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Chapter 1: The origins of language 1. Egyptian Pharaoh Psammeticus (664 610 B.C.

) two newborn
infants with goats cared for by mute shepherd after 2 years, the first
word uttered becos meaning bread, a Phrygian word Phrygian, ancient
1) Otto Jespersen (1921) language of Phrygia (N. W. corner of Turkey). Pharoah concluded that must
be the original language, but failed to be confirmed by other researchers.
Human language originated while human beings were enjoying themselves.
But, it is just a speculation. 2. James IV of Scotland (1473 1513) performed a similar
experiment children matured spoke Hebrew. Unfortunately all other
(1) The divine source:
cases of discovered of children living in isolation without contact with
According to: ( In most religion, God provides human language) human speech do NOT confirm the result of divine source experiments.

1. Judeo-Christian belief Adam 3. In 1920, two wild children, Amala and Kamala, were found in India
in 1970, a child called Genie discovered - had been confined to small
2. Egyptian Thoth
room received minimal human contact none of these children was able
4. Hindus Sarasvati (wife of Brahma- the creator of universe) to speak or knew any language conclusion: children living without access
to human speech grow up with no langue at all.
6. The Tower of Babel story: because the Lord did there confound the
language of all the earth and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad (3) The natural-sound source:
upon the face of all the earth: (Genesis II: 9) accounts for the diversity of
Hypothesis: Primitive words are imitations of the natural
sounds which early man and women heard around them
(2) Experiments to verify divine origins of language:
i. Object flew by with making a CAWCAW sound, and then human
Hypothesis: If infants were allowed to grow up without hearing any imitated the sound and used it to refer to the object associated with
language, then they would spontaneously begin using the original God the sound.
-given language. ii. The situation same as an object flew by and make a CUCKOO
Conclusion: All modern languages have some words with pronunciations set of physical gestures (pantomimes representing actions, characters,
which seem to echo natural occurring sounds could be used to support this moods, etc.) were developed for (nonverbal) communication then oral
theory. gestures (movements of tongue, lips, etc.) were recognized according to
patterns of movements similar to physical gestures movement of tongue
a) Bow-wow theory of language origin: Formation of words by imitating
representing waving of hand in a goodbye message (both in similar
(echoing) natural sound (onomatopoeia) bow wow, cawcaw, cuckoo,
messages) called a specialized pantomime / of the tongue and
buzz, hiss, rattle, screech, etc. how about soundless objects stone, wood
lips proposed by Richard Paget (1930) hard to visualize oral gestures that
abstract ideas truth, happiness We are sceptical that language is simply
can mimic various physical gestures or vice-versa. (Create a medium for
a set of words used as names for entities.
b) Yo heave ho theory of language origin: Sounds made by persons
(5) Glossogenetics:
involved in physical efforts, especially when that physical effort involved
several people and had to be coordinated. grunts, groans (when lifting and Focuses on the biological basis of the formation and development of human
carrying bits of trees or lifeless mammoths ) , swear words This language some physical aspects of human that are not shared with other
indicating that language developed in social context but does not shed creatures transition to upright posture bipedal (two-legged) locomotion
light on the origin of the sounds produced apes have grunts and social revised role for the front limbs differences between the skull of a
calls, but have not developed the capacity for speech. gorilla and a Neanderthal man (around 60, 000 B.C.) Neanderthals could
have made some consonant-like sound distinctions (based on the
c) Natural cries of emotions as source of language: Emotional cries of
reconstructed vocal tract) reconstructed fossilized skeletons of about
pain, joy, sorrow, disgust, etc. expressed in words, such as ouch, wow, ah,
35,000 B.C. resemble modern humans there was partial adaptation of
yuck, etc. interjections (expressive noises) seem to be unlikely candidate
certain physical features that appears relevant for speech.
as source of language sounds.
(6) Physiological adaptation:
(4) The oral-gesture source:
Teeth: upright, roughly even in height, useful in producing sounds such as
Oral gesture theory a link between physical gesture and oral gesture
f,v,th lips: more intricate muscle interlacing than in other primates
Physical gesture which involving the whole body could have been a means
very flexible, useful in producing the sounds such as p,b,w mouth:
of indicating a wide range of emotional states and intentions- originally a
relatively small open / close rapidly tongue: very complex muscular 2. Transaction: Human used those linguistic abilities to communicate
structure, can be used to shape a wide variety of sounds very flexible knowledge, skills, information from one generation to the next through
larynx: the voice box contains vocal cord (folds) lower in humans spoken and written language. The transfer function of language remains
pharynx: cavity above vocal cord can act as resonator for any fairly restricted in time and space as long as it can only be realized in
sounds via larynx Position of human larynx make human easily choke speech.
on pieces of food, unlike monkey- brain: lateralized in humans each of
The study questions
the two brain hemispheres has specialized function analytical functions,
such as tool using and language largely confined to the left hemisphere for 1) What is the basic idea behind the yo-heave-ho theory?
2) What specific type of claim is made by the oral gesture theory?
most humans 1. Ability to name objects 2. Combining naming words to
3) What special features of human teeth and lips make them useful in
build complex messages.
the production of speech sounds?
4) What exactly happened with the larynx and why was it a
(7) Interaction and transaction:
5) What are the two major functions of language, and how do they
1. Interaction: Use of language to interact with one another, socially
or emotionally to indicate friendliness, co-operation, hostility, annoyance,
pain, pleasure. (Bow-wow, cuckoo, wow, ugh, speech with physical gesture)

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