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Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung



President of Republic Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or President SBY

declared on the Hari Guru Nasional XII 2004 that teachers as professionals.
Consequently, Indonesian teachers should realize the status, role, function,
qualification, competencies, and the characteristics of their profession.
For the clear definition of professional teachers, Law RI No. 20 Year 2003
on National Education System stated that teachers are professional workers who
plan and implement the learning process; evaluate the learning result; doing the
guiding and training; and doing researches especially for teachers in university.
In addition, Government Regulation RI No. 19 Year 2005 on National
Education Standard, mandated at Chapter VI on Teachers and Education
Administrators, Article 28, teachers has to fulfill the following standards;

(1) Teachers should have the academic qualification (D IV or S1) and

have competencies as the learning agents; physically and
psychologically healthy; have the ability to realize the national
education aims.
(3)The competencies as the learning agent at the elementary and
secondary and pre-elementary levels are:
a. Pedagogical Competence;
b. Personality Competence;
c. Professional Competence;
d. Social Competence;

It is further mentioned in article 29, that the minimum education for

teachers in pre-elementary, elementary and high school is Diploma IV (D-IV)
or Sarjana (S1). However, the reality is rather different. Teachers are still
powerless. Many of them still have lower education than D4 or S1. In addition
their competencies as a teacher, instructor, trainer, or advisor are still
questioned. These weaknesses are proven by the result of the national
examination or Ujian Nasional and school examination or Ujian Sekolah,
where there are lots students got low score and failed. For example, last year, in
one of the most favorite and popular school in Bandung, there were about one
hundred students who actually did not pass the school examination. Further, the
previous Minister of National Education, Muh. Nuh, informed that from the
total 3.605.163 participants of the National Examination, 350.798 (9.73%)
students had to repeat the Examination (6/5/2010).

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

Embark from the situation above; this paper is intended to give

suggestion or solution for teachers to be professional in order to improve the
quality of education. As it has been mentioned before, the main teachers
competencies are: pedagogical competence, social competence, personal
competence, and professional competence. Regardless the other two
competencies, pedagogical competence and professional competence are
considered to have prior importance for teachers to be professional.

The two main teachers competencies are elaborated into some

teachers competencies as can be seen in the attachment of Education
Ministerial Regulation Number 16 Year 2007 on Standards for Teachers
Academic Qualifications and Competencies or Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan
Nasional (Permen Diknas) No. 16 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Kualifikasi
Akademik dan Kompetensi Guru.

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung



Triggered by the declaration made by the President of the Republic

Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, that Teachers as Professionals on 2
December 2004, Indonesian people especially education stakeholders give more
awareness of the importance of teachers roles in the whole area of education
development as part of national development. The more significant attention is
given to the teachers in Indonesia so that they are able to build their status,
roles, functions, qualification, competencies, and characteristics to become

Teacher as a profession is just the same as other professions such as in

medicine, law, and engineering. Lawyers, for example, work about torts,
contracts, constitutional law, civil and criminal procedure, and so on. Medical
professionals have to know about anatomy, physiology, immunology,
pathology, and a number of specialties of practice. Most professions also use
what have been referred to as signature pedagogies. In law school, students are
expected to read and analyzed cases, and they are introduced to the Socratic
Method when answering questions and building arguments. In medical school,
case methods and clinical rounds are frequently used. In school of engineering,
specific kinds of design project are found (Hammond, 2005: 9). It is clear that
these professions have a consensus about what professionals need to know and
be able to do if they are to have the diagnostic and strategic judgment to address
the needs of those whom they serve.

Since a newer profession, it is natural for teachers to develop a

consensus adopted from other fields as mentioned before in order to have the
conception of what effective teacher need to know and be able to do to succeed.
Teachers need to know what framework that is useful for them and help them to
prepare their knowledge, skills, and commitments that enable them to work
successfully as professionals.

In United States, there is a conceptual framework that can help people

organize the vast amount of information relevant to effective teaching and
learning. It highlights three general areas of knowledge, skills, and dispositions
that are important for any teachers to acquire: 1) Knowledge of learners and
how they learn and develop within social contexts, 2) conceptions of

owards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

curriculum content and goals: an understanding of the subject matter and skills
to be taught in light of the social purposes
purposes of education, and 3) An
understanding of teaching in light of the content and learners to be taught, as
informed by assessment and supported by classroom environments (Hammond,
2005:10). This framework is illustrated in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 a Framework

ramework for Understanding Teaching and Learning

From the framework, it can be understood that the need of the students
and the demands of the curriculum are mediated by teachers as Dewey, 1902,
outlined in The Child and the Curriculum (Hammond, 2005: 10). Further, we
can see that teachers can use a set of lenses on any teaching situation to reflect
on and improve their practice.

