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A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter

NOVEMBER 1993 (Vol. 21, no. 3) Box 1279, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1993 by Access to Energy

The Euthanasia Act of 1994

Government planners are now inundating us with tears about the The July and October issues of Access to Energy included the
large proportion (variously estimated at 10-14%) of American re- standard figure illustrating supply and demand. For reasons clearly il-
sources that are used for medical care. Actually much of this expendi- lustrated in that figure, price controls always lead to shortages. At arti-
ture is not for medical care at all. ficially lower prices, demand is increased and supply is diminished.
Medical care in America is burdened by enormous waste in the The Clintons will put us all on a national medical credit card. We
form of financial transfers to hundreds of thousands of regulators, bu- are to pay a fraction of the bill each month, but our individual pay-
reaucrats, lawyers, and other non-providers of medicine who have ment is the same whether we use it or not. Moreover, to control over-
been attached to the medical care system by government edicts. It is all cost, they will put price controls on the medical care providers at
also burdened by high direct taxes paid by all individuals, institutions, price levels below the free market. This will simultaneously cause in-
and businesses within the system productive or not. creased demand and decreased supply of medical care.
Techniques of medical care have also been distorted by govern- The Clintons understand this. That is why their plan comes with all
ment meddling through tens of billions of dollars in medical research the bureaucratic baggage of a rationing system. That is why they have
expenditures directed by bureaucrats with little interest in the ultimate been organizing forums in counties throughout the United States
value and efficiency of the products of these programs. in which citizen participants are shown videos of actors playing pa-
Regardless of these punitive value-subtracted payments, however, tients with various illnesses and requiring various treatments. After
Americans have been buying as much medical care as they can afford. viewing these videos, the participants are required to decide which
Free enterprise, even after taxes, has made American medical care by patients will be treated and which will not by ranking them in order of
far the best in the world. priority. Those who rank the patients equally and refuse to suggest
Older Americans, who require the greatest amount of care, have who should live and who should die are ostracized as uncooperative.
had universal access to this high quality medicine through the welfare Forum participants are chosen from lists of people who have expe-
subsidies of Medicare and related programs. Medical welfare could be rienced unusually extensive medical problems. They are told the ses-
handled largely through direct taxpayer subsidies in much the same sions are being held to help the government set rules for medical
way that food stamps now feed 25 million Americans. treatment.
Now Mr. and Ms. Clinton are telling us that government medical Price controls lead to shortages. Shortages lead to rationing. Ra-
welfare payments have left too many people out that many citizens tioning medical care will give the Clintons and their friends like Joy-
are still without care. Moreover, they say that the government wants celyn Elders the power of life and death over all Americans
to buy care for these additional people, but it doesnt want to pay the especially older Americans. Older Americans will obviously receive
market price a price that has been doubled (at least) by government the lower priorities. Older Americans also happen to be a voting
programs which they are unwilling to dismantle. block that generally opposes Clinton and a group to whom the gov-
Their solution is to destroy the system that they wish to feed upon. ernment owes a huge debt in Social Security that it cannot pay.
Instead of a program like food stamps, they propose the equivalent of Petr Beckmann died August 3, 1993. Under the Clinton medical
price controls on grocery stores and farmers and a card for every plan, he would have died many years earlier. In a true free market
American giving free access to everything on the grocery shelves. We without government interference, he might still be alive.
shall pay for the card if we are able. If not, they will give one to us. Why hasnt this been tried before?
This debate should be about the rights to life, liberty, and property. It has not been tried before, because America has never before had
The tax payers have a right to their property. The physicians have a a President so entirely devoid of moral character that he was willing
right to their liberty. Each American has a right to the best life and to tell this particular lie to the American people.
medical care that he or she can obtain. These rights would be best This is being called by the name of health care reform. The de-
served by getting the government out of medical care entirely not by tails are being debated. It will probably be enacted in a less onerous
getting the government further into it. form than proposed. Once in place, the system will grow in direct pro-
The debate should be about freedom, but in America today that is portion to its failures, and it will destroy the free enterprise that has
not going to happen. The Clintons are busy promoting the politics of made our medical system the best in the world. Then also will come
envy and greed the promise of something for nothing at someone the higher taxes and the rationing and the inevitable scapegoating for
elses expense, and the people are buying these dishonorable lies. the systems failures. In time, the life expectancies of Americans will
The people will pay for this gullibility, of course, as they always measurably decrease.
pay with higher taxes, lower living standards, less freedom, and more Government bureaucrats already have taken too much of our lib-
powerful and numerous bureaucrats and politicians. This time, how- erty and our property. Why must we give them our lives too?
ever, they will pay more. They will pay with their lives. America does not need a program of mandatory euthanasia.

Bruce A. Kimball in the September 1993 issue of Global Biogeo-

NOBEL TREES chemical Cycles, 7, No. 3, pp 537-555.
In a series of elegant experiments coupled with remarkable theo-
Research in environmental science is edging ever closer to work retical work, Idso, Kimball, and their colleagues in Arizona and other
deserving of a Nobel Prize, but work of this quality is not being done laboratories are gaining an understanding of the environmental ef-
by scientists intent on saving the global environment. It is being fects of the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas. They have shown
done by scientists whose work suggests a method of enhancement of that a large part of the carbon released from these below-ground
the global environment far above the highest level of quality that has sources is rapidly incorporated into the tissues of plants and animals.
existed at any time during recorded human history. So efficient is the use of this carbon, especially by trees, that it is
Exemplary of this work is the paper by Sherwood B. Idso and reasonable to suggest that the total mass of plants and animals in the
global environment may be increased substantially through carbon re- Press, Tempe, AZ, p. 8 (1989). In 1993 the atmospheric CO2 level is
lease into the atmosphere. Moreover, it now appears likely that the about 360 ppm.
release of carbon through the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas dur- How are the earths plants responding to this increase? Apparently
ing the past century has already increased the total mass of plants and they love it. As atmospheric CO2 has increased, the vegetation-caused
animals on the earth and contributed positively to the lush environ- seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2 has increased in amplitude. Dur-
ment that we now enjoy. ing the summer, plant photosynthesis utilizes more CO2 than in win-
The two figures below are adapted from the Idso and Kimball pa- ter. This difference can be used to calculate the amount of plant mass.
per. The first shows the volume of wood plus fruit rinds of young sour Therefore, average increase in seasonal variation over time can be
orange trees grown at about 660 parts per million carbon dioxide as used to estimate the increase in plant volume for the entire earth. This
calculation shows an increase of 8.6% in the earths vegetation during
the 20 year period between 1958 and 1978. See Pearman, G. I. and
Hyson, P., J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 9839-9843 (1981).
How does this compare with laboratory measurements on plants?
Perfectly. Using the increase in the annual global atmospheric CO2
between 1958 and 1978 of 19.7 ppm, laboratory measurements on
trees and other plants, and an estimate that 67% of the earths photo-
synthesis is carried out by trees (this is 75% of the 90% estimated as
terrestrial), Idso and Kimball have calculated the expected increase in
global plant growth. Their calculated value is 8.6% in complete
agreement with the Pearman and Hyson value which depends upon
entirely independent facts and measurements.
Some additional subtleties in reconciling these values with the
complete literature on plant growth and CO2 are thoroughly covered
by Idso and Kimball in their paper as referenced above.
There is a direct proportion between the amount of plant mass and
compared with ordinary, ambient air which has about 360 ppm CO2. animal mass in a large area of land. Therefore, there also must have
After a year and a half the CO2 enriched trees maintained over-all been a concomitant increase in animal life of about 8% between 1958
volumes about 2.8 times greater than the ambient trees. and 1978. Moreover, it is now 1993. There has been another 25 ppm
This increase was not localized in any one above-ground part of increase in CO2 since 1978. That would bring the expected increase
the trees during the first three years. It was proportional in all parts. in the earths trees, in accordance with two calculation methods, to
Moreover, by measuring roots in core samples taken in the soil sur- about 24% since 1958 as follows:
rounding the trees, they determined that fine root volume was also 2.8 Using the values given in the September Access to Energy of 60
times larger. As the trees matured in years four and five, wood pro- tons per person of standing timber in the United States which is in-
duction dropped toward a ratio of 2.0, but increased fruit production creasing at 600 lbs. per person per year, we calculate an increased vol-
brought the ratio back to 2.8. As of the fifth year, the ratio of numbers ume of trees since 1958 of [(600)(35)/((60)(2000)-(35)(600))][100%]
of oranges was also approaching 2.8. = 21%. From the Idso-Kimball data we get (180%)(45)/(300) = 27%.
The second figure shows normalized measurements of photosyn- Actual forest inventories show a U. S. increase of 23% since 1958.
thesis and respiration carried out on tree leaves during a four year pe- Can this continue? Idso has estimated that, at current rates of CO2
riod. The unnormalized ambient values at about 360 ppm are 1.50 release, increased use by the increasing biomass will cause atmos-
mole per square meter second of CO2 produced during respiration pheric CO2 to level off about 170 ppm higher than the present value.
Thus the increase in trees after 1993 is (180%)(170)/(300) = 102%.
at night and 4.40 mol m-2 s-1 net CO2 utilized during the day. Net
day values include day time photosynthetic utilization minus daytime
respiratory production. These values and those in the figure allow in-
dependent calculation from leaf measurements alone of relative tree
growth rates, since carbon flow through the leaves determines the to-
tal carbon content of the trees. The leaf calculation gives a value of
2.8 which agrees with the measurements on whole trees.
Therefore, leaf measurements allow rapid extension of these tree
experiments to other CO2 levels and other species. Idso and Kimball
extended the measurements in this way to include three Australian
species of trees. Overall net growth calculated from leaf metabolism
rates of these three species was about the same as for sour orange
Predictions of growth at other CO2 levels can also be obtained
from these leaf measurements. Tripling the current ambient CO2
level, for example, leads to 6.6 times faster growth.
Plants other than trees also increase in growth rate at higher CO2
concentrations, but the effect is smaller. Average increase of plants
other than trees in response to a 300 ppm CO2 increase is about 33%
as compared with 180% for trees. Tree leaf pores remain approxi-
mately the same size at higher CO2 levels, whereas the pores of other
plants tend to become smaller at higher CO2 which probably accounts
for this difference.
Global atmospheric CO2 levels have been increasing substantially
during the past century as shown in the third figure. In 1650 the level
was 273 parts per million; in 1750 it was 277 ppm; in 1850 it was 286
ppm; in 1950 it was 311 ppm; and in 1975 it was 331 ppm. See Idso,
S.B., Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Earth in Transition, IBR
from even as few as 50% of Americans. 63% thought that the major-
ity of Americans would say that nuclear energy should not play an
important role.
Keeping this misunderstanding in place is the most important pri-
ority of the anti-nuclear lobby. If you wonder why the voices of the
anti-nukes are so shrill and their tactics and logic so irrational, the an-
swer lies partly in these polls. If this issue is ever allowed to settle into
a reasoned debate, not only the facts about nuclear power but also the
facts about public preferences will dominate the outcome.


According to International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin, 35,
No. 3 (1993) p. 52, the United States now has 109 operating nuclear
power units which is 26% of the world total. These American power
plants generate 30% of the electricity produced by nuclear energy on
earth. This is the good news. The bad news is in the percentages and
in the trends. Only 6% of the nuclear power generating capacity now
under construction is American. The January 1, 1993 national per-
centages of electricity generated from nuclear power according to
IAEA (Lithuania and Ukraine are estimates) are:
Increase in other plants is (33%)(170)/(300) = 19%. Total plants in-
crease by (0.67)(102%) + (0.33)(19%) = 75%. With projected in-
Lithuania 80% Ukraine 25%
creases in the use of coal, oil, and gas, this percentage is higher.
France 72.9% United Kingdom 23.2%
The amount of plants and animals on the earth is going to double.
Belgium 59.9% United States 22.3%
This incredible environmental gift is being accidentally given to
Slovak Republic 49.5% Czech Republic 20.7%
mankind by the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas during the indus-
Hungary 46.4% Canada 15.2%
trial age. The only problem is that it is happening too slowly. Most of
Korea 43.2% Argentina 14.4%
us will not live to enjoy full effects of the lush environment that is
Sweden 43.2% Russia 11.8%
being produced. There is, however, an environmentally correct an-
Switzerland 39.6% South Africa 6%
swer: Burn the coal fields!
Spain 36.4% Netherlands 4.9%
We dont need the coal anyway, since nuclear power is a safer,
China-Taiwan 35.4% India 3.3%
more cost-effective way to generate electricity. Lets get that CO2 into
Slovenia 34.6% Mexico 3.2%
the atmosphere as quickly as possible, so we can all enjoy the effects.
Finland 33.2% Pakistan 1.2%
Wait! What about the detrimental effects of this global green-
Bulgaria 32.5% Brazil 0.7%
ing? This is a plant and animal population bomb beyond former
Germany 30.1% Kazakhstan 0.6%
scientist Ehrlichs wildest nightmares. The non-ethics of Gores New
Japan 27.7% China-Mainland 0.1%
Age is, however, ready with an answer:
Non-human population bombs are OK.
Global temperature depends primarily on solar activity and not LOSING TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE
CO2 (another subject), but, even if all this new plant and animal life
cooks the planet, it does not matter. Everything natural is good as Recently I had the unusual experience, for a biochemist, of serving
long as natural is defined as non-human. on the thesis committee of a student in nuclear engineering at the Uni-
The plants and animals, those who cannot speak for themselves versity of Utah and thereby visiting the laboratory of the chairman of
and require pseudoenvironmentalist spokespersons, are voting with that committee. Just inside a second room that opens from a normal
their leaves. They say, Burn the coal fields. Our people have been university hallway, the visitor looks straight down into the heart of a
imprisoned underground for too long already. water-shielded nuclear reactor. This reactor was physically built by
the professor and his students with sturdy, low cost materials and cast-
WISER THAN THEY REALIZE off technology from larger reactors elsewhere.
This is exactly the sort of facility that should be available to stu-
In the so far losing but good cause of American civil defense, there dents in universities throughout the United States. There are presently
has always been a strange dichotomy. Polls have shown for decades only 37 research and training reactors at 33 such universities.
that more than 80% of the American public favors civil defense (50% Motivated by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
erroneously believe that the United States has a civil defense), and and a recent court decision, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has
Congress continues, even today, to spend about $400 million annu- decided to assess a $62,100 annual fee for each of these reactors in the
ally on civil defense for themselves and other bureaucrats and politi- form of an immediate bill for $124,200 for 1993 and 1994. This will
cians. Yet most politicians consider civil defense to be a dead issue, cause many research reactors to close.
because they believe that the public doesnt want it. Elsewhere, Clinton plans the closure of Americas last fast breeder
This dichotomy apparently exists for nuclear power, too. The reactor, the experimental Integral Fast Breeder in Idaho.
Atom, July / August 1993, 429, pp 25-27 reports a survey of Ameri- No doubt the closure of research and experimental reactors is what
can opinion about nuclear power by the US Council for Energy Clinton meant when he promised to stimulate Americas technologi-
Awareness. In answer to the question, Practically speaking, how im- cal competitiveness.
portant a role do you think nuclear energy should play in meeting To facilitate more such hands-on technological direction, Clinton
Americas future energy needs?, 73% of ordinary Americans an- is creating a new National Science and Technology Council to over-
swered quite important or very important. 72% of US opinion see all U. S. science and technology. This way central planning can
leaders, from legislators to the media, answered quite important or assure that innovation doesnt slip through the cracks and reach the
very important to the same question. market anyway regardless of government policy.
Yet, in guessing the response of ordinary Americans, only 25% of Perhaps, when the smoke clears in Moscow, retainer Gore can ar-
these same opinion leaders expected an important role response range to buy nuclear technology from the Third World.


l A ban on the bovine growth hormone, rbGH, was enacted as
part of the Clinton economic package. See Nature 364, 12 August
1993, p. 565. Even the FDA has said, since 1985, that this hormone is
safe for human consumption. The ban was included, because this hor-
mone increases milk yields by 5 to 25%. This would cause milk
prices to drop thereby increasing federal subsidy expenditures and
probably eliminating marginal milk producers.
These are not inferred reasons; these are the actual reasons given
by our government for this ban. They are deliberately banning less
expensive milk and thereby reducing milk consumption by American
children in order to protect jobs in agriculture and in the U. S. Ag-
riculture Department. Do we really want these same people to control
our medical care?
l The new goal of the pseudoenvironmentalists and, in the spirit
of their call for a total ban on chlorine, is the establishment of core
reserves off limits to all people and stripped of all human artifacts as
reported in Conservations Ecocentrics by E. Pennisi, Science
News, 144, September 11, 1993, pp 168-170.
These core ecosystems are to consist of at least half of the land
area of the contiguous 48 states! All dams, power lines, and other
OZONE PROPORTIONALITY human structures would be removed from these areas. This is seri-
ously being proposed by, for example, Dave Forman of Earth First
Shown above is the global average ozone concentration from sat-
ellite data taken between latitudes 69 north and 69 south during the and Mark Shaffer of The Wilderness Society. One Reed Noss,
past decade. The ripple is caused by seasonal variations in solar radia- billed as an Oregon conservation biologist, has already turned a
tion. Overall drift through the solar minimum in 1986 is also evident. profit from this proposal. He is receiving $150,000 from the Pew
The difference between this graph and most others you may have Charitable Trusts for a three year effort to promote this proposal.
seen is that the data has been replotted by Zachary Robinson, so that
the ozone axis goes all the way to zero. GOOD READING
While it is acceptable to show part of an axis in order to enhance
the fine structure of data when that structure is of interest, it is remark- l Sallie Baliunas and Robert Jastrow, to appear in Energy: The
able how often the antitechnologists leave off the bottom part of International Journal, preprint No. 3671 available from Harvard
graphs for psychological impact. Smithsonian Center for Astro Physics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge,
Would this graph, which places ozone variations in their proper MA 02138 entitled Evidence on the Climate Impact of Solar Vari-
perspective, induce the average American to pay a large financial ations. This is further research to the effect that it is probably the
penalty to replace his refrigerator, freezer, and air conditioner? variable sun that keeps our planet variably warm rather than fluctua-
tions in donations to the Sierra Club.
l Larry Abraham and Franklin Sanders, The Greening, Sound-
TOO GOOD TO FILE view Publications, Atlanta Georgia (1993) ISBN 0-9626646-2-6.
While it will not be politically effective to fight the pseudoenviron-
l An article by Robert Shields, Nature, September 23, 365 pp
297-298 which begins with the sentence: It is a sobering thought mentalists with conspiracy theories, this 296 page book contains
that the size of the human genome is the same as that of maize and lies enough interesting facts to make it well worth reading.
midway between that of potato and pea. This one observation may l Bruce N. Ames, Science and the Environment, The Free-
explain many of our difficulties. man, 43, September 1993, pp 343-344. A brief summary of the non-
l Hugh W. Ellsaesser in 21st Century, Summer 1993, pp 12-13 problem of man-made pesticides. Highlights of this report are the
shows that the Russian H-bomb tests in 1961 and 1962 did not notice- increase in natural pesticides in organic agriculture and the esti-
ably reduce atmospheric ozone. An ozone minimum occurred in the mate of relative risk (absolute risk is very low). Natural pesticides are
mid-1960s probably as a result of a corresponding minimum in the estimated to pose a 10,000 times greater risk than synthetic pesticides.
11 year solar cycle. l Read these three together: P. H. Abelson, Science, 261, p 407;
Ignoring the solar cycle and in order to claim that the 1986 mini- D. E. Koshland, Jr., Science, 261, p 531; and R. Stone, Science, 261,
mum is unusual, the Chicken Littles of ozone politics have been add- pp 1514-1516. Entitled respectively: Toxic Terror; Phantom
ing non-existent ozone to the experimental values from the 1960s. Risks, Making Wolves Lovable, and EPA Analysis of Radon
They justify this data inflation by claiming that Russian nuclear in Water is Hard to Swallow, these articles offer entertainment and
tests artificially reduced the values. In serious science this sort of non- information about growth limits that apply even to green prophets.
sense is called by its real name, and those who practice it find other The information is that the nonscience of pseudoenvironmentalism
employment. is beginning to seriously rankle even the politically correct bastions of
l B. Wuethrich, Science News, 144, p 134 gives the estimate that the AAAS. Now how about an article critical of the millions in tax
one-half the methane released into the atmosphere is from wetlands. dollars for research their readers have been receiving in exchange
This reminds me of the Wall Street Journal report last year that, in for playing along with enviropropagandists?
a study of squirrels that are deemed more important than an Arizona
Observatory, squirrel observers had watched in horror as one of their ACCESS TO ENERGY
special squirrels was eaten by a spotted owl.
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
l The Stockowners News, 17, September 1993 available from Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
PO Box 65563, Washington, D.C. 20053 documents their calculation monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double,
that total taxes on major U.S. corporations in 1992 equaled 280% of US tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
common stockowners earnings. Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
DECEMBER 1993 (Vol. 21, no. 4) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1993 by Access to Energy

Dollars and Nonsense

Today the nonsense of pseudoenvironmentalism is controlling the In order for envirogroup tactics to work and receive attention, their
American national agenda. Our logging industry is being shut down; programs must have tacit public support. How are they generating
our nuclear power industry is stagnating; our hydrocarbon fueled en- that support with such a small budget? They are not. In fact, they are
ergy system is under serious attack; our chemical industry is in dan- not even coordinating the effort. Public misconceptions about the en-
ger; and our entire technological infrastructure is being seriously vironment are being created primarily by businesses that make up
weakened by the mythology of the enviroagitators. our $5 trillion economy. These businesses do so for the purpose of
The seriousness of this crisis can be seen in the audacious nature of making money now. They have little interest in the past or the future.
new programs that are being initiated by some of the large enviro- Paper recycling is a prime example. All across America businesses
opportunists. These include proposals to confiscate over half of the are clamoring to inform the public that their containers, advertising,
land mass of the United States for wilderness areas, to ban all use of and products contain recycled paper. If the product has no paper, they
chlorine in the chemical industry, and to abrogate most real estate say that it can be pulverized and recycled anyway. Costs, they assure
property rights in the United States in the name of national biological us, are secondary their concern about the environment is paramount.
survey and control. This latter effort by Clinton and Babbitt is meet- While ordering unrecycled paper for Access to Energy (which will
ing opposition in Congress, but how long will the opposition hold? become increasingly difficult to do), I noticed a can of 3-M Corpora-
Al Gore has now hitched his entire political career to this enviro- tion Spray Mount Artists Adhesive. How could I fail to notice? The
mania. Sure, he lacks principles. So do many American politicians. In print was in red and yellow and was as large as the Access to Energy
his world of power politics, they ask only has this brought him masthead: 100% FREE Of Ozone Depleting Chemicals. Isobu-
power. So far it has made him Vice-President of the United States. tane, pentane, heptane, propane, acetone and presumably adhesive
Considerable attention is focused on the multitude of so-called were in the can. This true ad is false by omission and false in its
public interest groups in this movement. From the big players like the implications about the environment and about competing products.
Sierra Club and Green Peace to the small local organizations, thou- Even some of the most effective fighters against the enviroradicals
sands of envirogroups are participants in this feeding frenzy at the lose their heads when they start advertising. The summer 1993 issue
public trough a trough that is rapidly being filled with the decapi- of Evergreen, an excellent lumber industry magazine, crows that
tated remains of an industrial capability built by several generations of wood use produces less carbon dioxide than the equivalent aluminum
hard-working Americans. and steel in building framing and wastes less energy during manufac-
What is this generation of Americans doing while their future liv- turing. The September 1993 issue of Nuclear Energy Info from the
ing standards and freedom are being consumed at this feast? Part of pro-nuclear U.S. Council for Energy Awareness trumpets Nuclear
them are applauding and most of the rest are standing by in embar- Energys Role in Cutting U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions.
rassed silence. Only a few too few yet to be politically effective Lets call this PROFTPL, profiting from the perceived lie. With
are saying stop. the ad departments of tens of thousands of American enterprises
It is popular among those few to focus on the significant financial spending billions of dollars to cut each others throats by advertising
resources of the envirogroups. Estimates vary in the range of $500 claimed advantages relative to the latest envirolies, the envirogroups
million to $1 billion annually. After junk mail expenses and operating themselves need only to sit back, snicker, boost their personal salaries
costs, however, it is unlikely that these groups have much more than another notch, and dream up the next lie. In fact, they dont even need
$300 million annually with which to influence public opinion. More- to invent the lies. Somewhere there is yet another failing scientist
over, they are selling lies. Lies sell, but advertising costs are higher. ready to distort the implications of his work to stay in business.
How can a budget of $300 million (probably less) convince 250 The next time a business telephone puts you on hold and then
million people in a $5 trillion economy to act against their own self- plays a recording about their recycling campaign hang up. The next
interests on the basis of largely false information? It cannot. time an employee suggests a marketing strategy that depends upon a
Of course, these groups do more than advertise. They stage contin- perceived falsehood, fire him.
ual media events to attract news coverage; they file endless lawsuits The children wont let me shop at Walmart any more, because the
against productive enterprises; and they misuse regulatory agencies density of enviroadvertising there is much higher than in other local
through the filing of numerous petitions. These actions all require stores. The kids are right. They are too unsophisticated to understand
complicity, however, from other organizations in our society the about keeping our principles in one pocket and our money in another.
press, the judiciary, and the regulatory bureaucracy. These organiza- When American business advertising stops promoting the lies of
tions are also in the business of remaining in business, and they are pseudoenvironmentalism, only then will the truth about our environ-
composed of people who must live with their fellow citizens. ment be able to set us and our plants and animals free.
peace keeping may be tomorrows terrorist, and he may be equipped
PEACEFUL NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVES FOR ENERGY with very dangerous technology.
Recently Sam Cohen sent me a brief account of a new sort of nu-
Sam Cohen is best known as the inventor of the neutron bomb clear power plant that he thinks is now possible. You may wish to
an accomplishment that has brought him the admiration of many compare this idea with the new nuclear power idea described by Ed-
Americans and the enmity of a few. He is also known for his advo- ward Teller in the October Access to Energy. Both men propose un-
cacy of a libertarian foreign policy. The interventionist games Ameri- derground nuclear power plants. Which idea is more politically
can politicians like to play with the affairs of other countries are often correct?
fundamentally wrong. Sam Cohen points out that, with the great ad- Sam Cohen writes:
vances in mass destruction technology, foreign intervention has also The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signed in 1968 was
become very dangerous. Todays unfortunate victim of American well intended. However, like many accords formulated to check
weapons of mass destruction, it did not fully take technical progress and for the Pacer explosives, the great bulk, about 85%, is released in
into account as it related to monitoring such agreements. the form of very high energy neutrons. For a burst of such a device in
In the nuclear explosives area, programs had been established in a relatively low density medium and for a 10 ton TNT equivalent
the 1950s in the US and USSR aimed toward developing pure-fu- yield, the blast component of such an explosion would be only about
sion devices that unlike other devices used no fissile materials (ura- 1 ton (0.001 KT). To contain such an explosion underground would
nium-235 and plutonium). Instead, they banked on being able to require a reinforced sphere approximately 10 meters in diameter and
ignite very small amounts of heavy hydrogen, deuterium and tritium some tens of meters deep. In between bursts, the explosives, which
(which must be produced in nuclear reactors through the absorption might weigh on the order of pounds, would be lowered into the center
of neutrons in lithium). Such explosives held the potential for being of the cavity. Getting into qualitative specifics (and keep in mind that
extremely cheap, the tritium cost being orders of magnitude less than this discussion is not based on detailed calculations, for all the obvi-
the plutonium (also produced by neutron absorption in reactors) used ous reasons, but rather to present the general nature of the system), the
in a fission weapon. In addition, such explosives, known as clean chamber would be filled with carbon dioxide gas at very high pres-
devices, would release levels of radioactivity essentially insignificant sure. Also in the chamber at the time of burst would be a vapor of an
compared with that from fission explosives. appropriate lithium (specifically lithium-6) compound say lithium
By the time the NPT was consummated, the U.S. pure-fusion nitrate, which vaporizes at low temperatures.
program had been unsuccessful and expectations were it would re- The purpose of the carbon dioxide is to slow down and absorb
main so, which has been the case so far. (That is, at least in the U.S.; the energy of the neutrons emitted by the burst, but not to absorb the
on the Russian side they stopped reporting more than 30 years ago, neutrons. The absorption of the reduced energy neutrons will be prin-
and we simply dont know what they have accomplished.) cipally in the lithium, which has a very high propensity for such ab-
As a consequence, the monitoring constraints contained in the sorption and which will result in the production of helium and tritium.
NPT concerned only fissionable materials. No mention was made of In effect, this scheme is analogous to how tritium normally is made,
tritium and insofar as using it in peaceful explosives, in no way was through neutron absorption in a fission reactor, except that it
this forbidden. In fact, such application was considered an inalien- can be more cheap and efficient.
able right. At a much greater frequency than Pacer, the pure-fusion device
During the 1960s and 1970s, the U.S. maintained a peaceful ex- would be lowered into the chamber and detonated. The hot gas would
plosives program, entitled PLOWSHARE. One particular effort, Pro- be piped out of the chamber and through a heat exchanger to produce
ject Pacer, explored by the Los Alamos laboratory, envisaged the steam, which in turn would drive a turbogenerator to produce electric-
underground bursts, several times a day, of explosive devices having ity. Or the gas could be used to heat up large volumes of water, which
a yield of about 20 kilotons, where a relatively small fraction of the could be dispatched to residential or industrial areas for heating pur-
yield came from a fission trigger which ignited thermonuclear fuel poses as a substitute for natural gas, oil and electricity. (With respect
which in turn very substantially reduced the overall radioactive con- to the explosive yield, there is nothing specific about the 10 tons TNT
tamination problem. Such devices would be burst in large steam- equivalent used here as an example. It readily could be tens of tons,
filled underground chambers. The superheated steam would then be the limitation on yield being a function of the cost of the containment
piped to the surface and used to generate electricity in a conventional problem, plus the political tolerance of explosions, however safe they
manner. Preliminary calculations indicated this approach held consid- may be, that take place in the vicinity of the areas where the energy is
erable economic potential. However, so great was the political resis- to be used. But for now this is a matter of conjecture, since we are
tance to bursts of such large yield and the accompanying production discussing a scheme which has never received public and political
of such huge amounts of long-lived radioactivity that the project came scrutiny.)
to an inglorious ending. For technically unsupportable reasons, but reasons that cannot be
As for the pure-fusion devices the US and USSR had explored, dismissed in the real world where nuclear fission power has been re-
yields on the order of 10 tons (0.0l KT) were of interest; namely, jected by millions of Americans, producing power with fission reac-
thousands-fold less than the Los Alamos scheme. Aside from the po- tors hardly has been an economic bonanza. To be sure, nuclear power
tentially low cost and lack of serious radioactivity, such explosives generation has proved to be cheaper than coal and natural gas, but not
readily could be adapted to small inexpensive containment vessels all that much on the order of 30 to 50 percent. (However, this has to
and in a different fashion their energy release could be harnessed not be tempered when we consider the number of facilities that have been
only for electrical power production, but efficient heat production as closed down or not even opened after construction has been com-
well, plus having the same function of a nuclear breeder reactor where pleted.) Now this difference between nuclear and chemical power
the explosive could produce as much tritium as it uses making the production still is quite significant when one calculates relative costs
nuclear cost essentially a function of the process used to recover the over long periods of time i.e., decades where the cost differential
tritium produced; intrinsically simpler and cheaper than processing can amount to hundreds of billions of dollars, to say nothing of the
plutonium in breeder reactors. difference in atmospheric pollution. This is a huge sum of money,
In recent years a new class of chemical explosives, which do not comparable to the taxpayers money wasted by the S&L bailout.
behave like normal explosives, have been under development. These On the other hand, who can predict how many nuclear power
promise to provide much higher concentrations of energy in small plant closings will occur to erode or even reverse this difference?
volumes than regular high explosives. This process, based on so- How many additional reactor closings will take place as the politics of
called ballotechnic technology, involves subjecting certain materials radioactive waste disposal become more and more restrictive? There
to high pressure shock compression, resulting in chemical reactions are no hard answers to these questions, but our experience so far,
which give rise to those high energy concentrations. Based on state- aided and abetted by environmentalist pressures on politicians, does
ments coming from Russia, which unlike the U.S. has been quite not bode well for the future of fission power regardless of reactor de-
open about their nuclear development program (ours effectively has sign improvements which promise large improvements in safety and
ceased), there are reasons to believe this technology can be used to efficiency. Adding to this the utter impossibility of making accurate
ignite very small quantities of deuterium and tritium to produce, in long-term economic predictions, there should be an increasing incen-
effect, a mini neutron bomb. As for the size and weight of the explo- tive to explore and promote new and different nuclear energy
sive, the potential exists for far smaller and lighter devices than nu- schemes. One such scheme should be the use of low-yield pure-fusion
clear explosives developed to date. For such a device, the energy explosives.
partition is practically the converse of what happens in a fission ex- Is the U.S. seriously investigating this prospective? Of course
plosive. Instead of most of the energy going into physical effects, as not! Despite all the prospective advantages of this scheme, in terms of
was the case for the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki U.S. nuclear policy a nuclear explosive, regardless of its application,
is still a nuclear explosive and can be used for peaceful and military This work has demonstrated that the ongoing increase in global
applications. As Gertrude Stein might have put it, A bomb is a bomb plant and animal life has been caused by increases in carbon dioxide
is a bomb. Even though pure-fusion explosives may not be covered from industrial activity. The three figures on this page show effects
by the NPT, there still would be an outcry by nuclear arms control that carbon dioxide increases have had on trees in the United States.
advocates that such a development, as peaceful and harmless as it
may be, still is a threat to mankind. Despite the NPT avowal that
peaceful applications of the Atom are an inalienable right, this right
will be challenged, in the name of peace. But then the same thing
might have been said when Alfred Nobel, of the Nobel Peace Prize,
invented dynamite, which has been used to dig canals, mine ores, etc.
and blow people and cities to smithereens. Even though these de-
vices used as mini neutron bombs in wars would allow a far more
moral prosecution (by both sides) of war than high explosive weap-
ons, U.S. policy still regards all battlefield nuclear weapons as basi-
cally immoral and to a degree where our stockpile of these weapons,
including neutron bombs, is being demolished. So, to repeat, dont
expect the U.S. government to take this scheme seriously, at least for
the time being.
On the other hand, although we do not take nuclear weapon de-
velopment seriously any more, we do have a right to conduct research
and even testing of the device discussed here. So does any other na-
tion, and it is quite possible that any other number of nations may be The first figure gives total growing hardwood and softwood timber
working on pure-fusion explosives whose testing cannot be detected in the United States according to Forest Statistics of the United States,
and identified from outside the country. Nor would the preparation of U.S. Forest Service (1987) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 319 S.W. Pine
a test site be observable by any technical intelligence, since the re- Street, P.O. Box 3890, Portland, OR 97208, compiled by K.L. Wad-
quired facilities are so modest in size and preparation. But apart from dell, D.D. Oswald, & D.S. Powell. The values are 610243, 659343,
what other nations may be up to, we should at least give thought to 693976, 725054, and 755996 million cubic feet for the years 1952,
such a scheme and its economic promise. Not to do so would be neg- 1962, 1970, 1977, and 1987 respectively. I have drawn the figure and
ligent and even foolhardy, considering our mounting energy prob- least squares line which gives a 1958 to 1993 increase of 23%.
A few years ago when claims were made by two respected scien-
tists that a cold fusion experiment had been successful, the world
went into a frenzy of excitement. But that turned out to be inaccurate,
and the world felt terribly let down that the Promised Land of cheap
and safe nuclear energy hadnt been reached. For decades before that,
and still going on, there had been a massive (and massively expen-
sive) program going on at various laboratories to develop techniques
for hot fusion energy produced without nuclear explosions. So obvi-
ously what seems to bother our government and millions of Ameri-
cans is that theres nothing really wrong with cheap, clean nuclear
energy provided it doesnt come from a bang, no matter how small.
Are there any rational answers to this irrational dilemma? Perhaps,
but they havent emerged so far and theyre not very likely to; for that
would call for irrational people becoming rational.
Correspondence with Sam Cohen can be addressed to him at
13241 Riviera Ranch Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90049.

MORE TREES Long-lived pine trees are especially useful indicators, since they
provide long baselines with which to compare recent tree growth.
The November 1993 Access to Energy discussed laboratory work Therefore, Donald A. Graybill and Sherwood B. Idso, Global Bio-
on increased growth of plants as a function of increasing atmospheric geochemical Cycles, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 81-95 (1993) have measured
carbon dioxide levels from the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas. tree-ring growth in long-lived pine trees at 14 locations in California,
Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona. From 15 to 30 trees at each location
were cored with 4.5 mm diameter bores about 4 feet from the ground.
Widths of tree-rings in these cores were measured to 0.01 mm. Stand-
ard corrections and population normalization were applied to these
measurements. The second figure shows smoothed 20-year averages
of these normalized widths beginning in 150 AD; the third shows nor-
malized measurements of Bristlecone Pine beginning in 1680.
The greatly increased growth rates of these pine trees which ex-
actly parallel the industrial production of carbon dioxide during the
past century is obvious. Moreover, it is known that animal popula-
tions increase in direct proportion to plant populations.
The industrial age has caused an explosive increase in the earths
plants and animals by means of increasing atmospheric CO2.
Babbitt, Clinton, Gore, and their pseudoenvironmentalist retainers
want to stop these trends. They favor only politically correct plants
and animals those not produced by productive human activity.
prise Institute, Wall Street Journal, November 10, 1993.
VITAMIN R ? Many of those who obeyed the current bureaucratic rules of the
Endangered Species Act and complied with threatening letters from
A human vitamin is an organic substance that is required for life USFWS saw their homes burned to the ground, while those who
(usually in small quantities) and yet not manufactured by human bio- cleared brush and weeds regardless of those threats still have their
chemistry. Essential minerals are in a separate category as are sub- homes. Fire officials had warned for more than a year that the areas
stances of value to health but not essential. Many of these substances around these homes needed clearing, but USFWS prevented action.
are under governmental regulatory attack. Now that $1 billion worth of homes and the protected rats and
It may be time to generalize this nomenclature and make it politi- gnatcatchers have all been incinerated, a new enviroargument has
cally correct. We propose that vitamins henceforth include those sub- erupted. California officials and property owners want to seed the
stances that are beneficial to health in small amounts and that are burned areas with grass to prevent winter erosion and mud slides. The
under attack by federal bureaucrats. Under this definition, radon may enviros are fighting this, because it might slow regrowth of the brush
soon be listed as a vitamin. The EPA now warns that all homes should and weeds that fed the fires.
have radon levels under 4 pCi per L and that all homes with higher In a preview, however, of the wisdom the Administration will
levels should be modified to achieve lower radon levels. bring to socialized medicine, Interior Secretary Babbitt called the car-
Bernard L. Cohen, Health Physics, Vol. 65, No. 5, pp 529-531 nage in California a model of ecosystem management and
(1993) and elsewhere as quoted by T. D. Luckey, Health Physics So- stated that The lesson of these fires is that weve got to keep the
ciety Newsletter, Vol 21, No 11, pp 6-7 (1993) has compiled cancer people away from the fire hazard.
data on 1,729 U.S. counties as a function of average radon levels in l The Boston Herald, Sept. 30, 1993, p 35 by Don Feder reports a
the homes. He finds a correlation between lung cancer and radon that speech by Clintons new appointee as goodwill ambassador to the
is independent of smoking and is almost as strong as the correlation United Nations Population Fund, Jane Fonda. Hanoi Janes remarks
between lung cancer and smoking. These correlations are, however, were consistent with her reputation as an enemy of human freedom.
in opposite directions! Lung cancer decreases with increase in radon.

l The atmospheric ozone figure on page 4 of the November 1993
Access to Energy was redrawn from the paper by J. R. Herman, et al.,
J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 96, (1991) the same source used for the
ozone figure on page 3 of the December 1991 Access to Energy.
l An anomaly in the annual increase in carbon dioxide of about
1.5% per year has been observed in Hawaii during 1993 by D. Keel-
ing. See summary by J. L. Sarmiento, Nature, Vol. 65, No. 6448, p.
697 (1993). This anomaly essentially canceled the expected annual
increase, at least in Hawaii. This is being attributed to the eruption of
Mount Pinatubo possibly through its fertilization of oceanic plants.


l Radiant Science, Dark Politics by Martin D. Kamen, University
of California Press, ISBN 0-520-04929-2. This book is a fascinating
account of the beginnings of the nuclear age by the discoverer of
carbon 14, who experienced both the excitement and the political hor-
ror. That horror resulted in the injustice that Martin Kamen is the only
living nuclear scientist with such an important discovery who has not
received the Nobel Prize. Professor Kamen is also known for his
many contributions to tracer methods and to photosynthesis research.
l Reclaiming the American Right, The Lost Legacy of the Con-
Correlation does not prove causality. This data does not prove re- servative Movement by Justin Raimondo, Center for Libertarian Stud-
duction in radon will increase lung cancer (although it probably will). ies, PO Box 4091, Burlingame, CA 94011, ISBN 1-883959-00-4.
Virtually the entire EPA regulatory monstrosity is built, however, on l Time to Draw the Line by Jane Orient, MD, AAPS News,
correlational arguments. By their rules, their own radon recommenda- November 1993, available from Association of American Physicians
tions, if used by most Americans, would cause (3)(10-4)(250)(106)= and Surgeons, 1601 N. Tucson Blvd. #9, Tucson, AZ 85716. If the
75,000 American deaths per year from lung cancer. Clinton drive toward socialized medicine fails, much credit will be
Luckey is only partly right when he asks, Is the EPA a carcino- due to AAPS, which has provided the most principled and effective
gen? As future issues of Access to Energy will discuss, the EPA has opposition from the medical community.
become one of the greatest dangers to human life in America today l Environmental Radioactivity: A perspective on industrial con-
tributions by M.S. Baxter, IAEA Bulletin, 2, pp 33-38 (1993). This
STARK RAVING MAD is a review of radioactivity levels and sources from natural back-
ground and major industries. This information should be in every
l Not satisfied with their policy of letting our national parks burn grade school science book in America.
(visit Yellowstone for a look at the effects of this enlightened policy),
the ecocrats now promote the burning of residential housing as well. ACCESS TO ENERGY
Numerous reports from homeowners, fire departments, and forestry
officials in California confirm that the California gnatcatcher and the Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Stephens kangaroo rat were protected by the U.S Fish and Wild- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
life Service whose bureaucrats threatened fines and imprisonment for monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
anyone clearing brush or weeds in many of the areas recently burned Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
by wildfires. See, for example, I. C. Sugg of the Competitive Enter- Cumul. Index Sept. 1973 to Aug. 1992, $20.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JANUARY 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 5) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Cargo Cult Science

Many years ago Richard Feynman gave a Caltech commencement It was then, in medical research, that I learned why Feynman had
address entitled, Cargo Cult Science. The ideas Feynman articu- given his lecture about the Cargo Cults.
lated in that address are even more relevant today than they were Medical research is generally difficult. The human is the worst,
when he expressed them to a class of graduating Caltech students. most uncooperative, and most complicated experimental animal one
One statement that Feynman made the one that I have remem- can choose. The primitive nature of medical knowledge limits most
bered most often over the years is that a scientists highest obliga- experiments to simple, time-consuming, and expensive procedures.
tion is to prove himself wrong. Medical research has, however, a moral purpose the optimization of
The Cargo Cults were formed by primitive natives who wished to the quality and quantity of human life. It was this moral purpose that
encourage the return to their villages of many good and wonderful attracted an idealistic and inexperienced young scientist.
things that had come when airplanes had flown to and from makeshift In basic research I hoped to learn facts sooner than my competi-
airstrips near them. The airplanes indeed seemed miraculous, since tors, while in medical research I hoped that my competitors would
they arrived from a culture so far advanced technologically that the make discoveries faster than did I. Any time thus saved could be
natives were unable to comprehend it. Moreover, the airplanes measured in human lives. Also, there were many areas of medical
brought various remarkable items that could make native life easier knowledge in which we could obviously make substantial progress.
and more enjoyable. Idealism, however, is not sufficient protection from the brutality of
These natives had limited data about the natural phenomenon they human nature. I learned that the closer science moves to research that
wished to encourage the return of the gift-laden airplanes. They fo- is immediately applicable to human affairs, the less attention is paid
cused upon that part of their data which suggested the results they to fundamental principles such as intellectual honesty. Politics,
wished to obtain. This selected part they then analyzed by correla- power, notoriety, money especially in this political era of rampag-
tional arguments. The result has been a source of amusement for ing government power become far more important than truth.
many intellectuals in our advanced culture. I had entered a world in which I saw young careers crushed in or-
The natives noticed that the airplanes were correlated with airstrips der to prevent publication of politically embarrassing data, laboratory
which had various distinguishing features. They therefore attempted results falsified with the direct complicity of the highest National In-
to bring back the airplanes by reproducing the appearance of the air- stitute of Health officials, and huge research programs driven by
strips from indigenous building materials including mock buildings everything except the search for truth. And science, the science that
and even mock radio transmitters constructed from local vegetation. remained, often descended to the level of the Cargo Cults.
They rejected all evidence contrary to their hypothesis. Eventually, The science and engineering of energy production is suffering this
native leaders were given visits to modern civilization. Even then, same debilitating human element of intellectual dishonesty today.
they rejected overwhelming evidence contrary to their original hy- The phenomenon of pseudoenvironmentalism has been virtually cre-
pothesis and the cult they had created surrounding it. Contrary evi- ated to take advantage of intellectual dishonesty in science. Repeat-
dence was not beneficial to the self-interests of Cult leaders. edly, we see techniques of the Cargo Cults on all sides of the issues.
As a young scientist, I found it unthinkable to ignore data because Some people are addicted to the truth. They often make mistakes,
it was inconvenient or to argue that mere correlation between two pa- but they want to know of those mistakes, so they can be corrected.
rameters proved a causal link between them. I didnt learn these and Petr Beckmann started Access to Energy, because he wanted more
related principles from lectures or books. I learned them as most people to share this addiction. It is, however, an addiction that can be
higher principles are taught by example. During my undergraduate very hazardous to ones professional health.
years at Caltech (1959-1963) and later graduate studies I was sur- Our American national policy in 1993 is not being driven by truth.
rounded by people of high intellectual integrity. When I read Feyn- It is being driven by power, money, prestige, and politics. More often
mans lecture in the late 1960s, I found it interesting but not very than not, Cargo Cult Science is called upon to justify policies that are
relevant to my world the world of basic research in physical and inconsistent with the truth. This is not new. It is a fundamental prob-
biological chemistry. Feynman, however, knew about another world. lem that always arises when science gets close to human affairs.
As a result of several unusual opportunities, adequate ability, and Many members of the Access to Energy family share an addiction
hard work, I was given a faculty position at the age of 25 at the Uni- to the truth even though our own human natures keep tugging us
versity of California at San Diego immediately after completing my away from it. Many first-rate scientists solve this problem by with-
PhD work at that University and with no postdoctoral work. Later, drawing from human affairs back into basic research.
Linus Pauling and I cofounded a research institute which became the I believe that truth can triumph in human affairs. This is a belief. If
Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine. At age 32, I became that I claim that it is also a reasonable expectation, I too am engaging in
Institutes President and Research Director. Cargo Cult Science. The world is awash in data contrary to this belief.
hoped for by the referees who approved this publication. That it con-
OZONE AND ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT tains errors, however, does not permit us to ignore everything in the
paper. To illustrate, I will discuss below this and two other recent
The ozone crisis has lurched sideways another few paces with publications by authors strongly predisposed toward the prevailing
the publication by J. B. Kerr and C. T. McElroy, Science, Vol. 262, dogmas of ozone depletion.
pp 1032-1034 (1993) entitled Evidence for Large Upward Trends In order to converge on the truth, we must come to terms with each
of Ultraviolet-B Radiation Linked to Ozone Depletion. This article research paper that we read regardless of whether or not its authors
from Toronto is preceded in the issue of Science by two summary have made errors. Even if we ultimately decide to ignore even the raw
articles heralding the new discovery. Most readers will ingest the data itself as falsified or unreliable (not justified in the papers below),
summaries and skim the full article an outcome that must be dearly this decision must be carefully rational and not visceral.
J. W. Waters, Engineering and Science (Caltech), pp 3-13 (sum- Evidence and arguments contrary to this hypothesis are:
mer 1993) entitled The Chlorine Threat to Stratospheric Ozone 1. Correlation does not prove causality. It has not been shown that
gives a beautiful four-color history of the saga of ozone vs. man. the additional chlorine from man-made sources is causing additional
Initiated by M. J. Molina & F. S. Rowland, Nature Vol. 249, pp 810- destruction of ozone. Ozone is highly reactive. It is both being pro-
812 (1974), this hypothesis has grown to the following state: duced and destroyed at high rates naturally. It is unproved that CFCs
1. Carbon compounds of chlorine and fluorine, CFCs, are released have shifted the steady state concentration of ozone, although it is rea-
by industrial activity and ascend into the stratosphere where they min- sonable to postulate that this might happen. There is unfortunately no
gle with the ozone layer about 10 miles above the earths surface. historical record with which to compare recent ozone fluctuations.
This ozone (O3) layer is produced by the absorption by oxygen (O2) 2. The 50% reduction of ozone during some months over Antarc-
of UV light in the wavelengths between 1600 and 2400 . This tica may not be caused by CFCs. G. Dobson (for whom the standard
produced ozone then absorbs longer wavelength UV and thereby re- unit of ozone concentration is named) wrote (Applied Optics, March
duces UV radiation in wavelengths up to about 3200 . Ozone thus 1968), ....the values for September and October 1956 were about
broadens the energy range of absorbed UV radiation. Radiation in 150 units lower than we expected. We naturally thought that Evans
these wavelengths is not eliminated by ozone and oxygen it is re- had made some large mistake or that, in spite of checking just before
duced. Plants and animals are designed to live under this oxygen and leaving England, the instrument had developed some fault. In No-
ozone shield and would be adversely affected if it were to disappear. vember, the ozone values suddenly jumped up to those expected from
2. CFCs also absorb UV light to make chlorine atoms which react the Spitzbergen results. It was not until a year later, when the same
with ozone to produce chlorine monoxide and oxygen. Chlorine mon- type of annual variations was repeated, that we realized that the early
oxide reacts with atomic oxygen to release reactive chlorine atoms results were indeed correct and that Halley Bay showed most interest-
which then destroy more ozone in a cycle that repeats until the chlo- ing difference from other parts of the world. It was clear that the win-
rine is eliminated by other atmospheric reactions. This happens to a ter vortex over the South Pole was maintained late into the spring and
small extent throughout the ozone layer, but it is markedly accelerated that this kept the ozone values low. This reduction of ozone by 150
on the surfaces of ice clouds which form during part of the year over Dobson units is about 50% observed by Dobson in the 1950s and
the antarctic and occasionally over the arctic regions. Predicted CFC before any significant industrial release of CFCs into the atmosphere.
caused thinning of the world averaged ozone layer is about 5% , while 3. It is not established that reductions in ozone must be correlated
thinning in ice cloud regions is about 50%. with increases in UV light at the earths surface. For example, ozone
3. Any thinning of ozone permits additional UV light to reach the concentration fluctuates with solar intensity (see, for example, No-
earth where it may be harmful to plants and animals. It is estimated vember Access to Energy), because ozone is produced by solar UV
that a 5% decrease in ozone would lead to 100,000 additional skin radiation. J. Scotto, G. Cotton, F. Urbach, D. Berger, and T. Fears,
cancer cases per year in the United States. Therefore, industrial use of Science, Vol. 239, p. 762 (1988) found that UV radiation at test sta-
CFCs should be prohibited regardless of the fact that this prohibition tions in the United States decreased as ozone decreased. As solar ra-
will probably cost several hundred billion dollars. diation decreased toward the solar minimum in 1986, stratospheric
Scientific support for this hypothesis is as follows: ozone decreased about 0.5% per year, while UV light decreased about
1. There is a strong correlation between regions of high chlorine 1.5% per year. Apparently the trend in ozone in the early 1980s was
monoxide concentration and low ozone concentration in the strato- caused by fluctuations in solar activity or other factors that work in a
sphere. (See the J.W. Waters article for several pages of remarkable direction opposite to the postulated CFC effect.
satellite measurements of this in living color.) 4. The estimates of increased cancer risk (see, for example, S. Ma-
2. CFCs are found in the stratosphere along with chlorine com- dronich and F. R. de Gruijl, Nature, Vol. 366, p. 23 (1993)) assume
pounds from natural sources. Although only a very small part of at- that human behavior is constant regardless of sun intensity and that
mospheric chlorine is from CFCs, measurements indicate that humans are now receiving more UV radiation than is compatible with
disproportionately large amounts of CFCs reach the stratosphere. optimum health. There is, however, a literature on the possible bio-
3. The chemical reactions upon which these hypotheses depend logical benefits of UV radiation. Although it is likely that over-expo-
are well known and do occur under the conditions of interest. sure to the sun resulting in deep tans and burns is not healthful due to
4. Measurements in Antarctica have recorded a progressive deple- skin cancer and other potential harmful effects, it is quite possible that
tion of ozone in ice cloud regions during the past decade. This deple- under-exposure to UV light as a result of modern customs of indoor
tion, allowing for fluctuations, is approximately 50%. All such large work and recreation is also harmful and that people are currently un-
depletions have been observed only over unpopulated regions, but der-exposed. Our home at 42N, for example, has UV transmitting
these depletions are potential evidence for the overall hypothesis. plastic skylights and UV electric lights to make up for indoor losses.
5. Skin cancer, especially non-fatal types, is caused by UV light. The optimum healthful human exposure to UV light is unknown.
(In nutrition and cancer experiments for example, my coworkers and I Therefore, it is erroneous to assume that even people in colder cli-
induced this cancer in thousands of hairless mice by means of quanti- mates are already receiving UV light greater than optimum and will
tative radiation with UV light.) UV light is a primary factor in the be harmed by any additional amount. UV-induced skin cancer, for ex-
induction of this cancer in humans. Deaths from UV-induced skin ample, is seldom fatal, whereas other diseases which might increase
cancer are very rare. (False claims from the EPA of 100,000 cancer as UV light decreases could be fatal. Moreover, humans can adapt.
deaths are not, however, the fault of scientists on either side of this Wearing a hat, spending a little more time indoors, or living a little
issue. They are from unethical attempts to gain political power.) closer to the equator cancels the hypothetical effect.

Politicians like Al Gore, enviroagitators, industrialists who control products, unlike those of their competitors, are ozone friendly.
expensive substitutes for CFCs, and other opportunists lost no time in Suddenly a whole new anti-CFC industry has been born and nour-
turning the CFC vs. ozone hypothesis into warnings of global catas- ished by EPA regulations. Government regulations will soon force
trophe and 100,000 cancer deaths per year. They say we can only es- Americans to buy hundreds of billions of dollars of products from that
cape these horrors by giving them some of our remaining freedom industry products that are valueless if CFCs are, in fact, safe.
and money. International bureaucrats have even seized upon the Dr. William Happer, Jr., top scientist at the Department of Energy,
ozone crisis as a new reason for world government. was fired (Gored might be a better term) in part, because he sup-
Scientists, especially those hopeful for new or continued govern- ported additional UV radiation measurements to test the hypothesis.
ment funds, are scrambling to adjust their research programs and re- It is no longer politically correct to test the hypothesis. Too much
search papers to this crisis. has been invested on the assumption that it is right. So.....
Advertising departments are churning out ads stating that their Cargo Cult Science has started to replace the real thing:
ing the enormous plumes of sulfur dioxide emitted by the eruption of
Mount Pinatubo in June 1991. Notice that ozone begins its decrease
below the usual range in late 1991 and reaches extraordinarily low
levels in 1993. Waters attributes this decrease in ozone to aerosols
formed from sulfur dioxide which provided a world-wide strato-
spheric enhancement of decomposition of ozone by a mechanism
usually restricted to the polar ice clouds. He believes, but has not
proven, that this was exacerbated by chlorine from CFCs.
Since this ozone decrease was, unlike those in previous years, not
caused by solar fluctuations, UV light intensity increased with de-
crease in ozone as would be expected, and the spectrometers in
Toronto registered not a trend but an unusual change caused by a
volcanic eruption. By averaging this data with that of previous years
and reporting only slopes of lines, the authors manufactured a trend.
And what about those slopes? Kerr and McElroy report - 4.1% and
-1.8% per year for ozone and 35% and 6.7% per year for UV light for
winter and summer respectively. These are inverse changes of 8.5 to 1
and 3.7 to 1! Yet the expected inverse ratio for simple absorption of
UV light by ozone at 44N latitude (Toronto) is approximately 1 to 1.
(See S. Madronich and F. R. de Gruijl, Nature, Vol. 366, p. 23 (1993).
Kerr and McElroy give these slopes to two significant figures with
This brings us back to the Kerr and McElroy paper with its up-
no error analysis and with no reference to expected ratios. The reasons
ward trend of UV-B radiation linked to ozone depletion at Toronto
are obvious. Their data scatter barely justifies one significant figure,
which the authors clearly imply is further linked to CFCs.
The most remarkable thing about this paper is that, although the
entire point is supposedly the discovery of a correlation between de-
creased ozone and increased UV light at 3000 , nowhere in the pa-
per is there a graph of ozone vs. UV light. There are also no numbers
enabling the reader to construct such a graph. All that is given are the
plots shown here of measured values of UV light and ozone for 1989
to 1993 and slopes of the calculated trend lines for summer and
winter (heavy and light lines respectively).
Inspection of these plots (easier in the colored original in Science)
shows why the trend graph was omitted. There is no trend. By enlarg-
ing the plots I have estimated the approximate summer median values
for these five years. These values are 336, 331, 333, 327, and 312 for
ozone and 0.056, 0.051, 0.063, 0.052, and 0.071 for 3000 UV light
for the years 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993 respectively.
During the first four years, ozone and UV light rise and fall to-
gether in confirmation of the earlier American studies and opposite to
the trend claimed by the authors. They could not show an appro-
priate graph, because this would negate their conclusion.
In the fifth year of measurement, however, they finally hit pay dirt.
Ozone levels fell worldwide during 1993 as shown on the third figure
adapted from the J. W. Waters illustration of work by J. Gleason and
co-workers from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. and their calculated ratios differ from expectation by 4 to 8 fold.
Waters also gives extraordinary satellite spectrometer maps show- They obtained their entire trend from one event, ignored the
correlations in previous years, and wrote their paper in such a way as
to obscure the politically incorrect items they wished to ignore. Select
the data you want to see and create a correlation that satisfies your
need. Look at their line and their data in the second, 300 nm (3000 )
plot. There is no upward trend at all in the data for the first four years.
Yet they are certainly not alone. The Madronich and de Gruijl pa-
per from which I obtained the expected ozone to UV light ratio goes
on to calculate expected increases in skin cancer to in, some cases,
three significant figures! This is done theoretically and assumes incor-
rectly that the Mount Pinatubo reductions in ozone are permanent.
Does any of this prove that CFCs are harmless or helpful? No.
Will we be better off with a little less UV light or a little more? Do
CFCs actually have much effect on ozone levels or on UV light lev-
els? The answers to these questions are, as yet, unknown.
We do know that observed fluctuations of ozone and UV light are
relatively minor and well within the envelope of natural variations in
which we live (as are the changes predicted by the CFC hypothesis).
In the course of time, research will resolve these interesting atmos-
pheric questions which, in any case, clearly do not portend a crisis.
Meanwhile, Americans are going to spend several hundred billion
dollars eliminating CFCs. That money would buy a lot of airplanes
and wonderful cargoes for our imaginary runways.
am an animal! Then, tilting back his head and lifting his hands to his
PINATUBO STRIKES AGAIN face, he roared that sometimes he wanted to tear apart a woodchuck
I think it was a woodchuck with his bare hands and devour it.
Before Id recovered, he took a deep breath and, not too realisti-
cally I thought, howled like a wolf. He wound up his speech by urg-
ing the audience to join him in a big wolf howl. Enthusiastically, they
all did their best, howling from soprano to bass, more or less in uni-
son. Butala reports that she sat stunned as Forman left the stage,
while everybody around us rose to their feet, clapping wildly.
Dont think about Foreman. Think about the enormous political
power that Babbitt, Clinton, and Gore are giving to that audience.
l Greenpeace is opposing a proposal to target American and So-
The CO2 reduction in Hawaii caused by the eruption of Mount Pi- viet nuclear weapons on the oceans rather than cities in order to di-
natubo is shown from J. L. Sarmiento, Nature, Vol. 65, p 697 (1993). minish the risks from accidental launch. Although I have doubts
The values are normalized to remove the usual upward trend of about about the merits of this unverifiable procedure, can it really be that
1.5% per year. See also December 1993 Access to Energy. Greenpeace prefers to lose a city rather than some fish? Since Green-
peace is also trying to close the chemical industry with a total ban on
PLEASE DONT DO IT chlorine compounds, perhaps Clinton will compromise by agreeing to
target industrial chemical plants instead.
One reader has cautioned me against enthusiasm for CO2, because l The Unspotted Sturgeon, Wall Street Journal, November 22,
global warming is so useful in promoting nuclear power. Increas- 1993, p. A14 reports that a stuffed fish in the Alabama Museum of
ing amounts of advertising by the nuclear industry asserts that nuclear Natural History has been nominated by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife
power produces no greenhouse gases and no CO2 pollution. office for the endangered species list. The stuffed fish apparently
It is a terrible mistake for an industry which produces the safest, looks a little different than those that are abundant in Alabama rivers,
cleanest, most efficient power available with current technology and but no corresponding live fish can be found. Under a federal law
which, with likely future improvements, can revolutionize human already drafted, the [stuffed] sturgeon would be awarded some of the
progress by decreasing energy costs by orders of magnitude to base nations busiest commercial waterways as critical habitat... in
its progress on a lie even a popular lie. hopes that somewhere a living specimen can be found.
Global warming is a scam worthy of Clinton, Gore, Fonda, and Not to worry, however, Bruce Babbitt has agreed to appoint an in-
fellow travelers. It will pass. It is not worthy of mention by the Nu- dependent scientific panel to study this matter. The panel members
clear Industry. Global warming will eventually be flushed into the are being picked by Jim Stewart the USFW bureaucrat who pro-
sewer of forgotten manias along with some of those who promote it. posed the listing and began this pseudoenvironmentalist debacle.


The Department of Energy recently stated that the United States l Life During a Golden Age of Peptide Chemistry by R. Bruce
has conducted 204 secret underground nuclear explosions since the Merrifield, American Chemical Society, ISBN 0-8412-1842-0. This
1940s. To which we say there should have been lots more. Now if we is an account of the invention of solid phase organic synthesis and the
could just get them to build 204 secret nuclear power plants. first synthesis of an enzyme for which Bruce Merrifield received the
A better kept secret, judging by news media, is that nuclear power Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1984. This is a remarkable story of the
has now replaced almost all oil-fired power in the generation of elec- efforts of one man working with very meager resources who invented
trical power in the United States. Since 1973, oil has dropped from a technique that has been essential for the current explosion in knowl-
17% to 3%, while nuclear has risen from 4% to 22%. See Nuclear edge about molecular biology.
Energy Info, October 1993 from USCEA, 1776 I Street, N.W., Wash-
l Health Care and a Free Society by Matthew J. Glavin, Impri-
ington, DC 20006 and the November 1993 Access to Energy.
mis, Vol. 22, November 1993 available from Hillsdale College,
Meanwhile, Nuclear Issues, Vol. 15, No. 11 (1993) from APG, 8
Hillsdale, MI 49242. An excellent account of socialism in medicine.
Ruvugny Mansions, Embankment, Putney, London SW15 1LE re-
Did you know that in Canada for heart surgery, you have a better
ports a British project to generate electricity from burning wood pro-
chance of dying on the waiting list than you do of dying on the oper-
duced on fast-growing tree farms. This alternative is also receiving
ating table? See also, on the same subject, Pillars by John F. Perry,
favorable reviews in the American press.
November 1993, How Government Caused High Health Care Costs,
Nuclear Issues calculates that the satisfaction of current electric
available from Pillars, P.O. Box 263, Mill Hall, PA 17751.
power demand in England by wood-fired plants would require a tree
l Notes 1992 to 1993 by H. F. Langenberg available from Smith,
farm covering about one-half of the land area of England.
Moore & Company, 400 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO 63102. This is
112 pages of excellently presented economic data about the United
STARK RAVING MAD States and our government. Read it and weep.

l Washington Legal Foundation Legal Studies Division Publica-

l Your (Our? Their? How do I say this politely?) Goodwill Am-
tions Catalog available from Washington Legal Foundation, 2009
bassador to the United Nations Population Fund, Jane Fonda, in- Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20036. The summaries
formed the United Nations during her September United Nations in these 51 pages are enlightening and provide valuable sources. WLF
speech that Our species alone co-opts, consumes, or eliminates 40 is a pro-free enterprise public interest law and policy center.
percent of the earths photosynthetic energy. If only it were true.
l Western Living in the November 1993 article by Sharon Butala
reports proceedings of the big enviro gathering at Salina Kansas, the ACCESS TO ENERGY
15th annual Prairie Festival. The conference opened with an address
by George Foreman, cofounder of Earth First. Butala reports: Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
As Foreman reached the climax of his talk, he raised his voice to monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
ask, What do we do with this love of life? With this love of earth? tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Growing more passionate by the second, he shouted, But dammit! I Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
FEBRUARY 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 6) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Wild Cards
The death of Dixy Lee Ray on January 2, 1994 has caused me to First, there is great diversity in the world. If American progress is
think again about a talk I gave in 1986 entitled wild cards. destroyed, then other countries who adopt more sensible attitudes
During the past few hundred years mankind has passed into sev- will grow and prosper. Their success will eventually serve as an ex-
eral new ages. Economically these ages have expanded our re- ample for our recovery. This diversity can only be destroyed by
sources from the agrarian age, to the industrial age, and into several world government with world-wide deprivation of physical, eco-
scientific ages including the present nuclear and computer age. We nomic, and intellectual freedom. Although this world socialism is
have passed into these ages not through them or out of them. being widely promoted and attempted, it will fail. Nearly every
The experiment with human freedom that has been carried out in newspaper brings further evidence of its failures.
America during the past two hundred years has amplified those ages, Second, technology is providing new tools which make it in-
because free people are more innovative and productive. Freedom creasingly difficult to control dissemination of the truth. The com-
also produces a fertile atmosphere in which unusual people can take puter Internet, for example, is revolutionizing the flow of truth
effective action as single individuals on behalf of their ideas. This throughout the world and feeding an explosion in intellectual free-
fertilizes our civilization with a great diversity of ideas and provides dom. Although Algore and company are promoting an information
a way in which those ideas can be implemented. The fundamental highway in hopes of bringing this technology under government
reason to support freedom is that it is that it is morally right. It is control, they will fail. New technology will replace the old faster
good, however, that it increases productivity and innovation, too. than they can get their statist controls in place.
There are now those who speak of a post-industrial society. Third, people do not like to be deprived of the comforts to which
They claim that we have passed beyond the industrial age. They sug- they have become accustomed. Free enterprise provides those com-
gest that, to the extent we need farm and industrial products, these forts, while socialism removes them. A substantial grass-roots back-
needs will be supplied by people in other countries that are anxious lash against socialism and its inferior fruits is growing in America.
to provide us with living standards much higher than their own in Fourth, and most importantly, American freedom produces and
return for our giving the world an unlimited supply of paper-shuf- will be protected by her wild cards. These are free, self-reliant
flers, decision-makers, and information gatherers. individuals who have stepped forth upon our national stage each
Previous generations of Americans built dams, bridges, steel time that their country has needed them. America now, once again,
mills, chemical plants, aircraft factories, and a remarkable infrastruc- needs her wild cards. She needed them in the 1770s, and in the
ture of human productivity. This tradition has been extended by, for 1860s, and in the 1940s. Each time she needed them they were
example, our computer industry. To an alarming extent, however, there. Dixy Lee Ray has shown us that they are still here today.
the most recent generation has primarily built large office buildings Dixy Lee Ray saw that she was needed; she drew upon a lifetime
which house people who produce very little. of experience in determining the most effective actions to take; she
The new generation that is just now coming to power has taken mobilized a few special allies such as her co-author Lou Guzzo; and
this one step further. Deliberate destruction of productivity is being she drove a stake through the heart of pseudoenvironmentalism from
emphasized and promoted as a virtue. Pseudoenvironmentalism and which it will not recover. If you are in the game of trading truth for
the pseudoscience with which it is promoted advocates the destruc- social power, just one Dixy Lee Ray can ruin your whole year.
tion of human accomplishments and a return to nature. Since this This is not to say the beast is dead, but neither are our wildcards.
movement must co-exist with the past accomplishments of science Across America they are waking up one by one. It doesnt take too
and industry which have widespread respect, it simply claims that it, many, and we will have enough. Our wildcards are mortal. Dixy Lee
too, is a product of science. Truth and honesty have been discarded, Ray and Petr Beckmann are with us now only in spirit and in the
but the word science has been kept for political reasons . Our nu- legacy of their recorded words and remembered example, but they
clear industry has been an early victim of this new anti-productivity were not alone.
movement. American freedom and the freedom of the human spirit produce
With the new paradigm must also come the means for its per- our wildcards. They are the inventors and risk takers whose hard
petuation. With freedom, a bad idea does not last long. In free com- work and example moves us forward, and they are the conscience
petition with better ideas, it is soon obsolete. Without freedom, a bad that realizes when we have taken a wrong path and calls us back.
idea can become entrenched. Socialism provides the totalitarian con- Our safety does not lie in our technology or in the weaknesses of
text for that entrenchment. In America we now have socialism in our enemies. It lies primarily in the mobilization of the best qualities
education, socialism in basic research, socialism in retirement care of the American people through the intelligence, work, and sacri-
and charity, and growing socialism in medicine. Can this drift away fices of her wildcards. Each of us owes a debt to Dixy Lee Ray. The
from freedom be stopped before it halts and reverses the progress of best way for us to pay that debt is for each of us, in our own way, to
our civilization? I believe that the answer to this question is yes! be a Wild Card for America.

Expenditures. Principled opposition to the confiscation of the earn-

THINKING WITH THE HEART ings, property, and freedom of men, women, and children through
taxation, regulation, or other governmental intrusion is often coun-
Of the crocodile tears of todays liberalism, it has been said that, tered with the objection that these principles have no heart. How, it is
just as it is impossible to pump blood with the brain, it is impossible to said, can we place a principle or a sum of money above a human life?
think with the heart. Few better examples of this are available than The problem is that the diversion of resources from private indi-
that addressed in the paper by R. L. Keeney, Risk Analysis, Vol. 10 viduals often has a price not just in money, but also in human lives.
(1990) pp 147-159 entitled Mortality Risks Induced by Economic We understand this intuitively. If a family has less money to spend,
they may diminish the quality of their food with a concomitant dimi-
nution of their health. Alternatively, they may put off a car repair, so MARK TWAIN EFFECT
that they are at greater risk of accident. When millions of people are
deprived of resources, the consequences may be fatal for some. This Mark Twain told a story about a seriously ill man who consulted
is true, but how do we put numbers with it? his doctor. The doctor advised him to stop drinking, stop smoking,
Keeney makes an effort to do this by fitting risk functions to the and stop philandering. The man followed this advice and recovered
known data for mortality vs. income and then calculating mortality as his health. Later a woman acquaintance fell ill, so he told her about
a function of loss of income. Although this work is elegant and care- this wonderful doctor. She consulted the doctor and received the same
fully quantitative, it is impossible to rid the calculations of assump- advice. The woman, however, neither drank, smoked, or philandered,
tions that introduce systematic errors in the results. and was unable, therefore, to follow the doctors advice. So, she died.
Nevertheless, the order of magnitude of Kenneys results is prob- Mark Twain pointed out that she had neglected her vices.
ably right. These calculations provide, therefore, guidelines for As one moves from mathematics to physics to chemistry to biol-
thoughtful estimates of the cost in human lives of governmental regu- ogy to medicine (human biology), the detail with which observations
lations and other takings. can be currently understood decreases. The rigor of understanding re-
For example, he calculates the induced fatalities in the United mains high if one is willing to carefully ask less detailed questions.
States from a federal government borrowing that increases interest A reasonable working hypothesis, even a simple one, is helpful in
payments on the national debt by $1 billion to be about 200 dead. many ways. In this framework, it may be that Mark Twains humor
Similarly, his calculations show about 1 additional fatality for each $5 can help us to understand Vitamin R (radon in the January 1994
million in increased expenditures caused by government regulations. AtE) and an increasing family including vitamins Cs (cesium 137),
Transfer of resources from one group of people to another is not a Co (cobalt 60), T (tritium or hydrogen 3), and X (x-rays).
zero sum game, because the marginal utility of money for each indi- S. Okada and N. Momoshima, Health Physics, vol. 65 (1993)
vidual depends upon his total assets. Kenney estimates that a $100 p.605 give references to several research papers dealing with the
loss for a household with a $20,000 income causes about 5 deaths per adaptive response to 3H, 14C, 60Co, 32P, and x-rays. It has been
million per year, whereas a $100 loss for a household with a $40,000 found that pretreatment of human cells with these sources of ionizing
income causes about 0.5 deaths per million per year. radiation makes the cells more resistant to chromosome damage by
Regardless of so-called progressive taxation schedules, most gov- ionizing radiation. T. Lazo, Health Physics Society Newsletter, vol.
ernment expenditures result in greater losses at the low income levels, 22 (1994) p 6 gives additional references related to the tendency for
while transfers tend to move assets from lower income households to tritium to be immunizing against radiation damage.
higher income households. A particle of ionizing radiation and the reactive substances it pro-
Kenneys calculations do not even try to estimate losses from eco- duces are often very damaging to the structure of any biological mac-
nomic distortions caused by government misallocation of resources. romolecule that is unfortunate enough to encounter them. This fact
Also, in relying upon death statistics, he is calculating postponement has made the so-called linear, non-threshold model of radiation dam-
of death rather than years of life lost. age popular. For the same reason, an identical model has also become
Nevertheless, the overall value is about one full human lifetime popular for toxic chemical damage to chromosomes. With this model,
lost per $100 million in good hearted government regulations or chemical and radiation damage to living systems at high doses (where
expenditures. Even if this is high by an order of magnitude (It is more such damage is easily measured) is extrapolated linearly to zero
likely to be low.), the carnage is great indeed. doses. This extrapolation is then used to calculate damage estimates at
low doses (incorrectly).
Proponents of the linear model overlook the fact that living cells
TEACHING ABOUT PROFITS have very active defense and repair machinery. This machinery re-
sponds to both external effects like ionizing radiation and also internal
The winter 1993-1994 issue of 21st Century p 21 reports that processes that are an inseparable part of the chemical activity of life
French electricity exports have now reached 54 billion kilowatt hours itself. Moreover, this molecular machinery is turned on and off by liv-
per year. Yearly sale of this electricity provides enough capital to ing cells in accordance with the need for its services.
build one or two new nuclear power plants. There are 56 now operat- Nuclear Issues, vol. 15, no. 12 (1993) pp 2-3 reports that a 1985
ing in France with 5 under construction. The same issue has a short study of UK Atomic Energy Authority workers showed a 22% lower
piece on the evolution of the math problem which we reproduce death rate from cancer than the national average, and a similar study
here as a tribute to socialism in education and in place of a cartoon. of 10,000 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited workers and of several
In 1960: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost thousand Ontario Hydro nuclear power station workers showed a
of production is 4/5 of this price. What is his profit? similar 33% lower mortality. The similar results from nationwide ra-
In 1970 (traditional math): A logger sells a truckload of lumber don surveys in the United States (AtE January 1994) show that this
for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of this price; in other words, effect is not restricted to selected populations. Radon at high enough
$80. What is his profit? doses probably does increase cancer incidence, but at low levels it ac-
In 1970 (new math): A logger exchanges a set L of lumber for a set tually decreases cancer incidence. So, the linear model is wrong.
M of money. The cardinality of set M is 100, and each element is A simple hypothetical explanation is that chronic exposure to low
worth $1. Make one hundred dots representing the elements of the set doses of ionizing radiation keeps cellular damage levels high enough
M. The set C of the costs of production contains 20 fewer points than that defense and repair machinery is healthfully activated and main-
set M. Represent the set C as a subset of M, and answer the following tained. This machinery then is available to prevent damage from
question: What is the cardinality of the set P of profits? many sources including ionizing radiation, ingested toxic chemicals,
In 1980: A logger sells a truckload of wood for $100. His cost of and toxic chemicals arising from living metabolism itself. This pro-
production is $80, and his profit is $20. Your assignment: underline tection from damage from other sources amplifies the effect of ioniz-
the number 20. ing radiation and converts this damaging phenomenon into one with a
In 1990 (Outcome Based Education): By cutting down beautiful net beneficial effect on health.
forest trees, a logger makes $20. What do you think of this way of Life without fear of low radiation doses and without the costs of
making a living? (Topic for class participation: How did the forest government radiation edicts would be much more enjoyable and pro-
birds and squirrels feel?) ductive. I doubt Mark Twain would equate this enjoyment with his
Unfortunately this cartoon lacks humor, because it is too close to derived from cigars and whiskey, but I am sure he would agree that,
the truth. It also has a lot to do with the difficulty of teaching Ameri- even in the instance of radiation damage and cellular defense and re-
can kids the advantages of nuclear power policies and profits. pair, we must be certain not to neglect our vices.


It has long been established that optimization of the quality and

quantity of human life is a desirable goal. Regardless of the recent fad
of new age animal and earth worship, sensible people still agree that
this goal is of great importance. Therefore, most reasoned debates
about the value of science and technology revolve around the effects
upon human well-being and longevity.
We have become idiomatically accustomed to speaking of pre-
venting fatalities as, for example, in the article about fatalities from
misappropriation of resources on pages 1 and 2 above. We cannot, of
course, actually prevent fatalities. We can only postpone them. Death
is, so far, an unavoidable consequence of life. For this reason, I con-
verted the fatality estimates at the end of that article into a measure of
cumulative years of human life. An action that reduces the lifespan of
100 people by ten years is much worse than one that reduces the
lifespans of 1000 people by one day. The latter action causes 10-fold justments in intrinsic lifespan of about one-third may be possible by
more fatalities, but the former costs 365-fold more days of life. systematic changes in living conditions. This possibility is being ex-
The three figures on this page illustrate human mortality and its amined by empirical experiments on such factors as diet. One exam-
change by beneficial human activities. These figures are reproduced ple of this is work on diet restriction during the second half of life
from A. B. Robinson & L. R. Robinson, Mechanisms of Ageing and along the lines pioneered in rats by C. M. Mckay. See J. Nutrition,
Development, vol. 59 (1991) pp 47-67 which discusses the quantita- vol. 10 (1935) pp 67-79 and vol. 18 (1939) pp 1-13. The potential of
tive measurement of human physiological age with reference to an these efforts, which do not require that the biology of aging be under-
experiment on American men. stood on a molecular basis, is illustrated in the third figure.
The arrow in the second figure points up to illustrate beneficial in-
fluences in preventing early deaths. It could also point down to illus-
trate negative influences. The direction of this arrow lies at the heart
of debates over the impact of technology upon human well being.
It is definitively known that economic freedom and free enterprise,
the entire electric power industry including nuclear power, the chemi-
cal industry, and most other aspects of technological progress dimin-
ish the risk of early death and contribute to the positive direction
indicated in the second figure. There are always risks that technology
may cause harm by accident, terrorism, or war, but these risks can be
reduced to acceptable levels by technological safeguards. Unfortu-
nately these safeguards, such as the provision of a realistic American
civil defense system, are sometimes not implemented.
It is also well known that economic slavery by socialism, fascism,
or their various mutations and the diminution of technological pro-
gress has a negative influence on human lifespan. Ignorance or refusal
The first figure shows the aging curve for a population comprised to heed the discoveries of science such as is endemic in government
of American males as calculated from life expectancy compilations of agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency also has a
the U.S. Public Health Service. This population has an intrinsic very negative influence.
lifespan of about 90 years. The molecular mechanism by which this These curves are not just sterile representations of academic inter-
lifespan (and the lifespans of other living things) is determined is un- est. They represent hundreds of millions of shortened lives and early
known and is one of the great unsolved problems of biology. It may deaths. Each is an individual human tragedy somewhere in the world.
be that one of the many current hypotheses about this is correct. So far, technological progress has kept this arrow pointing steadily
Notice, however, that most men do not reach their intrinsic upward. Pseudoenvironmentalism and political opportunism have
lifespan. If we could remove the factors that lead to these earlier blunted that progress and may soon reverse it. This can be prevented
deaths, then the aging curve would be changed as is indicated in the by a principled defense of human freedom and of scientific truth.
second figure. Most of the industrial, medical, environmental, and
personal factors that are discussed with respect to human fatalities re-
late to the postponement of death, so that each person can reach ap-
proximately this intrinsic lifespan. The goal is for each person to live
a full, healthful and vibrant life of maximum length and, when death
is no longer avoidable, to die with a minimum of suffering.
With regard especially to degenerative diseases, early deaths are
not just associated with a loss of life. In effect, life is compressed into
a shorter time. Smoking, for example, causes a compression of life so
that smokers tend to age faster by about 10% per pack of cigarettes
smoked per day. It is not just the later years of life that are lost. Parts
of the earlier periods of life are lost as well.
Depending upon the nature of the molecular process that deter-
mines intrinsic lifespan, it may be possible to markedly increase the
limit of 90 years. It is hoped that molecular biology will eventually
discover this process and that it will turn out to be easily adjustable.
In the meantime, experiments on animals suggest that modest ad-
Richard D. Lamm, former governor of Colorado who once an-
HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION nounced that older people have a duty to die. Lamms letter ridi-
cules Michael DeBakey for saying that the most effective way to
The Clinton administration is now desperately trying to turn pub- improve health is to gain new medical knowledge.
lic attention away from its many scandals and shortcomings by point- Remember the Weekly Reader? This newspaper, distributed to
ing its finger at an imaginary group of evil American nuclear young public school children, warns (vol. 72, November 1993, p3)
scientists. (If you tire of Whitewatergate, read D. Brock, The Ameri- the kids to wear sunscreen on all exposed areas of their skin all year
can Spectator, January 1994, pp 18-30, Living With the Clintons, around, so that they will be protected from cataracts, premature skin
but dont show it to your children.) The Department of Energy under aging, and immune breakdown caused by UV penetration through
Hazel OLeary has been releasing a string of frightful revelations holes that CFCs have punched through the ozone layer. What protects
about horrible tests conducted in the 1940s and 1950s. Never mind them from the holes these people are punching in their brains?
that much of this was reported in the open scientific literature decades Science, vol 262, 19 November 1993, pp 1252-1255 is a paper
ago and that most of the radiation levels were so low as to be quite with thirty (30) authors about the computer models on which the
safe and also well within safety standards of that time. The primary global warming madness is based. These 30 authors are actually
transgression is that some of these tests were apparently done without trying to calculate the atmospheric temperature 100 years in the future
informed consent of the participants a serious transgression that by calculating means and standard deviations of the predictions of 15
should not be repeated. different computer models not one of which correctly predicts atmos-
If, however, the administration is really interested in human ex- pheric temperature during the past 10 years. I am not kidding you.
perimentation, it should read the article by Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. in This paper is really there.
Conservative Review, vol. 4, December 1993, pp 10-20 available
from 1307 Dolley Madison Blvd., Suite 4A, McLean, VA 22101 en-
titled Malfeasance in the Search for American POW/MIAs. This
article documents the diversion of as many as 1,000 American POWs Patient Power by John C. Goodman & Gerald L. Musgrave and
in Vietnam (and a similar number in Korea) into the Russian program The Holocaust Museum: Lessons for American Medicine by Anna &
of human experimentation with chemical, biological, and nuclear Joseph Scherzer available for a single $5 payment including postage
warfare materials. Apparently these human specimens were needed to from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 1601 N.
check racial and cultural variations in studies carried out on Russian Tucson Blvd. Suite 9, Tucson, AZ 85716. If you or your family may
political prisoners. Perhaps comrade Yeltsin can provide us with cop- ever need the life-saving procedures of modern medicine, failure to
ies of informed consent forms signed by these American GIs before stop the Clinton plan for socialism in medical care could be fatal.
they willingly died as sacrifices for Mother Russia. The June/October 1993 issue of the newsletter of The Asbestos
Institute available from 1002 Sherbrooke Street West Suite 1750,
MINIATURIZED FUSION Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3L6 which chronicles the ongoing
saga of linear extrapolation and the wonders of scientific notation in
The Dove of War written by Sam T. Cohen (inventor of the crushing another industry. They are now descending below a safety
neutron bomb) in National Review, December 27, 1993, pp 56-76 requirment of 10-15 grams per cubic centimeter.
discusses the advent of miniature neutron bombs as a result of bal- Environment Betrayed A Newsletter of Science, Philosophy,
lotechnic detonators. This is the same technology that Sam Cohen and Uncommon Sense is a publication started in December 1993 by
discussed as a power generating method in his article in Access to En- Edward C. Krug, PhD. The first issue is excellent and is available
ergy, December 1993. He suggests that it is now possible to build a from P.O. Box 1161, Winona, MN 55978.
tritium fusion explosive device small enough to be concealed in a We were Soldiers Once and Young by Harold G. Moore and
lunch sack and with a yield of about 1 ton of TNT explosive equiva- Joseph L. Galloway, Harper Perennial paperback (1993) and So-
lent and 9 ton equivalents of radiation. This could be fatal to people malias Needless Deaths by Charlie A. Beckwith, Wall Street Jour-
out to several hundred yards. nal editorial page, November 1, 1993. I did not enjoy either of these
The small size and low cost (almost no nuclear industry is re- works, but they should be required reading for every American.
quired) of these devices would allow virtually any country to develop Femtosecond Pulses Help Physicists Go to Extremes by
them without detection. Once again the secrecy that Edward Teller James Glanz, Science, vol. 262 p 1379. Martin Kamen suggested that
has warned against for decades prevents most American scientists each scientist usually works in a range of only a few orders of magni-
from knowing whether or not this danger actually exists and pre- tude, because it is difficult to make ones intuition span a very wide
vents the truth about this from affecting realistic public policy. range. Glanz summarizes work wherein bench top lasers are produc-
ing pulses 10-13 seconds long which focus on a 3 micron spot at an
TOO GOOD TO FILE intensity of 1018 watts per square centimeter. Amazing. This sort of
thing makes one want to bury himself in a basic research laboratory
Halon fire extinguishers have now disappeared into the ozone and turn off the newspapers for a few years.
hole. Air travel is still safe, however, because the airlines have been The Journalists Guide to Nuclear Energy, Third Edition, U. S.
given permission to use their CFC-based wing and cabin fire extin- Council for Energy Awareness, 1776 I Street, N.W. Suite 400, Wash-
guishers until they use up their current CFC supply. Remember the ington, DC 20006. This is 44 pages of clearly explained information
Challenger Shuttle O-rings that were modified for the asbestos ban? about nuclear power for the layman. Page 20 estimates that about half
Public backlash is so severe, however, that the EPA has asked Du- of the average exposure to radiation for Americans comes from ra-
pont to continue CFC production for another year through 1995. don. Therefore, the average person is probably protected from cancer
Science, vol. 262, p 1953 and 1958-1959 has selected molecule by many low level radiation sources in his environment. Exposure to
p53 as Molecule of the Year. This substance has enormous poten- doses far greater than average is, of course, potentially dangerous.
tial for the control of cancer. That is the good news. Bad news is that
AAAS picked, as part of one of the runner-up discoveries of the year, ACCESS TO ENERGY
the Toronto UV trend paper that we dissected in AtE last month.
The AAAS is scrambling for a place at the Clinton medical plan Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
table. So far, they are being ignored. (See D.E. Koshland, Jr., Science, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
vol. 262, p1495.) Science is doing, however, its politically correct monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
best to qualify. They even published a letter (vol. 262, p1497) by Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MARCH 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 7) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Death of a Messenger
For more than four decades, the Scholastic Aptitude Tests have The NEA is the largest American labor union, with, according to
brought Americans quantitative news about the mathematical and Forbes, 2.1 million members and a direct income of $750 million
verbal abilities of American pre-college students. For the past two per year. It has had the largest single block of delegates to the Demo-
decades, they have brought bad news. Therefore the educational es- cratic National Convention in every year since 1976 (about 1/8 of
tablishment, dominated by the National Education Association, has total delegates) and functions as a vast political organization for the
taken the obvious action. They have killed the messenger. Democratic party. In 1991 Bill Clinton told the NEA candidate
As of this month, the Scholastic Aptitude Tests no longer exist. screening panel, If I become President, youll be my partners. I
In their place are Scholastic Assessment Tests I & II. USA Today wont forget who brought me to the White House. Yet the NEA is
reported on September 15, 1993 that the name of the test was a federally chartered corporation exempt from property taxes and
changed to eliminate the idea that it is an intelligence test. A lot exempt from the legal prohibitions on political activities of govern-
more was also eliminated. Gender bias, the tendency for boys to mental employees.
score, on average, 8 points higher on the verbal test was also elimi- It is, as Forbes put it, the near monopoly supplier to a govern-
nated. The tendency for boys to score 45 points higher on the math ment enforced monopoly consumer. It controls not only the cost of
test was reduced by half. American socialized educa-
The reading test has been tion but also the curriculum.
revised to ask students the Usually socialism is con-
unstated implications of the trolled primarily by govern-
passage and to reduce the ment bureaucrats. In this case,
importance of what an a single political party has
author says. The math now found it expedient to control
de-emphasizes the correct an- an aspect of socialism from
swers in favor of the approved outside of the government, so
method of working a problem that it can function as a pow-
- after all, everything is rela- erful instrument of partisan
tive and outcome based, politics on behalf of that party.
not absolute. Calculators have Some people believe the
been added to eliminate the answer to this is school
need for students to have any choice. I do not. Taxpayer
ability in mental arithmetic, financing means political con-
and an essay has been added trol. We must not continue to
to the SAT II as a further trap allow politicians and labor
for students whose thoughts leaders to to control the edu-
are politically incorrect. cation of American children.
Although it was predict- Fortunately, technology
able that the tests would be eviscerated when todays educators may soon come to the rescue of this aspect of free enterprise. Home
decided to revise them, the real reason for revision can be seen in schooling is experiencing explosive growth and is limited primarily
this figure adapted from the June 1993 Forbes Magazine article enti- by family circumstances that prevent many parents from bringing
tled The National Extortion Association? quality education into their homes. This limitation is rapidly being
The National Education Association, NEA, is essentially a union removed by the communications and data storage revolution.
that has arisen to protect its membership from the consequences of As I write this, my six home-schooled children (ages 6 to 17) are
the mediocrity that has been the inevitable result of socialism in edu- working at their desks in this same room. Their performance is al-
cation. Public school system is no more than a euphemism for ready far superior to that typical in government schools even 30
socialized education, and, like socialism in general, it degener- years ago. (The 17 year old scored 1480 on the PSAT and 1440 on
ates into poor quality and worse. Socialism is morally and ethically the SAT and uses entirely university level texts.) With the educa-
wrong and, moreover, it doesnt work. tional tools that are now becoming available, that potential perform-
The Scholastic Aptitude Tests have been bringing word, year af- ance will be far greater.
ter year, that, regardless of the increase of per pupil spending in con- Public schools are an irreversibly dying institution. They have
stant dollars by five-fold since 1948 and a similar 2.4-fold increase killed the messenger, but the message is still true. Soon technology
in teachers salaries (the bureaucrats took the rest), American stu- will bring the best American teachers into the homes of American
dents are developing less and less knowledge and ability. children. The other 2 million will find different occupations.
behavior or cognitive function. The sweetener industry, which par-
SWEET AND PROFITABLE tially funded these experiments, was delighted. Increasing numbers of
parents have been limiting their childrens sweetener intake, because
The Wall Street Journal was quick to give front page coverage and they observe deleterious mental effects. These observations, we are
an inside page puff piece on February 3 to a paper authored by M. L. told, have now been swept away by science.
Wolraich, et al., New England Journal of Medicine 330, p 301 (1994) Do not believe it. The actual results of these experiments do not
which claims to have proved that Even when intake exceeds typical support the claims of the publicity campaign. Forty-eight children
dietary levels, neither dietary sucrose nor aspartame affects childrens were fed diets rich in either saccharin, aspartame, or sucrose (ordinary
table sugar) for randomized, three-week intervals over a period of This is honest science as starkly opposed to the offering by S. H.
nine weeks. Transient mental effects were not measured, although 43 Schneider, Science 263 p341 (1994). He claims that increases in at-
tests of mental function were tabulated. mospheric temperature of + 0.5 C per century, as has occurred in the
Wolraich, et al. make the claim that the parents and children did 20th century, have only happened about once or twice per thousand
not know the identities of the diets. When asked to identify which of years. He estimates, therefore, that there is an 80 to 90 percent prob-
the three diets were being eaten, Only one parent correctly identified ability that this increase was man-caused by carbon dioxide.
the sequence of diets. Even if we ignore the fact that these sweeten- He conceals, however, the fact that the 20th century increase oc-
ers have markedly different tastes and we assume that only one parent
per child was asked to guess, the random chance that only one or
fewer of 48 parents would guess correctly a sequence of three vari-
ables is only 1 in 600.
The Wall Street Journal describes this study of 48 children for
three weeks on each diet by crooning, The results were resound-
ingly definitive. Exemplary were scores the authors report for con-
duct of 8.1 + 6.7, 8.6 + 5.8, and 6.9 + 6.1 and attention deficit of
10.2 + 7.0, 8.6 + 6.2, and 9.0 + 6.1 for sucrose, aspartame, and sac-
charin (their control) respectively in school age children. The
higher score is worse, so in these two cases sucrose is worse. This
is described as resoundingly definitive in proving no effect from
sucrose, because no statistically significant difference was observed.
Yet, look at the errors (which represent one standard deviation and
thereby the range with a two-thirds probability of containing the ac-
tual values). Too few subjects and a very brief study have given them
data so scattered that almost nothing can be proved.
Moreover, even this meager result is opposite to their conclusions.
There are 20 unequivocal behavioral parameters for school age chil-
dren (the experiment involved 25 preschool children and 23 school
age children which further reduced its statistical significance) re-
ported in the paper. Of these, 14 were worse with sucrose and 6 were
worse with saccharin. This worse behavior in the sucrose group is
significant at the p = 0.06 level. (We calculate the probability of get-
ting 6 or fewer heads when flipping a coin 20 times.)
In short, this is a poor study of too few children for too short a
time. It proves nothing, definitive or otherwise, and, if anything, it
gives indication that sweeteners actually did affect the childrens be-
S. A. Glantz, Circulation 61 p 1 (1980) estimated that approxi-
mately half the articles published in medical journals that use statisti-
cal methods use them incorrectly.
Why did the New England Journal of Medicine publish this? Why curred before most of the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide.
not? This journal has published articles claiming that civil defense This reduces his probability to zero.
doesnt work, because everyone in the World War II firestorm areas In looking only at the period between 1979 and 1993, Christy and
of Hamburg and Dresden was allegedly killed regardless of whether McNider at least chose a time interval that could be affected by CO2.
or not he was in a shelter. When it was pointed out that, in fact, virtu-
ally everyone in the better quality shelters survived, they refused to HUMAN RADIATION EXPERIMENTS
publish this. A publication of diminishing credibility as a result of its
control by such groups as Physicians for Social Responsibility, the C. C. Mann, Science 263 p 470 (1994) gives a balanced and mod-
New England Journal of Medicine apparently doesnt bother with se- erately detailed discussion of human experiments with radioactive
rious referees, but The Wall Street Journal should know better. substances that have appalled, shocked, and saddened Department
of Energy Secretary Hazel OLeary and have also given the Clinton
VOLCANOES HAPPEN administration some press distraction that it desperately needs.
Five of the 31 experiments were done by researchers on them-
J. R. Christy and R. T. McNider, Nature 367 p325 (1994) have selves. Exposure of 18 terminal patients (already near death) to pluto-
made a credible try to rescue a significant greenhouse signal from nium without informed consent was the worst infraction, but research
the past 15 years of lower troposphere (lowest 3 miles of the earths was needed to assess health affects of plutonium on thousands of war-
atmosphere) temperature measurements by satellite microwave time workers. Informed consent could not be obtained, because gov-
sounding units. The effort fails, but this figure from their paper use- ernment secrecy then required that Plutonium couldnt even be
fully illustrates effects that we often hear of only in rhetorical form. named it had to be called product. All doctors could tell them was
Graph a shows the actual temperature with a trend of - 0.04 C per that they were going to get a product in a small dose. The only other
decade. Their estimate from sea temperature measurements of the ef- people potentially harmed were 6 patients injected with uranium salts
fects of four El Nio events is given in b and subtracted from a to and 131 prison inmates who received testicular doses of x-rays. These
give c. Their estimate of the effects of volcanic eruptions by El prisoners not only volunteered but also agreed to have vasectomies.
Chichn and Mount Pinatubo is given in d and then subtracted from c Six other studies used informed consent procedures less rigorous
to give a final corrected curve in e. This corrected curve has an up- than required today and 17 used currently acceptable consent proce-
ward trend of + 0.09 C per decade. dures. For research in an era (1945-1963) when many scientists over-
Not only is this + 0.09 C value five-fold less than that predicted exposed themselves to radiation, the record is remarkably good.
by the global warming gurus, it is still affected by such mundane Martin Kamen gave us C14 while absorbing very large amounts of
matters as the variable intensity of the sun as the authors note. radiation and is now 80 years old. Other scientists, however, died.

a right to our fair share of radiation.
In any case, life in Zone 2 counties is safer (as is that in many Zone
1 counties) as compared with Zone 3. Other factors need, however, to
be taken into account. As an aid we print below a map adapted from
the January 17, 1994 issue of U.S. News and World Report p 8 giving
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms data on the density of gun
dealers by state. Note that Florida which has Americas highest rate
of violent crime has only 8.6 dealers per 10,000 people, whereas
North Dakota with the lowest violent crime rate has 25.8. As shown
for the other states on this map and in accordance with numerous
other studies, there is a strong positive correlation between guns in the
hands of private citizens and public safety.
The Dakotas look great on both maps and have the additional fea-
ture of cold weather which discourages many types of parasites. On
the other hand, maybe we should look again at those fallout maps.


GEOGRAPHICAL LIFE EXTENSION There seems to be no end to the paper blitzkrieg against American
freedom. Sometimes the titles alone describe the craziness. Science
Until recently our government issued radiation maps calculated News 145 p 59 (1994) has an article by J. A. Raloff entitled The
from efforts to predict geographical dependence of radioactive fallout Role of Chlorine and Its Future. This article quotes such authori-
deposition during a nuclear war. This still useful information is now ties as Theo Colborn of the World Wildlife Fund and Joe Thornton of
politically incorrect. Fear, however, as a means to scare uninformed Greenpeace USA. Thornton calls for a phase out of chlorine. He
citizens into giving up more of their money and freedom in exchange says No further organochlorine pollution should be permitted.
for claims of government protection never goes out of style. The Just how difficult it is going to be for Americans to implement
above map of EPA estimated radon zones is reprinted from The
Health Physics Newsletter, p 9, February (1994).
Better and more detailed maps constructed from a compilation of
data from the University of Pittsburgh, eleven independent state stud-
ies, and the EPA data are available in the paper by B.L. Cohen, C.A.
Stone, and C.A. Schilken, Health Physics 66 p 201 (1994).
On the EPA map, Zone 1 counties have a predicted average indoor
radon level of greater than 4 pCi/L, Zone 2 counties have between 2
and 4 pCi/L, and Zone 3 counties have less than 2 pCi/L.
These maps can be useful, but not in the way that EPA intended.
Cohen and coworkers (see December 1993 and February 1994 Ac-
cess to Energy) have shown that lung cancer risk decreases as radon
increases in the range between 0.5 pCi/L and 5 pCi/L. At some higher
and, as yet, undetermined level the curve of cancer risk changes direc-
tion and correlates positively with radon level.
The pie chart is from USCEA publication The Journalists Guide
to Nuclear Energy, 3rd edition p 20 available from USCEA, 17761 I
Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006. It shows that Americans get
about half of their radiation exposure from radon. Radon deficiency
in the environment in the EPA Zone 3 areas can be made up by living
at high altitude (cold) or more medical treatments (expensive and not Greenpeaces world-wide totalitarian agenda is indicated in the chap-
constant). It cannot, however, be helped by moving next door to a ter by W. Fenical entitled Natural Halogenated Organics, Marine
nuclear power plant. Perhaps the nuclear waste disposal issue could Organic Chemistry, Elsevier p 375 (1981). He reports that there were,
be mitigated by storing measured quantities of waste in the homes of in 1981, about 400 known organohalogenated compounds (primarily
Americans who live in radiation deficient regions. Surely we all have bromine and chlorine) produced by marine organisms. These are ex-
creted into the sea and are also stored at levels of approximately 5 to
6% of the dry weight of marine plants and animals.
Moreover, as cited by Environment Betrayed, PO Box 1161, Wi-
nona, MN 55987, J. S. Pallister et al. EOS supplement for Fall 1983
meeting pp 667-668 and T. M. Gerlach pp 105-106 of the same EOS
supplement report that Mount Pinatubo injected 2 million tons of
chlorine into the stratosphere in one day. See also Z. Jaworowski,
21st Century Research Communications p 6 Spring issue (1993).
The Wall Street Journal, February 2, 1994 p B5 reports that Rick
Hind, legislative director of the Greenpeace toxics campaign said,
This is the first time weve been able to give unqualified praise to
the administration since they took office while commenting on a
new EPA anti-chlorine offensive which includes a new task force to
study and then restrict or prohibit chlorine and chlorine compounds as
appropriate. CFCs were just a beginning skirmish. With Clinton-
Gore support, the chlorine witchhunt will soon become a major as-
sault against American industry.

83711. (25 cents per copy order one if you have never read this.)
GREEN LIES l Remember the Unspotted Sturgeon, the stuffed fish the U. S.
Fish and Wildlife Service wants to use as a surrogate to shut down
Greenpeace Global Warming and Energy Coordinator Steve Alabama rivers? Well the USFWS spotted one and managed to catch
Kretzmann circulated two slick booklets to members of Congress en- it, according to The Wall Street Journal, January 26, 1994 p A14.
titled Fiscal Fission: The Economic Failure of Nuclear Power and USFWS says it looked like the stuffed fish. Past tense because, in
Energy for Employment: How to Heat Up the Economy. The first their tender care, the fish died. So far USFWS has stonewalled all at-
(printed on 100% recycled paper) claims that U.S. nuclear power tempts by biologists, particularly those from the U. S. Army Corps of
costs in 1990 were 10.15 cents per kilowatt hour. The second (printed Engineers (which is trying to preserve human use of the rivers), to
on 100% recycled paper Quest cover and Conservatree premium obtain samples from the fish. Genetic analysis from such samples is
opaque text with soy ink and union labor) calls for a $15 billion needed to determine whether or not the fish is a distinct species as
taxpayer financed program devoted to windmills and solar power. compared with ordinary sturgeon that are abundant in the rivers.
The actual costs for U.S. nuclear power are shown in the figure USFWS plans to preserve the fish in formaldehyde which may de-
below drawn from Utility Data Institute data by the U.S. Council for stroy the possibility of genetic analysis. Anyway, says James Stewart
Energy Awareness, The Journalists Guide to Nuclear Energy, 3rd who is leading the spotted fish parade for USFWS, genetics doesnt
edition p 15. This gives a 1990 cost per kilowatt hour of about one- matter if the fish looks different.
fourth that claimed by Greenpeace to Congress. Last year, here in Cave Junction, Oregon, we stopped an attempt
to use the winter Steelhead fish in our streams as a surrogate to shut
down our lumber and farming industries. That success was primarily
due to genetic analysis of our Steelhead which showed that they were
not a distinct species as compared with those in nearby rivers.
USFWS is learning pose as scientists, but oppose real science.
l Department of Environmental Quality Waste Management Pro-
posed Rules, Article 14 require that medical waste be stored in 40 psi
safe containers. This is roughly equivalent to the Swiss national civil
defense requirement for 50 psi blast shelters. Americans have no such
protection except for politicians and bureaucrats who are provided
protection under the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Continuity of Government program. In case of war, Americans
will have no food, water, or shelters, but they will have available a
plentiful supply of politicians, bureaucrats, and medical waste.


l The Gathering Storm by Tom Bethell, American Spectator
p 16 January 1994 is an optimistic summary of the ongoing collapse
of world socialism.
l There Is No Health Care Crisis by Irwin M. Stelzer, The
The second Greenpeace report also disparages hydrocarbon Wall Street Journal p A14 January 25, 1994 summaries the non-prob-
based energy generation. Remarkably, American industry has contin- lem Clinton proposes to fix with socialized medicine. This extraordi-
ued to reduce the real costs of energy even though regulatory costs nary political issue directly affects the probable number of years of
placed upon energy production by politicians and stimulated by personal life remaining for each and every American.
pseudoenvironmentalist lobbyists like Greenpeace have increased. l Letter from J. Patrick Rooney, Chairman of Golden Rule Insur-
ance Company to Milton Friedman concerning that companys expe-
STARK RAVING MAD rience with medical savings accounts. Company expenditures for
employee medical costs have been reduced by 60% and employees
lPanel To Decide What is Cause of Peptic Ulcers reports The prefer these accounts. Letter available from Brian McManus, Golden
Wall Street Journal, February 7 p B1. The panel of 15 medical ex- Rule, 712 Eleventh Street, Lawrenceville, IL 62439.
perts is being convened here this morning by the National Institutes l Exaggerated danger by Aaron Wildavsky, Nature 367 p 227
of Health in a procedure called a Consensus Development Confer- (1994) is a review of two books, Phantom Risk: Scientific Inference
ence. The experts are chosen because they havent been involved in and the Law By K. R. Foster, D. E. Bernsten & P. W. Huber and
research on the bacterium and havent taken sides on some of the Element of Risk: The Politics of Radon by L. A. Cole. The death of
more controversial issues. For a day and a half theyll listen to presen- Aaron Wildavsky in September 1993 was a very substantial loss.
tations by researchers and then reach a consensus.
Why not just let both sides make a TV media blitz for a couple of Several readers have suggested that Access to Energy should be
months and then take a public opinion poll? Truth is independent of read by U.S. Senators and Congressmen. Therefore, as an experi-
opinion and, very often, is opposite to majority opinion. Pseudoenvi- ment, we agree to count the offices of politicians as individuals
ronmentalism seeks to establish perceived truths by self-serving rather than as tax subsidized organizations. We will send 12 is-
propaganda and then substitute them for the real thing. It is not sur- sues of Access to Energy to political offices for $ 25 each. Specify
prising that the socialized medical research community is now going the politicians when you order these. We have the addresses.
down the same road to nonscience. Socialism just doesnt work.
l Earthquakes and Collective Action by D. E. Koshland and
B. Hanson, Science 263 p 451 (1994) is written in support of Clin- ACCESS TO ENERGY
tons donation of about $10 billion of tax money to participants in the

Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
recent California earthquake. Not Yours to Give from The Life of Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
David Crockett by Edward S. Ellis gives Crocketts timeless answer monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
to Koshlands socialist immorality. This has been reprinted from tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Freeman by Grapevine Publications, PO Box 45057, Boise, ID Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
APRIL 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 8) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Economic Freedom
Economic freedom is difficult to preserve in the presence of so- with the worthwhile objectives, if any, that they have established.
cialist tyranny. In America today, we have about 50% of each. These people are almost entirely without economic freedom.
About half of all expenditures in our economy are made by federal, Conversely, there are people of very modest wealth who have ar-
state, and local government using money taken by threat of force ranged their lives so that they have almost full time to devote to
from the American people. Americans are partially free to spend the worthwhile objectives. More money would markedly improve their
remaining half of their earnings as they wish, although government progress toward those objectives, but at least they are personally free
regulations increasingly diminish this partial freedom as well. Fas- to make such progress. These people have economic freedom.
cism, socialisms twin which is promoted by many unproductive Some people are given the assets necessary for economic free-
American executives, extends oppression by government regulation. dom. More often these assets must be earned with a particular objec-
This erosion of economic freedom is the primary reason that, re- tive in mind. Always, through teaching or experience, the individual
gardless of the enormous advances made by science and industry, it must gain the wisdom to use assets to gain freedom.
is increasingly difficult for American families to maintain accept- There is no set formula, but some general rules often apply and
able standards of living. In the 1950s, one working family member may serve as examples:
supported each family. Now, two or more working family members First, have no debt whatever on a home or place of residence.
are required for essentially the same support. Politicians, who con- Many Americans are enslaved to their mortgages and thereby to
tinue to make this necessary, hypocritically regale us with crocodile their jobs and the opinions of their employers. After 30 years of in-
tears about the diminished quality and stability of American family dentured servitude they hope to be free. Even if they achieve this,
life. much of their life has elapsed before they do.
As this enormous socialist disincentive has grown, tens of mil- Two, accumulate a modest real income from indestructible as-
lions of Americans have given up and joined the welfare roles. A sets. Debt-free, non-irrigated and high-quality farmland is an exam-
remarkable 10% are no longer even willing to earn enough to pro- ple. Each year this can provide a real rental income from an asset
vide for their own food. They accept food stamps. In large part, their that will still be there next year. This asset cannot burn down, be-
lives have been ruined by socialism. come bankrupt, be depreciated by inflation, or otherwise easily lost.
Still, our country is partly free and contains many productive Three, keep a modest sum of assets in a mixture of liquid forms
people who manage to move forward even with the current socialist for personal emergencies. Insure risks that one cannot afford to self-
burden. Paradoxically, this is the reason that American socialism is insure such as catastrophic medical expenses.
able to continue to advance. It is carried on the backs of those it has Four, restrict potential losses from money-making schemes to
not yet managed to enslave. fixed sums that will not cause a loss of freedom if they fail. Many
Each of us should do our part to oppose this economic tyranny. Americans are enslaved to their stock, commodity, or bond portfo-
We hope that, when the end of American socialism finally comes, it lios which they call investments. In a perfect world, these are in-
will be peaceful rather than violent, although the historical record vestments. As a result of socialism, they are speculations.
suggests violence as more probable. That end, however, may well be Five, learn to live modestly and self-sufficiently.
many decades in the future. We must, therefore, maximize the eco- In general, it is wise to arrange ones life so that freedom and
nomic freedom of our families and ourselves within the partially free family obligations can be met regardless of employment or specula-
world in which we live. There are still many opportunities to do this. tive income. Then, it is sensible to reach as high as possible even
Many people equate this objective with accumulation of very where the risk of failure is great as an economically free wild-
large amounts of money. There is a difference, however, between card. Few of us gain great wealth, but most of us can gain personal
potential freedom and actual freedom. Some people evaluate their economic freedom. We still, however, have the rich mans third
own progress primarily by keeping score with money. While this problem. We must learn how to spend our personal freedom wisely.
mindset is often well suited to the accumulation of money, it is not I have had the good fortune to know many fine American wild-
sufficient for the accumulation of economic freedom. cards. Some have succeeded, while others have failed. Most shared
Alexander M. Poniatoff, founder of AMPEX corporation and the the attitude that they would rather fail in an attempt to achieve a truly
inventor of video tape recording, once told me that a rich man has important goal rather than succeed in a lesser effort. Some had for-
three problems: (1) obtaining money that is easy. (2) keeping mal education, some did not. Some were rich, most were not.
money that is more difficult. (3) spending money wisely a prob- Money was to them a tool, not a scorecard, and they tended to wear
lem that very few are ever able to solve. The mind set and habits out all available tools in their endeavors.
best adapted to solving problems 1 and 2 often actually prevent the Watch for these people. Help them when you can. Join them if
solution of problem 3. you wish. In this uncertain world, our country and our civilization
There are many very wealthy individuals who are entirely en- must keep reaching higher in order to survive. It is our economically
slaved to the accumulation of additional wealth even though the free wildcards who have the longest reach.
was written for the layman. Those who want more should read, in the
BRUCE AMES Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Ames, B.N.
and Gold. L.S., PNAS 87, pp 7772-7776 (1990); Ames, B.N., Profet,
Every Access to Energy reader should obtain a copy of the recent M., and Gold, L.S., PNAS 87 pp 7777-7781 (1990); Ames, B.N., Pro-
34 page monograph entitled Does Current Cancer Risk Assessment fet, M., and Gold, L.N. PNAS 87, pp 7782-7786 (1990); and Ames,
Harm Health? by Bruce N. Ames. It is available for $5.00 from The B.N., Shigenaga, M.K., and Hagen, T.M., PNAS 90 pp 7915-7922
George C. Marshall Institute, 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 502, Wash- (1993). These papers provide an additional 400 references.
ington, D.C. 20036-4505 telephone (202) 296-9655. This article When writing about the degenerative processes of aging such as
cancer, a conflict arises between a scientists professional obligation of oxidative nucleic acid damage in the rat is about 100,000 per cell
to proceed cautiously and objectively and his moral obligation to ex- per day. Nevertheless, if carcinogens substantially increase the
trapolate known facts to an unknown outcome in order to help people amount of nucleic acid damage, this presumably increases the number
who are currently living, suffering, and perhaps dying without essen- of potentially precancerous events that require repair.
tial health knowledge. Second, if the damaged cell manages to reproduce before it is
Very often this latter obligation, the moral obligation to guess, mu- either repaired or killed by intercellular or extracellular defenses, it
tates under the influence of money, notoriety, and power to such an may establish itself as a growing tissue of similarly damaged cells.
extent that the former obligation is entirely lost. I have seen many ex- Therefore, factors that substantially increase the rate of cell turnover
amples from the best to the worst balances between these obligations. in a living tissue would be expected to increase the chance that a dam-
Bruce Ames is among the very best. Part of the discussion below is aged cell could establish itself as a mutated tissue.
summarized from his recent publications. Third, mutated cells must evade the bodys immune system, which
is trained to recognize cells that are not identical to those of ordinary
CANCER tissue. Although this is more difficult in the case of cells arising from
mutation of ordinary tissue as compared with invading cells such as
Cancer, as the curve adapted here from the Ames publications sug- bacteria, it is thought that the immune system does successfully rec-
gests, is an ordinary mechanism for the end of human life. As can be ognize and eliminate many mutated cells. Anything that decreases the
seen from this curve, more than 20% of those who live to be 80 years health of the immune system would be expected, therefore, to weaken
old die from cancer. It is possible that cancer cannot be eliminated this defense against cancer.
with current technology. It is Fourth, growing mutated tis-
likely, however, that it can be sue often releases cells that es-
postponed, so that death usually tablish themselves as growing
results from other causes. cancer tissues in other parts of
To the average person, can- the body. These metastasized
cer seems to strike suddenly, tissues multiply the number of
horribly, and tragically without locations in which the initial
warning. Although each person cancer can do harm.
knows that his life will end, the Fifth, the primary cancer tis-
onset of cancer moves that end sue or one of its metastases
closer and gives it a reality that grows large enough to fatally
removes human mental de- disrupt an essential bodily func-
fenses against the fact of mor- tion. Most cancer therapy fo-
tality. Fear, especially fear of cuses on surgical removal of
cancer, is a powerful force for cancer tissue or on slowing or
the manipulation of human be- reversing its growth.
ings. For this reason, many A very long time can elapse
groups use fear of cancer in an between the establishment of a
effort to further their agendas. cancerous tissue and its disrup-
Pseudoenvironmentalists tion of bodily functions great
have been especially unscrupu- enough to allow detection. This
lous in the promotion of fear of lag time can be as much as 20
cancer as has the Environ- years or more. Thus, a cancer
mental Protection Agency (EPA), a vast regulatory bureaucracy that victim can be ill for many years before symptoms appear. Both the
has been essentially built by manipulating public fear. primary tumor and many metastases are often well developed before
Recent issues of Access to Energy have focused on new develop- illness is discovered.
ments in radon research which show that the fear that low doses of Cancer research focuses on 1) reduction of production of cancer
radiation increase the risk of cancer is not only wrong, but is opposite cells through mutation and cell turnover, 2) increase in systemic resis-
to the truth. These radiation fears are, however, at the heart of the vast tance to the establishment of initial cancer cells as growing tissues, 3)
and successful pseudoenvironmentalist effort to prevent the proper reduction of rate of growth of cancer tissues once they have been es-
development of nuclear power in the United States. tablished, and 4) techniques for selective destruction of cancer tissues.
Bruce Ames and his colleagues and coworkers have focused on Smoking and chronic infections are known to markedly increase
another cancer fear the fear that trace levels of industrial chemicals cancer risk. It is believed that they do this by increasing the amount of
increase the risk of cancer. As in the case of radiation, harmful effects intracellular nucleic acid damage and thereby increasing the prob-
of chemicals at very high doses have been extrapolated to low dose ability that a cell will divide at a time when it has unrepaired, poten-
ranges where harmful effects have not been actually observed. tially cancerous genetic damage. Although chronic infections are
As in the radiation case, it turns out that the sum of government largely a risk factor in underdeveloped countries, smoking is the
actions taken in response to claimed dangers of trace chemical expo- greatest American risk factor.
sure have actually increased rather than decreased cancer risk. Lung cancer is by far the most prevalent cause of death from can-
Although not yet completely understood, the development of can- cer. Most lung cancer is caused by smoking. Smoking also increases
cer is apparently a several stage process. the risk of other fatal diseases. On average, each pack of cigarettes
First, damage is done to the nucleic acid molecular library in a liv- smoked per day reduces life expectancy about 8 years. This reduction
ing cell, so that the cell forgets information essential to doing its job is a compression of life, not a loss of only the later years. Smokers age
without disruption of the work of other cells. This damage also gives and die at an overall accelerated average rate. Although this effect is
the cell a competitive advantage over undamaged cells. Single in- reduced for cigars and pipes, it is still substantial.
stances of damage are usually of little importance, however. Cellular Diet is also an important cancer risk factor. Epidemiological stud-
mechanisms repair or eliminate such damage very efficiently. This is ies show generally that cancer risk is increased for diets rich in fats
necessary, because great amounts of chemical damage occur in the and low in fruits and vegetables. For example, Ames quotes Block,
course of ordinary biochemical life. Ames and coworkers found, for Patterson, and Subar, Nutr. Canc. 18, pp 1-29 (1992) who summa-
example, that the average number of ordinary biochemical instances rized this effect from 172 published studies. The averaged result of
these studies is that the relative risk of cancer was reduced by about a
factor of 2 by diets higher in fruits and vegetables. The Causes of Cancer
There is a hypothesis that fruits and vegetables reduce cancer risk
because they contain substances which react with other molecules that Smoking ................................................................................ 30%
might otherwise damage cellular nucleic acids. This has led to a wide- Unbalanced Diets (high fat, low fruits and vegetables) ..... 35%
spread practice of food supplementation, especially with vitamins A, Chronic Infections (Mostly in poor countries) ................... 30%
E, and C. While these substances may well improve health when Hormones (Breast, Endometrial, etc.) ................................. 25%
taken in reasonable amounts, they are probably not a complete substi- Occupation (Mostly Asbestos in Smokers) .......................... 2%
tute for dietary fruits and vegetables. Regardless of how they work, Pollution (Mostly Heavy Air Pollution) ............................. <1%
however, it is well established that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
and low in fats decreases cancer risk. Total (Because of multiple causes) ................................... 122%

This provides an example of Americas wildcard phenomenon. Ah, but the EPA and its enviro friends will say, these are Ames
Last month a fire in Boston claimed the life of an 85 year-old lady estimates. We dont really know for certain that pesticides are safe, so
named Ann Wigmore. Although knowledge about the health benefits lets just ban them anyway, so that no one will be harmed. Well, it
of fruits and vegetables can be traced to the beginnings of medical happens that Ames is one of the worlds foremost experts in the test-
literature and then further back into the medical folk lore of many cul- ing of chemical substances for cancer causing potential. His answer to
tures, it was Ann Wigmore who raised American awareness of these the pesticide question is as follows:
facts to the critical point where scientists began to study them.
As a child in Germany and Hungary during World War I, Ann PESTICIDES
Wigmore was treated by her village doctor grandmother, who empha-
sized the value of fruits, vegetables, and grasses in medicine. Ann First, it is not yet possible to directly measure the carcinogenic ef-
came to America at the age of 16 and, after experiencing the health fects of pesticide residues in food, because the risks, if any, are so
effects of the ordinary American diet, devoted the rest of her life to the small that they have not been observed. Current estimates are made in
advocacy of raw fruit and vegetable diets especially in the prevention the same way that they are erroneously made for radiation risks at
and treatment of cancer. She was not a scientist and had many odd very high levels of exposure are extrapolated to low levels. There are
interests, but her gradual impact upon the American health food sub- several reasons to think that these extrapolations are incorrect. Ames
culture and, through it, upon American science was substantial. gives these reasons, but does not depend upon them. (It is even possi-
I remember well the day in 1976 when Edie Mae and Arnold ble that low level exposure is beneficial a sort of biochemical hor-
Hunsberger (founder of U.S. elevator corporation and inventor of the mesis but Ames does not suggest this.)
glass elevator) came to see me at the suggestion of a Caltech student. Assuming, for argument, that the methods used to estimate cancer
They stated that Mrs. Hunsbergers life had been saved by Ann Wig- risks of pesticides are correct (Ames, himself, invented one of the bet-
more, and they wanted to tell me about cancer and raw fruits and ter ones), he simply lists the risks for all measured synthetic and natu-
vegetables. Edie Mae Hunsberger had decided to devote the rest of rally occurring chemicals as opposed to the EPA-enviro game of
her life to the advocacy with which Ann Wigmore had helped her. listing only the synthetic ones. The result is remarkable.
Part of my laboratory at the time consisted of a colony of 1000 About half of all chemicals tested by these criteria are classified as
mice in which we were studying dose response of several vitamins as carcinogenic. This is true of both the natural and synthetic groups. If
a function incidence and severity of skin cancer in UV irradiated hair- all of these substances are listed as dangerous, then almost all of the
less mice. The Hunsbergers convinced me to add fruits and vegetables dangerous chemicals that humans eat are naturally occurring sub-
to these studies. During the next year and a half, we found and con- stances in food. Extensive lists are given in the publications refer-
firmed by repetition a 4-fold reduction of cancer in these mice as a enced above.
result of a raw fruit and vegetable diet alone. Limiting the argument to pesticides, 99.99% of all pesticides that
Through her tireless work, Ann Wigmore created tens of thou- humans eat are produced by plants in their own biochemical defense.
sands of American advocates of the value of fruits and vegetables in These natural pesticides represent such a broad class of compounds
the reduction of cancer. These advocates gradually raised awareness that they are just as dangerous on average as are synthetic pesticides,
high enough that many laboratories were influenced as was ours, and so 99.99% of the pesticide risk comes from food itself.
science took over. Ann Wigmore will probably not be remembered. Ames estimates that the average American eats about 0.1 mg per
She will not even be referenced in the scientific literature, because she day of synthetic pesticides and about 1,500 mg per day of natural pes-
wrote nothing that would pass peer review. It is, however, wildcards ticides. About half of these substances would be classified by EPA
such as Ann Wigmore and Arn and Edie Mae Hunsberger that tests as carcinogenic. Each cup of coffee alone provides 10 mg of
pointed cancer research in this valuable direction. known carcinogens and many more not yet known.
If pesticides were a significant cause of cancer, most of us would
Cancer risk is also increased in individuals with very high occupa- have the disease already. We could reduce this exposure by eating
tional exposures to carcinogenic agents. This risk is cumulative, so synthetic diets or using more synthetic pesticides on food crops. This
workers who smoke have a lower tolerance for carcinogens and are, would enable us to grow strains of crops that have less natural pesti-
therefore, at greater risk. cide protection, so overall consumption of these substances would be
Ames states that hormone levels increase cancer risk. Breast can- reduced. Fortunately, the risk is so low that this is unnecessary.
cer is correlated to human hormone levels, especially in women who Moreover, there is a very high cancer risk hazard associated with
do not bear children. It is thought that this may be due to increased the EPA banning of pesticides. The banning of pesticides raises the
cell turnover that is stimulated by hormones. This turnover increases costs of fruits of vegetables (as do Department of Agriculture price
the chance that a mutated cell will establish itself as a tissue before the controls) and therefore reduces the consumption of these important
mutation is corrected. foods, which are known to be a major benefit in cancer prevention.
Bruce Ames has estimated, based on his knowledge of the current Even in the absence of government action, the fear tactics by
scientific literature, the approximate relative contributions of the vari- which the enviro industry and the EPA promote themselves have al-
ous factors as causes of cancer. His estimates are given in the table. ready led to many unnecessary cancer deaths. They have frightened
But where is the radiation? Where are the pesticides, herbicides, many Americans into the consumption solely of fruits and vegetables
and trace industrial chemicals? Where is that element from pseudoen- that have been organically grown without the use of pesticides,
vironmentalist hell chlorine? They are exactly where they belong. herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. These are generally more expen-
They are not of sufficient importance to be in the list. sive, so the result has been to reduce fruit and vegetable consumption.
Not in the Ames list of causes of cancer but well deserving of rec-
ognition are the EPA and other merchants of radiation and chemical
fear. Their accomplishments are not at all limited to the field of can-
cer, but I think that they deserve an estimate on the Ames list of can-
cer causes of at least 5%.
The EPA was launched to power with the ban of DDT. This pesti-
cide saved tens of millions of lives before it was banned. Since then
many people have died unnecessarily as a result of the DDT ban,
which was never supported by credible research.


J. S. Neuberger, et al, Health Physics 66 pp 263-269 (1994) report

lung cancer rates for women in Iowa. The EPA 4 pCi per liter
safety standard is exceeded in 71% of Iowa homes. Grouping Iowa
counties as <8 pCi, 8-10 pCi, and >10 pCi per liter and smoking as
low (<25%), medium (25-33%), and high (>33%), they find a nega-
tive correlation with lung cancer except in the high smoking group.
The high radon counties have 33% less, 14% less, and 11% more lung
cancer in low, medium, and high smoking counties respectively vs.
the low radon counties. benefit from CO2 emissions (see Access to Energy November and
Although (we should say because) Iowa has the highest state- December 1993). Unfortunately, they are in error.
wide mean radon level in the United States and the highest percentage Why do these people refuse to consider the data? (See Cargo Cult
of homes exceeding EPA radon safety levels, it has one of the lowest Science in Access to Energy January 1994.) The above figure is from
womens lung cancer rates. Two Environmental Issues published by the George C. Marshall
At some radon exposure level, the protective effect of radon Institute in 1991 (same publisher as the Ames article on page 1).
against lung cancer is overcome by the damaging effects of radon. The calculated curve is proportional to CO2 release. Since the tem-
These Iowa results indicate that, in non-smokers, this level is greater perature increase (which correlates excellently with increased solar
than 10 pCi per liter. For those who are already damaging their lungs activity) precedes the CO2 release, it cannot be caused by it.
by smoking, the optimum radon level is evidently lower. Cohens re- For example, CO2 values were 293, 294, 307, and 339 parts per
sults (see December 1993 Access to Energy) show that, even for million in 1890, 1900, 1940, and 1980 respectively. (Values from
smokers, the optimum radon level is greater than 4 pCi per liter. S.B. Idso, Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Earth in Transition
The linear hypothesis, upon which virtually the entire radiation ISBN 0-9623489-1-0 IBR Press, 631 E. Laguna Drive, Tempe, AZ
scare industry is based, is scientifically dead. 85282.) During this 90 year period, 70% of the CO2 increase occurred
between 1940 and 1980 with no atmospheric temperature increase.
The temperature increase occurred before 1940, so it cannot have
been caused by the later CO2 increase.
I have in my hand a $20 magnetic tape (4mm x 120 m) the size of
two matchboxes that can contain more written material than I will GOOD READING
read during my entire life. Its contents can be read into my personal
l Resolution 93-48 (and 26-page supporting legal document)
computer in two hours (8 Gbyte at 60 Mbyte/minute). Commercially
available now, this technology will probably soon be obsolete. adopted by the Nye County Board of Commissioners, PO Box 153,
Group schools for children below the age of 18 are among the Tonopah, NV 89049 asserting that, within the borders of the State of
walking dead, and, if they dont clean up their moral and intellectual Nevada, Nevada owns all public lands. This is representative of a rap-
act, most universities will die in this revolution as well. idly growing movement in the western United States to establish state
and county authority against growing federal irresponsibility.
l Doll, R., Evans, H.J., and Darby, S.C., Nature 367 pp 678-680
(1994) show that the hypothesis that childhood leukemia near the Sel-
l Challenger II? Ko, M.K.W., Sze, N., and Prather, M.J., Nature lafield nuclear reprocessing plant was caused by paternal exposure to
367 pp 505-508 (1994) want international bureaucratic regulators to ionizing radiation is wrong. Noteworthy are both the result and the
fiddle with space shuttle rocket engines, because they estimate that prominent publication of the result.
space shuttle exhaust adds chlorine to the stratosphere in an amount of l Profile of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar by John Horgan in the
about 1/1000th that of CFCs. They also want to add bromine com- March 1994 Scientific American. Chandrasekhar, who is now com-
pounds to the atmospheric witchhunt. Meanwhile the ozone depletion pleting a book about Isaac Newton, is quoted as saying, He is one of
hypothesis itself struggles along without credible data and against the two or three greatest intellects, ever, in any subject. If you want to
growing scientific and public scepticism. compare Newton to anybody, you have to go outside science.
l Long-term atmospheric computer models are still so primitive l Telecosm, Life After Television Updated by George Gilder
that their temperature predictions are more fluid than the oceans of air in Forbes ASAP (1st quarter 1994). The personal computer is already
and water that they fail to understand. Undeterred, Stouffer, R.J., in 30% of American homes and the river of information pouring into
Manabe, S., and Vinnikov, Nature 367 pp 634-636 (1994) have used these computers will soon become an ocean. Defining quality in that
the fluctuations in their computer model to claim that the 0.5 C in- ocean will be the next frontier.
crease in global temperature during the past century was an abnormal
fluctuation and therefore probably caused by CO2 emissions. Access
to Energy March 1994 reported an effort by S.H. Schneider to misuse
the laws of probability with the same objective. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
I actually wish these people were right, since a little warmer tem- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
perature would be a great bonus to go along with the doubling of the monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
earths plant and animal population that we can already expect as a Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
Cumul. Index Sept. 1973 to Aug. 1992, $20.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MAY 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 9) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Tax Financed Research

America has tens of thousands of the worlds finest scientists and There is one reason for this silence - tax support of scientific re-
engineers. Many of these people hold tenured positions in first-rate search. Almost everyone in American science is running scared that
research universities such as Caltech and MIT or in hundreds of his research funds might be cut off in response to politically incor-
other universities and research institutions with excellent science rect statements. Laboratories and scientists that undertake and pub-
programs. They are supposed to be free to publish their thoughts and lish research contrary to political dogma either succumb to pressure
work without fear of loss of their positions. to mend their ways or else find themselves without funding. Profes-
While it is true that American science also has tens of thousands sional societies carefully beat politically correct drums, so that their
of mediocre professionals who really should be employed else- membership will be allowed to stay in the band.
where, these people are not supposed to be able to impose their own Even some of our most principled scientists have been forced to
mediocrity upon the better scientists. decide to limit themselves to research and refrain from politically
With all of this high-powered talent, how do such things as the incorrect publications which might destroy that research.
carbon dioxide, chlorine, and ozone scams manage to survive? How Scientists holding endowed chairs in institutions with large
can such a simplistic notion as the no-threshold, linear hypothesis amounts of private funding are also affected, because most of these
about radiation dominate a whole field and damage Americas entire institutions also receive large amounts of tax money. Misbehavior
energy industry? Where are our best scientists while EPA policies could cost their institutions and their colleagues money essential for
are being formulated on the basis of scientific nonsense that actually professional and institutional survival.
damages public health rather than enhancing it? With the single specific exception of research essential for na-
Access to Energy has repeatedly dissected published scientific ar- tional military defense - a legitimate responsibility of government -
ticles containing errors and distortions designed to buttress politi- America would be far better off with no tax support of scientific re-
cally correct myths. Everyone makes mistakes, however, and every search whatever. This single statement, if shown to the referees of
large human endeavor includes some dishonest individuals. The real any research paper I submit for publication, would probably doom
question is, where is the correcting response of American science? the paper. What rock have I been living under?
Where also is the correcting response to the decaying standards Am I unaware of all the wonderful research and famous careers
of personal honesty and professional integrity in American research that have been made possible by government money? Most of my
laboratories? In just one individual research career, I personally have colleagues live on government money, and so once did I. I spent
seen and learned about enough scandalous behavior to fill several large amounts of your tax dollars before I decided to stop applying
books. With very rare exceptions, however, the American scientific for this. Moreover, I can tell you from first-hand experience that sci-
establishment just ignores this behavior. ence without government support, in a society which assumes that
Some may answer that the Dixy Lee Rays and Petr Beckmanns government is taking care of science, is difficult indeed.
are that response - that pamphlets from the George Marshall Insti- Nevertheless, I am convinced that if all tax support of non-de-
tute, newsletters like Access to Energy, and articles written by a few fense research suddenly ended, the professional and ethical quality
outspoken scientists do this job. As valuable as these efforts are, of American science would immediately begin to rise dramatically.
however, they are too small a response from American science. The number of scientists would, of course, drop sharply as en-
John F. Kennedy once remarked to a large group of Nobel Prize dowed institutions shed the army of administrators and mediocre
winners who were dining with him at the White House that there professionals that is sustained by tax money. It might even become
had not previously ever been more brain power in that room except possible to read the scientific literature again without becoming lost
when Thomas Jefferson dined there alone. Everyone laughed. If, in mountains of diaries that need not be published. Even the most
however, Kennedy had said moral and ethical courage instead of brilliant scientists would probably publish only an average of once
brain power, there would have been little to laugh about. every few years or so. Relieved of the publish or perish burden and
The professional skills available at just one scientific institution the requirement to keep churning out grant requests, these people
such as Caltech are sufficient to demolish the pseudoscientific un- would have much more time for careful work.
derpinnings of the entire enviropolitical movement. This is not even And the professional enviros who masquerade as scientists?
work. The job could be done as lunch-time entertainment with per- They would be laughed out of the profession. Private donations to
haps a small gag trophy that circulated among the faculty weekly. research from enriched taxpayers would increase and would no
Remember the Carter energy crisis? As American scientific aca- longer be lost in the politics of government-supported institutions.
demia dutifully wagged its collective head about the imminent end A standard line runs Ive been rich and Ive been poor, and rich
of the petroleum age, the U. S. government undertook a huge reserve is better. True riches, however, are not achieved by sharing the loot
program to pump oil back into the ground. The real price of this from a governments confiscation of the earnings and savings of its
vanished resource has declined ever since. people. In science this is especially true.
Now Vice President Gore is building a whole career on non- Tax money is causing American science to tell enormous lies of
science with very little criticism from the scientific establishment. omission to the American people.

would cause it to stop gradually. As I have watched this process, I

LOSING MOMENTUM have been especially aware of the decline of Americas chemical in-
dustry because my father spent his life designing and building large
Alexander Poniatoff, whom we quoted last issue, used to compare petrochemical plants for Union Carbide.
the American economy to a giant flywheel. He said that the squander- Since this industry is already built, it is not so vulnerable to the
ing of Americas industrial heritage would have its effects slowly, be- merchants of fear who have damaged the nuclear power industry. The
cause the enormous momentum of the American industrial flywheel chemical industry can be harmed, but it cannot be destroyed by
the Greenpeace pogrom against elements such as chlorine. The Some may say that this is just sentimentalism that has no place in
chemical industry is more likely to succumb to the pervasive taxes the free-market. This magnesium plant, however, was not destroyed
and regulations through which Washington big-spenders and bureau- in a free market. First, its world-class profitability and replacement
crats have eaten away its capital base. capital were taxed away by socialism. Second, paper shuffling execu-
As I write this, I have beside me on the wall a photograph of the tives whose culture has been partially created by American socialism
plant at Seadrift, Texas, that my father designed about 40 years ago. A and fascism killed it. The only free market involved was that of the
couple of years ago, there was a serious explosion in one part of that scavengers, such as ourselves and the scrap dealers, who gathered to
plant. I wonder about the maintenance of the rest of it. For 40 years it collect the bones.
has been pouring out huge quantities of polyethylene, largely using
the equipment that men working under my father installed in it. That PROTECTION BY RADIATION
equipment is wearing out.
Where is the capital needed to repair and replace that equipment? It is generally accepted that medical use of nuclear radiation is of
It is not there. It has been squandered in Washington, DC. A Swiss net positive benefit. Even in a political world dominated by the no-
civil defense expert told me that his company anticipates a good mar- threshold, linear hypothesis and therefore believing that every incre-
ket in blast valves for American chemical plants. These valves keep mental increase in radiation exposure is harmful, popular opinion
explosion blast pressure out of enclosed structures. He says that holds that the overall benefits of these medical procedures outweigh
American chemical companies are starting to blast harden their con- the claimed harmful effects. In part, this is because fearful people in
trol rooms to mitigate the effects of plant explosions. immediate danger from disease are relatively uninterested in theoreti-
Our industrial heritage is also being squandered by the new culture cal claims about long-term health hazards.
of corporate executive control by a class of people who know more
about board room politics and lobbying than they do about the indus-
tries under their control. These people often are loyal only to financial
reports that affect their careers.
Recently we participated in an event made possible by such corpo-
rate executives. Without government money, our small research insti-
tute, the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, cannot afford
many items of research equipment that it needs. We have been look-
ing, therefore, for auctions of laboratories. Two weeks ago, we found
a bonanza. I was able to buy at auction lab equipment for about 3% of
the catalogue price (3 cents on the dollar) that filled two 48-foot semi
trucks. A colleague and I and four men whom we hired worked 50
hours just to deinstall the equipment and load the trucks. That is the
good news. The bad news involves the occasion of the auction.
Five years ago, executives at a large American corporation de-
cided to spin off a plant that was not making as large an average
profit as the rest of their holdings. This plant near San Francisco was
Americas largest magnesium plant with over one third of American
magnesium production capacity and almost all of American high-pu-
rity, pharmaceutical grade magnesium. Magnesium is manufactured
by extraction from seawater and dolomite. The plant, Marine Magne-
sium, produced magnesium oxide, hydroxide, and carbonate.
In a deal typical of the new corporate culture, the executives sold
the plant to one company and the land under the plant to another com-
pany - with a five-year lease. The new owners increased the profit-
ability of the plant through better management, but the lease on their
land ran out. Flush with cash from other paper deals (they arent pro-
ducing much yet), the landowners refused to renew the lease.
The plant was too huge and expensive to move, so Americas larg-
est magnesium plant and most of her high-purity magnesium capacity
are being demolished. This production is now being made up by im- Atmospheric nuclear testing, however, succumbed to political
ports from Israel and Japan. campaigns based upon the linear hypothesis. Fear of claimed long-
We bought most of the R & D and quality control labs. The rest of term health effects had a greater political effect than did concerns
the auction was heart-rending. Most of the machinery was sold for a about inadequate national defense. This result was then parlayed by
small fraction of metal scrap value. A large ship lathe sold for $50; a the antitechnologists into political campaigns that partially paralyzed
recently purchased $500,000 machine went for $5,000, and spare 3- other parts of American defense technology and severely stunted the
phase motors were $1.50 each. A large supply of stainless steel bolts growth of American nuclear power production.
was sold unnoticed in a lot with an old desk for almost nothing. The Not only were these campaigns based upon poor science, the po-
huge settling tanks and other large steel installations didnt even sell. litical results have caused a loss of human life even if that loss is esti-
They will go to the demolition crews for their work. mated using the erroneous linear hypothesis.
Many of the men who had maintained this plant for decades were Radiation Protection Philosophy: Time for Changes? by J. V.
present, although the plant ceased operation in February 1994. These Jovanovich of the University of Manitoba, Physics in Canada,
productive men watched the demolition of their lifes work. March/April 1994 contains a thoughtful review of the risk-reward
I believe that there is an obligation that comes with ownership and balance for nuclear radiation. (See also Jovanovich, J.V., La Physique
responsibility for such an industrial asset. When these executives sold au Canada, September 1993 pp 293-301, Could the Chernobyl Ex-
the land out from under this plant, they violated that obligation. They clusion Zone be Recovered?) The figure above is from the United
probably received a little more money or some other reward. What Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
will their children and grandchildren do when Israel and Japan decide 1982: 37th Session, Suppl. No. 45 (A/37/45), Ionizing Radiation:
to stop trading magnesium for American paper? Sources and Biological Effects as reproduced by J. V. Jovanovich.
There are three competing hypotheses concerning the health ef- might save the most lives per kilowatt hour, it does not take into ac-
fects of low-level ionizing radiation. count the broad range of life expectancy and life quality in even the
1. The linear, no-threshold hypothesis states that health effects are most developed countries such as the United States. Abundant, low-
linearly dependent upon dose from zero (where effects are assumed cost energy can extend and save many lives in America, too.
zero) to doses high enough to cause degenerative diseases in a large The average American, however, knows little about these facts
percentage of animals or people. Even higher doses that cause imme- and arguments. Four decades of propaganda by the merchants of fear
diate fatalities are excluded, because these involve additional effects. have frightened many people regarding this mysterious phenomenon
2. The threshold hypothesis states that there is a low-level thresh- which they can neither see nor feel. Jovanovich gives some excellent
old of ionizing radiation below which damaging health effects do not tables showing loss of life expectancy as a function of various occu-
occur. In the absence of better information, a linear extrapolation pations and risks and gives good, quantitative evaluations of these
from high doses may be acceptable, but the extrapolated line should values. (He falls down only when, at the end of the paper, he throws
not be forced to the 0,0 origin. in the increasingly popular argument that an additional benefit of nu-
3. The radiation hormesis hypothesis states that at sufficiently low clear power is that it limits carbon dioxide release. He quotes a refer-
radiation doses health effects actually become positive. Not only ence that erroneously predicts carbon dioxide increases of 10-fold
should the extrapolation from high doses not pass through the graphi- from burning fossil fuels. Nuclear power, which has the real argu-
cal origin, it should change sign. This predicts that ionizing radiation ments of science on its side, will not benefit from an expedient alli-
dose has a non-zero optimum for human health. ance with nonscience and other enemies of human progress.)
Initially there was no experimental data with which to distinguish An early beneficiary of the no-threshold, linear hypothesis was
between these hypotheses. All three predicted health effects at low ra- Linus Pauling, who received the Nobel Prize for Peace for his cam-
diation doses that were too small to measure directly without the use paign against atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. Paulings cam-
of very large numbers of experimental subjects. paign of fear was based upon the linear hypothesis. Edward Teller
Antidefense and antitechnology groups preferred the no-threshold, and his colleagues were its victims. Radiation fear also has other uses.
linear hypothesis, because it predicted small damaging health effects A decade ago, when Linus Pauling and I were in an extensive legal
that could be made to appear large when multiplied by billions to al- and professional fight, his lawyers were becoming desperate to find
low for world numbers of animals and people. In order to stimulate something with which to counter the overwhelming evidence against
public fear, these groups promulgated the false notion that the linear Pauling. They needed some transgression by me with which to influ-
hypothesis was a proved scientific theory. ence a jury. They found it in the merchandise of radiation fear.
Gradually, indirect experimental health data has accumulated for Three of my graduate students had synthesized polypeptides
low-level radiation. Since much of this data looks unfavorable for the which contained small amounts of carbon 14 enriched alanine. These
linear hypothesis, it has been politically ignored. With the radon peptides were stored in a laboratory freezer which contained all of the
scare, however, the linear hypothesis is beginning to politically un- synthetic materials that my coworkers and I had produced in a decade
ravel. As described in recent issues of Access to Energy, radon data of work on the deamidation of peptides and proteins. Materials in that
on hundreds of thousands of American homes is strongly supportive freezer were essential to the continuation of our research. The carbon
of the hormesis hypothesis. Besides helping to preserve American 14 products were properly labeled as radioactive.
freedom, it looks increasingly possible that atmospheric nuclear test- Pauling and his retainer Zuckerkandle called for measurements of
ing actually may even have unintentionally improved human health. radioactive contamination and brought in a technician to check inside
As Jovanovich points out, however, it is not necessary to choose the freezer. Carbon 14 contamination was found; Pauling ordered the
among these three hypotheses in order to argue that radiation expo- freezer and its contents destroyed, ending our research program; and I
sure standards have been set at unhealthfully low levels. The figure was accused of dangerous and irresponsible safety practices.
here, reproduced by Jovanovich from World Development Report The actual measurements by Paulings technician were later used
1984, published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press, il- in independent calculations by several scientists including Petr Beck-
lustrates one of his points. The straight line shows an increase of life mann and Martin Kamen, the discoverer of carbon 14. These calcula-
expectancy of three and one-half years for each doubling of electricity tions showed that, if all of the contamination in that entire freezer had
consumption. The curved line shows increases up to about 3,000 kilo- been dissolved in two gallons of water, those two gallons would not
watt hours per year per person and saturation above that level. have exceeded the EPA standard for drinking water.
Nevertheless, my attorneys were convinced that Pauling had made
a strategic coup. No matter how many experts we brought to testify
about radiation safety, fear of radiation would still have a damaging
impact on the jury. In this small way, our research on deamidation
joined Edward Teller and his colleagues among Paulings victims.
Fear and ignorance about radiation are political currency in Amer-
ica today. The Clinton Administrations recent attempt to use that
ploy to divert public attention shows that this currency still buys real
goods in the American marketplace.
Moreover, fear of radiation has been a major stepping stone for the
entire antitechnology movement. Sensitized by radiation fear, the
public is ready to believe similar nonscience about chlorine, ozone,
and carbon dioxide, which are also mysterious entities that most peo-
ple do not understand. This has extended even to conceptual entities
as, for example, in Jeremy Rifkins bestseller, Entropy, which argued
that human industrial activity was increasing the entropy of the uni-
verse and must be stopped. This excursion into nonsense thermody-
Correlation does not prove causality. Energy is, however, the cur- namics was dishonest in the extreme but it was politically effective.
rency of technological progress. There is no doubt that technological Rifkin did actual damage to technology.
progress has increased the quality and quantity of human life and that Research and education are only partial answers to the threat posed
the rate of this increase depends upon energy cost and availability. by the antitechnologists. The socialism that is allowing antitechnolo-
Does this curve suggest that nuclear power plants should be built gists to intimidate American academic science must also end. The
primarily in underdeveloped countries for the present? While this truth will eventually prevail, but how many will die in the meantime?

Dare we reveal that a major volatile component of human breath is
FRIED FROGS EGGS also ethanol, even in non-drinkers? Along with the carbon dioxide
we are exhaling, we may not be able to get a permit to breathe.
The Associated Press wire carried advance news of a paper by A. l The National Center for Public Policy Research, 300 I Street,
R. Blaustein, et al, PNAS 91, pp 1791-1795 (1994) reporting the rela- NE #3, Washington, DC 20002 reports in PFE #5 that the Depart-
tive egg hatching success in several species of frogs and toads as a ment of Transportation may soon classify salad oil, butter fat, cocoa
function of ultraviolet light, and including some relevant biochemis- butter, and other cooking oils as hazardous materials when
try. AP quoted Blaustein as saying, The bottom line is that current shipped in quantities of 120 gallons or more. Trucks that have once
levels of UV-B radiation in sunlight are killing the eggs. been used for transport of hazardous materials are prohibited from
Among those species which did not lay their eggs in shielded loca- shipping food, including cooking oils.
tions and which already had reduced hatching success, an average of l Carl Sagan is suing Apple Corporation. Apple previously
about one-half of the normally unhatched eggs were induced to hatch agreed to stop using Sagans name as an internal code name for a new
by shielding with UV-B blocking filters. This research seems to be computer model, and substituted the letters BHA. Someone noticed
well done, but its politically correct ozone-ification is unfortunate. that this could represent Butt-Head Astronomer, so Sagan sued.
First, Blaustein blames a world-wide decline in amphibian species The Wall Street Journal for April 11 reports that lawyers are now de-
on increases in UV light in recent years even though there is no data bating the precise meaning of the term Butt-Head.
on UV light at the locations of those declines. In fact, the preponder- l The Energy Information Administration report Domestic Ura-
ance of evidence indicates no change in UV-B levels. Second, he cites nium Milling and Mining Industry 1992: Viability Assessment now
the flawed Kerr and McElroy report from Toronto (see Access to En- available from the Government Printing Office concludes that 80 per-
ergy, January 1994) which created a trend from one volcanic erup- cent of U.S. domestic utility requirements for uranium between 1993
tion. The Toronto data actually show a constant to lower UV light and 2003 will met by natural and enriched uranium imports. Soon the
level during the relevant decline period between 1989 and 1992. bureaucrats may even have to import their paper.
UV sensitivity in some species of amphibian eggs may be advan- l The U. S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights is still
tageous or disadvantageous. Frogs and toads have been hiding or not considering a complaint filed by the ACLU claiming that the PSAT
hiding their eggs for millennia in widely varying levels of UV light. test used to award National Merit fellowships is unfair to girls, be-
Associated Press quotes Blaustein further as advising, Showing cause more boys score in the top 15,000 who become National Merit
damage to an animal means there probably will be an effect on hu- semifinalists. Apparently the distribution function of performance is
mans. We await his study of humans who do not hide their eggs. wider for boys than girls, so averages are different at the extreme end.
Boys also have a shorter life expectancy than girls. Perhaps this will
HOME SCHOOLS be corrected by affirmative action under the Clinton medical plan.

When Mike Farris, President of the Home School Legal Defense GOOD READING
Fund, and Congressman Dick Armey initiated their two-week effort
to block Congressman George Millers attempt to bring home schools l Global Warming and Ozone Hole Controversies (1994) by
under federal regulation, they also began a test of the relative political Frederick Seitz from the George C. Marshall Institute, 1730 M street,
strengths of the National Education Association dominated public N.W., Suite 502, Washington, DC 20036. Dr. Seitz is President
schools vs. the home schools. Emeritus of Rockefeller University and past President of the National
When the dust settled, Congress had received more calls than it Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society.
had on homosexuals in the military, NAFTA, and the 1990 congres- l The Earth is Fine; The Problem is the Greens by Andrew
sional pay raise combined - over one million calls. Millers legisla- Kenny in The Spectator for 12 March 1994. This is an especially
tion, which had majority support prior to the call-in, received only good article on the CFC ban with special attention to its disastrous
one vote - Millers. In addition, Armeys amendment prohibiting fed- implications for health in less developed countries.
eral regulation of home and private schools passed 374 to 53. l Environment Betrayed by Edward C. Krug available from P.O.
The home school movement with technological help from the Box 1161, Winona, MN 55987. Volume I, No. 4 concentrates on the
computer revolution may soon be the dominant force in American myth of the noble and environmentally aware savage. All four in-
education. This is one reason to be optimistic about the future. itial issues are filled with good information.
l Human Radiation Experiments by Bernard L. Cohen, The
RADIOISOTOPE SHORTAGE Health Physics Society Newsletter 22, March 1994 pp 12-13 and Nu-
clear News, March 1994 pp 72-75. Dr. Cohen calculates the most
The American Nuclear Society (See ANS News, March 1994 p 4 probable number of deaths from all of the experiments reviewed in
and Nuclear News, March 1994 p 71) has initiated a campaign to as- the Markey Report on which the recent Clinton publicity campaign
sure an American supply of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and has been based. That number of deaths is zero. Moreover, most of the
other applications. These isotopes are currently obtained by imports experiments involved less radiation exposure than is currently being
largely from Russia and Canada. As Department of Energy reactors used in positron emission tomography research involving over 10,000
and accelerators are closed, virtually all American radioisotope pro- healthy human subjects each year in the United States.
duction is ending and shortages of specific isotopes are preventing l The Latest Anti-Nuclear Hysteria: Radiation-Caused Breast
some cancer research and other important programs. Cancer in Nuclear Energy Info for April 1994 from the Nuclear En-
ergy Institute, Suite 400, 1776 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006.
STARK RAVING MAD A combination of Greenpeace, the Womens Environment and De-
velopment Organization, and such luminaries as Ernest Sternglass
l The Wall Street Journal for April 13 reports on page one that have initiated a new scare campaign against nuclear medicine.
the Clean Air Act requires bakeries to spend millions of dollars in
order to reduce their emissions of odors, especially ethanol.
The EPA recently proposed an addendum to this same Clean Air ACCESS TO ENERGY
Act requiring that corn-based additives, primarily ethanol, be added
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
to gasoline. See EPAs Ethanol Giveaway by J.H. Adler, Com- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
petitive Enterprise Institute newsletter, March 1994 from CEI, 1001 monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036. tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JUNE 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 10) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

98% Fact Free

Science is the study of facts that are experimentally determined editors job is to select which parts of that information to emphasize
by human beings. It consists of the experimental observation and and to augment it with additional facts, articles, and information.
measurement of facts and the organization of these facts by means The pervasiveness of the drift away from interest in truth and
of hypotheses and theories. This organization allows the extrapola- facts in our society is truly astonishing.
tion of observations, so that the results of additional experiments can Everyone has noticed the debate over the Clinton medical plan.
be predicted. Experimental verification of these predictions refines Most remarkable was the intense national debate complete with doz-
and strengthens the hypotheses and theories. As this cycle of induc- ens of Presidential speeches, hundreds of appearances by Presiden-
tion and deduction repeats, we converge on a comprehension of tial representatives, seemingly endless television propaganda, and
truth to the extent that we are able to understand it. almost daily public opinion polls which took place for two months
Most observations involve some uncertainty. These uncertainties before any actual facts about the plan were revealed. Similarly, ma-
are reported with the observations and are taken into account in our jor legislation restricting our Constitutional right to keep and bear
use of that information. Uncertainty affects some scientific disci- arms has now supposedly passed both houses of Congress, but not
plines more than others, because degrees of complexity and our one of the hundreds of media accounts of this which we have seen
abilities to make reliable measurements vary with the subject. In has given a detailed and specific description of the restrictions.
general, our certainty about facts is perfect for mathematics and then In the environmental debate, the Vice President of the United
diminishes as we move from mathematics to physics, from physics States recently called Ted Koppel of Nightline, a major television
to chemistry, and from chemistry to biology. For disciplines beyond program, to give him a list of scientists who have published politi-
biology, uncertainty is so great that science alone is insufficient. cally incorrect research facts that the Vice President does not want
Most aspects of human affairs involve disciplines of great scien- the public to know. He asked Koppel to smear these scientists on his
tific uncertainty. These aspects are governed, however, by a rela- program by linking them (incorrectly) to unpopular industrial, politi-
tively small number of great truths and facts about human activities. cal, and religious groups. To his credit, Koppel did not do it.
Virtually all human progress has involved increased under- A concerted effort is being made throughout the public school
standing of truth and increased use of truth in the governing of hu- system to divert student interest away from rigorous truth. This
man affairs. The latter has been especially difficult, because the month, Zachary is taking a series of eleven advanced placement ex-
baser aspects of human nature greed, fear, envy, hatred, and the aminations for college. Unsurprisingly, the humanities exams are
lust for power often cause people to oppose the truth. awash with politically correct essays and misinformation. Ameri-
The American national experiment has been possible because our cans have come to expect this nonsense from nonscience academics.
founding fathers were able to incorporate a remarkable amount of I call this fact-free education. Math is supposed to be different.
truth into the fundamental rules of our republic. After two hundred When I asked about the calculus exam, however, Zachary re-
years of determined attack by human nature, much of their remark- plied, I think I got most of the problems right, but I dont know
able accomplishment still exists and protects us from ourselves. how Ill do on the free response. I worked some of the problems in
Those who would mentally and physically enslave us have a my head, but they decrease your grade for that. Free response
common enemy the truth. This includes simple scientific truths, turns out to be a section where little credit is given for correct an-
the guiding political truths of our nation, and the great moral and swers. The grade depends instead on whether or not the student
ethical truths of our civilization. For this reason, all of these areas of writes out the currently popular approach to the problem.
truth are under assault today. This is not unusual. In one form or This is not merely a trend in teaching style. It is exemplary of the
another this conflict has been a part of human affairs throughout re- trend toward teaching students that absolute truths are unimportant.
corded history. Freedom must be continuously defended. Great moral truths have always stood in the way of tyranny. With
As the fortunate beneficiaries of a civilization that has been built the explosion in scientific knowledge, an additional edifice of facts
on the many actions of our forebears to advance the truth, each of us has created stumbling blocks for those who would enslave the hu-
has an obligation to continue that advance or, at the very least, to man mind. Thomas Jefferson said, I have sworn upon the altar of
prevent its reversal. In 1994, prevention of reversal would be an ac- God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of
complishment. Irrationalism in the service of tyranny has increased man. This includes the mental tyranny of fact-free political de-
substantially during the past three decades. bates, fact-free environmental politics, and fact-free education.
The goal of Access to Energy is to effectively oppose untruths in American technological accomplishments are fact-filled. Ameri-
scientific disciplines that are especially relevant to human affairs. can freedom is truth-based. There is no better way to lose both than
Access to Energy is not primarily a newsletter. It is actually a stead- to allow the continuing purge from American public affairs and edu-
ily growing community of subscribers who provide each other with cation of both facts and truth. Those who are anti-science, anti-tech-
information about truths in science and engineering through the nology, and anti-free enterprise want us to be 98% fact-free. They
newsletter. When I asked Petr Beckmann where he found the infor- prefer that we consume politically correct factoids instead. Their diet
mation he published, he replied, The readers send it to me. The will permanently harden our national arteries.

walking. When I sat down, it stopped; when I walked, it started again.

NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Being one parent with six children, I am overly cautious, so I checked
into the local emergency room and asked for an electrocardiogram.
Shown on the next page is a portrait of your editor. Every reader of The miracles of modern diagnostic medicine took over. They put
Access to Energy should avoid having such a photograph made - but, me flat on my back, started oxygen and blood thinners, did the elec-
if you have one, I hope it looks a lot like this. trocardiogram and multiple other tests, admitted me to the hospital,
On July 23, 1993, I experienced a pain in my left shoulder while and, the next morning, performed the heart catheterization shown in
tal nutritional research was submitted to the Proceedings of the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences with recommendation by the usual three
reviewers. All three are outstanding senior scientists; two are mem-
bers of the Academy; and one is a Nobel Laureate. Not one of the
three is a proponent of any particular nutritional theory or has any
other reason for bias. Academy rules, however, require further review
of medically relevant manuscripts by reviewers with medical creden-
tials. The paper will not be read in PNAS. The medical reviewers
found it out of step with currently popular medical opinions. The cre-
dentials of these medical reviewers derive from government licensure
procedures. The Academy rule for further review arises from a fear of
offending those who control government research funds.
Countless numbers of such incidents over the past few decades
have slowed research on nutrition and health. Moreover, they have
markedly decreased the willingness of capable scientists to work in
this field and have distorted the work of those who do.
Linus Pauling eventually discredited himself with unethical ac-
tions by which he attempted to suppress research not consistent with
his own preconceived nutritional hypotheses. He also deliberately
picked fights with many different health research organizations in at-
tempts to gain further notoriety. He did not, however, begin that way.
When Linus and I began nutritional research together in 1968,
Linuss theoretical work was clear, perceptive, and valuable. Much of
the experimental and theoretical work we carried out between 1968
and 1978 had significant potential.
the photograph. All of the tests were negative and my coronary arter- Unfortunately, for the millions of people whose health has been
ies were clear, so I was discharged with no further treatment. destroyed by lack of nutritional knowledge, Paulings personal weak-
Hospitals are dangerous places even for healthy patients, and these nesses imploded under pressure from the government sanctioned es-
tests were not risk-free, especially the catheterization. American hos- tablishment, and most of our work was lost.
pitals are, however, the best in the world. Now, people of the same sort who crushed Pauling (sure he had
Under socialized medicine, I would probably not have received weaknesses and faults, but who among us is perfect?) are popping vi-
these tests. Only if the symptoms worsened would I have been put on tamin C and vitamin E pills into their mouths and giving sage opin-
the waiting list. If my coronary arteries had been found to be blocked, ions about anti-oxidants. Establishment nutritional science has
then I would have been put on another waiting list. In Canada the av- reached approximately the level of the health food industry of the
erage wait for a coronary bypass operation is 24 weeks. Many people 1940s and probably has about the same high incidence of erroneous
die from heart attacks during that wait. ideas. At least there has been a little progress.
In Medford, Oregon, in 1993, I was scheduled to be in heart sur- There is, however, a possibility that Paulings downfall acciden-
gery within 24 hours of entering the hospital with minor symptoms tally led to a series of events that might help to keep many of us from
if the catheterization showed blocked arteries. The cardiologist told having our hearts photographed on the way to a surgeons knife.
me that 75% of the patients that he sends for catheterization turn out Regardless of his hope that vitamin C alone could prevent or cure
to have blocked coronary arteries. 75% of all cancer, Linus, his wife Ava Helen, and his principal clini-
A day as a patient in the heart ward of a modern hospital is a cal collaborator Ewan Cameron all developed cancer two died and
highly motivating experience. The place is full of people who have Linus is seriously ill. Moreover, clinical trials showed that the 75%
just had their chests cut open. You are waiting for word that yours is estimate is wrong. It might be over 0%, but this is as yet unknown.
going to be opened, too. The probabilities of survival are milling These tragic events and also financial problems from mismanage-
through your head along with concerns about what you can still do for ment and corrupt administrators of his Institute led Pauling to change
the children in the few hours that you might have left. direction in 1990. He hired a European physician named (perhaps ap-
Moreover, this is not just a win-or-lose situation. It is lose a little or propriately in view of past and later events) Matthias Rath.
lose a lot. Most successful patients lose at least a little brain function Rath had already been studying correlations between nutrition and
to the heart-lung machine and the probabilities of permanent serious heart disease. In collaboration with Pauling this work accelerated, a
debility and of relapse are very high. Heart surgery is good only in unifying hypothesis was developed, substantial amounts of research
contrast to the alternative sudden death. funds were raised, and the work proceeded to a predictable conclu-
There are, however, other alternatives, although they are very sion Rath and Pauling are suing each other. From what I have seen
poorly understood. It is believed (correctly in my opinion) that the of the evidence, Rath is going to win hands-down.
probability of heart disease is a function of diet. It is also a function of In the midst of all this, however, Matthias Rath managed to write a
smoking, but if you are smoking dont worry about reading nutrition popular book about his work and to distill current knowledge about
literature. You have much bigger health problems. nutrition and heart disease into a nutritional supplement. The book is
American science is inching forward toward an understanding of Eradicating Heart Disease by Matthias Rath available from Health
the relationship between nutrition and disease. Progress has been ex- Now, 387 Ivy Street, San Francisco, CA 94102. The nutritional sup-
cruciatingly slow. This field of inquiry has been devastated by gov- plement is Cardirite available from Carlson Laboratories, 15 College,
ernment interference. Some of this interference is direct as in the Arlington Heights, IL 60004, telephone 800-323-4141. The book is
various Food and Drug Administration pogroms against people $14.95. The supplement is about $40 per month, or about $20 per
whose nutritional ideas are different from those approved by bureau- month for doctors. Dr. Raths picture is on the bottle, so hopefully
crats. It has also been indirect as, for example, in the dead hand of some of this money goes to further his work.
government regulation and licensing in medicine. The resulting guild I do not want to go back to that cardiology ward. For this reason, I
has prevented publication, objective evaluation, and implementation eat a low fat diet with lots of grain and fruits and vegetables, and I
of much useful nutritional research. have started taking Raths supplement. If I were ever diagnosed with
In a recent incident, a report of excellent and extensive experimen- cancer, I would have to stop the supplement, but that is another story.
Is my diet better than the average American diet with regard to Can this sort of analytical capability be developed now? Yes. We
heart disease? Probably. Is it close to the ideal diet for me? Probably were close at the Pauling Institute in 1978 with only 200 substances.
not. Can research with modern technology determine an ideal diet for The cartoon below illustrates the point. Now technology allows
me at a reasonable price? Yes. Unless, however, a substantial amount measurement of 2,000. The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
of private money is devoted to research entirely outside of the current is gradually gathering resources to finish this work.
government-dominated research, medical, and academic estab- Medical research is different from other competitive activities,
lishment, this knowledge will not become available until long after all however, in one fundamental way. Each medical scientist should
of the generations of Americans now alive are dead. hope that his competitors get the answers before he does. Any time
thus saved can be measured in human lives.
QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF HEALTH For 15 years, I have watched analytical and computer tools im-
prove and have hoped to see their proper application to medicine.
The principal technical impediment to the optimization of human This just has not been done. It only took a couple of years in the 1960s
nutrition is the lack of standardized cost-effective methods for the to reach a good understanding of what needs to be done, but after 25
quantitative measurement of human health. Technical means are years I still do not fully understand why this sort of research is ig-
available, but they have not been incorporated into medical research nored. I do know that pervasive government control of research is a
and application. major factor. Tax-financed research is entirely driven by politics.
If someones health has deteriorated so far that he has overt symp-
toms of disease, then blood and urine samples are taken for the meas-
urement of a few dozen substances most of which have been popular
for decades. These are reported relative to population means and
standard deviations that assume unimodal, gaussian distributions
from a homogeneous population. Each substance is considered sepa-
rately by the physician. If one is a couple of standard deviations low
or high, this is included with clinical data in arriving at a diagnosis.
In research studies of healthy populations, these same substances
are measured. In addition, laboriously accumulated observational data
about life-style, overt disease, and physical appearance are often in-
cluded. In essence, the same observations that physicians make of
sick individuals are made of well individuals. These are computerized
in attempts to link them with present and future health. As the enviro
movement has gotten rolling, there is an increasing tendency to also
include measurements of popular environmental parameters.
This hodge-podge of crude parameters has little chance of contain-
ing the necessary information for quantitative measurement of health
and has no chance whatever of being developed into a cost-effective The journals overflow with tax-funded research on the origin of
tool for general improvement of health. life and evolution, while even Stanley Miller admits that little if
On the other hand, there are steadily advancing analytical tech- any progress has been made in this field. The goal is political. The
niques that can already quantitatively measure thousands of metabolic Surgeon General made a speech this week in which she said that fail-
substances in a single sample. These measurements can be coupled ure to cure AIDS will destroy our entire society. She also said that
with computerized pattern recognition procedures for the extraction cancer and heart disease kill primarily old people who are going to die
of enormous amounts of quantitative information about present and anyway of sompfun. This woman would be a national embarrass-
future health. They allow precise location of a person on one-dimen- ment if her boss didnt continually upstage her, but she does know
sional axes like those shown below. which research is politically correct.
Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent for blood and urine tests
that are hopelessly obsolete but are entrenched in the medical system.
Soon socialized medicine may make them permanent.
Meanwhile, David Kessler at the FDA is moving to bring the
deadly force of government police powers to bear on those who dare
to guess about nutrition without government approval.
The American people have watched on television as this govern-
ment used poison gas and tanks against women and children with un-
popular ideas. Yet they have entrusted that same government with
most of their medical research. They are close to adopting compul-
sory socialized medicine under the control of this government, too.
Meanwhile, we all get to guess. My guess is that Raths guess
about supplements and heart disease is sensible. There are scientists I
respect (and who subscribe to this newsletter) who think otherwise.
Our government does its best to keep us all equally ignorant.

