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Mila Mimica

[603 Kentucky Blvd.]  [Columbia, Mo.] [65201]  [785.979.6713] ]

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Columbia Business Times
Columbia, Mo. [July 2010-present]
Freelance writing and maintaining social network sites

Columbia, Mo. [May 2010-present]
Production Assistant: cut and edit national and local video for VOs
Web editor: post stories, photos and video online, edit copy, maintain Twitter with hourly updates and
breaking news

Columbia Missourian
Columbia, Mo. [August 2008-May 2010]
Clerical assistant to newsroom coordinator

The Maneater
Columbia, Mo. [August 2008-February

The Lawrence Journal-World

Lawrence, Kan. [May 2008-August 2008]
Worked in convergent newsroom, reported stories via print and broadcast (VOs/SOTs) and edited video

University of Missouri: Columbia
Columbia, Mo.[August 2008-present]
Major: Convergence Journalism, emphasis in International Reporting and Info Graphics
Minor: Political Science
Curriculum for fall 2010: Convergence Reporting, The European Union in the Global System, Cross-Cultural
Psychology and History of American Journalism
Activities: Society of Professional Journalists, Kappa Alpha Theta, Mizzou for Malawi, Invisible Children, The
GPA: 3.216

Lawrence High School

Lawrence, Kan. [August 2005-May 2008]
Activities: Newspaper section editor and designer (2007-2008), Yearbook reporter and photographer
(2007-2008), Latin Club president (2007-2008), varsity tennis, varsity swimming, Citizen Journalism
Institute (hosted by the Lawrence Journal-World) in fall 2007
Achievements: partook in Citizen Journalism Institute organized by the Lawrence Journal-World in (fall
2008), state finals in newspaper design (spring 2007), attended Kansas Journalism Institute (2007), Honor
Roll (2005-2008)

Fluent in Serbian, some Spanish and French
Proficient in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Audition, Adobe Flash, Avid, Avid
Content Manager, INews, and Adobe Dreamweaver
Write in-depth articles, features, captions, news, as well as news releases
Journalism classes taken at Mizzou: Fundamentals of Convergence Reporting, News Reporting, Cross-
Cultural Journalism, Principles of American Journalism, and Career Explorations in Journalism.

Available upon request

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