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Volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils
Eduardo Rojas and Omar Chvez

Abstract: An elastoplastic framework to account for the volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils is proposed herein. The
proposed equation is based on the effective stress principle and results in a unifying framework for the volumetric behavior for
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both saturated and unsaturated soils. The results of the proposed equation are compared with experimental results published by
different researchers. These comparisons show that the equation is adequate to account for wettingdrying and net stress
loadingunloading paths. In addition, the collapse upon wetting phenomenon can be simulated and the critical state for
unsaturated soils coincides with the proposed volumetric framework. This analysis conrms that the effective stress principle
can be applied to the volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils.

Key words: volumetric behavior, unsaturated soils, effective stress.

Rsum : Cet article prsente une proposition de concept lastoplastique qui tient compte du comportement volumique des sols
non saturs. L'quation propose est base sur le principe de la contrainte effective, et gnre un concept uni du comporte-
ment volumique pour les sols saturs et non saturs. Les rsultats de l'quation propose sont compars avec des rsultats
exprimentaux publis par diffrents chercheurs. Ces comparaisons dmontrent que l'quation est adquate pour considrer le
mouillageschage et les cheminements de contrainte nette en chargementdchargement. De plus, le phnomne
d'effondrement suite au mouillage peut tre simul, et l'tat critique des sols non saturs concide avec l'approche volumique
propose. L'analyse conrme que le principe de la contrainte effective peut tre appliqu au comportement volumique des sols
non saturs. [Traduit par la Rdaction]
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Mots-cls : comportement volumique, sols non saturs, contrainte effective.

Introduction suction, respectively, in a semi-logarithmic plane; p and dp repre-

Different approaches have been proposed to simulate the volu- sent the apparent pre-consolidation mean net stress at the current
metric behavior of unsaturated soils. Two of the main trends are suction and its increment, respectively; s and ds are the maximum
the independent stressvariables approach and the single stress previous suction and its increment, respectively; and patm is the
variable approach. In the former, two different coefcients are atmospheric pressure. This expression allows great exibility in
used to account for the contribution of net stress and suction on the simulation of the volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils. It
the volumetric behavior. In the latter, a single volumetric coef- is common to express vp as a function of suction while vs is
cient is related to a single stress variable (in most cases referred as considered constant. However, the experimental results indicate
the effective stress) to simulate the volumetric behavior. that vp must also depend on the mean net stress while vs must
One of the main advantages in using the single stress approach depend on both the mean net stress and suction (see, for example,
is that the hydromechanical coupling observed in unsaturated Fleureau et al. 1993; Futai and Almeida 2005). In that sense, the
soils is implicit in the formulation. The simulation of the phenom- expressions for vp and vs might become more complex than it
enon of collapse upon wetting was one of the main objections to seems. Another disadvantage of this expression is that there is not
this approach. However, it is presently acknowledged that the a smooth transition between saturated and unsaturated states
simulation of this phenomenon requires, in addition to the effec- (Sheng 2011). Examples of this approach are the models developed
tive stress equation, an appropriate elastoplastic framework. In by Alonso et al. (1990), Wheeler and Sivakumar (1995), and Thu
contrast, the independent stressvariables approach in combina- et al. (2007), among others.
tion with a suction-hardening elastoplastic framework clearly ex- The second approach can be written in the following general
plains the phenomenon of collapse upon wetting while the form:
implementation of the hydromechanical coupling has been in-
cluded in different degrees (Vaunat et al. 2000; Galipoli et al. 2003; v dp 
[2] dv
Wheeler et al. 2003; Sun et al. 2007b). v p
The rst approach has the following general form for the elas-
toplastic volumetric strain increment dv:
where v represents the slope of the compression curve in the

1 dp ds axes of the logarithm of the effective mean stress versus specic
[1] dv vs volume, and p= and dp= represent the pre-consolidation effective
v vp p (s patm)
stress and its increment, respectively. If parameter v is expressed
as a function of suction alone, it shows decreasing values with
where v is the specic volume of the soil; vp and vs are the slopes increasing suction. This, however, contradicts the experimental
of the compression curves related to the mean net stress and results (Sheng 2011). To avoid this contradiction, v should be

Received 14 September 2012. Accepted 24 January 2013.

E. Rojas and O. Chvez. Universidad Autnoma de Quertaro, Facultad de Ingeniera, Centro Universitario, Cerro de las Campanas, CP: 76010, Quertaro, Qro, Mexico.
Corresponding author: Eduardo Rojas (e-mail:

Can. Geotech. J. 50: 209222 (2013) Published at on 5 March 2013.
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written as a function of the mean net stress, the pre-consolidation v p 0
stress, and suction. Another possibility is to write v as a function [6]
v0 p
of the degree of saturation (Sheng 2011). The effective stress ap-
proach has been used in the models proposed by Khogo et al.
(1993), Loret and Khalili (2002), Sheng et al. (2004), Sun et al. where p 0 represents the initial effective stress corresponding to a
(2007b), Kohler and Hofstetter (2008), Koliji et al. (2010), Casini volume v0 in the virgin consolidation line. However, if the mean
(2012), and Zhou et al. (2012), among others. effective stress p= becomes very large, the specic volume (v = 1 + e,
Recently, Sheng et al. (2008a) proposed a combination of these where e is the void ratio) tends to zero, which is clearly undesir-
able. A more likely relationship would involve the void ratio in-
two trends using two different volumetric parameters in conjunc-
stead of the specic volume, in the form of
tion with a stress parameter that accounts for the effects of both
net stress and suction in the form
de dp 
[7] e 

p dp s (p ds s)
e p
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[3] dv vp vs

where e represents the slope of the compression line in a loga-

Parameter vs can be written as a function of vp according to rithmic plane of effective stresses versus void ratio and, because
the void ratio reduces with increasing effective stress, it exhibits
the following relationship (Sheng et al. 2008a):
negative values. A similar expression was proposed by Sheng et al.

