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To: Future Students of English 302

From: Olive McLean
Date: December 15, 2016
Re: The Formation of a Strong and Positive Group Dynamic in English 302

The objective of this memo is to analyze the process that must be taken to achieve a strong and positive team
dynamic in English 302. The information afforded in this memo will provide you with information necessary to
forming an effective team, avoiding or resolving team conflict, building and maintaining mutual respect,
efficiently distributing work, and preserving the relationships built within the team upon completion of the
assigned task. All of this information will benefit your ability to create a strong and positive team dynamic in
English 302.

Forming is the first step in team building, in which teams are formed and the groups task is assigned. The best
way to form a team, when there is the freedom to choose team members, is to begin by observing individuals and
their work styles before the team is officially selected. Diversity is an advantage in a team, in that the diversity of
skill sets and personalities provides an interesting twist to the group dynamic and protects against groupthink.

In the case of English 302, there are a number of in-class discussions and assignments due before teams are
formed. By evaluating individuals before the official forming of the group, it is easier to pick out individuals that
you may want to work with, and then form your team with people you are comfortable with when the time comes.

Suggestion: Dont necessarily choose to work with your best friend. Look for a group of people with a diverse
range of skills that will compliment your own.

The storming stage indicates the stage in which team roles are determined and other crucial decisions are made.
Sometimes this means that there may be disputes that stem from differences of opinion, and groups can fail as a

Regarding English 302, the storming stage comes when your team decides which proposal you will use and who
will become your team leader. To avoid the negative outcomes that may occur from storming, the best way to
determine whose proposal will be chosen is to deliberate as a team and eliminate proposals one-by-one until there
is only one left. This is a more effective way of deciding which proposal to go with, because it requires your team
to work and learn together through negotiation and debate.

Suggestion: Remember that even if your proposal is not chosen, you are still part of a team and you should
contribute your best work. There will be chances for your ideas to be incorporated into the project as a whole,
even if the initial idea is not your own.

The norming stage refers to the period in which the initial decisions are made and the storming phase is at its end,
or has ended. In this stage, team members are given the opportunity to get to know each other better.

When working closely with a team, it is important to make time together outside of work to bond. Bonding is
essential to creating trust and respect among group members. If issues arise, it is better that it happens outside of
work time; this way, if there is an issue, it can be resolved away from work which ensures that work time is
dedicated towards completing goals rather than resolving social problems.

Suggestion: A group is much more likely to become a team if mutual respect and trust is built; the best way to
do this is by getting to know each other outside of the work area.
In the performing stage, teams will have decided in what manner they will complete tasks and the real work will
begin. Goals and deadlines should be established first, followed by a decision on how work will be delegated.

In English 302, it is efficient to assign research tasks individually and to have your team members complete rough
drafts of their assigned tasks first. Once the initial research and rough draft is completed, your team should make
a time to meet face-to-face and collaborate on creating a cohesive voice throughout your report.

Suggestion: When working on a team, it is important to meet regularly to ensure that everyone is on track to
completing the work, and that a unified team vision is being worked towards.

The final stage is known as adjourning. At this stage teams will have completed the assigned task, and as a result
the team will be disbanded. Once the task is ended, the process can begin again by forming a new team, or the
orginal team can continue onto a new task together.

With regards to English 302, your team members should not look to this deadline as an end of your work and/or
relationship together. There will be more opportunities to work as a team, and if not, you can remain friends. By
not putting a limit on your time together, the team can uphold a joint effort to preserve the trust and mutual respect
among each member.

Suggestion: Make plans to meet in the future, even if it is just to grab coffee and catch up. Also, ensure that you
keep in contact; that way you can keep your teammates as potential business contacts in the future.

This memo has provided you with an analysis of the process that must be taken to achieve a positive and
effective group dynamic in English 302. Additional analyses of successful team building can be easily collected
from previous students of the English 302 course at Iowa State University. If you would like further advice or
assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at <>.

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