These precise measurements would permit empirical studies of
populations and single individuals with respect to optimum nutri- Sometimes vitamins serve as co-factors for specific enzymes.
tional requirements and many other adjustable conditions of life. Bio- They form combinations with the enzymes that are essential for en-
chemical individuality, variation in individuals over time, differences zyme function. Vitamin R, radon, seems to be a co-factor too. The
in environment, and even variation in personal goals could be taken antinuclear lobby cant function without it.
into account. Quantitative measurement of the probability of illness Their latest offering is by G. Pershagen, et al, New England Jour-
would allow medicine to fight that probability in each person rather nal of Medicine 330, pp 159-164 (1994) which reports data from se-
than waiting for deterioration of health into illness itself. lected Swedish municipalities. The authors selected 56 municipalities
expected to have high radon levels and 53 municipalities expected to l Chlorine has not yet been burned at the stake, but already the
have low radon levels. This selection was carried out after the authors natives are howling for another element. S. Man and M. O. Andreae,
already knew the municipal lung cancer rates. The paper carefully Science 263 pp 1255-1256 (1994) entitled Emission of Methyl Bro-
avoided giving any data that could be used to determine whether or mide from Biomass Burning illustrates this new growth industry.
not these selections were biased. Glenn Seaborg may feel safe with the newly named element 106
The antinuclear lobby has been most pleased with these selections seaborgium, Sg, having isotopic half-lives of only 1 and 30 seconds.
which led to a claim that radon was positively correlated with lung See The Health Physics Societys Newsletter 22, No. 5, May, pp 1&4
cancer. See for example J. Peto & S. Darby, Nature 368, p 97 (1994). (1994). The enviros will eventually demonize his element, too.
Bernard L. Cohen submitted a letter to the editor of the New Eng- l Quoting from the book, Animal Scam: The Beastly Abuse of Hu-
land Journal of Medicine pointing out that selection of the munici- man Rights by K. Marquardt with H. M. Levine and M. LaRochelle,
palities could lead to bias in the result and asking for some simple the New American quotes Ingrid Newkirk, national director of People
data on the municipality distributions that could resolve this question. for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, as saying, I dont believe hu-
His letter was not published and the requested data was not provided. man beings have the right to life. Thats a supremacist perversion. A
Fact-free research in nuclear medicine why not? rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.


This is the title of a new book by Dr. Jane M. Orient published by l Willet, W. C., Science 264 pp 532-537 (1994) entitled Diet
Crown Publishers, 201 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022. The and Health: What Should We Eat? This is a well-referenced sum-
book is a devastating analysis of the problems with government med- mary of sensible advice concerning your nutritional guesses.
dling with medical care including current problems as well as those l Recycling Mania Crashes and Burns in California in the
that will arrive with further socialized medicine. Wall Street Journal, April 26 pp B1&B6 (1994). Forced recycling is
This book is entertaining reading. If you dont have time to read it, primarily interactive propaganda. Its principal goal is to produce and
just buy one and put on a shelf where visitors can see it. The title of reinforce an enviro mind set in the general population.
the book conveys its message. l What Causes AIDS? in Reason, June pp 18-23 (1994) by C.
A. Thomas, K. B. Mullis, and P. E. Johnson. K. B. Mullis received
ONE MOLECULE HYPOTHESIS the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993. Led by Peter Duesberg, the
number of prestigious scientists questioning the hypothesis that HIV
Science 264 p 183 (1994) has an excellent editorial by Philip Abel- virus causes AIDS is growing substantially.
son entitled Chemicals: Perceptions Versus Facts as does Nature If the answer turns out to be that HIV does not cause AIDS, reper-
582 p 582 (1994) by John Ashby entitled Change the rules for food cussions in the non-scientific world may be dangerous. Already there
additives. These editorials attack the ridiculous extrapolations of is a sellers market for irrationalism a market that could be increased
high dose effects of chemicals on animal health to very low dose re- by an error of this magnitude. Moreover, the vast army of scien-
strictions on human exposure. The same methodology that has been tists who have been in a feeding frenzy for the tax money in HIV
used against nuclear power is used against the chemical industry. research is just the sort of group that could make such an error.
In his letter to the editor in Nature 368 p 580 (1994) entitled De- If the error is there, it will be found, and it couldnt happen to a
lany and cancer, Thomas H. Jukes reviews this problem with re- nicer group. The backwash of public outrage could, however, do sig-
spect to the Delany Clause which the FDA has interpreted in nificant damage to innocent scientists and engineers, too.
accordance with these low dose extrapolations. l Microbial Mining Boosts the Environment, Bottom Line by
Professor Jukes calls this the one-molecule hypothesis and then A. S. Moffat, Science 264 pp 778-779 (1994). Bacterial ore extraction
demonstrates its clear absurdities. For example, a normal human con- is widely used in copper mining and apparently may become more
tains about 100 billion arsenic atoms or about 100 thousand per cell. widely practical for some other elements.
Learned essays make most peoples eyes glaze over and few peo- l The Washington Legal Foundation, 2009 Massachusetts Ave-
ple read research articles. In the public arena, enviro-lies must be nue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 has available materials about the
fought largely with mental sound-bites. In this regard especially, enviro assault on Disney Development Company over their construc-
one molecule hypothesis is a very valuable term both for the tion plans in Northern Virginia. This is another example of the grow-
chemical industry and the nuclear industry where one gamma ray ing enviro tendency to devour their own.
one molecule one mutation one human death has been the false
but effective slogan of the anti-nukes. Most ordinary people immedi- ELECTRONIC ACCESS TO ENERGY
ately understand the idea of molecules one-by-one. Once the prob-
lems are framed in this way, errors in the enviro arguments are easily Access to Energy is now available by E-Mail. The annual cost is
shown as the Jukes letter demonstrates. $10 if you are also a regular subscriber. The cost for an E-Mail-only
subscription is the same as for a regular subscription as listed below.
STARK RAVING MAD In order for you to utilize the full E-Mail version, complete with
figures and graphs, your E-Mail address must be file attachments
l The Arizona Daily Star reports that Paul Hebert, chairman of the capable and your computer must have Microsoft Windows. Other-
zoology department at the University of Guelph in Canada has sug- wise you will receive only the ASCII text.
gested that naturalists brew tea and dump it into lakes to save UV In cooperation with Mrs. Beckmann, we are also working on an
light endangered frogs. (See Access to Energy, May 1994, Fried electronic version of the entire 21-year set of back issues of Access to
Frogs Eggs.) Oblivious to the total lack of factual evidence that this Energy. This will be distributed on computer disk with electronic in-
danger to frogs exists, Professor Hebert states, This seemed to me dexing. Price and details will be announced in Access to Energy.
an empowering idea, because I could imagine people concerned with
the fates of amphibians actually doing something about it ...... If they
were too cheap to use tea, they could just use oak leaves. ACCESS TO ENERGY
Hebert has determined a volumetric formula from which I calcu-

Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
late that the irrigation pond near our house (which currently supports Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
a small army of apparently unendangered frogs) will require about monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
20,000 tea bags. tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JULY 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 11) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Each month Access to Energy publishes facts and theory of gen- units. Traditional grading gave 100% credit for the true answer.
eral interest, facts of special value in combating the pseudoscience Often, partial credit was given for the students work even if he had
that is corrupting our society, and a little humor usually at the ex- not completely solved the problem. (This can reach extremes. I re-
pense of those who have drifted so far away from truth and reason call receiving the highest grade in the class on a physics exam at
that the effects are laughable. Caltech though I had not completely solved any of the problems.) In
These publications have value beyond our own mutual interest the new testing, the correct answer determines only a minor part of
and amusement because a significant number of the American peo- the grade. Most of the grade depends upon the graders opinion of
ple are still interested in facts and truth. Documentation of relevant the students method. The truth doesnt matter. What matters is po-
intellectual ammunition can have a broad beneficial effect. Many litically correct expression.
people do not want a 98% fact-free diet. It gets worse. Along with all of the other test scores, tests of
A frightening fact, however, is that the number of such people in citizenship are slated to go into a computerized national dossier
America is diminishing. Blame for this diminution is correctly laid of each student with confidential psychological profiles confiden-
upon the enormous, corrupted, and intellectually bankrupt education tial even from the student himself. The Blumenfeld Education Letter
industry dominated by the two-million member National Education for May 1994, P.O. Box 45161, Boise, ID 83711 gives a sample citi-
Association union and led by academics, non-profit foundations, zenship question for grade 11.
and government bureaucrats who seek wealth, notoriety, and power There is a secret club at school called the Midnight Artists.
by twisting the minds of Americans with fact-free propaganda. They go out late at night and paint funny sayings and pictures on
American educational decay is not just manifested in the lack of buildings. A student is asked to join the club. In this situation, I
factual knowledge and ability to think, which results in low scores would JOIN THE CLUB when I knew...
for students on standardized tests. The entire idea that truth, reason, 1. My best friend asked me to join.
and correct information are desirable goals is being deliberately un- 2. Most of the popular students were in the club.
dermined by the current education establishment. 3. My parents would ground me if they found out I joined.
Consider the report in the Wall Street Journal, May 31, 1994, pp Answer each selection with yes, no, or maybe.
B1-B2 entitled Tests to Gauge Student Ability Create a Furor. The norm-referenced highest score for Positive Citizen-
The California Learning Assessment System, a model for national ship for this question is two yes answers and one maybe.
student testing as advocated by the Clinton Administration, empha- Integrity here is irrelevant. The moral issue of vandalism does not
sizes so-called performance-based testing. The key here is the matter. What matters to the educrats is the students susceptibility to
performance they are seeking. This kind of testing which is not peer-group pressure. Will the student, as an adult, give the cor-
isolated to California, and is replacing traditional tests throughout rect answers in public opinion polls and in the voting booth when
American education deliberately avoids factual information, prob- his televised peers inform him as to the politically correct opinion?
lem solving, and other intellectual activity that uses correct and veri- It is fundamentally wrong for the state to seize private property
fiable information to determine absolute truth. (more than one hundred billion dollars per year in America today) in
Performance-based testing involves primarily essay questions order to educate children and then to incarcerate millions of chil-
in which students are asked to write about politically correct topics dren during their best hours each day for this purpose. It is doubly
and encouraged to include information drawn from their personal wrong to seize this property and these children and then use the oc-
beliefs and family lives. Says Lauren Resnick, co-coordinator of the casion to teach propaganda rather than truth. These crimes are
New Standards Project in Washington, D.C., in defense of perform- falsely justified by the claim that the public schools provide our so-
ance-based testing, The idea that youre being forced to put down ciety with educated citizens. While many young Americans still
your thoughts scares people. People are afraid that what will be manage to survive the moral and intellectual obstacle courses in our
judged is the content of those thoughts, not their expression. public schools, why do we put these stumbling blocks in their way?
Not only are the educrats changing to essay questions which en- There is an old science fiction story (I am sorry to have forgotten
courage less intellectual rigor and more fluffy opinion and which are the title and author) which tells of a family whose only child, a son,
impossible to grade objectively, they are assuring their critics that is scheduled for mandatory national testing. The tests are so exten-
they need not fear biased grading based on the content of the stu- sive that each student is required to travel to a central examination
dents thoughts because the grading will not be based upon the center. The mother is greatly worried about her sons prospective
content of those thoughts. Grading is supposedly based upon a sub- test performance, but is assured by the father that their son will do
jective evaluation of the way the student appears to have reached his fine. The boy leaves home for his trip to the examination center.
opinions and how well he has expressed them. After a few days a telegram arrives addressed to his parents. The
This content-free testing is now being widely used even in telegram reads, We regret to inform you that your son scored
mathematics, physics, and chemistry. A typical traditional physics above the accepted norms on the national examinations. Where
problem asked the student for the numerical answer with correct would you like his remains to be sent?

The no-threshold, linear hypothesis of radiation danger, which ig-

RADIATION IN AIRLINERS nores hormesis (and is clearly wrong), has led to a gradual lowering
in public safety limits by safety bureaucrats. In 1985, the International
O. J. Wilson, B. F. Young, and C. K. Richardson, Health Physics Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) lowered the dose limit
66, pp 493-502 (1994) report a quantitative study of radiation re- for public exposure from 5 mSv or 500 mrem to 1 mSv or 100 mrem
ceived in Australian commercial airliners with special reference to per year. ICRP claims that 1 mSv per year causes one fatal cancer per
cumulative doses received by flight crews. 20,000 exposed people. The dose limit for occupational exposure of
radiation workers was set by the ICRP in 1991 at 20 mSv per year.
One problem with this nonsense is that the new dose limits put
airline crews above the public limits and necessitate their reclassifica-
tion as radiation workers. Wilson et al estimate that international air-
line flight crews receive up to 3.8 mSv per year.
Under ordinary conditions (above Melbourne, Australia in this
study), as an airliner leaves the ground, background radiation dimin-
ishes to about one-half normal at 1000 to 2000 feet of elevation as the
effects of terrestrial radiation sources diminish. At about 2 miles ra-
diation level is about equal to that at ground level. Radiation increases
to about 1.5 Sv per hour at 33,000 feet and 3 Sv per hour at 41,000
feet. This compares with typical ground level background radiation of
0.05-0.2 Sv per hour. The radiation that increases with altitude is a
mixture of primary and scattered cosmic radiation, which is mostly
protons (87%) and alpha particles (11%), and secondary radiation
(muons, electrons, photons, and neutrons) arising from absorption of
primary cosmic radiation in the atmosphere. The dose rate from radia-
tion of cosmic origin is proportional to the cube of altitude up to about
40,000 feet. After that, radiation intensity begins to level off. with minimal risk. Left to our imagination is the industrial and bu-
Measurements on the Melbourne to Darwin route shown in the reaucratic cost of this dose limitation strategy.
figure were made during scheduled passenger flights of a Boeing 767 Perhaps unreasoning fear here is the better part of valor. Good hor-
where cruise altitude was maintained at 41,000 feet between airports. mesis studies of airline crews might reveal a lower cancer rate. Where
The latitude dependence of radiation intensity is evident in the Mel- would we be then?
bourne-Darwin data and is shown directly in the third figure. Since A public demand for radioactive waste storage under homes in
low radon areas in order to minimize cancer risk might be met by
means of increases in nuclear power generation (Ban nuclear fuel re-
cycling! We need radioactive waste to stop the cancer epidemic in
Southwestern Oregon.), but how will we ever meet a demand for
daily airline flights to reduce cancer risk?


The June 1994 Access to Energy contains an error in the article
entitled One Molecule Hypothesis. We gave 100 billion arsenic
atoms per human being or about 100 thousand per cell. The letter that
we cited, Nature 368 p 580 (1994), gives these same values, but we
should have noticed that there is an eight order-of-magnitude (9x1010
instead of 9x1018) misprint in Nature. This leads to the obviously
wrong conclusion that a human contains only 1,000,000 cells.
The original reference is the excellent paper by Thomas H. Jukes,
J. Amer. Coll. Toxicol. 2(3), pp 147-160 (1983) entitled Chasing a
Receding Zero: Impact of the Zero Threshold Concept on Actions of
Regulatory Officials. On page 151, this paper gives 4.4 mg arsenic
or 9x1018 molecules of arsenic as As4 for the normal content of one
much of this radiation is scattered, it comes from all directions, not human. At about 1014 cells per human, this is 105 per cell as given in
just from above. Passengers sitting above and between the fuel tanks the Nature letter and in Access to Energy.
of a Boeing 737 receive 30 % less radiation. As fuel is used during a The Jukes paper discusses the one molecule hypothesis as it relates
flight, this shielding gradually disappears. to claimed dangers from food that contains aminotriazole, arsenic, ni-
Under normal solar conditions, these radiation levels are inde- trites, diethylstilbestrol, DDT, and selenium. In each of these cases,
pendent of time of day within measured accuracy. Also, measure-
ments at northern latitudes are about the same as those at southern
latitudes, so these latitude correlations are generally applicable.
Occupants of airplanes at altitudes below 2 miles receive less ra-
diation than they would on the ground.
This is an interesting and informative paper until one reaches the
politically correct Discussion and Conclusions.
The authors estimate that, based on current risk estimates, Aus-
tralian international crew members run a risk of fatal cancer due to
occupational radiation exposure of about 1 in 5,000 per year. (They
give 1 in 5,300 for 1,000 hours per year of flying time.) This puts
flight crews in the same risk group as uranium miners, nuclear
power workers, and industrial radiographers.
The authors state that, It is recognized that there is no dose limit
below which absolute safety can be guaranteed. They say that, It is
necessary that an appropriate dose limitation strategy be in place
when this technology (new airliners that fly higher and over longer
distances) arrives so that we are in a position to ensure that it is used
threshold concentrations exist below which damage to human health added. This is practical as long as the trimmings are new paper with-
cannot be inferred from the experimental results. out printing ink and other characteristics of use. Trimmings also do
Moreover, government interference by bans and controls of such not require as much collection and transport, since they are generated
substances has caused great amounts of human suffering and death within the paper industry itself.
and substantial waste of resources. This economically sensible practice is not enough for the social
DDT, for example, was banned for political rather than scientific engineers. They demand post-consumer waste in the paper. This
reasons. Professor Jukes discusses some of the scientific details about raises production cost and lowers paper quality. Moreover, now that
the non-case against DDT and gives one example of its benefits. Be- the Clinton Administration has mandated that all government paper
tween 1953 and 1962, cases of malaria in India were reduced from 75 have post-consumer waste, it is becoming more difficult to get un-
million to less than 5 million and the average lifespan increased from recycled paper. Paper mills are switching production methods. Even
32 years to 47 years. The primary factor in these changes was the use though the recycling procedures are more costly, it is even less practi-
of 147 million pounds of DDT. cal to keep producing paper by two methods when there is a huge
If we ascribe just half of this change in India to DDT, the savings government demand for one product.
are approximately 3 billion years of human life or about 50 million Why is this happening? Why not recycle paper the old and practi-
human lifetimes. Even if we estimate that all medical progress in the cal way by burning it? The carbon dioxide product is then reincorpo-
United States during the past century has increased the life expec- rated into trees and thence into new paper. With the explosive
tancy of Americans by 10 years (total United States increase has been increase in standing timber in American forests over the past 50 years
about 20 years), we are still left with the conclusion that the entire and with an efficient industry already in place, why recycle paper and
century-long multi-trillion dollar medical effort in the United States waste energy and chemicals while imposing enormous new costs on
has saved fewer years of human life than did DDT in India alone. the garbage disposal industry? Let the paper industry use trimmings.
Yet DDT, which saved many American lives as well, was banned Why involve every member of the public in a wasteful endeavor?
by government bureaucrats who acted against then current scientific This last question answers itself. Public involvement is not just a
knowledge and enhanced the power of the Environmental Protection characteristic of recycling it is the goal of recycling.
Agency. Moreover, DDT is cited today, by enviros who advocate a The enviro propagandists have a problem. Enviro programs are
comprehensive ban on all chlorine compounds, as an example of the costing the public large amounts of money with net negative results.
claimed dangerous nature of man-made chlorine chemicals. How do they keep the public interested? Sooner or later the slick ads
will lose their punch. Ordinary, sensible recycling is not an answer
INTERACTIVE PROPAGANDA because it involves few people, but everyone uses paper. Post-con-
sumer paper recycling is nothing more than interactive propaganda.
I recently received a letter from Linus Pauling printed on recy- The object of paper recycling is not to save trees. Increases in
cled paper and printed with soy ink. The letter concerned a atmospheric carbon dioxide are already saving trees at a very high
search for the research records of the Pauling Institute which I have (and embarrassing) rate. It is not to save garbage dump space, since
asked to examine (I directed most of this work). Pauling and retainers burned paper uses little space and decomposes quickly otherwise.
claim to have lost 50 file drawers of printed research data and over The object of paper recycling (plastic and glass, too) is to actively
300 computer data tapes. These comprise the entire research records involve each and every American in the enviro movement. This ac-
of the Pauling Institute for its first five years along with related re- tive involvement this interactive propaganda makes it easier to sell
cords from Stanford University and the University of California at the many onerous programs of pseudoenvironmentalism.
San Diego much of which has never been published. Included is
several million dollars worth of publicly funded health research. ON TARGET
The printing on Paulings envelope announces the recycled paper
and soy ink in letters larger than either the address or return address. Surgeon and wound ballistics expert (and AtE subscriber) Martin
Everywhere one goes today in America, he is inundated with recy- L. Fackler, M.D., President of the International Wound Ballistics As-
cling propaganda. Corporations are hiring environmental vice-presi- sociation, has written numerous research articles that are especially
dents just to coordinate recycling advertising. The children and I have relevant to current politically correct myths about firearms. See, for
given up on finding stores that do not do this. Instead, we now rank examples, M. L. Fackler, J. A. Malinowski, S. W. Hoxie, and A. Ja-
stores inversely in order of the intensity of their recycling campaigns son, Amer. J. Forensic Medicine and Pathology 11 pp 185-189
and then shop accordingly. (The kids proposed this procedure and (1990); M. Fackler, J. American Medical Association 259 pp 2730-
forced it upon me. I was still shopping solely on the basis of an un- 2736 (1988); and M. L. Fackler, Testimony before the House of Rep-
principled search for the lowest price.) resentatives Judiciary Committee on April 28, 1994 available from
Recycling is, of course, not new. Scrap iron from worn-out cars, M. L. Fackler, RR 4 Box 264, Hawthorne, FL 32640.
aluminum cans, silver from photographic film, and copper wire are One thing is certainly not debatable about the current gun con-
items that have been automatically recycled by the free market be- trol craze in Congress. Legislation abridging the right to keep and
cause these scrap materials compete favorably in price with new sup- bear arms is unconstitutional and will continue to be so unless an ap-
plies (and are sometimes of special value as in the need for scrap iron propriate constitutional amendment is passed. The wisdom of gun
in the manufacture of steel). control itself is debatable, but the facts are against the gun controllers.
New is the recycling of many items of trash that have negative There is overwhelming evidence that violent crime diminishes when
economic value such as plastic, paper, and glass. Recycling of these guns are easily available to citizens. Moreover, there is an inalienable
items wastes energy and other resources. It must be forced upon the human right and obligation of self-defense.
public by garbage regulations, advertising campaigns, and govern- Dr. Fackler points out that 1) Assault rifle bullets are designed to
ment subsides and it has become oh, so politically correct. America wound rather than kill as restricted by the Hague Convention of 1899.
is drowning in recycling propaganda. 2) Assault rifle bullets actually do less tissue damage and are less le-
So much has been invested in this campaign that almost everyone thal than those from most other firearms. This is verified in recent ci-
is taking a ride on the bandwagon. Most shipping containers proudly vilian incidents where the death rate for people actually shot has been
announce that they are made from recycled paper. (Regarding Access 21%. 3) In 1992 only 3% of all American homicides with firearms
to Energy you can absolutely rely on the unique feature that it is involved rifles, and assault rifles were a small fraction of that 3%.
printed on 100% un-recycled paper.) Why then is the firearms witch hunt starting with assault rifles?
Before this new mania, paper already included recycled material. The Founding Fathers protected the right to keep and bear arms
Typically a significant percentage of trimmings and other waste was specifically as a final check on government power, which they feared.
Most of Americas assault rifles are in the attics, basements, and clos- electric and phone companies. It goes on to ask that $10, $15, or $20
ets of patriotic Americans who never fire them and to whom war contributions be sent to friend Ralph at his Citizens Utility Board,
against their own government would be an unthinkable nightmare. so he can fight these greedy companies.
The problem is that millions of such weapons are now being We wonder how much money in taxes those greedy companies
stored in the homes of ordinary Americans, especially in the Western and their shareholders and employees paid to the Department of
United States. Assault rifles have a military appearance and contrib- Taxation and Finance and whether or not the Department will want to
ute in a subtle, psychological way to growing resistance to govern- offer misbehaving corporations the same free mail delivery and
ment oppression. Most farmers, ranchers, and loggers who see their endorsement they are giving Nader.
lives and families entirely destroyed by Babbitt and retainers will l 400,000 unhospitalized Americans experience sudden cardiac
never fire a shot. The existence of these weapons, however, makes arrest each year. Of those who receive standard CPR, 26% make it to
resistance, even legal resistance, more thinkable to these victims. an intensive care unit and 20% leave the hospital alive. Based on lay-
The bureaucrats and politicians do not fear armed criminals or man use of a household toilet plunger for CPR (allowing both com-
even armed political zealots so much as they fear peaceful Americans pression and decompression of the chest), an improved CPR pump
who will probably never use their assault rifles but whose mental has been developed. In preliminary trials with a small number of sub-
toughness may be enhanced by possession of military weapons. jects, those treated with the pump made it to intensive care 40% of the
The gun controllers are not deterred by the facts about guns and time and 38% left the hospital alive. Although larger trials will be
crime, because their primary fear is not criminals. They fear ordinary useful, this device is already in use in Canada, Britain, and France and
Americans whose lives and freedom their policies are destroying. In is required in ambulances in Austria.
this fear and in their world, they are on target. In America, however, the Food and Drug Administration has
stopped even its experimental trial. The Wall Street Journal for May
RADIATION MONITORING 11, 1994 p B14 reports that the FDA was displeased with the research
because informed consent was not satisfactorily obtained from the ex-
In all the ups and downs of civil defense through recent decades, perimental subjects the unconscious, dying victims of cardiac arrest.
the sole consistent survivor was the Federal Emergency Management Thanks to the FDA, more cardiac arrest victims are dying. The
Agency, FEMA, radiological monitoring program. Thousands of sur- free market is, however, still supplying Americans with toilet plung-
vey meters and dosimeters were stored and maintained in each state ers. Get one while you can. They may soon require FDA approval.
and courses in their use were regularly given. Even the anti-nukes l With three enviro-friendly, government-protected cougars
liked this, because the program implied fear of nuclear accidents. (mountain lions) frequenting our farm, we were gratified to receive a
Now, under Clinton, FEMA is phasing out this program. Funding copy of the University of California at Santa Cruz advisory to stu-
reductions have already caused three states to drop the program and dents as republished by Fresh Tracks, National Wilderness Institute,
many more are expected soon to follow. One AtE reader called to say 25766 Georgetown Station, Washington, DC 20007. It advises:
that in his state 3,000 survey meters and 5,000 dosimeters (the entire STOP! DO NOT RUN FROM A LION. ...Running may stimu-
state inventory) are being physically destroyed. late a lions instinct to chase and attack. ...STAY CALM when you
come upon a lion. Talk calmly yet firmly to it. ...FIGHT BACK and
OAK RIDGE SELF-HELP CIVIL DEFENSE try to stay on your feet if a lion attacks you. ...Always remain standing
or try to get back up.
The demise of American civil defense was foreseen many years During the Depression in the 1930s, the bounty on a cougar in this
ago by Conrad Chester and Cresson Kearny at Oak Ridge National county was $75. Now there is a government bounty on cougar hunt-
Laboratory, so they decided to emphasize research on self-help proce- ers, so cougars have chased the children from our fields several times.
dures in the Oak Ridge civil defense research program. The results of
those years of work were written in usable form in Nuclear War Sur-
vival Skills by Cresson H. Kearny which has been published in up-
dated version by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, l B. R. Fleming, Pulp and Paper, pp 59-62 April (1992) entitled
OISM, since 1986 ($12.50, Box 1279, Cave Junction, OR 97523). The Organochlorine Spectrum: Mills, Public Must Discern Toxic,
Now, as a result of the work of Arnold Jagt and OISM, Nuclear Nontoxic available from Dr. Bruce Fleming, Boise Cascade, 4435
War Survival Skills is available on the computer nets on the EXEC- North Channel Avenue, Portland, OR 97217. This a well-presented
PC BBS and will be available on Internet as soon as an acceptable site plea for understanding that the chlorine compounds in paper mill
is found. It can also be requested from the system operators of other waste are not environmentally harmful.
BBSs. 1.44 MB disk copies are available from OISM for $19.95. l W. Beckerman and J. Malkin, The Public Interest 114, pp 3-16
One development from Oak Ridge was a reliable high-level radia- Winter (1994) entitled How much does global warming matter?
tion meter that can be constructed from ordinary household items in- The authors, while not accepting the myths of global warming, dis-
cluding a standard food can. This meter is now being sold in kit form cuss the relative costs and benefits of various responses to such
and assembled form for $9.00 and $37.50 respectively postage paid warming even if it were to occur. The enviro campaign against carbon
by Stephen Jones, P. O. Box 520006, Salt Lake City, UT 84106. dioxide emissions fails under all assumptions.
Our government has decided to stop providing radiation meters l President Gore in 1994? and several other articles in the
for emergency preparedness. Through, however, the benevolence April 1994 issue of The Free American, newsletter of Freedom Alli-
of our food stamp bureaucracy and the genius of Oak Ridge engi- ance, Steve Symms, President. This is available from P. O. Box 75,
neers, it is still possible for all Americans to obtain the parts for a ra- Rushville, IL 62938. The chilling title speaks for itself.
diation monitoring kit at their local grocery store. l The EPA Risk Inverter in Civil Defense Perspectives 10,
May 1994 available from Physicians for Civil Defense, 1601 N. Tuc-
STARK RAVING MAD son Blvd. #9, Tucson, AZ 85716. Excellent.

l The New York State 1993 income tax refunds were mailed from ACCESS TO ENERGY
the Department of Taxation and Finance with an enclosed solicitation
from Ralph Nader. The letter begins Dear Friend: I have been sup- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
porting the rights of American consumers for over thirty years against Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions: individuals $25 for 12
monthly issues (Canada $27, overseas, by air mail only, $30). Corporations double, US
misbehaving corporations. And from experience, I can tell you that a tax-subsidized organizations $100. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
continual burden on consumers is the unfair rates charged by greedy Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $2 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
AUGUST 1994 (Vol. 21, no. 12) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Philosophy of Death
Although we are all participants in a pro-science, pro-technol- have been documented with careful reference to the scientific litera-
ogy, pro-free enterprise newsletter, we have many differences. Ac- ture and reasoned arguments in Access to Energy for 21 years. They
cess to Energy readers range from Christians and Jews to atheists; are some of the foundations of our common interests. Those who do
from farmers to nuclear weapons scientists; from politicians to com- not seem to understand these matters are often the objects of our hu-
modity traders; from teachers to doctors; from children to octoge- mor. Why are we so smart and they so stupid? Surely we can
narians; from rich and free to penniless and incarcerated. We seem convince them. Surely we can make them understand.
different in every imaginable way. Yet, in some things, our differ- I suspect that we are the ones who do not understand. Our oppo-
ences tend to obscure our similarities and our similarities tend to ob- nents enemies is a more appropriate word do understand.
scure our understanding of society. They are smart, tough, powerful people. They are a significant
Consider, as examples, some of the arguments that most of us part of Americas elite and generally control our government, our
would make in individualized yet similar ways: universities, our media, and many of our large corporations and
Free enterprise is clearly more productive in every way than is foundations. They do not control everything. That is why there is a
socialism. Even if they cannot agree that freedom is morally su- national debate about most of these matters but generally they
perior, surely they can understand that it is far more productive have been winning in recent decades.
that it markedly reduces human suffering and enhances human life. I do not believe that these people constitute a conspiracy.
The evidence is overwhelming. How can they be so wrong? They do not formally meet although some have their clubs and
Technological progress leads to a higher quality life for all peo- organizations as do many groups with common interests. They do
ple. How can they be so foolish as to oppose this progress? not meet because they do not need to meet. They each know what to
Energy is the currency of human progress. Inexpensive energy is do. They know this, because there is a current of subtle peer pressure
the key to technological enhancement of human life. Surely every- that runs throughout their strata of society and because they have a
one will be better off if the constraints on production of inexpensive common philosophical base. It is a base they share with many socie-
energy are removed. How can anyone think otherwise? How can tal elites throughout history.
they be so much in error? This elite fears technology, free enterprise, inexpensive energy,
Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer, genetics, and modern machinery modern agriculture, educational excellence, life-saving chemicals,
have made possible a revolution in world agriculture. These won- life-extending medicine, carbon dioxide-producing industry, and
ders make possible abundant, high quality food for everyone on high quality housing for millions of ordinary people. Their values
earth and increase the number of people who can enjoy life in this are entirely inverted from ours. The things we see as advances, they
world by orders of magnitude. How can anyone not see this? How see as destabilizing and threatening to their elite positions.
can they oppose these technologies? How can they be so blind? Before technology, this elite lived almost as well as it does today.
Why should there be any limit to the percentage of their wealth They see technology as a way to produce their luxury with fewer
that Americans spend for medical care? It is their money. They people. More people and more individual economic freedom for
earned and saved it. Socialism in medicine leads to poor quality and more people threatens their privileged positions.
rationing. This increases suffering and decreases the average length The elitists may not understand the link between technology and
of life. How can they not comprehend this? their own quality and length of life. They want fewer people. High
Socialized education is steadily diminishing the mental abilities quality medical care, good education, long life, greater freedom, bet-
of young Americans while it impoverishes millions through crush- ter food, and greater numbers for the masses are not desirable to
ing taxation. Socialism in education is such a failure that a great ma- them. This is why the arguments of reason, based on the assumption
jority of Americans from the poor to the affluent realize that it is that freedom and progress are good, fail to convince them.
not working. How can they be so foolish as to continue it? This elite is understandable and predictable: it consistently op-
Last month Access to Energy mentioned the 3 billion years of hu- poses advances that will make possible greater numbers of people
man life saved in India alone in one decade by use of DDT. How with greater individual capabilities. It opposes advances that will
could they not see this accomplishment? How could they ban make the masses more thoughtful and less easy to herd. This elite
such a wonderful benefit to humanity for no credible reason? prefers ensured privilege for itself and the smallest number of men-
Carbon dioxide has already caused enormous world-wide in- tally and economically enslaved others necessary for its own lux-
creases in plant and animal life. American forests alone are increas- ury. For the masses, it prefers the philosophy of death.
ing at a remarkable rate regardless of logging, which is having a Want to join up? This elite happily accepts new members. If you
negligible impact on forests while it brings affordable homes to mil- have ability, money, and a little power, you are welcome. No dues,
lions of families. These facts about carbon dioxide and forests are no meetings, no conspiracy all you need to do is adopt their values
unequivocally documented. Why then have they slowed logging and and act accordingly.
attacked carbon dioxide? Why do they not understand the facts? Enemy, evil, dishonorable even as modern, free-en-
Mentioned rhetorically here, these are the sorts of things that terprise technologists, we may still have need of these ancient words.
Agency Bulletin 36 No. 1 (1994) available from IAEA, P. O. Box
RADIATION AT WORK 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria contains an excellent group of popular
articles on Radiation Technologies. These articles give an infor-
The continuous stream of reports about interference with nuclear mative summary of the many ways in which our world is being trans-
technology by politicians, bureaucrats, and others in the enviro indus- formed and improved by nuclear technology. Nuclear energy
try sometimes obscures the reality of a vast, growing, and healthy production is central to this technology, but there are many additional
world-wide nuclear industry. The International Atomic Energy benefits. These include production of better plastics; sterilization of
medical products, sewage sludge, and food; removal of air and water
pollutants; wear and corrosion monitoring of machine parts; quantita- CAPITAL FLIGHT
tive analysis in mineral exploration; and nuclear medicine to name
only a few. The figure below from the IAEA Bulletin shows a pro- Clinton and Babbitt claim to have reduced logging in the
posed radiation treatment system for sewage sludge. Before steriliza- Northwest under a new, compromise plan to save our forests. In truth,
tion, human waste is quite a dangerous material. Afterward, it is a they have stopped logging and are moving to keep it stopped.
useful product. Radiation is a superb way to effect this sterilization. Northwestern forests actually were increasing rapidly regardless of
the effects of all-out logging before the federal ban (See Access to En-
ergy 21-3 and 21-4), so they did not require saving. Embarrassingly
large numbers of spotted owls have been found, too, which is elimi-
nating this feathered enviro surrogate.
Our basin area, which is heavily logged, is typical 70% of the
land is in federal hands. Logging (carried out primarily by small, local
companies) before the enviro bans, removed about 0.5% of the forest
per year and had been doing so for about 45 years. Forest regrowth
replaced more than that 0.5%, so total standing timber was increasing.
Regrown trees about 80-90 years old are preferred for lumber, so it
was anticipated that the local lumber industry would become entirely
sustained from regrowth in another 45 years. At that point, a little less
than half of the original forest would have been logged. Original
is, of course, a loaded word that is pronounced ancient, old-
growth, or native by the enviro industry. Most of our fir and pine
trees ordinarily live only about 150 years, and those few trees that live
This brings to mind the whole waste disposal crisis of which longer, while valuable, are not necessary to the lumber industry.
daily word is brought by the prophets of the enviro industry. Wast- Actually, with standing timber in American forests increasing rap-
ing Away Mismanaging Municipal Solid Waste, a 59-page report idly (23% since 1958) and vast forests (which are also increasing)
by James V. DeLong published in May 1994 by the Competitive En- available in other countries, this whole issue is one of not seeing the
terprise Institute, 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1250, Wash- lumber industry for the trees. It is our lumber industry our timber
ington, DC 20036 places this matter in proper perspective. fallers, skidders, truckers, and modern sawmills that are unique,
DeLong documents the negative economics of waste recycling rather than our trees. Trees are available elsewhere. Shutdown of the
and the non-problem of disposal. The principal problem in municipal forests is destroying small and medium sized companies and leaving
solid waste disposal today is that, in response to crisis propaganda, the market to large lumber companies that own vast tracts of forest
many municipalities have overbuilt disposal facilities that are not eco- and also can more easily utilize nation-wide and world-wide forests.
nomical for reduced operation. There is a serious shortage of garbage.
This figure taken from the DeLong report shows the distribution of
U. S. municipal solid waste in 1990. The total amount of such waste
in 1990 was 195 million tons. DeLong calculates that, at its average
density of 30 pounds per cubic foot, this is an annual pile one square
mile in area and less than 500 feet high. Less than 100 feet of this pile
is not easily degradable. If only one out of every one thousand square
miles of U. S. land is used for 100-foot-deep landfills of municipal
solid waste, we will run out of locations in about 3,000 years at pre-
sent rates and assuming no degradation for 20% of the garbage.
Here in the Northwest, envirocrats are needlessly raising the cost
of landfill disposal so high that increasing amounts of garbage are just
being dumped from pickup trucks in the national forests.


The first time I saw Edward Teller was at the University of Cali-
fornia at San Diego in the 1960s at a seminar where he discussed
some of the vast explosive phenomena that are observed by astrono- Contrary to Administration propaganda, the Clintons are moving
mers. It seemed to me then that the great weapons designers eyes to permanently close the national forests not only to logging, but to
flashed especially brightly as he described these enormous cosmic ex- all other human activity. No logging whatever is being allowed on
plosions. Weapons builders like Teller preserved American freedom government land here. Moreover, the forest service has been ordered
with their work. At the same time, I suspect that many of them greatly to begin contracting for the obliteration of forest service roads. Our
enjoyed the scientific thrills of generating larger and larger chemical local forest bureaucrats have been told that, if they do not begin to
and nuclear reactions. fund contracts to bulldoze the roads and thereby permanently seal off
I would like to see a seminar today in which Edward Teller de- access to the forests, they will not receive their own salary appropria-
scribes the spiral-shaped disk of hot gas that the Hubble telescope has tions. This road closure will not only stop human use, it will sharply
photographed at the center of galaxy M87 about 50 million light years reduce fire fighting capability. As a result, we can expect devastating
from earth. Doppler shift measurements of the wavelengths of light fires in coming years which will burn vast tracts of forest and invade
emitted by the parts of this cloud rotating toward earth and rotating inhabited private land and homes as well. These natural burns are
away from earth have permitted calculation of its rate of spin. This, in actually advocated by the enviros.
turn, allows calculation of the mass around which it is spinning. The Moreover, government regulators are moving quickly to stop log-
mass turns out to be 2 to 3 billion times greater than that of our sun. ging on private land. Where access through federal land is needed, it
This discovery is being called the first confirmed black hole. See is being denied. Permits required for logging privately owned trees
Science 264 p 1405 (1994) and Science News 145 p 356 (1994). are becoming harder to obtain, and new restrictive rules are coming

into force. These events are providing a saddening example of the nice work with this symmetrical heme-heme interaction in captivity.
flight of capital from government oppression. Unfortunately, it was not in captivity. I was never able to make it hap-
The most environmentally conscious people in this region have pen again. The recorded spectra were unequivocal, but there had been
been farmers and ranchers who live close to the land and are con- some irreproducible oddity in the solution that evening perhaps an
stantly striving to improve their property. These people have gener- impurity from incomplete washing of glassware or a contaminated re-
ally looked upon the large trees on their land as savings. The trees agent that I was never able to duplicate. After a few days, I went on
could be cut in time of financial emergency, but otherwise they let to other work. If, however, this work had the great importance of a
them grow. Trees are beautiful and just keep getting more valuable. potential new energy source, I might have chased the phenomenon for
Essentially, their trees are like money in the bank the last money years. I know for certain it was there and have the spectra to prove it.
they spend because it has other benefits of ownership. Most of this Cold fusion apparently merits the attention and support of quite
capital is never spent. It just passes from one generation to the next. a few experimentalists so many that, before long, they will probably
Not any more! For months the roads here have been filled with understand the phenomenon they are studying. In the meantime, we
logging trucks carrying trees from the farms and ranches. The local should all keep open minds and hope for the best.
lumber mill log yards are filled to capacity, but still the trees come.
Prices are dropping as a result of this local glut. Special targets are the ENERGY AND POPULATION
trees beside streams and rivers because new regulations will take ef-
fect soon that completely prohibit cutting such trees. Nuclear News 37 No.8 p 23 (June 1994) by Nancy Zacha reviews
Logger: Shall we cut those big cedar trees down by the creek? the book, Nuclear Renewal: Common Sense About Energy by Rich-
Farmer: I dont want to. Those are beautiful trees. Nobody in this ard Rhodes, Viking Penguin Press, 375 Hudson Street, New York,
family will have trees like that here again for five more generations if NY 10014. Rhodes earlier wrote the excellent book, The Making of
I cut them. Logger: Yes, but September 1st the new rules will go the Atomic Bomb. I read the Zacha review two weeks after writing
into effect. After that, no one in your family can ever use them. It will this months editorial, Philosophy of Death, which is derived pri-
be forbidden to cut them. Farmer: O.K., I dont like it, but I guess marily from experiences that I have had in biomedical science.
Ill have to do it. Well put the money away for safe-keeping. Rhodes has a different background. The final paragraph of his book,
When the trees belonged to the farmer, he took care of them. however, as quoted by Nuclear News reads:
When the government is coming to confiscate them, the farmer does Satisfying human aspirations is what our species invents technol-
his best to salvage his capital. Capital is fleeing the Northwest now, as ogy to do. Some Americans, secure in comfortable affluence, may
enviro bureaucrats pillage private property. The bureaucrats will care dream of a simpler and smaller world. However noble such a dream
for this property properly. They are arranging some of those quaint appears to be, its hidden agenda is elitist, selfish, and violent. Millions
natural wildfires that will burn the rest of the farmers trees and fry of children die every year for lack of adequate resources clean
the protected cougars and spotted owls, too. water, food, medical care and the development of those resources is
directly dependent upon energy supplies. The real world of real hu-
COLD FUSION man beings needs more energy. With nuclear power, that energy can
be generated cleanly and without destructive global warming.
Cold Fusion 5 Years Later in 21st Century 7 pp 62-80 (Spring Whether it will be or not depends upon leadership and public educa-
1994) available from 21st Century Science Associates, 60 Sycolin tion. Where nuclear power is concerned, in both departments, the
Road, Suite 203, Leesburg, VA 22075 is a report of the 4th Interna- United States has a long way to go.
tional Cold Fusion Conference and a discussion of the state of the art Although I strongly disagree with his leaning on the crutch of
of cold fusion. This is well worth reading. global warming (which is enviro nonscience), Rhodes has reached
Art is a key word here. This field is only gradually qualifying the same conclusion as have I concerning the core philosophy of the
as a reproducible science a descriptive statement, not a negative opposition to energy production.
evaluation. The conference included 230 papers by scientists who are The Pauling memorabilia file for this month (I receive a seemingly
surely not working for public accolades. Professional negatives for endless stream of Linus alerts) contains a fund raising appeal from
those seriously pursuing this subject are now very substantial. The po- Negative Population Growth, Inc., a 22-year-old nonprofit foundation
litical situation that has surrounded this work is shameful. that lists Linus as a member of its Advisory Board. They give as their
This field is in that difficult stage in which the phenomenon under long range goal: To stabilize U. S. population at no more than
study is not understood and is often maddeningly irreproducible. It 150 million, and world population at no more than two billion, after
may even be misnamed and non-nuclear. Nevertheless, it is surely an interim period of gradual population decrease. One of their sug-
there. These scientists are studying something. Eventually they will gested Interim Steps is to Foster universal recognition that, in an
understand it, and it may well turn out to be a process of great value. already overpopulated world, no couple has the right to have more
It is not at all unusual in science for experiments to be irreproduci- than two children. We wonder which two of Linuss four children
ble even when they display significant results. Unfortunately, nega- (and how many of his numerous grandchildren) he is ready to sacri-
tive results and ephemeral results are rarely published and therefore fice to the cause. The answer is that the elite are not thusly con-
often repeated by scientists who are unaware of each others work. strained. It is the others of whom there are too many.
This may change for the better with the increase of publication of re- Yes but what about the math? What if everyone has four chil-
search results on the computer nets where refereeing is absent, publi- dren? The math says that this eventually must stop.
cation is easy, and professional backlash may be less severe. By 1985 fertility rates (children born per woman) were Germany
I recall carrying out some work on heme-heme interactions that I and Denmark - 1.3, Netherlands and Italy - 1.5, Japan - 1.7, and
had been assigned by Martin Kamen as a graduate student. One eve- France, UK, and USA - 1.8. Third world fertility fell from 6.9 to 4.2
ning in the lab a preparation of a di-heme protein I was studying sud- between 1970 and 1985. (See Civil Defense Perspectives for January
denly showed a virtually perfect heme-heme interaction by circular 1993 available from 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85716.)
dichroism spectroscopy. I was also able to reversibly couple and un- A fertility rate of 2.1 is required for replacement. Below that rate,
couple the interaction. I doubt that anyone had ever seen such a per- population stabilizes and then falls.
fectly symmetrical situation in a di-heme protein before. The heme World population data clearly show that, as civilizations acquire
groups were apparently positioned exactly and symmetrically over technological affluence, their populations stabilize and actually begin
one another and demonstrating beautiful spectroscopic symmetry. to decline somewhat through voluntary decisions of parents. Some
In those days our tools were few and most protein structures were still have large families, but most do not. It is more energy and more
complicated and beyond our reach. We could have done some very technology that stabilizes population not less.

support of radiation hormesis by its most outspoken proponent.
STARK RAVING MAD l In the Hands of the Doves reviewing Angelo Codevillas ar-
ticle Birds of a Feather in The National Interest and also The
l In response to the Clean Air Act and in reliance upon a 1991 New Russia and Strategic Defense by Leon Goure are both sobering
negotiated and signed agreement between the government, the oil in- reading. These two articles are in the American Strategic Defense As-
dustry, the auto industry, environmental groups, and the ethanol in- sociation Newsletter 24 No. 3 (May-June 1994) available from
dustry, $2 billion has been spent to build methyl tertiary butyl ether ASDA, P. O. Box 42605, Washington, DC 20015-0605.
production plants to provide oxygenate gasoline additives to improve
air quality. Now, with the plants built, the enviros and the ethanol INFLATION
lobby want the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, to require
the use of a corn-based ethanol derivative instead. The advance of industrial science and technology should continu-
The Houston Post, June 5, 1994 pp D-1 and D-8 reports that this ously decrease the real cost of goods and services. Savings, the de-
change that is being considered by the EPA, Americas guardian of ferred enjoyment of earned income, should therefore have the
malaria and other victims of the scourge of DDT, would raise the cost additional benefit that money buys more in the future than it does in
of gasoline in Houston (and elsewhere) about 5 cents per gallon. the present even if it is saved without any interest or investment
Houstonians can look after their own air. I recall, from my child- income whatever. Deflation of prices as a result of increased human
hood days in Houston, that trucks spraying DDT drove through the productivity is the expected process in a technologically advancing
suburban areas on hot, summer nights. In those days, we welcomed society with honest money.
elimination of mosquitoes and concomitant disease. Unfortunately, America does not have honest money. Americans
William Ruckelshaus, EPA bureaucrat who ordered the genocidal have been taught not even to expect such honesty. Low inflation is
DDT ban, has recently implied (Letter to the Editor, The Wall Street considered desirable, zero inflation is utopian, and negative inflation
Journal, March 21, 1994) that the ban applied only to the U.S. He is unthinkable in our country, today. Our money is managed so
claimed that he would have made a different decision, for example, in that government theft by monetary inflation will not be so large as to
Ghana. Actually, the U. S. Agency for International Development, disrupt the economy altogether.
AID, requires all nations to obey EPA requirements as a condition for Economists bemoan the low American savings rate even though
receiving AID funds. By this mechanism, EPA succeeded in banning the real value of savings (plus interest minus inflation and direct taxa-
DDT in many other countries including Ghana. (See Letter to the Edi- tion) shrinks with time. People are supposed to become clever in-
tor, The Wall Street Journal, May 25, 1994 by John E. Kinney.) vestors (translation speculators or gamblers) in order for their
l Someone, we hope not a friend or subscriber, has put us on the savings to retain purchasing power or grow. The established view (al-
mailing list of earth preserv bathe the body... preserv the planet, though many do not understand the implications) is that the economic
a four-color marketer of bath products to the enviro elite and retainers. benefits of all increases in productivity belong to the government.
With the aid of their products, I am invited to moisturize myself in They are immediately collected through the hidden tax of inflation.
earth-friendly nectars, comb and brush my hair with wooden utensils, The average real income of Americans peaked in 1973 and has
and lounge in unbleached robes and slippers. The most interesting ad been decreasing irregularly ever since. Government regulation and
is for the multipurpose recycled glass sack which is billed as taxation is gradually destroying the American way of life.
great for flowers and candles, as well as chilling a bottle of wine Access to Energy has always been managed as a free-enterprise
(which presumably I will rush to the appropriate recycling bin). business. Its net financial income supports the scientific work of its
The multipurpose recycled glass sack is merely an 8-inch-tall editor (Petrs and now ours), while its dissemination of information
open-topped glass jar that has been frosted, according to the cata- informs its readers and provides ammunition in support of our com-
logue, by eco-friendly sand blasting instead of traditional acid dip- mon interests. Its price is low primarily because it has no employees,
ping. The price is $42 each. and all aspects of its production, including printing and mailing, are
l Gang That Couldnt Give Shots Straight by Robert Goldberg done by the editor and family. (Gradually we have been learning the
in The Wall Street Journal p A14, June 20, 1994 documents the Clin- use of Petrs printing press. Thank you for your patience.)
ton child immunization program. The immunization goals had al- Access to Energy readership has grown about 5% during the past
ready been met before the program started, but the new program is so year. Nevertheless, inflation has taken its toll. Twelve years ago, the
poorly conceived that immunization may actually decrease as a result. subscription price was $22. Six years ago this was raised to $25. A
l The new, eviscerated SAT tests (see AtE March 1994) have twelve year adjustment based on the government admitted inflation
been recentered. Artificially normalized 100 points higher, the index would bring the subscription price to $38. The government in-
new scores will look the same as those in the 1960s, before socialized dex is artificially low. Inflation has now reduced the Access to Energy
education took a further toll on student performance. budget for advertising for new readers essentially to zero and is be-
ginning to affect quality in other ways.
GOOD READING We have decided, therefore, to raise the individual subscription
price to $35. Canadian subscriptions will be $37; overseas air mail
l Failed U.S. Non-Proliferation Policy Should Be Abandoned $40; corporations $60, and US tax-subsidized organizations $150.
by Sam Cohen in Human Events, May 27, 1994. The inventor of the Prices for E-Mail electronic delivery will be the same. Price for both
neutron bomb suggests that U.S. policy should be based on non-inter- mail and E-Mail delivery will be the one subscription price plus $15.
ventionist policy and on deterrence, which has been shown to work, A few individuals, such as students and others with low incomes,
rather than on suppression of the advance and dissemination of tech- receive Access to Energy without charge. If you would like to receive
nological knowledge and ability which will never work. the newsletter on a complimentary or reduced price basis, write to us
l E. A. Suter, MD, Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia giving an explanation. Each request will be considered individually.
83, pp 281-289 May 1994 entitled Assault Weapons Revisited An
Analysis of the AMA Report. Regardless of moral and constitu- ACCESS TO ENERGY
tional arguments, documented scientific facts about these weapons
are entirely different from myths being used in gun control propa- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
ganda. This is a well-researched article with 66 literature references. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
l T. D. Luckey, Radiation Protection Management 11, pp 73-79 $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
(January-February 1994) entitled A Rosetta Stone for Ionizing Ra- for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
diation. This is a summary of some of the data and arguments in Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 1994 (Vol. 22, no. 1) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

The language of science is primarily mathematics. The better un- warming. While global warming could have led a relatively
derstood a science becomes, the more completely it can be described harmless semantic life, it has been diverted into a life of crime by the
without the use of words except for a minimum number that are de- propaganda mills. They have given it a public meaning synonymous
fined very carefully and quantitatively. with huge atmospheric temperature increases due to industrial activ-
In the Principia, Isaac Newton describes his three laws of motion ity, catastrophic environmental effects, mobs of government funded
in just 60 Latin words which he then definitively circumscribes with scientists fighting for the life of the planet, and reason enough for
mathematical equations. massive invasions by government bureaucrats and regulations into
The science of equilibrium thermodynamics can be entirely all aspects of our economy. Meanwhile there is no credible scientific
mathematically derived from the science of statistical mechanics, evidence of global warming. Access to Energy has been referring to
which itself is derived from statistics and a few simple natural laws. global warming as enviro-nonscience, which it is as the
With a knowledge of mathematics, a good thermodynamics text can words are now used.
be read and understood regardless of whether or not the reader has Recently Access to Energy published a few scientific references
knowledge of the word language in which the book is written. concerning assault rifles because media claims about these rifles
There are many such examples in the fields of physics and are greatly in error. We received three letters from readers who feel
chemistry. In the more poorly understood subjects such as biology, that we misused the words that assault rifles are not semiautomatic
words play a greater part, largely because the explanations are tenta- military rifles of the sort used in World War II and now available in
tive and incompletely understood. modern versions. These readers consider assault rifles to be only
Generally speaking, a scientist should be able to enter a lecture fully automatic rifles that spray bullets Rambo-style (and are used
hall without notes and give an understandable and correct lecture on mostly for mowing down children on playgrounds).
his subject by means of diagrams, graphs, symbols, and equations on Unfortunately, we are both right. We used the term correctly, but
a large chalkboard without ever verbally uttering a word. Words they are using it with the currently perceived, propaganda-induced
serve then as additional communication aids, especially for less in- and demonized public meaning. This meaning is the one that is be-
formed members of the audience. ing used against American freedom. We should have realized this
Scientific knowledge requires great precision of expression and and defined our terms more accurately and more broadly.
manipulation, so the language of mathematics is best suited to it. Some words, especially when used to obtain publicity, can trig-
Without mathematics, modern science would probably not exist. ger a sharp immune response. The experiments that were announced
In the public arena, however, words and subjective images are as cold fusion caused a logical demand from physicists for proof
everything. The majority of people are moved primarily by words, that nuclear fusion was involved. There was substantial backlash
by audio-visual images, and by their perceptions or misperceptions when insufficient evidence was presented. It is usually better to ex-
of their own self-interests. ercise modesty in the publication of research results.
Enormous investments of money and effort are made in order to The grain of truth in the propagandists lie can serve as a seman-
define certain words and phrases in the public mind. Often, in order tic trap. Accepting global warming but questioning its severity
to conserve resources, words that already have special value and rec- aids the propagandist rhetorically. Attempts to constrain the term
ognition are appropriated and redefined. For example, the word ozone hole only to an antarctic region of ozone reduction have
entropy from thermodynamics was appropriated by Jeremy not fared well in the media wars. Strategically, it may be best to let
Rifkin in his best-selling enviropropaganda book of the same name. each such term mean everything the extremists want it to mean and
In this effort, Rifkin rode the scientific reputation of the word and then destroy the word with the propagandized definition.
applied it to energy use in an entirely incorrect manner. He so de- These sorts of exercises are generally difficult for good scientists
monized it that several theologians, hoodwinked by Rifkins word who are interested in precision of meaning and are not trained in the
game, even wrote books about entropy and original sin. manufacture of hyperbole and sound bites. Moreover, it is difficult
In the case of entropy, scientists have little choice other than to compete in the propaganda world of words when one is con-
to defend the meaning of their word. Entropy is too entrenched in strained to the truth while ones opponent is not.
the scientific literature to be discarded. In each such activity, it is well to keep the goal clearly in mind.
In other cases, it may be well to discard a term and its propagan- When communicating with the public, the goal is communication.
dists. The atmospheric greenhouse effect is a well-known natural The public uses words rather than equations and those words mean
phenomenon wherein atmospheric components admit energy as whatever the public thinks they mean meanings that can change
electromagnetic radiation from the sun, but then block the escape of with the next edition of the evening TV news.
some of that energy after its spectrum is altered by interactions with It is easy to be right. It is especially easy to be right and silent.
earthly components. This is an essential phenomenon in maintaining Mark Twain is said to have remarked, never get in an argument
an atmosphere warm enough to support human life. with people who buy their ink by the barrel. Unfortunately, scien-
Upon greenhouse effect has been built the term global tists today must ignore his advice or else lose our way of life.
experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific truth (ital-
GLOBAL WARMING ics and quotes in the original).
While it is proper for theoreticians to develop any hypotheses
On the first page of his three volume work, Lectures on Physics, they wish, those hypotheses have no validity whatever in science un-
published with Robert Leighton and Matthew Sands and by Addison- less they conform to experimentally determined truths. Usually a hy-
Wesley in 1963, Richard Feynman wrote, The principle of science, pothesis is based upon previous experiments and predicts the
the definition, almost, is the following: The test of all knowledge is outcome of future experiments that will test the hypothesis.
Figure 1
Sometimes a hypothesis conforms only to previous experiment or Are we not certain that global warming is entirely a hoax and al-
only to future experiment, but it must refer in some way to experi- ways will be? Science is a wonderful construction of the human mind
ment. A hypothesis has no validity whatever unless it is in some man- and human observations, but it is in its early infancy. Very few of the
ner verified by experiment. This is true regardless of the complexity potentially knowable scientific facts are presently known. It is, there-
of the hypothesis, the amount of computer time expended in its devel- fore, always dangerous to claim certain knowledge concerning future
opment, the public relations skills of its originators, the amount of tax discoveries. Almost anything is possible.
money used for its creation, or hopes of advocates for money, fame, This, of course, is the last refuge of the enviros. They claim that we
professional advancement, and political power. must act against catastrophic global temperature change even before
Global warming, the hypothesis that release of carbon dioxide the facts are known. They claim the consequences are too great to
(and to a lesser degree other gases) from human activities will cause wait. Our reply, as Petr Beckmann phrased it, is do we act against
sufficient atmospheric greenhouse warming to result in substantial the threat of warming or of cooling?
negative consequences for life on earth both human and nonhuman, Arguments currently given in support of global warming are:
is not reliable because it does not conform to any experimental facts. 1. The earth is known to be warmed, in part, by the greenhouse
Moreover, there are previously determined experimental facts which effect in its atmosphere. Atmospheric components more readily block
suggest that the global warming hypothesis is wrong and cannot ever electromagnetic energy in the frequency range leaving the earths at-
be verified by future experiments. mosphere than in the range entering the atmosphere. This warms the
This hypothesis was science when first presented. It might still be earth and plays an important role in creating conditions suitable for
called an unproved scientific hypothesis. There is still the theoretical life. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
possibility that, for unknown reasons, it could prove to be correct. 2. Current global climate models predict that a global temperature
When, however, its advocates embarked on a massive effort to force rise of about 4C (an average for several calculations) will occur if
the American people and people in other countries to adopt extensive atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise from 300 ppm to 600 ppm (the
and damaging changes in their ways of life on the basis that global expected rise over about a century if current trends continue).
warming is a verified product of science, global warming became (Ppm is defined as parts per million or number of CO2 mole-
non-science or, perhaps more correctly, scientific nonsense. cules per million molecules of atmospheric gases.) These climate
Why then is this hypothesis more important to us than the many models are computer calculations for the atmosphere of Earth with
other unverified assertions from the enviro industry? It is more impor- which scientists are attempting to combine all of the factors that affect
tant because its potential political consequences are enormous. If the the atmosphere into one self-consistent and predictive model. (This
political opponents of technology and human freedom can establish a problem is very difficult and current calculations are primitive and
rationale for political control of atmospheric carbon dioxide release, unreliable.)
they will have a stranglehold on virtually all human activities. We 3. Global temperature over the last century has risen about 0.5C
cannot even breathe without releasing carbon dioxide. while atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen about 70 ppm.
We must, therefore, be absolutely certain that we know the experi- This corresponds to a rise of about 2C for 300 ppm a value ap-
mental facts that relate to the global warming hypothesis. We need proximately in agreement with global climate models. (See below.)
these facts to prevent the political imposition of damaging and free- 4. A rise of atmospheric temperature comparable to that predicted
dom-destroying carbon dioxide controls. We also need them, so that by climate models for extrapolated changes in carbon dioxide levels
we can adapt to the consequences of experiments that may be done in is expected to have catastrophic effects on global living conditions.
the future. The truth will not adjust itself to our wishes. Suppose that (These predictions of catastrophe from warmer temperatures are
some part of this hypothesis were to receive experimental verifica- highly speculative. Warmer temperatures might well be an overall
tion. How could we adjust to this without a thorough knowledge of improvement. Nevertheless, actual effects would surely be remark-
the hypothesis and relevant experimental facts? able, and no reliable means is available to predict them.)
5. Carbon dioxide release should be sharply reduced in order to crease with an increase of CO2 from 300 ppm to 600 ppm.
mitigate the effects of global warming. If this is not done (by force if 2. Warming since 1940 of 0.75C as predicted by global warming
necessary), the earth will suffer terrible consequences. has not occurred. An increase of about 0.1C has been observed.
Assertions 4 and 5 are speculative and political. The science and Within experimental error and with the qualification that other factors
potential science is in 1 through 3. Number 1 was well established as such as variations in solar activity are present, this observation is con-
scientifically correct long before global warming was suggested. sistent with the straight line in Figure 1 and not with global warming.
Are there, however, any experimental observations which support 3. Figure 2 (Figures 2 and 3 are from Global Warming and Ozone
the hypothesis that current global climate models correctly calculate Hole Controversies: A Challenge to Scientific Judgment by Frederick
the carbon dioxide greenhouse effect? Without experimental verifica- Seitz, published by George C. Marshall Institute, 1730 M Street,
tion, this hypothesis cannot be accepted as true. In fact, there are no N.W., Suite 502, Washington, DC 20036.) shows a correlation by E.
experimental observations that support this hypothesis. Friis-Christensen and K. Lassen, Science 254, 698 (1991) between
First, the 0.5C temperature increase during this century occurred the 0.5C temperature rise during the past century and solar activity.
in the years before 1940. It cannot have been caused by the 70 ppm Correlation does not prove causality, but this correlation does agree
increase in carbon dioxide because 56 ppm of that increase occurred with the simple hypothesis that Earth is a little warmer because solar
after 1940.(See Access to Energy, April 1994 p 4 for additional data.) radiation increased an increase well within expected fluctuations
The global warming hypothesis predicts a temperature rise since 1940 and an increase that preceded the increase in carbon dioxide.
of about (56)(4)/(300) = 0.75C. This rise has not occurred. 4. Finally, there is a question as to whether or not the observed
Second, greenhouse warming by carbon dioxide has been meas- increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is actually even of human ori-
ured on three planets Earth, Mars, and Venus. Figure 1 shows these gin. It has been widely assumed by scientists that the burning of coal,
measurements as summarized by S. B. Idso, Carbon Dioxide and oil, and natural gas has caused the observed increase of carbon diox-
Global Change: Earth in Transition, pp 27-28 (1989) IBR Press. The ide during the past century. The increase in CO2 correlates in time
with release of carbon from coal, oil, and gas, and the amounts re-
leased and observed are qualitatively reasonable.
Global CO2 balance is, however, not well understood. The greatest
reservoir is in the oceans where CO2 is dissolved both as CO2 and as
carbonates. This storage is temperature dependent. The rise in ocean
temperature from solar heating may have caused a net release of CO2.
Figure 3 shows the decrease of atmospheric 14C since the end of at-
mospheric atomic testing in the 1960s. Frederick Seitz has pointed out
that these measurements suggest a residence time of about 10 years
for CO2 in the atmosphere. When considered with certain assump-
tions about global carbon balance, this 10 year value could mean that
the increase in CO2 is not of human origin.
It is sometimes said that the way to originate good ideas in science
is to have lots of ideas and then throw away the bad ones. Often the
sifting of ideas is not so clear as good and bad. Corollary hy-
potheses can be developed to rationalize a poor fit to experiment, and
Figure 2 often definitive experiments have not been done. It is acceptable to
cling to an improbable idea even when the great preponderance of
straight line, log-log plot of these measurements gives a predicted evidence and the opinions of most scientists suggest that the idea is
warming of only 0.4C for 300 ppm increase in CO2. This is a smaller wrong. Stubborn individuals who have refused to discard unpopular
increase than has already occurred in this century without climatic ideas have sometimes given the world remarkable discoveries.
difficulties and is an order of magnitude below the model predictions. On the basis of existing experimental evidence, we must conclude
Figure 1 also shows a curved line calculated from the U. S. Na- that the hypothesis underlying global warming is unproved, inconsis-
tional Research Council relationship summarizing global climate tent with available experimental data, and probably entirely wrong. It
models. The line is mathematically forced through the data for Earth is apparently a typical computer artifact of the sort that often arises in
and obviously fails completely to correspond with experiment. Idso attempts to calculate solutions for complicated, multiparameter prob-
explains some of the reasons for this failure. lems with insufficient data and inadequate equations.
Therefore, experimental tests of the global climate model hypothe- The promoters of this hypothesis, if they do not wish to abandon it,
ses on which global warming depends are possible with temperature may reasonably expect journal editors to continue to publish their arti-
and carbon dioxide data from Mars, Venus, and Earth. The hypothe- cles until definitive experiments are available. They should not, how-
ses fail to agree with any of this data. There is no experimental data ever, expect anyone to change his way of life on this basis.
whatever in agreement with the hypotheses supporting global warm-
ing. This is all that science requires. Until it agrees with experiment,
the burden of proof is on the hypothesis. There is no requirement that
science prove a hypothesis wrong. A hypothesis is given no status be-
cause it has not been proved incorrect. If it were, progress would be
difficult. Any assertion, no matter how improbable, could demand the
resources of scientists for its disproof a requirement that would
quickly absorb available resources and stall productive work.
Since, however, global warming has been given a political life
that is potentially very damaging to our society, scientists have pre-
sented some experimental facts which cast doubt upon it. These are:
1. The straight line relationship in Figure 1 is not just empirical.
The slope of this line agrees well with greenhouse effect calculations
based upon the absorption of energy by planetary atmospheres. More-
over, this relationship takes into account synergistic effects from other
greenhouse gases, especially water. It predicts a 0.4C temperature in- Figure 3
l EPA Came Through for Archer-Daniels-Midland Soon After
TECHNOLOGICAL BARGAIN Andreass Role at Presidential Dinner in The Wall Street Journal, p
A22, July 6, 1994 reports the new EPA rule that 10% of all gasoline
Nuclear News 37, p 70 (July 1994) reports that the lowest cost nu- sold in the U.S. by 1996 contain corn-based ethanol. The ruling coin-
clear producer of electricity in 1993 was Commonwealth Edisons cided with Dwayne Andreass co-chairmanship of a $2.5 million
Braidwood station which produced power at 1.29 cents/KWh. Aver- presidential fund raising dinner. ADM makes 60% of U.S. ethanol.
age for nuclear power in the United States was 2.15 cents/KWh. Here Meanwhile the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) requires that
in Southern Oregon we pay a delivered price of 5.37 cents/KWh. 10% of motor fuels be nonpetroleum by year 2000 and 30% by 2010.
One KWh is the amount of energy required to lift 370 sacks each (See Energy Information Agency report Estimates of U. S. Biomass
weighing 110 pounds to a height of 65 feet. (See Siemens Stand- Energy Consumption 1992, GPO Stock No. 061-003-00852-6, avail-
punkt, July 1994 p 38 available from Siemens AG, KWU Ref PK31, able from GPO at telephone (202) 653-2050.)
Postfach 32 20, 91050 Erlangen, Germany or ask any home schooled This insanity has become so rampant that even the politically cor-
16 year old. The one here checked this in under two minutes includ- rect AAAS cannot stand it any more. See Paradise Gained by D.
ing time for looking up the constants.) E. Koshland, Science 265, p 167 (1994). In a very bad sign for the
Can any of the anti-technology enviros be hired to carry 300 envirocrats, Koshland (Editor-in Chief of Science) is not just criticiz-
100-pound sacks of chicken manure up 6 flights of stairs for 5 cents? ing them, he is laughing at them. Paradise Gained is about a fic-
tional (so far) EPA ruling that humans stop exhaling CO2. The ruling
PEOPLE POWER is phased in over two years in order to give exhalers time to adapt.
l In case of ingestion, give 2 to 4 cups of milk or water. Then
The anti-technologists may still look good in the trust-and-parrot induce vomiting ...... and get medical aid immediately. This is just
press, but the worlds people are voting overwhelmingly pro-technol- part of the politically correct warning now carried by laboratory grade
ogy by their actions. The International Energy Agency (as referenced NaCl and NaHCO3 better known as table salt and baking soda.
by Nuclear Issues, 8 Ruvigny Mansions, Embankment, Putney, Lon- Many irreplaceable laboratory reagents have been banned entirely.
don SW15 1LE) reports that world energy use has risen 65% during
the past 20 years as shown in Figure 4. GOOD READING

l The Ozone Crisis by Sallie Baliunas from the George C. Mar-
shall Institute, 1730 M Street, NW, Suite 502, Washington, DC
20036-4505 and also Preprints No. 3857 and 3890 by W. H. Soon, S.
L. Baliunas, and Q. Zhang on the estimation of radiation variation of
the sun and solar-type stars available from Harvard-Smithsonian Cen-
ter for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.
In addition to an excellent presentation of the scientific facts that
show the ozone scare and CFC ban to be unjustified, The Ozone Cri-
sis discusses the anti-science Precautionary Principle, the claim
that no human action should be allowed unless it is certain that it will
cause no harm. This principle is now dominating public policy.
The two preprints report research which strengthens understanding of
global temperature variation as a function of normal solar variation.
l The entire issue of Invention Technology 10, Fall 1994 available
from American Heritage, 60 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011.
The only flaw in this issue is its discussion of Henry Fords Big
Flaw, but even that article gives an interesting account of Fords ac-
complishments. Included are great articles on button technology,
bridge engineering, the bicycle army, and the invention of video re-
cording, but the best is The Coney Island Baby Laboratory by
Gary R. Brown. This chronicles the forty-year project by Dr. Martin
A. Couney during which he operated the worlds most successful pre-
mature infant nursery as a public display at Coney Island funded en-
tirely by 25 cent admission fees a project that was ultimately largely
responsible for the creation of premature infant nurseries in American
hospitals. Imagine this today with the FDA and socialized medicine.
l Renewable Energy from the Ocean by W. H. Avery and C. Wu,
Oxford University Press (1994) as reviewed in Science 265, pp 419-
Figure 4 420 (1994) by Philip H. Abelson. Use of the ocean as a solar energy
collector may well be economically impractical, but it would be fasci-
nating to see a few of these plants built.
STARK RAVING MAD l The Breakdown of Government by Harry Browne available
from Harry Brownes Special Reports, Box 5586, Austin, Texas
l It couldnt happen to a nicer guy. Nature 370 p 165 (1994) re- 78763. This is an excellent analysis of a serious problem we all face.
ports that Carl Sagan is being left behind by renewed interest among
astronomers for comet and asteroid tracking to guard against an event ACCESS TO ENERGY
on Earth like the recent impacts on Jupiter. Sagans problem the
projects may suggest mitigation with nuclear explosions. After a ca- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
reer of arguing that one nuclear disaster, no matter how improbable, is $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
not worth the risk, Sagan now claims that the risk of cosmic impact $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
catastrophe is only 3,000 deaths per year (because it is improbable) for E-mail in addition to first-class mail. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
and therefore protection is not worth the risk of nuclear development. Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
OCTOBER 1994 (Vol. 22, no. 2) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Optimism vs. Pessimism

The Stark Raving Mad section of Access to Energy could be It is not enough to have fundamentally good moral and ethical
expanded to four pages and filled completely every month with re- intentions. Those intentions must be translated into working princi-
ports of apparently contradictory actions involving compassion ples that, if consistently followed by the human mind, will lead to
toward people and animals. These actions involve both biological good moral and ethical results.
control and technological control such as efforts to stop the rapid in- Consider two statements that both arise from the same positive
crease in energy usage by the people of developing countries see side of human nature and both seem to incorporate moral goals held
Figure 4 of Access to Energy 22-1. in common by most religions including atheism.
Behind the silliness (such as recent demonstrations at Rockefeller 1. We should seek, through science and technology, to minimize
University in New York against the use of cats in medical research), the amount of human suffering (and animal suffering).
however, there is a well-defined group of related arguments. 2. We should seek, through science and technology, to optimize
It is argued, for example, that mice, rats, cats, dogs, and other ani- the quality and quantity of human life (and animal life).
mals should never live or should die unless their lives conform to a The goals stated in the assertions above seem similar. The results
minimum standard of quality as defined by animal rights activists. In of adherence to these statements can, however, be quite different.
medical research, animals are sometimes brought into existence for How is it possible to argue, for example, that a cat should be
the specific purpose of experiments as are mice in our laboratories killed rather than used in medical research? Is no life better than a
here at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. In other cases, sub-optimum life? Minimization of suffering says yes. Optimization
stray animals such as cats and dogs are used for experiments. These of life says no. There is some positive value in the living cats life,
would otherwise be put to death in animal control facilities. whereas there is none where there is no life and this can be said
It is argued that farm animals should not be killed and eaten. without even considering the value of the research itself. The mice in
Even though these animals, for economic reasons, are usually raised our experiments here might prefer to be free rather than in cages, but
in excellent living conditions and would not live at all except for caged life is surely of greater value than no life at all.
their use as food, it is argued that non-life is preferable for them. Regarding humans, the same is true. A starving child should be
It is similarly argued that people in underdeveloped countries fed. Even, however, if the child continues to starve and lives in poor
should never live or should die, because their living conditions do conditions, that childs life has positive value. Also, conditions may
not meet minimum standards of quality as defined by others who do improve. The principle of minimum suffering, however, can lead to
not live in such poor conditions. the conclusion that the child should not live.
Moreover, serious parallel debates are in progress in the United Moreover, when we undertake to decide who shall live and who
States where rationing of medical care is, in part, supported by the shall not, we step out upon a slippery slope that can lead to disaster.
argument that euthanasia by non-treatment only causes the deaths of From the hopelessly comatose old person or the hopelessly retarded
people whose lives are of unjustifiably low quality. It is also increas- child, human political and social affairs can slide relentlessly down-
ingly argued that overt killing of human beings can be justified by ward until all lives are at risk. Ask the tens of millions of dead who
laws which include standards of living quality regarding the victims were put out of their suffering by communist regimes.
and their immediate associates. Proponents of compassion often The demonstrators in New York really were saying that the cats
argue that death is the best available alternative. at Rockefeller University should be killed. They focused on the
It is easy to ridicule these arguments when they involve animals imagined suffering not life. They were pessimists not optimists.
or demonize them when they involve humans. It is also easy to asso- Some were probably animal-worshiping oddballs or anti-technolo-
ciate opinions with which we do not agree with more fundamental gists. Many, however, were probably moral but misguided people.
differences. Christians may argue, for example, that atheists are will- The principle of minimization of suffering has a fundamental
ing to mistreat people because they are not constrained by Gods flaw in its boundary conditions. Suffering can be minimized just by
laws. Atheists conversely may argue that Christians are willing to killing everyone. When the fundamental goals that give rise to this
mistreat animals because of human dominion passages in the Bi- principle are instead translated as the principle of the optimization of
ble. If we mix in Jews, Deists, Moslems, and Hindus, we should be the quality and quantity of life, this flaw disappears. Then only in the
able to find reason to disagree about practically everything. Is our very rare circumstance that a life appears to have negative value
technology doomed by these differences? I do not think that it is. should zero life be advocated. The birth of animals for the sole pur-
I am a Christian. I have seen well-meaning and intelligent Chris- pose of later killing them for food even has positive value to the
tians on all sides of these and other technology vs. non-technology animals as well as farmers and diners. By similar reasoning, the birth
issues. I have also seen well-meaning and intelligent people of many of a child, even in very poor circumstances, has great value.
other religions and non-religions on all sides of these issues. All of Years ago I read a true story about a policeman who sought to put
us are both blessed and afflicted by the positive and negative aspects an injured dog out of its suffering. Gently he cradled the dogs head
of our human nature. Our allies are the positive aspects of human in his hand and shot it through the head blowing a hole in his own
nature that we all share if we mobilize them correctly. hand as well. Many compassionate people are similarly engaged.
of technology and human achievement in the United States. It is even
MUSEUM better than those in Washington, DC.
The museum covers about 100 acres and includes extensive sec-
We recently had an opportunity to visit the Henry Ford Museum tions on most aspects of technology from pioneer days through the
and Greenfield Village which were founded by Henry Ford in 1929 present, both in the context of science and engineering and of ordi-
as The Edison Institute, an independent foundation, and are located in nary American life. There is special emphasis on the inventions in-
Dearborn, Michigan, near Detroit. This is an extraordinary display volving steam and electric energy which were the foundation of
the American Industrial Revolution. not let Bruce in, and then everything is going along all right, until one
Although the museum contains original models of an amazing ar- time she counts and finds only 25 blocks. However, there is a box in
ray of inventions and the improved models that followed them, it is the room, a toy box, and the mother goes to open the toy box, but the
never boring or tiresome. The displays are beautifully designed to boy says No, do not open my toy box, and screams. Mother is not
capture and hold the attention of visitors in all age groups especially allowed to open the toy box. Being extremely curious, and somewhat
children. What most museums attempt, this museum actually ingenious, she invents a scheme! She knows that a block weighs three
achieves. Many of the exhibits of original technology are actually op- ounces, so she weighs the box at a time when she sees 28 blocks, and
erating independently or being demonstrated by museum staff. it weighs 16 ounces. The next time she wishes to check, she weighs
Moreover, this fascinating 100-acre exhibit is occasionally punctu- the box again, subtracts sixteen ounces and divides by three. She dis-
ated by remarkable special items the automobiles in which Presi- covers the following:
dent Reagan narrowly escaped death and President Kennedy did not; numberof (boxweight)16oz
the chair in which President Lincoln was shot along with the theatre blocksseen + 3oz = constant

program he was holding; President Washingtons camp chest and There appear to be some new deviations, but careful study indi-
equipment such as his bed and eating utensils used during the war for cates that the dirty water in the bathtub is changing its level. The child
independence; the Wright brothers home and shop in which they is throwing blocks into the water, and she cannot see them because it
built their first airplane; and the entire six buildings of Thomas is so dirty, but she can find out how many blocks are in the water by
Edisons Menlo Park laboratory completely equipped and in operat- adding another term to her formula. Since the original height of the
ing condition along with his working models for patent applications. water was 6 inches and each block raises the water a quarter of an
Personal depth is extensive, for example, in the displays of the ac- inch, this new formula would be:
tual homes or birthplaces of educator William McGuffey, Luther
Burbank, Stephen Foster, Noah Webster, Thomas Edison, Henry numberof (boxweight)16oz (waterheight)6in
blocksseen + 3oz + 14in = constant
Ford, and many other remarkable Americans.
This celebration of American science, technology, and free enter- In the gradual increase in the complexity of her world, she finds a
prise is a great physical display of the principles and accomplishments whole series of terms representing ways of calculating how many
which Access to Energy seeks to protect and promote. It is the essence blocks are in places where she is not allowed to look. As a result she
of everything our enemies hate. finds a complex formula, a quantity which has to be computed, which
Well worth a special two-day trip to Detroit, I doubt that most always stays the same in her situation.
readers of Access to Energy can get through all of these displays of What is the analogy of this to the conservation of energy? The
technological accomplishment without tears in their eyes. most remarkable aspect that must be abstracted from this picture is
that there are no blocks. Take away the first terms [in the two equa-
ENERGY tions] and we find ourselves calculating more or less abstract things.
The analogy has the following points. First, when we are calculating
Recently, at a gasoline station, the driver at the next pump re- the energy, sometimes some of it leaves the system and goes away, or
marked that my pickup truck must use a lot more fuel than his com- sometimes some comes in. In order to verify the conservation of en-
pact car. He went on to confide that his father had driven a car that ergy, we must be careful that we have not put any in or taken any out.
burned only water as fuel. His fathers secret had been lost during a Second, energy has a large number of different forms, and there is a
family squabble, but he was sure that his brother had the information. formula for each one. These are: gravitational energy, kinetic energy,
If this secret could be uncovered, no one would need to worry any heat energy, elastic energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, radiant
more about fuel economy. energy, nuclear energy, mass energy. If we total up the formulas for
Clearly this man did not know enough about energy especially each of these contributions, it will not change except for energy going
conservation of energy. How much, however, do most people know in and out.
about it? We speak of energy extraction as though it is a substance It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowl-
that we mine. It is all around us in its various forms. In fact it may be edge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in
all that is physically around us including ourselves. little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. However, there are
In planning a series of articles about the various forms of energy formulas for calculating some numerical quantity, and when we add it
for Access to Energy, I thought it best to start with a few words an- all together it gives 28 always the same number. It is an abstract
swering the question what is energy? The problem is that I dont thing in that it does not tell us the mechanism or the reasons for the
know. Richard Feynman, in Volume 1, p 4-1 of his freshman physics various formulas.[End of quotation]
book, Lectures on Physics, with Robert Leighton and Matthew Sands, Virtually every aspect of the universe that is currently physically
Addison-Wesley (1963), explains the difficulty of this question and observable by human beings is a part of the energy equation. We
also the law of conservation of energy with the following analogy: therefore say that everything we observe is a form of energy, but we
Imagine a child, perhaps Dennis the Menace, who has blocks do not know what energy is.
which are absolutely indestructible, and cannot be divided into pieces. Fortunately, we do know how to convert some forms of energy
Each is the same as the other. Let us suppose that he has 28 blocks. into other forms of energy. We thereby control energy to a limited
His mother puts him with his 28 blocks into a room at the beginning extent and manipulate the physical world in ways that we find useful.
of the day. At the end of the day, being curious, she counts the blocks In a nuclear power plant, mass energy is converted into heat en-
very carefully, and discovers a phenomenal law no matter what he ergy and then into electrical energy. If we wished to be more detailed,
does with the blocks, there are always 28 remaining! This continues we could mention the electromagnetic and kinetic energy in the nu-
for a number of days, until one day there are only 27 blocks, but a clear decay products and the translational, rotational, and vibrational
little investigating shows that there is one under the rug she must kinetic energy in the fluid driving the turbines.
look everywhere to be sure that the number of blocks has not The human body is a cleverly designed combination of different
changed. One day, however, the number appears to change there are forms of energy about which we really know very little not even the
only 26 blocks. Careful investigation indicates that the window was fundamental nature of energy itself.
open, and upon looking outside, the other two blocks are found. An- We are not really very much more knowledgeable about energy
other day careful count indicates that there are 30 blocks! This causes than our colleague at the gasoline pump. The water his father alleg-
considerable consternation, until it is realized that Bruce came to visit, edly poured into his automobile was a form of energy. No ordinary
bringing his blocks with him, and he left a few at Dennis house. Af- (non-nuclear) engine, however, can convert that mass energy into ki-
ter she has disposed of the extra blocks, she closes the window, does netic energy for an automobile.


This title is applicable to virtually all of the speakers at the recent

DDP meeting in Tucson. This was a remarkable meeting of intellec-
tually free scientists whose radical ideas and surprising data you will
definitely not see on the evening news. (Audio tapes are available
from DDP by calling telephone 602-325-2680.)
The chemical free radicals of special interest, however, were those
operative in the outstanding presentations by Bernard Cohen and T.
D. Luckey on the health benefits of low-level ionizing radiation. Data
in support of this effect is now very convincing. In any ordinary sci-
ence, this work would be widely acclaimed in scientific and popular
articles. That will eventually happen, but it will take longer here be-
cause the findings are politically incorrect.
Although not yet thoroughly understood, the probable mechanism
is that ionizing radiation stimulates biological defense mechanisms by
providing a continuous source of low-level molecular damage. These
defenses are, therefore, more readily available and effective in de-
fending against other dangers to life.
Part of this damage results from direct collision of particles of ion-
izing radiation with macromolecules such as DNA and proteins. Most
of it, however, is probably secondary. As ionizing radiation passes
through living cells, it produces free radicals and other reactive inter-
mediates which then attack and damage biological macromolecules
(large molecules). Biological synthesis and repair machinery is kept
busy repairing this damage and, thereby, in a high state of readiness to
repair damage from other sources as well.
If, of course, radiation levels become too high, this beneficial ef-
fect is overwhelmed by radiation damage, and health effects are nega- theory of degenerative disease and aging is currently popular. The
tive. The radiation level for optimum health is apparently far above general idea is that metabolically generated free radicals damage bio-
normal background, however, so the whole culture of radiation fear in logically important structures and lead to degenerative diseases and
our society is both industrially and also medically counterproductive. death.Antioxidants (substances that react with free radicals) have,
therefore, become popular dietary supplements.
Although this is a fad that has yet to be proved beneficial, it may
be correct and is easily reconciled with the observed beneficial effects
of free radicals from ionizing radiation. Free radicals may be good for
health in small amounts and bad for health in large amounts.
Especially interesting in this context is Vitamin C. Since Vitamin
C is required for life (in very small amounts on the order of several
milligrams per day), has been widely advocated for over 50 years as a
health supplement in quantities of a gram or two per day, and is a
chemical reducing agent, it is included in the list of antioxidant, free-
radical trapping agents currently popular as dietary supplements.
Remarkably, however, Vitamin C is itself a very potent source of
free radicals (See S. L. Richheimer and A. B. Robinson, Orth. Psych.
6, pp 290-299 (1977) and references therein.) Vitamin C oxidation
products react vigorously and destructively with proteins, DNA, and
other biological macromolecules!
Sadao Hattori, State of Research and Perspective on Radiation I suggest that (if we assume that the nutrition folklore is correct in
Hormesis in Japan, Belle Newsletter 3-1, July 1994, published by advocating a gram or two per day of Vitamin C a subject that is still
the Northeast Regional Environmental Public Health Center, Univer- vigorously debated) the beneficial effects of Vitamin C may be pri-
sity of Massachusetts, School of Public Health, Amherst, MA 01003, marily a result of damage done by its oxidation products to biological
describes numerous ongoing Japanese studies of the biological effects macromolecules that the health benefits of Vitamin C are quite
of low-level radiation. Figures 1 and 3 from the Hattori article illus- similar to the benefits demonstrated by Cohen, Luckey, and their col-
trate the reduction in leukemia deaths in A-bomb survivors (and the leagues for low-level nuclear radiation. (As far as I am aware this is
increase when radiation level becomes too high) and the greater lon- an original hypothesis, although the publications by Richheimer and
gevity of Nagasaki residents who were exposed to the A-bomb. Hat- me in the 1970s contain similar suggestions.)
tori reports that Professor Sakamoto has raised the five-year survival The implications of these possibilities are remarkable. The health
rate from non-Hodgkins lymphoma at Tohoku University Hospital benefits of low-level radiation appear to be very substantial. Cohen
from 36% to 90% by means of low-dose radiation. finds, for example, (see Access to Energy 21-4, December 1993) that
lung cancer varies over a two-fold range as a function of home radon
MORE FREE RADICALS level the higher radon levels having the lower cancer rates. It ap-
pears that the free-radical levels in human tissues should be adjusted
Free radicals (although this term has a specific chemical meaning, for optimum health not too high and not too low (but higher than
it is being used to refer to a general class of small and highly reactive currently exist in many people). This would be difficult to do with
chemical substances of which the OH radical is the most prevalent) nuclear radiation because of the currently prevailing political climate,
have been much in the news in recent years because the free radical but it would not be difficult at all to do with Vitamin C.


Zachary, the 18-year-old in our class of six home-schooled chil- l Bruce Bartlett, The Wall Street Journal, September 14, 1994, p
dren here, took a series of College Board Advanced Placement tests in A18 cites U.S. Commerce Department reports that pollution abate-
May. As a result he has been given 65 units of credit at Oregon State ment and control expenditures consumed more than 18% of gross pri-
University in calculus, physics, chemistry, biology, European history, vate domestic nonresidential investment in 1992, or $102 billion.
and English, allowing him to skip a year and a half of college. (En- Over the past 20 years, U.S. businesses have been forced to divert al-
tirely self-taught since his mothers death six years ago, his PSAT most 15% of their total fixed investment to nonproductive environ-
was 1480 and SAT was 1440.) That is the good news. The bad news mental equipment. The total adds up to more than $1.2 trillion.
is in the tests themselves. l The 46th question on a questionnaire administered to United
The PSAT and SAT, Scholastic Aptitude Test, no longer exist (see States Marines at a military base in California reads:
Access to Energy 21-7, March 1994). The watered-down and renor- The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale,
malized (grades artificially raised to politically correct levels) re- transportation and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30)
placement Scholastic Assessment Test is now given. Zachary was in day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to
one of the last groups to take the real test. His brothers and sisters will the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen
have to take the watered-down one. Noah (age 16) took example tests groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following state-
of both types here at home. He found that the new math tests have ment: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confisca-
easier problems and are more easily completed in the time allowed. tion of firearms banned by the U.S. government. [multiple choice:]
Also, the function that transforms raw scores to the familiar 200-800 Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, No Opinion.
scale has been revised to squeeze most scores into a narrower range. l Call the Hotline. If you suspect or witness unlawful refriger-
This removed about one-half of the gender bias from the tests by ant releases, you can file a report easily and anonymously by calling
reducing the number of high scores. the Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline at 800 296-1996. Ad-
The Advanced Placement Tests are a politically correct mine field. vises the EPA booklet A Checklist for Citizen Action EPA pub-
Socially engineered essay questions are everywhere (over 30 essays lication 430-F-93-006. We await the next Marine questionnaire.
in the battery of tests Zachary completed) even in the science exami- l We have to tell our children that they must redefine their rela-
nations. Several times, he decided to not answer questions when he tionship to the sky, and they must begin to think of the sky as a threat-
realized that the desired answers were so incorrect that he could not ening part of their environment Senator Albert Gore, February 6,
honestly write them on the answer sheets. 1992, in a speech before Congress, as quoted in the environmentalist
The nadir was English Literature. Zachary was not asked a single magazine, Garbage, October 1993.
question about any great author or great work of literature. The test
consisted primarily of numerous socially engineered, politically cor-
rect modern reading passages followed by multiple-choice reading
comprehension or essay questions. A student could achieve a top l Passive Smoking, Scientific Method and Corrupted Science
grade on this examination without having read or even knowing the by Antony Flew available from FOREST, 2 Grosvenor Gardens,
names of any of the English authors ordinarily considered great. London SW1W 0DH, Great Britain. Smoking is definitely a serious
These tests are yet another result of our American experiment with health hazard to the smoker, but second-hand smoke is probably just
socialized education and union-controlled schools. Fortunately the latest EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) power play. Flew
American kids are still achieving regardless of this system, but why writes that, [by the standards employed by EPA in this matter], the
do we continue to burden the kids and the taxpayers with this world- EPA could move immediately to ban chlorination of drinking water,
class mental handicap? order massively expensive reorganization of electricity service lines
Note: Thanks to an AtE reader, we now have the name and author (because of the speculative dangers of electromagnetic fields), and
of the science fiction story mentioned in AtE 21-1, July 1994, p 1. It is outlaw diesel vehicles and heating systems that use number 2 home
Examination Day by Henry Slesar. heating oil. This is the real danger in this lever against smoking.
l Environmental Briefing Book for Congressional Candidates
published August 1994 by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1001
Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036, tele-
Teacher W. S. H. sent AtE the following letter: phone (202) 331-0640. This is an excellent 70-page booklet providing
Your Access to Energy is absolutely great, entertaining and in- well-written and accurate briefs on 23 environmental issues. CEI also
formative. One of my students gave me a gift subscription, which publishes a wonderful Federal Disaster Calendar, a monthly com-
suits me perfectly. He knew exactly where I am coming from. I am pendium of government-sponsored fiascoes, from the idiotic to the
the one teacher at our school who is not a member of the NEA. We catastrophic. This is actually a large wall calendar with each
had a sick out = strike at our school several years ago. I told my months picture illustrating innovative U.S. government programs.
students, I have not been absent yet this year. Im going to be here
l Deadly Microbes: Forgotten But Not Gone in Civil Defense
tomorrow and I expect you to be here too. As I was the only one
Perspectives, 10-5 (1994) published by Physicians for Civil Defense,
teaching that day, I felt like the last living cell in a dead body.
1601 N. Tucson Blvd. #9, Tucson, AZ 85716. Incidence of infectious
I teach about 40 students in each of my five physics classes. I
diseases is rising and will explode upward if current enviro cam-
demand that the administrators admit as many students as are quali-
paigns against chlorine and pharmaceuticals are even partially suc-
fied. Everyone should understand physics. Now the union is on my
cessful. Visit an historic old graveyard of your choice for a graphic
back for exceeding the quota: 28 students per class. It reminds me of
reminder of the probable results.
the masons who stop working at 2 pm after they have laid their 400
The heat is really on for me to join the union. For the second time ACCESS TO ENERGY
in four years I have won the Teacher of the Year Award for our
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
school. That does not make the NEA look too good. The students ask Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
me why I do not park in the faculty parking lot. I reply, Id hate to be $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
mistaken for one of the teachers . $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
He is one of the Wild Cards (AtE 21-6) that makes America work. for E-mail in addition to first-class mail. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
NOVEMBER 1994 (Vol. 22, no. 3) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Consensus reached on climate change causes, trumpets Science Human history is awash in outrageous examples of the foolishness
News 146 p 198. R. Monastersky goes on to inform us that While of large crowds of humans that have been overtaken by their herd
the politics of global warming inspire division and argument among instincts, peer pressure, imagined self interest and wishful thinking.
nations, the worlds scientists have reached a consensus on what Both ancient and modern science have often advanced as a result of
causes climate change. Hundreds of top researchers from more than one individual who recognized the truth when everyone else did not.
80 countries agreed last week that carbon dioxide and other green- A mundane example of peer generated mediocrity occurs thou-
house gas pollutants represent the most important forces currently al- sands of times each year in the peer review system of U. S. gov-
tering the climate, drowning out other effects that can cool the globe. ernment research funding. There, each review decision sinks to the
To produce the authoritative document, the Intergovernmental Panel lowest common denominator of a committee of scientists with
on Climate Change (IPCC) enlisted more than 140 scientists to write nothing more interesting to do than sit on government committees.
the report and then sent the work to 230 reviewers. Yet the nonsense that truth can be determined by getting a crowd
The article goes on to inform us that this new IPCC report reaf- of humans together, inducing them all to agree, and then calling the
firms the earlier IPCC prediction of 3C global warming by the year result a consensus decision has gained wide acceptance.
2100. Yet, the models upon which this prediction is based predict The Founding Fathers recognized the moral truth that humans
over 0.5C warming from greenhouse gases during the past century have a right to certain freedoms. They protected these freedoms by
a warming that has definitively not occurred (see AtE 22-1 pp 2-3). forming a Republic. An effective attack upon that Republic has been
How can these 140 people reach total agreement to support a made through the notion of democratic justice or democracy. This
highly speculative hypothesis that has completely failed its only ex- notion holds that human rights are subject to majority vote. Any tyr-
perimental test? What is going on here? anny whatever is apparently justified if one can induce a majority of
This phenomenon transcends global warming, transcends the humans to vote for it.
self-interest of a group of scientists whose funding depends upon The problem is, however, that even in this age of tax-subsidized
global change, and transcends the political interests of those who government funding and sophisticated mass media propaganda, it is
wish to use carbon dioxide control as a lever for world power and usually not possible to get unanimous agreement. Short of extermi-
social engineering through suppression of energy availability. This nating the minority, ideas unwanted by the elite leadership are still
IPCC consensus is exemplary of the growing ascendancy in sci- present in the background waiting to assert themselves.Consensus
ence and human affairs of the negative human attribute peer pres- is promoted as a solution for this not just in science, but very
sure which is being mobilized as the consensus process. broadly in our society. The consensus process works as follows:
Physical reality the only phenomenon for which scientific inves- First, a well-defined and carefully thought out decision is adopted
tigation has proved useful is describable by statements that are by individuals who seek community approval for a certain course of
either true or false. Understanding of a few truths has given scientists action usually a course that benefits them.
and engineers the ability to manipulate the physical world in simple Second, a sub group is selected and advertised as representative of
ways that humans find desirable. The physical world, however, does the whole such as the 140 top researchers in the global warming
not conform to what scientists hope is true or what scientists agree is consensus. This group is designed with a substantial majority already
true. It conforms only to what is true. in agreement about the desired decision and inclusion of those most
When a scientist adopts the positions that global warming will easily subject to peer pressure. In science, pressure from the peer-re-
devastate the planet, or HIV virus will exterminate mankind, or view funding process and peer-review publication system is effective.
germs do not cause disease, or the earth is flat or that carbon dioxide Third, the group functions in a facilitated atmosphere where the
is actually enriching the environment, HIV virus is benign, some well-established methods of pressure can be applied. Dissent, if still
germs do cause disease and surgeons should wash their hands, and present, is stifled or ignored. Voting is not usually allowed. The con-
the earth is round, each position is either true or false. sensus process moves beyond voting, since an aura of unanimity is
Access to Energy, for example, adopts positions on truth or false- important to gaining public acceptance of the decision.
hood in many scientific subjects that are not yet fully understood. It is Fourth, having sociologically engineered an agreement, the lead-
not possible that we will be right about all of them. We give our argu- ership advertises the consensus decision widely and forcefully in or-
ments and references, encourage readers to draw their own conclu- der to give it a society-wide credibility and to weaken potential
sions, and hope to find and correct our errors quickly. dissenters who were not participants in the consensus group.
The most important thing to realize is that, in each case, truth ex- Consensus opinion has no relevance whatever to scientific truth.
ists. Knowing the truth is often difficult, but it is always there. Two As I write this, a large flock of semi-wild turkeys (introduced two
plus two is four. It is never five. Even if a consensus building exercise years ago here by a State program) is gobbling in the yard outside my
of school children should reach agreement that two plus two is four window. One gobbles and the gobbling spreads infectiously through
and a half, the true answer is always and immutably four. The opin- the whole flock by consensus. The consensus, of course, is not al-
ions of any individual or group are irrelevant to this true fact. ways wrong. Their concern is well-founded. Thanksgiving is coming.
enormous political power to world bureaucrats and politicians, but it
LOCAL CONSENSUS would also provide pseudojustification for world population control
(spelled genocide if one looks closely at Africa and other develop-
The IPCC climate-change propaganda is the most ambitious politi- ing regions). Enviro leaders have repeatedly stressed that they view
cal program to which consensus methodology has yet been applied. abundant, accessible energy supplies as a global threat.
The goal is little less than control and suppression of the entire world The consensus process, as it is lovingly called by bureaucrats,
coal, oil, and natural-gas energy system. Not only would this provide functions at the local level just as it functions internationally.
Two years ago a local farm family told me that the enviros were ment; widely advertise the agreement of the consensus group with the
bragging to them that farming in this region would soon come to an implication that it represents the views of the larger body of people
end. This optimism was based upon a consensus process that had been from whom the group was selected; and use the manufactured appear-
launched by a regional bureaucracy that calls itself the Rogue Valley ance of unanimity to suppress dissent by peer pressure.
Council of Governments (RVCOG). The goal was to close all farming, The operative phrase in the report quoted above is the worlds sci-
logging, and mining in this region even though the population is ac- entists have reached a consensus. Sure they have all 140 of them!
tually overwhelmingly in support of farming, logging, and mining.
With great fanfare, RVCOG launched its program in which the citi- SAVING ENERGY
zenry would rise up and, by consensus, seize control of the local envi-
ronment (and implement a 17-page document already written by Nuclear Issues, 16, No.9 (1994) p 2 available from APG, 8 Ruvi-
RVCOG). First, two public meetings were held. Then 12 committees gny Mansions, Embankment, Putney, London SW15 1LE in its article
were formed with names such as Emergency Committee, Forest Com- Demand Side Mythology discusses the fallacy in demand side
mittee, and Fish Committee. There was, noted the farmers, no agricul- management, a favorite anti-electric energy concept promoted by
ture committee. The 12 committees each elected a chairman and Amory Lovins. The concept is to spend money improving the effi-
vice-chairman to serve on the coordinating committee. The chair- ciency of energy use instead of spending money for new electricity
man of the coordinating committee was to rule the process at the generating equipment. Figure 1 was presented by John Reid of the Ca-
side of RVCOGs enviro bureaucrat. All committee proceedings nadian Nuclear Association at a Financial Times conference.
would be by consensus in order to project an image of unanimity.
The coordinating committee included primarily professional agita-
tors, amateur enviros, and welfare cases. A few ordinary citizens were
included by accident or as protective coloration. All was in readiness
for the first big event the first coordinating committee meeting. The
Chairman had already been informally chosen (but was still partially
incognito due to an apparent inability to shave or endure a haircut).
I first learned of this event when a neighbor suggested that he and I
attend the meeting. We were not among the invited 24, but, in the in-
itial disorganization and socializing, no one seemed to notice two addi-
tional faces at the table. To my astonishment, however, my neighbors
first action was to complain that he had not been sent a meeting notice.
He claimed to be vice-chairman of the Agriculture Committee (which
did not exist). Moreover, the RVCOG bureaucrat apparently decided
that another spear-holder from the community would do no harm and
allowed him and his newly-created committee to stay. As introductions
became more formalized, I whispered to my neighbor, who am I?
Youre the chairman of the Agriculture Committee, he replied. On
this basis, we stayed in the room and endured a couple of hours of pon- Figure 1
tification by RVCOG about how and what was to be done. The upper line shows extra costs of demand management as esti-
With the group hypnotized or asleep from this experience, the bu- mated by the Electric Power Research Institute, while the lower line
reaucrat announced that it was time for election of The Chairman. The shows Lovins Rocky Mountain Institute estimates. Notice that Lovins
chosen luminary was duly nominated, but, just as nominations were claims that demand reduction measures would have negative cost up to
being closed with only one nominee, my neighbor nominated me. Now 19% reduced electricity consumption and almost no cost to 40%.
fortunately I live in a different world from most of those people and The current balance of electricity supply and demand is in free-mar-
none of them knew me. Moreover, there must have been some dissen- ket equilibrium. (This is distorted somewhat by government regula-
sion in the enviro ranks, because, when the votes were counted, I was tions.) The upper line is consistent with that free market equilibrium,
elected a dark hour for consensus in the Rogue Valley. while the lower line is not. Both supply and demand should be allowed
RVCOG had advertised this new consensus group all over Oregon, to adjust in a free market with as little hindrance as possible.
so it could not be stopped. Moreover, their 17 pages of rules allowed
for only one vote election of the chairman. All else had to be done by RADIOACTIVE COAL
consensus. The chairman and the few ordinary citizens would not
conses to his removal. Weekly proceedings became so unruly with Access to Energy is unhesitatingly in favor of increasing American
Rumplestilskin-like enviros trying every form of disruption to get me nuclear power production at least several-fold. Inexpensive, available
out of that chair that the meetings became community spectator events. energy is the currency of technological progress, and technological
Their best shot came one night when they packed the room with progress is the key to improvement of the quality and quantity of hu-
enviros from all over Southern Oregon (even including a reporter from man life. Other sources of energy, particularly coal and natural gas,
the Chicago Tribune to chronicle the event). Forewarned, however, we should be developed as extensively as the free market determines. (Oil
had arranged the tables with my back against the wall (the defeated is in a special category. America is not self-sufficient in oil, and insta-
candidate for chairman liked to get behind me at the meetings) and bility in the world oil-producing regions is a national security concern.
three tough Oregonians on each side of me. Our plan was that, no mat- National policy should remove all impediments to domestic oil pro-
ter what happens, nobody leaves his chair. We didnt, and they lost. duction and should not subsidize imported oil.)
After about a year, it was discovered that the 17 pages also con- Access to Energy articles about the great environmental benefits of
tained no limit to the number of committees that the chairman could carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere (see, for examples, AtE 21-
recognize. I recognized 10 more sets of chairmen and vice-chairmen; 3 pp 2-3 and AtE 21-4 pp 2-3) prompted one reader to remark, how-
RVCOGs consensus group was outvoted (the first vote was to vote) ever, that these were the strongest arguments that he had seen favoring
by the combined group of 46 people; and the enviros withdrew. the increased burning of coal, oil, and natural gas over nuclear power.
Unfortunately, the international consensus builders are not so in- From Oak Ridge National Laboratory, comes another pro-coal
competent. The methodology is, however, the same. Originate an argument. Alex Gabbard in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Re-
agreement that serves their purposes; choose a consensus group that is view, November (1993) pp 25-32 as reviewed in Science News, Octo-
easily controlled; have the consensus group endorse the original agree- ber 1, (1994) p 223 estimates that 1982 U. S. atmospheric release of
radioactive components of coal ash included 800 tons of uranium and Figure 2 is from The Energy Information Administration, U.S. De-
2000 tons of thorium. World-wide release from coal was 3,600 tons of partment of Energy, Forrestal Building, EI-231, Washington, DC pub-
uranium (with 26 tons of uranium-235) and 9,000 tons of thorium. lication number DOE/EIA-0579. The comparison is between
Gabbard calculates that radioactive materials in coal ash from U. S. developing countries (DCs), developed countries (OCED), and cen-
coal-fired power plants exceed the entire radioactive fuel consumption trally planned economies (CPEs).
by U.S. nuclear power plants and that radiation exposure of the U.S. Notice that energy consumption per 1985 dollar of GNP is in a
population from coal plants is 100 times that from nuclear plants. moderately uniform range for both developed, wealthy countries and
Now, of course, the politically correct interpretation of release of for undeveloped, poor countries with the latter being slightly higher.
carbon dioxide and radioactivity by the coal power industry is that nu- (The low population, oil exporting countries are a special case.) Central
clear power is safer and cleaner. Hormesis has shown, however, that planning, however, boosts energy consumption about 3-fold without
current levels of background radiation in most areas of the United concomitant benefit to citizen income. Perhaps we should export
States are below the levels consistent with optimum human health. Amory Lovins to one of these peoples republics, so that, through
(See AtE 21-4 p 4, 21-8 p 4, 22-2 p 3, and the referenced articles by T. demand side management, they can increase their advantage.
D. Luckey, Bernard Cohen, and their colleagues.)
The concomitant benefits to the health of world vegetation from AIDS
carbon dioxide release are also documented in thousands of experi-
mental studies. See, for example, Flower Power, Rising Carbon Di- For several years we have been reading articles by Peter H. Dues-
oxide is Great for Plants by Sylvan H. Wittwer in Policy Review, fall berg and his colleagues about AIDS. See PNAS 88 (1990) pp 1575-
(1992) pp 4-9 in addition to the work of Sherwood Idso and his col- 1579; Biomed. & Pharmacother 46 (1992) pp 3-15; Progress in
leagues described in previous AtE articles as referenced above. Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology 43 (1992) pp 135-204;
Gabbard also discusses the mercury, arsenic, and lead content of Pharmac. Ther. 55 (1992) pp 201-277, and Why We Will Never Win
coal ash. It may be that the public health benefits of scrubbing certain the War on AIDS by Bryan J. Ellison and Peter H. Duesberg published
chemicals out of coal ash is great enough to justify the cost. Many pre- by Inside Story Communications, 190 El Cerrito Plaza, Ste. 201, El
cautions are sensible. Low level radiation is safe, but it would be fool- Cerrito, CA 94530. Also, see What Causes AIDS? by C. A.
ish to argue against reactor containment buildings on this basis. Thomas, K. B. Mullis, and P. E. Johnson, Reason, June (1994) pp 18-
Human health and quality of life will benefit enormously from the 23. The book by Ellison and Duesberg and the article by Thomas,
rapid development of inexpensive, widely available electrical energy. Mullis, and Johnson summarize the arguments of a growing number of
This includes primarily nuclear, coal, and natural gas generation in the prestigious scientists who are questioning the entire direction of AIDS
United States (with the future addition of sources such as solar power research and even the premise that AIDS is a distinct disease. There is
in instances where cost and less intense usages make these cost-effec- a possibility that the entire war on HIV and AIDS is in error.
tive). Politically correct nonscience has impeded this development, es- U.S. government AIDS programs are now receiving $6 billion per
pecially in the case of nuclear power. Carbon dioxide and moderate year and are based entirely upon the hypothesis that HIV virus causes
radioactive isotope release are unexpected benefits in this enterprise. AIDS. Yet, the articles referenced above and numerous additional pub-
As these forms of energy compete in the market place, it is abso- lications by scientists who have become involved in this controversy
lutely essential that they compete on the basis of truth. It is very coun- state that: attempts to cause AIDS experimentally with HIV have com-
terproductive for them to compete on the basis of politically correct pletely failed; thousands of AIDS victims are HIV-free; and HIV
myths such as carbon dioxide pollution and radiation fear. The ulti- shows none of the classical characteristics of a disease-producing or-
mate winners in a competition based upon enviro falsehoods would be ganism. Moreover, AIDS is not a unique disease it is an increased
the anti-technology enemies of all power generation industries. susceptibility to many ordinary diseases presumably as a result of de-
This danger is especially great because, at the present time, the pressed immune response. This depressed immunity can result from
United States is afflicted with an unusually serious case of fascism many other factors including those especially prevalent in the AIDS
wherein competing industries lobby government in favor of laws and afflicted population drug abuse and unhygienic exposure to very
regulations that will hinder their competition. large numbers of different disease vectors. Moreover, large numbers of
HIV carriers who are symptom-free are being treated by powerful life-
CENTRALIZED WASTE threatening drugs that kill people in ways very similar to AIDS.
These dissident articles are, of course, only a tiny fraction of the
remarkable 77,000 papers that have been published about AIDS, but
ultimately only one paper will be sufficient to describe the truth.
Figure 2 First, the arguments presented against the HIV hypothesis are
sound, although they are difficult to independently evaluate. In part,
they cite lack of evidence. Who has time to check this with a review of
77,000 papers? The burden of proof is on the HIV advocates a bur-
den they have not accepted in a forthright manner. Second, it is in-
creasingly improbable that the ongoing expenditure of tens of billions
of dollars to chase one infectious disease could be failing so miserably
if something fundamental is not wrong with the effort. Third, the epi-
demic is not growing as predicted. Only government reclassification
of more and more disease types as AIDS cases has kept the numbers of
victims at politically necessary levels. Fourth, AIDS is conveniently
serving as an excuse for all sorts of social engineering, especially in the
public schools, that could not be sustained without a crisis.
Fifth, in describing their explanation of the HIV-AIDS error that
they think has occurred, Ellison and Duesberg describe the inner work-
ings of government grant-funded science correctly. The first few chap-
ters of their book are very good reading even if you are entirely
uninterested in AIDS. Also, pages 228 and 264-265 describe the way
in which AIDS consensus building has diverted billions of dollars
into the pockets of the consensus builders of the HIV-AIDS industry.


On April 1, 1995 the recentering of SAT scores will go into ef- l The Times-Colonist, Victoria, BC, August 3, 1994 reported that
fect. The official College Board guide to the SAT I gives two sets of Steven Hawking, in a speech at Cambridge University, made the
conversion factors for its sample test one for use before April 1, 1995 astonishing statement that I think computer viruses should count as
and one for use thereafter. For example, a verbal raw score of 52 will life. Hawking went on to embellish this idea.
be counted as 530 before that date, but as 600 afterwards. Last year just Hawking holds the academic chair of Isaac Newton who wrote, I
17 students achieved a perfect grade of 1600 with 800 on each test do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to
given only for no incorrect answers. After April 1, three incorrect an- have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting my-
swers on the verbal test will still be given a score of 800. self in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than
Figure 3, from Science 265 (1994) p 1030, summarizes this change. ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before
me. Unfortunately, Hawking lacks his great predecessors humility.
l The San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, CA, June 12, 1994 re-
ported that the California Environmental Protection Agency has com-
pleted a Comparative Risk Project that includes human perceived
risk as an environmental hazard. The social welfare component of
environmental risk will play a prominent role in setting future agency
priorities according to the California EPA secretary. Included in social
welfare risk will be anything that damages a childs (or adults) view
of their world as a safe and nurturing place regardless of whether or
not the persons perception is, in fact, correct.
We wonder if the California EPA will ban the mailing of Green-
peace propaganda into California on the basis that it raises perceived
risk or rather merely bludgeon the targets of that propaganda.
l The New American 10, October 17, 1994 p 44 reports that the
Board of Trustees of Green Cross International includes Yoko Ono,
Olivia Newton-John, Carl Sagan, Robert Redford, and Ted Turner.
Green Cross plans to foster a global value shift and the develop-
ment of international ecological law. The head of Green Cross Inter-
national is Mikhail Gorbachev. For reference to Mikhails methods of
Figure 3 fostering value shifts, potential targets of this new enviro organization
may wish to consult with the people of Afghanistan.
We wonder how often this debasement of the nations intellectual
currency will be necessary in the future. With socialism in education GOOD READING
increasingly turning our institutions of higher learning into remedial
academic grade schools, the universities may soon be unable to per- l Can the President Think? by Edith Efron, Reason, Novem-
form their modern goals of politically correct social engineering. ber 1994, pp 21-44. Some anti-science, anti-technology, anti-free en-
terprise items to which we object originated with William Clinton, but
SCIENCE most were growing long before his Presidency. It is easy to criticize his
errors, but Efron provides an additional remarkable hypothesis.
A series of excellent editorials in Science indicates that something l World Climate Review, Volume 2, Nos. 2-3 (1994). This is an
unusually good must be stirring in the inner sanctums of the AAAS. excellent quarterly review of global climate issues published by the
First, Risk Assessments of Low-Level Exposures, Science 265 Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall, University of Vir-
(1994) p 1507 by P. H. Abelson endorses both radiological and chemi- ginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903 under editor Patrick J. Michaels.
cal hormesis and includes the statement that, The current mode of l Ozone, skin cancer, and the SST by S. Fred Singer in Aero-
extrapolating high-dose to low-dose effects is erroneous for both space America, July (1994) pp 22-26. This one of Americas foremost
chemicals and radiation. The public has been needlessly frightened and spokesmen for scientific truth in environmental science writing in the
deceived, and hundreds of billions of dollars wasted. publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Second, Chlorine and Organochlorine Compounds, Science 265 l Cold Fusion Magazine, Volume 1, No. 1, May 1994 published
(1994) p 1155 by P. H. Abelson summarizes factual arguments against by Wayne Green, 70 Route 202 North, Peterborough, NH 03458 with
the enviro attack on chlorine and ends with the statement that, There articles by Julian Schwinger and Arthur C. Clark. The truth concerning
is reason to hope that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) will the experimental phenomenon designated cold fusion will eventu-
not continue to act like a tool of Greenpeace. A plethora of EPA regu- ally be definitively known. Until then those with a general interest in
lations and unfunded mandates coupled with examples of brutality in energy production should, at least, keep open minds and have a general
enforcing them has cost the EPA support in Congress. awareness of this work. This magazine is useful for that purpose.
Third, Magnetic Energy Storage, Science 266 (1994) p 11 by P. l Power Lines are Homely, Not Hazardous by William R.
H. Abelson endorses superconducting magnetic energy storage Bennett, Jr., Wall Street Journal, August 10, 1994 p A10. $23 billion
(SMES) as currently being supplied in small, cost-effective units built has already been spent responding to public fear of tiny electromag-
by American free enterprise. The summarizing statement that Even- netic fields in the absence of objective evidence of actual risk.
tually a substantial demand will arise for intermediate-size SMES de-
vices doesnt even hint at non-free-enterprise, tax-financed SMES. ACCESS TO ENERGY
Fourth, The Time Traveler, Science 265 (1994) p 1639 by D. E.
Koshland ridicules anti-technology enviroism and government entitle- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
ment programs with the fool of the piece suggesting corrective drugs Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
for people who get hooked on facts. $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
Either Abelson and Koshland are both getting ready to retire, or else for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
their recent writings portend good news for American science. Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
DECEMBER 1994 (Vol. 22, no. 4) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1994 by Access to Energy

Conservation of Energy
The 1994 report Technology for a Sustainable Future, A Frame- burning fuel is also useful. When we reach a destination, we apply
work for Action signed by Bill Clinton and Al Gore and pub- the brakes which convert excess kinetic energy to heat energy so that
lished on recycled paper by the National Science and Technology we can stop. Along the way, the chemical energy is also made into
Council, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Room 443, Old electrical energy for our lights and radio. As we go up and down
Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20500, on page 118 hills, it is also transformed to and from gravitational energy.
gives Avoidance Examples. Under the heading Carbon Dioxide If the car were electric, it would be powered by electrical energy
Emissions, the Energy Supply is broken down into Renewable transformed from mass and nuclear energy (from nuclear power
Fuels including biomass, geothermal, wind, solar, superconduc- plants), gravitational energy (from hydro plants), and chemical en-
tors, hydropower, and ocean and Non-Renewable Fuels includ- ergy (from coal plants) and supplied by our electrical energy grid.
ing nuclear and fossil fuels. To go outside and use the car, my body (composed primarily of
Carbon dioxide is, of course, falsely demonized as usual as a mass energy and nuclear energy and having small amounts of chemi-
greenhouse gas. In combining nuclear, coal, oil, and natural gas in cal energy) must convert chemical energy into kinetic energy and
a non-renewable category, these technophobes send mixed sig- gravitational energy. While doing that, I will also convert chemical
nals. Are we to be pessimistic with fear of boiling oceans and ioniz- energy to heat energy and radiant energy.
ing radiation or optimistic as we anticipate the exhaustion of these The human body and mind are able to transform energy in ways
non-renewable threats in a few thousand years? Maybe we should all that they find useful. As far as science now knows, the physical world
just go for it and burn coal and atoms as fast as possible to reach (including the bodies of human beings) is entirely made of energy
the renewable millennium where these dangers are gone. manifested in different forms.
This framework for action (which bears the Great Seal of the According to the law of conservation of energy, we cannot pro-
United States) is notable for its lack of numbers. There is not one duce energy or consume energy. Moreover, it is silly to try to demon-
graph or table in the entire document that would interest readers of ize some forms of energy especially nuclear energy. After all, we
Access to Energy because there is virtually no quantitative informa- ourselves are made primarily of mass energy and nuclear energy.
tion presented. The new age enemies of technology are busy today promoting
Much of this document is about energy and energy production. earth worship and animal worship under the banner of harmony with
(The report has great pictures of windmills but none of nuclear power nature. This ancient disease has afflicted people periodically for thou-
plants.) We all use these two terms routinely, but one wonders if that sands of years. They are also promoting disharmony with technology
might be part of the cause of our undoing. by campaigns against the components of technology.
First, what is energy? Richard Feynman said It is important to Chlorine, ozone, plutonium, carbon dioxide, DDT, dioxin, asbes-
realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy tos, PCBs, radiation all are guilty. So far, pure water has escaped
is. (See Access to Energy 22-2 (1994) p 2.) If Feynman didnt know condemnation, but there isnt any pure water. Water, according to the
what it is, most of the rest of us probably dont know either. Thats new age gurus, is contaminated with thousands of chemicals created
OK, however, what we really know is how to produce it. Right? by the evils of technology.
Second, the law of conservation of energy tells us that we cannot Ordinary Americans are confused by all of this nomenclature.
produce it. The amount of energy is rigorously conserved at least They are doubly confused as a result of the enormous resources that
according to the best experimental data and scientific theories that are have been expended in efforts to demonize certain words and sanctify
available today. We cannot increase it or decrease it. others for example, nuclear vs. natural.
What can we really do? We can transform energy, and we can The idea that energy is actually one thing which has different
measure the amounts of the different forms of energy. Feynman lists forms forms from which we ourselves and all we see about us are
these forms gravitational energy, kinetic energy, heat energy, elas- actually constructed is easily understood. That we cannot make en-
tic energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, radiant energy, nuclear ergy or destroy it is also simple to communicate.
energy, and mass energy. These forms are often subdivided further General public knowledge of these facts about energy would go a
such as in the rotational energy, vibrational energy, and translational long way toward immunizing the American people against such non-
energy of molecular motion that are component parts of heat energy. sense as Technology for a Sustainable Future.
Different forms of energy are useful to us at different times. As I Our enemies seek to reduce our freedom to transform energy for
write this, our truck sits in the driveway with its fuel tank filled with human use. We cannot hope to educate most Americans about the
chemical energy in the form of diesel fuel and its battery also filled intricacies of science. Moreover, our strength does not lie in pretend-
with chemical energy in the form of lead, lead dioxide, and sulfuric ing omniscience about subjects we claim are too difficult for others to
acid. This energy is useful to me even now because it assures me that understand. Our opponents are excellent play actors, too.
I can drive to another place if need arises. We must look for unifying concepts that are easy to communicate
In driving, this chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy to untrained minds. Energy and conservation of energy can be such
for the truck and its occupants. In the winter, heat energy from the concepts if we describe them accurately.

moved to this farm in 1980, I noticed three things the 100-year-old

ENERGY EFFICIENCY farmhouse had no insulation, cutting firewood was time-consuming,
and an enormous amount of water was available in the irrigation sys-
It is our observation that it is generally easier to transform energy tem and creek from the average 60-inch rainfall during the winter.
into a convenient form than it is to do without it. In any case, a free Rather than insulating the house, therefore, I put a homemade turbine
market keeps these two activities production and efficiency of use and generator in the irrigation system. This $5,000 project generated
in correct balance. Circumstances, of course, vary widely. When we a continuous 30 kilowatts during the winter and made insulating
the house and cutting firewood unnecessary. (Then the Oregon bu- experience, solid-state solar cells have decreased in price very little
reaucrats discovered that I had transformed gravitational energy from over the past decade. This may not be entirely an engineering problem.
the water on my land into electrical energy without a permit and the In any case, imagine the new situation that would prevail if solar
whole thing became a nightmare provided to us by our government cell efficiency in terms of cost per watt were to decrease ten-fold to 50
with our taxes.) The point is that, in this circumstance, conservation cents per watt. Then, shingling the roof of our home with solar cells
and efficiency were the more expensive options. plus related equipment would cost less than $10,000. Assuming a 5%
Road to Nowhere Energy conservation often backfires and real return on this capital plus depreciation of $500 per year gives a
leads to increased consumption by Herbert Inhaber and Harry Saun- cost of electricity of less than 5 cents per kwh. (With nuclear power
ders in The Sciences, November-December (1994) published by the cost dropping toward 2 cents per kwh, this may still not be a bargain.)
New York Academy of Sciences provides a rare insight into the conse- Many Americans pay 10 cents or more per kwh, so a spectacularly
quences of conservation. In the case of convenient forms of energy, successful conservation program to improve solar cell price/watt could
they conclude that conservation will probably increase the consump- lead to orders of magnitude more demand for solar cells.
tion of those forms of energy and also increase overall economic activ- Inhaber and Saunders conclude that their difference of opinion is
ity and living standards both desirable goals. not with those who seek to save energy; it is primarily with those who
With citations and examples beginning with the invention of the are confused about what transpires when they do.
steam engine in 1698 and continuing through the present day, Inhaber Access to Energy has deeper differences with many of the pseudo-
and Saunders present a compelling case. conservationists who seek to use government power against free-enter-
Early inefficient steam engines consumed little coal because they prise. The free-market already knows that conservation and efficiency
were not greatly used, while the advent of efficient steam engines of a resource increases utilization of that resource and increases the
sharply increased overall use of coal. Early steel production was ineffi- technological well-being of our civilization. Inhaber and Saunders il-
cient and used only small amounts of iron ore, while introduction of lustrate that beautifully. Lets hope not many of the pseudoconserva-
the efficient Bessemer process led to greatly increased usage of iron tionists read their article.
ore and coal. The government of Denmark introduced severe conser-
vation standards for the efficiency of electrical appliances with the ef- SECRECY AND SECURITY
fect that (efficient appliances being more desirable and less costly to
operate) electrical energy consumption in Denmark increased. The Edward Teller has argued for decades that secrecy in American de-
United States mandated more fuel efficient automobiles, so more auto- fense programs has been counterproductive. Secrecy limits the number
mobiles were purchased and driven farther, canceling the expected re- of American scientists who can think productively about problems in-
duction in national fuel usage. volving the defense of our nation. It also provides a false sense of secu-
These events were much more desirable than those hoped for by rity. Instead of building civil and strategic defenses and developing the
conservationists. Had civilization been trapped in the wood-burning best technology for defense, America has relied, in part, upon main-
age or the coal age by actual reduced consumption of these resources, taining a monopoly of technical knowledge about weapons of mass
progress toward the nuclear age would have been slowed and overall destruction. Figure 1 from Nuclear Weapons Supply and Demand
living standards and life expectancies would have been much lower. by Michael M. May published in American Scientist, 82 November-
The authors also point out that this principle applies to conservation December p 526-537 (1994) shows how well this policy has worked.
of labor by industrial increases in labor efficiency. It played a role in A new nuclear-weapons state has been added every five years.
the concomitant fall of Marxism. Marx claimed that, as labor effi-
ciency increased, workers would be thrown out of work. In fact, in-
creased labor efficiency led to vast increases in employment.
In a free market, the use of a resource is determined by its marginal
price. This price (measured at present in America in dollars) is actually
the fractional purchasing power of potential users. Efficiency gives us-
ers more for their money, so use of more efficient resources is greater.
An example yet to come may be use of solar energy. Although it
will never be the method of choice for high intensity energy needs (as
Petr Beckmann has shown in earlier Access to Energy issues), solar
energy has potential to supply residential energy requirements in most
of the United States.
Our family uses about 60 kilowatt hours per day (more than most
residential users because we pay only about 6 cents/kwh). At todays
price of $5/watt for solar panels and efficiency assumed for fixed col-
lectors, in our climate, of 4 peak hours per day, we would need 15,000
watts of panels on our roof at a cost of $45,000 and about $5,000 for
batteries, inverters, and other attachments in order to transform 60
kwh/day. A typical, currently available solar panel generates about 11 Figure 1
peak watts per square foot, so we would need 1,350 square feet of roof
angled in about the right direction. Moreover, panel lifetime is cur-
rently estimated at 20 to 50 years. Assuming 35 years, depreciation on
the panels alone is about the same as our current electric bill. While it is sensible to limit the rate of proliferation of potentially
Special situations, low energy applications, hobbyists, and self-suf- dangerous scientific knowledge, it is also dangerous to delude oneself
ficiency projects are using these panels now, but most Americans are with the belief that such knowledge can be sequestered forever.
surely not shingling their houses with them. (There is even a tiny local Programs to be first to develop technology and limitations on the
industry here that refills ordinary automobile-sized storage batteries for rate of spread of some technologies buy time while we implement de-
people who carry them to their homes in the hills, withdraw electrical fensive measures that can protect us from misuse of those technolo-
energy, and bring them back for refills.) gies. It is the nature of scientific knowledge, however, that ultimately
Solar cells will, however, become less expensive in the future. In- knowledge becomes generally known. Pretending otherwise has put
terestingly, in a world of solid-state electronics where advances in effi- Americans in a dangerous position regarding the risks of chemical,
ciency are so rapid that each months computer catalogue is a new biological, and nuclear technology in incidents of terrorism and war.

Socialized education programs are working accordingly. The
NO PLACE TO STAND? Christian Science Monitor, September 7, p 8 (1994) reports that
United States students rank 14th and 15th in science and math respec-
Just as we were adjusting to enviro warnings that the planet was tively in tests administered to students in 17 developed nations.
about to be inundated with water from global warming, a new threat The problem is that mathematics is the language of science. Imag-
has arisen. Figure 2 is from Gaining More Ground by Jonathan Tol- ine teaching students foreign language based on computer translation.
man published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1001 Connecti- They cannot put the calculators and computers inside their heads.
cut Ave., Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036, p 7, October (1994). The There is little value in teaching science (other than reading encyclo-
United States is losing dry land by over-saving wetlands. pedias and other descriptive material) until the student is proficient in
mathematics through calculus without use of calculators or computers.
Disasters caused by socialized educations teaching of mathematics
in the United States beginning with the new math of the 1970s
and continuing with todays trendy non-teaching continue to grow.
Coping With the Unprepared Undergraduate by A. S. Moffat in
Science 266 p 846 (1994) reports that even at MIT exams administered
to incoming freshmen showed that many students were deficient in
algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, and logs and exponentials.
Socialism in American education has matured into the usual inef-
fectual bureaucratic nightmare. It should be replaced by free enterprise.


1,4-dioxane is a very useful organic solvent. We used it by the gal-
Extrapolating this trend, we estimate that the entire United States lon in our laboratory at the University of California at San Diego with
will be under water in about 800 years. Now we realize that mitigating no special precautions and no apparent health effects. Since then, half
factors might arise and that our linear extrapolation is a compromise of all chemicals tested by massive animal exposure experiments have
between various hypotheses (our more alarmed brethren argue for an been classified as carcinogenic and dioxane is apparently in that un-
exponential), but the precautionary principle so elegantly provided fortunate half. These experiments are interpreted by a measure called
to us by Greenpeace mandates that we err on the side of safety. We the HERP value which supposedly quantifies the relative risks of ex-
cannot wait for data before we act! posure to various chemicals. High exposure animal tests exaggerate
Remedial action must be multifaceted. A new program to build nu- risk, and HERP is probably a poor measure of relative risk. Neverthe-
clear power plants along the Great Lakes would be a good place to less HERP is currently part of the basis of government policy.
start. Electric power from these plants can be used to reclaim land by We do not use dioxane at OISM, but we do use a pair of LI-COR
pumping the Lakes dry. (They probably were not there at some better carbon dioxide and water vapor analyzers for the computer-control
time in the past anyway.) This solves the Greenpeace concern about system of CO2 chambers used in our rodent experiments. This pair of
chlorine contamination of the Lakes as well. LI-COR analyzers has worked with 100% reliability for almost two
years of 24 hour per day continuous operation. Helping to ensure that
SAXON MATH reliability have been the Gelman Sciences, Inc. filters that protect the
analyzers from contamination.
Figure 3 is from Statistics published by Saxon Publishers, Inc., Gelman uses 1,4-dioxane in the manufacture of its filters and has
1320 West Lindsey, Norman, OK 73069, July (1994). It shows the been disposing of it by various ground treatment methods for 25 years
SAT math scores of students at Governor French Academy in in accordance with Department of Natural Resources, DNR, specifica-
Belleville, IL before and after introduction of the Saxon math books. tions and approval. Now, since the animal tests giving dioxane a high
Statistics has 46 pages of results from different schools all similar HERP value, DNR has attacked Gelman demanding enormously ex-
to this one. Experience in our home school here indicates that these pensive ground cleanup. So far, legal and other defensive costs have
books are outstanding even when no teacher is available. consumed more than 15% of the companys assets and endangered its
Saxon emphasizes problem solving and repetition in a program ex- existence. (See, for example the article by John E. Kinney in The Ann
tending from arithmetic through calculus and first-year physics. Pre- Arbor News for September 7, 1994 or write to Gelman Sciences, 600
dictably, most public school educators refuse to use these books South Wagner Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.)
because they are not in step with new trends away from teaching sim- In The Ann Arbor News of October 29, 1992, Kirk M. Maxey cal-
ple mathematics. Now popular is the notion that calculators and com- culated that, according to the HERP standards, the chloroform in Ann
puters can do all the calculating and kids need conceptual thinking. Arbor, Michigan municipal tap water was 10-50 times more carcino-
genic than ground water at the Gelman sites.
Dioxane is not to be confused with dioxins, the chemicals fea-
tured by Greenpeace in their July 1994 publication entitled Achiev-
ing Zero Dioxin An Emergency Strategy for Dioxin Elimination.
Dioxins are central demons in the Greenpeace world-wide campaign
against the element chlorine. (Does world elimination of an element
qualify the eliminator to name the hole created in the periodic table?)
Dioxins are, according to Greenpeaces citation of the Environmental
Protection Agency, emitted into the environment in a total amount
from all man-made and natural sources of 25 kg/year. That is 55
pounds per year diluted over the entire planet. Except for the miracles
of modern analytical chemistry, this amount would already be zero.
Dioxane and dioxins are definitely dangerous but not for chemical
or biological reasons. They are dangerous because an enviro-govern-
Figure 3 ment-industrial complex has turned them into reciprocal spotted owls
and is using them as surrogates to attack productive enterprises.
l A federal judge in Montana ruled that a man must meet the same
INCREASING ACCESS TO ENERGY standard of evidence for claiming self defense in killing a grizzly bear
that would be required for killing a human (Pick and Shovel, July
As Figure 4 from Atom 435 p 10, August-September (1994) based 1993); the fairy shrimp has been given government protection from
on Gallup Poll results shows, Americans are becoming increasingly humans in Sacramento (The Wall Street Journal, October 21, 1994);
more sensible about the benefits of nuclear power. In doing its part for and a group that calls itself Physicians for Social Responsibility has
this and other technological causes, Access to Energy is not just enter- now endorsed radical pseudoenvironmentalism in the name of protect-
tainment. It provides ammunition for use against the enemies of sci- ing humans (Technology Review, November-December 1994).
ence, technology, and free enterprise by its readers and the readers of
other publications that rely on it for accurate and original information GOOD READING
and ideas. For this reason, it is desirable for Access to Energy to have as
many readers as possible. l Tenure versus teaching by Thomas Sowell in Forbes for No-
vember 21, 1994 p 96. The path of least resistance for tenured acade-
mia has now reached such a low point that, as Sowell says, The idea
that students should be admitted or given scholarships on the basis of
academic performance is viewed with horror. Increasingly, the ten-
ured academics and their employers are just selling diplomas rather
than providing quality education.
l Nuclear Energy in France and the U.S. by Bertrand de Galas-
sus; Hormesis: The Beneficial Effects of Radiation by Zbigniew Ja-
worowski; A Rational View on Stratospheric Ozone by Hugh W.
Ellsaesser; and Silent Spring and The Betrayal of Environmental-
ism by Thomas H. Jukes all in the Fall 1994 issue of 21st Century
Figure 4 Science and Technology from 21st Century, P.O. Box 16285, Wash-
ington, DC 20041. This is a great issue of an excellent publication.
During the past year, readership increased at about 1% per month l Global Warming: Messy Models, Decent Data, Pointless Pol-
with no paid advertising. We wished, however, to accelerate this. Un- icy by Robert C. Balling, Jr. published November 1994 by the Com-
fortunately, except for a few special opportunities, new readers can be petitive Enterprise Institute, 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite
located at an average advertising cost of about $50 each. Our solution 1250, Washington, DC 20036.
was to raise the price to $35 and to advertise two options an ordinary l Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with
subscription or an ordinary subscription plus a year of back issues and Science by Paul R. Gross and Norman Levitt and reviews of this book
an audio tape about radon for an additional cost. This offer is being by Stanley Rothman and Edward Teller in National Review, October
disseminated along with an update of Petr Beckmanns warning 10, 1994 pp 70-72.
against the effects of drinking over 63,000 gallons of rainwater.
As a result of this offer and the additional income from the price OREGON INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE
rise, Access to Energy can now advertise widely. Readership has in-
creased by a total of 31% during the past two months. During December, each Access to Energy subscriber will receive a
We are, therefore, increasing circulation without compromising our mailing from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Earlier
policies of not carrying advertising and not selling our mailing list. For this year, each received a mailing from Doctors for Disaster Prepared-
readers, there are two inconveniences. First, the price rise from $25 to ness. AtE readers also received mailings from these two volunteer,
$35. We are thankful that subscription renewals have remained high non-profit organizations in the years prior to Petr Beckmanns death.
regardless of this. We do not want to lose any of you. Second, it is not Both are examples of accomplishments by productive individuals en-
cost-effective for us to screen other mailing lists for our current readers tirely without tax-financed support.
or for duplicates within those lists. Therefore, some Access to Energy
readers receive one or more ads. Thank you for your patience. Please ACCESS TO ENERGY INDEX
pass the ads on to someone who may be interested.
The annual Elizabeth Mudge cumulative index for Access to En-
STARK RAVING MAD ergy is now available. This 100-page index of all issues of Access to
Energy for the 21 years between September 1973 and August 1994 is
l The Wall Street Journal for October 27, 1994 p B1 reported an an invaluable aid in utilizing information in these issues. The 1993 in-
effort by some school board members in Half Moon Bay, CA to abol- dex was not published, although Elizabeth Mudge did compile it. It is
ish homework. One member argued that homework is bad for family contained in the 1994 edition.
life, favors children of smart parents (who can help do it), and wears This index will become even more valuable as soon as the CD-
out text books that must be carried to and from school. ROM publication of all 21 years of issues of Access to Energy be-
He is right that children do not need evening school work provid- comes available next month. This CD-ROM will contain image files
ing they learn during their best hours earlier in the day. Unfortunately, of all issues, so that any back issue can be printed in its original form.
those best hours are currently wasted in public schools. For those Limited text search will be available, but the Elizabeth Mudge subject
kids that are still trying to learn regardless of socialized education, and author index will be much more useful to most readers.
homework is the last opportunity each day. In order to receive the Elizabeth Mudge Index, send $20 to Access
l Ranking Japans Life Science Research by S. Yamazaki in to Energy, PO Box 1250, Cave Junction, OR 97523.
Nature 372 pp 125-126 (1994) evaluates Japans medical research or-
ganizations based on total output of papers and the annual paper out- ACCESS TO ENERGY
put per head. This is also largely the way in which American
scientists are judged in their efforts to stay funded by grants of tax Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
money. (Bureaucrats are also judged by their paper output.) Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
The great discoveries of science are contained in a relatively few $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
seminal publications. The war on AIDS shows the relation between for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
number of papers and value 77,000 papers and almost no progress. Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JANUARY 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 5) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

The ongoing computer revolution and concomitant increase in the years that we have been using mini and, later, micro computers for
availability of information will soon provide virtual oceans of words research and word processing, we have usually purchased computer
and numbers to each individual at very little cost of time or money. equipment that was a couple of years out-of-date. This saved lots of
This is not just a spatial phenomenon as computer networks link money, while the rapid advance of technology assured that our com-
tens of millions of computer terminals world-wide, providing instant puter capabilities were sufficient for our needs. This is, however, be-
access to contemporary words and numbers generated at the present coming a socially demeaning practice, as I find many friends feeling
time. It is also an historical phenomenon. As the worlds great librar- sorry for me as though I wear too shabby a set of clothes.
ies and other depositories of information are scanned into electronic The real problem, however, is how to use unlimited access to in-
form, virtually all surviving recorded human knowledge will soon be formation. How does one extract quality from this ocean? Many of
easily available to anyone, anywhere on earth. the words and numbers in this ocean are incorrect, and most of the
The great libraries will probably just be scanned and sealed their available correct information is not of great enough value to a given
entire contents available in low-cost boxes in discount stores and also individual to be worth his time. This is not a new problem. Even 30
on computer networks. The text files from 10,000 books can already years ago, the scientific literature was already so large that scientists
be stored on a consumer computer tape priced at less than $20 (that is in many fields could not read all of the papers relevant to their work.
a million books for $2,000), and this capability is increasing so rap- Now this problem is becoming worse by many orders of magnitude.
idly that computer magazines are obsolete as they are printed. Eco- One solution has been to read primarily the works of the few best
nomical scanners for converting printed documents to electronic form people in a given field. (Reading the best journals has been helpful,
currently operate at 100 pages per minute and are steadily improving. too, but that opportunity may disappear.) A small tape or disk can
Microcomputer processing speed has increased logarithmically contain all of the writings, audio records, and (soon) video records of
with time for 15 years (see figure on page 3), while cost per computer any individual for his entire life. Publication may eventually be pri-
operation has decreased at the same rate. (We were recently delighted marily by individuals using electronic media rather than by journals,
to buy a 66MHz 486DX2 Intel CPU and motherboard for $380 when magazines, book publishers, and newspapers.
the published price was $500. Two weeks later, I tried to buy another As a scientist gains in reputation, he may find an increasing de-
one at the same price, but failed. The price had dropped to $295.) mand for regularly updated complete copies of his writings, research
As human nature interacts with this cornucopia of information and data, and other publications. Video and audio of his experiments and
processing capability, it is not surprising that some strange myths presentations and can easily be put with these records, too. Regularly
have arisen. One of these is that of the information economy. This updated subscriptions for the growing complete record of his work
myth envisions the United States as an information megalith that no may provide his principal source of income and research funds as the
longer needs to dirty its hands with productive industry. We just dinosaur of tax-financed research gradually becomes extinct.
lounge warmly by solar-powered computers and dominate the world For the CD-ROM of 21 years of Access to Energy described on
by virtue of our superior access to information. As a result of this su- page 4, we are using scanning and disk recording hardware and soft-
periority, the rest of the world clamors to satisfy our material needs. ware for ordinary personal computers. For those too busy to produce
It is a wonder that this myth lives on when the rest of the world is their own, I expect that businesses will offer these services provid-
obtaining the same computer capabilities so fast that our computer- ing living, frequently updated biographies of productive people.
producing industry itself has difficulty staying ahead and, if anyone An individual interested, for example, in environmental hazards
wishes to correct illusions about alleged superiority of American would want to be informed of work by Bruce Ames and his col-
abilities to utilize information technology, he need only turn on a TV leagues. It is easy to make a CD-ROM of everything Professor Ames
set and tune to a random channel of his choice. has ever published along with data and other valuable items that have
The ocean of words and numbers will be available everywhere. In not been published. Periodically this disk could be updated with his
America, we have only the advantage of the first peek. Our wealth new material (available by network during interim periods).
has allowed us to have this technology while it is still relatively ex- The time-tested way to filter information has been through the
pensive; our proximity to the early computer industry has let us use it best minds available. We read one Shakespearean play or Mark
first; and our language is an advantage because a large part of human Twain novel, and then read everything they wrote.
knowledge is available in English. All of these advantages are time- Computers may soon give everyone immediate, low-cost access
dependent and will be gone forever in a relatively few years. to the continually updated works of living people as well as the com-
During the transition to this new situation in which virtually eve- plete works of those now dead. Censorship by publishing institutions
ryone has easy access to the information ocean, it is natural that most and limitations by publishing economics will disappear.
people focus on the means of obtaining access. Each new network or No one, no economy, and no society can hold an advantage in in-
hardware innovation has its brief days of notoriety, and staying in formation technology. The lifes work of productive individual peo-
high-tech fashion seems to require an up-to-date knowledge of new ple will, however, provide paths to quality in the information ocean.
developments and possession of the latest machinery. During the 30 This will greatly benefit the ascendancy of individual free enterprise.

evil. This tendency has provided much benefit to propagandists.

GOOD AND EVIL Visions of mushroom clouds and mountains of expensive propa-
ganda have, for example, placed nuclear in the evil category for
While there are doubtless universal truths and phenomena that are many Americans and thereby deprived our nation of sufficient
appropriately discussed under the heading of good and evil, there is amounts of safe, clean, inexpensive nuclear-electric energy.
a widespread tendency among people (an evil, if you wish) to catego- This tendency has also been an impediment to obtaining sensible
rize scientifically observed realities inappropriately as good or and reliable information about nutrition and human health. The myth
that there is a single good diet for everybody is alive and well in sponse curves for vitamin C, vitamin E, and total protein along with 12
the halls of medical schools as well as among legions in the alterna- other diets of interest in human nutrition.
tive diet counter-culture. The gram/kilogram food values in Figure 1 are roughly equivalent
When we completed our first experiments on raw fruit and vegeta- to grams per day oral dose for a human adult. Notice that this cancer
ble diets and cancer in mice in 1976 with the finding that these diets grew faster in the mice receiving human equivalent doses correspond-
suppressed cancer just as their advocates in the health food culture had ing to 3 to 6 grams per day of vitamin C. The mean lethal dose of vita-
reported, we were immediately surrounded by people who advocated min C for these mice is between 200 and 300 g/kg. As doses
this very low protein diet for pregnant and nursing mothers, infants, approached this lethal dose, the growth of cancer was suppressed. Fig-
small children and virtually everybody including cancer victims. If it ure 1 also illustrates two of the raw fruit and vegetable experiments in
seemed good for one group of people it was good, and therefore which cancer growth was suppressed. This raw fruit and vegetable diet
good for everybody. is very low in protein. When vegetable protein is added, the cancer
I have a friend who was a world-class miler in the 1960s when the suppressive effect disappears. The authors summarize as follows:
general belief was that a very high protein diet was good for everybody Cancer growth was most rapid at the human equivalent doses of
and that athletes all needed even more of the same. He blames this fad 1-3 g of vitamin C, 150-300 mg (about 150-300 International Units) of
for his failure to be among the few men of his generation to break the vitamin E, and 80-170 g of protein. Cancer growth was accelerated by
four-minute mile. After spending his running years loading up on high a multinutrient mixture typical of human megavitamin supplements
protein, he later learned that high carbohydrate was better for runners and by a rich mixture of seeds and nuts.
and that too much protein inhibited performance. Conversely, cancer growth was suppressed by near lethal doses of
A recent publication about nutrition and cancer is illustrative. 100-200 g of vitamin C, by 200 g of sucrose [20% by weight of ordi-
Suppression of squamous cell carcinoma in hairless mice by dietary nary table sugar], by protein deprivation and protein overdoses, by a
nutrient variation by A. B. Robinson, A. Hunsberger, and F. C. raw plant food diet so restrictive that [it] will not support long-term hu-
Westall, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 76 pp 201-214 man life, and by large doses of butylated hydroxytoluene and glu-
(1994) reports the effects of 38 different diets on cancer development tathione.
in a total of 1,846 mice. The rate of onset and development of tumors Thus a daily intake of ordinary supplements of vitamin C, vitamin
in these mice varied over a 20-fold range as a function of diet alone. E, and multivitamins, a well balanced amount of fruits, vegetables,
This result illustrates the importance of diet in the control of cancer. seeds, and nuts, and minimal amounts of candy and other sweets a
diet considered healthy for most Americans would appear to be a
harmful diet for a cancer victim; whereas insufficient protein and fat,
high empty calories from sucrose, and near lethal amounts of vitamin
C would appear good for a cancer victim. In addition, it has long been
known that rat lifespan is maximized by a nutrient-rich diet early in life
followed by nutrient restriction later in life.
Perhaps nutrition during cancer therapy should be viewed as the
provision of fuel for a race between rapidly growing young tissues and
mature older tissues where nutrient restriction or malnutrition may fa-
vor the older tissues. The prevailing attitude that good nutrition is the
same for everyone may be especially dangerous for cancer victims.
Before anyone hurries to dispose of his vitamin pills, however, he
should realize that these experiments were carried out in mice which
make their own vitamin C. The oral doses may have suppressed the
ordinarily produced amounts in the mice. Moreover, vitamin C oxida-
tion products are very destructive of macromolecules such as proteins
and nucleic acids and may, therefore, participate in a sort of biochemi-
cal hormesis effect.
Most importantly, it is possible that diets like those which enhanced
growth of cancer in these mice may also lower the probability of con-
tracting cancer by strengthening biochemical defense mechanisms.
It may be that the overall death of humans from cancer would be
minimized by rich dietary supplementation with nutrients currently
Figure 1 considered good until cancer is initiated and then by sharp restric-
tion of these nutrients during cancer therapy. In this case, markedly
The specific nature of the diets comprising this 20-fold range is, better techniques for cancer detection before symptoms are evident
however, not in accordance with the good diet myth. Figure 1 illus- would be of even greater importance.
trates this with respect to one of the nutrients. (Figure 1 is taken from The squamous cell carcinoma in these mice was pathologically the
the MAD 1994 paper but was first published in Barrons September 3, same as human squamous cell carcinoma and was induced in the same
p. 7 (1979 ) because of the self-destructive explosion that these experi- way that humans usually acquire it overexposure to UV light. That
mental results initiated in Linus Pauling. The 1994 paper itself was its rate of growth could be varied over a 20-fold range by diet alone
published from abbreviated research summaries because the Linus using diets that are common in human nutrition and easily adopted by
Pauling Institute claims to have lost the 300 computer data tapes and any cancer victim is remarkable. Mice are not the same as men, but, in
50 file drawers of research data that comprised the records of all re- the absence of similar data on men, they provide our best guess.
search conducted at that Institute during the five-year period that in- I am reminded of a surgeon who told me of a patient he examined
cluded this work. As a result, completed and remarkable experiments who had inoperable cancer in his throat and about two months to live.
on over 2,000 human subjects have never been published.) After leaving the surgeons office, this patient adopted a raw plant food
In experiments conducted over a four-year period, each of these diet so restrictive of nutrients that it will not support human life. Six
1,846 hairless mice was subjected to repeated quantitative exposure to months later the patient was back to see the surgeon. Three things were
ultraviolet light such that it developed skin cancer (squamous cell car- remarkable. He was not dead; he had no trace of cancer; and he looked
cinoma). The development of this cancer was carefully recorded for as if he had been in Auschwitz almost dead of malnutrition. With
each mouse. Included in the 38 diets were those comprising dose re- ordinary food, he recovered his weight, and the cancer never recurred.
Alas, the Lancet publication contains no figures or data whatever from
21 YEARS OF ACCESS TO ENERGY which the reader can evaluate this work. In a five-page scientific publi-
cation with three tables and one figure, this is unacceptable. They
Complete sets of all 21 years and 4 months of Access to Energy are promise to publish a better account elsewhere.
now available as both original, printed newsletters and as image and We are left to believe their final result, which does little to sup-
text files on computer CD-ROM. These sets include issues from the port their conclusion that current warnings about the dangers of low
first printing in September 1973 through December 1994. The CD- level radiation are acceptable. For leukemia, they report an excess rela-
ROM version includes printable image files of all issues and the 21- tive risk of cancer of 2.2 per Sv (the International Commission on Ra-
year Elizabeth Mudge 1994 index along with text files and a high qual- diological Protection proposes a dose limit of 0.001 Sv per year for the
ity computer text search capability. public) and, for all other cancers, they report an excess relative risk of
Many individuals and institutions have found Access to Energy to cancer of - 0.07 per Sv (less cancer with higher radiation exposure).
be a very valuable source of information. These releases of back issues IARC reports a 90% confidence range (the range within which
in printed and electronic formats will increase that usefulness. there is a 90% chance that the actual values fall) of their results for
While they last, the printed versions will be shipped by Mrs. Beck- leukemia of 0.1 to 5.7 excess relative risk per Sv and for all other
mann from her stock of original issues that were printed by Petr on his cancer of - 0.39 to 0.30 excess relative risk per Sv.
basement printing press. As individual issues are exhausted, she will In the absence of data, the best we can do is to consider their statis-
begin to substitute identical copies. These original sets are especially tical result. With 119 leukemia deaths and 3830 deaths from other
nice mementos of Petr Beckmanns work. cancers and averages of 2.2 and - 0.07 excess relative risk respectively,
Prices are: we calculate (119)(2.2)+(3830)(- 0.07) = - 6.3. Therefore, the IARC
CD-ROM ................................................................$95 study actually reports a slight decrease in total cancer deaths with in-
Printed Set + Printed Index ..................................$145 creased low-level radiation exposure (with a confidence range that
Printed Set + Printed Index + CD-ROM ............$195 makes this result statistically insignificant).
These may be ordered from either Access to Energy, Box 1250, We wonder how the IARC study group and writing committee of
Cave Junction, OR 97523 or from Mrs. Petr Beckmann, Box 1342, 18 coauthors managed to rationalize the publication of a six-year study
Boulder, CO 80306. Orders for printed issues will be filled more of 96,000 people purporting to measure a correlation between low-
quickly if they are mailed to Colorado, since Mrs. Beckmann is assem- level radiation and cancer deaths without even a simple graph of radia-
bling the printed sets there. tion exposure versus deaths from cancer.
If you recently ordered the Elizabeth Mudge 1994 index for $20,
you will be credited with that amount. In that case, send $20 less than ANTHRAX AND YELLOW RAIN
the prices listed above.
For more than a decade, there was continual argument between
apologists who contended that the lovable rulers of the Soviet Union
would never do anything so dastardly as to violate the ban on biologi-
cal weapons or provide chemical weapons to their surrogates in places
like Southeast Asia (yellow rain) and Angola versus Western ob-
servers who noticed that the Soviets were, in fact, doing these things.
This argument was epitomized by numerous articles in the Wall
Street Journal in opposition to the pro-Soviet positions of one Mat-
thew Meselson at Harvard who saw only bee pollen instead of chemi-
cal weapons and agreed with the KGB that only contaminated meat
had caused anthrax deaths in Sverdlovsk. There, under chief Commu-
Figure 2 nist Party official of the Sverdlovsk region, Boris Yeltsin, citizens died
of anthrax apparently released from a nonexistent Soviet biological
It will be interesting to see how many Access to Energy readers pre- weapons facility. (It couldnt exist because it was proscribed by treaty.)
fer the electronic 21-year set as compared with the printed set. After When political conditions permitted, the Wall Street Journal sent
three decades of computer work, I will still be among those who con- investigators to Sverdlovsk, verified that the deaths were due to inhala-
sult the printed index and printed issues most frequently. Figure 2 from tion of anthrax spores, and published a series of articles about this.
the The Wall Street Journal, p B1, December 7, 1994, however, illus- In Science 266 pp 1202-1208 (1994) is published an excellent re-
trates the phenomenon that is inexorably overtaking us. search article by M. Meselson, J. Guillemin, M. Hugh-Jones, A. Lang-
muir, I. Popova, A. Shelokov, and O. Yampolskaya reporting on the
RADIATION RISK Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak. Based on information on each anthrax
victim as gathered by its Russian authors, this article definitively
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, claims to proves that human and animal deaths from anthrax up to 2.5 miles and
have done a six-year evaluation of combined cancer incidence data on 30 miles respectively downwind from a Soviet military compound
over 95,000 workers in the nuclear industry and to have verified that were caused by anthrax spores released from that compound. The pa-
IARC risk estimates are correct. See Nuclear News 37, p 48, Decem- per concludes, In sum, the narrow zone of human and animal anthrax
ber (1994) and E. Cardis, et al, The Lancet 344, pp 1039-1043 (1994). cases extending downwind from [military] Compound 19 shows that
Several studies have found that nuclear workers have a lower inci- the [anthrax] outbreak resulted from an aerosol that originated there.
dence of cancer than the average elsewhere. This is cited as an example Aerosols of anthrax spores have been used in biological weapons
of hormesis (health benefit from low-level radiation) or as a healthy for about 50 years. They are so common that American troops were
worker effect, depending upon the writers bias regarding the no- inoculated with anthrax vaccine and huge quantities of appropriate an-
threshold linear hypothesis. This hypothesis has been badly damaged tibiotics were shipped to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War.
by Cohens finding that radon radiation exposure reduces lung cancer Remarkably, Matthew Meselson, who used his position at Harvard
incidence (see Access to Energy 21-4, December 1993, p 4), but the as a major smoke screen to hide such Soviet actions, is the unapolo-
IARC study is potentially valuable, especially for external radiation. getic first author of this publication. The many people whose deaths in
By using only nuclear workers, the IARC risks a bias against hor- the Cold War were facilitated by Professor Meselson and other Soviet
mesis. Their study, however, includes 10,000 nuclear workers classi- apologists would undoubtedly be delighted to be alive and able to read
fied as having received zero dose, so we were eager to read their paper. his paper in Science.
Ralph Nader, Ernest Sternglass, Carl Sagan, and even Jane Fonda
RECYCLED PROPAGANDA probably have high IQs, illustrating the great difference between good
equipment and worthwhile skill, while the works of many brilliant
We have been calling the paper recycling mania interactive propa- black Americans testify about the distribution function overlap even
ganda because its primary purpose seems to be to involve everyone in before we see the data. Racist efforts to make all groups equal rather
hands-on enviro action rather than in saving resources. The article than giving equal opportunity to all individuals are, of course, incon-
Suddenly, Paper is on a Burn by D. J. Yang and T. Smart in Busi- sistent with science in this case.
ness Week, p 126, November 21 (1994) illustrates this point. I can think of no better reason to teach all Americans about statisti-
Paper prices have increased from $460 per ton to $550 per ton a cal distributions than to enable them to understand this important sub-
20% increase. Yang and Smart report that the paper industry has spent ject (not only with respect to IQ but also other measures of innate
$7.5 billion for equipment needed to recycle paper. This expenditure, ability). In the absence of this knowledge, demagogues have manipu-
which must be added to paper prices, is not the only cost. lated Americans into public policies harmful to those with least ability.
In response to a letter from an Access to Energy reader, Fletcher These Wall Street Journal articles belong in Good Reading, but
Challenge, one of Canadas largest forest products companies, replied: well leave them in Stark Raving Mad since madness is where de-
You asked How much more costly is it to produce recycled pa- liberate ignorance about human similarities and differences will lead.
pers over virgin stock? What are the economics?
The quick answer is that, depending upon the percentage of recy-

cled fibre used (which ranges up to 40%), it costs us 15% to 20% more
to make recycled paper versus virgin paper. That translates to an added l A scientific agenda for climate policy? by Sonja A. Boehmer-
cost of roughly $75 to $100 per metric ton of paper produced........ Christiansen, Nature 372 pp 400-402, 1 December 1994. The author
In general, recycled fibre costs more than virgin fibre because pro- states that For others, including the chairman of the IPCC, global
ducing it uses more energy. Part of that extra energy is consumed in warming has become the justification for a crusade against material-
collecting the old paper think of all the trucks hauling bundles of ism..... and The creation of knowledge at increasing rates by a few
newspapers from communities all over the region....... individuals engaged in a political game, one of whose primary goals is
The requirement to produce recycled paper is driven more by leg- to obtain funding for their own work, must influence the way that envi-
islation than consumer demand. Our biggest paper market, California, ronmental problems are defined and prioritized. The appearance of
has a law requiring newspaper publishers to use so much recycled pa- this article (with which we do not agree in its entirety) in Nature is a
per within a set timetable. If all our markets adopted similar laws, we further indication that pseudoenviro scientists are losing their grip on
would have real problems getting enough used paper to comply. credibility in the scientific community.
This letter also discusses the cost of deinking equipment. l Shock Journalism. The junk reporting behind the power line-
Access to Energy is proudly printed on 100% unrecycled paper. In cancer connection. by Michael Fumento in Reason, p 23, January
order to assure this, we recently purchased about a three year supply. (1995). The control of fire (which produces carbon dioxide) and elec-
Our paper company says that excessive costs of recycling and federal tricity (which produces electromagnetic fields) have generally been
and state regulations requiring recycled paper are reducing the supply considered positive human achievements. The antitechnologists are
of unrecycled paper (since factories now maintain virgin paper produc- now conducting unrestrained attacks on both with bogus arguments. In
tion as a separate capability), so that it may eventually be unavailable. this article, Michael Fumento answers on behalf of electricity.
l Hypoglycemia and Diabetes by William Campbell Douglass
STARK RAVING MAD in Second Opinion 4, 11, pp 1-5, November (1994). The general mes-
sage is to avoid a high sugar diet (unless you happen to be a mouse
l But do they take requests? B.C. Greens recognize the spiritual with squamous cell carcinoma. The mice with diets having 20% su-
value of singing trees by Rick Hiebert in Alberta Report, p 24, No- crose had about 20% slower cancer growth in the experiments dis-
vember 7, 1994, describes a situation in south-eastern British Colum- cussed on page two of this issue of Access to Energy).
bia, where logging has been stopped by enviros who claim that trees l Adequate Supplies of Fruits and Vegetables by P. H. Abelson,
actually sing. One G. McIntyre of the Applied Ecological Stewardship Science 266 p 1303 (1994) warns that the Environmental Protection
Coalition claims to have heard the trees singing a hymn of joy of Agency, EPA, is participating in a Consent Decree that would ban
creation. A local Anglican cleric joined McIntyre in calling for pres- many important fungicides. Close to becoming administrative law, this
ervation of the trees because of their spiritual force. In response, the decree would ultimately sharply decrease the production of fruits and
British Columbia Commission on Resources and Environment has vegetables and thereby raise the incidence of degenerative diseases that
recommended and agreed to identify and conserve physical condi- are moderated by good supplies of these foods. Why not just add EPA
tions necessary to the super-physical life-force renewal function. to the list of banned evils and really improve the environment?
l Since there are politically incorrect racial differences in the ex- l Behind the atomic curtain by Hans A. Bethe, Nature 372, No.
perimental results, it has been out of fashion in recent decades to speak 6503, pp 281-283 (1994) in review of the book Stalin and the Bomb:
of genetic influences on intelligence. There are, in fact, significant dif- The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956 by David Holloway.
ferences in the mean intelligences of different races, yet these differ- l Climate claims wither under luminous lights of science by S.
ences are entirely irrelevant with respect to specific individuals Fred Singer in the Washington Times of November 29, 1994. Global
because the distribution functions overlap so greatly between races. warming is dying as an issue with each passing year of actual tempera-
(There are also sexual differences in distribution shape which lead to ture measurements. Direct measurement of actual UV light levels may
the differences in SAT math averages for girls and boys that educrats kill the ozone scare, too. We should always measure the final result
are so desperately trying to remove from SAT scores.) when considering hypothetical claims and intermediates.
C. Murray recently coauthored a book with R. J. Hernnstein entitled
The Bell Curve and then felt compelled to write a Wall Street Jour-
nal editorial (December 2, 1994, p A12) trying to mitigate the political ACCESS TO ENERGY
controversy that their efforts to discuss this matter had caused. This

Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
was followed by a long Wall Street Journal editorial (December 13, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
1994 p A18) in which 52 academic experts on intelligence attempted $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
to summarize the known facts about heredity and intelligence. Their $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
points include that heredity is between 40% and 80% responsible for Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
IQ differences and that the IQ curves center around 100 for whites and 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
85 for American blacks with Hispanics roughly midway between. of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
FEBRUARY 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 6) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

When Thomas Jefferson wrote: I have sworn upon the altar of Jealousy is not necessarily a destructive emotion except within the
God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of mind that expresses it. Blinded by jealousy of the accomplishments of
man, he clearly realized that most tyranny originates in the mind of others, a person may never learn enough about the basis of those ac-
man and in the basic conditions of human existence. complishments to equal them himself.
Some aspects of those basic conditions remain, so far, essentially Envy, however, is generally destructive. Envious individuals ex-
unchanged such as the short human lifespan. Others have been press their hatred of the accomplishments of others by attempting to
markedly changed by science, engineering, and increases in human destroy those accomplishments rather than trying to duplicate them.
knowledge. Even King Solomon was trapped in the boredom and Envy is a primary driving force behind a large part of the grassroots
vanity of repetition of works of agriculture and architecture little dif- agitation against technology.
ferent (except in extent) from those of his predecessors. Today, ordi- When the Bolsheviks chose village commissars in Russia, they
nary scientists, engineers, and those who support and work with them often chose the village bums. These people were easily controlled,
can undertake projects that are entirely unique. The technological age and they were motivated by envy.
has mobilized some of the best qualities of the human spirit by pro- Much has been written about individual and institutional power-
viding mankind with an endless frontier. seekers at the national and international levels who exercise control
While each of us might categorize the properties of the human over such movements as global pseudoenvironmentalism. These peo-
mind and spirit in different ways, most lists would include charity, ple and the politicians and businessmen who join them pursue a con-
love, faith, hope, inventiveness, reason, self-importance, greed, fear, temptible agenda. (Contemptible even if it seems to serve our own
jealousy, and envy among the fundamental properties of human be- interests as in the case of nuclear power advocates who repeat the lies
ings. While science, engineering, and other technology are exact and of global warming in order to advance nuclear power.)
rational, most human properties are not. A great modern challenge is These few individuals would certainly fail, however, if it were not
to meld all of these human characteristics with technology for an ulti- for the many grassroots agitators who amplify their efforts. These agi-
mately positive result. tators are largely motivated by envy.
Jefferson and his colleagues understood that civil institutions can Here in the Northwest, the anti-logging, anti-farming, anti-mining,
be formed in such a way as to encourage the positive characteristics anti-human accomplishment pseudoenvironmentalists agitators are
of human beings and to discourage the negative characteristics. Each primarily the community bums. They live in or on the fringes of the
individual needs such institutions because each must struggle with welfare community and are motivated primarily by envy.
these things within himself and others. Environmentalism is just their latest excuse for hatred.
In the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gradually it was dis- A great strength of American free enterprise is that it shares na-
closed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through tional power among the millions of productive individuals who rise in
states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either but economic, social, and political influence as a result of their own indi-
right through every human heart, and through all human hearts. This vidual productive accomplishments. There is much wisdom and vast
line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within decentralized strength among these individuals.
hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is re- Unfortunately, a few individuals are overcome by ambition and
tained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains . . . an desire for increased power to such an extent that they attempt, by the
unuprooted corner of evil. various means of tyranny, to dominate the millions of others. Since
During the years that Laurelee and I traded commodities, we be- productive accomplishment and economic freedom and property are
came very familiar with greed and fear. For example, about 100 times the specific strengths of productive Americans, the mobilization of
each year, short-term fluctuations in the copper market moved either hatred of these accomplishments is used against the productive peo-
upward or downward out of the usual range and triggered a reaction ple who stand in the way of tyranny. This mobilization is often ac-
of greed or fear in many individual speculators. This reaction was complished through the politics of envy.
partially predictable, so we were able to parameterize this phenome- Reason will not stop envious individuals from telling lies to the
non and use it for profitable trading. Fear is a stronger emotion than good people of America about trees, or animals, or ozone, or carbon
greed, so markets that reflect these emotions tend to fall faster than dioxide, or nuclear radiation. They do not fear the power plant they
they rise. With our PDP-11 computers, she and I traded these fluctua- hate those who were able to build it. They do not fear the chemical
tions in copper from a room on our farm. On some days, we made industry they hate those who were able to create it. They do not fear
about 1% of all trades in the world copper market. carbon dioxide they hate the technological accomplishments of
Today, technologists are seriously hampered by the growth of which it is a byproduct.
civil institutions that stimulate negative aspects of human nature. The Compassion is the proper attitude toward those who have failed,
government welfare industry is not just an institution that wastes re- so far, to be successful in life. Rewarding failure with payments of tax
sources. It is also an institution that has built a large underclass of money, however, has created a breeding ground for envy that is an
people who are more than usually motivated by jealousy and envy. impediment to technology and a threat to American freedom.

many people discounting its merit in the belief that any lie can be sup-
STATISTICS ported by statistics. This is false. Statistics is a beautiful and exact
mathematical science of very great value. It can only be misused in
Misuse of statistics has become the stock-in-trade of many of the the service of falsehoods when the audience lacks basic mathematical
anti-technologists, pseudoenvironmentalists, social engineers, and knowledge. Unfortunately, this lack is widespread. Even the scientific
other aberrations with which our environment is currently polluted. journals themselves are filled with statistical errors especially since
This has become so widespread that statistics itself is maligned, with politically correct results determine tax-financed research funding.
One of the most beautiful uses of statistics is in the science of statis-
tical mechanics. There, the laws of probability and a few simple princi-
ples like conservation of energy are used to derive the entire science of
thermodynamics. Misuse of statistics, however, is not so beautiful.
Correlations: Newspapers carry a continual diet of correlational
nonsense such as electric shavers found correlated with brain can-
cer. In opposition, we sometimes see counter-examples like num-
ber of churches correlated with number of incidents of violent crime.
This latter example illustrates the truth that correlation does not prove
causality. Churches and crime are correlated with population density
which therefore links the two but not causally.
The electric shaver example shows a type of statistical error that is
very common. Most mathematical tests of correlation calculate a value
of the probability that the two measurements under study are not corre-
lated with one another, Pnc. For example, Robinson, A. B. and Robin- Figure 1
son, L. R., Mech. Ag. Dev. 59 pp 47-67 (1991) gives Pnc for the
correlation between urinary cystathione and age in 205 men as 0.025.
Therefore the probability of correlation is 1-Pnc=Pc = 0 .975 or 97.5%.
If cystathione were a pesticide and the Robinsons had a grant re-
quest pending with the Environmental Protection Agency, we might distribution function. This is not surprising because most experiments
read headlines like, Cystathione linked to premature aging. involving living things or other environmental phenomena are rela-
But wait. The Robinsons measured 51 substances in this experi- tively difficult to perform. This limits the number of observations.
ment. Since they tried 51 times to get a correlation, about one sub- Powerful statistical tests are often needed to extract significance from
stance is expected to have Pnc = 0.02 or less by random chance. They, small numbers of experimental measurements. These tests are more
in fact, found 10 (with even higher Pcs), so this paper is interesting. likely to give values indicating significance if they assume distribution
Had they found only one or two at 97%, this would be insignificant. function shape, so tax-financed experimenters much prefer them.
The electric shaver discovery involved the screening of large When distribution function shape is unknown, the proper approach
numbers of items until one was found for publicity. Without correction is to use nonparametric statistics. There are simple non-parametric
for the number of efforts to find a correlating item, the report is errone- methods of which the most common is the Wilcoxon Test.
ous. Since thousands of pseudoscientists with lavish tax funding are Suppose that we know the age at death of 10 men (and only ten
searching for correlations between technology and evil, random men, since it is imperative to use all of the data without selection), five
chance is providing a plentiful supply of false correlation scare stories. of whom were members of the Sierra Club. The control subjects died
A second common error is in actual calculation of the correlational at ages 78, 81, 83, 85, and 88, while the Sierra Club members died at
probabilities. The value of Pc usually must be at least 0.95 or greater ages 73, 76, 79, 80, and 82. The distribution of these men in order of
before statistical significance is claimed. In other words, unless age at death is, therefore, S-S-C-S-S-C-S-C-C-C. Since we do not
there is less than one chance in 20 that the result is a random occur- know the shape of the distribution functions, the Wilcoxon test simply
rence, it is not termed statistically significant. Most reports calculate assigns a rank to each individual of S1-S2-C3-S4-S5-C6-S7-C8-C9-
these Ps with the assumption that the measurements of interest are dis- C10. The sum of the ranks of the Sierra Club members is 1+2+4+5+7
tributed in accordance with a Gaussian or normal distribution function = 19. The test then calculates, for the case of blindly choosing 10 ob-
the familiar bell curve. In fact, many measurements do not have nor- jects, five of one label and five of another in succession, the probability
mal distribution functions. This error often leads to falsely high prob- of a set having a sum of ranks less than or equal to 19.
abilities of correlation. For our simple case, this can be done by actually listing all possi-
Distribution functions: It can be rigorously proven that, when the bilities and counting them. In this case, Pnc = 0.048, so there is a 95%
variations in a measured value are entirely dependent upon a large chance that our experiment shows that Sierra club members do not live
number of similarly sized independent variables, the measurements as long providing there were no other systematic variables besides
will be distributed as a normal distribution. The functional form of this Club membership. There are, of course, other variables. For instance,
normal distribution is illustrated in Figure 1 reproduced from Introduc- those still clinging to Sierra Club membership in the 1990s, when it has
tion to Probability and Statistics by H. L. Alder and E. B. Roessler, W. allied itself with Greenpeace and Earth First and abandoned allegiance
H. Freeman and Company (1977), p 115. Figure 1 shows a bar graph to its original goals, are likely to be people of below average wisdom.
and normal distribution function for the expected frequencies of heads This may also shorten lifespan. Correlation does not prove causality.
in tossing groups of nine coins 512 times. Since the factors that deter- Nevertheless, we have done our calculation properly without as-
mine the variation in outcome of a single toss of nine are many and suming a normal distribution when the data set is too small to check
similarly sized, the distribution function is normal. that assumption. For much larger sets of data, Wilcoxon calculations
If another set of coins that had a larger number of coins were used, are more involved. See the above-referenced book by Alder and
then the distribution would be shifted to the right. In this case, both Roessler and also the Mech. Ag. Dev. article by Robinson and Robin-
distributions would be normal. Assuming this, a calculation of the son for examples and references.
probability that the two sets of coins are different can be made with (This reminds me of the story of the conservative retired Iowa
high reliability after a relatively few experimental trials. farmer who suddenly announced to his friends that he had joined the
Suppose, however, that the two different sets of coins are used to- Communist party. Why, they asked, had he done such a dishon-
gether in a single experiment. The result will be a broadened distribu- orable thing? Well, he explained, I have been to my doctor. He
tion function that is not normal. If the sets were different enough, the says that I have just six months to live. I figure it is better that one of
experiment would even show a distribution with two peaks with a them should die than one of us.)
shape like two overlapping bells. In this case, the variation is not due Errors: Whenever possible, each quantitative scientific assertion
only to similarly sized independent variables. The difference in num- should be accompanied by a quantitative estimate of its reliability or
ber introduces a variable much larger than the others that give rise to likely range of error. Where the error itself is an important part of the
the variable outcomes of individual tosses of sets of coins. result, then the error of the error should also be calculated and reported.
In most instances of alleged ill effects of technology, there is insuf- One sign of unreliable science is poor reporting of errors. Each scien-
ficient data to prove that the measurements under study have a normal tist is obligated to estimate and report the reliability of his results.