The interactions
interaction between teachers, learners, and content are framed by
two important conditions for practice: first, teaching is a profession with certain
moral as well as technical expectations, and second, education, including
teaching, is intended to support equitable access to what the society has to offer.
So, the goals for education influence what teachers need to know and be able to
do as mentioned before.

Compared with the framework above, Indonesian teachers also have a

framework called Teachers Competencies Standard
Standards as stated in the Education

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

Ministerial Regulation Number 16 Year 2007 on Standards for Teachers

Academic Qualifications and Competencies

There are eleven sub-components of pedagogical competencies, and

four sub-components of professional competencies. Some of these
competencies are actually the components of a lesson plan or RPP or Rencana
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, they are: 1) master the learning theory and
learning principle, 2) develop the curriculum, 3) utilize the ICT for the teaching
and learning, 4) facilitate the development of the learners, 5) communicate
effectively, empathetically, and politely, 6) implement the evaluation and
assessment to the process and the result of learning, 7) master the material,
structure, concept and thinking to support the subject taught, 8) master the
standard competencies and the basic competencies of the subject, 9) develop
the teaching materials, 10) doing the reflective acts.

Therefore, this paper argues that Comprehensive RPP is a means for

teachers to be professional. Only after they are able to provide and write the
RPP comprehensively, they should also be able to implement it in the teaching-
learning activity in the classroom. The process of becoming a professional
teacher is accommodated in this paper entitled Towards Professional
Teachers with Comprehensive RPP

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung



This chapter will discuss the comprehensive lesson plan or RPP or

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran which should be written or made by teachers
before they do their professional activities.

A. The RPP or Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

1. What is RPP

RPP or Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran is a document prepared by

teachers, functioned as a guide, about what, when, who, and the way how to
conduct effective teaching learning activity in order to reach the goals of the
instruction. As it is stated by Gintings (2008: 224),

RPP or Rencana Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran practically can be

called as a learning scenario. In such a way RPP is a guide for
teachers to prepare, implement, and evaluate the result of learning

In the more legal way, RPP, as mandated in the Peraturan Pemerintah

Republik Indonesia No. 19 Tahun 2005 Bab IV Pasal 20, tentang Standar
Nasional Pendidikan (SNP), , or Government Regulation of Republic of
Indonesia Number 19, Year 2005 on National Education Standard, Chapter IV,
Article 20, translated as followed,

The plan of the learning process covering the syllabus and the RPP,
contains at least learning objectives, teaching material, teaching
methods, learning sources, and the evaluation for the learning result.

It can be concluded that RPP is the most important document prepared

by teachers before they go to their classes. This RPP consists of everything
reflecting the whats and the hows a professional teacher should do in the
classroom. The RPP describes how a professional teacher could formulate and
develop the learning goals, the teaching materials, the learning methods, the
learning source, and assessment suitable for the teaching-learning activity

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

2. The Function of RPP in Teaching-Learning Activities

RPP is a plan and functioned as a guide for teachers in their teaching-

learning activities in order for them to keep in the right track. In this way the
activities are expected to be successful and at the end of the activities, the
students can reach what have been formulated in the basic competencies and

3. The components of an RPP

An RPP, according to Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No.19

Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Bab IV, Pasal 20 or the
Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 19, Year 2005 on
National Education Standard, Chapter IV, Article 20, or, an RPP should at least
contain the teaching goals, the teaching materials, the teaching methods, the
sources of learning, and the evaluation of teaching. The following is a format of
an RPP taken from Implementasi KTSP: Dirjen PMPTK, 2009.



A. Identitas
Nama Sekolah : ..
Mata Pelajaran : ..
Kelas, Semester : ..
Standar Kompetensi : ..
Kompetensi Dasar : ..
Indikator : ..
Alokasi Waktu : X menit (pertemuan)
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
C. Materi Pembelajaran
D. Metode Pembelajaran
E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Kegiatan Awal
Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Penutup

Pertemuan 2

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

Kegiatan Awal
Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Penutup
F. Sumber Belajar
G. Penilaian


Kepala SMA .. Guru Mata Pelajaran,

. .


