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Roman Catholic nuns warns an impending possibility of human trafficking at

the FIFA World Cup

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) Pope Francis provides strong support to the Roman
Catholics nuns last Tuesday on a heightened awareness and possibilities of human
trafficking, exploitation of workers, forced prostitution and sexual tourism during the
FIFA World Cup, which is to be held in Brazil in the upcoming month.

The campaign of the Roman Catholic nuns who also shares strong support from
the U.S embassy of the Vatican, previously announced an worldwide campaign known
as Play in Favour of Life Denounce Human Trafficking, with regards to the upcoming
events during the June 12 July 13 World Cup tournament.

A Maltese nun and one of the nuns in the campaign, Sister Carmen Sammut
explains, We need to make people conscious of what happens on the margins of big
world events such as the FIFA World Cup and the suffering of those who are trafficked.

She also added, Without this awareness, without acting together in favour of
human dignity, the World Cup finals may turn out to be a terrible shame instead of a
feast for humanity.

Sister Sammut said that the whole stratagem has complete support from Pope
Francis, who is also a die-hard fan of Argentine football. Apart from that, the Pope has
been conducting conferences inside the Vatican to deal about human trafficking and
how to stop it.

Meanwhile, Sister Gabriella Bottani, an Italian nun who is currently working in

Brazil, stated human traffickers and other same entities takes the opportunity of
exploiting vulnerable individuals in certain big events like the FIFA World Cup.

She claims that young individuals are often promised with a good job, but then
forced into the act of prostituting. There will also be instances of children being
kidnapped from far-flung areas to be taken to the cities and forced to beg for money
among the crowds.

She added that in places like Brazil, grand events are often a catalyst to
kidnapping children in order to be used for adoption purposes. It is amazing how so
many forces of evil can converge to cause so much harm against human freedom."

The Roman Catholic nuns suggested a study about sexual exploitation over two
different World Cup events alone. Since 2006, there was a 30 percent increase in sexual
exploitation activities in the World Cup in Germany and 40 percent at the World Cup in
South Africa in 2010.
Catholic nuns have been doing this campaign against human trafficking for many
years since.

Volunteers involved in the campaign will be handing out informative leaflets in

many Brazilian cities along with few other Latin American countries warning about
human trafficking and the ways to detect it.

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