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The cooling process of air conditioning units generates

condensate water.

With specific humidity before and after a air conditioning unit known, the
condensate generated can be calculated like

qcond = qair dwlb / (8.33 vda) (1)


qcond = condensate generated (gallons per minute, gpm)

qair = air flow (cubic feet per minute)

dwlb = difference in specific humidity (lbwater / lbdry air)

vda = specific volume of air (cubic feet/lbdry air)

With the specific humidity expressed in grains water per lb dry air -
equation (1) can be expressed as

qcond = qair dwgr / (7000 8.33 vda)

= qair (wgr-out - wgr-in) / (7000 8.33 vda) (2)

qcond = condensate generated (gallons per minute)

qair = air flow (cubic feet per minute)

dwgr = difference in specific humidity (grwater / lbdry air)

wgr-out = specific humidity in air out (grwater / lbdry air)

wgr-in = specific humidity in air in (grwater / lbdry air)

vda = specific volume of air (cubic feet/lbdry air)

7000 = grains per lbm of water (1 grain = 0.000143 lbm = 0.0648 g)

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