While undergraduates at Caltech, Ken Manly, Mike Anthony and I

devised a means of testing the hydrate microcrystal theory of general
anesthesia (see S. L. Miller, PNAS 47, 1515 (1961) and L. Pauling, Sci-
ence 134, 15 (1961)). Our method depended upon the normal distribu-
tion function. See A. B. Robinson, K. F. Manly, M. P. Anthony, J. F.
Catchpool, and L. Pauling, Science 149, pp. 1255-1258 (1965).
In order to test this theory, we needed to make measurements of the
potency of various general anesthetic agents at thermodynamic equilib-
rium and to an accuracy of about 1 to 2%.
After a survey of numerous animals, we chose brine shrimp because
they were aquatic and could be easily equilibrated with anesthetic; were
hearty; were easily grown in large numbers; and were easily controlled
by their tendency to swim toward light. Figure 2 illustrates the anesthe-
sia tank we built (along with hatching, purification, and counting appa-
ratus). After hatching and purification, 100,000 to 150,000 brine shrimp
were divided between the temperature-controlled separatory funnels
and different amounts of anesthetic were introduced into each funnel.
Shrimp that stayed awake swam in the upper, lighted parts of the Figure 4
funnels, while those that went to sleep sank through the stop-cocks into
the lower tubes. The separated groups of shrimp were then counted.

rium. The straight line allows all of the data from the different concen-
trations to be used in determining, with high accuracy, the amount of
anesthetic required to anesthetize just 50% of the animals.
With this accurate tool for measurement, we were able to distin-
guish between the then-popular theory of general anesthesia which de-
pended only upon the lipid solubility of anesthetics and the
microcrystal theory which depended in predictable ways upon the ge-
ometry of specific anesthetic molecules. The microcrystal theory, pro-
posed independently by Miller and by Pauling, turned out to be correct.
This looks like the sort of odd study that provides dark humor con-
cerning the waste of tax money anesthetizing shrimp. Actually, it had
fundamental implications for the design of improved general anesthet-
ics for use in human surgery. The entire experiment was conceived and
executed by three students during three summer months at a cost of
about $2,000 and received no tax financing whatever. It also illustrates
the value of statistical distribution functions in solving problems other
than analysis of error and statistical significance.
Figure 2 Brine shrimp are not yet an endangered species, unlike scientists
who work independently of government regulation and control.
Most biological dose-response curves are log-normal as illustrated
in Figure 3. When the effect of an anesthetic is plotted vs. the logarithm AIDS
of the concentration, a normal distribution function is found. This
shows that individual variation depends upon a large number of simi- Additional readings for the AIDS article in Access to Energy 22-3
larly sized independent variables. The dependence upon the logarithm are The Longevity of Homosexuals Before and After the AIDS Epi-
is thought to result from the logarithmic relation between chemical demic, by P. Cameron, W. L. Playfair, and S. Wellum, Omega Jour-
concentrations and the energies of chemical reactions (as in the equa- nal of Death and Dying 29, pp 249-272 (1994) and AIDS: The
tion F = -RT(lnK) from introductory chemistry). Epidemic that Never Was, New African, pp 8-11, December (1993).
Figure 4 is a graph of our experimental results for the general anes- Cameron, et al report research results showing that the median age
thetic Halothane (CF3CClBrH). The logarithm of the anesthetic con- at death for homosexual men dying of AIDS is 39 years and that for
centration is plotted vs. the percentage of brine shrimp asleep using a homosexual men who do not die of AIDS is 42. By comparison, the
vertical axis such that a normal distribution function will result in a value for heterosexual married men is 75. This is evidence in support
straight line. After introduction of the anesthetic, this line is curved, but of the hypothesis that AIDS may be little more than a general classifi-
it gradually becomes straight as the entire system comes to equilib- cation of deaths resulting from exposure to homosexual behavior.


Access to Energy 22-1 reports that the average cost of nuclear
power in the United States in 1993 was 2.15 cents/KWh with cost as
low as 1.29 cents/KWh at one plant. The 2 cent figure was also referred
to at the end of our article Energy Efficiency in Access to Energy
22-4. Since the latter article drew a comparison with solar power that
included capital costs, we should have added capital costs to the nu-
clear power values of an additional 1 to 3 cents/KWh depending upon
whether a reasonable or unreasonable regulatory climate is assumed.
Figure 3
House Publishers, P. O. Box 53788, Lafayette Louisiana 70505, de-
scribes the current American child protective services industry
which has itself become the greatest source of actual child and paren-
tal abuse in our country. This is not just about the billions of dollars of
tax money that is paid for the abduction of hundreds of thousands of
children from their homes each year. Pages 85-100 describe the rou-
tine, official use of Farrall Instruments plethysmographs on par-
ents of both sexes throughout the United States. A significant
contribution to American society could be made by criminal prosecu-
tion of every child services bureaucrat involved with this use.
l A widely reported NASA press conference on December 19,
1994, continues the now well-established standard of enviroscience by
press announcement without release of actual data and without publi-
cation in the scientific literature. These publicists claim to have de-
tected hydrogen fluoride in the stratosphere and to have proved thereby
that man-made compounds are destroying the ozone layer. Evaluation
is impossible, of course, because they have published no paper that de-
scribes this work. By the time they do publish, if ever, their press
claims will be firmly established in the minds of laymen and tax-dis-
persing politicians whether or not those claims are true.
Figure 5

l Nuclear Power: Our Best Option by M. Oliver and J. Hospers
The myth that nuclear waste remains a threat for hundreds of millen- in The Freeman 45, pp 40-45, January 1995, available from The Foun-
nia is exposed in Figure 5, from a World Health Organization report by dation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533, is a
Nuclear Issues 16, p 1, December 1994 available from 8 Ruvigny Man- good laymans review of reasons including those of Petr Beckmann.
sions, Embankment, Putney, London SW15 1LE. In less than one mil- l Whatever Happened to Cold Fusion? by D. L. Goodstein in
lennium, glassified waste becomes safer than naturally occurring Engineering and Science 58, pp 15-25, Fall 1994, available from the
radioactive minerals such as pitchblende or some uranium ores. California Institute of Technology, 1201 East California Blvd.,
This alleged threat is itself an artificial result of storing the waste in Pasadena, CA 91125. This article is a good balance for the pro-cold
repositories in concentrated form. If radioactive waste were dissolved fusion articles that we have previously recommended. Goodstein does
as water soluble compounds and then widely dispersed in the oceans, not support cold fusion, and he clearly explains the arguments against
no health or other environmental risks would ever occur. it. At the same time, he gives an account of recent improvements in
Moreover, as is shown in Figure 6, nuclear waste recycling is an cold-fusion research and displays an open mind.
even better option in the case of plutonium. World Energy Council esti- l Reflections on the First Half-Century of Long-Lived Radioac-
mates that serve as the basis of this figure from 21st Century 7, p 49, tive Carbon (14C) by Martin D. Kamen in the Proceedings of the
Winter 1994-1995 available from P. O. Box 16285, Washington, DC American Philosophical Society 138, pp 48-60 (1994). American sci-
20041, suggest that, without recycling, nuclear fuel costs may be much ence stands upon the shoulders of her great scientists, engineers, and
higher during the next century. industrialists of previous generations. It is a privilege to be able to learn
from the few, like Martin Kamen, who are still with us.
l Economic Fascism by T. J. DiLorenzo reprinted from The
Freeman by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons,
Figure 6 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Suite 9, Tucson, AZ 85716. Although most
people equate fascism with the misdeeds of Nazi Germany, few re-
member that it is actually an economic system that poses a dangerous
and immediate threat to human freedom within America today.
l The Health Physics Society Centennial Calendar published by
The Health Physics Society, 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd., Suite 402,
Mclean, VA 22101. This is a terrific 1995 wall calendar giving much
information about nuclear science. The back page is especially good.
l Naked Unto Our Enemies by A. M. Codevilla in Commen-
tary, pp 43-48, October 1994. National defense is one of the few essen-
tial functions of government, yet, in this very dangerous technological
age, the American government still ignores part of this responsibility.
l Mid-Latitude Ozone: Going Down, Went Up in World Cli-
mate p 15 available from Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903. The two ends of the
STARK RAVING MAD ozone curve, over 30 years apart, are at approximately the same level.

l Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins in the Santa Rosa, Califor- ACCESS TO ENERGY
nia Press Democrat for December 25, 1994, pp G1 & G6 propose a
new generation of plastic automobiles weighing about one-fourth of Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
current models and powered by electric motors using electricity gener- $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
ated in the car from compressed natural gas or hydrogen. They predict $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
these and other innovations will increase fuel economy to 600 miles per for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
gallon. Who will be the first to put his family in this little beauty? Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
l Out of Control by Brenda Scott, available from Huntington of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MARCH 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 7) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

A Dash of Truth
The recipe for a lie usually includes at least a small pinch of truth. levels are within the range of ordinary fluctuations. Most impor-
This includes even those small lies we tell ourselves to help cope with tantly, we know that there has been no significant increase in UV
our own personal set of faults. light levels at the earths surface during recent decades. The few
Mark Twain said that he was not addicted to cigars. He could give credible measurements show, in fact, a slight decrease.
them up whenever he wished. He knew this, he said, because he had These bits of correct atmospheric chemistry have been parlayed,
done it a thousand times. however, into the lie that CFCs are leading to a global UV light disas-
At law, this is known as the colorable argument the lie that ter and mass cancer deaths which can only be stopped by destroying
contains just enough truth that it can be told with a straight face, little chlorine chemistry-based technology.
risk of being accused of outright perjury, and a chance of success if Is it true that we would be slightly better off if our food contained
the opposition is not quick enough in rebuttal. no traces whatever of pesticides, herbicides, and preservatives? This
The lies that are most dangerous to science, technology, and free- is probably true in a very limited sense. In the broader sense, how-
dom in 1995 are also disguised by their own dashes of truth. ever, which includes the fact that elimination of these substances will
Consider, for example, the pseudoenvironmentalist enviro bums markedly reduce the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables and
and agitators whose lies we discussed under the heading envy in will likely even increase our intake of dangerous substances from
AtE 22-6. (This, we have told ourselves, represented great rhetorical naturally resistant plants, this small truth supports a very large and
restraint on our part. We could have resorted to vituperation.) dangerous lie. This lie may cause millions of early deaths.
Is careful preservation and enhancement of the natural environ- Were the traces of DDT in the world food chain a hazard to hu-
ment a good thing? Obviously it is. Most farmers, loggers, and other man and animal health? Colorable arguments to this effect were made
individuals who make their livings close to nature are active environ- and an exhaustive search would probably have discovered concrete
mentalists. They are continually taking actions to enhance and pre- examples of ill effects if one overlooked (in probably the most
serve the environment. Our region of the Northwest, for example, has genocidal lie of omission in human history) the fact that DDT saved
been intensively utilized by farmers, loggers, miners, and a wide vari- more than 500 million human lives before it was banned and failed to
ety of other people for about 150 years. Most of these people have save hundreds of millions more thereafter.
worked harder and earned less than their counterparts in urban areas. Is recycling a sensible activity? Well, the free market thinks so.
They have stayed here largely because they love this environment. Aluminum, steel, silver, and many other items were being recycled
Now welfare-supported enviro agitators in collusion with national long before the enviro industry became established. Does this small
pseudoenvironmentalist groups are trying to eject these people from truth mean, however, that coercive laws should require that every-
the Northwest because (they say) people may harm the pristine envi- thing be recycled? Does it mean that paper must be collected, trans-
ronment here. It is admirably pristine because those same people and ported, deinked, and recycled? American forests are increasing so fast
their ancestors (whom the enviros vilify) have kept it that way. that our wood and paper industry could not possibly stay even with
Are there occasional people who irresponsibly harm the environ- them. Burning waste paper (thereby fertilizing the trees) and manu-
ment? Of course there are. These people provide the dash of truth in facturing low-cost high-quality virgin paper is actually the most en-
the enviro recipe for depopulation of the American rural Northwest. ergy and resource-efficient procedure. The big recycling lie (based on
We write frequently about the global warming fraud in which the small recycling truth) serves as justification for coercive recycling
carbon dioxide is being falsely demonized. Is it not true, however, the interactive propaganda of the enviro industry.
that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas? Yes, that is true. The earth is There is no substitute for the truth when it is the whole truth. The
warmed in part by the energy trapped by atmospheric carbon dioxide. stock in trade of the liar is the small truth with which the large lie or
It is also true that there has been an increase in atmospheric carbon falsehood of omission is disguised. The dash of truth is often like a
dioxide in recent decades. These are the pinches of truth in the spice that covers up the taste of poison in the whole brew.
global warming recipe. It is not true, however, that the earth is We now have sufficient science and technology to eliminate early
slipping quickly toward global environmental disaster as a result of deaths and give almost everyone an opportunity for 80 to 100 years of
these truths. In fact, the only detectable environmental changes ob- vibrant good health; to explore our solar system and give all of the
served so far as a result of this rise in carbon dioxide have been uni- members of our civilization an opportunity for at least vicarious en-
formly favorable to the natural environment of the earth. joyment of this spectacular and unprecedented new frontier; to pro-
The ozone hoax also has its own truthful ingredients. It is true that vide such an abundance of low-cost energy and industry that even the
chlorine compounds have been shown in the laboratory to dissociate least wealthy live more richly that the most wealthy of previous gen-
and participate, under atmospheric conditions, in reactions that con- erations; and to banish hunger and other forms of human suffering as
sume ozone. It is also true that CFCs such as freon decompose and completely as we have banished smallpox.
participate in these reactions and undoubtedly do so also when they We can do these things if we retain our freedom and our commit-
are released into the atmosphere. The extent of this participation is ment to truth. If, however, we allow the large lies that oppose us to
still unknown. We do know, however, that world atmospheric ozone hide behind small truths, we may forfeit these great opportunities.

commodity in public debate. The opponents of shutting down human

ATMOSPHERIC CARBON DIOXIDE progress in order to combat the phantoms of carbon dioxide global
warming (and opponents of the political empowerment of those
It is always prudent to examine all of the essential premises of ones who have hitched their personal ambitions to these phantoms) are
opponents and of ones allies. Adopting and promulgating the errors now using arguments that can be summarized as follows:
of ones allies can sometimes be more debilitating than ignoring an 1. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is not increasing.
opponents error, since credibility is an essential yet very perishable 2. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing, but the increase is not
being caused by human activities.
3. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is being increased by human activi-
ties (primarily the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas), but this in-
crease is not causing a significant increase in global temperature.
4. The increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide is actually beneficial
because it causes an increase in the amount of plants and animals. Even
if global temperature does rise, plants, animals, and humans will bene-
fit from better nutrition and a warmer, more hospitable climate.
This is reminiscent of the Texas trial lawyers shifting defense
which asserted: My clients dog did not bite your client; my clients
dog doesnt bite; my clients dog wasnt there; and, moreover, my cli-
ent doesnt have a dog.
Our friends look a little confused for two reasons. First, they are
participating in a debate concerning a subject for which the essential
scientific knowledge is not yet available. This is not the fault of sci-
ence. Global carbon balance and its atmospheric and environmental in-
teractions is a difficult, as yet poorly understood subject.
Why not just add 5. Neither we nor anyone else knows enough
about atmospheric composition and global environments to reliably
comment on their interactions or to suggest political action or inac-
tion? This truth is, unfortunately, rhetorically weak. You say you Figure 2
dont know; your opponent says he does know; you look foolish; and
everyone listens to him (and gives him a big tax-financed grant). samples lead to such severe contamination that data from this source is
of little value, especially for a volatile, water soluble gas like carbon
dioxide. The history and details of these efforts are carefully reviewed
in Do glaciers tell a true atmospheric CO2 story? by Jaworowski,
Z., Segalstad, T. V., and Ono, N., The Science of the Total Environ-
ment, 114, pp. 227-284 (1992), which is the source of Figures 1 and 2.
In one typical drilling operation, temperatures as high as 100C
were maintained around the outside of the ice core (of diameter about 4
inches) by the dissipation of as much as 600 kW of power in the bore
hole, and the drilling fluid around the hole and core included 28 metric
tons of an antifreeze composed of numerous hydrocarbon constituents
and hundreds of contaminants. Moreover, various components of the
drilling apparatus itself were slightly soluble in this antifreeze. When a
core is drilled and thereby released from the pressure of the overlying
ice, it fractures, and drilling fluid is admitted into the interior.
In addition, carbon dioxide is soluble in the water layer on the sur-
face of ice and also forms inclusion clathrates within the ice under
some circumstances. These and other difficulties make carbon dioxide
measurements of ice cores almost valueless. Reported measurements
of carbon dioxide tend to correlate with drilling parameters as is shown
in Figure 1. Notice the similarities between CO2, ice crystal size, and
pressure and expansion of the cores. Accordingly, reported ice core
CO2 values have varied over a range of about 10-fold with 2 to 3-fold
Figure 1 typical of the narrower ranges until 1985.
In 1985, in an effort to make their measurements consistent with the
Second, some of the science in this field has been poorly conducted. actual atmospheric record that began in the 1950s and relevant to
This is not surprising. Global atmospheric environmentalism is be- the increasingly popular global warming debate, investigators began
ing politically driven by self-interested groups. Some politicians and simply discarding measurements that were outside of the popular
bureaucrats see global problems as an opportunity to greatly ex- range. Worse, when the newly cleansed data did not match the curva-
pand their power. Some scientists see global problems as an oppor- ture of actual measurements, a fortuitous hypothesis was introduced:
tunity to greatly expand their funding from politicians and bureaucrats. the air in the ice was assumed to be younger than the ice just enough
Therefore, in addition to those scientists who are doing excellent work
in these fields, there is a contingent of others who sacrifice integrity
and quality in order to obtain tax money and notoriety.
With reference, then, to the arguments above:
1. Why do some people think that atmospheric carbon dioxide is
not increasing? The reason is that the carbon dioxide content of arctic
and antarctic ice cores has been cited in support of the popular graphs
of atmospheric carbon dioxide vs. time (see Access to Energy, 21-3, p.
3 and Figure 2a below).
Drilling cores from ice far under the earths surface (some more
than a mile deep) initially seemed to be a good way in which to obtain
historical information about the atmosphere. Atmospheric components
are deposited in falling snow which is eventually frozen in the ice re-
cord, and bubbles of air also become entrained in the ice.
Unfortunately, the engineering problems involved in obtaining ice
Figure 3
parently from solar variation and not from CO2 effects see Access to
Energy 22-1, p3). The solubility of CO2 in sea water (see International
Critical Tables) diminishes about 2.5% per C increase in temperature.
Therefore, making the imperfect assumption for purposes of estima-
tion that equilibrium is maintained, a total ocean warming of 0.3C per
century would lead to ocean outgassing of 3 Gt C per year the ob-
served atmospheric increase. (We calculate (40,000)(0.3)(.025)/(100)
= 3 Gt C using the ocean value of 40,000 from Figure 5.) Interestingly,
the observed increase in atmospheric CO2 does lag behind the increase
in temperature as expected from this hypothesis.
Where then could the 5 Gt C from human activity have gone? Well,
United States forests have increased 23% since 1958 (see Access to
Energy 21-3, p 2) or 0.6% per year. We may reasonably estimate world
tree growth at (400)(0.006) = 2.4 Gt C and the rest of the biosphere
might absorb the other 2.6 Gt C (or it may really be in the atmosphere).
Figure 4 It is claimed that laboratory results on CO2 fertilization do not apply
to the real world because global plants are stressed by shortages of
younger to shift the values into register. (See Figure 2b which shows water and other nutrients, pollution, high temperature, and shading.
the actual cleansed data and 2a which shows the newly fabricated The literature on this has been carefully reviewed by K. E. Idso and S.
data after the young air shift.) This dishonesty has led some to reject B. Idso, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 69, pp. 153-203 (1994)
the CO2 increase shown by these indirect measurements. and summarized in Figure 6 (from their paper) which demonstrates
Shenanigans cannot, however, alter truth nor be used as an excuse that stress actually increases the percentage effect of CO2 fertilization.
to ignore truth. Direct measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide The real point is that no one knows. Figure 5 gives the 1994 Inter-
were made about 100 years ago. For example, the Encyclopedia governmental Panel Assessment on Climate Change estimated global
Americana for 1908 gives an atmospheric CO2 value of 290 ppm. The
carbon dioxide section of the International Critical Tables of 1926 was
written by W. J. Humphreys, who cites his own work published in
1921 and gives a value (which we calculate from his total atmospheric
mass values) of 280 ppm. Almost 40 years ago, direct and continuous
measurements began and have now been extended to numerous sites.
Figures 3 and 4 are from Trends 93: A Compendium of Data on
Global Change available from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge, TN 37831 as Publication No. ORNL/CDIAC-65, which con-
tains complete literature citations. These values from Hawaii and the
South Pole are consistent with other world-wide stations. CO2 has
definitely risen substantially during the past century.
2. There is serious doubt, however, about the source and effects of
this rise. Since the atmospheric increase during the 1980s has been
about 3 Gt C (gigatons carbon) per year and the estimated human re-
lease is about 5 Gt C per year, most people have assumed that the in-
crease is of human origin. For these values and Figure 5 see
Terrestrial ecosystems and the carbon cycle by D. S. Schimel, Figure 6
Global Change Biology 1, in press (1995). F. Seitz, however, (see Ac-
cess to Energy 22-1, p 3) has suggested that this assumption is not con-
sistent with atmospheric turnover rates of 14CO2 from atomic testing. carbon values. These are so uncertain that no conclusion can be reli-
It is entirely possible that atmospheric CO2 ordinarily fluctuates and ably drawn as to the fate of CO2 from human activity. A 3% change in
that the past 50 to 100 years have been an upward period on that curve. the ocean flux estimate, for example, turns the ocean into a CO2 source
During this time, atmospheric temperature has risen about 0.5C (ap- rather than a sink, and this estimate has a much greater than 3% uncer-
tainty. Human activity is a 5 Gt C per year flux out of the total earth
flux of 300 Gt C per year and total reservoir of 43,000 Gt C.
3. So, what do we know? We know that atmospheric CO2 has risen
70 to 90 ppm during the past century. This increase has been accompa-
nied by (and, research indicates, has caused) substantial increases in
world plants and animals. The increase in CO2 so far has not caused
any detectable increase in atmospheric temperature (since the only rise
in temperature occurred before the CO2 increase see Access to En-
ergy 22-1, p 3). CO2 is a greenhouse gas, but the net greenhouse effect
on the earth has not measurably changed during recent decades.
The increase in atmospheric CO2 may have been caused by human
activity, especially the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas, or it may be
an ordinary fluctuation associated with solar activity or other causes.
4. Whatever the cause of the recent rise in atmospheric CO2, the
effects so far have been beneficial. There are more plants growing on
earth as a result of CO2 fertilization, and these plants are supporting a
concomitant increase in animal life. We should be pleased by our good
fortune and should not permit pseudoscientific scare mongering in the
name of global warming by self-interested politicians, bureaucrats,
and tax money-seeking scientists to turn this good event into a negative
Figure 5 for our technology, our freedom, and our civilization.
l The Compuserve Executive News Service for 1/18/95 reports
LANGUAGE LESSONS that two indicted men in Florida face 20 years in prison and fines of
more than $2.2 million for smuggling freon into the United States in
Socialized educators extol the virtues of teaching foreign languages violation of the Clean Air Act. Their crime was claiming the freon
to grade school children. In this, they disregard the fact that most chil- would be shipped to Mexico when, in fact, it remained in the U.S.
dren are insufficiently familiar with their own language and with the without consumption allowances issued by the Environmental Protec-
language of science and technology mathematics. Without good tion Agency. Apparently CFCs are O.K. if released in Mexico.
abilities in their native language and in mathematics, children are re- Meanwhile, Civil Defense Perspectives 11, No. 2, p 2 (1995), avail-
tarded in their ability to think. Citizens who cannot or will not think able from Physicians for Civil Defense, 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Ste 9,
may provide a continuing supply of humor for Stark Raving Mad, Tucson, AZ 85716, reports that the Arizona legislature House Envi-
but they constitute a dangerous flaw in our technological civilization. ronment Committee has approved a bill that would allow the posses-
The first College Board exam, the PSAT, is usually given at the age sion, use, manufacture, transportation, or sale of CFCs in Arizona.
of 16. By then, a childs ability in mathematics is largely determined. Perhaps federalism can stop the CFC ban mania.
More techniques can be taught, but little improvement in fundamental l Coleman has stopped making radioactive mantles for camper
ability is possible. At 16, however, verbal skills are still rapidly devel- lanterns because of the dangerous radiation that they emit. (Product
oping especially active vocabulary. warnings on the old mantles resemble those for sucrose and starch
Now, the continuing experiment in self-education in our home above.) Cresson Kearny reports (letter to AtE) that he measured
school here has a second set of PSAT values. The students are cur- gamma radiation of 0.25 mr/hr with an older mantle pressed against
rently 18, 16, 15, 13, 13, and 7 and are entirely self-taught. They use the open 1.3 cm2 window of a Wallac RD-8 meter and 0.05 mr/hr with
the Saxon math series of books followed, after they complete calculus, the window closed. Background (Montrose, CO) measured 0.02 mr/hr.
by university level physics and chemistry books, also entirely self- A camper worried about this risk had best restrict his activities to the
taught. We teach no grammar, no spelling, and no punctuation except seashore, since background radiation in mountainous areas is compara-
in the correction of their written essays. Their verbal skills are almost ble to that from the mantles. Hormesis fans, however, will want to grab
entirely developed by speaking and extensive reading. some old mantles and head for the mountains to lower their cancer risk.
Zachary at age 16 scored 750 in math and 730 in verbal for a total
of 1480 on the PSAT. He missed two math questions. Noah, who is
now 16, scored 770 in math and 630 in verbal for a total of 1400. He
missed one math question. The difference in verbal score is entirely l Test of the Linear-No Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcino-
due to extent of reading. Noah engages in much less spontaneous read- genesis for Inhaled Radon Decay Products by B. L. Cohen, Health
ing than does Zachary, so his rate of vocabulary development is Physics 68, No. 2, pp 157-174 (1995). This is a detailed research paper
slower. If the test were given again at age 25, I would expect the two to showing that lung cancer mortality decreases as inhaled radon in-
score approximately the same because, by then, they should both have creases for the exposure levels found in most American homes.
an active vocabulary that includes most of the words on the tests. The linear-no threshold hypothesis is dead along with many lung
On April 1, 1995, the new factors for converting raw tests scores to cancer victims that were unfortunate enough to live in localities with
the 200 to 800 scale go into effect (see Access to Energy, 21-7 & 22-3). low background radiation. Also dead are very large numbers of margi-
This is being done to diminish politically incorrect differences between nalized Americans for whom the loss (Cohen estimates) of over $250
students of differing sex and race and to raise scores so that they will billion in unnecessary radiation protection expenditures not to men-
not reflect the disastrous results of American socialized education. tion the enormous cost from reduced development of nuclear power
Using the new conversion table effective after April 1, Zacharys has been fatal. This radiation myth has had grisly consequences.
scores will be 760 in math and 800 in verbal for a total of 1560, and l Eugene Wigner (1902-1995) by F. Seitz, Nature 373, p 288
Noahs will be 800 in math and 700 in verbal for a total of 1500. (1995). Eugene Wigners work helped initiate the nuclear age and
I am certain that this performance is far higher than it would have helped to preserve American freedom through both development of
been had they been enslaved in the socialized public schools during nuclear technology and protective civil defense technology.
their formative years. I am also certain that it is higher than it would l Its the Battery Stupid by S. F. Brown, Popular Science, pp
have been had I taught them with the usual teacher-student methods 62-78, February (1995). This gives a review of limitations on current
rather than letting them learn by themselves from good books. technology for the production of electric cars.
One of the finest gifts that any parent can give his children is to l Poking Holes in NASAs Latest Ozone Scare by K. M. Towe,
provide each child with a large desk in a quiet place; a set of Saxon Citizen Outlook 10, No. 1, p3 (1995) from Committee for a Construc-
math books available from Saxon Publishers, Inc., 1320 West Lindsey, tive Tomorrow, P. O. Box 65722, Washington, DC 20035 and A
Norman, OK 73069; a large and diverse source of light reading, good Case Study in Shaky Science by S. F. Singer, Insight, p 37, January
literature, history, economics, and other books; orders to work alone 30 (1995) report credibility depletion in the ozone mania industry.
and uninterruptedly with these materials during his best 5 or 6 hours l Washington Legal Foundation Legal Studies Division 1995 Pub-
early each day, six days per week; a home with no TV set; a diet with lications Catalog available from WLF, 2009 Massachusetts Avenue,
no added sugar; and instructions never to attend a socialized school. N.W., Washington, DC 20036. There is a wealth of information and
Note: We know that many talented and dedicated teachers exist in ammunition for pro-technologists in WLF publications.
America. All of them should be working where their talents will be l Libertys Champion by L. H. Rockwell, The New American
appreciated and best utilized in free-enterprise, private schools. 11, No. 3 , p. 42 (1995) in memorial to Murray N. Rothbard whose
death is a substantial loss to the cause of economic freedom. Liberty
needs theoreticians, and Murray Rothbard was one of the best.
l An EM Science, OSHA acceptable material safety data sheet
warns Provide adequate general ventilation. Protect eyes and skin
with safety goggles and gloves. Do not take internally. Wash thor- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
oughly after handling. In case of ingestion: Get medical assis- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
tance. These warnings are for sucrose (ordinary table sugar). $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
More dangerous still, Material should be handled or transferred in $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
an approved fume hood or with adequate ventilation. Protective gloves Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
should be worn to prevent skin contact. Safety glasses with side shields 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
should be worn at all times. This is advised for soluble starch. of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
APRIL 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 8) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

Science, Technology, and Defense

It is generally understood that each civilization must defend itself Later, our scientists and engineers developed excellent and effec-
or it will be forcibly replaced by another civilization. This may not be tive technology for strategic defense. Even if we had no safe shelters
in accordance with our wishes, but it is a fact of human nature. from nuclear, biological, or chemical attack, we could diminish the
The founding fathers of the United States distrusted and feared effect of that attack but we have not built a strategic defense either.
government. Nevertheless, they built a central government largely Offensive military technologies have always given rise to mitigat-
because they deemed it necessary for national defense. They under- ing defensive technologies. It is very dangerous for a civilization to
stood that government could also become an engine of tyranny within ignore the need for modern defenses. This danger does not arise
America. For this reason, they inserted strict binding limitations on solely from the potential actions of a conquering enemy. Terrorism
federal power into the Constitution. Tyranny has been gnawing at alone could cost us our freedom. If an anthrax attack killed most of
those bindings for 200 years. A combined taxation rate of 50%, de- the people in New York City or a small nuclear weapon were deto-
preciating fiat money, enslavement to a vast regulatory bureaucracy, nated on a boat in San Diego harbor or fuel-air explosions began to
and toleration of the murders in Waco and Idaho (they could have level city blocks here and there in America, what would be our na-
happened in any country but not without punishment for those in- tional response? It is easy to imagine that our response would spawn
volved) are indications that federal power has become too great. so much repression that we would have lost our freedom.
Nevertheless, America is a wonderful country. Moreover, it is our Some say that we should, at least, limit our risks by disengaging
country. It is our duty to improve it where we can, to change it where from world affairs so that we have fewer enemies. This is very wise,
we must, and to defend it always against its enemies. but the world is a small place. We cannot disengage entirely.
For the past century, our defense has been based upon our superior Others say that we should manufacture new enemies that cannot
science and technology, the productive industries that these and our fight back and then vent the whole worlds aggressive tendencies on
free-enterprise economy made possible, patriotic scientists and engi- these artificial enemies. This is part of the intellectual basis for the
neers who devoted their lives to defense applications, and our sol- world environmental movement. The apocalyptic aspects of environ-
diers, sailors, and aviators who risked their lives in combat. mentalism are, however, not based upon truth and are not sustainable.
Until about 1950, the possession of advanced industry, science, Certainly we should build a civil defense and a strategic defense,
and technology and maintenance of a core military organization were, but so far this has proved politically impossible.
in themselves, sufficient. The nature of weapons and warfare was There is probably no single solution to this problem, but there is
such that, in the event of national peril, there was adequate time to one possibility that I have long thought has been overlooked.
mobilize these assets and apply them to military needs. Every human being has, within his nature, a hope for greatness a
After World War II, however, military technology had become so hope that he or a group to which he belongs will be a part of some
sophisticated and the time required for its use so short that it was nec- great thing that transcends the ordinary prospects of life and death.
essary to build and maintain a modern war machine for immediate This hope drives not only the leaders of great human enterprises but
use. Otherwise, our country could have been defeated and its citizens also the ordinary citizens who follow them. This hope has made pos-
enslaved in less time than was required for military mobilization. sible some of the great accomplishments of human civilizations, but it
This perpetual state of mobilization, however, weakened us with has also contributed substantially to the popularity of war.
respect to other dangers. High military expenditures weakened our War is enormously popular especially among those who have no
economy; fear of a continuous external threat made our people more immediate involvement in the death and destruction. During the re-
willing to tolerate a vast expansion of federal power; possession of cent Gulf War, many Americans were literally dancing in the streets
great and immediate military power tempted our leaders to engage in in anticipation and celebration. Tyranny sometimes makes war un-
military adventures of little or no relevance to our defense; and an avoidable, but it is a flaw of human nature to enjoy it. I do not think
egotism grew within our ruling elite who came to feel that they that this flaw involves an innate desire to kill I think it is instead a
should dictate the affairs of the people in other sovereign countries perversion of the human desire for greatness. We cannot change this
and in the whole world. The dangers of these side effects have grown desire, but we might make better efforts to redirect it.
as the inevitable leveling effect of knowledge erodes our superiority. Consider, for example, an all-out effort for the manned (not
Moreover, the latter two dangers gradually changed our military robotic) exploration of Mars, the colonization of the moon and Mars,
preparations until they emphasized offense and de-emphasized de- and the complete exploration of the solar system. This is an enterprise
fense. While we (and our enemies) built enormous capabilities for that could capture the imagination of literally everyone on earth. It
killing the citizens of other countries, we built essentially no defen- could provide us all with the vicarious experience of being a part of a
sive protections for our own citizens. Our scientists and engineers de- very great undertaking. It could fill a human need that otherwise
veloped excellent civil defense technology for protection against might find destructive expression.
chemical, biological, and nuclear attack (lifesaving in war, terrorism, Our national defense should protect against all threats. We must
or even accidents), but this was never built for the American people. defend ourselves against these threats at all levels in the air, on the
The people of Switzerland have this defense, but we do not. sea, on the land, and, at their origins, in human minds and hearts.

perceptive, moving, and well-reasoned discussion of the merits of im-

A PERPETUAL FRONTIER mediate manned exploration of Mars that I have ever been privileged
to read. Combined with the specific Mars exploration engineering
Dr. Robert Zubrin, in his article A New Martian Frontier: Recap- proposals developed by Zubrin and his co-workers, this discussion
turing the Soul of America published in American Civilization, Janu- leads to the conclusion that manned settlement of Mars must be one
ary 1995, p 1, 22-23 available from American Civilization, 1250 H of the highest priorities of our civilization.
Street, N.W., Suite 550, Washington, DC 20005, has written the most Zubrin begins by quoting a statement by Fredrick Jackson Turner
in 1893 that summarizes the thesis of his article: To the frontier the
American intellect owes its striking characteristics. That coarseness of
strength combined with acuteness and inquisitiveness; that practical,
inventive turn of mind, quick to find expedients; that masterful grasp
of material things, lacking in the artistic but powerful to effect great
ends; that restless, nervous energy; that dominant individualism,
working for good and evil, and withal that buoyancy and exuberance
that comes from freedom these are the traits of the frontier, or traits
called out of elsewhere because of the existence of the frontier.
To this, in an extraordinary text, Zubrin himself adds, Free socie-
ties are the exception in human history they have only existed during
the four centuries of frontier expansion of the West. That history is
now over. ....... The key is not to let the process stop. If it is allowed to
stop for any length of time, society will crystallize into a static form
that is inimical to the resumption of progress. ....... Mars will not allow Figure 1
itself to be settled by people from a static society those people wont
have what it takes. We still do. Mars waits today for the children of the AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY
old frontier, but Mars will not wait forever.
I wrote the editorial on page 1 before reading Dr. Zubrins articles. This years DDP meeting will be cosponsored by Access to Energy
The general idea is similar, but his is positive rather than negative and and the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine and will be held Au-
is far more elegantly presented. America is stagnating, and her people gust 4-6 in Grants Pass, Oregon. (Use the nearby airport in Medford,
are turning inward and against science and technology turning even Oregon.) Scientists who have already agreed to speak include:
against truth, reason, freedom, and the great potential of the human Sam Cohen inventor of the neutron bomb.
spirit. Mars, the solar system, and beyond present themselves as a per- Peter Duesberg controversial challenger of the HIV hypothesis.
petual frontier that can reverse and prevent this stagnation. Martin Kamen discoverer of carbon 14.
Is this dream science fiction? Is it the $400 billion, 30-year welfare Cresson Kearny foremost authority on expedient civil defense.
program for a generation of bureaucrats with a goal of only 30 days Bruce Merrifield first man to chemically synthesize an enzyme.
on Mars that has been proposed by NASA? It is neither. Edward Teller father of the hydrogen bomb.
Zubrin proposes a ten-year, $40 billion program with two trips to Robert Zubrin whose Mars Direct proposal is discussed above.
Mars each involving a 500-day stay and the exploration of hundreds These and other speakers will emphasize the remarkable prospects
of thousands of square miles of Martian land. Subsequent yearly expe- and problems in our technological future.
ditions would set up permanent colonies and begin a project to trans- For those wishing to estimate the probable length of their own indi-
form the Martian atmosphere and colonize the entire planet. Since both vidual future, we reproduce Figure 1 taken from Temperament for
have $40 billion price tags, which do we prefer three years on Mars Longevity by Constance Holden in Science 267, p 1269 (1995). The
or the bailout of the moguls who invested imprudently in Mexico? 74-year study upon which this figure is based defined conscientious
Overviews of the proposals by Zubrin and his colleagues are pre- males and females as high IQ high school students who were rated as
sented in Mars Direct by Lance Frazer in Air and Space, April/May prudent, conscientious, truthful, and free from vanity.
1994, pp 60-65 and in Humans to Mars in 1999 by Robert Zubrin For example, the age at which 50% will be dead for currently 53-
and David Baker in Aerospace America, August 1990, pp 30-32, 41. year-old conscientious males is that where the curve crosses 0.1 + (1.0
These proposals are based upon the use of nuclear power plants to - 0.1)/2 = 0.55 or 83 years. This is a 50% life expectancy of 30 years.
transform the water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other compounds The calculated value corrects for deaths that have already been avoided
and elements on Mars into rocket fuel, fertilizer, and other materials by those who have reached 53. Parental divorce, here used as a meas-
necessary for a technological civilization. This minimizes the materials ure of social stability, reduces the life expectancy by 4 years.
that would need to be imported from Earth.
The initial flights use hydrogen imported from Earth and Martian GROWING FUEL
carbon dioxide to manufacture rocket fuel. Each group of men is pre-
ceded by an unmanned flight that establishes a nuclear powered base Figure 2 below is a diagram of a liquid metal fast breeder reactor
and synthesizes the necessary fuel for their return trip. taken from The Breeder Reactor Affordable Energy Forever by
This entire proposal is based upon already existing technology. $40 Bernard L. Cohen in 21st Century, Spring 1995, available from P. O.
billion is ten days of current U. S. government expenditures. Would it Box 16285, Washington, DC 20041. This reactor produces more fuel
not be better to use private enterprise? Of course it would. Moreover, if
Mars is colonized, the job will surely not be done by bureaucrats. The Figure 2
national defense benefits of this project alone, however, easily justify
funding the initial flights from the Department of Defense.
Two arguments that have been made against this proposal deserve
special mention. Firstly, it is said that the project for the first flights
should be drawn out over several decades. Secondly, it is said that un-
manned rather than manned flights should be used. Both are proposed
as cost saving proposals.
It must be remembered, however, that it is men who must pay the
bills for this effort, and it is men whose spirits must be inspired by this
outward reach of civilization. There is little inspiration in a project that
crawls along for 30 years, and there is little vicarious joy for most non-
technical people in the deployment of robots.
President Kennedy was right about the New Frontier of space.
Since 1970, however, America has lost her way to this frontier. Robert
Zubrin and others, such as Lowell Wood, who want to go to Mars now
may succeed in showing us the way back.
than it uses. It converts uranium 238 into plutonium 239 while it is
generating heat to produce electricity. This article also contains an ex- DEATH OF A HYPOTHESIS
cellent section demolishing the myth of unacceptable plutonium toxic-
ity. In every imaginable use, large and small, there should be a lot of When Linus Pauling died, the world lost an excellent chemist.
these reactors in our future. Moreover, as John Donne wrote, any mans death diminishes me, be-
Meanwhile, in U. S. Oil Fields Double in Size, R. A. Kerr, Sci- cause I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know
ence 267, p 1090 (1995), reports that United States estimated oil re- for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
serves increased from 75 billion barrels to 110 billion barrels, and gas Pauling was also one of the worlds great beneficiaries of the hy-
reserves increased from 500 trillion cubic feet to over 1000 trillion cu- pothesis that cancer risk at high doses can be extrapolated smoothly to
bic feet between 1989 and 1995. zero with no negative values the no-threshold hypothesis. Pauling
parlayed this hypothesis into a Nobel Prize for Peace and also a Lenin
ATMOSPHERIC OZONE AND TEMPERATURE Prize, which he told me was his favorite of the two.
Pauling successfully fought the men who were building American
nuclear weapons with the argument that they were causing great num-
bers of cancer deaths. Building on his example, a whole generation of
agitators has used this hypothesis to cripple the American nuclear
power industry and to mount an increasingly irrational attack upon
technology in general. Never, however, did Pauling or anyone else
have data to support this hypothesis.
Now there is data. The no-threshold hypothesis is clearly wrong.
Figure 5 shows this hypothesis as currently purveyed by the Interna-
tional Atomic Energy Agency in IAEA Bulletin 36-4, p 42 (1994).

Figure 3

Figure 5
One difficulty with the enviroscience feeding frenzy for more tax
money is that, in spite of the best efforts of the lowest common de-
nominators in government committees, some data does accumulate.
When that data does not support the mythology of enviroscience, the
self interests of all sorts of people are put at risk. This could not happen
to a nicer group of people.
Figure 3 from World Climate Review, 3-1, p 15 (1994), discussing
the work of J. W. Krzyscin, summarizes ozone values between 1958
and 1991 at about 30 stations located between latitudes 30 and 60
(over the Northern Hemisphere) .
Figure 4 is from Science 267, p 612 (1995) by R. A. Kerr. This in-
cludes global temperature data from balloon measurements between Note that this figure correctly portrays actual data only at high ra-
1958 and 1994 and satellite measurements between 1979 and 1994. diation doses. Until recently, there was no reliable data at low doses
the doses potentially deliverable by most radioactive waste and most
ordinary exposures to environmental levels of radiation.

Figure 4

This record shows a substantial variability over these short time in-
tervals. A longer record would doubtless show an even wider range.
Within this observed time, however, there is virtually no net
change. Ozone was about - 3% in 1958, rose as high as + 3.5%, drifted
over a 7% range, and then declined to about - 3%. (Figure 3 is normal-
ized to 0 and plotted as total percentage change.)
Temperature was 0 C in 1958, drifted over a 1.5 C range, and was
about 0 C in 1994. (Figure 4 is normalized to 0 C and plotted as de-
grees centigrade. The range in degrees Fahrenheit is about 3 degrees.)
Where does this data leave the people who have obtained large
grants of tax money on the basis that ozone reduction in the Northern
Hemisphere is already wiping out animal species (see, for example,
Fried Frogs Eggs in Access to Energy 21-9, p 4) or that global
warming is already upon us? It leaves them publishing nonscience by
press release and hoping that the taxpayers will not notice the truth. Figure 6
Figure 6 shows experimental data from Test of the Linear-No
Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcinogenesis for Inhaled Radon De- STARK RAVING MAD
cay Products by B. L. Cohen, Health Physics 68, pp 157-174 (1995).
The lines in Figure 6 labeled theory correspond to the line la- l Mike, from Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, called the Rush
beled ideally fitted linear relationship and, with slope properly re- Limbaugh program of March 17, 1995, to express his concern about
duced, also correspond to the line labeled linear term in Figure 5. his second-grade childs public school Outcome Based Education
Cohens figures use radon data from hundreds of thousands of classes. Mike became concerned when his child reported the great
homes in 1,601 counties of the United States. His paper describes de- news that all of the children in the class made the honor roll. Then
tailed examination of the possibility that this epidemiological data Mike learned about the grading system which uses a scale of M, S, or
could be biased by smoking (shown in the figures) or by any one of 53 N. An M grade on a recent spelling test required seven or fewer
other potentially confusing variables. wrong answers. M stands for most of the time; S stands for
Cohen demonstrates that, at the levels found in most American some of the time; and N stands for not yet.
homes, increased radon levels correlate with decreased lung cancer l The Hot Zone by Richard Preston is a book about the contamina-
mortality. If the Pauling-Teller debates were held today, it is Teller tion of a monkey colony near Washington, DC, with a rare virus that is
who could take the moral high ground by calculating the number of sometimes fatal for humans. In this case there were no human fatali-
children who would die if Paulings view prevailed. ties, but epidemics are always a danger. Preston offers this explanation
for the existence of dangerous viruses: In a sense, the earth is mount-
THE COST OF LOST TECHNOLOGY ing an immune response against the human species. It is beginning to
react to the human parasite, the flooding infection of people, the dead
Figure 7, from Russian Chaos Breeds Diphtheria Outbreak by J. spots of concrete all over the planet, the cancerous rot-outs in Europe,
Maurice, Science 267, pp 1416-1417 (1995), illustrates one of the ef- Japan, and the United States, thick with replicating primates . Preston
fects of technological breakdown and diminished wealth in Russia. A describes the human race as a very large quantity of meat.
diphtheria epidemic has affected 80,000 people and killed 2,000. l The World Resources Institute in its February 1995 Issues
Maurice states that Russian officials are anxious to get the diph- and Ideas has launched an attack on all fully fluorinated compounds
theria epidemic out of the way so they can get on with the other prob- (FFCs). Say good-by to Teflon and all its lower molecular weight
lems of daily life, such as cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, AIDS, and cousins. These are described as having approximately 10,000 times
even malaria. They lack, however, resources to vaccinate the Russian more global warming potential than carbon dioxide and atmospheric
people. Perhaps, as an act of charity, we should send Russia some of lifetimes of thousands of years. Maybe we should roll with this and
the money that America is wasting on the enviro craze but without trade them the FFCs for plutonium, carbon dioxide, and CFCs.
the enviros. Sending the enviros would be an act of aggression.
The average loss of life from loss of wealth and of the technology GOOD READING
that creates wealth is difficult to determine. A credible effort has been
made by R. L. Keeney (see Access to Energy 21-5, pp 1-2), who esti- l The Education of Thomas Edison by J. Powell, The Freeman,
mated one fatality per $5 million. The Russians are now determining February 1995, pp 73-76. Edison was home schooled by self-teaching
this value by experimental measurement. from well-chosen, high-quality books. He had been withdrawn by his
mother from school where the teacher classified him as addled.
Edisons method was the same in its essential characteristics as the
method we advocate as a replacement for public schools.
l Work is the Main Thing by L. E. Lehrman, Wall Street Jour-
nal, February 10, 1995, p A8. This describes the views of Abraham
Lincoln opposed to direct federal taxation except in war; favoring
equality of opportunity, but not forced equality; favoring a cooperative
relationship between labor and capital; and believing that intelligence
and labor should be allowed to lead to savings and entrepreneurship.
l AZT Falls Short for Kids with HIV in Science News 147, p
100 (1995). A study of 839 children at 62 medical centers was stopped
because those receiving AZT were deteriorating the most rapidly.
l How to Fight Terrorism and Win! by Si Frumkin in Graffiti
for Intellectuals, March 3, 1995, p 1, available from P. O. Box 1542,
Studio City, CA 91614-0542. This is an excellent monthly newsletter.
l Wasted Energy in The Wall Street Journal of March 16, 1995,
p A20. The Department of Energy has already spent $4.5 billion of a
$10.5 billion fund created from a special tax on nuclear generated elec-
tricity to provide for waste disposal. None has been provided. One gem
all of the radioactive waste from American nuclear power plants for
the last 30 years would cover just one football field three yards deep.
l Right to Read Report of December 1994, from 3220 N. St.
NW, Suite 174, Washington, DC 20007, in defense of phonics against
efforts to substitute other methods that do not work.


Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Figure 7 Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MAY 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 9) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

A Sinking Ship
Access to Energy receives a steady stream of mail describing new Why do we no longer have the resources to maintain our industrial
ideas about science and technology. The majority of these have com- infrastructure and to extend it to the creation of the spectacular world
mercial application but lack the capital required for a trial in the mar- that is now technologically possible? Why do most indicators of our
ketplace. Most of these ideas clearly have some merit. We are not individual economic freedom look like this graph of real wages?
qualified to evaluate them all and lack the capital to help any of them. Some might answer that our technology is being crippled primar-
Moreover, like many technologists, we have our own ideas that we ily through overregulation. The real answer, however, is in the phe-
are certain have great merit, but we do not have the resources to im- nomenon that makes this regulation possible oppressive taxation
plement these ideas either. Competition for resources is, of course, an that entirely exceeds the productive capacity of our nation.
ordinary characteristic of a free market. Many ideas are not imple- The marginal tax rate for a self-employed, single Oregon resident
mented. Today, however, there are greatly reduced total resources. with over $22,100 taxable income is now 28% (federal income) +
The American miracle was built by ten generations of productive 9% (state) + 15% (social security) = 52%. For a head-of-household,
men and women with millions of ideas this rate starts at $29,600. Then there are
about science and technology that were property taxes and, in most localities (not
filtered and refined in the free market. in Oregon), sales tax. Alternatively, a
The dams, bridges, chemical plants, comparison of government taxation at all
mines, railroads, farms, power plants, levels and national expenditures for all
electronics and other technological ac- goods and services shows that govern-
complishments that surround us are the ment taxes away about 50% of all earn-
result of that 10 generations of work and ings by all Americans.
of the great human accomplishments that Moreover, a substantial part of those
preceded and made that work possible. earnings are actually being created by
It is evident today, however, that this the productive legacy of the past. They
progress is being brought to a halt, and were actually earned by Americans in
that the fruits of the earlier ten genera- previous generations and are not a prod-
tions of progress are gradually being uct of our current efforts. If we allot only
withdrawn from the American people. 20% of our earnings to that capital leg-
Figure 1 showing average real wages in acy, then taxation of new earnings is actu-
the United States adapted from an ad for ally about 70%. The remaining 30% is
the newsletter Strategic Investment avail- not enough for us to feed, clothe, and
able from 824 E. Baltimore St., Balti- house ourselves and pay our hirelings in
more, MD 21202 is only one of hundreds the office buildings to try to protect us
of quantitative measures of this decline. from further predation. Therefore, we are
Surely, there are still areas of progress. spending the nations capital by not re-
The computer industry is the most spec- placing and maintaining our industrial
tacular example. Overall, however, our base, and we are spending the inheritance
industries are undercapitalized and many are actually being torn of future generations by not implementing many of the industrial and
down. In a typical American household, two people now work in a scientific ideas that are technologically feasible for our generation.
gradually losing effort to maintain a standard of living that was easily The American dream has become a sinking ship as our genera-
available to one-worker families a generation ago. tions economic freedom and the legacies of ten previous generations
As resources decline, 250 million people are scrambling to obtain of economic freedom are taxed away by an economic tyranny.
a greater share of a diminishing total a scramble that takes place Do our taxes buy anything? Yes, they buy national defense and a
primarily in the paper world of office buildings. Our previous genera- justice system. They also buy legions of regulators who increase our
tions built bridges, dams, factories, railroads, and even the techno- misery. Mostly, they buy awards for citizens in recognition of their
logical infrastructure for manned exploration of other planets. The nonproductivity and for armies of bureaucrats with negative produc-
remnants of their accomplishments are all around us. What have we tivity; and they buy the enforcement apparatus necessary to levy fines
added to this? Our most visible accomplishments are the enormous against all citizens who are productive with a sliding scale that pun-
office buildings that have transformed the skylines of our cities ishes the more productive with proportionally higher fines.
office buildings in which many of our brightest people, including al- This cannot be fixed by politicians who debate the merits of cut-
most a million lawyers, compete for shares of what remains of our ting taxes by a small amount or by presidential candidates who prom-
country. So distorted has become our outlook that many Americans ise not to raise our taxes. Over half of our taxes should be abolished.
now believe that information is a substitute for productive work. Americans must peacefully take their economic freedom back.

with cancer, especially lung cancer, which we have featured several

RADON AND HUMAN AGING times in Access to Energy. We keep writing about this because Co-
hens experiments have enormous importance.
Burying False Assumptions About Radiation Risk by Bernard First, if the no-threshold hypothesis by which low-dose radiation
L. Cohen, published in Citizen Outlook, available from P.O. Box health risks are currently estimated falls, our technological environ-
65722, Washington, DC 20035 is a short article summarizing Cohens ment will improve greatly. Remove the fear of low-level radiation
finding that radon concentration in homes is negatively correlated from radioactive byproducts of power plants and from the power
plants themselves, and nuclear power will markedly lower our energy Now, Cohen is getting some help. Robert Ehrlich (George Mason
costs and thereby improve the prospects of industry and technology. University, Fairfax, VA 22030) has submitted a paper to Health Phys-
Moreover, the antitechnology hysteria nurtured by pseudoenviron- ics entitled Possible Evidence for a Threshold Exposure in Radon-In-
mentalism and its various mutations is based, in large part, upon the duced Lung Cancer. Ehrlich is not satisfied with the corrections for
unreasoning fear of radiation. Fear is a very powerful motivater of smoking that Cohen has made. He corrects the data in a different way
human beings. Remove this fear, and much of the antitechnology and calculates a result from which he suggests two things: 1. There is a
movement is likely to collapse. threshold below which ionizing radiation does not induce lung cancer
Second, as shown in the figure on page 2 of the April 1994 Access the no-threshold hypothesis is wrong. 2. There is no negative correla-
to Energy, 21-8 article about the research of Bruce Ames and his co- tion between lung cancer and radon ionizing radiation does not, in
workers, the incidence of cancer rises so sharply with age that it be- this case, reduce cancer risk. Ehrlich does not think that hormesis is
comes the ultimate determinant of lifespan for all humans who manage demonstrated by Cohens experimental results.
to escape earlier death from heart disease, accidents, or other killers. Evaluation of Ehrlichs arguments, regardless of the fact that they
No matter how well one manages to avoid the other causes of are surrounded by equations, calculations, and graphs in his paper, is
death, there is an impenetrable wall of rising cancer probability waiting necessarily somewhat subjective because they rest on preferences con-
for each person of advanced age. While it is to be hoped that funda- cerning imprecise data about smoking. Personally, I prefer Cohens
mental discoveries in molecular biology may eventually provide a corrections and result, but my preference is, of course, irrelevant. Also
door through that wall, our only current option is to push the wall back irrelevant is the fact that Cohens result is more effective ammunition
as many years as possible by maximization of our defenses and, once with which to attack the antitechnologists. Attacking ones competi-
cancer strikes, minimization of cancer growth rate. A reasonable guess tion with incorrect arguments is an ultimately losing proposition a
is that human life span might be increased by 10 to 25% by this means. lesson that I fear will be learned the hard way by our friends in the
Cohen has reported a threshold that discredits the way in which the nuclear power industry who are busily promoting global warming be-
health risks of radiation are calculated. He has also reported a negative cause their nuclear power plants produce no carbon dioxide.
correlation between cancer and radon which has significant implica- No doubt Ehrlichs paper will be seized upon by both his antitech-
tions for the human lifespan. nology enemies and those of Cohen, who are in real trouble regardless
This is not a newly reported phenomenon. The books by T. D. of which smoking correction is used. The sound bites will be some-
Luckey, which have been recommended many times in Access to En- thing like radon study discredited by smoking data (pun intended).
ergy, summarize a very large number of observations that are collec- The current Cohen experiments, even as interpreted by Ehrlich, can
tively known as hormesis, the beneficial effect on health of low-level serve as ammunition against the anti-nukes, and we intend to use them
ionizing radiation. Taken together, these many reports constitute what in this way. It is imperative, however, that these experiments be refined
is referred to in science as a mounting evidence for argument. Not until they are entirely definitive. While this might be partly done by
common in physics or chemistry, this sort of argument is very com- more theoretical work, the final answer can be given by an
mon in biology where experimental systems are more complicated and epidemiological study in which the confounding variables, especially
definitive experiments are much more rare. smoking, are recorded for each individual human in the study.
It is likely, for example, that daily ingestion of 500 to 1000 mg of Will this be done correctly? How much confidence do you have in
vitamin C, as has been recommended by health food gurus for over 50 science by government committee?
years, is beneficial to the health of some people. This is, however, a If I were an aging multimillionaire (there are many), I would get
likelihood supported entirely by the preponderance of evidence from these two men in a room, ask them how much money they need to do
many nondefinitive experiments. They constitute a mounting evi- this job right, and give it to them. The result and simple action based
dence for argument. While this kind of argument is sufficient for a upon the result might add a couple of years to that multimillionaires
current guess about moderate and probably harmless amounts of vita- personal life (regardless of its implications for the rest of us).
min C supplements, it is not sufficient to resolve the no-threshold de- What will actually happen in the absence of such a self-interested
bate. That resolution must be based upon excellent science. Excellent benefactor? If these scientists advertise enough, someone will decide
science requires a definitive experiment. that the study should be done with someone elses money. Tax
It is for this reason that we have devoted so many articles to Co- money is the usual source that comes to such minds, but they might
hens work. Radon vs. lung cancer experiments have the necessary in- even think of the resources of private foundations or other agencies
gredients to be definitive to be unassailably correct. Scientific all of which share the characteristic that decisions sink to the lowest
advance requires only one such experiment regardless of whether or common denominator of committee nonthought.
not there are hundreds of nondefinitive experiments to the contrary After compromising with the committees administering someone
(which in this case there are not). elses money, the scientists will do the best they can, but probably not
Cohen clearly realizes this. He has devoted a very substantial effort enough. So, years later, we may still get to write articles in Access to
to what Feynman would say (see page one, Access to Energy January Energy weighing the evidence, trying not to pretend that it is defini-
1994, 21-5) is his highest obligation as a scientist to prove himself tive, and uncertain as to what actions to base upon it.
wrong. Ignoring the many hormesis experiments that might be cited to My advice to Cohen and Ehrlich is to summarize the problem, its
buttress his case, he has focused on the primary weakness of his own implications, and the cost of solving it in about four paragraphs and
work that correlation does not prove causality. He has tried to destroy send the ad not to the government, not to large foundations but to
the negative radon and cancer correlation by means of 54 socioeco- The Wall Street Journal.
nomic variables, 7 climatic variables, and other parameters that might In 1976, I had the problem of finding research money for several
mediate or cause the correlation. This effort has, so far, failed. ideas that were not popular with committees. One evening, around
An especially important, possibly confounding variable is cigarette midnight, I became so frustrated that I started writing ads for The Wall
smoking. Cohen has, therefore, corrected his data for this by using Street Journal. I ultimately wrote and published four. These ads were
cigarette tax and census bureau data as measures of the amount of so successful that they and follow-up actions by my wife Laurelee and
smoking in the 1601 U.S. counties in the radon study. This is espe- me funded much of the research.
cially important because not only can smoking cause cancer, but also The first ad was entitled For Sale One thousand mice with ma-
Cohen has found a correlation between radon levels and smoking. lignant cancer - $138 each (delivered after the research). That ad was
Smokers tend to live in houses with lower radon levels. (This may be so popular it was shown full screen on the CBS television evening
because smokers tend to prefer better ventilated houses.) In any case, news. The others were We are bearish on sugar and bullish on Vita-
correction for smoking has, in Cohens work, left the negative radon min C, Wanted - Executives Between the Ages of 75 and 100
and cancer correlation intact to the extent of 20 standard deviations. years, and We Predict that Urine will break 2,000 before 1980.
formed on the whole earth as it is and as it has actually reacted to in-
A COOL EXPERIMENT creased concentrations of greenhouse gases during the past decade and
a half. During the most recent 15 year build-up of dangerous green-
As some of our friends in the nuclear power business are suckered house gases, global temperatures have cooled at the rate of - 0.06C per
by their own lack of principles into beating the drums for global warm- decade, while arctic temperatures cooled at the rate of - 0.37C per
ing (nukes produce no CO2) and thereby providing aid to their ene- decade during the 40 years between 1950 and 1990.
mies, experimental evidence accumulates to discredit this scam. The
best recent summary of this is The Global Warming Experiment

available for $6 from the George C. Marshall Institute, 1730 M Street,
N.W., Suite 502, Washington, DC 20036-4505. The Arizona Legislature has passed and Arizona Governor Fife
There is no dispute as to the existence of the greenhouse effect and Symington has signed into law the following House Bill 2236:
the general role of certain substances including carbon dioxide in Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona: Section 1.
warming the earth, although the quantitative nature of this phenome- Title 49, chapter 3, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by
non is poorly understood. The greenhouse effect has been blown into a adding section 49-409, to read: 49-409, Chlorofluorocarbons: permit-
lucrative crisis by the enviro industry and its retainers, however, on the ted use: retaliation prohibited.
basis of erroneous models that predict rapid and extensive warming A. Notwithstanding any other law, a person may possess, use,
from the effluents of technology and agriculture. It is now evident, manufacture, purchase, install, transport or sell chlorofluorocarbons.
from excellent experimental data, that these models are wrong. This is B. The possession, use, manufacture, purchase, installation, trans-
not surprising given the complications of atmospheric chemistry and portation or sale of chlorofluorocarbons does not subject any person,
physics, but it is unpleasant indeed for those who have built careers and this state or any political subdivision of this state to any penalty, fine,
fortunes by feeding public fear of global warming. retaliatory action or other punitive measure.
Governor Symington is quoted on page one of the April 14, 1995
issue of the Tucson Citizen as having said in reference to the federal
chlorofluorocarbon ban and House Bill 2236, Just because its a law
doesnt mean its sacred and that it shouldnt be challenged . . . . Where
would we be today if Americans hadnt stood up and said, Weve had
enough, your tea is going in the harbor?


The August 4-6 Grants Pass, Oregon meeting of DDP co-sponsored
by Access to Energy and the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
now includes some additional speakers.
Sallie Baliunas is staff astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory and Deputy Director of the Mount Wilson
Figure 2 Institute. She is also Chairman of the Science Advisory Board of the
George Marshall Institute, one of the foremost groups of scientists
working in opposition to the misuse of science in human affairs.
Jane Orient is Executive Director of the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons and a practicing physician. See A Medicare
Prescription by Jane Orient, the lead editorial in the Wall Street Jour-
nal for April 24, 1995 (p A12), for an example of why Dr. Orient is
Figures 2 and 3, reproduced from the Marshall Institute publication, Americas most effective physician opponent of socialized medicine.
summarize the experiments. In these two figures, actual measurements Lowell Wood, 1995 recipient of the Edward Teller award to be pre-
of global and arctic temperatures by satellite observation are compared sented by Dr. Teller at the meeting, is the principal scientist in charge
to the temperatures predicted by the models used by the global warm- of development of the Brilliant Pebble strategic defense system and
ing industry. These observations are free from significant error. They originator of a low-cost program for manned exploration of Mars.
take into account all relevant variables because they have been per- Conrad Chester was the last Director of the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory civil defense research program and is an internationally
recognized authority on the use of explosive, chemical, and biological
weapons in terrorism and war.
Ed York began as chief photographer for the Manhattan Project and
became Americas foremost authority on the design of blast protective
structures for military and civilian defense.
These are in addition to those already announced:
Sam Cohen inventor of the neutron bomb.
Peter Duesberg challenger of the AIDS and HIV hypothesis.
Martin Kamen discoverer of carbon 14.
Cresson Kearny foremost authority on expedient civil defense.
Bruce Merrifield Nobel Laureate for first synthesis of an enzyme.
Edward Teller father of American nuclear defense.
Robert Zubrin originator of the Mars Direct exploration plan.
Figure 3
Attendance, including two days of lectures, two lunches, and the
awards banquet at the Riverside Inn in Grants Pass (near Medford,
Oregon) costs a total of $95. If you wish to attend, send a check for $95
payable to DDP, Access to Energy, or the Oregon Institute of Science
and Medicine to P.O. Box 1250, Cave Junction, OR 97523.


The Incredible Shrinking Laboratory by Robert F. Service in l Citizen Outlook for March 1995 available from P. O. Box 65722,
Science 268, pp 26-27 (1995) summarizes recent developments in ef- Washington, DC 20035 reports that Maurice Strong, internationalist
forts to carry out analytical chemistry using miniaturized apparatus en- super-enviro who presided over the Rio Earth Summit, calls his home
graved on silicon chips. The initial primitive devices look like tiny The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths and is a founding mem-
versions of the centrifugal analyzers pioneered by Robert Melville and bers of a group that calls itself the New Age Planetary Citizens.
his colleagues for the clinical laboratory two decades ago. Developers Strong also has a ranch in Colorado complete with Vedic earth god-
are thinking of them as improved technology for the analytical labo- dess worship and a Temple to the Sun God.
ratory. Conceptually better combinations of this miniature technol- l Liberal Greens, Mainstream Camouflage by S. R. Lichter in
ogy are possible and will undoubtedly be produced. The Wall Street Journal, April 21, 1995 p A12 describes the new na-
Most people, however, are missing the greater point. Just as mini- tional strategy of the enviros to paint themselves as mainstream as
aturized computer technology has made the capabilities of the old large opposed to the extremists who now control Congress. Polls of the
computer centers available to any office or home, so the miniaturiza- views of the senior staffers and directors of the large enviro organiza-
tion of analytical technology will bring this capability to any individual tions reveal their mainstream views: 75% favor increased taxes; 59%
with a personal computer and a desk. We now have decentralization of favor saving all species regardless of cost; 80% favor confiscation of
information. We are going to have decentralization of analytical phys- private property without compensation; and 93% voted for Clinton.
ics and chemistry. Consider just one application. Mad perhaps, but only Stark Raving Mad because they think
Suppose you could buy a device about the size and cost of a laser they can promote these views as majority American values.
printer that would carry out daily analysis of a few hundred chemical l The PC Assault on Science by Wray Herbert in U. S. News
components in your breath and urine. (Blood, too, if you dont mind and World Report, February 20, 1995 pp 64-65 describes science
the pin pricks.) Daily monitoring of your personal chemistry and that criticism and cultural studies courses that have become popular in
of the other members of your family coupled with interpretive soft- the humanities departments of many major universities in the United
ware that can already easily be produced could allow your personal States. These courses teach that science is a sexist, racist, classist,
health care to be reduced largely to fighting the probability of disease capitalist plot and that science is simply meaningless. They teach
rather than disease itself. Years, perhaps even a decade or more, might that the fundamental assertions of science . . . . are a mass delusion or
be added to your individual lifespan, and your overall quality of life a deliberate deception concocted by a power-hungry priesthood. We
would be increased substantially. should have compassion for these people. Now that pseudoscientists of
Such devices even have potential to quantitatively measure the rate the enviro industry have seized the limelight of socialism, what else
of aging. Would you like immediate feedback from your computer can frustrated activist humanities professors do to get attention?
about the personal biological cost of each action you take such as
changes in diet, exercise, or other daily habits? GOOD READING
I can provide no reference because I have not heard this or seen it
written. I predict, however, (20% off your 2005 subscription to Access l Very good reading is the AAPS (1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Ste 9,
to Energy if Im wrong) that within ten years you will be able to buy Tucson, AZ 85716) reprint of the Foundation of Economic Education
such a device as an ordinary peripheral for your personal computer. 1949 publication of Leonard Reads essay On that Day Began Lies.
This is the clearest explanation I have seen of the reasons that commit-
RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL tees, organizations, governments and other group bodies act in ways
that most of their individual members would consider immoral, dis-
They should have just pulverized or solublized it and then dispersed honest, or imprudent as personal action.
it in the deep ocean where it would be so diluted as to be completely l The Endangered Species Act: Making Innocent Species the En-
harmless and almost undetectable, but our government is determined emy by Richard L. Stroup, PERC Policy Series, edited by Jane S.
that all radioactive waste will be stored in one large pile where it can Shaw, Issue PS-3, April 1995, 22 pages, available from PERC, 502
remain dangerous for as long as possible. South 19th Avenue, Suite 211, Bozeman, MT 59715 for $3 each.
Even this pile, sufficiently secured underground, will be quite safe, Since it creates an adversarial relationship of people vs. animals and
but creating it seems to be beyond bureaucratic abilities. Over $10 bil- plants, the actual effects of this Act are counterproductive.
lion has been collected in energy taxes under the Nuclear Waste Policy l Asbestos Risk - Fact or Fiction by Ted Eyde in The Torch,
Act of 1982 for this purpose, and half of this has already been spent. 4-2, pp 1,4-7, April 1995 available from 4060 E. 4th St., Tucson, AZ
The legislation requires that the Yucca Mountain depository begin to 85711. This is a good historical summary of the tragedy of the asbestos
receive waste by 1998. Now our government says it will not be ready industry, which has been largely destroyed by ignorance and lies. It is
until 2010 (far enough in the future for this crowd to retire and leave estimated that compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Act
the next delay to another gaggle of decision makers). Now they are will cost over $150 billion.
getting help from their friends in the press who are publicizing an erro- l Articles on pages 3, 4, 14, 18, and 32 of Atom, Issue 437 available
neous suggestion that the whole depository could self-destruct in a nu- from AEA Technology, 329 Harwell, Oxfordshire OX11 0RA, Eng-
clear explosion. This is not possible, but fear is their stock in trade. land (or a good library) about nuclear power progress in Iran, Russia,
Fred Upton (R-Michigan) and Edolphus Towns (D-New York) and China as compared with the United States and predicting increased
have recently introduced legislation to force the Department of Energy world wide demand for uranium. The advance of nuclear power is un-
to provide nuclear storage and disposal facilities starting in 1998. Let stoppable. The only question is who will lead it.
DOE provide temporary storage until permanent storage is available,
rather than requiring this of a nuclear industry that has already paid the

special taxes required for this purpose.
This ongoing debacle has been described in numerous industry Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
publications. A good five-page summary is in the March 1995 issue of Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
Nuclear Energy Insight available from the Nuclear Energy Institute, $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
1776 I Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006-3708. for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Even the government is mad at the government. The Department of Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
Defense has no place to dispose of spent fuel from nuclear submarines. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JUNE 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 10) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

Scientists and technologists have many opponents and a few ac- science and technology, we will continue to be in political trouble
tual enemies, but our greatest real enemy is ignorance both in others from those who misuse that ignorance to personal advantage. The
and in ourselves. The language we speak, mathematics, and the tech- same holds true for ignorance about the moral and practical advan-
nical subjects that we speak about can be understood by anyone who tages of free enterprise.
has made a special effort to learn them. That effort, however, requires Our home school is entirely self-taught by the students. Science is
so much time and expense that most people are not willing to under- not taught until mathematics through introductory calculus has been
take it. Moreover, professional scientists require many years of for- completed by means of the excellent Saxon Math series of books.
mal training and must acquire study habits which continue that (We recently interviewed John Saxon, the writer of these books. In-
training throughout their lives. terestingly, he does not think of them as self-teaching texts for use
Each science student must not only learn a substantial amount of outside of organized classrooms, but they work very well in this use.)
factual information; he must also learn to think quantitatively and After the children finish Saxon calculus, they receive General
with rigorous honesty about his subject. Chemistry by Pauling and The Mechanical Universe Mechanics
There has been a tendency in science to teach to those who learn and Heat, Advanced Edition by Frautschi, Olenick, Apostol, and
easily and to forget the others. Those forgotten others, comprising Goodstein. When they finish The Mechanical Universe, they get Be-
most of our fellow citizens, are now coming back to haunt us as they yond the Mechanical Universe from Electricity to Modern Physics
respond to the demagogues of pseudoscience and antitechnology a by Olenick, Apostol, and Goodstein. They must read these books and
response conditioned upon their lack of understanding of science. work half the problems in the chemistry book and all of the problems
When I taught 300 students each year at the University of Califor- in the physics books. They check their own answers and correct their
nia at San Diego, this skimming procedure was the norm. The stu- own mistakes. They are also asked to read at their leisure (without a
dents read the best chemistry text available; listened to three lectures requirement to fully understand) the first volume of Lectures on
by me each week; attended laboratory twice weekly; and endured ex- Physics by Feynman, Leighton, and Sands. All of these books have
aminations at two-week intervals. In addition, every evening (five been used as freshman texts for physics and chemistry at Caltech.
days each week) I returned to the lecture hall and answered questions Zachary (age 18) is finished with this; Noah (age 17) is in the mid-
until no students remained. The same 30 to 40 students came each dle of it; and Arynne (age 15) has started it, having finished Saxon.
evening. I doubt that more than 25% of the 300 students learned All three have good math ability, with unrecentered SAT math scores
much from the course or that more than 10% mastered the material. of 750, 770, and 690 (a practice exam) respectively. The three vary,
One student learned a great amount of science from these fresh- however, in their ability to absorb information from reading alone.
man chemistry courses the professor. I found that my active knowl- I noticed that Noah was experiencing a difficulty identical to my
edge of my subject increased substantially. Obviously, I already had own experience when I was his age. One reads the book but doesnt
good passive knowledge, the ability to understand. Active knowl- really absorb it. Problem solving becomes an exercise in scrambling
edge, however, is understanding so complete that all aspects of the back through the text looking for formulas and combining these with
subject are spontaneously used in everyday thought and work. computing tricks such as dimensional analysis. As the physics ad-
I have noticed that many of the best research scientists prefer to vanced, his error rate grew as high as 30%.
teach general introductory courses. The poorer scientists frequently Then we read The Overnight Student by M. L. Jones, available
prefer to teach advanced courses. They prefer specialized subjects from Louis Publishing, 1105 Inverness Lane, Bellingham, WA
close to their research fields that require little thought or preparation. 98226, Ph. (206) 647-3229. This book advocates that the student be-
The desire to teach introductory courses is often explained in come an oral teacher of an imaginary class.
terms of the professors enthusiasm for teaching and stimulation by Noah tried this. Now, for about an hour each day, he closets him-
young minds. I have often suspected, however, that desire to person- self in the press room where we have installed the equipment used to
ally relearn the basics of their subject is a primary motivation. This is, print and mail Access to Energy. There, he teaches the physics orally
of course, not admitted. How many chemistry professors would ad- in small segments to an imaginary audience as he reads through the
mit to less than perfect knowledge of freshman chemistry? book. Students are naturally shy. None of us has heard him do this.
This learning takes place while one is lecturing. It is a mental The result his study time is reduced; he understands the material
process linked to oral presentation. I have also noticed that my best better; and his problem solving error rate has fallen essentially to 0%.
research ideas occur when I am speaking with others about the re- Some children are very talkative during the first few years of life,
search whether or not the listeners contribute to the ideas. whereas others are quiet. Perhaps the talkative ones develop a tech-
Now, with the six students in my home school, I am definitely not nique for mental verbalization while reading when they are older.
interested in skimming off only those who learn easily. I am deter- Teaching others is a great way to learn; teaching orally is espe-
mined that each will learn the material well. This is the sort of moti- cially useful; and teaching science to our fellow citizens is essential to
vation that the educators of science and technology need to bring to the cultural survival of science, technology, and freedom. Verbaliza-
society at large. If most of our fellow citizens remain ignorant about tion is a technique that can be of great value to this educational effort.

synthesized peptide from its polystyrene support by means of a reac-

SIX ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE tion in liquid hydrogen fluoride. I just guessed at the time and tem-
perature that might work. Luckily, these reaction conditions worked,
It is remarkable how apparently quantitative and objective stand- but I never found time to investigate further and determine the ideal
ards can actually enter our intellectual environment from subjective conditions. During the next 20 years, this procedure was used in the
processes and, once there, become firmly entrenched. One night in the synthesis of many thousands of peptides, but it was not changed.
lab, as a graduate student, I decided to try to cleave a solid-phase Each chemist carefully repeated the reaction conditions that I guessed
in the lab that night as though these had been carefully determined
experimentally. The procedure was acceptable, but it would have
been much better if the reaction conditions had been optimized.
Quirks of human nature produce many guesses that become real be- Figure 1
cause so many people notice them. Commodity and stock traders are
very familiar with these. No silver trader can live without the price $6
engraved on his subconscious. Remember the many times the Dow
stock average bounced off 1,000? Now it is rushing toward 5,000 (or
perhaps 10,000). No one knows for sure where it will bounce down-
ward, but, when the smoke clears, it will probably have bounced from
a magic number. This is not numerology. It is the self-fulfilling na-
ture of human psychology.
These sorts of oddities or entrenched micromanias generally cause
little harm and provide some profits for those who understand them.
When they become embedded in the minds of government bureau-
crats, however, the potential for harm is substantial.
The Myth of 10-6 as a Definition of Acceptable Risk by K. A.
Kelly and N. C. Cardon, EPA Watch Vol. 3 available from 14140-L
Parke Long Court, Chantilly, VA 22021, phone (703) 968-9768 dis-
cusses a particularly onerous example.
A million (106 or six orders of magnitude) and its reciprocal are
firmly entrenched in our psychology. Regardless of inflation, people
still hope for a million dollars although, as Bunker Hunt said, even a
billion dollars doesnt buy what it used to.
Kelly and Cardon searched throughout the Federal and state agen-
cies for a source of the commonly accepted notion that 10-6 (one mil- position. On the other hand, it is marvelous that good outfielders make
lionth) represents a rational level of risk for environmental so many catches in which they are running all the way and arrive per-
pollutants or their effects. Neither those agencies nor their fellow fectly at the ball only just as it arrives at the ground. The LOT hypothe-
travelers in the enviro industry could give a rational answer. Appar- sis explains this.
ently 10-6 just seemed like a good idea at the time and gradually be- As the authors mention, their hypothesis explains why fielders run
came entrenched as various non-thinking entities parroted one another. into walls chasing uncatchable fly balls [because they are out of the
The application of 10-6 as an acceptable level for chemicals at baseball field] and why they do not rush ahead to the ball destination
hazardous waste sites has been such a good idea that estimates for point, choosing instead to catch the ball while running. The LOT
cleaning up all currently designated sites are as high a trillion dollars. model [also] explains why balls hit to the side are easier to catch.
Even Bunker Hunt would consider that real money. Recent EPA at- Curvature of the LOT trajectory is easy to detect and compensate by
tempts to apply this standard to hazardous waste incinerator rules have running, whereas accurate ball acceleration measurement [needed for a
led to an estimate of $288 million per case of cancer avoided (with the ball hit directly at the fielder] is much more difficult to achieve.
actual cost probably much higher). Most importantly, the paper reports experimental curves of out-
From pesticides and food additives to ground water contamination fielders actually catching fly balls. In these experiments, the paths and
and smokestack emissions, Federal bureaucrats are sacrificing our varying speeds of the fielders along the ground have been transformed
wealth and health upon the altar of 10-6. As the fire licks around our by calculation to show that they were just those necessary to maintain
knees, this knowledge may not save us, but it is satisfying to know that linear optical trajectories.
even our government has no rational basis for the use of this standard. This is apparently a general technique. Cited are references to pa-
pers showing similar procedures used by airplane pilots, mating preda-
FLY BALLS tors, and feeding fish and houseflies.
For most of us, this knowledge comes too late in life to parlay into
How Baseball Outfielders Determine Where to Run to Catch Fly baseball careers. Maybe, however, it could be adapted to give us a sur-
Balls by M. K. McBeath, D. M. Shaffer, and M. K. Kaiser, Science vival edge on the Los Angeles freeways.
268 pp 569-573 (1995) is a joy to read. First, it is good science applied
to a subject that brings back memories of successes and failures on the
baseball field for most Americans. Second, the paper does not acknow-
ledge tax-financed support or pander to any politically correct group. Los Alamos National Laboratory has reported the production of su-
Science still shows signs of life. perconducting ribbons that, operating at a temperature of 77K, can
A combination of theory and experiment, the authors basic hy- carry current densities of one million amperes per cm2 in the absence
pothesis is that outfielders manage to arrive at the proper place to catch of a magnetic field and 500,000 amperes per cm2 even in an 8 tesla
a fly ball by maintaining a linear optical trajectory or LOT. This is il- field. See summary in Science 268 p 644 by R. F. Service.
lustrated in Figure 1 reproduced from their paper. By comparison, No. 12 copper wire can carry about 800 amperes
The angle is the observed angle of ball movement with respect to per cm2. A temperature of 77K is maintainable with liquid nitrogen.
the horizon. If the outfielder runs so that the image that he sees of the Liquid nitrogen currently costs about 25 cents per gallon and is moder-
ball rises linearly along the line rising at angle from home plate, he ately long-lived in properly insulated containers. It is manufactured
will automatically run directly under the ball as it reaches the ground. from air, so it could even be made at the point of use in large scale
Maintenance of this linear optical trajectory requires that he run in a applications.
curved path at varying speed, but it eliminates the very difficult prob- Many of the anticipated first uses for warm superconductors in-
lem of optically measuring the trajectory of the ball and mentally cal- volve production of magnetic fields such as in electric motors, electro-
culating its path and destination. magnets for medical imaging, and frictionless levitated passenger and
Obviously, not all fly balls are tracked in this fashion. We have no- freight trains. These new superconductors are especially important be-
ticed, however, that outfielders who run and camp under the ball often cause, unlike earlier versions, they retain most of their superconductiv-
need a little dive at the catch to make up for miscalculation of their ity even in significant magnetic fields.
in the laboratory was treated as a major event by health and safety per-
THE FOOD BOMB sonnel. Yet the Merck Index also says that occasional swallowing of
metallic mercury is harmless. Breathing mercury vapor is the worst
The True State of the Planet edited by Ronald Baily for the Com- hazard. Of course, the dose makes the poison, but what about the mer-
petitive Enterprise Institute, published by The Free Press, 866 Third cury that most of us have in our amalgam dental fillings?
Avenue, New York, NY 10022, 450 pages, $12, phone 1-800-323- The benefits and risks of dental amalgam by S. B. Corbin and
7445, is an excellent set of essays on everything from pesticides to W. G. Kohn, JADA 125 pp 381-388 contains some interesting data.
global warming. We strongly recommend it. They point out the great dental benefits of amalgam tooth fillings and
One of the books many figures is reproduced below as Figure 2. estimate the cost of replacement of all existing amalgam fillings at
From the World Resources Database, World Resources Institute / DSC about $248 billion. The extra cost of placing no new amalgam fillings
Dataservices Inc., Washington, D.C., Figure 2 is normalized to 100 for is estimated at $12 billion per year. If we assume that one life is lost for
1979-1981. Although Paul Ehrlichs population bomb that would have each $10 million of waste (probably too conservative), amalgam fill-
left us all starving in the dark before 1980 turned out to be a dud, it is ings would need to kill 1,200 people per year to be the more danger-
clear from this graph that we do have a developing food problem. ous. This would surely be detected. Loss, however, of a few weeks
What are we going to do with the looming enormous surplus? from each of a million or more lives by slight acceleration in physi-
ological aging might be very difficult to detect.
Central questions, of course, are whether or not there is a mercury
threshold or even a mercury hormesis effect. Rigorous answers to these
questions are not known. Very high doses of mercury are fatal, and
subclinical effects have been seen at doses about 10-fold higher than
the normal human intake. Corbin and Kohn report, from a review of
1980s published research, that the usual intake from food, water, and
air (mostly food) is about 2 to 6 micrograms/day/person. The median
of wide-ranging experimental determinations of intake from amalgam
tooth fillings is about 3 micrograms/day/person.
Figure 2 So, an ordinary complement of amalgam fillings approximately
doubles ones mercury intake. We do not know whether this is harm-
ful, but most parents are forced to guess. My guess is that, where the
economic impediment is not too great, parents should have non-mer-
cury fillings put into their childrens teeth.

Maybe the government could open a waste disposal site in Nevada

Figure 3 is from Nuclear Issues 17 No. 4, April 1995 available from
because food is loaded with radioactivity, but what will we do until the 8 Ruvigny Mansions, Embankment, Putney, London SW15 1LE, re-
disposal site is ready in 2050? There is one obvious solution more porting a study by the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland of acci-
people. This is one race that technology cannot be allowed to win! dents in worldwide energy industries. Immediate deaths in 2,300
More seriously, does this graph tell us anything about the millions accidents occurring between 1969 and 1986 were considered.
of unfortunate people who are currently starving? There is a surplus of These results, showing the overwhelming safety of nuclear power
food, but there is also a surplus of government meddlers. Technology generation, are a further chapter to Petr Beckmanns book The Health
and free enterprise created the farming methods that have produced
most of this food. If technology, free enterprise, and normal human
compassion, where necessary, were allowed to distribute it, suffering Figure 3
by starvation could be as rare as smallpox.


The excesses of pseudoenvironmentalism and of New Age natu-

ralism are enough to cause a reaction of repulsion in anyone who
thinks rationally and is interested in objective truth as opposed to mys-
ticism. Conditioned by having correctly rejected seemingly endless
claims that specific products of technology are creeping into our bodies
to do us harm, there is a human tendency to reject all such possibilities
without further investigation. This is a further harm that the mystics do.
They discredit by association certain sensible considerations.
When I studied nutrition and cancer in mice many years ago, we
determined dose-response curves for several individual nutrients. We
also conducted the first rigorous laboratory experiments showing the
beneficial effects of fruit and vegetable diets in reducing cancer
growth. I was always looking for clues in the alternative health litera-
ture that might have merit, even though it was obvious that much of
that literature is nonsense. Some of the things of interest were so politi- Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear, which is still available for $7.95 from
cally incorrect that I used codes for them on my office chalkboard, so Mrs. Beckmann at Golem Press, Box 1342, Boulder, CO 80306.
that visitors would not be offended. While this study does not include every accident that occurred, it
The 1970 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics uses italics to warn, does include the most comprehensive list of accidents its authors were
It is therefore important that mercury be handled with the utmost able to assemble through a substantial effort. Notice that the total of all
care after commenting about its toxicity and ability to enter the body accidental deaths in all five energy generation industries for the entire
even through unbroken skin. The Merck Index also warns of mercury world combined was less than 20,000 or about 1,000 per year.
toxicity. In the 1950s, long before the OSHA madness, a mercury spill If we estimate that the existence of this wonderful energy system
adds only 5 years to the average life expectancy (20 years may be more
accurate), then (5,000,000,000)(5)/(30)(1,000)(60) = approximately STARK RAVING MAD
14,000 human lifetimes saved by energy for each life lost in energy
accidents. (We assume 30 years of life lost for each accidental death l Two millennia ago, during the Roman civil war, Julius Caesar
and 60 years for the average life span.) noted that the army opposing him had an advantage during a period of
Calculated another way, (60)(1000)(365)(30)(24)/(5)(109) = ap- heavy rainfall because its soldiers were equipped with personal flota-
proximately 3 hours of life lost to energy accidents per human lifetime. tion bladders for safely crossing swollen streams. Yet, during the Viet-
If all power were generated by nuclear plants, then, on the basis of the nam war, American soldiers frequently drowned. They had no
actual accident record, this 3 hours drops to about 1 minute. If air pol- personal flotation equipment in spite of efforts by senior advisor Cres-
lution deaths are included, the time lost rises but not for nuclear son Kearny to get the military bureaucrats to provide this much-needed
power which produces no air pollution. Then, there are the lives lost in equipment. Major Kearny (ret) designed much of Americas jungle
other activities related to energy generation and use. These, too, are habitability equipment during World War II.
fewer for nuclear power. See The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nu- Now, after the incident of Ranger trainees dying of hypothermia in
clear for those estimates. a Florida swamp, Cresson Kearny is again attempting to convince the
military to provide personal flotation equipment and breath inflated
ELEMENTAL EVIL boats. He also recommends space blankets ($1.96 at Walmart).
One wonders how many military bureaucrats would need to be
Our laboratory freezer required repair this week. Fortunately, the dunked in the Potomac river before they realized that foot soldiers do
repair man had some of the dwindling supply of freon to repair it. He not function well under water or that jungle fighters should be at least
informed me that, if he were to allow any freon to escape into the at- as well equipped as weekend campers. Maybe United States military
mosphere and I reported him for this transgression, he would be fined manuals should include advice to stop by your local discount store for
$20,000 $10,000 of which would be paid to me for reporting him. survival equipment before reporting for active duty.
We thought this sort of tyranny was supposed to be going out of style. Write to Cresson Kearny, P. O. Box 92, Montrose, CO 81402 for
As the enviro war on column 7 of the periodic table intensifies, more on this madness. He is speaking at the August 4-6 meeting and is
many species just have not gotten the apocalyptic message and many now completing a book entitled Jungle Snafus ... and Remedies.
polluters are proving unwilling to inform on one another. This in- l The Food and Drug Administration now requires about 900 days
cludes a long list of malefactors such as marine algae, kelp, wood fun- to give approval to market a new medical drug or device. (The FDA is
gus, ice plant, mushrooms, cedar trees, and phytoplankton. Mother required by law to rule in 90 days.) This is in addition to the great num-
Earth, too, just keeps belching from volcanoes vast quantities of bers of advances that never make it to the approval stage because of the
CFCs as well as hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride. enormous expense of meeting FDA filing requirements.
The Natural Production of Chlorinated Compounds by G. G. When the FDA finally gave approval for the beta blocker drugs in
Gribble, Environ. Sci. Technol. 28 pp 310A-319A (1994) documents 1981, the FDA Commissioner bragged that this new product would
this. See also Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds A save 17,000 lives per year. Not mentioned were the over 100,000 peo-
Survey by G. G. Gribble, J. Natural Products 55, pp 1353-1395 ple who had unnecessarily died during the seven years that the FDA
(1992). A good complement to these papers is A Rational View of prevented use of these drugs before giving approval.
Stratospheric Ozone by H. W. Ellsaesser (1994) available from Wirt- FDA Drug Lag Reader and How FDA is Causing a Technological
schaftskammer sterreich, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, A-1040, Wien, Exodus available from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1001 Con-
Austria or from Hugh W. Ellsaesser, Lawrence Livermore National necticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036 give the
Laboratory, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94551. latest facts about this deadly government madness. (CEI founder and
Gribble reports, for example, that the global emission rate of chlo- president Fred Smith will also be a speaker at our August 4-6 meeting.)
romethane from the marine and terrestrial biomass is 5 million tons per
year, whereas anthropogenic [human caused] chloromethane emis- GOOD READING
sions are only 26,000 tons per year. He counts 2,000 different halo-
genated chemicals (containing fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine) l Invention and Technology 11, summer 1995, available from
that are discharged into the atmosphere by natural processes. Forbes Inc., 60 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011, has three articles
Ellsaesser quotes several authorities who admit that they have no about the atomic bomb including Making It Happen, which is a
idea whether man-made chemicals are affecting the ozone layer at all. tribute to Cmdr. Deak Parsons, whose remarkable skills and dedication
Moreover, changes in atmospheric ozone observed to date are in the were an essential ingredient to the success of the Manhattan Project.
range of natural fluctuations and are not having any demonstrably l Green and Gold from Stratek cc, P. O. Box 74416 Lynwood
negative effects. See, for example, Access to Energy 21-3 p. 4. Ridge, Pretoria 0040, South Africa. The April 1995 issue is, as usual,
These and similar enviro scams are, I think, beginning to run out of good and includes an article with world coal use figures.
steam. While the counterarguments were bottled up in professional l Prolotherapy: The Empiricism Rationalism Dichotomy in the
journals and enviro-friendly news media kept repeating the lies, the lies February 1995 Newsletter by Dr. Thomas A. Dorman available from
were able to thrive. Now, however, the pain of such things as refrigera- 171A North Santa Rosa Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405. I have
tion repression is beginning to reach the general public along with eas- never had a back problem, but I have several friends who are certain
ily understood explanations of the truth. that the unconventional prolotherapy helped them.
Two recent reports in the Readers Digest, Are We Running Out l War on the Poor by R. J. Isaac in National Review, May 15,
of Trees and Is the Earth Really Getting Warmer (December 1994 1995 pp 32-44. This is about the tax-financed Legal Services Corpora-
p. 131) are examples. With 27 million copies per month and probably tion and its victimization of the poor whom it was supposed to aid.
over 100 million actual readers, the Readers Digest is one source of
truth from which the enviros cannot hide.


ATE CD-ROM Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
Some MacIntosh users have had trouble using the Access to Energy $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues. If anyone is still having difficul- for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
ties, please send us a note. A replacement disk is being prepared that Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
will have special files to help with MacIntosh computers. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JULY 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 11) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

The war between technophobes and technologists over nuclear of the false perceptions of risk generated by the antinuke propagan-
power has been waged primarily upon the battleground of risk assess- dists? Not wishing to give credit to our enemies, we recoil from an-
ment. Visions of cities vaporizing beneath mushroom clouds as nu- swering, yes. This really doesnt matter. Nuclear power has
clear power plants run amok are, of course, promulgated by those proved itself as a wonderful and wonderfully safe technology.
whose perversions include the politics of fear, but the bottom line in Adams gives some thought-provoking examples. Seat belt experi-
the underlying intellectual debate is evaluation of risk. ments lead to the expected result that fewer people would be killed in
Death is not the only parameter determining the quantity and qual- auto accidents if they were wearing seat belts. Careful people have
ity of human life, but, being important and easily measured, it is usu- always worn them. When, however, seat belts were made mandatory
ally central in this debate. Petr Beckmann, in The Health Hazards of in Great Britain, traffic deaths did not drop. According to the data
NOT Going Nuclear, discussed the number of deaths per quantity of given in Risk, driver deaths dropped slightly, while pedestrian, bicy-
electricity produced for the various sorts of power generation. Nu- clist, and rear seat deaths rose. Drivers responded to the law by driv-
clear power has by far the safest record. The risk of a death per kilo- ing faster and more recklessly because they felt safer when strapped
watt-hour is lowest for nuclear power. in their seat belts. Pedestrians did not have additional protection.
The antinukes claim that a single nuclear accident could change Seat belts do, of course, increase efficiency on the highway. They
this record because literally millions of deaths are possible in such an apparently allow greater speeds without an increase in death rate.
accident. In order to make this claim, they close their eyes to physics, Transfer of part of the death rate to nondrivers is, however, unjust.
since nuclear explosion of a nuclear power plant of present design is Between 1922 and 1986, the number of motor vehicles in Great
physically impossible. Chernobyl adds a different sort of claim that Britain increased by a factor of 25, yet the number of children under
hundreds of thousands of people could die of cancer and other radia- the age of 15 killed by motor vehicles decreased from 736 per year to
tion-induced illnesses even if there were no nuclear explosion. That 358. Child road deaths per vehicle fell by 98%. This was not a result
only a few people died in this accident and that the claims of harm to of safer roads it was a result of more dangerous roads. Between
hundreds of thousands by radiation at Chernobyl are completely 1971 and 1990, the percentage of children traveling alone to school
mythical has not stopped the propagandists. dropped from 80% to 9%. As the perceived and actual risk went up,
Even without deaths to show, however, the technophobes fall deaths decreased because people altered their behavior.
back upon something they call the precautionary principle. This Motorcyclists are obviously afforded protection by helmets, but,
principle is seeing wide service in the enviro debate. Global according to Adams data, helmet laws have not reduced deaths. Mo-
warming is a failing hypothesis, but what if it were true? Nuclear torcyclists just drive more recklessly with this extra protection. Even
power plants will not kill millions of people, but what if they did? The drunk driving laws are tricky, because they give people the false im-
precautionists want to shut down coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear pression that, with blood alcohol below a fixed level, they are safe
generated electricity just in case just as a precaution. drivers. In fact, there is great variation in individual alcohol tolerance,
Doomsday scenarios and the precautionary principle are being and there are few if any people whose driving is not adversely af-
packaged with the politics of fear and sold as science to the tech- fected by drinking alcohol.
nologically illiterate. This is a very profitable business. Now, however, the stakes in the game of adaptive human response
Can this fearmongering be successfully fought by correct and rig- to risk have been raised to a much higher level. Global social engi-
orous evaluation of risk? Superficially, the answer is yes. We just neers and power-seekers are trying to alter the behavior of the whole
need good data on death, injury, and other harm that results from the human race by means of perceived risk of ozone depletion and global
various technological activities. Where accidents are rare, as with nu- warming. This is an attempt that may determine the freedom or slav-
clear power, scientists have reasonable means for creating estimated ery of billions of people for many centuries.
data of sufficient reliability. Based on the past record and correcting The data show, as we have continually documented in Access to
for expected improvements in safety measures, we then simply calcu- Energy, that these perceived risks are artificial and without experi-
late the consequences of future action. mental basis. Each year that passes brings more evidence that these
There is, however, one major confounding difficulty. This diffi- are nonproblems. The elitists are desperate to get controls on CFCs
culty is elegantly discussed in the book Risk by John Adams publish- and greenhouse gases into place before more data accumulates.
ed in 1995 by UCL Press Limited, University College London, Once the controls are in place, they can say that the data shows
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. People respond to past accidents that we have been saved from these calamities by the controls that
and to perceived risks by changing their behavior and thereby con- adaptive human response mandated by oppressive world government
found the calculation of actual risk. saved the planet and much of the human race.
Could it be, for example, that the Russians felt that it was accept- If this scam succeeds if the statists are able to convince the world
able to build the Chernobyl reactors without containment buildings that they saved it from environmental disaster then free enterprise
because nuclear power has such a great safety record? Is the virtually and freedom will have suffered a major defeat. As Petr Beckmann
perfect safety record of American nuclear power plants partly a result would say, Please dont let it happen!

weapons, have not been invited to provide light entertainment.

REAL RISK For a recent review of this threat see International Defense Review
of Janes Defense Magazines 28, March 1995 pp 33-42 articles by H.
The August 4-6 meeting here features, among the 18 speakers, Porteus, C. Beal, and L. Ness.
three on the subject of terrorist and military use of biological weapons. Conrad Chester has estimated that a beginning graduate student in
Conrad Chester, Michael Baker, and Col. Ernest Takafuji, Com- biochemistry with two helpers, about $200,000 to spend for off-the-
mander of USAMRIID and of U. S. defenses against biological shelf equipment and supplies, access to an ordinary science library,
and about two years to work could launch a biological attack that of groups, but it nevertheless assures that most people will never use
would kill most of the people in New York City. technology to deliberately harm others. The problem is that, as tech-
Chester has, however, overestimated the expense. This past week I nology advances, one or a few individuals can do an increasing amount
attended another of the laboratory auctions where we obtain equipment of damage.
and supplies at prices a non-tax-financed laboratory can afford. This Although many wonderful things may lie ahead in the coming mil-
one was the liquidation of a plant genetics company. A mere $20,000 lennia, we now have no means with which to change the basic fact of
in cash and a U-Haul truck to collect the equipment would have pro- nature that the human population contains some very dangerous indi-
vided all that Conrad Chesters three terrorists would need. In fact, this viduals and that there is no certain way to restrict the activities of these
one auction could have equipped three independent terrorist teams. few or even to identify them without destroying our own freedom.
Moreover, a well-trained biochemist working by himself with this We can, however, maintain a situation wherein they do the least
highly automated equipment could probably do the job in one year damage possible. This situation is not necessarily optimized by efforts
rather than two. to ration potentially dangerous items.
So what do we do to counter this threat? Learning from the anti- Gun control efforts, for example, are pushed along further each
nukes who oppose breeder reactors, we could ban the breeding of bac- time a lone nut kills a few people. A well-armed population, of course,
teria. This will be a little hard to enforce as was illustrated by the odd is best prepared to end these incidents quickly by incapacitating the
smell I detected near our kitchen window last night. (The children had gunman on the spot, but there is yet another argument. I personally
disposed of some excess milk by - I really couldnt believe it either - prefer my lone gunmen using firearms rather than vans full of explo-
tossing a few pails of milk out of the window.) sives in their exploits. They do a lot less damage this way.
We could try to get everyone with bacteria-growing equipment to If they work their way up to vans of explosives anyway, I prefer
sign a bacteria non-proliferation treaty and agreement to on-site in- those vans to be filled with ammonium nitrate and fuel oil as opposed
spection. The children might be willing to sign but, following the to some of the really dangerous items they could be carrying. We ac-
North Korean example, they might hold out for a milking machine and cept about 100 violent highway deaths per day in the United States,
a new barn or at least a few pigs to utilize the extra milk. which is about the same as the likely toll from an exploding van. Each
We could slap secrecy systems on the science libraries for all docu- death is a terrible tragedy, but a distorted preoccupation with rare
ments 100 years old or newer. Everything will need to be classified events might raise the risk of something much more spectacular.
because no one will be prescient enough to know which knowledge Imagine turning on the news to learn that several million Ameri-
will never be useful for terrorist activities. Not all countries will coop- cans, completely unprotected by civil defense, are dying from a bio-
erate, but America could set an example by doing the right thing. Then, logical terrorist attack. There are hundreds of thousands of people with
with our science and engineering knowledge frozen in red tape, we sufficient training and resources to perpetrate this disaster. A few of
could sink into an Ehrlichesque dark age, while other countries thrived. those people are likely to be far enough out on the tails of the distribu-
The fact is that the standard efforts to prevent the use of technology tions of mental stability and decency to be capable of this action. It is
for the mass killing of people really do not work. The advance of singularly imprudent to deprive these people of guns and fertilizer.
knowledge cannot be stopped; the possession of technology cannot be Aside from the damage that they do to human freedom and the
prevented; and all attempts to monopolize knowledge and dangerous great advances in the human condition that they impede, red herrings
technologies are doomed to ultimate failure. Moreover, secrecy inhib- like mythical ozone holes and melting icebergs misinform the public
its public knowledge and diminishes the development and deployment about the real potential dangers from technology. Well-meaning peo-
of realistic protective technology. ple dutifully sort their garbage and send money to the enviro organiza-
These approaches only seem to have partially worked for nuclear tions in the mistaken hope that they are helping to battle the truly great
technology because nuclear technology has been so expensive and dangers and risks that face mankind as a result of technological ad-
complex that the economic barriers to entry have aided non-prolifera- vance. Not only are most of these efforts counterproductive, they divert
tion efforts. So far, we have just been very lucky. attention from real dangers.
Ordinary explosives do relatively small amounts of damage; Edward Teller and Lowell Wood (both also speakers at the August
chemical poisons are bulky and difficult to use; nuclear technology has meeting) share a significant part of the credit for moving America into
been very costly; and biological technology by far the most cost-ef- a position to deploy a working antimissile defense. They know that
fective and low-tech method for mass murder has been ignored. This technological advance means that sometime in the future no one
luck will not hold forever. knows when there may be at least one missile with one nuclear war-
What then do we do sign up with the Luddites of outcome based head traveling toward one American city. They want the people of that
education in the hope that further advances in education will re- city to have at least a fighting chance. This is also part of the reason
duce everybody to non-reading, non-thinking vegetables incapable of that Edward Teller has supported civil defense for half a century.
independent action? This will not work. We will just be replaced by The great human experiment with freedom, science, and technol-
civilizations that do teach their children to read. ogy that is being carried out during our lifetimes has already partially
There are, I believe, some realistic actions that our civilization can transformed the world in ways that are in keeping with the highest as-
take to truly diminish these dangers. pirations of the human spirit. Many of the articles in Access to Energy
First, the public should be so sufficiently informed about these dan- are intended to weaken attacks upon this great experiment from those
gers, especially in the case of biological and nuclear weapons, that it who claim that it is too dangerous to continue especially those attacks
becomes politically feasible to build a realistic civilian defense system that are based upon false claims and untruths.
for the United States. Offensive technology can be largely neutralized It would be wrong, however, to say that there are no substantial
by defensive technology, and we must have a national mindset consis- dangers associated with the advance of science, technology, and hu-
tent with deployment of that technology. A well-built civil defense man freedom. These dangers are not inherent in technology itself; they
system can protect people from nuclear, biological, and chemical tech- are inherent in the negative aspects of human nature. These dangers,
nology whether the danger is from accident, terrorism, or war and can moreover, can be so successfully mitigated by protective technology
protect them from most natural disasters at the same time. It can never and sensible laws that the risk reward ratio of further human advance
protect them completely, but it can prevent most deaths. is overwhelmingly positive.
Second, we must adopt a realistic view of human nature that is un- Unfortunately, at the present time, very little attention is being paid
clouded by fear, over-pessimism, or over-optimism. Most people, to real risks and real risk reduction. This must change. If it does not,
whether they control governments and armies or control only them- then somewhere in our future there may well be a disaster of such
selves, are fundamentally decent human beings. This decency can be enormous magnitude that it, in combination with public ignorance,
relied upon more when they act as individuals rather than as members might divert our civilization into an era of tyranny.
puters were maintenance nightmares in those days, so our lab was con-
COST OF NUCLEAR POWER tinually disrupted by outages. As soon as DEC PDP-11 series mini-
computers became available, we bought several and vowed never to
Operation and maintenance costs for U. S. nuclear power plants hook two activities to each others error rates again. Micro computers
rose sharply in the 1980s largely as a result of increased staffing to have changed the world since then, but we have clung to our prejudices
meet safety requirements for security, fire protection, health physics, bolstered now only by the minor threat of virus contamination. Our
and other precautions. Increased utilization of capacity (72.5% in numerous computers communicate only by tape and disk transfer, but
1993) and good management have now brought these cost increases now we are finally giving up this idiosyncrasy almost entirely.
under control as reported in Cutting O&M costs: a US progress re- Beginning the first week in July, Access to Energy and the Oregon
port published in ATOM 436 pp 32-36. Institute of Science and Medicine will operate a World Wide Web site
from the laboratory here. Domain names will be and E-mail addresses will be announced next month. Althouse,
the name of a creek near our laboratory, is the business name under
which Access to Energy is administered.


Technological advance should continually lower the cost of com-
modities and services and thereby continually increase the quality of
human life. Since cost is a measure of scarcity, the cost of commodities
Figure 1 is also a good indicator with which to answer enviro doomsayers who
predict dire shortages.
Unfortunately, our government is committed to taxation by dilution
of the money supply, which inflates prices and masks decreased costs.
U. S. government-caused inflation also robs widows and orphans of
Figure 1 shows operation and maintenance costs in 1993 dollars per their savings savings that should buy more rather than less over time
kilowatt hour of capacity on the left and cents per kilowatt hour gener- as a result of technologically accomplished decreased costs.
ated on the right. The right curve looks better because of increased In Chapter 4 of The True State of the Planet (available from The
utilization. Total cost of nuclear power is above 1.6 cents/kilowatt Free Press, 866 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022 for $12) entitled
hour, since this does not include capital costs of plant construction. The Coming Age of Abundance, Stephen Moore documents the


With anti-technologists chanting about vast numbers of cancer

deaths as a result of the 1986 accident at Chernobyl, it may seem politi-
cally imprudent to admit to any cancer problem at all. This is not, how-
ever, consistent with the truth which is still solidly on the side of Figure 2
nuclear power. Unfortunately, the accident did spread significant
amounts of Iodine 131 in the Ukraine and, equally unfortunately,
Ukrainian authorities did not protect children against this by the simple
civil defense expedient of iodine supplements.
Iodine accumulates in the thyroid. Supplemental oral iodine taken
as described, for example, in Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson
Kearny (available from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine,
PO Box 1279, Cave Junction, OR 97523 for $12.50) saturates the thy-
roid with iodine and, thereby, inhibits uptake of radioactive iodine.
Thyroid cancer in the Ukraine by I. A. Liktarev, et al, in Nature
375 p 365 (1995), reports that there were 418 thyroid cancers found in
children (ages 0-18 at the time of the accident in 1986) in the Ukraine sharp decrease in real commodity prices over this century. Figure 2,
between 1986 and 1993. reproduced from this chapter, shows an average of aluminum, anti-
The incidence rate for thyroid cancer in children appears to have mony, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, silver, platinum, tin, tungsten,
risen from about 0.7 per million in 1986 to about 4 per million in 1993. zinc, coal, and oil costs priced in hourly wages to remove inflation.
This is suspect, however, because reporting has been sharply improved We show here only this one graph. Moores chapter is filled with
to study the effects of the accident. tables and graphs showing the pervasive and ongoing decrease in the
Geographical distribution is, however, very suggestive of Cher- real price of almost all individual commodities.
nobyl-induced cancer. The authors find a 20-fold gradient in cancer in- Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal, page 1, June 5, 1995 reports
cidence that corresponds very well with distance (adjusted by known that Paul Population Bomb Ehrlich and Stephen Global Warming
contamination patterns) from Chernobyl. Based on this gradient and Schneider are negotiating another bet on this with Julian L. Simon.
other data given in this paper, I estimate (subtracting the incidence in Ehrlich lost his first bet with Simon because of the trend in Figure 2. If
zones 6 and 7 from that in zones 1-5) that about 70 extra cases of thy- Vegas makes odds on this bet, we suggest you stay with the winner.
roid cancer have arisen in children as a result of the accident. Incidence
falls off very rapidly with distance, so most of the Ukraine is unaf- WORTH REPEATING
fected and no effect at all would be expected outside the Soviet area.
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force!
COMPUTER LINKS Like fire, it is a troublesome servant and a fearful master.
George Washington
In the 1960s, our need for lab automation required that we link our
analytical machinery to the main computer center at Stanford. Com- As quoted by The New American, June 12, 1995, p 26.
over, that interpretation is situated: readers creations (not retrievals) of
COLOR-BLIND QUALITY meaning with the text vary, depending on their purposes for reading
and the expectations of others in the reading event. This view of read-
I shall never forget an encounter I had with a black professor at the ing implies that there is no single correct meaning for a given text,
University of California at San Diego while I was teaching freshman only plausible meanings.
chemistry at that University. This mans black power, Third World Whole language is now popular in socialized American schools.
message was so different from my own outlook that we might as well Imagine a student trying to learn mathematics, science, engineering, or
have been from different planets until the subject of the discussion even history by creating his own interpretation under the assumption
turned to my chemistry course in which I made no effort to tailor that the author has not written a specific meaning into the text.
standards to minority groups regardless of their backgrounds. His l Thad Cochran, Republican Senator from Mississippi, writes in
words were: Your course is tough. I know, Im tutoring two students the April 4, 1995 Washington Times that The American Farm Bureau
in your class. But you are exactly right. Our worst enemies are these Federation estimates that U.S. agricultural interests spend between $18
white liberals who teach watered-down courses to our people and turn billion and $20 billion per year complying with federal regulations. To
them into permanent second-class citizens. put things in perspective, that figure is roughly 35 percent of total net
Very good reading is the article The Attack Against Phonics It farm income in the United States. If this estimate is correct, and if any-
could be the most racist act in decades by C. M. Richardson in Des- thing it is probably low, farmers spend $2 complying with government
tiny Magazine, April 1995 pp 51-53. (Destiny, written primarily for mandated regulations for every $1 they receive in price supports.
black Americans, is available from P.O. Box 1000, Selma, OR 97538.)
This article describes the linkages between The Great American

Reading Machine which feeds at the trough of tax-financed social-
ized education and the adoption of whole language and look-say l The Medias War on Essential Chemicals: Targeting Chlo-
reading (see Stark Raving Mad below) which are enormously profit- rine by Kenneth Smith with text also by Gordon W. Gribble in Pri-
able for everyone in the Machine except the students. Especially vul- orities 6 pp 6-11 (1994) published by The American Council on
nerable are students from environments where alternative help to Science and Health, 1995 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY
overcome the burden of whole language is not available. 10023-5860. Also, ask ACSH to send their monograph Is There a
Cancer Epidemic in the United States? Age-adjusted cancer rates
FINGERPRINTS OF FAILURE have been stable to slightly declining during the past 50 years except
lung cancer from cigarette smoking. Most environmental chlorine
Science News 147, pp 362-363 June 10, 1995, Dusting the Cli- compounds originate from natural sources and man-made chlorine
mate for Fingerprints Has greenhouse warming arrived? Will we compounds are not causing the non-existent cancer epidemic.
ever know? by R. Monastersy describes efforts by the enviro industry l The Health Physics Societys Newsletter 23 , No. 6, June 1995
to save its tax-financed research grants from the thermometer. Monas- pp 2-16 contains 22 letters in a special issue devoted to radiation dose-
tersy describes the new concept of greenhouse fingerprinting that is response models. As numerous articles in Access to Energy have
beginning to spring up in numerous scientific journals. chronicled, the linear, no-threshold model is dead. With it, unnoticed
This fingerprinting involves constructing weighted averages of so far by the popular media, has died the basis for fear of low-level
various climate variables in an effort to find unusual weather behavior radiation. Sometimes, in this sort of shift, a generation of professionals
that can be blamed on global warming. Stephen H. Schneider is quoted must also die before the truth is accepted. These 22 letters give indica-
as telling Science News I am beating very hard on the community to tion that this will not be true in this case for health physicists.
drop forever from our vocabulary that pernicious term unambiguous l When batterer turns murderer by I. J. Good in Nature 375 p
detection. Perhaps Schneider has learned from his fellow Stanford 541 (1995). First, Good quotes A. M. Dershowitz, O. J. Simpson de-
doomsayer, Paul Ehrlich, that the public gets a little surly when ones fense team advisor, to the effect that only about a tenth of 1% of batter-
predictions are first unprovable and then demonstrably wrong. ers actually murder their wives. Then Good provides the data and
Thermometers, you see, are devastating these people space-age calculations to show that this statistic also means that, if a woman is
thermometers on satellites that measure the actual temperature of the both battered by her husband and also murdered, the probability that
earth. See, for example, Access to Energy, 22-9, May 1995, p 3. The the husband is the murderer is about 50%.
earth just is not warming up. In fact, it has fortunately been in a slight l Readers Digest for July 1995 includes The Recycling Myth,
cooling fluctuation during the past 15 years. Otherwise, the global pp 105-109 and Can You Trust Those Polls? pp 49-54. The second
warming enviros might already be rationing exhaled human breath. humorous story on page 85 is great, too. The enviros can ignore the
Fingerprints have the advantage that one can play with the truth when published in science journals and professional newsletters,
weighting constants until an effect in the politically correct direction is but they cannot ignore 100 million readers of the Readers Digest.
created. Moreover, public reports can then be laced with pretty graphs l Environmental Implications of Electric Cars by L. B. Lave,
of undefined parameters which the reader is assured have been de- C. T. Hendrickson, and F. C. McMichael in Science 268 pp 993-995
signed by experts. It is hard to fool even a whole language student with (1995) and Pull the Plug by E. Peters in The Free Market 13 No. 7,
a graph of falling temperature and a claim that it is getting warmer. July 1995 pp 3 & 8 published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Auburn, AL 36849-5301, telephone (334) 844-2500. Evaluated on the
STARK RAVING MAD basis of amount of lead released into the air, cost, performance, and
general environmental pollution, electric cars are still inferior to inter-
l The book Whole Language: Whats the Difference by C. Edel- nal combustion engines. We anticipate that this will change. When it
sky, B. Altwerger, and B. Flores p. 19 as quoted in The Blumenfeld does, the free market will tell us not government bureaucrats.
Education Letter, P. O. Box 45161, Boise, ID 83711, states:
From a whole language perspective, reading (and language use in
general) is a process of generating hypotheses in a meaning-making
transaction in a sociohistorical context. As a transactional process Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
(Rosenblatt 1978; Goodman 1984), reading is not a matter of getting Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
the meaning from text, as if that meaning were in the text waiting to $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
be decoded by the reader. Rather, is a matter of readers using the cues $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
print provide and the knowledge they bring with them (of language Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
subsystems, of the world) to construct a unique interpretation. More- 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
AUGUST 1995 (Vol. 22, no. 12) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

War Against Truth

In the 1950s and 1960s, it was popular in America for idealistic European. She stays in North America to love nature as he returns to
youths to speak and think about absolute truth. This pursuit of truth England. Their spirits are, however, united forever, presumably
varied in its nature in accordance with the interests of the individual. along with the talking tree. For more see The Real Pocahontas by
In response to the Biblical message that the universe is orderly, the D. A. Price in The Wall Street Journal, June 13, 1995, p A18.
search for truth blossomed over many centuries to give rise to our The Jamestown settlers, John Smith, and Pocahontas are not the
modern scientific and technical civilization. An ultimately successful most important part of American history, but they were tough, admi-
attack upon that civilization must effectively undermine and root out rable people whose meritorious actions should be remembered as a
our cultural preference for truth. The enemies of reason know this and part of our historical heritage. The truths about them are worth telling.
are doing their best to act accordingly. Why replace these truths with politically correct lies?
See, for example, The Flight from Science and Reason by C. The Cold War was a war against truth lost by the monolithic
H. Sommers the lead editorial in The Wall Street Journal for July, tyrannies, in part because printing presses, radios, and finally comput-
10, 1995, p A12. This is a serious and growing problem. ers destroyed their control over the flow of truth to captive people.
In Access to Energy, we often seek to discredit those who misuse Along with Access to Energy, we inherited the printing press from
science. We present factual evidence that their claims are wrong. We Petr Beckmanns basement on which Zachary and Noah print the
think that we can convince others of the rightness of our statements newsletter. Imagine Petrs joy as he set his own type and printed
because those statements are factual they are true. Unfortunately, truths against the enemies of freedom. In the Czechoslovakia from
there is a major growth industry in America determined to teach our which he escaped, a printing press meant imprisonment and death.
people that truth is not intrinsically meritorious or even does not exist. Freedom is not lost, of course, only by physical enslavement. Peo-
This industry includes the educational establishment (2 million ple can be enslaved physically, economically, intellectually, or emo-
unionized teachers and a vast system of socialized education) which tionally. They can be enslaved by governments or by participation in
is even adopting whole language, a system teaching that there is groups that place the individual in bondage to the group or its leader-
no exact meaning or truth in a written text only subjective cues for ship regardless of how wonderful may be the purposes of the group.
the readers imagination. It also includes elements of the child enter- They can even enslave themselves through ignorance of the truth or
tainment industry. through belief that they personally always know the truth a belief
There is certainly nothing wrong with an anthropomorphic fic- that closes their minds and leaves them slaves of their own errors.
tional account of talking trees and an idealistic Indian maiden created The trend toward decentralization made possible by advances in
for the entertainment of children, even though we might not person- electronics is a great aid to truth. People will always make errors, but,
ally agree with part of the enviro message. There is, however, every- if there are many separate independent individuals and groups, it is
thing wrong with the wholesale alteration of factual history in order unlikely that they will all be in error simultaneously. Somewhere
to buttress this message with an aura of historical accuracy. truth will survive, eventually to triumph by its own strength.
Unable to buy even a hamburger without being immersed in the The enemies of truth still prefer great, all-powerful monolithic
world of Disneys Pocahontas, we did a little additional reading - see, governments where their control of people cannot be challenged.
for example, Encyclopedia Americana of 1908 and references. That control is largely exercised by manipulation of the truth.
By Captain John Smiths personal account of his perils at the Respect and veneration of truth is a value of great importance in
hands of Powhatan, at the minute of my execution she hazarded the the education of students. This value and reliable methods of thought
beating out of her own brains to save mine. While some historians for recognizing and determining truth are far more important than any
have claimed that Smith exaggerated, he was there and they were not. specific body of factual information. This is one reason why mathe-
In any case, it is agreed that this 12-year-old Indian girl was a great matics is an excellent core curriculum for all students. It is very diffi-
and perhaps critical help to the survival of the colony at Jamestown. cult (although not impossible, as our tax-financed schools have
Captain Smith was, however, a married man (his wife died at shown) to teach mathematics without teaching rigorous truth.
Jamestown) who was 27 years old when Pocahontas was 12. Poca- We must never forget that past civilizations which went horribly
hontas married John Rolfe when she was 18, converted to Christian- wrong such as the later years of Rome, the Inquisitions of the Mid-
ity, went to England at the age of 21 (where she was called Lady dle Ages, or the Nazis of Germany were made up of people just like
Rebecca after her baptismal name), and died at the age of 22. us. They came under the control of lies lies that have a fundamental
Disney portrays a world of noble savages pitted against evil Euro- appeal to certain negative aspects of human nature.
peans interested only in digging for gold. Gone are the deprivations of We are not different or superior because we now have the fruits of
survival in the New World that killed half the colony. These Disney science and technology. If we lose our respect for truth whether in
Europeans have plenty to eat as they rape the land and murder Indi- history, in economics, in politics, or in science then we will prob-
ans. Smiths fictional love affair with Pocahontas (portrayed as an ably succumb to the baser aspects of our nature. One need look no
episode that would probably have gotten them both killed by their farther than a history or environmental studies course at the local so-
actual peers of the time) causes him to reform, only to be shot by a cialized school to see how precarious our position has become.

advantage in information access time, this advantage can be substi-

GAINING AND LOSING IT tuted for productive work. Unfortunately for them, rapid technologi-
cal change is giving everyone fast access to information and
As data storage and transmission advance, our access to knowledge undermining their advantage. Productive work is better security.
is rapidly increasing. Most people are thinking of these new capabili- In addition to access to information, the new technology is
ties as access to information, which they define as very recent data bringing better access to knowledge, the accumulated wisdom of sev-
with special time value. Some even think that, if they can maintain an eral thousand years of recorded human history and inquiry.
One CD-ROM can now hold image files of about 25 books or text
files of about 500 books. Image files are better because they preserve
the typesetters art, figures, and the format preferred by the author.
Text file methods for accurately preserving these images are, however,
improving. New CD-ROMs with five times greater capacity are ex-
pected soon, and those with fifty times greater capacity are probably
not far way. These will make possible 25,000 books on a CD-ROM
if the CD-ROM itself is not obsolete by then. We are approaching a
time when a copy of the Library of Congress or the National Library of
Medicine could be sold in a box at your local discount store.
It will be a major undertaking to scan all of the pages in these librar-
ies, but scanners are improving. Even with current scanners, this could Figure 1
certainly be done. Image files can be preserved, while current optical
character recognition programs can link these images to full-text
search with 95% or better reliability. There are, however, two ways in
which we risk losing some of this knowledge while gaining the rest.
First, recorded knowledge can be lost when recording methods
change. This process once took hundreds or even thousands of years as
languages changed and sometimes were lost. Now, the process has
speeded up. Carl Boehme, professor of electrical engineering here at
the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, recently resurrected and
repaired an old DEC PDP-11 computer system in order to recover
some essential computer programs and other knowledge that had been
recorded on DEC Tape 15 years earlier. Had he not been able to per-
form electronic archaeology, this knowledge might have been lost.
We cannot read many of the writings of Julius Caesar because all
copies were lost. Copies require work. Our rapidly changing recording
methods require that copies be made more and more frequently. This
effort may not be made for knowledge of little current interest. Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006-3708, is about the wonderful nu-
Second, the effort of copying may not be made when legal impedi- clear power plants being built in Asia by French industry, since com-
ments stand in the way. Copyright law is currently creating a memory petition from American industry is inhibited by our government.
hole for knowledge published during the past 50 to 75 years. Opinions Why are all these people so shortsighted? Why are they not joining
vary on how old a document must be before its copyright expires the people of California and building windmills instead? (California
and, regardless of which opinion one adopts, time and resources are has 90% of U.S. wind generation installed capacity.)
required to enforce that opinion. Imagine the problem of scanning and Energy Choices in a Competitive Era The Role of Renewable
distributing a library including several hundred thousand books that and Traditional Energy Resources in Americas Electric Generation
may still have enforceable copyrights. Mix, April 1995, Center for Energy and Economic Development,
For our home-school curriculum, we want to recommend some 1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 370, Alexandria, VA 22314, answers this.
very excellent science texts and other materials that have been publish- U.S. electrical usage has doubled in the past 25 years. Currently
ed in recent decades. These are, however, out of print but still in copy- only 2% of that electricity is from renewable sources. (They do not
right. Where permission can be obtained, we scan them, but often count breeder reactors and, anyway, we are not allowed to have any.)
permission will not be given. For our small project, we are using sub- Of that 2%, 70% is actually from combustion of biomass and waste.
stitutes. For large projects, however, such as the computerization and The CEED study (ask for the full report not just the executive sum-
dissemination of great libraries, recent materials will just be passed mary) estimates that, under free market competition, this 2% would
over and many may eventually be lost forever. drop to 1% by the year 2010. They further estimate that it could be
If bureaucratic costs and legal stumbling blocks can be removed, raised to 4% by 2010 with about $50 billion in tax-financed subsidies
large projects for the computerization of human knowledge can sweep and to 11% by 2010 with about $200 billion in subsidies. Moreover,
everything into modern storage media and keep updating these media. these increases would primarily replace natural gas, which is so plenti-
Sure, it is not all worth keeping, but there is no human or machine ca- ful that it is almost limitless in supply and which has a lower environ-
pable of deciding what should be thrown away. We are arriving at a mental impact than the renewable sources.
wonderful time in which we can stop losing knowledge and can dis- Figures 1 and 2 are from the CEED report. Figure 1 shows total US
seminate that knowledge throughout our civilization. renewable capacity as compared to that of individual nuclear and coal-


We are forever hearing that American dependence upon hydrocar-

bon combustion and nuclear power must give way to renewable en-
ergy sources in the New Age. Now, global elitists are even Figure 2
peddling this nonsense to emerging underdeveloped nations who like
the notion even less because their futures depend upon inexpensive,
abundant energy. The Asian response is summarized in China:
Ready for more nuclear power by S. Rippon, Nuclear News, 38, No.
8, pp 32-33 (1995) and Energy-Hungry, Asia Embraces Nuclear
Power by P. Shenon, The New York Times, April 23, 1995, p 4E.
If we cannot build nuclear power plants in the United States, we can
at least build them elsewhere right? Wrong. No Sale: U.S. Compa-
nies Lose Business to Export Controls, in Nuclear Energy Insight,
May 1995, pp 3-4, published by Nuclear Energy Institute, 1776 I
fired plants. Figure 2 gives the cost of hydrocarbon fuels, which is rience in the Robinson household, however, has been that a home
steadily decreasing. Air pollution emissions from coal plants have school works very well when the children are self-taught with good
fallen by 50-fold since 1970, so the competition is between coal, natu- books, lesson plans, and study environment, and with very little paren-
ral gas, and nuclear power. Renewables are not even in the game. tal involvement. For two years, we have been working to produce ma-
We admit that we would like to see a ten-fold drop in photovoltaic terials on CD-ROM that would enable other families to do more easily
cell costs, because this could decentralize home electricity supply and what the children here have done and to improve our own school.
enhance individual freedom. This is not available now, however, and, Version 1.0 of this effort is now finished and is comprised of sets of
if it were, it could still not supply the needs of American industry. six CD-ROMs. The six CD-ROMs contain image files of over 50,000
pages from books of history, economics, and general literature that we
GENDER AND MATHEMATICS ABILITY recommend. If the family does not have a particular book, included
software allows them to print one that is identical to the original. Also
In 1960, James Bonner included in his introductory biology lectures included are a few special reading and vocabulary examinations, a de-
at Caltech a section about the width of the distribution functions of tailed description of our curriculum, and recommendations of other
mental ability in men and women. Men, he said, have wider distribu- books to buy. These materials are for children of ages 5 to 18.
tion functions than women. There are more men of unusually high This is Version 1.0 and is quite useful. (It requires Microsoft Win-
ability and more of unusually low ability. It was hypothesized that this dows, a 386 or higher, and 4 MB of memory.) This curriculum needs,
might be caused by factors on the X chromosome which affect intelli- however, another 100,000 pages of books and a great many more ex-
gence. With two X chromosomes, an averaging of the two could occur aminations. Therefore, we are selling the 6 CD-ROMs for $95 per set
in women and not in men. This would lead to lower variation. postage paid. Profits will be used to expand the curriculum. Families
Since then, this has become a politically incorrect research subject. who cannot afford $95 can buy the set at a lower price. Version 1.0
It has not, however, been completely buried. This year, the College was made possible by donations, by earnings from Access to Energy,
Board SAT math exam was made easier in order to reduce gender and by the volunteer help of many friends. We will start shipping these
bias, the tendency for boys to have higher math scores than girls (see sets in mid August. Orders should be sent to the Oregon Institute of
Access to Energy 21-7, p 1). Now, with perestroika spreading even to Science and Medicine, P.O. Box 1279, Cave Junction, OR 97523.
affirmative action, this subject, too, is climbing out of its hiding places.
Sex Differences in Mental Test Scores, Variability, and Numbers
of High-Scoring Individuals by Larry V. Hedges and Amy Nowell in
Science 269, pp 41-45 (1995), combines six studies of over 200,000
individuals. They find that although average sex differences have
been generally small and stable over time, the test scores of males con-
sistently have larger variance. Except in tests of reading comprehen-
sion, perceptual speed, and associative memory, males typically
outnumber females substantially among high-scoring individuals.
This effect is especially pronounced in math. One study of 73,425
individual math scores found male/female ratios of 1.3 for the top
10%, 1.5 for the top 5%, 2.1 for the top 3%, and 7.0 for the top 1%.
This would be enough to cause the observed differences in average
SAT scores because low-scoring individuals do not take the test.
Since these distribution functions are mostly overlapping, this result
says nothing at all about the abilities of each individual or of small Figure 3
groups of individuals. (For example, women can be found as the top
people in specialized research fields including those requiring ex-
traordinary math skills.) It also says nothing about education through
age 18, since there is no need to be in these top percentages to learn CANCER AND NUCLEAR POWER
basic skills and facts. It suggests, however, that politically correct ef-
forts to eliminate differences in the averages of large numbers of indi- Pages 1-4 of the July 1995 Health Physics Society Newsletter avail-
viduals (such as the SAT change) are misguided. able from HPS, 1313 Dolley Madison Boulevard, Suite 402, McLean,
VA 22101 answer, by means of a March 1995 Minnesota Department
SELF-TEACHING HOME SCHOOL of Health Study, the 1994 Ernest Sternglass claim that breast cancer
mortality is higher near Minnesota nuclear power plants. As expected
In order to be intellectually free, each individual must have the abil- from numerous other studies and from the lack of any known physical
ity to think and have sufficient knowledge about the world around him phenomenon that could cause this alleged increase, no increase in
as a basis for thought. In this age of science and technology, these men- breast cancer (or in several other cancers also studied) was found.
tal tools for productive thought should be obtained early and reinforced Sternglass manufactured his increase by selecting some, but not all,
throughout life. Hundreds of thousands of American families have of the counties near the plants. This selection was for those that had an
now decided that their childrens educations are too important to be left upward fluctuation of breast cancer incidence during the period imme-
to socialism they are home schooling. diately before his press conference. They were fluctuating up from a
Figure 3, from One Parents Experience with Home Schooling lower than usual incidence back to the historical average incidence.
by Barry Brooks in National Minority Politics, 7, No. 6, June 1995, Fluctuations of averages of small numbers of individuals are larger
available from 5757 Westheimer Road, Suite 3-296, Houston, TX than for large numbers, so Sternglass had a historical range of between
77057-9764, shows an economic profile of these families. This article 20 and 34 deaths per 100,000 to work with while he dishonestly cre-
is also illustrative of the growing awareness among black Americans ated his nonexistent correlation.
that true freedom from intellectual slavery is better obtained through By contrast, Prevalence of Lens Changes in Ukranian Children
home education than through tax-financed, socialized schools. Residing Around Chernobyl by R. Day, M. B. Gorin, and A. W. El-
One impediment to the home-school movement has been the per- ler in Health Physics 68, pp 632-642 reports an increase from 1.1%
ceived need for a parent in the home with sufficient time to be a (control population) to 3.6% in detectable eye lens abnormalities for
teacher. This is particularly a problem among lower income Americans children living in the most heavily contaminated zone near the Cher-
who are currently less likely to have such a parent. Our personal expe- nobyl power plants. This is not cancer but it is honest science.
of $21,760 in taxes for every household in the nation.
INTERNET CONNECTIONS Imagine the effects of shutting down all except the essentials of the
national defense and court systems, freeing America of bureaucratic
The Access to Energy editor now has an E-Mail address: regulators, and ending the theft of at least $15,000 in average annual
art@ZWR.OISM.ORG per family purchasing power from the American people. Then we
We also have a World Wide Web site at OISM.ORG which will would really see the enormous productive power of free enterprise.
require some time to become useful. Our near-term goals are to make l Dr. C. Fountain writes that Green groups in the US are threaten-
available our civil defense publications; our publications on home ing legal action over a move by the US government to remove 3 spe-
schooling (except book image files which would require too much cies of kangaroos, the red, eastern gray, and western gray, from the
time for users to download); back issues of Access to Energy (not cur- endangered species list. Roos on the danger list, say US greens by
rent, since we must stay in business and not before September 1993, P. Wilson and S. Hornsburgh in The Australian of 3/10/95 quotes an
which are a source of income for Mrs. Beckmann); and professional Australian National Conservation Agency spokesman I dont know
publications by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine faculty. what theyre talking about. It sounds like someones got their wires
This will be a slow process as ZWR also has a full load of college crossed. Their population is four times what it was when Captain Cook
work beginning in September 1995, but the site should eventually be- landed. [The kangaroo] would have to be one of the most common
come quite useful. Now, we are designing our home page. mammals in the world theres literally millions of them.
l EcoKids: New Automatons on the Block by Jo Kwong in The
SMOKE AND MIRRORS Freeman, March 1995, pp 155-159 chronicles the new use that enviros
have found for children brainwashing them in the socialized schools
The mirrors in the solar power field near Barstow, California, are into fearful, unthinking opponents of technology. This article is hilari-
not working as well as they might, operators say, because the atmos- ous until one realizes that American children actually believe this
phere still contains smoke from the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the propaganda. Meanwhile Lessons in Hypocrisy by D. P. Doyle in
Philippines four years ago. It happens, also, that 20% of the mirrors are The Wall Street Journal, June 13, p A18, gives the percentages of pub-
broken. None of this is, however, stopping Southern California Edison lic school teachers sending their children to private schools in Boston,
from paying five times the market price (15 cents/KwH vs. 3 Chicago, and San Francisco as 44.6%, 36.3%, and 36.7% respectively.
cents/KwH) for electricity from this field and passing the extra $800
million annual cost along in higher bills to its customers.
The Public Policy Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, accord-
ing to The Wall Street Journal, May 17, 1995, pp A1 & A8 article by J. l But is it True? A Citizens Guide to Environmental Health and
Bailey, entitled Carter-Era Law Keeps Price of Electricity Up In Safety Issues by Aaron Wildavsky, Harvard University Press (1995).
Spite of a Surplus, requires that $37 billion be paid by U. S. electric- Professor Wildavsky makes a final effort (published after his death) to
ity consumers through the year 2000 above ordinary market prices. protect us from the nonscience in our political environment.
This act subsidizes alternative energy. l Environmental Gore: A Constructive Response to Earth In the
In the nearby California wind farms, turbine blades have Balance edited by J. Baden and published by the Pacific Research In-
chewed up 78 golden eagles during the past two years. (Meanwhile in stitute. Also read the review of this book by J. Morris, Nature 375 pp
Florida, concern for the lives of two woodpeckers stopped a launch of 115-116 (1995). Bookstores in the U. S. National Parks have been fea-
the space shuttle.) At least, most of the windmills are still spinning. turing Algores handbook of fictional horrors if only they would put
The manure-burning power plant in El Centro, California has com- this new book on the shelves beside it.
pletely stopped. It is plugged with manure that refuses to burn. l T-Cells and C-Notes by Tom Bethell, The American Specta-
tor, April 1995, pp 16 & 18. This summarizes the vast, inbred tax-fi-
LOCAL POLLUTION nanced HIV and AIDS industry that feeds upon human suffering.
l Peer-Review Panel Rejects EPAs Dioxin Reassessment,
While propaganda from national and international enviro leaders is EPA Watch 4, No. 10, pp 1-2, May 1995, available from EPA Watch,
the usual focus of attention and debate, it is also interesting to watch 14140-L Parke Long Court, Chantilly, VA 22021. See also, Cleaning
their foot soldiers in action. In response to a local newspaper article Up EPAs Dioxin Mess by K. E. Kelly, The Wall Street Journal,
favorably reporting the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness meeting that June 29, 1995, editorial page. EPA is using a no-threshold dioxin
we are cosponsoring here August 4-6, the following advertisement is model. A panel of scientists formed by the Environmental Protection
being posted around town by local enviros: Agencys own Science Advisory Board rejected this model and EPAs
DOCTORS OF DEATH IN THE ILLINOIS VALLEY? further efforts to demonize the current U. S. environmental levels of
FACT OR FICTION? O.I.S.M. Research uses high voltage dioxin most of which do not originate from human activity.
power, biological suits, viruses, animal tests, chemical storage, and l Currency Debasement: Its Effect On the World Economy by the
......... what else? Is the Illinois Valley a base for secret government Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education, 211 East
funding of biological warfare? Why white suits with hoods? What are 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017-4707. They point out that currency
in the big tanks? (sic) Why 20,000 watts of power? debasement decreases the time span over which investors are willing to
ARE WE THE LAB RATS? What protection do we have from take risks. This is especially damaging to scientific research.
accidental pollution to air and water caused by testing & research by l Thomas Jeffersons Sophisticated, Radical Vision of Liberty
O.I.S.M? Who funds nonprofit biochemistry research? Have any of by Jim Powell in The Freeman 45, pp 467-471 (1995) available from
these people done anything to give us a safer world to live in? (This The Foundation for Economic Education, 30 South Broadway, Irv-
last sentence points with an arrow to a list of DDP meeting speakers.) ington-on-Hudson, NY 10533. These thoughts should be reread often.
We admit to a 20,000 watt line the power rating for a normal
household line. We wish we could afford the machinery to use more.

STARK RAVING MAD Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
l The Wall Street Journal, May 10, 1995, p 1 reports that Tax $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
collections are likely to climb 5.7% this year, the Tax Foundation esti- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
mates. In a report to be issued soon, the Washington-based research Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
group says federal, state, and local governments will collect an average 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 1995 (Vol. 23, no. 1) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

All readers of Access to Energy are entirely truthful right? Well, ding the remaining credibility of the current American President. If
at least we all try to be where impersonal scientific facts are con- the truth is so bad that it must be hidden, then we need another Presi-
cerned. Science requires not only the truth, but also the whole truth. It dent. If it is not, then we need the truth, so that the President can do
is forbidden to omit consideration of any data, especially data that his job in an atmosphere of trust and confidence.
might reflect upon the accuracy of a particular hypothesis or theory. In fact, experienced people usually watch for signs of secretive-
Human affairs, however, are much more complicated, particularly ness as a negative measure of veracity and also as a measure of mind-
where the whole truth with no omissions is concerned. I still recall set. If a person or group is secretive, it is reasonably probable that
a dinner at a Chinese restaurant with a young lady whom I dated dur- they view those to whom they are secretive as enemies or potential
ing graduate school. There was some difficulty which the idealistic enemies. Privacy is, of course, an entirely different matter. Privacy is
student was certain could be resolved if all relevant facts, thoughts, a valuable and enjoyable benefit of freedom. Secrecy is manipulative.
and feelings were entirely and openly expressed and discussed. I bus- Sensible application of secrecy (and even overt dishonesty) in
ied myself during the dinner in putting this theory into practice. I do combat with an enemy requires the wisdom to determine whether or
not remember the specifics of the issues or discussion, but I have not the secrecy is actually beneficial whether it does more harm to
never forgotten the fortune cookie that I opened at the end of that din- ones enemy than it does to ones allies. In retrospect, regarding the
ner. It said, Young man who is open book is soon on shelf. international contests in nuclear weapons development, it is highly
A good rule of truthfulness in human affairs is to try to never probable that Edward Teller was right. Secrecy about nuclear tech-
knowingly leave another individual with an impression that is funda- nology has been counterproductive.
mentally different than he would have if he knew all of the facts, par- As nuclear, chemical, and biological technology has advanced and
ticularly regarding a subject that you know is important to him. This knowledge has become more widespread, however, all decent people
avoids the common practice of literally correct lying by double-en- face an increasing danger from an old enemy terrorism. With cur-
tendre and by deliberate falsehoods of omission. rent technology, terrorists can threaten or destroy the lives of very
A better rule is absolute candor in all matters if you are able to large numbers of people. Moreover, successful terrorist attacks of
take the heat. I have a friend who is greatly admired for his many fine large magnitude could damage all of our lives by means of the dimi-
attributes of character of which one is total candor. In a draft of a nution of our freedom that might take place in reaction to such acts.
book, he wrote that his wife is the second smartest woman he has ever Terrorists are always our enemies. Press spinmeisters use words
met. She reacted with good humor, but the risks are clear. such as freedom fighters and insurgents for the leftists and re-
On the other hand, overt lying and secrecy are generally accepted serve terrorists or right wing extremists for the rightists. We
as permissible when in combat with an enemy. I once caused the cap- wonder what euphemisms would have emerged if the suspects in
ture of a burglar and the loot from several robberies in San Diego by Oklahoma City had called themselves environmentalists.
lying to the burglar in a back alley at 2:00 am. I convinced the fellow Every person, given special circumstances and potential mental
that I, too was being chased by the police. In fact, the police and I instability, is a potential terrorist, but the risk that any single individ-
were both chasing him. Jeff Cooper would have done this more hon- ual will commit a terrorist act is very, very small. How far can we go,
orably, but then I did not have his skills or equipment available. therefore, in describing the details or even the general potentialities of
War between nations usually involves a great amount of secrecy terrorist acts without raising the risk of those acts? Conversely, in a
and disinformation. Nuclear weapons development during World free society, how will we ever raise awareness of this risk high
War II and during the Cold War included much deliberate dishonesty enough to stimulate reasonable protective measures if we do not dis-
and secrecy. This stimulated a substantial debate. Edward Teller has, cuss the potential acts? Wisdom dictates that we balance the chance
for decades, consistently argued against this secrecy. that each discussion will lead to protective measures vs. the chance
Nuclear secrecy deprived most American scientists of the infor- that it will enhance the daydreams of a twisted mind. After all, five
mation needed to contribute their own talents to the defense of their decades of open discussion of the risk of nuclear war have failed to
country. It also left most Americans uninformed of the facts needed stimulate realistic American civil defense.
to prudently evaluate their countrys policies toward nuclear weap- As a countermeasure to terrorism, we might try national publicity
ons, civil defense, and even nuclear power development. It has been and well-publicized conferences concerning terrible weapons for ter-
convincingly argued that these effects of secrecy did far more harm rorism mythical weapons that will not work. This would, however,
than good to the United States especially since our totalitarian op- probably just fool our friends and not the terrorists.
ponents managed to learn our secrets anyway. Secrecy was really We do not claim to know whether or how much public discussion
only effective against honest, patriotic Americans. of potential terrorist weapons and actions should be restricted. Se-
Incomplete knowledge of matters of crucial public importance is crecy and dishonesty are justified when in mortal combat with an en-
inherently dangerous to a free society even regarding issues less spec- emy. Sometimes they are counterproductive. Terrorists dangerous
tacular than nuclear weapons. At present, for example, suspicion and and difficult to deter enemies of us all may constitute a case in
distrust concerning numerous semi-secret events is completely shred- which wise use of secrecy is the best course.

to increasing levels of greenhouse gases and sulfate aerosols by

TEMPERATURE Mitchell, et al in Nature 376 p 501 (1995), for an effort to blame their
troubles on cooling from sulfate aerosols) it is useful to review
As we watch the the global warming gurus presently impaled briefly the definition and simpler properties of atmospheric tempera-
upon their thermometers and writhing unhappily in an atmosphere ture. The earths atmosphere is primarily a diatomic gas. Of each
where the temperature just refuses to go up (see, for examples, Access 10,000 atmospheric molecules at sea level, about 7,708 are nitrogen
to Energy Vol. 22, No. 9, p 3, for temperatures and Climate response (N2), 2,075 are oxygen (O2), 120 are water (H2O), 93 are argon (Ar),
and 3 to 4 are carbon dioxide (CO2). This assumes certain standard
and typical conditions (see International Critical Tables 1, p 393,
1926). There are also traces of neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen, xe-
non, ozone, radon, and other gases (see CRC Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics). These values change with altitude primarily by de-
creases in H2O, O2, and Ar and increases in hydrogen (H2) and N2.
Most atmospheric molecules (N2, O2, and H2) are diatomic, mean-
ing that each contains two atoms joined by a chemical bond. O2 mole-
cules are about 4 angstroms or 4x10-8 centimeters long. Lined up end
to end, there would be about 60 million O2 molecules per inch.
The temperature of a gas such as the atmosphere is defined as
the mean (average) kinetic energy of the molecules in that gas. Figure 1
The kinetic energy of an object (whether of an airplane full of envi-
ros winging their way to another meeting about the immorality of en-
ergy use or of a single molecule innocently bouncing around in your
breath) is one-half its mass times its velocity squared ( E = 1/2mv2 ).
For a monatomic gas with only only one atom in each unit, the ki-
netic energy arises only from translational motion movement of the
atom from place to place in three dimensions. For a diatomic molecule,
additional motions are possible. These are rotational motion the two arises here as 1.0 units from thermal expansion; 1.5 from translational
atoms in the molecule spin about their mutual center of mass and energy; 1.0 from rotational energy; and 1.0 from vibrational energy.)
vibrational motion the two atoms vibrate back and forth by stretching The problem was that Maxwell and his colleagues did not have ac-
and compressing the chemical bond that holds them together. (Imagine cess to quantum mechanics because it had not yet been discovered.
the molecule as a tiny barbell suspended by a string from the bar be- Figures 2 and 3 show the quantum mechanical explanation that now
tween the two weights. Now, if you hit one of the weights, the barbell allows theoretical calculations to agree with experiment. These figures
rotates. If, however, the weights were connected by a spring instead of are from Spectra of Diatomic Molecules by G. Herzberg, p 99 and p
a rod, you could also pull them apart and let go with the result that the 107 (1950), published by D. Van Nostrand Company.
two weights would vibrate in and out with respect to one another.) Figure 2 shows the distances between the H2 atoms in a hydrogen
As heat is added to a gas, that energy must be stored in the gas. The molecule as they vibrate back and forth (horizontal axis) vs. the energy
storage that takes place in the motion of the molecules of a diatomic contained in that vibration (vertical axis). Quantum mechanics shows
gas is in the translational, rotational, and vibrational motions of the that these vibrations can only take place at discrete energies and are not
molecules of that gas. Some molecules can store more heat than others allowed for energies in between these discrete levels. These levels for
with the same velocities of motion because they have more or heavier H2 are labeled 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on in the figure. At high levels, vibra-
atoms or atoms that are more free to move under certain conditions. tion tears the molecule apart as indicated by the gray area at the top.
Looking at this another way, each diatomic molecule has two atoms Until the temperature is sufficiently high to cause some of the hy-
that can move and therefore more degrees of freedom to engage in mo- drogen molecules to vibrate vigorously enough to be in level 1, they all
tions with kinetic energy. The two atoms, however, are bound together must stay in level 0. They cannot, therefore, store additional energy in
and are, therefore, not entirely free. Therefore, it is useful to categorize vibration when at low temperature.
the new potential motions as rotations and vibrations of the molecule. As shown in Figure 3, molecular rotation is also quantized. The first
The more energy that is added to the gas and stored in the gas, the five vibrational levels (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 labeled v) are those in Figure 2.
faster its molecules move and therefore the higher its temperature. Superimposed on each of these, we see the sets of rotational levels al-
For historical reasons, we use temperature scales of degrees Fahren- lowed in each vibrational level. No energy can be stored in rotation
heit (F), Centigrade (C), or Kelvin (K) and varying definitions of until the temperature is high enough to provide energy for the mole-
temperature. These can all be related to average molecular kinetic en- cules to move to the next higher quantized J rotational state above 0.
ergy by appropriate constants and conversion procedures. Returning to Figure 1, we see that H2 is unable to store energy in
The theory of the behavior of gases was conceptualized in the early either vibration or rotation at temperatures between its boiling point
1700s and elegantly worked out by several great theoreticians, culmi- (about 20 K) and 50 K. Above 50 K, H2 gradually accumulates ro-
nating with James Clerk Maxwells classic paper in 1859. These scien-
tists did such careful work that their calculations were mathematically
perfect. So, they should have obtained perfect agreement with experi-
ments on simple gases. Maxwell, however, realized that there was
something wrong with their molecular model because his calculations
of the energy that could be stored in a gas were not in agreement with
actual experimental measurements. Feynman quotes Maxwell as say-
ing ten years later, I have now put before you what I consider to be
the greatest difficulty yet encountered by the molecular theory. (See
Feynman Lectures on Physics by R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and
M. Sands, Volume 1, p 40-9 (1963), published by Addison-Wesley.
To Maxwell and his contemporaries, it appeared that certain mo-
tions of molecules, allowed at high temperatures, became impossible at
lower temperatures. They had no explanation for this effect. The effect
is shown in Figure 1 which is adapted from General Chemistry third
edition by L. Pauling, p 364 (1970), published by W. H. Freeman.
The experimental heat capacities in Figure 1 show perfect agree- Figure 2
ment with the theoretical value of 2.5 for the monatomic gases, He, Ne,
Ar, Kr, and Xe. Only, however, at very high temperatures do the ex-
perimental values for the heat capacity of the diatomic gases reach the
value of 4.5 equivalently calculated by Maxwell. (The heat capacity
tational energy storage which is mostly complete above 400 K, but is
still unable to store energy in vibration. Above 700 K, vibrational en- ISAAC NEWTON
ergy storage begins to become possible for the more energetic H2
molecules. The other diatomic molecules shown in Figure 1 have dif- During the years before his death in August 1995, Nobel prize-win-
ferent curves because their atoms have different masses and chemical ning astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar worked through the
bonding ability, so their quantum levels have different spacings. mathematical propositions in Isaac Newtons Principia and formulated
Different individual molecules in the same gas can have differing them into a book entitled Newtons Principia for the Common Reader
energy contents at different times. The actual detailed theory calculates by S. Chandrasekhar (1995), Oxford University Press. This is re-
distribution functions for the different energy configurations. These viewed by D. Hughes in On the shoulders of giants, Nature 376, p
functions give the indicated overall results. 395 (1995). The Principia is entirely unchallenged as the greatest sci-
The O2 and N2 (and, at high altitude, H2) which comprise most at- entific achievement in history.
mospheric molecules have quantum levels such that, at ordinary tem- Even sciences greatest theoretician, however, required his theories
peratures of 0 C to 100 C (32 F to 212 F or 273 K to 373 K), to conform to experiment. Newton is quoted in Science 255, p 693
additional rotational energy can be stored but vibrational energy can- (1991) as saying, about his work on pendulums and inertial and gravi-
not. Too few molecules are able to reach energies high enough to oc- tational mass, I tried the thing in gold, silver, lead, glass, sand, com-
cupy the first vibrational level above the 0 state. mon salt, wood, water, and wheat. I provided two equal wooden boxes.
As our atmosphere warms and cools, therefore, the diatomic mole- I filled the one with wood, and suspended an equal weight of gold (ex-
cules of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen and the atoms of argon store actly as I could) in the center of oscillation of the other. The boxes,
and release heat energy by increasing or decreasing their average trans- hung by equal threads of 11 feet, made a couple of pendulums per-
lational velocities. In addition, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen are able fectly equal in weight and figure, and equally exposed to the resistance
to store energy by increasing their rates of rotation. At ordinary tem- of air: and, placing the one by the other, I observed them to play to-
gether forwards and backwards for a long while, with equal vibrations.
And therefore the quantity of matter [inertial mass] in the gold was to
Figure 3 the quantity of matter in the wood as the action of the motive force
[gravitational mass] upon all the gold to the action of the same upon all
the wood; that is, as the weight of the one to the weight of the other.
When Newton invented the reflecting telescope, he first built a
brick oven. In that oven he carried out metallurgical experiments to
formulate the composition of the mirror. Then he made the mirror with
which he constructed the telescope. Technology has changed, but this
is still the sort of activity that characterizes real scientists in 1995.
Compare this with the nitwitted, tax-funded apparitions, hands un-
sullied by honest work, who appear at press conferences today to howl
that the skys ozone is falling and its temperature is rising when the
experimental data shows that both are only fluctuating in a normal way
and neither has changed significantly.

peratures, however, increases in molecular vibration do not take place.
Energy transfer to atmospheric molecules occurs primarily by colli- Electromagnetic Fields from Utility Power Lines and Salem
sions between those molecules and the molecules of warmer bodies Witchcraft by H. E. Payne has been published in several places and is
and by absorption of energy from electromagnetic radiation. available from Payne Engineering, Rt. 29 Rocky Step Road, Scott De-
As you read, you cannot see the tiny diatomic benefactors in the air pot, WV 25560. The magnetic field in milligauss of a straight electric
between your eyes and this page. If they were not there, however, tire- wire is equal to 6.6 times the electric current in the wire in amperes
lessly bumping into your body and storing and releasing energy by in- divided by the distance from the wire in feet. For reference, Payne
creasing or decreasing their rates of translational and rotational motion, gives the usual human exposure to the earths magnetic field as about
you would be immediately uncomfortable and soon dead. 500 milligauss. This exposure is continuous, 24 hours each day.
In these few words, we can communicate only a little about the sub- The magnetic field depends upon the amount of current flowing
ject of energy storage in atmospheric gases and the measure of that through the wire regardless of whether the voltage is high or low. High
storage which is called temperature. This is, however, a very beau- voltage is used in power lines in order to pass more energy through a
tiful and exact part of physical science. If you know a student 16 years wire of minimum diameter, but it is the current that determines the
of age or older to whom you wish to give a lasting gift, get copies of magnetic field strength. As an example, Payne uses a high voltage
the three books listed above (as sources for Figures 1 to 3) from your power line 300 feet from a home and transmitting 300 amperes of cur-
library or from interlibrary loan and suggest that he study these books rent. This would result in a field in the home of about 7 milligauss.
until he understands this subject and all of its associated mathematics. Conversely, the low voltage wiring in the house itself, assuming 30
Notice three things. First, as complicated as this simplified explana- amperes on average 24 hours per day and wires averaging 10 feet from
tion may sound, it is childs play in comparison with understanding the the occupants, exposes them to about 20 milligauss. During high expo-
atmosphere of the whole earth an ability the global warming industry sure periods, such as working 5 feet from the wiring of a 40 ampere
falsely claims to have acquired. Second, Maxwell insisted that theory electric range, this rises to about 50 milligauss. All of these magnetic
agree with experiment if theory were to be considered correct. Global fields are small with respect to the earths field. Also, even in a house
warming calculations have a common characteristic they do not near a high voltage transmission line, most of the exposure comes from
agree with experiment because they fail to agree with measured atmos- the wiring of the house itself and it appliances.
pheric temperatures. These calculations are fundamentally flawed and Little is known about the biological effects of magnetic fields. Since
cannot be corrected with fudge factors designed to give a politically these fields are weak in comparison with molecular forces, it is be-
desirable answer. Third, we are very fortunate to live at a time when lieved that the biological effects are small. If they are affected, how-
the world that surrounds us has been enhanced by science. In previous ever, biological systems must function in the usual environmental
times, people lived out their entire lives without ever having an oppor- magnetic field. This field comes from the earth and, except in unusual
tunity to know about and enjoy the truth about the air around them. locations, is not increased appreciably by human activities.