(2008b) for the volumetric behavior of sands upon isotropic load-
vp s sa
ing. Integration of the above equation results in
[4] vs sa 1
vp s sa

s1 e p e
e0 p 0
where sa represents the saturation suction (i.e., the value of suc-
tion at the air-entry value). In this case, the volumetric strain by
net stress or suction increase depends on both the current net where e0 is the initial void ratio.
stress and the current suction; therefore, eq. [3] can more accu- Figure 2 shows the plot of this equation in the axes of the
logarithm of the mean effective stress versus void ratio for differ-
rately reproduce the volumetric response of unsaturated soils re-
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ent values of the compression index v and for an initial void ratio
ported in the international literature.
equal to 1.14 at a mean effective stress of 0.02 MPa. Most soils show
One of the most important features of this equation is the in- values of the parameter v ranging between 0.05 and 0.3, in
troduction to some extent of the hydromechanical coupling which case the volumetric behavior for stresses in the range of
through the parameter sa. In addition, although the two compres- civil engineering interest (between 0.1 and 10 MPa) can be approx-
sion indexes vs and vp can be related using eq. [4], different imated by straight lines, as is commonly done.
approaches can be used for more general cases. When plotted in For the case of unsaturated soils, their volumetric behavior can
the mean net stress axis versus suction plane, the yield surface be analyzed mainly through the results of two types of tests: iso-
generated with eq. [3] shows a concavity (see Fig. 1). In fact most tropic loading by net stress increase at constant suction and suc-
constitutive models for unsaturated soils show a concavity at the tion increase at constant net stress. The results of the rst type of
transition between saturated and unsaturated states (see, for ex- test can be summarized as follows: when suction is below the
ample, Borja 2002; Sun et al. 2007b; Hoyos and Arduino 2008; air-entry value, the soil behaves as saturated. When suction be-
Zhang and Zhou 2008). Although, this concavity poses some dif- comes larger than the air-entry value, a great quantity of menisci
culties in obtaining a unique response, this can be solved numer- of water appears among the solid particles. These menisci pro-
ically. By following stress path ABCD shown in Fig. 1, the model duce additional contact stresses between the solids, increasing
can simulate the phenomenon of collapse upon wetting. Finally, the stability of the large pores as if the pre-consolidation stress of
the soil had been increased. This means that the material experi-
eq. [3] cannot be integrated and therefore requires special treat-
ences suction-hardening. Therefore, the shrinkage of these pores
ment in the stress integration of the constitutive model.
can only be produced by applying further increments of the mean
The aim of this paper is to present an elastoplastic framework
net stress. The greater the applied suction, the larger the mean net
that can be used to model the volumetric behavior of unsaturated stress required for the shrinkage of these pores. In other words,
soils based on the single stressvariable approach. Furthermore, the soil behaves as an overconsolidated material.
this approach results in a unifying framework for saturated and For the second type of test, the soil behaves exactly the same as
unsaturated soils. To that purpose, a solidporous model capable for the rst case as long as suction remains below the air-entry
of simulating the soil-water retention curve (SWRC) and the dis- value. In these conditions, suction has the same effect as an iso-
tribution of water into the pores of the material needs to be in- tropic stress applied to the material. When suction surpasses the
cluded into the formulation. This framework deals only with air-entry value, a signicant number of pores become dry. Under
isotropic stress states and the term suction refers only to matric these conditions, when suction increases, all saturated pores tend
suction. to shrink following the same law as for the saturated material. On
the contrary, all dry pores tend not to react to suction changes.
Proposed equation According to these descriptions, the evaluation of the volumet-
Jurez-Badillo (1975) and Buttereld (1979) proposed the follow- ric response of unsaturated materials requires the quantication
ing equation for the volumetric behavior of saturated soils: of the area of solids affected by the menisci of water and the pores
that remain saturated at a certain suction. In that sense, it is
dv dp  desirable to generate a solidporous model capable of evaluating
[5] dv v  these parameters during wettingdrying cycles. This solidporous
v p model can be built with the information provided by the grain-
size distribution (GSD) and the pore-size distribution (PSD) of the
Integration of the above equation results in material.

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Fig. 1. Model proposed by Sheng et al. (2008a) for the volumetric behavior of soils.

Evoluon of the
yield surface
Zero shear
strength line
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Mean net stress

Fig. 2. Volumetric behavior of saturated soils for different values of Fig. 3. Soil structure: macropores, mesopores, micropores, and
compression index. solids.


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the GSD of the material. Bimodal GSDs usually generate bimodal

PSDs, as is observed in the experimental results shown later. These
bimodal or monomodal structures are also reected in the shape of
The studies on the PSD of compacted soils indicate that these the SWRCs. In any case, the porous model can simulate both bimodal
materials usually show a bimodal distribution, meaning that they and monomodal structured soils. In the last case, it is sufcient to
show two crests (Simms and Yanful 2002): one corresponding to consider that macropores do not exist in the porous structure of the
the macropores or large pores and the other to the mesopores or material.
medium-size pores. Both macropores and mesopores constitute Both macropores and mesopores are interconnected by pores of
the cavities of the material. The macropores are cavities that show another type called bonds, throats or micropores, which are al-
special arrangements of solid particles in the form of vaults or ways smaller than the cavities they connect. These pores are
arches. These pores have the characteristic of being larger than formed by the throats or necks that appear at the contacts be-
the solid particles forming the pore; therefore, their equilibrium tween solid particles, and are the smallest pores of the soils when-
is precarious upon isotropic loading or shearing. This can be con- ever the solid grains do not show any relevant porosity. All these
rmed by analyzing the PSD of different soils before and after elements are shown schematically in Fig. 3.
performing triaxial tests, as Futai and Almeida (2005) and Simms Now, consider a saturated soil made of a mixture of sand and
and Yanful (2001) have done. These researchers used the mercury clay subjected to successive increments of suction. When suction
intrusion porosimetry (MIP) test to compare the PSD before and becomes large enough, the rst pores to dry are the largest ones
after testing a soil. They found that most of the macropores re- located at the boundaries of the soil. With further suction incre-
duce in size and transform into smaller pores at the end of these ments, more bonds and cavities connected to the dry pores start to
tests. They concluded that macropores are responsible for most of dry and eventually some solids appear completely surrounded by
the volumetric response of soils. dry pores. At this point, a dry fraction emerges in the soil sample.
In contrast, the mesopores have the characteristic of being smaller On the contrary, the smallest bonds and mesopores located inside
than their surrounding solids; therefore, they are very stable and in the packets of clay can be smaller or equal to the thickness of the
general maintain their size upon isotropic loading or shearing. adsorbed water layer, meaning that they remain saturated even at
Sometimes soils show a monomodal size distribution similar to, for very large suctions. Therefore, in general, unsaturated soils can
example, uniform dense sands. In this case, macropores are absent exhibit three different fractions: one is the dry fraction (f d), where
from the soil and as such all volumetric deformation is generated by solids are surrounded exclusively by dry pores; another is the
the shrinkage of mesopores, which in any case is small compared saturated fraction (f s), where all the pores surrounding the solid
with the volumetric response of a bimodal structured soil. Mono- particles are saturated; the nal one is the unsaturated fraction
modal size distributions can also be obtained from slurries made of (f u), where only some of the pores surrounding the solids are
soils showing uniform GSD. When slurries start to dry, they adopt saturated. Each one of these fractions (f i) is obtained by adding the
well-dened structures with diverse PSDs, which depend greatly on volume of solids (Vsi ) to the volume of pores (Viv) of that specic

