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Worldbuilding note: This conlang was originally imagined to be used by a peaceful, semi-monastic

community which would base their economy on temperate climate forest gardening. As a result, you can
see some specific terms being developed in the vocabulary.

Forest gardening is a low-maintenance sustainable plant-based food production and agroforestry

system based on woodland ecosystems, incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and
perennial vegetables which have yields directly useful to humans.
Dzovar so Pralt tel Dzort Tzayaza, Floyaza a Dar te Bela Prayert te Ifler Bort Dzovara Dzoyavan so
Shlayen so tor Shlayen te Erneyaz te Pralt tor. Van Pralt sa tor Plerta a Traza Erbez Erben Erbayel
Erpreyal a Zheyar so Alprena Erplayor tor tel Shayena Selvar te Erdzayan so Erishoyavan.
[Forest <- descriptor <- cultivation] result little effort-adjective, resilience-adjective and [origin <- module
<- plant-adjective] [manufacture <- module <- food] furthermore forest-adjective [[nature <- descriptor <-
system] <- descriptor <- [bracket word] system <- module <- plural-method <- module <- cultivation
[bracket word]]. This [cultivation <- aspect <- [bracket word] fruit-adjective and nut-adjective plural-tree
plural-bush plural-herb plural-vine and winter <- descriptor <- no-danger-adjective plural-root [bracket
word]] result honesty-adjective [[benefit <- module <- plural-human] <- descriptor <- plural-crop].
Cultivation in the context of forest is equivalent to little effort-connected, resilient and plant-like in
origin manufacture of food, as well as forest-like system of methods of cultivation in the context of
ecosystem [lit. system in the context of nature]. Fruit and nut roots safe [lit. no-danger-connected] in the
context of winter, vines, herbs, bushes, trees are aspects of this cultivation [and] it is equivalent to crops
in the context of honest/straight benefit of humans.
Note: There exists a separate word for 'vegetable' ('Dayar'), but it's more in the context of food and not in
the context of agriculture. 'Roots' seem to work well here.
Making use of companion planting, these can be intermixed to grow in a succession of layers, to build
a woodland habitat.
Ifloyar te Ervan a Ilayorta Pralt tel Ilor te Erzhovar so Dzayol tel Prayert te Dzovara Ishel.
[union <-module <- plural-this] and together-adjective cultivation result [[order <- module <- plural-layer]
<- descriptor <- growth] result [manufacture <-module <- forest-adjective place]
Union of these and joint [lit. together-like] cultivation is equivalent to growth in the context of order of
layers, which is equivalent to manufacturing of forest-like place.
Note: 'habitat' seems a bit problematic here, I'm not enitrely sure what the author of the article had in
mind? Beause of that, I went with generic and safe 'place' ('Ishel').
Forest gardening is a prehistoric method of securing food in tropical areas. In the 1980s, Robert Hart
coined the term "forest gardening" after adapting the principles and applying them to temperate
Dzovar so Pralt tel Dzayelt Shayerte Neyaz tel Trovara Ishele Ifler so Slevar. 1980 Zhayone, Shleyaz
Inayavana Inayen so tor Dzal te Erprayer tor, Dar te Slayez Dzovar so Pralt (Intlenta Dayavan Dzoyaz:
forest gardening) so tor Robert Hart sa Inayol tor.
[Forest <- descriptor <- cultivation] result before history-locative method result [tropic-adjective place-
locative food <- descriptor <- benefit]. 1980 period-locative, after moderation-adjective [weather <-
descriptor <- [bracket word] transformation <- module <- plural-idea [bracket word]], [origin <- module
<- name] [[Forest <- descriptor <- cultivation] (England-adjective language original-version: forest
gardening) <- descriptor <- [bracket word] Robert Hart <- aspect <- author[bracket word]].
Cultivation in the context of forest is equivalent to before-history-like method which is equivalent [or:
which leads to] benefit in the context of food in tropical place. In 1980s period, after transformation of
ideas in the context of moderate weather, author as an aspect of Robert Hart in the context of cultivation
[which itself was] in the context of forest (English language original: forest gardening).
Note: I certainly struggled with the word 'England'... it doesn't seem right to include it directly in what is
essentially a fantasy conlang, but simply leaving it untranslated also looks bad (not translating 'Dao' at
least had multiple real-life precedents). Instead I proposed a pseudo-transliteration using only native
sounds (even if their ordering doesn't really match the usual word structure): 'Intlent', hoping to imitate
the manner in which, for example, 'England' is translated to 'Yn ln' in Mandarin Chinese. I still think
the result sounds pretty horrible, so maybe I'll change this one in the future.

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