Access to Energy keeps reviewing the facts about the enviro scams l The Wall Street Journal, August 23, (1995) p A10 reports that a
that falsely allege global warming, ozone destruction, forest depletion, new calendar put out by the 241,000 member tax-financed California
and whatever else is politically correct. Our back issues and good read- Teachers Association, the largest affiliate of the National Education
ing recommendations already contain more than enough information Association, includes the following holidays: Womens Equality Day,
to discredit these claims. Why, however, do mediocre scientists keep Hispanic Heritage Month, International Day of Peace in Education,
repeating these myths? Why, also, are most good scientists silent about American Indian Day, National Coming Out Day, United Nations
them? Moreover, what is the scientific community going to do as fur- Day, Kwanza (an African-American harvest celebration), International
ther research accumulates to show that these myths which it promoted Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, the anniversary of Wounded
or at least tolerated are deliberate falsehoods? Knee, Nirvana Day, Asian/Pacific Heritage Month, and the anniver-
Three recent articles help to answer these questions. sary of the Stonewall Rebellion (when New York homosexuals rose
No: Doomsayers are just trying to scare money out of the govern- against police in 1969). Not included on the calendar are Christmas,
ment by S. Fred Singer, Insight, September 4 (1995) pp 19-21 re- Independence Day, and Labor Day.
views some of the dishonesty in the global warming industry and Tens of thousands of refugees from California have been pouring
correctly links this behavior with the current $2.1 billion annual U. S. over the Oregon border each year. Unfortunately, those hoping for bet-
tax-financed expenditure for global-change research. There is big ter from socialism in education in Oregon are going to be disappointed.
money in global lies, and a surplus of people willing to tell whatever l E. B. Dunckel sends four infamous ravings worth repeating:
lies are necessary to continue receiving that money money that is Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It
taken by force or threat of force from the men and women who earned would be little short of disastrous for us to discover the source of clean,
it. Also, there is a surplus of government bureaucrats and politicians cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.
who are are happy to do the taking as long as they receive a portion of Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute.
the loot (and the prestige and lifestyle that it buys) as it goes past. We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capital-
Peer Review After the Big Crunch by David Goodstein, Ameri- ists and their projects . . . We must reclaim the roads and the plowed
can Scientist 83, September-October (1995) pp 401-402 discusses land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled
some of the pressures that have caused an increase in dishonesty in sci- rivers and return to wilderness millions and tens of millions of acres of
ence with special reference to breakdown of the peer review system. presently settled land. David Foreman, Earth First!
David Goodstein is vice provost and professor of physics at Caltech People are the cause of all the problems; we have too many of
and one author of the two physics texts we have been recommending them; we need to get rid of some of them, and this (ban of DDT) is as
for self-teaching home schools (see Verbalize in Access to Energy good a way as any. Charles Wurster, Environmental Defense Fund.
22, No. 10, June 1995 p 1). He points out that the exponential increase Giving society cheap, abundant energy . . . would be the equiva-
in resources for scientific research, which was fed by enormous in- lent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. Paul Ehrlich, Stanford.
creases in tax money during its latter decades, ended about 1970. Since
then, too many people who are in the business of science (we can- GOOD READING
not call the majority of these people real scientists) have been scram-
bling for shares of the static to slightly decreasing amount of money l Rising CO2, A Breath of Life for the Biosphere by Keith E.
available. Increasing numbers of these people are willing to discard Idso, World Climate Review 3, No. 3, pp 8-15 available from Depart-
scientific integrity in order to preserve their place at the trough. ment of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall, University of Virginia,
A Fickle Sun Could Be Altering Earths Climate After All by Charlottesville, VA 22903. Access to Energy has reported many times
Richard A. Kerr, Science 269 (1995) p 633 is illustrative of the sort of about the excellent research of the Idsos and their colleagues. This is a
articles that are starting to appear with respect to everything from good overview of that work. If CO2 were not already rising in the at-
AIDS to ozone. Correctly reviewing a research paper that shows a mosphere, its many environmental benefits would strongly suggest
strong correlation between solar flux and atmospheric pressure (re- that it should be intentionally increased.
member those tiny barbells discussed on pages 2 and 3 which exert l Why Im Running for President by Harry Browne available
more pressure as they get warmer and therefore hit the objects around from 4094 Majestic Lane, Suite 240, Fairfax, VA 22033. Access to En-
them with greater frequency and velocity), Kerr manages to open this ergy is not going to start endorsing candidates, but this libertarian
article, however, with the politically correct and very dishonest state- monograph is worth reading regardless of your presidential preference.
ment, No, theres still little evidence that a brightening sun drove the l For Sale: U.S. Enrichment Corporation in Nuclear Energy In-
last centurys global warming, as some greenhouse skeptics argue. sight, August (1995) pp 1-2 available from 1776 I Street, NW, Suite
Remember, the small increase in global temperatures during the 400, Washington, DC 20006-3708. The government is selling its nu-
past century occurred before the release of most of the dreaded CO2, clear fuel business that supplies 90% of the U.S. and 40% of the world
and no increase at all has been observed in satellite temperature data markets. They want to privatize it, but will they also deregulate it?
for the past 15 years. (See Access to Energy 22-9 p 3. 22-1 pp 1-3, and l Chinas Nukes in The Wall Street Journal of August 24
21-8 p 4.) There is no evidence whatever that increases in greenhouse (1995) p A16. While a large nuclear weapons capability is rising in
gases have caused significant or even measurable increases in global Asia, our government has dismantled our tactical nuclear weapons and
temperatures during the past century. Such warming probably does ex- left us defended only by the suicidal threat of strategic retaliation.
ist, but is apparently of minor importance and not yet measurable, Meanwhile, the administration continues its efforts to gut strategic de-
whereas there is evidence that fluctuations in the sun are important. fense. It is refusing its obligation to provide for our common defense.
The procedure here is, when the truth becomes inescapable, to slip it
into the literature gradually along with repetitions of the original lies. ACCESS TO ENERGY
The taxpayers are supposed to be so busy earning more money for the
tax collectors that they do not notice the shifting argument. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
It is important to realize that many honest scientists are institution- $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
ally trapped into silence on these issues. As soon as a research institu- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
tion, even one with a large endowment of private money, has a for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
significant number of tax-financed people, all of its scientists feel peer Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
pressure to avoid endangering the money of the tax-supported group. of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
OCTOBER 1995 (Vol. 23, no. 2) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

Morality in Medical Science

Fundamental scientific research is not dependent upon morality work. Some people have other goals. They enter research on human
except as regards the behavior of the individual scientists conducting health for fame or notoriety or, much more commonly, because it
it. If they do not conduct their work with scrupulous intellectual hon- provides an easier source of money than other fields.
esty, then that work is likely to fail and to cause the failure of other In a more free society, these self-serving motivations would be
efforts that depend upon it. Also, since good research is an activity beneficial just as they are in any free market of goods and services. In
requiring excellent physical and mental skills, individuals of debased our society, however where most aspects of the development and
habits are less likely to succeed consistently, although many discover- delivery of medical technology are financed or regulated by govern-
ies have been made by such people during brief periods of lucidity or ment bureaucrats and where a vast industry of tort litigation stands
serendipity that are not characteristic of their lives in general. ready to feed upon any irregularity morality is too often ignored.
For those fortunate enough to experience it, fundamental research Brookhaven Prepares for Boron Trials by Andrew Lawler in
is very enjoyable. Outstanding scientists who tend to work nearly Science 267, p 956 (1995), provides an example. Embellished with a
every waking hour of the day are often described as dedicated, de- photo-op picture of energy bureaucrat Hazel OLeary with her
voted, or even married to their work. In fact, most of them are just arm around a recently treated brain cancer patient, this article de-
having so much fun that they are unwilling to stop for less enjoyable scribes a research project to test the use of boron neutron capture ther-
activities. (We are referring here to real scientists not to the granta- apy. A boron compound is administered which concentrates in the
holics who spend vast amounts of time at their desks generating paper brain tumor. A beam of neutrons then activates the compound, mak-
in a never-ending search for more of the tax collectors loot and most ing it radioactive. This kills the tumor.
of the rest of their time rushing to meetings where their activities rein- Brain cancer is very difficult to treat. Efforts to mitigate it with
force this political quest.) neutrons or otherwise have had many failures. Boron neutron capture
When it became clear at age 25 years that I could have a perma- therapy is controversial, but has shown very promising results in
nent laboratory of my own in exchange for a modest amount of teach- some animal and human tests. It is also politically advantageous for
ing, I often thought to myself, This is great. I may never have to those like OLeary who control Brookhavens budget.
work. I am going to get to play all my life, and people are going to Let us assume, in any case, that the Brookhaven boron activation
pay me for it. This reverie became more sophisticated and sub- procedure is ready for a human test. What is the protocol? They plan
sequently led to a moral conclusion that I owed something in return to treat two patients per month for 8 or 9 months. Meanwhile, large
to those who were financing my fun. (I was then still oblivious to the numbers of brain cancer victims with 6 months or less to live are beg-
involuntary nature of their contributions and therefore to the inherent ging to serve as experimental subjects. The facility is capable of treat-
immorality of accepting tax money at all for research except for ing several patients per day. Why reject them? Typical of government
defense research in which I was not engaged.) programs, this experiment appears to involve a few unfortunate vic-
These thoughts led the idealistic young tax recipient to decide that tims surrounded by hoards of self-interested paper shufflers.
he should spend half of his time doing work that was immediately The real scientists would undoubtedly prefer to accumulate data as
applicable to human well-being, so I chose medical research. Medical quickly as possible. Time is crucial in medical research where lost
research turned out to be actual work (not play) and also turned out to time can be measured in lost lives lives that are never recovered.
have moral and political components that are far more difficult to deal Ah, but there are other interests. Food and Drug Administration
with than are scientific experiments. approval was required for these experiments. FDA bureaucrats are re-
Although initial progress can be made in simpler systems, medical warded for never approving anything that might cause criticism for
research ultimately involves experiments on human beings. Humans their superiors, not for saving lives. DOE and the smiling OLeary
are generally the worst experimental animal that one can choose. will be rewarded with photo-ops as long as the program is in pro-
They are inherently complicated in chemistry and biology, subject to gress. They would probably much prefer that any potential failure be
great individual variability, difficult to work with in large numbers, delayed. Brookhaven bureaucrats are paid for work in progress. They
time consuming, almost impossible to control, and not expendable. In have instituted a lottery plan to decide which two individual dying
a single afternoon, one can perform a rigorous experiment on 100,000 patients will be treated each month. This is the greed side. On the fear
brine shrimp. The same experiment, more crudely done, could prob- side, everyone is looking over his shoulder at the lawyers.
ably not be completed on humans in an entire lifetime. All of these wonderful people are being paid large amounts of
Except in certain restricted specialties, one chooses to do research money for their meetings and decisions to make sure that dying
on human beings solely for moral reasons to increase the quality people are not killed by scientists who are trying to save their lives.
and quantity of human life and to diminish the amount of human suf- In a disaster, a morally responsible physician just wades in among
fering. These goals cannot be met by science alone, but science and the victims and tries to help regardless of the ultimate personal conse-
engineering can be a great help. Although the ideals that motivate sci- quences for himself. Medical scientists should behave similarly. Un-
entists to do this sort of work are often different from those of basic fortunately, our society is awash in people who will make sure that
research, they are still ideals that usually are a necessary part of good any such idealistic Samaritans are soundly punished for their efforts.

four months from direct fatalities and perhaps as much as year when
MAGNETIC DEMONS the indirect effects of injury, suffering, and family losses are consid-
ered. Now, we realize that this lost year is minor in comparison with
About every 15 minutes, someone is killed and several others are the enormous loss of life caused by taxation rates that now exceed
injured in auto accidents in the United States, yet our government has $20,000 per family per year think of the increased safety and quality
spent trillions of dollars to build the roads that make this carnage possi- of life that money would buy if it remained in the hands of those who
ble. These accidents shorten the average American life span by about earned it. Still, traffic deaths are a major technological hazard. We do
not, however, hear a clamor to ban automobile transportation. Vari- chemical bonds and is therefore called ionizing radiation. We are con-
ous enviro groups do work to make autos more efficient and lighter in tinually bathed in ionizing radiation resulting from radioactive materi-
weight which promotes the driving of additional dangerous miles als in our bodies and environment and from cosmic radiation so
and increases the likelihood of fatalities when accidents occur. much so that ionizing radiation from nuclear power plants is a negli-
gibly small addition.
In between are the frequencies of the
Figure 1 microwaves that may have cooked your
breakfast by increasing the rotation rate of
the polar molecules such as water in your
food and thereby heating it. (Remember
those little rotators with quantized rota-
tional energy levels that we described in the
September 1995 Access to Energy.) In-
cluded also are the radio and television
electromagnetic waves that bring us word
from the enviros about the evils of electro-
magnetic radiation. (In the 1860s, James
Clerk Maxwell combined the laws of elec-
tricity and magnetism with the laws of the
behavior of light and discovered that a part
of electric and magnetic fields is attenuated
linearly with distance rather than as the
square of the distance. This makes radio
and television communication possible.)
Living things are full of polar particles
and biologically important electric and
magnetic processes, and they do interact
with electromagnetic fields. Ionizing radia-
tion directly changes molecular structures.
In so doing, it causes the beneficial effects
We often wonder what form transportation would have taken with- of hormesis (see, for example, Access to Energy 22-8, p 3, April 1995)
out the vast highway subsidies. In any case, there seems to be a belief and also, if the dose is too great, harmful effects. High frequency radio
among the American people that our motor transportation technology and microwave radiation can cause injuries by heating living tissue.
adds more to their lives than is subtracted by its dangers. This may in Therefore, there are strict safety limits of exposure for consumer mi-
fact be true. Personal transportation has added substantially to individ- crowave devices and even amateur radio transmitters limits that are
ual freedom. Furthermore, that freedom has greatly enhanced the ad- far above ordinary exposure levels.
vance of technology of all sorts, which is largely responsible for the Very low frequency fields are produced by ordinary alternating cur-
increase of 8 years in life expectancy in developed countries since rent electrical devices. Their magnetic fields diminish as the first
1950 (from 66 years to 74 years see The True State of the Planet, power of the distance from a linear source and as the second power of
edited by R. Bailey, Free Press, Simon and Schuster (1995)). the distance from a point source, and, for practical purposes, do not
Technological advance (the increased life expectancy since 1950 in radiate. These magnetic fields are difficult to shield, exert a significant
less developed countries has been 22 years) is critically dependent force on molecules in living things, and have been shown to have nu-
upon the availability of electric power. Without inexpensive electric merous interesting biological properties. Although these effects are
power, world-wide life expectancies would be much lower. Therefore, also caused by non-manmade phenomena such as the magnetic field of
it is to be expected that the antitechnology earth-huggers who wish to the earth, power transmission and use is a substantial contributor.
rid this planet of a substantial fraction of its
people (not including, of course, them-
selves, since a few sensitive and superior
beings must remain to smell the flowers) Figure 2
would attack electric technology by any
means available to them. Among their pre-
ferred demons are the electric and mag-
netic fields that are associated with the
transmission and use of electric power.
The electromagnetic spectrum is very
broad. The low end includes oscillations of
60 Hz (hertz or cycles per second) for the
ordinary power in your wall outlets or even
a fraction of a hertz for the field you will
generate when you turn around to adjust
your reading light and thereby move the
molecules in your body relative to the
earths magnetic field. The high end in the
ranges around 1020 Hz (the total range is of
unknown magnitude) includes the electro-
magnetic radiation emitted from radioac-
tive decay, which is so energetic that it can
tear electrons away from atoms and break
in classrooms were at sites I and J of 3.4 and 3.8 mG. By comparison
with classrooms L and M, which are closer to the power line, we can
see that about half of the magnetic field in rooms I and J comes from
the padmount transformer supplying electricity to the school. Inside
the school rooms, the magnetic field from the high voltage transmis-
sion line varies from an average of 0.4 mG for those rooms farthest
from the line to an average of 1.9 mG for rooms closest to the line.
Aside from electronic equipment inside the office, home, or school,
the greatest exposure to magnetic fields is usually from the local lines
to the structure. As I write this, I may be receiving about 1 mG from
my computer monitor, but I may be receiving as much as 5 mG from
the power line that supplies this building and goes by outside my win-
dow. Figure 3 shows that this is complicated. The power line itself has
two, mostly parallel wires whose fields tend to cancel one another, but
ground loops from other sources can be important.
Figure 4 shows measurements on city streets in Alexandria, Vir-
Figure 3 ginia. As the distance from the electric power substation on Union
Street increases, magnetic fields decrease, since there is less current in
The magnetic field of the earth is about 500 milliGauss (mG) at the the transmission lines. However, peaks of magnetic field scattered
surface. This includes small oscillating fields, but is largely static. The through the pattern show fields arising from other sources. These 5 to
earth is also a spherical capacitor continuously being charged by light- 10 mG peaks are comparable to power line fields in much of the grid.
ning (about 100 strokes per second worldwide) and discharging with a
time constant of about 18 seconds. The resulting electric field at the
surface is about 100 volts per meter of height. (See F. S. Barnes, In-
teraction of DC Electric Fields with Living Matter in CRC Handbook
of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, pp 99-119 (1986).)
A changing magnetic field exerts a force on electrically charged
bodies within the field. A charged body moving through a static mag-
netic field also experiences a force. The charged substances in a human
body are, therefore, coupled to static and oscillating magnetic fields.
For example, if you turn completely around at a speed of one revo-
lution in six seconds, the electrical forces in your body exerted by the
500 mG static earth field will be equivalent to those exerted by about a
1.0 mG AC power line magnetic field oscillating at 60 cycle per sec-
ond. Walking generates an equivalent of about 0.2 mG. (See Sources
and Characteristics of Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Environ-
ment by D. W. Deno and D. O. Carpenter in Biological Effects of
Electric and Magnetic Fields, Volume 2, ed. Carpenter and Ayrape-
tyan, Academic Press (1994)).
Figures 1, 2 and 4 are from the Deno and Carpenter article. Figure 3
is from Electric and Magnetic Fields and Cancer: The Use of Field Figure 4
Exposure Measurements in Epidemiological Studies by S. Koifman So, as the flying instructor said in Top Gun, you can run, but you
and G. Thriault in Volume 1 of Biological Effects of Electric and cant hide. In fact, running in the earths magnetic field may just
Magnetic Fields (1994). Figure 1 shows the spatial distribution of cause your highest magnetic field exposure for the day. Perhaps this is
measured magnetic fields in a real estate office in mG. Fields near the one of the hidden health benefits of exercise. Living or working right
typewriter and copier are as high as 30 mG but fall off rapidly with beside a high voltage power line right of way does increase your expo-
distance, so both chairs are at much lower levels. The chair in front of sure, but, if you use an ordinary complement of electrical devices, the
the computer terminal is at 0.2 to 0.5 mG comparable to the effect of power line exposure (obviously, this does not include hanging from the
the static earth field if the chairs occupant does not sit very still. (For towers right under the line) is not of overwhelming importance.
more, read Electromagnetic Fields and VDT-itis by Petr Beckmann What about the health benefits or risks? Well, your body does de-
available for $3 from Golem Press, Box 1342, Boulder, CO 80306.) tect these fields. There is a great amount of biological research show-
These authors also give typical approximate values for household de- ing all sorts of effects of electric and magnetic fields on living things.
vices as: electric blanket at 1 cm distance, 20-30 mG; clothes washer, 4 Most of these experiments are not immediately relevant to humans,
mG; dishwasher, 4 to 7 mG; vacuum cleaner, 16 mG; hair dryer at 2 but, taken as whole, it is clear that the human body which, through its
inches distance, 100 mG; electric razor at skin surface, 14 mG; hand biochemistry, utilizes many electromagnetic processes is affected by
circular saw, 100 mG; and gasoline driven chain saw, 150 to 500 mG. forces of the magnitudes caused by motion in the earths magnetic field
Figure 2 illustrates the magnetic fields measured in and around an and by fields from electrical appliances and power transmission.
elementary school near Ottawa, Canada, that result from a major trans- After large amounts of research effort (see, for example, the books
mission line energized at 230,000 volts passing very near the school in referenced above), still no reproducible and significant negative health
the right of way shown at the top of the figure along with one of the effects have been demonstrated. This does not mean that none exist.
high voltage line towers. With the line turned off, values outside the The positive health effects of electric power in increasing the quality
school at sites 1 through 10 and 1 meter above the ground were 0.3, and length of human life are, however, obvious. The great cost in hu-
0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 1.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.2, and 0.2 mG, respectively. With the man lives from the huge amount of resources that would have to be
line on, the values at 1-10 were 32.5, 16.4, 5.4, 2.6, 6.1, 8.1, 16.5, 24.0, expended to substantially reduce magnetic field exposure is certainly
13.0, and 5.8 mG. With the line turned off, values inside the school at not justified in the absence of proven significant negative effects.
sites A through M were 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 2.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, Turn on the power and enjoy its benefits. Being struck by lightning
0.3, and 0.2 mG. With the line on, the values at A-M were 0.6, 0.6, 1.0, is probably a greater electrical danger but, of course, lightning is
1.4, 5.1, 2.2, 0.8, 1.6, 3.4, 3.8, 2.4, 2.2, and 1.9 mG. The highest values natural, so it is a politically correct and acceptable risk.
This hype precedes the other SAT change that has now also taken
GRANTS PASS CONFERENCE place recentered scores. Recentering just adds about 100 points to
everyones score and also makes possible a perfect score of 1600 with
The Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, DDP, conference cospon- four wrong answers. Previously, zero wrong answers were required.
sored by Access to Energy, the Oregon Institute of Science and Medi- If the educrats perform as usual, we can expect to see further brag-
cine, and Physicians for Civil Defense was attended by about 200 ging about the higher scores in 1996 and debate in the fine print about
participants who heard many interesting and informative presentations. the possibility that this might be partially the result of recentering.
Edward Teller spoke about meteorite impacts and means for deal- l The tax-financed Central Utah Project will deliver water to the
ing with them and also made some remarks about fusion weapons. agricultural regions in southern Utah. The actual cost of the water will
Martin Kamen discussed carbon 14 and radioactive tracers. Bruce be $350 per acre-foot. This water will generate about $30 per acre-foot
Merrifield spoke about recent work on antibiotics and vaccines using of additional farm value. Southern Utah farmers will pay about $3 per
solid-phase peptide synthesis. acre-foot for the water.
Potential terrorism with biological weapons was discussed by Con- This and the general world-wide tendency for cost-ineffective gov-
rad Chester, Lowell Wood, Ed Eitzen, and Michael Baker, and with ernment water projects is discussed in Water Options for the Blue
nuclear weapons by Sam Cohen. Planet by Terry L. Anderson, Chapter 8 of The True State of the
Sally Baliunas spoke about the scientific errors and frauds that are Planet, R. Bailey, editor, a project of the Competitive Enterprise Insti-
being used to perpetuate the ozone scare, and Fred Smith discussed this tute. Buy this book! from The Free Press, Simon and Schuster Inc.,
and other efforts by our government to regulate and control us, while 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
Cresson Kearny described some of the resulting deaths.
Robert Zubrin summarized his Mars Direct plan for extensive GOOD READING
manned exploration of Mars with off-the-shelf technology at low cost.
The 50-year anniversary of the release of nuclear energy was com- l The DDT ban: ecologism as a weapon of mass destruction by
memorated by Ed York speaking about the Manhattan Project. M. M. Hecht and DDT, DDE, and Population Increase by T. H.
Peter Duesberg presented the experimental data that leads him to Jukes in Executive Intelligence Review, Science and Technology, Sep-
question the hypothesis that AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. tember 8, 1995 pp 16-20, available from P.O. Box 16285, Washington,
Jane Orient described U. S. government regulatory programs which DC 20041. Professor Jukes exposes the recent scare about DDT effects
diminish American medical care; Sharon Packer and Paul Seyfried dis- on male reproduction which is typical of the continuing genocidal
cussed our governments defense programs that leave Americans with- propaganda against DDT. Rats in the androgen study were fed DDE, a
out a credible strategic defense; and Arthur Robinson explained the DDT metabolic product, at a dose per body weight 170,000 times
disaster in government schools and the increase in American higher than the human intake in 1965.
homeschooling. Those humans who were alive in 1965 were also eating at least a
DDP is providing sets of 16 audio tapes of all of the presentations few milligrams of vitamin C each day. Otherwise they would have
for a price of $99. These may be ordered from DDP, 2509 N. Camp- died of scurvy. Ingesting 170,000 times the minimum dose required to
bell, Box 272, Tucson, AZ 85719. Telephone (520) 325-2680. They prevent scurvy would, however, have killed most (possibly all) of
also have video tapes available. them, since that is far beyond the lethal dose.
l Mortality before and after HIV infection in the complete UK
STARK RAVING MAD population of haemophiliacs by S. C. Darby et al, Nature 377, pp
79-82 (1995). HIV positive haemophiliacs were ten times more likely
l The article Rotting trees provide perfect wildlife habitat in the to die of AIDS associated conditions than were HIV negatives.
Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Oregon, September 24, 1995, p This may be the best evidence yet accumulated in reply to Dues-
B12, reports that forest scientists are now experimentally injecting berg. (Nature certainly is crowing to this effect.) Still, it is not defini-
fungus into healthy 50-75 year old trees to make them rot. This, it is tive. Correlation does not prove causality. Presumably, they already
claimed, will provide nesting places for birds and animals including have lots of correlational data, or the HIV-AIDS hypothesis could not
the omnipresent spotted owl. have flourished in the first place. With tens of billions of dollars for
Currently, they are drilling holes for the fungus, but are soon to be- research and more than 70,000 published papers, we notice that they
gin work on another technique - blasting the fungus into trees with still seem unable to complete a definitive experiment on HIV causality.
shotguns. It seems that these people have decided that American for- l The health effects of low-level radiation: Science, data, and
ests are too healthy for their inhabitants. The described experiments" corrective action by J. Muckerheide, Nuclear News, September 1995,
are another sterling example of our tax dollars at work. pp 26-34. This is an excellent review of the death of the no-threshold
The same page has a large section devoted to Earthweek: A Diary linear hypothesis for ionizing radiation effects and with it, the death
of the Planet complete with global warming alerts. The probability of most of the myths that have politically debilitated nuclear energy.
function for nuttiness increases sharply as one nears a college campus. The saving and extending of nuclear power in the United States can
l We predicted it, but still could not quite believe it. In The Wall be accomplished with the effective dissemination of truth of which this
Street Journal for September 13, 1995, p A14, The Real Score on the paper is an example. It cannot be accomplished by riding the fickle
SAT by B. V. Manno quotes College Board President Donald Ste- wave of lies about global warming and demon carbon dioxide as too
wart as saying, This is the best-prepared [college] freshman class in many nuclear executives seem to be trying to do.
recent memory, certainly in the last 10 years. USA Today, August 24, l From Love Canal to Present, Superfund Aint So Super in
1995, p 6D, trumpeted this wonderful news with barely a rhetorical Citizen Outlook, 10-4, pp 1-3 (1995) from the Committee for a Con-
wave at the truth. It turns out that 1995 SAT scores increased 6 to 8 structive Tomorrow, P.O. Box 65722, Washington, DC 20035.
points for the top 10% of students, 4 to 5 points for the next 10%, and
decreased a little for the bottom 50%. Students taking the other major ACCESS TO ENERGY
student evaluation test in 1995, the American College Test (ACT)
showed no rise in scores at all. The real reason for the increase in Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
scores is that, in 1995, the SAT was significantly dumbed down (see Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
Access to Energy 21-7) with more time per math problem, hand calcu- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
lators permitted, and the toughest section of the verbal exam elimi- for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
nated. Word meanings are tested in context now, so students do not Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
need to have as much independent vocabulary knowledge. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
NOVEMBER 1995 (Vol. 23, no. 3) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

Technology and Lifespan

Public debate about technology and lifespan usually emphasizes for those afflicted. Lack of hygiene, increased exposure to diseases,
the high-tech procedures of crisis medicine and the relative merits of and the drug culture which are predominant in this community (not,
their use. Human interest stories about individual children saved at of course, for all individuals) are probably causing the rest.
very great expense by the miracles of modern medicine keep the pub- Figure 1 shows that lifespan in the United States is now being lim-
lic convinced that all is well at the leading edge of health research. ited primarily by time-dependent increased probability of death from
Simultaneously, controversy rages about the delivery of life-pro- physiological causes aging. Still, the area in the figure above the
longing technology at the other end of life. There is not enough USA line includes many younger people who are unnecessarily de-
money to deliver the current miracles to everyone. The political prived of many years of life along with the older citizens who should
purveyors of the politics of envy argue, therefore, that no one (except be living productive, healthful lives to greater ages.
themselves) should be allowed to utilize this technology just because We say unnecessarily deprived because technology now
he can afford it or because he can afford old-age medical insurance. makes possible some low-cost major advances beyond hygiene and
Hence, the current plan that puts all older Americans under a gov- epidemic disease control. For example, routine metabolic profiling
ernment system that either rations medical care directly or else dele- coupled with individualized nutritional and lifestyle modifications
gates this rationing to corporations. could add many productive years of life.
Technology does have a major The key is low individual cost. High-
impact on lifespan, but this effect is cost crisis medicine reaches fewer peo-
largely unrelated to expensive medi- ple and is of less benefit to each person
cal techniques. than is low-cost preventive medicine.
The lifespans of most of the citi- Why then are most of our technolo-
zens of Ancient Rome were entirely gists working on high-cost techniques
independent of age. Figure 1, from and neglecting low-cost ideas? The rea-
the 1995 Taylor Lecture by A. M. son is tax-financed government failure.
Kellerer, Health Physics 69, pp 446- First, most non-profit health research
453 (1995) with data by J. Cairns, is now government funded or control-
Entwicklung der Mortalitt. In: led. Cost is a very unimportant concern
Mannheimer Forum 85/86. Mann- to the mindless bureaucracies that deter-
heim: Boehringer, 49-94 (1986), Figure 1 mine health research priorities based on
gives the probability of a five-year- fad and fashion within the review sys-
old child reaching a specified age. tem. As research priorities sink to the
Half of the five-year-old children lowest common denominator of govern-
in Ancient Rome were dead before ment review committees, expensive
the age of 20. Their lifespan curve methods seem to predominate.
decays with a constant probability of death so high that few people Second, government overregulation of the private health industry
achieve ages where physiological deterioration limits their lifespans. is also biased toward high cost. With several hundred million dollars
The life-extending technology that these Romans lacked was pri- and years of red tape required for FDA approval of one new product,
marily related to hygiene and simple procedures for the control of dis- private industry cannot develop low-cost products. Very high costs
ease epidemics. All roads led to Rome, and the diseases of the ancient are necessary to pay government-imposed regulatory expenses.
world traveled those roads. In the Roman colonies where there were So we have government bureaucrats rationing health care and
fewer such roads and a lower population density, lives were longer. deciding who shall live and who shall die because expensive modern
They were still short, however, compared with the USA today, where medicine cannot be afforded for everyone. Meanwhile, the develop-
technology provides hygiene and other improvements in life. ment of low-cost technology for the further extension of lifespan
These technological gifts are reversible. Russian State Statistics as through preventive medicine is retarded and left largely to the under-
given by Michael Specter of the New York Times News Service funded and chaotic alternative medicine subculture where good
show a decline in the life expectancies for Russian men from about and bad ideas alike seldom receive adequate evaluation.
64 years to about 57 years between 1990 and 1994. This drop in Imagine where we would be if the National Institutes of Health
lifespans parallels the sharp drop in Russian technological output. and the FDA controlled the development of computer technology.
See, for example, Access to Energy 22 No. 8, p 4, concerning the in- This is a life-and-death matter that confronts every one of us.
crease in epidemics of disease during recent Russian chaos. Wealth is no protection. Undeveloped medical technology cannot be
Within the United States itself, the average lifespan of homosexu- purchased at any price, and high-cost crisis medicine is a poor substi-
als is about 40 years (see Access to Energy 22 No. 6 p 3). AIDS is tute. Most of us will have shorter lives filled with substantially greater
estimated to be causing a 3-year drop in homosexual life expectancy personal suffering as a result of tax-financed inhibition of technology.

civilization. It is, however, a special tragedy of our time that their toys
NUCLEAR POWER became politically correct and, coupled with the politics of fear, man-
aged to retard sensible power development during the past generation.
Providing for the energy needs of several billion people is definitely Even if these political problems were entirely solved now, it would
an adult activity. The cute toys of the enviros and other countercultur- require decades to correct the damage that has already been done
ists make pretty four-color spreads in magazine articles, but they are damage that has exacted a terrible price in human lives.
dwarfed into insignificance by the real power consumption of human There is, nevertheless, gradual progress. Figure 2 is from the Inter-
As the effects of these new laws replacement of all the refrigera-
tion equipment in the world and an end to the expanded use of hydro-
carbon fuels and other technology that is needed to maintain and
improve human lives have begun to be felt, a much harder look is
being taken at the underlying hypotheses and relevant scientific data.
Moreover, unlike the tens of millions of people who lost their lives
when DDT was banned, many of those affected by the ozone and
global warming scams are strong enough to be heard.
Not to worry, say the power brokers, people will believe whatever
we tell them through their TV sets and newspapers. The big lie tech-
nique will save us. Data does not matter. Get a bunch of enviro scien-
tists together, and well claim they represent all scientists most of the
others will keep quiet or lose their grants. Well ignore the rest. This,
however, is not working. Truth and information spread easily today.
So, the globalists are panicked. Award of the Nobel Prize in Chem-
istry to three of the ozone gurus is one indication of this. Previously,
political statements were largely restricted to the Nobel Prize for Peace
Figure 2 which, regardless of occasional worthy recipients, has become widely
recognized as primarily a political tool. It is sickening to see the sci-
ence prizes being used in this fashion.
Henning Rodhe, a member of the Swedish Academy that awarded
national Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin 37, No. 2, p 45 (1995) and the prize, was quoted by Associated Press on October 11 as saying, I
gives the range of IAEA projections for nuclear power generation personally hope that the Nobel prize will put some pressure on the par-
over the next 20 years. The narrow range of estimates during the in- ticipants. The timing of the prize is good in view of the Vienna meeting
itial years reflects the lead time necessary to construct nuclear power [a meeting in November to review a U.N. agreement to restrict use of
plants. The wide range of estimates thereafter reflects uncertainties in CFCs]. Maybe the ozone gurus should be given the Peace Prize, too.
demand, finances, and public attitudes toward nuclear power. The peace of the grave will doubtless be enjoyed by the many people
Page 53 of the same IAEA Bulletin gives the world generation of who die prematurely from the effects of junk science run amuck.
nuclear power as of December 1994. There are 432 operating nuclear (We do not mean that atmospheric science is junk or that careful
power plants and 48 under construction. The United States has 109 studies of ozone or even of the hypothesis about CFCs should not be
with one under construction. Percentages of electricity generated from done. It is the self-interested exaggerations and falsehoods [with no
nuclear power for countries having more than 1% are: corrective effort by these prize winners] with which this cause has
been surrounded that are junk. Moreover, the science of the matter cer-
Lithuania 76.4 % Ukraine 28.9 % tainly does not deserve the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.)
France 75.3 % Czech Republic 28.2 % Other indicators of panic abound. The Intergovernmental Panel on
Belgium 55.8 % Japan 27.2 % Climate Change is quoted as four-square for the Chicken Little predic-
Sweden 51.1 % United Kingdom 25.8 % tions on global warming and very widely so reported in the press on
Slovak Republic 49.1 % United States 22.0 % the basis of a leaked draft labeled DRAFT, FOR INTERNAL USE
Bulgaria 45.6 % Canada 19.1 % ONLY, DO NOT CITE/DISTRIBUTE. This draft deals solely with
Hungary 43.7 % Argentina 13.8 % impacts and response options all of the scientific data and evaluations
Slovania 38.0 % Russia 11.4 % are in another, still confidential document. (See R. C. Balling, The
Switzerland 36.8 % South Africa 5.7 % Wall Street Journal, October 16, 1995, p A14.)
Republic of Korea 35.5 % Netherlands 4.9 %
Spain 35.0 % Mexico 3.5 %
China Taiwan 33.5 % China Mainland 1.5 %
Finland 29.5 % India 1.4 %
Germany 29.3 %


It all sounded great at the international conferences. Junketing at

public expense while crying crocodile tears about the whole earth and Figure 3
simultaneously raising ones income from tax-financed grants seemed
to be a double winner and there was just enough hypothetical science
to provide colorable camouflage for the whole exercise.
Then the political power brokers and their owners weighed in, espe-
cially those with grandiose dreams of world control, since any excuse
for manipulation of people on a world scale looked good to them. Graphs of ozone decreases are appearing frequently in the press.
Their shills in the press took up the cause and the grants grew even These graphs are often corrected for solar effects and other truths
larger and came with the added perk of public notoriety. that might confuse the reader, and they are smoothed to prevent display
Now, however, things are turning a little unpleasant. The power of ordinary variability. Also, the vertical axes are always adjusted so
brokers, you see, meant business and have been passing laws based on that a very small part of the vertical scale is visible. See Access to En-
the hypotheses in the research grant proposals especially those about ergy 21-3, November 1993, p 4, for a graph of world ozone levels
ozone holes and global warming. They do not seem to realize that such showing the entire vertical axis, which removes cause for alarm.
hypotheses are proffered primarily to keep tax money flowing to re- The ozone level is supposed to worry us because lower ozone might
search and are often of little substance. After all, medical research allow more UV light to fall on us with a concomitant increase in skin
grants have been able to promise pie in the sky without delivering. cancer. While this is mostly a sham risk, the UV levels themselves are
Why should the enviros be held to an accounting? relevant. Since American research to measure these levels in the
of significant rise. Figure 3 shows Antarctic temperatures normalized
to 0 for the past four decades. Other regions are comparable, but Ant-
arctica has been claimed to be a special case, since the enviros have
recently discovered that icebergs are made in Antarctica. Each new
large iceberg is now greeted with wails of concern about melting ice.
Notice that there was an upward fluctuation (from an unusually
cold period) in temperature in the 1960s. As a result of this fluctuation,
no doubt S. Schneider at Stanford and his fellow travelers are nerv-
ously awaiting the next Nobel awards hoping fervently that few will
notice that this warming preceded the greatest increase in release of
Figure 4 greenhouse gases. Temperatures have not risen over the past 15 years.
Figures 4 and 5 show the temperature values from hemispheric av-
erages of satellite data. This data is superior to ground measurements,
United States were terminated [after it was discovered that levels were which tend to be affected by the amount of nearby human activity. The
actually fluctuating downward an embarrassment to the ozone pan- open circles show the actual data, while the closed circles show the
demicists] along with the government career of the chief scientist at temperature predicted by the global climate change models upon
DOE after he suggested resumed UV measurement, the press treats us which the greenhouse gurus base their Noble hopes.
to UV graphs from Antarctica. It has been known for decades (even If we pump enough CO2 into the atmosphere, we will probably
before release of CFCs) that levels of ozone and UV light fluctuate eventually have enough warming to detect. Why worry about this?
wildly in Antarctica. (See Access to Energy 21-1, p 4 and 21-5, pp 1-3.) Much of humanity lives now in regions that are uncomfortably cold, so
a little higher average temperature (with annual fluctuations still much
larger than any likely systematic rise) would probably be welcomed.
So far, the enviro answer to this has been more theoretical calcula-
tions by the same models that cannot reliably predict past temperature
averages. They predict dryness where it is already dry, more rain for
regions that already have enough, and generally worse conditions
somehow things never seem to be predicted as better anywhere. With
skills provided by socialized education math programs, however, most
peoples eyes glaze over when considering these fancy calculations.
As a substitute, the enviros hope that, since many people live in
coastal areas, fear of rising ocean levels will work. Careful research has
Figure 5 not detected an increase in ocean levels, and, in any case, even the
models predict at most small, slow sea level rises affecting only a few
regions and easily countered by modest dikes.
With UV light as the claimed danger from reduced ozone, one Figure 6 shows the utter dishonesty with which these facts are being
would think that the multibillion dollar global ozone research crowd presented to American children. There is, so far, no greenhouse-caused
would have UV monitors all over the United States. They are not, detectable rise in global temperature or in sea level. The weather issue
however, looking for truth. In fact, they are looking for fame and con- of Kids Discover magazine portrays these facts with a colored figure
tinued fortune studying underlying processes that can be hypothesized showing ocean waves breaking over the Statue of Liberty and a
to affect UV light. (Actually, I wonder if they have some UV monitors WARNING! WARNING! about the greenhouse effect.
quietly watching for the next natural upward fluctuation in UV it will This fascinating combat between a mob of self-interested liars and
not fluctuate downward forever before holding a press conference.) the truth is proving to be one of the more interesting spectacles of this
Meanwhile, the replacements for CFCs in refrigeration are now generation. The truth will win eventually, but what will be the near
coming under enviro attack (see Nature 376 CFC alternatives under a term outcome? I think that the enviros are going to lose even in the
cloud by S. E. Schwarzbach, pp 297-298 and T. K. Tromp, et al, pp near term. The public does not understand much of the scientific argu-
327-330); supersonic transportation is being described as an ozone ment, but the public understands very well its immediate self-interest.
menace (see SST emissions cut stratospheric ozone by R. Lipkin, Unfortunately, this will set a poor precedent for any real threats that
Science News 148 p 229); and K. Coale and colleagues are worried that may need to be countered by unpleasant actions in the future.
their experiments showing ocean phyto-
plankton fertilization by added iron could be
used to mitigate the global warming frenzy
(see Iron versus the Greenhouse by R.
Monastersky, Science News 148 pp 220-
222). Too many enviros are clamoring for a
unique place at the public trough at a time
when the public is already surly over the
prospect of losing its refrigeration.
Even more cold water is being thrown on
the global warming welfare system for me-
diocre and honesty-for-sale scientists.
Figures 3-5 are from World Climate Report
1, No. 1 pp 3-4, P. O. Box 455, Ivy, VA
22945, and Figure 6 is from the weather is-
sue of Kids Discover magazine. See also
many back issues of Access to Energy.
CO2 and other greenhouse gases have
risen substantially during the past 15 years,
but global temperatures show no indications
Figure 6


Scientist suggests some oil reservoirs refilling by M. W. Brown, l 21st Century, Fall 1995, p 9, reports that a two-page article in the
New York Times, in the Houston Chronicle, October 1, 1995, p 9D re- July 15 edition of The Financial Times of London by Lyall Watson
ports the work of J. K. Whelan from the Woods Hole Oceanographic describes cannibalism as a radical but realistic solution to the prob-
Institute in Massachusetts. She finds evidence in the composition of oil lem of overpopulation and states that headhunting can be seen as
in some oil fields and also in the rate of depletion of some fields that good ecology, because it reduces competition on the hunting and fish-
suggests that these fields are refilling from previously undiscovered oil ing grounds. Watson says that headhunting has nothing to do with
and gas fields below them. war. It is the formal and ritual expression of a need to keep things in
The new fields are estimated to be more than 30,000 feet deep balance. It is [the headhunters] admission of human responsibility for
below depths currently drilled for oil. K. K. Bissada from Texaco in human destiny . . . . Whatever you may feel about it taking place, you
Houston is quoted as skeptical that this refilling can keep up with cur- have to admit that it works.
rent human use, but he thinks it possible that the upper reservoirs that l Why Welfare Pays by M. Tanner and S. Moore in The Wall
currently serve as a source for oil could be refilled in 10 or 20 years Street Journal, September 28, 1995, p A18, reports the hourly wage
which is comparable to current emptying times. equivalent of welfare for the 50 individual states and Washington, DC,
It does seem odd that all of the earths oil fields just happen to be as compiled by the Cato Institute. The highest is Hawaii at $17.50 per
within easy reach of 20th Century drilling techniques. That deeper hour, and the lowest is Mississippi at $5.53 per hour. The median for
fields might rise into the empty reservoirs which we create above them all 51 jurisdictions is $9.18 per hour. Below these levels, welfare pro-
would be a fortuitous occurrence indeed. vides a higher income. Here in Oregon, welfare recipients also form
Even if this turns out to be a rare occurrence, it has value. Think of the core of the pseudoenvironmentalist movement that is destroying
the nightmares it will give Paul Ehrlich when news reaches Stanford. local industry. Honest working people have more productive interests.


Managing water and pollutants in soil with electric currents by J. l But Is It True? A Citizens Guide to Environmental Health and
Raloff, Science News 148, pp 168-169 (1995), reports about the proc- Safety Issues by Aaron Wildavsky from Harvard Press, A Moment on
ess of electroosmosis, which has been of interest in agriculture for over the Earth: The Coming Age of Environmental Optimism by Gregg
70 years. This article puts an enviro spin on potential use, but the re- Easterbrook from Viking, The New Ecological Order by Luc Ferry
ported phenomenon is remarkable. translated by Carol Volk from University of Chicago Press, and related
The positive charge of mineral ions in soil moisture allows move- reviews by D. A. Price, The American Spectator, September 1995 pp
ment of soil water with low voltages and current. For example, a 1924 68-70 and by A. Brinkley, The New Republic, October 2, 1995, pp 50-
experiment with a miniature plow connected to a pulley and weights 53. The enviros are losing. These books explain why.
showed that a 4-volt battery could reduce the weight required to pull l Chlorine and Health published by the American Council on Sci-
the plow through soil by a factor of more than ten-fold. Reversal of ence and Health, 1995, Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10023-
polarity increased the normal weight required by more than two-fold. 5860, and Durable Facts About Plastic Unwrap Alarmist Green
More recently, on a practical scale, it was demonstrated that pile Hype in Citizen Outlook 10, Number 5, pp 1-3 (1995), available from
drivers required one third as many blows to drive piles through soil P.O. Box 65722, Washington, DC 20035. These provide facts with
with appropriately connected electrodes, and energy requirements for which to repel the enviro attacks on chlorine and plastics.
real plows on tractors were similarly reduced by up to 40%. l Power from plutonium in Nuclear Issues 17 No. 9 (1995),
Water is attracted to the implement by the applied voltage. This available from APG, 8 Ruvigny Mansions, Embankment, Putney,
water then lubricates the steel and facilitates its passage through soil. A London SW15 1LE. Plutonium already produces part of our nuclear
similar phenomenon allows rock drills to penetrate rock at double the power, since it is made and then fissioned in a normal uranium fueled
ordinary speed by application of 5 to 10 volts and less than 1 ampere. reactor. Recycling and also breeding plutonium provides an additional
Electrodes can also move water which contains fertilizer into tubes wonderful energy source for those nations with sensible leadership.
in the soil. Some experimenters are investigating the possibility that l Captain Rockwood Who? in Graffiti for Intellectuals, August
nitrate fertilizers might be concentrated near plant roots and then ex- 21, 1995, p1. Also read the entire September 5, 1995 issue. Published
tracted from the field for reuse by means of electroosmosis attach- by the Southern California Council for Soviet Jews and written by Si
ments to drip irrigation systems. Frumkin, this newsletter is available from P. O. Box 1542, Studio City,
CA 91614-0542. Captain Rockwood is in trouble for refusing to ig-
ELECTRONIC UNIVERSITIES nore political imprisonment, torture, and murder by the current gov-
ernment of Haiti. We always enjoy reading this excellent newsletter.
Electronics and the Dim Future of the University by E. M. l He Did the Hard Job: Going Beyond Hype Of Fantastic Dis-
Noam, Science 270, pp 247-249 (1995), raises the question of whether covery by T. Petzinger in The Wall Street Journal, September 15,
or not universities will survive the information revolution. We expect 1995, pB1 about the development of practical high temperature super-
that those that respond to the growing demand for remote electronic conducting wire by Gregory Yurek. His company, American Super-
degrees and that retrace their steps toward the quality lost over the past conductor Corporation, recently filled its first commercial order of
three decades will survive. The others will deservedly perish. $53,000 for superconducting wire. Why not just make a list of produc-
The 35-year-old barber in Cave Junction recently remarked to me tive people like this and randomly choose one for President?
that he is now half way through college and expects to have a PhD
before he retires. He then explained that, although he graduated only ACCESS TO ENERGY
from high school, his high school work is now the equivalent of two
years of college. As colleges deteriorate, his educational level automat- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
ically advances. The terrible truth is that this barber is right. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
Universities exist to create, preserve, and transmit information. Pri- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
vate university tuition fees are now about $50 per lecture hour often for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
for lectures of questionable worth. The information revolution will de- Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
mand quality delivered remotely, quickly, and inexpensively. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
DECEMBER 1995 (Vol. 23, no. 4) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1995 by Access to Energy

Up From Slavery
During the past two centuries, Americans have demonstrated that Science and technology do not exist in a vacuum. They must be
they, their form of government, and their institutions and institutional melded with people ordinary people with ordinary strengths and
flexibility are well suited to the invention and implementation of sci- weaknesses or they will be lost.
ence and technology. No people has originated more of the worlds The greatest weakness that Booker T. Washington saw in his
technological accomplishments, and no country has more institu- newly freed people was the tendency to try to live by their wits
tional momentum with which to continue to lead the advance of hu- rather than by productive work. He taught that any man who pro-
man civilization. duces something that truly enriches the lives of others will earn their
At the same time, Americans have fallen victim to a number of respect and admiration. Whether that man is producing food, bricks,
ancient scourges which demonstrate that we are no more than an or- or furniture in 19th Century America or food, computers, or electrical
dinary people who have risen to extraordinary opportunities. Oppres- energy in the 20th, it is skill and productivity that earns the coopera-
sive, enslaving taxation; extreme moral decay, especially within our tion of others and melts away their human prejudices.
institutions of higher learning; and the emergence of a vast welfare While many blacks have learned this lesson and thereby earned
class of nonworkers and pseudoworkers have sapped our national their way out of slavery to a prosperous, free life, a substantial part of
strength and are gradually slowing the great flywheel of American Americas white population has forgotten these precepts and sunk
industry. into lives of slavery and prejudice with some members of other races.
In addition to the personal talents, character, and faith of our indi- Literal armies of bureaucrats, decision makers, paper shufflers,
vidual citizens and those from other countries by whom we are con- and welfare recipients of various types make up a very large part of
tinuously reinvigorated through immigration, we have two great the American work force. These people do not produce they
resources from which to draw protection from these scourges. First, only consume, and they are continually in the way of those who are
the ongoing advance of technology continues to yield surprising new still trying to produce. Moreover, they do not have the respect of pro-
capabilities such as those from the current computer revolution. Sec- ductive, useful people. They return this lack of respect with envy and
ond, the accumulated wisdom of the most outstanding of our people subliminal hatred even of those who ultimately feed and clothe them.
is stored and available in our books and other literature. A man who does not do useful work even if he is paid very
One of the greatest of these books was written by a 40-year-old handsomely for his nonwork knows that this is so, and he gradually
black man (he would have said coloured) who lived the first few loses his self-respect. He comes to hate and even fear those upon
years of his life on the dirt floor of a slave cabin and who, freed from whom his life actually depends. How long will they continue to trade
slavery at the age of six at the end of the Civil War, was put to work him something for nothing?
in a salt furnace and then a mile underground in a West Virginia coal Science and technology are the modern tools of those who make
mine. Yet, before he was 40, he (and three wives, two of whom the world work those who do things. Moreover, these tools have
worked themselves to death beside him) had built the Tuskegee Nor- made each individual person more and more productive and thereby
mal and Industrial Institute, a university with 66 buildings and 1,400 widened the gap between the doers and the others.
students, which had received such world-wide acclaim that the Presi- It is a terrible thing to be physically enslaved and unable to do
dent of the United States and his Cabinet had traveled to Tuskegee, things with your talents because you are constrained. It is far more
Alabama, to honor it. terrible, however, to be so enslaved by lack of ethics and ability that
Many people, of course, have fought their way from humble be- you cannot do anything of value even if you are physically free. This
ginnings to great accomplishments. It is not the Horatio Alger story in sort of slavery twists the human mind to hatred.
this book nor the racial aspect and post-Civil War setting that bring American technology will not have a bright future unless this sort
tears to the eyes of the reader. It is the great depth of Booker T. Wash- of hatred is diminished. The mob of welfare recipients at a demon-
ingtons wisdom concerning the specific knowledge, ethics, and ac- stration against nuclear power or Northwestern logging; the faceless
tions that were needed by his people in order to permanently free bureaucrats who add years to productive undertakings; and the edu-
them from all forms of slavery and prejudice. crats who turn our schools into moral sewers for social engineering
As we look at America today, we can see that only part of the rather than places to hone the skills of our childrens minds all have
black people bear the legacy of Booker T. Washington. Many others much in common. They are populated by people who have learned to
have fallen victim to the traps that he worked so hard to teach them to live by their wits rather than by their personal worth.
avoid. Moreover, a substantial part of the white population has fallen We do not respect them because they are of negative value to our
into those same traps and is now similarly enslaved. lives. They do not respect us because we seem to them to be an un-
In fact, such a large part of our population is currently enslaved derclass that is not clever enough to live by its wits.
and unproductive that Americas leadership in science and technol- We are not directly enslaved, but we are entangled in chains such
ogy is weakening, and our future as a nation of opportunity, high liv- as onerous taxation and regulation created by the unproductive. Up
ing standards, and reasonable personal safety is insecure. To explain From Slavery by Booker T. Washington, an autobiographical voice
why, Booker T. Washington would only need say, read my book. from the distant past, points in a direction that we all need to travel.

New York 1957). In addition to intrinsic genetic differences, the dif-

TECHNOLOGY TO EXTEND HUMAN LIVES ferent paths that we travel in life generate differences. Ultimately, the
degenerative processes which accumulate and eventually end our
In a series of publications several decades ago, Roger Williams ar- lives produce even more differences differences that we would like
ticulated the fact that each individual person is biochemically and to eliminate or, at least, postpone.
physically unique to a much greater extent than is usually realized. Our health is, in part, a function of our biochemical environment.
(See, for example, Biochemical Individuality by R. J. Williams, Wiley, Since we are each unique, it is likely that the ideal chemical conditions
for each of us are also unique. Even these ideals are individual-
ized, since the aspirations, for example, of a long-distance runner are
different from those of a physicist or an expectant mother. If all three
happened to be biochemically identical, the goals of each would prob-
ably be optimized by different chemical environments.
This applies to both our internal and external chemical environ-
ments. A farmer in Iowa might differ from a farmer in India. One Figure 2
might prefer DDT on his crops alone, while the other would apply it ple. Yet, measured by their own self-interest, this internal biochemical
also to the walls of his home in order to prevent malaria. information is far more important than most other information.
The wonders of modern chemistry have enabled us to synthesize a Suppose, for example, that you have just read the popular book The
great many of the chemicals that affect our lives such as vitamins and Melatonin Miracle by W. Pierpaoli, W. Regelson, and C. Colman, Si-
hormones. Chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides have also mon and Schuster, 1995, have examined some of the underlying re-
enhanced the efficiency of modern farming to such an extent that we search papers, and have decided to adjust your melatonin level. The
have a wide variety of foods available with different chemical compo- book contains some guesses about dose as a function of age, but how
sitions. Medicines are, of course, another chemical benefit. much is best for you individually? More importantly, how are you go-
The trick is to know how much of each substance to introduce into ing to know whether or not the dose you decide to take has a positive
our own individual environments to achieve optimum health. More- or negative effect on your health? (We could just as well have used
over, this is not a question that any of us can postpone. We are living vitamin C in this example or any one of the thousands of other low-
now in a chemical environment over which we have a substantial cost chemical modifications that are available to most Americans.)
amount of control. We do not have the ability to delay our lives and Melatonin has been shown to reverse and retard some of the degen-
live them at some future time when more knowledge is available. erative effects of aging in mice. Will it do the same for you? Since the
Everyone, therefore, guesses. Even the drug addict guesses, al- effects of such systemic changes are usually slow and people prone to
though his guess is obviously wrong. Obviously wrong also are the self experimentation usually try numerous supplements, most mela-
guesses of ignorant people who decide to fear that which they do not tonin users will never know whether or not it has helped them and
understand and seek escape from chemicals. The editorial How to most will discontinue it eventually. Few will ingest an ideal dose.
Survive the Perils of Eating by Thomas H. Jukes, The FASEB Jour- If, however, your personal computer had been daily measuring and
nal 9, pp 991-992, August 1995 gives current examples of this. tracking the physiological age of you and your family members by
means of biochemical indicators in your urine or breath, you could ob-
tain objective information about your melatonin experiment. If it slows
your rate of aging or diminishes your personal probability of serious
diseases, then the computer could help you adjust the dose for an opti-
mum effect. If not, then you could move on quickly to something else.
Also, even though there is substantial biochemical individuality,
there are many similarities between different people. As experience is
accumulated, your computer should be able to direct you toward the
most promising modifications.
Aging occurs slowly, but death-dealing conditions focus ones at-
Figure 1 tention immediately. Each of us has his own examples. A close friend
of ours died of lung cancer metastasized from colon cancer which
could have been surgically stopped. A family member died of hemor-
rhagic pancreatitis, also without the chance that surgery could have
provided. In these cases, surgery might have saved their lives, but they
did not know that they were ill. A computer interfaced to look daily at
their biochemical profiles could have provided that knowledge.
The stakes are high as is illustrated in Figure 1. As Jukes points out, Are such interfaces available in the marketplace? No. Could current
life expectancies are steadily rising in the United States. This is hap- technology provide them to the marketplace at prices comparable to
pening largely as a result of modern chemistry. Still, millions of lives good laser printers? We are sure that the answer is yes. These inter-
are unnecessarily shortened as a result of limitations in our abilities to faces will not be provided by the deadwood of tax-financed inquiry
optimize our chemical environments. and they will probably not be built by those parts of the medical indus-
Figures 1 to 7 are from the paper Quantitative Measurement of
Human Physiological Age by Profiling of Body Fluids and Pattern
Recognition by A. B. Robinson and L. R. Robinson, Mechanisms of
Ageing and Development 59, pp 47-67 (1991). Figure 1 shows the life
expectancies (violent deaths omitted) of two experimental groups of
American men one group in their 20s and the other in their 50s and
60s. Notice the large group of young men who will be outlived by the
older men and the large group of older men who will die long before
some of the others. Moreover, there are many years of deteriorating
health and suffering associated with most of these early deaths.
In order to intelligently adjust a chemical system, one needs quanti-
tative information about that system and a quantitative evaluation of
the results of each adjustment. This is especially true of the biochemis-
try of a human being a system so complicated that it cannot (during
our lifetimes) be directly and entirely understood.
It is ironic, therefore, that today there are tens of millions of people
sitting at computers that are providing them with a river of information
about the outside world but which are providing no information at all
about the individual health and biochemical well-being of these peo- Figure 3
tative measurement of your own physiological age would give you and
your computer a longitudinal baseline which takes into account your
own biochemical individuality and rate of aging. After you have been
taking melatonin for a while, the computer could simply calculate the
probability that it is affecting your physiological age. If the results are
pleasing, you could vary the dose to find an optimum.
This is not science fiction. We originated part of this field of inquiry
and have worked in this area for many years. These machines can be
built now, and they eventually will be built. It is then that the computer
will be a truly interactive tool for the benefit of ordinary people.
Through optimum nutrition; through hormone adjustment with age;
through early application of procedures such as surgery; and through
other techniques guided by the computational power of microchips
Figure 4 that track our personal health within our own homes (entirely inde-
pendent of the deadwood of government and medical bureaucracy),
try whose executives count their profits in human suffering, but they our aging curve will eventually improve as illustrated in Figure 7.
will certainly be built by free enterprise. The only question is whether
or not they will be built in our lifetimes.
We believe that a peripheral device for the personal computer of
about the same size and cost as a laser printer can be built which has
the capability of quantitative measurement of 50 to 100 substances in a
sample of breath or urine. All of the software required to interpret this
information was written and tested many years ago (see references in
Robinson and Robinson paper mentioned above). The building of a
prototype of this peripheral device is a primary goal of our work at the
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.
Even one or two substances can contain substantial amounts of in-
formation. Figure 2 shows, for example, the successively increasing
diagnostic coefficients as a function of age in fruit flies calculated from
only two substances. Figure 3 shows the summed values of only two
substances in the casual urine of men as a function of age, while Figure
4 gives age diagnostic coefficients calculated from 15 human urinary
constituents 8 of which increase with age and 7 of which decrease.

Figure 6

How much can we expect to adjust our fate by the intelligent use of
chemistry? Many years ago, I designed a series of experiments on can-
cer in mice which were then carried out over a two-year period by
technicians under my direction and extended later by F. C. Westall.
Figure 5 (See Robinson, A. B., Hunsberger, A., and Westall, F. C., Mechanisms
of Aging and Development 76, pp 210-214 (1994). The results of one
part of those experiments (increased rate of cancer growth with vita-
min C supplements) caused so much trouble that Linus Pauling went
ballistic and even now, after his death, his relatives are still publicizing
In the case of Figure 4, quantitative measurements of 15 substances myths about the incident.
in casual (ordinarily provided without special instructions or require- This controversy over vitamin C obscured, however, the real result.
ments) urine samples have been compressed by calculation into a one- In experiments on squamous cell carcinoma in 1,846 mice using about
dimensional parameter of the sort illustrated by Figure 5. It is these 30 different diets, we were able to vary the rate of growth of cancer
one-dimensional compressions that guide decisions. over a 20-fold range by diet alone. Obviously, the possibility of giving
It is important to recognize that the substances measured in these each cancer victim (or potential victim which includes us all) a tool
experiments did not include any special selection based on aging. Ap- for quantitative health measurement to guide his own nutritional self-
proximately 30% of the substances in human urine are moderately to experiments should be turned into a reality.
strongly age correlated, so virtually any random selection of metabo-
lites can lead to the same result. Since this is true of many aspects of
our systemic health, it is to be expected that a single computer periph-
eral could evaluate most conditions of interest.
Figure 6 illustrates a simple use of this technique. From the diag-
nostic coefficients from Figure 4 scattered along the life remaining axis
in Figure 5, the men can be classified as young or old by choosing an
arbitrary point and calling everyone to the left young and everyone
to the right old. By using all possible arbitrary points, Figure 6 can
be constructed. The curved line shows a theoretically perfect result
(taking into account the overlapping life expectancies), while the
stepped line is from the experiment. Imagine that we were instead
classifying colon cancer or pancreatitis.
Returning to our problem with the melatonin pills, the daily quanti- Figure 7
l Oleg Khabarov of the Russian Academy for the Protection of
NUCLEAR WASTE Life has proposed a spaced-based laser defense system against
CFCs. Russia is complaining that it does not have $600 million to
The Uranium Information Centre Newsletter, September-October eliminate CFC emissions from its factories. The laser system on 30 to
1995, available from GPO Box 1649N, Melbourne 3001, Australia, re- 50 satellites would, according to Khabarov, ionize oxygen and produce
ports about nuclear fuel rod disposal. In Sweden, used nuclear fuel atmospheric ozone at a ten-year cost of $100 billion.
rods are waste and are put in underground storage. In France, the Perhaps we should buy just one of these satellites and aim it at the
rods are raw material and go to a reprocessing facility that makes new seasonal, naturally occurring ozone reduction area over Antarctica. We
fuel rods. In America, they go nowhere. The federal government as- could pay for the satellite with the no-longer-needed funds that are cur-
sumed responsibility for them in the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of rently being used to study Antarctic ozone. Since ozone over the rest of
1982. In 1994, the Department of Energy announced that a waste re- the earth is not being significantly reduced, the whole issue would go
pository was at least 16 years from completion, although over half of away, and we would get to keep our refrigerators.
the $10 billion dollars paid into the waste fund by consumers has been
spent to finance the federal deficit. GOOD READING
This dishonesty has now prompted action by the Louisa County,
Virginia, board of supervisors, who have asked the State of Virginia to l Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington and 130 other good
place future consumer payments in an escrow account if the federal books in the Self-Teaching Home School curriculum available on six
government fails to provide storage in 1998 as previously promised. CD-ROMs from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, P. O.
The mandated wastefulness of keeping reactor grade plutonium Box 1279, Cave Junction, OR 97523. The image files on these CDs
combined with other materials and stored in repositories was origi- are identical to the original books when viewed on a monitor or printed
nated by the Carter Administration. Most countries recognize that this with an inkjet or laser printer.
wastes both fuel and storage space, so they do not follow this policy. l CO2 and the Biosphere: The Incredible Legacy of the Industrial
In another development, Nuclear Energy Insight, October 1995 Revolution by Sherwood B. Idso, October 1995, a monograph with
available from the Nuclear Energy Institute, Suite 400, 1776 I Street, 361 references published by the Department of Soil, Water, and Cli-
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006-3708, reports that an effort is now be- mate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108.
ing made to use bacteria to clean the walls of concrete structures con- Access to Energy has described the remarkable work of Sherwood
taminated with nuclear waste. Since only the top few millimeters is Idso and his colleagues in several past issues. Atmospheric fertilization
usually contaminated, sulfuric acid excreted by the bacteria can dis- by carbon dioxide is sharply increasing the world-wide abundance of
solve away the contaminated layer and avoid storage of the entire plants (and the animals that depend upon them). Increasing CO2 in the
structure as nuclear waste. atmosphere is probably the most beneficial environmental phenome-
non in human history.
STARK RAVING MAD l Ozone Variations and Accelerated Phaseout of CFCs, testi-
mony by Sallie Baliunas before the U. S. House of Representatives
l Outcome Based Education by V. M. Fareed in Issues & Views: Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, September 20, 1995
An open forum on issues affecting the black community, Winter 1994, available from the George C. Marshall Institute, 1730 M Street, N.W.,
available from P. O. Box 467, New York, NY 10025, describes the Suite 502, Washington, DC 20036-4505.
National Education Association program that is being installed l The Ozone-CFC Debacle: Hasty Action, Shaky Science by S.
throughout the United States under the titles of Master Learning, Fred Singer, Technology: Journal of the Franklin Institute 332A, pp
Outcome Based Learning, and Outcome Based Education. 61-66 (1995) and testimony by S. Fred Singer before the U. S. House
Fareed writes, In the ideal OBE classroom, less content (basic of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Sep-
skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic) is taught, while teachers en- tember 20, 1995 available from The Science & Environmental Policy
courage students to concentrate on developing specific values, atti- Project, 4084 University Drive, Suite 101, Fairfax, VA 22030-6812.
tudes and orientations. The objective is to control the minds of the Drs. Baliunas and Singer summarized the evidence concerning the
students and to nullify their ability to think independently. The child is possible decreased ozone in the atmosphere and concomitant increase
coerced to conform to the correct attitude on particular subjects or is- in UV light at the earths surface that is claimed to result from CFCs
sues as desired by the program administrators. Otherwise, the child and other human-caused effects. This phenomenon, if it exists at all,
risks retention at the same grade level in the next school year. cannot be proved at present because it is evidently much smaller than
Learning outcomes are designed to affect the students thinking natural fluctuations in ozone and UV light. The CFC ban is a political
on everything from environmental issues to social issues to notions action that is not justified by scientific experiments or theory.
about his own self-worth. In other words, the children must adopt the l High-Level Radioactive Waste by Howard C. Hayden, The
value (worth) of themselves, that program administrators determine is Physics Teacher 33, pp 450-454, October 1995. This is a clear, high-
correct and they must do the same for over 50 learning outcomes. school level explanation of the facts about radioactive waste one of
OBE is designed to level all children to a common denominator which is that it is an easily solved problem when rationally understood.
of learning and beliefs. Sound knowledge of a subject is not considered l The Publications Catalog of the Washington Legal Foundation
as important as the students social attitudes. In effect, OBE is a form available from Washington Legal Foundation, 2009 Massachusetts
of attitudinal indoctrination. Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 and the Property Rights
This phase in the destruction of tax-financed schools and the minds Reader published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1001 Con-
of students who attend them parallels the situation on university cam- necticut Avenue NW, Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036. These are
puses where politically incorrect remarks can result in expulsion. At useful tools for the protection of free enterprise.
first, the social engineers just combined their wares with academic
subjects thereby diluting them. Now, they are beginning to demand ACCESS TO ENERGY
that those with incorrect attitudes be given failing academic grades.
l The Deweese Report 1, p 5 (1995) available from 14140-L Parke Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
Long Court, Chantilly, VA 22021, reports that the following pledge $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
was read in tax-financed schools throughout America, presumably on $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
Earth Day I pledge allegiance to Planet Earth, mother of all na- for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
tions; and to the infinite universe in which she stands; our planet, Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
among millions, expressing truth and unlimited possibilities for all! of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JANUARY 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 5) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

A Double Honor
On December 12, 1995, it was announced that the United States Martin Kamen would have received the Nobel Prize for the syn-
has chosen Martin D. Kamen to receive the Enrico Fermi award. Dr. thesis of carbon 14. Later, he would have received serious considera-
Kamen will travel to Washington, DC, to receive a gold medal from tion for a second Nobel award based on the tracer and photosynthesis
the President, a reception at the White House, and a check for work. In over 50 years he has, however, received neither.
$100,000 (part of which he must return in income taxes). Responding to his countrys needs in 1941, he joined the Manhat-
The Fermi prize, Americas highest award in science, is given to tan Project along with most of the physicists and chemists with whom
only a few very distinguished and accomplished scientists. In this un- he worked before World War II. He made valuable contributions to
usual case, it is a double honor it is an honor to Dr. Kamen and it is that project. Suddenly, however, in July 1944, he was forced off the
an honor to the United States. project on the basis of an erroneous security report that he was not
The award will undoubtedly mention that Martin Kamen was the allowed to see until ten years later.
first man to synthesize Carbon 14, the first (with his co-worker Sam Officials of the United States Government then commenced a de-
Reuben) to make a qualitative characterization of its properties, and liberate program to drive him out of science, smear him in the public
the first to estimate its half-life (2,000 to 4,000 years in his initial media, prevent him from working with colleagues abroad by passport
work now known to be 5,730 years). The award may also mention denial, and, in a plan that was fortunately dropped, to murder him.
that the discovery of 14C was no accident. For an entire decade, he was tracked and
In the fall of 1939, Dr. Kamen devised a smeared continually by government spooks
series of experiments using the 37-inch and and so harassed, both personally and profes-
60-inch cyclotrons at Berkeley and including sionally, that he finally attempted suicide.
essential modifications in the cyclotron appa- From this low point, he fought his way
ratus that he had made. His experiments were back, cleared his name in successful lawsuits
specifically designed to synthesize a long- against the government and their fellow trav-
lived isotope of carbon. Less than six months elers in the press, recovered his passport, and
later, on February 27, 1940, he succeeded. finally cleared himself of all official suspicion
The synthesis was considered so important in 1955. His wife Beka, whose steadfast help
that it was announced at the Nobel Prize cere- was essential to Martin Kamens victory in
mony for E.O. Lawrence a few days later this 10-year battle, died from the effects of de-
even though Kamens co-worker, Sam pression brought on by this ordeal.
Reuben, was so worried about error that he Martin Kamen was always a patriotic
did not attend. (There was plenty to worry American who rigorously kept Americas se-
about, since, even after the experiments were crets. There is not a shred of evidence other-
completed, J. Robert Oppenheimer held to the wise although it took years of litigation to
opinion that such a long-lived isotope of carb- force the government to allow a comprehen-
on could not exist for theoretical reasons.) sive look at their files on him.
Later, Martin Kamen was the first man to It is remarkable that Kamen managed such
use carbon 14 as a tracer in a biological sys- a brilliant research career in the midst of this
tem. His subsequent work, with many co- turmoil and under the clouds that federal gov-
workers, laid an essential cornerstone of ernment thugs cast over him.
modern biochemistry which depends upon In one particular, however, his enemies
the ability to label and then trace carbon atoms through chemical have won so far. They smeared Kamen with so much mud during
processes by means of carbon 14. Kamens book, Isotopic Tracers in the apex of his career and the years after his greatest accomplish-
Biology, in its several editions was so influential with two generations ments that he was not awarded the deserved Nobel Prize.
of biochemists and so widely read that the publishers, Academic Now, it is finally over. With the award of the Fermi prize, the
Press, called it their Gone With the Wind. United States government has not only correctly honored his scien-
With radioactive tracers and with a wide variety of other tech- tific achievements, it has lifted the last vestiges of the cloud it placed
niques, Dr. Kamen pursued a life-long fascination with the biochem- over his character and patriotism. Martin Kamen is honored by the
istry of photosynthesis. The hundreds of research papers that he and receipt of this award. The United States is honored by its choice and
his colleagues published on this subject made possible much of our by his acceptance.
current understanding of photosynthetic processes. Always generous, Martin Kamen is 82. It is too late to restore the years that he and
almost to a fault, Kamen shared the fruits of his brilliance so com- Beka lost. It is not too late, however, for intellectual justice the
pletely with his many coworkers that a great many scientists owe award to him of a Nobel Prize.
their careers and fame largely to his extraordinary help. There is no living candidate more worthy of this award.

was promoting his research program partly on the basis that no long-
CARBON 14 lived radioactive isotopes existed for any of the elements of primary
biological importance hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen.
In the fall of 1939, it was generally believed that no long-lived ra- Tritium, 3H, was believed to be stable and therefore not radioactive.
dioactive isotope of carbon existed. In fact, Harold Urey, who had dis- The longest-lived known radioactive isotopes of the other three ele-
covered the stable hydrogen isotope deuterium, and who was the ments were 11C, 13N, and 15O, with half-lives of 21 minutes, 10 min-
foremost proponent of the use of stable isotopes in biological research, utes, and 2 minutes, respectively.
The superscript in these symbols designates the atomic mass of Without the knowledge gained by radioactive carbon tracer experi-
each atom. The nuclei of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen con- ments of this sort, modern biochemistry would have been delayed at
tain 1, 6, 7, and 8 protons. Each of these positively-charged protons is least 50 years. Only recently have mass spectrometers capable of meet-
accompanied by a negatively-charged electron moving in a cloud ing the demands of this research by quickly and reliably measuring the
throughout the atom. Most of the chemical characteristics of each atom amounts of stable isotopes at high sensitivity come into existence.
are determined by these charged particles. These machines are still not available to many biochemists.
The stabilities of the atomic nuclei are, however, determined by In 1939, however, these experiments were not possible. The short
both the protons and the neutrons of which they are composed. (This is half-life of 11C made it unsuitable for most of the needed experiments.
now understood in far more detail than will be mentioned here.) Each Kamen and Reuben were trying to use 11C in experiments to under-
neutron has a mass approximately the same as each proton, but the stand the first biochemical steps in photosynthesis. Kamen had initi-
neutrons are not charged and are not, therefore, associated with the ated some experiments to find a longer-lived isotope, but could not
overall chemical properties. obtain enough cyclotron time and resources for this work.
C, which has 6 protons and 5 neutrons, has about the same chemi-
cal properties as 12C, which has 6 protons and 6 neutrons. The two can
be used interchangeably in chemical systems except that 11C is ra-
dioactive and spontaneously self-destructs with half of the atoms dis-
appearing every 21 minutes. 12C is completely stable. The lack of a
sixth neutron confers a fundamental instability on the 11C nucleus.
Since most of the atoms in naturally occurring substances are sta-
ble, scientists are able to label specific atoms in molecules by introduc-
ing radioactive atoms into the molecular positions of interest. Those
atoms can then be followed along through chemical processes by
measuring the radiation that is emitted when they self-destruct. Each
unstable atom has a constant probability of death depending upon its
nuclear structure, so a steady amount of radiation is produced, which
gradually decreases as the atoms disappear.
This is illustrated by Figures 1 and 2 from Isotopic Tracers in Biol-
ogy, Third Edition by Martin D. Kamen, Academic Press, New York
(1957). Figure 1 shows the molecular structure of cholesterol, where
the ms and Cs are carbon atoms. By labeling the carbons of ace-
tate, CH3CO2- the first carbon being the methyl (m) carbon and
the second being the carboxyl (C) carbon, biochemists were able to
show that cholesterol is synthesized in animals from acetate and to de-
termine which cholesterol carbons originate as acetate methyl carbons
and which as acetate carboxyl carbons. Through many tracer experi-
ments of this sort, a complete understanding of the biochemistry of the Figure 2
production of cholesterol was obtained. This has been of great impor-
tance to biochemistry and to medicine. The Berkeley cyclotrons had been built under the direction of E. O.
After a complex molecule has been radioactively labeled, there is Lawrence to accelerate atomic particles to energies necessary for nu-
often a substantial amount of organic chemistry required for the com- clear reactions. Kamen was a member of the team of scientists who
plete interpretation of the experiment. The molecule must be degraded kept these particle accelerators in operation and improved and modi-
atom by atom through procedures that keep track of where each atom fied them for various purposes.
was located in the intact molecule. Figure 2 summarizes some of this Of special importance was the obtaining of continued financial sup-
degradative chemistry in the case of radioactive carbon tracer experi- port of the research, for which Lawrence needed to demonstrate practi-
ments on the biosynthesis of heme the red, oxygen-carrying mole- cal uses for the new isotopic materials. This requirement and the
cules within the protein hemoglobin in blood. Heme is shown in the competition with Urey ultimately caused Lawrence to give Kamen the
figure with its central iron atom removed and its carbon atoms num- cyclotron priority and resources he needed. Six months later, the re-
bered for reference through the degradative procedure. sults changed the history of biochemistry.
The exciting history of this whole era is vividly described in Martin
Kamens autobiography, Radiant Science, Dark Politics, A Memoir of
the Nuclear Age, published by University of California Press (1985),
which is in print and available from U. C. Press at 1-800-822-6657.
See also Reflections on the First Half-Century of Long-Lived Radio-
active Carbon (14C) by Martin D. Kamen, Proceedings of the Ameri-
can Philosophical Society 138, pp 48-60 (1994).
The most efficient procedure for the synthesis of 14C turned out to
be bombardment of nitrogen, 14N, with slow neutrons. Even with this,
the amounts of 14C that could be made with the Berkeley cyclotrons
were quite small although they did provide material for the first 14C
tracer experiments.
In his autobiography, Kamen tells of the unusual way in which he
learned that this limitation on the amounts of 14C would cease to exist.
Although the existence of the atomic piles, the first built at Chicago
Figure 1 under the direction of Enrico Fermi and the second at Oak Ridge, was
vaguely known about by many scientists within the Manhattan Project,
the operating parameters of these machines were very closely guarded
secrets. It happened that arrangements were made for the production of
a small amount of 24Na in the pile at Oak Ridge for Kamens use in
work he had been assigned in the isotope purification effort there. He support of their claims that nuclear weapons testing has caused world-
was officially told that 5 grams of sodium chloride would be put into a wide increases in cancer and that accidents in nuclear power plants
machine for several hours. This apparently involved a misunder- could potentially make this problem worse.
standing of his requirements or of the capabilities of the pile, but not Actually, in view of the growing amount of experimental data about
knowing the parameters, Kamen could only take what he was given. hormesis (see numerous past issues of Access to Energy and included
That turned out to be a huge lead container which he opened to re- references), it appears most likely now that these small increases in
veal a sample that, to his astonishment, emitted a purple glow. Shocked background radiation have actually had a beneficial influence on hu-
by the realization that the pile neutron flux must be millions of times man health. There is no direct evidence whatever in support of claimed
greater than that achievable in the cyclotron at Berkeley and realizing harmful effects. These claims depend upon arbitrary and probably er-
the revolution this would make possible in the synthesis of radioiso- roneous extrapolations from effects of very high radiation doses.
topes including 14C, Kamen excitedly told E. O. Lawrence the news in
the presence of Lawrences Army guard.
The result was a security investigation to try to find a nonexistent
person who had given Kamen this secret information. The security
people knew too little physics to understand that Kamen had been able
to calculate it himself from the information at hand.
Fifty years later Kamen, the man who first synthesized carbon 14, is
being honored in the name of Fermi, who built the first atomic pile.


Carbon 14 has turned out to be of fundamental importance in many

different sciences as is summarized in Figure 3 reproduced from the
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society as cited above.
Part of this importance arises from the fact that it is continuously
synthesized in the atmosphere by the bombardment of atmospheric ni-
trogen with secondary neutron radiation from cosmic rays. This pro-
duces a steady-state concentration of 14C in the atmosphere that has
been relatively constant for thousands of years. Figure 3
C-containing atmospheric carbon dioxide is incorporated in the
tissues of plants and animals and thereby contributes some of the back-
ground radiation which is contained in the bodies of all living things Although some scientists involved in early research on radioactivity
including humans. were harmed by high doses of radiation before the dangers were
Once trapped in living tissue, the 14C can no longer mix with the clearly known, most were apparently not adversely affected. In Martin
atmosphere, and it begins to disappear with its characteristic half-life of Kamens case, he was forced to leave operation of the laboratory
5730 years. By making assumptions about the atmospheric concentra- counting apparatus to his co-worker, because Kamen himself was
tion of 14C in earlier years assumptions that can be checked over the often so radioactive that he disrupted the counters. Fifty years later, he
past two millennia by reference to the 14C concentration in the tree shows no ill affects from the many cyclotron-produced nuclear iso-
rings of living trees it is possible to calculate the age of tissue sam- topes that were induced in his clothing and body tissues.
ples that are recovered by archaeologists.
Alternatively, by reference to fluctuations in 14C as revealed by the ENVIRONMENTAL CARBON 14
tree ring record, it is possible to study prior solar activity. A contro-
versy arose, for example, regarding a nineteenth century report by G. Amid our current plague of swarming pseudoenvironmentalists, the
Sporer and E. W. Maunder that astronomical records from 1645 to story of carbon 14 also provides a lesson in true environmental science
1715 showed a marked absence of sunspot activity, which was at vari- the study of the actual physical realities of our environment by means
ance with the records from other periods. of the phenomena we find within it.
Sunspots interfere with cosmic radiation, so it was predicted that With every breath, we ingest substantial amounts of this radioactive
cosmic radiation and, therefore, atmospheric 14C would increase if sun substance. It is in our water, in our food, and in the rocks, plants, ani-
spots had actually decreased. Tree ring studies showed that an increase mals, and people around us. The most recent results of health physics
in 14C between 1650 and 1700 occurred, which was exactly as pre- indicate that we have learned to live harmoniously in the sea of radia-
dicted from the Maunder minimum. Moreover, another increase oc- tion to which 14C is a contributor, and (although this work is ongoing
curred between 1450 and 1550, giving rise to the suggestion that the and not yet complete) there is a growing indication that we actually
sun undergoes long periodic fluctuations as well as those of the well- benefit from it.
known 11-year solar cycle. Moreover, by understanding 14C and learning to manipulate it, we
For more ancient times, preceding those for which atmospheric 14C have learned a great amount about chemistry, biochemistry, and other
concentrations can be directly checked by techniques such as tree ring sciences, and have greatly increased our own personal benefits from
analysis, assumptions about atmospheric 14C concentration and other medical science. Through biochemistry, we have also enriched the
factors can contain significant errors. Sample contamination also be- beauty of our lives. We no longer see only the forests and the trees. We
comes a serious source of error in less well-defined artifacts. are able to see inside these and other living things and understand them
As a result of nuclear weapons tests, atmospheric 14C increased on a molecular level. The incredible molecular beauty of our environ-
from the early 1950s to a maximum in about 1963 and has since de- ment is a wonder that has been hidden from all human beings who
creased with an atmospheric half-time of about 10 years. This short have lived on earth before this century.
atmospheric half-time has been cited by Frederick Seitz as evidence Contrast this knowledge with the fear of the ignorant who still be-
that the increase in atmospheric CO2 during the past century may not lieve that radiation is an evil and that there is no safe dose who
have been entirely caused by human activity, since it is equilibrating so interfere with the life-giving and life-saving energy that flows from nu-
rapidly with huge terrestrial reservoirs having CO2 contents that dwarf clear power plants because it is associated with radiation.
human production (see Access to Energy 22-1, September 1994, p 3). Ignorance is a debilitating handicap, fear a terrible master, and the
This increase of 14C has also been used by antinuclear activists in true story of 14C is a great place to start in the elimination of both.
As Gilder illustrates, a large part of current American technology
THE PRICE OF POWER has been brought into existence by foreign-born scientists and engi-
neers. Many of our past accomplishments, such as the moon program
Does Price Matter? The Importance of Cheap Electricity for the and the nuclear energy industry, depended upon immigrants. The en-
Economy, January 1995 edition, a monograph prepared for the West- tire history of the United States teaches the incredible productive
ern Fuels Association, 1625 M Street N.W., Washington, DC, 20036 power of a melting pot of the worlds best and brightest people espe-
by Mills, McCarthy & Associates, 6900 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 700, cially those with the personal ambition to seek the best national envi-
Chevy Chase, MD 20815, provides an analysis that concludes that the ronment. Nevertheless, Congress seems determined to interfere.
delivered price of electric power in the United States will fall from its Perhaps Congress isnt mad. The politics of this may help keep
present average of 7 cents per kWh to less than 5 cents per kWh by the them in power, and we get to pay for their pensions when they retire.
year 2010 (in 1992 cents). We, however, are stark raving mad to let them do it.
This analysis includes the effects of competition, improved technol-
ogy, fuel costs, and other factors including inefficiencies from govern- GOOD READING
ment regulation and enviro agitation. It is at variance, however, with
conventional belief that real electricity costs will remain about constant l Cargo Cult Science by Richard P. Feynman, Engineering and
during the next 15 years. In an aside, Mills, et al., point out that 1980 Science, June 1974, pp 10-13, available from Engineering and Science,
Department of Energy predictions of real cost changes between 1980 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.
and 1990 for electricity, coal, natural gas, and oil were for increases of We based an Access to Energy editorial on this but did not give the
30%, 30%, 350%, and 90%, respectively, whereas the actual changes reference. This was the Caltech commencement address of 1974 and is
as of 1993 had been decreases of 10%, 10%, 10%, and 60%. a superb discussion of the distinction between science and pseudo -
Most inflation-corrected long-term commodity prices show a stead- science a distinction much more relevant today than in 1974.
ily decreasing price trend primarily as a result of improvements in l Maverick Mark Twains Exhilarating American Individual-
technology. Electricity, the most important commodity in terms of dol- ism by Jim Powell, The Freeman, November 1995, pp 728-733,
lar amounts purchased, will probably join this trend for similar reasons available from The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., 30
regardless of the debilitating efforts of antitechnologists. South Broadway, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533.
This is not to suggest, however, that the average American will al- l A Home Cure for School-Induced Funk by Sarah B. Miller in
ways enjoy a better life as a result of these technological advances. The Wall Street Journal for Wednesday, December 13, 1995, p A14.
Notes, a 133 page compendium of economic data, published by H. F. Home schooling is spreading throughout the United States in all divi-
Langenberg, Smith, Moore & Co., 400 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO sions of society and at remarkable speed. This phenomenon, coupled
63102, provides an exhaustive look at the other side of the power equa- with the decentralization made possible by computers and digital com-
tion government power. munications, is solving the problem of our dying socialist schools by
More than half of the earnings of individual Americans are now creating a marvelous and superior new educational system.
seized by government. In addition, government printing presses assure l Complex Questions: The New Science of Spontaneous Order
that the natural deflation in prices that should result from technological by William Tucker, Reason, January 1996, pp 34-38. Although the
advance is erased by inflation and the savings thereby confiscated. philosophical implications of this subject are an intellectual mine field,
The real price of electricity will probably, as predicted, be lower in the science is especially important as refutation of the utter nonsense
2010. Unfortunately, the real purchasing power of productive Ameri- published by Jeremy Rifkin and others claiming that the earth and uni-
cans is also on a downtrend caused by endemic socialism and eco- verse are running down citing the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
nomic fascism. For two decades, the price of government power in the The Second Law, which deals with entropy, is entirely inapplicable
United States has been rising faster than can be compensated for by the to a nonequilibrium, open system such as the earth. It is also inapplica-
aggregate accomplishments of technology. ble to the universe, which is not at equilibrium and may also (not now
known) be an open system, too.
STARK RAVING MAD l Laser Is a Guiding Light for Atoms by Robert F. Service, Sci-
ence 270, p 914 (1995), describing a new technique for channeling a
l Hour of Lead and Our Familys Story by Amity Shlaes beam of atoms through a hollow optical fiber. By tuning the laser just
in The Wall Street Journal for Wednesday, December 20, 1995 p A14, below a resonant frequency of the atoms and directing the laser down
tells of the attack on her family by New York City lead bureaucrats. the hollow fiber, the atomic beam can be made to follow the loops of
As a result of playing with a vacuum cleaner with lead dust con- the fiber. Moreover, the device acts as an atomic filter, since only those
tamination, her two-year-old sons blood levels rose to 25 micrograms atoms of the appropriate resonant frequency follow the path.
per deciliter higher than the 10 /dl now considered acceptable by l Use of Therapeutic Radionuclides in Medicine by P. J. Early
lead bureaucrats, but not higher than the national average for American and E. R. Landa, Health Physics 69, pp 677-694 especially the short
children in the 1960s and lower than the 1960s median level of 30 /dl section about Marie Curie. This issue of Health Physics is devoted to
in Chicago. Her sons level dropped back below 10 /dl after he was papers about the history of medical uses of radiation and is good read-
no longer allowed to play with the vacuum cleaner. ing in its entirety.
Nevertheless, the family is being required to do tens of thousands of l Nanotechnology Promises Endless Abundance Courtesy of
dollars of work rebuilding their house to the satisfaction of city offi- Molecule-Manipulating Robots. Is That Nuts? And Do We Want It?
cials. Amity Shlaes also relates other similar stories of the activities of by Ed Regis, Reason, December 1995, pp 28-34.
the burgeoning lead-in-children industry. This industry has been made It is not nuts, and we definitely do.
possible by recent lowering of acceptable lead standards to enviro cor-
rect levels which include the blood levels of a great many children. ACCESS TO ENERGY
Events are following a now familiar pattern: Some lead levels in a
few children are much too high, and the causes need to be corrected. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
For safety reasons, standards are set far below the scientifically de- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
termined harmful quantities. Then, with a profuse outpouring of croco- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
dile tears, the usual gaggle of opportunists takes over. for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
l Geniuses From Abroad by George Gilder in The Wall Street Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
Journal for Monday, December 18, 1995, p A14, discusses Congres- 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
sional efforts to reduce legal immigration into the United States.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
FEBRUARY 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 6) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Peer Review
Most scientific journals are peer reviewed, which is another review committees. It seems that the committee members have not
way of saying that those responsible for the journal ask other scien- published as many articles on AIDS as have those being reviewed.
tists to read the papers and make recommendations concerning their Actually, in view of the sorry state of this field, it might be best to
publication. The principal reviewers are usually designated as an disqualify all reviewers who have published an article about AIDS.
editorial board. These reviewers often receive a free subscription A very outstanding colleague of mine once confided that he had
to the journal, and their names are printed in each issue. If they are almost lost grant support for his entire laboratory by making a strate-
well-respected scientists, this is a benefit for the journal as well. gic mistake. For the first time in his long and distinguished career, he
Although this system helps with publication quality, it is recog- had applied for a grant to do work that he had not already completed.
nized to have serious flaws. Advertised as objective, it often favors The research turned out to be more difficult than anticipated, so he
those who are friends of the reviewers. Advertised as confidential, was unable to report success in time for the next review.
there have been many instances of reviewers using their positions to Dishonesty in grant applications is virtually a way of life in sci-
delay publication of work while they or their friends plagiarize the ence today. Those who are entirely honest about their work are at
papers under review and rush into publication under their own names. such a competitive disadvantage that they are often not funded. The
Advertised as raising quality, it often suppresses the publication of current system, therefore, expects scientists to be dishonest half of the
innovative work that is not a part of current fad or fashion. time while they are writing grant proposals and then honest the other
There is an unwritten but very strong rule among scientists today half of the time while they are conducting research.
to suppress public discussion of most instances of favoritism and out- Is it any wonder that the scientific literature is swarming with po-
right scientific dishonesty. Tax-based appropriations of private earn- litically correct, intellectually dishonest articles while most good sci-
ings are used to pay a large proportion of scientists. Public discussion entists, afraid of endangering their own grants, look the other way?
of scientific fraud might threaten to close this money spigot, so just a Peer review as such or under various euphemistic nom de plumes
an occasional instance is publicized to give an erroneous impression is also extending its tentacles throughout the American educational
that big-time tax-financed science is self-policing. system and into general society.
The fad and fashion problem has historically been handled in vari- In American universities, even in science, there is increasing use
ous ways. For example, publication in the Proceedings of the Na- of group work and peer review the grading of one student by
tional Academy of Sciences, PNAS, required only sponsorship by an another. This has even extended to the ultimate idiocy of students
Academy member and two other reviews which the member ar- grading the faculty a very common practice which selects for pro-
ranged. Even scientists with very unusual ideas could usually find at fessors who reduce the quality of their courses to the norms in order
least one such sponsor. This has changed. Now, any publication in to prevent poor student grades from damaging their own careers.
PNAS with medical significance must pass an anonymous medical In the public schools for students in grades 1-12, of course, group-
board, so innovation is being substantially suppressed. think has become more important than reading, writing, and arithme-
So-called peer review has also been adopted by the bureau- tic. This social engineering to produce students that do not think
cratic agencies that distribute tax money to scientists. Having confis- independently and are easily molded to the political views promul-
cated the earnings of ordinary Americans against their will by threat gated by the state and by the political groups controlling the schools is
of force, these people try to show how ethical they are by peer review essentially a peer-review process. Sociological peer-think in both
of proposed research before it is funded. With money at stake, the grade schools and the universities is excellently described in The
problems endemic to peer review of publications are amplified. Dirty War by Thomas Sowell, Forbes, January 22, 1996 p. 66.
Government funded research sinks, therefore, to the lowest com- Science, technology, and free enterprise are listed together on the
mon denominator of review committees of politically correct scien- Access to Energy masthead for several reasons one of which is that
tists who seem to have nothing better to do than sit on government they are intrinsically linked in the human mind. Science and technol-
committees. Actually, many good scientists also waste their time in ogy have advanced almost entirely on the shoulders of individual in-
this way because reviewing the grant proposals of others is helpful in novators many of whom were opposed by their peers. Those
having ones own grant proposals approved. Favoritism, theft of individuals, in order to make their contributions, needed freedom
ideas, and suppression of innovation are widespread in this process. intellectual freedom, economic freedom, and personal freedom.
AIDS Trials Take on Peer Review by Jon Cohen, Science 271, Peer review, government confiscation of economic and personal
pp 20-21 (1996), illustrates a further problem composition of the freedom, and the education of American youth in politically correct
review committees. With billions of dollars annually available from group-think are beginning to have a devastating effect upon our tech-
tax funds and the number of published papers approaching 100,000, nologically-based civilization. American enviropolitics, loss of world
AIDS may not be a single disease caused by HIV, and little progress economic and technological superiority, and loss of the individual
may have been made in its pursuit, but it surely is big business in the freedom for which our country was established are the result.
government welfare system of grant-supported science. A free man carries his only important peer within himself in his
The squabble reported by Cohen relates to selection of the peer own conscience. He must not be enslaved by external peer review.

vocabulary and conceptual abbreviations that are simple but unfamil-

THERMOMETERS iar to the uninitiated. The image of scientists with advanced degrees,
high foreheads, and furrowed brows thinking great thoughts that are
Any discussion involving science or technology can quickly be- beyond the ability of most mere mortals is a sham.
come too complicated for the layman. Although some subjects are It is, however, necessary to the understanding of science as of most
sufficiently specialized as to require unique study for their under- other subjects to be able to think clearly and independently. It is an
standing, most are not. Usually, the apparent complication arises from unwillingness to think that permits most pseudoscience to flourish.
Therefore, 98.6 F is incorrectly stated. Most people have enough ex-
perience with taking temperatures that they realize that 98.6 F is only
an average value until symptoms of disease are present. Then, any
deviation above 98.6 F is usually considered significant because the
subject then has a greater personal interest in the higher value..
We also are very familiar with the fact that temperature depends
upon the location of the thermometer oral, rectal, or under arm in the
example above. At the local hardware store, we can buy dual ther-
mometers with elements for outside temperature and inside tempera-
ture. Virtually all adults have experience with thermometers and with
the fact that temperatures fluctuate within normal ranges and vary with
the location of the thermometer.
Figure 1 There is, however, a group of people with personal interests in pro-
moting two peculiar popular delusions about temperature 1. They
claim that the current temperature of the earth is the best of all possible
temperatures. 2. They claim that carbon dioxide from the burning of
coal, oil, and natural gas is causing that perfect temperature to change,
so we should reduce this burning.
Since this is supposed to be very scientific, we probably shouldnt
Each day, for example, the front page of The Wall Street Journal mention that these are generally the same people who promoted the
displays a graph of a selected economic parameter. Often, this graph is idea in the 1970s and 1980s that the world would soon run out of oil
accompanied by a brief statement in a nearby column as to the signifi- and natural gas, so we should reduce burning. Moreover, these are
cance of the latest data point added to the graph. largely people who promote population reduction, world government,
From this column, we might learn something like yesterdays re- and the expenditure of huge sums of tax money on enterprises from
port of the consumer price index showed an increase of 0.3% from the which they personally benefit. All three of these interests are served by
previous month. This sign of resurgent inflation has dampened the schemes to forcibly control world output of carbon dioxide.
bond market and also caused a drop in stock prices as traders worry Central to this issue, of course, are thermometers. We have already
that the Fed will raise interest rates. But wait it is immediately obvi- had a large increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. What has been the
ous from looking at the graph that this index fluctuates in a range of effect on temperature? Figures 1 and 2 show some of the data. Figure 1
about 0.5% and that last months number was down by 0.2%. By turn- is reproduced from 1995 Captures Record as Warmest Year Yet by
ing the newspaper sideways and sighting down the curve or by draw- R. Monastersky, Science News, 149 p 23 (1996). Figure 2 is from
ing a pencil line through the values to create a rough average, one can World Climate Report 1, No. 1 p4, as cited with other similar figures in
see that the 0.3% value is well within the normal fluctuations and no Access to Energy 23-3, November 1995.
noticeable change in the inflation trend has taken place.
Why then are these apparently mindless single point analyses pub-
lished alongside the graphs? As a regular reader of this page, I have
turned it sideways and visually averaged such graphs literally thou-
sands of times to escape the errors of these written analyses. Are the
writers of the front page of The Wall Street Journal addicted to
misanalysis in which they blame or credit market movements on what-
ever number is at hand? Perhaps, but is is far more likely that signifi-
cant numbers of market participants are mindlessly led to make
economic decisions on the basis of insignificant fluctuations.
Everyone should read the first 100 pages of Extraordinary Popular
Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay, first pub- Figure 2
lished in 1841. There is a 1980 edition published by Bonanza Books in
New York. Mackays accounts of the Mississippi Scheme, the South-
Sea Bubble, and the Tulipomania are merely extreme examples of or-
dinary human behavior. This mindless behavior is even quantitatively Figure 1, in various incarnations, has been publicized extensively
predictable. Excellent procedures for market trading have been based throughout American newspapers and magazines by the global warm-
upon it. A depressingly large percentage of people are controlled by ing industry. Several things about this figure are, however, rarely men-
such emotions as greed and fear to an extent that they are swayed only tioned. 1. The temperature rise between about 1910 and 1940 restored
by facts that conform to their desired view. As Adlai Stevenson ob- global temperatures to their more usual norm from an unusually cold
served, Decisions are made in the viscera and ratified by the mind. period known as the Little Ice Age. Moreover, this rise preceded
Even obviously flawed facts are sufficient for these people. most of the rise in carbon dioxide and therefore could not have been
A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper by J. A. Paulos in the caused by that rise. 2. The period from 1940 to 1980 was one of rapid
Skeptical Inquirer, January/February 1996, as quoted in The New rise in carbon dioxide, but no temperature increase occurred. 3. The
American, January 22, 1996, available from 770 Westhill Blvd., Ap- rise between 1980 and the present is probably an artifact of the location
pleton, WI 54914, cites the value of normal oral human physiological of the thermometers at surface sites throughout the world.
temperature, which is 37 Centigrade. Human temperature fluctuates Human activity is known to increase temperatures at many surface
from person to person and as a function of time of day and other fac- sites. Also, the rise between 1980 and 1995 is not uniform tempera-
tors. Since most values lie between 36.5 C and 37.5 C, the value 37 tures in eastern North America, southern Europe, and northern Africa
C given to only two significant figures is correctly stated. If the did not rise. This nonuniformity might be just an artifact of weather
value were given as 37.0 C, however, this would be incorrect un- variability except for Figure 2, which shows the global temperature av-
less it was accompanied by an analysis of errors stating the experimen- erage for the Northern Hemisphere up to an altitude of about 4 miles
tally observed variations in the values. during the same period as recorded from satellite measurements and
Most people know this value as 98.6 Fahrenheit, which contains plotted as open circles with no rise in temperature. The upper line in
three significant figures and is actually the exact conversion of 37.0 C. Figure 2 plotted as closed circles is the predicted temperatures from


In all of this reactive comment, however, we should also not lose
track of the basic premises of the global warmers now a new popular
delusion of our time. The first premise is that the current temperature
of the earth is perfect, and that any deviation is undesirable. The sec-
Figure 3 ond, regarding the alleged culprit, carbon dioxide, is that increased
CO2 can only do harm. It can never do good.
Actually, a large part of the worlds population lives in regions that
are colder than desirable. A little more warmth and rain would prob-
ably be welcomed in many places. Although it does not look as if CO2
global climate models the same models that global warming gurus from coal, oil, and natural gas is going to provide much more of either,
claim have been verified by Figure 1. Southern Hemisphere satellite the greenhouse effect from increased CO2 should eventually be detect-
values show essentially the same pattern. See Access to Energy 23-3. able. Increased atmospheric CO2 is, however, already providing a lot
The rise in carbon dioxide is expected to cause a rise in temperature. more plants and animals something the enviros claim to want.
The question is, how much rise? Based on the data so far collected, We have already written extensively about the remarkable work of
the answer to that question is apparently an insignificant rise. Sherwood Idso and his colleagues and many other scientists on in-
creased growth of plants with increases of carbon dioxide. See, for ex-
RAINFALL ample, Access to Energy 21-1, 21-3 and 21-4. Also, read CO2 and the
Biosphere: The Incredible Legacy of the Industrial Revolution by
In the absence of cooperative thermometers, the global warmers Sherwood Idso (1995), available from Department of Soil, Water, &
have been looking for other indicators such as increased rainfall Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108.
caused by increased evaporation of water caused by higher tempera- Another recent paper, Carbon Dioxide Uptake by an Undisturbed
tures. World Climate Report 1, no. 3, p 1, available from P. O. Box Tropical Rain Forest in Southwest Amazonia, 1992 to 1993 by J.
455, Ivy, VA 22945, reports that Vice President Gore, in his Earth Grace, et al, Science 270, pp 778-780 (1995), reports that a mature rain
Day speech, said, Torrential rains have increased in the summer forest was found to be absorbing 8.5 (plus or minus 2.0) moles per
during agricultural growing seasons. Figure 3 shows the data on square meter per year of additional CO2. From this we calculate
which Gore based his remarks. Karl, T. R., Knight, R. W., and Plum- (8.5)(44)(4.05)(103)/(454) = 3,334 or, rounding appropriately, 3,300
mer, N., Nature, 337, pp 217-220 (1995), found a 2% increase over the pounds per acre of CO2. This CO2 is being synthesized into between
last 80 years in the amount of precipitation falling during rainstorms of one and two tons of new plants and animals per acre per year in the
two inches or more in 24 hours (as plotted in Figure 3). About 10% of Amazon rain forests. In the United States, as we calculated earlier (see
the worlds rain falls in these rainstorms. Described another way, there references above) from U. S. Forest statistics, the increase in CO2 is
was one more such day of 2-inch rainfall on average in each 730 days. producing 600 pounds per person per year of additional standing tim-
This sort of finding is already questionable because there are many ber for every man, woman, and child
ways to look at rainfall data. Did they try one-inch days, three-inch Will you read about these benefits in the press or hear about them
days, five-inch weeks, or other subdivisions? It is likely that numerous from the enviro-wonders supported by the multibillion dollar envi-
subdivisions were tried and the best one published. Was the statisti- ronmentalist industry? No. All we hear from them is word about the
cal significance of the result corrected for these other tries? ongoing, tax-financed ($2 billion per year) witch hunt for evidence of
Leaving this aside, however, notice that most of this increase oc- catastrophic global warming. Witch hunts are also covered in Extraor-
curred before 1940 again before most of the carbon dioxide release. dinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (pp 462-564).
Figure 4, however, provides further embarrassment for Gores rain
dance. It is one of five similar figures (the others show essentially the

same result for different geographical regions) in Evaporation Losing
Its Strength by Peterson, T. C., Golubev, V. S. and Groisman, P. Y., Decline of the West in Nuclear Issues 17. p3, December 1995,
Nature 377, pp 687-688 (1995). Reported are data from 936 evapora- available from APG, 8 Ruvigny Mansions, Embankment, Putney,
tion-pan stations where rate of water evaporation is measured. Evapo- London SW15 1LE, reports that Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, India,
ration rate is, of course, dependent upon many factors besides Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia. and Thailand are
temperature, but the torrential rains are supposed to have resulted building and/or planning new nuclear power installations.
from increased evaporation. As the figure shows, evaporation rates It is expected that the number of nuclear plants in Asia will double
have actually fluctuated downward during the period in question. from the current 79 to about 150 during the next 15 years. Japan, Ko-
Maybe these people should go back into the global cooling business rea, and Taiwan respectively already generate 27%, 35%, and 33% of
(in which many of them were found during previous decades). The sat- their electric power from nuclear plants. (See Access to Energy 23-3. p
ellite data shows a slight cooling and the rest of the data, probably just 2.) The United States has 109 nuclear power plants generating 22% of
from ordinary fluctuations, looks better for them there, too. its electricity, but has only one new plant under construction.
The Asian countries are also developing a broad infrastructure of
uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, and reprocessing facilities, and
India and Japan have fast reactor development programs.
Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, India, and Pakistan, respec-
tively, have 50, 10, 3, 6, 9, and 1 nuclear plants in operation and 30, 13,
12, 2, 13, and 1 nuclear plants planned or under construction.
Uranium Information Centre Newsletter No. 6, November/Decem-
ber 1995, available from GPO Box 1649N, Melbourne 3001, Austra-
lia, reports that Australia has about 40% of the western worlds
Figure 4 low-cost uranium reserves (recoverable at less than $80 per kilogram).
As this decline continues and we become the non-producers, we are
definitely going to need a World Government to tax Asia for a wel-
fare program for the United States. Asia will, no doubt, cooperate.


The science of wound ballistics is a quantitative and well-devel- l Get a Whiff of This! by James Bovard in The Wall Street
oped discipline. Wound Ballistics and Soft-Tissue Wound Treat- Journal, Wednesday, December 27, 1995, p 10 discusses the new en-
ment by Martin L. Fackler in Techniques in Orthopaedics 10, pp viromania, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS. One Julia Ken-
163-170 (1995), and Differences in the Wounding Behavior of the dall, coordinator of the Chemical Injury Litigation Project, in San
Two Bullets that Struck President Kennedy; An Experimental Study Francisco is quoted as saying, No one should be wearing perfume to
by John K. Lattimer, et al in Wound Ballistics Review 2, pp 13-37 theaters. Why should we have brain damage because people are wear-
(1995), available from the International Wound Ballistics Association, ing toxic chemicals? ..... Basically, we want to destroy the fragrance
P. O. Box 701, El Segundo, CA 90245, are good illustrations of this. industry. The Human Ecology Action League has announced, Per-
The Fackler article addresses the widely believed myth that bullet fume is going to be the tobacco smoke of tomorrow.
velocity determines tissue damage. He shows that tissue damage is pri- Fueled by the Americans with Disabilities Act under which they are
marily a function of projectile design, which determines the tendency bringing lawsuits and pandered to by HUD which is giving them tax
of the bullet to yaw or disintegrate. money, MCS activists are on a roll. Apparently, if these people can
The Lattimer article presents a very extensive array of experimental smell it, they file suit and some of them have very sensitive noses.
evidence in support of the position that President Kennedy and Gover- l New Limits to Scientific Immigration by J. Kaiser, Science
nor Connally were struck solely by two bullets fired by Oswald. Any- 271, p 281 (1996), reports that Senator Alan Simpson has sponsored a
one who holds a different view owes it to himself to read this excellent bill that would specifically limit the immigration into the United States
and detailed report of experimental research. of skilled workers and require special fees to be paid by employers of
For those interested in minimizing the probability that they or their such workers. The goal is to keep people with scientific and technical
loved ones will ever suffer injuries of interest to Drs. Fackler, Lattimer, skills out of the country. Perhaps you thought that these nuts were only
and their colleagues, there is one premier American authority Jeff only trying to keep out inexpensive farm laborers or welfare cases?
Cooper. If there were a Nobel Prize for practical advice and training for l Henry Gee, The Moons a Balloon, Nature 378, p103 (1995),
personal defense, Jeff Cooper would have received two or three. uses the occasion of a review of two books about Apollo 13 to ridicule
Cooper writes like a modern Mark Twain with, however, titanium the manned space program. For a full page in Nature, Gee derides the
ink and knowledge based on a lifetime of practical and teaching expe- greatest engineering accomplishment in human history. Gee says he
rience. A complete listing of his books and articles should be available was eight years old in 1970 he has apparently regressed since.
from P. O. Box 401, Paulden, AZ 86334. Some can be obtained from
ordinary commercial sources. GOOD READING

BASEBALL JET LAG l Why Government Doesnt Work by Harry Browne (1995), St.
Martins Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. This is a
Baseball Teams Beaten by Jet Lag by L. D. Recht, R. A. Lew, well-written book clearly explaining the fundamental reasons for most
and W. J. Schwartz, Nature 377, p 583 (1995), reports a statistically government failures. An extra feature is that it does so without limiting
significant (P = 0.006) effect of jet lag on baseball players who have its audience by confusing the issues with particular political prejudices.
traveled by air across three time zones within the previous three days. l The Truth is Never Out of Date by Lynne V. Cheney,
After separating jet lag effects from other parameters such as home Readers Digest, January 1996, pp 135-138. Beginning with an exam-
field advantage, they found that jet lag reduces the number of runs ple of a math teacher who opposes practice addition of a grocery bill
scored per game by 1.24 (plus or minus 0.45) runs if the travel across because it teaches students that paying for food is natural, this arti-
time zones has been eastward. Westward travel has no effect. cle examines the current effects of moral relativism.
The authors point out that, although this factor affects only 5% of l The Vision of the Anointed by Thomas Sowell as reviewed in
games played, division titles in 1991 and 1993 in the National League Destiny Magazine, January 1996 p 30, available from P.O. Box 1000,
West were lost by western teams to eastern teams by only one game. Selma, OR 97538. This book is a devastating critique of elitists who
Baseball is only a game, but the greater message to Westerners is are above the facts that constrain mere mortals.
clear. If the issue is important, have the Easterners come to you. l Hubbles Deep View of the Universe by R. Cowen, Science
News 149, January 20, 1996, p 36. They left the Hubble Space Tele-
GULF WAR SYNDROME scope aimed at one small bit of sky for 10 consecutive days and then
combined the 276 exposures. The image contains 1,500 galaxies. Even
In the politically supercharged atmosphere that surrounds this par- the small photographic print displayed in this article is breathtaking.
ticular controversy and with key data in the hands of politically con- l Subtle Impact by Ed Carson, Reason, February 1996, p 14,
trolled government agencies, the causes of the increased incidence of reports that, although tests show that airbags reduce fatalities in front-
debilitating diseases among participants in the Gulf War may never be end collisions by 24%, drivers actually are more likely to be killed with
reliably known. Soldiers in foreign wars have often found that their air bags than without them. See Risk in Access to Energy 22-11, p 1
immersion in an unfamiliar biological environment has led to many for further discussion of how safety devices lead to more recklessness.
casualties sometimes more than those inflicted by their opponents. l Has Radiation Protection Become a Health Hazard? by G.
The current availability of modern chemical and biological agents is a Wilander, published by The Swedish Nuclear Training and Safety
further complication. Regardless of hypothetical causes, empirical Center, P. O. Box 1039, S-611 29 Nykoping, Sweden as reviewed by
findings on the cure of these soldiers are of great importance. S. Rippon, Nuclear News, November 1995, p. 58.
Doxycycline Treatment and Desert Storm by G. L. Nicolson
and N. L. Nicolson, J. Am. Med. Assoc. 273, pp 618-619 (1995), and ACCESS TO ENERGY
Progress on Persian Gulf War Illnesses Reality and Hypothesis by
G. L. Nicolson et al, Int. J. Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 4, Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
pp 1-6 (1995), report an antibiotic treatment successful in treating 55% Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
of the Gulf War Syndrome cases on which it has been tried. $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
Professor G. L. Nicolson is in the Department of Tumor Biology, for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
77030. Telephone (713) 792-7481. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MARCH 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 7) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Golden Tears
During 1995, the United States government spent an estimated other Americans also receive money that they did not earn as a result
$71 billion on programs labeled research and development. of the plundering of their neighbors property by government. In ef-
Planning the Budget for This Year and Last by T. Adler in Science fect, we have all gotten used to living in a very high crime environ-
News 149, p. 86 (1996), reports that this included $38 billion for na- ment. We have stopped asking questions about morality and justice.
tional defense and $33 billion for nondefense. The nondefense ex- We just accept the fact that thievery is all around us and spend our
penditures were spread over agencies labeled health, science, time trying to limit our own personal losses.
agriculture, interior, transportation, environment, and commerce. In addition, our vision is obscured by the torrential rain of tears
About half was for health and about 10 % was for basic science. that is shed upon us by those who receive portions of the tax collec-
Expenditures for defense are, of course, justified by the Constitu- tors loot. These are very sensitive people. They implore us to:
tional requirement to provide for the common defense. After 50 years Consider the terrible suffering from cancer, heart disease, birth de-
in the nuclear and high technology age, America is still free of foreign fects, and other maladies. Imagine those who have inadequate food or
domination by force. This fact is largely the result of defense research transportation and insufficient commercial opportunities. Even
and development work by our scientists and engineers. worse, visualize the suffering of animals, plants, and the environment
The nondefense expenditures are an entirely separate matter. and of people whose lives are miserable because they suffer psycho-
There is no Constitutional justification whatever for the confiscation logically for planet earth. Most of all, consider the children.
of the earnings and savings of men, women, and children by force or No atrocity is so great that it cannot be justified by a river of
threat of force through taxation for nondefense research and develop- crocodile tears shed for the children. Children must be free of disease,
ment. Over the past few decades, the seizure of private property for must be well fed, must be well educated, must be protected from vio-
this purpose has totaled over a trillion dollars. lence (especially spanking and other forms of parental discipline),
The usual critique of this expenditure involves its effects. Govern- and must have a future. That future is too important to be left to their
ment research funds now have such an overwhelming influence in parents to build it must be designed and built by politicians and bu-
universities and other non-profit institutions that the private funds of reaucrats who have the wisdom and sensitivity to do it correctly.
those institutions are also spent in accordance with the wishes of a These critical needs have bred a new, superior form of human life.
vast horde of politically correct government research bureaucrats. In- Perhaps there were a few of these specimens in our gene pool all
tellectual freedom has accordingly diminished, output of new knowl- along or, perhaps, we have just been fortunate that they arose in our
edge has been stunted, and the actual effect of that trillion dollars has midst by spontaneous mutation when they were needed. In any case,
been to retard overall research and development. they are here. They are human beings who speak for those who can-
The fact that pseudosciences like global warming are now run- not speak for themselves.
ning rampant over the political landscape while most scientists are They speak for the children, for the downtrodden and poor, for the
silent indicates how far we have descended as a result of government sick and helpless, for the animals, for the plants for the whole earth.
programs. America has created a giant welfare program for scientists. Their tears are shed in substitute for those that are not shed by avari-
This welfare program has failed just as the welfare programs for cious, unfeeling, and evil people (most Americans). Their tears wash
nonscientists have failed. The science and technology failure is more away such minor questions as morality, ethics, and justice. Theirs are
easily hidden because private enterprise has made substantial ad- the golden tears that make everything right and nothing wrong as
vances, which are incorrectly credited to government. long as it conforms to their agenda.
Scientists at universities and non-profit institutions have also Those who shed these tears have become an elite in our society
made progress although less than they would have made without they do not need to work. They only need to cry. They have built an
the distortions caused by this welfare program. Without the free en- enormous industry populated by bureaucrats and welfare recipients.
terprise options that have been lost, even our Nobel Prize winners They have built that industry upon the backs of the American people
must waste much of their time pleading with bureaucrats for support whose property they have plundered. It is true that a small portion of
support that is only given for projects that these bureaucrats favor. their loot makes its way to truly worthy causes. These causes serve as
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness are, however, not the most com- an excuse for their continued thievery.
pelling arguments. The fact is that it is morally wrong to steal the In the river of irrelevant scientific publications that flows today
property of other people. Our government has no legal or moral justi- from government subsidies, there are certainly islands of success.
fication for this theft. We would probably look with disfavor upon a Valuable discoveries have been made with government funds. Are
scientist who obtained his salary and research funds from privately these scientists to be congratulated?
organized crime such as the Mafia regardless of whether or not he The few who manage to make progress while accepting tax subsi-
did good scientific work. Why then do we not look with equivalent dies do so at the expense of the greater progress that would be made
disfavor upon scientists who obtain their salaries and research funds in a free economy. They provide propaganda for those with the
from publicly organized crime in Washington, DC? golden tears. They are the modern alchemists. They have succeeded
Part of the reason is that, in addition to scientists, a great many in turning tears into gold at the expense of American freedom.

lives, and upon providers who begin to think of themselves as an

GLOBAL INERTIA elite that is superior to the recipients and to the productive people
whom they plunder to keep the game going. Less noticed is the ugly
In considering the ill effects of welfare, critics frequently focus turn that welfare often eventually takes in which the recipients actu-
upon its failures and upon the immorality of the theft that supports it. ally try to harm the productive people who have provided for them.
There is also discussion about the negative effects it has upon recipi- This problem seems to arise from a negative aspect of human na-
ents who become passively dependent and unable to lead productive ture. Even in private charity which is the honorable way to provide
as crises requiring immediate emergency action. It is not the direct
claimed danger from ozone destruction or global warming that re-
Figure 1 quires emergency action; it is the danger that, given a little time, scien-
tific facts may arise that discredit these hypotheses altogether.
In this context, the global warming crowd recently suffered a very
severe setback. After extensive squabbling in which referees modified
the paper and tried to suppress it, Economic and Environmental
Choices in the Stabilization of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations by
T. M. L. Wigley, R. Richels, and J. A. Edmonds in Nature 379, pp
240-243, was published. Figures 1 and 2 are adapted from this paper.
Wigley, et al, subscribe to the entire global warming scenario in
which computer models that fail to predict past weather and contain
only the most rudimentary guesses as to the actual effects of atmos-
pheric release of carbon dioxide from human activity are used to pre-
tend to predict the future with breathtaking precision. Wigley, himself,
is one of the lead authors of the recent report by the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that has been enthusiasti-
for those who are truly in need this can occur. As charity continues, cally publicized throughout the media in recent months as the most
the providers sometimes begin to feel superior to the recipients, and authoritative verification of the looming global warming catastrophe.
the recipients begin to resent the providers. In private charity, how- Alas, Wigley asked one question too many. Assuming that the en-
ever, all is voluntary and the participants are usually in close contact tire global computer model is correct (nonsense as shown in AtE 23-06
with one another, so these difficulties are manageable. but it is this nonsense upon which the global warming facade rests),
Public welfare has, of course, more beneficiaries. These include the Wigley calculated the effects of waiting another 10, 20, or 30 years
vast and voracious bureaucracy that administers welfare welfare for without any control of CO2 emissions at all before taking action. His
scientists and welfare for pot-smoking back-to-nature hippies who just calculation assumes the worst case scenario adopted by the UN for un-
prefer not to work. Therefore, these welfare programs become ends in controlled emissions. The calculation was carried out for ultimate at-
themselves. No matter how extensive the difficulties, this bureaucracy mospheric CO2 levels of 350 parts per million through 750 ppm.
is determined to keep the failed system going at all costs. Figure 1 shows the predicted atmospheric CO2 levels assuming im-
Perhaps the greatest cost is the deliberate damage eventually done mediate crisis reductions (IPCC) or assuming a wait of 20 years before
to the productive victims of welfare by some of the welfare recipients
themselves. In the Northwest, for example, the destruction of the log-
ging industry has largely been accomplished by agitators who are ex-
tensively supported by welfare. These are the people who have time to Figure 2
spike trees, promulgate hate campaigns against the lumber industry,
and participate in demonstrations. Antinuclear demonstrators are
somewhat similar. Antinuclear protests include a very large proportion
of people who are not engaged in productive work.
The elite behind these movements has, however, a larger agenda.
The same elite that promulgated the energy crisis in the 1970s pro-
motes the global warming crisis of the 1980s and 1990s.
Their first claim was that we were running out of coal, oil, and natu-
ral gas, so there would soon be none to burn. Their new claim is that
we are going to burn coal, oil, and natural gas in ever increasing
amounts in perpetuity and fry the planet. Simultaneously, they have
stunted American progress in nuclear energy by means of false claims
about the dangers of nuclear power.
Their agenda has little to do with any of these claims. For many of
them, that agenda is the elimination of human beings. The goal is re- any reductions (WRE). Figure 2 shows the total amount of CO2 emis-
duction of the earths human population by means of technological sions from human activity under the two assumptions. (The line la-
genocide the reduction of life-supporting technology. beled IS92a is the IPCC assumption for CO2 emissions if no action is
These elitists cannot, however, succeed by themselves. They must ever taken. Planners love this sort of apocalyptic scenario.)
have foot soldiers to get the job done. These foot soldiers are now be- For a 30-year wait and his recommended level of 550 ppm, Wigley
ing provided by the giant welfare system that they have built for sci- finds that the end result for the global environment is unchanged.
entists. For the first several decades of this welfare system, scientists Along the way to that UN-created nirvana 300 years from now, there is
were content to passively participate. Now, however, some of them are a difference of less than 2 inches in sea level and about 0.2 C in
beginning to behave in the predictable manner of long-term welfare temperature. In other words, as Wigley et al conclude, the effect of
recipients. They are beginning to bite the hands that feed them. waiting 30 more years before controlling CO2 emissions, even when
Now we find welfare-supported scientists willing to elevate tenu- one assumes that the entire global warming scenario is correct (which
ous hypotheses with little or no experimental support to the level of it is not), is so slight as to be not worth significant economic disruption.
robust theories of unquestioned verisimilitude in order to deliber- A 30-year wait would, of course, be devastating to the global
ately destroy the way of life of those whose earnings pay for welfare. warming industry. Without a crisis, their war-level funding from tax
A problem with science, however, is that it still includes a method money would decrease and, worse yet, their predictions would need to
of thought that is based upon truth. While one is shoveling welfare to stand the test of 30 years of future climatological data.
the scientific mob, there is no completely reliable way to guard against From the Wigley, Richels, Edmonds (WRE) calculation there is no
a discovery that is inconsistent with the political agenda. Moreover, honest escape. From here on, the crisis teams at the UN and the welfare
scientists who are playing the desired game may, at any time, revert to receiving scientists and other unprincipled participants in the multibil-
their fundamental training and uncover some embarrassing fact. lion dollar global warming crisis business will have to fly on hope.
For this reason, the global environmental scams must be presented Their fuel tanks are empty. They just must hope that no one notices.


At the core of every argument about science and technology are

certain assumptions upon which the evaluations ultimately rest. Basic
science has, for example, a fundamental value in that it raises the qual-
ity of human life by allowing people to understand and enjoy the
physical world on an increasingly deeper intellectual and emotional
level as their knowledge increases. This is one reason that science
should be a substantial part of every persons education. Figure 4
More compelling is the assumption that technology is good because
it increases the quality and the quantity of human life. If we value hu-
man life and desire that its quality should be improved, then only the
most selfish elitists can argue that the number of high quality human
lives and the length of those lives should not also be maximized. We Anyone who has invested in farmland during the past 35 years is
seek to maximize some function of the general form: [quality of hu- familiar with the effect of this increase in productivity. American farm-
man life] x [number of human lives] x [length of human life] = value. land increased in real value until about 1980 and has decreased since.
Quality and length of life depend, of course, upon number of lives. Ausubel calculates the area of farmland that may be required if
If there are more people than can be technologically provided for, qual- world population doubles from the current level to a total of about 10
ity and length decrease. The whole function must be considered. billion. He estimates that a vegetarian diet requires production of about
Where the elitists err is in their assumption that their own lives are 3,000 calories per person per day, while a diet of meat, milk, and other
of far, far greater value than those of other people. This causes them to foods such as that consumed by most Americans requires about 6,000
write the above function as something like: [quality of life] x [(elite calories. The difference is calories lost in the production of livestock.
lives) (K) + (ordinary lives)] x [length of life] = value. They put a very Irish wheat and American corn now yield an average of 8 tons per
high value upon K. From Auschwitz and Dachau to the board rooms of hectare. He calculates that, if average world productivity rises to just 5
big time pseudoenvironmentalist organizations today, it is this inflation tons per hectare (for reference, see figure 3), the entire 10 billion peo-
of the value of K that has been used to justify virtually any atrocity. ple can eat an American (6,000 calorie) diet, and one-fourth of current
Elitists often advocate minimization of suffering as a substitute world farmland an area the size of Alaska can be taken out of pro-
for maximization of value. This leads to the golden tears mentioned duction. An 8 ton per hectare average idles an area of farmland the size
on page one, above. Minimized suffering is a functional goal with of Australia. The curves in Figure 3 indicate that this is reasonable.
flawed boundary conditions (except as viewed by those who use a high This is a wonderful effect of the advance of science and technology
value of K). After all, one can minimize suffering by just killing every- but the elite environmentalist leadership does not agree. They are
one or at least everyone else except for the elite decision makers. doing everything possible to diminish technology including the tech-
We usually do not express these assumptions explicitly, but they nology that increases farm yields. Why? Surely they support the rever-
are always there. An individual with the elitist, Auschwitz mentality sion of vast tracts of cultivated land to the natural state. The answer
might read Access to Energy for a while, but before long this underly- is that environmentalism is, to them, only a tool with which to accumu-
ing difference in assumptions would repel him. Few such people do late wealth and power and to reduce the world population in accord-
read Access to Energy because Petr Beckmanns personal assumptions ance with their enormous estimates of their own self-importance.
over a period of 20 years selected against this mentality. Whether or not the issue is nuclear power, chemicals for farm fertil-
Can Technology Spare the Earth? Evolving efficiencies in our use izer and pest control, chlorine and bromine compounds for refrigera-
of resources suggests that technology can restore the environment even tion, or the use of coal, oil, and natural gas for power, lubrication and
as population grows by J. H. Ausubel in American Scientist 84, pp chemical production, underlying assumptions about life divide most
166-178, March-April 1996, gives several examples. One of these re- scientists and technologists irreconcilably from their enemies. Why
lates to farming as shown in Figures 3 and 4 from that paper. can the enviros not see the wonderful benefits of the advance of sci-
Even though world population has continued to grow, the area of ence and technology in a free-enterprise economy? They cannot see
farmland planted to grain has been decreasing since about 1980. It is these benefits because, in their world view, these are not benefits at all.
approximately the same as in 1960, as is shown in Figure 4. This has
been possible because of technological improvements in farming that
have increased the yield of grain per acre as shown in Figure 3. NUCLEAR POWER
The spared line in Figure 4 shows the amount of farmland that

The January 1996 issue of Public Opinion, published by the Nu-
would have been needed had this increase in productivity not taken clear Energy Institute, Suite 400, 1776 I Street, N.W. Washington, DC
place. The spared line assumes that productivity per acre remained 20006-3708, reports a survey of 1,000 adult Americans by Bruskin
at 1960 levels. Goldring Research in November 1995 on the subject of nuclear power.
Of the respondents, 80% replied that nuclear power should be an op-
tion for future new power plants, and 72% supported this as an option
for their area of the country. However, only 12% replied that we
should build new nuclear power plants now, and 44% felt uneasy
Figure 3 about the existing nuclear plant nearest to them. Also, 74% considered
it important that American manufacturers of nuclear power plants play
a leading role in world markets. Few of these people, of course, have
any reliable knowledge about nuclear power. Their responses are pri-
marily a measure of the effects of the ongoing propaganda war.
The January-February 1996 Uranium Information Centre Newslet-
ter, available from GPO Box 1649N, Melbourne 3001, Australia, re-
ports that seven nuclear power reactors began operation in 1995 in
the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Armenia, South Korea , Japan (2), and
India.. They estimate that, by 2005, world mine production of uranium
will need to double over that provided by currently existing mines.


It follows from Newtons laws that the angular momentum of a

spinning body, in the absence of outside forces, must be conserved.
The mass orbiting a point multiplied by the distance to that point and
the velocity of the motion measures angular momentum. This is
summed over all the points of mass in an object. Therefore, when a
spinning figure skater draws his arms inward, the velocity with which
he spins increases because this preserves angular momentum.
Science News 149, p 108 (1996), says that B. F. Chao (December
15, 1995, Geophysical Research Letters) has found effects on the
earths rotation from manmade water reservoirs. The shift in mass
caused by 10 trillion tons of water storage in the Northern Hemisphere
over the past 40 years has changed the rotation rate of the earth by 8
millionths of a second per day. This storage has the effect of moving
mass closer to the axis of spin because much of it is removed from the
equatorial oceans. So the earth, like the figure skater, is rotating faster.
Moreover, since this rearrangement of mass is not uniform over the
globe, it has also increased the rate of drift of the earths axis of rota-
tion. Since 1940, this effect has pushed the axis of rotation about 60
centimeters away from the North Pole toward Western Canada and
equals 5% of the natural axis drift over the last 100 years.
Will this become the next environmental crisis? We can imagine
the headlines Earth wobbling uncontrollably as a result of the stock
watering ponds of Western ranchers, Vice-President warns. Loss of
trees from equatorial rain forests also a culprit.


Nature 379 p 291 (1996) reports that Yasumasa Kanada at Tokyo l Under Pressure by David Diaz in American Heritage of In-
University now holds the record for accuracy in the calculation of the vention & Technology 11, Spring 1996 issue, pp 53-63 , from Forbes
value of . In five days of calculation on a HITAC S-3800/480 com- Inc., Forbes Building, 60 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011.
puter, Kanada determined the value to 6,442,450,000 decimal places. This is an account of the building of the Eads Bridge in St. Louis in
For a fascinating history of this competition over the millennia (in- the early 1870s. The unique building method involved sinking cais-
cluding the value to the first 10,000 decimal places), you may wish to sons deep into the bed of the Mississippi with workers adding to them
order A History of by Petr Beckmann from Mrs. Beckmann at Golem from above and shoveling sand from under them below. This added a
Press, Box 1342, Boulder, CO 80306, for $18 postage paid. new peril from the bends, which was not then understood.
Another $3 will bring you one of her remaining copies of Petr l The Critical Distinction Between Homeschooling & Govern-
Beckmanns reprint of Fancy Napkin Foldings by Kunda Yakoyama.. ment Schooling by Chris Cardiff in The Education Liberator, Febru-
The cover recommends that you Fascinate Your Family and Enchant ary 1996 issue, pp 1-3, available from 4578 N. First, No. 310, Fresno,
Your Guests with these techniques. Your family and your guests will CA 93726. Cardiffs message is summarized in his quote of Thomas
appreciate this artistry from the past. Jefferson To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for
the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful
STARK RAVING MAD and tyrannical. Jefferson would probably agree that tax support for
the propaganda mills now called public schools should be abolished.
l Flush with funds partly derived from their campaign to destroy l Ciceros Prognosis by M. F. Caldwell available from the As-
nuclear power, the Union of Concerned Scientists is now running sociation of American Physicians and Surgeons, 1601 N. Tucson
lavish ads on the editorial pages of the New York Times (see New York Blvd., Suite 9, Tucson, AZ 85716. Ciceros efforts to save the Roman
Times of February 2 and 4, 1996). A large photo of the children in- Republic have many lessons applicable to the American Republic.
cludes the heading If you worry that too much junk food can damage l The Grand Deception by Stanley K. Monteith, HIV Watch 4,
their health, consider what junk science could do to their planet. Junk No. 1 available from P. O. Box 1835, Soquel, CA 95073 and AIDS
science is then defined as that questioning the crisis scenarios of ozone by Prescription, How My Healthy Baby Developed AIDS from AZT
holes, global warming, and species extinction. Antienvironmental- by Cheryl Nagel, Reappraising AIDS 4, No. 1 available from 7514 Gi-
ists are equated with those who think that cigarettes are harmless. rard Ave., #1-331, La Jolla, CA 92037. These are articles from oppo-
l Chemicals May Steal Our Future is the title of the article site sides of the HIV war. We have previously recommended the book,
which was embellished by the charming creature (representing the Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS by Bryan J. Ellison and
chemical industry) who is about to devour a hapless human in the fig- Peter H. Duesberg, which Monteith attacks.
ure. Written for the Los Angeles Times by one Donelle H. Meadows,
professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College, the sub-
heading reads, Substances we have thrown into the environment af- ACCESS TO ENERGY
fect both our ability to have children and our propensity to get cancer.
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
With the usual scare scenarios about cancer and endocrine disaster, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
Professor Meadows offers the following new principle Chemicals, $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
unlike people, should be assumed guilty until proved innocent. $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
The article finale is a shower of tears for the children. The final for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
punch line As long as we are able to have children, anyway. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
We thank Dartmouth College for making this warning possible. of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
APRIL 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 8) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Sweet and Dangerous

Two weeks ago, as part of enzyme analysis work here, we ordered we can surely rely on our own knowledge about laboratory dangers.
a kilogram of high purity sucrose manufactured by International Right? Wrong! There are many special circumstances in which fa-
Biotechnologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Eastman Kodak Company. Su- miliar, usually harmless substances can become very dangerous.
crose is used to reduce diffusion and mixing during one of our proce- This sort of practical information is not taught to young scientists
dures. In due course, a wonderful bottle and data sheet arrived today as was ordinarily done two generations ago. Crying wolf in
complete with six-digit lot number, purity specifications, chemical the material data sheets diminishes the chance that safety informa-
data, and a list of 15 alternative names for sucrose including: beet tion will be heeded when it is really necessary.
sugar; cane sugar; confectioners sugar; fructofuranoside, alpha-D- More importantly, the insinuation of false information into the en-
glucopyranosyl, beta-D; beta-D-fructofuranoside, alpha-D-glucopyr- vironment of science undermines the fundamental integrity upon
anosyl; glucopyranoside, beta-D-fructofuranosyl, alpha-D; alpha-D- which the intellectual substance of science and technology depends
glucopyranosyl beta-D-fructofuranoside; (alpha-D-gluco-sido)-beta- for its survival. Dishonesty is entirely incompatible with scientific in-
D-fructofuranoside; granulated sugar; NCI-C56597; rock candy; quiry. There will, of course, always be occasional dishonest scientists,
saccharose; saccharum; sucrose (OSHA); and sugar. but false statements must not be allowed to become an ordinary and
The data sheet even provides the LD50s (amount required to kill tolerated part of scientific discourse. Incorrect statements, whether or
50% of the animals) for rats and mice to three significant figures - not they are inadvertent errors or deliberate lies, must be habitually
29700 mg/kg and 14000 mg/kg, respectively. Apparently, five hunted down and eliminated by scientists.
pounds of sugar has a 50-50 chance of killing a 170 pound rat - or If intolerance of error is not a routine part of science, progress
man if he behaves (biologically) like a rat. (We are apparently safe, slows or stops because the errors compound until neither experimen-
since there are only 2 pounds in our bottle.) This is all very scientific. tal observations nor theoretical constructs are reliable. Moreover, to
The data sheet provides, however, additional advice. Included are: the extent that science is politically important, tolerance of error turns
First Aid - In case of contact, immediately wash skin with soap the facts of science into just another source of controversial opinion
and copious amounts of water. If swallowed, wash out mouth with rather than anchors of truth which can be relied upon.
water provided person is conscious. Call a physician. Wash contami- Why shouldnt the peer review grant process encourage exaggera-
nated clothing before reuse. tion and falsehoods of omission without which the scientist will lose
Steps to be taken if material is released or spilled - Chemical his support? After all, these proposals just wind up in file cabinets.
safety goggles. Use protective clothing, gloves, and mask. Sweep up, Everyone understands the game. Why shouldnt safety sheets contain
place in a bag and hold for waste disposal. Avoid raising dust. Venti- bizarre and false warnings? We all know the reasons. No one pays
late area and wash spill site after material pickup is complete. attention. Why shouldnt scientists cook their results and make exag-
Waste disposal method - Dissolve in water and dilute to a 5% gerated claims to get their political point of view on the evening
solution. Check the pH and adjust it to 7 if necessary. Pour the solu- news? The opposition does the same thing. This is the real world.
tion down the drain with running water and continue to flush the Why should scientists speak up when they see obviously false or
drain system for 10 minutes, provided that rules at your place of em- exaggerated claims by other scientists about global warming, ozone
ployment or local, state, and federal guidelines allow you to do so. If depletion, acid rain, chemical apocalypse, or species extinction being
you are unable to flush the solution down the drain or in doubt about used to set public policy? After all, false and erroneous statements
the suitability of the method, use a licensed waste disposal company. have become a way of life. We cannot be expected to fight them all.
Observe all federal, state, and local laws. Every laboratory that receives this sucrose from Eastman Kodak
Is this why Hillary Rodham Clinton avoids making cookies? should send it back with a letter of explanation: If your safety data
I am not a sucrose advocate. I avoid feeding it to children and is this far wrong, how can we trust your purity data? If your labora-
think that it is not an especially healthful food for adults either - al- tory personnel are no smarter than this, we cannot trust your chemi-
though, in one experiment we conducted, sucrose decreased the rate cals as a part of our experiments.
of growth of skin cancer in mice. This first aid, safety, and disposal They would, no doubt, reply that the devil made them do it one
information is, however, obviously ridiculous. Why is it included with government horns and a regulatory pitchfork. Fine, make them
in an otherwise rational scientific document? fight that devil. Science cannot tolerate lies, regardless of their origin.
It is included because these manufacturers in New Haven, Con- It is fashionable today to consider uncompromising honesty, strict
necticut, are evidently frightened that they will be attacked in court- rules of integrity, inflexible codes of honor, and intolerance of error as
rooms or by government bureaucrats if they provide inadequate obsolete artifacts. Those who exhibit these properties are thought of
warnings. Their lawyers have probably advised them to include dra- as troublemakers politically incorrect throwbacks from the past.
conian warnings on every chemical that they produce not for the Scientific knowledge and the scientific method rest, however, upon
safety of the users, but for their own legal and regulatory safety. the shoulders of people who have these characteristics.
So, why do we not laugh this off in Stark Raving Mad and for- We agree with the data sheet. Lot # 7B0250 of sucrose from East-
get it? After all, who reads safety data sheets anyway? As chemists, man Kodak is dangerous it does not belong in any laboratory.

This was not always so. Prior to recent advances in technology, su-
SUCROSE crose was a relatively expensive condiment which could be afforded in
only small amounts by ordinary people. It is naturally present in most
It has been estimated that the average American eats about 100 foods. Unless sucrose is added separately, however, the amounts in
pounds of sucrose per year. A reading of grocery store labels, espe- food are much lower than those routinely consumed today.
cially if one attempts to buy groceries without added sugar, demon- Food is, of course, entirely made up of chemicals. There is not any
strates how ubiquitous this substance has become in our food supply. difference between sucrose contained in sacks of a chemical labeled
sugar and sucrose contained in a healthful glass of orange juice. One remarkable finding was that, after a few weeks on Vivonex
(Orange juice has so much sugar that, during one period of inflated 100, the convicts average blood cholesterol had dropped to about 150
world sugar prices, consideration was given to converting the Florida as compared with about 220 previously. The convicts complained,
orange crop into sucrose and selling it for a higher price.) however, about the monotonous taste of the diet, so Winitz decided to
When, however, a chemical substance is extracted from ordinary provide a variation. He removed 25% of the glucose and replaced it
food and purified before use, several changes can take place none of with sucrose. After this, the average of the convicts blood cholesterols
which change the fact that the chemical in the food is entirely identical immediately returned to pre-diet levels.
to the same chemical after extraction and purification. Winitz found that he could control blood cholesterol over a range of
First, substances not normally present in food can be inadvertently a factor of 1.5 solely by exchanging glucose for sucrose (or, perhaps,
added to the chemical during extraction and purification. Second, sub- glucose for fructose by way of sucrose). See M. Winitz, D. A. Seed-
stances that are normally present with the chemical in the food and are man, & J. Graff, Am. J. Clin. Nutrition 23, p 525-545 (1970). This
needed for its healthful use can be removed. Third, the amount of the work, however, does not mean that sucrose always causes high choles-
chemical eaten can be altered radically because it is no longer por- terol. A complete diet has numerous chemicals the absolute amounts
tioned by combination with other substances. This third effect has been and ratios of which may affect this result.
large in the case of industrial purification of sucrose. In another experiment, when we were studying cancer as a function
Also, the specific form of a substance has an effect upon its rate of of diet in mice (See Suppression of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in
absorption. Carbohydrate supplied as starch releases sugars slowly into Hairless Mice by Dietary Nutrient Variation by A. B. Robinson, A.
the blood stream, while carbohydrate from sugar is released more Hunsberger, and F. C. Westall in Mechanisms of Ageing and Develop-
quickly. This rate of release can have physiological effects. ment 76, pp 210-214 (1994)), we found that replacement of 20% of the
ordinary mouse diet by sucrose (approximately the percentage eaten
on average by Americans) reduced the growth rate of cancer by about
20%. This reduction corresponded, however, to the reduction in cancer
growth rate also observed when protein intake was reduced by 20% by
other means. The sucrose simply replaced some of the protein. Protein
is positively correlated to the rate of growth of cancer. A person with
cancer should try not to feed the cancer an enriched diet.
Thousands of experiments have been performed on human health
and sucrose. Some of these have been interpreted to mean that high
sucrose intake raises the probability of heart disease, cancer, mental in-
stability, tooth decay, and numerous other maladies. Other experiment-
ers claim that high sucrose is harmless that the observed ill effects are
caused by accompanying fat intake or other factors. Almost all of the
work on both sides of this issue is correlational in nature. Always re-
Figure 1 member, however, that correlation does not prove causality.
I do not feed sugar to the children because I do not want them to be
As shown in Figure 1, sucrose is a dimer of glucose and fructose. a part of the currently ongoing grand experiment on high sucrose in-
Soon after it is eaten, this dimer is hydrolyzed to produce separate glu- take that almost the entire American population is performing on itself.
cose and fructose molecules. Fructose, sometimes referred to as fruit My opinion is that this large arbitrary change in nutrition is more likely
sugar, is also contained in many foods. Glucose is even more com- to be harmful than helpful and that the mounting evidence against su-
mon. It is a major metabolic constituent, and it has many other uses. crose will eventually include definitive experiments.
For example, cellulose, the primary structural component in many I have not, however, ever been able to completely control the addic-
plants, is a polymer of glucose. tion to sucrose that I developed as a child. Sugar is definitely addicting,
It is, as yet, not definitively known whether or not a change in diet as most adults with a sweet tooth should realize. I occasionally
in which the intake of sucrose is increased far beyond that to which the smuggle sucrose-enriched items into my office, and friends also bring
human body was previously exposed is harmless, harmful, or benefi- this contraband to me. One time, several years ago, I noticed that some
cial. This is a continuing subject of research. It is a complicated prob- of my cookies were disappearing. I questioned the children thinking
lem because foods are made up of tens of thousands of different that one of them was developing a sweet tooth.
chemicals in variable amounts. Also, humans are notoriously difficult Finally, my oldest son explained the disappearance. He had been
research subjects, so controlled experiments are difficult. gradually removing my cookies and burning them in the stove. He was
Twenty five years ago, a remarkable biochemist, Milton Winitz, doing this, he said, because the children had observed that I was more
developed a completely defined chemical diet upon which humans can irritable when eating sugar. I experimented with this and found that
live indefinitely. He marketed this diet as Vivonex 100. It may still they were entirely correct. Since then, I have eaten much less sugar.
be available. The Winitz diet was made entirely with purified chemi- Even when people try to control their intake of a substance like su-
cals amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates. The crose, misinformation often proves self-defeating. The enviro industry
amounts of chemicals in the diet could not be optimized for each indi- has promoted a widespread misbelief that natural is always good
vidual person, since the necessary information was unknown. The for- and synthetic is always bad. They divide chemicals into natural
mula was an average that supported satisfactory health in most people. chemicals and synthetic chemicals a distinction that is entirely
One interesting property of this diet is that it requires no digestion without rational meaning. Every material thing that we see around us
and contains no waste. All of the constituents are physiologically ab- including our own body is entirely constructed from chemicals of es-
sorbed and utilized as provided. Therefore, an individual eating this sentially natural origin.
diet has no solid waste. The colon just rests with nothing to do. This Some people eat lots of honey. They think that natural honey is
makes the diet useful in treating some digestive disorders. Experiments O.K., but refined sugar is not. Honey is, however, just another
showed that this rest was not harmful. After many months of disuse, source of sugars. Aside from the remote possibility that trace sub-
the colon starts working again as soon as it is given something to do. stances of special value are provided by honey, there is little difference.
The original carbohydrate source in Vivonex 100 was solely glu- Eating honey to avoid sugar is nonsense. Eating artificial sweeteners
cose. In this form, Vivonex 100 was extensively tested on convict vol- like aspartame may also be harmful. Habitual use of any substance ex-
unteers who were biochemically and physiologically monitored during poses the user to potential hazards. An ancient saying advises, Every-
a prolonged period ingesting only this diet. thing in moderation, nothing in excess. This applies to sucrose.
diation a largely neglected subject. When, however, Bernard L. Co-
UNITS OF MEASURE hen published his analysis of radon and cancer risk made possible by
the radon scare and subsequent radon measurements in many Ameri-
Science is critically dependent upon quantitative measurement. can homes this effect could no longer be ignored. (See, for example,
Therefore, the units of measure in science have been carefully selected Vitamin R? and More Radon in Access to Energy 21-4 and 21-
and are closely guarded. It would be unthinkable for the size of a gram, 8.) Cohen found a cancer inhibitory effect from radon that is compara-
the length of a meter, or the amount of energy in a kilowatt hour to be ble in magnitude to the cancer promoting effect from cigarettes. The
changed continuously at the whim of individuals or agencies. resulting debate among health physicists is being won by hormesis.
The American Founding Fathers knew that commerce, too, de- To the Contrary, by Gregg M. Taylor, the lead editorial in Nu-
pends upon stable units of measure. For this reason, they included the clear News, March 1996, p 3, published by the American Nuclear So-
rule that, No state shall ........make any Thing but gold and silver Coin ciety, is an example. Taylor writes, There is growing support among
a Tender in Payment of Debts, Article I, Section 10, United States radiation specialists for the view that the biological effects of radiation
Constitution. Gold is especially useful, since it is so difficult to obtain. exposure do not follow a linear path between low and high levels of
Even with modern technology, the world supply of gold cannot be in- dose. In fact, some interpret the evidence to imply that low levels of
flated at an appreciable rate by current production. radiation exposure accelerate DNA-repair mechanisms in cells, result-
ing in a net decreased risk of cancer. The experimental evidence is
much stronger than Taylor indicates, but this editorial is indicative of
the rapid change of established opinion.
The Radiation Rebellion in Nuclear Issues 18, No. 1, p 4, Janu-
ary 1996, available from 8 Ruvigny Mansions, Embankment, Putney,
London SW15 1LE, also discusses radiations new image. Listing
three influential recent books on hormesis and radiation safety, Nu-
clear Issues points out that Germany spent $350 million battling Cher-
nobyl caused radiation levels which averaged only 1% above normal
background. The surface radiation rise from use of phosphate fertiliz-
ers over the ten years since Chernobyl was 5%, five times greater.
The three books are Has Radiation Protection Become a Health
Hazard? by Walinder, Health Effects of Low Level Radiation by
Kondo, and My Life with Radiation The Truth about Hiroshima by
Figure 2 Ralph Lapp. The Lapp book illustrates the benefits that are being de-
rived from careful studies of very large releases of radioisotopes. The
actual health effects from such releases have been quite moderate.
Figure 2 is from The Moneychanger 14, No. 12, March, p1 (1996), Chernobyl itself is becoming a substantial example of nuclear
available from P. O. Box 341753, Memphis, TN 38184-1753. It pro- power safety. (See Nuclear Issues 17, No. 11 and 18, No. 2.) During
vides a graph of the Dow Jones Industrial average in United States this accident, a graphite reactor with no containment building melted
gold dollars between 1916 and 1995. Conversion of other economic down and burned, with the result that radioisotopes were spread over a
graphs into gold units also improves their information content. very wide area. Moreover, firefighters and other disaster personnel
The governmental devaluation of our money by over 90% during were utilized with very little regard for their own safety. Involving very
the past 50 years has had many effects including the confiscation of improper design and severe human error, the Chernobyl accident is
savings and disruption of commerce. One additional effect has been to one of the worst nightmares that could possibly occur with a nuclear
hide the benefits of science and technology from ordinary citizens. power plant. After 10 years, what have been the effects?
Advances in science and technology have steadily reduced the cost At the time of the accident, 31 people died 28 from high doses of
of raw materials and manufactured goods. If our money were constant, radiation and 3 from other effects of the explosion and fire. Also, dur-
we would notice that our savings automatically purchase more as time ing the following 10 years, about 700 additional thyroid cancers in
passes. This would reward savings and would also serve as a daily re- children living near Chernobyl have been reported. This value may
minder to everyone of the benefits of science and technology con- eventually reach about 1,000. Thyroid cancer is unique because the
crete benefits far more impressive than the hypothetical scare scenarios thyroid gland greatly concentrates iodine. The thyroid glands of chil-
of antitechnology pseudoenvironmentalists. dren are especially sensitive to radiation damage. Since this cancer re-
Even the claimed government goal of making wholesale and retail sponds well to treatment, only three of these children have, so far, died.
prices constant is unfair to savers and technologists. This objective as- This thyroid cancer was caused by iodine-131, which has a half-life
sumes that all technological improvements that reduce the costs of pro- of 8 days, so this is a short-term hazard. Moreover, the effects of io-
duction and thereby reduce the prices of goods should automatically be dine-131 could have been mitigated by prompt oral administration of
confiscated by the state. The actual fall in real prices does not reach the blocking doses of iodine, but the Russians did not take this precaution.
citizens whose savings and inventions made it possible. (See Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson H. Kearny available for
Continuously changing the size of measuring units would be dam- $12.50 postage-paid from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medi-
aging to science. Playing with the monetary unit has been counterpro- cine, P. O. Box 1279, Cave Junction, OR 97523.)
ductive for all Americans especially those whose work, if more Other than thyroid cancer in children, there has been no observed
easily observable, would be gratefully celebrated by their peers. increase in cancer rates, even in leukemia, in any population even
including those groups that were close to the accident.
A RADIATION RENAISSANCE Overall, the actual cost in human lives from direct effects of the
Chernobyl disaster has been less than one ordinary day of injuries and
Stimulated by the unexpected results of the Environmental Protec- deaths from highway accidents in the United States.
tion Agencys radon witch hunt and by the actual effects of the Cher- There has, however, been one much larger human cost as a result,
nobyl accident, nuclear power and the radiation it produces is gaining a not of the Chernobyl accident itself, but of the self-serving cacophony
new, much improved public image. The rapidity of this change, espe- of propaganda and fear-mongering by the world-wide anti-nuke indus-
cially evident now in professional publications, is remarkable. try both before and after the disaster. Psychological effects on fright-
Access to Energy published numerous articles over many years ened people have been dramatic. (See Chernobyl, Cancer, and
about radiation hormesis, the beneficial health effects of low-level ra- Creeping Paranoia in The Economist, March 9, 1996, pp 81-82.) One
example the birth rate in central Europe dropped by one-third in Multicultural and politically correct and relevant courses are
1986-1987 as a result of the abortion of children whom the parents replacing traditional education in history, literature, economics, and the
feared would be malformed as a result of Chernobyl radiation. No such other humanities. For example, the liberal arts requirement for all
increases in malformation were, however, observed even in regions students at Oregon State University must be met by taking one course
close to the accident. So, the accident killed few, but the anti-nuke each from seven lists including Western Culture, Cultural Diver-
propaganda killed tens of thousands of children and caused very wide- sity, Literature and the Arts, Social Processes and Institutions,
spread psychological suffering. Difference, Power, and Discrimination, Contemporary Global Is-
As the actual results of this radiological disaster become widely sues, and Science, Technology, and Society. These lists include
known, fear of nuclear power should diminish. This is especially so as about 60 courses that teach the new rages in social engineering. Ore-
a result of the fortuitous circumstance that low levels of radiation are gon State still requires science by nonscience majors one course each
increasingly being recognized as a health benefit. in physical science and biology about 4% of total class hours.
We are a long distance from the time when we shall be permitted to l The New American, April 1, 1996, p 40, reports that an estimated
mix a little power plant waste with the foundations of new homes in 30% of CFC sales in the United States are now on the black market. It
Oregon to bring the low background radiation here up to a more is reported elsewhere that freon smuggling is so lucrative and extensive
healthful level, but we are on our way. Both the radon scare and the that it is beginning to interfere with the smuggling of illicit drugs. Our
Chernobyl disaster are now helping to increase our rate of progress. government may finally have found a way to win the war on drug
smuggling just make lots of other substances illegal, too.
If you followed Access to Energys earlier recommendation to buy
Why We Will NEVER Win the War on AIDS by Brian J. Ellison and l The Eagles Nest by Samantha Parker in Sky & Telescope,
Peter H. Duesberg, you may soon have a rare collectors item. Media February 1996, pp 32-34. These Hubble Space Telescope images of
Bypass Magazine, March 1996, p 42 (available by calling 1-800-4-By- interstellar clouds in the Eagle Nebula, 7,000 light years from earth, are
pass) reports that New York Federal Judge John E. Sprizzo has ordered spectacular.
all existing copies of the book destroyed. l Chess Champion Sinks Deep Blues Figuring by I. Peterson
We do not claim to have an understanding of the condition that is in Science News 149, February 24, 1996, p 119. Kasparov maintained
called AIDS, but the ongoing attack on Peter Duesberg and other his superiority in chess over the IBM computer by 3 wins, 2 ties, and 1
scientists who have questioned the hypothesis that HIV virus causes loss. He did this by learning the computers weaknesses during the first
AIDS is reprehensible. Also, the multibillion dollar HIV-AIDS indus- game, which he lost.
try with 100,000 tax-financed research papers published and still little l 1995: Maybe it Wasnt Such a Hot Year, After All by Sallie
or no practical progress not even proof that HIV causes AIDS is Baliunas in Citizen Outlook 11, No. 1, March/April 1996, available
highly suspect. Therefore, even without reference to the specifics of from P. O. Box 65722, Washington, DC 20035. This is a short, concise
their scientific arguments (which are quite credible), we recommended article for the layman showing that the crisis scenario global warming
this book and sponsored a lecture by Peter Duesberg at the DDP meet- predictions are not in agreement with experiment and that actual
ing last year. His presentation was excellent. (Audio tapes are available warming can be expected to be insignificant.
from DDP, 2509 N. Campbell, Box 272, Tucson, AZ 85719.) l Grand Opening, Japan Starts Worlds First Advanced Reactor
This book is especially interesting because it not only gives evi- in Nuclear Energy Insight 96, February 1996, pp 1-4, available from
dence against the HIV-AIDS hypothesis and in support of an alterna- the Nuclear Energy Institute, 1776 I Street, NW, Suite 400, Washing-
tive possibility, it describes Peter Duesbergs persecution by the ton, DC 20006-3708. Japan built and brought this power plant into op-
tax-financed research establishment. This is of special significance be- eration in 52 months.
cause Duesberg is a member of the National Academy of Sciences l Research Attacks Immune System Theory by J. E. Bishop in
who gained his scientific reputation in the study of retroviruses like The Wall Street Journal, March 22 (1996), p B5. This new hypothesis
HIV. In this context, the book is also an expos of the corrupt inner suggests that the immune system is activated by specific danger signals
workings of the federal medical research program. rather than by learning the difference between self and nonself as has
The wheels of justice turn slowly, so 20,000 copies were sold been believed for half a century. If this should turn out to be correct, it
before the book burning was ordered. Ellisons attorney is quoted as would have remarkable ramifications in medical science.
saying, There is no question that this decision represents a radical de- l Science Without Sense, The Risky Business of Public Health Re-
parture from two hundred years of American legal tradition. search by Steven Milloy published by the Cato Institute, 1000 Massa-
chusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20001. This is a hilarious
STARK RAVING MAD guide for the young professional wishing to make a career in risk
assessment and public health. It would be even funnier if so much of
l The West Penn Power Company in Pennsylvania has notified its the authors advice were not excruciatingly correct.
customers that it is seeking to pay Mon Valley Energy Limited Part- l A New Dawn for Sun-Climate Links? by Richard A. Kerr,
nership $31 million to not build an 80-megawatt power plant. West Science 271, pp 1360-1361, 8 March 1996. Complete with a graph
Penn says that this $31 million, which it plans to add to customer showing correlation between the Earths temperature and the Suns ac-
power bills, will avoid a $665 million dollar future loss by purchase of tivity, this article demonstrates that more scientists are inching toward
power from the Mon Partnership at higher than market rates. West a realization that the weather is warmer when the Sun shines more
Penn would be forced to purchase this power under the federal Public brightly, which has previously been recognized by only a select few.
Utility Regulatory Policies Act and its implementing bureaucracy.
Therefore, our government will force the citizens of Pennsylvania
to pay the Mon Valley Project to not produce electricity. ACCESS TO ENERGY

l The Dumbing Down of Higher Education by William E. Si- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
mon in The Wall Street Journal, March 19, p A14, reports that 15 mil- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
lion students attend American colleges and universities at an annual $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
cost of $170 billion. Of 50 leading undergraduate institutions in 1993: $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
34% required courses in natural sciences down from 90% in 1964; Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
12% required math courses down from 36% in 1964; and an average 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of 156 classroom days were required down from 191 in 1964. of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MAY 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 9) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Correlation and Causality

Several decades ago, even in socialist schools, it was the custom to in world UV light levels in their scientific report and in their (oh,
teach children the phrase post hoc, ergo propter hoc, which means so important for grant funding) statements to the press. Fame and
after this, therefore on account of this. This tiny Latin lesson illus- fortune await those who link their work to the ozone mania.
trated the fallacy in concluding that a thing which follows another The problem is that there were no measurements showing an in-
thing is therefore caused by it. See Oxford English Dictionary VII p crease in UV light. The best available data showed a slight decrease.
1164 (1933-1970). The practice of incorrectly reasoning in this way The only increase in UV was in the public perception formed by false
is termed post hoc reasoning. press reports. Correlation was claimed to prove causality in this case
Examples of post hoc reasoning are boundless and have been the even when the correlation was to a perceived reality, but not to meas-
source of much humor. Mark Twain often used post hoc humor such ured reality. For achieving this new low in logic, these scientists were
as in his story about the woman who died after neglecting to adopt the rewarded with large tax-financed grants.
vices of smoking and drinking. Mark Twains audiences in post Civil The abandonment of logic in the pursuit of tax money is the most
War America were very literate in the logic of common sense learned important force driving the correlation-causality arguments that fill
in a free enterprise society. If he were with us today, Mark Twain our media. Electric shavers and brain tumors; breast cancer and
might find it prudent to have a helper planted in his audiences to give power plants; logging and fish populations each is a correlation in
cues about the appropriate times to laugh. pursuit of government expenditures, either direct monetary grants or
Americans today are still partially immunized against post hoc ar- indirect exercise of power through regulation and litigation.
guments by this legacy from our intellectual past. Some mutant forms There is only one way to immunize ourselves and our countrymen
of post hoc logic do afflict us, however, such as the notion that a man against this sort of lie. Each person must learn the truth that:
cannot stand on his own two feet in society without tax subsidies and Correlation does not prove causality!
preferences because his ancestors over a century ago were enslaved Examples can help. A common one is the strong correlation be-
or the fallacy that, since many Americans lead productive and decent tween churches and murders. There is a very strong positive correla-
lives after attending socialist schools, the socialist schools are to be tion between the number of churches and the number of murders
credited with their accomplishments. because both are correlated with high population, not because
(Selective observation is usually a part of such arguments. Social- churches cause murders or vice versa.
ist schools which encourage intellectual dishonesty and moral degen- Since correlations are usually bolstered by statistical calculations
eration are not credited with the subsequent moral decay of adults.) giving the statistical reliability of the correlation, many people believe
Today, far more people fall victim to a close relative of the post that statistics lie or that it is possible to prove a lie with statis-
hoc virus than to the original virus itself. This new affliction is the tics. This is nonsense. Statistics is a very valuable branch of applied
fallacy that when two things are statistically correlated they are, there- mathematics and is a great help in establishing scientific truth.
fore, cause and effect. Paraphrasing the original fallacy, people have The correlation between murders and churches is statistically reli-
come to believe statistically together with this, therefore on account able, since this correlation is definitely true. The error is in the logical
of this. (Fear of scholars who read Access to Energy prevents me conclusion that, if two things are correlated, they are cause and effect.
from attempting the Latin.) AIDS is definitely correlated with the HIV virus. Unproved, so
Examples of the logical error that correlation proves causality ap- far, is the hypothesis that HIV alone causes AIDS. One or more other
pear almost daily in newspapers, magazines, and other information AIDS-causing factors may correlate with both.
sources. They also appear regularly in scientific publications. Scien- High cholesterol is correlated with heart disease. Unproved is the
tists who should know better are even using this logic in situations hypothesis that high cholesterol causes heart disease. (Recent experi-
where one of the two correlated phenomena is only postulated or ments showing actual lowered death rates with use of cholesterol-
even known not to exist. lowering drugs do not indisputably prove this either, but they are a
In the article Fried Frogs Eggs (Access to Energy 21-9 p 4), significant step in that direction.)
we reported the claim by scientists that world-wide amphibian popu- Logic is an ordinary part of common sense. To this end, come-
lations are decreasing because of increased UV light levels caused by dians may be much more effective than scientists in correcting errors
depletion of the ozone layer. UV light is capable of disrupting living in logic because they use memorable humor to ridicule errors of com-
systems as illustrated by its use in water purification and the steriliza- mon sense that are carried to illogical conclusions.
tion of medical instruments or its known role in the induction of skin Global temperatures have increased during the last century. Fortu-
cancer. It was no surprise, therefore, that these people found that frogs nately, their correlation with increased CO2 fails because the tempera-
eggs had a higher hatch rate when protected from UV light. ture increase preceded the CO2 increase unless one looks at the
With this mundane observation in hand, however, and the goal of whole century and not at the yearly values or at the ground data, not
snaring large amounts of your tax dollars in government grants, they the satellite data. Correlations are often creatively manufactured.
immediately pointed out a correlation between a reported recent de- Correlation does not prove causality! This truth provides protec-
crease in world amphibian populations and a claimed recent increase tion against much of the scientific propaganda we endure.

people of an affluent nation would choose to allot this large propor-

HEALTH TECHNOLOGY tion of their earnings to good health, why are they getting so little in
return? Is the current level of human technology capable of providing
In the ongoing political debate over who will have control over the only crisis medicine for the great majority of people who suffer and
one-seventh of the American economy devoted largely to crisis medi- die long before experiencing 80 or 90 years of healthful life? Is pre-
cine (government bureaucrats being the most likely), an important ventive medicine really constrained to a gaggle of correlational stud-
question is being overlooked. Although it is understandable that the ies, health food gurus, and general life style advice that few
people follow and even fewer find beneficial? The answer to these Three groups of people stand in the way. First, government regula-
questions is definitely, no! Yet, for 30 years I have watched in sorrow tors who might not allow such dangerous toys in the hands of mere
as their practical answer was given in the affirmative. American citizens. Second, some medical people who prefer medicine
The reason for this seems to be that many of the research and devel- as a monopolistic system (only some, since the vast majority of physi-
opment people who apply technology to health are unable or untrained cians place human health above self-interest). Third, some lawyers
to think quantitatively, and those who do not have this failing are con- (only some, we are not complaining here about all lawyers) who would
strained by government agencies. bring lawsuits against the manufacturers and suppliers each time the
These constraints take the form of bureaucratic domination of re- monitors failed to prevent a heart problem on the basis that reliance
search through tax-financed institutions, regulations that make ad- upon the device diverted their clients from other alternatives. Since no
vances uneconomical unless huge sums of money are paid for predictive device will ever be perfect (especially not the initial technol-
regulatory approval, and a justice system that turns personal trage- ogy), there will always be grounds to sue. The more good the device
dies into engines of economic destruction for those who take risks in does, the greater the profits of its producers, which can be targeted by
the development and application of technology that may benefit hu- the lawyers.
man health. Consider two examples: Notice that none of these impediments are technological and none
Although the measurement method is very outdated and should of them enhance human health. They are all distortions of free enter-
have been replaced long ago, it is known that useful information about prise which derive from misuse of government power.
heart function can be obtained by electrodes attached to the skin and As a second example, consider blood and urine analysis which can
monitored to produce an electrocardiogram. Computerized inter- now provide more health information than electrocardiograms, and,
pretation of these patterns provides useful quantitative data about heart with technology that has already been demonstrated, could provide
blood supply, beat regularity, and pumping rate factors that are vi- hundreds of times more. See Access to Energy 23-4, December 1995.
tally important to every living human being. The devices that collect Today, when we go in for some tests and provide blood and
this data for a 24-hour period, including the computer to interpret it, urine, the samples are sent to a clinical laboratory that analyzes a few
have been reduced to tiny, portable machines weighing about five substances mostly the same few that have been popular for more than
ounces and selling for about $6,000. (These machines are no more 40 years. Each value is then reported to our doctor along with the mean
difficult to make than hand-held calculators selling for less than $100.) and range for the normal population. No attempt at quantitative in-
How is this technology used? Primarily, it is used as part of screen- terpretation of the entire observed pattern is made and, of course, no
ing systems to decide which members of the population are now ready baseline pattern is considered for our biochemical individuality. A ten-
for crisis surgical techniques that attempt to save their lives by means year-old could look over the data sheet and report sagely that every-
of operations costing $50,000 to $100,000 or more. Checkups in- thing looks fine as our physician does on our next visit.
clude 30-second exposures to electrocardiograph machines (usually Americas clinical labs charge tens of billions of dollars annually
not the miniature variety) or, sometimes, several minute exposures ac- for this service, which our doctor orders whether he wants it or not to
companied by a little exercise. We all participate in a glorious national avoid legal claims against him for medical malpractice.
system to see whose turn it is, based on symptoms and occasional brief These measurements, like the occasional electrocardiogram, do
measurements, to go under the $100,000 knife which may, if we are have some merit. If a value is too far out of the normal range, crisis
lucky, forestall our imminent and usually premature deaths. Some- medicine kicks in along with the usual price tag. Also, a little preven-
times, if it is suspected that we have problems that have escaped the tive medicine takes place as our blood lipid values are also compared
brief tests, we are attached to one of the five ounce portable units for 24 to those of millions of other people, and we are advised to eat less fat
hours to look for events that appear only occasionally. which may be good or bad advice for us individually.
In addition, as a result of the personal seriousness of the matter, we If instead of this charade, a larger number of substances (or even the
are inundated by general advice about life style, nutrition, vitamin sup- same number) were measured at low cost, reduced to computerized
plements, exercise, drugs, and other factors that may change the odds quantitative patterns, and reported as probabilities of impending dis-
(calculated relative to the whole population and not considering our ease, then blood and urine analysis especially used in comparison
own individual characteristics) of our being chosen for the knife. Al- with life-long individualized profiles could become a major techno-
though much of this advice is sensible, it is difficult for us to know logical tool permitting us to fight the probability of disease rather than
which advice is best for us personally, and, in the absence of informa- disease itself.
tion about our cardiac health, the advice is only sporadically followed. The stakes are high. Avoidance of premature death could add at
Would it not be better to monitor our hearts regularly in all sorts of least a decade to the average lifespan and could avoid the unnecessary
conditions exercise, sleep, and other activities all day, every day (or suffering that is often a part of early death suffering that afflicts not
at least one day per week)? This would build a longitudinal baseline of only the dying person but also those around him.
data for us, individually. Suppose the calculated parameters of the elec- The goal of medicine should be to ensure that each person has an
trocardiogram were simply normalized to our individual life-long optimum chance to live in good health to an age near the intrinsic hu-
baseline (giving them enhanced predictive value), crunched into a sin- man life span (now approximately 90 years) and then to die at the
gle parameter, and combined with predictive research information to greatest individual age possible with a minimum of suffering.
display a single number the probability of death from heart malfunc- The technological tools to accomplish this already exist. For the
tion. Although it would not be perfect because of the fundamental limi- most part, however, they are not being applied to the daily, quantitative
tations of this technique, this probability would rise for many people measurement of individual health that is necessary for preventive
long before crisis medicine decided they were candidates for surgery. medicine. The tools of crisis medicine are remarkable. It is good that
Electrocardiograms should be tools for measuring and allowing they exist and are available when preventive medicine fails. High-tech
us to fight the probability of disease rather than disease itself. Also, preventive medicine could accomplish, however, far more of the goals
by giving us something quantitatively measurable with which to judge of medical science.
our progress, they could help us to adhere to those healthful habits that There is no magic here. Nor are geniuses required. It is only neces-
lower our own individual probabilities of death and help us to avoid sary for government to get out of the way to stop taxing away the
those fads that are not helpful or even may be harmful to us. needed capital, to stop regulating away the needed freedom, to stop
Mass production of portable cardiac monitors (then sold at retail fostering a legal system that penalizes those who take risks, and to stop
stores for hand-calculator prices) and a little computer software that enforcing monopolies for those who cling to obsolete methods.
would be trivial to produce could bring this remarkable tool for pre- Until these things are done, we shall each continue to be observers
ventive medicine within reach of all Americans. Mass marketing who watch unnecessary suffering and death overtake those around us,
would pay development costs even with the regulatory burdens. one by one, until finally the antitechnologist reaper comes for us.