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212 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 50, 2013

fraction divided by the total volume of the material (V), in the and the hysteresis of the SWRC on parameter was recognized by
form Bishop in 1960 (Bishop 1960).
Even if the dry fraction does not play any role in the volumetric
Vsi Vvi behavior of the soil during suction increase nor appears in the
[9] fi determination of parameter , it certainly plays a role during
mean net stress increase as in this case all fractions contribute
equally to the volumetric deformation of the soil. This means that
where superscript i represents the type of fraction: dry (d), satu- the term p in eq. [12] is multiplied by the sum of all three fractions,
rated (s) or unsaturated (u). The development of these fractions which is equal to one. This agrees with the description of the
depends on the GSD, the PSD, the value of suction applied to the experimental behavior of unsaturated soils provided before.
material, and the direction of the suction path, whether it be It is noteworthy that eq. [8] uses the same compressive index e
wetting or drying. for mean net stress or suction increase although, for this last case,
The volume of saturated (Vss) or dried (Vsd) solids is obtained by the index is affected by parameter , which represents the propor-
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adding the volume of all solids that are completely surrounded by tion of pores affected by suction changes. In other words, eq. [8]
saturated or dry pores, respectively. In the same way, the volume represents a single compression curve for both net stress and
of saturated (Vsv) or dry (Vdv ) pores is obtained by adding the volume suction increase. According to eq. [12], the mean effective stress
of all pores surrounding saturated or dry solids, respectively. The for saturated soils (f s = 1, f u = 0) becomes Terzaghi's mean effective
remaining solids (Vsu) and their surrounding pores (Vuv ) form the stress, meaning that there is a smooth transition between satu-
unsaturated fraction. rated and unsaturated states.
Following the descriptions of the volumetric behavior of unsat- In addition to eq. [8], the modeling of the volumetric behavior of
urated soils and their porous structure, it is hypothesized that unsaturated soils requires an elastoplastic framework. The frame-
their volumetric behavior can be represented by the same rela- work considered herein is sketched in Fig. 4 in the axes of mean
tionship established for saturated materials (eq. [8]) while their net stress (Fig. 4a) and mean effective stress (Fig. 4b). A normally
effective stress is given by Bishop's equation consolidated soil sample exhibits a loading collapse yield surface
(LCYS) represented by a line forming an angle of 135 with the
[10] p  p s mean net stress axis as established by Sheng (2011) (Fig. 4a). When
this sample is subjected to a suction s, the drying path (repre-
sented by a vertical line in Fig. 4a) crosses the initial yield surface
with Bishop's parameter dened by the following relationship generating a plastic deformation. This plastic deformation pro-
(Rojas 2008a):
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duces the hardening of the LCYS, which displaces to the right-

hand side. This displacement depends on the increment of the
[11] f s Sw
u u
f effective stress applied to the soil and is represented by the matric
stress s. In other words, s represents the increment of the mean
where Sw u
Vwu/Vvu represents the degree of saturation of the un- net stress that produces the same volumetric plastic deformation
saturated fraction of the soil while Vwu and Vvu are the volume of generated during the drying of the soil. If, at this point, the soil is
water and the volume of voids of the unsaturated fraction, respec- wetted up to saturation, it follows an elastic unloading that does
tively. Equation [11] has been obtained from the analysis of the not affect the position of the LCYS. Thus, it can be inferred that
distribution of stresses among the different phases when a load is the pre-consolidation stress has increased in the quantity s. This
applied on a representative section of an unsaturated soil. The means that the hardened LCYS can be represented by a vertical
detailed procedure can be consulted in Rojas (2008a). line in the mean net stress plane and therefore it shows the same
According to the previous equation, the mean effective stress p= shape as the drying path. The evolution of the LCYS with suction
can be written as is shown in Fig. 4a. If the intersecting points of this surface with
the loadings paths followed during net stress increase at different
suctions are linked together by a line (ne dotted line in Fig. 4a), it
[12] p  p s(f s Sw
u u
f ) adopts the same shape of the LCYS experimentally determined by
different researchers when suction-hardening is accepted (see, for
The above equation represents the mean effective stress im- example, Futai and Almeida 2005; Thu et al. 2007; Infante Sedano
posed on the solid skeleton by both net stress and suction. The and Vanapalli 2010). It can be argued (as Sheng (2011) does) that the
term in parentheses can be written as experimental procedure used to obtain the LCYS considers that
the soil initially behaves elastically during the loading stage after
[13] f s Sw
u u i i
f iSw f drying (suction-hardening), but this could not be the case. Only
the analysis of more experimental results would give light to this
This term represents the addition of the product of every frac- In the axis of the mean effective stress, the drying path initially
tion by its degree of saturation. This means that for the saturated shows a slope of 45 and then deviates from this direction as the
fraction, the effect of an increment of suction is the same as an soil becomes unsaturated. Similarly, the LCYS adopts this same
increment of the mean net stress (term sf s in eq. [12]) because in shape and displaces the quantity s on the mean effective stress
this case Sw 1; whereas for the unsaturated fraction, the effect of axis as shown in Fig. 4b.
an increment of suction is proportional to the degree of satura- According to this framework, when eq. [8] is plotted for a set of
u u
tion of this fraction (term sSw f in eq. [12]). Finally, the dry fraction tests performed at constant suction, each sample undergoes a
f d shows a nil degree of saturation and therefore does not appear different hardening given by the quantity s and therefore the
in eq. [12], meaning that suction has no effect on this fraction. In loading paths are represented by a family of curves in the axes of
other words, eq. [13] represents a weighted degree of saturation of the logarithm of the mean net stress versus void ratio as shown in
the soil obtained by adding the product of the fraction by its Fig. 5a. These curves are similar to the volumetric response of
degree of saturation for all three fractions. In that sense, param- unsaturated soils reported by different researchers (Wheeler and
eter depends on the particular structure of the soil, which is Sivakumar 1995; Romero et al. 2003; Futai and Almeida 2005;
included in the solidporous model through the GSD and the Sheng et al. 2008b). When these results are plotted on the axes of
main retention curves. The inuence of the structure of the soil the logarithm of the mean effective stress versus void ratio, a set

