that The journey from childhood to adulthood is
often defined by the education a person receives. I couldnt agree more with that
statement because education is very important for the young generation to get the
better future, and this article mostly talk about the reality of education in Indonesia.
As a college student, its important for me to know the development of education in
our country, so that we can think critically and hopefully can contribute to make a
change for our country.

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about :

This article explains us about the actual condition of education in Indonesia
nowadays. Based on this article, the educational system in Indonesia is really poor
and being left behind another country, such as Sri Lanka. Despite the fact that still
many of Indonesian people think that education is a waste of time and money, the
system itself need to be reconstructed. This article states that, Poor public school
facilities contribute to a number of issues that plague the educational system, it
clearly shows that education still get lack of support from the government.
Moreover, this article also states that the increasing of international schools in
Indonesia recently, can be the trigger for Indonesia to manage the qualified teachers
for public school out there. Hopefully, by training the educator it will have good
impact for the quality and the morality of educators and students in the future.
5. What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article :
The writers message in writing this article is to give an overview to the reader
about the actual condition of education in Indonesia. By explaining the statements
from different point of view, this article would convince the reader to think critically
and make a conclusion after read this article.

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.
In my opinion, this article has clearly explains me about what happen into
Indonesias education nowadays. I have an overview about whats the problem that
still make educational system in Indonesia being left behind another country. The
lack of support from government, the low quality of educators, the moral of the
students are some of the problems that takes part on our bad educational system.
Moreover, in order to improve the educational system in Indonesia, everything need
to be reconstructed from elementary levels to university levels. Hopefully, slow but
sure Indonesias educational system will getting better. I also think that its
important for the college student who consider their role as an agent of change to
make a contribution for their country.

Name : Dewi Ashari Ciptaningrum

Student Number : 1506757094
Faculty & Class : Public Health

1. Title of the Article : Emotional Intelligence

2. Author(s) : Patricia Holt

3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article :
I have chosen this article because I want to deepen my knowledge about the
emotional intelligence. Its interesting to know the role of emotional intelligence
towards our personality since all this time I only know about IQ and I dont know
that Emotional intelligence also takes part towards our personality later. Moreover,
this article has clearly explained about Emotional Intelligence, so I dont really need
further references to read.

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about :

This article talks about The Emotional Intelligence in humans mind that has been
experimented by Daniel Goleman. Daniel Goleman has done an experiment called
The Marshmallow Challenge, and he has proven that every children with
difference emotional stability will establish different personality in the future. In
order to get the good personality, the emotional intelligence can be taught in home
but perhaps, more importantly, in school. The process of establishing the personality
based on the emotional stability is related to the part of human brain, Amygdala,
where the central of human emotion is there. Despite the fact that boys are raised to
learn a little about emotion than girls, it doesnt have big impact to their emotional
intelligence later.
5. What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article :
The writers purpose in writing this article is to give the further knowledge about
humans ability that can be developed. By reading this article, people will learn to
control their emotional stability or even tell their family about this important

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.
In my opinion, this article has clearly explains me about the the importance of
knowing emotional intelligence. All this time, we didnt recognize that Emotional
Inteligence also takes part on forming our personality. Moreover, we can learn to
handle our emotional stability from now or even tell our family about this
information. The emotional intelligence although seems to be ignored, but has big
impact for establishing humans personality. It has been proven by the experiment of
The marshmallow challenge, and has direct relation to the part of humans brain,

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