[This article was written by Bonne W. Posma, who can be reached

at Saminco Inc., 10030 Amberwood Road, Fort Myers, FL 33913.]
In early 1996, GM announced that its first production electric car,
the 2-passenger EVI (formerly called the Impact) would go on sale
during the fall of 1996.
Priced at about $35,000, the cars curb weight is 3,000 lbs, includ-
ing a 320V battery weighing almost 1200 lbs 40% of the vehicles
weight. The EVIs specifications claim a range of 70-90 miles per
charge, requiring 3 hours to charge the battery from a 220V, single
phase supply. Initially, the car will only be sold in southwestern states
where the climate is most favorable for EV operation, that is, where
no energy-hungry heaters will be required.
GM is not claiming that the EVI will be a substitute for all gasoline-
powered vehicles, and the car will most likely sell to well-heeled elec-
tric car enthusiasts who require a second car for short-range city
Most battery-powered electric vehicle programs have been
prompted by Californias ill-considered Zero Emission laws (now
modified), which mandate that 2% of all vehicles sold in 1998 produce
no emissions. Without this coercion and generous tax rebates, it is un-
likely that an expensive, heavy car, with a short driving range, requir-
ing 3 hours to recharge, would have ever been developed. There are two other points worth noting:
The EVIs biggest problem is its energy source the 320V battery, During 1890 to 1900, a number of electric cars were produced, of
which has a rather small energy content of only 16.2 kWh (kilowatt which the Riker Electric Victoria (Figure 2) was one of the better de-
hours). The EVIs electric drive converts about 90% of this energy signs. It was powered by a 40 cell, 80V lead-acid battery, weighing
(14.6 kWh) into the mechanical energy which propels the vehicle. 800 lbs, which had an energy density of 10 Wh/lb (watt hours per
In comparison, one gallon of gasoline contains 45 kWh of energy, pound), compared to 13.5 Wh/lb for the EVIs battery. It is obvious
of which about 25%, or 11 kWh, is converted into useful mechanical that the lead acid battery has not improved much over the past 100
energy, given the same driving conditions for which the EVIs battery years.
energy content is rated. The rest of this energy is converted to heat (34 Second, suppose that, miraculously, a battery was invented which
kWh), and some of this heat is used to heat the gasoline vehicles inte- had the same usable energy content as that contained in a typical cars
rior during cold weather conditions (see Figure 1). 16-gallon fuel tank (about 180 kWh), and which could also be re-
Todays average cars tank contains between 1.5 to 2.5 gallons charged in the same time that it would take to fill up this fuel tank. A
when its fuel gauge reads EMPTY, and the EVI, with its battery gas stations pump delivers fuel at about 4 gallons/minute, so it would
fully charged, does not have much greater range than that of an ordi- take 4 minutes to fill up the tank. Now lets assume that this 180 kWh
nary car when driving on empty. battery could also be recharged in 4 minutes. The rate of energy deliv-
ery, or power output, would then be (180 kWh)/4 minutes =
(180)(3600) kWh/(4)(60) seconds = 2,700 kW or 2.7 MW (2.7 mega-
Suppose that, in a city of 5,000,000 people, 2,000 cars were refuel-
ing during peak refueling hours (based on 400 cars/million). This
would require an electric power system capable of providing the enor-
mous amount of (2,000)(2.7) MW = 5,400 MW of extra generating
Considering that a medium-sized power plant is capable of generat-
ing about 500 MW, a total switchover to electric cars would require the
construction of about 11 extra power plants for each one of our larger
metropolitan areas a situation clearly not anticipated by the advocates
of battery-powered electric vehicles!
The beautiful, sleek EVI contains some of the finest 20th Century
electric propulsion technology, married to a cumbersome, obsolete
19th century energy source. The EVI represents a shotgun marriage,
doomed to fail, forced on us by elitist bureaucrats. It is sad that, when
promising alternative electrical energy sources such as fuel cells or
cold-fusion generators become economically feasible, the general pub-
lic may well be soured on electric vehicles, delaying the widespread
use of this technology.
Ed note: Referencing History of the Electric Automobile by E.
Wakefield, p 43, Bonne Posma, a specialist in electric traction drives,
points out that successive improvements in lead acid batteries led to
energy densities of 3.7 Wh/lb in 1859, 5.7 Wh/lb in 1881, 10.8 Wh/lb
in 1888, and 13.5 Wh/lb in 1995.
Generating pollution-free power for their electric cars will, of
course, lead the enviros to advocate nuclear power. Right? Wrong, be-
cause most of them are actually antitechnologists in enviro trappings.
psychoactive drugs to keep them there.
DDP MEETING l The Wall Street Journal of 28 March 1995, p A14, reports that
there has been a sharp increase in precollege students at elite private
The 1996 DDP conference will be August 2-4 at the Airport Hilton schools who are diagnosed as learning disabled. It turns out that
in Salt Lake City. Registration forms are available from DDP at 2509 payment of $1,000 buys a learning disabled certificate which al-
N. Campbell Ave., Box 272, Tucson, AZ 85719 or telephone (520) lows the holder to spend 50% longer working the timed Scholastic Ap-
325-2680. For reservations at $79 per night call (800) HILTONS. titude Test for college entrance (4 1/2 hours vs. the usual 3 hours).
The speaker schedule is still being arranged. Presentations will in- This year 30,000 learning disabled students will take the test
clude the subjects of civil defense, biological threats, and environmen- up from 18,000 in 1991. Also, new recentered SAT scoring auto-
talist issues. Special treats will be speeches by Martin D. Kamen, 1996 matically raises their scores about 100 points compared with students
winner of the Enrico Fermi Award, and Stanford S. Penner, one of of previous years, and calculators now help those who never learned to
Americas most outstanding aerospace scientists. multiply. Perhaps scores should also be normalized to Ritalin dose.
l Here in Josephine County, Oregon, in the backwoods of Oregon
HEALTH AND RADIATION and 3,000 miles from Washington, the number people with goods-pro-
ducing jobs is exceeded by the number of people employed by govern-
For almost 40 years, since Linus Pauling parlayed the linear no- ment. Two thirds of the government employees are in local
threshold hypothesis of radiation damage into a Nobel Peace Prize dur- education. Apparently, Ritalin is essential to our economy.
ing his campaign against American nuclear defense, this model has
been the central weapon of the anti-nuclear power politicos. It is prob- GOOD READING
able that no other single myth has done more technological damage
than this hypothesis (dishonestly presented, of course, as fact rather l Rachels Folly, The End of Chlorine by M. Malkin and M.
than hypothesis by Pauling and his successors). As an indirect killer of Fumento; Natures Hormone Factory, Endocrine Disrupters in the
human beings through economic and technological loss, it may stand Natural Environment by J. Tolman; and Science Under Siege and
second only to the banning of DDT. the video based on this book by M. Fumento. These are available from
The final death knells of this damaging myth are now being the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.,
sounded as threshold experiments and hormesis experiments (showing Suite 1250, Washington, D.C. 20036, telephone (202) 331-1010.
the beneficial health effects of low level radiation) are finding their Also, read the Competitive Enterprise Institutes background arti-
way from specialized journals to general science publications. Can- cles about the tax-financed Environmental Protection Agency pur-
cer Risk of Low-Level Exposure by Marvin Goldman in Science chase of the town of Times Beach, MO, in 1983. For this EPA
271, pp 1821-1822, 29 March 1996, is an example. nonsense, CEI has awarded the EPA its first annual Panic at the Drop
When this information spreads to the public media, it is likely to of a Rat Award. For so many reasons, EPA is a deserving recipient.
stimulate a technological revolution. In the best interests of not getting l Human Version of Mad Cow Disease by S. Sternberg in Sci-
too far ahead of this and becoming a negative influence, we refrain for ence News 149, p 228 (1996). The British are going to destroy 11 mil-
now from answering an obvious question will the lives saved by ra- lion cattle because of a disease that is being successfully eradicated by
diation hormesis from Chernobyl exceed the lives lost from the initial measures taken in 1989. This is being done as a result of an unproved
accident? Hint: The likely answer is definitely not politically correct. hypothesis that 10 people caught a similar disease from cattle. Indirect
human deaths from this loss of over $5 billion will be far greater.
MEDICAL SENTINEL l Sugar and Health by T. H. Jukes in World Review of Nutrition
and Dietetics 48, pp 137-194 (1986), which Professor Jukes sent to me
Two applied sciences have a greater effect upon the lives of most with the comment What else was in those cookies that made you irri-
people than any others power production, which transforms and sup- table? This is an extensive review of the literature that supports the
plies the energy needed for all human technological activities, and use of large amounts of sugar as a food. Alas, I also did the experiment
medical science, which applies the discoveries of health research to with pure sucrose (which did give slightly different symptoms).
maximize our length and quality of life. If, however, I am ever unfortunate enough to be afflicted with can-
No organization of medical doctors has done more to slow the de- cer, I shall eagerly embrace the mouse results and eat lots of sugar.
cay of medical science resulting from intrusion by government than the l Stormy Weather Ahead in The Economist of 23 March 1996,
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Now, AAPS has which summarizes many of the arguments concerning global warm-
started a peer-reviewed journal, the Medical Sentinel. The first issue of ing propaganda, including some of those that discredit it. Clearly
this excellent journal is now available from AAPS at 1601 N. Tucson some progress is being made against this mania.
Blvd., Suite 9, Tucson, AZ 85716, telephone (800) 635-1196. l Leaking Underground Storage Tank Problem May Be Over-
blown in The Torch 5, No. 2, pp 1 and 7, (1996) available from 5535
STARK RAVING MAD E. Rosewood Street, Tucson, AZ 85711 reports research at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory showing that cleanups of ground con-
l The Corvallis Gazette-Times of 1 April 1996 reported that the tamination from leaking underground fuel storage tanks are unneces-
federal Drug Enforcement Administration estimates that 2.4 million sary unless the tank is within 250 feet of a drinking water well.
American children are taking prescribed Ritalin. Ritalin is prescribed Otherwise, naturally occurring microorganisms in soil provide a suffi-
for children diagnosed as inattentive, impulsive, or hyperactive and cient cleanup. California alone is expected to save $3 billion by termi-
therefore claimed to have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or nating most of the ongoing enviro assault on fuel storage.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) depending on the
presence of the third symptom. Russell Barkley, billed as a leading
ADHD researcher, is quoted as saying, Ive seen it work, time and
again. Its not a miracle drug, but it can make the difference between Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
whether kids stay in school or not. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
If I were forced to endure participation in most public schools and $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
their attached social environment, I hope that I, too, would be rational $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
enough to develop an impulsive, hyperactive attention deficit in self Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
defense. Children are essentially being forced into school environ- 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
ments that are alien to ordinary human nature and then being given of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JUNE 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 10) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

The White Scientists

In his classic work entitled The White Company, Sir Arthur Conan state? We are, of course, capable of both. Soon, we will have a good
Doyle spins a tale about a company of 300 English longbow men and understanding of our planets atmosphere. Will we use this knowl-
the knights who led them or opposed them in war against France and edge to enhance our lives through accurate weather prediction and,
Spain. In addition to a wonderful vicarious adventure, Doyle also perhaps someday, benevolent weather manipulation, or will we use
provides the readers of this book with a vivid lesson in the culture and it as a rationale for the destruction of human freedom by government
living conditions of medieval England and France at the time when control of every human activity that affects the atmosphere?
the long bow, cross bow, sword, spear, and lance were just beginning Each member our civilization (and his descendants for centuries to
to feel the competition of gunpowder. come) has a critical stake in the answers to these questions and thou-
Included are a wide variety of characters thieving and generous, sands of other similar questions that can be posed concerning ad-
lying and truthful, drunk and sober cutthroats, fair damsels, monks, vances in science and technology. The answers lie in the guiding
merchants, brave soldiers, cowards, and many others possessing the ethics that prevail within our communities of scientists and engineers.
usual cross section of virtues and foibles with which the human race Our scientists and engineers are, however, just ordinary people. The
has been blessed and cursed for thousands of years. real question (to restrict ourselves to that which we can hope to affect)
Standing at the apex of this society were the knights and their re- is: What are the conditions under which our technologists should live
tainers, who possessed an extremely rigid and lofty code of personal and work which will nurture that within them which is honest,
honor. Although coarse brutality with hand weapons was a way of kindly, and true and will help them to outgrow their vices?
life for these men, they simultaneously held to a very high standard of Well, suppose that we ask them. After all, this is a question about
truth, justice, and ethical behavior. This standard provided the glue science. We must put ourselves in the hands of (at the mercy of) spe-
that held their civilization together. Passed down through the centu- cialists at least until the new generation of TV-free home-schooled
ries to us, their standard today provides essential principles that help kids grows old enough to reteach us to think for ourselves.
prevent our modern civilization from descending into the base forms Today, the almost unanimous answer from academic scientists
of anarchy whereto the darker aspects of the human spirit would lead. and the publications of science which they control would be Send
Sir Doyle ends The White Company with these words: more government money. The 34 billion tax dollars that we currently
So they lived, these men, in their own lusty, cheery fashion receive annually for civilian research and development is not enough.
rude and rough, but honest, kindly, and true. Let us thank God if we Moreover, it is projected to decrease to about $30 billion by 2002.
have outgrown their vices. Let us pray to God that we may ever hold (See J. Kaiser, Science 272, p 941(1996).) If you want us to be at our
their virtues. The sky may darken, and the clouds may gather, and best, you must send more money! Think of it as providing for the
again the day may come when Britain may have sore need of her chil- common defense from the chaos that will reign if we are not given a
dren, on whatever shore of the sea they may be found. Shall they not blank check to pursue knowledge.
muster at her call? As it turned out, Britain did need them again, and But wait, does not the forcible transfer of money from those who
they were there as, in America, they have also been there each time earned it to those who did not earn it corrupt the ethics and decrease
their country has needed them in war and in peace. the productivity of the recipients? From ancient Rome to the modern
But whence do they come? Are they drawn from among our ava- welfare state, one wretched experiment after another teaches us that
ricious merchants, our lying politicians, our thieving lawyers, our people who receive such money sink to very low standards of ethics.
self-righteous clerics, our lazy bureaucrats, our self-serving execu- Why should you fellows be different?
tives, or the numerous other negatively stereotyped groups who make Oh, but we are different. We, are scientists. Look at the article by
up the American population? Yes, of course, they are. These stereo- J. Friedly, Science 272, pp 947-948 (1996). In this case, just the suspi-
types are wrong. We are not a nation of good people and evil cion that a government-funded scientist had traced a few lines from a
people locked endlessly in a struggle with one another. We are, in- figure in one of his own research papers and republished them in a
stead, a nation of ordinary people (all of us) responding with the later paper without revealing the source was the cause of a nine-year
good and evil within each of us to the circumstances in which we find investigation by all sorts of ethical bodies including especially the Of-
ourselves. Given a glorious opportunity to be for a moment a white fice of Research Integrity. When we suspected that this scoundrel had
knight of the highest order, there is not one American in a thousand plagiarized himself, we spared no expense (of tax dollars) in our dec-
who could not rise to that occasion. ade-long investigation. Science today is as pure as the driven snow,
We cannot change human nature. We can only hope to adjust the and we intend to keep it that way if we get enough money.
human environment so that it draws out the best qualities within each The human spirit rises to its highest attainments under a system of
person and suppresses the worst. Soon, we will be able to read the free enterprise, and it sinks to its lowest perversities under a system of
entire molecular library which contains the genetic code for a whole socialism. Moreover, this latter tendency is one of the most dangerous
human being. Will we use this knowledge to eradicate human dis- influences faced by our civilization today particularly regarding the
ease, or will we use it to eradicate human freedom by building a ra- use of science and technology. Two examples, one past and one on-
tionale for euthanasia and selective breeding under control of the going, described in the articles below, may serve to illustrate this.

before symptoms were evident, so that preventive medicine could be-

DIAGNOSIS BY MASS SPECTROMETRY come far more effective. Based upon the fast and inexpensive analysis
of large numbers of the ordinary substances produced by human in-
During the late 1960s and the 1970s, my coworkers and I conceived termediary metabolism, followed by some unique computerized pat-
and built a new procedure for medical diagnosis which had the poten- tern recognition procedures, this approach has the potential to provide
tial to markedly improve the diagnosis and quantitative evaluation of a substantial advance in the technological improvement of individual
overt disease and also to make possible the detection of disease long human health. See Access to Energy 23-4, pp 1-3 for a more complete
description. Ultimately, our effort consumed approximately 100 man- sample through the holes in the volcanoes, each molecule was forced
years of laboratory work and many millions of dollars in government to pass through a controlled electric field high enough to remove one
research grants and private contributions. Overhead from our govern- electron from each molecule, but not high enough to fragment the
ment-funded profiling grants also provided much of the money that molecule. Once the ions were obtained, they were separated on the ba-
built what later was called the Linus Pauling Institute. In the course of sis of their differing charge-to-mass ratios in an ordinary way. Bill and
this work, we built the finest entirely automated chromatography his coworkers at SRI also used a multipoint ionization source with an
equipment that had ever been constructed, carried out tens of thou- array of tiny points registered below the grid that worked similarly.
sands of analyses of urine, blood, and breath, and showed that this One hitch developed when Bills work at SRI was transferred to the
technique worked for the analysis of conditions ranging from multi- administrative control of another scientist, Michael Anbar, who inhib-
ple sclerosis and cancer to the degenerative conditions of human ag- ited our collaboration in several ways. Anbar, for example, refused to
ing. This work was done at the University of California at San Diego, allow us to attach a computer to the mass spectrometer detector, so the
Stanford University, and, finally, at the small Institute we founded in output from each sample analysis was a long paper tape containing
Menlo Park, California. about 1,000 numbers. These had to be transferred to our computational
One day at Stanford, a young physicist from the Stanford Research computer by hand-typed data entry.
Institute (SRI), William Aberth, visited our lab and told me that he had In early 1976, the field ion mass spectrometer was submitted to a
an idea for a new kind of mass spectrometer that would be able to pro- rigorous test in an experiment requiring 132 analyses of urine from
duce a high yield of essentially pure molecular ions (charged but un- women with breast cancer and appropriate matched controls. Success
fragmented molecules) in a mixture of organic compounds. At that in this experiment might well have led to a fast and inexpensive test for
time, there were no mass spectrometers that could do this. He said that this disease. Unfortunately, the experiment was unsuccessful.
he wanted to build this machine and was wondering if I could think of Immediately after that failure, a paper was published in the journal
a medical use for it so that money could be obtained. Clinical Chemistry by Michael Anbar, in which he claimed to have
I suggested that his mass spectrometer be built as a potentially supe- found a disease profile for infectious hepatitis using this mass spec-
rior technique for the profiling work. Although somewhat inferior in trometer. He failed to report, however, that the ideas and techniques in
resolution to the chromatographs if built for one mass unit resolution, his paper had been originated by us. Unhappy that we had not been
the resolution could eventually be improved, and this molecular ion given credit for our ideas and work, Aberth, Pauling, and I published a
mass spectrometer had the potential to be hundreds of times faster than letter in Clinical Chemistry saying that we actually had invented the
chromatography. This could markedly lower analytical cost, which is a technique although our protestations were weakened by the fact that
major factor in preventive medicine. we did not have successful and publishable results to report.
Bill and I therefore agreed upon a collaboration and wrote a gov- Needing the grant overhead to keep our new Institute running and
ernment NIH grant request for funds. He would build the mass spec- with the hope that springs eternal in the breast of every welfare-funded
trometer at SRI, and my coworkers and I would provide the computer research scientist, I continued to seek funding for mass spectrometry
interface and carry out test experiments using our samples and compu- work from NIGMS, although I altered the experimental program and
tational software. Comparison would be made with the diagnostic was not optimistic about our prospects. To my astonishment, the
power of the chromatographic techniques using identical samples. NIGMS reviewers, led by the grants administrator Robert Melville,
Linus Pauling agreed to put his name on the proposal, too, to help us generously approved nearly everything I requested even though our
get the money (your money, if you were paying taxes then). NIGMS (a experimental results did not warrant this treatment.
branch of NIH) liked the idea and fully funded the proposal. Robert Melville was a very fine man. He was dedicated to public
During the following years, at a cost of about $1 million (1996 service and worked as an administrator at NIH only because he be-
adj.), William Aberth and his coworkers built an excellent machine, lieved that there he could have a valuable impact on human health.
which worked as predicted. Figure 1 shows a human urine mass spec- Many years later, after he had retired from government, Melville
trum from this device. Figure 2 illustrates one of Bill Aberths original invited me to dinner at the Cosmos Club in Washington, DC. After
ideas. Using techniques developed by other scientists at SRI, an array dinner, sitting in his parked car on a nighttime Washington street, Bob
of very tiny volcano-shaped structures was created with a similarly- Melville said that there was something he wanted me to know. He said
sized grid registered above them. By introducing the vaporized urine that he considered it the blackest mark on his career in government. It

Figure 1



In 1978, my technicians and I completed a series of experiments on
nutrition and cancer in mice that, if appropriately published, might
have been embarrassing to Linus Pauling, who then, at the age of 77,
was making increasingly wild public claims about Vitamin C and can-
cer. At the time, I was President of the Linus Pauling Institute of Sci-
ence and Medicine, and Linus was Chairman of the Board.
Figure 2 In order to prevent publication, Linus convinced his relatives and
cronies, who made up a majority of our Board of Directors, to give him
control of the Institute. As soon as he obtained control, he locked up all
of the Institutes research records, which included over 60 large bound
research books, 528 computer data tapes, and about 15 file cabinets
filled with printed research records. These records included all of the
data from the profiling work that my coworkers and I had done at the
University of California at San Diego, Stanford, and the Pauling Insti-
tute (which is a 501(c)3 public foundation with all of its property
legally belonging to the public). This publicly-funded health research
work comprised about 100 man years of work and cost many millions
had to do, he said, with the field ion mass spectrometry work that Bill of tax dollars as well as large amounts of privately donated funds.
and I had originated a decade earlier and with our failed experiment. Still locked in those records, 18 years later, are over 20 unpublished
He told me that, at the time of our breast cancer experiment, he had health research experiments on breast cancer, malignant myeloma, nu-
received at NIGMS a letter from Michael Anbar. In the letter, Anbar merous neurological diseases, aging, birth defects, and several other
admitted that he had secretly scrambled the labels on our 132 samples. important subjects. Included is the field-ion mass spectrometry data .
Included with the letter was a code sheet Anbar had kept, so that the Laurelee and I fought a five year legal battle with all of our personal
labels could be unscrambled and the experiment saved. Melville had resources to gain access to this data, but we failed. Pauling and his
shown the letter to his superiors, and consideration of its contents had Board simply used huge sums of donated health research funds to give
gone to top administrators of the NIH, which oversees most govern- a blank check to lawyers instructed to stop us at any price. Our only
ment funded health research. Whereupon, after extensive considera- success was in forcing Pauling to pay us $575,000 in 1983 for personal
tion, Melville had been ordered to tell no one (including us), to destroy damages with $425,000 in payment of libel and slander but our pri-
the letter and code sheet, and to never speak of the matter again. mary objective, recovery of the research work, was never reached. No
It had been concluded that this incident might cause a scandal. It one has ever been able to rescue those records from the locked room in
was better for a promising health research experiment to fail and for the which we have been told that they are kept.
scientists involved to not know the reason for their failure than for an At the present time, following Paulings death, the Linus Pauling
NIH-funded project to run the risk of public scandal. (NIH, of course, Institute is being dissolved, and its assets are being transferred to Ore-
did not cause the initial problem. Anbars letter showed clear signs of a gon State University along with permission to use the Institutes name.
man cracking under the strains of competition. Even so, he had kept an OSU hopes to be able to raise money using the Pauling name.
unscrambling code and had voluntarily sent a letter to the grants ad- During the past year, Dr. Jane Orient and Dr. John Mann have re-
ministrator of the project admitting his actions.) vived a special interest in one of the unpublished experiments. Dr.
Many of your tax dollars were wasted, and a promising medical re- Mann and his coworkers had provided me with 1,000 urine samples
search project that might have helped you or someone close to you was from apparently healthy newborn infants. In the chromatographic pro-
damaged secretly so that a gaggle of top health research bureau- files of these 1,000 samples, we made a new (still unpublished) discov-
crats would not have to deal with an uncomfortable situation. ery in 1978. The profiled substances exhibited bimodal and trimodal
Two years later, Bob Melville took one more action he gave me a distribution functions, making it possible to divide the babies into
copy he had kept of the Anbar letter and the unscrambling code. The many distinct groups with respect to their intermediary metabolism. At
date on the letter showed that Anbars paper in Clinical Chemistry was present, since the babies were born in the Kaiser-Permanente HMO
being refereed by the journal at the time he scrambled the labels and system where Dr. Mann works, his records have subsequent 18-year
that it was accepted for publication seven weeks later. He had obvi- health histories of these children. Do their health histories correlate
ously scrambled the labels to assure that we could not have a positive with their urine profiles as measured at birth? This is a unique opportu-
result before his paper was published. Therefore, he would be able to nity to answer a question that would otherwise be unanswerable, re-
take credit for ideas and work by Bill and me and our coworkers. gardless of resources, for another 18 years. The Pauling Institute has
Of course, after the strategy had worked and NIH had decided to refused to allow Orient and Mann to see the data or my calculations.
keep his secret, it was too late to give us the unscrambling code. So, on June 3, 1996, a federal court in Arizona will consider tens of
Michael Anbar is not, however, the villain of this story. Science will thousands of dollars of legal motions generated by Pauling Institute
always have individuals who act dishonestly just as does every other lawyers in opposition to Dr. Jane Orients attempt to see this data . Dr.
profession. Melvilles superiors at NIH, who decided to put political Orient argues that this data is public property paid for by government
expediency above ethics and even above progress on cancer diagnosis, grants and tax-deductible donations. Even Oregon State University
are the villains. Too much power derived from too much money lawyers are refusing to cooperate with her. The reason money. What
money seized from other people breeds this sort of villain. if some of this long-hidden data proves to be of value to human health
Yet even now, a decade after I received the code from Melville, I (and, I assure you, much of it is very valuable)? How much value will
have still not unscrambled the sample labels and calculated the true re- the Pauling name have then for their fund-raising program?
sults of the breast cancer experiment. Why not? Therein lies a second Is Linus Pauling the villain here? Not entirely. The fact that he
tale that you will not read in the pages of Science. Although Constance seized the research records of numerous scientists, thereby preventing
Holden, who is a regular writer on the Science staff, once tried to pub- continuation or publication of their work is well known to many scien-
lish an account in Science about it, the article never appeared. The fact tists. They are afraid, however, that scandal involving a big-name sci-
is that, for the past 18 years, I have not been permitted access to any of entist will affect government funding. Everyone keeps quiet. Anyone
this data or to my research notes and calculations regarding it. risking the $34 billion piggy bank risks the displeasure of his peers.


This years DDP meeting will be held on August 2-4 at the Airport l The lead editorial in Science 272, p 177 for 12 April 1996 is
Hilton in Salt Lake City. It will feature an extraordinarily outstanding adapted from a speech given by Vice President Al Gore on 12 Febru-
group of speakers. Their names and subjects include: ary 1996 at the AAAS meeting in Baltimore, entitled The Metaphor
of Distributed Intelligence. This editorial is the strangest mixture of
Glen Griffin, pediatrician School-based Clinics. disconnected rhetoric, elitist philosophy, anti-industrial nonsense, and
Jim Phillips and Gary Barnes Personal Survival. big government rationalization that I have ever read. The ideal Ameri-
Gordon Edwards DDT, Alligators, and Regulatory Atrocities. can nation is likened to a giant parallel processing computer with each
Sallie Baliunas, astrophysicist, Global Climate citizen being a tiny government-controlled element in the machine.
Stanford Penner, aerospace physicist Environment Management Apparently published by Science because it advocates increased tax
Robert Jastrow, astronomer Missile Defense funding of research, we can only hope that the Vice President did not
Gary Sandquist, nuclear engineer Beneficial Low-level Radiation write this and was asleep when he delivered it.
S. Fred Singer Stratospheric Ozone and Political Correctness If President Bushs thousand points of light speech were cou-
Martin Kamen, discoverer of C14 Radiant Science pled with a demand for government-funded wind generators to power
the points of light and then rewritten by New Age poets, it still would
Stanley Monteith, orthopedic surgeon AIDS and Public Health be outclassed by Gores offering. We believe (reluctantly) that Gore
Henry I. Miller Anti-Medicine: The FDA and Medical Progress said it. It is difficult to believe that Science published it.
Cresson Kearny Land Mines and other Government Snafus l The current CAREERS bills, H. R. 1617 and S. 143 success-
Edwin York Soviet Shelters for Industrial Workers fully wending their way through Congress would, according to Eagle
Christopher Story Soviet-Chinese Strategic Deception Forum (telephone 202-544-0353), create a Labor Market Informa-
Sam Cohen U. S. Defense Policy and Technological Risks tion System that would compile data about every child in the United
Sharon Packer and Paul Seyfried Shelter Construction States academic, medical, personal, family, attitudinal, and behav-
Conrad Chester Surviving Biological Contamination ioral into a computer data base and give access to all future employ-
ers and the government. Workforce Development Boards would
These speakers include some of the most outstanding scientists and regulate education in order to turn out kids ready to be plugged into
experts in the world speaking about subjects that are of immediate im- centrally planned, government chosen jobs. It would become illegal to
portance to the well-being of most Americans. The DDP speakers and hire anyone not possessing a government issuedskills certificate.
meeting are organized each year by Dr. Jane Orient. These programs A detailed discussion of this is in the DeWeese Report, May 1996,
are unequaled for the stature of the lecturers and the relevance of their available from 14140-L Parke Long Court, Chantilly, VA 22021.
topics. If you can attend even one conference in 1996, this should defi-
nitely be the one. I look forward to seeing in August the many Access GOOD READING
to Energy readers who regularly attend these meetings.
Information and reservations are available from DDP, 2509 N. l The Real Conspirators Behind High Gas Prices by John
Campbell, Box 272, Tucson, AZ 85719. Telephone (520) 325-2680. Mueller in The Wall Street Journal, p A14, May 8, 1996. Mr. Mueller
Registration cost for the meeting, including two lunches and the ban- shows, with data going back to 1965, that gasoline price increases are
quet, is $95. Airport Hilton rooms are $79 per night, single or double. proportional to the rise in world dollar base with a 2 1/2 year lag time.
This lag time masks the cause government money printing.
GLOBAL WARMING l Irradiated Foods, 4th edition, revised and updated by Richard A.
Greenberg, published by the American Council on Science and Health,
Are Human Activities Causing Global Warming? recently publish- 1995 Broadway, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10023-5860. Food irradia-
ed by the George Marshall Institute, 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 502, tion is an excellent preservation method. Food preservation lowers the
Washington, DC 20036, is an excellent update and summary of the cost of high quality food and thereby improves human health.
principal facts in opposition to the global warming mania. l The Torch, May 1996 issue, is a newsletter published by the So-
Some of the primary points are: ciety for Environmental Truth, 5535 E. Rosewood Street, Tucson, AZ
1. Contrary to media hype, 1995 was not the hottest year on re- 85711. This newsletter publishes good technical articles for laymen
cord. Satellite measurements rank it as eighth in the last 17 years. and some other information such as the quote from Dave Foreman,
2. Updated satellite records now show a warming of 0.09 C per currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club
decade since 1980. This rate is well within the naturally fluctuating The blood of timber executives is my natural drink and the wail of
temperature changes observed in the years before the release of signifi- dying forest supervisors is music to my ears (p 2, May issue).
cant amounts of greenhouse gases by human activity. l Hazardous to Our Health? FDA Regulation of Health Care
3. Most of the 1 C temperature rise during the past 100 years oc- Products, ed. Robert Higgs, published by the Independent Institute,
curred before 1940 and therefore before the release of significant 134 98th Avenue, Oakland, CA 94603.
amounts of greenhouse gases from human activity. l Russias Toxic Threat by James R. Adams and The Navys
4. The historical record, contrary to enviro propaganda, shows that Enemies by John Lehman in The Wall Street Journal of April 30,
warmer periods are associated with less extreme weather conditions 1996, p A14 and May 21, 1996, p A18, respectively.
and do not give rise to more hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and bliz- NOTE: The May 1996 Access to Energy editorial should read:
zards. In fact, in the 10th to 12th centuries, the temperature was about temperature increase preceded the CO2 increase, not vice versa.
0.5 C warmer than it is today, and the climate was so benign that this
period is known as the Medieval Climatic Optimum. This is the tem-

perature that climate models are predicting for the years 2030 to 2050.
5. Arctic temperatures have actually decreased for the last 40 years. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
6. There is, as yet, no trace of global warming due to human activ- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
ity, so any such future warming is expected to be less than 1 C. $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
Robert Jastrow, President of the Marshall Institute, and Sallie Bali- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
unas, Chairman of the Marshall Institute Science Advisory Board, will Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
both be speaking at the DDP meeting in Salt Lake City. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JULY 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 11) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Knowledge Is in Books
Sooner or later, those who think extensively and effectively about telephone calls more than 1,000 so far and still arriving here at a
the advance of science and technology and about the preservation of rate that exceeds our ability to respond to them. As I have talked
freedom and free enterprise, which are essential to that advance, be- with these people (mostly Americans who are determined to obtain
come concerned with the problem of education both that of scien- quality education for their children), I have come to realize that I am
tists and technologists and also that of the citizenry in general. They becoming an advocate of certain simple truths that have apparently
realize that it is not possible for these disciplines to flourish very long been lost to many people. These are that:
in a civilization in which most of the individual citizens are unable or 1. Knowledge is in books good books books carefully selected
unwilling to learn and to think. from the collections of great literature and history written over the
The majority of those who control American primary and univer- past several hundred years and those of science and technology.
sity education and American corporate and political power do not, of 2. Academic education consists of transferring knowledge (and
course, agree with this premise. Theirs is essentially an elitist view the ability to use it to think independently) into the brains of students.
wherein a top stratum of society monopolizes knowledge, wealth, 3. This transfer of knowledge requires substantial time, good
and power, while the masses beneath must be taught proper be- study environment and study habits, and a minimum of distractions.
havior rather than independent thought. This is not surprising. Human Not only are hand-holding teachers, manipulatives and other study
history is, to a large extent, a sorry, several thousand year record of games, numerous course titles and subdivisions, grade levels and
one elite after another trying to run the world and ultimately failing other norming techniques, new age educational methods, work
with general suffering for everyone in the course of each such failure. books, and other special educational tools entirely unnecessary, these
There is, however, enormous strength in the Constitutionally pro- things primarily serve to intrude between the student and the books
tected free republic (not democracy) that was bequeathed to America and thereby diminish the transfer of knowledge.
by our founding fathers. Regardless of the depredations of two centu- Consider one example drawn from education in math and science
ries of elitist assaults on that freedom, 250 million Americans, con- the very important skill and foundation of independent thought,
tinuously revitalized by immigration of freedom-loving people from problem solving especially the so-called word problem in which
many other lands, have great vitality and productive potential. the student must conceptualize the problem and reduce it to a form for
It is the nature of a free society that, when an important aspect of which mathematics enables a solution. This ability is acquired by
civil life begins to fail, new approaches arise spontaneously to replace solving problems tens of thousands of them, starting with the level
the failures. If the failure has been an especially important one, then of a six-year-old child and extending gradually to university level
the changes can appear to be revolutionary in scope. Any amount of physics and chemistry and beyond.
positive change at any sustainable rate is acceptable, providing the What do modern educational tools offer? They offer wonderful
freedom itself that makes change possible is not undermined. gimmicks in video, colored textbook illustrations, interactive com-
At present, this sort of revolution is underway in American educa- puter programs, and other crutches which are highly praised because
tion. The institutions that have provided education in America have they so beautifully explain each problem to the student. A prob-
gradually succumbed to the underlying flaw that they are based upon lem explained, however, is a problem that has lost its value for the
socialism. At every level academic, social, and spiritual American student. There is nothing left requiring independent conceptualization
primary and secondary schools and American colleges and universi- in the students brain. His brain gains little from memorizing solu-
ties are failing and are being perceived as failures by an increasingly tions and plugging numbers into equations conceptualized by others.
large percentage of the American people. Moreover, this is occurring As a result of numerous errors of this sort made within the politi-
at the same time that the revolution in computer technology is shatter- cally controlled educational establishment and uncorrected because
ing the monopoly that educational institutions have held on informa- free market mechanisms have been excluded by socialism the abil-
tion as a result of the previously high cost of maintaining great ity of American children to solve problems and think independently
libraries and other storehouses of knowledge. has dropped to a world-class low level. Jokes about this are almost as
The most obvious symptom of this collapse is the very rapid rise prevalent as lawyer jokes and not funny at all. Science and technol-
of home schooling. From a relatively rare curiosity, home schooling ogy cannot prosper in a society wherein the majority of the citizens
has risen so rapidly during the past ten years that estimates of more have been so poorly educated that they cannot understand the under-
than one million American children currently being educated by their lying principles of science and think independently about them.
families entirely outside of educational institutions are realistic. The outlook for American science and technology is, however,
We have recently sampled the intensity of this movement. In very bright because of American freedom. If present trends con-
April, we mailed a two-page advertisement and a six-page article tinue and free enterprise has its way, American tax-supported schools
about home schooling to a mailing list that a previous test had indi- will collapse and disappear (including a large percentage of colleges
cated would be a good market for our home school CDs. The mailing and universities) and will be replaced by free-market alternatives that
was successful and a small profit was realized, which will help with are already growing very rapidly. I think that this will happen within
production of more CDs. Astonishing, however, were the letters and the lifetimes of many current readers of Access to Energy.

which he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. (Audio tapes are still
SOLID PHASE ANTIBIOTICS available from DDP at telephone (520) 325-2680.) One of the current
projects that he described is the synthesis of a new class of antibiotics
At the DDP meeting last year in Grants Pass, Oregon, Professor R. modeled on peptide sequences found in silk moths and honey bees.
B. Merrifield described several projects proceeding in his and other The 26 residue peptide that Dr. Merrifield and his coworkers have
laboratories using solid phase synthesis the methodology that he in- made is active against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
vented and used for the first laboratory synthesis of an enzyme and for Moreover, synthesis of this peptide with d isomer amino acid resi-
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
AUGUST 1996 (Vol. 23, no. 12) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Life on Mars
Two weeks ago, my 20-year-old son Zachary remarked that he reach of private enterprise if the people who earned that money can
thought the first human mission to Mars would be undertaken by free come to understand that this is a wise expenditure of their resources.
enterprise not government. It is clear that he would like to make the Could we, for example, convince the advertising executives of
trip. (He also wants to bury a small nuclear reactor here on the farm, American industries that a small portion of their budgets should be
so that we can have easy access to energy for our various activities.) used for this purpose? That alone would pay the cost.
I replied that he was probably right, but that we would need to The usual arguments for such adventures would almost certainly
wait until the price of a Mars mission became a little lower. This, I fail. Science will be advanced who cares? Very few of our cus-
estimated, might not be too long a wait given the example of the cost tomers are scientists. Technology will be advanced great! The
of strategic missile defense, which has dropped so low during the past politicians and enviros have our customers scared of the technology
decade that deployment is now almost entirely a political issue. we have now. Who wants more? Well finally learn for certain
We then discussed the Mars Direct proposal made by Robert whether there is or has ever been life on Mars. This argument fails,
Zubrin and his co-workers at Lockheed Martin Astronautics, P.O. too, but it contains a clue to the solution of our problem.
Box 179, Denver, CO 80201. (Literature is available from that ad- Whether or not there is life on Mars now, there should be life there
dress, or, if you want an excellent summary, the audiotape of now human life family life. America was settled by courageous
Zubrins lecture at last years DDP meeting in Grants Pass is avail- families who desired no return ticket. They brought with them only
able from DDP at telephone (520) 325-2680.) those possessions too valuable to leave behind their husbands,
Zubrin estimates that five teams of four people each can make wives, and children, and the tools they expected to need to provide for
round trips from Earth to Mars, with 500-day exploration stays on those husbands, wives, and children.
Mars for each team, at a total cost of $30 billion expended at a rate of Very few Americans alive today will ever go to Mars. If, however,
$3 billion per year over a ten-year period. Ten rocket launches are a Mars mission were launched with two or more families on board
required (five with robots and five with human passengers); the re- (with the adults selected for appropriate technological abilities and
quired technology already exists and has been extensively tested and their children of varying ages), virtually everyone in America would
used for other purposes; and no intermediate projects such as space go to Mars vicariously. The lives of these families during the trip
stations or moon bases are required. The space ships go directly from and during the succeeding years of their adventures on Mars would
Earth to Mars and return. be the greatest human interest event of the century (until, in later
A key idea in the Mars Direct proposal is the use of a small years, so many other families joined them that Mars became routine.)
nuclear power plant producing only 100 kilowatts approximately What American company would be willing to admit that they had
the same as the combined electric service capacity of two ordinary not helped with this adventure?
American homes for which, in Cave Junction, we would pay, at full But this is dangerous, right? Thats why 10,000 families would
capacity and todays rates, about six dollars per hour. This power volunteer to make the trip. If the first families died (perhaps a 10%
plant is used to convert CO2 in the Martian atmosphere and liquid chance), the second mission of families would set up an appropriate
hydrogen brought from Earth into methane, oxygen, and water. The monument to them on Mars and then work even harder to succeed.
chemical plant itself is trivial, as Zubrin has illustrated by building a Would you like to devastate the opponents of nuclear power? Peo-
full scale working unit for a total cost of $37,000. ple learn by example. The Mars families use nuclear power.
Six tons of hydrogen suffices for 108 tons of methane and oxygen, Would you like to bury the purveyors of socialism? The Mars
which provides fuel for internal combustion engines used to explore families were sent by free enterprise.
Mars and rocket engines for the return trip to earth. Each proposed Would you like to obliterate the professional antitechnologists?
Mars rocket has a little less power than the rockets used for the No magazine issue in America is complete without an update on the
Apollo Moon trips in 1969 and the early 1970s and is capable of de- Mars families and their use of technology to tame Mars.
livering 47 tons to Mars during each six- to eight-month voyage. Would you like to reawaken American family traditions and re-
Zubrin even includes 5 kilowatts of solar panels to provide for life verse the decline in family life? If those families on Mars can over-
support functions on Mars if the nuclear generator fails to operate. come the obstacles they face, surely so can we.
The first trip with humans (an initial robot mission sets up the We cannot change human nature. Moreover, history teaches and
chemical plant) occurs about $10 billion into the project. A very large reteaches us the horrible consequences that accompany the descent of
part of this cost is allocated to hardware and fuel for the return trip to human civilizations into domination by human vices and failings.
Earth. Ten billion dollars, I reminded Zachary, is still quite a lot of The way to avoid such horrors is to conduct our affairs in such a
money to raise from private enterprise. His reply: Why come back? way that the virtues of the human spirit are predominant. One such
Did the European families that settled North America have round-trip virtue is our spirit of adventure, the desire within each person to be a
tickets? Without the round-trip ticket, the first Mars mission, aug- part, during his short life, of a least one great undertaking. If Ameri-
mented with human supplies for self-sufficiency, may be as low as $2 can families go to Mars now and live there, the spirit of every
billion eight dollars per American citizen and well within the person they leave behind on Earth will be able to go with them.

to attempt such simplifications of new problems by means of tech-

MECHANICAL DISEASE niques that have proven successful in solving previous problems.
This is especially true in medicine because medical science in-
The greatest scientific discoveries are often those that merely sim- volves the study of such extraordinary, beautiful, and yet complex phe-
plify a large number of facts and observations that were previously nomena that often only a small fraction of the needed facts are actually
considered very complicated and only approachable by extraordinary known, so each subject initially appears to be a frustrating morass of
and very sophisticated means. There is a logical tendency for scientists suppositions and beliefs connected by small glimmers of actual con-
crete facts. Since biochemical, bacterial, viral, and genetic explana- Hackett (1956). Each of these men induced tissue formation in their
tions have worked well in the solution of some medical problems, patients by injecting proliferants at the sites of injury. These original
there is a tendency to believe that these disciplines hold the solutions proliferants were, however, very painful. Dr. Ongleys contribution (in
to all medical problems and to believe this at the expense of other New Zealand in 1957) was to develop a proliferant solution that was
approaches that should be given more consideration. painless when injected. This permitted patient compliance with re-
This is especially well illustrated by the career of Dr. Milne Ongley, peated injections and with the necessary exercises following injection.
a British physician who has spent more than 40 years studying me- I know several men, for example, whose typical back injuries were
chanical damage to joints and the spine as causes of human ailments. corrected by Ongley more than ten years ago. In each case, the cure
After completing his formal medical training, Dr. Ongley worked was safe, almost painless, and, most importantly, it was permanent.
for three years at St. Thomass Hospital in London (1953-1956) with Anyone who has chronic pain in any of his joints or spine, especially if
Dr. James Cyriax, the father of orthopedic medicine. He then entered he is considering surgery, should at least consult Dr. Ongley first.
medical practice in New Zealand in 1956, where he worked for 15 The proliferant solution Ongley uses is a mixture of 12.5% glucose,
years until coming to the United States in 1972. 12.5% glycerine, 1.25% phenol, and 0.25% (plain) xylocaine. In addi-
Most of Dr. Ongleys patients in New Zealand were either athletes tion to the proliferant properties of this entire mixture, the phenol and
or industrial workers with physical injuries. This simplified things for xylocaine help prevent infection, and the xylocaine (an anesthetic)
him, since he could usually be quite certain that the symptoms and helps confirm the correctness of the injection site by relieving pain.
signs exhibited by his patients were the result of mechanical problems. Numerous fascinating findings have followed from these simple
Gradually, he developed very great skill in the use of the diagnostic techniques. For example, based upon 40 years of professional experi-
procedures that he had learned from Dr. Cyriax procedures which are ence, Ongley has found that the majority of the simple broken bones
based upon functional examination of the various components of the that are placed in rigid casts during healing would be better treated by
patients body and upon the usual information available from x-ray ex- no casts at all. If proliferants are properly injected to speed healing and
amination and, now, other modern imaging techniques. the motion of the limb is not impaired by rigid immobilization, the pa-
The diagnosis of mechanical injuries to the knees, the elbows, the tient heals more quickly and with less likelihood of restricted limb mo-
back, the neck, the joints of the hands and feet, and other such struc- tion. The broken bones to which this technique does not apply are
tures is not as easy as one might expect. Many of the essential tissues largely breaks in load-bearing bones which cannot remain in place if
cannot be seen directly by x-ray examination. The positions and health the patient puts weight upon them before they are healed.
of these tissues must be inferred from the positions of the bones and
other dense structures in various states of flexion and from the symp-
toms and signs exhibited by the patient. Many years of diagnostic ex-
perience are required before a physician is skilled in these techniques,
and, even then, additional confirmatory tests are sometimes necessary.
Accurate diagnosis is, of course, only the first step. Treatment is the
next. Dr. Ongley specializes in the treatment of mechanical injuries
without surgery techniques that do not require hospitalization or gen-
eral anesthesia and can be performed in an ordinary doctors office.
There is an ethical rule in medicine which is expressed as first, do
no harm. Each physician endeavors to help his patient by means that,
at the very least, are unlikely to make his condition worse. Since sur-
gery, especially that involving general anesthesia and regardless of the
wonderful skills that surgeons have developed, is inherently a danger-
ous, expensive procedure that can inadvertently harm the patient,
medical ethics requires that non-surgical approaches be exhaustively
considered before surgery is carried out except, of course, in immedi-
ately life-threatening circumstances where time is a critical factor.
Obviously, some injuries are so severe that surgery is ultimately re-
quired, but a surprisingly large proportion of mechanical injures do not
require surgery and can be more successfully cured without surgery.
This is especially so with the use of specialized techniques that Ongley
and his predecessors have developed.
For example, if a bone in the back or neck is malaligned (incor-
rectly positioned as a result of injury), Ongley first destroys scar tissue
that has formed at the injury. Then he returns the bone to its correct
position by manipulation. Finally, in a series of injections at weekly
intervals, he introduces substances at the injury site that stimulate the
regeneration of the normal tissues which maintain the bones in their Figure 1
correct position. During this period, the patient regularly performs ex-
ercises that involve a full range of motion of the damaged structures, so
that the tissues formed will not later inhibit bodily movement. Ongleys techniques involving neck injuries are especially interest-
This use of injected proliferants, which are defined as substances ing. As most people know, the bundle of nerves by which the brain
that cause the growth of new tissue by the reproduction of similar cells, communicates with the rest of the body runs through the neck and
is a unique technique. This weekly injection process involves the in- down the back in the middle of a long structure of bones and tissues
duction of a repeated and controlled inflammatory response at the site collectively known as the spinal column. There are 33 bony segments
of injury to cause increased normal tissue formation. Dr. Ongley dis- in the spinal column called vertebrae, seven of which are in the
covered that it is essential for the treated joint to be exercised fully dur- neck. The spinal column provides flexible structural support for the
ing the healing process to assure normal tissue growth. head and body and also a protective sheath for this important bundle of
Proliferants were originally developed by three American physi- nerves on which most bodily movement and sensation depends.
cians, Dr. C. O. Rice (1936), Dr. George Schultz (who immediately In many neck injuries, out-of-place vertebral structures or scar tis-
adopted and extended Rices original work in 1936), and Dr. George sue formed at the site of injury press on the nerve bundle. Light pres-
Although tens of thousands of research papers have been published
by scientists documenting changes in the brain that correlate with age
and with specific syndromes associated with degenerative diseases of
the brain and nervous system, they rarely consider that these changes
could be brought about by simple mechanical injuries or degeneration
of the neck. This, however, has been Dr. Ongleys experience.
He has found that patients who have been diagnosed with, for ex-
ample, multiple sclerosis (commonly thought to be a disease of bio-
chemical or viral origin) often actually have dislocations in their necks
which interfere with proper function of the nerves and the vertebral ar-
teries. By non-surgical treatment of these mechanical problems, he has
restored health to many such multiple sclerosis patients.
Mechanical diseases of the joints and spine some of which lead to
pain and some of which lead to other symptoms not obviously related
to skeletal problems such as visual or central nervous system malfunc-
tions afflict a great many people. Yet the field of orthopedic medi-
cine, which involves the nonsurgical treatments that Dr. Ongley and
his colleagues have developed, is largely overlooked. A few American
physicians have been trained by Dr. Ongley and he himself currently
treats patients in a new, modern hospital (owned and controlled by an
American corporation, Group Med International) in Ensenada, Mex-
ico, about 80 miles south from San Diego, California.
Figure 2 Prospective patients who wish to consult Dr. Ongley or be referred
by him to a physician whom he has trained, physicians who would like
to learn these techniques, or professionals desiring detailed technical
information can reach him by telephone at his home in the United
sure can cause such symptoms as tingling of the hands and feet. More States near San Diego at (619) 468-0055 on Mondays thru Thursdays.
serious pressure can damage motor nerves and impair bodily move- Why Ensenada? Get used to it. As the United States government
ment. Also, if spinal structures are improperly in contact with this (both the Democrat and Republican branches) continues its already
nerve bundle, the chance that it will be seriously damaged in an auto- well-advanced destruction of free enterprise in medicine, Americans
mobile accident or other such event are markedly increased. The sur- will increasingly find that the best medical care lies beyond the borders
gery necessary to correct this dangerous condition can often be avoided of their own country out of reach of the dead hand of government
using Ongleys techniques. Moreover, surgery can lead to additional and, unfortunately, also out of reach of their medical insurance.
misplaced scar tissue and recurrence of the condition.
Fewer people know that the vertebral bones and surrounding tissues

in the neck also provide a channel for a very special pair of arteries
known as the vertebral arteries, which provide blood for the spinal The United States government is currently on the verge of destroy-
tissues, the brain stem, and critical parts of the back part of the brain. ing its tiny $8.5 million dollar per year program for the development of
Since the vertebral arteries supply blood to the most critical areas of the small nuclear reactors of the sort needed for Mars exploration. The arti-
central nervous system, they are encased in the spine for special physi- cles Space Nuclear Power Programme at Risk by Tony Reichhardt,
cal protection. Nature 382, p 6 (July 4, 1996) and End of Space Nuclear Reactor
Figure 1 shows the better-known right carotid artery that lies near Program by Jocelyn Kaiser, Science 273, p 21 (July 5, 1996) report
the front of the neck and supplies blood to the front parts of the brain. that continuation of the project is very unlikely.
Also shown is the right vertebral artery winding its way through the The United States first flew a nuclear reactor in space in 1965. The
vertebral bones of the neck. A similar left view of the head would show Russians apparently developed the better models. The United States
the left carotid and vertebral arteries. Figure 2 shows these two pairs of Defense Department purchased six Russian TOPAZ reactors in 1991
arteries as seen from the underside of the brain one pair supplying and began a joint testing project with Russian participation.
blood to the front of the brain and one pair to the back. These figures Progress, however, has been slow because, during the entire five-
are from Grays Anatomy, 28th Edition, published by Lea and Febiger, year, $80 million research program, these scientists have never been
Philadelphia, 1966. allowed to put nuclear fuel into the reactors. Electrical heating ele-
The arteries of the brain are connected in such a way that they can ments have been used to simulate actual operation.
sometimes supplement one another and thereby overcome minor re- The excuse given for this restriction is that nuclear reactors are un-
strictions in one artery by circulation through another artery. The brain, popular. No federal agency, including NASA, which admits that such
however, requires so much oxygen and nutrients that any significant reactors will be required as power sources for any future large robotic
restriction, while perhaps not fatal, may have harmful consequences. spacecraft or for manned exploration of Mars, is willing to risk an-
As can be clearly understood from Figure 1, disruption of the spinal titechnology pseudoenvironmentalist criticism by supporting this pro-
structure of the neck can result in impaired blood flow through the ver- ject or allowing realistic tests of the already developed technology.
tebral arteries. The joints in the neck, like those in the rest of the body, The United States National Research Council has concluded that, if
are relatively easy to injure, especially as the bones in those joints dete- this program is allowed to die, an entire body of knowledge is likely
riorate with age. Such an injuries can lead to many syndromes. to die with it. The political target is, of course, larger than mere space
A syndrome is defined as a group of symptoms and signs of exploration. There are a multitude of Earth-based applications for
disordered function related to one another by means of some anatomi- which small, standardized nuclear reactors would be very useful.
cal, physiological, or biochemical peculiarity. Medical scientists sim- A free-enterprise corporation with more faith in mankind than these
plify their communications with each other and with their patients by governmental deadheads, should buy this hardware, hire the scientists
giving syndromes specific names such as, to give one example, mul- and engineers who understand it, and continue to develop this technol-
tiple sclerosis. Research scientists use the same names and often sim- ogy. The future belongs to those who have confidence in the best
plify their work by assuming (sometimes incorrectly) that each qualities of the human spirit, and that wonderful future will come
syndrome has a discoverable single cause and cure. regardless of politicking by the merchants of fear, envy, and doom.
at MIT, who has concluded that global warming will be so mild as to
be essentially a non-problem. While not endorsing Lindzens conclu-
sions, the Times gave him a fair hearing, a good picture, and 50 column
inches. 4. The virtual panic set off in the global warming community
by A Major Deception on Global Warming by Frederick Seitz in
The Wall Street Journal, p A16, June 12, 1996, which discredited the
latest United Nations IPCC global warming report, is the most spec-
tacular evidence that the global warming people are in serious trouble.
In this article, Professor Seitz, president emeritus of Rockefeller
University and chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute said, In
my more than 60 years as a member of the American scientific com-
munity, including service as president of both the National Academy
of Sciences and the American Physical Society, I have never witnessed
a more disturbing corruption of the peer review process than the events
that led to the IPCC report.


On one page, Science 272, p 1747 (1996), Constance Holden has
provided both of our Stark Raving Mad winners for this month.
l A presentation during World Animal Awareness week in Wash-
ington, DC, June 20-24 was entitled: In Defense of Disease - Dis-
abling Science: How Negative Stereotypes of Illness Have Been Used
to Promote Animal Experimentation.
l A furor, led by the Harvard Crimson student newspaper, erupted
among 1600 seniors at Harvard University when it was learned that the
1996 commencement address would be delivered by scientist Harold
Varmus, Nobel laureate and Director of the National Institutes of
Figure 3 Health. Harvard had, it was widely noted, not stooped so low as to al-
low a scientist to address their commencement ceremony since Alex-
ander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, spoke there 51 years ago.
NUCLEAR PROGRESS Commented physicist Leon Lederman, Look, theyve graduated
already, maybe they just didnt want to know any more......
The article by Poong Eil Juhn and Jrgen Kupitz in IAEA Bulletin
38, No.1, pp 2-9, available from the International Atomic Energy GOOD READING
Agency, P. O. Box 100, A-1400, Vienna, Austria, reviews past and
projected world growth of nuclear power generation. l Energy & Environment, Hopes, Hurdles by George M. Roy,
As can be seen from Figure 3, reproduced from the Juhn and Kupitz available from Roy Publishing, 12098 Centerville Road, Chico, CA
article, the percentage of world-wide electricity production that is pro- 95928, Telephone (916) 343-4511. This book is a good energy primer
vided by nuclear power has risen from less than 2% in 1970 to 17% in for the layman and contains many useful factual comparisons.
1994. Moreover, this rate of growth is likely to accelerate during com- l Off-Resonance Conduction Through Atomic Wires by A.
ing years, especially in Asia (and possibly even in the United States as Yazdani, D. M. Eigler, and N. D. Lang, Science 272, pp 1921-1924.
pseudoenvironmentalism wanes in influence). This article reports the measurement of the resistance of wires only one
atom thick. The resistance of a single Xenon atom turns out to be 105
GLOBALLY WARMED UNEMPLOYMENT ohms and that of two xenon atoms is 107 ohms.
l What a Waste. Recycling Is Garbage. Recycling squanders
The tax-financed research crowd that has been created by advertise- money and good will and doesnt do much for the environment,
ment of a coming global warming apocalypse may soon be facing a either. by John Tierney, The New York Times Magazine, pp 23-29,
more down-to-earth problem unemployment. Too much good re- 44,48,51, & 53, June 30, 1996. Access to Energy has previously called
search is beginning to be published which indicates that greenhouse recycling, except for that spontaneously done by free enterprise for
warming from human activities will be a negligibly small effect and, economic reasons, interactive propaganda for the enviro industry.
considering enhanced plant growth from increases in CO2, is likely to l A Road to Hell Paved With Good Intentions by Thomas Sow-
be an overall beneficial phenomenon and the press, even the New ell, Forbes, pp 60-65, January 17, 1994. Sowell points out that the dis-
York Times, is beginning to pay attention. crediting of communism and socialism has not included discreditation
Recent examples are: 1. Are Human Activities Causing Global of the collectivism that nurtured them. He urges that we all reread Frie-
Warming? by the George Marshall Institute, 1730 M Street, N. W., drich Hayeks Road to Serfdom.
Suite 502, Washington, DC 20036, which concludes that global tem- l ROTC at a Turning Point by Fred W. Decker, Washington
perature is now increasing at about 0.10 C per decade. 2. Inference Inquirer, pp 7-8, July 1, 1996, available from 4455 Connecticut Ave-
of Solar Irradiance Variability from Terrestrial Temperature Changes, nue NW #330, Washington, DC 20008.
1880-1993: An Astrophysical Application of the Sun-Climate Con-
nection by W. H. Soon, E. S. Posmentier, and S. L. Baliunas, an As-
trophysical Journal preprint available from Harvard-Smithsonian
Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
which concludes that variations in solar activity have contributed at Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
least as much to global temperatures changes as have greenhouse gas $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
changes since 1880. 3. A Skeptic Asks, Is It Getting Hotter or Is It for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Just the Computer? by William K. Stevens, The New York Times , pp Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
C1 & C8, June 18, 1996, which reports the work of Richard S. Lindzen 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 1996 (Vol. 24, no. 1) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Defendable But Undefended

In 1994, in a low security building at the Oak Ridge National Conrad Chester died from natural causes on 16 August, 1996. Dr.
Laboratory, a bent, balding 61-year-old engineer hands slightly Chester, whose death was not noticed by the American people, gave
shaking from the oncoming ravages of Parkinsons disease, which he his life to the development of the means to protect those people and
daily ignored as he continued his lifes work in defense of his country their families from very real and continuing dangers in the modern
performed the last useful action of the American civil defense pro- world means that the gaggle of 20th century politicians and bureau-
gram. He boxed all of the approximately 10,000 reports, mono- crats have been too selfish and shortsighted to implement.
graphs, books, and other research documents in the Emergency Ah, but we are told that all of the threats are gone. Just this past
Technology Library at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and month our new Russian friends were whiling away their time firing
shipped them to a safe location, out of reach of the federal govern- multiple tests of their newest submarine-launched ballistic missiles
ment, so that they would not be destroyed. These documents contain missiles for which the only practical target is the United States. This,
a complete record of the American civil defense research program of course, must just be a new and more spectacular form of disarma-
from the end of World War II until its termination by the Bush and ment. If they keep the tests going for the next 50 years, maybe they
Clinton Administrations. will run out of missiles. Anyway, who are we to say that nascent free
At the present time, the United States has no strategic missile de- enterprise in Russia should be discouraged by prohibiting them from
fense even though her scientists and engineers are easily capable of participating in the growing world market for weapons of mass kill-
building one; she has no tactical nuclear weapons even though her ing along with entrepreneurs in North Korea, mainland China, Syria,
scientists and engineers built a complete inventory which was then Iran, and other innovators in the field of population control.
ordered destroyed by President George Bush; she has no biological If anyone ever unleashes this nuclear, biological, or chemical tech-
weapons these were destroyed by treaty with the Soviet Union, nology upon the American people and there are many capable indi-
which nevertheless continued to build biological weapons; she is cur- viduals in the world who would like to do so the ingenious defenses
rently incinerating her entire stockpile of chemical weapons even that Connie Chester and his patriotic professional colleagues invented
though these weapons continue to be accumulated by her enemies in to protect Americans will probably not be available.
many countries; and she has no civil defense program whatever not If present conditions prevail, there will be no civil defenses, no
even the pitiful evacuation and radiological monitoring program that strategic defenses, and no practical offensive deterrents. All there will
was in place until its termination by the Bush and Clinton Admini- be is fear fear which may be used to convince the American people
strations. to give up much of their freedom and all of their self-respect.
In those days of 1994, the third and last director of the Oak Ridge I was fortunate to meet Dr. Chester at the American Civil Defense
National Laboratory civil defense research program, Dr. Conrad V. Association meeting in 1985 and, through his generosity, to have the
Chester, could think of only one final action. He acted to preserve a opportunity to read about 1,000 of the documents at the Oak Ridge
printed record of American engineering research knowledge about Emergency Technology Library in 1986. (He and Greg Zimmerman
civil defense so that, if his country ever decides to provide civil de- had identified the most valuable 1,000 in their ORNL review report
fense protection for its people, the engineers of that day will have this No. 6252 published in 1986.) Over the years, he has given me infor-
information available. mation and advice on numerous technical subjects such as that evi-
Connie Chester was born to Lithuanian immigrant parents in Bos- dent in one of the articles below. His wisdom and engineering
ton on July 8, 1933. He was trained as a chemical engineer. His knowledge were very remarkable. Each year, except in 1996 due to
brother commanded an American nuclear submarine. When Eugene poor health, he traveled to meetings of the DDP and other organiza-
Wigner founded the Oak Ridge National Laboratory civil defense re- tions to share information both about dangers and available defenses.
search program in 1964, Dr. Chester became one of the original In recent years, Dr. Chester concentrated largely upon the specific
members of that research team and became director of the program in dangers of biological and chemical weapons from terrorism and
1972. He made many substantial contributions to knowledge about from war. Although his work generally emphasized the passive de-
civil defense, including work that assured completion of development fense of civilian populations, my notes from a recent conversation
and publication of the expedient civil defense techniques described in with him include his following chilling statement: Biological and
the book Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearny. chemical weapons, since and including World War I, have always
Dr. Chester gave essentially his entire professional life to the de- been used against those with no retaliatory capability.
velopment of technology and knowledge with which the American As soon as the ongoing chemical disarmament is completed, the
people could be protected from chemical, biological, or nuclear disas- United States, for the first time in half a century, will have no ability
ters that might result from accident, terrorism, or war (and, inciden- whatever to respond in kind to an attack by chemical or biological
tally, from natural disasters as well). He was one of a small and weapons no retaliatory capability whatever. (Unless, of course, one
dwindling number of superb scientists and engineers whose knowl- has fantasies about our current crop of American politicians raising
edge of these subjects remain available to the American people. Soon, the ante to a city-busting strategic nuclear exchange.)
all that will be available will be the remnants of their libraries. Dr. Conrad Chester will be missed far more than we now know.

nuclear reactor at San Onofre in Southern California. Professor of En-

CORPORATIVISM VS NUCLEAR POWER gineering Physics S. S. Penner built the Center for Energy and Com-
bustion Research and the Department of Mechanics and Engineering
During one section of his presentation entitled Are We Using Sciences at the University of California at San Diego, where he has
Sound Scientific Principles in Environmental System Management? been the most eminent engineer for the past 30 years. Prior to that, he
to the 1996 DDP meeting, Professor Stanford S. Penner reviewed the had a distinguished career at the California Institute of Technology.
factors and circumstances surrounding the shutdown of the 460 MWe Author of 300 research papers, numerous books, and also much clas-
sified defense research work that cannot be listed in his public CV, is by pointing out instances in which it fails to work according to nor-
which is already longer than that of 10 ordinary scientists, Dr. Penner mal standards of rationality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. In the
is a very authoritative source of information. After reviewing the seri- San Onofre case, the central governmental authority is dominated by
ous problems in energy planning that are arising as a result of the po- an irrational ideology which it managed to pursue by making this deal
litical successes of anti-nuclear power political agitators who have with its corporate counterpart at the expense of the public.
essentially stopped the construction of new nuclear power plants in Increasingly, we are seeing engineers standing by helplessly while
the United States, he made the following additional remarks: obviously wrong actions are taken for politically correct purposes that
A significant advantageous development that could serve to ame- have no rational justification. Much of the rest of Dr. Penners presen-
liorate some of the imbalances resulting from current failures of ade- tation provided another example that of the irrational agenda by
quate planning is the result of unanticipated long operating lifetimes of which enviro agitators are shutting down the garbage incineration in-
properly designed nuclear reactors. In general, U. S. planning has as- dustry. It is becoming politically incorrect to burn trash even in high-
sumed 40 years for reactor lifetimes, which is consistent with normal tech incinerators which produce a minimum of pollution.
40-year depreciation schedules. New Nuclear Regulatory Commission As I watched Professor S. S. Penner, one of our countrys most ac-
(NRC) license-renewal rates generally allow 20 years of additional op- complished engineering physicists and aerospace engineers, speaking
eration in the U.S. Nuclear reactors in France are generally assumed to with technical facility and yet helplessly protesting that the enviro-con-
last longer than 50 years, planners in Belgium assume 40 to 70 years of taminated corporativists [my term for them] will not even let him burn
operation, Japanese reactors are expected to have 60 years of operating garbage, I was reminded of a play that I attended many years ago in
lifetimes. Consistent with these longer operational windows, experts at London. It was a surrealist drama by Ionesco entitled Rhinoceros. Al-
the IAEA have been developing component-specific guidelines to ex- though I do not especially care for this sort of drama, I attended this
tend useful periods of operation. Needless to say, a longer operating one because it was produced and directed by Orson Welles and the
lifetime would reduce the need for new electricity correspondingly. leading role was played by Sir Laurence Olivier.
Unfortunately, the opportunity provided by longer operating life may As I remember it now, the play opens in an English pub which is
well become a casualty of collusion between anti-nuclear public utility disrupted when a rhinoceros runs down the street outside. It develops
regulators and utility executives with their eyes on the near-term bot- that turning into a rhinoceros has become the latest fad, and soon eve-
tom line at the expense of the public, as will now be described by an ryone is doing it. The climax of the play was a soliloquy by Sir
unfortunate, perhaps trend-setting example. Laurence Olivier (one imagines him doing Hamlet or Macbeth) during
The Southern California nuclear reactor complex at San Onofre which he expounded upon the reasons why he refused to turn into a
consisted of three operating reactors, one with a design power output rhinoceros. It turned out that Orson Welles had built the walls of the
of 460 MWe and two 1160 MWe units. The smaller reactor was put staged room in which Olivier was standing from scrim curtains, which
out of commission in 1995 following the suggestion by the California become invisible to the audience when lights shine on the back of
Public Utility Commission to allow the involved operating utilities full them. Therefore, as Olivier delivered his speech, Welles changed the
cost recovery over a four-year period if this plant were decommis- lighting so that the walls of the room around him disappeared, and he
sioned, coupled with the threat that cost recovery for future failure cor- found himself standing in a jungle inhabited by many rhinoceroses.
rections of this plant would not be approved. From the perspectives of A special tragedy is that the people who suffer most from artifi-
the utility executives (of Southern California Edison and San Diego cially high electricity prices are not the government and corporate elit-
Gas and Electric Companies), the near-term bottom line could be se- ists who prevent the accomplishments of modern engineering and
cured by accepting the offer. The clear loser in this deal is the public: science from being used correctly. Even as America diminishes in
close to 500 MWe of power output at a cost of about 2.5 cents/kWh wealth as a result of damage from thousands of events such as this, the
will have to be replaced by non-nuclear capacity costing close to 6 elite will still have enough money to pay for electricity at inflated
cents/kWh. The needed power will ultimately be supplied either by a prices. It is the great majority of Americans who are in the middle class
utility spin-off or an independent power supplier, and we can see no and poorer classes who suffer the consequences.
new market entries that could come close to the production cost of the Many efforts have been made to estimate the amount of lost re-
decommissioned nuclear reactor. The complete text of Dr. Penners sources that result in the loss of a human life. This is a highly qualita-
talk is available by writing to him at the University of California of San tive exercise, but reasonable estimates suggest an upper limit of about
Diego. It will be published on CD-ROM by DDP. Audio tapes of his $10 million per life. In other words, when $10 million is wasted and
talk are currently available from DDP at telephone (520) 325-2680. that waste distributed among 250 million Americans, the collective
Professor Penner also said that the decommissioned reactor had an private decisions in response cause at least one unnecessary death. For
exemplary operating record and a probable useful life of as much as 40 example, with less disposable income, decisions are made that may in-
more years. Southern California Edison executives reply that this was volve less safe driving equipment such as worn tires, or less nutritious
an older reactor. What do we expect them to say that they agreed to food, or perhaps a fatally delayed visit to a doctor. These decisions de-
an anti-nuclear deal with California state regulators whereby the public crease public well-being enough that somewhere in the country a per-
will pay hundreds of millions of dollars in extra electricity costs in or- son dies. More pessimistic estimates are as low as $1 million per life
der to protect their profits? What did we expect them to do make a the lifetime earnings of an average American. (See, for example, Ac-
stand on principle, keep the reactor operating, and then be punished cess to Energy 21 No. 6 about the work of R. L. Keeney, Risk Analysis,
with rate schedules that would cost their company its profits and per- Vol. 10, pp 147-159 (1990), estimating $5 million per life.)
haps cost them their jobs? Executives rarely do that sort of thing. Whatever estimate we use, it is evident that the unnecessary closing
Dr. Walker F. Todd, in an interview entitled From Constitution to of the 460 MWe reactor at San Onofre cost the lives of many Ameri-
Corporativism in The Moneychanger, pp 1-5, August 7, 1996, avail- cans lives that were made possible by the engineering miracles
able from P. O. Box 341753, Memphis, TN 38184-1753, calls this within this power plant, and lives that were forfeited when Americans
corporativism, which he defines as a partnership of big business, were arbitrarily deprived of its electrical energy.
big labor, and big government. My high school economics teacher just Those American lives were exchanged for personal ambitions the
called it fascism, but then he did not have to contend with the visions of personal ambitions of the members of the California Public Utility
World War II concentration camps which have complicated the mod- Commission and of the executives of Southern California Edison and
ern usage and interpretation of this word. Fascism Todd defines as San Diego Gas and Electric, who colluded to decommission the power
corporativism with an aggressive military component added. plant. Moreover, as Professor Penner points out, this particular repre-
In any case, one thing is certain. This is not free enterprise or hensible event may well be magnified if it serves as an example that
anything else resembling it. It is tyranny. Tyranny should be attacked deprives us of part of the extra life remaining in the exceptionally well-
on principle. A secondary and much weaker way in which it is attacked engineered inventory of other American nuclear power plants
over the few days following an attack.) The greatest loss of life would
NUCLEAR WASTELANDS? occur as a result of loss of technology. Just as technology has increased
the number of healthful lives that can be lived in the United States, loss
Most of the antinuclear debate revolves around minuscule radiation of technology would decrease that number of lives.
levels that are barely detectable above background and for which harm How much? Well, the Soviet Union did not suffer a nuclear attack,
to human health has never been observed. Moreover, the growing sci- but the delivery of the fruits of technology decreased significantly as a
ence of hormesis indicates that such low levels are, in fact, beneficial result of confusion during and after the events of 1990. Between 1990
with a crossover to harmful levels somewhere around 50 milliSv/year. and 1994, the life expectancy of Russian men dropped from 64 years to
(See Access to Energy 23, No. 11, p 3 and earlier articles.) 57 years 2,500 days. (See Technology and Lifespan, Access to
Even the Chernobyl accident has only managed three identifiable Energy 23, No. 3 (1995)). Modern civilization can tolerate even large
deaths from residual radiation those among the approximately 700 increases in radiation much better than than it can loss of technology.
excess children with thyroid cancer which could have been avoided if
the Soviets had immediately distributed potassium iodide and insti- FERTILIZED TREES
tuted other simple prophylactic measures. There are also a claimed
seven extra cases of infant leukaemia among children exposed before An interesting example of the biased mindset of scientists working
birth. (See Infant leukaemia after in utero exposure to radiation from with complicated biological systems and anxious to relate their work to
Chernobyl, E. Petridou, et al, Nature 382, pp 352-353 (1996)). the latest politically correct fad is provided by Mongolian Tree Rings
Rarely do we look at the other end of the scale the unthinkable and 20th-Century Warming by G.C. Jacoby, R. D. DArrigo, and T.
end where radiation dangers actually approach those falsely claimed Davaajamts in Science 273, pp 771-773 (1996). Choosing pine trees
by anti-nuclear agitators for peaceful, well-built nuclear power reac- growing very near the tree line of mountains in central Mongolia, the
tors. What conditions must prevail to actually kill large numbers of authors observe a sharp increase of growth during the 20th century (see
people with residual nuclear radiation? Figure 1), which they attribute entirely to 20th century temperature in-
Residual Radioactivity in the Soil of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear creases. They conclude that these increases were solely of solar origin
Test Site in the Former USSR by M. Yamamoto, T. Tsukatani, and until recently. Lacking direct temperature data before 1820, they as-
Y. Katayama in Health Physics 71, No. 2, pp 142-148, is instructive. sume that all increases in tree growth are the result of temperature in-
This location in Kazakhstan was the site of the first Soviet nuclear ex-
plosion on 29 August 1949. Altogether 459 nuclear explosions were
conducted at the three technical areas of this site between 1949 and
1989. Of these, 346 were underground explosions. All 113 of the other
explosions 26 ground explosions and 87 atmospheric explosions oc-
curred at one of the areas, Technical Area III. Surely here we can find
the nuclear hell on earth of unsurvivable residual radiation.
Measurements of radiation at Technical Area III in 1994 one meter
(3 feet) above the ground showed a residual radiation intensity of 30
microsieverts per hour ( microSv/h ). Is this a dangerous level? Prob-
ably. Even hormesis fans estimate the crossover to negative health ef-
fects at about 6 microSv/h, and International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) publications (see Access to Energy 23, No 11) give the global Figure 1
average background level as 0.3 microSv/ h.
However, IAEA gives the level for passengers in an SST at 10 mi-
croSv/h and in an ordinary airliner as 5 microSv/h. So, an hour spent at
the site of 113 nuclear explosions over a 40-year period ending in creases and derive earlier temperatures from growth of similar trees,
1989 has about the same negative health effects from radiation as a thereby constructing a correlation between growth and temperature.
trip from San Francisco to New York in an ordinary jet airliner. No doubt tree growth, especially at these altitudes, is strongly tem-
But what about On the Beach? Well, we cannot get there with all perature dependent, but what about carbon dioxide fertilization? Idso
the nuclear weapons on earth, but what can we do? Minimizing Ex- and coworkers have shown in their studies of Bristlecone Pine (see
cess Radiogenic Cancer Deaths After a Nuclear Attack by K. S. Gant Figure 2 and AtE 21, No. 4, p3 (1993) for references and discussion)
and C. V. Chester in Health Physics 41, No. 3, pp 455-463 (1981),
gives estimates for the health effects of residual radiation from an all
ground-explosion attack with 5,000 megatons of nuclear weapons on
the United States. After the initial few days, when the population is
assumed to be evacuated and in fallout shelters and with prudent near-
term use of shelters in the worst locations, much of the American
population would be forced to live thereafter in a radiation environ-
ment comparable to that at the Semipalatinsk test site. Residual radia-
tion levels in American counties with the worst fallout were estimated
to be about 3 times greater than the 30 microSv/h at Semipalatinsk.
Even including growing food in this inescapable environment, Gant
and Chester estimated a 400 day decrease in life expectancy from can-
cer for the average American. By comparison, days of life lost under Figure 2
ordinary conditions in America today are 1,000 days, 500 days, and
2,000 days from cancer, stroke, and heart disease respectively. Gant
and Chester considered only cancer. Other increases in degenerative
diseases could be added to increase their estimate somewhat. that this enhanced growth correlates well with their extensive experi-
The greatest loss of life in a nuclear war would not occur from ra- ments on tree growth and carbon dioxide fertilization a factor com-
diation, however, unless the nation were so foolish as to have no fallout pletely ignored by Jacoby, et al. The Mongolian increases are probably
shelters. (Find yours if you can. Fallout shelters are for protection from caused by temperature increases and carbon dioxide fertilization, but
the very high levels of initial fallout radiation which dissipate rapidly fad and fashion have hidden this from the minds of these investigators.


With the global warming industry just beginning to find glimmers l Remembering Silent Spring and Its Consequences by J. Gor-
of greenhouse warming that are almost undetectable within the noise don Edwards at the DDP meeting (audio tapes from (520) 325-2680)
of ordinary temperature variations, it is evident that all observations are details the outright lies by which Rachel Carson and her followers de-
consistent with the interpretation that global warming from human ac- stroyed DDT and concomitantly the lives of hundreds of millions of
tivities is so small an effect as to be insignificant (unless, of course, people in poor countries. The National Academy of Sciences con-
your research grant or political agenda depends upon it). Should this, cluded in 1970 that DDT saved 500 million lives before it was banned.
for some unforeseen and unlikely reason, change as a result of future Carson dedicated her book to Albert Schweitzer whom she quoted
observations, there would remain the question as to how to counteract as saying Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will
the warming without condemning hundreds of millions of people to end by destroying the earth. The Schweitzer quote actually referred
death by energy deprivation, especially in less developed countries. to his concerns about nuclear war. About DDT, Schweitzer wrote,
With a Bang, Not a Whimper by Eric Felten in The Weekly How much labor and waste of time these wicked insects do cause us .
Standard, pp 18-19, August 5, 1996, available from P. O. Box 96153, . . . . . but a ray of hope, in the use of DDT, is now held out to us.
Washington, DC 20090-6153, reviews some alternatives that have l An estimated 2.4 million children in American public schools are
been suggested. As he points out, if humans can turn the thermostat up, now being given Ritalin, an amphetamine, for the alleged diseases of
why should they not be able to turn it down? Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Suggestions that have been made (which Felten draws from a 1992 Disorder (ADHD) (see Access to Energy 23, No. 9, p4 (1996)). Now
study by the National Academy of Sciences) include: 1. Firing dust Science News 150, p 111 (1996) reports that 25% of those children di-
into the stratosphere with 16-inch naval guns at a cost maximum of agnosed as ADHD soon develop the symptoms of manic depression,
$500 million per year including all operating costs of the ships. 2. Ad- which requires additional medication and, often, hospitalization.
justing the exhaust on commercial airliners so that one percent of the To acquire a diagnosis of ADHD and thereby a ticket on the Na-
fuel is converted to soot at an estimated cost of $7 million per year. 3. tional Education Associations joyride of mind-altering drugs, the
Sulfur incinerators at sea to seed clouds with sulfur emissions at a cost child must appear to be inattentive, impulsive, and hyperactive. In
of about $500 million per year. (Here Felten points out that the global other words, the child must react in an entirely normal way to the inhu-
warmers themselves reduced their estimates of warming by one half man zoo in which he is incarcerated each day by the state. The number
when they included sulfur emissions by current power plants burning of home-schooled children is now about 1.5 million and estimated to
soft coal.) 4. Converting the carbon dioxide into biomass by planting be growing at 15% per year. This should help to stop the current epi-
forests or seeding some areas of the ocean with iron in order to increase demic of childhood manic depression.
the growth of plankton, which is a very low cost activity.
Since waiting another 30 years to take temperature data does not GOOD READING
significantly alter the temperature outcome even in the extreme global
warming models (see Access to Energy 23, No. 7 pp 1-2 (1996)), there l The Case for Mars by Robert Zubrin scheduled to be available in
is certainly no need for remedial action now. If a time for such action bookstores in October. Dr. Zubrins address has changed from that
should ever come, it is evident that there are many innovative ideas given in the August 1996 Access to Energy editorial. It is now Pioneer
available that would not involve trillions of dollars in economic losses, Astronautics, 445 Union Blvd., Suite 125, Lakewood, CO 80228.
hundreds of millions of human deaths, and technological stagnation. l Practical Homeschooling, available from P. O. Box 1250, Fen-
ton, MO 63026-1850 or 1-800-346-6322. This is an excellent source
AMERICAN CIVIL DEFENSE ASSOCIATION of a wide variety of materials, ideas, educational programs, and other
resources for homeschooling. I am writing a regular column in this
The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA) will hold their magazine as are 12 other people with useful and interesting ideas.
18th meeting in Fairfax, Virginia on October 11-14, 1996. Information l New American 12, No. 18, p 42 (1996), available from 770 Wes-
and registration can be obtained from TACDA at P. O. Box 1057, thill Boulevard, Appleton, WI, which reports that American deaths in
Starke, FL 32091-1057 or telephone (904) 964-9641. Publisher of the 1992 included 21,257 in passenger car accidents; 12,646 in falls; 4,186
Journal of Civil Defense which is now in its 29th year, TACDA has by drownings; 3,958 by fires and burns; 1,196 by inhalation and inges-
been a consistent advocate of civil defense for the United States. tion of food; 53 from lightning; and 39 in airplane crashes. So, the fed-
Many of the most active individuals working for civil defense at- eral government is saddling the airlines with more safety regulations
tend TACDA meetings either as speakers or audience. If you are inter- and the auto industry with rules for lighter, less-protective cars.
ested in this subject, and far more Americans should be, attending a l Bagatorials by John and Ned Roscoe, Simon and Schuster 1996,
TACDA meeting is an excellent way to further that interest. which is a wonderful selection of libertarian messages that the Roscoes
have published on their grocery bags including one by Petr Beck-
ACCESS TO ENERGY COPYRIGHT mann entitled Dont let yourself be duped on Food Irradiation.
l Environmental Briefing Book 1996 by the Competitive Enter-
The Access to Energy copyright is not intended to require readers to prise Institute, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1250, Washington,
write, as many do, for permission to use the articles in helpful ways. DC 20036. This is excellent and reliable antienviro ammunition.
Articles in Access to Energy may be republished in other publica- l The Education Liberator is the Monthly Publication of the Sepa-
tions so long as they are not altered and they are attributed to Access to ration of School and State Alliance, 4578 N. First #310, Fresno, CA
Energy. If you wish to edit an article, please obtain our approval. 93726. Their name speaks for itself.
Subscribers are welcome to make as many copies for distribution to
others as they wish as long as these copies are not sold or used as sub- ACCESS TO ENERGY
stitutes for regular subscriptions. We print extra copies for use in ad-
vertising, so, if you wish to make a large number of duplicates of a Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
particular issue, it may be worthwhile to write to us for copies. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
Access to Energy is also used as source and background material by $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
other publications with very large circulations that sometimes use parts $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
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mention, we are pleased to have these materials widely distributed. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
OCTOBER 1996 (Vol. 24, no. 2) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Truth vs. Fiction

To a steadily increasing extent, the war that is currently in progress by Dr. Sallie Baliunas, available from the George C. Marshall Insti-
freedom, science, and technology vs. totalitarianism and an irra- tute, 1730 K Street, N.W., Suite 905, Washington, DC 20006-3868.)
tional society driven by envy, fear, and mythology is being reduced Some scientists (most of whom depend upon tax financed
to a simple conflict between truth vs. fiction. The outcome of this cul- global warming research grants) have tried to cloud this issue by
tural conflict will determine many things about the future of our civi- pointing to a 0.5 C increase in temperature that occurred early in the
lization especially the nature of its energy resources. century. Since, however, this temperature increase occurred before
Although it is tempting to philosophize that truth will eventually 1940 and most of the carbon dioxide increase occurred after 1940,
prevail, that eventually could be in the far distant future with ex- this temperature increase could not have been caused by the carbon
tensive unnecessary human misery between here and there. dioxide increase which occurred afterwards. The 0.5 C increase was
As of September 20, all polls indicate that Clinton-Gore will win apparently part of the normally fluctuating earth temperature which, it
the November election by an overwhelming margin. Yet the same happens, was higher than now during the Middle Ages a period of
polls show that the majority of Americans realize that Bill Clinton is benign climatic conditions.
habitually untruthful, while Gores lack of integrity, measured by his How is this indisputable logic handled in the press? Consumer Re-
published statements on environmental science, is rivaled only by ports, p 40, September 1996, dismisses it by saying, perfect syn-
Clintons. Although it is not unusual for politicians to lack integrity, chronization is an unrealistic expectation. According to Consumer
these two individuals are worse by orders of magnitude. Reports, it is unrealistic to reason that a cause must occur before or
Most worrisome, however, is the apparent lack of concern among during any alleged effect from that cause. It is also unrealistic to be-
American women voters. While polls show that American men are lieve that writers for Consumer Reports are unable to understand this
evenly split between Clinton-Gore and Dole-Kemp and professional simple logic. They are evidently telling an untruth in order to deliber-
or college-educated men prefer Dole-Kemp by a margin of 12%, ately mislead readers who are not carefully evaluating their text.
two-thirds of American women say that they intend to vote for Clin- Even more outrageous is Global Warming Is the Target of Dis-
ton-Gore rather than Dole-Kemp or one of other candidates. (See The information Campaign by Bette Hileman in Chemical and Engi-
Wall Street Journal, pp R1 to R6, September 20, 1996.) neering News, p 33, August 19, 1996. Hileman claims that satellite
Can it really be true that two-thirds of American women do not measurements which show very little change in atmospheric tem-
care whether or not the President of the United States is a habitual perature during the past 17 years should be disregarded because they
liar? If so, what is the chance that they will teach their children to are influenced both by the increasing cooling in the stratosphere
value the truth? If a person is not truthful, then reliable communica- from increasing ozone depletion and by temperatures at the surface.
tion with him becomes impossible. If children do not tell the truth, Yet, satellites are also measuring atmospheric ozone concentra-
why teach them to talk and write? Yet, children learn primarily by tions (see, for example, Access to Energy 21 No. 3, p 4 (1993)) and
example. If their mothers successfully support a liar for President, are finding no significant decrease in worldwide ozone levels. The
why should the children be expected to be truthful? average atmospheric ozone level, except in the very special condi-
There is supposedly a worldwide debate in progress on the ques- tions localized in the Antarctic, fluctuates in a narrow, naturally deter-
tion of global warming the hypothesis that human release of mined range. Chemical and Engineering News apparently hopes to
carbon dioxide will cause a catastrophic rise in global temperature. influence readers who do not know about the results of satellite ozone
The Clinton-Gore Administration, which promotes this hypothesis as measurements by compounding one enviro lie with another.
established fact, is in the process of committing the United States to So, restricting the time interval to that following substantial in-
reductions in the release of carbon dioxide that will severely diminish creases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, satellite measurements show
American living standards and, promoted on a world-wide scale, will no increase in atmospheric temperature, while ground measurements
mean death to great numbers of people in less-developed countries. show a very small increase. This sets an upper limit on greenhouse
Yet, as the George Marshall Institute has very clearly pointed out, warming that is so small as to be of negligible importance.
an essential experiment that tests the global warming hypothesis has Truthful scientists should generally conclude, therefore, that
been carried out. The results of that experiment demonstrate that this global warming is an insignificant non-problem as far as all experi-
hypothesis is erroneous. During the 20th century, atmospheric carbon mental measurements to date have determined. Most also conclude
dioxide levels have risen approximately 80 ppm, but the temperature that atmospheric measurements should continue, so that this impor-
increase from this rise has been so small that it is barely discernible tant aspect of the environment is carefully monitored.
within ordinary temperature fluctuations (if present at all). The green- Untruthful politicians, self-interested enviro scientists and journal-
house effect from carbon dioxide when added to the current earth at- ists, and even some unprincipled nuclear power advocates, however,
mosphere is, therefore, so small that projections of harmful global continue to lie to the American people about catastrophic global
temperature increases are clearly wrong. (See previous issues of Ac- warming. Truth is an essential ingredient in the glue that holds our
cess to Energy and also testimony on September 17, 1996 to the civilization together. Without truth, all that has been built by freedom,
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, science, and technology will eventually disintegrate.

computer technology is rapidly destroying all central monopolies on

TECHNOLOGICAL FREEDOM the dissemination of information. Monopolistic control over informa-
tion has historically been an indispensable aspect of tyranny. It is easy
Regardless of apparent current political trends, there is actually sub- to concoct a lie, but it is not so easy to keep the lie viable in the minds
stantial reason for optimism that truth will prevail in the near term of people unless their sources of information are under tight control.
even truth about such badly mangled subjects as nuclear energy and Virtually all tyrannies whether they involve small groups of people
atmospheric science. The principal reason for this optimism is that or entire nations involve mechanisms for the control of information.
This control does not necessarily imply a book-burning police state. This is only the beginning. With emerging technologies that Gilder
Small groups can be controlled simply by instilling a bias against ra- describes in detail in these newsletters, it will soon be possible to trans-
dios, computers, unapproved books, and other information sources, mit essentially unlimited information at very low cost to almost any
and a preference for information supplied selectively by the groups location. This capability is so great that the coming generations of
leadership, which, of course, functions only with the best of intentions. computers are expected to have ways of capturing and using this infor-
In order to control states and nations, however, it is necessary to mation without requiring that it pass through the central processing
control the press and other media and to control educational institu- units, which are far too slow to keep up with it.
tions. While this can be done by direct force as in many communist The effect of this revolution will be to give every individual, re-
countries, in more free societies it must be established gradually gardless of his location, the ability to be mentally present at any other
through economic and political means and by a long process of indi- location. This freedom of location will transform human affairs and
vidual screening so that information sources are largely staffed by simultaneously destroy the barriers to information transfer that those
those with the desired political biases. who trade in the control of people by disinformation require.
The extreme leftist, anti-free enterprise bias in American educa- The second advance is that of information storage. Current CD-
tional institutions and news and entertainment media did not arise ROM technology allows the storage of about 600 megabytes of infor-
overnight. It has required generations of work. Now, however, that mation on a plastic disk that can be manufactured for about one dollar
work is beginning to unravel in a technological maelstrom. There are and read into an ordinary desk-top computer in a few minutes. One of
two computer technologies responsible for this revolution. these disks can hold about 3,000 books as text files or about 50 books
The first of these is in the rate at which information can be trans- as 300 dot per inch image files. New CD-ROMs that are to be mar-
ferred by means of wires, fiber optic cables, and satellites. The July and keted late in 1996 or in 1997 will hold about 10 times as much infor-
August issues of the Gilder Technology Report available from Gilder mation about 30,000 books. Fifty dollars worth of these new
Technology Group, Inc., Monument Mills, P. O. Box 660, Housatonic, CD-ROMs can hold a university library of one million books.
MA 01236, or by telephone toll free at (888) GTG-2727, definitively CDs, however, only store information in two dimensions. New
describe and analyze this advance. (The Gilder Report is, without ex- Dye Adds Depth to Data Storage by C. Wu in Science News 150, p
ception, the very best source of information on computer technology 148 (1996), describes one of the three-dimensional data storage meth-
that I have ever read.) ods that is being developed. This particular method depends upon a
George Gilder points out that the initial computer revolution oc- block of material which contains dye molecules that fluoresce after a
curred when technological advance made the transistor almost free. two-photon absorption. This allows three-dimensional encoding of the
This allowed the mass production of equipment containing millions of location and energy state of the dye molecules. It is estimated that one
transistors and thereby the virtual miracles in computing power that are cubic centimeter (a volume approximately equal to 30 ordinary-sized
now available at low cost to all Americans. drops of water and weighing 1/30 of an ounce) of this material could
Now, new advances in electronics are making the real-time com- store as much as 1,000 current CD-ROMs a three million book li-
munication of information almost free as well. Figure 1, reproduced brary. One ounce of this material could store 100 million books as text
from the Gilder Technology Report, shows the effect that just the in- files. Even using high quality image files (with perhaps simple, un-
itial phase of this almost free bandwidth (the information capacity of cleaned OCR behind them to allow text search), one ounce would hold
an electronic transmission system) is having on Internet traffic. 25,000 books or about 400,000 books per pound. Audio and video ca-
pacity with appropriate compression is spectacularly large as well.
Therefore, both by wire transfer and by inexpensive physical stor-
age, the academic monopoly on published information is being shat-
tered, and the corporate media and government monopolies on
Internet Traffic information dissemination are being destroyed.
Why attend a university where retired-in-place tenured academics
hoard information and disseminate it grudgingly in second-rate lec-
tures and books, when the entire lifes work and lectures of the most
accomplished scholars alive can be stored on a few CD-ROMs and de-
livered to any home by wire or on plastic for negligible cost?
Why be brainwashed by media moguls and their retainers who mis-
report current affairs to serve their personal political agendas, when es-
sentially free bandwidth can effectively transport you to the events
themselves and provide direct communication with the participants?
A major growth industry within this river of information will be in
defining quality. Entrepreneurs must reach into this river and extract
quality for delivery to the marketplace, since individuals will lack time
to sift through the river by themselves. What is the highest quality in-
formation? The highest quality is that which is the truth and in which
the truth is communicated most effectively.
Who will be the judges of these qualities? The market place will
judge. An honestly earned reputation for integrity will once again be
among each persons most valuable possessions. Economic power to
control media resources and monopolies on the distribution of infor-
mation will no longer confer pseudocredibility upon the holders of this
power, since the cost of disseminating and receiving information will
Figure 1 be negligible. With virtually all entrepreneurs having the economic ca-
pability to extract and send information, those who build the highest
reputations for integrity will become the more widely utilized.
Moreover, I predict that small entrepreneurs entirely outside of the
power structures of media and education will be the most successful.
People who remain within those power structures will be institution-
ally hampered by the prejudices and agendas of the institutions. It will
be much more difficult for them to build reputations of integrity. Even Science has taken note of the decline of American nuclear
The most influential news sources might become single, adventur- technology a trend which its editorial policy has certainly done little
ous reporters who are self-employed, gain a reputation for depth and to inhibit. Nuclear Power in East Asia by Philip H. Abelson, Sci-
accuracy, and are not beholden to any organization or group whose in- ence 272, p 465 (1996), notes that no nuclear power plants have been
terests must be considered when reporting the news. They could travel authorized in the United States during the past ten years while large
to interesting places and events, gather facts and analysis, and then numbers of power reactors have been built in four to five years and
make themselves available to anyone who wishes to tune them in. operated successfully in East Asia. Government regulations increased
No one can predict the ultimate events that will accompany the new American construction times to more than ten years. University nu-
informational freedom. It is, however, obvious that the lies that now clear engineering departments in the United States have decreased in
keep us in bondage manage to survive only because they are favored number from 80 to 35 since 1978, and, according to Abelson, if these
by those who control the enormous amounts of capital required to ef- trends continue, U. S. capabilities in nuclear technology will gradu-
fectively communicate with the public. As that economic control is ally become second class.
ended by low-cost technology, truth will be able to compete on a level
playing field with fiction. I think that there will then be a very high free COOLING TREND
market preference for truth.
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
VOCABULARY DEFLATION (IPCC) continues to reel under revelations that its editor changed the
wording of its most recent report on global warming after it had been
Even though the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Tests have agreed upon by the scientists involved. In CEI Update 9, No. 7, p 5
now been dumbed down and the grades have been arbitrarily inflated (1996), available from CEI, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite
to obscure the lowered abilities of students in American socialized edu- 1250, Washington, DC 20036, James Sheehan discusses the changes.
cation, it is still necessary to have a moderately good vocabulary in For example, at one point in the IPCC text in the peer reviewed dis-
order to score well on the verbal examination. Test preparation prod- cussion of when scientists will be able [to] attribute climate change to
ucts, however, must conform to the abilities of their customers. human causes, the editor removed the phrase we do not know be-
The Princeton Review Cracking the SAT and PSAT, 1997 Edition cause (in his opinion) it overstated doubts that human activity can be
by Adam Robinson and John Katzman, published by Random House, blamed. This was then falsely advertised as the peer reviewed text.
provides vocabulary lists and definitions as study aids for the verbal The IPCC is, however, beginning to provide data of value to the
test. Two examples: Sycophant is defined as one who sucks up to global warming debate. Figure 2 is from Is Global Climate at Risk
others. Jingoist is defined as an extreme patriot. by Sallie Baliunas at the 1996 DDP meeting in Salt Lake City in Au-
gust 1996 (audio tapes available from DDP at (520) 325-2680).

Nuclear Issues 18, No. 8, p4 (1996), reports that the percentages of

electricity generated by nuclear power worldwide were 1.5% in 1970,
5.4% in 1975, 8.45% in 1980, 14.3% in 1985, and 16.2% in 1990.
The United States now stands 18th in the world in percentage of
electricity generated by nuclear power with 23%. First and second
places are held by Lithuania and France with nuclear electric genera-
tion of 86% and 76% respectively.
In a closely related development, the CTR Technical Services, Inc.,
(5619 Misty Crest Drive, Arlington, TX 76017) Summer 1996 news-
letter reports the discovery of a new element.
The element, tentatively named administratium, has no protons or
electrons and thus an atomic number of zero (0). It does, however,
have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons, and 111
assistant vice neutrons, which gives it an atomic mass of 312. These
312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous
exchange of meson-like particles called morons.
Since it has no electrons, administratium is inert. It can, however,
be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction with which it Figure 2
comes in contact. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of
administratium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete Based upon a linear extrapolation of the declining IPCC estimates
when it would normally have occurred in less than a microsecond. for global temperature increase by the year 2100, it can be estimated
Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately three that the entire debate will shift back into the global cooling mode
years, at which time it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reor- (where it was just a few years ago) in about the year 2003.
ganization in which assistant neutrons, vice neutrons, and assistant Meanwhile, the Clinton-Gore Administration has told the United
vice neutrons exchange places. Some studies have shown that the mass Nations that it seeks an international agreement requiring the worlds
actually increases after each reorganization. industrialized nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent
Research at other laboratories indicates that administratium oc- global warming. Specific targets are to be announced in December
curs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain 1997. (See EPA Watch 5, No. 13, p 1, (1996), available from 1725
points such as government agencies, large corporations, and universi- DeSales Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036.)
ties. It can usually be found in the newest, best-appointed, and best- So far, the only significant environmental change from the rise in
maintained buildings. atmospheric carbon dioxide has been a marked increase in world plant
Scientists point out that administratium is known to be toxic at and (presumably) animal growth. Increased Activity of Northern
any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reac- Vegetation Inferred from Atmospheric CO2 Measurements by C. D.
tion where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to de- Keeling, J. F. S. Chin, and T. P Whorf, Science 382, p 146 (1996),
termine how administratium can be controlled to prevent further reports seasonal increases in the CO2 cycle of 20% and greater. Surely
irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising. 20% more natural living things cannot be termed an enviro disaster.
remain entirely vulnerable to nuclear, biological, or chemical warhead
LONGEVITY AND TECHNOLOGY missile attack from even the smallest third-world dictators who may be
able to afford only one missile.
In several previous articles, we have given data showing the posi- l Poisons for Peace in The Wall Street Journal, p A18, Septem-
tive correlation of lifespan and technology such as last months com- ber 9, 1996 reports that the Chemical Weapons Treaty now being en-
parison of Russian lifespans before and after the recent breakdown of tered into by the Clinton-Gore Administration gives all signatories
parts of their technological economy. access to all of Americas latest chemical technology. It prevents the
Directions magazine 1, p10 (1996), reports a 1990 Harvard study of signatories from keeping chemicals, information, or equipment from
lifespan in 26 developed countries. This places the United States 16th one another. In other words, sign the treaty and you get complete ac-
in the world in life expectancy with 78.6 years for women and 71.6 cess to everything required to build the latest chemical weapons. Com-
years for men. First and second place are held by Japan and France pliance is, of course, unverifiable, since small scale chemical
with 82.5 years for women and 76.2 years for men & 81.3 years for production is trivial to conceal.
women and 72.9 years for men respectively. This is three years or a 4% Moreover, the treaty also prohibits the use of non-lethal chemicals.
shorter life for Americans vs. the average of Japan and France. This could place the military in the position where it would be forced
Interestingly, the average percentage nuclear electricity generation to shoot people because it is not allowed to use tear gas.
of Japan and France is 55% vs. 23% for the United States. Although
only a small part of this decreased lifespan could reasonably be attrib- GOOD READING
uted directly to energy production, nuclear power percentages are in-
dicative of the technological environments of these three countries. l Ward Valley Projects Last Opponent, The Department of Inte-
The United States is 18th in nuclear power and 16th in life expec- rior in CITE Newsletter, April/May (1996) available from Citizens
tancy. Thirty years ago, before we began diverting vast amounts of our for Total Energy, P. O. Box 563, Sunol, CA 94586, describing Clin-
capital to welfare programs and destroying our industrial base with ton-Gore Administration efforts to block rational disposal of low level
taxes and regulations, the United States was first in almost everything. radioactive waste from hospitals and other similar sources.
l The ABCs of Environmental Myths by Michael Sanera and
LIVESTOCK AND WATER Jane S. Shaw in The Wall Street Journal, p A14, September 4, 1996,
about environmental brainwashing in socialized education. They
In November, Oregonians will vote on a state-wide initiative that is killed trees to make my bed, said a sad six-year-old. Menace, catas-
being billed as a clean water measure. Phased in over a 10 year pe- trophe, collapse, shortage, disaster, breakdown, alarm, degradation,
riod, this measure will prohibit any cow, sheep, goat, horse, chicken or and deadly are the vocabulary words socialized educators use to de-
other livestock from approaching within less than 100 feet of any of scribe human technological progress, while school laboratory exer-
the waters of Oregon. Since the state already claims to own all rain- cises include pouring acid on plants to see them die.
drops in the state, this will even include stock ponds that are filled by l As the World Burns and Glaciers Grow to the Sea by Dr. Robert
rainfall runoff on public or private land. It will not even be possible to E. Stevenson available from Vega Society Press, P. O. Box 689, Del
ride a horse through the woods and meadows of Oregon, since the state Mar, CA 92014-0689, contains much well-written ammunition against
is very extensively covered by streams. the antitechnology enviros.
Just to be sure that the initiative is not impeded by rural law en- l Toll Roads The Newsletter of Tolling Turnpikes Bridges &
forcement, the measure allows anyone (including nonresident paid po- Tunnels by Peter Samuel, 301 East Third Street, Frederick, MD
litical enviro agitators) to sue any animal owner whose animal gets too 21701-5316, is a remarkable source of information about the science,
close to water. It also specifies that the animal owner will pay the engineering, and politics behind the American road system.
plaintiffs legal bills if the plaintiff prevails, but the plaintiff will not l Battery Charging by Carl E. Krupp in Self-Reliant Living 172
pay the animal owners legal bills if the land owner prevails. (1996). Since the word survivalist has been thoroughly demonized
Many of the signatures that placed this measure on the ballot were by the press, I will avoid it, but Carl Krupps publication contains a
obtained by directly paying students at the Oregon state universities for wealth of practical information including the solutions to small energy
their signatures. National enviro organizations provided the money in problems that arise in a self-sufficiency environment.
hopes of making Oregon an example for other states. l Ad Astra The Magazine of the National Space Society,
American freedom is particularly well entrenched in the Western May/June 1996. This is a wonderful source of articles by many indi-
United States, so the enemies of freedom are especially active here. viduals who are leading the drive to begin a real manned space pro-
gram as compared to the NASA bureaucracy which now envisions
STARK RAVING MAD three or four very expensive improved replacements for their space
shuttles as justifications for another 10 years of papershuffling.
l The Phyllis Schlafly Report 29, No. 12, p3, July 1996, available l FEMA Money Come & Get It in The American Spectator
from P. O. Box 618, Alton, IL 62002, reports that in Cecil County, pp 25-31, September 1996, describing how the Clinton-Gore Admini-
Maryland, basketball is now played by some very unusual rules. If one stration has turned the Federal Emergency Management Agency into a
basketball team is ten points ahead of the other, additional baskets permanent political campaign tool for buying votes (now that they
dont count until the underdog team catches up. No record is kept of have finished killing all of its original civil defense mission).
who scores how many baskets, so no player can ever be recognized as l Second Opinion, September 1996, which is a very sensibly bal-
the star of the team. anced source of information about personal health and medicine. Al-
This system should be called Outcome-Based Basketball because ready a valuable source, this newsletter will be increasingly important
its just like the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) that has spread as the Clinton-Gore-Kennedy socialization of medicine continues.
through our public schools like a contagious disease.
l The Shield 13, No. 3, pp 1-2, May/June 1996 available from High

Frontier, 2800 Shirlington Road, Suite 405, Arlington, VA 22206, re-
ports that the Clinton-Gore Administration has cut the missile defense Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
budget by 60% and completely stopped those programs that provide a Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
realistic potential for deployment of a missile defense. Moreover, they $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
have even refused to release those funds already appropriated for 1996. $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
By gutting this research program and preventing programs for test- Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
ing and deployment, this Administration is assuring that America will 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
NOVEMBER 1996 (Vol. 24, no. 3) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Human Bandwidth
If we let our most positive hopes for the future and our imagina- Even as our information technology expands rapidly toward a
tions zoom out from our present locations and from our present time, time when entire libraries recording the lives, thoughts, and progress
what do the subscribers to Access to Energy mostly people who also of billions of human beings will be made almost instantly available to
subscribe to the submasthead printed above envision? machines in our homes by wire transfer and by small pieces of plastic
In the early part of that zoom, most of us see an earth and solar memories, the bottleneck between us and human freedom lies in the
system filled with free men and women using and rapidly developing human mind. The bandwidth (information capacity) of our technol-
the miracles of technology that science is now making possible. Our ogy is expanding enormously, but the bandwidth of the human mind
power is nuclear; our homes, food, and means of transportation are is not. The accuracy of our technological information is increasing,
wonders of convenience and effectiveness; our lives are long and but the accuracy of the human mind ever influenced by self-interest
healthful; and our technological creations are blended into a lush and ignorance is not. Regardless of the specific outcomes, brutal
natural environment that is continually enhanced by advancing tech- reminders of this are awaiting Americans in the November elections.
nology. (For one truth that our pseudoenvironmentalist enemies pre- It is easy to thrive upon a cause that is shared by a large enough
tend to overlook is that free enterprise and advanced technology market. To sing and dance each month for the entertainment of scien-
enable mankind to be generous and benevolent toward his environ- tists, technologists, and their free enterprise allies in the general public
ment, while tyranny and a lack of that technology require him to is more recreation than work. There is lots of new technology to brag
damage his environment in his struggle for survival.) about and the antitechnologists busily provide endless material for
Zooming farther out in time, our individual secular images in- ridicule in Stark Raving Mad. Thats entertainment, but it does not
creasingly diverge as our abilities to predict become more unstable. solve our underlying problem a problem that could bury all of our
As the stage upon which mankind is permitted to live expands to in- hopes in a thousand years of tyranny and mysticism if we prove un-
clude the nearby stars, the technology at our disposal becomes more equal to its solution.
difficult to imagine. Certainly, with freedom and time at our disposal, It is absolutely necessary that the small bandwidth the small ca-
that future can be wonderful indeed. pacity to learn in our own individual brains and in the brains of our
As this exercise continues, we divide into two distinct groups fellow human beings be filled with the truth about science and tech-
both groups completely allied in their support for science, technol- nology and the truth about human freedom. If we are serious about
ogy, and freedom and yet differing in their expectations for the ulti- the Access to Energy masthead and are not merely using it as a vehi-
mate future. One group is solely secular in its outlook, while the other cle for entertainment, then our job is not the easy one of ridiculing
believes in more than just a secular world. In America, this belief is ignorance. It is the hard job of educating our countrymen most of
primarily Christian and is based upon the Bible. The Robinson family whom are currently unknowledgeable not only of relevant facts, but
is in this group as were most (but not all) of the originators of the are even unskilled in the rational methods of thought by which those
great experiment in human freedom that is called the United States. facts may be properly understood.
Our optimistic view of the future, whether we focus upon its tech- Each human mind has only a small capacity, and it also learns at a
nological wonders or on the fact that it is morally right, always in- slow rate. Moreover, as it becomes older, the capacity to absorb new
cludes human beings. For if humans are not there, what have we knowledge (and fit it in around the accumulation of prejudices and
accomplished? Slightly rearranging a small corner of the universe and other irrational content) decreases. It is absolutely essential that fun-
then ceasing to exist seems a poor goal for all of this effort. In any damental thought processes be taught at an early age and be continu-
case, humans will almost certainly be there. We have little choice in ally augmented with a reliable flow of useful and truthful facts.
that. Humans provide, of course, our secular means of getting from For these reasons, the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
here to there, our primary motivation for making the trip and also has started a school. (We have no delusions of grandeur. Thousands
our only major impediment to doing so. of such schools should be started.) Through our initial six self-teach-
For both of the two distinct groups mentioned above have sub- ing home school CDs, we now have about 5,000 students between
groups (not usually subscribers to Access to Energy) whose enor- the ages of 6 and 18. Soon, our CD curriculum will be expanded to a
mously exaggerated view of their own self-importance leads them to set of twenty CDs containing a very complete curriculum up to age
work for various sorts of mental and physical tyranny. This tyranny 18. With these, we hope that our student body will grow to about
sometimes exercised only over small numbers of people under their 20,000 during 1997. It is our plan to then start producing university
immediate control and sometimes the driving force behind dreams of level courses. We hope, before the year 2000, to have a complete cur-
world domination is definitively anti-science, anti-technology, and riculum through at least four-year college and to begin producing
anti-free enterprise. Pleased to use the fruits that science, technology, graduate courses.
and free enterprise have already provided, these people generally We make no apologies that our courses are designed to produce
work to prevent further advance which they see as threatening to their students who are pro-science, pro-technology, and pro-freedom.
own self-interests. Their primary weapon is misinformation. This There are not two sides to these issues. There is only one side of
weapon is effective because of human ignorance. value the truth. The truth is the only thing that we will teach.

canisters of aerosol-borne anthrax spores and that the resulting epi-

POLITICALLY CORRECT GENOCIDE demic of suffering from this disease killed 2 million American men,
women, and children. Moreover, at his subsequent press conference,
Suppose that next week one of those cute cars or trucks labeled for the President announced that he was pleased by the success of this
official use only that we see all over our highways (the label means project and had ordered that it become a yearly event. Each year, two
that we pay for the vehicle with involuntary taxes, but it is illegal for us million innocent Americans would be murdered by disease. He ex-
to use it) were to drive upwind of an American city and release a few plains that he is acting on an Environmental Protection Agency report
concluding that the environment is suffering from the impact of too general and the global warming industry in particular.
many people, so the obvious solution is to kill some of them. Being a Figure 1 is a diagram from Uncertainties in Climate Modeling:
moderate in all things (and this being an election year), the President Solar Variability and Other Factors, a paper presented to the Com-
has decided to kill only 2 million per year. mittee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Senate by
In the ensuing debate, he is supported by the ever-loyal press, but an Sallie Baliunas (available from the George Marshall Institute, 1730 K
undercurrent of dissatisfaction develops because the two million dead Street N.W., Suite 905, Washington, DC 20006-3868).
happen to include a racially unbalanced mix of people and a large pro-
portion of voters from the political party opposed to the President.
A compromise is reached. Henceforth the anthrax will instead be
released upon countries outside of the United States. A couple more
aircraft carriers are budgeted for the fleet in case anyone objects.
This series of events is unthinkable. Right? Well, the details are
probably unthinkable, but the program is not just thinkable it is effec-
tively a current program of the Environmental Protection Agency, all
of whose employees work for the President of the United States.
Yesterdays Malaria Wars by Robert S. Desowitz in Nature 383,
p 135 (1996), reviews a book The Tomorrow of Malaria by S. Litsios
which gives an account of malarias current annual toll 300 million
cases with 2 million deaths. DDT is gone.
Green and Gold 6, No. 7, September 1996, p 4, P. O. Box 74416,
Lynwood Ridge, Pretoria 0040, South Africa, quotes a 1994 World
Health Organization report that the number of countries considered to
be malarial rose from 90 in 1992 to 140 in 1994. In 1994, the 140 in-
cluded 33% of the world. WHO estimated the annual cases at 500 mil-
lion, with 2 million deaths and 90% of the cases occurring in Africa.
Remembering Silent Spring and Its Consequences by J. Gordon Figure 1
Edwards, available by preprint from Dr. J. Gordon Edwards, Depart-
ment of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, One Washing- Since errors in the climate change models are much larger than the
ton Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0100, should be in every biology the predicted greenhouse effect, the modeling scientists should have
class. Edwards gives the science, nonscience and politics behind the disqualified their own models as irrelevant to the global warming hy-
EPA ban of DDT even though the EPAs own investigations con- pothesis. That this must be done by another scientist before the United
cluded that DDT was not harmful to man, fish, birds, or other wildlife. States Senate reveals improper actions by the modeling scientists.
Edwards writes that a reporter asked Charles Wurster, chief scien-
tist for the Environmental Defense Fund, if a DDT ban wouldnt re- TECHNOLOGICAL DEFLATION
sult in the greater use of much more toxic pesticides that had a long
history of killing people. Wursters response, So what? People are the Technological progress is continuously reducing the costs of pro-
cause of all the problems. We have too many of them. We need to get duction, so the cost of living should also be continuously decreasing.
rid of some of them and this is as good a way as any. He was then Unfortunately, the hidden tax of government money printing confis-
asked: Doctor, how do you square the killing of people with the mere cates this benefit. Still, in the theoretical world of constant 1995 dol-
loss of some birds [although the science showed birds were not being lars, it is remarkable to see this advance of technology as shown in
harmed by DDT]? Wurster answered: It doesnt really make a lot of Figure 2 reproduced from Electricity Costs: Nuclear Closes Gap with
difference, because the organo phosphate acts locally and only kills Coal in Nuclear Energy Insight 96, pp 1-5, available from the Nu-
farm-workers, and most of them are Mexicans and Negroes. clear Energy Institute, Suite 400, 1776 I Street, N.W., Washington, DC
Ah well, so there were unwise statements by extremists. Right! Ex- 20006-3708. The averaged costs of fuel, operating, and maintenance
cept that the DDT ban, currently in effect and completely under the costs in 1995 were 1.88, 1.92, 2.68, and 3.77 cents per kilowatt hour
control of the President of the United States and his employees at the for coal, nuclear, natural gas, and oil respectively.
EPA, is still killing 2 million people per year and causing suffering for
hundreds of millions more and most of them just happen to be South Fuel, Operating, and Maintenance
and Central Americans and Negroes (and some other races in Asia). Cents per Kilowatt Hour
As Marjorie M. Hecht reports in Bring Back DDT to Defeat Ma-
laria and Save Lives in 21st Century Science and Technology, avail-
able from P. O. Box 16285, Washington, DC 20041, even in localities
where mosquito strains have developed resistance to DDT, it is effec-
tive in repelling these insects from treated houses if not in killing them.
According to the National Academy of Sciences, DDT saved 500
million lives before it was banned. This is an ongoing story of political
power, nonscience, and genocide on a scale rivaled only by the mass
killings under Stalin and Mao. It is not mitigated by the claims from
the EPA and the President that they are acting with good intentions.


In the evaluation of every quantitative scientific investigation, it is

mandatory that the scientist give a quantitative evaluation of the errors
inherent in his work. Along with many other principles of ordinary
honesty, however, the analysis of errors has been a casualty of press Figure 2
conference publication, politically correct interpretation, and the tax-
money driven pseudoethics that are the hallmarks of enviroscience in
Figure 3

sors pandering to government bureaucrats. The endowments of Ameri-

MAKING THE GRADE can academic institutions and private capital would fund at least half of
our current scientific establishment the better half and that half,
Making the grade. Democrats ranked much higher than Republi- freed of politics, could return its attention to the truth. The quality of
cans did in a controversial analysis of 30 science-related votes in the American basic science could once again increase, since recognition
House was the subtitle on Figure 3 in Science 273, p 1793 (1996) in would be based upon accomplishment instead of money-raising.
the article Congressional Scorecard Sparks Furor by A. Lawler.
Calling itself Science-Watch Services Inc. and referred to by
Science as a group of distinguished scientists, a gaggle of tax-
spenders released their scorecard of the Members of the House of
Representatives based on 30 floor votes during the 104th Congress.
This scorecard was released just six weeks before the November 1996
election and published by Science five weeks before the election.
The controversy and furor referred to by Science has nothing
to do with the scorecard. The worry is that Republicans might retain
control of the House of Representatives, and their help may be needed
to fill the porkbarrel during coming years.
From Global Warming to the ban of CFC refrigerants, from DDT
to Endangered Species, and from Missile Defense to nuclear power, if
you are wondering why the United States seems to continually pursue
public policies that are the opposite of those that would be expected
based on rational scientific data and evaluations and why there are
always sufficient scientists and prestigious scientific publications
available to propagate the erroneous ideas upon which these wrong- Figure 4
headed policies are based, you need look no further than Figure 3.
Pro-science, to the horde of non-defense researchers funded Without government-paid physical and economic scientists dis-
each year by $33 billion of your tax dollars, means voting more money torting facts, Americans could be freed from many of the regulatory
for the research porkbarrel and anti-science means voting for less. burdens that have no rational scientific basis. That cost is illustrated in
For the spenders, pro-science also means bias and sometimes out- Figures 4 and 5 from Ten Thousand Commandments by C. W. Crews,
right lying about scientific matters if their big-spending political Jr. (1996) from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1001 Connecticut
friends are in need of support; it means avoiding politically incorrect Avenue, N. W., Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036.
experiments that might produce data contrary to
the policies of these big spenders; and it means
producing blizzards of research papers with po-
litically correct biases in order to keep the
money flowing in the authors directions. The
competition is not for better science, it is for sci-
ence that more nearly conforms to the desires of
those who hold the purse strings. Also, even
among honest scientists, it means keeping quiet
about ones misgivings about the activities of
colleagues which may affect the flow of money.
If this $33 billion dollar annual porkbarrel
were removed from the backs of the American
taxpayers, the United States would be richer by
far more than this amount.
Science would be healthier if it were purged
of second-rate people who are only there as a re-
sult of money instead of ability. First-rate scien-
tists would be free to pursue their work rather
than being trapped in offices with word proces- Figure 5
Once, we observed one eating a sheep at noon. Perhaps the cougars
RADIATION, CHILDREN, AND TAX MONEY will develop a taste for ecologists before they start eating us.
l Is Your Kid on Drugs? The FDA Makes It Hard to Know in
Effects of Radiation on Children in Nature 383, p 226 (1996), is The Wall Street Journal, September 25, 1996, p A12, reports that
an exchange of letters by scientists attempting to detect evidence of David Kesslers Food and Drug Administration is blocking a home
genetic changes in children in the children of Japanese atomic bomb urine test for drugs. The FDA does not find the kit defective. They
survivors and in children living near the Chernobyl accident. The Japa- claim instead that families cannot be trusted to handle the results. The
nese children show no detectable effect at all. The two research groups FDA also threatened a mail order company that performed drug tests
are now squabbling over the Chernobyl data, which apparently can be on hair samples by claiming that the envelope used for mailing the hair
made to show a small effect if one is not too careful about controls and to the lab was a medical device.
ignores the small number of children under study. In other words, the This is the same Dr. Kessler who is using the FDA to wage an elec-
scientists are still looking and are hoping for a politically correct result. tion year regulatory war on cigarette companies because he claims to
This is separate from the acknowledged 700 excess cases of thyroid be concerned that children may take up smoking.
cancer in children resulting in three deaths near Chernobyl. These re- l During a recent visit to our new local Barnes and Noble giant
sulted from Soviet negligence in not providing the children with thy- bookstore, I found long shelves of books for children that focus on col-
roid blocking doses of iodide during the weeks following the accident. ored pictures rather than text, over a hundred titles on Attention Deficit
The radiation effect studies, as is now so common, focus upon find- Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, and exactly one
ing a measurable effect rather than upon finding differences in health. book on learning to read by phonics.
Recently, during a visit to our laboratory here by a tax-funded sci-
entist, I was explaining that we are finding that the health and longevity GOOD READING
of mice is not diminished even at carbon dioxide concentrations as
high as 3,000 parts per million (the current atmospheric level is about l The Need For A Space Frontier by Robert Zubrin in Ad Astra,
360 ppm, and 700 ppm is at the outer limit of most future global sce- May/June 1996, pp 6-9, available from The National Space Society,
narios). Yes, our visitor exclaimed, but did you measure their 922 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E., Washington, DC 20003. Zubrin calcu-
blood pH? No, we are interested in their health and longevity. If lates that, the cost in terms of energy of launching a person to orbit is
health is not diminished, there is little motivation to look for reasons less than that of flying him across the Atlantic, while the energy cost of
for nonexistent ill health. Regardless of substantial buffering, a slight a trip to Mars is less than the cost of an airplane flight from New York
change in blood pH might occur at very high carbon dioxide levels, but to Sydney. The problem is that we dont yet have spacecraft that we
why would this be of importance? He disagreed. Those blood pH build and fly like aircraft.
measurements were, in his opinion, of very great importance. l Cold Fusion and the Press by Charles G. Beaudette as re-
If we were among the new breed of tax-guzzling scientists, how- printed by Cold Fusion magazine from The Torch 66, No. 1, Fall 1993,
ever, we would probably agree with him. We would look for changes ISSN 0040-9448, published by Bostrom Corp. We now seem to have
in blood pH and not bother with the laborious health and longevity two forms of energy politically correct and politically incorrect.
studies. Just raise the carbon dioxide level around a few rabbits until a Some cold fusion laboratories are producing large amounts of the
blood pH change is detected (carbon dioxide becomes carbonic acid latter form and are working toward an understanding of its source.
when dissolved in water, and pH meters are now very sensitive), call a l Ozone Layer Monitoring Resumes in Nature 383, p 294
press conference, issue dire warnings about the potential health effects (1996). This is a short article about the orbiting Total Ozone Mapping
of this newly discovered phenomenon, and send the resulting articles Spectrometer, including a colored figure that puts world ozone levels
in the popular press to the Environmental Protection Agency and the in an easily visualized perspective.
National Institutes of Health along with grant requests for a few hun- l The Optimists are Right by John Tierney in New York Times
dred thousand more tax dollars per year. Magazine, September 29, 1996. Technology is continuing to revolu-
If we were really astute, we would use baby rabbits. Relating the tionize the world and increase the quality of human life and the envi-
new crisis to the children should ensure an even larger tax grant. ronment. Doomsaying is popular, and it is also quite wrong.
Biological systems are so complicated and measuring instruments l On Catching Fly Balls in Science 273, pp 256-260, which in-
are now so sensitive that it is trivial to find a measurable difference and cludes three articles by scientists studying the techniques that outfield-
then relate it to some hypothetical problem by convolutions of reason- ers use in arriving at the right places at the right times to catch fly balls.
ing that can be neither confirmed or refuted by honest scientists. Then These supplement the Access to Energy 22, No. 10, p 2 (1995), article
press conference generated tax dollars can be made to flow copiously Fly Balls based on the work of one of these three groups.
over the whole charade. l Apocalypse Not by Jon Palfreman in Technology Review,
April 1996, pp 24-33, concerning the lack of evidence that magnetic
STARK RAVING MAD fields produced by electric power lines are harmful to health.
l Downer for Electric Cars by Constance Holden in Science
l Loggers World 32, No. 10, p 35, available from 4206 Jackson 274, pp 183-184 (1996), reporting research work concluding that put-
Highway, Chehalis, WA 98532-8425, quotes a report in the Land ting 500,000 electric cars on the streets of Los Angeles would reduce
Rights Letter concerning Dr. Paul Beier, a wildlife ecologist at ozone levels from 200 parts per billion to 199 parts per billion or about
Northern Arizona State University. 0.5 %. A California Air Resources Board bureaucrat is quoted as say-
Commenting to the New York Times over the California Ballot ing that the electric cars should still be required because there isnt
Proposition that would have lifted the strict protections on the states anything out there that provides a 2%, 5%, or 10% ozone reduction.
mountain lions, Beier said, But now we know that if were going to All the easy stuff was done 20 years ago.
have mountain lions around, maybe theyre going to eat us now and
then. Im comfortable with that, but a lot of people may not be.
Oregon forests were awash in cougars (mountain lions) before
ecological controls were instituted here. Now, so are our farms and Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
rural neighborhoods. A large number of emus, a horse, and a group of Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
pigs were killed in separate attacks by cougars recently on farms $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
neighboring to ours. The cougars have lost much of their fear of hu- for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
mans and their nocturnal habits. The Robinson children have been Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
chased from our fields several times in broad daylight by cougars. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
DECEMBER 1996 (Vol. 24, no. 4) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1996 by Access to Energy

Each of the three institutions that Access to Energy advocates has are now many hundreds of thousands of people with educational de-
become a part of our civilization as a result of enormous amounts of grees in science, very few of these people are actually scientists
work and sacrifice by many people over the past few centuries. That those whose work and insights truly advance modern science. Most
they are interwoven in our environment in this brief time during scientists, are, in reality, technicians whose activities have be-
which we have been given to live is wonderful indeed. It is a privilege come a profitable business in this era of $33 billion annual tax-fi-
and a duty of each person who benefits from freedom, technology, nanced, non-defense research and government regulations that
and science to defend and extend them to the best of his ability. require huge industrial expenditures for unnecessary procedures.
Of the three, the rise of freedom is the most difficult to explain and True scientists are unusual people not superior people, just peo-
yet the easiest to understand. The desire for freedom is fundamental ple with unusual characteristics. I have been fortunate to know some
to human nature. Each of us understands, at least viscerally, our such people and leave it to the opinion of others as to whether I
great preference to be free, and, regardless of our differences, under- should be included as one of them. Their characteristics are these:
stands that freedom is morally right a truth needing no explanation. First, they are literally in love with their research work the day-
Each of us carries within his own intuition an appreciation of the rea- to-day work itself not the cause (such as curing a disease), not the
son that many millions of people have given their lives for freedom. breakthroughs or stunning discoveries they might make, not the
Technology is the result of engineering the manipulation of the awards or fame they might receive, not the money they are paid, and
environment in efforts to change the human condition. For thousands not the personal research empire they might build. They think about
of years all of recorded history man has struggled to change his their work continuously, 24 hours per day, even when they are asleep.
environment in order to increase the quality and length of human life Second, they are specialists. They tend to know a very large
and to improve the nature of human life. Unfortunately, throughout amount about a very small part of the physical world. Most research
that period, some men have also worked to build technology for problems are sufficiently difficult that this specialization is required.
negative reasons, particularly technology that can be used to enslave Third, they have learned to think quantitatively, and they fre-
others and take away their freedom. In all cases, however, technology quently make a game of quantitative mental calculations. If two or
can be described as human-controlled environmental change. more of them happen to be talking together at a social function, they
We know that our environment changes over time whether or not often may be heard in friendly competition with one another in calcu-
we cause that change. The earth is a dynamic system biologically, lating all sorts of simple things that would not interest other people.
geologically, and astronomically. We now have the ability in small Fourth, they are scrupulously honest about their work. In the
ways to affect that change, but most environmental change is still words of Richard Feynman, A scientists highest obligation is to
far beyond the control of man. prove himself wrong. This requires active honesty a refusal to ig-
Those who have adopted the worship of a static, unchanged envi- nore any experimental result and a continual active search for infor-
ronment in the new animal and plant-centered religion that they call mation bearing on his hypotheses, whether positive or negative.
environmentalism (and we call pseudoenvironmentalism) have Fifth, most of the true scientists I have known were quite modest
adopted a lost cause. They advocate a world with less technology, but individuals. An honest confrontation with the mysteries of the physi-
their stated goals could only be fulfilled by technology so advanced cal world is a humbling experience. Few individuals can experience
that it will probably still remain the province of science fiction for this confrontation without a marked tempering of their egos as in the
many centuries to come. case of Isaac Newton, probably the greatest of all scientists, who said:
To the limits of his ability, however, man has always struggled to
improve the environment to his own benefit. The invention of the I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to
wheel, the control of fire, crude metallurgy, primitive agriculture, and myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the
the many other helpful technologies that engineers developed in the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a
first few recorded millennia greatly improved the microenvironment smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, while the
immediately surrounding human beings. These engineers produced great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
many valuable things. Their accomplishments are especially remark-
able in that their work was almost entirely empirical. They had little Occasionally, a scientist will have a special success in his work.
fundamental understanding of the materials with which they worked. Something he has been trying to do will finally yield to his efforts.
They knew only a little mathematics and essentially no science. That thing may be large or small. It may have great significance or
Gradually they built an environment for man sufficiently ad- little significance. To him, however, in the tiny, special world that he
vanced that he was able to take the next step the development of inhabits, it is an occasion to say eureka. As he remembers his life,
science. Science then provided the understanding necessary for a sus- the few times that this has occurred stand out as special memories.
tained advance in engineering which created our modern civilization. The small eurekas and the large eurekas are additive and gradually
What, however, is the nature of true science or scientists of build the body of scientific knowledge. Upon that knowledge stand
whom there are far fewer than is generally realized? Although there the formidable engineering accomplishments of modern man.

his illness and some to counteract the side effects of treatment, Mike
RADIATION HORMESIS has undergone a regime of medical procedures that would have killed
many healthy men even if they did not have leukemia. Finally, he de-
As I write this, a friend of mine is near death a few miles from here. cided to quit all treatment. Remarkably, as soon as he did this, almost
Over the past three years, Mike and his insurers have paid $450,000 for all of the symptoms of his illness disappeared. Still, he is so weak
medical treatments for leukemia. Hospitalized seven times, months on from the disease and medicine that he may not survive. What could
kidney dialysis, 41 blood transfusions, and a river of drugs some for have been done to spare him this suffering?
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JANUARY 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 5) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Science and Honor

Many years ago, I was listening to a lecture by a Los Angeles po- There have, of course, always been soldiers and scientists whose
liceman concerning civilian survival on the streets of his city. He ad- behavior was often dishonorable. Moreover, there probably has never
vised that now it was best to resist muggers rather than to submit as been a soldier or a scientist who did not, at some time in his life, com-
had been sensible in earlier days. Apparently, muggers were now so mit at least one dishonorable act. With, however, the principle of per-
capriciously violent that ones chance of survival was greater through sonal honor pervasive among ones peers and dishonorable conduct
immediate resistance rather than cooperation. As the policeman fin- not tolerated by those peers, such actions are rare and usually quickly
ished making this point, a voice from the side of the room said: corrected and punished when they do occur.
Besides, not to resist would be dishonorable. Readers of Access to Energy often write that they appreciate the
ammunition that it provides them for argument against the ozone
That voice belonged to Jeff Cooper. Even then, in the late 1970s, and global warming frauds and other dishonest misuses of science
most of the audience searched their passive memories for the word that have become so pervasive in our body politic. Such ammunition
dishonorable and realized that it was no longer in their active vo- is useful, but the greater need is for peer pressure against dishonorable
cabularies. Yet, their freedom and their way of life were substantially conduct against those who engage in it and those who tolerate it.
dependent upon this precept. The United States was created, pre- Global Warmers Wirth and Schneider, Nuclear Winter Sagan, Re-
served, and protected for 200 years primarily by people who under- source Depletion Ehrlich, Radiation Demonizer Pauling, the Ozone
stood clearly and valued greatly the principle of personal honor. Depletion Trio, and the gaggles of Chemical Haters and Innovation
Harassment at VMI by John McGinnis in The Wall Street Repressors at the EPA and FDA have a characteristic in common
Journal, December 19, 1996, p A18, describes Clinton administra- they have practiced dishonest and, therefore, dishonorable science.
tion efforts to change the Honor Code of the Virginia Military Insti- The greater problem, however, is that their lies and distortions are
tute. For 157 years this code has read in full: A cadet will neither lie, tolerated by their peers.. By this, I do not mean that they should be
cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do. Now, the retainers of Bill prevented from writing or speaking. Free expression is an absolutely
Clinton, whose sexual misconduct is legendary, demand that VMI di- essential part of freedom and must not be abridged.
lute its Honor Code with a discussion of sexual harassment. I mean that their dishonorable conduct in self-serving exaggera-
Honor codes are not taught in courses. They are taught by the only tion and in outright lies about the truths of science should be immedi-
means that human beings really learn the most important things in life ately met with outrage by their peers. The scientific community
they are taught by example. As simple as possible in statement, they should not tolerate dishonesty. It should respond vigorously and, by
must become a way of life. Moreover, just as young military officers peer pressure, reduce the effects and frequency of fraudulent science.
must be taught a code of honor, so must young scientists. Unfortunately, during the past 40 years, the American scientific
When I attended the California Institute of Technology (1959- community has gradually lost its intoleration of dishonorable scien-
1963), the Institute honor code was even simpler than VMIs. It said tific conduct. Where this intoleration remains, it is primarily found
in full: You will not take unfair advantage of your fellow man. among scientists in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s in age.
That is the text to the best of my memory, since I did not see it in Personal pragmatism has replaced honor among scientists, espe-
written form, and no course or lecture ever mentioned it. It was taught cially with the hammers of government funding hanging over the
entirely by the example of the faculty and upperclassmen and it was heads of most academic scientists and government regulation over
very strictly enforced. the heads of most industrial scientists. Pragmatism says get along by
A board of students, one elected from each student house and pre- going along and do not speak up against fraud when such speech
sided over by the vice president of the student body, investigated can be avoided. The second part of the honor codes of VMI and
complaints and determined punishment. This board considered Caltech are being violated by most scientists. They are tolerating dis-
knowledge of a violation without reporting it (designated toleration at honorable conduct. Were this not so, the chorus of voices raised in
VMI) to be as serious as the violation itself. The proceedings were opposition to the frauds mentioned above would completely cancel
confidential and final. I know of one student who was expelled from the effect of those frauds upon our political process, and peer pressure
Caltech after this board verified that he had pretended to be ill so as to against such frauds would markedly reduce their frequency.
have more time to study for an examination. He did not cheat during Science is the study of natural truth. It progresses by a rigorous
the exam. He just took a makeup exam later as result of his illness. process of experiments, ideas, hypotheses, and theories. There is
I once accidentally lost my slide rule on the campus. Weeks later, I room within this process for almost any thoughts and trials. As a
found it in the classroom where I had left it. Theft was unthinkable trustworthy discipline, science can serve as an anchor of rationality
it was dishonorable. Nor was this code only for students. One ten- for the great benefit of our civilization. It cannot serve this purpose,
ured and quite famous Caltech faculty member was stripped of most however, if dishonorable conduct is common and tolerated within it.
of his privileges and eventually caused to resign by the weight of fac- This dishonorable conduct is the greatest problem in science to-
ulty opinion as a result of dishonorable conduct, even though he had day. It must be eliminated by example by honorable acts of intolera-
carefully avoided actions that would violate his contract of tenure. tion by greater numbers of our scientists and scientific institutions.

ing the atmosphere. This global warming is depicted as so poten-

GLOBAL TEMPERATURE VARIATION tially catastrophic that the Clinton Administration is on the verge of
participation in international treaties to sharply reduce the use of hy-
As even young grade school children know, thanks to the propa- drocarbon fuels which release carbon dioxide when burned.
ganda organs of the National Education Association and its retainers, The propagandists use is warming rather than may be warm-
the greatest environmental worry on planet Earth today is that the hu- ing, since they claim that a consensus of world scientists agrees that
man release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is warm- this is so and that, even if there is doubt, the terrible consequences of
Figure 1

global warming morally justify error on the side of certainty. It turns out that there is an isotope effect whereby cold-blooded or-
Whatever the consequences of the hypothetical construct called ganisms incorporate different amounts of the stable isotope oxygen 18
global warming may be, it is clear that the consequences of political into their tissues as a function of the temperature of their environment.
acceptance of this construct are likely to be dire indeed. Loss of hydro- By measuring oxygen 18 in the remains of tiny marine organisms (liv-
carbon fuel use, especially in economically poorer regions, will cause ing on the surface and sinking to the bottom when they die) in the sedi-
enormous losses of human life and increases in human suffering. Even ment of a rise in the Sargasso Sea (a region in the Atlantic Ocean) and
in well-developed countries, resulting dislocations will be severe. dating the sediment by means of carbon 14, the graph in Figure 1 of
Unfortunately, global warming has a powerful political constitu- temperature vs. time over the last 3,000 years was constructed. The
ency. Never before has there been such a colorably well-intentioned sedimentary cores represented in Figure 1 were about 20 inches long
reason for the extension of global political tyranny. World govern- 7 inches per 1,000 years.
ment, national governments, and the politicians and bureaucrats who (Carbon 14 is continually produced by cosmic rays in the upper at-
control them will have an opportunity to tighten a vise-like grip around mosphere, but it is unstable and decays with a half-life of 5,700 years.
all citizens in order to enforce the proposed draconian hydrocarbon The exact amount relative to carbon 12 in the atmosphere as a function
controls. This is not freon and ozone. Loss of refrigeration is bad, but of time during recent millennia can be checked by reference to tree
loss of access to energy is much worse. rings in very old trees and by other means. Therefore, the carbon 14 vs.
A similar scam was tried once before in the form of alleged loom- carbon 12 ratio can be used to determine the time during which dead
ing shortages of hydrocarbons and the energy crisis, but plentiful, organisms in samples of unknown age were alive.)
undiminishing supplies of hydrocarbons spoiled the game. Global There is an effect of changing salinity on oxygen 18 values which
warming is different because it alleges a future catastrophe that is more reduces the variability shown in Figure 1, but it is also known from
difficult for untrained individuals to understand direct measurements that sea surface temperatures at this location vary
Some people who are in the business of science have been quick less than the average of other locations. To a first approximation, these
to realize that the politicians and bureaucrats who are gaining power two opposite effects may be assumed to cancel. This is also verified by
and wealth from this scare are willing to pay almost any price to in- comparison of these measured temperatures with comparable tree-ring,
crease the scientific credibility of global warming. Essentially un- glacier, and other studies at different locations, which confirm the
limited cash in the form of tax-financed research grants, expense-paid shape and magnitude of the graph (see Keigwin paper for references).
trips to world conferences, notoriety in the public media, and appoint- In Figure 1, the direct temperature measurements since 1954 are
ments to perk-enhanced positions are easy to obtain by simply adding also plotted as highlighted by the arrow labeled Station S. Note
ones dishonorable voice to the correct side of this issue. the gradual rise during the past three centuries as the temperature fluc-
The public is, however, becoming a little surly at the prospect of tuated back from the lows of The Little Ice Age. The warmer period
losing its hydrocarbons, so a game called detection of the first signs during the Middle Ages about 1,000 years ago when global climate
of global warming has become popular. As chronicled in many past was milder and more ideal than today is also evident. The range during
issues of Access to Energy, this game is consistently being lost by the the past 40 years provides a measure of short term variability, while the
global warmers. Their response has been to simply declare themselves overall graph shows long term averages during the last three millennia.
winners anyway. An international cacophony of it is no, it Is the planet warming up? Yes. It is currently in an upward fluctua-
isnt it is no, it isnt with accompanying name-calling is tion from an unusually cold period with todays temperatures still sub-
about all that leaks through to the man on the street. stantially colder than the median of the last 3,000 years. Further
Has modern science really lost the ability to measure temperature perspective on the global warming debate is provided by the fact
and agree upon the results? No. The problem is that, as every child that the global warmers are currently spending oodles of your tax dol-
also knows, temperatures fluctuate. So, when they go up, the global lars claiming (without good reason) that they may have detected a dan-
warmers cheer, and when they go down, they change the subject to gerous man-made increase in temperature of about 0.2 C. This is
mythical ozone holes and other concerns. The absurdity of all of about 5% of the natural fluctuation during the past 3 millennia. Clearly,
this is well illustrated by Figure 1 which is adapted from The Little this claim is ridiculous. Moreover, their current scenarios for future
Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea by Lloyd D. temperature levels without emission controls are within the range in
Keigwin, Science 274, pp 1504-1508, 29 November (1996). Figure 1 (see Access to Energy 24, No 2, p 3 (1996)).
that Thomas Jefferson approved keeping the spirit of armed rebellion
THOMAS JEFFERSON alive in America and elsewhere refreshed from time to time with the
blood of patriots and tyrants. Thus, OBrien claims, Jefferson serves
Among his many many accomplishments, Thomas Jefferson was as justification for every patriot and pseudopatriot regardless of
one of Americas early scientists and engineers. Visitors to his home whether or not OBrien approves their cause. He notes that domestic
today can view many of his inventions and one of his errors a clock terrorists have quoted Jefferson, so apparently Jefferson should share
that was not correctly designed. Jefferson had to cut a hole in the floor the blame for any actions that they take.
to permit its function. Especially interesting is his copying machine McDonald is even more vituperative. He describes Jefferson as a
which consists of mechanically-linked quill pens that created a dupli- devious, wily, deceptive paranoid filled with bloodlust. He states
cate while he was writing. that the twentieth-century statesman he [Jefferson] would have ad-
His greatest accomplishments were, of course, as principal author mired most is Pol Pot. Pol Pot brutally murdered a large percentage
of the Declaration of Independence and as one of the prime movers of the helpless civilian population of Cambodia.
behind the establishment of American liberty. His epitaph, which he Under this vicious rhetoric, it is evident that the essence of their at-
wrote himself, emphasizes the attainments that he held highest. It does tack is that Jefferson was the most articulate and effective intellectual
not mention that he was twice President of the United States. Perhaps spokesman for individual human freedom as a cause worth dying for
he thought we would remember (or maybe he anticipated the possibil- that America has ever produced. OBrien, McDonald (whose is
ity of William Jefferson Clinton). brought to us courtesy of the University of Alabama where he is a pro-
A famous story is of a dinner for Nobel Prize winners that President fessor), The Atlantic Monthly, and National Review believe that the
Kennedy held at the White House. Kennedy is said to have remarked time for such thoughts has passed and that Jefferson is, therefore, a
to the assembled guests that there had not been so much intellect in that dangerous anachronism.
room since Thomas Jefferson dined there alone. I agree with OBrien and McDonald that the words of Thomas Jef-
Like hundreds of millions of other people in many nations, I greatly ferson are dangerous. They are dangerous to those who would turn the
admire the legacy of Thomas Jefferson. A visit to the Jefferson Memo- United States and perhaps the whole world into one giant plantation
rial including its engraved passages from some of his greatest writings wherein all people, except for a privileged few, are perpetual eco-
is inspiring indeed. He doubtless had many faults and failures and nomic, social, and (where they resist) physical slaves. Thomas Jeffer-
made many mistakes, but his special contributions have enriched us all. son is dangerous to C. C. OBrien and F. McDonald, and to The
(Ten years ago, while looking up Isaac Newton in the rare books Atlantic Monthly and National Review not to you and me.
section of the Library of Congress, I came upon the only book Newton
wrote about the Bible a study of the Prophecies of Daniel and John. INTRINSIC MUTATIONS
A few minutes after asking to see it, I was handed Thomas Jeffersons
personal copy. It still bears his initials. Jefferson sold his books to Con- The Health Effects of Low-Level Radiation by Myron Polly-
gress to pay his debts. These books were the beginning of the Library cove, Health & Environment Digest 10, No. 7, pp 52 -54, November
of Congress. Later, I obtained a microfilm of the book, and we publish- (1996), available from the Freshwater Foundation, 2500 Shadywood
ed an exact facsimile of Jeffersons copy. Still in print today, this has Road, Excelsior, MN 55331, is an excellent summary of some of the
been a very popular publication.) best experiments showing that ionizing radiation, in low to moderate
Now, I have read how terribly wrong have been my impressions. doses, increases human health. These have been described in previous
We may need to go through our entire inventory of books crossing out issues of Access to Energy except for Mortality from Breast Cancer
Jeffersons initials. Written by one Conor Cruise OBrien, illustrated after Irradiation during Fluoroscopic Examination in Patients Being
by Ben Verkaaik, and published by The Atlantic Monthly, October Treated for Tuberculosis, A. B. Miller, et al, New England Journal of
1996, pp 53-74 is the article Thomas Jefferson: Radical and Racist Medicine 321, pp 1285-1289 (1989). In this study, breast cancer deaths
with the subheading, In the multiracial American future Jefferson decreased by 40% in women who received about 0.15 Gy of radiation.
will not be thought of as the Sage of Monticello. His flaws are beyond At about 0.35 Gy, the death rate was the same as for women who were
redemption. The sound you hear is the crashing of a reputation. The not irradiated. Above 0.35 Gy, the death rate gradually increased to a
National Review, April 22, 1996, pp 29-32 and November 25, 1996, level of about twice the nonirradiated group at 1.75 Gy.
pp 67-69, has joined this pogrom with Liberalism and Terror by Pollycove summarizes the molecular biological discoveries (appro-
Conor Cruise OBrien and Doubting Thomas by Forest McDonald. priate literature references are in his article) that permit us to under-
Jeffersons flaws? Well, of course, he kept slaves as did George stand why radiation improves health as follows:
Washington. Both men disliked slavery, sought to end it, and suffered 1. The very high background of intrinsic potential mutations
financially from neglecting their slave-owning duties while in public (240,000/cell/day) produced by reactive oxygen metabolytes (ROM:
service. This is not, however, OBriens primary complaint. His main free radicals and H2O2) and thermal instability compared to 20 poten-
argument is that Jefferson disliked slavery all slavery, too much, and tial mutations produced predominately by the free radicals generated
was too vigorous and uncompromising in his advocacy of human free- by 1 r of low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. By comparison,
dom. Moreover (and this is especially remarkable in view of the diffi- the average background radiation in the U.S., including radon, is ap-
culties Jefferson endured as a result of his efforts to interpret the Bible proximately one-third r. In addition, by fundamental limitations on the
himself rather than accepting the precepts of organized religion), accuracy of DNA replication and repair, every single gene is likely to
OBrien tells us that Jefferson was too religious. undergo 400,000 unrepaired mutations per day in each person.
In a double shot, OBrien tries simultaneously to dilute Jeffersons 2. The presence of an active DNA damage control biosystem that,
contribution to the Declaration of Independence and discredit him as a until declining with age, effectively prevents, repairs and removes in-
religious fanatic by pointing to changes others on the committee made trinsic and environmental mutations.
in his original text. His prime example is Benjamin Franklins phrase 3. The activity of the DNA damage control biosystem is de-
We hold these truths to be self-evident which replaced Jeffersons creased by high dose (e.g., at or above 100r), high-dose-rate (at or
original, We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable. above 20r per m) radiation, but adaptively responds with increased ac-
OBrien could better have used Jeffersons statement, I have tivity to low dose (e.g., at or below 20r), low-dose-rate (e.g., at or be-
sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyr- low 1r per m) radiation as well as low-dose toxic chemical agents.
anny over the mind of man. In other words, the ordinary chemical deterioration and rebuilding
OBrien admits that Abraham Lincoln quoted extensively from Jef- of cellular genetic material in living things is so great in magnitude that
ferson, but warns that Confederate leaders did also and that Jefferson deterioration from low doses of radiation does not contribute signifi-
has even been quoted by the Klu Klux Klan. He is especially disturbed cantly to the destruction and replacement that is an essential function of
life. Low doses of radiation and toxic chemicals do, however, stimulate to practice simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division,
the ordinary repair mechanisms to work harder. The net result is that they labeled her as a member of the extreme Christian right. Her
these repair systems do a better job of correcting ordinary natural bio- daughter explained that she had been taught that people who demand
chemical deterioration, so health is better rather than poorer as a result learning as a part of education are religious zealots.
of low exposures to radiation and toxic chemicals. l Its a Wonderful Life, an editorial in The Wall Street Journal,
(For a chemical example, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness p A16, December 20, 1996, relates the plight of Wiley Berggren, man-
Newsletter, July 1994, available from 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Suite 9, ager of a 7-Eleven store in Odessa, Texas who successfully captured a
Tucson, AZ 85716, and Second Opinion, December 1996, available thief in the act of running away with the stores merchandise. Mr.
from 7100 Peachtree-Dunwoody Road, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30328, Berggren was fired for violating 7-Elevens national policy that no em-
both report a study by William Hazeltine, Lancet II (7161): 4-6, July ployee shall make any effort to thwart a criminal. (See the Jeff Cooper
1969, showing increased health in Beagle dogs that were given 10 quote on page 1.) It is likely that 7-Eleven does not fear criminals; but
parts per million DDT in their diets.) it does fear lawyers. (See again the Jeff Cooper quote.)
These explanations will be refined by future research and may even This reminds me of the story circulating some years ago that in
prove to be incorrect. This cannot, however, change the experimental Oakland crime had become so prevalent that it was considered entrap-
findings that disease incidence is lower and health is better in people ment to open a 7-Eleven store. (See yet again the . . . . . . . )
exposed to moderately increased amounts of ionizing radiation.
The natural intrinsic mutation rate is so high that we need extensive GOOD READING
biochemical machinery to cope with it. That machinery works better in
the presence of low-level damage from extrinsic factors, so such dam- l Facts Not Fear - A Parents Guide to Teaching Children About
age improves our health. the Environment by Michael Sanera and Jane S. Shaw is an excellent
This is not just a new scientific curiosity. It is going to cause a vir- 300-page book published by Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington,
tual revolution in environmental politics, since it means that the vast DC (1996). With a wealth of information and many excellent compari-
enviro apparatus constructed to prevent low levels of exposure to ra- sons, this book is good reading for adults, with or without children, and
diation and other such factors has actually been diminishing rather than a great gift for children and grandchildren.
improving health. It is so politically incorrect that, so far, the news me- l Recycling Boon or Bust in The Torch 5, Number 8, pp 1-8,
dia have completely ignored it, but the truth cannot be ignored forever. December 1996, available from 5535 E. Rosewood St., Tucson, AZ
Those who want to reverse public fear of nuclear power should be 85711. Recycling has always been a part of industrial procedures when
actively advertising this effect rather than trying to hide under the en- it was economically sensible, but the enviro-induced recycling mania
viro lie of global warming. Global warming will eventually die be- of recent years is just interactive propaganda. This article shows that it
cause it is a false construct, but no one can cause radiation hormesis has also become a great waste of resources. Especially interesting is the
(the beneficial effects of low level radiation) to die because it is an ex- explanation of why paper recycling actually harms forests by making
perimentally demonstrated, naturally occurring biochemical truth. good forest management practices uneconomical.
l Conservative Environmentalism Reassessing the Means, Rede-
STARK RAVING MAD fining the Ends by James R. Dunn and John E. Kinney published by
Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut (1996). This is a serious, well-
l The DeWeese Report 2, No. 11, p 5, November (1996), available documented, and well-referenced book demonstrating that free-enter-
from 13873 Park Center Road, Suite 316, Herndon, VA 22071, reports prise and technology generally enhance the environment and improve
that People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals has called on human life, while government environmental controls and regulations
Fishkill, New York to change its name to Fishsave. Fishkill is a 300 usually harm the environment and degrade human life.
year old Dutch town. In Dutch, its name means channel or creek. l The Normal Population that Tried to Deny Itself or a Modern
l The Wall Street Journal, December 19, 1996, p A20 reports that, Case Fable of the Foibles of Making 58.3% Better than the Other
regardless of a July Federal Court order to do so, the Department of Half by Carl Olson in The Journal of Irreproducible Results 24, No.
Energy has notified the owners of American nuclear power plants that 4, pp 24-27 (1978), is a hilarious description of those who try to defeat
it will not be able to meet its obligation to provide nuclear waste stor- the distribution function of human conditions by means of government
age in 1998. Nuclear utilities have paid $12 billion into a federal fund fiats. J. Irrep. Results 41, No. 6, pp 25-26 (1996), also reprinted the
for nuclear waste storage. Access to Energy 23, No. 8 (1996) editorial Sweet and Dangerous.
Kris Sanda, commissioner of Minnesotas Public Service Depart- l Looking for Results, an interview with Nobel Laureate
ment and spokesman for 73 nuclear plants in 34 states is quoted as say- Ronald Coase on rights, resources, and regulation by Thomas W.
ing, Its outrageous that DOE can build a central nuclear waste Hazlett in Reason 28, No. 8, pp 40-46, January 1997, available from
storage facility in Russia by 1998 but not in the U.S. 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90034-6064.
l MTV Math Doesnt Add Up by Marianne M. Jennings, direc- l Environmentalism Gone Berserk by Mike Oliver. Mr. Oliver has
tor of the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics at Arizona State Univer- been working on this interesting book for several years. If it is not yet
sity, in The Wall Street Journal, December 17, 1996, p A22, relates her published, he may be willing to provide a draft copy. Write to Mike
experiences after learning that her straight-A daughter could not com- Oliver, P.O. Box 485, 504 Mary Street, Carson City, NV 89703.
pute 10% of 470 or convert one-fourth to 25% in an algebra problem. l The trick is to be so skilled at work that it becomes play Self-
Some highlights: Her Addison-Wesley text, Secondary Math: An In- Motivation for the Study of Science by Arthur B. Robinson in Prac-
tegrated Approach: Focus on Algebra, has color photos, essays on the tical Homeschooling, November/December 1996, pp 44-45, available
Dogon tribe of Africa, and questions such as What role should zoos from P. O. Box 1250, Fenton, MO 63026-1850.
play in todays society? Theres Maya Angelou poetry, pictures of
Bill Clinton and little insights from Tabuk and Esteban (youngsters ACCESS TO ENERGY
chosen to enlighten students about cultural differences in the ever-fluid
concept of slope). The book, with its busy pages and journey through Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
environmentalism, is an 800-page pedagogical nightmare. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
Based on new National Standards, the students are supposed to gain $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
a conceptual understanding of math without outmoded ideas like $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
problems and practice. Group work is emphasized with students who Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
do not know math and do not practice it trying to teach each other. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
When she asked school officials why the students were not required of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
FEBRUARY 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 6) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Self Experimentation
Most of the time, science is thought of in the abstract. We or oth- medicine is comprised of those techniques that are not an accepted
ers conduct quantitative observations of the physical world and try to part of ordinary medical practice. Some of these techniques are sen-
correlate those observations within the framework of existing theory sible and very valuable, and some are useless dead ends. (These can
or of some new hypothesis. Most scientists are simply skilled ob- be worse than useless. They can be dangerous to a seriously ill pa-
servers who are primarily engaged in making such measurements. tient who uses up his dwindling time pursuing them when there are
Some people like to cultivate the myth that scientists are great other therapies that would help him.)
thinkers with large brains and furrowed brows who spend their time Whether the patient chooses a therapeutic regime from ordinary
deep in complicated thoughts beyond the understanding of most mor- medicine or alternative medicine, he is more likely to prolong life and
tals. This, of course, is nonsense, but it does serve to pry a little more diminish suffering if he uses diagnostic medicine in an unusual way.
tax money away from many taxpayers who are fooled by the myth. The techniques of modern medicine for quantitative diagnosis of
A life in basic science or applied science (engineering) is very re- disease are often very good (this depends upon the particular disease),
warding. There are always new things to learn. The ocean of undis- but they are rarely used often enough. A physician testing the blood
covered truths, large and small, is so extensive that there is no of, for example, a leukemia victim, once every two months (unless
possibility of running out of interesting things to do. Those who have there is a sudden change in symptoms) would be testing about as
an opportunity to spend their lives in science are fortunate indeed. often as ordinary practice permits. More testing might cause trouble
Although most people are not professional experimentalists, many for the physician. The test is excellent and quite quantitative, but it is
of them do some experimentation in the course of their lifes work. applied far too infrequently.
Moreover, an increasing number of people are conducting their final The patient is engaged in a longitudinal self experiment. There are
series of experiments upon their own bodies. many different things that he can do to alter the course of his disease.
The curve of death from cancer vs. age rises so rapidly in the later Even if he cannot cure it, he can very likely affect the rate of its pro-
years of life (see Figure 2 below) that those of us who do not die ear- gress. For this he needs more data. A test every couple of months just
lier of other causes face a veritable wall of cancer probability above tells him about how long he can be expected to live. A test at least
the ages of 80 to 90 years. Moreover, the rate of growth of cancer is weekly gives him much more information. It gives him sufficient
markedly affected by parameters that are under our individual con- data to carefully track the progress of his disease even after averaging
trol. In one experimental system, for example, the rate of growth of out the inevitable experimental noise associated with the tests.
cancer in mice was varied over a 20-fold range by changes in diet Perhaps the relentless change in his blood values toward death can
alone (see Access to Energy 22, No. 5, p 2 (1995)). never be halted, but he may be able to alter the slope of the curve if
It is widely believed that a person who is diagnosed with cancer or he can see it. Even if he is using conventional therapy, what is the
some other degenerative disease such as atherosclerosis or neuro- effect, for example, if he cuts his protein, fat, and vitamin intake in an
muscular degeneration has little control over his fate that the best effort to partially starve the cancer? Does the slope increase or de-
course is to put himself in the hands of the medical system, rely on his crease? What is the slope following each course of chemotherapy? Is
health insurance to pay the bills, and hope for the best. This is true in this therapy improving or diminishing his chances?
some cases. It should be true in virtually all cases. The twin demons Over the past 30 years, many victims of degenerative diseases
of governmental and medical establishment control of medical re- have asked me for advice about the course they should follow. If I
search and delivery and a legal establishment that threatens to confis- know a useful alternative course for them, I usually tell them about it
cate the assets of any innovator who can be held colorably liable for a without saying that it is better or worse than other possibilities. How
patients misfortune have, however, greatly diminished progress in am I to know which therapy will be best in their particular case?
therapeutic medicine. Always, however, I advise them to use the best quantitative diag-
Medicine has managed to make better progress in some (but cer- nostic procedure available and to use it much more frequently than
tainly not all) areas of diagnostic technology, but progress in therapy their physician advises even if they must pay for the tests themselves.
has been very limited. As a result, when a seriously ill person em- A seriously ill patient may be involved in the last series of experi-
barks on a course of treatment, he is often setting out on a course of ments of his life. Biochemical and environmental individuality cou-
experimentation rather than a well understood and optimized therapy. pled with the very limited availability of definitive medical know-
Degenerative diseases frequently disable or kill slowly, so the pa- ledge puts him in the unique position that only he can serve as the
tient often has plenty of time to deduce that the therapy is not working source of good enough data to monitor his own condition. A simple
in his case. Moreover, there are numerous books and sometimes graph, created by means of the miracles of modern diagnostic medi-
friends and relatives available to tell him stories of others for whom cine applied, however, far more often than is ordinary medical prac-
the therapy failed. This leads him to search for alternative approaches. tice, can give the patient the data he needs to try several therapeutic
The search for alternative therapies for serious diseases gives rise procedures and objectively evaluate their effect on his particular fate.
to the movement that is called alternative medicine. (The desire This self experimentation, the data gathering and the evaluation,
for preventive medicine is also a component of this.) Alternative should be carefully considered by every seriously ill individual.

