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Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point


Sara bibi and Laila

Department of Mathematics, University of Malakand

Chakdara Dir(L), Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan


Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Out line of the presentation

Extension of Banachs Fixed point Theorem
Applications of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Question, Answer section

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Non-linear analysis is one of the most interesting research field of
mathematics because it has a lot of applications in mathematics as
well as in biological, physical and social sciences. Fixed point
theory is the imperative research field in the area of nonlinear
analysis. This theory has been divided into three major categories
(1)Topological fixed point theory;
(2)Metric fixed point theory;
(3)Discrete fixed point theory.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

In 1886 by Poincare the idea of fixed point theory was introduce
and in 1906, Frechet a well know french mathematician initiate the
concept of metric space in which the idea of distance occur.
Combining these two concept a new field of fixed point theory
came into being called metric fixed point theory .

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem


For the first time in this area the first significant work was done by
Banach a polish mathematician. He provide a contraction method
to find a unique fixed point of a self-mapping
The Banachs contraction principle states
A Contraction mapping in a complete metric space has a unique
fixed point.

Banachs contraction principle has been generalized either by

changing the contraction condition or by changing the underline
space or some time both.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem


Metric space: A metric space is a pair (X , d), where X is a
set and d is a metric on X (or distance function on X ), that
is, a function defined on X X such that for all x, y , z X
we have:
(M1): d is real-valued, finite and nonnegative;
(M2): d(x, y ) = O if and only if x = y ;
(M3): d(x, y ) = d(y , x); (Symmetry )
(M4): d(x, y ) d(x, z) + d(z, y ). (Triangle

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Example (Metric space)

Euclidean space R n , unitary space C n , complex plane C
Sequence space l
Function space C [a, b]

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Definition (Convergence, Cauchy Sequence, Completeness)

Convergent Sequence: We say that the sequence (xn ) is
convergent in the metric space X = (X , d) if

lim d(xn , x) = 0 for some x X . (1)


We shall also use the notation xn X .

Cauchy Sequence: (xn ) in (X , d) is a Cauchy sequence if for
any > 0 N = N() such that

d(xm , xn ) < for every m, n > N (2)

Complete: X is complete if every Cauchy sequence in X
converges in X .

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Example (Examples of complete metric spaces )

Euclidean space Rn and unitary space Cn are complete.
The space l is complete.
The space c consists of all convergent sequences x = (j ) of
complex numbers, with the metric induced from the space l .
The space c is complete.
The space l P is complete; here p is fixed and 1 p < .
The function space C [a, b] is complete; here [a, b] is any given
closed interval on R.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Let (X , d) be a metric space. The map : X X is said to
be Lipschitzian if there exists a constant 0 < < (called
lipschitz constant) such that,

d((x), (y )) d(x, y ) x, y X . (A)

If < 1 then (A) is called Contraction mapping

If = 1 and also the inequality in (A) is replaced by the strict
inequality d((x), (y )) < d(x, y ) then it is called
contractive mapping.
If = 1 in (A) then it is called non-expansive mapping.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Clearly, for the mapping the following obvious implications hold,

Contraction Contractive Non-expansive Lipschitzian.
Definition (Compact Set)
Open cover: An open cover of E in X (X is a metric space)
is a collection of open sets {G } whose union covers
(contains) E .
Subcover: A subcover of {G } is a sub collection {Gi }
that still cover E .

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Compact set
Examples: In R
1 1 1
[ , 1) has cover {Vn } where vn = ( , 1 )
2 n n
{vn }
n=3 has subcover {vn }n=100 even we can through away the
first million.
Compact set:- Say a set K is compact(in X ) if every open
cover of K contain a finite subcover
So K not compact mean there exist some open cover with no
finite subcover.
Example. [ , 1) not compact as Vn has no finite subcover.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The Concept behind Banachs fixed point theorem

Consider the equation
x = cosx.
If we plot the graphs of y = cosx and y = x, we see that they
intersect at a unique point for x 0.7. This point is called a fixed
point of the function cosx. To determine this value more
accurately, we can calculate successively

x2 = cos(0.7) = 0.7648
x3 = cos(x2 ) = 0.7215
x4 = cos(x3 ) = 0.7508
x5 = cos(x4 ) = 0.7311
x6 = cos(x5 ) = 0.7444

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The Concept behind Banachs fixed point theorem

x7 = cos(x6 ) = 0.7355
x18 = cos(x17 ) = 0.7391
which is accurate to 4 decimal places. Let us consider why the
process of solving x = f (x) by iterating xn+1 = f (xn ) works.
Suppose for instance that we attempted to solve the equation
above in its inverse form x = arccos(x) which has the same fixed
point. Starting from 0.7 again, we obtain
x2 = 0.7954
x3 = 0.6511