When the components of an RPP are elaborated one by one

comprehensively, it is clear that a complete and systematic RPP reflects the
work of an effective, professional teacher. In part A, teachers not only have to
write the identities such as the name of the school, the subject, class and
semester, and the time allocation, but also they have to state the standard of
competencies, basic competencies, and indicators. The standard of
competencies and the basic competencies can be copied from the standard of
content made by the government or the ministry of national education, while
the indicators should be formulated by the teachers themselves. When a teacher
formulates the indicators, he/she has to consider what level of thinking he/she
intended for the students to master, what skills they have to learn, and what
attitude they are expected to have. In short, effective teachers are able to decide
what domain of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor are suitable and have to
be mastered by the students by the end of the learning activities. The Blooms
Taxonomy is usually used in formulating the indicators of learning. In the
cognitive domain, Bloom ranked the thinking level into six, they are:
1. Knowledge/recall (C1), 2. Comprehension (C2), 3. Application (C3), 4.
Analysis (C4), 5. Synthesis (C5), and 6. Evaluation (C6).
There are 5 level for the affective domain, namely:
1.Receiving, 2. Responding/participating, 3. Valuing, 4. Organizing, and
5. Charaterizing.
Although Bloom didnt recommend the domain for the psychomotor, his friend
suggested some levels for this domain, including: 1.Perception , 2. Readiness,
3. Mechanism, 4. Guided Response, 5. Skillful/complex movement, 6.
Adaptation, and 7. Originality/creativity.

The following are examples of the basic competencies and indicators,

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

1. Knowledge (C1)
Basic competence: mengetahui
Mendefinisikan, Menggambarkan, Mengidentifikasi, Memberi nama, Menyusun
daftar, Menamakan, Membuat garis besar, Menyatakan kembali, Memilih,

2. Comprehension (C2)
Basic Competence:
Memahami fakta dan prinsip, Menginterprestasikan bagan dan grafik,
Mengubah bahan tulisan menjadi rumus matematika. Memperkirakan akibat-
akibat yang akan datang yang tercantum dalam data, Membenarkan metode
dan prosedur
Mengubah, Mempertahankan, Memperkirakan, Menjelaskan, Menyatakan
secara luas, Menyimpulkan, Memberi contoh, Menarik kesimpulan, Melukiskan
dengan kata- kata sendiri, Meramalkan, Menuliskan kembali, Membuat

For the affective (A) domain, Bloom proposed 5 levels:

1. Receiving (A1), 2. Responding/participating (A2), 3. Valuing (A3), 4.
Organizing (A4), and 5. Charaterizing (A5).

1. Receiving/Kemauan menerima (A1):

Basic competence:
Mendengarkan dengan perhatian, Meningkatkan kesadaran akan
pentingnya belajar, Menunjukkan sensitivitas akan keperluan dan
persoalan- persoalan masyarakat, Menerima berbagai kebiasaan,
Menerima dengan baik segala aktivitas kelas

1. Bertanya, 2. Memilih, 3. Mengambarkan, 4. Mengikuti, 5. Memberi, 6.
Berpegang teguh, 7.Mengidentifikasi, 8. Melokalisasi, 9. Memberi nama, 10.
Menunjuk, 11. Menjawab, 12. Menggunakan, 13. sensitivitas akan keperluan
dan persoalan- persoalan masyarakat, 14. Menerima berbagai kebiasaan, 15.
Menerima dengan baik segala aktivitas kelas

For the psychomotor domain, there are some competencies, as shown below.
Basic Competence:
1.Menuliskan dengan cermat dan teliti, 2. Menggambarkan kembali dari suatu
gambar, 3. Mempersiapkan alat- alat laboratorium secara cepat dan tepat, 4.

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

Memperbaiki alat elekronik secara tepat dan benar, 5. Mendemostrasikan

cara- cara kerja yang benar, and 6. Mempertunjukan suatu keterampilan

1.Mewujudkan, 2. Membina, 3. Menukar, 4. Membersihkan, 5. Menyusun, 6.
Menghubungkan, 7. Melatih, 8. Mengikuti, 9. Membuat bagan, 10.
Melokalisasi, 11. Mengikat, 12. Mencampur, 13. Menajamkan 14.
Memanaskan, 15. Mengerjakan dengan teliti, and 16. Menggunakan 17.