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Fig. 4. Evolution of LCYS during drying in the (a) mean net stress axis and (b) mean effective stress axis. LC, loading collapse; p0i , initial pre-
consolidation stress.


Elasc reloading during mean net
Inial LCYS stress increase aer drying

Drying path Yield surface reported

from experimental results

LC yield surface at the

s3 end of the drying stage
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s2 Evoluon of the LC yield

135 0 surface with sucon

s1 Mean net stress



(b) Drying path

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Inial LC Elasc reloading during

yield surface mean net stress increase
aer drying
LC yield surface at
s3 the end of the drying
Evoluon of the LC
s2 yield surface with
s1 sucon
Mean eecve stress


of curves, as those shown in Fig. 5b, is obtained. In this case, the e p
data reported by Futai and Almeida 2005 for a particular soil were [14]
e0 p 0
used to establish the values of Bishop's parameter at different
suctions as is shown below. In general, these curves can be assim-
ilated to parallel straight lines for small ranges of the mean effec- This behavior happens when the mean net stress applied to
tive stress. Because parameter depends on the SWRCs of the the soil reduces while suction remains constant, but this may
material, the amount of suction-hardening also depends on these happen eventually when the soil attains large suctions during a
curves. In general, soils showing large ranges of suction exhibit drying path because the mean effective stress reaches a maxi-
large suction-hardening. In contrast, suction-hardening is dif-
mum at certain suction and then decreases as will be shown
cult to observe in soils showing small ranges of suction.
Elastic behavior of the material occurs when the current mean u
effective stress is smaller than the maximum mean effective To determine the values of f s, f u, and Sw required to obtain
stress experienced by the soil. For such a case, parameter e be- Bishop's parameter , a solidporous model able to simulate the
comes the slope of the unloadingre-loading stress path e (which SWRCs and the distribution of water in the pores of soil needs to
also shows negative values), and the relationship in eq. [8] trans- be built. A succinct description of the solidporous model adopted
forms into herein is provided in the next section.

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Fig. 5. Numerical volumetric behavior of soils related to (a) mean Fig. 6. Solidporous model.
net stress and (b) mean effective stress.
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bonds connected to a cavity at an angle of 90 (b1 and b2 in Fig. 6)

should comply with the following condition to avoid overlapping:

2 2
[15] rb1 rb2 rs2

where rb1, rb2, and rs represent the radius of the two contiguous
bonds and that of the cavity, respectively. In the nodes where the
construction principle is not respected, exchanges of bonds and
cavities with other nodes are performed until this principle is
fullled everywhere in the network. Once the porous network has
been built, the solids are placed at the voids between cavities and
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bonds. The solids are also placed at random, but following a size
strategy. This strategy ensures that large solids are placed around
large pores and small solids around small pores. In addition, only
the most external throats and solids of the model are communi-
cated to the boundaries as shown in Fig. 6. This procedure is
intended to approximately simulate the structure of real soils.
Once the solidporous model has been built, it is possible to
Solidporous model simulate the retention curves of the soil and nd the values of
A complete description of the solidporous model employed in parameters f s, f u, and Sw . For that purpose it is considered that the
this paper can be found elsewhere (Rojas 2008b); only a brief de- lling and drying of pores subjected to a certain suction is deter-
scription of the main aspects of the model is provided here. The mined by the Laplace equation, which is written as
solidporous model is intended to roughly simulate the structure
of real soils. It can be built as a regular two- or three-dimensional [16] ua uw 2Ts(cos) /rc
network made of the four distinct elements already mentioned:
macropores, mesopores, bonds, and solids. The cavities are placed where ua and uw are the air and water pressures, respectively; Ts
at the nodes of the network whereas the horizontal and vertical represents the tension of the gasuid interface; is the contact
lines linking these nodes represent the throats. The solids are angle between the uid and the solid particles; and rc is the max-
placed in the spaces left by cavities and throats (see Fig. 6). In a imum radius for a pore to remain saturated at the current suction.
three-dimensional network, the cavities are represented by This means that all pores with a radius equal to or smaller than rc
spheres and the throats by cylinders, while for a two-dimensional could saturate during a wetting process. However, because all
network the cavities are circles and the throats, rectangles. The pores are interconnected, besides complying with eq. [16], pores
number of pores of each size can be dened from the PSD of the must be connected to an element that is already saturated and
soil. MIP or scanning electron micrograph (SEM) techniques can linked to the bulk of water to saturate.
be used to obtain the PSD. Then, the PSD curve is subdivided into At the beginning of a wetting process, it is considered that all
a number of constant sizerange columns. The total area below pores are dry, that suction is very large, and that it reduces by
the curve represents the total volume of voids and the area of each steps. The rst pore that saturates is the smallest throat located at
column represents the volume of the pores of a certain range. The the boundaries of the model. With further reduction in suction,
pore size assigned to each column is the mean size of the corre- larger bonds and the smallest cavities connected to these throats
sponding range. Because the volume of a single pore is deter- can saturate. For each decrement in suction, all pores connected
mined by its size, the number of pores of each size can be to saturated pores that, in addition, comply with eq. [16] can be
obtained. Similarly, the number of solids of each size is deter- identied. Thus the volume of saturated pores can be determined
mined from the GSD of the material using the same procedure. All for each value of suction and the wetting retention curve can be
cavities and bonds are distributed at random in the network. built.
However, as throats should always be smaller than their linked In the same manner, during a drying process all pores are ini-
cavities and they should not superpose one to the other when they tially saturated and suction increases by steps. The rst pore to dry
are concurrent to a cavity, a construction principle has to be es- is the largest throat located at the boundaries of the model. How-
tablished to ensure that the network is physically possible. In a ever, because cavities are always larger than throats, at the same
bidimensional network, this principle states that two contiguous time as this bond dries its connected cavity also dries. With fur-