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The Concept behind Banachs fixed point theorem

x4 = 0.8617
x5 = 0.5321
x6 = 1.0097
and no further terms in the sequence are defined. The problem
here is that the function arccos(x) is only defined for 1 x 1,
while its range is [0, ]. Therefore a first requirement for such an
iteration to work is that, if f is defined on A, f (A) A.
Now consider the problem of solving
x 2 = 2.
If we divide by x we obtain the iterative form
x = f (x) =
Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The Concept behind Banachs fixed point theorem

If we consider positive real values, we see that f ((0, )) = (0, )
or indeed f ([1, 2]) = [1, 2]. Therefore this function has the property
that f (A) A.
However, when we iterate starting with x1 = a, we obtain the
2 2
a, , a, , a, ...
a a
which does not converge to the fixed point 2. Therefore we need
some further criterion. If we want our sequence to converge to the
fixed point a = f (a), then we expect that
|xn+1 a| < |xn a|
|f (xn ) f (a)| < |xn a|.
However, since the value a is in general unknown, we consider
instead the requirement
Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The Concept behind Banachs fixed point theorem

|f (x) f (y )| < |x y |
for all x 6= y A. (Note in passing that this condition means that f
is uniformly continuous on A.) In the case of f (x) = cosx, we have
 x + y   x y 
|cosx cosy | = 2sin sin

2 2

 x + y   x y 
= 2 sin sin

2 2

|x y |
<21 = |x y |

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The Concept behind Banachs fixed point theorem

while for f (x) = ,
20 2 1
|f (1.1) f (1)| = 2 = >

11 11 10
(We can obtain a convergent iteration for the solution of x 2 = 2 by
adding x to both sides, and then dividing by x + 1.
x +2
x 2 + x = x + 2; x=
x +1
x +2 1 x
f (x) = =1+ =2
x +1 x +1 x +1
f ([0, )) = (1, 2] [0, )
1 1 |x y |
|f (x) f (y )| = = < |x y |
x +1 y +1 (1 + x)(1 + y )
Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The Concept behind Banachs fixed point theorem

for all x 6= y [0, ) in this case. The iteration
xn + 2
x1 = 1; xn+1 =
xn + 1

gives the sequence of approximations to 2 which we considered
at the start of this course.
However, if we consider f : [1, ) [1, ) given by
f (x) = x +
1 1 1
x + y = |x y | 1 < |x y |

x y xy
but the equation x = f (x) has no solution. This difficulty is
overcome by strengthening the condition slightly. We note again
that a contraction mapping on A is uniformly continuous on A.
Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The final problem which we have to consider has already been

addressed at the start of the course. The iteration
xn + 2
x1 = 1; xn+1 =
xn + 1

is +
a contraction mapping on Q , but does not converge because
2 is not rational. We therefore need to include completeness in
our list of requirements.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Theorem (Banachs Fixed Point Theorem)

Let (X , d) be a complete metric space, then each contraction map
f : X X has a unique fixed point

Construct a sequence (xn ) and show that it is Cauchy, so that it

converges in the complete space X , and then prove that it limit x
is a fixed point of T and T has no further fixed points. This is the
idea of the proof.
Banachs fixed point theorem has been extended and generalized
by different mathematician over 5 decades.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Extension of Banachs fixed point theorem

If f is a contraction mapping on a metric space (X , d) with

contraction constant h,then f n (where the super script represents
the nth iterate of f ) is also a contraction on X with constant hn .
Let f : [0, 2] [0, 2] be defined by
0, x [0, 1],
f (x) = .
1, x (1, 2]

Then, f 2 (x) = 0 for all x [0, 2], and so,f 2 is a contraction on

[0, 2]. Note that f is not continuous and thus not a contraction

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Extension of Banachs fixed point theorem

We observed that in some situations a function is not a contraction

but its iterate is a contraction map. To get the conclusion of the
BCP for the original function, the following theorem is helpful.
If X is a complete metric space and f : X X is a mapping such
that some iterate f N : X X is a contraction, then f has a
unique fixed point. Moreover, the fixed point of f can be obtained
by iteration of f starting from any x0 X

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

The function
f (x) = x + ;
satisfies the contractive condition on I = [1, ) but it has no fixed

For such type of mapping (contractive mapping) there is a fixed

point theorem of Edelstein as stated below,
Let (X , d) be a compact metric space with F : X X satisfying
d(F (x), F (y )) < d(x, y ) for x, y X and x = y . Then F has a
unique fixed point in X .