research literature demonstrating radiation hormesis under many dif-

CANCER POSTPONEMENT WITH RADON ferent conditions, the work by Bernard L. Cohen at the University of
Pittsburgh on radon and lung cancer is probably the most spectacular.
Access to Energy has published articles about radiation hormesis We first reported this in the Access to Energy article entitled Vita-
for many years. Petr Beckmann even wore a vest filled with low-level min R? in AtE 21, No. 4, p 4, December 1993. Cohen (who will be
radioactive material in order to illustrate this effect and to take advan- speaking at our annual DDP meeting to be held in San Diego on June
tage of its health benefits. Although there is a large and rapidly grow- 14-15) has continued to refine this work until it has become a giant,
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MARCH 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 7) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Second Class Citizens

After I finished graduate school at the University of California at study in pre-college schools have been dumbed down about three
San Diego and was given a faculty position there, I spent much extra- years below those of a generation ago. Solid academic subjects now
curricular time with my graduate students and the other graduate stu- occupy about one-fourth of the school day.
dents, since we were of the same age. Some of this time was whiled After completing work at the Oregon Institute of Science and
away at a beer and hamburger joint in La Jolla known as El Som- Medicine on our 22 CD-ROM home-school curriculum for ages 6 to
brero. Unfortunately, El Sombrero succumbed to real estate develop- 18, we decided to start work on a college curriculum. Remarkably,
ment and no longer exists, but I shall never forget one evening there. however, we discovered that students from here are being classed as
As several of us sat at a back table, the El Sombrero door was transfer students at the university because they are entering with
suddenly filled by a tough-looking character whose black skin about two years of advanced placement. Apparently, we are already a
matched perfectly his leather jacket and also the dark imaginings of two-year junior college because our students are being taught a rea-
events that might follow too close an encounter with his disposition. sonable and traditional pre-college curriculum. This is no longer ordi-
The first rule of survival in such situations being no eye contact, I narily done. The first two years at universities are now devoted to
immediately became unusually attentive to the discussion underway material the students should have learned in high school and, worse,
at our table. much material that human beings should never be required to learn.
To my astonishment, however, the new arrival sauntered over to Moreover, by college age, it is too late for many people to learn basic
our table and sat down. He knew the graduate students. It turned out reading, writing, and arithmetic skills, so remedial instruction fails.
that he was also one of my fellow faculty members assigned to the In part, this drift into sub-mediocrity has been the result of popular
third college, a new division of the university for minority stu- demand. Students and parents wanted high grades and easy courses,
dents that still had no name because of an ongoing squabble over so unprincipled teachers and professors gave them what they wanted.
which third-world revolutionary to name it after (Lumumba Zapata The white liberals disliked by my black colleague became ever-
being the most recent discard). so-popular on campuses across the country as they posed as friends of
What followed was a discourse on third-world and black- minority students. This worked so well that they extended their popu-
power politics in which I took no part being unprepared academi- larity by plying their wares to all of the students.
cally, politically, or even psychologically for the prejudices of my More important has been the modern liberal campaign to turn all
esteemed colleague. (Actually, I just wanted to stay out of a fight.) American schools into tools for social and political engineering. This
Eventually, however, the subject turned to teaching. I was at the transformation has been so complete that the majority of school time
time teaching freshman chemistry to a class of 300 students and is now devoted to politically correct indoctrination rather than basic
found myself pointing out that I made no effort whatever to tailor the academic learning. Even courses labeled mathematics have been
goals of my course to separate standards for minority students or any ruined by infusions of non-academic nonsense. (See Access to En-
other group regardless of their preparation or ability. In my opinion, ergy 24, 5, p 4, January 1997, MTV Math Doesnt Add Up.)
they all needed to to know the same material in order to be prepared Moreover, pegged as their programs are to grade levels, tax-fi-
for the same post-academic world or at the very least to know that nanced schools are setting the academic standard for most alterna-
they did not know the material, so that they could plan accordingly. tives such as private schools and home schools. Parents think of their
The black professors response was immediate. You are right! children as being in particular grades, and the market responds
he said. Your course is tough. I know, Im tutoring two students in with materials at those grade levels as defined by public schools. In
your class. But you are exactly right. Our worst enemies are these our home school curriculum, we have omitted grade levels entirely
white liberals who teach watered-down courses to our people and because today they norm students to a very low academic standard.
turn them into permanent second-class citizens. This problem has more to do with American energy supplies for
More than 25 years have passed since that conversation, and times the 21st century than does current technology or any future technol-
have changed. American schools and universities (with some, in- ogy that may be provided by those who manage to become produc-
creasingly rare exceptions) have become less selective. Now, they are tive engineers and scientists regardless of these educational
turning all of the students into second-class citizens. disadvantages. We cannot expect an optimum use of energy technol-
A recent cartoon depicts a cocktail party conversation as follows. ogy by a society populated with technologically illiterate citizens who
A: You teach in the public schools? What subject? B: Creative have been given a vote on virtually every aspect of human affairs.
Mathematics! When a student adds two and two and gets seven, I This is especially true since many of those citizens have been fooled
ask him why he came to that conclusion. If he tells me he chose the into thinking that they are not illiterate (for their self-esteem) and
answer because it raises his level of self-esteem I give him an A+. are being fed tailor-made opinions by antitechnology public media.
Without the humor, read Poll Shows Schools Are Our #1 First-class technology and second-class citizens are incompatible
Worry in The Phyllis Schlafly Report 30, No. 3 available from P. O. because antitechnologists can manipulate ignorant, undisciplined
Box 618, Alton, IL 62002, which quotes a Washington Post poll indi- minds. It is time for America to terminate its failed experiment with
cating that the top worry of Americans is the low and declining qual- tax-financed, second-class, socialist schools.

to those who wish to register early for further enjoyment of the sail-
SAN DIEGO 1997 ing, swimming, and many other activities of this remarkable location.
The speaker schedule already reads like a compiled reference list
Even without the ambiance of El Sombrero, San Diego is beautiful from Access to Energy and is becoming even better as additional out-
in June. This year our annual DDP meeting is being held at the Bahia standing people agree to participate. So far, the confirmed speakers are:
Hotel on Mission Bay in San Diego during the weekend of June 14-15. Sallie Baliunas, staff astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian As-
Arrangements have been made for extension of the convention rates trophysical Observatory, Deputy Director of the Mount Wilson Insti-
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
APRIL 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 8) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Economic Slavery
Energy accessibility should be solely a technological problem. As While most of us might answer this question by means of a well-
engineering knowledge and the science that underlies it continue to oiled tirade against oppressive politicians, bureaucrats, and other low
advance, the real cost of usable energy decreases and energy avail- types and be correct in doing so there is another consideration.
ability for each of us should, therefore, concomitantly increase. Since Every free human being (or assembly of human beings, such as a
energy is virtually the currency of technological progress, everything corporation, that shares their pooled rights) has the right to use his
from human living standards to human longevity increases as people property as he wishes as long as he does not infringe on the same
obtain more energy and at a rate that, given the large number of rights of other human beings.
innovative scientists and engineers and the technology at their dis- For example, the sympathies of a twelve-man jury in a civil trial
posal, could be astonishing indeed. would ordinarily lie with the victim of a burglary and against the bur-
Instead, however, progress in energy development is today se- glar unless the victim also turned out to be a burglar. Regardless of
verely stalled. In the United States, propaganda campaigns by all sorts the details of law, most people would agree that a burglar, as a result
of ignorant, fearful, and uninformed groups have led to a tragic dimi- of his thievery, gives up his claim to sympathy when he, too, is bur-
nution of progress on technologies that affect our access to energy. glarized. If I am mugged on a city street by a thug who steals my
The problem, however, is not misinformed people. Informed in- wallet, I do not gain the right to replace my loss by mugging someone
novators could make progress even if their fellow citizens could not else. If I become a mugger, I forfeit my right to property protection
if the freedom of those capable people were not being suppressed. and, of course, even my right to physical freedom if I am caught.
This suppression of freedom is essentially a question of property. Most farmers are bitterly opposed to government agencies that are
It is a self-evident truth that economic freedom is an indispensable taking their property through regulations, taxes, fees, and confisca-
part of human freedom. A person who cannot hold property and use it tions. Yet, many of these same farmers are paid government subsidies
as he wishes becomes a slave. Every free human being has the right to with money taken in taxes by force or threat of force from other citi-
hold and use his private property in any way he wishes as long as he zens who have earned that money by honest work. Since these farm-
does not infringe on this same right of other people. ers are accepting a share of the loot obtained by denying other citizens
This right to private property does not depend upon the Constitu- their property rights, they have lost the moral right to complain of
tion or the Bill of Rights or even common law. It is an inherent right their own losses to government thievery.
that has been recognized as an indispensable part of freedom for thou- Recently, a local farmer complained to me about the new govern-
sands of years. Men and women cannot be free if they lack the right ment regulations, fees, and potential fines that are destroying his
to private property and complete freedom in its responsible use. property right to maintain a gravel dam necessary to irrigate his farm.
Those who do not have such property rights are slaves regardless of When I suggested that he just ignore the bureaucrats and repair his
whether or not their property has been seized by an oppressive gov- dam in the same way that it has been maintained for over 100 years
ernment against their will or voluntarily turned over to some other by owners of his farm, he replied, I wouldnt want to make them
entity, as is the situation, for example, with some religious sects. mad. They are considering my request for a government subsidy to
There are, of course, degrees of slavery. People can also lose or relin- put in a sprinkler system. Then I can sell the farm for a higher price.
quish a part of their economic freedom. It is an astonishing and very sad fact that many American indus-
Obviously, certain property rights, such as the allotment of air- tries support and encourage the taking of property from other Ameri-
space to airplanes, require communal adjudication. Also, a judicial cans through governmental means in order to enhance their own
system and usually a military defense are required to assure protec- prospects. Yet, they whine about their own suffering under the same
tion of property rights. These are legitimate functions of government. sort of oppression. Much of our energy industry engages in these ac-
Many aspects of our future access to energy look bleak today. The tivities. In fact, a large part of the American utility industry has traded
real reason for this is that our energy producers are being denied their away most of its freedom in return for government-assured monopoly
fundamental rights to private property. markets and guaranteed profits from utility commissions.
Why do we care that Al Gore is listed as author of a book filled If all Americans and American corporations were to honestly
with misrepresentations about energy production? Gore cannot fill audit all of their own sources of income and other market advantages
our energy needs. His views should be irrelevant. We care about and terminate all activities that involve the improper taking of the
Gores views only because misguided laws backed by the police property of others, the benefits to the free market and to technological
powers of the state are being used to interfere with the property rights progress would be spectacular indeed. Imagine our government with
of those who can produce energy. This has hindered the advancement no customers except for those involved in national defense, the main-
of nuclear energy in the United States and is increasingly interfering tenance of an honest judiciary, and minimal national housekeeping!
with the production of energy from coal, oil, and natural gas. Free enterprise, science, and technology cannot thrive in an atmos-
Why have we allowed the economic freedom of our most produc- phere of economic slavery. Each human being has a self-evident right
tive scientists, engineers, and businessmen to be so severely abridged to freedom, except for those people who make their way by destroy-
that the flow of energy to our civilization has become imperiled? ing the freedoms of others. Those people deserve to be slaves.

the Health Physics Society (published by Williams and Wilkins 351

SCIENCE VS. SCIENTISTS West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2436), would be, in my
opinion, a certain winner even though the vast majority of its arti-
If there were an annual international prize given for the most inter- cles are likely to put even the most enthusiastic of young physicists to
esting peer-reviewed science journal (periodicals that publish detailed, sleep. Month after month, this journal inches forward, filled to the
rigorous reports of research within the scientific community not arti- brim with research papers documenting the most accurate and de-
cles for nonscientists), Health Physics, which is the official journal of tailed experiments possible with modern technology concerning
radiation protection and exposure. Some of these articles describe rare
cases of accidental high radiation doses and resultant health effects,
but the vast majority deal with the distribution and detection of very
small amounts of radioisotopes and radiation. Since instrumentation
for these purposes has become extraordinarily accurate and the under-
lying science is relatively simple, research results reported in Health
Physics tend to be detailed, exact, and complete with very rigorous
mathematical analysis.
The underlying assumption supporting most of this work is that ra-
dioisotopes and radiation are very dangerous in even the tiniest quanti-
ties and must, therefore, be rigorously tracked down and quantitatively
measured wherever they are found. It is evident that nearly all of these
scientists blindly accept this assumption, which has, after all, been ac-
cepted dogma in their profession since the 1950s although most of
their articles do not discuss this. They just report their measurements.
The editors of Health Physics are apparently excellent classical sci-
entists who are willing to publish any submitted paper that survives
peer review of its experimental and theoretical rigor and its relevance Figure 1
to the journals purposes. [You thought, perhaps, that this is the way all ear hypothesis. This hypothesis has spectacularly failed all experimen-
scientific research journals are operated? Welcome to the age of politi- tal tests. In every instance, low-level radiation has either been found to
cal correctness. Even the prestigious Proceedings of the United States have no health effects within the experimental errors of the research, or
National Academy of Sciences has formed a special medical censor- has been found to have beneficial effects radiation hormesis.
ship committee, which prevents publication of any paper with medical Access to Energy has discussed some of these experiments most
implications that are contrary to current medical dogma regardless of recently in the February 1997 issue. Figures 1 and 2 show additional
the quality of the research or the importance of the conclusions.] experiments used as illustrations in the Patterson Health Physics paper.
It is this willingness of the editors of Health Physics to adhere to Figure 1, adapted from Radium in Man by R. D. Evans, Health
unbiased fairness in review that is causing a most startling form of Physics 27, p 504 (1974), gives tumor incidence versus radiation dose
chaos to break out within their publication. While the steady march of to the bone. Figure 2, adapted from Further Observations on Envi-
apparently endless radiation measurement articles continues apace like ronmental Radiation and Cancer in India by K. S. Nambi, S. D. So-
tin soldiers from a toy factory, interleaved among them are articles re- man, and S. D. Further, Health Physics 59, p 543 (1990), gives cancer
porting research on health effects of low radiation doses results that incidences as a function of environmental doses.
completely invalidate the underlying assumption of radiation dangers. For a detailed analysis of this work, see the published papers. Any
In two recent issues, for example, are Setting Standards for Radia- ten-year-old (at least a home-schooled ten-year-old) can see, however,
tion Protection: The Process Appraised by H. Wade Patterson, pp that linear extrapolation to zero dose would be ridiculous for the data in
450-457, and an exchange of letters by D. J. Strom and B. Cohen, pp Figure 1 and that the line best fitted to the data in Figure 2 is that la-
488-490, Health Physics 72, No. 3, March 1997, and Questionnaire beled Hormesis Hypothesis.
Study of the Lung Cancer Risk from Radon in Homes by B. Cohen, Professor Bernard Cohen (who will be speaking at our San Diego
pp 615-622, and Problems in the Radon vs. Lung Cancer Test of the meeting in June) has become the worst nemesis of the no-threshold
Linear No-Threshold Theory and a Procedure for Resolving Them linear hypothesis with his extensive studies of lung cancer in the
by B. Cohen, pp 623-628, Health Physics 72, No. 4, April 1997. United States as a function of radon levels. First, as we have described
The Patterson article points out that the no-threshold linear hy- earlier, he has gathered data on 1,729 counties containing 90% of the
pothesis originated during the 1950s to estimate the health effects of United States population and including nearly a million deaths from
radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons tests. This hypothesis had lung cancer and 20 million deaths from other causes, along with mean
two advantages. First, it was simple, since it involved only a linear ex- radon levels for the homes in those counties (see Access to Energy,
trapolation to zero from health effects at very high doses. Second, it February 1997 and earlier articles). This work shows an inverse corre-
gave results that were politically desirable to those who wished to ban lation between lung cancer and radon in the low dose levels the
atomic testing. Citing this hypothesis as fact, they claimed world-wide higher the radon, the lower the lung cancer. Since average radon values
damage to human health from tiny increases in background radiation. are used (but specific radon values are not known for each lung cancer
People who certainly were good enough scientists to know better, victim), these experiments rigorously disprove the no-threshold linear
yet determined to ban testing regardless of the truth, claimed to the hypothesis but do not rigorously prove the hormesis hypothesis, so Co-
public that this hypothesis was established scientific fact the most hen has been cautious in claiming lung cancer protection by radon.
infamous example being that of Linus Pauling in his debates with Ed-
ward Teller. Teller was working to preserve American nuclear de-
fenses against Soviet technology. From this activity Pauling wangled a
Nobel Peace Prize and a Lenin Prize, the latter being well-deserved.
The primary disadvantage of the no-threshold linear hypothesis of
radiation damage to health is that there is not a shred of experimental
evidence to support it. The predicted health effects are so low that such
experiments were exceptionally difficult to carry out. Politically, of
course, proponents multiplied the tiny hypothetical effects by the total
number of people on the earth and then cried crocodile tears over the
calculated human suffering none of which was ever observed.
Well, time moves on. Pauling is dead, and Edward Teller is revered
both personally and as a proxy for the many patriotic scientists whose
work preserved American freedom during the Cold War and kept
Western technology far enough ahead of the Soviets that the use of
nuclear weapons has, so far, been deterred. In addition, experimental
methods have improved. It is now possible to test the no-threshold lin- Figure 2
Considered with data from numerous other experiments, however, his
results provide strong support for radiation hormesis.
Now Cohen has driven a new, unique nail into the coffin of the anti-
radiation industry. In the first of his two articles in the April 1997 issue
of Health Physics, Cohen reports the results of 266,000 individual ra-
don measurements in American homes, which include 4,438 homes
where an occupant died of lung cancer and 7,756 homes where a death
occurred from some other type of cancer. Here deaths are individually
paired with individual home radon levels. He treats basement radon
levels separately from living area levels, smokers separately from non-
smokers, and both the cancer-free homes and the homes with cancer
other than lung cancer as separate control groups. The cancer victims
had been living in their houses for an average of 19 years. Lung cancer
is estimated to have a five-year latency period between induction and
Although the statistical significance of his calculations varies, as ex-
pected, with sample sizes, in every instance there is unequivocal rejec-
tion of the no-threshold linear hypothesis. Figure 3 shows the lung
cancer result when all 266,000 measurements are included lung can-
cer and control. The linear regression curves shown are curved by the
logarithmic axis (ask your home schooled twelve-year-old to explain
this). The line labeled theory (curving toward the top with no data
near it) is that predicted by the no-threshold linear hypothesis, and the
line labeled best fit is the line resulting from a best mathematical fit
Figure 3
of the actual data: +3SD is the 99% confidence level of the theory
line, while +1SD is the 67% confidence level of the best fit line. lion deaths from other causes to be 20 standard deviations, which has
Sample sizes were too small at the hormetic radon dose levels to a probability of occurring by chance equal to the inverse of the total
prove beneficial effects from radiation, but most of Cohens calcula- number of electrons plus nuclei in the entire [known] universe.
tions of this work do show deviation of the measured averages in the The no-threshold linear hypothesis is as dead as the hypothesis that
hormetic region that are consistent with radiation hormesis. the earth is flat, and with it has died the underpinnings of the anti-nu-
Meanwhile, what is happening in Health Physics? (This is a very clear energy industry which spawned, through similarly devious sci-
reputable peer-reviewed journal in a substantially exact science.) Well, ence, most of todays environmentalist movement. Their only last
the articles on exact measurements of tiny radiation exposures keep hopes are the claims that nuclear plants might explode (like nuclear
marching out of cookie-cutter laboratories, and the articles invalidating weapons) or burn like Soviet plants (with no containment buildings).
their underlying significance are being published right alongside them. The explosion claim is inconsistent with basic physical laws it just
This has led to another phenomenon that I have never before observed cannot happen and nuclear plants without containment buildings
in a mainstream research journal. could only be built by communists who, as Petr Beckmann used to say,
The good guys are beginning to augment their articles with quota- decided that people were cheaper than concrete.
tions about the scientific method. This is the equivalent of mathematics All we need do with nuclear waste is dilute it to a low radiation
journals carrying parenthetical reminders that we must not forget that level and sprinkle it over the ocean or even over America after hor-
two plus two equals four. Both Patterson and Cohen have taken to mesis is better understood and verified with respect to more diseases.
quoting Richard Feynman. From Patterson we have: We leave it as an exercise for the reader to guess how long it will take
As Richard Feynman said, In general we look for a new law by the failure of the no-threshold hypothesis to reach your television set.
the following process. First we guess it. Then we compute the conse-
quences of the guess to see what would be implied if this law we TAX FINANCED RACISM
guessed is right. Then we compare the result of the computation with
nature, with experiment or experience, compare it directly with obser- Solid Evidence to Support Home Schooling by Michael P. Far-
vation, to see if it works. If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. In ris in The Wall Street Journal, March 5 1997, p A18, reports that on a
that simple statement is the key to science. battery of tests in reading, listening, language, math, science, social
It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It studies, and study skills, where public school students average, by defi-
does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, nition, 50th percentile, home schooled students average between the
or what his name is if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. That is 80th and 87th percentiles with an overall score of 85th percentile.
all there is to it. On reading tests, the home schooled whites, hispanics, and blacks
Another thing I must point out is that you cannot prove a vague all scored at the 87th percentile, while in math home schooled whites
theory wrong. If the guess you make is poorly expressed and rather were at the 82nd percentile and the minorities at the 77th percentile.
vague, and the method you use for figuring out the consequences is a In the tax-financed public schools, however, in reading tests
little vague you are not sure, and you say, I think everythings all whites were at the 57th, while the blacks and hispanics were both at the
right because its all due to so and so, and such and such do this and 28th. In math, whites were at the 58th, while hispanics were at the 29th
that more or less, and I can sort of explain how this works . . ., then and blacks were at the 24th. Imagine the howls of racism and child
you see that this theory is good because it cannot be proved wrong! abuse that would be heard from the public schools and their unions if
Also if the process of computing the consequences is indefinite, then these numbers for home schools and public schools were reversed.
with a little skill any experimental results can be made to look like the The cost? Public school costs are $5,325 per student year compared
expected consequences. (Feynman 1965) with $546 per student year in home schools (excluding, in both cases,
(This last Feynman paragraph is beautifully applicable to the global the capital costs of the buildings in which the students are taught). Us-
warming and ozone scare industries.) ing the 22 CD-ROM self-teaching home school curriculum developed
In the second April 1997 Health Physics paper, Cohen computes by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, this cost drops to $49
the discrepancy between the no-threshold linear hypothesis and his ex- per student year plus the cost of a personal computer (already present
perimental data from nearly one million cancer deaths and twenty mil- in about half of American homes) and requires very little teacher time.
Rodionov has said that, Russia might soon reach a threshold beyond
SAN DIEGO MEETING which its rockets and nuclear systems cannot be controlled. Col. R.
Bykov, who served in the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces for 33 years,
In last months Access to Energy, we reported that the San Diego describes an incident in which a smart aleck in a missile regiment
meeting on the weekend of June 13-15, 1997, will include presenta- figured out how to bring the launch contact points together without the
tions by Sallie Baliunas, Bernard Cohen, Michael Dowe, Gordon Ed- launch code. Meanwhile the Clinton Administration refuses to deploy
wards, Robert Jastrow, Cresson Kearny, Stanford Penner, Michael technology to intercept even one ICBM fired at the United States.
Sanera, Edward Teller, and Robert Zubrin. The program for the meet- Robert Jastrow will discuss this at the San Diego meeting.
ing has now been completed with the following additional speakers: l A Nuclear Waste Firm is Sued For Paying a Regulator Too
Jeff Cooper, the worlds foremost authority on the defensive use of Little by Bill Richards in The Wall Street Journal, February 27, 1997,
firearms, will speak about this subject. Jeff Cooper is not only a world p 1, reports that a Utah environmental regulator supplemented his
champion (the hotel facilities will, unfortunately, not accommodate a $60,000 annual income with payments in cash, gold coins, and real es-
demonstration) and distinguished representative of the best traditions tate valued at $600,000 from the nuclear waste company he was regu-
of American military and civilian defense, he is also an accomplished lating. (Utah law sets a maximum of $50 on such payments.)
author whose practical and intellectual insights have had a greater im- When the regulator retired, the payments stopped. Now, the regula-
pact upon firearms use than those of any other living American. tor is suing the company because, he claims, the company orally
Donald D. Derr, a colleague of Michael Dowe, will co-deliver the agreed to pay him an additional $5 million dollars.
presentation on electron-beam irradiation for preserving food. l Over the Top by K. Kemm in Green & Gold (P.O. Box
Lou Guzzo, veteran reporter, editor, and radio and television com- 74416, Lynwood Ridge, Pretoria, 0040, South Africa) reports that the
mentator, will speak about environmental matters from the point of Alar apple scare was based on human equivalent doses to animals of 5
view of the two books that he co-authored with Dixy Lee Ray, Envi- tons of apples or (another study) 23 tons of apple juice per person per
ronmental Overkill and Trashing the Planet. day. The Alar was harmless, but fruit at these doses is definitely lethal.
Martin Kamen, discoverer of carbon 14 and 1996 winner of the En-
rico Fermi Award, will provide a few words of wisdom as he did at last
years meeting. Dr. Kamen may, in fact, be brought to us through the
benefits of radiation hormesis. He received very large doses during the
l Low Level Radiation Health Effects: Compiling the Data, pub-
years that he operated the Berkeley cyclotron for E. O. Lawrence and
lished by Radiation, Science, and Health, Inc., P. O. Box 843, Need-
carried out his famous work on carbon 14 and the use of radioactive
ham, MA 02194 is an excellent review by numerous scientists of
tracers in biochemistry. He has enjoyed a long life in good health.
experimental research invalidating the no-threshold linear hypothesis.
Bruce Kimball, principal research scientist and colleague of Sher-
Even Japanese atomic bomb survivors show radiation hormesis.
wood Idso at the U. S. Water Conservation Laboratory in Phoenix,
l Policy Controversy in Biotechnology: An Insiders View by
Arizona, will speak about his extensive experimental work on the ef-
fect of increased carbon dioxide levels upon the growth of plants. Henry I. Miller, published by Academic Press (1997). This is a de-
Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American tailed, well-informed and documented account of the negative impact
Physicians and Surgeons, will speak about growing government im- of government on the advance of science and technology.
l A 60s Radical Mugged by Reality by Joel Kotkin in The
pediments to the ethical practice of medicine. Dr. Orient led AAPS ef-
forts to defeat the Clinton socialized health plan and is widely credited Wall Street Journal, March 24, 1997, p A18, about the travails of Tom
with having been instrumental in its demise. Hayden, who began his political career disrupting the Chicago Demo-
Myron Pollycove, Emeritus Professor of Radiology at the Univer- cratic National Convention and is ending it at the hands of Los Angeles
sity of California at San Francisco, will speak about radiation hor- voters uninterested in no-growth pseudoenvironmentalism. Hayden is
mesis, the beneficial health effects of low-level ionizing radiation. quoted as saying, I guess this means that the 60s are really over.
Frederick Seitz, past President of the United States National Acad- l Skunk Works by Ben R. Rich & Leo Janos, published by Little,
emy of Sciences and Chairman of the Board of the George C. Marshall Brown and Company (1994), the remarkable true story of engineers
Institute, will speak about politicized science and the IPPC report. Dr. who preserved American air superiority regardless of foolish and in-
Seitzs analysis of unethical actions in the preparation of this 1996 re- hibitory bumbling by their governmental customers.
port was published in The Wall Street Journal. As a result of this l Executive Orders by Tom Clancy, published by G. P. Putnams
analysis and Dr. Seitzs great personal stature within the international Sons (1996), in which Clancys conservative recommendations for im-
scientific community, efforts by the IPPC and others to promote the provements in the U. S. government pace the action and the only
global warming hypothesis regardless of its lack of experimental veri- person mentioned under his real name is Jeff Cooper (an officer trained
fication were significantly exposed and politically damaged. in Coopers methods saves the life of the Presidents daughter). Or, if
Hans Sennholz, President of the Foundation for Economic Educa- you prefer non-fiction, try Marine Sniper by Charles Henderson, pub-
tion and greatly respected expert on free-market economics, will speak lished by Berkley Books (1986) about the life of U. S. Marine Sergeant
about The Bull Market and the Bubble Phenomenon. Carlos Hathcock. Hathcock was recently featured on the front page of
I will have the privilege of introducing the speakers and am also The Wall Street Journal because his killing of an enemy soldier at a
listed as the final speaker on Sunday afternoon. Since the program in- range of 2,500 yards in Vietnam has inspired a new sport. Then for a
cludes world-class authorities on virtually every topic that we have fea- reality check, read We Were Soldiers Once and Young by H. G. Moore
tured in Access to Energy, I suspect a new form of censorship. These and J. L. Galloway, published by Random House (1992) about the
people are going to leave me with absolutely nothing further to say. bravery and deaths of American soldiers forced by their government to
Registration is $95 for the meeting, which includes two luncheons fight in Vietnam with no-win constraints.
and the banquet dinner. Details were given in last months Access to
Energy. Telephone DDP at (520) 325-2680 for registration. ACCESS TO ENERGY

STARK RAVING MAD Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
l Russias Big Bang by James T. Hackett in The Wall Street $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
Journal, March 28, 1997, p A16, gives a chilling report of the break- for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
down of command and control systems governing the launch of Rus- Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
sian nuclear-tipped ICBMs. Even Russian Defense Minister Igor of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MAY 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 9) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Science and Humility

Near the end of his life, Isaac Newton wrote: I do not know into the future. Similarly, the global sources and sinks of carbona-
what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been ceous compounds have been largely identified, but are not yet well
only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now understood qualitatively and certainly not quantitatively. Neverthe-
and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, less, our government is pushing ahead with global controls on carb-
while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. on usage under the claim that all of this is so definitively understood
Even though Isaac Newtons pebbles and shells formed the basis by scientists that literally trillions of dollars in restrictive economic
for the scientific and industrial revolutions which created our civiliza- changes in the world economy should be based upon it.
tion and Newton was undoubtedly able to foresee at least some of Scientists are, of course, ordinary people with all of the usual hu-
their implications and potential, he never lost the humility with which man faults and foibles. It is unsurprising that some of them, especially
he placed himself and his discoveries in universal perspective. those whose abilities are below average, would pander to the wishes
During the subsequent 300 years, many remarkable things have of those who pay their bills. It is also not surprising that confiscatory
been accomplished in science and technology. Still, when one looks government would parade those particular scientists before the public
outward at those parts of the incredible vastness of the universe or while ignoring those who are not so easily manipulated.
inward at those parts of extraordinary microscopic, submicroscopic There is, however, also something deeper and more pervasive tak-
and subatomic universe that we can now see, it is self-evident that the ing place. Scientists and technologists are losing an essential anchor
minds of men have still just barely started to understand or compre- to reality humility. This is not justified by their accomplishments.
hend the physical world. As human knowledge has increased over the past 300 years, the
This is a perspective that is shared by most real scientists and was observable frontiers of the universe have also increased. As we have
once ingrained in the general ethics governing their publications. Un- begun to understand more fully the things close to us, the extent of
til recently, for example, it was not acceptable to include assertions in things we can see has expanded so much that we are no closer to
elementary science text books that had not been rigorously proved. comprehending our observable universe than we were in Newtons
Professional research publications made a clear distinction between day. Why then are we justified in discarding the humility that he ex-
hypotheses, theories, and facts. Equation-embodied laws, such as pressed? The answer is that we are not justified in doing so.
those of thermodynamics, were applied only within the frameworks Moreover, this failure cannot be simplified by dividing scien-
of the boundary conditions inherent in their derivations. tists into those who have been bought and those who are intellectu-
During the past 50 years, tax-financed science has steadily dimin- ally honest. Each person carries within him the potential for both.
ished these standards. The number of people calling themselves sci- For example, Linus Pauling carried personal aggrandizement and
entists has markedly increased in order to spend the enormous pseudoscientific assertions not justified by experimental evidence to a
tax-financed bonanza, and the ethics of science have concomitantly high art, yet simultaneously he performed outstanding work on the
decreased to that level desired by those who control this money. nature of the chemical bond. Eventually his nonscientific claims
Objective review of, for example, current scientific work on the reached absurd levels, but still, right up to the time of his death at age
origins of life and of the universe leads to the conclusion that there are 93, he was publishing excellent valence bond calculations.
various hypotheses and numerous experimental observations, but Paul (population bomb) Ehrlich and Steven (global cooling and
these studies are barely in their infancy and will probably require cen- global warming) Schneider continue to publish ridiculous claims
turies if not millennia of work before they are reliably understood if about global resources and climate regardless of the complete and
they are indeed understandable at all by the mind of man. spectacular failures of their earlier predictions. Somewhere, however,
Yet, science textbooks and popular publications are filled with as- in their personnel files at Stanford there must be at least some evi-
sertions that leave their readers with the impression that these prob- dence of acceptable scientific work justifying their professorships.
lems have been largely solved. (The work, however, is not quite Science and technology require rationalism and intellectual rigor,
finished, so be sure to keep the money flowing.) The advertised solu- while scientists and technologists are ordinary humans whose minds
tions are, of course, those that enhance the standing of the secular and lives are also affected by many irrational, self-serving digres-
government institutions that collect tax money and forward a part to sions. The ethics that provide an essential barrier between these two
the scientists. Hypotheses that favor institutions that the government characteristics of human beings have required several centuries for
perceives as competitors are much less popular. development. These ethics are endangered today by formidable
Environmental science now has an especially virulent case of this forces within human nature and power-hungry human institutions
disease. Global weather is a very complex problem. Science is not at the same enemies that they have battled for hundreds of years.
all close to ab initio understanding of weather phenomena, and the It is obvious that, to protect science and technology, we must pre-
great amount of experimental data required for even an empirical un- serve honesty, integrity, objective experimental observation, rational
derstanding is just beginning to be collected. Yet, primitive computer thought, and the general scientific method. One very important and
models based on woefully inadequate data and theory are being essential part of that protection is humility. Without humility, our
touted as weather predictors capable of reliable forecasting centuries egos tend to lead us to discard the ethics essential to our science.

Sometimes, the student will reply by asking how far it is to Mexico

ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE City and how fast a turtle walks and by saying that the problem cannot
be worked without this information. In fact, a surprisingly good answer
A useful problem to add to your 10-year-old home-schooled stu- can be calculated if the student comprehends orders of magnitude.
dents math lesson is: How long will it take a turtle to walk to Mexico First, how far is it to Mexico City (from, for example, Oregon)?
City? (You can ask a public school student, too, but the answer is Well, it is less than 10,000 miles (about half-way around the earth) and
likely to be, the teacher didnt show us how to do that problem.) more than 500 miles (still in the United States). Already we have
narrowed the distance to within about an order of magnitude. Mexico
City is at the far end of Mexico, approximately twice the distance to MOLECULAR CLOCKS
the California-Mexico border, so 2,000 miles is a reasonable estimate.
Now, consider the turtle. A man comfortably walks about four The most accurate time pieces available today are based upon an
miles per hour. (A world-class four-minute-mile athlete manages to electronic transition between two energy levels in the cesium atom.
run 15 miles per hour for a total of four minutes, so this upper limit With appropriate electronic tools, this transition is utilized to produce
keeps us within the right order of magnitude.) Obviously a turtle walks clocks that are accurate to 3 parts in 1015 or three femtoseconds per
more slowly than a man. second. Clock precision is especially important in navigation, astron-
An ordinary land turtle (perhaps your students pet turtle providing omy, and various studies in theoretical and experimental physics.
he is willing to risk imprisonment from some, as yet obscure, federal Time to Trap an Ytterbium Ion by Pauline Rigby, Nature 386, p
law) can, however, escape from his captor if left alone in the back yard 225 (1997), reports that a new electronic transition has been measured
for an hour. If it is 50 feet to the yards edge, this would be about 0.01 in atoms of the element ytterbium that will make possible the construc-
miles per hour. Allowing the man and the turtle to rest, eat, and enjoy tion of clocks that are three orders of magnitude (1000 times) more
the scenery during their trip, the turtles speed is, therefore between accurate than cesium clocks.
two and three orders of magnitude slower than the man. These clocks depend upon fluorescence, the tendency for some of
To ask the turtle to go the 300 foot length of a football field in one the excited states of atoms to have long lifetimes before decaying into
hour is clearly too much. This sets an upper limit much closer to the lower energy states. Electrons in these atoms become temporarily
escape from the yard. Lets allow our turtle to average 20 feet per hour. trapped in higher energy levels.
So, (2,000)(5,000) / 20 = 500,000 hours. (Notice that we use 5,000 A result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is that the longer
rather than 5,280 for the feet per mile. This is close enough for our the lifetime of an electronic transition, the more precisely its energy
purposes and easier to calculate, since the student is expected to solve can be measured. Molecular clock precision depends upon this meas-
this problem mentally, without use of pencil and paper.) Dividing urement. The newly observed transition in ytterbium has a lifetime of
500,000 by (24)(365) or about 10,000 equals approximately 50 years. about ten years, making it difficult to detect but also ideal for high pre-
Do we now need to know how long a turtle lives? Not really, our cision time measurement.
answer is probably correct to within about a factor of two and certainly Scientists are excited about this development because, after the nec-
within one order of magnitude, which overlaps with a reasonable dis- essary engineering has been completed, it may extend their ability to
tribution of turtle longevities. A turtle can probably walk from Oregon measure a fundamental parameter by three orders of magnitude a
to Mexico City providing he devotes most of his life to the effort. very great improvement.
Since we have not specified a particular turtle, this estimate of about
50 years is certainly a good order-of-magnitude estimate and much RADON AND EARTHQUAKES
better than might have been expected from a first glance at the vagaries
of the formally stated problem. Radon is causing intellectual earthquakes within the health physics
For convenience, every third order of magnitude in the decimal sys- community as a result of Cohens work showing decreasing lung can-
tem has been given a common prefix: 1012 is tera, 109 is giga, 106 is cer incidence with increasing radon exposure. There is also increasing
mega, 103 is kilo, 10-3 is milli, 10-6 is micro, 10-9 is nano, 10-12 is pico, evidence that radon is useful in the prediction of actual earthquakes.
and 10-15 is femto. The most common range is further enhanced by Anomaly in Atmospheric Radon Concentration: Possible Precur-
10-1 which is deci and 10-2 which is centi. sor to the 1995 Kobe, Japan, Earthquake by Y. Yasuoka and M. Shi-
Most people comprehend only the few orders of magnitude within nogi, Health Physics 72, No. 5, pp 759-761 (1997), reports that the
their common experience. Except for specialized scientists and tech- concentration of radon 222 (which has a half-life of 4 days) in air sam-
nologists, this is usually between 106 or mega and 10-6 or micro. The pled 16 feet above the ground became markedly higher two months
remarkable advance in computer technology is, however, causing a before the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that devastated Kobe Japan on 17
bulge in this range at the high end, since gigabyte disk drives are now January 1995. These air samples were continuously measured between
being delivered at low cost to the general public. 1984 and 1996 at a site near a major fault and 12 miles from the earth-
Facility with orders of magnitude and mental arithmetic is more quake center. Figures 1 and 2 are from the Yasuoka and Shinogi paper.
common among scientists and engineers in the older generations be- During the 10 years preceding the earthquake, a careful record was
cause they did not have calculators and personal computers. Each slide made of diurnal and seasonal variations in atmospheric radon 222 lev-
rule calculation required simultaneous mental calculation of the order els. These measurements were used to calculate the smoothed mean
of magnitude of the answer, since a slide rule does not preserve the
position of the decimal point. This is, however, not an obsolete skill.
Everyone, regardless of his ultimate occupation, should be taught to
perform mental arithmetic, calculate in orders of magnitude, and think
quantitatively. Since a calculator cannot be inserted into a students
brain, his ability to think quantitatively depends upon his ability to per-
form mental arithmetic. Access to calculators during the early years of
training tends to diminish the development of mental arithmetic.
Many of the pseudoscientific hoaxes that are perpetrated on the
general public depend upon the widespread inability to comprehend
problems in quantitative terms. A thing is classed as bad or
good or higher or lower without asking how much?
As the tax-financed socialist schools have degraded the teaching of
mathematics, they have substituted the claim that they are teaching stu-
dents concepts and the ability to see the big picture rather than
drilling on mere problem solving and boring calculations that are eas-
ily done by computers. In fact, without a good education in mental
arithmetic and quantitative thought, which requires years of individual
problem solving, a student is unable to evaluate concepts or pictures.
This leaves him at the mercy of the canned opinions in media propa- Figure 1
ganda opinions that are often quite different from the truth.
radon concentration and the standard deviations of that mean. These Spurious Trends in Satellite MSU Temperatures from Merging
deviations were those caused by all variables that occurred during that Different Satellite Records by J. W. Hurrell and K. E. Trenberth in
ten year period. Figure 2 summarizes these calculations and actual Nature 386, pp 164-167 (1997), shows the current state of this debate.
measurements during a two-year period that included the earthquake. Satellite measurements since 1979 have shown a gradual decrease
The difference between the smoothed radon concentration and the in atmospheric temperature of - 0.11 C per decade, while surface tem-
smoothed mean radon concentration is plotted as the residual value peratures are claimed to have increased by 0.10 C per decade. The
in Figure 2. The UCL and LCL lines represent the 95% and 99% con- satellite data is more reliable, since ground measurements are suscepti-
fidence levels for expected fluctuation from line FIT which is the pre- ble to the local effects of human activity.
dicted line. Ordinary variations in temperature are, however, so much greater
than either of these measurements that the only sensible conclusion is
that no significant temperature change has been detected. Even though
the dreaded atmospheric carbon dioxide level has already risen sub-
stantially, the only apparent effect of this rise has been increased
growth rate of trees and other plants surely not an undesirable result.
Hurrell and Trenberth suggest that the discrepancy between atmos-
pheric and ground measurements can be attributed to satellite calibra-
tion errors during transitions between satellites. Specifically, they
conclude that a + 0.23 C adjustment in the atmospheric record should
be made before July 1981 and a - 0.12 C adjustment should be made
after August 1991. This would give an atmospheric temperature
change of (0.35 - 0.18) / 1.6 = + 0.10 C per decade. (The authors state
that these changes produce a small positive trend in atmospheric
temperature, but they do not give a value for this trend. We have as-
sumed that the signs of their suggested adjustments should be thusly
interpreted, although they seem to suggest an opposite result.)

Figure 2
Based upon the ten-year historical record, there is only one chance
in one hundred that the residual radon concentration will drift outside
of the UCL 99 or the LCL 99 range during the time interval of this
graph. Yet, the figure shows that this value drifted above UCL99 at the
end of November 1994 and remained higher than UCL99 until the
earthquake took place two months later.
Moreover, H. Wakita et al, Science 269, pp 60-61 (1995), reported
that radon concentration in ground water increased for several months
prior to this earthquake. The ground water samples were taken three
miles east of the air sampling station.
Earthquakes are especially dangerous to human life because they
strike quickly before emergency action can be taken. People are
trapped under falling structures without having an opportunity to es-
cape. With warning, most earthquake deaths, like most deaths from
hurricanes and floods, could be avoided. These experiments indicate
that ground release of radon 222 can provide warning.
Figure 3
GLOBAL THERMOMETERS Comparison with the U. S. temperature fluctuations in Figure 3
shows that this value of 0.1 C is so low as to probably be irrelevant to
A continuing source of national embarrassment in the United States human affairs and environmental quality. Moreover, it has not been
should be our inability to produce politicians, bureaucrats, and news shown that this tiny change is any more than an ordinary natural vari-
commentators who are capable of truthfully reading simple graphs of ation that is unrelated to human activities.
temperature vs. time. Instead, the country is rushing headlong toward It is reasonable to suggest that rising carbon dioxide levels might
global warming treaties that will sharply reduce hydrocarbon use and cause an increase in temperature and that a few one-hundredths of a
thereby cause trillions of dollars in economic dislocations and great degree rise may already have taken place as a result. It is unreasonable,
concomitant human suffering and death. however, to assume that this is true without experimental verification
Figure 3, republished in Global Warming Costs for the U.S. and to claim that any such rise will be harmful to the environment. If
Brief No. 213 (September 1996) by the National Center for Policy 0.10 C were added to the graph in Figure 3 between the years 1990
Analysis, 12655 N. Central Expy., Suite 720, Dallas, TX 75243-1739, and 2000, would you consider that alarming?
from a 1990 Oak Ridge National Laboratory report, shows the range of
average annual temperatures in the U. S. during the past century. The IODIDE DISTRIBUTION
range from high to low is approximately 2.4 C. Omitting extremes,
most of these averages lie in a range of about 1.5 C. The global warm- France Distributes Iodine Near Reactors by M. Balter, Science
ers claim that temperatures during the past decade may have been 275, pp 1871-1872 (1997), reports that the French government has de-
warmer by 0.1 C. The evidence for even that change is questionable. cided to distribute potassium iodide to 600,000 citizens who live
within six miles of Frances 59 nuclear reactors or four other nuclear four-year college tuition rose 256 percent three times the rate of infla-
installations. This will enable them to protect themselves from thyroid tion .... academic standards continued to slip. In terms of equivalencies,
cancer caused by increased ingestion of radioactive iodide in case of a bachelor of arts degree in 1997 may not even be the equal of a gradu-
accident. As described in detail, including dosages and methods of ad- ation certificate from an academic high school in 1947.
ministration, in Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson H. Kearny, pp In a course required for university graduation with a BS in chemis-
111-116 and 152-154, published by the Oregon Institute of Science try, my son Zachary Robinson is currently being taught that farm-
and Medicine, 2251 Dick George Road, Cave Junction, OR 97523, ing is an environmental scourge because it allows too many people to
saturating the thyroid gland with oral doses of potassium iodide pre- live and pushes out the tribes of hunter-gatherers.
vents the further uptake of iodide by that gland. This is particularly im- l The Commentary page of the journal Nature has come out in
portant to children, since they are especially susceptible to thyroid support of the Oakland, California tax-financed school program for
cancer induced by radioactive iodide. ebonics. (See Nature 386, p 321, 27 March 1997.) The Nature article
The only significant long-term radiation-induced disease docu- by G. K. Pullum prefers African American English, AAE to the
mented to date from the Chernobyl accident has been an increased in- term ebonics. Pullum treats us to a language lesson illustrating that
cidence of thyroid cancer in children living in the Ukraine. Few deaths the sentences You aint goin to no heaven and Couldnt nobody
have resulted because treatment is usually successful, but this is cer- say what colour he is are grammatically perfect in AAE.
tainly a condition that can and should be avoided. M. Balter states, er- Nature is published in England, home of Oxford and Cambridge
roneously, that the increase in thyroid cancer after Chernobyl was and setting for the musical My Fair Lady (which was derived from
many times higher than had been predicted. The 70 extra thyroid Pygmalion by Shaw). Poor Liza apparently had her grammar right.
cancer cases (see Access to Energy 22, No. 11, p 3 (1995)) seven years She was just unable to teach it to Professor Higgins.
after the accident (probably more by now) was not unexpected. Whether it is called ebonics or AAE, this new fad effectively pro-
Civil defense experts have warned for decades that potassium io- motes racist efforts to put black Americans in positions of ridicule and
dide and suitable instructions for its use should be stored for the protec- keep professional agitators permanently in business.
tion of the American people in case of nuclear accident, terrorism, or
war, but this has not been done. Instead, under the Clinton Administra- GOOD READING
tion, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, has now
completely ended all of its programs for nuclear preparedness. l The Low Pressure Paradigm by George Gilder, Gilder Tech-
At the present time, as a result of Clinton Administration actions, nology Report, April 1997, available from P. O. Box 660, Housatonic,
even the approximately 200,000 radiation survey meters and two mil- MA 01236, or by telephone at (888) 484-2727. Our individual worlds
lion radiation dosimeters that have been maintained for radiation meas- are all going to be changed dramatically by essentially free information
urement by Americans in case of nuclear emergency are being sent to transfer. This will be especially traumatic for schools and universities
landfills with the exception of those few that are being saved by pri- that depend upon an information monopoly which is rapidly disap-
vate civil defense groups and some state government workers. pearing. It could not happen to a more deserving group.
l Our Radiation Policy is a Hazard to Public Health by Theo-
SAN DIEGO dore Rockwell, The Scientist, p 9, March 3, 1997 and Atomic Split:
Data Recharge Debate on Low-Level Radiation Risk by Joby War-
Speaking to the June 13-15 meeting in San Diego will be Sallie rick, Washington Post, p A3, April 14, 1997. Low level radiation re-
Baliunas, Bernard Cohen, Jeff Cooper, Donald Derr, Michael Dowe, search including the rise of hormesis and the death of the no-threshold
Gordon Edwards, Lou Guzzo, Robert Jastrow, Martin Kamen, Cres- linear hypothesis is finally making its way into the popular press.
son Kearny, Bruce Kimball, Jane Orient, Stanford Penner, Myron Pol- When we see these facts discussed in the Readers Digest, the 50-year-
lycove, Art Robinson, Michael Sanera, Fredrick Seitz, Hans Sennholz, old antinuclear industry will be finished.
Edward Teller, and Robert Zubrin. See the past two issues of Access to l Media Wars: SSI Tactics by Jane Orient in Doctors for Dis-
Energy for more information about these presentations. aster Preparedness Newsletter 14, No. 2, pp 1-2 , March 1997, avail-
If this remarkable group of speakers is not inducement enough, San able from 2509 N. Campbell Ave., Box 272, Tucson, AZ 85719. This
Diego in June is an extraordinary place. Meeting registration including is a revealing look at a media manipulation update from the propa-
two lunches and the banquet dinner is a total of $95. Telephone DDP at ganda group that calls itself Union of Concerned Scientists. For exam-
(520) 325-2680 for registration and information concerning rooms at ple, they advise, Dont confuse them [reporters] with doubt. In other
the Bahia Hotel on Mission Bay where this conference is being held. words, dont talk like a scientist with caveats and error bars. Empha-
size the word consensus, and rehearse your sound bites.
STARK RAVING MAD l SOG. The Secret Wars of Americas Commandos in Vietnam by
John L. Plaster, Simon & Schuster (1997). This is a remarkable true
l Showdown at Gender Gap by Diane Ravitch, Forbes, p 68, account of American soldiers who operated entirely behind enemy
April 7, 1997, reports that the Center for Women Policy Studies in lines in Vietnam and provided crucial intelligence about enemy activi-
Washington, DC, has called for the College Board to eliminate all ties beneath the jungle canopy even though most of of their opera-
questions from the college entrance Scholastic Aptitude Math Test on tions for eight years were compromised by spies in Saigon.
which boys regularly do better than girls. Math scores for boys, even l Another Sure Bet on Earth Day by Julian Simon in The Wall
after the tests were dumbed down two years ago, are still averaging 35 Street Journal, p A22, April 22, 1997. Technology just keeps lowering
points higher than for girls. A majority of students entering and gradu- the real cost of natural resources, thereby turning Simons opponents
ating from college are, however, girls. Stephen Schneider and Paul Ehrlich into perpetual losers.
An example of a gender-biased question that should be elimi-
nated according to CWPS (Forbes gives several examples): ACCESS TO ENERGY
Pat made a total of 48 pottery plates and cups. If she made twice
as many plates as cups, how many plates did she make? On average, Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
12% more boys than girls gave the correct answer. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
As Ravitch suggests, Why stop at dumbing down the SAT? Why $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
not eliminate math altogether? Then we can be sure of equal results. $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
l Perhaps it is the boys who should complain. The Wall Street Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
Journal, p A16, January 30, 1997, quotes Nicholas von Hoffman, in 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
the New York Observer as saying that while between 1980 and 1995, of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JUNE 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 10) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Preserving Energy Technology

While it is much more enjoyable to write about the extension of by the College Board. High scores permit students to skip the corre-
technology into new frontiers, it is of even greater importance to pre- sponding college courses. When, however, Noah and his sister
serve the technology that we already possess. This is one of the pri- Arynne took AP tests at that high school this year, in some subjects
mary factors that has caused us to work for many years in advocacy they were the only students taking the test. Between the two of them,
of the building of a national civil and strategic defense. they took as many exams as all the other 2,000 students combined.
Reasonable estimates suggest that life in the United States after a Geniuses? No. The first two years of university instruction are
major nuclear war would be comparable to that in the late 1860s after now roughly equivalent to a good high school education in the United
the War Between the States in population density, technology, and States in the 1950s. Skipping all of those first two years indicates only
quality of life. Aside from the tragic loss of life, why should we allow that the student has obtained a reasonably good basic education.
the unscrupulous machinations of politicians, bureaucrats, and their About one-half million American families are now teaching their
elitist bosses, who have left America without any national strategic children at home. Though few of these parents have any training or
and civil defense whatsoever, to permit the destruction of the technol- experience in education and most of the texts they use are at public
ogy that has already been built by six generations of Americans? school grade levels, their children average in the 80th percentiles (see
Our unconscionable vulnerability to this threat not only worsens Access to Energy 24, No. 8 p 3) as compared with public school chil-
the damage in the event, it increases, through weakness, the prob- dren, who average 50th percentile (by definition). Moreover, black
ability of disaster, and it raises the probability that Americans can be and hispanic home school students are as high as white students,
blackmailed into giving up their national sovereignty and freedom. while in public schools these children average in the 20th percentiles.
There is, however, another danger to our technology that is much Public education (tax-financed socialism) has become the most
closer to our homes and more likely to destroy our way of life. widespread and devastating form of child abuse and racism in the
Yesterday, I attempted to order some rubber boots for my son United States. Moreover, people who have been cut off at the knees
Noah. He has outgrown his size 15s. The lady in charge of the store by public education are so mentally handicapped that they cannot be
explained that the markup would be 35% over wholesale for this spe- responsible custodians of the energy technology base or other ad-
cial order. With the aid of her calculator, she then informed me that, vanced accomplishments of our civilization. These ignorant people
since wholesale was $43, the price would be $78. vote, and their votes are beginning to destroy our way of life.
When I tried to tell her that she had made a mistake (suggested Can this problem be corrected? Yes. Can it be corrected by im-
retail was $60 and 135% of 43 is 58), she became agitated and told proving the public schools? No only by abolishing them. There are
me, What you dont understand is, is that the price is high cause over 2 million reasons (aside from the fact that socialism does not
youre wanting one pair. She had calculated a 35% markup by add- work) why public education cannot be improved two million edu-
ing $35 to the price. After more futile discussion, I went to another cation bureaucrats and educators who belong to the powerful teachers
store to order the boots. (There the salesman was unwilling to attempt unions. These people are firmly ensconced on the over-taxed backs of
to estimate the price at all.) the nations property owners and have no intention of changing.
The day earlier, a mother telephoned about the self-teaching as- (Surely there are some good and dedicated teachers in this group, but
pect of our curriculum. She said that she had graduated from college they have long since been overwhelmed by the others.)
with a degree in education, but had learned nothing. She found herself Now, this educational establishment and the federal Administra-
unable to help her 10-year-old son with his arithmetic. It was essential tion they did so much to elect propose Goals 2000, which will re-
that she find a school curriculum requiring no teacher help. quire that every worker in America have a license from the public
Recently, the chairman of a university chemistry department said schools a certificate of mastery for his particular occupation. He
to me, It is much worse than you realize. More than 90% of our may not be able to read, write, or do arithmetic, but he will have a
students cannot read a book with enough understanding to apply the license from the state and a thorough indoctrination in its propaganda.
knowledge in it in even simple ways. A few weeks earlier, a famous Regarding our Version 2.0 self-teaching home school curriculum,
professor of mathematics at a major university told me that the most we have been receiving over 50 letters and calls per day primarily
pressing educational problem is teaching the students to read. from poorly educated parents who desperately want something better
Two days ago, in a call about our curriculum, a mother told me for their children and who hope to learn along with their children.
that her public-schooled son was very brilliant, especially in math, so I know that most technologists think that elementary education is
he had been put in a special education, advanced class in mathemat- boring so did I. The effects of the current nationwide system of
ics. In this class, at the age of 14, he is just beginning to learn algebra. diseducation are, however, not boring. The resulting ignorance in our
The campus newspaper at a nearby high school with about 2,000 body politic diminishes our progress and threatens the technological
students recently carried an article in which the principal of ten years base upon which we stand. This cannot be allowed to continue.
listed, as one of his most important accomplishments, the expansion Free enterprise made possible our energy technology. Unless,
of AP courses at the school to specifically prepare the students for however, we return free enterprise to our educational system, social-
Advanced Placement exams. These are given once each year in May ism there will destroy all that we and our predecessors have built.

arctic Ice Sheet Collapse? by Charles R. Bentley, Science 275, pp

SEA LEVEL AND ANTARCTIC ICE 1077-1078 (1997). Ice that is already floating in the ocean or is below
sea level with drainage to the ocean cannot, of course, cause the sea
As global warming propaganda oozes out of government schools level to rise whether it melts or not as Petr Beckmann explained in
(remember the Statue of Liberty drowning in the Atlantic Ocean?) and Access to Energy years ago. There is, however, ice in Antarctica that
gushes from public radio, some scientists do have the courage to is above sea level and is not floating. Known as the West Antarctic ice
respond. An example is Rapid Sea-Level Rise Soon from West Ant- sheet, it rests on a bed on the Antarctic continent and melts continu-
ously at the bed-ice interface. Current melting, according to Bentley, ferent titles. One would predict that the markets would go up, and the
would be sufficient to raise sea level by 1 millimeter per year (about 4 other would predict that they would go down. After an appropriate in-
inches per century) were it not for the fact that snowfall adds about terval, the newsletter that turned out to be wrong could be closed and
the same amount of water each year to the top of the ice. Therefore, the other advertised on the basis of its track record.
there is no net addition of water to the ocean. Correcting for the ice For one person to do this would be, of course, unethical. The mar-
below sea level and assuming that snowfall remains the same, Ben- ket place, however, spawns a great many such oppositely predicting
tley estimates that this melting would have to increase by about six- sources of information. Many of the advertised successful track re-
fold to cause a rapid rise in sea level. cords are no more than those that chance has favored.
He estimates that there is enough such ice in Antarctica to raise [While we are on the subject of commodities, I will mention one
world ocean levels by about 20 feet if it were all melted. At present, unethical, probably illegal, and virtually certain-to-succeed method of
there is no net melting at all, but this does not impress the global warm- trading. Simply have a friend at a large brokerage house compile a list
ers who wail that future warming will cause it all to melt. That hypo- of current trades by small, amateur traders who work at occupations
thetical future is, however, much more distant than they claim. other than trading for a living and then trade the opposite direction
Bentley points out that it would require thousands of years for from this compilation. This group, averaged together over time, always
warming at the ice surface to penetrate the greatly insulating ice mass loses. All large brokerages have this information in their computers,
and raise the temperature at the bottom, which is the only place that but none would take advantage of it now, would they?]
melting can occur. Even if global warming should eventually happen Stanfords Stephen Schneider, who gained fame as a global cooler
(it has not been observed and may never occur), humanity would have and now is in the forefront of the global warmers, is well hedged.
thousands of years to adjust coastal installations to sea level rise. Green & Gold 7, p3, available from P. O. Box 74416, Lynnwood
There remains the theoretical possibility that sea water could run Ridge, Pretoria, 0040, South Africa, quotes Schneider as warning in
under the ice mass or that the ice could slip off into the sea. Based upon Science, July 9, 1971, that we may be close to triggering an ice age. His
geological records, Bentley estimates the chance of this at about once colleague Lowell Ponte is quoted as writing in 1976, The cooling has
every 100,000 years and points out that, since the thickness of the ice already killed hundreds of thousands of people in poor nations .... if it
insulates it from surface effects, such an event would be entirely of continues and no strong measures are taken to deal with it, the cooling
geologic origins and could not be affected by human activities. will cause world famine, world chaos, and probably World War, and
At its ocean interface, the expulsion of Antarctic water and ice into this could all come by the year 2000. Global warming is faltering, but
the ocean is continually changing in location and character but not in global cooling may once again become a growth industry.
extent. According to Bentley, measurements demonstrate that the total Figure 1, from Ecologic pp 1 & 5, March/April 1997, available
outflow has been approximately constant for 1,500 years and that there from P. O. Box 191, Hollow Rock, TN 38342, gives the infrared satel-
has been no drastic change for 30,000 years. This outflow is balanced lite temperature data for the lower atmospheric troposphere updated to
by snowfall, and there is no evidence of any recent net addition of 1997. Ecologic quotes Robert Balling, Director of the Office of Cli-
water to the ocean. (See Bentley article and its included references.) matology at Arizona State University, as saying that the most recent
This month, I was required to drive two, 12-hour round trips to satellite measurements of global temperature are among the most inter-
Portland, Oregon, and pay about 5-fold more than necessary to have esting in the 19-year history of the record. These measurements show
one low temperature laboratory freezer repaired thanks to the ozone that January 1997 was the coldest January ever measured by the satel-
scam. Local refrigeration people were afraid to fix it because they lite system. You, of course, did not hear about these measurements on
lacked special freon handling equipment now required by federal law. the evening news. Had January 1997 been the warmest month, this
If the Clinton-Gore Administration gets the international global would have been reported as a major crisis. Since global temperatures
warming treaty that they advocate, the next time this freezer requires fluctuate up and down as a result of natural processes, there will always
repair we may have to take it to Portland with a horse and wagon be recent data for at least one doomsday scenario.
unless we can afford to buy carbon credits from the United Nations. After half a century of substantial human release of carbon from
Actually, this is unlikely. The freezer will never wear out after the coal, oil, and natural gas, and a very large increase in atmospheric carb-
treaty shuts down the coal-fired power plants that supply its electricity. on dioxide levels (not necessarily cause and effect), the temperature of
the atmosphere shows no measurable significant net warming except
FREEZING IN THE DARK for the period of time preceding most of the carbon dioxide release.
Mankind does, in fact, face a highly probable and catastrophic man-
During the years that Laurelee and I supported ourselves and our made environmental crisis of enormous proportions. This crisis does
work by trading commodities, I sometimes thought about starting a fi- not arise from global warming. It arises from the false propaganda
nancial newsletter. A possibility was to start two newsletters under dif- about global warming that is being used to justify a mad, international
plunge into global controls on carbon release.
Most intellectuals, scientists, and successful technologists are not
alarmed by this possibility. They currently live at the economic apex of
society and assume that they will be able to afford power at any cost.
They are also not alarmed by the DDT ban that permits 2 million an-
nual deaths and 100 million new cases of malaria each year in the third
world or by the plight of the family in Grants Pass, Oregon, who were
forced to turn off their wood stove during below freezing weather and
fined because they had used it on a no burn day.
Individual fortunes also fluctuate, however. Today, one may have
plenty of money and a good position. Tomorrow, during a new age of
global carbon controls, anyone could find himself and his family
among the less fortunate members of society freezing in the dark.


Gas Pumps Ring Up Environmental Costs in The Wall Street
Journal, p A19, May 7, 1996, reported that increasing environmental
rules and regulations drove 130 U. S. oil refineries out of operation
between 1981 and 1996, with 33 going under after 1988. In 1995 there
remained only 162 operating oil refineries in the United States. Im- NUCLEAR POWER IMPROVEMENTS
proved efficiency from new hydrocarbon cracking technology has
managed to keep American refinery output about constant since 1988. Nuclear Issues 19, No. 4, pp 1-2, April 1997, available from 8 Ru-
Regulatory costs of operating a refinery are 25% lower in Western vigny Mansions, Embankment, Putney, London SW15 1LE, summa-
Europe and Canada and almost zero in much of the developing world. rizes a report by the World Association of Nuclear Operators about
Is it not wonderful! They refine our oil in exchange for printing press performance indicators of the 436 operating nuclear power plants.
money and in admiration of our environmental superiority. Since 1990, the fraction of maximum energy the plants are capable
of supplying to the electrical grid has risen 10%; collective radiation
exposure has dropped 30%; accidents resulting in one or more days
away from work have dropped 60%; and annual volume of radioactive
Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun .... (Mad waste has dropped 50%.
Dogs and Englishmen by Noel Coward), but most people do not think Nuclear Issues in the same issue on page 4 summarizes the 1996
about the fact that it is warmer when the sun shines and that most natu- International Atomic Energy Agency report of nuclear power plants
ral phenomena fluctuate. Two people who do are Sallie Baliunas and subdivided by country, capacity, operating experience, and percentage
Willie Soon, as evidenced by their article The Sun Climate Connec- of total electric power supplied. In percentages, Lithuania leads with
tion in Sky & Telescope, December 1996, and their research. 83.4%. Among large producers, France is still overwhelmingly domi-
Figure 2, adapted from their publications, illustrates the close corre- nant with 76.1% of its electricity supplied by nuclear power.
In 1996, France produced 378.2 TWh(e) of electricity from nuclear
power. The only country producing more was the United States, which
made 674.8 TWh(e). Others over 100 TWh(e) were Japan at 287.0,
Germany at 152.8, and Russia at 108.8.
As nuclear power generation expands worldwide, especially in
Asia, not all of the news is good. American nuclear power develop-
ment remains stalled and hopefully will be able to tread water until we
are rid of the Clinton Administration. In Sweden (See Nuclear Issues
19, No. 2, pp 1-3 (1997)), voters approved a measure freezing con-
struction of new nuclear power plants, but the envirocrats in the Swed-
ish government are interpreting this to mean that they are authorized to
close the 12 plants now operating and currently generating 52.4 % of
Swedens electric power. It is to be hoped that cooler heads will prevail
before these people go too far.
Russia reports that electricity from nuclear power is costing about
Figure 2 one-half of that generated from coal, oil, and natural gas. This is, of
course, the reason that the worlds rapidly developing economies are
enthusiastically installing more nuclear power plants.
American politicians and bureaucrats expect to continue to con-
lation between changes in the surface temperature of the Earths sume the technological accomplishments of prior generations while
Northern Hemisphere and variations in the Suns magnetic activity. not allowing sensible installation of the best new technology. In dec-
(The smooth line is the solar magnetic cycle length. The rough line is ades to come, we will then hear even greater calls for trade barriers so
the Earth temperature deviation from its mean.) This correlation has that Americans can live in their own internally produced dark age,
been extended to the 11th century by means of measurements of carb- while the rest of the world moves forward. Already worldwide compe-
on 14 and beryllium 10 in ancient trees and ice cores in comparison tition is lowering the real wages of American workers who are over-
with recorded historical events. Increased solar activity is associated taxed, over-regulated, and often work with obsolete machinery
with strong magnetic fields that deflect cosmic rays away from the because needed replacement capital has been seized by government.
earth and thereby reduce production of these isotopes. Energy is the currency of technological progress. The May 9, 1997
Moreover, Baliunas and Soon and their colleagues and predeces- information release by Business Communications Company, 25 Van
sors have made measurements of magnetism and brightness fluctua- Zant Street, Norwalk, CT 06855, gives as the projected annual in-
tions of other stars similar to our sun. These measurements show that creases in electric power generating capacity during the next decade:
the suns fluctuations are not unusual among stars of its type. They North America - 1.1%, Central and South America - 3.6%, Western
conclude that solar-brightness variations can explain most of the past Europe - 1.9%, Eastern Europe - 1.0%, Middle East - 5.5%, Africa -
record of terrestrial global temperature fluctuations. 4.2%, Far East and Oceania - 6.9%. They point out that the United
So, the sun changes in brightness by about one-half of one percent, States is strong in energy research and development that it can sell to
and our global betters use this as an excuse to turn our power off. these markets. The ultimate bottom line, however, is that he who has
The pseudoenvironmentalists ask that we make gods of men nota- the electricity can support the industry to do and make things of value.
bly of themselves as leaders of the new world order. Alas, it is turning
out that the sun (and not men) is setting the temperature of the Earth. INTERACTIVE PROPAGANDA
They are hedged, however, by their insistence that we also worship
plants and animals and mother gaia. From there it is only a short step Access to Energy has called recycling (except for that which arises
further to worship of the sun god under their guidance. spontaneously in the free market such as for silver and copper) inter-
The Aztecs worshiped the sun god. One of their religious dogmas active propaganda. Every salesman knows that a sale is more likely if
required that a stone at the top of their worship pyramid be kept con- the customer can be convinced to do something with his own hands for
tinually wet with human blood as desired by the sun god. Pseudoenvi- or with the salesman. Forced recycling never made sense and, in many
ronmental laws and regulations are already killing enough human cases, was counterproductive as in paper recycling which raises pa-
beings worldwide to supply materials for the maintenance of many per costs while diminishing forest quality by undermining the market
such pyramids. (In a required course for chemistry majors at Oregon for scrub trees that need to be removed. Recycling has primarily been a
State University, my son Zachary is learning that the Aztecs and contrived tool whereby the enviro industry gets Americans to mind-
their quaint customs were far superior to present day Americans.) lessly participate in an enviro project thereby diminishing resistance
to other items on the pseudoenvironmentalist agenda. l The Enemy Within: The High Costs of Living Near Nuclear Re-
Finally, word even came to The New York Times see Recycling actors by Jay M. Gould, reviewed by Dade W. Moeller, Priorities 9,
is Garbage by John Tierney, The New York Times Magazine, June No. 1, pp 32-34, (see source below) states that low-level radiation has
30, 1996. Then New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani declared recy- made bacteria resistant to antibiotics; mutated the spirochete re-
cling is not a religion (New York Times, July 3, 1996 Giuliani sponsible for Lyme disease; is responsible for AIDS; has increased the
Assails Recycling Goals in Law). He was wrong. A religion is just incidence of breast cancer, prostate cancer, pneumonia, and blood poi-
exactly what the enviros want recycling to be. At that point, it was soning; and has caused a decrease in infant birth weights, a decrease in
costing New York City taxpayers $50 million to $100 million annually SAT scores, and an alarming decline in the number of species in
to recycle 14% of their garbage, not counting household labor. tropical rain forests.
Now, Recycling Craze Litters Nation With Failing Programs by There is, of course, not a shred of evidence in support of any of
David Rothbard and Craig Rucker, Citizen Outlook 12, No. 2, pp 1-3, these claims. Goulds purpose is to induce fear in people who are not
available from CFACT, P. O. Box 65722, Washington, DC 20035 wise enough or well-trained enough to require evidence. Tax-financed
(read also Our Stolen Future: A Reckless Use of the Precautionary schools are doing their best to provide him with such people.
Principle by Elizabeth M. Whelan in this same issue), reports that l The Pennsylvania Landowner, April 1997, reprinted an article
New Yorks experience has been repeated across the country. City af- from Liberty Matters News Service, January 13, 1997 (information
ter city and several states with ambitious recycling plans are coming to available at (518) 725-1900) reporting that both parents of a New York
the conclusion that recycling wastes resources rather than saving them. family have been sentenced to 6 months in prison and a $136,000 fine
One estimate puts the U. S. loss at about $4 billion per year. by acting State Supreme Court Judge David F. Jung in Essex County,
The enviros, of course, are using the courts to damage landfill and NY. They were caught with a leaky septic tank system.
incineration projects and to force state and local governments to mas-
sively subsidize recycling not to preserve the Earths resources, but GOOD READING
to preserve their own power and propaganda campaigns.
The free market very efficiently recycles everything that is eco- l Poisons of the Mind by Jon Franklin, Priorities 9, No. 1, pp
nomically sensible, while the huge enviro recycling programs waste 10-23 (1997), available from ACSH, 1995 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New
resources. If they were not wasteful, tax subsidies and competition- York, NY 10023-5860. Reprinted from an address by two-time Pulit-
limiting regulations would not be required to keep them in business. zer Prize winner Jon Franklin to the American Society of Animal Sci-
ence, this essay is an extraordinarily effective indictment of the
FEWER ELECTRIC CARS pseudoenvironmentalist industry and their allies in the media. Be cer-
tain to read this and to obtain a copy from ACSH for circulation to
Electric Vehicle Today, March 13, 1997, available from 119 South others. Many articles contain more facts and figures, but Franklins tal-
Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, reports that deliveries of the ent makes this an extraordinarily convincing article.
General Motors EV1 electric vehicle marketed by Saturn Corporation l Early Warning Report by Richard Maybury, May 1997, p 1,
are declining. Only 155 of these vehicles have been leased in three available from Henry Madison Research, P. O. Box 84908, Phoenix,
months and deliveries last month dropped to 31, leaving GM with a AZ 85071. Maybury states that Civilization grows from two funda-
240-day supply. The lease price is $480 to $640 per month and, al- mental laws: (1) Do all that you have agreed to do and (2) Do not en-
though the specifications claim that the range between rechargings is croach on other persons or their property. He has a remarkable ability
70 miles, some customers report that it is actually about 45 miles. to predict world events based upon analyzing the stability of nations
Electric cars will be fine when engineering advances make them with respect to their adherence to and enforcement of these two laws.
practical. Until then, they will continue to be hobby toys and wasteful l A Bridge Back to Liberty, The New American, pp 21-27,
sinks for taxpayer subsidized studies and demonstration projects. April (1997) reprints an excellent address to Congress by Congress-
man Ron Paul M.D. This is the sort of Congressional debate that could
PLENTIFUL HYDROCARBON SUPPLIES repair the American government.
l Why Do We Americans Submit to This?, available from New-
Flawed Reasoning About Oil and Gas by M. B. Dusseault, Na- comb Publishers, 1307 Dolley Madison Blvd., Room 203, McLean,
ture 386, p 12 (1997), reviews facts about world supplies of oil and VA 22101, is a collection of articles by Dr. Susan Huck that have been
natural gas and points out that these supplies are not inherently fixed or previously published in Conservative Review between 1990 and 1997.
limited with respect to human use. These are excellent articles on a wide variety of subjects.
He concludes that limitations on oil use are therefore more logi- l Kasparovs Brain, an editorial in The Wall Street Journal, p
cally related to environmental issues such as global warming and urban A22, May 13, 1997, is a very well-written tribute both to the genius of
pollution; resource limits do not, for practical purposes, exist. Oil Garry Kasparov and to the advance of human technology. It also
shortages are actually short-term shortfalls in cheap conventional crude places these remarkable achievements in perspective to one another
oil supplies, and have little to do with the actual long-term hydrocar- and with respect to the climate of medieval spookiness about science
bon supplies. and technology. In this country, it destroyed the nuclear power indus-
Just as with nuclear power, our potential limitations with respect to try and turns courtrooms into cauldrons of scientific superstition;
hydrocarbon supplies are measured by how much the ignorance of our across Europe people cower at the hobgoblin of bioengineered foods.
fellow citizens can be exploited by antitechnologists and not by real l An Effective Antimissile Strategy by Senator Jon Kyl in The
physical aspects of supply. Wall Street Journal, p A14, May 22, 1997 concerning immediately de-
ployable defenses and the need to abolish the outdated ABM treaty.
l In Cancer Risk of Low-Level Exposure, Science 271, p 1821
(1996), Marvin Goldman points out that current government-utilized Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
cancer risk analysis leads to the conclusion that a 1-inch lift to shoes Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
would result in 1,500 deaths from cancer worldwide over the next 50 $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
years. The no-threshold linear hypothesis now in use by our enviro- for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
crats makes no allowance for radiation hormesis at low radiation lev- Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
els. Therefore, since cosmic ray dose doubles for every 6,000 feet in 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
altitude, even one inch has this predictable and ridiculous result. of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JULY 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 11) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Socialized Hypocrisy
Many years ago, when sex education was first being introduced prohibition of alcohol taught our government a memorable lesson
into the socialized schools, there was a joke going around to the effect about the futility of laws against a widely popular vice. This does not
that this might help reduce the rate of population increase. If the gov- mean that government should be in the cigarette business.
ernment taught these classes with the same effectiveness that it taught The long-standing hypocrisy of tax-financed agricultural subsidies
other subjects, the students would be unable to reproduce. to tobacco growers was bad enough. This was offset, we were told,
Well, the birth rate in America is now below replacement rate, but by heavy taxes on cigarettes, which were justified as discouraging
we hesitate to attribute this to tax-financed education. School-based consumption. Now, as ably exposed in A Tobacco Settlement in
destruction of the beauty of sexual awakening within marriage has The Wall Street Journal, June 23, 1997, p A14, the actual nature of
helped to weaken American families and has contributed substan- the partnership between government and tobacco is more apparent.
tially to the soaring rate of sexually transmitted diseases both tend- The laws of economics being beyond government control, it had
ing to reduce births. On the other hand, non-family births have greatly become clear that further large increases in cigarette taxes really
increased, so sex-ed may have accomplished nothing more than a would reduce consumption, to the detriment of both the tobacco com-
diminution of American moral standards and quality of life. panies and the tax collectors. Moreover, class action lawyers were be-
The unabashed and rapid expansion of government financial inter- ginning to horn in on the entire enterprise. (I do not intend to express
ests in the promotion of general vice, however, has been astonishing support for lawsuits brought by people who knowingly harm them-
indeed. We are wondering when mobsters will start publishing news- selves, but that is another issue.) This has threatened to split the take
letters complaining about socialism and the destruction of free enter- from the cigarette businesses with an additional mob.
prise in their chosen fields of expertise. Therefore, for the past year or so we have been treated to the sof-
Throughout America until quite recently the citizenry was pro- tening-up phase of a new protection racket. First, the Clinton Admini-
tected by strict laws against gambling a vice that our government stration threatened tobacco companies with draconian controls that
betters told us was destructive of individual, family, and societal would be damaging to their businesses. Second, government courts
moral fiber. (Gambling was also engaged in occasionally and without permitted more progress in gigantic class action lawsuits against to-
great ill effects by a large percentage of our most conservative citi- bacco companies. There were white hats for everyone the Food and
zens.) Now, of course, government is in the gambling business. Drug bureaucrats, the politicians, the courts, the lawyers, and the
Not content with their take from taxes on horse track betting and press all of whom claimed the high ground against the evil, black-
Nevada casinos and their occasional sanctimonious raids on unap- hatted cigarette producers. Now that the marks (partners) have been
proved bingo games, our governments have plunged enthusiastically sufficiently softened up, we are seeing the protection deal.
into the lottery business and encouraged proliferation of casinos Tobacco companies are agreeing to pay a substantial share of their
throughout the land - casinos that pay large sums of protection money profits (hundreds of billions of dollars over future years) to govern-
to government. Who among us has not experienced an uplifting sense ment bureaucrats and politicians in return for guarantees that they will
of pride as he waits in line at the grocery store behind a strong, able- not be mugged by class action suits in government courts or by busi-
bodied American who first pays for his groceries with food stamps ness-destroying government regulations. Class action suits and puni-
and then buys his daily allotment of lottery tickets with cash? tive damages will be prohibited in cigarette litigation but will be
This is, of course, understandable. Those who work hard are fined permitted for other products, including medicines and toys.
by high taxes, which are needed to pay rewards to those who prefer In essence, the government is going into the cigarette business. A
not to work. Idleness, however, creates boredom. So, government bu- transparent veil of justification has been manufactured by claiming
reaucrats come to the rescue with unemployment forms and lottery that governments need this money to pay for the increased costs of
tickets to help fill the empty moments between TV commercials. illness due to cigarette smoking. As The Wall Street Journal points
Government involvement in the gambling industry pales, how- out, however, tobacco-related deaths probably cost less, not more.
ever, in comparison with the new partnership it is now forging with Everyone suffers one terminal disease. Tobacco users tend to die
the cigarette industry. sooner and more quickly with fewer overall medical expenditures and
The epidemiological science here has been well-established since also less burden to the old-age pension systems.
the 1960s. Each pack of cigarettes habitually smoked per day dimin- How do the stockholders of cigarette companies feel about shared
ishes life expectancy about 8 years. A two-pack-per-day smoker can ownership with government? Well, in response to the expected
expect to live, on average, 16 fewer years than a nonsmoker. The bio- deal, stock prices of cigarette companies have sharply increased.
chemistry of this phenomenon is still not completely understood, but As the endless struggle between freedom and tyranny free enter-
the effect is unequivocal. Smokers age more rapidly and die sooner prise and socialism continues, it is disconcerting to notice the busi-
from the degenerative diseases of aging. Increased probability of lung nesses that our governments have chosen to enter in their pursuit of
cancer is only one of the ill effects. the public welfare alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and protection.
Outlawing cigarette smoking is held to be an unacceptable en- Perhaps prostitution will be next after a few more years of prepara-
croachment upon human freedom. I agree. In any case, attempted tory work in sex-ed classes and school-based health clinics.

use during the coming centuries and the amount of energy he expects
FUTURE ENERGY SOURCES to be required during the 21st century. (See also Energy, Vol 1: De-
mands, Resources, Impact, Technology, and Policy, S. S. Penner and
In his June 14 presentation to the San Diego conference (audio L. Icerman, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1981.) Dr. Penner gives
tapes available from DDP, 2509 N. Campbell Ave. #272, Tucson, AZ 1995 commercial worldwide energy use as 4 x 1027 ergs/year and sta-
85719 - telephone (520) 325-2680), Professor S. S. Penner quantita- bilized demand in the next century, assuming a world population of
tively summarized the known sources of energy available for human 10 billion, as 2 x 1028 ergs/year a fivefold increase over 1995.
Normalizing, therefore, to a worldwide human requirement for 2 x prices would turn on solar sources such as the burning of renewable
1028 ergs/year and assuming all of the worlds energy is produced biomass and the use of solar collectors.
from the single tabulated source (for simplicity he does not predict Energy needs for the projected 10 billion people can obviously be
this), his estimates of nonrenewable known reserves (worldwide ex- met. To help visualize this number of people, consider that 10 billion is
cept where noted) for energy production can be given as: one person per 700 square feet of Texas or, divided into families of
1. Deuterium fusion 5 billion years four, a 2,800 square foot, two-story home for each family if the
2. Breeder reactors (including thorium and U-233) 20,000 years homes covered half of the surface area of Texas and housed all 10 bil-
3. Coal, oil (including shale and tar), and natural gas 1,000 years lion people. Alternatively, each four-person family could occupy a
4. Water-moderated uranium fission reactors 100 years 3,200 square foot, two-story home with those homes covering five per-
5. Fusion from Lithium 6 100 years cent of the area of the United States or one house per 1.5 acres. If they
6. United States coal, oil, and natural gas 50 years were housed in cities, the United States alone could accommodate all
7. Hydrothermal to 6 miles depth (partially renewable) 20 years 10 billion people with less than one percent of its land devoted to hous-
8. United States water-moderated uranium fission 10 years ing and much of the rest devoted to very high intensity agriculture.
9. Hydrothermal to 2 miles depth 4 years One acre of Iowa farm land currently produces enough grain to feed
For renewable energy sources, his estimates expressed as excess of about 15 urban adults, while a typical acre of Great Plains wheat land
available energy over 2 x 1028 ergs/year can be given as: provides for about 5 such adults. If 10 adults are fed per acre, then de-
1. Solar at the boundary of the earths atmosphere 2,500 fold voting one percent of the United States to housing and half of the re-
2. Wind energy 1,000 fold maining land to agriculture would accommodate 10 billion people.
3. Geothermal (flow of heat from earths core) 0.4 fold The United States covers 6% of the land on the earth, so spreading
4. Hydroelectric 0.05 fold these 10 billion people out over earth and allowing them all to live as
5. Tidal energy 0.05 fold families of four in suburban 3,200 square foot two-story homes re-
The amount of energy from each source that will actually be used de- quires 0.3% of the land for housing and 3% for intensive agriculture
pends, of course, upon marginal cost and place utility, measures of the (or about 15% if half of their food is grain and the other half beef). This
values of the specific cost and location of each increment of energy. is one family of four and one luxurious home per 13 acres.
These sorts of considerations lead to the conclusion that energy in the Now, of course, not all 13-acre plots are as lush and livable as those
21st century will be generated from a mixture of sources. in Southern Oregon, so, setting aside 60% of the earth as wilderness,
Obviously, energy from nuclear fusion and energy from solar radia- each family still gets 5 acres the generally preferred amount for rural
tion (directly or indirectly) are appealing from the point of view of es- retired families in Southern Oregon.
sentially limitless supply. This appeal is, however, only a theoretical Moreover, the natural beauty of the earth is increasing rapidly as
advantage until they can be supplied at economically competitive coal, oil, and natural gas are turned into plants and animals through
prices. An age of low-cost energy from fusion for large industrial carbon release as carbon dioxide. Even at current release rates (an or-
needs and solar panels on the roofs of homes for personal requirements der of magnitude below those required to exhaust world hydrocarbon
may be just ahead or it may lie in the distant future, depending upon supplies in 1,000 years), it is estimated that the plant and animal popu-
the speed with which the relevant technological problems are solved. lations of the earth will double during the next century (see Access to
The free market, if it is allowed to operate, will take care of this. Energy, 21, No. 3, pp 2-3 (1993)). Bruce Kimballs presentation in San
In the meantime, these estimates are reason for great optimism with Diego showed the enormous impact that rising carbon dioxide levels
regard to the centuries immediately ahead. Coal, oil, and natural gas will have upon the productivity of agricultural crops alone.
technologies are well-developed, and hydrocarbon fuels are clearly The 10 billion people of the 21st century could have essentially un-
abundant in supply. There is adequate fuel for fission reactors for the limited energy, a vast, increasingly beautiful planet upon which to live,
near future, which gives plenty of time to bring in breeder reactors be- and the technology to make their lives wonderful indeed with no re-
fore uranium supplies are limiting. source or technology limitations on the bequest of these blessings to
Overall, it is obvious from these numbers that the human race has their descendants for centuries and millennia in the future.
an abundance of available energy from a great variety of sources, History teaches, however, that the political machinations of human
which will last far into the distant future. After that, new energy governments often cause terrible deprivations and suffering for great
sources will be available. Energy is the currency of technological pro- numbers of people regardless of circumstances. Fortunately, with
gress, and we have all that we will need for the relevant future. many sovereign nation states, it is unlikely that all will err at once. This
This is, of course, the root cause of current political maneuvers. is one compelling reason to oppose world government.
During the 1970s, the antitechnology population controllers attempted As an ignorant, self-serving elite continues to immobilize Ameri-
to convince uninformed people that there was an energy crisis and cans in a tar baby composed of antinuclear, global warming, antitech-
that industialization and energy use should be curtailed to save the rap- nology, antiscience, antidefense, and prosocialist myths, other nations
idly dwindling supplies. This campaign was made possible by tempo- are adopting and extending our technology for the betterment of their
rary, politically caused dislocations in petroleum supplies. people. In Senators Warn Global-Warming Pact Is At Risk if Devel-
During the energy crisis, the usual collection of enviros, aca- oping Nations Dont Act, The Wall Street Journal, p A20, June 20
demics, and trust-and-parrot media outlets wailed the baleful message (1997), it is reported that Timothy Wirth, the Clinton Administration
that mankind had created his own end by profligately wasting the pre- undersecretary of state for global affairs, was questioned about plans to
cious reserves of Planet Earth. Free-market forces spoiled their party, limit hydrocarbon use in the United States while projections of Asian
however, as energy prices dropped and their constituents in the public economies do not include restrictions and predict far more total use
gradually became aware that the crisis had passed. than the United States. His reply? Wirth said that China eventually
The reserves listed above are not, of course, all immediately avail- would decide that such controls would be in its self interest to help
able at a low price. It is unlikely that humans will ever extract all of the curb rising sea levels and rising temperatures that dry up farm land.
solar energy colliding with the earth, fuse every last deuterium atom in Since there is not a shred of credible scientific evidence that human
the oceans, or extract even the most inaccessible hydrocarbon reserves. hydrocarbon use will lead to significantly increased sea levels or dried
(The reservoir of known reserves continues to rise, and hydrocarbons up farm land, this is nonsense. Chinas primary national interest in the
can also be synthesized using energy from other sources.) Global-Warming Pact is in the severe crippling effect that it would
In any case, fission and breeder reactor technology is already with have upon the economic productivity of Chinas competitors. If the
us as is hydrocarbon technology. Moreover, on these time scales, it is Clinton-Gore-Wirth sleaze trio manages to cut Americans off at the
clear that solar energy can be captured when needed. Should humans knees with this treaty, it is the American people who will suffer while
begin to exhaust their nuclear and hydrocarbon reserves, higher energy Asian people thrive.
able from the same address. These publications by Patrick J. Michaels
DISHONESTY IN SCIENCE and his colleagues are excellent.
Santers finding of a strong positive correlation between tempera-
With the rapid decay in moral values in our society, it is not surpris- ture and time in the Southern Hemisphere troposphere between 30
ing that this has spread to science. The advent of big-time, tax-financed and 60 S latitude (a region where confounding atmospheric influences
science during the past 50 years has served to sharply accelerate this are less, so that greenhouse gas warming might be expected to be more
trend by filling the ranks of scientists with legions of people whose easily and accurately observed) played a substantial role in the delib-
abilities and ethical standards are not compatible with this subject. erations of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Consider Richard Feynmans statement that a scientists highest Change, IPCC, which has been influential in the push for treaties plac-
obligation is to prove himself wrong against the backdrop of tax-fi- ing global controls on hydrocarbon use. The solid points inside the
nanced schools and universities in which cheating, lying, stealing and oval in Figure 1 are those reported by Santer, et al.
generally immoral behavior are practiced by a large proportion of the The open circles in Figure 1 are those added by Michaels and
students and faculty. We have descended so far that polls show that a Knappenberger, who looked up the rest of the data. Since Santers pa-
majority of those who per was published in
voted for the current 1996 and was used
President of the United prior to publication to
States and approve of influence the IPCC re-
his performance do not port, there can be little
believe that he is an doubt that he and his
honest man. co-authors deliberately
Still, raw dishon- omitted data points to
esty in the reporting of create the trend that
scientific results is they reported.
shocking. It is impor- It is inconceivable
tant not to lose our in- that even the most in-
dividual moral sense of competent scientist,
outrage at this sort of finding such a pro-
behavior. nounced trend to sup-
My first experience port his hypothesis in
with this was in 1979 the data between 1963
when Linus Pauling at- and 1987, would not,
tempted to publish, un- when writing in 1995
der his own name, Figure 1 (published in 1996),
research that I had car- look at the data be-
ried out. Linus wanted tween 1987 and 1995
to advertise the finding that very large doses of Vitamin C (near lethal) to see if the trend continued. These data do not support the hypothesis.
decreased the rate of growth of cancer in mice, but he did not want to So, Santer clearly faked the result, circulated it during IPCC pro-
report that the same experiments showed that Vitamin C at ordinary ceedings in order to influence world global climate policy, and later
doses increased the rate of cancer growth. So, he plotted the data with a published in Nature. Michaels and Knappenberger caught him, but
distorted horizontal axis that pushed the offending points so close to their paper was published several months after his long after the cor-
the origin that the reader would not notice them. rection could undo the bias introduced by Santer into the IPCC report.
When this was revealed, the Proceedings of the National Academy If a graduate student in science tried to pull a stunt like this, even
of Sciences rejected his paper (although he managed to publish part of once, he should be dismissed from graduate school and denied a de-
it later in the proceedings of an unrefereed Brazilian symposium). gree. Had an undergraduate at Caltech when I was there in the early
Even so, Linus put in all of the data. He just arranged his graph so that 1960s taken an action equivalent to this, the governing body of the stu-
part of it would be effectively concealed. dent honor system would have recommended to the Dean that he be
My next experience was in 1992 regarding an endangered species expelled from Caltech, and the Dean would have immediately expelled
filing through which several large enviro organizations attempted to him. The proper response to Santer and those of his co-authors respon-
seize control of Southern Oregon farms, logging, and mining by alleg- sible for this lie is dismissal with prejudice from their professional po-
ing harm to Steelhead fish in the streams and rivers. sitions. They should never be permitted to work in science again.
The centerpiece of this filing was a claimed correlation between the Ah, but this is a new age. Santer will probably continue to wheel
amount of logging and the number of Steelhead in the streams. This and deal in environmental science and spend your tax dollars for his
correlation had a strong statistical significance. When, however, I scientific work. Worse, he has done and will continue to do damage
looked at the original data, I found that about half of the available data to billions of people whose lives may be seriously harmed by mis-
had simply been left out of the calculation. When all of the data were guided global climate policies.
considered, the correlation disappeared. A similar attempt was made The Wall Street Journal, June 19, 1997, reported on page 1 that
with stream flow data in order to implicate farmers. There too, when all More than 2,400 scientists urged Clinton to take early domestic ac-
of the data were considered, there was no correlation at all. tion to reduce carbon dioxide and other pollutants that cause global
Most recent, however, is the remarkable case illustrated in Figure 1 warming. A Harvard professor said the statement shows unusual
and displayed by Dr. Sallie Baliunas during her presentation in San Di- agreement that scientific questions surrounding the issue have been
ego. The relevant literature references are: A Search for Human In- largely resolved and that quick government action is needed. That is
fluences on the Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere, by Santer, B. the entire article not even a reference. Carbon dioxide is not a pollut-
D., et al, Nature 382, pp 39-45 (1996); Human Effect on Global Cli- ant; it has not been shown to cause global warming; and there are sev-
mate? by Michaels, P. J. and Knappenberger, P. C., Nature 384, pp eral hundred thousand scientists in the United States alone. The 2,400
522-523 (1996); and Human Effect on Global Climate by Santer, is less than 1% (and probably most of the 2,400 are simply trusting and
B. D., et al, Nature 384, p 524 (1996). See also World Climate Report parroting the IPCC report). Moreover, truth is not determined by polls.
1, No. 21 and 2, No.1 available from P. O. Box 455, Ivy, VA 22945, There is no room for dishonesty in science - none. A discipline that
telephone (703) 907-6160, and State of the Climate Report 1997, avail- tolerates dishonesty is not a science at all. It is beneath contempt.
worship, and government worship taught throughout our schools and
REGULATORY GENOCIDE universities and reinforced by incessant media propaganda. Why not
astrology? These madnesses have taken over other notable civiliza-
The Human Costs of EPA Standards by Wendy L. Gramm and tions in human history with uniformly catastrophic results.
Susan E. Dudley in The Wall Street Journal, p A18, June 9, 1997, re- l Boys Used to be Boys, But Do Some Now See Boyhood as a
ports that the Environmental Protection Agencys own analysis shows Malady? by G. Pascal Zachary one page 1 of The Wall Street Jour-
the new EPA ozone regulations will cost more than the economic nal, May 2, 1997, reports that 5.4 million American children were
value of the benefits. Moreover, human deaths caused by the regula- classified as disabled in 1995. Of these, Attention Deficit Disorder,
tions exceed human lives saved. Additional deaths from lost personal ADD, diagnoses have doubled during the past five years. From 80% to
income of Americans are estimated by the authors as approximately 90% of ADD diagnoses occur in boys with most then given psy-
7,000 per year. These deaths will be among poorer Americans those choactive drugs. Other classifications include learning disabilities
for whom the Clinton Administration continually cries crocodile tears. and speech and language impairments.
Meanwhile, Will Minivans Become an Endangered Species? by Tax-financed schools employ armies of counselors, administrators,
Eric Peters and H. Sterling Burnett in Brief Analysis, No. 232, June 4, and psychologists who team up with teachers to hide socialized educa-
1997, published by the National Center for Policy Analysis, 12655 N. tions failures behind contrived pathological designations and treat-
Central Expressway, Suite 720, Dallas, TX 75243-1739, reports that ments that now involve about 10% of American children.
the next advocated ratchet in federal Corporate Average Fuel Econ- l Its Time for U. S. Leadership to Stop Global Warming
omy, CAFE, regulations may clear American roads of minivans and screams an advertisement by The Natural Resources Defense Council,
sport utility vehicles. This will increase further the number of Ameri- NRDC, in the New York Times of June 13, 1997. This ad brings word
cans killed by their government each year on the nations highways. that no credible scientists dispute that global warming is causing eco-
Automakers are required to continually reduce the size and weight logical change, human disease, and economic dislocation a quote it
of automobiles in order to comply with CAFE regulations. Interest- credits to the Los Angeles Times.
ingly, these standards have not increased transportation efficiency or In the ad, the NRDC bills itself as a national non-profit organiza-
reduced fuel use. First, driving has increased as cost decreased, com- tion of scientists, attorneys, and environmental specialists with
pletely erasing the lower fuel costs per mile. Second, smaller vehicles 350,000 members. The ad states that 2,000 scientists agree that
are used to carry fewer people, so, the tiny cars are less efficient per global warming poses a severe threat. Apparently the other 348,000
passenger mile. Presently, minivans get 64.8 passenger miles per gal- members are attorneys and environmental specialists.
lon, luxury sedans and sport utility vehicles get 70.2 passenger miles The global warming hypothesis predicts a large atmospheric
per gallon, and the subcompacts get 60.8 passenger miles per gallon. temperature increase. Since even a small human-caused warming is, so
The subcompacts are much more effective, however, at killing their far, undetectable in any of the global temperature data, it can hardly be
occupants. Academic research has estimated that between 440 and 780 causing ecological change, disease, and economic dislocation. NRDC
American motorists are killed per year per 100 pound reduction in auto must have an unusually creative definition for credible scientist.
weight for a current 2,200 to 3,900 deaths per model year. The Na-
tional Highway Safety Administration admits to 322 additional deaths

per year per 100 pound reduction in auto weight. That is one unit
equivalent of an Oklahoma City bombing every couple of weeks. l Why Fund Science? by Fred L. Smith, Jr. in CEI Update 10,
No. 4, p 2, April 1997, available from Competitive Enterprise Institute
DECENTRALIZATION OF INFORMATION at telephone (202) 331-1010. This article relates to tax funding of sci-
ence, a practice that is increasingly seen as unethical and counterpro-
Beyond the TV Temptation by George Gilder, Gilder Technol- ductive except for research directly related to national defense.
ogy Report 2, No. 5, May 1997, is an excellent article on market forces l Global Warming: Unfinished Business by S. Fred Singer, which
and the nature of corporations as applied to the advance of communi- will soon be available from The Science & Environmental Policy Pro-
cations and computer technology. ject, 4084 University Drive, Suite 101, Fairfax, VA 22030-6812. We
Gilder reports that, in the United States, personal computers are have only seen the table of contents of this forthcoming book. Every-
now in 40% of all households, 50% of households with children, and thing, however, that I have read by S. Fred Singer on this subject is
60% of households with annual income over $40,000. In one year, be- excellent. This book will be very good reading.
tween February 1996 and February 1997, the average selling price of l Supply-side Politics by Thomas Sowell in Forbes, May 19, p
personal computers declined from $1,872 to $1,584. 145 (1997). The section on public schools and the fundamental reasons
As text files, more information than any human being can read in an that these institutions are not able (and not likely to be able in the fu-
entire lifetime can now be delivered to his PC on less than one pound ture) to do their jobs is superb. As long as the government is in educa-
of plastic CD-ROMs. Soon, even image files and audio and video en- tion, alternative education will be a growth industry.
tertainment will be so accessible that a lifetimes worth will be deliver-
l Malaria by Jane Orient in Doctors for Disaster Preparedness
able in a small box. Gilder sees an ocean of information flowing into
Newsletter, May 1997, available from 2509 N. Campbell Ave., Box
each home through fiber optic cables. I think that, during the transition,
272, Tucson, AZ 85719. Environmental Protection Agency malaria
a surprisingly large part of this may roll in on plastic.
policymakers have knowingly killed tens of millions of people.
Either way, the media and academic monopolies on entertain-
l Yellowstone Ecological Malpractice by Charles E. Kay in
ment and information (the quotes are necessary in view of current
PERC Reports 15, No. 2, June 1997, available from 502 South 19th
standards) are as dead as the no-threshold linear hypothesis of radiation
Avenue, Suite 211, Boseman, MT 59718.
health effects. With the death of these monopolies, the minds of men
will no longer be controllable by central authorities with monopolistic
resources. This is great news for freedom and free enterprise. ACCESS TO ENERGY

Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
STARK RAVING MAD Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
l Astrology Rising is the cover article in the July 1997 issue of $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
Life magazine. It seems that astrology and related forms of mysticism for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
are enjoying rapidly increasing popularity among Americans. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
We now have animal worship, earth worship, self worship, human of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
AUGUST 1997 (Vol. 24, no. 12) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Aztecan Science
Priests of the Aztec Empire were early global environmentalists. Now, Aztecan science is back! Blood is flowing more copiously
They convinced the Aztec people that severe weather changes and the than ever before, and new treaties and laws that are nearing imple-
death of many species of plants and animals would occur unless ap- mentation will turn this into a veritable river of human sacrifices.
propriate rituals were performed. The greatest sacrifice is currently being made by the millions of
At the top of those cute pyramids that they prevailed upon the peo- people who are suffering and dying each year from malaria. The ban-
ple to build were sacrificial altar stones. The Aztec people were ning of DDT is probably the largest act of genocide in human history.
taught (by their religious and governmental leaders) that these stones The National Academy of Sciences estimated that DDT saved 500
must be kept wet with human blood. If the stones were allowed to dry million human lives before it was banned. Since the banning, tens of
out, the sun would cease to shine. millions have died and hundreds of millions have suffered horribly
We do not know the fate of any Aztec scientists who proposed to from this disease. Why? They have died and are continuing to die
make an experimental test of this theory. We suspect, however, that because predictions of environmental disaster from DDT predic-
they were allowed to make a positive contribution to the global envi- tions that were never based upon experimental verification allowed
ronment directly upon the altar stones. population control fanatics to ban the chemical.
It is most gratifying to contemplate the advanced developments of Most recently, we have the ban of refrigeration chemicals and the
our ancestors. For many centuries, humanity has been stifled by the ongoing attempt to ban halogenated compounds (those containing
scientific methods advanced by Western Civilization. These methods chlorine, fluorine, bromine, and iodine) of all sorts. Here the flow of
require experimental observation, hypotheses that are tested by direct blood is less obvious. This ongoing ban has already wasted tens of
observation, and a rigorously rational analytical methodology that de- billions of dollars and is expected to cost hundreds of billions more. It
pends upon demonstrable truth at each step. is estimated that each $2 million to $10 million wasted results in the
This scientific method is deficient, however, in that it does not al- loss of one human life. In any case, the poor are getting poorer be-
low for proactive conclusions based upon the wishful thinking of cause of the CFC ban and are living shorter, more miserable lives.
politically correct scientists, politicians, new world order bureau- Why? to prevent an increase of ultraviolet light due to destruction of
crats, and their retainers in the new environmental elite. Fortunately, atmospheric ozone. Yet this UV increase has not taken place, and, so
this deficiency is overcome by Aztecan science. far, no significant change in ozone has been observed.
With Aztecan science, any possible global environmental disaster Now, the Clinton administration, Aztecan to the core, is promot-
that can be imagined can be immediately overcome before its poten- ing the largest technological genocide program ever implemented
tial effects are allowed to harm the planet. There is no need to wait for the forced reduction of world hydrocarbon use by means of global
experimental verification of the hypothesis. carbon controls implemented by international treaty. This, we are
Moreover, with Aztecan science, potential disasters can be tai- told, is to prevent global warming and the concomitant inundation of
lored to meet special needs. When the elite decides, for example, that coastal cities, vast weather changes, and global environmental catas-
world government is needed, catastrophes that can be prevented by trophe caused by rising atmospheric temperatures.
weakening of national laws in favor of global laws are made avail- Yet, we have been releasing carbon into the atmosphere in very
able. When the elite decides that there are too many people, catastro- large quantities for over 50 years and atmospheric temperature is
phes that require cutbacks in the energy and chemical technologies going down (see previous issues of Access to Energy). For the last
that permit large numbers of people to live are invented. two decades, we have even had sophisticated thermometers on orbit-
The primary theoretical advance of Aztecan science over its ing satellites. These thermometers have recorded a decrease in at-
predecessor lies in its recognition that the value of a hypothesis rests mospheric temperature during the past two decades.
not upon experimental test of its validity but upon its political value to The temperature of our planet, like the shining of the sun, is a phe-
the ruling elite. Like other profound human insights, this advance has nomenon that is apparently still too large for human activity to influ-
roots far back in history. Although we are crediting the Aztecs, we ence to a significant extent. This, however, is no impediment to the
expect that many ancient Asian and European pagan leaders warned Aztecans. Public opinion can be influenced by propaganda espe-
their people of dire environmental consequences that would occur if cially propaganda that elicits fear of the unknown. This is the central
they stopped worshiping graven images of Baal. component of Aztecan science.
The Aztecs were conquered by Cortes with about 200 men in The global warming bandwagon has one central purpose popu-
1519. At Oregon State University, students are taught that the 200 lation control. If energy availability can be curtailed, a lot of people
Spaniards were able to prevail over the large, virtuous Aztec nation are going to die. This is genocide by international treaty with an enor-
because these Europeans were religious fanatics, which caused mous propaganda campaign to permit its implementation and to keep
them to fight more energetically. Gunpowder helped, too. Most use- people ignorant of its intent and effects.
ful, however, were the tribes of Indians living near the Aztecs, the DDT is banned; CFCs are banned; and carbon must be restricted
blood of whose women and children had been used to prevent envi- and catastrophe will not occur. Our new Aztecan priests will then
ronmental catastrophe. These tribes allied themselves with Cortes. take credit for saving us while the river of blood continues to flow.

and 620 healthy control children published in the New England Jour-
EXORCISING POWER LINE DEMONS nal of Medicine. Leslie Robison, one of the authors of the research
report, is quoted as saying, The risk [of leukemia from magnetic
No Evidence Is Found Linking Leukemia In Children and Elec- fields] doesnt exist. This statement implies that Robison has knowl-
tromagnetic Fields by Robert Langreth in The Wall Street Journal, p edge that the risk of childhood leukemia from power lines is zero.
B6, July 3, 1997, reviews a new National Cancer Institute and Univer- As previous Access to Energy articles have shown, it is very un-
sity of Minnesota epidemiological study of 638 children with leukemia likely that electromagnetic fields from power lines can increase the
probability of cancer to a significant extent. Nevertheless, the Ro- anti-science, anti-technology, anti-free enterprise, anti-human New
bison statement illustrates a special problem encountered when hon- Age mythology that is promoted by of much of the American elite.
est science is mixed with sound-bite journalism. Why has the truth about their many scandals not ended the Clinton-
The reported experiment cannot possibly prove that the risk is zero. Gore administration? Why is the truth about science and the environ-
With a finite number of subjects, the proper statement is something ment not influential in environmental politics? Why are we even
along the lines of: We can state with 95% confidence that the chance having to defend the value of teaching the truth about simple arithme-
of power lines causing leukemia in a single individual is less than X, tic to elementary students? Why do our better conservative politicians
where X is computed from the experimental results and the percentage decide to fight our enemies with a weak argument based upon the poli-
reliability (95% is chosen here only for illustration) is chosen arbitrar- tics of envy rather than the truth?
ily. The higher this reliability cutoff, the higher will be X. The answer may be that we have allowed such a large part of our
The burden of proof in the endless stream of enviro myths should civilization to be owned and operated by central government rather
rest on the originators of the myths. Instead, the media place that bur- than free enterprise that political power is now ascendant over personal
den upon the targets of the myths. Had Robison made an accurate strength. That political power is now in the hands of people in govern-
statement of the results instead of offering an exaggerated sound bite, ment, business, and the media who do not respect the truth, so our soci-
we might have seen headlines like Leukemia Study Scientist Admits ety is being dominated by lies whereby they seek additional power.
That Power Lines May Cause Cancer in Some Children.
Do not worry, however, that our tax financed schools will improve NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY
public ability to understand quantitative truth. President Clintons
Mandate for Fuzzy Math by Lynne V. Cheney in The Wall Street Nuclear Technology in Agriculture and Nutrition by J. L. Du-
Journal, p A22, June 11, 1997, reports that the chairman of Clintons pont, et al in Nuclear News 40, No. 7, pp 58-62 (1997), discusses the
new committee to develop a national eighth grade math test, John A. use of nuclear technology in pest control, food irradiation, and studies
Dossey, is a principal originator of the current whole math fad. of human physiology and metabolism.
Whole math does away with drill in mathematics and teaches In pest control, for example, the nuclear mass production and re-
students that getting the right answer is less important than having a lease of sterile male screw worms has permitted the eradication of
good rationale for a wrong one. A few years ago, Mr. Dossey proposed screw worms in the United States, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Sal-
that national math tests have a scoring system wherein the student
would get only half credit for a right answer unless he made clear his
method of calculation, while the student would get full credit for a
wrong answer if it was accompanied by an appropriate strategy.
The first part of this system has already been implemented in College
Board Advanced Placement math exams for college entrance where
the right answer to the problem is not sufficient for full credit.
American tax-financed schools are now teaching math by encoun-
ter group wherein teachers stay on the sidelines while groups of stu-
dents develop committee-based conceptual approaches. This is also
a rapidly growing fad in university science programs where peer re-
view and group work is replacing individual study and achievement.


The world is moving rapidly closer to an enormous environmental

disaster the global warming treaty that the Clinton Administration is
planning to sign in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997. The mandated
large reduction in world energy use required by this treaty will bring
suffering and death to a very great number of people . Moreover, by Figure 1
sharply diminishing world-wide wealth, the treaty will also destroy the
resources available for sensible environmental programs. vador, and Honduras. Fruit flies have been eradicated in California,
There is political opposition as evidenced by A Treaty Built on Florida, Australia, The Marianas, Japan, and Guam.
Hot Air . . . by Jack Kemp and scientific opposition as illustrated by Food irradiation permits the consumption of less expensive, more
. . . Not Scientific Consensus by S. Fred Singer both in The Wall nutritious food by reducing losses in transport and storage. Figure 1
Street Journal, p A14, July 25, 1997. There is also political support as shows the extraordinary effectiveness of this technique. (Since our
the front page of this same Journal issue reports that President Clinton sympathies do not lie with the E. coli and Salmonella, we will forgive
held a White House symposium to kick off a campaign to promote the the lack of possible hormesis near the origin of the graph, which has
treaty to the American public. obviously been extrapolated to zero.)
Unfortunately, opponents of the treaty in the United States Senate Several studies of human biochemistry are described that use either
are basing their opposition to the treaty on a campaign of political envy radioactive or stable isotopes as tracers. For example, tracer experi-
rather than upon the scientific evidence that this treaty is entirely un- ments show that heavy people consume more food and expend more
necessary and will not improve or preserve the global environment. energy to maintain body weight than do people with lower weight.
The highlighted text in the Kemp article reads The drastic cut in This may seem self-evident, but poorer studies based on reports of
energy use this treaty would require would not be legally binding on food intake and activity have reached an opposite conclusion.
developing nations, including three of the biggest carbon-dioxide pro-
ducers. (These are India, South Korea, and China.) The argument is
being made that the treaty places the United States at a competitive
disadvantage to other countries. While true, this is an irrelevant and Macro Power from Micro Machinery by A. H. Epstein and S. D.
dangerous argument. Suppose that these countries should agree to con- Senturia, Science 276, p 1211 (1997), is a fascinating summary of ad-
form or, at least, pretend to conform to the treaty. Then the opposition, vances and advantages of micromachinery.
which should be based on science rather than envy, will melt away. Engineers have now built a gas turbine that is 4 mm in diameter.
In this treaty, we are seeing an order of magnitude worsening of the (There are 25.4 mm per inch.) The authors report that, with current
technology, a gas turbine generator, complete with compressor and say it is there and potentially usable) other than a nuclear reaction, it is
combustor, can be built that is less than one cm3 (10 mm on a side) and just not possible to prove theoretically that the reported energy release
delivers 50 watts of electric power. in cold fusion experiments cannot happen. These experiments might
Interestingly, the power-to-weight ratio improves as the size dimin- turn out to be misnamed, but the name is not the essence of this issue.
ishes, so the thrust-to-weight ratio of these micro turbines is 10 times Against cold fusion, it is argued experimentally that the observa-
greater than that of modern aircraft engines. tions have not proved to be observable in some other laboratories. In
fact, the results are often not even reproducible within the same labora-
COLD FUSION tory and same apparatus from experiment to experiment. If the same
equipment can give results varying by two orders of magnitude, it is
Access to Energy has carried only occasional mention of research in not surprising that, with several laboratories operating independently,
the subject known as cold fusion because it is so far out of our field some would fail to observe a positive result at all. One such failure was
of expertise (even though it is very close to our area of interest) that we at Caltech and has been widely quoted to discredit cold fusion.
are just not qualified to evaluate it. I recall many years ago attending a wonderful lecture given by Neil
Cold Fusion: The Miracle is No Mistake by Eugene F. Mal- Bartlett, the scientist who discovered the compounds of xenon and
love in Analog , pp 53-73, July-August 1997, gives a current review. fluorine. Prior to his work, most chemists thought that no chemical
This article includes 91 references most of them to the scientific lit- compounds could be made between the noble gas xenon and other at-
erature and authored by serious scientists. It begins, however, with a oms. It happened, however, that in 1933, the year Bartlett was born, the
long section denigrating skeptics and declaring that the end is near for existence of xenon fluorides was predicted at Caltech by Linus Pauling
the value of virtually all current energy technology. This does not help on the basis of theoretical calculations.
readers to keep open minds. Paulings prediction was immediately tested by outstanding experi-
While it is certainly true, as Mallove points out, that many revolu- mental chemists working with Pauling at Caltech. They completely
tionary technological advances have been initially opposed by closed- failed in these experiments (although, in retrospect, it appears that they
minded critics, it is equally true that large numbers of intelligent and actually may have made the compounds, but failed to recognize that
well-educated people have sometimes participated in delusions and they had done so). Twenty-nine years later Bartlett succeeded. Failures
manias that turned out in retrospect to have been foolish indeed. Oppo- by prestigious laboratories are not evidence of impossibility.
sition to a new idea is not evidence that it is a good idea (although such Cold fusion is a field of inquiry without a unifying theoretical basis
opposition can be reason for optimism). and without quantitative experimental reproducibility. This does not
Cold fusion research is expanding because an increasing number of mean that it is bogus. In the early stages of investigation, many areas of
laboratories are reporting excess energy production at levels believed science have had similar problems. It does mean, however, that this
to be too high for chemical processes and are also finding residual work is very hard to evaluate by scientists outside of the field. Unless
changes in elemental composition during the reactions changes of one has actual personal experience with these experiments in the labo-
some elements into others as evidence of nuclear reactions. ratory, it is difficult to form a reliable impression.
There are two primary difficulties. First, these devices (and there If you are especially interested in this subject, read the Analog arti-
are now many different designs) tend to be unstable with widely vari- cle by Eugene Mallove and especially some of the publications he ref-
able quantitative results from experiment to experiment. For example, erences. Try not to trust and parrot either cold fusion proponents or
Mallove reports that the Patterson Power Cell has generated as much cold fusion critics. The Seventh International Conference on Cold Fu-
as 1,300 watts output for 1.4 watts input, but usually generates 5 to 10 sion will be held in Vancouver, Canada from April 18-23, 1998, where
watts output from between one-third to one-thirtieth as much input. the best efforts of the proponents will be on display.
Second, there is not yet an accepted theoretical basis for this phe-
nomenon even among its strongest proponents. Hypotheses vary from YEAR 2000 COMPUTER TRANSITION
chemically assisted nuclear reactions of a sort never before recognized
to the inadvertent release of universal zero point energy. The term As the year 2000 approaches, everyone from One World globalists
cold fusion originates from the hypothesis that energy is being pro- to New Age mystics is dancing with increased vigor. We anticipate
duced by the conversion of mass into energy through fusion of hydro- increasing activity in all sorts of nuttiness as the date nears. We did not
gen atoms to produce helium atoms. This explanation does not, expect, however, that this would include computer technology.
however, explain all of the experimental results. Now the merchants of fear are telling us that Western civilization
A trick question sometimes placed on examinations in courses on will terminally collapse on 1 January 2000 because some older com-
equilibrium thermodynamics involves the rate of chemical reactions. puter software that is still in use was not written to roll its date forward
The student is given detailed information which allows the calculation properly into another century. We are being told that government ac-
of the amount of energy that will be produced by two chemical reac- tivities will abruptly stop (this is a disaster?), trucks and trains will not
tions. He is asked to predict which reaction will proceed with the roll, financial institutions will cease activity, and we shall all find our-
greater rate. The trick is that equilibrium thermodynamics does not selves in post-Civil War America without the necessary survival skills.
provide information about reaction rates as a function of energy. Not Although I have used computers very extensively for over 30 years,
recognizing this, many students try to give a prediction. I cannot claim to be an expert on this subject. I do think, however, that
A bottle containing a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen can sit safely some humility is appropriate. The vast computer industry is made up
on the shelf for many years with no change even though the potential of hundreds of thousands of our most talented technologists. During
energy release is very great. The bottle will explode if a spark is intro- the past twenty years they have transformed digital technology so com-
duced to initiate the reaction. Many much less energetic reactions oc- pletely that they have managed to place a veritable engineering miracle
cur spontaneously. in a small, inexpensive box in more than half of American homes.
Against cold fusion, it is argued theoretically that nuclear reac- Now, we are expected to believe that this entire industry is going to
tion rates at low temperature are too slow to be measurable and that the fall flat on its face and take Western civilization down with it because
expected amounts of specific nuclear reaction products have not been of bugs in older software that were known to be present many years in
observed. It cannot be proved, however, that nuclear reaction rates can- advance. Most disaster scenarios are, of course, based on real factors
not be increased by some heretofore unknown catalytic mechanism. amplified beyond reason. The year 2000 bugs do exist. A sub-industry
Nor can it be shown that there are not undiscovered new types of nu- of computer programmers is currently prospering by fixing these bugs.
clear reactions. Some ill-managed enterprises will probably fail to fix this problem ap-
With the additional possibility of some process (zero-point energy propriately. (We could hope that this includes government computers,
release is almost the province of science fiction, but serious physicists but then the taxpayers would just have another failure to finance.)
Those enterprises may be temporarily disadvantaged as a result. in Cascade Update 4, p 4 (1997), available from Cascade Policy Insti-
If all of our computers stopped tomorrow, there would be a period tute, 813 SW Alder, Suite 707, Portland, OR 97205, reports that
of disruption while we reverted to the previous, less efficient pre-com- spending in the Oregon tax-financed schools is now over $7,000 per
puter methods with which most of our essential technology was built. student per year after passage of a property tax limitation measure that
A nuclear attack might stop a large fraction of those computers through has school bureaucrats crying about claimed slashes in their budgets.
EMP. An obsolete software bug is very unlikely to do so. The average home school budget is about $500 per student per year.
The self-teaching home school curriculum available from the Oregon
FREE ENTERPRISE EFFICIENCIES Institute of Science and Medicine reduces this to about $50 per student
per year or $25 if there are two students in the home (or $10 for five).
Electrifying Possibilities, by E. Carson in Reason, p 13, June As George Gilder keeps saying in the Gilder Technology Report,
1997, available from 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 400, Los Ange- available from P. O. Box 660, Housatonic, MA 01236, the digital
les, CA 90034-6064, reports a Brookings Institution study of the price revolution is dropping the cost of information transfer essentially to
of American industrial goods and services following deregulation and zero. Information itself, of course, will remain as costly as the market
conversion to free enterprise markets. The study included natural gas, justifies. Information that is old enough or public enough to be beyond
long distance telecom, airlines, trucking, and railroads. copyright or is distributed widely enough to have a negligibly low per
Prices decreased gradually over time until, ten years after deregula- unit copyright value is becoming essentially free. This includes virtu-
tion, the real price of natural gas had fallen 27-57%; of long distance ally all of the information taught to students before the age of 18 and
telecom had fallen 40-47%; of airlines had fallen 29%, of trucking had nearly all of the information taught in universities.
fallen 28-56%, and of railroads had fallen 44%. The monopolies on information held by schools and universities
The Brookings authors, Ellig and Robert Crandall, estimate that de- have been largely based upon place utility. Faculties and administra-
regulation of industries in the late 1970s and 1980s is now saving tors of those institutions controlled the dissemination of information to
Americans about $60 billion per year. The article does not estimate, students because they controlled the repositories. The microcomputer
however, American losses since then from new regulations. revolution has destroyed those institutional monopolies.
This technological deregulation of the market for information is go-
STANDARDIZATION ing to reduce the cost of education far more than the 50% reductions
seen in industries like trucking because underlying real costs are negli-
Some Things Live Forever, reprinted by Jim Dean in Bills gible. Standardized testing of students and accreditation of their de-
Soapbox, RR1, Box 69-A, Bangs, TX 76823 and originally published grees will be an industry with very low fixed costs. We expect
in MenSA as quoted in Wake-Up Call America, for March-April 1997, university educations to drop in real cost by at least a factor of ten.
P. O. Box 280488, Lakewood, CO 80228, gives a history of the U.S.
standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches. GOOD READING
Dean says that the U.S. gauge was copied from the English gauge
by English immigrants. That gauge came from English tramways l Audio tapes of the DDP annual meeting in San Diego are on sale
which were built with the jigs and tools that were used for building for $99 for the complete 16 tape set.. They can be ordered from DDP,
English wagons. 2509 Campbell, Box 272, Tucson, AZ 85719. Soon to be available
The wagon spacing was standardized so that the road ruts would will be a CD-ROM of all annual DDP meetings from 1992 through
match the wheels and produce less wear on the wagons during long 1997. This will include audio of all of the presentations and the slides
distance hauls. The standardized ruts were derived from those in the and manuscripts of those speakers who provided them.
Roman roads which were built in Europe and England. The ruts were The CD-ROM will be manufactured after the 1997 presentations
initially made by Roman chariots that were all alike in wheel spacing. have been added to it. Initial price will be $199. DDP is accepting or-
The Imperial Roman wheel spacings for war chariots were made ders now. Delivery will be later in 1997.
wide enough to accommodate the back-ends of two war horses a l Does Nature Know Best? Natural Carcinogens and Anticar-
width of 4 feet, 8.5 inches. cinogens in Americas Food (1996) from the American Council on
Science and Health, 1995 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY
STARK RAVING MAD 10023-5860. This booklet is filled with information countering the
New Age dogma that natural is best and that avoidance of techno-
l Time to Put Malaria Control on the Global Agenda by D. But- logical advances in food production will improve human health. Given
ler, Nature 386, pp 535-536, reports that Malaria is already estimated the great reductions in food costs and therefore improvements in nutri-
to kill between 1.5 and 2.7 million people each year several times as tion made possible by food technology, the truth is actually opposite.
many as died in the recent genocide in Rwanda. Another 300 to 500 l Energy Conservation Is a Waste by Herbert Inhaber in The
million people have the disease, and one-third of all humanity lives in Wall Street Journal, p A18, July 28, 1997, which summarizes the fail-
zones where they risk catching it. Malaria kills one person often a ure of energy conservation programs to save energy. Thanks to tech-
child under five every 12 seconds. nology, of course, we will have enough for thousands of years. See
Now scientists and administrators are calling for a 30-year pro- Future Energy Sources, Access to Energy 24, No.11, pp 1-2 (1997).
gram of research, control, and therapy to save these children. Says l Chips Ahoy by John Travis in Science News 151, pp 144-145
one Richard Feachem, director for health, nutrition, and population at (1997), which reports about the new technology of microchips with as
the World Bank, We are in no hurry, we want to get it right. By all many as a million separable DNA probes on their surfaces poten-
means, lets not do anything rash like resuming the use of DDT. After tially a great advance in biological and medical analysis.
all, whats a human life every 12 seconds compared to the careers of
politicians and bureaucrats? ACCESS TO ENERGY
l It is only a joke that has been going around, but the social phe-
nomenon underlying it definitely qualifies for Stark Raving Mad. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
It seems that two social workers were walking along a street when Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
they came upon the victim of a mugging lying in the gutter. Covered $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
with bruises from a horrible beating, the unconscious and profusely for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
bleeding victim was near death. Said one social worker to the other, Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
Oh my. This is terrible! Whoever did this certainly needs our help! 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
l K-12 Spending Stable Since Measure 5 by Martin Buchanan of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 1997 (Vol. 25, no. 1) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Earth, Physics, and Chemistry

In the new era that has been brought to us by the Clinton Admini- and sides were equal a regular hexagon (regular was not stated
stration and its predecessor, scientific truth is determined by polling in the problem) the only correct answer was cannot be deter-
data. The Administration and its retainers are now in full swing with mined from the given information. This answer was counted
their propaganda campaign to make polling data conform to the wrong. The mathematicians and astrologers of the NEA no longer
global warming treaty that is to be signed in December. distinguish between hexagons and regular hexagons, so all hexagons
Meanwhile, the United States Senate, comprehending little be- are supposed to be assumed to have equal angles and sides.
yond the politics of envy, has proclaimed that our country will not Those who end their education with the GED or its inferior
perform partial technological suicide on the sword of hydrocarbon ra- equivalent 12 years in a tax-financed NEA propaganda mill only
tioning unless enough other countries agree to do so also. comprise, however, 75% of the American population. The other 25%
All that stands now between the Republic and a giant global goes on to college. Many colleges offer satisfactory educations in
warming step downward toward an abyss of irrational mysticism and physical science. For example, Zachary Robinson recently graduated
mass murder (if energy rationing is instituted, a lot of people are go- with a BS in chemistry from Oregon State University where he re-
ing to die) is the knowledge and wisdom of its citizens. The 2 million ceived an excellent education in chemistry from very good chemistry
member union that calls itself the National Education Association, professors. He was one of seven students of chemistry in his graduat-
NEA, with the approval and help of many (but not all) of its mem- ing class out of 14,000 students at Oregon State. If we add physics
bers, has done its best to remove that knowledge. and mathematics and allow for four classes, the total is less than 1%.
One example is the General Educational Development (GED) What are the other 99% of the students studying in college?
Exam that is passed by 500,000 Americans each year. Passage pro- Most of them are in the clutches of humanities faculties that are
vides a High School Equivalency Certificate which is equivalent to a churning out degrees that have essentially negative value to those in-
High School Diploma. Some colleges require this examination for terested in facts and independent, truthful rational thought. Even the
admission of home schooled students. Noah Robinson recently took science students are forced to take some of these ridiculous courses
the 1992 exam for practice and then the 1997 exam. many of which are little more than sick humor for a well-prepared
The GED informational materials state that the science exam con- mind. The required health class at Oregon State became so ob-
sists of 66 questions, of which 50% are Biology and 50% are scene that many students simply walked out in the middle of some of
Physical Sciences: Earth, Physics, and Chemistry. the raw lectures that were being given by a woman professor.
Earth? The NEA has created a new physical science that super- In any case, it is clear that the future of America is being deter-
sedes physics and chemistry and is called Earth. mined by an electorate wherein most of the voters have little or no
The 1997 exam consists (by Noahs estimate) of about 56 ques- knowledge of science or engineering beyond that learned between the
tions on biology and earth and about 10 on physics and chemistry. ages of six and eighteen. In the tax-financed schools, this usually
The risk that the student will actually have independent knowledge means earth and biology (more enviro propaganda) with
concerning these subjects is eliminated by the test. Fewer than 10 % mathematics, physics, and chemistry reduced in importance except
of the 66 questions require any prior knowledge by the student other for a small minority of students. (The success of a few, regardless of
than the ability to read. The answers are clearly given in the reading adversity, keeps hope alive in the hearts of the diminishing number of
passages preceding the questions. dedicated teachers of science.) In this vacuum of knowledge, telling
In order to pass, the student must give politically correct answers the people what to think and then polling them to see if they think
concerning rain forests and other earth matters including the it yet is perfectly sensible even if it is morally and ethically bankrupt.
looming shortage of hydrocarbons. (This last indicates that the NEA These are the reasons that the 1.5 million home schooled children
is still fighting the previous propaganda war. The free market long (soon to be 3 million at current growth rates) are so important to the
ago drove a stake through the heart of the 1970s shortage myth. future of American science and technology and to freedom. These
Global warming was then invented to take its place.) These required, children are all outside of the NEA propaganda mills. They are free to
politically correct answers are clearly stated prior to the questions, so learn mathematics (the language of science) properly and then go on
a reading student knows exactly what to say. to first-rate science texts. Every one of them, even the least talented,
In keeping with the ongoing NEA lowering of American educa- can be taught to properly read a graph of atmospheric temperature or
tional standards, the 1992 exam was more difficult than the 1997 atmospheric ozone concentration vs. time and to draw an individual,
exam. Noah found that he could work the 90 minute mathematics independently determined conclusion.
exam for 1992 in 60 minutes in his head with no use of pencil or Earth is not a physical science; wrong answers in mathematics
paper. The 1997 exam required only 40 minutes. Too much knowl- are not made right by good reasoning or group consensus; atmos-
edge is, however, dangerous. pheric chemistry is not determined by polls of television viewers; and
Noah managed to give a wrong answer to one of the math there are plenty of people in the world ready to take Americas place
questions. The question involved a hexagon (a polygon of six angles as a leader of science, technology, and free enterprise, if American
and, therefore, six sides). Unless one assumed that all of the angles minds continue to be destroyed by tax-guzzling propagandists.

Americas Nobel Prize winning scientists during the past few decades
50 MILLION WASTED MINDS? have received tax-financed research grants, as have most other uni-
versity-based academic scientists.
It is, of course, not difficult to find outstanding scholars and out- When government moves in on a valuable human activity and buys
standing teachers within the tax-financed school system. Nor is it diffi- control with tax money, it does not automatically destroy the talent and
cult to find skilled doctors in the government health care system or productivity of all of the participants. Even under the most autocratic
outstanding research scientists in tax-financed research. Most of and repressive totalitarian regimes, outstanding scientific work is often
accomplished. There are two arguments against government control.
First, it is inherently immoral, and, second, it is counterproductive. LIMITED BY LIGHT
I have never known of any non-defense research project that justi-
fied the confiscation of the property of men, women, and children by At 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light usually seems to be
force or threat of force. Tax money consists of private property that is a nonlimiting quantity affecting only space vehicles and other objects
seized by government under the claim that politicians and bureaucrats that manage to be so far away that their signals are noticeably delayed
are more skilled in using it than are those who earned or otherwise in transmission. We do not often encounter speed of light limitations
honestly received it. Even if this claim were true, the seizure would be within our own rooms. I still recall my surprise 30 years ago when I
inherently immoral because the right to economic freedom from theft learned that some of the sections of our DEC PDP/11 computers could
is a self-evident part of the inherent human rights to life and liberty. not be located more than a few feet apart because the speed of light
A proper function of government is the protection of its citizens controlled and restricted their communications.
from theft not participation in their mugging. Even if government In the Gilder Technology Report, August 1997, pp 2-7, available
programs were better than private programs, it would be immoral to from Monument Mills, P. O. Box 660, Housatonic, MA 01236,
steal from the citizenry in order to support them. George Gilder points out three aspects of current technological devel-
It happens that government programs are inherently counterproduc- opment that are currently being constrained by the speed of light
tive as compared to private ones. People are not, however, completely which he converts to nine inches per nanosecond in a vacuum and
repressible. They will get some valuable work done regardless of their about four inches per nanosecond in typical electronic circuits, where
circumstances. It is said that there is an immense positive return from information transfer is slowed by resistance and capacitance.
government-funded research. This is misleading. There is instead an It turns out that microprocessor computer chips in the newest per-
immense positive return from research government has merely sonal computers are spending most of their time waiting for light-lim-
horned in on the credit by forcing itself on the research community as ited communications with direct access memory. This limit also slows
an unnecessary, inefficient, and immoral middleman. communications within the memory itself. As the requirements for
Nowhere in America today is this effect more obvious than in the memory access grow beyond the capabilities of cache memory on the
educational system. Funded by the most pernicious sort of taxes the processor, the main memory must move closer and closer to the proc-
threat to throw families out of their own homes if they do not pay prop- essor. Gilder predicts that the entire memory and central processor will
erty taxes regardless of their current income over two million bureau- soon be forced onto the same chip. [As business advice he further pre-
crats and teachers have created schools that, regardless of the best dicts that the current manufacturers of memory will therefore take over
efforts of the remaining outstanding teachers and students, have a net the production of central processors (rather than vice versa) because
negative value to the education and development of young Americans. the subsystem they are now making is larger than the central processor
With about 20,000 students now using our self-teaching home and so comprises most of the ultimate product.]
school curriculum, the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine has Moreover, another effect of this limitation is continued decentrali-
been receiving between 100 and 250 letters and calls from parents each zation of information processing. The speed of light causes computers
day. There are numerous varied sorts of requests and questions, but the to remain physically small and limited in capability, so their distribu-
following unedited letter that arrived recently from an American tion to hundreds of millions of separate locations around the world to
mother summarizes many of them: meet local needs is more practical than centralized computers. Central-
Dear Dr. Robinson: ized computers are limited in capability by the light-determined size
I am the mother of two children (11 and 12 years old) who have restriction and, also, by external communication rates.
been public school educated. I asked questions, raised concerns, and A third effect that Gilder points out is in the nature of communica-
did everything I was told to do by the teachers. I participated in damag- tions satellites. Geosynchronous satellites with rotation rates matched
ing my own children even though every step of the way I had strong to the Earths rotation are constrained by physics to be 23,000 miles
feelings that something was wrong. above the Earths surface. This causes a significant light-limited delay
My children had good grades but they are functionally illiterate, in communications with them. Low earth orbit satellites are placed,
have very small vocabularies, could barely do addition, had nightmares however, 60 times closer to the Earths surface. Only a minor factor in
because we are going to die from over-population or global warming current voice communications, the 60-fold decrease in communica-
or some such nonsense, and they know graphically how homosexuals tions delay has very great importance for digital computer-based com-
have sex. munications. For this reason, extensive low earth orbit satellite systems
I removed my children from the public school a year ago and be- are to be constructed. [As investment advice, he compares the compa-
gan homeschooling them. They can now add, subtract, multiply, and nies engaged in this work.]
divide. I am having a terrible time teaching them to read because they So, it is likely that, with current technology, computer processors
cant get past the method they had in school skip or guess words. I and memory are going to merge in assemblies that become inexorably
have noticed that homeschooled children who have never attended smaller; information processing will continue to decentralize to hun-
public school consistently do much better than homeschooled children dreds of millions of computers spread all over the earth; and these
who have attended public school. computers will talk to each other through fibre optic cables and a rotat-
Homeschooling my children has been most frustrating because ing shell of hundreds of satellites just a few hundred miles above the
they have developed habits and traits in the public school that are diffi- Earths surface. The primary constraint determining this overall design
cult to overcome. Such as they expect me to somehow put knowledge is the unfortunate fundamental slowness of the speed of light, which
into their heads without their participation. I have come to believe that moves at only 700 million miles per hour.
accusing the schools of doing nothing is inaccurate they are actively
damaging the children. FOSSIL FUELS?
Your homeschool curriculum sounds great for kids who have
never been damaged by the public school system but can it work for Much of the knowledge that each of us retains actually consists of a
mine? Sincerely, collection of assumptions. Life is too short for every person to follow
There is no shortage in America of truthful voices raised in opposi- every fact through to rigorous proof. It is for this reason that an open
tion to the anti-science, anti-technology, anti-free enterprise message mind is so important. We base our conclusions on the best information
preached by the demagogues who are seizing control of our nation. available, but we must always be ready to alter our assumptions on the
There is, however, a shortage of citizens who have the ability and basis of new information.
inclination to listen to the truth. For the cause of that shortage, you Doubt, however, need not dominate our lives. On one occasion, I
need look no further than socialist schools. Your tax dollars at work. was told that a conclusion I had reached was wrong and that additional
information was available. Further, I was told that if I would travel
2000 miles and participate in a closed, secretive meeting with people
who were not permitted otherwise to individually discuss the facts with
me, these additional truths would be revealed. As would be expected,
the demanded arrangement reinforced my original conclusion. If there
really were new information, it could be imparted by free individuals
communicating by telephone or letter.
In rigorous science, assumptions cannot always be avoided, but
they need to be clearly stated in each instance. Perhaps the most re-
markable occurrence of assumptions in science concerned Sir Isaac
Newtons second law of mechanics. Newton wrote, The change of
momentum is proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made
in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed. As
Newton defined momentum: The quantity of momentum is the
measure of the same, arising from the velocity and quantity of matter
conjointly. In the symbolic representation of calculus: F = d (mv) / dt.
Newton did not know whether or not mass is constant, so he put it
inside the differential. He did not assume that it is constant.
During the following 200 years, however, physicists found it con-
venient to assume that mass is constant. It became customary to write:
F = [m] [d (v) / dt] or F = ma, where only the velocity and acceleration,
d (v) / dt, were assumed to vary.
Albert Einstein put an end to this when he demonstrated that mass
is not constant a finding that has been widely and erroneously re-
ported as Einstein having found that Newton was in error. It was, in
fact, the physics community after Newton that made the erroneous as-
sumption. Newtons law, as he stated it, allows for variable mass.
One modern assumption that has worried me for many years, for
several reasons, is contained in the term fossil fuels which is widely
used to refer to coal, oil, and natural gas. It is so universally assumed Figure 1
that these substances are entirely derived from the decomposition of tures and pressures permit microbial life and where oxides of iron and
previously living plants and animals that fossil is used in their short- sulfur provide the oxygen needed for life. These microbes are the
hand name. You may have noticed that, in Access to Energy, I use the source of the biological compounds that have led to the belief that pe-
terms hydrocarbon fuels or, simply, coal, oil, and natural gas, troleum is fossil in origin.
and do not use fossil fuels. Gold discusses this hypothesis in the context of the search for life
An Unexplored Habitat for Life in the Universe by Thomas on other planets. He points out that this search should not be limited to
Gold in American Scientist 85, No. 5, pp 408-411, September-October planetary surfaces, which are generally very hostile environments. If
1997, available from P. O. Box 13975, Research Triangle Park, NC hydrocarbons are of nonbiological origin, then pools of hydrocarbons
27709, summarizes, with appropriate references, the current arguments below the surfaces of planets may be the most universal and most
opposed to the fossil in fossil fuels. promising environment in which to look for life.
Hydrocarbons are very widely distributed. They are found in the At the San Diego meeting, S. S. Penner estimated that all of the
atmospheres of giant gaseous planets, on asteroids, on interplanetary energy required for a world population of 10 billion people could be
dust grains, and in meteorites. They are believed to exist deep in the provided for 1,000 years by means of known reserves of coal, oil, and
earth where great pressures and temperatures actually increase their natural gas alone. (See Access to Energy 24, No. 11, pp 1-2, July
stability. They may be the source of carbon in diamond, which forms at 1997.) Allowing for the lower, gradually rising current population and
pressures reached only at depths of 100 miles or more in the Earth. the use of other energy sources as well, the reserve is much greater than
Since hydrocarbons are less dense than rock, they rise toward the 1,000 years. Moreover, there is some research which indicates that cur-
surface. In volcanic regions, they are partially oxidized by rocks, but in rent oil fields are refilling from oil and gas fields below them. (See Ac-
nonvolcanic regions, there is less oxidation. Methane is, therefore, cess to Energy 23, No. 3, p 4, November 1995.)
most abundant in nonvolcanic regions. The estimated amount of meth- In any case, it is obvious that the occasional shortages of hydrocar-
ane hydrate exceeds the total for all coal, oil, and other natural gas. bons during this century have been politically caused and that, given
Commercial helium is produced from oil and gas wells, since this is world reserves, any shortages arising for many centuries (probably
the only place that helium is found in sufficient quantities for commer- millennia) in the future will also not be caused by inadequate supplies.
cial extraction. Gold suggests that helium, which is formed by radioac- This has been implicitly admitted by the enemies of technology and
tive decay of uranium and thorium, is pumped to the Earths surface their mentors, who advocate reducing world population by an order
and concentrated by hydrocarbons rising from their places of origin of magnitude by limiting technology. (Is it not wonderful that seman-
deep in the Earth. He quotes Mendeleev, who concluded that petro- tics so facilely obscures impolite words like murder and geno-
leum is formed nonbiologically, very deep in the Earth. cide?) This is the reason that they shifted the focus of their efforts
Gold also quotes Sir Robert Robinson as writing, Actually it can- against hydrocarbons from the myth that we are running out of hydro-
not be too strongly emphasized that petroleum does not present the carbons to the new myths of global cooling and, now, global warming.
composition picture expected from modified biogenic products, and all The notion that hydrocarbon use must be reduced because of dimin-
the arguments from the constituents of ancient oils fit equally well, or ishing supply rested on two tenets very small known reserves and the
better, with the conception of a primordial hydrocarbon mixture to fossil fuel hypothesis, which implies very slow ongoing production
which bio-products have been added. and minimal undiscovered reserves. The free market has destroyed the
Golds hypothesis, summarized in Figure 1, is that hydrocarbons first of these two tenets for at least the next 1,000 years. If research
are formed by ordinary chemical processes in a region where they are destroys the fossil idea, even our very distant descendants will not
very thermodynamically stable, deep in the earth. They then rise up- be limited. (Given the rate of technological advance, they will also
ward. Near the surface, they pass through a region in which tempera- likely be able to make any petroleum they need by other means.)


While such authorities as the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in its page 3A l The Wall Street Journal reported on page 1, August 1997, that
article on July 17, 1997, entitled Animals, Plants, Glaciers Sending The U. S. will pay more than 1,000 teaching hospitals nationwide not
Warming Signals, continue to beat their Aztecan drums of global to train doctors in some specialties in an effort to reduce a glut in those
warming, and as the Clinton Administration runs headlong, like the areas, according to the Washington Post. The program, which is con-
Biblical demonized hogs, toward a cliff of international carbon con- tained in recent budget legislation, expands a $400 million New York
trols, sophisticated thermometers on orbiting satellites still find no in- experiment. Lets see they are reducing the amounts paid to farmers
dication at all that atmospheric temperature is increasing. Less reliable to not produce food, while they are starting a new program to pay hos-
ground measurements show no temperature fluctuations outside of the pitals to not produce doctors who keep people alive to eat food. Per-
normal range of variability that long predates significant human release haps next will be a program to pay Teamsters to not deliver food to
of carbon dioxide. This should at least be understandable by all college prevent a predicted glut from more food and fewer people.
graduates who have passed a course in Thermometer Reading 101. l Our local UPS driver retires next year. Under the rejected UPS
The new game is looking for changes that can be blamed on tem- plan, his pension payment would have been $3,200 per month. Under
perature rises, since temperature rises themselves are not occurring. the victorious Clinton Administration and Teamsters plan, his pension
Apparently forgetting that environmental and biological phenomena will be $2,400 per month. The union victory on behalf of UPS drivers
are inherently variable, the enviros now blame virtually every fluctua- has cost this one man $9,600 per year (or an over 30% increase in his
tion on global warming regardless of the indisputable fact that the pension) for the rest of his life. During the strike, the Teamsters Union
globe is not getting unusually warmer. Apparently, we need (this will did not allow UPS employees to vote on the UPS offers because the
get the Administrations attention) a new national program to teach primary issue was the continued looting of their pension fund.
thermometer reading to the American people. Additionally, it must be l The Great Tax Cut of China by A. Rabushka in The Wall
explained that in cause-and-effect arguments, it is unacceptable to ar- Street Journal, p A14, August 7, 1997, reports that the current overall
gue that the effect has arrived before the cause has occurred. tax burden in China is 10% of GDP while in the United States it is
Meanwhile, The Global Warming Treaty: For U. S. Consumers 34%. That 24% difference represents the savings and investment capi-
All Pain, No Gain Brief No. 238, based on a presentation by F. B. tal left over after functional expenses that would allow American
Smith, and The Global Warming Game Brief No. 239 by E. M. workers to compete favorably with those in China. America was built
Trisko and H. S. Burnett, published by the National Center for Policy by free enterprise during a period of low taxation. With economic free-
Analysis, 727 15th St. N.W., 5th floor, Washington, DC 20005, sum- dom confiscated by high taxes, Americans are losing their way of life.
marize estimated economic effects of current global warming treaty
proposals. For the United States, these include: GOOD READING
1. A drop in Gross Domestic Product of $150 to $250 billion.
2. Electricity and household fuel cost rise of 50%. l Facts Versus Fears by Adam J. Lieberman, published in May
3. Gasoline price rise of 60 cents per gallon and gasoline rationing. 1997 by The American Council on Science and Health, 1995 Broad-
4. Sharply increased prices for food, medical care, police and fire way, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10023-5860, is a review of the 20
protection, air travel, and most other goods and services. greatest unfounded health scares of recent times. From DDT to as-
5. Major reductions in industrial production. bestos, this is excellent reading.
6. Sharp increases in the cost of homes and fewer homes con- l Chemical Properties of Element 106 (Seaborgium) by M.
structed. Those constructed would be substantially smaller. Schadel, et al., Nature 388, pp 55-57 (1997), and the laymans sum-
Implicit in these effects are very large increases in federal and state mary Oddly Ordinary Seaborgium by R. Lougheed, Nature 388, p
taxes to pay for increases in government expenses and for transfer pay- 21, (1997). These experiments show that the chemistry of Seaborgium
ments to the estimated 500,000 to 1 million people who would lose is essentially the same as that conventionally predicted from the peri-
their jobs each year as a result of diminished economic activity. odic table. The research paper has 18 authors who conducted their en-
In addition to job loss, suffering will be most severe for the poorest tire series of chemical experiments with just 7 atoms of Seaborgium.
American households because the poor pay much larger percentages of l Schools Ponder New Global Landscape by D. Normile, Sci-
their income for essential services such as heat, electricity, and trans- ence 277, p 311 (1997). He lists 11 Asian and European universities
portation. These are the American poor who will probably be saved averaging 260,000 students in each university. These universities teach
from starvation by depleting American capital and savings. students remotely not on a central campus. Their costs range from
Elsewhere on Planet Earth, the poor will have no safety net. Espe- 5% to 50% of the cost of equivalent on-campus instruction.
cially in Africa and Asia, a lot of people are going to die. They will lose The off-campus CD-ROM home school curriculum for ages 6 to 18
energy, food, and markets for their labor. The global human carnage produced by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine now has
that will ultimately result from this insane program of energy rationing 20,000 students with this number currently rising at the rate of 3,000
will be far greater than the mass killing from the DDT ban (currently per month. The cost of the OISM curriculum is 10% of that for other
running at one human death mostly children every 12 seconds) and equivalent educational programs and its academic quality is higher.
the genocidal nightmares of Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot. The electronics revolution will turn tenured professors and NEA
There have been many terrors and insanities during recorded his- unionized educators into the vacuum tubes of the 21st century.
tory. Power hungry maniacs have caused so much human suffering l Flying on Sunlight, Science News 152 p 75 (1997) reports that
over the past 6,000 years that the study of history is largely devoted to the airplane, Pathfinder, flew to 71,500 feet using solar power alone.
analyses of their activities. Never before, however, have so few people
had such awesome power to impose suffering and death on so many
and to cloak their activities in a guise of assumed virtue. ACCESS TO ENERGY
Make no mistake about this, however. Their power is American
power derived from American technology and financed by Ameri- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
can taxes. Carbon rationing is being cloaked in a disguise of interna- $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
tionalism, but the raw economic and military power for its imposition $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. E-mail subscriptions: same prices or $15
is American. It cannot be imposed without American participation. If for E-mail to postal mail subscribers. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
we let this happen, we shall be guilty of a crime beyond forgiveness Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
and that crime will not be forgotten by the survivors. of issues and index $145. CD-ROM and printed 21 years of issues and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
OCTOBER 1997 (Vol. 25, no. 2) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Shrinking to One Point

The ongoing technological revolution in information transfer and other technologies especially heavy industry. Confiscatory taxa-
storage was vividly demonstrated at the George Gilder Forbes Tele- tion and out-of-control regulation and litigation are driving produc-
cosm Conference that was held September 14-16 in Palm Springs. At tive industry out of America and into more favorable environments.
this meeting, George Gilder assembled a large percentage of the re- It is astonishing that Communist China, while still under the control
markable individuals who are responsible for this revolution. Their of a terrible tyranny, is rapidly overtaking American industry be-
insights provide outstanding guidance regarding information technol- cause China has lower taxes and less regulation and litigation.
ogy. Transcriptions of the Palm Springs meeting and subscriptions to Also, advances in information technology do not stand alone as
the Gilder Technology Report are available from Monument Mills, unalterable advantages because not all information is true and
P. O. Box 660, Housatonic, MA 01236, or from (888) 484-2727. even true information is not useful unless it is intelligently utilized.
Microelectronics, fiber optics, earth-orbiting satellites, and free What good does it do for us to have enhanced access to tax infor-
enterprise are allowing a collection of the best engineering and busi- mation, for example, if we just stare blindly at the numbers and con-
ness minds on our planet to build technology that will be able to in- tinue to destroy the savings and capital of our country through very
stantly interconnect by text, audio, and visual images all currently high and debilitating taxation? Of what value is better scientific infor-
living human minds with one another and with all recorded human mation about our environment, if we continue to ignore that informa-
knowledge from the present and from the past. tion in favor of politically correct but scientifically incorrect
We are all familiar with ways in which this technology has already regulations whose net effect is actually to damage our environment?
touched our lives. These have been just a beginning. The advances of One result of the decentralization that is inherent in the informa-
the coming decade will astonish even the technologists. tion revolution is the breaking of monopolies both government mo-
Our libraries will disappear, as virtually all recorded knowledge nopolies over their own citizens and industrial monopolies. The
becomes available at every human location by means of electronic future will belong to those who thrive in this new decentralized free-
networks and, where preferred, on low-cost plastic disks. Transmis- enterprise environment because they are able to effectively distin-
sion of audio, visual, and textual information will become essentially guish useful and true information from the useless or false. Countries
instantaneous as the bandwidth of this electronic miracle increases far that try to continue their monopolies over their citizens by stifling free
beyond our individual abilities to utilize it. enterprise and promoting false information will gradually die.
With the collapse of their monopolies on knowledge stored in li- The monopolies will, of course, resist. Publications will attempt to
braries and information delivery, educational institutions from ele- maintain their copyrights only to find that authors and readers move
mentary school through college will be transformed. Most will die. to other publishers. Educators will try to maintain their monopo-
The remainder will be engaged primarily in testing and accreditation. lies through government testing and other politically controllable
As far as information and communications are concerned, all hu- standards only to find that students and employers discard them.
man minds are going to be electronically connectable and effectively Governments will try to continue the surveillance of their citizens
relocatable to a single point in time and space. Even those minds that through laws against encryption technology only to find their
are no longer living will be able to occupy this point to the extent that brightest and best citizens relocating to other countries.
their knowledge has been recorded and retained. Where are the new opportunities in this revolution other than in
While these changes will transform most aspects of our lives, they the information technology itself? They are where they have always
will not substitute for all of our activities. A popular myth is spread- been. Any activity that demonstrably improves the quality and quan-
ing that we are moving into the information age and a post-in- tity of human life, as determined by the vote of the free marketplace,
dustrial society. It is claimed that, in this mythical new age, even will thrive all activities that provide for the necessities and desires
pseudoenvironmentalist energy rationing will be harmless because of human beings. These include also those activities that separate
information technology requires very little energy. This is nonsense. truth from fiction, myth from reality, and useful facts from nonuseful
The maintenance and enrichment of human lives still require steel, that sort through information in quest of facts with the most value.
concrete, fuel, and all of the other commodities and manufactured With the enormous increase in the amount of deliverable informa-
goods upon which we depend. We must have food, shelter, clothing, tion, this latter activity will be more important and more difficult. We
transportation, medicine, and other necessities to survive; and we might say that wisdom will be in increased demand electroni-
must have literature, art, music, and the tools to explore new frontiers cally extracted and communicated wisdom. There will be approxi-
in the microscopic worlds and in outer space in order to fulfill higher mately the same number of facts (both true and false) in each
human objectives and needs. Better information can make us more human mind, since mental capacity is not increasing. With so many
effective in these works, but it cannot substitute for the works. more facts available, however, which ones should each of us retain?
There is no such thing as a world post-industrial society. Post The information revolution and its concomitant benefits cannot be
industrialism can be tried on a local or national level, but the risks are stopped. It will occur. It will not necessarily, however, occur in any
great. The United States is, for example, the current world leader in particular place. Misused government power can spoil it. We must
information technology, but it is rapidly losing its leadership in most have the wisdom to not let that happen in the United States.

We have now endured three campaigns against the use of coal, oil,
ENERGY RATIONING and natural gas. First, it was claimed that we were running out of these
commodities. World use of hydrocarbons must be sharply reduced im-
If a child asks his parents several times for the same dispensation mediately, we were told, because supplies of coal, oil, and natural gas
but each time gives a different reason for the request they may justifi- were soon to be exhausted, leaving us without them even for uses
ably conclude that it is the dispensation that the child desires. Obvi- where there are no substitutes. This first excuse was a sort of endan-
ously, the reasons are merely means to an end. So it is also with adults. gered species argument casting the continued users of hydrocarbons
as poor stewards of the Earths rapidly diminishing resources. As it portions of the worlds people, who cannot better themselves without
turned out, the world is awash in hydrocarbons with an approximately access to energy the currency of technological progress. These are
1,000-years supply, even assuming a doubling of world population, the effects of energy rationing. It is obviously not being advocated for
high living standards for everyone, and the generation of all energy the excuses. We must assume that it is being advocated for its effects.
from burning hydrocarbons. (See Future Energy Sources, Access It is no longer politically correct to say things like there are too
to Energy 24, p 1-2, July 1997.) This has been reflected by steadily many people lets kill them until their numbers please us or there
diminishing free market hydrocarbon costs, with the occasional price are too many potential competitors lets be sure they never have the
increases clearly being the result of political and not natural causes. chance to rise above the level of economic slavery to us. Instead, the
Second, it was claimed that global cooling was being caused by the new and acceptable way is to cry crocodile tears for the earth and
burning of hydrocarbons in human activities. This claim was made predict doom for the planet and make any other excuses that the press
during an unusually cold period of global weather, although that period will trust and parrot in order to get world energy rationing.
began long before there was significant human use of hydrocarbons. If an energy rationing system can be established, no matter how
Immediate and sharp reductions in hydrocarbon use were advocated mild its original provisions, then it can be tightened until it is used to
by environmental scientists in order to curtail this disastrous global reduce world population and control the economic well-being and per-
cooling. Not only was there not a shred of evidence to support this hy- sonal freedom of every individual on Earth.
pothesis, but temperature records showed that, in the early part of the Energy rationing is a new means to political power, and it is ever so
20th century, the atmosphere was actually becoming a little warmer. much nicer than war. People can be controlled and killed at will while
Third, it was claimed that global warming was being caused by the the perpetrators posture as benign lovers of Planet Earth. World energy
release of carbon dioxide during the human burning of coal, oil, and rationing is now very close as close as the treaty that Clinton and
natural gas. Remarkably, this claim was made by many of the same Gore intend to sign in Japan this December. This must be stopped.
people who had warned about global cooling. We must, we have been If the energy rationing treaty passes, a lot of people are going to die.
told, immediately and sharply curtail our use of hydrocarbons in order
to prevent catastrophe from global warming even though there is not DEMOCIDE
yet a shred of credible evidence that human release of carbon dioxide
is significantly warming the atmosphere. With regard to killing as one purpose of energy rationing, we have
Three excuses one demand. Moreover, the demand parallels other used the word genocide. Murder by the State by Gerald W.
similar demands. Increased nuclear energy use in the United States has Scully, NCPA Policy Report No. 211, September 1997, available from
been blocked as the result of claims (from many of the same people the National Center for Policy Analysis, 12655 N. Central Expwy.,
who are demonizing hydrocarbons) that nuclear power plants are dan- Suite 720, Dallas, TX 75243, distinguishes genocide, the murder of
gerous. The dangers described have not been scientifically credible, minorities, from democide, the murder of the general population by
but the political agitation has been effective indeed. their own government. Those on the bottom of the economic ladder,
In addition, we now have environmentalist organizations in the first to be killed by energy rationing, might be considered a minor-
many localities that are agitating for the removal of dams from Ameri- ity and, in any case, are often constituted more of recognized minori-
can rivers. Many of these dams generate hydroelectric power as well as ties, but the difference is merely semantic.
providing farm irrigation water and flood control. Several dams in the Scully documents the fact that 7.3% of the worlds people have
Northwest, including two within 50 miles from where I am writing, are been murdered by their own governments during the 20th century vs.
nearing political decisions that will result in their demolition. 8.9%, 4.7%, and 3.7% for the 13th, 17th, and 19th centuries respec-
Five excuses three energy sources one result. The only energy tively. These numbers do not include deaths by war or by abortion.
sources not currently under attack are those that are, as yet, impractical Nor have these murders been carried out by only a few evil govern-
for the generation of substantial amounts of electric power. The ines- ments with which we are all familiar. He lists 74 countries that have
capable conclusion is that these political children want energy ration- conducted democides during the 20th century, including 19 commu-
ing by whatever excuses it may be obtained. nist countries and among noncommunist countries 19 in Africa, 15
Why? Consider The Sky is No Limit in Green & Gold 7, p 3, in Latin America, 13 in Asia and the Middle East, and 8 in Europe.
July 1997, available from P. O. Box 74416, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria Scully thinks that democide will diminish as governments realize
0040, South Africa, which quotes The Energy Outlook 1997, publish- people are more valuable alive than dead. He supports this hypothesis
ed by the Energy Information Administration, EIA, of the U. S. De- with graphs of democide vs. productivity. Worldwide, however, the
partment of Energy. EIA predicts that world energy demand will rise century by century decline in democide has been sharply reversed dur-
54% between 1995 and 2015. It is predicted that, by 2015, the devel- ing the 20th century a century of rising per capita productivity.
oping countries of Asia alone will use 9% more energy than the United The lesson is that governments do not hesitate to kill their own peo-
States. Electricity consumption is predicted to rise 75% between 1995 ple when those in control decide that this is in their personal interests.
and 2015, which will require the equivalent of 5,000 additional 300- We like to believe that the United States is different (except for occa-
megawatt electric power plants. sional small incidents which have been rising in frequency recently),
These large increases in energy use are partly the result of increas- but world energy rationing is a planet-wide program. We cannot ex-
ing population and partly the result of increased world-wide economic pect its morals and objectives to be any better than the the lowest com-
development, especially in Asia. Fortunately, there are several practi- mon denominator of the many governments involved most of which
cal methods for generating this energy, plenty of industrial and finan- have engaged in democide during the 20th century.
cial resources to build the necessary facilities, and proven fuel reserves Scully concludes that democide is associated with about a 20% loss
to power them for the next 20,000 years (See again Access to Energy of national wealth and is the result of dominant group and authoritarian
24, p 1-2.) methods, means, and fuels that we have been told, five rule. A 20% loss not personally affecting the rulers is a small price
times for five different reasons, not to use. to pay for power. Moreover, world energy rationing is obviously a pro-
Moreover, even conservationism on a 20,000-year time scale can- gram associated with authoritarian rule on an international scale.
not explain these demands, since solar energy at the Earths boundary As always, our technology coexists with the character of man and
is more than 2,000 times our projected 21st Century needs. In 20,000 has no meaning separate from its effects upon mankind. We build for
years we shall surely learn to use that and fusion power besides. fun and for usually noble reasons, but we must never forget to watch
Energy rationing for this is the obvious intent of these reasons our backs. The ignoble characteristics of man are always there.
will have two large effects. It will reduce the world population of It is wrong to knowingly kill a child every 12 seconds from malaria
human beings (substitute genocide if you prefer more literal truth), by banning the use of DDT as we are doing now. It is even worse to
and it will perpetuate economic slavery as a way of life for large pro- increase this killing by orders of magnitude through energy rationing.
3. Reducing pesticide residues is an effective way to prevent diet-
CONSTITUTIONAL TECHNOLOGY related cancer. Plant-produced pesticides constitute most of the pesti-
cides in fruits and vegetables and are generally harmless anyway.
Six Ships That Shook the World by Roger Archibald in Inven- 4. Human exposures to carcinogens and other potential hazards
tion and Technology 13, Number 2, pp 24-36 (1997), available from are nearly all to synthetic chemicals. An estimated 99.9% of the
American Heritage of Invention and Technology, Forbes Building, chemicals humans ingest are natural and these natural chemicals have
60th Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011, is a fascinating account of the same overall cancer-causing potential as synthetic chemicals.
the ships designed by Joshua Humphreys and his later coworker Josiah 5. Cancer risks to humans can be assessed by standard high-dose
Fox technology that permitted George Washington to build an animal cancer tests. These high dose experiments are erroneously ex-
American navy that effectively blocked the British fleet in 1812 and trapolated to ordinary dose levels by means of a linear, no-threshold
turned the United States into a world naval power.
British ships of the
line had enormous fire
power but they were
very slow approxi-
mately 5 knots. They
needed to be short and
massive in order to
hold the weight of
large numbers of very
heavy guns. Longer
and lighter ships were
more maneuverable,
but lacked cannons
and strength that could
compete with the
heavier ships.
Humphreys princi-
pal innovation, called Figure 1
by a recent captain of
the USS Constitution the stealth technology of its day, was massive hypothesis that is not consistent with biological facts.
oak beams inside the ship that evenly distributed the weight of the guns 6. Synthetic chemicals pose greater carcinogenic hazards than
onto the keel of the ship. This permitted the construction of a heavily- natural chemicals. In fact, half of all chemicals tested in the standard
armed, long, light ship that was fast 13 knots. Humphreys ships high-dose animal tests are found to be carcinogenic half of the
could outmaneuver and outrun any other man-of-war in existence and synthetic chemicals and half of the natural chemicals. Of the 28 tested
could match their cannon range and weight of projectiles. See Figure 1. natural compounds from coffee, 19 have been classed carcinogenic.
In addition, Humphreys used a very hard variety of oak growing 7. The toxicology of synthetic chemicals is different from that of
only in the Americas and a special design that made the ships sides natural chemicals. This myth not scientific evidence showing envi-
particularly resistant. In all forty-two of her battles, the hull of the USS ronmental harm or health dangers, since none exists is at the heart of
Constitution (Old Ironsides) was never penetrated by a cannon ball. enviropropaganda for the ban of DDT. Ames and Gold quote the 1970
Her overall design was so new that it would have been rejected except National Academy of Sciences report which concluded that In little
for the fact that America had no navy and therefore no peer review. more than two decades DDT has prevented 500 million deaths due to
The USS Constitution is the only one of the six original ships that malaria, that would otherwise have been inevitable. (Ames and Gold
remains. It is possible to walk on her decks in ignorance of her history give this reference as National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., The Life
and see only an old wooden ship. It is impossible to read Archibalds Sciences: Recent Progress and Application to Human Affairs, the
article without deeper feelings and perhaps a mist in your eyes. World of Biological Research, Requirement for the Future, 1970,
Committee on Research in the Life Sciences, Washington, DC, p 526.)
CHEMICALS AND CANCER Today (see Access to Energy 24, No. 12, p 4 for references), hun-
dreds of millions of people suffer unnecessarily from malaria and one
Fear is the stock in trade of the antitechnologists, and lack of person (usually a child) dies every 12 seconds from this disease. Most
knowledge exacerbates fear. The myth that there is an epidemic of can- of these deaths are the direct result of the baseless rationing of chemi-
cer caused by industrially produced chemicals has proven, therefore, to cal technology by the United States government the ban of DDT.
be a gold mine for pseudoenvironmentalist propagandists. If you are in The children we are killing, however, do not vote in our elections.
their business, however, one Bruce Ames can spoil your whole year. 8. Pesticides and other synthetic chemicals are disrupting hor-
Ames and his colleagues and coworkers just keep churning out re- mones. The hormonal effects of ordinarily ingested natural chemicals
search data that discredits this myth the principal myth that keeps the are millions of times higher than for synthetic chemicals.
Environmental Protection Agency in business. 9. Regulation of low, hypothetical risks is effective in advancing
In Environmental Pollution, Pesticides, and the Prevention of public health. Besides costing, by the Environmental Protection
Cancer: Misconceptions by B. N. Ames and L. S. Gold, to be pub- Agencys own estimate, about $140 billion per year, the regulation of
lished in the November issue of the FASEB Journal, Ames and Gold, low, hypothetical risks has raised the cost of healthful foods, dimin-
list nine myths (misconceptions) and demolish them all. These are: ished access to life enhancing and life saving technology, and caused
1. Cancer rates are soaring. Overall mortality (excluding smok- the deaths of millions of people through rationing of needed chemicals.
ing induced lung cancer) from cancer has decreased 16% since 1950. The greatest contribution to public health that could be made by the
2. Environmental synthetic chemicals are an important cause of EPA would be for it and its regulations to be abolished.
human cancer. The percentage of cancers induced by such chemicals The 86 references and 5 tables in this article by Ames and Gold
is so low that it cannot be measured reliably enough to verify, while the (both of whom can be reached at the National Institute of Environ-
cancer-causing effects of banning chemicals, such as diminished con- mental Health Sciences Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA
sumption of fruits and vegetables, are high and easily measurable. 94720) are all the ammunition needed to demolish the myths about hu-
man environmental pollution and cancer.