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Fig. 7. Results for Montmorillonite clay: (a) tting of SWRCs, (b) numerical PSD and experimental GSD, (c) parameters fs, fu, Suw, and , and
(d) volumetric behavior by suction increase (experimental data from Fleureau et al. 1993).
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ther increments of suction, smaller bonds and their connected to, when a cavity saturates, all of its concurrent bonds also satu-
cavities dry. Therefore, pores larger than rc will dry only if they are rate. Therefore, the size distribution of cavities regulates the wet-
connected to an element that has already been dried. During this ting process.
process, it is possible to quantify the volume of voids being dried For the tting process it is desirable to obtain the SWRCs from
for each increment of suction and build the drying retention samples that have been subjected to the same equalization stress
curve of the material. path prior to the volumetric test itself to include the initial struc-
These curves can be compared with the experimental results to ture of the soil in the solidporous model. Additionally, it is al-
validate the model (see, for example, Rojas 2008b). In general, the ways possible to introduce the changes in the PSD while the
PSD of a porous material obtained from an MIP test or the image volumetric response of the soil sample progresses because macro-
analysis of SEM solely reports the size distribution of cavities. This pores and cavities are considered as different entities. For this
happens because the volume of bonds is so small compared with purpose, a similar approach to that used by Koliji et al. (2006) can
that of cavities that it is extremely difcult to differentiate one be used. However, the evolution of the PSD during the progress of
from the other. In addition, PSDs obtained from MIP tests, in the test is required to validate the procedure adopted for the
general, report smaller pore sizes as, to intrude a cavity, mercury
pore-size reduction. Unfortunately, there is a lack of experimental
needs to rst intrude a linking bond, which requires a larger
data on this issue.
mercury pressure than the cavity. For that reason, a more practi-
As the solidporous model simulates the distribution of water
cal procedure to obtain the PSD of a material is by tting the
in the pores of the material at each increment of suction, it is
numerical SWRCs to the experimental curves. This process can be
possible to determine the volume of solids and pores pertaining to
accomplished by successively modifying an initially proposed PSD
for both cavities and bonds until the best t for both curves is the saturated, unsaturated, and dry fractions and thus obtain the
obtained. During this tting process, it is taken into account that values of parameters f s, f u, and Sw as required in eq. [12]. In that
the drying curve depends primarily on the size distribution of sense, the role of the GSD in the solidporous model is essential
bonds while the wetting curve depends for the most part on the for the determination of these parameters, but not for the reten-
size distribution of cavities (Haines 1929). This is because the rst tion curves.
pores to dry are the largest (cavities) while the smallest (bonds) An important drawback to the solidporous model is that
require larger values of suction to dry. Because cavities are larger parameters f s, f u, and Sw have not been experimentally veried.
than their concurrent bonds, when a bond dries, the cavity to However, comparisons between experimental and numerical
which it is connected also dries. Therefore, the size distribution of macroscopic results can be used to validate the model. In addi-
bonds regulates the drying retention curve. In contrast, the rst tion, important improvements have been made on the combina-
pores to saturate are the smallest (bonds) while the larger (cavi- tion of X-ray and neutron tomography techniques that may be
ties) require further reduction in the value of suction to saturate. helpful in providing results with respect to this issue in the near
Because all bonds are smaller than the cavity they are connected future.

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216 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 50, 2013

Numerical and experimental results comparison Fig. 8. Results for Sterrebeek loam: (a) tting of the SWRCs,
To evaluate the proposed framework for the volumetric behav- (b) parameter , and (c) volumetric behavior by suction increase at two
ior of unsaturated soils, the results of various tests performed on different net stresses (experimental data from Fleureau et al. 1993).
a variety of materials and for different loading conditions were
employed. Fleureau et al. (1993) prepared different clayey soils at
a water content of 1.5 times its liquid limit. This slurry was con-
solidated in an oedometric cell with vertical stresses ranging
between 0.06 and 0.2 MPa. Then the samples followed a drying
wetting path where suction was controlled using the axis transla-
tion technique for low suctions and the vapor circulation
technique for large suctions. With the results of these tests, the
variations of the void ratio, the degree of saturation, and the
water content with the value of suction were determined. Also
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 06/08/13

the GSD and both SWRCs for some of these materials were re-
ported. The PSD of the soil was inferred by tting the numerical
SWRCs with the experimental results according to the aforemen-
tioned procedure.
With the numerical PSD, experimental GSD, and void ratio, the
solidporous model was built. Using this model, the values of
parameters f s, f u, and Sw were determined as a function of suction
for both the wetting and drying paths. With these parameters, the
effective stress was computed using eq. [12] and the numerical
volumetric response of the material was derived from eq. [8].
Figure 7a shows the tting of the SWRCs for a Montmorillonite
clay. Figure 7b represents the numerical PSD obtained at the end
of the tting process along with the experimental GSD of the
material in the axes of size versus relative volume. The relative
volume is the volume of pores (or solids) of a certain size divided
For personal use only.