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

(Boyd Wong Theorem). Let (X , d) be a complete metric space,
and suppose that f : X X satisfies

d(f (x), f (y )) (d(x, y )), for all x, y X ,

where : R [0, ) is upper semicontinuous from the right (that

is, for any sequence tn t 0 limn sup (tn ) (t)) and
satisfies 0 (t) < t for t > 0. Then, f has a unique fixed point.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Why we are interested in the fixed point of a mapping ?.

For instance Equations can often be written in the form

F (x) = 0 (1)

Where F is some map. How does one solve (1)? While there is no
general answer that works for all F , one can rewrite (1) as
F (x) + x = x, write f (x) = F (x) + x and worry about solving
equations of the form f (x) = x. When f (x) = x, x is called a fixed
point of f . And that fixed point is actually the solution of F

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Theorem (Linear equations)

If a system
x = Cx + b (3)
(C = (Cjk ), b given) of n linear equations in n unknowns
1 , 2 , ..., n (the components of x) satisfies
Cjk 1 (j = 1, ..., n), (4)

it has precisely one solution x. This solution can be obtained as

the limit of the iterative sequence (x0 , x1 , x2 , ...), where x0 is
arbitrary and

x m+1 = Cx m + b m = 0, 1, ... (6)

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Error bounds are

d(x m , x) d(x m1 , x m2 ) d(x 0 , x 1 ) (5)
1 1
Banachs contraction principle has important application to
non.linear equation.
Use the contraction principle to show that the equation
x 3 + x 2 6x + 1 = 0 has a unique real solution over the interval
[1, 1].
Solution Consider the map f : [1, 1] R defined by

1 3
f (x) = (x + x 2 + 1).
We intend to show f is a contraction and thus has a unique fixed
Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

We first compute the derivative f (x). Since f is a single variable

real valued function, we use single variable calculus to find
1 1
f (x) = x 2 + x. We next compute the second derivative of f (x)
2 3
and obtain f (x) = x + . We compute the maxima and minima
of f (x) by seeing where f (x) = 0 and obtain that f (x) attains a
1 1 1
critical point at , and f ( ) = .
3 3 18

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

We also check the value of f (x) at the edges of our domain, and
5 1
obtain that f (1) = and f (1) = . (Note that in order to
6 6
define the derivative at the endpoints 1 and 1, we must
temporarily consider the function on the domain
1 5
[1 , 1 + ]).Therefore, the value of f (x) is between and
18 6
on the domain. We apply the mean value theorem to arbitrary
points x,y in the domain and obtain that
|f (x) f (y )| = |f (z)||x y | for some z between x and y . Since
|f | is bounded on the domain, we have that
|f (x) f (y )| = |x y |.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Thus we may write |f (x) f (y )| < .99|x y | and therefore f is a

contraction on the domain. Thus there exist a unique point x in
the interval [1, 1] such that x = (x 3 + x 2 + 1), i.e. a unique x
such that x 3 + x 2 6x + 1 = 0.


Banachs fixed point theorem can be used to estimate 3,
and also proved that the equation x = cosx has a unique

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Picards existence and uniqueness theorem(Ordinary

differential equation).
let us consider an explicit ordinary differential equation of the first
x = f (t, x) ( = ). (1a)
An initial value problem for such an equation consists of the
equation and an initial condition
x(t0 ) = x0 (1b)
where t0 and x0 are given real numbers.
Let f be continuous on a rectangle

R = {(t, x))/|t t0 | a, |x x0 | b} (6)

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

and thus bounded on R, say

|f (t, x)| c (7)
for all, (t, x) R
Suppose that f satisfies a Lipschitz condition on R with respect to
its second argument, that is, there is a constant k (Lipschitz
constant) such that for (t, x), (t, v ) R
|f (t, x) f (t, v )| k|x v | (8)
Then the initial value problem (1) has a unique solution. This
], where
solution exists on an interval [t -, +

< min{a, b/c, 1/k} (4)

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

Show that there exist a unique solution to the IVP
y (t) = 1 + tsin(ty ),
0 t 2,
y (0) = 0
Solution f (t, y ) = 1 + tsin(ty )
Use mean value theorem we have,
f (t, y1 ) f (t, y2 ) f (t, )
y2 y1 y
= t cos(t) for (y1 , y2 )


Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem


|f (t, y1 ) f (t, y2 )| = |y2 y1 ||t 2 cos(t)

22 |y2 y1 | = 4|y2 y1 |

f satisfies a lipschitz condition on D in the variable y with lipschitz

constant L = 4
Additionally, f (t, y ) is continuous on
{0 t 2 & < y < }. Hence it has a unique solution.

Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem
Extension of Banachs Fixed Point Theorem
Application of Banachs fixed point theorem


Sara bibi and Laila Extension and Application of Banachs fixed point theorem

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