In Part B of an RPP, teachers have to decide the goals and the objectives of the
teaching-learning based on the standard of competencies, the basic
competencies, and the indicators. These goals of teaching learning process are
actually the overall statements of the standards of competencies, the basic
competencies, and the indicators.

Part C of an RPP is the Materi Pembelajaran or Learning Matrials. In this part

a professional teacher can develop and create his/her own teaching material by
themselves on the basis of standards of competencies, the basic competencies,
and the indicators.
The learning material (or sometimes people call it teaching materials)
development is the ability that required for a professional teacher. Since the
teacher himself or herself who knows exactly what the students need and how
they learn. The teaching material in English consists of materials to develop the
students four skills of English; Listening Skills, Speaking Skills, Reading
Skills, and Writing Skills.
For listening and speaking skills, teachers can develop one material only at
once, because these two skills are always come together and they can have the
same material. The difference in only on the kind of skill, speaking is
productive and listening is receptive. The followings are some examples of
listening and speaking teaching-learning materials development.

When teaching dialogues, teachers can adopt, adapt, or develop some teaching
materials. The followings are some example.

1. One sided-dialogue, example:

X: The test was so difficult. I couldnt do it. It makes me crazy.
Y: ..
2. Unfinished Dialogues: example:
Sinta meets someone she thinks she knows.

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

Sinta : Hi!......................................
Mira : .
3. Role-plays. Example: Pretend that you are the King, Hercules, or Atlas.
Then, act as what the cards say. Card 1: You are the King. You ask
Hercules to fetch the three golden apples. What should you say? Card 2:
You are Hercules. You dont know where the apples grow. What should
you say? Card 3: You are Atlas. You know that Hercules is a very strong
man. You know where the golden apples grow. What should you say?

For monologues teaching materials, teachers can prepare, take, adapt, adopt, or
write by themselves the kind of the following materials.
1. Short stories. Example:


One morning, Hercules saw a mountain in front of him. It had a shape
of a man. When Hercules came closer, he saw that it was a man! He was a
giant, a very big man. He was so big that he was holding up the sky on his
hands! Who are you? said the giant in a very loud voice.
I am Hercules. Who are you?
I am Atlas. I hold up the sky! What do you want?
I want three golden apples. Will you help me?
Yes, said Atlas. I know the place where they grow. I will get them
for you. Will you hold up the sky while I am gone? You are the strongest of
all men. You can do it.

2. Articles (genre-based texts), an example of explanation genre text.

A piano produces a greater range of musical sounds than most other
instruments. On a piano, a musician can play melody and harmony at the same
time. A pianist also can play an extraordinary variety of loud and soft notes
with great speed. The keys on a piano make small hammer inside the piano
move. The hammers make sound by striking the string.

In preparing teaching-learning materials for reading and writing skills, teachers

can alter or modify the texts they have into: 1. Jumbled paragraph, 2.
Unfinished story, 3. Cloze test, 4. Changing from essay into dialogue or the
opposite, from dialogue into essay, 5. Making a graphic from the text or the
opposite, etc.
The following is the definition and an example of a cloze test:

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

A cloze test (also cloze deletion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment

consisting of a portion of text with certain words removed (cloze text), where
the participant is asked to replace the missing words. Cloze tests require the
ability to understand context and vocabulary in order to identify the correct
words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a text. This
exercise is commonly administered for the assessment of native and second
language learning and instruction. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


Name: _______________________ Date:________________


Some words have been erased and replaced with blanks. In each blank, write the word
that you think should go there.

Counting on Frank

You are about to go on an adventure with Henry and his dog Frank. Henry and
Frank love a lot of things, but most of all, they love math. In Counting on Frank, you
and Henry can count on Frank to accompany you through your math adventures in
Henry's hometown. It looks as though their latest adventure could land them in Hawaii!
That is, if they win the Jellybean Counting Contest.