by the total volume of pores (or solids). Notice the similarity in

shape of these two curves as has already been pointed out by
Alonso et al. (2008). Figure 7c shows the values of parameters f s, f d,
f u , Sw , and obtained from the solidporous model during a dry-
ing path. It can be observed that the saturated fraction starts
reducing at very low suctions while the dry fraction only appears
at very large suctions, whereas the unsaturated fraction increases
up to a certain point and then decreases to become nil at very
large suctions. It can also be observed that parameter is closely
related to the saturated fraction of the soil. In contrast, the degree
of saturation of the unsaturated fraction Sw shows important uc-
tuations at low values of suction. This happens because most of
the soil is still saturated at these values of suction and the unsat-
urated fraction (represented by those solids and their surround-
ing pores showing a combination of saturated and dry pores) is
composed of a small number of elements (solids, cavities, and
bonds). Therefore, a small change in the number of saturated
elements produces important changes in the value of this param-
eter. Only when the number of elements of this fraction is large
enough does the curve become smooth, showing a continuous
increase and, at a certain point, it reduces to become nil at large
eq. [8] adequately simulates the volumetric behavior of the
Finally, the numerical prediction and the experimental results material.
of the volumetric behavior upon drying are compared in Fig. 7d. Futai and Almeida (2005) reported the results of different tests
For each increment of suction, the value of parameters f s, f u, and performed on undisturbed samples of a residual soil. Additional
were obtained; with these parameters, the value of is com- data included the GSD, the PSD obtained from MIP tests, and both
puted and the new void ratio is calculated. These results were SWRCs obtained by combining the suction plate and the lter
obtained with e = 0.36. paper technique. Figure 9 shows the results of isotropic compres-
Following the same procedure the results of the Sterrebeek sion tests done on gneiss samples subjected to three different
loam were simulated. Figure 8a shows the tting of the wetting suctions.
(W) and drying (D) SWRCs. Figure 8b shows the values for param- The tting of the SWRCs is shown in Fig. 9a. This tting process
eter at wetting and drying. Finally, Fig. 8c presents the compar- resulted in the numerical PSD shown in Fig. 9b, in which the
ison between numerical and experimental results for the experimental results of an MIP test are also included and compare
volumetric behavior of this material. In this case, the volumetric well with the numerical results. Figure 9c shows the values of
response of the loam in the form of slurry following a drying path parameter obtained from eq. [11]. Finally, Fig. 9d shows the com-
was determined for two different initial conditions: at zero net parison between numerical and experimental results for the vol-
stress and a pre-consolidated net stress of 0.2 MPa. These results umetric behavior during isotropic loading tests on samples
were obtained with e = 0.12. For both cases, it can be said that subjected to different suctions. It can be noted that although

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Rojas and Chvez 217

Fig. 9. Results for residual gneiss: (a) tting of the SWRCs, (b) numerical and experimental PSD, (c) values of parameter , and (d) volumetric
behavior at different suctions (experimental data from Futai and Almeida 2005).
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 06/08/13
For personal use only.

there is some scattering for the sample tested at a suction of directly in the soil samples using two suction probes. Some of the
0.3 MPa, the model adequately simulates the volumetric behavior experimental results are shown in Fig. 10. The experimental
of an isotropically loaded soil subjected to different suctions. The SWRCs and the numerical tting for these curves are shown in
volumetric strains were determined using eq. [14] up to the yield Fig. 10a. Figure 10b shows the variation of parameter with suc-
stress generated at the end of the drying stage. From that point, tion. With these values it is possible to obtain the numerical vol-
eq. [8] was used for the rest of the curve. Because the increase in umetric response of the material during suction increase as
the yield stress of a saturated sample generated during a drying shown in Fig. 10c. In this case, the experimental behavior shows a
stage is given by the quantity s, the nal yield stress is obtained clear elastic rebound (even if there is some scattering) indicating
by adding the initial pre-consolidation stress of the soil in satu- that the effective stress reduces at some stage during the drying
rated conditions to the increment of the yield stress during the process. This happens because as suction increases, the value of
drying stage. the matric stress (represented in this gure by the product s)
The pre-consolidation stress of the material in saturated condi- reaches a maximum and then decreases, as shown in Fig. 10d. In
tions is around 0.14 MPa, as can be observed in Fig. 9d. The values this gure, it can be noted that when suction reaches a value
of parameter for the different suctions were obtained from slightly greater than 1 MPa, the matric stress reaches its maxi-
Fig. 9c resulting in = 0.6 for s = 0.1 MPa and = 0.58 for s = 0.3 MPa, mum and then reduces while suction keeps increasing. When the
which produced the following pre-consolidation stresses: p0 = 0.2 drying path inverses to wetting, the matric stress reduces further
for s = 0.1 MPa and p0 = 0.31 for s = 0.3 MPa. From the results shown then increases (but never reaches the drying maximum value) and
in Fig. 9d it can be noticed that the theoretical pre-consolidation nally reduces again while suction keeps reducing. Therefore,
stress for the unsaturated samples corresponds well with the ex- when the matric stress reduces after reaching its maximum value,
perimental results. The considered values for the compression the numerical response switches from elastoplastic (eq. [8]) to
index in loading and re-loading were e = 0.25 and e = 0.04. purely elastic (eq. [14]). The numerical results were obtained with
Similar tests were performed by Cunningham et al. (2003) in a the following parameters: e = 0.13 and e = 0.04. Similar results
mixture of 20% speswhite kaolin, 10% London clay, and 70% silica were reported and simulated by Vlahinic et al. (2009) and Blight
silt. With this mixture, a slurry was prepared with a water content (2010) on different porous materials. This reduction of the effec-
of 1.5 times its liquid limit. Then it was one-dimensionally pre- tive stress during drying can also be observed in the experimental
consolidated in a 20.4 cm diameter oedometric cell to a maximum results reporting the strength of the material with suction. A
vertical stress of 0.2 MPa. The soil samples were then trimmed maximum value and then a reduction of the strength can be
from this pre-consolidated soil mass to the appropriate size. The observed if suction is increased sufciently (see, for example,
tests included the GSD, both SWRCs obtained from the lter pa- Escario and Juc 1989; Gan and Fredlund 1996; Vanapalli et al.
per technique, isotropic loading, and shear tests at constant suc- 1996; Pereira et al. 2006; Vesga 2008; Vlahinic et al. 2009; Zhang
tion in the triaxial apparatus. For these last tests, suction was and Zhou 2008). This same behavior is observed in the tensional
controlled using the air circulation technique and was measured strength of soils (Fredlund et al. 1996). Also, some constitutive

