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28 Present Simple
Positive Question Negative
You Do you YOU do not
work. work? work.
We we We (don't)
They they They
He he He
does not
She works. Does she work? She work.
It it it
There is only one form of you in English, which is the same in singular
and plural.
Note the endings with he, she, and it. If the verb ends in ss, sh, ch, or x,
add es:
He finishes {finish ends in sh)
She watches (watch ends in ch)
For something which is permanently true:
I come from France.
He doesn't speak Spanish.
We live in London.
For repeated actions or habits:
1 get up at six o'clock every day.
What time do you leave work?
I don't see them very often.

Rewrite each sentence as a positive or negative sentence, or a question,
according to the instructions.

1 I visit my parents very often, (negative)

/ don't visit my parents very often.
2 Does he go to school every day? (positive)
He goes to school every day.
3 She comes from Germany, (question)
Does she come from Germany?


4 She goes to work by car. (question)

5 We watch television every night, (negative)

6 He doesn't walk to work every day. (positive)

7 She plays football every Saturday, (question)

8 He washes his car every week, (question)

9 They live in Australia, (question)

10 They go to school by bus. (question)

11 Does she finish work at five o'clock? (positive)

12 He goes to the cinema on Fridays, (question)

13 I come from Africa, (negative)

14 Does he live in this street? (positive)

15 He works in a restaurant, (question)

16 She gets up at five o'clock, (question)

17 They eat a lot. (negative)

18 Does he work here? (positive)


29 Present Continuous
Positive Question
I am - I'm Am I

He He's he
She is - She's Is she
It It's working. it working?

We We're we
You are You're Are you
They They're they

Negative with not Negative with n't

I am I'm
He He's He
She is - She's She isn't
It It's not working. It working.
We We're We
You are - You're You aren't
They They're They

For an action in progress now:
I'm reading a grammar book now.
What are you looking at?
She isn't eating at the moment.

Rewrite each sentence as a positive or negative sentence, or a question,
according to the instructions.

1 She's watching television now. (question)

Is she watching television now?
2 He isn't staying at this hotel, (positive)
He's staying at thle hotel.
3 She's reading, (negative)
She isn't reading.
4 They're working, (question)


5 He's writing a letter, [question)

6 He's eating, (negative)

7 I'm not working, (positive)

8 She's studying at the moment, (question)

9 I'm sleeping, (negative)

10 You're reading my newspaper, (question)

11 She's writing a letter, (question)

12 He's talking to Mary, (question)

13 They're not playing football, (positive)

14 He's listening to the radio, (question)

15 You're playing with my football, (question)

30 Present Simple/Present Continuous

Practice -
In your notebook, write these sentences putting the verbs into the correct tense.
1 She (read) at the moment.
She's reading at the moment.
2 (You go) to work by car?
Do you qo to work by car?
3 I (not watch} television every night.
/ don't watch television every night.
4 I (not watch) television at the moment.
I'm not watching television at the moment.


5 We {see] our parents every week.

6 (You listen) to the radio now?
7 I (not get up) at seven o'clock every morning.
8 Peter (talk) to Susan now.
9 (They work) in the restaurant at the weekends?
10 She (listen) to the radio in her bedroom at the moment.
11 They (not come) to school every day.
12 (You work) now?
13 The children (go) to bed at eight o'clock.
14 1 (leave) the office every day at five.
15 I'm sorry i can't talk to you now. I (go) out.
16 (Peter and Jane work) in London at the moment?
17 (Mary and Susan drive) to the office every day?
18 We (go) to the beach now.
19 (John listen) to the radio at the moment?
20 (Your parents sit) in the garden now?
21 The film (start) every night at eight o'clock
22 They (not go) to the cinema very often.
23 (You go) into the office every month?
24 I (not study) at the moment.

31 Present Continuous: short answers


Capitolul precedent Cuprins Capitolul urmator Index Cursuri Negativ

LECTIA I I am not working.

You are not (arent) working.
TIMPURILE MODULUI INDICATIV He/she/it is not (isnt) working.
We are not (arent) working.
Exista doua aspecte in limba engleza: simplu si continuu. In general, timpurile simple se You are not (arent) working.
folosesc atunci cnd accentul se pune pe actiunea propriu-zisa, iar timpurile continue se They are not (arent) working.
folosesc atunci cnd accentul se pune pe durata actiunii, pe perioada de timp in care aceasta
are loc. Interogativ
In explicarea intrebuintarii timpurilor continue se va intlni formularea actiune in plina
desfasurare". Aceasta inseamna ca actiunea a inceput inainte de momentul la care se face Am I working? Are we working?
referire si va continua dupa acel moment. Are you working? Are you working?
Exista un numar de verbe in limba engleza care nu se folosesc la forma continua, Is he/she/it working? Are they working?
deoarece ideea de durata e inclusa in continutul lor semantic. Ex. to want, to like, to dislike,
to understand, to owe, to matter, to love, to hate, to belong, to believe, to remember, to Present Tense Simple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune in plina desfasurare in
know. momentul prezent.
Ex. Where are you going?
A. Present Tense Simple I am going to school.
Afirmativ Negativ De asemenea poate arata o actiune care se desfasoara pe timp limitat in perioada
I work I do not (dont) work Ex.: I go to school by bus this week. My father is taking me in his car.
You work You do not (dont) work Uneori se poate folosi timpul Present Tense Continuous cu adverbul always, pentru a
He/she/it works He/she/it does not (doesnt) work arata o actiune repetata. In acest caz, exista o conotatie afectiva (nemultumire) sau actiunea
We work We do not (dont) work respectiva este caracteristica pentru acea persoana.
You work You do not (dont) work Ex. You are always losing your things.
They work They do not (dont) work You are always grumbling when I ask you to help me in the kitchen.