Cool Cars: Running Clean on Liquid Nitrogen by I. Peterson in l The United States Marine Corps is now being used to chase mari-
Science News 152, p 119 (1997) reports that two vehicles have been juana growers in Southern Oregon. We know this because unmarked
built that use evaporating liquid nitrogen as a steam substitute to drive Marine helicopters have been circling low over our house and fields
their motors. This is lauded as a new approach to nonpolluting auto- and because our newspaper reports that two of these Marine helicop-
mobiles for California and also as a way of cleaning the air of carb- ters stopped at a local school. While they were there, students stole a
on dioxide and airborne particles during liquid nitrogen manufacture. $1,200 radio from one of the helicopters which has still not been re-
The featured automobile is stripped to just enough frame and tires covered. Maybe the CIA and FBI should investigate this theft.
to hold one human, the motor, and the fuel. This car can travel 15 The armed forces of the United States should not be used against
miles at 20 miles per hour on 48 gallons of liquid nitrogen. At current American citizens. We have police agencies for this. Moreover, it is
prices in Southern Oregon, this is $125 worth of liquid nitrogen. degrading and ridiculous for our most accomplished and elite armed
Reducing this price by half to allow for economies of scale, I calcu- service to be chasing potheaded hippies through the Oregon woods.
late four dollars per mile or approximately 80 times the fuel cost for l Attention Deficit Disaster by John McGinnis in The Wall
my 1983 GMC diesel Suburban. Compared to a current model auto- Street Journal, p A14, September 18, 1997, reports that U.S. Ritalin
mobile of weight comparable to the test car, the fuel cost is about 150- prescriptions have increased to 11.3 million in 1996, up nearly 400%
fold higher (300-fold at current prices). just since 1990. Most of this Ritalin is being prescribed through tax-fi-
Even if they give the fuel away, however, there is another small nanced schools to treat Attention Deficit Disorder an epidemic new
problem. In order to drive the same distance (1,000 miles) that my disease that has recently descended upon Americas children.
Suburban travels on 40 gallons of fuel, the test car will require 11 tons Afflicting mostly boys, ADD is no more than an all-purpose excuse
of liquid nitrogen. Eleven tons of fuel (on a very large trailer) will drop to put children who are rebelling against the institutionalized child
my fuel efficiency to at least a factor of four below the test car, so now abuse we call public schools on psychoactive drugs. It also helps
I need 40 tons of fuel. This is approximately the capacity of the tractor- teach the kids that temper tantrums are excusable, since they just re-
trailer trucks that are used to distribute fuel to service stations. These flect organic illness. If I were required to attend a public school, I
trucks require even more fuel. Let us assume a factor of two. would have an attention deficit, too.
So, we estimate that this new technology will give us a range of
about 500 miles if we all travel in tractor-trailer fuel trucks and pay GOOD READING
about 1000-fold more for our fuel. Not to worry they are tinkering
with ways to make it better probably by means of lubrication with a l Dont Crush Wireless Innovation by George Gilder in The
fat tax-financed research grant. Wall Street Journal, p A22, September 16, 1997. The dead hand of
As to the ancillary advantage of cleaning the atmosphere of carbon government monopoly has been trying to catch up with the microelec-
dioxide, it will be necessary to liquefy about 50% of the atmosphere of tronics revolution. Bungling the licensing of electromagnetic spectrum
the entire Earth to reduce carbon dioxide levels to those of the 1940s. and moving to outlaw encryption are their latest efforts.
The energy for this liquification and for storage of the resulting carbon l No Quarter for Kyoto by Marlo Lewis, Jr. in CEI UpDate 10,
will need to be produced without the use of hydrocarbon fuels. No. 8, p 2 (1997), available from the Competitive Enterprise Institute,
The only advantage of this method of propulsion is that its develop- 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036.
ment will not lead to peudoenvironmentalist demonization of nitrogen. This is an excellent, concise call for a rational, moral, and effective op-
The only technologies selected for demonization are those that do cost- position to the global warming treaty as opposed to the weak, politics-
effective and practical work. This one does not. of-envy opposition now emphasized in the U. S. Senate.
l CO2 Increases Oceanic Primary Production by M. Hein and
RADIATION DANGERS K. Sand-Jensen, Nature 388, pp 526-527 (1997). They find a small
but significant stimulation of primary production (15-19%) [of plank-
On March 1, 1954 a thermonuclear bomb test named Bravo Shot - ton] in response to elevated CO2 concentrations that simulate the CO2
Operation Castle in the Marshall Islands accidentally exposed about rise in surface waters that will occur over the next 100-200 years.
300 Marshall Island residents and U. S. military personnel to danger- Rising carbon dioxide levels are producing more trees and other
ously high levels of radioactive fallout. Unprotected by potassium io- vegetation, more animals, and more ocean biomass. If human use of
dide supplements (now available to French citizens, but not to most hydrocarbons is causing this CO2 rise by releasing the carbon in coal,
Americans) many of the exposed individuals, especially the children, oil, and natural gas (not yet entirely certain), then humans are causing a
developed thyroid tumors and other thyroid abnormalities. wonderful enrichment of global plant and animal life. A little warmer
These people have been studied extensively during subsequent winters and longer growing seasons would be nice, too, but there is as
years as summarized in Historical Events Associated with Fallout yet no evidence that human activities are raising global temperatures.
from Bravo Shot - Operation Castle and 25 Y of Medical Findings by l The EPAs Dirty Little Secrets by H. Sterling Burnett, NCPA
E. P. Cronkite, R. A. Conrad. and V. P. Bond, Health Physics 73, No. Brief Analysis No. 236 (1997) available from National Center for Pub-
1, pp 176-189 (1997). lic Policy, 12655 N. Central Expy., Suite 720, Dallas, TX 75243-1739.
Although some of these people suffered short-term depression of These are that: EPA clean air standards do not help asthmatic
blood production, beta burns on their skin, and measurable internal children; are not supported by EPA scientists; are based on secret data
contamination by fission products in addition to thyroid damage, the that not even the EPA has seen; and actually have the net effect of cost-
authors found, Survival curves for the people exposed on Rongelap, ing more lives than they are claimed to save.
Ailinginae, Utirik, and Rongelap unexposed people show there is no
significant difference. Actually of those exposed on Rongelap and Ail-
inginae, there was a slightly higher fraction alive in 1986.
Now that America is safe from nuclear attack because most foreign
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
arsenals of nuclear weapons are in the hands of the peace-loving lead- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
ers who burned the Russian Parliament, leveled Chechnya, and $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
cleansed Tiananmen Square, we seem only to need potassium iodide $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
to protect us from the odd terrorist or accident. Radiation hormesis will each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
apparently at least cancel fallout radiation effects on lifespan. years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
NOVEMBER 1997 (Vol. 25, no. 3) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Rationing Technology
The revolution in science and technology during the past 300 Even dabbling with small aspects of technology far less perva-
years has made enormous contributions to the quality, quantity, and sive than energy can have disastrous consequences, as we have
length of human life. Billions of people are enjoying life today whose learned in the case of DDT. In 1970, the U. S. National Academy of
existence would have been impossible without modern technology. Sciences stated that, In little more than two decades DDT has pre-
For those fortunate to live in the more developed countries, lifespan vented 500 million deaths due to malaria, that would otherwise have
has doubled. As the 21st Century dawns, large numbers of people in been inevitable. The science underlying the claimed environ-
the underdeveloped countries are beginning to lift themselves out of mental disasters that could result from continued use of DDT was so
poverty, while population increases are slowing. Even using the high poor that even the Environmental Protection Agencys own review
estimate of an eventual world population of 10 billion, there are board would not recommend that it be banned. Ah, but when dealing
clearly sufficient wealth and resources to provide long, enjoyable, and with disaster scenarios it is necessary to err on the side of caution.
productive lives for all of these people. After all, DDT is just another noxious chemical. Right?
An indication of the pace of this development is energy usage, So, the EPA banned the use of DDT in the United States and did
since energy is the currency of technological progress. Food, cloth- an effective job of reducing its use all over the world. Today, several
ing, shelter, transportation, and most of the other necessities and con- hundred million people are afflicted with malaria, and one person,
veniences of life are energy dependent. The Energy Information usually a child, dies every 12 seconds from this disease. Most of these
Administration of the U. S. Department of Energy predicts that world deaths are directly attributable to the EPA ban of DDT. Just this one
energy demand will rise 54% and electricity demand will rise 75% instance of rationing technology has killed several children while you
between 1995 and 2015. By 2015, the developing nations of Asia have been reading this article.
alone are expected to require more energy than the United States. If decreasing world energy supplies by 20% instead of expanding
Against this backdrop of a need for more energy energy that at them by 50% reduces the human carrying capacity of the earth by
present must be provided primarily by burning coal, oil, and natural only 10% pushing people off the lower rungs of the ladder of eco-
gas and by nuclear fission, it is particularly troubling to note the po- nomic existence and these people die over a period of 20 years, then
litical progress being made by those who call instead for world-wide the carnage will be 100 people every 12 seconds.
energy rationing. Proposals under consideration for Kyoto in Decem- Energy rationing looks great if your primary interest is political
ber would roll back energy production by as much as 20% at a time power. Control of energy supplies in a technological world bestows
when human needs require increases in production by 50%. The the power of life or death over most of the worlds people. Energy
Kyoto treaty would leave the world with about half as much energy rationing also looks great if your interest is in population control
as it will require early in the 21st Century. through population reduction, although there are less polite terms for
The more moderate proposals for rollbacks by 5% or 10% in this. Political power and population reduction are understandably not
energy usage that President Clinton has now announced are almost as very popular, so fad and fashion dictates that they be cloaked in
severe because the world needs 50% more energy not 5%, 10%, or crocodile tears for the environment and concern about global disaster.
20% less. Moreover, after mandatory global controls on energy pro- For the malaria victims, disaster is already here. Instead of talking
duction are in place, they can be gradually expanded to any level. about ways to increase the present killing rate by orders of magnitude,
Although the buzzword of the present is global warming, it is we should instead be talking about rolling back the DDT ban and
evident that this is just an excuse for rationing. Hydrocarbon fuels other regulations that ration technology which is essential to the pres-
have endured three major campaigns claimed looming shortages re- ervation and enhancement of human life.
quiring rationing, claimed global cooling requiring rationing, and Access to Energy has carried many articles about the nonscience
claimed global warming requiring rationing with most of the of global warming. Each of these has dealt with one aspect of this
same people making these three different claims. Energy opponents, subject. These various articles usually summarized by a graph or
again many of the same people, have also caused the rationing in the chart with the essential elements are more understandable when
United States of nuclear energy. In each case, the science did not sup- they are all considered as a whole. Therefore, this issue of Access to
port the claims. Each, however, involved an apocalyptic scenario Energy is largely devoted to a summary of the data about this subject.
deemed to be so terrible that consideration of moderating facts or All of the people on earth now face an imminent environmental
waiting for experimental evidence was characterized as irresponsible. catastrophe that, if it is not prevented, will probably cause more suf-
Ancient Aztec rulers and priests were also merchants of disaster fering and loss of life than all other recorded disasters combined. That
scenarios. They taught the Aztec people that, if their altar stones were looming disaster is the expected signing and possible ratification of a
not kept continuously wet with human blood, the sun would cease to mandatory hydrocarbon rationing treaty in Kyoto, Japan, next month.
shine a major environmental disaster. Modern day Aztecans have Sometimes it is not enough to say, I did not do it; I was not re-
provided us with many new imagined disasters. Curiously, most of sponsible; or I was distracted by other things. Sometimes the human
these seem to have only one solution energy rationing which also stakes are so high that all of us are responsible whether we want to
means the rationing of all technology that is energy dependent. be involved or not. This, unfortunately, is one of those times.

estimates indicate that this level may eventually rise as high as 600
GLOBAL WARMING ppm. (See S. B. Idso, Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Earth in
Transition, IBR Press, Tempe, Arizona, 1989.) This rise in atmos-
There is no doubt that the carbon dioxide concentration of the pheric carbon dioxide is probably a result of human burning of coal,
Earths atmosphere is rising. From levels of about 290 parts per mil- oil, and natural gas, although this has not been established for certain.
lion, ppm, at the beginning of the 20th century, atmospheric carbon Carbon dioxide in the oceans and other natural reservoirs totals 50-
dioxide has risen now to about 360 ppm. Moreover, reasonable fold more than that in the atmosphere, and movement between these
reservoirs is poorly understood. The observed rise corresponds, how- It turns out that scientists have been able to carefully test the hy-
ever, with the time of human release and is equal to the rise expected pothesis of global warming during the past 50 years without relying
from about one-half of the amount known to have been released. Fig- on arguments that are based on other hypotheses or on incompletely
ures 1 and 2 show levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide vs. time. (See understood calculations. During the past 50 years, atmospheric carbon
the book by Idso previously referenced and also Trends 93: A Com- dioxide levels have risen by a large amount, while, simultaneously,
pendium of Data on Global Change published by Oak Ridge Na- precise measurements of atmospheric temperature have been made.
tional Laboratory.) These measurements have definitively shown that major atmospheric
greenhouse warming of the atmosphere as predicted by proponents of
global warming is not taking place and is unlikely ever to take
place. In other words, global warming has failed experimental test.

Figure 3
Figures 3 to 8 illustrate these results. Figure 3 provides a long-term
perspective. (See L. D. Kegwin, Science 274, 1504-1508, 1996.) This
graph of sea surface temperatures in the Sargaso Sea (a region of the
Atlantic Ocean) was derived from isotope ratios in the remains of tiny
marine organisms that are deposited as sediment at the bottom of the
sea. At the left, labeled Station S, are recent direct measurements
Figure 1 at the same location. As is illustrated, the Earth has been warming dur-
ing the past 300 years as it recovers from a cool period known as the
On the scale of Figure 2, the seasonal variation is also evident. Little Ice Age. Also seen is the period 1,000 years ago during the
Plants use carbon dioxide, so levels tend to fall in the daytime and in Middle Ages when temperatures were warmer than today and
the summer and tend to rise at night and in the winter. weather was generally milder.

Figure 4

Figure 2
The more jagged line in Figure 4 shows temperatures during the
past 250 years. The smoother line in Figure 4 records solar magnetic
It happens that carbon dioxide, water, and a few other substances in activity during the same period. (See S. Baliunas and W. Soon, Sky
the atmosphere are greenhouse gases. This means that, for reasons and Telescope, December 1996.) The close correlation between these
explainable from their physics and chemistry, they tend to admit more two parameters strongly suggests that the gradual warming since the
solar energy into the atmosphere than they allow to escape from it. Ac- Little Ice Age and the fluctuations during that warming have been
tually, things are not so simple as this, since these substances interact caused by solar activity. In other words, when the sun is more active,
among themselves and with other aspects of the atmosphere in com- the Earth is warmer and vice versa.
plex ways that are not quantitatively understood. Figure 5 gives annual 20th century temperatures in the United
Nevertheless, it was reasonable to suggest that rising atmospheric States. As can be clearly seen, current temperatures are not at all un-
carbon dioxide levels might cause rising atmospheric temperatures. usual even when compared with the recent past. (See Brief No. 213,
Some people went so far as to predict global warming, which has National Center for Policy Analysis, quoting from the original 1990
come to mean greenhouse warming of the atmosphere by large Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report.)
amounts accompanied by catastrophic environmental consequences. Figure 6 shows global temperatures measured in recent years by
tures will rise significantly indeed catastrophically if atmospheric
carbon dioxide rises. During the past 50 years, a definitive experimen-
tal test of this hypothesis has been performed on the entire earth. It has
completely failed this test. Not only have temperatures not risen sig-
nificantly with carbon dioxide, they have not detectably risen at all.
Moreover, the historical record of global temperatures over periods
ranging from as long as 3,000 years to as short as 18 years tempera-
tures measured with several different, reliable, and mutually consistent
methods shows that current temperatures are not unusual and would
not be unusual even if they were to rise much more than can be caused
by an experimentally reasonable (in view of the experience of the last
50 years) carbon dioxide greenhouse effect.

Figure 5

means of modern instrumentation. Notice that the longer record of

weather balloon measurements corresponds very closely to measure-
ments during the past two decades made by orbiting satellites. This Figure 7
correspondence helps to mutually confirm the accuracy of these read-
ings taken by entirely different methods readings that show no sign
of global warming. (See R. A. Kerr, Science 267, 612, 1995.)

In science, the ultimate test of any hypothesis is experiment. If a

hypothesis fails experimental test, then the hypothesis must be dis-
carded. There is no other rational and honest alternative.
Why then is there continuing discussion of atmospheric global
warming? What possible support can it find even among scientists
who are willing to compromise their integrity in order to report results
that the politicians and bureaucrats who fund them want to hear?
It turns out that there is a field of inquiry in which scientists are
trying to use computers to predict the weather even global weather
over very long future time periods. This is valuable research. Even
Figure 6 though global weather is so complicated that current data and com-
Figure 7 gives an amplified view of the most sophisticated meas- puter methods are insufficient to permit such predictions, it is reason-
urements available those made by orbiting satellites since 1979. able to hope that these methods will eventually improve and become
When the fluctuations are averaged, these measurements show that useful in many ways. At present, however, computer climate models
global temperature has actually been trending slightly downward dur-
ing the past 18 years a period with the highest global carbon dioxide
levels on record. (See Eco logic, 1-5, March/April 1997.)
Finally, Figure 8 compares the temperature record of the 20th cen-
tury with the temperature record expected if atmospheric carbon diox-
ide had caused the 0.6 degree Centigrade or 1.0 degree Fahrenheit rise
during this century. The calculated line is proportional to the carbon
dioxide rise. The temperature rise occurred prior to 1940, while most
of the carbon dioxide rise occurred after 1940. (See Two Environ-
mental Issues, George C. Marshall Institute, 1991.)
Even if the two curves were correlated, it would not prove the
global warming hypothesis, since correlation does not prove causality.
It is necessary, however, for a cause either to precede or occur simulta-
neously with an effect. Since the temperature rise occurred before the
carbon dioxide rise, it is impossible for the carbon dioxide rise to have
caused the temperature rise. As shown in Figure 4, it is likely that this
temperature rise was caused by the increase in solar activity that corre- Figure 8
lates well with it. This also agrees very well with common sense.
Therefore, the scientific method requires that the global warming
hypothesis be rejected. This hypothesis predicts that global tempera-
Figure 11
easy to estimate the relevant parameters in such a way as to obtain
whatever result the computer operator wishes to find. When the opera-
tors funding depends upon government committees that have vested
Figure 9 interests in a particular outcome, that outcome is likely to appear.

are very unreliable, as is clearly seen in Figures 9 and 10. (See The
Global Warming Experiment, George C. Marshall Institute, 1995.)
In the Arctic, where the computer models are supposed to be espe-
cially accurate, their predictions are even worse than those for the
whole Earth. Whereas the models predict warming, actual measure-
ments have shown cooling. This is not surprising. The weatherman
still has difficulty predicting weather in a small locality for even a few
days in advance. Global predictions over very long time periods are
entirely beyond current capabilities.

Figure 12
This phenomenon is illustrated in Figure 12. (See S. Baliunas, Is
Global Climate at Risk?, DDP, 1996.) As resistance to the global
warming hypothesis has grown in the scientific community and as
measurements continue to find no warming, the degree of warming
predicted by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, IPCC, has decreased. In other words, the computer models
have been fiddled to predict a lower, more politically acceptable
warming but still enough to keep the global warmers in business.
With greater reliability than the climate models, we could use this
graph to predict that the issue will shift back to global cooling in 2003.
So what do the global warmers do to keep the IPCC ball rolling and
their global warming treaty on track? They lie. This is illustrated in

Figure 10
Figure 11 illustrates one reason the computer models are inaccurate.
The right hand bar shows the size of the effect they are trying to calcu-
late. The three bars on the left show, on the same scale, the uncertain-
ties in three parameters that are required for the calculations. (See S.
Baliunas, Uncertainties in Climate Modeling: Solar Variability and
Other Factors, testimony before the Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources of the U. S. Senate, 1996.) Where errors are so great with
respect to the values being estimated, it is not surprising that the calcu-
lations are unreliable.
In fact, when computer models of this sort are so uncertain, it is
Figure 13
Figure 13. (See B. D. Santer et al, Nature 382, 39-45, 1996, who pub-
lished the data in the oval, and P. J. Michaels and P. C. Knappenberger,
Nature 384, 522-523, 1996, who published the rest of the story in the
data outside the oval.) The data in the oval, from a specific region in
the Southern Hemisphere troposphere, was used to influence an IPCC
report on global warming by leaving out the points that would have
led to an opposite scientific conclusion.
Global warmers also try to obscure the issue with further scare sce-
narios such as worldwide flooding from melting of the polar ice. This
scare would be nonsense even if global warming were a reality which
it is not. Floating ice does not raise the water level when it melts.
As far as the nonfloating ice on the Antarctic continent is con-
cerned, that ice melts only at the bottom, where it is warmed by geo-
thermal heat from the Earth. At the top, it is so cold that no melting
would occur even if the temperature were raised substantially. More-
over, the ice cap itself is such a thick insulator that it would require
hundreds of years for any temperature change to be transmitted to the
melting region and even then the energy transferred would be negli-
gible as compared to the geothermal heat that is already present.
Finally, even if, by some magic, unacceptable global warming were Figure 15
to begin to occur, there are several methods of reducing temperature by
injecting small amounts of dust into the atmosphere as do volcanoes, can be calculated from data on tree growth as a function of increased
which cause cooler climate periods. Use of these methods would cost atmospheric carbon dioxide. (See Forest Statistics of the United States,
1987 and Access to Energy, 21, Nos. 3 and 4, 1993.)
Figure 15 shows this same effect measured by tree ring width in
long-lived pine trees. Notice the sharp increase in growth rate during
the past 50 years. (See D. A. Graybill and S. B. Idso, Global Biogeo-
chemical Cycles, 7, 81-95, 1993.)
Carbon dioxide growth enhancement is even greater when plants
are grown under reduced fertilization or other conditions of stress as
often found in nature. Figure 16 is based upon 279 research studies in
which plants were grown under both stressed and unstressed condi-
tions. The mixture of plants in these experiments as compared to that in
the Earths natural environment was such that Figure 16 actually un-
derestimates the natural effect at 600 ppm a doubling of growth rate.
(See K. E. Idso and S. Idso, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 69,
153-203, 1994.) Since animals depend upon plants for food, their num-
bers also rise proportionately with increased plant growth.
Moreover, it has been found that mature Amazonian rain forests are
currently increasing their mass of plants and animals at a rate of one to
Figure 14 two tons per acre per year. (See J. Grace, Science, 270, 778-780, 1995.)
less than 1% of the amount that the first phase of the global warm- Throughout the northwestern United States, trees are expanding the ar-
ing treaty would cost the United States alone. (See E. Teller, The Wall eas in which they grow. This acceleration of tree growth is already so
Street Journal, A22, October 17, 1997.) great that unrestricted human logging could not keep pace.
In any case, there isnt any global warming. Actually, this is unfor- The people now alive on the Earth are going to live in an increas-
tunate because many regions of the globe would benefit from higher
temperatures and longer growing seasons.
There is, however, a pronounced beneficial effect already being
caused by the increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide an effect that
is going to accelerate in the years ahead and cause profound changes in
our environment. This is illustrated in Figures 14 to 16.
Plant growth is accelerated by increases in atmospheric carbon di-
oxide. Plants use carbon dioxide as their source of carbon and are,
therefore, fertilized by the atmosphere. For this reason, carbon dioxide
is often added in greenhouses. Also, as carbon dioxide increases, plants
require less water, since they lose less moisture from the pores through
which they respire. This allows plants to grow in drier regions.
The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide has stimulated much
research in effects on plants growing in open natural environments.
Sherwood Idso, Bruce Kimball, and their colleagues in Phoenix, Ari-
zona, are especially prominent with their experiments on trees and on
crops growing in open fields. Trees exhibit a very strong effect, while
crops are fertilized to a lesser but still significant extent.
Figure 14 shows the amount of growing timber in the United States.
There are now 120,000 pounds or 60 tons of timber for every man,
woman, and child, and this is increasing at a rate of 600 pounds per
person per year. It turns out that the increase in standing timber be-
tween 1958 and 1993 of about 25% was the same as the increase that Figure 16
ingly lush environment of plants and animals as a result of carbon di- these airplanes will fly in areas where missiles might be launched and
oxide increases already under way. Our immediate descendants will during times when launches are expected. The Pentagon claims that
enjoy an Earth with at least twice as much plant and animal life as that the airplanes could defend themselves with a laser that projects through
with which we now are blessed. the airplanes nose. The 747s are expected, therefore, to dogfight.
The more hydrocarbons we burn, the more our natural environment The Administration continues to cling to the defunct ABM Treaty,
will prosper. Coal, oil, and natural gas are turned into carbon dioxide; which precludes the construction of any missile defense that works. In
carbon dioxide is in turn used to make plants; and part of these plants is order to be able to claim, however, that they are not leaving Americans
used to make animals. We are moving hydrocarbons from below undefended, silly make-work ineffective projects are implemented.
ground and turning them into plants and animals a wonderful and l Scott Peters of the Nuclear Energy Institute, Suite 400, 1776 I
unexpected environmental gift from the human Industrial Revolution. Street NW, Washington, DC 20006, reports that a freshman at Eagle
Living things are made from carbon, and carbon dioxide is the prin- Rock Junior High in Idaho urged people to sign a petition demanding
cipal substance by which carbon is transferred from the environment strict control or total elimination of the chemical dihydrogen monox-
into plants and back and forth between plants and animals. Man uses ide, which: causes excessive sweating and vomiting; is a major com-
the energy in hydrocarbons found underground when he burns coal, ponent in acid rain; can cause severe burns in the gaseous state; can
oil, and natural gas. He also uses the solar energy gathered by plants cause death when accidentally inhaled; contributes to erosion; de-
when he burns wood or utilizes other biomass such as food. creases the effectiveness of automobile brakes; and has been found in
The release of this energy from the convenient forms in which it is the tumors of terminal cancer patients.
stored is absolutely essential to continued progress for the human race. Of 50 people asked if they supported a ban of the chemical, 43 said
This energy is needed to feed and lift from poverty vast numbers of yes, 6 were undecided, and only one knew that the chemical was water.
people across the globe. If political events permit, it will eventually al- The point here is not just that most of these people do not know
low all human beings to live long, prosperous, healthy, and productive high school chemistry nomenclature. More importantly, most of them
lives. There is no other single technological factor more important to believed that it was their right to support this restriction of technologi-
the increase in the quality, length, and quantity of human life than the cal freedom even though they knew nothing whatever about the sub-
continued and expanded use of the Earths hydrocarbons of which ject. The global warmers are betting that these same people can be
we have adequate proven reserves for more than 1,000 years. (See Ac- brainwashed to support severe restrictions of carbon dioxide.
cess to Energy 24-11, July 1997.) l The Deweese Report 3, No. 9, p 3, September 1997, available
Increased life and prosperity for humans and for plants and animals from the American Policy Center, 13873 Park Center Road # 316,
will result from continued increases in the use of coal, oil, and natural Herndon, VA 20171, quotes the following from the Teachers Man-
gas. Conversely, global death and poverty will result from the ration- ual, Interactive Mathematics for grades 6, 7, and 8, published by
ing of hydrocarbons called for by the international treaty that the Clin- Glencoe Division, Macmillan/McGraw Hill: Traditionally, mathe-
ton-Gore Administration says that it plans to sign in Japan next month. matics tests have questions with right and wrong answers. These
If the Senate refuses to ratify the treaty our last line of defense then tests reinforce the misleading image of mathematics as a subject with
the Administration may try to implement it anyway, as they have done unique correct answers . . . Poor test scores often lead to students with
in other instances. poor self-images who believe they arent good in math.
The science of this issue is completely clear, and the consequences
of error are very obvious. If the politicians and bureaucrats ration hy- GOOD READING
drocarbons, it really is quite ridiculous to believe that science, rational-
ism, and common sense any longer have a significant role in world l Longitude by Dava Sobel, published by Penguin Books in 1995,
affairs. How long will it be before they notice that breathing human is a fascinating account of the history of technological efforts to de-
beings, too, exhale large amounts of demon carbon dioxide? velop a means of shipboard measurement of longitude. It is not gener-
See also Access to Energy 21-3, 21-4, 21-8, 22-7, 22-8, 22-9, 24- ally remembered that great difficulties and much loss of life resulted
2, 24-3, 24-5, 24-9, 24-10, and 24-11 for discussion and references. from the inability of sailors to accurately determine their location. This
problem was solved by John Harrison, who invented a clock that
LIQUID NITROGEN CAR would keep precise time at sea.
l Of Mice and Mandates: Animal Experiments, Human Cancer
In the September 1997 issue of Access to Energy, we made some Risk, and Regulatory Policies, American Council on Science and
calculations about the new environmentally friendly car that is Health, 1995 Broadway, Second Floor, New York, NY 10023-5860.
driven by a turbine powered by evaporating liquid nitrogen. We esti- This is an excellent article about the misuse of cancer data at very high
mated that a similarly powered fuel truck carrying 40 tons of liquid doses in rodents to estimate low-dose risks to humans. About half of
nitrogen would have a range of about 500 miles and a fuel cost 1,000 such tested substances are thus demonized.
times higher than the diesel alternative. l Happiness Is a Warm Planet by T. G. Moore in The Wall
The tubular prototype liquid nitrogen car carries one man and its 48 Street Journal, A22, October 7, 1997. Why impoverish ourselves pre-
gallon fuel tank with a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour and a venting a global warming that is not occurring and would be good for
range of 15 miles. It, therefore, uses 3 gallons of fuel per mile. the environment even if it did occur? As Moore says, Global change
In comparison, a Boeing 747 aircraft traveling 575 miles per hour is inevitable; warmer is better; richer is healthier.
uses about 6 gallons per mile of jet fuel (on average during a coast-to- l The Economic Laws of Scientific Research by Terence Kealey,
coast trip). Jet fuel costs, however, about one-third as much as liquid Macmillan Press Ltd., 1996. This is a comparison between tax funding
nitrogen, so the 747 fuel cost is less per mile than the one person car. of science and technology and free market funding of science and tech-
You may have 500 people traveling in a 747 or one person traveling at nology one more instance where freedom is superior to socialism.
20 miles per hour in a go-cart at 50% greater fuel cost take your pick.


Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor, Ore-
l This Missile Defense Program Just Wont Fly by Angelo M. gon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals $35
Codevilla, The Wall Street Journal, A22, October 22, 1997, reports for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations $60,
that the Clinton Administration has committed $11 billion over the US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250, Cave
next 8 years to buy 7 Boeing 747-400 aircraft equipped with lasers to Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3 each.
100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21 years
shoot down ballistic missiles early in their trajectories. The plan is that of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
DECEMBER 1997 (Vol. 25, no. 4) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1997 by Access to Energy

Global Liars
This month, the executive branch of the United States government about two million children die of malaria each year because DDT,
led in this case by William Clinton, Albert Gore, Bruce Babbitt, which saved more than 500 million lives before it was banned, is not
and Timothy Wirth will, according to these individuals, agree to a available. He also omits mentioning that all of the warming in the
treaty for mandatory international rationing of carbon dioxide pro- past 300 years was less than ordinary fluctuations such as the 6 F in
duction. In order to diminish opposition to this treaty, each of them is Detroit and that malaria is spread by mosquitoes, not temperature.
engaged in the dissemination of outright lies in the American media. Gore calls those scientists who disagree with his claims about
Secretary asks: Where have all the glaciers gone? by Bruce global warming probably crazy, and, like Babbitt, falsely blames
Babbitt, in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, November 6, 1997, p 11 carbon dioxide emissions for glacier melting.
B, is a pretended tour of Glacier National Park, where glaciers have Revealing a little more of his agenda, Gore told a recent White
been receding as the earth continues its 300-year warming following House global warming conference (see The New American, Novem-
the Little Ice Age a warming correlated in its long and short cycles ber 24, 1997, p 9) that fighting climate change will require more
with solar activity (see Access to Energy 25-3). vigorous measures to curb the planets human population.
Babbitts tour blames the warming of the Earth that commenced Albert Gore, Vice-President of the United States, is also a liar and
300 years ago on human carbon dioxide emissions even though he should be removed from office.
well knows that virtually all of that warming predated significant hu- Of Timothy Wirth, his often quoted statement speaks for itself:
man carbon dioxide production and temperatures have been level to Weve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory is
slightly cooler during the period of maximum carbon dioxide release. wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and
Babbitt says, The carbon dioxide spewed up over Charles Dick- environmental policy.
ens London and spread around the Earth still hovers above. In fact, President Clinton recently hosted 100 weather forecasters in the
the half-life of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is about 15 years as White House, urging them to sell global warming to their viewers.
determined by carbon 14 tracer measurements of atmospheric nuclear We suppose the pitch would be something like this: There is an
test residues (see Access to Energy 22-1, p 3). Charles Dickens died 70% chance of rain tomorrow and a 100% certainty that the President
in 1870, so about [(100) - (100 / 210)] = 99.9% of the carbon dioxide can forecast the weather 100 years from now. For examples of Clin-
released during his life has already been distributed to non-atmos- tons lies, just tune in randomly to any speech he makes on virtually
pheric locations, such as oceans and the tissues of plants and animals. any subject. Even polls of his supporters indicate that the majority of
Babbitt says, To do nothing is to leave children and grandchil- them know that he is not truthful.
dren locked in a car on a hot day with the windows sealed tight. So, this gaggle of liars is going to ration your carbon dioxide emis-
Even the most extreme of the global warming gurus have not pre- sions. Perhaps Population Reduction Al will want to include the carb-
dicted conditions remotely comparable to this mythical car. on dioxide emitted when humans breathe.
Babbitt compares scientists who oppose this treaty to people who In The Wall Street Journal, November 13, 1997, p B7, John J.
claim that cigarettes are harmless. He lists tiny countries such as Fialka reports that the United States Energy Information Administra-
Bangladesh and Nigeria, which emit less than 1% as much carbon tion now predicts that the demand for energy will result in an increase
dioxide as the United States, as examples of countries that the treaty of 34% in American carbon dioxide emissions above 1990 levels by
excludes and makes no mention that it also excludes Red China, 2010. The world percentage increase is expected to be much higher.
whose emissions will soon exceed those of the United States. Yet, President Clinton says he will sign a treaty mandating carbon
Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior of the United States, is a dioxide emissions no higher (and probably lower) than 1990 levels.
liar. He should be dismissed from office. The United States Energy Department predicts that these mandatory
Meanwhile, Albert Gore says, As far back as we can measure, limits will reduce American steel production by 20% and cause 100%
CO2 and temperature have gone up and down in lockstep (see The of primary aluminum plants in the United States to close.
New American, December 8, 1997, p 14). There is not a shred of evi- Most other American industries are expected to decrease produc-
dence to support this claim; moreover, there is a wealth of evidence tion by amounts between these two percentages. The only way that
showing it to be false. The temperature record of the past 3,000 years world economic activity could avoid a devastating depression if this
(see Access to Energy 25-3, p 2), for example, shows that the atmos- treaty passes would be for the closed industries in developed coun-
phere during about two-thirds of those 3,000 years was warmer than tries to be moved to China, Mexico, and other countries not covered
it is today with five distinct warm eras. Yet, during all of those warm by the treaty where they will, of course, produce carbon dioxide.
periods, carbon dioxide was lower than today. Even if we did not have data thoroughly refuting the global warm-
Albert Gore claims that tropical diseases are moving north be- ing myth (see Access to Energy, November 1997), the flood of lies
cause of global warming. He says, A few years ago somebody got emanating from the Clinton Administration would make it obvious
malaria in Detroit a tropical, subtropical disease. In the month he that their position cannot be supported by truthful statements.
got malaria, the average temperature was six full degrees warmer The potential worldwide effects of their dishonesty are devastat-
than the 30-year average for that month. Gore failed to mention that ing. If this treaty becomes law, a lot of people are going to die.

would, in that case, be no more demonstrably wrong. Yet, they be-

A TYRANNY OF WASTED MINDS lieve, with reasonable cause, that they will be able to sell these lies to
the American people with the help of their unscrupulous fellow
How is it possible for Americans to be involved in a nationwide travelers in the American press and other media.
controversy wherein one side of the debate is populated by such Timed for release four days before the start of the global warming
simplistic liars as those illustrated above? These people might as well treaty conference in Japan (so that refutation will be publishable only
be saying that the earth is flat and that two plus two equals five they after the conference has ended), the Science section of USA Today for
November 27 reports that Science will publish on November 28 an part of his productive time in that environment. Each child should have
article by one Wallace S. Broecker warning that global warming available at least for use in his recreational hours a wealth of good
threatens to make the temperature of Europe 20 degrees colder. material in science and the humanities.
Ocean currents driven by global warming, he says, will do this deed. Enclosed with this Access to Energy is a flier describing the cur-
Never mind the historical record showing that European weather riculum that the Robinsons have developed with the help of several
was actually milder and more favorable during the Middle Ages 1,000 colleagues. In addition to our teaching method and support materials
years ago when world temperatures were warmer by approximately such as exams and exercises, this curriculum includes about 120,000
the same amount as is predicted (incorrectly) by the global warmers pages of unedited books in the humanities and science that we have
Broecker is selling the claim that warming the atmosphere will, as he selected from among the vast storehouses of human knowledge. This
states, give London a climate comparable to Spitzbergen, Norway, is the very best collection of its kind available. (We have even included
which is 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle. One wonders if his goal three recent years of issues of Access to Energy not great literature,
is to look so ridiculous that other global liars appear to be moderates. but nevertheless a source of truths of current interest.)
Analysis of the facts relevant to global warming is so simple that it Although there are about 20,000 homeschooled students now using
hardly even qualifies as science. We need only simple graphs of this curriculum and many more expected to adopt it during the coming
temperature vs. time to dispose of the global warming myth graphs months, these books and materials need to be much more widely avail-
that any 12-year-old child should easily be able to interpret. able especially to public school children. Please consider making
We need, however, something more. We need citizens who value them available to young people whom you know.
the truth enough to seek it out and to demand it of others to whom they The price is $195 per set, but we also offer a scholarship program.
listen, and we need citizens who are intellectually capable of reading a That program works as follows: If $195 is more than you can afford,
simple graph. By this I do not mean intelligent enough to read a graph. you can send any lesser amount that you can easily afford, and we will
Only the less than one percent born severely mentally retarded lack the send the curriculum for that amount. This is not a discount; it is simply
necessary intelligence. I mean minimally educated to the point that a scholarship honor system to which everyone has access. We do not
they will apply their brains to independently interpreting a graph or its want anyone deprived of these materials because of finances. So far,
textually stated equivalent rather than simply trusting and parroting sales of curriculums at the full price have enabled us to provide a large
whatever propaganda happens to reach their eyes and ears. number of curriculums at scholarship prices.
The fact is that America increasingly lacks people whose interest in Consider a young person whom you know. Please help us to give
the truth and whose willingness to think is sufficient to permit the that student an opportunity to learn the thoughts and thought processes
analysis of a set of data showing temperature as a function of time. of many of the greatest minds who have ever lived. It is the legacy of
This lack has been primarily caused by tax-financed, socialized gov- those minds and the truths which they offer that must stand between
ernment schools. These schools have deteriorated so severely that two our people and the enemies who seek to brainwash them. Only such
generations of Americans current students and their parents have trained minds can protect and extend the legacy of our civilization.
sharply reduced moral standards and mental abilities. There are, of
course, some Americans who have managed to avoid these problems LETTER TO THE EDITOR
even while attending government schools, but the general effects on
public morality and intellectual performance have been disastrous. We received the following letter from Dr. Tatsuo Iwazumi, dated
Most Americans today respond to the blessing of children by sim- September 7, 1997: Dear Dr. Robinson:
ply turning their offspring over to the state to raise. The state then di- I have been your subscriber for some years and always admired
vests them of moral character on the pretext of honoring diversity your uncompromising efforts to tell scientific truths to the public. I
and of intellectual ability claiming it must not diminish anyones self- dont know how many subscribers you currently have but I wish you
esteem. Moreover, with the exception of a minority of good teachers, have them by the millions. In order to increase the readership, I suggest
who are effectively neutralized by the system, the more than two mil- to expand the subject matters discussed in your news letters with sto-
lion unionized bureaucrats and teachers (about equal numbers of each) ries contributed by the readers. I have been a muscle biophysicist for
wallowing in this $300 billion-per-year, tax-financed wasteland are over 30 years, and have seen so many researchers who are unbeliev-
themselves among the least capable members of our society. ably incompetent in physics and mathematics. Very few biological sci-
We may or may not be able to stop the global warming mania. If we entists are trained in abstract and logical thinking by way of
do not, the worlds people will pay a terrible price. If, however, we are constructing mathematical theories as physicists do. As a result, their
unable to recognize the problems that the very existence of this mania research methods are almost entirely devoted to discovery by shooting
reveals and to correct those problems, the descent of mankind into an in the dark. In the process of random shooting, it is natural for people
age of antitechnological mysticism and irrationalism with concomitant to rely on wild guesses and mysticism. The consequence is excessive
mass suffering and slaughter of human beings may well occur. waste of money and efforts, which leads to the need of financing inef-
Each of us can do only a small amount toward the defeat of the ficient research by means of federal funding. Another disturbing be-
global warming treaty, but most of us can do much toward correction havior in the majority of researchers is that they seem to believe that
of the underlying problems. Most of us have children, grandchildren, theories are made to be proved. It is of course politically very desirable
nieces, nephews, or friends or associates with children who need an to support theories when they are advanced by famous people. Indeed,
opportunity to be more than future mindless automatons of the state. most fraud in research is motivated by the desire to support a theory. I
Thousands of years of human knowledge including especially am always amazed by the creativity and zeal of researchers who inter-
that of recent centuries which have included the rise of science and pret experimental data to support a theory. This is precisely because
technology and the development of inexpensive means for the dis- doing so is the most effective way to prolong research and to keep
semination of knowledge and wisdom in all subjects are now easily money coming their way. If every researcher was required by law
available to us. It is our duty to make an intelligent selection of that either to propose a theory with testable predictions or to disprove exist-
knowledge available to the young people of our immediate acquain- ing theories, waste in research will be drastically reduced.
tance. They must learn to think and to learn what others have thought I think the world of science will be much better place if the fol-
and discovered. They must learn not to trust and parrot unscrupulous lowing words were posted in every science class in the world.
manipulators who seek to control and ruin their lives. 1. Theories are made to be disproved, and theories without testable
Although I personally advocate homeschooling and the abolition of predictions are worthless.
tax-financed schools, it is not necessary to join the 3% of American 2. Honesty and negativism are the basis of science.
families who are now homeschooling their children in order to help 3. Science and politics dont mix.
your young people. Even a child in the socialist schools spends only a 4. Where politics thrives science is doomed.


Radiation, Science, and Health, Inc., P. O. Box 843, Needham, MA

02194, has been compiling data on the health effects of low-level ra-
diation under the guidance of its Board of Directors, which includes
many prominent researchers in this field. Included in their February
1997 draft compilation are Figures 1 and 2.
Figure 1 is from Bogen, K. T., A Cytodynamic Two Stage Model
That Predicts Radon Hormesis (Decreased, then Increased Lung-Can-
cer Risk vs. Exposure), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
University of California, Preprint UCRL-TC-123219, and is based
upon the data of B. L. Cohen, Test of the linear-no threshold theory
of radiation carcinogenesis for inhaled radon decay products, Health Figure 2
Physics 68, p 157-174.
Figure 2 is from Kendall, G. M., et al., Mortality and occupational
exposure to radiation; first analysis of the National Registry for Radia-
tion Workers, British Medical Journal 304, p 220 (1992).
The line labeled BEIR IV in Figure 1 corresponds to the discred-
ited no-threshold linear hypothesis, while the line labeled CD2 con-
forms to the experimental data which shows the hormesis discovered
by Cohen. Up to a level of about 6 pCi/L, residential radon is seen to
lower the risk of lung cancer. Cohen does not provide data above the Throughout the United States, the large enviro groups and other an-
levels shown, so this theoretical curve is drawn to conform to the ex- titechnologists (spell that antihuman, for it is the humans that tech-
pected deleterious effects of radon at higher levels estimated here to nology supports whom they really wish to eliminate) are attacking any
be above 10 pCi/L. sort of energy generation that works and claiming to support alterna-
Cohens comprehensive work, which we have discussed in several tive technologies which are essentially defined as those that are not
earlier issues of Access to Energy, shows quite clearly that inhalation practical for significant energy generation. While nuclear power re-
of radon at the levels found in many American homes has a protective mains quarantined and attention is focused on the attempt to dismantle
effect against lung cancer. Only when the air concentration of radon part of the hydrocarbon energy system by means of a global warming
exceeds the levels shown is there an opposite effect. treaty, hydroelectric power, an inexpensive and completely clean tech-
nology bequeathed to us from previous generations, is under attack.
The formula for assault on Americas hydroelectric dams is now
standardized. First, it is claimed that the dam interferes with fish migra-
tion and needs to be modified with updated fish passage devices. Then
the price of the modifications is artificially inflated, so that it exceeds
the cost of tearing down the dam and also exceeds the income from the
dam. After that, discussion moves to who will pay for the destruction.
Long ago all dams were required to be registered and licensed by
government. Now, if the dam owners or users do not pay for modifica-
tions which are deliberately priced as high as necessary to exceed
their ability to pay, then the dams license is not renewed. Many dams
are currently caught in this web of deceit, and now one has succumbed.
In The Wall Street Journal, November 25, 1997, p B4, Neil Ulman
reports the plight of the 160-year old Edwards Dam on the Kennebec
River in Augusta, Maine. Clinton Administration bureaucrats de-
Figure 1 manded $10 million in dam modifications, claiming that they would
help the fish (the opposite may actually be true), while the dam owner
said it could accomplish the same objective with $1.5 million in modi-
Figure 2 summarizes studies of leukemia incidence in 95,000 work- fications. Now, this 3.5 megawatt dam has been ordered destroyed.
ers in British nuclear weapons plants between 1955 and 1988. Both the Gloating over their victory, one Margaret Bowman, director of
total cancer mortality and the leukemia mortality decreased inversely hydropower for the enviros that call themselves American Rivers
with increase in radiation exposure. The higher the amount of radiation said, This case goes beyond relicensing. The federal government has
to which the workers were exposed, the lower the cancer rate. Opti- until now viewed dams as permanent structures on the landscape. This
mum for protection by radiation from death due to all cancers was at a recognizes that they have a finite lifecycle. In support of her demand
lifetime dose of at least 20 cSv, while the lifetime optimum for protec- that the company pay for the destruction of its own dam, she said, As
tion from death by leukemia was between 10 and 30 cSv. a child, I was taught that when youre finished playing in the sandbox,
In these 95,000 nuclear workers, those who received sufficient you should pick up your toys before you go home.
doses of radiation had much less cancer than those who were exposed Next to fall may be the 125-foot high, 10-megawatt Project Dam
to less radiation. Of course, had the radiation level risen too high, this built in 1913 in Washington State. Once again, fish passage is standing
effect would have disappeared, and, at sufficiently high radiation lev- in for the Spotted Owl as a completely contrived and hypocritical ex-
els, cancer incidence would have been increased. cuse. Several other western hydroelectric dams are also near destruc-
Radiation, Science, and Health, Inc., has compiled a substantial tion. The Savage Rapids irrigation dam on the Rogue River in
number of such studies, which all lead to the same conclusion that low- Southern Oregon is also slated for destruction again because farmers
level radiation decreases cancer, lengthens life, and enhances health. are unable to pay a cost of fish passage modifications that has been
The most sensible use of low-level radioactive waste is as a con- artificially inflated by enviro bureaucrats and antitechnologists.
crete and insulation additive in residential homes especially in areas The envy that drives these haters of humans and human accom-
where there is insufficient natural radiation for optimum health. plishments will never be satiated. It will devour all that it can.
able from The National Center for Public Policy Research, 300 Eye
SOCIALISM BY CONSENSUS Street, N.E., Suite 3, Washington, DC 20002, and (202) 543-1286.
l The Coming Ice Age Why Global Warming is a Fraud, 21st
Every American property owner should read The Consensus Century Science and Technology, November 1997, from P. O. Box
Process: Developing an appropriate response, Ecologic, May/June 16285, Washington, DC 20041, and (703) 777-7473.
1997, p 14, available from Ecologic, P. O. Box 191, Hollow Rock, l The Costs of Kyoto, from the Competitive Enterprise Insti-
TN 38342, or telephone (901) 986-0099. The so-called consensus tute, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N. W., Suite 1250, Washington, DC.
process is becoming the method of choice for enviro and other anti- l The Earth is Fine! Save Yourself! a general antienviro poster
private property groups to compromise property rights, diminish the to lift your spirits, available from The National Anxiety Center, P. O.
freedom of property owners, and seize private property. With money Box 40, Maplewood, NJ 07040, and (973) 763-6392.
provided by the Clinton Administration, these consensus takeovers
are in progress by unelected and often unappointed local and regional
bureaucracies throughout the United States.
The formula for these takeovers is now well established. Funded by l Nature 388, pp 699-701, trumpets the funding of a 20-million-
federal executive branch agencies and enviro groups, stakeholder dollar project to sequence the DNA of the malaria parasite. This is sup-
councils are formed in towns, counties, and regions. These supposedly posed to be basic research related to developing a vaccine. While basic
grassroots efforts to address local land use, environmental, and eco- research and eventual vaccines are nice, what about the children who
logical concerns seem to arise spontaneously. are dying at a rate of one every 12 seconds right now, while they are
In fact, these events are preplanned with goals and decisions al- being denied access to a proven mosquito suppressor, DDT? Accord-
ready reached before the first meetings quietly take place. After the ef- ing to the U. S. National Academy of Sciences, DDT saved 500 mil-
fort is carefully populated with community failures and others who lion lives before it was banned and suppressed world wide.
think it offers personal benefit and is firmly controlled by the initiating l The Web site of Environment News Service carried an article on
bureaucrats, public meetings are held to give the enterprise a facade of November 27, 1997, by one Claire Gilbert claiming that the exhaust of
public input. Once it gets rolling, local business leaders often join jet aircraft is causing global warming. No technology is safe from be-
sacrificing honesty and ethics and giving credibility by their presence ing demonized in the global warming feeding frenzy a frenzy based
in order to protect their own self-interests. entirely on claimed atmospheric temperature changes that do not exist.
Consensus enters in because all public meetings of these groups l The Wall Street Journal, November 26, 1997, p 1, says that the
are run with the intention solely of ratifying the socialist objectives of Pentagon has reported that more than 25 nations have or may be devel-
the initiating bureaucracy. No votes are taken or other mechanisms al- oping nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and the means to de-
lowed to intervene whereby the community might democratically ex- liver them. The response of the Clinton Administration has been to
press itself or fundamental human rights might be applied. completely terminate all civil defense programs in the United States
The Ecologic article seems a little dry until one recognizes the for- and to stall all workable strategic defense development.
mula as one that is currently plaguing his community. We had such an We suppose that a completely vulnerable American people is ex-
effort here some years ago by an unelected bureaucracy that calls itself pected to be more amenable to global totalitarianism.
the Rogue Valley Council of Governments. The solid citizens of
the community eventually cooperated in dismantling it except for a
small cadre of community losers who continued an ineffective, hiber-
nating activity. Now, however, it is back with the same RVCOG creat- l Living and Dying in Dirty Air: What the Science Tells Us by
ing a new stakeholder facade to address local land use issues. Robert F. Phalen, published by the George C. Marshall Institute, 1730
This is very dangerous to freedom and to public morality. K Street, NW, Suite 905, Washington, DC 20006-3868. It turns out
Alexander Poniatoff, founder of AMPEX Corporation, began his that the science underlying the Environmental Protection Agencys
career flying a plywood airplane for the Czar in World War I and then new clean air standards is so shaky that these standards may actu-
fought with the White Russians against the Bolsheviks. He told me ally be directly harmful to public heath.
once of his arrival back in his home town from the European front only l The Sky Isnt Falling, and the Ocean Isnt Rising by S. Fred
to find the surrounding region embroiled in the Communist revolution. Singer in The Wall Street Journal, November 10, 1997, p A22. Citing
A Communist commissar for his village had already been ap- the experience of earlier climate periods, Singer shows that global
pointed. The appointed individual had previously held office as the vil- warming (which he does not endorse), if it were to occur, would be
lage bum. Poniatoff said that this was a standard Communist practice. most likely to cause ocean levels to decrease as they did, for example,
The failures of society were appointed to rule over the productive. Fail- during the warming between 1900 and 1940, which is associated with
ures could be counted on for a maximum of envy, a minimum of abil- recovery from the Little Ice Age. Also, other geological factors are at
ity (and therefore were unable to interfere with their controllers), and a work that render human influence on sea levels negligible.
maximum of obedience (since their only status derived from that l A friend writes that, in the latest Batman movie, a mad scientist
awarded by their masters). Consensus bureaucrats likewise populate confronts Bruce Wayne with a proposal to stop production of CO2 and
their efforts as much as possible with the lowest common denomina- halogens with resulting deaths of countless millions, which the scien-
tors of the community for similar reasons. tist says is a small price to pay. Wayne disagrees saying, People
come first. It is good to see Batman still fighting for justice and truth.
GLOBAL WARMING AMMUNITION l Education in Straight Talk, July 17, 1997, p 6 from P. O. Box
960, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868. The typical Japanese high-school
Many organizations are publishing special global warming issues graduate has the equivalent of four full years more than an American.
in hopes of derailing the Clinton Administration intentions in Japan. In
addition to Access to Energy and the many publications that we have
referenced in past issues, the following recent issues are valuable: ACCESS TO ENERGY
l Ecologic for July / August 1997, available from P. O. Box 191,
Hollow Rock, TN 38342, and (901) 986-0099. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
l Warming? Cooling? Eco-Alarm and the Totalitarian Agenda, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
The New American, December 8, 1997, available from 770 Westhill $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Boulevard, Appleton, WI 54914, and (920) 749-3784. Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
l Earth Summit Fact Sheet Kyoto Information Center, avail- each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JANUARY 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 5) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

Perceived Reality
As any trial lawyer will attest, when push comes to shove in the ratification by the United States Senate. Therefore, the propaganda
courtroom, it is not truth and reality that carry the day. It is instead campaign will continue and accelerate, while public opinion polls
perceived reality that determines the future life and fortunes of his measure its progress. When those polls show that a large enough
client. It is this fact that has made so many principled citizens peo- percentage of Americans favors the treaty, the polling figures will be
ple to whom truth and justice matter into cynics regarding the law. used to roll the Senate. An old maxim is ascendant: If a lie is
It is not truth, but instead what the judge or jury perceives to be the preached long enough, the public will believe it.
truth that determines the outcome. Moreover, to far too great an ex- The remarkable fact is that there is no scientific consensus at all.
tent, our courts have become mired in procedures that make truth dif- Moreover, the 2,600 IPCC scientists did not agree to any docu-
ficult to determine and justice unaffordable to many people. ment that supports the claims of the global warmers. Further, there is
The court room is, however, a Sunday school picnic when com- overwhelming scientific evidence that the global warming hypothesis
pared to politics. Each day brings word of further atrocities. (Today, is false (see Access to Energy 25-3). This is reality, but it is not per-
for example, we were treated to word that Bob Dole is now soliciting ceived reality. Perceived reality is the opposite.
money from companies that compete with Microsoft in exchange for For the enviros, this treaty has it all. Not only is technological pro-
his help in influencing the Clinton Administration to expand their so- gress debilitated by rationing energy, but forest provisions of the
called antitrust attack on Microsoft an attack that has been treaty are the ultimate spotted owl. Trees, being carbon dioxide ab-
bought and paid for by political contributions to the Clinton Admini- sorbers, are sacred resources to be counted positively for a nations
stration from other Microsoft competitors. (See The Wall Street Jour- carbon dioxide allotment. The unauthorized cutting of a tree on pri-
nal, December 23, p A16 and Conservative Chronicle, December 24, vate property becomes a crime against global weather. Cows, since
p 16.) The same Conservative Chronicle carries on page 14 an edito- they emit methane, become a greenhouse warming menace. Each
rial by William F. Buckley praising the Kyoto global warming treaty cow will be counted against a nations carbon dioxide allotment.
and implying that it will be good for the nuclear power industry. My Forget spotted owls and claims of logging impact on mountain
dilemma a friend gave me a book by Buckley as a Christmas pre- streams; logging will be damned in any location. Forget claims that
sent. Do I read this book, or recycle it as carbon dioxide? grazing is harmful to public lands; the very existence of cows will
It is in the world of perceived reality that the global warming con- become an environmental atrocity. Forget claims of national sover-
test will be decided a world in which honest scientists are very eignty; greenhouse gases affect the whole world, so national interests
poorly equipped to compete. Yet, this contest is the most important become subservient to the whims of international bureaucrats.
scientific issue of the 20th and 21st Centuries. If such a massive sci- Make no mistake about it. The implementation and subsequent
entific fraud with so many terrible consequences for human progress logical evolution of this treaty will kill and debilitate far more people
can be politically implemented when overwhelming data, that is un- than World Wars I and II combined and will leave humanity in the
derstandable by the simplest of logic, exists to disprove it, then virtu- political position of having lost both wars.
ally any lie can be implemented in the future. If this treaty is implemented, history will record all of the other
If this treaty passes, not only are a lot of people going to die, but political issues of our day as mere distractions that helped divert prin-
honest science also, in so far as it affects public affairs, will die with cipled, decent, and productive people from the primary issue and
them and the credibility of science will be crippled for generations. thereby helped set the stage for their overwhelming defeat.
Today, the perceived reality a reality that very well-financed en- The backs of the American people are already against the wall
viro, government, and self-interested corporate propagandists are and they do not even realize what is happening to them. Their only
drilling daily into the public mind is as follows: hope is that, by some miracle, the currently perceived reality about
A consensus of scientists (2,600 scientists in some incarnations) global warming can be changed to correspond to actual reality. It
agrees that human-caused release of carbon dioxide, methane, and must become common knowledge that the global warming claim is
other greenhouse gases is causing major heating of the Earths atmos- wearing no scientific clothes that it is an outright lie.
phere, which will soon lead to global flooding, disastrous disruptions Yet, this lie is being vigorously promoted by a very large and very
of weather, and catastrophic climate changes. The only scientist op- well-financed propaganda machine.
ponents of this consensus view are a few unpatriotic crazy people The present public debate boils down to the global warmers on
and crackpots and a small number of dishonest scientists who have their white horses fighting to save the world vs. greedy capitalists and
been paid by greedy capitalists in the oil and coal industries. their paid shills willing to destroy the world for profit. We may be
Opponents in the United States Senate who have noticed that the certain that the greedy capitalists will lose this debate.
treaty will not cut carbon dioxide emissions just shift them along It is imperative that the truth be known. We must convince the
with American industry and jobs to countries like China, India, and American people that these people are not on white horses of truth
Mexico that have refused to sign the treaty are being marginalized and benevolence. They are instead on black horses of political power
as shills for industrial polluters. and death. They are riding a monstrous lie into the 21st Century. We
The game plan is simple: The treaty is now in place, but needs must make sure that they ride this lie alone.

We were very fortunate to have this opportunity.

KILLING GLOBAL WARMING It is instructive to review the way in which this editorial was writ-
ten. First, for the past several years and as a part of our monthly work
Enclosed with this Access to Energy is a copy of Science Has on Access to Energy, we have extracted much information about the
Spoken: Global Warming Is a Myth by Arthur Robinson and relevant science from various referenced publications. These publica-
Zachary Robinson, The Wall Street Journal, p A22, December 1997, tions were written by dedicated scientists in many organizations who
published during the Kyoto global energy rationing treaty meeting. have been working to gather and disseminate the truth about this issue.
Then, for our November 1997 issue, we selected 16 figures and the Clinton administration is abrogating Americas leadership respon-
other data from previous issues that summarized the global warming sibility by ceding authority and control over economic policy to the
facts and arguments and explained them as simply as possible. That United Nations conference on global climate change, now taking
November issue was recommended to The Wall Street Journal by an place in Kyoto, Japan. We should not be misled by the administra-
especially prominent man who is a reader of Access to Energy. This tions rhetoric that we will not be pushed around in the negotia-
led the Journal to ask that we condense these arguments to two figures tions. The fact that we are negotiating at all is evidence of a clear
and 1200 words. Zachary and I, with the help of an outstanding scien- misunderstanding of purpose and lack of resolve. The question is no
tist in this field, carried out this condensation and provided the best text longer whether we will react out of fear and submit ourselves to the
of which we were capable. Then professional editors at the Journal control of energy and environmental bureaucrats but only how much
enhanced our text and figures, producing a much improved article for and how quickly we will submit to their rationing of hydrocarbons and
publication as the lead editorial feature of December 4th. economic growth.
The point is that an editorial like this does not just happen. It is not Last week in the Wall Street Journal, Arthur Robinson and
the product of a couple of guys with talented pens. It stands instead Zachary Robinson succinctly summed up the state of scientific knowl-
upon the shoulders of the work of many remarkable people, and, for edge on global climate change. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is
December 4th, it made a portion of the truth into world-wide news. increasing. Up to 50 years ago, atmospheric temperatures had been ris-
Perhaps it did some damage to our enemies. Appearing as it did at ing from a 300-year low point, probably as a result of the solar mag-
the pivotal point of the Kyoto meeting, we would like to believe that it netic cycle. Then, for about 30 years, there was no significant increase
was a part of the considerations of those more than 100 nations that in global temperatures. For the past 20 years, precisely the same 20
refused to sign the treaty. We would like to believe that, at least briefly, years during which carbon dioxide levels have increased the most, the
it rattled Al Gores cage. Maybe it did neither, but we like to believe. earth has actually cooled. So, which is it? Global warming or global
Another point, however, is that on December 5th it was yesterdays cooling? Scientists cannot even agree.
news. Quoted for a few more days by various publications and journal- As the authors pointed out, there is not a shred of persuasive evi-
ists, it then drifted into the background of words with which the world dence that humans have been responsible for increasing global tem-
is inundated. Proudly ensconced in a frame in Zacharys room (and peratures. But one thing is for sure, increased carbon dioxide
soon to be similarly ensconced in my room as well), it ceased to be a emissions have greatly benefited mankind and the environment. The
factor in the global warming debate. What do we do for an encore? We industrial and technological revolutions, which have alleviated poverty
cannot state the truth more plainly. How do we convince people to and raised living standards world wide, would not have been possible
keep reading it? without fossil fuels and their attendant CO2 waste products. And, far
As regards this editorial itself, we hope that the readers of Access to from harming the environment, the carbon dioxide produced by burn-
Energy will decide to perpetuate and extend its effect. It would be ing fossil fuels has actually made the planet more hospitable to plant
helpful if copies of this editorial were to pile up in the offices of Con- and animal life.
gressmen, Senators, and newspaper editors in sufficient numbers that How can we even contemplate, much less negotiate, energy ra-
they cannot ignore it. tioning, new energy taxes and more economic regulation, all directed
To this end, The Wall Street Journal has given permission for us to by some amorphous U.N. bureaucracy, when 1) scientists cannot even
send a copy to every reader of Access to Energy and, more impor- agree on whether the climate is warming or cooling; 2) there is persua-
tantly, has given permission for every reader of Access to Energy to sive evidence that if the climate is warming, it is unrelated to mans
make all of the copies they wish for further distribution. The Journal carbon dioxide emissions and unconvincing evidence to the contrary;
requires only that all copies include the copyright and permission no- 3) there is widespread scientific opinion that absent any harmful cli-
tice printed at the bottom of the enclosed copy. matic effects, increased carbon emissions into the atmosphere are
Since the editorial is an odd size and is most readable if it is not beneficial to plants, to animals, and even to the environment; and 4) it
reduced, we have printed a large number of extras and will send them is understood that the tax increases, energy rationing and regulations
without cost to every reader who requests them. Simply send us a note now being negotiated will slow economic growth and retard the in-
saying how many you wish to distribute. Return postage will be appre- crease in living standards all over the world? A recent Heritage Foun-
ciated but is not required. dation study of the Clinton administrations proposal to hold emissions
We do not represent that this is an earthshaking shot at our mutual to 1990 levels found that by 2020, energy prices would rise between
enemies. It is, however, the best shot that we have managed so far, and 50 and 200 percent; average households would pay $1,620 additional
we respectfully ask your help in extending its effects. taxes a year (about a 14.5% percent tax hike); and the economy would
contract by a total of $3.3 trillion.
IN DEFENSE OF FREE ENTERPRISE One can only conclude that the U.N. negotiations in which the
president has gotten himself ensnared are not necessarily about the en-
Sometimes, as we write about the logical effects of the global vironment. Rather, the Kyoto negotiations are the rear-guard effort of
warming fraud and the obvious motives of its perpetrators, I begin to latter-day Malthusians and international central planners who want to
wonder how this could all be true. A background in science is not well control the workings of free markets and restrict the actions of free
suited to this. Like a civilized man in the street faced with a goblin (we people.
are indebted to Jeff Cooper for the metaphor) who is about to take his How else can one explain the extreme position taken by Vice
life, the reaction is, No! This cannot really be happening! a deadly President Gore that global warming results, in part, from too many ba-
reaction that robs him of the chance to save himself. bies being born? He suggests that third-world countries can help re-
Read, therefore the words of Jack Kemp in Global Warming duce carbon-dioxide emissions by eliminating the births of 2 to 5
comes to Capitol Hill, published December 10 in The Washington billion babies during the next 20 years. Employing the code words of
Times. Mr. Kemp did not become the Republican vice-presidential the so-called pro-choice lobby the empowerment of women to par-
nominee in 1996 by taking extreme positions unjustified by events: ticipate in decisions about childbearing the vice president implies that
As the worlds only remaining super power, the United States has strict family planning techniques as well as abortion are acceptable
a special moral, political and economic obligation to demonstrate deci- tools of choice to prevent global warming. Frightening. It is clear that
sive international leadership. One area that commands Americas im- the real intent of many participants at the conference is to establish a
mediate, clear-headed leadership is the environment in general and the global regulatory apparatus with real power over the economic and re-
so-called global warming issue in particular. productive decisions of everyone in the world. Make no mistake about
Many of us who believe deeply in a balanced and market-oriented it, this conference is not so much about the natural environment, about
approach to preserving our environment are profoundly concerned that which we all care, but about political and economic power. Who will
be in control, free people acting alone and in concert through their loons and satellites. These records are in excellent agreement; can be
democratic institutions or regulators acting at a distance through inter- very accurately measured; and are a fair test of the global warming hy-
national bureaucracies? pothesis, which actually predicts higher tropospheric temperature in-
There is no need to rush to judgment on the global climate ques- creases than surface temperature increases.
tion. There is no scientific consensus that the world is careening to- Global surface temperature trends are difficult to determine because
ward a man-made global warming crisis. To the contrary, the empirical many factors of local climate complicate the records. Also, human in-
evidence suggests just the opposite. The only basis for the fear that fluences having nothing to do with global warming affect the surface
carbon dioxide levels might induce a global warming crisis comes out records. These complications, however, make surface records ideal for
of theoretical computer models which cannot even successfully cap- the global warmers, who can make their graphs go up as steeply as
ture the climatic effects of clouds or forecast short-term weather pat- they like by appropriate selections of data.
terns. Figures 1 and 2 are cited in the new book Hot Talk Cold Science
The president is being misled by ecoextremists and neo-Malthu- by S. Fred Singer. They are taken from Christy, J. R. and Goodridge, J.
sians who claim to have a monopoly on concern for the environment. D. (1995) Atmospheric Environment 29, 1957-61 and Goodridge, J. D.
These same extremists are doing their best to confuse and manipulate (1996) Bulletin of the American Meteorlogical Society 77, 3-4. These
the American people as well. Therefore, I do not criticize the president figures illustrate the urban heat island effect at 120 temperature meas-
lightly, nor do I find fault with the 65 percent of those Americans re-
cently polled by the New York Times who said the United States should
take steps now to cut its own carbon dioxide emissions. But I feel I
must speak out when I perceive that the Clinton administration is mak- Figure 2
ing fundamental mistakes and itself misleading the public in a way that
will harm mankind . . . .
Mr. Kemp then goes on to express confidence that the House of
Representatives and Senate will do the right thing and stop this rush to
error. This is wishful thinking. Notice that the percentage is 65% and
rising. How large a percentage will the Congress resist?


Public understanding of the truth about global warming has been

made considerably more difficult by the publication of graphs showing
temperatures rising rapidly over the past decade along with statements
that we are now enduring the hottest years and most extreme weather
patterns on record. (Actually, the United States National Climate Data
Center lists 1996 as the 47th coolest year since 1880.) Weather fluctu-
ates, of course, so one can always point to a local extreme somewhere.
Graphs of rising global temperature are, however, more convincing.
Why is it that the temperature curves shown, for example, in Access to uring stations in California.
Energy 25-03 are not making new highs of temperature, while those The top graph in figure 1 is an average of stations in counties with
shown by the global warmers display ever greater temperatures? current populations over 1 million. The middle graph is for counties
One difference is that Access to Energy has shown primarily graphs with populations between 1 million and 100,000. The bottom graph is
of temperatures in the lower troposphere as measured by weather bal- for counties with populations under 100,000. Notice that the trends for
the 20th century in figure 1 depend upon how many people live near
the thermometers people who produce heat by their activities.
In figure 2, the trends for all 120 stations are shown separately and
Figure 1 in order of increasing trend. The lowest 22 measuring stations actually
show negative trends (even though overall California temperatures
since 1909 have increased). The six arrows designate the six measur-
ing stations in California selected for inclusion in national and global
averages by the NASA GISS, which is funded by the U. S. govern-
ment. This is the same group that brought word about the mythical
ozone hole opening over President Bushs home in Maine and thereby
speeded up the ban of CFCs.
The NASA GISS graph is widely circulated by global warmers.
While it is clear that selection of stations in California is not a trivial
matter, a ten-year-old child can see that the chosen six points will give
an artificial and inappropriately high California contribution to the
trend and be highly satisfactory to the Clinton-Gore Administration,
which funds NASA GISS. If the politically correct path to the taxpay-
ers pocket books were global cooling, NASA GISS would doubtless
show a greater interest in the cooler trends on this graph.


It has been reported that environmentalist publicists planned a dra-
matic display for the global warming meeting in Kyoto, Japan.. They
set up two large sculptured ice penguins which were expected to
gradually melt during the progress of the days of meetings. Unfortu-
nately, the weather turned cold and snowed, so the penguins ungra-


ciously refused to melt. result of the shorter lengths of wood fiber it contains.
The global warmers have effectively spread the falsehood that a l Welcome to Section 4507 in The Wall Street Journal of Janu-
consensus of scientists agrees that global warming is a fact and men- ary 5, 1998, p A22, reports that Section 4507 of the new Medicare law
ace. The nations of the world, however, continue to act in accordance makes it illegal for an American doctor to accept payment for services
with their own economic self-interests. from any American over the age of 65 unless the doctor has signed an
When the dust settled in Kyoto, 39 nations with a total population affidavit that he will see no Medicare patients for two years. Only 4%
of 1.136 billion had agreed to limits on their carbon dioxide produc- of American physicians do not see Medicare patients.
tion, while 152 nations with a total population of 4.614 billion had not This effectively makes it illegal for most Americans over the age of
agreed to such limits.. Therefore, only 20.4% of the worlds nations 65 to receive any medical care at all except for that which the govern-
with 19.8% of the worlds population have agreed to the limits. ment decides to give them.
Notice the nature of the debate. The enviros are the strongest propo- l Auto Makers, New York Collide on Electric Cars by Rebecca
nents of the treaty, since they want to stop and roll back economic and Blumenstein in The Wall Street Journal, December 16, 1997, p B1 re-
technological progress. Europeans are the next strongest promoters of ports that auto makers are required by law to sell 8,000 electric cars in
the treaty, since their economies are mired in socialism and not making New York during this model year or else to cease doing business in
much progress anyway. (Europeans would benefit temporarily from that state. So far, they have managed to sell only 300 such cars in Cali-
the controls which would preferentially hurt their competitors who fornia and Arizona despite already having reduced prices by 20%.
are racing forward with higher productivity and, therefore, higher en- These cars barely perform in warm climates. In New York, they
ergy needs.) Americans are, at best, neutral to the treaty, but are being will be virtually useless. The solution may be for auto makers to give
dragged in by socialists and socialist propaganda. The developing electric cars away and then add their cost to the prices for ordinary
world which is engaged in the great undertaking of lifting 4 billion cars. Thus, this law becomes another tax on the citizens of New York.
people from poverty and providing them with the benefits of the tech-
nological revolution will not agree to CO2 limits at all, except in so

far as they are imposed only on their competitors and thereby provide
themselves with an economic advantage. l Hot Talk Cold Science (1997) by S. Fred Singer, published by
Support for the treaty is inversely proportional to interest in increas- The Independent Institute, 100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428.
ing productivity. The governments of rapidly developing peoples need This book is an excellent source of ammunition about global warming.
more hydrocarbons. The governments of nations that are stagnating l A Scientific Discussion of Climate Change (1997), published by
prefer to limit hydrocarbons, so that the distance between themselves the George C. Marshall Institute, 1730 K Street, NW, Suite 905,
and the increasingly productive will not widen so rapidly. Americans Washington, DC 20006-3868. More excellent ammunition.
are in the middle. If the Senate agrees to this treaty, however, they will l CO2 and the Biosphere: The Incredible Legacy of the Industrial
join the ranks of the less productive. Revolution by Sherwood. B. Idso (1995), published by the Department
of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 55108. With 361 research references, this is an outstanding booklet
about the wonderful biological effects of increased atmospheric CO2.
Reading Scientific American is distressing for one who remembers l The Energy Advocate, December 1997 and earlier issues, written
the remarkably good and politically unbiased issues published decades by Howard Hayden. This is a newsletter in the Access to Energy for-
ago, but how could we pass up the March 1997 issue on the dangers of mat with a great many informative articles. It is available from P. O.
sea level rise due to global warming with its lavish cover giving the Box 542, Storrs, CT 06268-0542.
readers a perspective view from entirely under water? l Kyotos Fantasyland in The Wall Street Journal, December
The table of contents sets the stage with the inclusion of a small 10, 1997, p A22. Also,The Worst Part Is, Al Gore Really Believes
map showing most of Florida covered by the Atlantic Ocean. This map It by Paul A. Gigot in The Wall Street Journal, December 12, 1997, p
is reproduced in larger format in the article, which begins with a disas- A18. Mark Twain said, Never get in an argument with people who
ter story about 1953 floods in Holland during severe storms. So, after buy their ink by the barrel. This is at least one publication that buys
gurgling past the cover, reliving the Dutch floods, and saying good-by its ink by the barrel and is helping to defend science and technology.
twice to Florida, the reader enters the world of science where, too l Carbon Dioxide and Vegetation by Graham D. Farquhar, Sci-
late, he learns a little about sea level changes. ence 278 (1997), p 1411. It is a good sign that carbon dioxide fertiliza-
Our favorite part was the numerical estimate of sea level rise of 60 tion of plants is becoming a more frequent topic of popular articles.
centimeters about two feet. When asked about this potential calam- l Carol Browner, Master of Mission Creep by Pranay Gupte
ity, a Dutch official estimated that adjusting the dikes to allow for this and Bonner R. Cohen, Forbes, October 20, 1997, pp 170-177. An in-
rise would cost about the same amount of money that Holland now troductory journey through the Environmental Protection Agency an
spends for the maintenance of bicycle paths. agency, with very little regard for scientific truth, which manipulates
We recently participated in a debate with a global warmer on a call- environmental issues primarily for the purposes of political power. The
in talk radio show in New York. During the show, the warmer, who New American, December 8, 1997, p 6, reports that the EPA operates a
billed himself as a physicist, warned a caller who lived 100 feet fleet of luxury cars averaging 6.9 miles per gallon, 75% below EPA
above sea level in Florida that he would be flooded by global warming. standards for the American people.
l Recycling Revisited: Ten Years After The Mobro by D. Roth-

For over 24 years, Access to Energy has been proudly printed on
unrecycled paper. We now have a very serious problem. With only a
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
three month supply remaining, we have been unable to find unrecycled Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
pink paper anywhere in the United States. $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
Please help! If you can find a source for unrecycled pink paper, let $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
us know immediately. We do not want to participate in this interactive each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
propaganda, and besides, the recycled stuff is disgustingly limp as a years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
FEBRUARY 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 6) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

Near the Gulf of Mexico, on the road between Houston and Cor- struction. When not in use for food, our kitchen table was covered
pus Christi, is the town of Victoria, Texas one of the oldest settle- with blueprints. He had no hobbies or avocations the building of
ments in the western United States. Thirty-five miles southeast of chemical plants was his vocation and all of his avocations combined.
Victoria, rising out of the mists that roll in from the Gulf near the And, as a result of this all-consuming love, he built superb plants.
town of Seadrift, is one of Americas great petrochemical plants, built I have seen this sort of love in a few other individuals. Mrs. Merri-
by Union Carbide in 1954 and later expanded several times. field, the wife of R. Bruce Merrifield, who was the first man to syn-
I feel that I know this plant well, since I have a large framed aerial thesize an enzyme, described her husbands love affair with each of
photograph of it on the wall beside me along with a matching framed the 20 naturally occurring amino acids a love that enabled him to
artists drawing of the plant before it was built. Under the artists link them together in ways never before accomplished.
drawing is the aluminum hard hat of the man who was in charge of Linus Pauling, regardless of the low state of his personal and pro-
the design and construction of this plant and partially responsible for fessional ethics, was completely in love with the structures of mole-
its operation during the first four years my father, Edward H. cules. The incredible joy Linus felt as he pursued three-dimensional,
Ted Robinson. His most trusted and valued co-worker at that time, semi-quantitative explanations for the structures of molecules and,
Arnold Graham, still lives in Victoria, remembering their efforts. later, for the structures of atomic nuclei was the greatest of all the sci-
Ted Robinson went on to lead teams of engineers who designed entists I have known. He was supremely happy when calculating or
and built similar Union Carbide plants in Puerto Rico, Scotland, Bel- describing the properties of chemical bonds.
gium, Brazil, Japan, and India. He is buried in an alpine glacier near Scientists work largely alone or with a few other people. Those
the top of Mont Blanc on the border between France and Italy, which who build industries work with large numbers of people. These prime
contains the remains of the Air India Boeing 707 that crashed there builders, driven by their love for their work, are usually not the most
on January 24, 1966. The cause of this crash is not known for certain. well-liked, but they are often the most respected. It is their job to
It is believed to have been the work of assassins that killed the Indian make our industrial world work regardless of the personal foibles of
physicist Bhaba, who was then head of the nuclear energy program of those whom they must direct in doing this work. Their personal love
India and was also on the airplane. for their work is the driving force that motivates them.
The original plant at Seadrift produced primarily polyethylene. It All of us are beneficiaries of science and technology. We live lives
now produces additional products. This plant is a part of the vast in- that are much longer and are filled with seemingly endless pleasures,
frastructure of chemical plants, built by the generation of Americans experiences, and freedoms that would not be available without tech-
now in their 80s and the generations before them, that supplies the nology. Even the warmers who gathered in Kyoto to bemoan and
chemicals upon which our technological civilization depends. Along attack the worlds hydrocarbon technology dropped in by way of air-
with the dams, bridges, foundries, mines, wells, mills, factories, rail- planes belching demon carbon dioxide.
roads, research laboratories, computers, and other technological in- Now, virtually all of our technology is under serious attack. From
stallations that have been built by the past several generations of our lumber mills, farms, and ranches to our dams, power plants, and
Americans, these plants form the technological superstructure upon factories, all are under assault. Our enemies belong to a peculiar form
which our science, technology, and economic freedom depend. of pagan religion. Petr Beckmann called it the green religion. This
The capital required to build these things was supplied by the sav- is not a new religion. The animal, plant, and earth worship ascendant
ings of tens of millions of people, who set aside part of the money today (partially at the expense of animals, plants, and the earth, which
they had earned and invested it in the free market in hopes of making are, on balance, actually harmed by this mania) is fundamentally the
a profit. It was also built by the profits retained by the corporations same as that which arose periodically among the ancients, as chron-
themselves. Capital alone did not, however, build the industries icled, for example, in the Old Testament.
people did. These people were led by unusual individuals whose love This religion is now preached in our schools, our press, and our
of science and technology dominated their personal lives and drove political institutions. It is, primarily, a religion of death. Technology,
them and those around them to ever greater accomplishments. in the view of these zealots, has committed a terrible sin. It has made
Archibald MacLeish told me many years ago that the thing that possible the lives of billions of human beings human beings whom
impressed him most about human beings was their amazing ability to they believe to be alive at the expense of worshiped plants and ani-
love and he was not thinking of the shallow phenomenon that mals. (The fact that technology enhances the lives of plants and ani-
dominates the lyrics in the cacophony of pusic (word invented by mals is suppressed by the professional enviro religious agitators.)
a musician friend) which pollutes most of Americas radio stations. It is the moral obligation of every American each living and
Each person has an enormous capacity to love in many different benefiting from freedom and technology; each obligated to pass these
ways. In some individuals, a part of this love is intensely directed to- blessings on to future generations; and each entrusted with a vote in
ward science and technology. My father, for example, was simply the fate of the great American experiment to stop this mania.
head-over-heels in love with chemical plants (and with my mother, Seadrift and the tens of thousands of like accomplishments must
but that is another story). He lived and breathed their design and con- not be destroyed at least not without a terrible fight.

defeat Senate opposition to its ratification. Ratification of this treaty

THE WARMERS ACHILLES HEEL or any agreement resembling it would be by far the worst defeat ever
suffered by science, technology, and freedom at the hands of the envi-
During the past few weeks, I have become more optimistic about ros a defeat that would seriously set back human progress and likely
the possibility of defeating the global warming mania even though cost the lives of hundreds of millions of people.
the administration has signed the global warming treaty and polls of The global warmers are, however, beatable. Consider the current
public approval are gradually rising toward the levels necessary to situation. The propaganda that is gradually convincing the public to
support global warming goes as follows: in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earths at-
1. Most scientists agree that human release of carbon dioxide is mosphere and disruption of the Earths climate. Moreover, there is
causing the temperature of the Earth to rise and that, if continued, this substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon di-
rise in temperature will soon lead to catastrophic changes in climate oxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and ani-
accompanied by world-wide floods, storms, droughts, and other clima- mal environments of the Earth.
tologic nightmares, including such things as Arctic weather in London, What will happen is clear. The warmers will be deprived of the cen-
the flooding of most of Florida and other near-sea-level regions, and tral pillar that underlies their entire campaign. Only the false premise
widespread starvation as agricultural activities are disrupted. Released of a consensus of support within the scientific community enables
carbon dioxide hovers above for centuries and will continue to wreak them to keep their horses painted a morally superior white. Remove
havoc in many ways that are only now being discovered by scientists their facade of scientific consensus, and they will likely lose if it is
who are fighting for the environmental survival of our planet. removed it in time to reverse opinion polls that influence the Senate.
2. In order to forestall and mitigate this catastrophe in progress, it is There is not much time, but we believe there is enough if we act
necessary that mankind immediately curtail the release of carbon diox- as quickly as possible. Will large numbers of scientists sign this state-
ide (and several other greenhouse gases, although carbon dioxide is the ment? We are certain that they will, if they are provided with a reliable
primary target). The initial step must be a reduction of about one-third scientific review of the relevant research literature along with appropri-
in release by developed countries. Ultimately, as political pressures are ate references that give them easy access to the underlying experimen-
intensified, this reduction must be increased in magnitude and ex- tal information.
tended to all people by means of internationally enforced laws. Since As you read this newsletter, therefore, the enclosed review article,
most human release of carbon dioxide is from the use of coal, oil, and petition, note, and return envelope are being mailed to significant num-
natural gas, it is the use of these that must be sharply reduced. bers of scientists and engineers throughout the United States. The note,
3. The world-wide catastrophe of global warming is so terrible that urging signature, is signed by Frederick Seitz, Past President of the Na-
any measure that forestalls it is justified, regardless of the human cost. tional Academy of Sciences of the United States and President Emeri-
In any case, those opposed to ending the pollution of our atmosphere tus of Rockefeller University.
with carbon dioxide are primarily greedy business people who want to This Petition Project is the work of a group of scientists who have
pursue profit regardless of the environmental consequences. Very few no connections whatever to corporations or other entities with eco-
scientists oppose the global warming treaty. These few are either iso- nomic interests opposed to the warming treaty. Funds for the mailings
lated crackpots or employees of oil and gas companies or other indus- now underway were donated primarily by private individuals and none
tries with large economic self-interests in continued pollution. originated in the coal, oil, or natural gas industries or their subsidiaries.
In short: Virtually all scientists agree that greenhouse gas emissions No specific institutional letterhead has been included with the mail-
must be stopped to preserve the global climate. The enviros on their ings. This is an issue of scientific fact. Signature of the petition should
white horses are trying to save the Earth by stopping these emissions. not imply endorsement of an organization or institution. Also, of
Greedy business people and unprincipled politicians on their black course, no requests for funding or other solicitations are included with
horses are trying to stop these noble enviro efforts. the mailings.
Most of the current Senate debate about the treaty is economic in Considerable personal sacrifices have been made by some scientists
nature. It is virtually certain that, as things now stand, the people on the and other individuals in originating and producing these materials and
black horses of economic concern will lose to those on the morally financing the initial mailings. This petition campaign needs to be ex-
superior white horses who are struggling to save the Earth regardless panded as widely as possible. It costs about one dollar to produce and
of the cost in human well-being. The warmers are winning. When the mail the petition, note, review article, and return envelope to three indi-
polling numbers get high enough, their win will be permanently en- vidual American scientists and engineers.
trenched in international law. If you or anyone you know is willing to help with this, please
The truth (which is not being heard in the global warming hysteria) make contribution checks payable to Petition Project and send
does not, of course, depend upon polling numbers. Scientific truth is them to Petition Project, P.O. Box 1925, La Jolla, California
never determined by vote. The eventual triumph of truth in this issue 92038. You may wish to use the enclosed envelope. (These contri-
will be cold comfort, however, to the vast numbers of people who will butions are not tax deductible.)
suffer the ill effects of technological rationing in the meantime. Also, if you are a scientist or engineer, please sign the petition
But where are the warmers politically vulnerable? They are vulner- and return it. If you are not a scientist or engineer, give these ma-
able in point number 1 the assertion that most scientists agree with terials to one whom you know and urge him to sign. More peti-
them. The fact is that most scientists and engineers are not working on tions are available by mail from the La Jolla address.
climatological matters and are not interested in being distracted from Access to Energy is doing everything that it can to support and ex-
their work by politics. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that a tend this campaign. Petr Beckmann founded this newsletter more than
great many scientists now depend upon funding provided by the ex- 24 years ago because he was concerned about attacks on science and
ecutive branch of the federal government a situation that increases technology by means of pseudoscience and propaganda. At that time,
their aversion to politically incorrect matters. the subject of greatest concern was the smear campaign directed
Nevertheless, there is a strong and growing undercurrent of opposi- against nuclear power. Unfortunately for Americans, the enviros won
tion to global warming within the scientific community. Scientists are that contest and largely stopped the further development of nuclear
beginning to read the relatively simple research literature on this sub- power in the United States. Fortunately, however, they failed to stop
ject. Most are astonished by the difference between experimental ob- nuclear development in other countries and, so far, have failed to dis-
servations and public pronouncements in this field where the facts mantle most existing American nuclear power plants.
are overwhelmingly opposite to the claims of the warmers. What will Please understand that this is not just another petition. In this unique
happen if tens of thousands of scientists and engineers evaluate this case, a large number of signatures on the petition by scientists and en-
research and sign a document that reads as follows? gineers individuals trained and credentialed to evaluate the relatively
We urge the United States government to reject the global warm- simple science involved will demolish the foundation of falsehood
ing agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, upon which the entire global warming propaganda campaign has been
and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse built. With many signatories to this petition, warmers will no longer be
gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and able to marginalize scientists who oppose them as crackpots or indus-
technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. trial shills. They have lied about their consensus of scientists just as
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of they have lied about the science. If these lies are exposed to public
carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, view, their support will fade to the substantial benefit of mankind.

Deviation from 1979 - 1996 C

The enclosed review (Environmental Effects of Increased Atmos- 0.2
pheric Carbon Dioxide by Robinson, A. B., Baliunas, S. L., Soon,
W., and Robinson, Z. W., January 1998) was written for scientists, al-
though most of it is readable by laymen. The science here is relatively 0
easy to understand. If you find it difficult reading, concentrate on the -0.1
figures which tell the whole story. Figures 1 to 4 below may help.
See the review for captions, details, and references for these figures. -0.2
Figure 1 illustrates the nature of the controversy. It is important to -0.3
understand that past and projected increases in carbon dioxide cannot
warm the atmosphere significantly even though the overall green- -0.4 Figure 2 (review figure 7)
house effect, especially from water vapor, is an important factor in -0.5
maintaining hospitable global temperatures.
1979 1984 1989 1994 1999
The warmers claim that a small increase in temperature from the Year
radiative effect of increased carbon dioxide will throw the entire tem-
perature control mechanism of the atmosphere out of balance and lead ure 2 are shown both the weather balloon measurements and the satel-
to runaway warming, largely due to increases in water vapor. lite measurements of total average global temperature in the lower tro-
There have been, however, numerous such small increases in tem- posphere at an altitude approximately two miles above the earth. The
perature over the past 3,000 years many beginning from temperature global warming computer models, upon which the entire global warm-
levels much higher than today and no such runaway warming has ing hypothesis depends, predict that temperatures in the lower tropo-
sphere should be rising rapidly with increases in CO2. In fact, during
the past two decades in which the highest CO2 values have been re-
corded, the lower tropospheric temperature has actually decreased.
Of greater interest to most people is, of course, temperatures where
Figure 1 (review figure 9) they live on the Earths surface. Figure 3 shows average surface tem-
peratures in the contiguous United States for the past 103 years. Cur-
Qualitative Greenhouse Effect

rent temperatures are now near the 103-year mean. Global averages are
the most relevant to the warming debate, while regional temperatures
are of greatest public interest.
There are two global surface compilations that are used by the
warmers. These two compilations contain essentially the same sorts of
artifacts and uncertainties, which disqualify them as useful information
in evaluating global warming. The research literature comprehensively
addresses this question. The flavor of this is illustrated by the bias that
has been introduced into the NASA-GISS compilation through the ur-
ban heat island effect in California and the obviously biased choice of
measuring stations as shown in figure 4. The California stations alone
cannot account entirely for the large errors in these compilations,
which are continually used in warmer propaganda. They do, how-
Present Radiative Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2
ever, illustrate the poor quality of the NASA-GISS work.
GHE Eff ect of CO2 IPCC
Never forget that the global warming debate is not about minor
greenhouse warming. Nor is it about natural temperature fluctuations
taken place. Moreover, a substantial increase in carbon dioxide in the as experienced, for example, during the past 300 years while the Earth
latter part of the 20th century has occurred with no sign of temperature recovers from the Little Ice Age. Warmers want the public to believe
increase at all. The experimental data indicates that the atmosphere that the detection of any temperature increase at all is proof of their
compensates by adjusting itself in opposition to small temperature claims. Indeed, the slight drift downward in tropospheric temperatures
changes illustrated as Hypothesis 2. There is also good theoreti- during the past two decades is simply fortuitous. With essentially equal
cal support for this view. probability, global temperatures could have been drifting upward dur-
Moreover, atmospheric carbon dioxide equilibrates rapidly with ing that period. Figure 2 in the review shows the wide range of tem-
other reservoirs, which contain more than 50 times as much CO2 as peratures that has prevailed during the past 3,000 years.
does the atmosphere. Carbon 14 measurements illustrated in Access to Warmers, politically unlucky in the current natural temperature cy-
Energy 22, no. 1, p 3, give a half-life of CO2 in the atmosphere of
about one decade. As documented in the review, the atmosphere annu- 13
ally exchanges about 20% of its CO2 content with vegetation and the
US National Temperature C

ocean. The warmers claim that carbon dioxide can remain in the at-
mosphere for centuries. Sure it can in tiny amounts or after cycling
through huge natural reservoirs that dwarf atmospheric quantities. 12
Each year, mankind is releasing about 5.5 gigatons of carbon (Gt C)
as carbon dioxide, as compared with an estimated total ocean, biologi-
cal, soil, and atmospheric quantity of more than 40,000 GtC which 11
explains the legitimate remaining uncertainty as to whether or not
mankind is responsible for the approximately 150 GtC increase in at-
mospheric CO2 during the past two centuries (mostly during the sec- Figure 3 (review figure 4)
ond half of the 20th century). 10
The bottom line is, of course, the temperature. It is simple ther- 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990
mometers that have invalidated the global warming hypothesis. In fig- Year
Figure 4 (review figure 13)
Temperature trend per Decade 1940-1996 C
l The state of Oregon is not waiting for international treaties, much
0.6 less scientific evidence. Oregon has adopted a benchmark of stabiliz-
ing CO2 emissions at the 1990 rate. The city of Portland, Oregon, has
0.5 set a goal of reducing CO2 emissions to 20 percent below 1988 rates
by 2010. We are tempted to remark about the Peoples Republic of
0.4 Oregon but are deterred by the fact that even the Peoples Republic
of China refused to sign the Kyoto agreement.
0.3 No doubt Oregon hopes to eventually meet its goal by importation
of electricity from coal-fired power plants in other states.
0.2 l The Wall Street Journal, January 2, 1998, p1, reports that a new
Roper poll shows that more than 50% of Americans think most elec-
tricity comes from hydropower. Actually, reports the Journal, 12%
comes from hydropower. Most American electricity is generated by
coal and natural gas-fueled power plants.
-0.1 Is the American media interested in correcting such misimpressions
10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000
in minds of our citizens? So far, they have shown a greater interest in
Population of County publicizing fear propaganda against coal, oil, and natural gas.

cle, are trying to convince the public that the first sign of temperature GOOD READING
increase will presage disaster. In the absence of that increase, they are
invoking all sorts of nonsense such as butterfly migrations, on the l Homeschooling: Back to the Future by Isabel Lyman in Pol-
premise that butterflies can detect temperature changes that still elude icy Analysis 294, January 7, 1998, published by the Cato Institute,
human thermometers. 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20001. This re-
Global warming is not about mild changes in temperature up or view of the origins and current state of homeschooling in the United
down. The definition of global warming which is now seared into Sates contains much useful information.
the public mind by the warmers propaganda campaign is: catastrophi- l Environmental Scares: Plenty of Gloom in The Economist,
cally large temperature increases giving rise to global climatological December 20, 1997, p19. This is an excellent review of activities of the
disasters in the forms of continental flooding, erratic and severe merchants of environmental fear during the past several decades. The
weather, and massive damage to the Earths biological environment. It article covers everything from the runaway population growth myth to
is this claim that has been scientifically invalidated. the false claims about depletion of natural resources. Our current fa-
Global warming has nothing whatever to do with the minor in- vorite is two quotes:
creases in temperature that will surely be observed eventually, since The first comes from Newsweek in 1975: Meteorologists dis-
the current natural temperature trend cannot, of course, continue per- agree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend . . . But they are
manently downward. almost unanimous in the view that the trend will reduce agricultural
productivity for the rest of the century. The second comes from Vice-
UNPRINCIPLED NUCLEAR ADVOCATES President Al Gore in 1992: Scientists concluded almost unani-
mously that global warming is real and the time to act is now.
Industry groups at Kyoto meeting call for more use of nuclear en- [Italics added by The Economist.]
ergy in Nuclear News, January 1998, p 12, published by the Ameri- l The New Threat of Mass Destruction by Richard K. Betts,
can Nuclear Society, 555 N. Kensington Ave., La Grange Park, IL Foreign Affairs, January/February 1998, pp 26-41. This article advo-
60526, is a depressing account of current attempts by the nuclear cates the installation of civil defense for the protection of American
power industry to use the myth of global warming to promote their civilians from terrorist and other use of weapons of mass destruction,
own economic interests. with special emphasis on biological weapons. The author unfortu-
Meanwhile, the Nuclear Energy Institute ran a full-page four-color nately uses civil defense to deprecate the installation of strategic de-
ad in in the January 1998 issue of The American Spectator touting the fenses, which are also badly needed to protect American civilians.
reductions in carbon dioxide pollution offered by nuclear power. Biological weapons are receiving increasing attention because their
Of all industrial groups, one would have hoped that the nuclear ease of manufacture and delivery renders deterrent measures almost
power industry would be the most vocal in its opposition to the use of useless. A couple of dedicated and moderately well-educated terrorists
pseudoscientific propaganda to cripple technology. Nuclear power with $50,000 worth of surplus laboratory equipment could, for exam-
generation, which (as discussed extensively in Access to Energy for ple, kill millions of unprepared Americans in a single anthrax attack.
more than 24 years) enjoys great real advantages, has been severely l ecologic 41, November/December 1997, published by the Envi-
damaged in the United States during the past three decades by just such ronmental Conservation Organization, P. O. Box 191, Hollow Rock,
propaganda. Yet, now that the nuclear industry has seen advantages for TN 38342. This entire issue is excellent reading from the Kyoto Re-
itself in promoting enviro propaganda, it is joining the feeding frenzy port and the Leipzig Declaration to articles by S. Fred Singer and Hugh
right along with the most unprincipled priests of the green religion. W. Ellsaesser. The global warming issue is covered here in numerous
Do these nuclear power executives really think that the enviros are articles about various aspects of the subject.
going to give up the myths about nuclear power that they have so
painstakingly ingrained in the public mind? The only way to remove
those myths from the body politic is by dissemination of the truth. The ACCESS TO ENERGY
public is not likely to be impressed by truths emanating from an indus-

Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
try that simultaneously promotes lies when it perceives that this may Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
give it a short-term advantage. $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
We recommend that nuclear power executives read Dam-busting: $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
Victory for the fishes in The Economist, December 6, 1997, p28, each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
which describes the destruction of a hydroelectric dam by the enviros. years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MARCH 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 7) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

Trend Followers
An unprincipled university professor whom I knew was once greenhouse signal. Since, of course, the earths temperature fluc-
asked why he became a liberal in politics. His reply: I noticed that tuates up and down, their signal will eventually arrive. Armed
liberals were winning most of the elections, and I decided that it was with huge federal research grants to study climate change, they
best to be on the winning side. are planning to spot the trend reversal immediately.
There are deeper reasons for much of the anti-technology trend in In the meantime, their critics are to be kept at bay by another trend
academia, but trend following is a strong contributing factor. Lacking which may be called consensus science. The idea here is that natu-
personal courage and ability to succeed as individuals, many academ- ral truth is decided by consensus rather than the scientific method
ics simply ride the trends of opinion currently popular at the univer- experimental measurement and rational thought. Moreover, it is not
sity a ride leading to tenure, an easy life, popularity in their necessary for a consensus to exist. It is only necessary to create the
immediate circle, and an illusion of popularity outside that circle. illusion of one in the public mind.
Lately, the global warmers in this crowd have been riding two On the current Microsoft Weather web site, a warmer claims that
trends. The first is their usual mindless antitechnology bias, which de- contrarians [scientists who disagree with the warmers] are outnum-
monizes, among others, the petrochemical industry and its utilization bered by about 2,000 to 20. The 2,000 is the number of scientists,
of coal, oil, and natural gas. This is so trendy in academic circles that experts and government officials . . . who participated in the UN
being without it is almost the equivalent IPCC global warming extravaganza.
of being without clothing. Never mind that only 78 of these people
Petitions Signed by Scientists and Engineers

The second is actual data from the wrote the IPCC report and that even
physical world which, viewed selec- their offering needed to be carefully ed-
tively, appears to support the first. On ited and modified before it hinted at sup-
the next page we illustrate these popular port for the warmers.
trends in figures 1 and 2. Pictured here, however, is another
During the oil embargo, when fuel trend that is definitely not the warmers
prices suddenly increased and supplies friend. Most scientists have been silent
were limited, the antitechnologists called on this issue. They are involved in other
for the rationing of coal, oil, and natural pursuits and, moreover, speaking up has
gas on the grounds that the world supply led to marginalization by the warmers
was running out. Inconveniently, the 1000
propaganda machine as a crackpot or
embargo ended, a glut ensued, and real a shill for the oil industry.
prices have been trending downward Now the Petition Project described
ever since. Estimated world reserves are last month is giving scientists and engi-
now sufficient for over 1,000 years. 0
neers a method of expressing them-
Next, the antitechnologists turned to selves on this issue which involves
global cooling the result, they assured 2/24/98 3/1/98 3/6/98 3/11/98 concepts and data that are easily under-
us, of human burning of coal, oil, and stood and evaluated by anyone with for-
natural gas. This time rationing was required to avoid a man-made ice mal technical training. The claim of a consensus is more discredited
age and the environmental destruction of the planet. As shown in fig- each day.
ure 1, a cooling trend was in progress providing that one ignored the Based on current estimates, the first phase of the Petition Project
data before 1940. This trend was bottoming in the 1970s when will probably garner between 5,000 and 10,000 signatures. This num-
global cooling became popular. ber must rise much higher. It already exceeds the warmers claimed
The coolers overstayed the trend. As the bottom formed, however, 2,000, but we must realize that the warmers have had a free ride for
they changed positions. Now, global warming was the problem a several years during which, according to polls, they have convinced
trend requiring immediate rationing of coal, oil, and natural gas in or- about 65% of Americans. Overwhelming opposition is needed.
der to avoid man-made global environmental catastrophe. So far, the Petition Project has been funded and staffed entirely by
Alas, this warming trend ended in about 1980. By the time they private donations and volunteers. It is in need of substantial donations
organized the first IPCC meeting in 1988, world temperatures were to pay the printing and mailing costs required to mail this appeal to
entering a new cooling trend. With help from the United Nations and many more scientists and engineers. Please help.
lots of self-interested fellow travelers on board, however, it was too At present, the warmers are winning. They say that the sky is fall-
late to stop the railroad. Cooling throughout the 80s and 90s slowed ing, that their goal is to keep it from falling, and that their opponents
warmers progress, but gradually their propaganda machine has built are greedy capitalists who are willing to let it fall if they can profit.
a worry about global warming in the public mind. Now, the mem- The Petition Project destroys their underlying claim that most scien-
bers of this mindless cult are dutifully anticipating the long awaited tists agree that the sky is falling. Without that premise, the warmers

throughout American society are certainly two of the principal con-

UNPRINCIPLED OPPORTUNISM tributors. Government control of most educational institutions has
also had a pernicious effect. When students start life in an atmosphere
The degree to which science has been perverted in the service of where cheating and general dishonesty are the norms, their ethics
personal ambitions during recent decades is truly remarkable. There often go downhill from there.
are many factors and circumstances responsible for this. Government Still, we must never lose our outrage concerning these circum-
funding of research and the general deterioration in personal ethics stances. Too many scientists, honest themselves, have learned to
ignore the decay that allows dishonesty to grow and prosper. *OREDO7URSRVSKHULF7HPSHUDWXUHIURP:HDWKHU%DOORRQV
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate this phenomenon for the case of so-called 0.8
climate change research. The data in these figures is not new. It is 0.6
available, in the published literature, to every scientist. It is also on the

Deviation from 1979-1996 mean C

Internet. The most prominent liars in the global warming industry are 0.4
well aware of this information. These graphs are adapted from Envi- 0.2
ronmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide by Ro-
binson, A.B., Baliunas, S. L., Soon, W., and Robinson, Z. W., which
was included with the February 1998 Access to Energy. The primary -0.2
research references and other details are given in that paper. -0.4
Figure 1 is the surface temperature record for the United States dur-
ing the past 103 years. Figure 2 is the lower-tropospheric atmospheric -0.6
temperature record for the entire earth since 1958 as measured by Figure 2
weather balloons. The horizontal line in each figure is the mean value
for the entire record. Also shown are slanted straight lines which are
1958 1968 1978 1988 1998
temperature trend lines for the indicated time intervals. These trend
Y ear
lines illustrate the dishonesty behind both the global warming claims
and the earlier global cooling claims both of which have been used has already shown, by its embarrassing awards to the Ozone Three,
by the same scientists to call for world-wide rationing of coal, oil, that it stands ready to use Nobel prizes to advance the political interests
and natural gas and the technologies that depend upon them. of Swedish politicians. No doubt the leading global warmers sleep
First, notice that United States surface temperatures and global tro- with visions of a trip to Stockholm dancing in their heads.
It is unsurprising that such dishonesty exists. Mankind has always
been cursed with unprincipled opportunists. Depressing, however, is
US National Temperature C

the toleration of this dishonesty within the scientific community.

From here, the issue can go either way. If the warmers win, science
12 will likely enter a long period of decay during which it loses credibility
and is slowed significantly. (We notice that, in its recent headlined re-
view of Americas best graduate schools, U. S. News and World Re-
port did not even list science as a category of interest.)
Alternatively, the community of scientists in which there is rap-
idly growing revulsion against the way in which science has been per-
Figure 1 verted by the global warmers may be aroused enough to toss this
10 baggage out and, thereby, recover its good name. The enthusiastic
1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 positive comments attached to many of the petitions that are being re-
Year ceived by the Petition Project indicate that this issue does have the po-
tential to rejuvenate the ethics of the scientific community
pospheric temperatures are both currently at about the mean tempera-
tures for the entire records. No sensible scientist, in possession of this CONSENSUAL LIES
data, would reach any conclusion other than that temperatures have
been stable over the period of the record with shorter term fluctua- While the warmers propaganda machine marches onward with its
tions and trends occurring as is evident. What, however, have the an- lies that only a few crackpots and industry shills disagree with their
titechnologists claimed? During the 1970s they became global claims about global warming, ecollogic, November/December 1997, p
coolers who warned of climatological devastation from the short- 21, available from 1229 Broadway, #313, Bangor, ME 04401, reports:
term cooling trend that is evident in figure 1. They blamed this cooling In a survey of climate scientists conducted by the Meteorologisches
on human use of coal, oil, and natural gas. Institut Universitat Hamburg and Forschungszentrium, 67 percent of
When, however, the trend reversed, they changed into global Canadian climate scientists rejected the notion that anthropogenic
warmers who warned of climatological devastation from the short- global warming is already occurring. In Germany, the number was 87
term warming trend that is also evident in the graphs. They blamed this percent. And in America, the number was 97 percent.
warming trend also on human use of coal, oil, and natural gas. They report, however, that a separate survey of the official clima-
Unfortunately for their claims, the short-term trend reversed again tologists employed by the individual states in America revealed that 58
in the 1980s and entered a new cooling phase. Now, as is evident from percent rejected the notion that anthropogenic [human caused] global
their propaganda, they hope to ride out this cooling period by showing warming is occurring. Notice the benevolent moderating effect of
the public erroneous data and disseminating scare scenarios. At the employment by a government agency.
first sign of the next warming cycle, they will announce that the long-
awaited greenhouse signal has been received and declare victory. CLIMATE ENGINEERING
Meanwhile, a few scientists who would ordinarily never be noticed
have ridden global warming to jet-setting notoriety and government Amid our disclaimers of the myth that human activities are now un-
grants from politicians who also stand to gain from this myth. favorably altering the climate, we must not forget that humans can al-
A group that calls itself The Union of Concerned Scientists is ter the climate and may well, by choice, do so in the future.
distributing propaganda branding anyone arguing against global More than 15 years ago, for example, S. S. Penner pointed out that
warming as a purveyor of junk science. Vice President Al Gore has global temperatures could be decreased at low cost by modifying the
stated that all scientists agree with global warming except for a few exhaust composition of jet airliners. The temperature lowering poten-
crazy people. Meanwhile, Administration hacks roam Montanas tial of this method would be more than enough to counteract even the
Glacier National Park bemoaning the receding glaciers (which are re- more extreme predictions of todays global warmers.
ceding as the sun-warmed Earth recovers from the Little Ice Age). Engineers like Penner are people who build things and make them
Mediocre scientists like Stephen Schneider at Stanford are jostling work. If a machine is misadjusted, they devise a way to fix it. The
for position as leader of the global warming movement with their global warming battle is, however, ideological. The warmers have no
eyes riveted on Stockholm and the Nobel committee. This committee intention of letting technologists fix anything. They reject technology.
While it is true that some students still manage to learn in the public
LOSS OF AN IRREPLACEABLE RESOURCE schools, in most cases they accomplish this in spite of the schools
rather than because of them. The American students still performing
Malthus, Watch Out by Ben Wattenberg in The Wall Street best are the 1.5 to 2 million homeschooled students, but they comprise
Journal, February 11, 1998, p A22, reports the death of Julian Simon, only about 4% of the total.
the foremost world expert on industrial resources and the role of free How bad is this situation? In recent tests, U.S. 12th graders scored
enterprise and human liberty in expanding those resources. Among his 19th out of 21 countries tested in math ahead only of Cyprus and
many publications, Julian Simons book The Ultimate Resource 2, South Africa. In science, American students were 16th.
published by Princeton University Press in 1996, is his most recent and Among the top 10% to 20% of each countrys students, U.S. stu-
definitive work. dents were second from last in math and were last in science the
Julian Simon wrote that the supply of resources is not effectively worst performance of all 21 countries tested.
finite because resources are created by the minds and efforts of men. The tested countries were those in Western Europe plus Australia,
His scholarship proved that this hypothesis is generally correct. It is for Canada, New Zealand, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithu-
this reason that the real cost of most commodities steadily decreases as ania, Russia, Slovania, and South Africa. Had Singapore, Korea, and
supplies are increased through the knowledge, ingenuity, and efforts of Japan been included, the U.S. would still have ranked at the bottom.
human beings. Of special note is the fact that Americas best students are last with
Julian Simons thoughts and writings comprise an absolutely essen- respect to the best students of all other developed countries. This de-
tial pillar of resistance to the population reducers and pseudoenviron- stroys the myth that we are producing a highly educated subset of elite
mentalists. It may be that the work of this one scholar is the most students even though our overall average performance is poor.
important single blow that has ever been directed against the enemies What do union leaders of the 4 million educators and govern-
of technology and free enterprise. ment bureaucrats prescribe as a solution? They, of course, want more
Wattenberg writes, If the real resource was the human intellect, money even though their budgets (in contrast to their products) are
Simon reasoned, and the amount of human intellect was increasing, already among the highest in the world.
both quantitatively through population growth and qualitatively Decades of efforts have been made to fix this failed system of edu-
through education, then the supply of resources would grow, outrun- cation. None have succeeded. If any corporation in America had toler-
ning demand, pushing prices down and giving people more access to ated such a large, complete, longlasting, and comprehensive failure
what they wanted, with more than enough left over to deal with pollu- within its enterprises, that corporation would be bankrupt.
tion and congestion. Also, Simon realized that human intellect At a meeting in which we participated last year, the question was
could best be transformed into beneficial goods and services in an at- asked, Should we try to fix this system or bulldoze it? My immedi-
mosphere of political and economic liberty. ate answer was, Bulldoze it! It is just unthinkable to stunt the minds
Wattenberg also reports that Julian was a traditionalist. He did not of yet one more generation of American children while we wait for the
work on the Sabbath, and the Friday Sabbath dinner at the Simon same people who have repeatedly failed in the past and who are wholly
house was always a gentle and joyous celebration. responsible for the current situation to fail once again.
It is a remarkable tribute that just the Wattenburg obituary of Julian This is doubly true at a time when technology has recently given us
Simon contains more fundamental economic knowledge than the en- the tools to replace the education monopoly with far superior programs
tire published works of many well-known authorities. communicated by CD-ROM and the Internet. Electronics has broken
In another obituary in the Conservative Chronicle for March 4, the monopolies on information which existed earlier as a result of the
1998, p 15, Donald Lambro quotes Julian Simon as saying, We will cost of information storage and transfer.
never run out of the resources we need, because knowledge is an inex- We do not need tens of thousands of teachers of mathematics and
haustible resource. physics most of whom are doing such a poor job (not entirely as a
If you read only one substantive book this year, make it The Ulti- result of their personal efforts) that our children are last in the world.
mate Resource 2. (It is available in most good book stores and is also in We need just a handful of the very best teachers brought into our
our 22-CD home school curriculum.) Julian Simon is no longer with homes by the new high bandwidth communications systems.
us, but the products of his mind, in his 200 articles and 30 books, are How do we know who are are the best teachers? Let free market
still available as one of our most valuable ultimate resources. providers make their selections and the market place will sort them
out. Testing, grading, and accreditation can easily be done remotely.
AMERICAN RESOURCES This will require significant numbers of teachers but few enough that
they can be found among the good teachers now lost in the system.
Julian Simon taught us that our ultimate resource is ourselves that It is unfortunate that the computer industry has shown such hesi-
our countrys resources are proportional to the number of its people tancy in approaching the education market. Perhaps most of the deni-
and the quality of education of those people. Unfortunately, American zens of this industry are so busy pursuing new technology that they
resources are diminishing instead of increasing. have parked all of their children in public schools schools that they
In population, we are holding fairly steady. Although more than ten do not want to admit are a negative in their childrens education.
percent of our population has been eliminated by abortionists, this has This market is ripe for a revolution. Our 22 CD-ROM home school
been made up largely by immigration. Without immigration, our popu- curriculum is now used by about 25,000 children and it is no more
lation would be falling. The birth rate is below the replacement rate. than the offering of one family and a few friends with little capital.
It is in education that we are falling seriously behind. Socialized education is a $400 billion-per-year dinosaur. With
The Wall Street Journal for February 25, 1998, carried a page 1 modern technology, the cost of education could be reduced and the
note and two articles concerning this. U.S. 12th-Graders Rank Near quality increased by factors of ten. Within a few years, test scores
Bottom In Math, Science by June Kronholz on p B4 and Why would be improved, American productivity would be increased, and a
America Has the Worlds Dimmest Bright Kids by Chester E. Finn, huge tax burden would be lifted from the American people. Financial
Jr., p A22, continue the ongoing saga of the educational disaster that fortunes await those entrepreneurs who have the courage to do this cor-
has been wrought by socialism in American education. rectly. (None, however, for companies that bring in education ex-
Nearly four million unionized educators (half of whom are bu- perts from the failing system to design products to aid that system.)
reaucrats, not teachers) are ensconced on the overtaxed backs of The most widespread and pernicious form of child abuse in Amer-
American taxpayers. Lost within this group is a much smaller number ica today is the daily incarceration of most American youths in institu-
of outstanding teachers. These good teachers are largely prevented tions where their sociological development is distorted and their
from doing their work by the socialized educational system. intellectual development is permanently retarded.
and Pasteur. The authors use this comparison to intone that there is no
DEMON HALOGENS middle ground between themselves and technologists. The technolo-
gists, they say, are completely wrong about the expansion of resources
Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds by Gordon W. in proportion to human endeavors. After having been wrong about vir-
Gribble, Accounts of Chemical Research, March 1998, reviews current tually every demographic and resource prediction that he has publish-
research on the natural production of organohalogen compounds ed during his entire career, one would think that Ehrlich would crawl
compounds containing fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and/or iodine. Dr. back into his tenured hole and stop predicting.
Gribble is Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, 6128 As pointed out in The Population Explosion Fizzles by Ben
Burke Laboratory, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire Wattenberg in The Sunday Oregonian, December 7, 1997, Ehrlichs
03755-3564. More information is available directly from him. landmark predictions in The Population Bomb turned out to be 100
He reports that, as of September 1997, 2,900 naturally occurring percent wrong even though he appeared 25 times on the Johnny Car-
halogen compounds had been identified. These are produced by plants son show to sell his ideas. The world-wide fertility rate, 5 children per
and animals and by other natural phenomena such as volcanoes. One woman in 1950, has now fallen to 2.8 and is still falling sharply.
cited paper reports that termites alone account for up to 15% or Europe and America are already below the replacement rate of 2.1.
100,000 tons per year of CHCl3 (chloroform) emissions. One vent of a Meanwhile, Julian Simons ultimate resources have been churning
Kamchatka volcano was found to be producing a CFC in quantities out new knowledge and productivity and thereby forcing down the real
400 times higher than background. cost of most commodities. Even the amount of farmland in production
Demon CH3Cl (methyl chloride) and similar compounds are pro- world-wide has actually decreased steadily for the past 20 years, as
duced in large quantities by the 200,000 annual lightning-triggered for- productivity has increased. (See Access to Energy 23-7, March 1996.)
est and brush fires. Annual natural production of CH3Cl is 5 to 6 Having learned nothing from his mistakes, including the famous
million tons as compared with 26 thousand tons from human activities. commodity price bet he lost to Julian Simon, Ehrlich continues to write
These same fires produce 30% of the CH3Br (methyl bromide) found this nonsense, and mindless magazine editors continue to publish it.
in the stratosphere. Several North American fires were found to be re-
leasing 60 thousand tons of CF2Cl2 (dichlorodifluoromethane).
The enviros are well along in their assault on the last row of the
periodic table. The banning of freon and other CFCs is their most infa- l The Ultimate Resource 2 by Julian Simon, Princeton University
mous victory to date. HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 are now targeted along Press (1996). Read this not only because it offers a superb education in
with CO2, CH4, and N2O by the Kyoto global warming treaty. the economics of basic resources and free enterprise, but also as a trib-
These things are, of course, not easily explainable to high school ute to a great American.
seniors and young voters who, as products of American public l Gilder Technology Report, available from Gilder Technology
schools, have received the worst education in science in the developed Group, Inc. and Forbes, Inc., Monument Mills, P. O. Box 660, Housa-
world. Is it surprising that propagandists can persuade these people that tonic, MA 01236. This monthly newsletter is a remarkable window to
carbon dioxide is a noxious industrial emission that needs to be re- the expanding world of the telecosm and computer technology.
duced? With 13 million North Americans now shopping on the Internet (a
number that is increasing exponentially), personal computers outsell-
HEALTH HAZARDS ing television sets, and information storage and transfer costs diving
toward zero, this is a world that no one can afford to neglect.
Petr Beckmanns classic book, The Health Hazards of Not Going In the February 1998 issue, George Gilder reports that 13% of re-
Nuclear is still in print in paperback and available from Golem Press, tailers are now offering direct sales on the Internet, while 54% now
Box 1342, Boulder, CO 80306 for $7.95 postage paid. It can also be have some presence there. Internet advertising tripled last year.
ordered directly from Access to Energy. l Any book from the Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum for
Anyone who has not read this book has missed a wealth of infor- ages 6 to 18 on 22 CD-ROMs available from the Oregon Institute of
mation about power generation and about the associated relative and Science and Medicine, 2251 Dick George Road, Cave Junction, OR
absolute risks. The book is also a fascinating account of tactics used by 97523, for $195 postage paid.
the antinuclear industry tactics being used today by many of the same Yes, I know that most Access to Energy subscribers are over 18
people against hydroelectric power and coal, oil, and natural gas. years of age. But does this really mean that we must pretend to spend
If you like Access to Energy, you will love this book. all of our reading hours with technical books and related news?
In designing this curriculum, we picked the best 250-plus selections
STARK RAVING MAD we could from the entirety of books published in English during the
past 400 years. About 60 percent of these books are currently out of
l The Great Climate Flip-flop by William H. Calvin in The At- print. They are, however, available on these CDs as 600 dot per inch
lantic Monthly, January 1998, pp 47-64, repeats the new myth that image files. So, when you print one with your laser printer, it has the
global warming will cause a new ice age. Calvin warns, Climate same look and feel as the original.
change is popularly understood to mean greenhouse warming, which, If you insist on feeling intellectual, there are lots of complicated of-
it is predicted, will cause flooding, severe windstorms, and killer heat ferings from the great masters. Truthfully, I like to read myself to sleep
waves. But warming could lead, paradoxically, to drastic cooling a at night with Horatio Alger books. Jules Verne is fine, too.
catastrophe that could threaten the survival of civilization. Seriously, these books were written by many of the greatest writers
The climate record shows that current temperatures are a little be- and most profound thinkers during the past four centuries. No student
low the mean for the past 3,000 years and that temperatures during should miss them, and most adults will find much in them of value,
those three millennia have often been higher sometimes by more
than two degrees Centigrade. No climate catastrophe is recorded in the
history of those periods. Now the merchants of fear want the public to
believe that global warming will cause global cooling hedging their Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
bets on the future direction of temperatures. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
l No Middle Way on the Environment by Paul R. Ehrlich, $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Gretchen C. Daily, Scott C. Daily, Norman Myers, and James Salzman Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
in The Atlantic Monthly, December 1997, pp 98-104, opens with a each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
comparison drawn by the authors between themselves and Copernicus years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
APRIL 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 8) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

The Consensus is Dead

Prior to the Kyoto extravaganza in December 1997, Access to En- So, we decided to take away their perceived consensus by circu-
ergy published its November 1997 issue summarizing the informa- lating a petition among the silent majority of scientists. This under-
tion on global warming that we have discussed over the past few taking was quite difficult for us. We needed to: raise enough money
years. Little did we then realize that this summary would turn into a to make the effort credible; write a review paper that communicated
five-month activist odyssey into the world of Algore and his retain- the facts and literature references to potential signers in the language
ers. scientists understand; obtain appropriate mailing lists; design, print,
Step one on this slippery slope occurred when a prominent man and send the mailing; and receive, computerize, and disseminate the
who reads Access to Energy recommended the November issue to an results all in a short time period with volunteers who were already
editor of The Wall Street Journal. The editor asked that we compress occupied with other work. The truth is that we are neither large
the issue to two figures and 1200 words. He accepted the resulting enough nor financially strong enough for this sort of undertaking.
draft, assigned another editor to work with us on a final text, and pub- Money for printing and postage was provided by Access to En-
lished that text as the primary editorial the Journal printed against the ergy readers and their friends. (We still have not had time to send
global warming myth during the Kyoto meeting. individual thank you letters. These will be sent soon.) The labor was
This editorial was well-received, caused a little trouble for the en- largely provided by volunteers at the Oregon Institute of Science and
viros, and was, of course, yesterdays news within a few days. We Medicine who, because of this, have been working almost non-stop
were very happy to have had this unusual opportunity. 16-hour-per-day schedules since the project began. Access to Energy
Then, however, the enviros made an error. They launched a re- readers also paid another price as AtE arrived later each month as we
markably strong attack on us for the contents of our editorial. Particu- fell behind with all of our work. (This will be the last unusual issue.
larly enlightening was a Union of Concerned Scientists physicist Next month, our format and schedule will return to normal.)
who offered radio listeners in New York the wisdom that Arthur Ro- We did absolutely everything we possibly could to mail these pe-
binson is a crackpot; only one scientist in America agrees with titions to as great a number of scientists as possible. The exact num-
him (Richard Lindzen at MIT); the Oregon Institute of Science and ber we mailed remains a secret because we do not want the enviros to
Medicine is not qualified to comment on global warming because it be able to calculate our percentage return and then claim that every-
has no mainframe computers; and our secret sources of fund- one who did not sign agrees with them. We are continuing to mail to
ing undoubtedly were oil-industry related. He also lied about the ex- additional scientists whose research specialties are of particular politi-
perimental data, but that is just normal enviro behavior. cal value. Moreover, more than 4,000 of the initial signers have asked
This caused us to reread a manual published by UCS on tactics to for more petitions for their colleagues. We are sending these, too.
be employed with the media. This UCS physicists whole diatribe The 8-page review we produced could not be published in an ordi-
was straight out of their book. It also caused us to reflect upon the nary scientific journal before the petition drive because of the long
plight of our colleagues who have tried to bring the truth about the time required for publication (usually at least several months) and be-
global warming myth to public attention only to be personally mar- cause acceptance of the manuscript would have transferred copyright
ginalized in similar ways. The myth of an overwhelming scientific to the journal and thereby prevented its use in the petition project. It
consensus that agrees with the global warming hypothesis has been has recently been submitted for publication. The enviros are now at-
thereby widely disseminated. tacking it as not peer reviewed. Even in the pages of Science, this
For example, the Microsoft Internet home page recently carried a weak complaint is all that they have mustered against us.
long article in the weather section in which the featured enviros, with The result during a six-week period, more than 15,000 Ameri-
Microsoft endorsement, claimed that 2,000 scientists were in agree- can basic and applied scientists have signed the petition (wording re-
ment with global warming and that there were only 20 scientists printed below). As we write this, these initial results are being
opposed. While not quite so strident, highly politicized Science released. A complete account, including lists of the signers, is avail-
magazine has also fed this myth by selective editorial policies that able at and at
favor the warmers, while more popularized outlets like Scientific Scientists who are subscribers to Access to Energy were the first
American have published truly blatant warmer propaganda. It is not approximately 1,000 signers. They have now been joined by more
surprising, then, that ordinary news writers parrot this nonsense. than 14,000 of their colleagues throughout the United States.
Underlying the entire Kyoto process is the perceived, yet false no- By contrast, the best effort the enviros have ever made was that by
tion that human-caused carbon dioxide release is warming the atmos- the group that calls itself the Union of Concerned Scientists,
phere and is going to lead to catastrophic weather disruptions and which gathered a reported 1,558 pro-global warming signatures of
that virtually all scientists agree with this. So overwhelming is this scientists in 1997. Even this is doubtful. I talked with one Nobel prize
support supposed to be within the scientific community that most winner who signed the UCS petition. The document he signed, how-
politicians on both sides of the issue are not even asking questions ever, only asked that research on climate change not be discontinued.
about the science. The fact is, however, that this perceived consensus The enviros perceived consensus is now dead. Furthermore, our
does not exist. The perception of it, however, is giving the enviros all results indicate that their support is very weak among scientists.

on average, vote more tax-financed subsidies for non-defense related

SCIENCE AND ADVOCACY scientific work than do Republicans. This non-defense welfare
program for those with educational degrees in science costs American
Six weeks before the November 1996 Congressional election, Sci- taxpayers $33 billion per year. Science loudly reminded its readers of
ence magazine published a bar graph that explains much about the the identities of their favorite political sugar daddies just before the
nonscience in science today. (See Access to Energy 24-3, November election. The Science editorial policy is similarly structured.
1996, p 3, figure 3.) The graph clearly demonstrated that Democrats, Science, of course, publishes professional papers reporting serious
research work and has done so for many decades. The first research Pierrehumbert says he became concerned when a colleague, con-
paper I ever published was in Science in 1965, reporting work that I fused by Seitzs affiliations, called to ask whether the academy had in-
had done as an undergraduate at Caltech. deed taken a stand against the Kyoto treaty. The call moved
Besides reporting new research, however, Science (along with the Pierrehumbert to post an email harshly criticizing the mailing to sev-
similar British publication, Nature) serves as a gossip column for sci- eral scientific mailing lists. He was not the only scientist angered by
entists throughout the world. News of special interest and popularized the faux reprint. Weve gotten several hundred calls from scientists
summary reports of noteworthy advances in a wide variety of research asking what we are going to do about this, reports Darren Goetz of the
fields are also published. Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) in Boston, an advocacy group
Unfortunately, as tax financing of non-defense research has grown that last year signed up 1558 scientists in urging the federal govern-
since World War II, the news in Science and Nature has become ment to take action on global warming. Officials at the Sierra Club and
increasingly preoccupied with keeping the welfare payments flowing. the NAS say they, too, have gotten a flurry of complaints. Researchers
Concomitantly, the editorial policy of these journals has become are wondering if someone is trying to hoodwink them, says atmos-
slanted. Research reports that imply an excuse for more tax funding are pheric chemist F. Sherwood Rowland, NAS foreign secretary.
favored over those that imply the opposite. Robinson admits it is no coincidence that the article, which he de-
In keeping with this slant, scientists who claim that climate signed on his computer, looks like one published by the academy. I
change is a major problem that justifies the billions of dollars of tax used the Proceedings as a model. he says, but only to put the infor-
money now being spent each year to study it have found publication of mation in a format that scientists like to read, not to fool people into
their reports in Science and Nature to be quite easy and quick. Those thinking it is from a journal. He says he plans to submit a version
who report, however, that natural factors explain climate variations shortly to a peer-reviewed journal.
and that their research results do not support the expensive global Robinson says he didnt want to wait for formal publication of his
warming bandwagon find publication much more difficult. One such article, for fear that the Senate might vote on the Kyoto treaty before he
prominent scientist told me of waiting two years for review of a paper could distribute his petition. The goal, he says, is to counter the percep-
by Science only to have the research report then rejected. tion created by the UCS petition and other statements that there is a
[It is important to realize that, while tax funding of research is scientific consensus in favor of the Kyoto treaty. Scientists who have
wasteful and unprincipled, these adjectives cannot be fairly applied to spoken out [against the treaty] keep getting marginalized as nuts. I
all scientists who currently have government grants. Most academic want to demonstrate that there is no consensus. he says. Critics are
scientists have such grants including many of Americas most bril- attacking his mailings style, he believes, to sidestep a debate on its
liant scientists. These people have little choice for support, since gov- scientific substance.
ernment grants have pushed down or out alternative private sources of Robinson says his petition has gathered 15,000 signatures. But
funds that would otherwise be available to them.] Pierrehumbert and others say that Robinsons views on climate change
In connection with our Petition Project, reporters for both Science are suspect, because he has never published research in the field.
and Nature have telephoned here. Both were professional in their inter- The Malakoff Science article also includes a picture of the first page
views although the reporter from Nature was clearly suspicious of a of our 8-page article. The photo clearly shows no journal name, no
scientific institution (Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine) that submission date, no submitting scientist (required by the Proceedings),
did not solicit or accept tax funding. He actually asked me if I did not and January 1998 printed in a format never used by a journal. The
agree with him that tax funding (and the bureaucratic process involved article is also twice as long as permitted in the Proceedings (in which I
in awarding government grants) is an important part of the peer re- have published several papers) and has other textual and format differ-
view process. The reporter from Science was preoccupied with the ences that I introduced to make it easier to read. It actually never oc-
format issue and declined to discuss any aspect of the scientific facts. curred to me that this format complaint would be made probably
Nature has not yet reported about the project, but Science has because I actually expected more. Even while not agreeing with them,
with a predictable slant. Their article emphasizes the red herring about I could defend the enviros claims far more effectively than they have.
format that the enviros have been using unsuccessfully in their efforts We have received more than 500 requests from scientists for a lit-
to counter the Petition Project. Climate Change: Advocacy Mailing erature reference to this article most of them friendly scientists who
Draws Fire by David Malakoff, Science 280 (1998), p 195 reads: want to reference it in their own writings. There have, indeed, been a
In early March, tens of thousands of U. S. scientists received a few who have mistaken it for a journal reprint from several different
bulk-mailed letter from Frederick Seitz, a former president of the Na- journals that have widely varied formats.
tional Academy of Sciences (NAS) and of Rockefeller University in An appropriate version of this article has been submitted for publi-
New York City. It invited them to sign an enclosed petition urging cation. The journal reference will be sent to all petition signers after it
lawmakers to reject the 1997 Kyoto climate treaty (Science, 19 De- is published. Until then, the journal name is confidential.
cember, p. 2048), which awaits approval by the U. S. Senate. It is remarkable that virtually none of the people leveling attacks
The substance of the mailing might have attracted little notice in against our petition project attempt to discuss science. With the enviros
the flurry of position papers that the treaty has spawned. But some sci- apparently unable to attack our science and with enemies like the Un-
entists and environmentalists are crying foul because its centerpiece is ion of Concerned Scientists, the Sierra Club, and Sherwood Rowland,
an article that looks like but is not a reprint from the Proceedings of we must be doing a lot thats right. Rowland, of course, is one of the
the National Academy of Sciences. The mailing is clearly designed to Ozone Three the antics of whom in promoting and profiting from
be deceptive by giving the impression that the article, which is full of the unnecessary ban of CFCs are an embarrassment to the field of
half-truths, is a reprint and has passed peer review. says Raymond chemistry. The UCS and Sierra Club, whatever the merits of those
Pierrehumbert, an atmospheric chemist at the University of Chicago. who worked under those names in the past, have become shallow or-
The eight-page review article concludes that predictions of global ganizations that are obviously in very poor hands.
warming are in error and that rising levels of carbon dioxide in the Other than complaints from these sources, our only other direct link
atmosphere are a wonderful and unexpected gift from the Industrial to the opposition has been through the 1.4% of negative replies we re-
Revolution, because they have produced an increasingly lush envi- ceive to the petition. For every 100 scientists who sign the petition, we
ronment of plants and animals. Its co-authors are chemist Arthur Ro- receive, on average, 1.4 negative responses. Of the approximately 200
binson of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine; Robinsons negative comments received in the first six weeks, about 90% con-
22-year-old son, Zachary; and astrophysicists Sallie Baliunas and Wil- sisted solely of profanity scrawled across the petition card, usually
lie Soon of the George C. Marshall Institute, a Washington think tank with the name of the writer removed. The other 10% included an occa-
and vocal critic of any government efforts to curb greenhouse gas sional reasoned comment usually based on incorrect information.
emissions. Global warmer support within the scientific community is turning
out to be much weaker than we had previously thought even though, We do not expect to see immediate widespread news coverage of
through clever use of the press and false representations about their the petition or any sudden change in public attitude. What we expect is
consensus, they have been winning the public debate. that the news of this directly expressed opinion by more than 15,000
If victory in the global warming wars goes to the warmers a loss scientists (the number will probably grow more slowly now unless
that would ultimately condemn vast numbers of the worlds people to we find enough money for extensive new mailings, in which case the
misery and death as technology is withdrawn, it will not be a win by number of signatures could easily be raised to 50,000) will gradually
the warmers it will be a loss by real scientists and technologists. Our erode the enviros credibility. This is the reason that they are attacking
most dangerous enemies are not the pathetic scientists at the UCS us attacks that only raise awareness of the petition, increase its effec-
and Sierra Club. We have in fact other, more effective opposition. tiveness, and likely lead to some additional signatures.
First, there are unprincipled people in business who are attempting While I was writing the previous paragraph, a hostile reporter from
to profit from the global warming mania. Among these is, for example, The New York Times called. He refused to talk about science only
the nuclear power industry, which has been promoting global warming format. He also brought news that the National Academy of Sciences
because nuclear power does not produce carbon dioxide. Second, there has issued a statement about our project. Apparently, Sherwood Row-
are individuals in the press and politicians and bureaucrats who per- land convinced a majority on the governing council to put out a state-
ceive ways in which the global warming mania can be utilized to pro- ment that the petition project is not an NAS activity. No one thought
mote themselves and their agendas. Third, there are those who actually that it was an NAS activity, but Rowland thinks he can get some nega-
oppose the mania but do so in a lukewarm way calculated to serve tive political mileage out of this disclaimer.
their own interests. If, while pursuing their own self-interests, such The enviros must smear the project. They are being drowned in the
people become widely quoted spokesmen but speak in ineffectual, signatures of scientists who oppose the global warming mania. With-
half-hearted ways, they prevent better spokesmen from being heard. out their perceived consensus, years of enviro preparations and many
I am more concerned about people supposedly on our side of this billions of dollars in propaganda designed to seize control of the
issue who have been trying to minimize and downplay the more out- worlds energy supplies and turn down the flow of energy to industry,
spoken critics of global warming than about the enviros themselves. technology, and individuals may be lost.
We are hopeful that the signatures on this petition will help to over- It must be understood that Access to Energy and the Oregon Insti-
come this problem, too. The petition states: tute of Science and Medicine are not going to stop the global warming
We urge the United States government to reject the global warm- bandwagon. If it is stopped, the individual and institutional infrastruc-
ing agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, ture of opposition to global warming hysteria that has arisen through-
and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse out America will stop it. We have been fortunate to be able to do one
gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and thing for this opposition to lift the burden of implied scientific con-
technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. sensus and to provide a potent political weapon in this list of signa-
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of tures. The readers of Access to Energy and five months of very hard
carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, work made this possible. We are now beginning to be brutally smeared
in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earths at- by the enviros. Good! This shows that we have definitely hurt them.
mosphere and disruption of the Earths climate. Moreover, there is
substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon di- PEER REVIEW
oxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and ani-
mal environments of the Earth. The best the enviros are managing to do in reaction to the fact that
During the first six weeks, 16,900 people signed this petition. These they are being buried by a blizzard of signatures by scientists opposed
included more than 15,000 basic scientists and applied scientists to their agenda is to carp about the lack of peer review of our review
(mostly engineers), two-thirds with advanced degrees. paper (for reasons of time and copyright).
Initial signers include approximately 2,100 physicists, geophysi- Actually, reviews are often not peer reviewed at all, since they do
cists, climatologists, meteorologists, and environmental scientists who not contain original research and do contain complete references to the
are especially well qualified to evaluate the effects of carbon dioxide peer-reviewed literature for all of their data as is true of our paper.
on the Earths atmosphere and climate. The most cited paper that I have ever written was a review article that
Initial signers also include approximately 4,400 scientists whose stood as the primary reference in a specialized area of protein chemis-
fields of specialization make them especially well qualified to evaluate try for more than 20 years. This paper was never peer reviewed.
the effects of carbon dioxide upon the Earths plant and animal life. Peer review arose and still functions as a mechanism for journal
Approximately 1,800 individuals have signed the petition who are editors to reduce the number of submitted manuscripts to that number
trained in fields other than science or whose field of specialization was which will physically fit into their journal. It consists of sending each
not specified on their returned petition. manuscript to two or three other scientists who give opinions, usually
The costs of the petition have been paid entirely by private dona- anonymously, as to its quality. Many manuscripts are objectively as-
tions. No industrial funding or money from sources within the coal, oil, sessed in this way. If, however, the editor wants to publish the paper
natural gas or related industries has been utilized. The petitions organ- regardless, he simply selects reviewers known to be friends of the
izers, who include some faculty members and staff of the Oregon Insti- author or else known to be lenient in their opinions. If he does not want
tute of Science and Medicine, do not otherwise receive funds from to publish the paper, he sends it to the authors enemies and competi-
such sources. The Institute itself has no such funding. Also, no funds of tors or to reviewers known to harshly criticize all manuscripts.
tax-exempt organizations have been used for this project. Since new ideas are often less popular, they are more difficult to
This project is titled Petition Project and uses a mailing address publish. There are a very large number of journals, however, so most
of its own because we desired an independent, individual opinion from worthwhile work is eventually accepted somewhere. For many years,
each scientist based on the scientific issues involved without implied as a help in ensuring this, the Proceeding of the National Academy had
endorsements of individuals, groups, or institutions. a policy of accepting any manuscript approved by three members (one
Today, we received a copy of the Union Of Concerned Scientists submitter and two others of his choice). Unfortunately, this PNAS pol-
April 17 press release against the petition. Listing offices in Washing- icy was abandoned as a result of an argument over the controversial
ton, Cambridge, and Berkeley, the UCS release contains numerous submissions of one academy member. Peer-reviewed publication has
factual errors and falsehoods of omission. It is, however, interesting in actually become very easy, however, because there has been a virtual
that it is the enviros who are reacting. Up until now, the enviros have explosion in the number of journals in large part as a response to the
been acting and everyone else has been reacting. It is encouraging to need for scientists to accumulate long lists of publications in order to
see these roles reversed. compete successfully for tax-financed grants.
In any case, peer review usually consists of opinions by two or Initiative, Pierrehumbert displayed his scientific acumen to one hap-
three other scientists. A paper with four authors and no reviewers has less Internet user who wrote Sorry no formulae. Just a simple obser-
the approval of as many scientists as a single-author paper that has vation that warm water evaporates faster than cold water.
been peer reviewed. Pierrehumberts reply: But it doesnt! Then after describing a con-
Mediocre scientists, when reading the literature, often use peer re- trived scenario in which the warm water is covered with water-satu-
view in an unintended way. They depend upon the reviewers to evalu- rated air and the cold water is not, he finishes with the flourish: You
ate the work, and they read just the abstract and conclusions of the ought to go away and learn some physics and stop making a fool of
paper. They trust and parrot by citing this superficially evaluated yourself. Come back to the card table when youve got the ante.
work in their own papers. Excellent scientists do not do this. They read This worthy is the principal scientist that Science magazine and
the paper, check critical references, and reach their own conclusions. the Sierra Club are quoting in their campaign against the Petition Pro-
Although signature of our petition does not prove that the signer ject. They apparently could not find anyone better.
approves our review paper, there is a partially implied link. In that l Greenhouse Warming Hurts Arctic Ozone by R. Monaster-
case, our paper has certainly passed peer review by more scientists sky, Science News 153 (1998), p 228, reviews a paper in Nature by
than any other scientific paper that will be published in 1998. NASA scientists claiming that global warming is making the Arctic
colder and thereby destroying ozone. We previously reviewed the
FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION similar claims that global warming will cause a new ice age and that
global warming will give London an Arctic climate.
A secondary enviro complaint has been that two of the four authors The real problem is that all of the scary, fried planet scenarios have
of our review article (Zachary and I) have not published research on been advertised. Their originators have reaped the associated funding
climate change that I am out of my field of specialization and there- benefits. New players and old players whose sweatingly hot scenarios
fore should not be believed. The truth is that I should not be believed in are wearing thin need new ways to get attention and more fame and
any case. To the enviros, science is a religion to which converts are fortune. Cold weather from hot weather was a scenario not yet claimed
added by belief. The reason the 8-page review was written was to com- (for obvious reasons), so the race for this new mania is now on.
municate the fully referenced facts on both sides of this issue to scien- We may not need to stop these guys completely only slow them
tists so that they could easily locate the information needed to reach down enough that, in desperation, they overreach into further wild
their own objective conclusions. Criticizing scientists for being out of claims that most people will find ridiculous.
their field is a purely polemical exercise than has been used repeatedly
in science usually by mediocre people who cannot protect their turf GOOD READING
from interlopers of greater ability. The reporter from Nature raised this
issue with me, but retreated when I started listing research fields that l Early Warning Report by Richard Maybury, March-April 1998,
had been revolutionized by scientists from other fields. available from Henry-Madison Research, PO Box 84908, Phoenix,
In this case, we do not even claim to have done original research. AZ 85071, which comments, Politicians acquire power by promising
Climate science is indeed quite simple. Very few parameters have been to defend us against threats. Any threat will do communism, unem-
measured, and, since reliable data are not available with which to study ployment, global warming, global cooling, global freeze drying. Most
the detailed complexities, interpretation is necessarily empirical and of politics is about the cultivation of threats. A healthy government is
uncomplicated. Actually, biochemists are especially appropriate here one with a big inventory of threats, and a threat shortage is a disaster to
because they are practiced in obtaining definitive information about far be avoided at all costs.
more complicated systems than the atmosphere, whereas physicists l Will the EPA Make America Safe for Cockroaches? by Mi-
specialize in much simpler systems. Physicists tend, however, to have chael Fumento in The Wall Street Journal, April 2, 1998, p A22. The
more rigorous standards of intellectual honesty than do biologists. This EPA is on another pogrom against insecticides. Insecticide bans gener-
may be part of the the reason that a disproportionately high number of ally tend to drive up food costs, lower consumption of healthful foods,
physicists are signing the petition. and increase the spread of disease. Then other branches of government
In fact, virtually anyone with a good education in any scientific dis- demand more of our tax money to protect us from the resulting gov-
cipline has more than enough training to evaluate the information rele- ernment-created ill health.
vant to global warming and reach a sensible conclusion if he is not l Shanghaied in Kyoto by Ronald Bailey in The Wall Street
blinded by ideological prejudices as are most of the enviros. Journal, December 15, 1997, p A22. The Clinton Administration
plans to implement the Kyoto global warming treaty whether or not is
STARK RAVING MAD ratified by the United States Senate. Senate refusal to ratify will just be
the first in many actions that will be necessary to prevent energy ra-
l The Sierra club is now screeching that the Bogus Petition Pro- tioning. The Administration will use our tax money to try to ration our
ject has been exposed mostly on the basis of Raymond Pierre- energy, and we will use our after-tax income to try to stop them.
humberts remarks. Pierrehumbert turns out to be the author of no less l Publications by Environmental Education Enterprises, 6011
than 332 epistles of wisdom catalogued by the Deja News Internet Houseman Rd., Ostrander, OH 43061. These are written by Jay Lehr,
browser. There we learn that he opposes: sport utility vehicles, cur- who is a professional speaker devoted to sensible action on environ-
rently installed refrigeration, incandescent lights, short and medium- mental matters. He has been giving speeches about the global warming
distance air travel, nuclear power, strategic defense, logging, private hoax and is available for this purpose.
gun ownership, and fuel-bearing transport. He says that, On balance, l Press relations for the Petition Project are being handled by Dr.
the US doesnt produce ANY [his caps] of the worlds goods. We are a Jane Orient. She has written some excellent materials, which are avail-
net importer of other peoples goods. Can you say trade deficit. able from 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Ste 9, Tucson, AZ 85716.
Therefore, I propose that a large fraction of Chinas CO2 emissions
should be attributed to the US, in the Kyoto discussions. Japans too. ACCESS TO ENERGY
Pierrehumbert also opposes farming: It makes little difference if
you pave over an ecosystem with corn instead of concrete, but you can Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
pave a lot more with corn a lot faster. He proposes that people be Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
moved into dense city environments because suburban living requires $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
more energy. He also favors population reduction, and has proposed, Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
in his words, a huge tax on energy. each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
A member of the Union of Concerned Scientists Sound Science years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
MAY 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 9) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

A Shortage of Adults
As the myth of a global warming scientific consensus crum- in Science and Nature and a news release from the NAS saying the
bles around the enviro industry (which is populated primarily by non- project is not theirs. The problem was that no one thought it was an
scientists), we are learning more about these people. NAS project in the first place, so this strategy failed.
First, recall the United Nations 2,000 scientist IPCC meeting Next, they contended that the project is being paid for by oil and
the primary reference quoted in support of the consensus and the gas interests and others with large economic self-interests in prevent-
primary authority upon which the Kyoto Treaty rests. It turns out that ing energy rationing. The problem here is that not one of the peti-
only 1,093 scientists are on the IPCC list and, of those, only 382 are tions organizers institutional or personal is connected with such
Americans. (In the more careful reports, the 2,000 are referred to as industries, and no funds for the Project came from such sources.
scientists, experts, and government officials.) Of these, only 85 They also tried the claim that the review paper should be ignored
wrote the summary consensus report which was edited later to because two of its four authors have not published original research
reflect the views of an even smaller group of the participants. on climate change. Unfortunately for them, the other two authors
In contrast, the Petition Project petition has now been signed by have published extensive such research and the review itself is fully
more than 16,000 American scientists. It unequivocally states: referenced to the peer reviewed literature anyway.
We urge the United States government to reject the global Now, the enviros are bragging that the petitions 16,000 signers
warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, should be ignored because they managed to place a false name on the
1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on green- petition signer list. A man telephoned here and talked with my 16-
house gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of sci- year-old daughter Bethany saying that he was so anxious to be
ence and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. counted among the petition signers that he would like to fax rather
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of than mail his petition. The faxed (falsified) petition claimed to be
carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or from Geri Halliwell, a Ph.D. microbiologist living at an address in
will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Boston. It turns out that Geri Halliwell is the real name of one of the
Earths atmosphere and disruption of the Earths climate. Moreover, Spice Girls (a singing group). She sings under a different name.
there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric The enviros then advertised this in The Washington Times and,
carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural more remarkably, succeeded in disrupting a Congressional hearing
plant and animal environments of the Earth. with word of Geri Halliwell and the discrediting of the petition.
While the IPCC group included 382 American scientists many They followed this with an Associated Press story (republished in the
of whom disagreed with the final summary report the largest enviro San Francisco Chronicle and other newspapers) claiming that several
effort to poll scientists was that by the group that calls itself The other bogus names had been found. They apparently combed the
Union of Concerned Scientists. They managed to obtain the signa- published list for well-known names. Their centerpiece was Perry S.
tures of only 453 American scientists (out of a world total of 1,564) Mason. This scientist, a Ph.D. chemist living in Lubbock, Texas, hap-
and are very reticent to release information about just what statement pens to have the same name as the well-known television character.
these people signed. (One signer, a Nobel Prize winner whom I The other bogus signers also turned out to be legitimate signers
know, told me that the UCS statement he signed said merely that re- with name similarities to personalities who are well-known.
search on this subject should not be discontinued.) This is a consen- Pranks, of course, are generally harmless. The astonishing thing
sus? Perhaps so a consensus against the global warming myth. about these pranks is that the enviros are now basing their primary
Some people like to limit the definition of scientist entirely to attack upon the petition an attack that they are vigorously pursuing
those holding the degree of Ph.D. More than 6,000 men and women in the United States Senate and House of Representatives and in such
holding Ph.D.s in science have signed the Petition Project petition. media organs as the Associated Press entirely upon these pranks.
It is not surprising that the rules of the Kyoto meeting did not al- Not only do they have no significant scientific support, they also ap-
low discussion of scientific matters. The new global energy rationing parently have a complete lack of adults in their own organizations.
emperor has no clothes. He wears instead the fig leaves of raw politi- Next, the attacks may become personal. We are receiving reports
cal power, economic self interest, and globalist population reduc- from our friends and associates even some we barely know and
tion planning a euphemism for genocide through withdrawal of who would be difficult to connect with us that callers they do not
the energy supplies necessary for life-supporting technology. know are telephoning to ask questions about our family.
So, what have the enviros offered in defense of their consen- Not once, in all of this noise, has anyone attacked the science in
sus? First, they claimed that the 16,000 signatures should be ignored our 8-page review or the substance of the statement signed by more
because the referenced review article that accompanied the petition than 16,000 scientists (and about 2,000 others). In all of the enviro
and the letter from Frederick Seitz, past president of the National publications, fewer than 10 people with university degrees in science
Academy of Sciences (many members of which have now signed the have actually been quoted in opposition to the petition.
petition), were misleading scientists to think that the Petition Project The remarkable truth is that the global warming parade has very
is an NAS activity. They managed to get articles published about this few adult scientist participants. It is a media-created myth.

sis originated 30 years ago by Dr. Judah Folkman who is now a pro-
NUTRITION AND CANCER fessor at Harvard and researcher at the Boston Childrens Hospital.
The idea is based upon the fact that cancerous tumors are fast-grow-
During the first week in May, newspapers such as USA Today and ing tissues that need lots of nutrients. Folkman suggested that the sup-
Internet news outlets such as Microsoft MSBC headlined a new drug ply of nutrients to tumors could be reduced if they were treated with
combination that has been successful in eradicating tumors in mice. anti-angiogenic substances which interfered with the ability to create
This treatment with endostatin and angiostatin is credited to a hypothe- blood vessels necessary to the transport of nutrients into the tumors.
It is reported that this combination of two anti-angiogenic sub-
stances not only stopped the progress of cancer in mice, but also
caused the tumors to shrink to negligible sizes. This is very important
work. The only depressing news is that human trials of this therapy
will be carried out in the United States under the benevolent regula-
tions and controls of our government. Thus the reports that human
trials are planned, but that use of the therapy for cancer patients (even
if it works) is years away.
It now takes more time to conduct the clinical testing of a new
medical therapy than was required for our nation to fight and win
World War II with all of the extraordinary technology that was in-
vented and utilized in that effort.
Government funding of research means that hordes of brain-dead
bureaucrats stand between scientists and their objectives, while regula-
tions governing anything affecting human lives assure that the work Figure 2
will go forward at a snails pace. These regulations, in combination
with a litigation industry ready to pounce upon anyone who does lifespan out to about 120 years. With that done, the overall objective
something that can be demonstrated to a jury as unusual, assure that should be to keep people in the best of health for as long as possible
even work that is not government funded is greatly inhibited. constraining deterioration and death to as short a period as possible
The result is that only therapies that are very expensive are studied around the intrinsic life span limit (about 80-90 years today and about
because enormous profits must be available to pay for the hundreds of 120 years if technology were properly applied even in the absence of
millions of dollars and many years of work required to shepherd even a seminal advances in understanding the biochemistry of aging).
simple therapy through the government morass. Preventing cancer and controlling the growth of cancer are very dif-
So what happens to an excellent hypothesis like Folkmans? Thirty ferent objectives, as Folkmans hypothesis illustrates. Who would sug-
years later, human trials are being considered. How many people gest that preventing blood vessel growth was a desirable objective for
perhaps someone important to you have suffered and died of cancer well people? Yet, for a cancer victim, this may be life-saving.
during the past 30 years? Folkmans is only one of many promising Many years ago when Linus Pauling and I were looking for clues in
approaches that have been denied to you by your government, its re- the alternative health literature clues that might suggest promising
tainers, and the welfare system for scientists that they have created. research areas in nutrition we were drawn into the orbit of super
So, if you have cancer and want to take advantage of anti-angio- nutrition. With various nuances, the idea here is that the body needs a
genic therapy, you are consigned to buying shark cartilage pills at your good supply of nutrients so, within the limits of apparently nontoxic
local health store. Do these help? I doubt that anyone knows for sure or doses, why not supply large amounts? Linus liked to call this ortho-
that many government-funded scientists will risk their careers propos- molecular medicine meaning literally the right molecules in the
ing to test shark cartilage. Its promoters point out that shark cartilage right amounts but in practice meaning megavitamin therapy.
has few blood vessels, so an inhibitor may be present. This made sense with respect to cancer prevention, since it at least
It is important to first distinguish between cancer prevention and avoided nutritional inadequacies that might weaken the immune sys-
cancer therapy and, in fact, to understand the realistic objectives of tem and other natural defenses against cancer and other degenerative
cancer research. Figure 1, which we have published before with appro- diseases. The trouble is that people (even scientists) tend to classify
priate references to Bruce Ames in Access to Energy 21-8, shows the things as good and then attribute favorable attributes to them under
virtual wall of cancer probability that faces all humans of advanced any and all circumstances. Once a vitamin C guru gets rolling, there is
age. Figure 2 illustrates the proper objective of most cancer research. nothing vitamin C wont cure except for nuclear war (and even this
was talked about regarding vitamin C and mental instability).
High dose multiple vitamins do tend to increase the sense of well-
being, especially in older people, and it is reasonable to suggest (al-
though by no means proved) that this well-being extends to better
defenses against degenerative diseases. But what about people who al-
ready have cancer? Do they need super nutrition? Folkmans hypothe-
sis includes the idea that cancerous tissues should be deprived of
nutrients by cutting off their blood supply.
Twenty-three years ago I designed a series of experiments to look
into this question in mice and, with the help of two technicians, built a
small animal lab for the work. We used a cancer system developed by
Homer Black. See Black, H. S. and Chan, J. T., J. Invest. Dermatol. 65
(1975) 412-414. In Blacks system, hairless mice (they have hair when
born, but it soon drops out) are irradiated with measured amounts of
UV light until they develop skin cancer. We improved Blacks proce-
dures to make them more quantitative and then proceeded to study the
incidence and severity of the tumors as a function of diet. Approxi-
mately 2,000 mice were used during the three years of work. See Ro-
binson, A. B., Hunsberger, A. and Westall, F. C., Mechanisms of
Ageing and Development 76 (1994) 201-214.
Figure 1 The most striking thing about these experiments was that, during
the period of optimum effect, the rate of growth of cancer was varied
Without advances in knowledge that probably will not be made over a 20-fold range as a function of diet. The most interesting finding
during our lifetimes, people alive now are unlikely to live over 150 was that the poorer the diet in overall nutritional content the slower
years. With, however, empirical research methods that are certainly the rate of cancer growth.
available today (but not being pursued because they are not trendy with In the first experiment, the results per 50 mice 2 months after the
the bureaucrats paid by your tax dollars who have control of medical initial 15 week UV radiation period were as shown in Table 1.
research), it should be possible to push the healthful intrinsic human
Diet Table 1 15 Weeks of Lesions Lesions FaV without wheat grass 4 17
Radiation + 2 Months Severity 3-5 Severity 1-5 FaV + extra wheat grass 4 13
Control 11 145 FaV without tomatoes 2 16
Black Mix 2 90 FaV without carrots 2 14
12 g/Kg Vitamin C 12 152 FaV without apples and pears 6 28
0.535 g/Kg Vitamin E 14 178 Enriched Fruits and Vegetables 14 50
20% Seawater 15 164 measurably decrease the rate of cancer growth. Vitamin E, too, en-
Meganutrient Mix 14 203 hanced cancer growth in the amounts usually found in human supple-
ments. The empty calories of sugar, however, decreased cancer
The Black Mix was a mixture of glutathione, butylated hydroxy growth rate. A diet of fruits and vegetables, FaV, markedly reduced
toluene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that Black had used. This and the cancer growth rate. This effect, however, disappeared when the fruits
control demonstrated that our technique was comparable to his. The and vegetables were supplemented with soy protein, seeds, and nuts,
vitamin C and vitamin E groups received equivalent doses to the Black which are popularly thought to be very nutritious. Moreover, in these
mixture, thereby testing the efficacy of these in the Black mixture. experiments, the cancer growth rate was independent of what mixture
Pauling had recently become interested in sea water minerals, so this of fruits and vegetables was being eaten except in the case of apples
was included. The meganutrient mix was a mixture of megavitamins and pears. These are less nutritious per unit weight than the other raw
similar to that which an avid health food fan might take if he tried to foods, so, when they were removed, the diet became more nutritious.
follow all of the advice in Prevention Magazine at once. When the dry weight equivalent of 165 grams per person per day of
Notice the increased cancer in all groups except the Black Mix and vitamin C was added to the raw fruits and vegetables, the suppression
(increased slightly) vitamin C given at the human equivalent of about of cancer growth rate was even more spectacular. These mice were,
12 grams per day per person. Adding a rich mix of vitamins clearly however, in a disastrously poor nutritional state. They were ingesting a
accelerated cancer growth. The Black mixture was beneficial, either as mixture of fruits and vegetables that would barely sustain their lives
a result of glutathione or butylated hydroxy toluene or some synergis- and a nearly lethal daily dose of vitamin C.
tic (cooperative) effect between two or more of its four constituents. Similarly, when mice were raised on control diets modified with
During the second and third experiments, the dietary results became respect to protein content, the maximum cancer growth occurred at
even more remarkable. Vitamin C, in the human equivalent of 3 grams 17% protein. Protein percentages above 17% and below 17% both
per day, sharply increased the cancer growth rate. Only at dose rates lowered cancer growth. In each case, the farther the protein percentage
above the human equivalent of 48 g/Kg per day did vitamin C was from the optimum of 17%, the more cancer growth rate was re-
Diet Table 2 15 Weeks of Ra- Lesions Lesions duced. At both tested extremes, 5% and 60% protein, cancer growth
diation + 2 Months Severity 3-5 Severity 2-5 rate was reduced by a factor of three.
Have you heard of these results (published in a major politically
Control Exp. 2 12 47
correct peer-reviewed journal) in your local newspaper or from your
Control Exp. 3 11 45 friendly oncologist? Will they be subjected to the hundreds of millions
Control No UV Radiation 0 0 of dollars in government approved tests required before that oncologist
would legally dare to mention them? Obviously not.
Diet Table 3 15 Weeks of Ra- Lesions Lesions
3 g/Kg Vitamin C 31 94 diation + 4 Months Severity 3-5 Severity 2-5
6 g/Kg Vitamin C 19 77 Control Exp. 3 85 195
12 g/Kg Vitamin C 16 58
24 g/Kg Vitamin C 8 53 48 g/Kg Vitamin C Exp. 3 38 134
48 g/Kg Vitamin C Exp. 2 3 24 96 g/Kg Vitamin C 14 62
48 g/Kg Vitamin C Exp. 3 2 21 192 g/Kg Vitamin C 32 92
96 g/Kg Vitamin C 0 6
192 g/Kg Vitamin C 0 8 192 g/Kg Sucrose 60 158

192 g/Kg Sucrose 10 37 Fruits and Vegetables Exp. 3 32 82

FaV + 165 g/Kg Vitamin C 1 35
0.16 g/Kg Vitamin E 13 70 FaV + Seeds and nuts 101 236
0.285 g/Kg Vitamin E 23 74 FaV without wheat grass 24 99
0.535 g/Kg Vitamin E 14 57 FaV + extra wheat grass 32 88
1.035 g/Kg Vitamin E 12 30 FaV without tomatoes 27 96
2.035 g/Kg Vitamin E 22 68 FaV without carrots 31 77
FaV without apples and pears 55 171
Fruits and Vegetables Exp. 2 4 12
Fruits and Vegetables Exp. 3 1 14 Enriched Fruits and Vegetables 77 174
FaV + 165 g/Kg Vitamin C 0 6 It turns out that eating a diet restricted entirely to fruits and vegeta-
FaV + seeds and nuts 24 86 bles without staples such as grain, beans, or animal products is a
there is no difference between Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel. . . .
1998 DDP MEETING Are we going to have legislation tomorrow? No. But we have to start

relatively enjoyable way to starve. Even though these foods have a

thinking about this in a more militant way. Meanwhile Common
Cause is cranking up a campaign against Big Booze. Fat-filled
highly nutritious composition, their high water and fiber content pre- hamburgers and beer are being groomed as the next targets of those
vents their being eaten in sufficient quantities. who have engineered the attack on Big Tobacco.
Even the magic vitamin, vitamin C, increases the rate of cancer Cigarette smoking is definitely a serious health hazard. So are over-
growth until the doses are so high they constitute malnutrition. At eating and alcoholism. The greatest health hazard in America is prob-
doses normally considered healthy, it increases cancer growth. ably automobile driving, with casualties on the highways comparable
Yet, there is extensive evidence that good nutrition reduces cancer each year to the total dead and wounded of the Vietnam War. When,
incidence incidence, not growth rate once cancer is established. See however, pogroms begin, no one is safe. Free people choose their own
Ames, B. N., et. al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90 (1993) 7915-7922 risks of which government destruction of freedom is the greatest.
and Block, G. et. al. Nutr. and Cancer 18 (1992) 1-29. l A Senate aide who was present when the enviros, represented by
Optimum nutrition is best unless some part of your body is growing a U. S. Congressman, made their revelation about Geri Halliwell at a
too rapidly. In this case, until Folkman is able to starve that part selec- Congressional hearing tells me that the participating legislators took
tively, you may want to starve the whole thing. It works for mice. this very seriously and that it substantially disrupted the hearing.
The annual DDP meeting will be held July 10-12 in Scottsdale, Ari- We have already pointed out the shortage of adults in the enviro
zona near Phoenix. As usual, a very remarkable group of speakers will organizations. (They seem to be populated largely with warmed-over
participate. These and their subjects include: professional protesters without scientific training who are still reliving
Sallie Baliunas global warming. their glory days on college campuses where everything was O. K. ex-
Bonner Cohen the new EPA standards for particulates and ozone. cept academic work.) Where, however, are the grownups in the U. S.
Joseph Douglass chemical and biological weaponry. Congress? Children will be children (even if they are over 30), but are
William Dresher pseudoscience, politicians, and the press. they really taken seriously by legislators who are considering turning
J. Gordon Edwards the Endangered Species Act. off one-third of the worlds energy supply and turning over the control
Keith Idso effect of carbon dioxide on plants. of U. S. technology to the United Nations?
Robert Jastrow strategic defense. l Global influences on American farming by Henry Lamb, ec-
Cresson Kearny war winning and losing equipment. ollogic 42, January/February 1998, available from P. O. Box 191,
Jay Lehr ozone depletion and other scares. Hollow Rock, TN 38342, reports that all 171 of the nations constitut-
Henry Lamb green religion, Kyoto and other treaties. ing the Conference of Parties, COP, to the Kyoto Climate Change
Lawrence Parks the hazards of fiat money. Convention can (by 3/4 vote) change the carbon dioxide limits which
JoAnn Stuke-Diethrich effects of the ban on methyl bromide. are currently set at 7% below 1990 levels. Yet, 136 of these countries
Lowell Wood the dangers of biological weaponry. are not affected by these limits, since they have not agreed to reduce
Ed York when nothing happened: failed nuclear tests. carbon dioxide production at all.
Each year this conference is so outstanding that it seems that it can- With 80% of those deciding the limits not being required to con-
not be better; but each year it improves. This year promises the same. form to them and with the energy limits causing the transfer of heavy
The location is the Scottsdale Hilton where reservations for conference industry out of the other 20% and into the 80%, how to you suppose
participants will be $59 per night for a single and $69 per night for a they will vote? The 80% include China, India, Mexico, and other large
double. The hotel number for reservations is (800) 528-3119. nations, as well as tiny nations with populations lower than Rhode Is-
Registration for the meeting, which includes two luncheons and the land each with an equal vote in determining United States energy
annual awards banquet, is $95 per person. For registration and other supplies. Al Gores signature on this Protocol is not only green religion
information write to DDP, 2509 N. Campbell, Box 272, Tucson, AZ nonscience at its core and deliberate technological genocide at its worst
85716 or telephone (520) 325-2680. it is economic treason.
The conference will also include a tour of the Palo Verde Nuclear This ecollogic article by Henry Lamb describes numerous similar
Generating Station and a visit to the laboratory of Dr. Sherwood Idso United Nations enviro controls that have already been placed upon the
and his coworkers along with a presentation there by Dr. Idso. This United States and also some that are now being instituted. His talk to
laboratory is the foremost laboratory in the world in the study of the the DDP meeting in Phoenix will be very interesting.
effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth under natural conditions.
This tour will include a visit to the longest running experiment on
tree growth and carbon dioxide that has ever been carried out. When GOOD READING
you see Sherwood Idsos trees, the extraordinary value of increased
l Let Those Who Can, Teach by Paula Sullivan, The Wall Street
carbon dioxide in the biosphere will come spectacularly alive. This
Journal, April 28, 1998, p A18, reports that 36% of public school
laboratory is also carrying out open field experiments on the growth of
teachers have no academic training whatever in the subjects they teach,
various crops under increased atmospheric carbon dioxide.
while there are very large numbers of people who hold an MS or Ph.D.
The secret method by which Dr. Jane Orient assembles these ex-
in those subjects who would like to teach in the public schools but
traordinary meetings is this. The speakers attend because they want to
are not permitted to do so because they do not have a union card
meet the other speakers. Everyone else comes to hear the speakers, to
(teaching credential). Of course, the daily incarceration of American
participate in the tours, and to enjoy the format which gives lots of time
youth in these institutions has little to due with education and every-
for personal interaction with the speakers and other participants. Actu-
thing to do with political indoctrination and power. Half of those indi-
ally, the audience itself usually contains such an accomplished group
of people that they could put on a great extemporaneous meeting even
if none of the scheduled speakers arrived.
This is one meeting that I would not be willing to miss. Each year I ACCESS TO ENERGY
find it an enlightening and rewarding experience.
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
STARK RAVING MAD $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
l Whos Next? in The Wall Street Journal, April 22, 1998. p each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
A22 quotes Kelly Brownell of Yale University as saying, To me, years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JUNE 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 10) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

Envy and Technology

We reprint below Rudyard Kiplings poem The Gods of the Copy- from which its passengers are most vulnerable deaths in the cars
book Headings because it so perfectly describes the well-worn path hit are six times higher than in the cars doing the hitting, while, if the
down which the American people are being led by their government vehicle colliding with its front is a pickup or sport-utility vehicle,
and their own foibles and the ultimate consequences of that journey. this injury ratio is 25 to 1.
While so far the United States has been able to export most of the Most of this advantage turns out to be caused by the difference in
tragic consequences of its actions such as its ban of DDT or its mas- protective steel around the passengers and, of course, the relative po-
sive fiscal irresponsibility as custodian of the world fiat money sys- sitions of the cars in this sort of accident. In fact, in recent tests, gov-
tem, there are signs that the bill for a half century of recklessness may ernment investigators found that the size or type of vehicle colliding
soon need to be paid. with the side of another car made little difference to injuries to dum-
Paradoxically, this payment may not be extracted first in the ex- mies in the side-hit automobile. Enviros have objected, however, that
pected ways by economic collapse under monetary debts that obvi- the test cars were rammed symmetrically, so that the center posts be-
ously will never be honored or by military defeat with nuclear and tween their doors offered additional protection. They claim the tests
rocket technology that we have exported to our enemies and then re- would have come out differently if the doors alone had been hit.
fused to defend ourselves against. More imminent seems to be the So far, so good. Clearly we need more steel in the doors, perhaps
possibility of simple self-destruction by the manias that we have in- stronger center posts, a little more mass in the whole vehicle, a higher
ternalized into our body politic in order to rationalize so many selfish, center of gravity and well, a car that looks a little more like a sport
yet self-destroying actions. vehicle or even more like a mid-sized Chevy or Ford from the years
To an increasing extent, our civilization is being washed to and fro before bureaucrats started whittling down the size of our cars.
by fear, greed, hatred and envy negative human characteristics that No this turns out to be completely wrong. The enviros are de-
we have now so clothed in institutions and rationalizations that we manding instead that the sport vehicles be made lighter and weaker so
can no longer recognize them for the evil that they represent. that they will have less competitive advantage. They do not want the
Consider the remarkable squabble that has now broken out about smaller cars to be stronger. After all, there are decades of enviro
the construction of light trucks and sport utility vehicles as reported in propaganda invested in making them weaker. They just want the
Tests Question Whether Light Trucks Are Much Deadlier Than sport vehicles to be weakened to the point that their owners are just as
Cars in Crashes by Gregory L. White in The Wall Street Journal, vulnerable to death as are those in the toy cars.
June 1, 1998, p A4. A great deal of time could be saved, however, by a different ap-
As government regulations based upon mythical claims about en- proach, since there are scores of other ways in which people act to
ergy shortages and the pseudo-need for forced conservation through reduce their risks as compared to others. What we need here is a
fuel economy regulations and higher fuel taxes have forced the auto fairness principle applied automatically.
companies to produce smaller and lighter automobiles, the death toll When a crash occurs, all of the participants should be rushed to a
of people involved in accidents in those cars has risen. This was, of hospital where doctors are ready to inflict on every one of them inju-
course, to be expected. Less protective steel around the passengers ries as severe as those of the most seriously injured in the accident. If
and less overall mass in the vehicle obviously puts passengers at a anyone dies in the accident, all participants should be immediately
competitive disadvantage with respect to anything with which they put to death by means as painful as those that killed the one.
collide whether it be another vehicle, a tree, or even the ground it- Similarly, all stock investors should be required to buy only a gov-
self as the vehicle rolls over. ernment-managed mutual fund with equal exposure to all stocks in
The political process, however, has provided an escape hatch that the market. All computer software companies should be required to
increasing numbers of Americans have utilized light trucks and sell a package of their competitors software along with their own
sport utility vehicles which are necessarily larger and more strongly (see the recent Justice department demand that Microsoft Win-
built. Many people now pay prices formerly reserved for only the dows include a Netscape browser) and share their profits equally. All
most luxurious prestige autos in order to own pickup trucks. And participants in civil and criminal litigation should be identically pun-
what pickup trucks they are! With four doors, complete luxury equip- ished. (If the lawyers were included, we might support this one.) Why
ment packages, diesel engines with turbochargers that make them ac- not give ourselves over entirely to the consequences of envy?
celerate like sports cars, and great islands of steel, both front and Envy is the terrible companion of milder jealousy. Jealousy only
back, between passengers and the chaos outside, the larger of these burns to have the same advantages as ones neighbor. Envy, however,
vehicles provide a substantial amount of protection against crash in- wishes to see his neighbors blessings destroyed. Jealousy aspires to
juries and also fires, since diesel fuel is less flammable than gasoline. better things. Envy aspires to the destruction of everyone.
Even the smaller sport vehicles provide considerably more pas- Envy is everywhere in America today. It is in our politics, in our
senger safety than the toy cars in which the envirocrats would prefer schools, in our courts, in our business practices, and in our news me-
to bury us. Unsurprisingly, therefore, it has been observed that when dia. It is so common that we no longer recognize it. The Gods of the
an ordinary car hits another car from the side the direction from Copybook Headings understood it - and soon, again, will we.