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218 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 50, 2013

Fig. 10. Results for soil mixture: (a) tting of SWRCs, (b) parameter , (c) volumetric response with suction, (d) matric stress s, and
(e) volumetric response with mean net stress (experimental data from Cunningham et al. 2003).
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 06/08/13
For personal use only.

models consider this reduction in the strength of soils with suc- ranged between 0 and 300 kPa. Finally, the samples were isotro-
tion (Toll and Ong 2005; Vesga 2008; Benatti et al. 2010). However, pically loaded up to a net stress of 700 kPa. The tting of the SWRC
not all soils show this behavior; for example, soils with large clay in wetting and drying is shown in Fig. 11a. The values of parameter
contents may show a continuous increase in strength with suction in wetting and drying are shown in Fig. 11b. Finally, Fig. 11c shows
due to the presence of a great number of menisci of adsorbed the comparison between experimental and numerical results for
water that do not disappear even at very large suctions. On the the isotropic loading tests performed at different suctions.
contrary, the effect of suction on the strength of sandy soils dis- The pre-consolidation stress for each test was obtained by add-
appears completely at large suctions. Figure 10e shows the numer- ing the matric stress s to the saturated pre-consolidation stress
ical and experimental results for isotropic loading at different (0.025 MPa), resulting in the following pre-consolidation stresses:
suctions on the axis of the mean net stress versus void ratio. In 0.07, 0.09, 0.1, and 0.1 MPa for suctions of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, and
this case the materials were dried from slurry and because of that, 0.2 MPa, respectively. The values of parameter for each suction
the pre-consolidation stress equals the matric stress s, where were obtained from Fig. 11b. These results show good agreement
parameter was obtained from Fig. 10b. for both the pre-consolidation stress and the overall volumetric
Similar tests were conducted by Thu et al. (2007) on statically behavior of the material.
compacted industrial coarse kaolin. All samples were compacted
at the optimum water content and then saturated using back Discussion
pressure. Afterwards, all samples were consolidated at an isotro- The phenomenon of collapse upon wetting has been one of the
pic net stress of 10 kPa following a drying stage where suction major reasons to refute the suitability of Bishop's equation to

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Rojas and Chvez 219

Fig. 11. Results for coarse kaolin: (a) tting of SWRCs, (b) parameter the saturated condition is 0s0. This increment in the effective
in wetting and drying, and (c) volumetric behavior (experimental stress produces plastic volumetric deformations that harden the
data from Thu et al. 2007). LCYS in the same quantity: 0s0. At this stage, the LCYS shows the
same shape as the drying path. When the soil is loaded (path BE),
the increment in the net stress needs to cross the LCYS to activate
the elastoplastic behavior of the material. Therefore, an initial
elastic behavior is observed before the soil shows irreversible de-
formations. This result is conrmed by the experimental results
reported by different authors (see, for example, Futai and Almeida
2005; Jotisankasa et al. 2007; Thu et al. 2007). At the end of the
loading stage, the hardening of the LCYS (p 0) at the effective
stress axis (s = 0) is, according to eqs. [7] and [14],
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 06/08/13

p (1 e)p 
[17] p 0 ep pv
e(e e) e(e e)

where ep and pv represent the plastic void ratio change and the
plastic volumetric strain increment, respectively. Thus, the LCYS
tilts towards the right-hand side as it goes from the stress reached
at the end of loading to the stress representing the hardening at
the effective stress axis as shown in Fig. 12. At this stage, a wetting
path can now cut the LCYS and the soil is in the condition to
The shape of the hardened LCYS can be determined in a way
similar to the usual experimental procedure: departing from the
previous yield surface a load is applied to produce a plastic defor-
mation that hardens the yield surface; then, following an unload-
For personal use only.

ing, path a new state of stresses is reached inside the elastic zone;
and nally the sample is loaded until yield is observed, dening a
new point on the hardened yield surface. For the numerical case,
a similar procedure is applied except that the same increment of
the plastic deformation obtained during yielding should be ob-
tained with a different combination of stresses. In addition, these
different combinations of the state of stresses need to depart from
the previous yield surface. In this case, the initial yield surface is
the one obtained after the rst drying of the sample (dotted line
CSD in Fig. 12). Let eC and eS be the void ratios at points C and S,
respectively. The void ratio eS is obtained by following an unload-
ing path from point C (where the effective stress is p0i
20s0) to point S (where the effective stress is p0i s 0s0).
Therefore, the following relationship between eC and eS can be
written according to eq. [14]

p0i 20s0

eS p0i s 0s0

The increment of plastic void ratio produced by loading from

model the volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils. Based on the point C to point E (which represents an increment on the effective
volumetric framework proposed in this paper, it is possible to stress of p 0s0) is
review the phenomenon of collapse upon wetting from the point
of view of effective stresses. Consider a soil that undergoes the
stress path ABCEH shown in Fig. 12 in the plane of effective stress
versus suction. It is initially saturated and subjected to an isotro-
[19] ep eC( ) p 0s0
p0i 20s0
pic stress p0i. Then it undergoes a drying path followed by a net
stress increase (p). Subsequently, it follows a wetting path and In the same way, the plastic void ratio change produced by a net
nally a new drying cycle is applied. The yield surface for a nor- stress increase ps (which is equal to the effective stress increase)
mally consolidated (NC) material is represented by a vertical line departing from point S is
as shown in Fig. 12, meaning that any increase in the effective
stress produces a plastic volumetric strain. At the beginning of the
drying path, the soil is saturated and the value of equals 1 (refer
to eq. [10]), meaning that the initial slope of the drying path is 45
[20] ep eS( ) ps
p0i s 0s0
as previously established. Along the drying path, the effective
stress increases by the quantity (s). If a nal suction, s0, is By equalizing the last two equations the following result is
reached, then the increment of the effective stress starting from obtained:

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220 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 50, 2013

Fig. 12. Collapse upon wetting phenomenon.