Interogativ Exercitii cu Present Simple si Present Continuous

Do I work? Do we work? 1. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present Simple) la interogativ si negativ:
Do you work? Do you work?
Does he/she/it work? Do they work? Nota: Verbul to have", atunci cnd nu inseamna a avea, a poseda", ci
este parte dintr-o expresie (to have breakfast, to have a shower, to have a
Present Tense Simple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune regulata, obisnuita, in perioada party), formeaza negativul si interogativul cu ajutorul auxiliarului to
prezenta. do".
Ex. What do you do? (Cu ce te ocupi?) I am a student. 1. I love my brother.
What time do you usually have breakfast? 2. She talks too much.
3. I understand you.
Present Tense Continuous 4. You play the piano very well.
5. I always believe you.
Se conjuga verbul to be" la timpul prezent si se adauga forma -ing a verbului de 6. He remembers my phone number.
conjugat. 7. They live in Bucharest.
8. He has a hot bath every day.
Afirmativ 9. I trust my friend.
10. I have lunch at one oclock.
I am working We are working.
You are working You are working 2. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present Continuous) la negativ si
He/she/it is working They are working interogativ: 12/15/04 12/15/04

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1. It is raining.
2. I am having a walk. I (think) of my mother just now.
3. He is telling the truth.
4. You are typing a letter. 7. You (know) what time is it?
5. They are swimming in the river.
6. My friend is wearing a new dress. 4. Traduceti in limba engleza:
7. My mother is resting.
8. We are studying English. 1. Iarna ninge.
9. Ann is knitting. 2. Duminica el nu se scoala devreme.
10. The child is learning to play the piano. 3. Eu nu studiez seara.
4. Ce faci? Citesti sau privesti la televizor?
3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Present Simple sau la Present Continuous: 5. Secretara tocmai bate la masina un referat.
6. Ea merge la cumparaturi smbata.
1. I (not go) shopping because it (rain). 7. Acum imi fac temele la engleza.
2. What you (do) on Sundays? 8. Nu-mi place cafeaua.
3. He usually (drink) coffee but now he (drink) tea. 9. Ce carte citesti?
4. In England it often (rain). 10. La ce ora se scoala John dimineata?
5. I (not like) that boy. 11. Ce faci tu in zilele libere?
6. He usually (speak) so quickly that I (not understand) him. 12. Cui ii telefonezi?
7. You (like) this book? 13. El nu merge la scoala cu metroul, merge pe jos.
8. You (dream) at night? 14. De ce deschizi fereastra?
15. Adesea citesc carti englezesti.
Yes, I (dream) every night. 16. Ea isi face bagajul.
1. I cant answer the phone now because I (cook). 17. Ct de des le scrii parintilor tai?
2. How you usually (get) to work? 18. Cnd merg la mare imi place sa inot mult.
19. Clientul tocmai isi alege o pereche de pantofi.
I usually (go) by bus, but now I (take) a taxi because I am late.
1. The manager cant receive you now as he (have) an interview. B. Past Tense Simple
2. You (write) to John now?
Past Tense Simple se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei ed in cazul verbelor regulate.
Yes, I (be). I always (write) to him on his birthday.
1. Where you (hurry)? Ex. to work worked
Daca verbul este neregulat, Past Tense trebuie invatat din tabelul de verbe neregulate care
To the theatre, as I (not want) to miss the first act. indica cele trei forme de baza ale verbului: forma I infinitiv, forma II- Paste Tense, forma
1. She always (borrow) books from me and never (remember) to give them III participiul trecut.
back. Ex. to speak spoke spoken
2. You (go) to work every day?
Yes, of course, except Saturdays and Sundays. worked

3. Why you (smoke) so much? I/you/he/she/it/we/they

4. Who you (wait) for? spoke

I (wait) for John, but he is late, as usual. Negativ

5. I always (have) a rest after lunch. work

6. What you (think) of? I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not
speak 12/15/04 12/15/04

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