To jump to a scene, click _____ Henry's shirt pocket. The note pad _____.
Then, click on the options tab. _____ options page appears. Then, click on _____
arrows on the right and left _____ of the scene pictured near the _____ of the page to
_____ through the scenes. When you find the scene _____ want, click the picture to go

Henry's friend Ginger has a _____ item that will help you pinpoint _____
number of jellybeans in Mr.. Sherman's jar. _____ is called the solution tester, _____
Ginger will let you use it _____ you would like. You have to _____ some clues to put
into the _____ tester before you use it. Ginger _____ out in Henry's tree house, where
_____ works on her own guesses for _____ Jellybean Contest. You can get to _____
tree house using Henry's note pad. _____ to the options page and click _____ the tree

3. Short functional Texts

Examples: advertisements, news, sms, diary, announcements, posters,
banners, brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, recipes, receipts, tables, graphics,
News, adds, announcements, instructions, etc.

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

To have these kinds of teaching materials, the teachers have to seek

them from many kinds of sources, such as magazines, news papers, internet,
etc., or they make them by themselves.

Part D of an RPP is about teaching methods. There many kinds of teaching

methods, however, there are some that are considered as the basic ones, while the others
are actually the combination or the modification of them. The followings are the basic
teaching methods (Gintings, 2005:43).
1.Metode Ceramah or Lecture, 2.Metode Tanya Jawab or Question-Answer, 3. Metode
Diskusi or Discussion, 4.Metode Peragaan or Demonstration, 5. Metode Bermain
Peran or Role Play, 6. Metode Pembelajaran Praktek or Practices, 7.Metode
Kunjungan Lapangan or Field Visit, 8. Metode Proyek or Project, 9. Metode Tutorial or
Tutorial, 10. Metode Andragogi or Andragogy.

Part E is elaborated the steps of the teaching-learning process.

In this part a teacher should think about the suitable or appropriate activities that taken
place in the classroom done by the students and facilitated and led by the teacher. The
activities divided into three phases, pre-activity, main activity, and post activity.
In the pre-activity, a teacher should give an opportunity to the students to have
some time for orientation. At this time the students will be given some illustrations or
questions, or the teacher will show some pictures, something, or maybe he/she will read
a poem, or sing a song. Some teachers call this step as ice breaking, and some others
will give apperception in this step. The aim or the objectives of the teaching learning
process of the day is also informed to the students.
In short in the pre-activity, a teacher has to arouse the students attention and
give the motivation, and declare the objectives of the activity.
In the main activity: the students are the subject of the learning process, a
teacher cannot dominate the activity, and he or she is only as a facilitator for the
students or as a manager of the class. It is what we called students centered learning
activities. In this step, a teacher can also give the enrichment to the students who can
reach the goals more quickly than their friends.
The last step of the teaching-learning activities is the post activity. At this
phase the teacher should give conclusion, reflection, feedback, assessment or evaluation
to the result of the process of teaching-learning.
There are two types of tests (McNamara, 2000): 1) test method how test are
designed, for example paper and pencil test and performance test, 2) test purpose what
test are for, for example achievement test and proficiency test. The paper and pencil test
or the written tests including: 1) Essay: Extended Response and Restricted Response
2. Objective Test: 1) Multiple Choice, 2) True-False, 3) Short answer, 4) Matching.
The performance tests are including practice test.

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung

The conclusion is made by the students led by the teacher, while the reflection
and the feedback can be given orally by asking the students opinion, feeling, or
suggestions about the activity they have just finished. Although this kind of activity is
only taken two to five minutes, it is considered important for the teacher as well as
students since it can give feedback to the both for the better results in the future.

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung


A. Conclusion

A comprehensive RPP is the best means to change teachers into

professionals. When a teacher is able to prepare and made a good
comprehensive Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) or Lesson Plan, and
then is able to implement it in the classroom successfully, it means that he or
she is already a professional effective teacher, because the components of an
RPP are actually the component of the standard of teachers competencies
according to the Government Regulation of RI No. 19 Year 2005 on National
Education Standard.

B. Suggestion

It is a high time for the teachers in Indonesia to be professional by

studying and improving their competencies. Mastering how to make a good,
comprehensive RPP and implement it in their classroom is the best way for
them to become professional.

Not only have the teachers themselves the compulsory to be

professional. But also has the government the obligation and the authority to
facilitate the teachers to achieve their professionalism by giving them the
opportunity to move towards their professional.

Towards Professional Teacher with Comprehensive RPPby: Agustin Hartati, SMAN 8 Bandung


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