LC YS aer drying

Inial LCYS

B C E I LC YS aer collapse
K New drying-weng
Drying path cycle
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 06/08/13

Weng paths Collapse

A 450 D F H 45
J Eecve stress
Hardening by net stress p LC YS before collapse
increase dependent on de

Addional hardening due

to drying-weng cycle

p0i s 0s0 (1 ) Fig. 13. Volumetric behavior of Boom clay during wettingdrying
[21] ps
p0 20s0
(p 0s0) cycles (modied after Romero et al. (2003)).
For personal use only.

By adopting different values of s, the corresponding value of ps

can be obtained and the effective stresses dening the LCYS for
different values of suction can be plotted. If s = 0 for the new state
of stresses, then ps represents the hardening of the yield surface
at the effective stress axis (p0 in Fig. 12). The shape of the LCYS is
sketched in Fig. 12. Note that this shape depends on the SWRC of
the material through parameter .
When the soil wets after being loaded to point E, it follows a
different path than that followed during the drying stage due to
the hysteresis of the SWRC, although it intersects the effective
stress axis with the same slope of 45 when the soil fully saturates.
Notice that in such a case, the soil shows an initial elastic recovery
before it collapses (wetting path EG). This is in agreement with the
experimental results reported during the collapse of soils (see, for
example, Wang et al. 2002; Sun et al. 2007a). At the end of the elastically. It is noteworthy that some of these details of the volu-
saturation process, the structure of the soil becomes that of a metric behavior of unsaturated soils cannot be captured by a
saturated, slightly pre-consolidated material and thus the yield model represented in the mean net stresssuction plane as the
surface is represented by a curved line departing from the pre- hysteresis of the SWRC cannot be included.
consolidation stress (dotted line IJ). This pre-consolidation stress is Another aspect that requires reviewing is the critical state lines
given by the addition of the net stress increment (p) plus the at different suctions. Wheeler and Sivakumar (1995) performed a
hardening produced by the wettingdrying cycle. In contrast, the series of triaxial tests on samples of unsaturated compacted
net stress applied to the material only increases by the quantity p speswhite kaolin. The samples were prepared by static compac-
and represents the nal position of the wetting cycle as shown in tion in a mold at a water content of 25%. The tests were conducted
Fig. 12. If, at this point, a new drying cycle is applied (stress path in double-walled triaxial cells designed to accurately measure the
HK), the soil initially shows an elastic recovery, but then yields volume change of the samples during the test. In a previous re-
again because the stress path crosses the yield surface, as observed search, the strength of unsaturated samples at different suctions
in the same gure. was predicted using the concept of equivalent stress (Rojas 2008a).
This behavior corresponds to the experimental results reported These simulations showed that a unique failure surface can be
by Romero et al. 2003 and shown in Fig. 13. These researchers obtained when results are plotted on the axes of the equivalent
performed suction-controlled oedometric tests on samples of stress versus the deviator stress at the critical state. This equiva-
Boom clay compacted at different densities and for different ver- lent stress represents the effective stress in this paper. Figure 14
tical stresses. It was noted that the soil initially behaves elastically shows the void ratio at the critical state for samples tested at
during the rst wetting; the smaller the vertical net stress, the different suctions in the axis of the logarithm of the effective
larger the elastic response. This occurs because when the mean stress. The effective stress was obtained from the data previously
net stress is large, the yield surface tilts further to the right and reported by Rojas (2008b). These results show that the critical void
the wetting path crosses it earlier (see Fig. 12). Following the elas- ratio for different suctions aligns in parallel straight lines show-
tic behavior, the soil collapses. During the new drying cycle, the ing the same slope as that of the virgin consolidation line (VCL).
soil initially shows an elastic volumetric reduction and then This same result has been found by other researchers for different
yields. Finally, for the next wettingdrying cycles, the soil behaves soils (for example, see Benatti et al. 2010).

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Rojas and Chvez 221

Fig. 14. Critical state for speswhite samples tested at different and Sw needed to quantify the volumetric response of unsatu-
suctions (experimental data from Wheeler and Sivakumar 1995). rated soils.
3. The use of the proposed volumetric equation along with the
elastoplastic framework to simulate the volumetric behavior
during isotropic loading of soils at different suctions results in
a family of parallel lines showing a slope equal to the saturated
compression index. More numerical and experimental com-
parisons are required to fully prove this proposal.
4. Elastoplastic constitutive models based on the effective stress
principle intending to simulate the hydromechanical cou-
pling phenomenon need to be coupled with a reliable solid
porous model capable of simulating the hydraulic behavior of
the material. The solidporous model proposed in this paper
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needs some improvements to (i) include the progressive

change of the PSD during loading that in turn affects the
SWRCs and (ii) review the inuence of the adsorbed water
layer for the case of clays.

Therefore, these results show that the proposed volumetric

framework can explain the main aspects of the volumetric behav- Acknowledgment
ior of unsaturated soils both by net stress and suction increase, The authors would like to thank Silvia C. Stroet of the Engineer-
and that this behavior is controlled by the effective stress as de- ing Faculty at Universidad Autnoma de Queretaro for editing the
ned by eq. [12]. It has also been shown that the plots of the void English content in this document.
ratio during isotropic loading, as well as those corresponding to
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