This is not, however, as wasteful as it may seem. After all, the gov-
TAXING THE HUMAN GENOME ernment is committed to a giant welfare program for scientists in
which it spends tens of billions of dollars each year on non-defense
In 1990, the government launched a $3 billion, 15-year project to research dollars seized by force or threat of force from the citizens
sequence the DNA in the human genome. Eight years into the project, who earned them. The genome money was going to be spent on these
this is now about 3% completed. A reasonable estimate is that they will welfare cases anyway. Why worry about the way it is labeled?
manage to finish the job over a 25-year period for perhaps $10 billion. There is, however, much unhappiness in genome land tonight, since
the Applied Biosystems division of Perkin-Elmer Corporation of money into the genome project with little success.
Norwalk, Connecticut, and the Institute of Genomic Sciences of Several things were wrong with the government program.
Rockville, Maryland, have just announced a $200 million project to 1. It was ethically flawed. There is absolutely no way in which se-
sequence the human genome in three years. This was announced on quencing the human genome justifies the seizure of the property of free
May 10, 1998. (See, for example, The Sunday Oregonian published men, women, and children by threat of force which is, of course, the
in Portland, Oregon, May 10, 1998, page 1 which also has an article way in which the project has been financed. Moreover, as a high-pro-
on the same page about our petition project.) file do-good project, this effort has been used politically as justification
The beneficiaries of the soon-to-be-obsolete government program for the seizure of far more money than required by the project itself.
are, of course, scrambling to preserve their money tree. Genome Ef- Our government is always looking for publicity-attracting examples of
fort Still in Need of Support by D. Dickson and M. Wadman, Nature its good intentions with which to justify its vast seizure of private prop-
393 (1998) p 201, provides some examples. Those involved in the erty and the public is rarely in a position to understand that a very
government program are complaining that private enterprise will not small part of the governments loot is spent for these causes.
do as good a job. Also, some corporate competitors of Perkin-Elmer 2. It, along with thousands of other unnecessary tax-financed pro-
are also favoring the tax-financed project because they want the public jects, drained savings and capital from the private sector where they
to provide them with free gene sequences, whereas Perkin-Elmer may would have been much more efficiently utilized for the public good,
gain a competitive advantage from this investment. including for medical and basic research.
This episode serves as an excellent example of the interaction of 3. The project was split up between many different laboratories in
science, government, and the free market in a high-tech area of sub- academia and academic-like research laboratories. The last place to
stantial medical interest. conduct a project that depends upon the organized resourcefulness and
The human genome is thought to contain about 3 billion base pairs drive of large numbers of people working together is academia. To-
organized into between 50,000 and 100,000 genes. The base pairs con- days academic institutions have substantially decayed along the same
sist of four simple organic compounds linked together in long, usually lines as are normal for other human institutions that receive large
paired chains which contain, in their sequences, the genetic code from amounts of money that they have not earned. Ordinary government
which a human being is biologically constructed. The four-letter code welfare has done great damage to the poor whose self-respect and am-
is expressed in three-letter combinations which represent the amino ac- bition it extinguishes. Likewise, academic government welfare pay-
ids in peptides and proteins. There are also bits of code related to DNA ments have killed the incentives that built and maintained our formerly
(deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the chemical name of the long paired great academic institutions.
chains) function and very large sections of code that are thought also to 4. It was premature. The technology to sequence the genome and
be involved in the protein library but may serve as yet entirely un- use this information productively had not yet arrived.
known purposes. At this point, we still do not know whether or not even this invest-
With the sequence (order in the chains) of the 3 billion base pairs ment of $200 million in private capital will yield information of com-
known, scientists will have in hand most of the information required to mensurate worth. We do not need to know. Private entrepreneurs are
construct a human being. (Some information is passed by means other risking honestly obtained money in the effort. The free market will re-
than DNA.) Moreover, in the case of those parts of the DNA code that ward or punish them in accordance with the ultimately demonstrated
determine the structures of proteins (which are the most important wisdom of their efforts.
molecules in living things), it is known how to read this code. In a broader sense, while it is good to see molecular knowledge
This does not mean that scientists will soon be able to build a hu- about living things advancing with respect to the genetic code, it is dis-
man being or any other living thing, however, because the enormously heartening to see the selectiveness of this advance. Vast areas of bio-
complicated living systems that read this code and utilize it are only chemistry some of basic importance and many of medical
partially understood. The construction of such systems is far beyond significance have been ignored while DNA sequencing has been
the capabilities of science today. pushed up to and even beyond current technological limits. These ne-
Scientists have, however, become increasingly clever at inducing glected areas are far more ready to bear fruit for science and medicine
already existing living systems to work for them. It is, for example, at their current stages of development than have been the forced ad-
commonplace to synthesize a section of DNA which codes for a pro- vances in DNA sequencing. This is yet another effect of government
tein of a particular structure and then induce a living thing to make that seizure of half the earnings of the American people with small por-
protein either for its own good or for the purpose of production of the tions of the money returned in self-justifying projects that are claimed
protein for use elsewhere. to be for the public good.
While bits and pieces of the human genetic code have been se- With literally billions of tax dollars available for DNA work, there
quenced for special purposes, the advantages of having the complete has been a tendency for scientists to gravitate toward this field to the
library available both for medical purposes and for basic research exclusion of other areas. Fad and fashion is, of course, always a part of
are substantial. As laboratory procedures and machines were devel- human actions, but the government giant is so flush with our money
oped for sequencing sections of DNA developments that were pri- that it tends to push its interests to far greater excesses in particular
marily made possible by private corporations, especially Applied directions than would otherwise be the case in an economically free
Biosystems mentioned above and LI-COR Corporation in Lincoln, civilization. Moreover, in biochemistry, these unwise extremes can last
Nebraska hopes rose that the entire code might be within reach. for very long times.
It is likely that this project was premature. Although laymen are Most scientists, especially academics, are very slow to change
often given the impression that science advances by individual gen- fields because they shun the effort required to start over in another spe-
iuses in their laboratories suddenly shouting Eureka! and changing cialty wherein they will need to re-educate themselves and establish
the world, it is rarely this way. While an individual scientist may have reputations. The army of DNAologists who have now entered sci-
the opportunity to add the last necessary discovery to an important ad- ence will do everything it can to keep the federal spigots of money
vance and thereby receive credit for the advance most such people open for DNA work and to convince the public that great advances are
stand on the shoulders of numerous colleagues who are contributing to just around the corner.
the advance of knowledge along a wide and sophisticated front. That there will be advances is, of course, quite likely. We will never
When biological science is truly advanced sufficiently to make know, however, how those advances compare with the progress that
good use of the sequence of the entire human genome, it will also would have been made had the earnings of the American people not
likely have advanced to the point that sequencing the genome is easy to been confiscated and then allotted by federal bureaucrats to those sci-
accomplish. The Perkin-Elmer announcement indicates that this time entific projects that were best mated with their own prejudices and
may now be near ten years after the government started pouring tax with the advancement of their own bureaucratic careers.
The large financial contributions to the Clinton Administration by
KIPLINGS WISDOM some of Microsofts competitors are now being rewarded by more
than just access to the administration through monthly meetings with
Long ago it was customary to teach young students penmanship Algore and White House perks. The rivals of these cheerful givers are
and writing skills by having them copy published texts into their copy- being attacked by Clintons justice department. As Bill Gates says,
books. The texts were selected to also provide useful information Some of our competitors dont want to compete in the marketplace;
about the lessons of life. In our home-school curriculum, we make sub- they want to compete in court.
stantial use of the writings of Rudyard Kipling. His poem The Gods of The computer industry, in which Microsoft and Intel are currently
the Copy Book Headings speaks so eloquently about so many of the the most successful companies, has literally revolutionized personal
topics covered in Access to Energy that we have decided to reprint it access to information. They have placed a technological miracle in a
below. This poem and its companion IF (also reprinted here) should be box within reach of most homes in America. Moreover, competition in
a part of the secular education of every young person. their industry is so intense that prices for these products fall so fast that
As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race, If You can keep your head when all about you
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market-Place. Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all. But make allowance for their doubting too;
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn. If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn: Or being lied about, dont deal in lies,
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind, Or being hated dont give way to hating,
So we left them to teach the gorillas while we followed the march of mankind. And yet dont talk too good, nor talk too wise:
We moved as the spirit listed. They never altered their pace, If you can dream and not make dreams your master;
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market-Place; If you can think and not make thoughts your aim,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome. And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth youve spoken
With the hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch. Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton, they denied she was even Dutch. Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings. And stoop and build em up with worn out tools:
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace. And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
They swore if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease. And lose, and start again at your beginnings
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe, And never breathe a word about your loss;
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: Stick to the Devil you know. If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life To serve your turn long after they are gone,
(Which started by loving our neighbor and ended by loving his wife) And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith, Except the Will which says to them: Hold on!
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: The Wages of Sin is Death. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, Or walk with Kings nor lose the common touch,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy, If all men count with you, but none too much;
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: If you dont work you die. If you can fill the unforgiving minute
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew, With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true, Yours is the Earth and everything thats in it,
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four-- And which is more youll be a man, my son!
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man-- a months absence from the market renders virtually all
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began-- of ones price information obsolete.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, Moreover, the particular success of these companies
And the burnt Fools bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the fire; has caused a widespread standardization of the market-
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins, place that makes many new products by very small enter-
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins, prises possible. We could not, for example, have
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, effectively disseminated our home-school curriculum on
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return! 22 CD-ROMs had we not been able to depend upon most
users having Windows software. The non-standard soft-
ware from Apple was a major impediment because we were required
MICROSOFT AND INTEL to produce a separate product for the home-school families that are us-
ing MacIntosh computers. The dominance of Microsoft and Intel per-
Were Defending Our Right to Innovate by Bill Gates in The mitted us to compete with the large home-school companies, offer a
Wall Street Journal, May 20, 1998, p A14, and As Goes Microsoft, better product, and, in little more than a year, provide our product to
So Goes the Computer Industry by Thomas W. Hazlett and George over 25,000 homeschooled children and receive a recent rating as the
Bittlingmayer in The Wall Street Journal, May 26, 1998, p A18, make third most popular home-school high school curriculum in America.
the obvious case that Microsoft and the industry that currently depends We are thankful to Microsoft and Intel for providing this opportu-
upon its software should not be subject to government harassment. nity just as we would be thankful to any of their competitors who are
Now Intel, maker of the microchips in most personal computers, is able to replace Microsoft and Intel products with even better ones.
also under attack by the Clinton Administration. Punishment of these companies for political and envy-driven reasons
is unacceptable and unconscionable.


There is still time to register for the annual DDP meeting near l The Vice President of the United States (do we really have a Vice
Phoenix, Arizona to be held on July 10-12. Rooms at the Scottsdale President?) has now taken to issuing monthly reports of global tem-
Hilton are $59 and $69 per night for single or double, respectively. perature from the White House as breathlessly reported by (as Petr
Registration for the conference is $95 per person which includes two Beckman would have said) The New York Slime.
luncheons and the banquet. There is no way of knowing, of course, whether or not the 300-year
Just the tours of the Palo Verde nuclear generating station and of warming trend that has brought Earth temperatures up out of the Little
the laboratory of Sherwood Idso, which includes the worlds longest Ice Age and now back to the 3,000-year average will continue. This is
running experiment on the growth of trees as a function of atmospheric of little interest to pseudoenvironmentalist Algore who blames every
carbon dioxide, are, by themselves, worth the trip. upward temperature fluctuation that government scientists can find or
We listed the speakers last month except for your Access to Energy manufacture upon the sin of too many people on the Earth.
editor who will give a talk about the global warming Petition Project It is truly stark raving mad that the decision on whether we will get
and the prospects for further such actions. You should also have re- world-wide energy rationing and the mass genocide that will accom-
ceived a special letter from DDP about the event. This is a rare use of pany it turns on essentially the flip of a coin whether naturally deter-
the Access to Energy address list that we permit each year because mined temperatures happen to rise or fall during the months ahead.
the DDP meetings are so extraordinary and include speakers on many The temperatures for the short period immediately ahead cannot, of
of the topics covered in Access to Energy. course, change the fact that mankind is just not causing catastrophic
Recently I have been reading more of the writings of J. Gordon Ed- warming of the planet. The enviros have, however, with the help of
wards (one of the scientists who will speak at this conference) about unprincipled members of the press, relegated even the sun to a minor
DDT and thinking more about the children who are dying unneces- position in determining the weather. Every fluctuation and they char-
sarily from malaria at the world-wide rate of one every 12 seconds. acterize all fluctuations as evil is to be blamed on the technological
These children are being killed by pseudoenvironmental genocide. original sin of allowing too many people to live and prosper.
Wars have been fought to stop atrocities much less severe than this. These are Earth-worshiping human-sacrificing zealots. Their rise to
Yet, the Clinton Administration ignores these deaths; seeks to add to prominence in the American political process is very dangerous.
them the much greater suffering and death that will accompany world- l Too Hot? Too Cold? Who is Just Right About Global Warm-
wide energy rationing; and then continues to regale us at every oppor- ing by Rob Kremer in Brainstorm, April 1998, includes two quota-
tunity with crocodile tears over their concern for the children. tions by Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the Rio Summit at
The DDP meeting includes 16 such speakers as Dr. Edwards. which much of the current global pseudoenvironmental world control
movement received its current momentum. Strong said, We may get
PETITION PROJECT to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for the
industrial civilization to collapse and, commenting on what is re-
The Petition Project has now received signed petitions from 18,700 quired for the future, . . . the deliberate quest of poverty . . . reduced
individuals, of whom 16,500 have degrees in science. It has become a resource consumption . . . and set levels of mortality control.
permanent stumbling block in the way of those who wish to impose
United Nations controlled world energy rationing with the resulting GOOD READING
world-wide technological genocide. How much of a stumbling block?
This is impossible for us to know now. l Misconceptions about Environmental Pollution, Pesticides, and
From the amount of ammunition the enviros have expended in ef- the Causes of Cancer by Bruce N. Ames and Lois S. Gold available
forts to discredit the petition, it is clear that they consider it very dan- from the National Center for Policy Analysis, 12655 N. Central Ex-
gerous. Clintons principal point man for global warming now finds it pwy., Suite 720, Dallas, TX 75243. Whether you want to prevent bio-
necessary to attack the petition in presentations to Congressmen. logical cancer for yourself and family or to slow down the regulatory
Unable to debate the science, the enviros have expended most of cancer oozing out of Washington, DC, the writings of Bruce Ames on
their invective in ad hominem attacks upon the petitions sponsors. this topic are indispensable. This is well-written in laymens terms.
This, however, is not working for them. l Weather Based Business Decisions by Phil Volker, a Portland,
Recently, I gave a presentation about global warming to the Oregon based meteorologist who has made substantial efforts to edu-
weekly science seminar at nearby Southern Oregon University. The cate the public about the global warming myth. This book is avail-
one hour of science was followed by a one-hour planned attack from able from Extended Range Weather Forecasting, 430 North Lotus Isle
about a dozen enviros scattered in the audience of about 150. Remark- Drive, Portland, Oregon 97217.
ably, virtually everyone stayed for the whole, two-hour shootout. Dur- Oregon politicos still exhibit kneejerk approval for Clinton Ad-
ing the second hour, a wide variety of claims and accusations were ministration falsehoods about global warming, but this is not the case
heaped upon me but virtually none had to do with science. When the for Oregon meteorologists. Even the Oregon State Meteorologist de-
dust settled, the enviros seemed to have convinced only themselves. cided to sign the Petition Project petition.
A video of the first hour has been shown several times on local tele- l The Consequences of Kyoto by Patrick J. Michaels in Policy
vision. Unfortunately, they did not tape the second hour, which was by Analysis, Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washing-
far the best and most convincing part. The set of colored 35-mm slides ton, DC 20001. This is an excellent, well-reasoned article in which
for this talk are viewable on our Internet site. We will be happy to Michaels gives the warmers all the latitude they could possibly deserve
make a copy of these slides for anyone who wishes to utilize them. and still shows the Kyoto treaty as a very bad and unnecessary action.
When the Senate debate on the Kyoto Treaty formally begins, we
expect the petition statement by these scientists to be a significant help.
The more signatures we have at that time, the better. We are continuing

to work on this to the limits of our resources. Please continue to help. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Updated reports of progress are available at Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
ject and The OISM site has been some- $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
what unreliable. Our Unix servers here have run for many months with Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
zero downtime, but our Internet service provider was frequently off- each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
line. We have now changed to another Internet provider. years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JULY 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 11) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

Gilder-Robinson Science and Technology Alert

Some Access to Energy readers have already received direct-mail Nor does the killing stop with the DDT ban and energy rationing.
advertisements from Forbes Magazine about the new Gilder-Robin- The slowing and, in some cases, reversal of technological progress in
son Science & Technology Alert A Contrarian Investment Letter many areas translates into a great many more horror stories of unnec-
of Scientific Integrity. All Access to Energy recipients will soon re- essary human suffering and death.
ceive a complimentary copy of the first issue of this new newsletter Suffering and death often results from public ignorance about the
along with a subscription form. This new publication will be essen- truth ignorance that is the result of poor education, poor distribution
tially an expanded, better-researched, better-written, and better-edited of factual knowledge, and active disinformation by propagandists
version of Access to Energy that includes the additional feature of in- who exploit public ignorance and fear.
vestment analysis based on the science and technology discussed. We are fortunate to have a monthly opportunity to correct some of
Access to Energy will continue as always. Access to Energy has a this nonscience with Access to Energy. This opportunity is then am-
25 year commitment to its readers and principles. It may participate in plified by its use in independent work by AtE readers.
the raising of additional voices, but its own voice will not cease to be The Gilder-Robinson Science and Technology Report will, how-
heard. Actually, Access to Energy will also be improved as a result of ever, reach a mostly different and potentially much larger number of
our increased access to excellent research capabilities. people. As an investment newsletter, it can sell for a substantially
Why are we doing this? Well, financial profit is a good motive, higher price. This provides funds for more advertising which also
and, if the newsletter is successful, we will happily receive a profit. distributes our message. Just the initial advertising of GRSTA exceeds
Profits make other projects possible. For example, the Petition Project all such advertising of AtE since it was originated. Moreover, our
against the global warmers now has about 19,000 signatories includ- message will be substantially enhanced and better communicated by
ing approximately 17,000 scientists. About half of the funds for this working with George Gilder, a very talented and experienced tech-
have been provided by direct donations from readers of Access to En- nologist and writer, and his coworkers.
ergy. The other half were obtained from profits in this case more Newsletters are an important aspect of media communications.
than a year of income from subscriptions to Access to Energy. Newsletter advertising may, however, be equally or more important.
Profits are, however, not my reason for participating in this new Direct mail advertisements are typically received by about 100 peo-
newsletter. Even if there were no profits, I would happily write it ple for each one who subscribes and each of those advertisements is
without compensation (he says we hope with candor while antici- a powerful means of communication. The pro-nuclear power, anti-
pating compensation). I am willing to do this because this effort is pseudoenvironmentalist message of Access to Energy reached 80-
about improving human well-being and saving lives, as illustrated by fold more readers in GRSTA ads than it will reach through AtE itself
some calculations we did in preparation of the first GRSTA issue: this month readers who, for the most part, have less knowledge
Analysis of results in the medical war on cancer shows that, be- about these subjects than do the readers of AtE.
tween 1950 and 1995, good progress was made. After population ad- When the stakes are as high in human life as they are with such
justment, it turns out that cancer killed 25,000 fewer Americans under issues as DDT and global warming, it is not enough to do any less
the age of 55 in 1995 than it would have killed had 1950s preventive, than the maximum possible with the skills and opportunities avail-
diagnostic, and therapeutic conditions prevailed. Since 73,000 such able. We are fortunate and delighted to have this remarkable opportu-
deaths still occur annually, this is about a 25% improvement. nity to do much more by working with George Gilder, Forbes
Taking into account all cancer deaths at all ages (including in- Magazine, and their co-workers.
creases in older age groups caused by general advances that allow Should an Access to Energy reader subscribe to both publications?
people to live longer), improvements since 1950 are now saving People with substantial investments should do so. They should also
about 500,000 years of American life or 6,000 lifetimes per year. We subscribe to the Gilder Technology Report which has a proven re-
estimate that, world-wide, about 20,000 lifetimes per year are being cord of success in telecosm technology. While investment analysis is
saved as compared with 1950. This is a wonderful achievement. It inherently difficult and sometimes incorrect even with the best pro-
corresponds roughly to a decrease in highway auto deaths by 30%. fessionals, the analysis in both of these newsletters is superior. Even
On a comprehensive world-wide basis, however, the number of small bits of good analysis can be very rewarding where significant
saved lives from cancer is less than 1% of the number lost to malaria investment capital is at risk. For those who cannot benefit from such
as a direct result of the ban of DDT. For every lifetime saved from analysis, the choice is more difficult. Even at discounted prices, these
cancer, 100 children die of DDT-preventable malaria. Even this 100- newsletters are expensive.
fold difference is an underestimate, since we assigned only two-thirds In the 20 years that Petr Beckmann published Access to Energy,
of the malaria deaths to the DDT ban. he did much to resist and refute the antitechnology causes of those
Yet, malaria is only a beginning. The UNs global warming en- who promote ignorance and myth under a facade of pseudoscience.
ergy rationing program, of which Kyoto is just the first step, will kill We do our best to continue his effort. The GRSTA provides an oppor-
at least 10-fold and perhaps 100-fold more people than does the ban tunity to substantially amplify the effects of this work. Just the adver-
of DDT. Those who do not die will see their living standards reduced. tising alone should cause much unhappiness in antitechnology land.

Just after the dawn of the atomic age and World War II, some of the
JUNGLE SNAFUS . . . AND REMEDIES principal scientists who initiated that age (especially Eugene Wigner
and Edward Teller) started serious work on the protection of civilian
Cresson H. Kearny and I first met at a conference of the American populations from the effects of nuclear explosions. This civil defense
Civil Defense Association in 1986. At that time, Cresson strongly ob- research work eventually expanded to include protection from nuclear,
jected to my public advocacy of government civil defense shelters for chemical, and biological threats from accidents, terrorism, or war
the American people not to the shelters, to the advocacy in 1986. dangers that have increased along with science and technology.
This research and development effort was so successful that Presi- breath-inflatable bladders which keep them afloat in streams and riv-
dent Truman became the first United States President to advocate sub- ers. Just in Cressons lifetime, this simple but important lesson has
stantial civil defense protection for the American people. This been forgotten and relearned several times. One wonders how many
advocacy was later strongly supported by both Presidents Kennedy times the need of infantry for personal flotation gear has been rein-
and Reagan, who tried to implement effective American civil defenses. vented during the past 2,000 years since Julius Caesar wrote.
Unfortunately, advocacy of civil defense by these Presidents was Cresson Kearny is now 84 years old. For the past nine years, he has
not enough. The American government provided very little civil de- been working on a project that he hopes will preserve essential infor-
fense protection for its citizens. The small amount that was provided mation about infantry warfare and equipment. The end result of this
was completely eliminated by the Bush and Clinton Administrations. work is an entertaining autobiographical book which contains the tech-
(The adopted Republican Platform in 1988 contained a plank that I nical information needed to reconstruct needed equipment at any time
wrote, which called for a strong civil defense one of many planks that in the future. He has named his book Jungle Snafus . . . and Reme-
the Bush Administration ignored after it was elected.) dies. The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine is fortunate to be
American engineers, particularly at the Oak Ridge National Labo- its publisher. This book is scheduled to be printed on July 20. Access to
ratory civil defense development program, watched as their technology Energy subscribers may now order a copy from OISM, P. O. Box
was installed in Switzerland and some other European countries, in the 1279, Cave Junction, OR 97523 or from Access to Energy, P. O. Box
Soviet Union, and even in China but never in the United States. 1250, Cave Junction, OR 97523 for $19.95 postage paid. This is a low
Eventually, after decades of experience and disappointments, they introductory price for this 420-page hard-cover book. The commercial
shifted emphasis to self-help civil defense and developed the tech- price to be listed three weeks from now will be substantially higher.
niques reported in the remarkable book Nuclear War Survival Skills by The dust cover of Jungle Snafus . . . and Remedies includes state-
Cresson H. Kearny originally published by the U. S. government. ments by three men John K. Singlaub, Major General U. S. Army
This book of tested home-makable defensive techniques and devices, (Ret.), the accomplished commander of American forces in Asia;
which, in its updated edition, was widely distributed by the Federal Howard K. Smith, the well-known war correspondent; and George C.
Emergency Management Agency to its personnel during the Reagan Ferguson, who was awarded 12 (thats not a misprint it is twelve!)
Administration, would have saved many American lives in case of nu- Purple Hearts before being made Command Sergeant Major of CON-
clear terrorism or war and may still do so. It even contains tested ARC, the Continental Army Command of the United States.
instructions by which almost any individual with a few hours work can General Singlaub writes: Throughout the military history of the
manufacture a reliable, calibrated fallout radiation meter from a tin can American people, the qualities that have contributed most to winning
and other materials found in most American homes. battles have been the ability and the willingness of its combat leaders
Julian Simon reminded us that people are the ultimate resource. to innovate and solve unexpected problems with ingenuity and creativ-
And, occasional, unusual individuals are more than resources they ity. Jungle Snafus . . . and Remedies provides an amazing revelation of
are national treasures. Cresson Kearny is one such individual. His first hand stories and anecdotes that enable the reader to gain ideas and
presence on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory team was essential in examples of how imaginative thinking by combat leaders can avoid
turning self-help civil defense into a practical field of endeavor. disasters, save lives, and win battles. The book is a fun read and covers
That day in 1986 at the TACDA meeting, Cresson knew something many areas unrelated to jungles. I strongly recommend that all leaders,
that I then refused to believe. He knew that American politicians and especially those in infantry and Special Operations units, read this fas-
bureaucrats would never provide a proper civil defense for the Ameri- cinating collection of combat wisdom.
can people. Therefore, he viewed my advocacy as a diversion from Howard K. Smith writes: This is the record of a large part of a
self-help measures. Now, 12 years later, our only effective civil de- lifetime devoted to detecting things that went wrong, often fatally, for
fense work at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine consists of the foot-slogging soldier in Americas twentieth century wars, and in-
the distribution of self-help information to American families includ- venting canny ways to set them right. This anecdotally rich work is
ing, most importantly, our role as publisher of Nuclear War Survival essential for soldiers who would like a better chance if there is a next
Skills by Cresson Kearny. time, and interesting for those who merely enjoy learning new things.
Though not generally recognized by academic universities except Command Sergeant Major Ferguson writes: This book includes
by his degrees earned at Princeton and as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford descriptions of much of the combat-proven equipment, ranging from
Cresson Kearny is one of the finest experimental scientists that I have lightweight breath-inflated boats and individual flotation devices to
ever known. He is an extraordinarily rigorous experimentalist. In intel- cool, mosquito-protective uniforms, that again should be produced and
lect and investigation he is so rigidly honest and candid that, were it issued to American soldiers. Teams from my Jungle Platoon needed
possible, he would be said to carry these two virtues to an extreme. In such equipment when reconnoitering some 40 Japanese-held islands
innovation he is unsurpassed. Many of Americas foot soldiers in wars and destroying installations. Nor would all 11 Rangers of the team I
during the second half of the 20th Century owe their lives to the fact commanded have been drowned off Omaha Beach had they had the
that Cresson Kearny became Americas leading expert in the design of breath-inflated bladders issued late in World War II to many thousands
proven infantry equipment, especially for jungle warfare. When, dur- of our soldiers fighting Japanese invaders.
ing this distinguished career, he turned his attention to civil defense, It is important to realize that, whether in war or in peace, our lives
the results were also remarkable. depend on science and technology of many different types. There is
One aspect of equipment for the foot soldier that has long con- today too great a belief that simple technological lessons of the past
cerned him is the tendency for military bureaucrats to forget lessons (which often contain the solutions to very sophisticated problems) are
learned in previous conflicts and then slowly reinvent needed equip- low tech and out of date. This myth is embodied especially in a
ment at the expense of many lives. This memory hole for simple life- ridiculous and despicable phrase in common use by generally helpless
saving technology is especially tragic. academics the post-industrial society which generally means
For example, it is important for soldiers in wet environments to that the efforts of other people will clothe, feed, house, and transport
float. One day several years ago after Cresson had been telling me the intellectual to and from his places of lofty thoughts. Information
about his frustration over the failure of the U. S. government to provide is valuable and thoughts are essential. Those, however, who believe
proper flotation devices to soldiers in Vietnam many of whom con- that America can cease to produce and can trade thoughts and informa-
sequently drowned I happened to be rereading the diaries of Julius tion for production are due a rude awakening.
Caesar. Caesar and his enemies in the Roman civil war were maneu- To the foot soldier, theory that has not been translated into action
vering with hundreds of thousands of soldiers when very heavy rains and equipment has little value and technology that is not there might
complicated the issue. Caesar writes that his opponents have a great as well never have been invented. With Jungle Snafus . . . and Reme-
advantage because it is their custom to supply their soldiers with dies, Cresson Kearny has helped ensure that it will be there.
velopment of National Science Education Standards for a nation
PALO VERDE that, with their help, has become last in the developed world in science
education. We are leading the fight to ensure that the teaching of evo-
The DDP meeting in Phoenix included a tour of the Palo Verde Nu- lution stays in our classrooms, and creation science stays out no
clear Generating Station nearby. Producing enough electricity to meet doubt to encourage intellectual freedom. We are at the forefront of
the requirements of Hong Kong, New Zealand, Denmark, Portugal, the debate over whether to use statistical sampling for the year 2000
and Israel combined, Palo Verde serves about 4 million American cus- census a partisan political issue. NAS also brags about the devel-
tomers. The electricity output of its three reactors is equivalent to six opment of a 15-year blueprint for a massive undertaking to map and
Hoover dams. A single Palo Verde fuel load has the same energy ca- sequence the human genome which, after wasting billions of tax
pacity as a railroad train of filled coal cars stretching from Phoenix to dollars, is now being supplanted by private industry with a 3-year plan
Pittsburgh. Ah, but what do we do with the radioactive waste? at less than one-tenth the cost and no tax dollars.
If all of the high-level radioactive waste (all spent fuel and associ- Missing from the appeal is mention of NAS work on the apparently
ated radioactive materials) that has ever been generated by all United less important issues such as the ongoing pseudoenvironmental geno-
States nuclear power plants combined were placed on one football cide from the DDT ban, the continuing program to ban all industrial
playing field, the pile would be only nine feet deep. halogen compounds (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine) such as
Moreover, if the American nuclear industry were allowed by our methyl bromide the indispensable agricultural fumigant and the
government to reprocess its fuel thereby further ensuring that nu- Kyoto plan to ration and severely restrict world energy supplies.
clear power would be the least expensive electric generating method, Actually, NAS has not been completely silent on these issues. They
then the remaining pile of waste in that singe football field would be managed to issue a one-page press release stating that they were not
reduced to a depth of only three inches. England, France, Japan, and involved in our Petition Project to obtain American scientific opinion
most other countries do reprocess their fuel. on global warming (although more than 70 individual NAS members
With reprocessing, all high-level fuel waste ever produced from all did sign the petition) and they have elevated to the position of NAS
American nuclear reactors could be stored in one room the size of the Foreign Secretary the august personage of Sherwood Rowland, one of
large family room in our farm house. Actually, we would rather have it the Ozone Three whose politically motivated one-third of a Nobel
in a suitable underground pit nearby, so that we could safely draw off Prize in return for his support of enviro myths about freon and ozone is
some heat during the winter and reduce our cancer risk by hormesis. an embarrassment to the scientific community.
Palo Verde is required to keep all of its unreprocessed spent fuel The NAS letter says: Many of these [NAS] studies are publicly
and fuel assemblies at the power plant, since the U. S. government has [tax] funded, because we are trusted by the government to explore top-
reneged on its contract to provide off-site storage for which electric ics in a way that no other organization can. No doubt about this!
utilities have already paid more than $10 billion. Each Palo Verde re-
actor has, therefore, a pool of water about the size of an extra deep TRACING ATMOSPHERIC CARBON
backyard swimming pool in which the past decade of waste is stored.
Plans call for this to be eventually transferred to dry storage casks in a Since the oceans, atmosphere, vegetation, soils, and detritus of the
building at the plant. Earth (mostly the oceans) contain 40,000 gigatons of carbon (Gt C)
Each of the three Palo Verde units currently produces 524 mega- and since annual exchanges between these reservoirs are hundreds of
watts of electricity. High pressure hot water from each nuclear reactor Gt C and are not accurately known, it cannot now be reliably deter-
passes through a heat exchanger so that water near the reactor is not mined whether or not the 5 to 6 Gt C humans are releasing into the
circulated through the turbines. This exchanged heat contained in high atmosphere are the cause of the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide.
pressure steam drives a turbine-generator that is 200 feet long and pro- Known resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and shale are about
duces as much electricity as two Hoover dams. 10,000 Gt C, so human activity could, over a period of thousands of
And how do the enviros and our government officials show their years, add only about 25% to the Earths easily available carbon diox-
thankfulness for this engineering miracle from the past? They demon- ide. Yet, an increase of about 35% in atmospheric carbon dioxide has
ize it with ongoing propaganda lies and, thereby, prevent the building occurred during just the past 200 years (mostly during the past 50).
of additional such plants in the United States. Asia, however, unaf- This increase is either the consequence of human releases which have
fected by this nonscience, is building dozens of new nuclear power not yet equilibrated with the oceans or of release of carbon dioxide by
plants with enough capital left over to buy obsequiousness and trea- the oceans as the Earth warms naturally from the Little Ice Age.
son from these same U. S. government officials. From the temperature dependence of solubility of carbon dioxide in
sea water, it can easily be shown that the atmospheric increases could

We recently received a direct mail solicitation from the National

Academy of Sciences (signed by its treasurer) which is supposed to
be Americas most prestigious scientific organization. We are invited
to contribute $35, $50, $100, or $1,000 by checking one of the conven-
ient boxes on the reply form. If we send $1,000, we . . . will be hon-
ored with membership in The Prometheus Society.
Prometheus was the mythical Greek Titan who gave fire to man. As
punishment for this, he was chained by the gods to a mountain where,
each day, an eagle arrived to eat out his liver which he then regrew in
time for the next days feast of the eagle. Given the National Acad-
emys recent record of actions, we are wondering whether this $1,000
honor would associate us with Prometheus or with the eagle.
In any case, if we cannot afford $1,000, the appeal assures us that
any donation at all will bring us straight from the bastions of the
Academy a mouse pad with Albert Einsteins picture on it.
The letter brags about National Academy of Sciences accomplish-
ments, including help for the threatened Alala crow of Hawaii
(trumpeted in the first sentence of the NAS appeal letter) and the de- Figure 1
be coming from that source just as more carbon dioxide bubbles out place so many caveats in ones publications (in the guise of being oh so
of a soft drink if the temperature is increased. And, even though in- scientific) that you can never be proved wrong and can, regardless
creases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, like increases in atmospheric of the ultimate results, show that you were on the right track.
temperature, would generally be good for the Earths biological envi- Is becomes may be; proves becomes validates; and a
ronment, opponents of world energy rationing would prefer to argue paper that clearly states its position on a controversial issue becomes
that the increase in carbon dioxide is of nonhuman origin. This is a unbalanced and not appropriate.
stronger political position but only if it is right. There are three obser- Where the science in question has significant implications for the
vations which warn us that it might be wrong. lives of other human beings, this sort of behavior is not just tragic it is
First, the same uncertainties in carbon balance that prevent reliable unconscionable. Anyone working in such an area has a moral obliga-
attribution to humans also prevent reliable attribution to the oceans. tion to be decisive and clear, and to correct or reverse direction when-
Second, the atmospheric carbon dioxide exchange rate with the ever he sees that he has made an error. Honorable, decisive men make
other reservoirs, as measured by atmospheric carbon 14 since atmos- mistakes, while indecisive men avoid criticism and also avoid honor.
pheric bomb testing was terminated, is slow enough given the uncer-
tainties to be consistent with the human release hypothesis. STARK RAVING MAD
Figure 1 from Accelerator radiocarbon dating of art, textiles, and
artifacts by A. J. T. Jull, Nuclear News, June 1998, p 32, gives carbon l From the catalog of Earthpulse Press Incorporated we are offered
14 values from tree rings and seeds that are more precise than earlier the book Technologys Curse: Diet for the Atomic Age by Sara Shan-
compilations we have seen. Carbon 14, normalized to pre-bomb test non, with a foreword by Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass, Ph.D. Dr. Sternglass
values (1.00), was 1.82, 1.41, 1.2, and 1.1 (given in text) in 1964, 1974, provided Petr Beckmann with a wealth of stark raving mad material,
1985, and 1998 respectively giving half-lives of 10, 11, and 13 years. and he is apparently doing his best for us, too.
Roughly estimating, without calculus, let us assume that 30 Gt C, The book, we are promised, will tell us about special foods that will
40 Gt C, 50 Gt C, and 30 Gt C were released by humans in the 1960s, protect us from the effects of this silent threat [low level radiation].
1970s, 1980s, and half of the 1990s, respectively, and that there have The review ends with the sentence: Technologys Curse: Diet for the
been 3, 2, 1, and 0 half-lives of 10 years duration elapsed since each of Atomic Age may well become a survival guide to the next millennium
these decades. This gives 3 + 10 + 25 + 30 = 68 Gt C. for those willing to listen or those exposed to this creeping toxin.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide rose from 315 parts per million in However ionizing radiation may be described, creeping is just
1960 to 360 ppm or 750 Gt C total in 1995. [750] - [(315)(750)/(360)] not quite appropriate and, of course, the best dietary protection would
= 94 Gt C. This, given the many uncertainties of measurement, is close probably be foods rich in low-level radiation itself that might pro-
enough to 68 Gt C to indicate the rise could be from human release. vide, therefore, protection through hormesis.
Third, the tree-ring measurements of very long-lived pine trees
which we have cited earlier (see, for example, Access to Energy 25-3, GOOD READING
November 1997) show markedly accelerated growth from carbon di-
oxide increases of the last century, but they show no such accelerated l Climate of Fear: Why We Shouldnt Worry about Global Warm-
growth during the Middle Ages (1,000 years ago). Since temperatures ing by Thomas Gale Moore, published by the Cato Institute, telephone
were warmer then than they are now, ocean outgassing (if it occurred) (800) 767-1241. Atmospheric temperatures and carbon dioxide may
should also have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide at that time. continue to rise together, but not necessarily as causes of one another.
Thomas Moore discusses the weaknesses in the warmers claims and,
VALIDATION more importantly, the great benefits to human life that would be likely
to result from rising carbon dioxide and warmer temperatures.
It is becoming distressingly common for people to speak of scien- l Environmental Justice: How the Race Card is Being Dealt into
tific models being validated by experiment and of experimental re- the Game of Eco-Politics by David Rothbard and Craig Rucker in
sults being validated by other experiments with similar outcomes. CFACT BP # 107, June 1998, Committee For A Constructive Tomor-
Validate seems to have become a sort of uncourageous way to im- row, P. O. Box 65722, Washington, DC 20035. As professional racists
ply prove, and it does not properly convey the scientific method. team up with professional pseudoenvironmentalists, the mix becomes
Hypotheses are invented in the minds of men to explain and cor- especially repulsive. The white population is, according to them, pref-
relate experimental observations. Sometimes, hypotheses are invented erentially polluting the environments of black and hispanic Americans.
even without such observations. A useful hypothesis contains, within l Is Reality Optional and other essays by Thomas Sowell, Hoover
itself, the means by which it can be tested by experiment. Institution Press, Stanford University, Stanford, California recom-
Occasionally a hypothesis is so well-constructed that a definitive mended by Jeff Cooper, in whose world of defensive firearms reality is
experiment can be carried out that, on its own, either rigorously definitively not optional. This Thomas Sowell book is excellent and
proves or destroys the hypothesis. Other, usually poorer, hypotheses very entertaining.
suggest weaker experiments dozens of which may provide mount- l The UP Spectrum Paradigm by George Gilder in Gilder Tech-
ing evidence for the hypothesis, but none of which is definitive. nology Report, Monument Mills, P. O. Box 660, Housatonic, MA
A theory is a hypothesis or collection of hypotheses that have 01236, telephone (888) 484-2727.
great general utility and have stood either one or more definitive ex- We can all use computers, the Internet, and the rest of the micro-
perimental tests or a great many suggestive experimental tests. cosm thanks to technologists who have provided us with user-friendly
All theories and hypotheses are vulnerable to destruction by just miracles in inexpensive boxes. For, however, those who intend to go
one definitive experiment regardless of the weight of evidence or of further to understand or invest in this revolution, the Gilder Technol-
scientific opinion in their support. ogy Report contains very valuable information and analysis.
In parallel with the tragic decline of academic standards, morals,
and ethics in our universities, the language and syntax commonly used
in science has also deteriorated. Scientists should state their hypotheses ACCESS TO ENERGY
clearly, marshal the evidence in their behalf with conviction, never rest
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
in efforts to prove themselves wrong, and responsibly state the ways, if Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
any, their conclusions affect the lives of other human beings. $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
Instead, we read endless pusillanimous papers in which the authors $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
stake out shiftable positions that are so adjustable that they can be each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
made to fit virtually any later discoveries. The goal seems to be to years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
AUGUST 1998 (Vol. 25, no. 12) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

2000 Manias
With the Dow Jones Industrial Average now falling back from its So, it is not surprising that the coming calendar change to the year
first test of the 10,000 level, we are reminded of the many years in 2000 is giving rise to many predictions of turning points. The market
which it repeatedly stalled at the 1,000 level before going through. for books predicting the date of Armageddon has been expected to
Investment markets are quite interesting from a scientific perspec- sharply expand and, perhaps, the general level of morals will show
tive because they consist of tens of millions of people who pay to some improvement as people hedge their actions against a perceived
send in quantitative data about themselves. Superimposed upon fun- increase in the probability of death and judgment. There is, however,
damental prices are the greed, fears, hopes, and reason of statistically little evidence that this has altered the behavior of our President.
large numbers of human beings. To students of numbers, this data is [Probably the best book ever written on this subject is Observa-
as fascinating as it is complex with numbers linked to rational tions upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John
thoughts intermingled with numbers arising from irrational numer- by Sir Isaac Newton, first published in 1733 and republished by the
ologies all mixed together, just as they are in the human population. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine in 1991 $19.95 postage
In evaluating these numbers, it is important to realize that they paid from OISM, P.O. Box 1279, Cave Junction, OR 97523. Isaac
represent human beings as they are not as some might opine that Newton was opposed to the use of Scripture in attempts to predict the
they ought to be. The Dow after all is a small, statistically insig- future, but he works his numbers out so carefully that his book actu-
nificant list of common stocks for which there exists no rational basis ally contains an implicit prediction (not, it turns out, the year 2000).]
for particular numerical price levels. It has, however, a long historical Eclipsing all other year 2000 fears, however, is the remarkable
record (although the list of stocks has been revised many times) and, growing belief that Western civilization will collapse as a result of a
most importantly, an almost universal following in the press. This single computer bug that inhabits obsolete software systems and
makes it the market number that most people know. older computer chips. The Y2K mania has now become so wide-
Magic numbers which arise and are impressed on investment spread that realtors in Southern Oregon have been noticeably busier
markets by human decisions are ubiquitous in commodity markets serving customers fleeing the cities; survival food companies are seri-
where traders must deal with them on a daily basis. Stock markets ously backordered (while grain farmers are being devastated by over-
move much more slowly than commodity markets, so these numbers supply and low grain prices); and sales of Nuclear War Survival
express themselves less frequently. Still, they are there. On a numeri- Skills, also available from OISM for $12.50, have sharply increased.
cal basis, it seemed reasonable that the Dow might bounce downward Yet, what is the reality? First, nearly all of our heavy industry is
from 5,000. When, however, it passed through 5,000, it was logical to manually operable without computers and is currently managed by
expect the mania to extend itself to 10,000. Past 10,000 is 20,000 men in their 50s and 60s who grew up computing with slide rules.
unlikely, but, if 10,000 is penetrated, a good possibility. Considering our technological society as a whole and omitting the
The legendary commodity trader, W. D. Gann, made a fortune by newer computers that do not have the bug (virtually all PCs); the
means of understanding the magic numbers and ratios with which computer systems that will be fixed before 2000 (most well-managed
human action determines market turning points. enterprises); the computer applications that are not unusually date
While sophisticated and rational schemes that correct for changes sensitive and are therefore easily correctable by simple date roll-back
in dollar purchasing power and incorporate superior systems for de- (see, for example,; applications that can
termining real values seem more prudent to follow, the mass actions continue to operate at reduced but adequate efficiency without com-
of human beings with one eye on the numbers on newspaper front puters, such as grocery stores that might lose their inventory control
pages more often determine market turning points. Even among the systems; and the wide range of American enterprises staffed by a
most sophisticated investors, such as the professional commodity hundred million inventive and productive people who are not simply
chartists who drove the markets in which Gann participated, certain going to lie down and die but instead will innovate their ways
charting techniques and calculation methods gain popularity and be- around problems in numerous different ways there is just too small
come, therefore, self-fulfilling. a remaining part of our civilization that can be seriously damaged by
It is truly remarkable that even when a great fundamental market Y2K for it alone to cause the widely predicted collapse.
force moves many individual markets in one direction, numerous in- While it is possible to make a straw that breaks the camels back
dividual markets arrange themselves in the preceding weeks and argument that the Y2K glitch will set off a crisis already waiting to
months so that magic numbers will express themselves when the happen such as overvalued markets or the massive debt pyramid,
overall move takes place. In the current sharp deflationary action, we there are many such straws available now and our government seems
see that corn penetrated $2.00 per bushel; gold fell below $300 per committed to keeping us plentifully supplied in the future.
ounce [a little earlier, since it tends to lead]; silver broke $5 per ounce; Still, human nature makes the year 2000 definitely a magic num-
and the Commodity Research Bureau Index, a broad average that ber. Who knows how many forms of craziness will converge upon
would seemingly have no rational link to any special numbers, duti- this date? Emergency preparedness for Y2K alone is silly, but general
fully broke below 200 at just the most critical moment of collapse. preparedness, physically and economically, is sensible. The current
Human action, a partially irrational force, determines prices. bull market in year 2000 fears is an important indicator.

any previous time during this 18 year record. The 18-year trend line
THE SUN IS WARM (even after recent improvements for satellite drift and other minor
corrections) is still slightly negative or, within statistical signifi-
During recent months, satellite temperature measurements of the cance, essentially unchanged because the recent rise so far covers a
lower troposphere have risen from those prevalent in early 1998. The short time interval. The global warmers are, of course, ecstatic. Per-
previous 18-year range was about 0.8 C. The recent rise by about 0.6 sonally, if we had predicted chaos, we would be greatly prefer to be
C from the approximate mean is to a level about 0.2 C warmer than at proved wrong but not these people. Only a frying Earth will make
them happy. Actually, since the sharp rises in this record are usually
followed by sharp drops of from 0.4 C to 0.8 C, there is little for DEFLATION
them to crow about. It is possible, however, that this recent rise is part
of a new warming cycle. As difficult as it is for post-World War II Americans to compre-
hend in the light of economic conditions during the past half-century
(during which government-caused inflation wiped out all dollar de-
nominated technological gains in productivity and 95% of the dollars
purchasing power besides), we are now in a period of deflationary con-
traction, and we are threatened with severe economic deflation.
Two excellent articles about this are The Optimum Price of
Gold by Jude Wanniski, The Wall Street Journal, January 7. 1998. p
A22, and The Coming Bust by James Grant, The Wall Street Jour-
nal, August 28, 1998, p A10.
The summarizing insets of these two articles read: A great boom
is mortal precisely because it is great: It creates its own excesses. A
self-absorbed market becomes its own reason for being, and Golds
price has dropped to a level we have not experienced since 1979,
which suggests the general price level will have to decline in order to
Figure 1 equilibrate with gold.
A glance at commodity prices shows the remarkable breadth of this
contraction, which seems now to be spreading to the stock markets and
will probably soon start to significantly affect general consumer prices.
Corn is under $2 per bushel (less than $0.04 per pound); wheat is
As Figure 1 shows (see Figure 4, Access to Energy 25-3, p 2 for this about $2.50 per bushel; copper is $0.75 per pound; and crude oil is
and related references), the Earths warming trend of during the past under $14 per barrel. Worse, it is predicted that corn could fall as low
250 years correlates very closely with solar activity. It does not, as we as about $1 per bushel, with many other commodities similarly weak.
have shown previously, correlate with human activity. How much could the general price level contract? Following Wan-
As reported in Will 1998 be the warmest year on record? in ec- niskis estimate that $350 gold represents the current price level, a con-
ollogic, May/June 1998, available from P.O. box 191, Hollow Rock, traction to the current gold price of $275 would be more than 20%
TN 38342, p21, an increase in solar radiation occurred simultaneously with large individual variations (government will, no doubt, continue
with this recent rise in atmospheric temperature. Solar flares of such to become more expensive, while farmers are bankrupted).
great intensity that they knocked out Telstar 401 Communications in- To those who have no debt, some savings, and an ability to con-
dicated a significant rise in solar activity. tinue with their ordinary work and personal lives even if their incomes
It may be that the sun is entering another upward fluctuation in ac- markedly contract, deflation is tolerable even advantageous, since
tivity like the four other such fluctuations shown in Figure 1. Science correction of economic excesses sets the stage for the next expansion.
News 152, p 197 (1997), reviewed a paper by Richard C. Willson in For those, however, with debt and highly leveraged lifestyles, deflation
the September 26, 1997 issue of Science in which Willson reported can be very painful. Current farm prices represent negative incomes for
that solar radiation had increased by 0.036 percent between 1986 and many farmers, and a 20% contraction in real values exceeds the invest-
1996. The concomitant increase in energy absorbed by the Earth turns ment equity of a majority of the American people.
out to be, according to Willson, 70 times greater than all energy util- It is important to recognize that people bid for goods and services
ized by human activities during the same time period. on the basis of their own perceived wealth not on the basis of cash in
In any case, conclusions about global warming must be based on hand. Regardless of the fact that most stock market investors can never
the entire experimental record not upon short-term fluctuations. It sell their stocks for prices as high as those quoted in the newspapers
would be equally ridiculous for global warming opponents to an- (the quotes are for current trades at the margin, while actual prices
nounce, after the next downward fluctuation in temperatures, that this would be much lower if a significant percentage of people were to try
was evidence of global cooling. To the best of the authors ability, the to sell), these investors have been bidding for goods and services on
relevant data is displayed and referenced in the paper Environmental the assumption that their stocks represent their actual wealth.
Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide by A. B. Robin- If the stock market undergoes a long overdue contraction, literally
son, S. L. Baliunas, W. Soon, and Z. W. Robinson, which was distrib- trillions of dollars in perceived purchasing power will disappear from
uted by the Petition Project. This paper has been expanded somewhat American markets. This would be deflation on a scale that no rational
and submitted for ordinary publication. Also, the original paper has amount of government money creation could hope to counteract.
been picked up by several publishers for republication. The most nota- How far could the stock market deflate in real terms? There is an
ble is the Medical Sentinel 3, No. 5, September/October 1998. It is also excellent chart of gold price vs. the price of one share of each of the
available along with the current list of petition signers (we are now up Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks during the past century at web
to about 19,000 signers, which includes 17,000 with degrees in sci- address
ence) at and Values of the gold/Dow ratio at the extremes in this chart are 1, 18, 2,
The hypothesis that human activity is significantly changing the 28, 1, 32 in 1897, 1928, 1932, 1966, 1980, and 1998 respectively. This
temperature and weather of the Earth is not supported by the experi- suggests that the price of gold vs. stocks could reverse by a factor of
mental data and is, in fact, rejected by it. Moreover, the data show that about 30 during the next half-cycle. Since the two down half-cycles in
the Earth has been much warmer during recent millennia, for which the record were completed in 4 years and 14 years, the potential is for a
there is a substantial human historical record. Those warm periods fast reversal within the lifetime of most current investors. Reversal of
were not characterized by environmental disruptions from warmer this ratio could occur with many different values in dollar terms. For
temperatures. Therefore, we need not worry about environmental ca- examples, the Dow could be 2,000 and gold $2,000; the Dow 500 and
lamities even if the natural, sun-mediated warming trend continues. gold $500; or the Dow 10,000 and gold $10,000.
The only warming trend currently affecting the global energy ra- No one knows, of course, what any of these market prices will
tioning schemes of the Clinton-Gore administration is moral. Both of eventually be. We do know, however, that widespread deflation has
these protagonists are in so much hot water due to their lack of morals begun. If it continues, the consequences will be unusual indeed for the
and ethics that they have been unable to promote their enviro agenda. American people and their activities in science and technology.


Although we do not know which direction the sun will fluctuate To the pseudoenvironmentalists, each new human being is another
over the coming years warmer or cooler, it is clear which direction Earth-destroying demon except, of course, the superior elite group to
we should hope that it will fluctuate. If the Earth becomes warmer than which they and other special people like them belong. Therefore, data
humans think desirable, there are several means by which human ac- like that in Figures 2 and 3 is further evidence of technological evil.
tivity can cool the Earth. If the Earth becomes too cool, however, there These figures are reproduced from The Lost Children by Peter
is no known practical way to generate enough energy to warm it. Brimelow, Forbes, December 29, 1997, p 47. In the United States
S. S. Penner, Journal of Clean Technology and Environmental Sci- since 1700, infant mortality has dropped from 20% to 0.7% while
ences 3, No. 3/4 (1993), who works at the University of California at deaths of pregnant women have dropped from 3.3% of live births to
San Diego and is one of Americas most brilliant engineers, has esti- 0.007%. As recently as 1940, one in 300 pregnant women died. Now
mated that the conversion of about 2% of the jet fuel in commercial jet fewer than one in 10,000 dies. These accomplishments the preven-
airliners during a four-year period into particulate forms similar to tion of 96.4% of infant deaths and 99.8% of maternal deaths as com-
those emitted by volcanoes could cool the Earth by about 3 C. Ex- pared with 1700 are entirely the result of technological progress and
trapolating to expected air transport in the year 2050, he estimates that the energy supply system upon which that progress depends.
this could be done by the same means in one year rather than four. These wonderful improvements in the quality and quantity of hu-
Professor Penner estimates the cost of this cooling method based man life do not just happen because, in some special way, the people of
upon either conversion of ordinary jet fuel or the use of a new jet fuel the 20th Century are entitled to them. They are not provided by gov-
into which coal has been blended. He proposes that the method be de- ernment. They are provided solely by advances in science and technol-
veloped by careful studies of volcanoes which currently cool the ogy the same science and technology that has doubled the average
Earth in the same manner. His rough current estimates are that 1.5 C human life span. Nor are they the products of post industrial activi-
of cooling with coal blended fuel would cost less than $300 million. ties brought to us by the information economy.
The particulates produced would shield the Earth from a part of the Industrial infrastuctures food, steel and concrete, roads, bridges,
suns radiation so small a part that people on the Earth could not see dams, factories of all sorts underlie the medical industries and the
the shield or personally detect its presence. hygiene and nutrition industries that save these lives. All of these in-
Other means of injecting this shield into the upper atmosphere have dustries depend upon energy the energy that Al Gore and his gaggle
also been suggested such as the use of naval guns to shoot it into the of population reduction retainers seek to confiscate by rationing.
atmosphere. In any case, we can be
certain that this method would work
because volcanoes frequently cool
the Earth in the same way.
We can only hope that the suns
activity tends toward the warm side.
In addition, however, mankind can
also bias human activities toward
those that might help in this warm-
ing. Although carbon dioxide release
is apparently not especially promis-
ing in this regard, any effect that it
does have will probably be warming
rather than cooling.
Carbon dioxide release from coal,
oil, and natural gas is beneficial be-
cause it increases the plant and ani-
mal populations of the Earth. It is
also beneficial because any effect it
eventually might have upon Earth
temperatures would be toward
warming the desirable direction if
mankind is to have an opportunity to
tune the Earths thermostat. We have Figure 3
means available to cool the Earth, but
we have no means available to warm
it. If our climate becomes too warm,
human engineers can fix it. If, on the
other hand, natural forces were to
lead us into a new ice age, our engi-
neers have no means available with
which to counteract this.
Human engineers have available
a low cost air conditioning cooler
than can be applied to the whole
Earth. They do not, however, have Figure 2
available a heater. Therefore, we
should bias all of our activities to-
ward warming in case the sun be-
comes cooler.


Enviros assure us and news media parrot their claims that pluto- l As the countdown to the Clinton apology continued, The Wall
nium is the most dangerous substance known to man. American nu- Street Journal composed a memorable suggested speech for the Presi-
clear power plants are still not permitted to recycle their high-level dent. This column entitled Mea Culpa, The Wall Street Journal, Au-
radioactive waste, while most countries do recycle. Recycling auto- gust 4, 1998, p A18, should be read by every American. That it could
matically disposes of 97% of this waste. Our bureaucrats prohibit re- be truthfully written for any federal government employee, much less
cycling largely because of the terrible dangers posed by plutonium the President of the United States, is truly Stark Raving Mad. (Less
the most demonized material on the planet. than 10% of the speech has to do with Monica.)
Of interest, therefore, is Fifty Years of Plutonium Exposure to the l With a river of tax money flowing to NASA, there is apparently
Manhattan Project Plutonium Workers: An Update by G. L. Voelz, J. no limit to the nonsense they are willing to provide to their benefac-
N. P. Lawrence, and E. R. Johnson, Health Physics 73, No. 4, pp 611- tors.Greenhouse Warming Hurts Arctic Ozone by R. Monastersky,
618 (1997). The subjects (workers at Los Alamos) received, on aver- Science News, p 228, April 11, 1998, reports a NASA Goddard Insti-
age, a three-fold higher exposure to plutonium than the maximum tute for Space Studies announcement that global warming is cooling
currently recommended by the National Council on Radiation Protec- the Arctic and thereby destroying ozone. Never mind that there is not a
tion (0.01 Sv times age). single published experimental paper that demonstrates the existence of
Standard mortality ratios of the exposed workers when compared to recent greenhouse warming. Theoretical (not experimentally ob-
the general population and to unexposed contemporary Los Alamos served) warmth makes cold according to their computer models.
workers were 0.43 and 0.77 respectively. In other words the number of The truth is that NASA and their paymasters have invested much
exposed workers who have died as compared with the these two time and money in the ozone scare. They hope the residual public fear
groups is less by 57% and 23%. The second comparison is especially will help them to sell the human-caused greenhouse warming myth.
relevant, since it avoids systematic differences in life style between l When Glen Seaborg, two other Nobel laureates, and their group
Los Alamos workers and the general population. of scientists and teachers tried to give free advice to the California pub-
These results are in agreement with the many other studies of nu- lic schools about the teaching of science, they were rudely rejected and
clear workers and other groups (see previous issues of Access to En- ridiculed. Instead, the state paid $178,000 to a group that believes edu-
ergy), which have shown that radiation exposure extends lifespan. cational standards must be written to make sure virtually all kids can
meet them and be entertained by the courses, too. Things like learn-
25 YEARS OF ACCESS TO ENERGY ing facts and mental arithmetic are no longer politically correct.
Said one state educator about Seaborg and his associates, They
This issue of Access to Energy marks the completion of its 25th wouldnt know a classroom if you put it in front of them.
year of publication. The readership of Access to Energy is approxi-
mately one-third scientists and engineers and about two-thirds indi- GOOD READING
viduals with no formal scientific training many of whom are,
however, talented and productive self-taught technologists. While l Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy, published by G. P. Putnams Sons
never a large circulation newsletter, readership today stands at a 25- (1998) and available in most book stores. This time Clancys bad guys
year high with readers of sufficient commitment that they provided, are the population reduction enviros. Not only do the bad guys lose,
for example, nearly all of the funding for the global warming Petition but super popular Clancys characterizations in this novel will do
Project that has now gathered the signatures of 19,000 Americans in- much to weaken their public appeal.
cluding 17,000 with degrees in science or engineering. l Energy and Dollar Costs of Ethanol Production with Corn by
In partial celebration of our 25th anniversary, we are updating the David Pimentel, Hubbert Center Newsletter #98/2, pp 1-7 (1998),
CD-ROM of back issues and improving its computer interface. We ex- published by the M. King Hubbert Center, Colorado School of Mines,
pect that this fully searchable CD of all 25 years of issues will be avail- Golden, CO 80401-1887. This article documents facts concerning
able in the near future. (The price will be $95, but please do not order government-subsidized ethanol production from corn. For example,
until we announce that we have the CDs ready for shipment.) Pimentel calculates that about 71% more energy is used to produce a
gallon of ethanol than energy contained in a gallon of ethanol. He
LEIPZIG DECLARATION estimates current real cost of ethanol production as $2.52 per gallon.
l The Green Genocide Agenda: Saving the Earth by Killing Hu-
In the near future, we will be sending to all signers and supporters mans by Alan Caruba, The DeWeese Report 4, No. 8 (1998), avail-
of the Petition Project (which includes a large percentage of the readers able from P.O. Box 40, Maplewood, NJ 07040.
of Access to Energy) some information about the Science and Environ- Caruba writes, The notion of ridding the earth of people in order
mental Policy Project headed by S. Fred Singer and including the Pro- to save it is the core belief of the inner circle of those who determine
jects anti-global warming petition entitled The Leipzig Declaration national and global environmental policies. We tend to associate
on Global Climate Change. such maniacs with the historical past (even though World War II is
This is a very valuable Declaration. The more signers they obtain, only 50 years behind us). The fact is that they are here today with an
the more difficult it becomes for the warmers to propagate their myths. agenda that dwarfs that of their genocidal predecessors.
Also, S. Fred Singer and his co-workers are very energetic opponents l Building a Better Future: Contributions of Nuclear Science and
of the global warming myth. Their efforts have contributed quite sub- Technology (1998), published by the International Atomic Energy
stantially to the possibility that the global warmers will be defeated. Agency, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria.


In Access to Energy 25, No. 11 we erroneously gave the power out- Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
put of the three Palo Verde nuclear generators as 3x524 MW. The ac- Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
$35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
tual value is 3x1240 MW. Our comparison with the power needs of $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
several countries which we trusted and parroted from another Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
source also is in error. Our thanks to those who pointed out this error each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
(though you are, no doubt, part of a vast, right wing conspiracy. . .). years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 1998 (Vol. 26, no. 1) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

At his Telecosm Conference September 15-17, George Gilder stand in direct competition with one another everyone will have
presented one session in which Rich Karlgaard, Timothy C. Forbes, very low cost access to an essentially unlimited quantity of both.
Michael Medved, Thomas Sowell, and Arthur B. Robinson discussed Hundreds of millions of people will have the means to carry out
the subject Misinformation in an Information Age. In another of their own interpretations and differentiations and to inexpensively
the sessions, Internet technologists spoke about emerging technolo- disseminate their conclusions and source information to each other.
gies that are expected to soon expand communications bandwidth so I am convinced that, in this new circumstance, truth will be the
much that the entire Library of Congress will (after it is scanned) be winner and misinformation the loser.
transmittable in about 5 seconds. About 2,000 years ago Paul wrote: Finally, brethren, whatsoever
The amount of information that each person will soon have per- things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are
sonally available through an investment of less than $500 in equip- just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, what-
ment will be essentially unlimited. Not all information is true, soever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be
however. Falsehoods abound in our environment. Are we soon to be any praise, think on these things. [Philippians 4-8] This was more
inundated with misinformation? What filters will be available? than just good advice. Paul was certain to win with this exhortation,
Traditionally, our information has been filtered through those with because the things which he was advocating are naturally ascendant
monopolies on its gathering and storage. News media spend large in the human spirit. That which is true, honest, just, pure, and virtuous
amounts of money gathering information and then disseminate fil- is naturally valued by human beings, while that which is the opposite
tered and condensed segments to the public. Unfortunately, the media is not. In almost all circumstances, even those who promote false-
have changed from reporting the truth to manipulating the public hood, dishonesty, and injustice must pretend that they advocate truth,
mind with falsehoods that enhance media power and the political ef- honesty, and justice because the opposites are fundamentally alien
forts of those whom they favor. Newsletters and other micromedia and repulsive to human nature.
sources partially but only partially correct media bias. Where true information and misinformation stand in direct com-
Schools and universities have thrived because they have vast petition with one another in the presence of hundreds of millions of
storehouses of information in their libraries and in the minds of their human beings with equal and easy access to both, true information
faculties knowledge that students and their families pay very large will triumph most of the time. In view of the great volume of infor-
amounts of money and time to obtain. During the past two genera- mation, there will be an expanding demand for those who distill and
tions, however, American schools and universities have largely aban- interpret information but the free market will weed out those who
doned objectivity in the filtering and condensing of information provide misinformation. They will no longer be able to hide behind
presented to their students. Except in the sciences (and not even there monopolies on the primary information sources and repositories.
in fields heavily financed by politically derived tax money), most For the first time in human history, most human beings will have
educational institutions have become propaganda machines with little unlimited access to the truth to information that is true, honest, just,
remaining regard for truth and objectivity. pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and worthy of praise. We may
Money, prestige, and power flow to those who control the minds depend upon the natural proclivities for these things in the human
of human beings. Our traditional information gathering, storage, and spirit to filter truths from their opposites.
dissemination institutions have gradually become occupied by people There are those who will say that this optimistic view is unwar-
who are primarily interested in mind control and have little regard for ranted that human beings are too easy to fool that those with
the truth. These institutions are, themselves, the primary sources of power and money will remain in control of the public mind. These
misinformation in our society. They have prospered and have be- pessimists underestimate, however, the fact that propagandists de-
come powerful and fat because they have held monopolies on the pend upon their versions of the facts having a free ride. They depend
supplies of primary information and can, therefore, bend and hide upon the truth being unavailable. They also depend upon those who
the truth to serve their own self-interests. do see the truth being unable to communicate their analyses widely
The Telecosm is now in the process of breaking the monopolies of with others. The Internet destroys these shields of misinformation.
our principal sources of misinformation. Recognizing this threat and We are now in the midst of a transition to truth. Already the effects
also the power of the new electronic means of communication, the can be felt. The misinformationists won the battles over nuclear
propagandists are engaged in extensive efforts to flood the Internet power, DDT, and CFCs. They won with lies. Now, however, they are
with their offerings. So, as bandwidth increases, so does the amount in danger of losing the battle over global warming and even in
of misinformation. There is, however, an important difference the danger of having some of their earlier victories reversed. Why? The
truth is also available. Whereas before the Telecosm, propagandists Telecosm which is still in its infancy.
with information monopolies could stand between the people and the Computer technology can never replace the human mind and
primary information, now they can only place their propaganda in the spirit. It can, however, free human civilization from the chains of
bandwidth beside the primary information itself. In effect, with false information. There are reasons to be optimistic about the future.
transmission costs dropping toward zero, truth and falsehood now The death of the information monopolies is one of those reasons.

several students in the class and asking that we all go to the chalk-
BOOKS VS. BOOKS board and write the structures of the amino acids. He then interro-
gated us from left to right, beginning one year with your editor who
At Caltech in the 1960s, Professor Borsook began his introductory had stationed himself on the far left. Sternly he asked if the structures
biochemistry course with the suggestion that we should all know the I had drawn were amino acids to which I replied, the book says
structures of the amino acids and certain other biologically important that they are. This was definitely the wrong answer. Borsook imme-
molecules. He reinforced this suggestion soon afterward by pointing to diately launched into a lecture on the dangers of believing everything
one reads in books. It turns out that proline and hydroxyproline are section on carbon monoxide another demon which, we are told,
imino acids rather than amino acids, although they are often errone- comes mostly from automobiles and binds strongly to hemoglobin
ously listed as amino acids. molecules. The primary listed hazard is death from carbon monoxide
Professor Borsook was concerned about errors. It is difficult to inhalation. Although again no quantitative data is given, the inquisitive
write a whole book without making some sort of unintentional error, student may notice that he has not seen many bodies lying beside free-
so the student should be cautious thinking about the meaning and ways or hulks from accidents caused by the sudden deaths of drivers
reliability of each thing that he reads. behind the wheel. Quantitative information would help in teaching stu-
Today, however, unintentional errors are the least of the problems. dents the specific circumstances under which carbon monoxide is dan-
Materials are being inserted into elementary text books and presented gerous, but this would diminish the desired generalized fear.
as facts even though the authors know that these facts are, at best, Nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons are passed through in a similarly
unproved assertions and hypotheses. non-quantitative manner except for a chart listing the National Tailpipe
Traditionally, elementary text books in science and mathematics Emission Standards (and the California standards). All the student can
contained solely the most reliable knowledge of the time. Only hy- memorize from this text is that these substances are bad and that our
potheses and theories that had stood the test of definitive experimental government has come to the rescue with standards which are appar-
observation or of rigorous mathematical derivation were included. ently endorsed by the authors of his textbook.
Where possible, the derivations and experimental observations were Then, of course, comes global warming. A graph of the Mauna Loa
included in the text to encourage the student to evaluate them himself. carbon dioxide measurements vs. time is shown to demonstrate that
As the misinformationists have worked their will on college text- carbon dioxide is indeed rising. Also, the student is given a brief, quali-
books, the humanities have been the first to fall. Moral and ethical ab- tative explanation of the energy-trapping, greenhouse properties of
solutes right and wrong in human affairs lack anchors in water vapor and carbon dioxide. After the stage has been thusly set it
mathematical derivation. While there is a wealth of experimental ob- sounds like science, but lacks any information which the student could
servations in the histories of those peoples that have abandoned moral use to evaluate the matter for himself the text informs: A consensus
absolutes, this information is easily handled by simply not presenting it is emerging among scientists that this increase [in carbon dioxide] is
to the students. Labeling themselves with pseudoscientific labels such already perturbing Earths climate and that it may be responsible for
as social science and political science or with traditional labels the observed increase in the average global air temperature of 0.3 to 0.6
such as history and literature, humanities curriculums have gen- C over the past century. Algore himself could not have said it better.
erally become unfit for human consumption. A graph of this temperature increase would have permitted the dis-
Now, the sciences are being dragged down, too. While introductory cerning student to notice that most of the increase occurred before the
chemistry books of the past restricted themselves to teaching funda- carbon dioxide increase and, therefore, could not have been caused
mental physical principles on which a sound understanding of chemis- by it. Then there are the graphs of temperature vs. solar activity, the
try and of the scientific method could be built, current textbooks satellite and balloon measurements, the 3,000-year temperature re-
include politically correct chapters with contents that masquerade as cords, and numerous other quantitative experiments that negate the
facts on the basis of little more than their presence in a science book. global warming hypothesis. None of this is supplied to the student.
Chemistry: The Central Science: Seventh Edition by Theodore L. Moreover, the claimed consensus has never existed. True, the best
Brown, H. Eugene LeMay, Jr., and Bruce E. Bursten, Prentice Hall demonstration of this by our Petition Project [10 to 20 times as many
(1997), which is the introductory chemistry text at Southern Oregon scientists in each field of specialization rejecting the global warming
University, provides an example. hypothesis as compared with those who have endorsed it] was made
Chapter 18 Chemistry of the Environment opens with a glow- one year after this book was written but there has never been a time
ing endorsement of the June 1992 Rio de Janeiro United Nations con- when the claimed consensus existed or was supported by docu-
ference on Environment and Development. The chapter introduction mented studies, surveys, or other techniques. The authors of this intro-
assures the student that he now knows (from Chapters 1-17) enough ductory science text book that is supposed to teach verified scientific
chemistry to apply it to environmental affairs the only caveat being information have no data at all to support this claim.
that unfortunately, the environmental impacts of our decisions are The authors, who were ever so detailed in their description of the
often very subtle and not immediately evident. This prepares the stu- binding of demon carbon monoxide to hemoglobin molecules, neglect,
dent for politically correct assertions that are not based upon experi- of course, to mention the photosynthetic benefits of rising CO2, which
mental observations. No pseudoscientific enviropropaganda stone is increases the amounts of plants and animals in the biosphere.
then left unturned. With all of this, it is hardly a surprise that, in Chapter 21 under the
After three pages of qualitative statements about atmospheric ozone section on Radiation Doses, we discover a section demonizing ra-
chemistry (from which not even the most brilliant of students could don as a health hazard . . . estimated to result in as many as 10 percent
deduce anything quantitative about the atmosphere), the usual colored of lung cancer deaths. The students are told that The U. S. Environ-
representation of annual Antarctic ozone level decreases during the fall mental Protection Agency (EPA) has recommended that radon-222
months is shown. This is followed by an ode to the Montreal Protocol levels in homes not exceed 4 pCi per liter of air. If they were shown a
and later agreements banning the production and use of demon CFCs. graph of the research data from Bernard Cohens study of radon con-
Also included is a paragraph crafted to look like concern over the eco- centrations vs. cancer deaths, these students would see that there is in-
nomic impact of the ban but actually giving the student an impres- deed a link between radon and lung cancer a 20% reduction in lung
sion of cost that is at least two orders of magnitude too low. cancer deaths caused by radon levels of about 6 pCi per liter of air.
Nowhere in these pages do we learn that the seasonal Antarctic This data would, of course, blunt the message that nuclear is dangerous
ozone reduction was observed and published in the scientific literature and radiation is bad, so it is not shown.
by Dobson (after whom the unit of ozone concentration is named) long If we were permitted to insert graphs of actual research data into
before the human release of CFCs into the atmosphere. Also, there are each of the envirofriendly propaganda sections of this book, the effect
no graphs showing world average ozone levels or UV light levels. of each of those sections on the students would be negated and, in fact,
These graphs cannot be shown because even the least talented fresh- reversed. Experimental facts are, of course, not wanted by the authors.
man chemistry student might notice that they are in conflict with the It is apparently now acceptable to allow the students to learn pH and
claims made in the text. mass action law calculations and other simple procedures that are ordi-
Moving quickly through acid rain, again with qualitative, enviro- narily taught in introductory chemistry, but, for the really important
friendly statements, the book leaves the student with the false impres- things, they are to be taught to trust and parrot.
sion that this is a serious environmental problem but without any data So, should we lobby for balance in freshman chemistry books?
from which to draw his own conclusions. Then we come to an odd Should data countering these enviro sections be inserted? No! The en-
viro sections should simply be deleted. Fundamental principles of Current plans are to re-launch the newsletter in January 1999. In the
chemistry discoveries in this field that have stood the test of experi- meantime, there is one timely bit of investment advice that I doubt my
mental observation and which underlie a basic understanding of physi- coworkers will mind sharing with the readers of Access to Energy (it
cal science are all that should appear in an introductory text. was mentioned in the 500,000 letters). Buy uranium.
First, the chemistry in this text has already been diluted too far. If While nuclear power is stagnating in the United States, it is growing
the students are ever to have an understanding of fundamental science rapidly in other parts of the world. Moreover, the long lead time for
and therefore an ability to think productively about scientific matters, nuclear power plants makes predictions of future fuel demands espe-
their brief time for learning the fundamentals should not be diminished cially reliable. Uranium prices are far below their peaks, show techni-
by political activities. cal indications of an extended bottom formation, and are much lower
Second, by mixing the teaching of fundamentals with trust-and-par- than they will need to be considering predicted supply and demand
rot propaganda, a false sense of understanding is conveyed. Users of over the next decade.
this text, who have been successfully learning the fundamental infor- I do not know a convenient way to buy uranium itself (it is not
mation, are left with the impression that they are also expert in the en- traded on the major commodity exchanges). If a reader knows a way to
viro matters even though they did not quite understand and therefore do this, please let us know. There are several large corporations for
memorized the conclusions rather than using their ability to think. which mineable uranium comprises a significant part of assets. With
For comparison, consider two texts that are used in our 22 CD- corporate stocks, of course, one takes business risks and general stock
ROM curriculum for ages 6 to 18. Deflation of academic standards has market direction risks in addition to the commodity price. Consult your
been so severe that most college-level freshman and sophomore stockbroker about these aspects.
courses in American universities now cover material that was routinely
taught in high school a generation earlier. For this reason and also be- SELL ACADEMIA SHORT
cause our curriculum is designed to provide materials for students with
all levels of ability and perseverance including the most brilliant we On the subject of investment recommendations, there is one other
use some seemingly advanced chemistry texts. One of these was writ- recommendation (not covered in the initial issues of Gilder-Robinson)
ten by Linus Pauling in the 1960s and the other by the great chemist G. that everyone should consider. Do not invest in any aspect of the cur-
N. Lewis a generation earlier. rent American educational system - elementary or university. If I
The Lewis text is exemplary. Lewis would not have dreamed of in- knew a way to sell this system short, at least one-fourth of our long-
serting into his text anything other than fundamental chemistry. The term investment capital would be doing so.
text is pure science at its best (for the advanced student who has al- We wish Bill Gates and all other entrepreneurs who have contrib-
ready completed introductory chemistry and physics). The Pauling text uted greatly to the technological revolution the best. When, however,
(General Chemistry, Third Edition), published a generation later (I you look back on stock market results 20 years from now, among the
helped a little with this book and taught introductory chemistry with it most spectacular performers will be the corporations that replaced the
in the 1970s), shows the first glimmerings of drift from fundamentals. current educational system. As things were two decades ago in Tele-
The phrase evolution of species appears once, in one sentence. cosm stocks, most of these corporations have not yet been noticed and,
Pauling can, I think, be forgiven for this. He was so much the father in many cases, do not yet even exist. Watch for them.
of the field of inquiry that is called molecular evolution that the unit I predict that these will not be companies that are trying to use the
of rate of change in protein structure is known as the pauling. Even new technologies as adjuncts to the current educational system. Nor
so, he sneaks it into his fundamental text so minimally that it is evident will they be companies currently in the education business. These
that he realizes it does not belong there. Had I pointed it out at the time, companies are too influenced by experts to make a revolution.
he probably would have removed it. Without comment on the evolu- At this time, three enormous forces are converging on the education
tionary hypothesis itself, it is obvious that hypothetical material which industry an industry that employs several million Americans at an
has not been experimentally verified and is not pertinent to the subject annual cost of several hundred billion dollars.
of chemistry does not belong in the book. The Pauling digression is, The first of these forces is the advent of true global competition in a
however, one sentence buried in an otherwise impeccable section not technological age in which education both for the technologists and
a separate 26-page chapter devoted entirely to trust-and-parrot propa- for the general public whose consumer and political whims affect the
ganda as in the book profiled above. course of technology has become an essential ingredient of personal
When the freshman chemistry course at Southern Oregon Univer- and national survival.
sity reaches Chapter 18, students desiring an A grade in the course Up until now, the American educational system has controlled this
are going to do a lot of memorizing. Later they will remember the mis- force, but this control is drawing to an end. At present, American
information that they memorized in their science course and most of graduate schools of science and technology are filled with foreign stu-
them will believe it to be true. My 18-year-old daughter Arynne is now dents learning from American professors in their 50s and 60s. Soon
taking this course. Do I suggest that she lie on the exam or do I sug- these professors will retire and their students will establish world-class
gest that she tell the truth and receive a lower grade? educational programs in other countries. Then America will no longer
be able to depend upon its momentum. It will compete on a vast, level
GILDER-ROBINSON REPORT playing field with well-educated people in many countries.
The second force is the moral and intellectual decay of American
Many Access to Energy readers have called or written to ask about tax-financed public schools and American universities. While this sys-
subscribing to the Gilder-Robinson Science and Technology Alert de- tem still contains small islands of excellence and sanity, most of it is
scribed in Access to Energy 25-11. The newsletter was launched with a too far gone to salvage. It exists today largely on social momentum and
mailing by Forbes of 500,000 direct mail letters; two full newsletters lack of competition a lack that will soon be filled by:
and most of a third were completed along with a 20-page special report The third force, which is the information revolution. There is just no
and an article for Forbes magazine; and the first of these newsletters remaining need for centralized educational facilities. The best intro-
was mailed to the new subscribers. The text of our AtE 25-11 article ductory physics professor in the United States can now teach all of the
about this project was checked and edited by our coworkers at Gilder physics students in the United States. (Actually, we probably will have
Technology Group. a few dozen such professors to allow for students of different abilities
What happened next is that Forbes received only about two-thirds and for competition in teaching methods.)
as many subscriptions in reply to their first 500,000 appeal letters as I have seen one relatively primitive micro example of this future in
they expected and therefore concluded that the newsletter would not our home school curriculum on 22 CD-ROMs. Six children on a re-
be as good a business as they had anticipated. mote Oregon farm now teach more than 25,000 students at one-tenth
the cost of other home school curriculums and one-hundredth the cost
of tax-financed schools and with unusually high academic standards. STARK RAVING MAD
These three the ascendance of education as an essential of sur-
vival; the irreversible decay within American educational institutions; l Culture of Honor Reveals a Violent Streak by B. Bower, Sci-
and the rise of technology that would make those institutions obsolete ence News 154, September 12, 1998, reviews a paper by by Dov Co-
even if they were not in a debilitated state are three massive trends hen in the August 1998 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
that cannot be stopped and will soon cataclysmally merge. Cohen claims to have discovered that areas with stable families and
Moreover, this revolutionary environment is ideally suited to the communities, regular religious participation, and stronger standards of
rise of an educational version of Microsoft with a secondary industry personal honor have greater amounts of violence. These same areas, he
of other companies whirling around its skirts. The current educators finds, elect politicians more likely to endorse U. S. military actions, a
including money moguls who are now buying up education com- strong national defense, and weak gun control laws. The South and
panies on the apparent theory that the more monkeys one has, the West have culture of honor traditions that encourage aggressive re-
greater the chance that one will write a symphony will not know sponses to insults and threats to oneself, ones home, and family.
what has buried them until it is far too late. No doubt Cohen would also find unfortunate streaks of violence
Deflation and unemployment in the education industry will send among the soldiers, scientists, and technologists who have fought the
millions of educators looking for honest work, while a few compa- wars and developed the weapons that have maintained the United
nies that effectively harness the new information technology to educa- States as a country so free and prosperous that she can afford the lux-
tion will grow spectacularly. ury of pusillanimous psychologists.
It is popular now in high-tech circles to spawn laws and para- l Remarked one of the moguls of Silicon Valley at the Gilder Tele-
digms. The successes of Moores Law and Gilder Telecosm para- cosm conference (who charitably remains nameless here, since it was a
digms have generated many imitators. If we had a snappy word for the private remark) I like Al Gore. Hes a friend of technology.
revolution we will see in education (Educosom? perhaps readers No doubt this pathetic multimillionaire is one of those The Wall
have some suggestions) and a large enough audience to establish name Street Journal had in mind in its editorial entitled Silicon Saps,
recognition for it, we might have the fun of naming this revolution. September 30, p A18, which reported that John Doerr, the Silicon
To be sure, it will have a name and it will come and our current Valley pal of Vice President Al Gore, raised a tidy sum for Democrats
schools and universities will be the slide rules of the future (about when President Clinton passed through California last Friday.
which we tell our grandchildren partially to their disbelief).
l Telecosm by George Gilder. Prepublication manuscripts were
Nuclear News, September 1998, p 12, published by the American distributed at his September Telecosm conference. Gilder Technology
Nuclear Society, 555 N. Kensington Ave., La Grange Park, IL 60526, is at P.O. Box 660, Monument Mills, Housatonic, MA 01236. Write to
reports that a public opinion poll in June 1998 showed that 61% of them for publication information.
Americans favor the generation of electricity by nuclear power. No one knows for certain where the Internet and computer revolu-
Each respondent was asked: Do you strongly favor, somewhat fa- tion is going, but George Gilder is the best source of sensible predic-
vor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the use of nuclear energy as tions provided in an exciting and witty format.
one of the ways to provide electricity for the United States? Answers l To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth by Jeff Cooper,
from the general public were 25% strongly favor, 36% somewhat fa- Paladin Press, P.O. Box 1307, Boulder, CO 80306. Buy two send
vor, 15% somewhat oppose, 19% strongly oppose, and 5% dont one to Dov Cohen.
know. Democrats and women averaged only 56% in favor, while Re- To say that Jeff Cooper is the greatest living teacher of personal
publicans and men averaged 67%. The poll was taken by telephone defense with fire arms is only to begin the description. He is also the
and was comprised of 1,000 adults over the age of 18. Errors in the most articulate and intellectual living American proponent of the char-
percentages are reported to be plus or minus 3%. acteristics of personal honor that founded the United States and have
About half of the respondents agreed that more nuclear power kept her free for over two hundred years.
plants should be built in the future. Even now, at nearly 80 years of age, Colonel Cooper pursues a full
This is the highest approval rating for nuclear power since 1983. It schedule of writing, hunting, and professional events and still finds
is sad that technologists who want to provide clean, safe, and inexpen- time to provide instruction in the use of pistol or rifle to about 100 stu-
sive electricity are enslaved to public opinion, but this is the legacy of dents each year. (Call Tom Russell at (806) 669-7378 for information.)
the enviro antinuclear propaganda. Let us hope that these percentages l Any of the approximately 100 books written by G. A. Henty
climb high enough to restart the construction of nuclear power plants about 100 years ago. These are essentially Horatio Alger books for
in the United States. children with the addition that each is set in the midst of a different
significant historical event. Our hero always succeeds at the side of one
AUDIO ON THE INTERNET or more great historical figures. Available in used book stores and li-
braries, these make great bedtime reading for adults, too.
Arnold Jagt, who wrote the Windows interface for the Robinson Henty lived in England during the high point of the British Empire,
Self-Teaching Homeschool Curriculum, also sells the curriculum so the selection of historical events reflects a strongly British influence.
through his excellent web site at Ar- The most amusing of his books is that set in the American revolution-
nold now has started inserting audio into our various web pages, for ary war. The British win all of the battles, enjoy overwhelming popular
which he is additionally responsible. support, and accidentally surrender in the last few pages of the book.
Included in is a talk I gave to a
home school group, and has a lecture on global warm-
ing that I gave at Southern Oregon University, which was videotaped ACCESS TO ENERGY
there for use on local television. (The first part of this tape is a little

Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
confusing, because the video editor thought it was artistic to show the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
speaker in video and then gradually bring up the audio with the result $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
that the introductory sentences are lost.) $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
Eventually, the bandwidth technologists will probably have us all each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
standing together in three-dimensional holograms. years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
OCTOBER 1998 (Vol. 26, no. 2) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

Truth, Science, and a Free Nation

The United States now faces a very serious looming national crisis Is there a way back? Perhaps. Last month in Misinformation
(and it surely is not Y2K). Until recently, although the signs of we discussed the positive contribution that will be made by the com-
trouble were gradually increasing, we did not have solid proof of the munications and information storage revolution. At least, it is becom-
seriousness of our situation. Now, the evidence is inescapable. ing impossible to hide the truth which places liars at a disadvantage.
No civilization based upon freedom and free enterprise can exist if Another bright spot is the continuing collapse of tax-financed edu-
its people do not insist upon truth, justice, and common decency as cation. Tax-financed education is one primary means by which the
essential elements of public morality. That is not to say that all of its destruction of public morality has been brought about.
citizens must always be truthful and just. Public morals the mores When a child studies mathematics and real science (as opposed to
that dominate public discussion, laws, and action must, however, trust-and-parrot propaganda masquerading as science), each assign-
demand honesty, justice, and decency. Without these mores, freedom ment is a subliminal lesson that the world contains right answers and
does not work. Without them, a country drifts, of necessity, into tyr- wrong answers black and white truth and falsehood. When he
anny and slavery its people controlled by force alone. studies classical literature and history written by the best minds of the
Sound public morals have prevailed in America during most of its past two millennia, he also finds scholars striving to learn and com-
history. Our laws, while not always equitable or equitably enforced, municate the truth in difficult, complex subjects.
have generally mirrored these morals. Lesser transgressions have In our tax-financed educational institutions, however, mathemat-
been codified in our laws as misdemeanors, while very serious ics has been dumbed down and right answers are now de-emphasized
transgressions have been designated felonies. in favor of grading the students method rather than his results. The
During recent weeks, however, it has become evident that public scientific method and thought problems have been cast aside in favor
mores in the United States have collapsed. Most Americans now of descriptive memorization. The student starts by memorizing true
know that the President of the United States the head of our national superficial facts and then is easily led into the memorization of propa-
armed forces and of our national law enforcement agencies is guilty ganda. In essence, we now have new subjects masquerading under
of several felonies and of actions that were untruthful, unjust, and in- the names math and science but with truth, reason, and the essence
decent. Moreover, these actions were taken repeatedly and deliber- of rational thought removed as much as possible.
ately, over many months during business hours, inside the physical In the humanities, the tax-financed institutions have simply re-
office of the President, and at tax-financed expense. Further, the placed classical works of literature and history with new-left propa-
President spent millions of dollars in tax money directly on efforts to ganda. A review of the humanities curriculum and required books of
prevent the discovery of these actions. almost any university (much less those of the schools for ages 6 to
It is not, however, the Presidents actions that are evidence of a 18) shows that this process is nearly complete. If an author uses
national crisis it is the response of the American people to those enough foul language, portrays morality as relative rather than abso-
actions. It should be entirely unnecessary for the Congress to even lute, describes sufficient indecency, and dogmatically adheres to the
consider impeachment. Simple resolutions in both the Senate and current politically correct propaganda lines, he has a good chance of
House asking Bill Clinton to resign passed virtually unanimously, being read in these curricula in preference to classical authors.
since no legislator would dare face his constituents otherwise To a mind that has been adequately trained in math, science, and
should be enough. Actually, even these resolutions should be unnec- classical humanities, Bill Clinton is simply a pathetic degenerate who
essary. The Congressional leadership both Democratic and Repub- should not occupy any position of serious responsibility. To a mind
lican should have explained to Mr. Clinton that these resolutions that has been trained in the new pseudomath, pseudoscience, and po-
would be unanimously passed if he did not immediately resign. litically mutated humanities, everything is relative, so Clinton is O.K.
The truth, unfortunately, is otherwise. It is apparent that many Hes one of us, and maybe he can be induced to give us a little more
Americans possibly even the majority of Americans think that of someone elses property. In any case, we need not worry that right
Clintons actions were consistent with his remaining in office as the and wrong or common decency will deter him from favoring us.
President of the United States. To be sure, not everyone feels this Most typical American children are now in the clutches of these
way. Disgust, for example, in the American armed forces has become tax-financed propaganda institutions for several hours per day. Sev-
so prevalent that our soldiers and officers have been ordered by their eral more hours are then spent with television and other media which
commanders (who report to Bill Clinton) to stop making derisive reinforce the new morality.
public comments about the President. The fact is, however, that Mr. Judeo-Christian morality built the United States and allowed it to
Clinton is still the President of the United States. This fact provides flourish. Math, science, and classical humanities reinforced this mo-
inescapable evidence that our public mores requiring truthfulness, rality so much so that even those who departed from their religious
justice, common decency, and even reasonable fiduciary responsibil- heritage were able to comfortably coexist with it. The way back to
ity have collapsed. Without these mores, we can only be governed by that morality is by the same path we followed in the first place - relig-
tyranny and raw force. Unless the degradation of public morality is ion, math, science, and classical humanities. The revolution in elec-
reversed, our free republic may soon cease to exist. tronics will make it much easier for us to follow this path.

They do so, unfortunately, in spite of the schools rather than because

IMMUNIZING YOUNG ADULTS of them and most of them retain emotional scars from the experi-
ence. On the other hand, they have developed some acquired immu-
About 3% of American children are now being home schooled nity which may serve them well in todays society.
which gives them a chance to develop into decent adults with their A large percentage of 18-year-olds entering college today have the
minds intact and useful. Also, a small percentage of those who are at- following superficial and fundamental debilities: They are unable to
tending tax-financed schools are emerging still rational and decent. think analytically; they have very little ability to extract information
from books by reading; they have poor study habits; they generally
lack a productive work ethic; they have defaced their bodies in vari- DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY
ous ways as with rings and tattoos; their chances for fulfilling per-
sonal lives have been reduced by moral and sexual debasement; they The Innovators Dilemma - When New Technologies Cause Great
are very profane in speech; and they have little knowledge of or inter- Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen, Harvard Business School
est in the great legacy of literature, history, and thought that forms the Press (1997), is a very perceptive analysis of the dynamics of techno-
base of our civilization. logical advance especially the introduction of radically new products.
In college, they typically find a peer group that reinforces the bad Christensen defines two types of technology sustaining technol-
habits they acquired in tax-financed schools and a humanities faculty ogy and disruptive technology.
that encourages and extends these habits. Science faculties, except for Sustaining technology is that with a developed market. In well-
the soft sciences which receive lots of tax money, tend to be much managed companies which supply this technology, the products ad-
more conservative both personally and in the content of their courses vance as rapidly as improvements in science and engineering permit
but political correctness has made substantial inroads there, too. along the lines desired by the customers of the company. Managers
An astonishing argument often leveled at home schooling is that the carefully determine the desires of their customers and plan engineering
children will not develop necessary social skills like, apparently, development projects to satisfy those customers as quickly and cost-ef-
nose rings, profanity, dishonesty, and sexual promiscuity. Sending a fectively as possible. These companies develop and infuse their work
well-brought-up young person to one of these educational institutions force with ethics, procedures, and goals consistent with this process in
is roughly equivalent to sending him to the zoo. their respective industries.
So, American young people score last on average in the developed Disruptive technologies, on the other hand, are usually simpler and
world on virtually all academic tests and enter society so morally cheaper than the sustaining technology, but also offer less capability.
drained that they think Bill Clinton is a suitable President. The mo- They do not fit the sustaining market and, typically, provide lower
mentum of the accomplishments of previous generations of Americans profit margins. For this reason, they are usually shunned by well-man-
then feeds, clothes, and houses them as they enter the work force. aged companies which are often later destroyed by them.
I know too much about this now because I have recently released Christensen illustrates these ideas with real examples from different
three Robinson children into the American university system and will industries including those producing computer disk drives, earth exca-
soon release three more. After a brief period in which they vainly vators, motor bikes, insulin for diabetics, and (as an illustration of a
search for evidence of rational human life, each of my students simply possible future case) automobiles conventional vs. electric cars.
reverts to form, goes to work studying, and seeks out those faculty Figures 1, 2 and 3 (adapted from numerous excellent figures with
members who are sensible and knowledgeable. Most universities still which his book is illustrated) show some of his primary ideas.
have some of these, but they are definitively in the minority. The chil- In Figure 1, the dotted lines represent the range of performance re-
drens most frequent continuing complaint is about the language. In quired by consumers. For example, in disk drives this could be drive
the classrooms and laboratories they are unwillingly immersed in a lit- capacity, where the sustaining technology was, at the time, the 5.25
eral sea of profanity. This is, of course, only a superficial indicator of inch disk, while the new disruptive technology was the 3.5 inch disk.
more serious problems, but, since they see the other students only in During the first part of the illustrated time interval, performance of
the classrooms, they are not fully aware of the rest. the 5.25 disk satisfies the market, while the capacity of the 3.5 disk is
A rough estimate of the percentage of really productive, decent too low. In the course of time, however, improvements in the 5.25
adults emerging from this morass those who are homeschooled, move its capacity beyond that desired in the market, while the 3.5
those who survive the public schools, and those who are whipped into gradually achieves capacity sufficient to enter the large market.
shape by the real world after they emerge from school might be 20%. The critical time is before this happens when the disruptive tech-
That is not high enough to maintain a free society. This is the reason nological innovation cannot yet satisfy the requirements of the main-
we are in danger of losing ours. stream market. During this time, those who are developing the new
This educational system cannot be fixed. It already includes an technology obtain a great advantage, so that late entering competitors
astonishing 3 million union member employee force that is entirely en- cannot catch up. At the same time, the new technology must be mar-
trenched in its ways led by people who advocate an agenda for the keted for alternative applications (that may not even be known at the
future that is even worse than the present. This force is protected by a time of its introduction), at low profit margins, and in relatively minor
credentialing and accreditation system that would prove almost impos- markets. This makes it unattractive to the mainstream companies
sible to dismantle. Most importantly, the system is protected by the whose customers are not asking for it and whose profits are so large
fact that a large part of the voting public is comprised of its products. that the emerging technology would be a nuisance without economic
Fortunately, there is a solution. A disruptive technology (see ar- advantage. Moreover, the mainstream companies are continually striv-
ticle about Clayton Christensens book The Innovators Dilemma be- ing for innovations that will increase the capabilities of their product
low) has arisen. In its initial form, it has the standard weaknesses of a and, thereby, allow them to enter markets above them where profit
disruptive technology while low cost, it lacks many conveniences of
the present system and has a small market because most consumers are
not aware of its potential. No general market has yet been developed.
Electronic education CD and Internet based is currently only a
niche market, primarily for age 6 to 18 home schooled students and
post-graduate continuing education. It is, however, set to explode into
the mainstream marketplace.
Regardless of whether or not they recognize the social nightmares
present on university campuses, parents and students will enthusiasti-
cally buy the idea of university educations at less than one-tenth the
current price and without leaving home. Then, as it becomes increas-
ingly obvious that students schooled in this way even before college
have a great competitive advantage, the pre-college market will grow
so rapidly that, before long, tax-financed public education will die. Figure 1
Too few voters will be making use of it.
If you are responsible for the education of a young American, do
him and your country a service. Do not send him to a public school.
technology into the sustaining
market. Therefore, for good rea-
sons, automobile companies are
resisting electric cars. Those auto
companies that are wise, however,
should set up small autonomous
companies to deliver electric car
technology to whoever will buy it
for whatever use arises. Then they
will be well-positioned if electric
cars do eventually start to disrupt
their market.
If instead, the only market en-
tries are forced upon the large auto
companies by government regula-
tion and subsidy, these entrenched
malinvestments could prevent the
advance of electric car technology
Figure 2 and deprive consumers of a prod-
uct that would eventually prove
beneficial to them.
margins are greater not below them where margins are less.
The result of this phenomenon is that most mainstream companies
even though they are very well managed, increasing in profits, and
very responsive to their customers wishes are unable to adopt dis-
ruptive technologies which eventually drive them out of business.
Christensen, by means of real examples, shows that the most effective
strategy is for large companies to start small, independent companies
which they control financially but not otherwise to establish bases
in disruptive technologies.
Figure 2, illustrating some of the same points, also shows (illustrat-
ing with computer disk drives) the evolution of a product from a high-
margin item to a commodity.
When the disruptive technology (a smaller disk drive) improves to
the point that its capacity is adequate, competition then shifts to size
and then to reliability. Ultimately, when both technologies have outrun
the technological needs of the market, competition shifts to price alone
a commodity market.
Notice that throughout these steps, the established company must
keep engineering its products downward and competing in markets
with decreasing profit margins while the disruptive company engi-
neers upward and finds higher margin markets. This and the lead from
early entry assures the demise of the established company.
The understanding of these phenomena can affect the actual emer-
gence of new technologies. Science and engineering are not enough.
Many wonderful technological products are not available to us because
industrial managers have not effectively brought them to market.
In a final chapter, Christensen applies these lessons to the electric
automobile. Clearly, as has been discussed in previous issues of Access
to Energy, electric car technology cannot now produce a product that
competes with the internal combustion engine. Is the electric automo-
bile, however, a disruptive technology? Perhaps. The answer to this
question depends upon whether or not electric cars can reach consumer
standards. Figure 3, giving Christensens estimates for these standards
and the rate of development, suggests that they will.
Meanwhile, as a beginning disruptive technology, the electric car
must seek alternative markets that will value its disadvantages, and it
must enter (and develop) those markets with a cheap, simple product.
These markets will sustain its development.
One such market suggested by Christensen is the potential for run-
abouts for teenagers. Parents might like the idea that their teenagers are
driving cars with low range, poor acceleration, and low maximum
speeds. If these cars were also much cheaper than conventional cars,
this market might develop. As far as government forcing (with refer-
ence to Californias rule that car companies must sell 2% electric cars
in that state) and subsidies are concerned, Christensen observes that
these merely distort the market and delay technological development.
What cannot be accomplished is premature entry of the disruptive Figure 3
SAT, GRE, and AP exams himself. I challenge Professor Groose to
HIGHWAY CARNAGE publish his own personal scores on these exams in your newspaper
along side those of Zachary and Noah scores that we will be happy to
Highway Death Toll Hits All-Time Low says USA Today for provide in certified copy.
October 27, 1998. United States traffic deaths in 1997 were 41,967; Professor Grooses article also contains numerous false and mis-
2.46 million people were injured. This was almost the same as 1996, leading statements about our Institute and about global warming a
but the National Highway Safety Administration says that more miles subject concerning which he obviously has little knowledge, but many
were driven. It gives fatalities for 1996 and 1997 as 1.7 and 1.6 per 100 prejudices. The true victims here are actually your readers who are
million miles, respectively. being subjected to junk science and smear rhetoric masquerading un-
United States deaths and injuries during the whole of the Vietnam der Robin Grooses academic affiliation.
War were 57,700 killed and 153,300 wounded. So, the carnage on our We have not heard from Robin Groose or the Casper Star-Tribune.
highways is the approximate equivalent of a Vietnam War every
year. Put another way, an American is killed on our highways every STARK RAVING MAD
12.5 minutes and a highway injury occurs every 12.8 seconds. (En-
viro-caused deaths of children from DDT-preventable malaria in under l The National ID Card in The Ron Paul Freedom Report 2,
developed countries occur once every 12 seconds.) No. 8, September 1998, published by the Foundation for Rational Eco-
Assuming that my six children have life expectancies of about 80 nomics and Education, P.O. box 1776, Lake Jackson, TX 77566, states
years, there is currently an 8% chance that one of them will be killed in that we may soon be required to show our government papers in order
a traffic accident. On average, four of the six children will be injured in to move from place to place, conduct business, or even receive medical
a traffic accident at some time in their lives. care. This is being pushed by both Democrats and Republicans.
The chance that one of my sons will be killed in an auto accident is Congressman Ron Paul points out that freedom requires privacy.
roughly half the chance that he would have been killed had he served An ID card destroys that privacy. Is it surprising that both parties tried
as a combat soldier in Vietnam. Since only men served in Vietnam, the to keep Dr. Paul from returning to Congress in 1996?
lifetime highway death rates for boys and girls vs. Vietnam soldiers are l Child Welfare or Family Trauma by Elna Neuman, Insight,
about equal. May 9, 1994 reports that each year the children of 700,000 American
Government is, of course, not interested in individuals. It is inter- families are investigated for child abuse including strip searches; in-
ested in the size of the pool of individuals which it controls and the terrogation by social workers, police officers, and prosecutors; psycho-
income that it can derive from that pool. logical testing; and sometimes placement in foster homes and then
The wonderful safety of our highways is now being trumpeted by released for lack of evidence of abuse. Federal tax money transfers to
federal spokesmen as a success of its public safety campaigns. states in 1998, in proportion to the number of children seized by
Does anyone really believe that the vast, tax-financed transportation authorities, (people paid with this money) is over $2 billion.
system of the United States is bringing consumers the safest and most Essentially, state government social service workers are now in the
beneficial means of transportation technology available? Who knows kidnaping-for-pay business under the guise of protecting children.
what our railroads would have become if they had not been first subsi-
dized and then bludgeoned with regulations and taxes by our govern-
ment. Automobiles are wonderful, but are a trillion dollars worth of
interstate highways really the best way to move them over long dis-

l Early Warning Report by Richard Maybury, October 1998,
tances (as opposed to, for example, flat bed rail cars with passenger available from Henry-Madison Research, P.O. Box 84908, Phoenix,
accommodations)? AZ 85071. In this issue, Maybury repeats his two laws, which he ar-
The shapes of our cities have been determined by dead-between- gues must be implemented for a free economy to exist and which are
the-ears government planners working hand-in-glove with the tax-fi- not implemented in the countries of Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe,
nanced government transportation monopoly. Then the government which are, therefore, unable to make freedom work. These laws are:
complains about smog and blames free enterprise. 1. Do all you have agreed to do.
2. Do not encroach on other persons or their property.
WYOMING PROFESSING Richard Mayburys Chaostan model by which he explains the
political situation in those countries has worked remarkably well and
The Casper Star-Tribune in Casper, Wyoming, published a pro- has made lots of money for subscribers who followed his advice.
global warming editorial by one Robin Groose, associate professor at l Educational Decarceration by Daniel Hager in The Freeman,
the University of Wyoming, who became so disturbed about our Peti- 48, No. 7 (1998), published by The Foundation for Economic Educa-
tion and the editorial that Zachary and I wrote in The Wall Street Jour- tion, 30 South Broadway, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York 10533.
nal that he included an attack on Zacharys home school education in The irreversible collapse of tax-financed public education is accel-
his editorial. In reply, I submitted the following letter to the editor: lerating and becoming widely recognized.
In his editorial of May 10, Robin Groose, billed as a monthly col- l The Police State of Medicine: Reflections on a Case of Regula-
umnist for your newspaper and as associate professor at the University tory Abuse by William E. Hurwitz in the Medical Sentinel 3, No. 4,
of Wyoming, denigrates the academic achievements of my son available from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons,
Zachary Robinson whom he labels as the first victim of our P.O. Box 13648, Macon, GA 31208-3648.
homeschooling program. It is becoming increasingly difficult for American physicians to
It happens that, after completing his home schooling, Zachary prescribe pain killers even for patients who badly need them. Govern-
scored 1480 on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests and received college Ad- ment regulation is gradually depriving us of medical science.
vanced Placement in calculus, physics, chemistry, biology, and so
many other subjects that he entered Oregon State University as a junior
and received his BS in chemistry in two years. He then scored in the ACCESS TO ENERGY
95th percentile on the Graduate Record Exams prior to entering gradu-
Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
ate school. The second victim, his brother Noah, scored 1400 on the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
SAT and received Advanced Placement in calculus, physics, chemis- $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
try, biology, and several other subjects, so he also is expected to com- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
plete his degree in chemistry in two years. Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
Since he is a professor, Robin Groose has no doubt taken the years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
NOVEMBER 1998 (Vol. 26, no. 3) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

Science 1999
As 1998 nears its close, I notice that the word science does not The tax money essentially captures the private money at these in-
have the same meaning that it did when I first encountered it as a stitutions and forces its expenditure under constraints imposed by po-
freshman at the California Institute of Technology in 1959. To be liticos in the United States executive branch of government. Once a
sure, it is still possible to define science in the same way as previously large part of the activities and salaries of a university campus are tax-
and to insist that pure science remain as before, but it is increasingly financed, then 100% of the campus activities must please the govern-
difficult to find evidence that this pure science still exists to a sig- ment in order not to offend the source of welfare payments for the
nificant extent in the real world. tax-financed part. There are, of course, rare exceptions in which indi-
Pure science, as I learned it, is a rigorous search for truths about vidual scientists risk their careers through independent activities, but
temporal subjects. The hypotheses of science have significance only these occasional exceptions do little to correct the overall problem.
in so far as they are tested by physical experiments. Since many quan- In addition to suffering the debilitating effects of welfare, our uni-
titative experiments are possible, the language of science has become versity humanities departments now teach primarily New-Age, New-
mathematics and its ethical component rests upon the philosophical Left, politically correct psychobabble, and our college graduates
requirement that there be truth vs. falsehood, right vs. wrong, correct suffer personally and professionally as a result. In fact, the new trend
vs. incorrect with only the former properties deemed acceptable. (as at Southern Oregon University near here) is toward rules that pro-
So, what has happened to the science of my youth? Why do I find hibit the presence on the campus of students who do not enroll in
myself writing a newsletter founded by another scientist 25 years these brainwashing courses even if they wish to take other courses
ago who foresaw the trend of dissolution in science that has oc- and do not seek a degree. This forced religious training in pseudoin-
curred largely devoted to exposing and reducing false science? tellectual nonsense is, of course, not helpful to young scientists.
The principal reason is that the United States government has ex- In the 1960s, the trend toward ostentatious political activities
tended tax-financed welfare payments to a large fraction of American among humanities faculties began to become evident. I recall think-
scientists, including most scientists who reside in academic insti- ing then that the general problem was that these people did not have
tutions where pure science was once emphasized. Welfare socialism productive activities to keep them occupied and happy, so they
does not work, and it has had the same general effect on science as it sought notoriety in one-upping each other each seeking to write
has when applied to other human endeavors. In fact, given the ethics or teach a little more outrageously than the others.
necessary to the conduct of good science, government welfare pay- This process has now run its course. One indicator is the age of
ments are even more harmful to it than they are to other endeavors. authors now forced upon university students in their humanities
With the Buenos Aires United Nations global warming shindig courses. Having expunged most of the mores of Western civilization
now in progress for example, the world has returned to its annual be- from their courses, these teachers cannot use works of the great
wailing of the sin that coal, oil, and natural gas are being used to make writers and thinkers of the past. Most of the assigned authors, there-
possible long, productive, and enjoyable lives for billions of people. fore, are still living and are engaged in political activities.
This is a sin because science has shown that this human activity is Science thrived in the atmosphere of honesty, integrity, and the
warming the planet which, of course, science has not shown at all. work ethic that previously prevailed in the United States. This atmos-
Yet, in the midst of all the furor and the very dangerous risks that phere still exists in some pockets of productivity, both in America and
this global warming myth poses for those who depend upon hydro- abroad. It is, however, faltering in American society as a whole as
carbons, Americas scientific institutions are silent. the moral atmosphere in that society is degraded.
They are, of course, not silent on all matters. As an alumnus, I will The rigorous integrity that prevailed on the Caltech campus of my
soon receive another request from Caltech for a donation. Unfortu- youth was not taught in courses. It was taught in the only way such
nately, if I give them a donation, I will actually be giving this money principles are really learned by example. Children learn primarily
to the government. Caltech, like virtually all American universities by example as do most adults. The only way to effectively teach
and other institutions of higher education with significant scientific and lead scientists in the laboratory is to out-work and out-think them
components, receives substantial payments of tax money money side by side at the laboratory bench. Even this, however, may not be
extracted by force or threat of force from those who earned it and enough when their time outside the laboratory is spent in a moral and
given to Caltech by the executive branch of the U. S. government, ethical atmosphere that is alien to the truth.
which is directed by William Any President who lies to the Ameri- When science, in addition, depends for its funding upon welfare
can people should resign 1992 Clinton. payments from a government that no longer is interested in the truth,
Caltech has a very large endowment. With that endowment (to the ethics required for reliable scientific work gradually disappear.
which its alumni are frequently admonished to add), it could and does Science, technology, and true free enterprise are in decline in the
fund a part of its activities. It also has, however, a large annual in- United States. With that decline will come the gradual withdrawal
come from tax-financed research grants that are given out by from American society of the fruits of these activities. Already, real
agencies headed by Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Caltech is, therefore, living standards are decreasing. Ironically, our political masters now
silent, as are its faculty members who understand their self-interests. blame this decrease on science, technology, and free enterprise.

and Arynne, who are now university undergraduates with Noah also
GLEANING AMERICAN SCIENCE expecting to complete his B.S. in chemistry in two years. Zachary is
in graduate school. The graduate schools of science in America
Now that my son Zachary has completed his B. S. degree in chem- are still quite good. They are in the hands of men in their 50s and 60s
istry (in two years) and gone on to graduate school, Access to Energy and the best younger scientists that these older teachers can find.
readers have lost this source of humor from within the walls of under- Of interest, however, are the students studying in these graduate
graduate academia. This source has, however, been replaced by Noah schools. Having passed half of his undergraduate courses by Advanced
Placement examinations and three-fourths of his graduate school in the Sargasso Sea (figure 2 of our paper Environmental Effects of
courses by examination (under the rules, the other fourth could not be Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide) and the market cycles with
passed without taking the courses because they are in organic chemis- which he makes his living. Figure 1 shows the Sargasso Sea data to
try, which is his field of specialization), Zachary is used to doing well which has been added the trend lines and cycles that Bob Bronson
on exams. In a recent organic chemistry exam, however, he was only pointed out. Note the remarkably regular behavior of this graph in
5th highest out of 18. The competition is serious. This is so because slope and timing of intermediate cycles during the two down cycles.
more than half of his fellow graduate students at this Midwestern uni- Note also that both of the first half-cycles one up and one down
versity are foreign. The toughest competition in his class comes from have four intermediate cycles (assuming the first is complete).
students from Communist China. These students are well trained and This curve is primarily a reflection of cycles in solar activity, which
capable, and they have a very strong work ethic. are not now well understood. It is in our paper to illustrate two points.
This is generally true throughout America. In most science graduate First, the temperature of the Earth has fluctuated over a wide range
schools the majority of the students are foreign. While our science during the past 3,000 years without ill effects on global climate. Sec-
graduate schools retain the quality of the generations of scientists who ond, global temperatures today are about average and not unusual.
still control them, the students taking advantage of this quality come
largely from other countries. These students, moreover, are often the
very best that these countries have to offer.
American undergraduate universities are not generating many stu-
dents with the ability, interest, and work ethic necessary to take advan-
tage of American graduate schools. So, foreign students are receiving
these opportunities. It is certainly good that these foreign students are
being educated properly in the methods and traditions of science.
Somewhere in the world these things will be perpetuated. This trend,
however, bodes ill for the future of the United States.
As I reflect upon the paths that all three of my university students
have followed, I realize that all three have intuitively chosen a similar Figure 1
way. In each case, the student has had no interest in the humanities
faculty and little interest in his or her fellow students. Each of the three
has sought and maximized contact with the professors of science and
mathematics. Most of these men and women (but not all) have been
from the one or two generations before the current one.
As America decays and one need only look at the pathetic trash Still, if this were a stock or commodity market chart as studied by
whom the people of the United States now tolerate as President to see those who make their livings betting on the world as it is and as it is
the extent of this decay other peoples are transferring the remains of reflected in charts of its activities we would be expecting two more
American quality into their own cultures. To be sure, they have prob- down cycles in temperature before the cooling trend that began in the
lems, too, but the trends do not look promising for the United States. Middle Ages runs its course.
As to more exact timing, note that there are only two intermediate
SOLAR BEAR MARKET ? uptrends lasting more than 200 years in the chart, including the one
that we have been experiencing since the Little Ice Age. The previous
There are recurring patterns of behavior in commodity markets and, one terminated after about the same duration as our current cycle. The
on much longer time scales, stock markets, that have striking regular- entire record includes ten previous cycles of rising temperature. Only
ity. The speculative traders who provide liquidity in these markets the one that corresponds to our present time in the earlier downtrend
make much of their money by being students of these patterns. (peaks numbered 3) was as long as the one we are experiencing today.
One classic sort of cycle includes up-and-down phases upon which Enviro pseudoscientist Stephen Schneider of Stanford would prob-
are imposed three or four well-defined smaller cycles. This sort of be- ably rush this into print as proof that there is a 90% chance that man is
havior has been evident in, for example, the silver market for more warming up the planet with carbon dioxide. [He has published a simi-
than 20 years. It still provides very profitable trading opportunities. lar paper on century-long trends.] It then would be necessary to point
While some traders (including very good ones) contend that these out to unlistening politicos that most of the current warming occurred
cycles are facts of nature that can be derived from mathematical princi- before humans released much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and
ples alone, most professionals think that they are the manifestations of that a similar cycle occurred 2,000 years ago.
self-fulfilling coordinated actions by the tens of thousands of people The correct interpretation is that, based on this record, there is a
who trade in these markets and anticipate (thus create) these cycles. greater than 90% probability that the current warming trend will end
The truth may well lie somewhere in between. Certain sorts of ex- sometime within 100 years. If one takes into account the long cycle
perimental results do arise automatically from inanimate systems and similarities in this graph, that chance is much higher than 90%. The
impress themselves on biological ones. For example, it can be rigor- satellite and balloon measurements showing that atmospheric tempera-
ously proved mathematically that a variable that is determined by a ture has not increased for the past 20 years may be an indication that
large number of similarly sized independent effects will be distributed this next down cycle in temperatures is beginning to take place.
as a Gaussian distribution. Hence, we see Gaussian distributions in The professional trader reading this graph would not, however, be
measurements of phenomena throughout the biological world. worried about deflation a harmfully cold period of Earth tempera-
Similarly, there are patterns of behavior among inanimate objects tures. The first large trend indicates that, by the end of the second down
that seem to arise by magic, but are actually the result of the cyclical cycle, most of the cooling has taken place. He would trade the tem-
nature of some physical systems. When these arise in complex systems perature from the short side until temperatures were a little lower than
that are still beyond detailed human understanding, they can be meas- those of 300 years ago and then go long.
ured but not easily explained. The obvious criticism of this analysis would be that our data set is
In an interesting interplay between these two worlds human ac- limited to only 3,000 years and about 10 short cycles within two partial
tion in the investment markets and empirical cyclic behavior in inani- long ones. In the investment markets, there is often much less data than
mate systems Bob Bronson of Bronson Capital Market Research, this and there are some very wealthy people who have read that data
6191 S. Creftbrook Drive, Morrison, CO 80465-2223, telephoned me and made fortunes as a result. In any case, this sure beats the tax-guz-
to point out the strong similarity of the 3,000-year temperature record zling global warmers, who ignore even the data that are available.
that scientists involved in climate modeling are trying to develop.
MATHEMATICAL POLITICS Since the Earths climate is a very complex system, these models must
have lots of adjustable parameters. The models are partially based on
It is not at all unusual to attempt to predict future events from cur- theory, but, since theory here is quite poorly developed and imperfect,
rent and past ones and to do so quantitatively with mathematics and they must depend largely upon experimental measurement.
experimental measurements. This is the primary professional activity In a case such as this, the calculation is constrained to fit the experi-
of those who trade stocks and commodities with charts and other quan- mental data. Adjustable parameters are set, by calculation, such that the
titative technical indicators. model is always in agreement with the known data. Then the resulting
I have carried out many studies of this sort in my scientific work solution is used to predict additional experimental results. If, when
and some in non-scientific areas. One of the simplest yet most unusual those experiments are performed, the model is right, it is considered to
was during President Nixons first term of office when troops were be a good model. Alternatively, the model may be constrained to some
gradually being withdrawn from Vietnam. After several phases of the of the data and evaluated with respect to other data.
withdrawal had been completed, I drew a graph of the number of [For example, when we were trading in the copper market, we de-
troops remaining in Vietnam vs. time. This turned out to be a perfect veloped a computer model of that market that called about 50 long and
straight line which, when extrapolated into the future, passed through 50 short trades per year. Each trade was of about four hours duration.
zero in November of the year that Nixon would run for re-election. At the time (1981), we had our computers connected to the Comex by
It was evident that President Nixon realized that the electorate wire and had recorded three years of data including every tick in the
wanted the troops home but also wanted a victory. He then determined market. Our model had about 10 adjustable parameters. We therefore
that the troops must be out before the next election but should stay as optimized those parameters on the 200 trades in the second and third
long as possible. This could have been done in more sophisticated years back. The results were evaluated on the 100 calculated trades
ways, but apparently the bureaucrats in charge used a simple straight from the most recent year which had not been used to optimize the
edge and constructed a line like mine. A straight line has two adjust- model. Then, we used the model to trade to predict market action
able parameters, which determine its slope and location. One parame- four hours ahead twice a week in real time. This worked quite well. ]
ter was adjusted to make the line fit the current troop deployment Since temperature measurements are among the most reliable
number and the other to give a slope such that this number would be measurements that have been made on the atmosphere, all climate
zero at the time of the next election. models should be constrained to them. Yet, we see that the global
Some theoretical studies in science involve so-called ab initio warming models adopted by the United Nations in calling for inter-
calculations. This means from first principles. These calculations national rationing of energy do not even agree with the past tempera-
are required to fit theoretical principles but are not constrained to ex- ture record of the atmosphere as measured by balloons and satellites.
perimental values. They are the most rigorous test of a theory. If the By definition, any good climate model should be forced by calculation
end results of the calculations conform to experiment without the cal- to agree at least with past atmospheric temperatures.
culations themselves being adjusted to experimental values then the Apparently one of two possible errors has been made. Either the
theory is remarkably good. U.N. climate models have not been fitted to the known temperatures at
Ab initio calculations usually are restricted to problems in physics all or else they have been fitted to the NASA surface record which
and chemistry that are so simple that they can be rigorously described has obviously been selectively compiled to show rising temperatures
in quantitative terms such as bonding in a molecule with only two that are not occurring in the atmosphere or to some other biased re-
atoms. This was especially so in the era during which scientists had to cord that rises with time. (See, for example, the section on heat island
do calculations by mathematically solving the actual equations. With effects in the NASA-selected measuring stations in California in Ex-
the advent of computers, problems that could not be solved rigorously perimental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.) In
could be undertaken much more easily. either case, this sort of fitting would be a political activity, not a scien-
One of the first such applications was during the development of tific one. It makes no scientific sense at all to construct a computerized
the atomic bomb. Calculations were necessary (not entirely ab initio, model of the atmosphere and not constrain the adjustable constants in
but partially so) that could not be performed with exactitude. Iterative the model to conform to the known past temperature record of the at-
procedures were necessary wherein a solution is guessed, a compli- mosphere. Temperature is such a fundamental variable that it would
cated calculation evaluates the guess, a new guess is made, and the never be used to test such a model except by prediction of future
process repeated over and over until a satisfactory solution is reached. I temperatures, which is not the case at issue here.
have heard Richard Feynman, Joseph Mayer, and Edwin York each If the U. N.-endorsed climate models are fitted to a biased record
describe the computer that was used. that shows rises in atmospheric temperature with time (not what the
The scientists had a large room full of desks at which were seated recent record shows), then there really is no need for a fancy climate
people with the ability to carry out simple arithmetic operations. Each model. The same result would be obtained by fitting to a simple poly-
person was a logic element in the computer. IBM punch cards were nomial that does not contain any climate science at all. The result
passed through the room in a predetermined pattern. Each person car- would be the same but the political effect would not be the same! No
ried out his calculation, punched the card, and sent it on to the next one could represent the polynomial as climate science, and its link
computer element. This computer was designed and built by Klaus to the flawed temperature record would be impossible to conceal.
Fuchs, who later confessed to being a spy. The computer worked so Instead, the world is being told that very complicated computer
well that Richard Feynman, who had been assigned to check it, found models have been designed by experts (who happen to receive large
himself with little to do and moved on to other problems. Ed York told welfare payments from the Clinton Administration). These models are
me that, as late as 1965, he was still using the results of calculations of represented as so sophisticated that mere mortals even other scientists
the propagation of hydrodynamic blast waves in air that were made cannot hope to understand them.
with this computer. In common parlance, this is a scam. The computer models do
Extrapolations of current data to predict future values can be carried not fit the past atmospheric data because they have been designed, for
out with or without a theoretical scientific basis. For example, meas- political reasons, to predict that future temperatures will rise. Were
urements of the Earths atmospheric temperature could be fitted by a that not the case, they would agree with the past experimental data.
simple polynomial equation with enough adjustable parameters to as- Since atmospheric temperatures for the past 20 years have not risen,
sure that the fit was a good one. Then, predicted future temperatures the modelers are unable to get both the politically correct warming
could be calculated from this fitted polynomial equation. prediction and agreement with the immediate past record simultane-
Better results would be expected by fitting the temperature data ously. To please their masters, they have chosen to get the politically
with equations that reflect natural processes. These are the equations desired result rather than to appropriately constrain their models.


Many thousands of different diet recommendations have been l The Tax Man is Stealing Our Savings by Brian S. Wesbury in
made with respect to the problem of preventing or curing degenerative The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 1998, p A22, shows that the
diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and the general loss of well-be- United States government is now sucking dry the last remnant of real
ing with age. While we cannot review or evaluate even those with capital available for technological advancement.
which we are closely familiar in this limited space, the impending holi- American savings as a percentage of personal income have fallen
day season may be an appropriate time to comment on one. from a rate of 5% in 1992 to a current rate of about 0%. Meanwhile,
Most affluent middle-aged or older Americans are at least health- taxes as a percentage of personal income have risen at a rate of 9.9%
ily plump. As we age, our faces become more full and our waistlines per year for the past five years. With personal consumption staying ap-
more poorly defined. A sedentary lifestyle exacerbates this, but it proximately constant, Wesbury shows that Americans have kept their
seems to be characteristic of most people even those who do signifi- standard of living approximately level by using all of the money they
cant amounts of physical work. previously saved to pay increased taxes.
It has been shown in laboratory rats that lifespan can be increased The 5% savings rate down from 8% in 1982 was already far too
by about 25% if the rats are fed very well during the first half of life low to provide the capital required to maintain and improve American
but underfed during the latter half of life. industry and to ensure the continuation of American living standards.
The experiments on cancer and nutrition in mice that my coworkers l Clinton employee J. Brian Atwood, head of the U.S. Agency for
and I carried out as described in Access to Energy 25-9, May 1998 in International Development, stated on the CBS The Morning show
which the growth rate of cancer was reduced 20-fold by means of diet that Central Americans experiencing hurricane destruction were suf-
alone were carried out at the suggestion of Arnold and Edie Mae fering classic greenhouse effect. This is reported in Classic Politi-
Hunsberger. Mr. Hunsberger was the founder and President of U. S. cal Effect in The Wall Street Journal, November 17, 1998, p A22.
Elevator Corporation. They suggested we try a diet of raw fruits and Not only do the facts show that Atlantic storm frequency and inten-
vegetables on which they had been living. This diet sharply reduced sity have been decreasing since 1945, but also there is not a shred of
the growth rate of cancer and it had another effect as well. evidence that carbon dioxide or the greenhouse effect had anything
Since it is virtually impossible to obtain a normal intake of calories whatever to do with the storm that damaged Central America.
from fruits and vegetables, which are mostly fiber and water, people The Journal correctly points out that this push to to demonize coal,
who live on this diet have markedly restricted nutrient intakes. Their oil, and natural gas is largely a prelude to taxes levied to ration hydro-
diet is roughly equivalent to filling your plate with about half the carbons. The government needs new demons to protect us from in
amount you would ordinarily eat and eating that and no more. spite of ourselves by means of new taxes to enhance its power.
In photos of the Hunsbergers taken before they adopted this diet,
they are seen to be typical, slightly plump, affluent Americans. After GOOD READING
they adopted this diet, however, they became wiry, energetic, spar-
kling, bouncy people of a sort rarely seen in the 50s age group. Al- l Jeff Coopers Commentaries published monthly from Gunsite
though Mrs. Hunsberger is dead as the result of an accident, Arnold Ranch, P. O. Box 401, Paulden, AZ 86334. Two months ago, we rec-
Hunsberger continues this diet today and in his 70s is still a ommended Jeff Coopers book To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the
bouncy, energetic, wiry, unusually intelligent and productive man. Truth. His ongoing commentaries add to this.
This is merely an anecdote, but it illustrates a point that, on the basis Honor, self-reliance, integrity, absolute morals, and civilized ethics
of many bits of knowledge I have gathered, is useful. Each of us (at are fast disappearing from American culture. It is essential for all of us
least those over 40 years of age) would be better off if our weight were to read the thoughts of those who exemplify these characteristics and
at or (better) a little below our weight when we were 18 years old. continually remind us of their applications in todays society.
Most Access to Energy readers will not try pure raw fruit and vege- l Killing Kyoto Without Regrets by Jonathan H. Adler and
table diets at least not until cancer or some other problem scares them Climate Science Briefings Debunk Greenhouse Scares by Paul J.
into self-experimentation. Most, however, can perform a simpler ex- Georgia in the Competitive Enterprise Institute Update 11, Number
periment. As a Christmas gift to those who are willing (and in hopes 10, October 1998, available from CEI, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.
that this will not dampen your holiday), I suggest the following: W., Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20036.
For a period of one month, fill your plate with about half to two- Dr. Paul Reiter, chief of entomology at the Centers for Disease
thirds the amount that you usually eat. Eat that amount only and then Control and Prevention, stated in a CEI-sponsored lecture that claims
leave the table. Do your best not to compensate with between meal that higher global temperatures will cause the spread of insect-borne
snacks. (Two meals a day is best, but I know most of you are accus- tropical diseases are false. Vice-President Al Gore has been making
tomed to three.) If you become too hungry with this, eat more, but you this claim, as have many enviros.
should at least try to leave each meal a little hungry. At a recent meeting where I spoke, a University of Washington en-
You will likely experience an immediate and sharp improvement in viro claimed that insect increases would be so severe that all of the ex-
your energy and sense of well-being except that you may be hungry tra plant growth from carbon dioxide would be gobbled up by them.
during part of each day. Eventually the hunger will lessen, but the im- l Mixed Blessing by Peter Brimelow in Forbes, October 5,
proved health will probably continue. 1998, pp 58-59, shows that poverty (now defined as before-welfare in-
Motivated by this sense of well-being which we hope will out- come of less than $16,000 for a family of four) has not decreased in the
weigh the concomitant sense of hunger it is to be hoped that you will United States since 1973 even though the seizure of American prop-
continue in this way until your face and midline return to the approxi- erty through taxes in order to fight poverty has risen enormously.
mate dimensions of youth.
The suggestion here is not that any of our readers are overweight
by the usual standards. Instead, we think that the usual standards are ACCESS TO ENERGY
too high for optimum health. Like the rats, we should be underfed dur-
ing the second half of life. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
Mr. Hunsberger would confirm this, but he would also add that raw $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
fruits and vegetables are an especially nutritious way to diet. In this, he $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
is likely to be right but, if one cannot give up normal food, it is at Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
least best to eat less of it. each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
DECEMBER 1998 (Vol. 26, no. 4) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1998 by Access to Energy

State Sponsored Religion

My daughter Arynne was very nearly thrown out of Southern Ore- be substituted for it.
gon University (SOU), a tax-financed school near here, midway The course text for Colloquium, the mandatory course, is a col-
through her first quarter as a college student this past month. After a lection of articles chosen by the SOU humanities faculty and printed
serious argument with University officials, she is being permitted to specially for this course. It is devoted primarily to the teaching of the
complete the academic year but has been told, in no uncertain universitys own brand of atheistic secular humanism including
terms, not to return as a student next year. radical feminism, non-absolute morals, situational ethics (if it feels
Arynne is a shy 18-year-old girl who enrolled in September and is good, do it), and atheistic existentialism.
taking calculus, physics, chemistry (all at the 200, sophomore level) Aha, you say, just a philosophy course not a bad idea for stu-
and organ classes. She made the honor roll first quarter with grades of dents to be familiar with different philosophies. No, the text does not
A in calculus, physics, and organ, and B in chemistry. It is true that contain a single work by any significant philosopher. Nor does it con-
Arynne lacks the drugs; alcohol; sexual promiscuity; nose, ear, and tain even one article by a significant historian, author, or educator.
tongue rings; tattoos; arrogant lack of respect for older adults; dishon- Several of the essays are about education, but the only immediately
esty; and profanity of speech that are characteristic of many of her recognizable author among them is Malcolm X. Students are asked to
fellow students. Her demeanor is recognizably different as a result. write and speak about the educational philosophy of Malcolm X.
Arynnes lack of these social graces is not, however, the reason that Malcolm X qualified for the text, no doubt, because he was a rac-
university officials first demanded that she leave after one quarter ist, advocate of violence, and felon. Booker T. Washington a truly
and ultimately agreed to allow her to finish the year (she is taking great black educator who overcame personal challenges of race that
three-quarter courses) before departing. were orders of magnitude more severe than those encountered by
Arynnes sin is that she has refused to take the Universitys three- Malcolm X is not mentioned, but then Booker T. Washington was
quarter, four-unit per quarter (out of 15 units in the usual course load) not a racist, did not advocate violence, and was not a felon.
total-immersion indoctrination course in the Oregon State Religion. Arynnes real sin, of course, is that she is a Christian. She is quite
This course is a mandatory requirement for any student to be on tolerant of people with all sorts of views, but she is not willing to take
the campus and take courses regardless of whether or not he seeks a a total-immersion, one-year course in atheism and its currently popu-
degree. (It is, of course, required for graduation, too.) Arynnes lar, politically correct manifestations. This is not a survey course. In
brother Noah attends the same university, but he skipped the course order to receive a passing grade, she would be required for a full
with advanced placement. Arynne entered taking a full load of sci- academic year to read, write, give speeches, engage in indoctrina-
ence and math. An apparent mistake by university officials allowed tion discussions, and answer correctly examination questions
her to do so without taking the religious indoctrination course. primarily devoted to religious beliefs entirely opposite to her own.
When a priestess in the Student ACCESS Center discovered Moreover, this brew of New-Age, New-Left, politically correct
this, she initiated an investigation. Arynne was told to drop one of her psychobabble is not conducive to her study of science. Speech and
science or math courses and take the religion course or else be ex- writing experience is helpful in many pursuits but not when it is
pelled from the University after one term. Actually, the priestess obtained at the expense of forced pseudo-rational indoctrination.
wanted Arynne to drop calculus and enroll in the religion course in The Oregon State Religion being promulgated here is indeed dif-
the middle of the first term at the time Arynnes sin was discovered. ferent from other religions. A great religion emphasizes the higher
Arynne and Noah are attending this university for two reasons. It human traits. The Oregon religion is based primarily upon the lowest
is close to home (one and one-half hour drive), and it has an excellent aspects of human nature. (The course text opens with a 13-page arti-
undergraduate science program. The science faculty is devoted to un- cle on rape, including detailed descriptions of actual rapes which
dergraduate education (they do not have a graduate school) and has sets the stage for teaching feminism and goes downhill from there.)
developed a four-year program that provides first-class courses in all It is not unusual to have all sorts of courses on a college campus.
of the necessary subjects. SOU also has an excellent music program. Increasingly, some particularly objectionable ones are being required
As in most universities today, however, the humanities departments for graduation. (Zachary was forced to take, as a graduation require-
and administrators not the scientists control the campus. ment at Oregon State University, a health class that was so raw his
Imagine the outcry if a tax-financed state university required every 45-year-old male chemistry advisor was too embarrassed to discuss
student to take, as a condition of being on the campus, a full-year its contents with him. Zachary and some of his fellow students simply
course in Christianity and Biblical studies that included giving walked out of some degraded presentations by the woman profes-
speeches, writing essays, participating in discussion groups, and de- sor teaching this course.) It is new, however, to require indoctrina-
veloping critical thinking skills (SOUs terminology) necessary to tion courses as a condition of being physically on the campus at all
understand and appreciate the value of being a Christian. as a student regardless of the question of receiving a degree.
To be sure, SOU bills this course as a speech, writing, and criti- As science, technology, freedom, and the mores of Western civili-
cal thinking course. SOU does not, however, allow any of its better zation are increasingly ripped apart in American society, it is evident
(and far more value-neutral) courses involving speech and writing to that our tax-financed universities are doing their best to participate.

inordinate fear. It is interesting, however, that this product arose pri-

YEAR 2000 PREPARATION marily in the private sector and is only now beginning to attract real
government attention. The government stays in business largely by
As Access to Energy readers know, we consider the Y2K com- promoting fear and envy, and it is usually out in front on new manias.
puter-date mania now sweeping America to be very exaggerated in We are, however, pleased to see the renewed interest in personal
comparison with the actual problem as we have discussed in past is- self-sufficiency that Y2K is generating. The world is a dangerous place
sues. This is becoming a textbook example of the successful sale of for all sorts of reasons, and it is always wise to have available means of
providing water, food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities for Our abilities to pursue advances in science and technology in future
ones self, family, and friends without outside help at least for lim- years will, to an unusual extent, depend critically upon how we man-
ited periods of time. It is interesting to see human nature at work. For age our liquid resources during 1999.
example, we are currently selling the book Nuclear War Survival The Wall Street Journal, November 27, 1998, p A10, carried a fas-
Skills an excellent book about self-sufficiency (and specialized top- cinating editorial by David Schoenbrod discussing this subject with
ics related to nuclear weapons survival) which we published as part of reference to the American monetary debate a century ago. Entitled
our civil defense work beginning 12 years ago at a rate several-fold The Yellow Brick Beltway, this article contains a wealth of infor-
higher than it sold during the Cold War. The danger from tens of mation related to Year 2000 decisions. It reads:
thousands of nuclear weapons does not worry Americans nearly so The release this month of The Wizard of Oz in a digitally juiced-
much as does the prospect of losing some of their computers. up film format should prompt more people to read the even more won-
Personal survival insurance should not, however, become a reason derful book. Their reading pleasure will be enhanced by understanding
for being. Nor should the dangers of the modern world instill such pes- that L. Frank Baum wrote the book as a parable whose point is more
simism that one is precluded from pursuing the positive goals of life. poignant today than when it was published in 1900 that the wizards
Some people sell their vision of a fearful future so vehemently as to of Washington are a bunch of charlatans running a scam on the little
convince listeners that the end is near, so anything except survival people of America.
preparations is pointless, and the normal pursuits of life are useless. Baum drew the books symbolism from William Jennings
Survival preparations should be viewed in the same way as life in- Bryans campaign for the national government to back its paper money
surance. The insured does not visit the bank deposit box weekly to ad- with silver as well as gold. Bryans opponent in the 1896 and 1900
mire his life insurance policy and then attend frequent meetings where presidential elections was William McKinley, who supported the gold
self-appointed gurus reassure him that the policy will soon be needed standard. Bryan argued that the gold standard depressed the economy,
perhaps, if all goes as expected, in the very near future. He buys the thereby crucifying America on a cross of gold. The hard times are
policy to protect his family; puts it away; and then pursues life posi- represented by the bleakness of the Kansas in which Dorothy finds
tively as though it will never be needed. herself at the beginning of the book.
Stepping beyond Year 2000 personal survivalism both sensible Dorothy represents everywoman, and the cyclone that carries her
and overdone there is an additional consideration that is, however, a to the land of Oz is a silverite victory at the polls, according to the his-
serious cause for concern. We pursue the benefits of science, technol- torian Richard Jensen. The land gets its name from the silverites want-
ogy, and free enterprise with physical resources. Therefore, an essen- ing 16 ounces (oz.) of silver to be the monetary equivalent of one
tial part of our positive pursuits must involve resource management ounce of gold. Her own house lands on the wicked Witch of the East
the large resources of corporations in which we may be involved and (the Eastern bankers), killing the witch and freeing the Munchkins (or-
also our own personal resources, which give us the individual eco- dinary people) from bondage. The good Witch of the North (the
nomic freedom to choose our work in accordance with our own goals. Northern electorate) tells Dorothy that the Wizard of Oz may be able to
Year 2000 fears whether or not they are justified are beginning help her get home. To reach him, she must travel the yellow brick road
to pose a significant threat to the resources with which we work. Con- (gold ingots), which may be done only with silver slippers (the movie
sider, for example, the current economic scene. Deflation in basic com- changed them to ruby for better contrast). She meets Bryans support-
modities has become a rout, with oil selling at all-time low real prices, ers along the way the Scarecrow (the farmer who thinks he has no
base metals at or below the prices of production, and agricultural com- brains) and the Tin Woodsman (the industrial laborer who thinks he
modities beginning to resemble the 1930s with Iowa corn near $2 per has no compassion) and Bryan himself represented as a Cowardly
bushel and Iowa hogs selling between seven and ten cents per pound. Lion.
Meanwhile, the stock market is averaging about 30 times earnings This ragtag electoral coalition gets to the national capital, the Em-
with many of the hottest stocks having no earnings at all, so their price- erald City, whose greenish hue is an optical illusion, just as the green-
to-earnings ratio is essentially infinite. The unwinding of these ex- back dollar is illusory money. The wizard proves to be a complete
tremes without severe economic dislocations will be a balancing act charlatan. As he confesses to himself, How can I help being a humbug
requiring extraordinary wisdom in both the private and public sectors. when all these people make me do things that everybody knows cant
Enter the Year 2000. What prudent investor, in view of current ma- be done? It was easy to make the Scarecrow and the Lion and the
nias, will not consider lightening his market exposure at least a little as Woodsman happy, because they imagined I could do anything. He
the magic date approaches? Yet, what will be the effect if investors, on blames his actions on the polls, but at least he is honest with himself.
average, decide to reduce their holdings by, say, 10% and postpone To get Dorothy back to Kansas, he suggests a hot air balloon, but his
purchases until after the date change? This sort of concerted, coordi- hot air carries him away, leaving Dorothy behind.
nated action could easily set off an uncontrollable deflation in the stock The book is in the end about political and human truths of far
market. It is not the realities of the Year 2000 change that we have to broader import than the elections of 1896 and 1900, both of which
fear it is, instead, the effect of coordinated human fear upon reality. McKinley won. The Scarecrow learns that he always had brains, the
How does one preserve liquid assets across such a discontinuity? Woodsman that he always had a heart, the Lion that he always had
One conventional conservative answer to this question is to park assets courage. Dorothy too learns that with her silver shoes she always had
in Treasury Bills and Bonds until the dust settles. In other words, loan the means to return home. The message is that ordinary people can
your money to the U. S. Congress and President. One advantage of this take care of themselves if they realize their full potential, work together
choice is the daily televised opportunity to see your funds at work as and do not put themselves into the thrall of self-professed experts
the guarantors of those funds struggle through their continuing soap- wielding the powers of government.
opera battles with such questions as whether or not adultery, perjury, This populist message was uncongenial to E. Y. (Yip) Harburg,
and obstruction of justice are O.K. the socialist and New Dealer who had the most to do with scripting the
At the other end of the investment spectrum is the purchase of basic movie. The movie makes the wizard a force for good. Although he is a
commodities and gold hoping (without real justification) that some- fast talker and overpromiser, he is not a complete humbug, because he
how these substances are nearing the bottom of their deflationary cliff. instills Dorothy, her companions and his own people with the confi-
After all, gold and silver are real money. Just ask any American but dence needed to succeed. He gives them, however indirectly, what the
try to pick one over 60 who appears to have a very long memory. New Deal promised to the American people brains, heart, and cour-
Access to Energy is mostly about science and technology. We make age. The wizards farewell address was readily identifiable to the
no pretense of knowing the answer to the resource management ques- movie audiences of 1939 as in the style of Franklin Roosevelt.
tions posed by Year 2000 fears. Each of us will make his own guesses. This subtle respinning of the story turns its meaning on its head. In
We hope many of you are right. One thing seems certain, however. the book, Dorothy seeks the security of home in the national capital,
but finds there nothing but trickery and discovers in the process that purchased the manned colonization of the moon and Mars.
she and her fellow citizens already have what it takes to live the good Only the integrity of Richard Feynman, who was accidentally ap-
life. In the movie, Dorothy and the rest of humanity find that they pointed to the commission charged with covering up the cause of the
need charismatic and expert leaders. They are bound to keep electing Challenger shuttle disaster, allowed the public to know that an O-ring
wizards. problem well-known to the rocket engineers who strongly warned
The books perspective is needed today more than ever. Our mod- against launching the shuttle in such cold weather caused the crash.
ern wizards are far more sophisticated than the original at deceiving the The NASA tragedy (not that they have failed to accomplished re-
people. The original wizard simply stayed in his palace, required the markable things but that they have accomplished so much less than
wearing of tinted glasses and promised only what might happen any- was possible) stands in the middle of a philosophical battle that is rag-
way. Our modern wizards of both parties have tricks to avoid responsi- ing now throughout our society. One of the issues in this battle is the
bility that Baum could not have dreamed of. They use unfunded question of whether or not our future will be determined by truth or by
mandates and unfunded entitlements to give to Peter without appearing propaganda-disseminated falsehoods.
to take from Paul. For the same reason, they delegate to agencies and The outrageous events of the past few weeks in Congress, where
the courts the power to regulate and to tax. Their secret is the same as Clinton supporters and retainers have lied with an abandon unprece-
the original wizards they have nothing to give us that we do not al- dented in American public life, are not an aberrant side-show. They are
ready have in ourselves. Yes, we do need some government, but, no, reflective of the degree to which actual truth has been downgraded
we dont need the aggrandizement of government that comes from all with respect to perceived truth. The propagandists claim that the is-
the tricks. sues of perjury and obstruction of justice should be decided by polling
Which reminds me, Dorothy, stay away from the White House. the public to determine the perceived truth after the public has
Gold, silver, other commodities, paper money, computer entries been subjected to appropriate propaganda campaigns. In tens of thou-
take your pick. Transferring liquid resources to the other side of the sands of college humanities courses throughout America courses
Year 2000 mania may require more than ordinary wizardry. similar to the one Arynne refuses to take at Southern Oregon Univer-
sity the curricula are designed to twist the truth in order to encourage
FROM TECHNOLOGY TO MYSTICISM politically correct perceptions. In fact, some of these courses are
now beginning to overtly teach that reality is only an illusion that
At the 1995 meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (CD- there are no such things as facts or truths.
ROM available from DDP, 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Ste. 9, Tucson, AZ In New Light on Edisons Light by Robert Friedel in Great In-
85716), Lowell Wood spoke about the manned exploration of Mars. ventions, a supplement to American Heritage of Invention and Tech-
Dr. Wood, a protege of Edward Teller, led the group that developed nology published by Forbes (1997), we read about the entirely different
the Brilliant Pebble strategic defense devices. These inexpensive satel- situation that prevailed a century ago when Thomas Edison and his
lites should now be protecting Americans from missile attack. colleagues combined their high-voltage, high-vacuum carbonized fila-
Strategic defense technologies have, however, a fundamental flaw ment light bulb with new devices for power generation, metering, fus-
their deployment would mitigate the fear with which the American ing, switching, and insulating in order to give the world practical,
people are controlled by their government and the liberal media com- low-power electric lights. Regardless of his great prior accomplish-
plex with which it shares power. Lowell Wood is now working on the ments, Edison was held rigorously to the truth by the investors and
defense of Americans from biological weapons and making little news media (government was not involved), who closely followed
progress. (The problems here are entirely political, not technical.) Civil progress in his small laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey.
defense (nuclear, biological, chemical, and natural disaster protection By contrast, Heating Up by Royce Flippin in the Princeton
for civilians) also mitigates fear while fear and envy are the primary (New Jersey) Alumni Weekly, December 2, 1998, pp 12-19, begins
means by which our government maintains and extends its control. with the entirely false statement that carbon dioxide is far and away
Even for natural disasters, pre-positioned civil defense (which is the most important of the greenhouse gases (it is actually classed as a
more effective and less costly than centralized disaster response) is ig- minor greenhouse gas water is the most important) and goes down-
nored in favor of enormously costly disaster response efforts launched hill from there. Meanwhile, the featured scientist at Princetons Geo-
after the events. The government wants its citizens to believe that they physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (funded entirely by the federal
are protected only by bureaucrats who will ride to their rescue. government) poses beside his Cray T-90 supercomputer saying: Peo-
The military campaigns against Iraq alone justified largely by ple want us to tell them exactly how bad global warming will be, and
Iraqs alleged weapons of mass destruction have cost more than who will be hurt most by it but science cant answer those ques-
would a sound defense for the United States against such weapons tions. The truth is that science does not have a shred of evidence that
from any source. Whatever the goal in Iraq, it certainly is not primarily anyone will be hurt by it, but that will not keep the money flowing.
the defense of the American people. The perceived truths that have prevented real space exploration,
Many years ago, Lowell Wood and his colleagues developed an in- prevented the strategic and civil defense of the United States, and are
expensive plan for the manned exploration of Mars. Robert Zubrin now threatening the worlds hydrocarbon-based technology are rapidly
(also a DDP speaker) and his coworkers developed a similarly inex- forming a mystic pseudoreality that has more effect on human affairs
pensive Mars plan using a different approach. Neither system has been than reality itself. It is as though those who teach that reality doesnt
of interest to NASA bureaucrats, however. They prefer a plan ten times really exist are winning by simply replacing reality with perceived
as expensive and requiring more than a generation to implement be- reality and enforcing these perceptions with government power.
cause it provides permanent jobs for NASA planners. Polls are publicized more frequently than facts because it is public
Dr. Wood opened his speech with a prelaunch photograph of one of perception that becomes established reality and the value of any
the moon rockets (vintage 1969) and the comment that it was the finest statement is measured not by its truth but by its effect on public percep-
piece of space hardware that had ever been built before or since. He tion. Perceived reality is then enforced by government power. This is,
then calculated that the money spent on NASA, in the 25 years since of course, an environment wherein mathematics, science, engineering,
the manned missions to the moon, would have paid for a manned and technology cannot thrive.
moon mission every six weeks during the entire 25 years. That At present, information technologies are still flourishing in America
money has instead bought us three shuttle planes that run back and because they are changing so fast that government planners have
forth to Earth orbit and a vast network of NASA welfare cases so been unable to catch them. Much of our technology is, however, stag-
unprincipled that they now make regular, false pronouncements about nating or being spun off to workers in other countries. Eventually, real-
human effects on weather in order to keep climate change money flow- ity with catch up with perceived reality with, perhaps, the
ing to NASA from the Clinton Administration. Instead, it should have Republican impeachment of William Clinton an important first step.
all to the basic arguments presented in the petition or its underlying
POPULATION IMPLOSION? scientific support. So, the only opposition to which we can reply is this
childish nonsense about oil industry machinations and bogus names.
Stanfords Paul Population Bomb Ehrlich has compiled an es- We have taken away their perceived consensus (which, of
sentially perfect record in his predictions concerning human resources course, never existed except in their own propaganda). This has al-
and the environment all of his predictions have been wrong. Increas- ready hurt them severely. As the Senate focuses its attention on the
ingly, it looks like the last threat to his unblemished record of failure global warming treaty, this effect will continue to increase.
catastrophic rises in world population will be removed.
21st Century, Fall 1998, p 8, reports that U. S. Census Bureau data STARK RAVING MAD
shows that the 20-year decline in world population growth rate acceler-
ated in 1997 and the first half of 1998. Of the 157 countries included, l The Week That Was by S. Fred Singer, December 22, 1998, pub-
17 had falling populations a year ago. Now 30 have falling populations lished by the Science and Environmental Policy Project, 4084 Univer-
and 16 more have zero population growth. sity Drive, Suite 101, Fairfax, VA 22030, reports that Canadas
World population stands at 5.9 billion. The world population Minister of the Environment, Christine Stewart, speaking about
growth rate in the 1980s was 2%. In 1992 it was 1.7%; in 1997 it was global warming to editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald said,
1.4%; and now it is 1.3% per year. No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environ-
This moderated growth and the spread of farm technology has mental benefits . . . . Climate change [provides] the greatest chance to
caused a continuing 20-year downtrend in the worldwide number of bring about justice and equality in the world.
acres of farm land under cultivation. Meanwhile, the people who are This sort of non-thought binds much of the enviro movement to-
working continue to perform as Julian Simon predicted producing gether. Each group (they rarely think as individuals) is convinced that
more and more resources at lower prices. Do not, however, look for the enviro measures will serve whatever social purpose provides their cur-
enviros to reduce their howls that overpopulation is depleting earth of rent reasons for self-justification. Truth being irrelevant to them, they
its remaining resources with doomsday just ahead. Perceived reality is all climb together on each antitechnology bandwagon that passes by.
their stock-in-trade. Facts do not matter. l As reported in Dream Ran Out of Steam Geysers Goose Egg
published in The Press Democrat in Santa Rosa, California, November
PETITION PROJECT 29, 1998, p B1, California has lost $600 million in the failure of two
steam power plants that were built by the administration of California
During December, Access to Energy mailed a letter to the 19,500 governor Jerry Brown. One of the plants never operated at all, and the
(including 17,500 scientists) signers of the Petition Project petition, other ran at about 10% of capacity for a few years before it was closed.
which urges the United States government not to ratify the global California still must repay the bonds issued to build them.
warming energy rationing treaty. The letter asked signers to support The problem the state built these two geothermal steam powered
the Science and Environmental Policy Project (which is working ac- plants in locations where there was not enough steam to operate them.
tively and effectively against the warmers), to support the Petition Pro- Although this deficiency was known to experts associated with the
ject, and to subscribe to Access to Energy. Earlier, we donated a use of project, the Brown administration, enthusiastic to have its very own
this list to the Marshall Institute and the Greening Earth Society, who alternative energy demonstration project, pushed ahead with the plants
used it to raise funds for their own antienviro, protechnology efforts. without an independent study of steam availability.
About half of the resources used for the Petition Project so far have
come from individual donations and about half were obtained by the GOOD READING
profits from subscriptions to Access to Energy. None were provided by
the hydrocarbon industries or others with related economic interests. l The Spirit of Free Enterprise by George Gilder, Simon and
We hope now to finance a campaign to increase the scientist signers Schuster, New York, 1984, and Recapturing The Spirit of Free Enter-
to over 20,000 before the Senate considers ratification of the global prise by George Gilder, ICS Press, San Francisco, 1992. (The second
warming treaty that the Clinton Administration signed last month. book also contains the first.)
Judging by the frequent mention of the petition in antiglobal warm- It is said that people are motivated primarily by greed and fear (and
ing treaty articles and by the many attacks upon it by pro-global warm- sex if you believe the entertainment industry). While the base mo-
ing propagandists, it is still doing a good job of depriving the enviros of tivations of greed and fear are powerful (look how far the Clintons
their perceived consensus on this issue. That is, of course, the point have ridden them), these are not the human characteristics that have
of the project. Scientific truth is never determined by polls, petitions, or motivated those who have built our civilization. It is the higher charac-
votes. The global warming scam rests, however, on the false percep- teristics of the human spirit to which we owe our way of life as
tion that most scientists agree with the warmers. We have definitively George Gilder ably sets forth in these books.
proved that this perception is fallacious. It is entirely a self-serving l BELLE Newsletter published by NREPHC, University of Massa-
myth created by the pseudoenvironmentalists. chusetts, School of Public Health, Amherst, MA 01003, issues 6, 3
As in so many other issues, our enemies attack the petition with (1998) and 7, 1 1998). BELLE stands for Biological Effects of Low
outright lies, since the truth is not favorable to them. We are routinely Level Exposures. These two issues explore the toxicological and so-
said to be secretly financed by the oil industry and to have created the cietal implications of hormesis the biological tendency for radiation
list from bogus names of people who have not signed. This latter refers and chemical exposures to be beneficial at low dose levels.
to one false name that was planted on the list by a faked petition sub- l Environment News published monthly by The Heartland Insti-
mitted by the enviros and to a word search they conducted for common tute, 19 South LaSalle, Suite 903, Chicago, IL 60603. The November
names in the list. We have verified more than 95% of the signatories 1998 issue is typical of this excellent antienviro publication.
and checked each common name advertised by the enviros without
finding any errors. For example, the enviros crow that Perry Mason
(the well-known TV investigator) is on our list of signers. He is in the

person of Perry Mason, a Ph.D. chemist who resides in Texas. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Honesty is just not of interest to these people. In the case of the one Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
false name, Ozone Action, the enviro group that planted the name, $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
$60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
immediately disrupted a Congressional hearing, bragging that they had Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
found this bogus name on the petition. each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
Remarkably, the enviros have not managed to offer any rebuttal at years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter
JANUARY 1999 (Vol. 26, no. 5) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 1999 by Access to Energy

Technological Optimism
During a recent trip to Massachusetts, I had an opportunity to visit Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, and thousands of other individuals
the Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge. The remarkable re- whose accomplishments set examples for their peers and descendants.
cord of American life in the Rockwell paintings is wonderful. One Today free men are seemingly beset on all sides by unproductive
display in the museum featured all of his Saturday Evening Post cov- demagogues who are controlling our government and many of our
ers in chronological order around the walls of the lower floor rooms. people by fear, greed, and envy. These sorts of leeches have, how-
In this display, I noticed a consistent feature Rockwell continu- ever, always been with us. The enviros will pass. The antitechnolo-
ally portrayed the positive aspects of the contemporary culture. As the gists will pass. And those who feed upon the worst in human nature
covers chronicle the years of the Great Depression, we see ordinary the William Clintons and Albert Gores will also pass. They accom-
people vividly displayed but pessimism and suffering are never the plish nothing and inspire no one. Their examples are negative and un-
dominant theme. Even the covers during World War II mix patriot- enduring. They may delay our trips to Mars; they may impede our
ism and pathos realistically, but they never depress the viewer. technological revolutions in health care and longevity; and they may
These paintings reminded me of one of Ronald Reagans great postpone our future in which the currency of technological progress
strengths. President Reagan always projected a positive, optimistic energy becomes, like bandwidth on the Internet, so inexpensive that
image and he, like Rockwell, did this with a populist flair that made supplies are essentially infinite and effectively free but our civiliza-
everyone feel he was just like them. Neither man seemed to have an tion will eventually leave them behind. We will pass them smiling
elitist cell anywhere in his brain. like Ronald Reagan, living as portrayed by Norman Rockwell, inno-
Whether in painters, politicians, entrepreneurs, scientists or others, vating like Thomas Edison, and refusing all goals except the great
this is real leadership. It is the art of drawing out the very best in the ones as did our most magnificent entrepreneurs and industrialists.
human spirit from each person the art of mobilizing the best in men. While the American stock market is now ridiculously high by any
This done, the concerted actions of most men, as individuals or as a rational standards and it may, indeed, be driven primarily by the fear
nation, take care of themselves. There is always a positive road for- of the middle-aged who have saved little and see their last chance in
ward or, in the case of misadventure, a usable road back. The trick is the gambling pits of New York, there may be another explanation.
to recognize those roads regardless of often confusing circumstances. The drift toward decentralization that started in the Soviet Union
While human beings can be motivated for short periods of time is spreading all over the world. The confluence of this trend (which
by playing to their baser instincts of fear, greed, and envy, dema- frees individuals from the heavy hand of centralized government)
gogues who do this are generally failures who ultimately become with the astounding array of technological miracles that are flooding
merely unsightly litter along the highways of recorded history. It is into the world from engineering, science, and individual entrepre-
those who bring out the best in us not those who control us by our neurs, may mean that the Year 2000 truly is a turning point not
faults who deserve recognition as prime builders of our civilization. downward into collapse but upward into astonishing progress.
Moreover, we never lose many of our childlike characteristics With abundant energy from nuclear power and coal, oil, and natu-
nor should we, since they include our best instincts. One is that chil- ral gas, 4 billion people in the third world are now lifting themselves
dren learn by example. We learn academic knowledge from books from poverty and joining the technological revolution. This enor-
and learn to watch our backs in some of the harder schools of life mous increase in human resources will, as Julian Simon would pre-
but it is by example that we are led to emphasize our best features. dict, increase the abundance and drive down the cost of natural
Thomas Edison was a great leader not because he held positions resources leading to an even faster rate of industrial progress.
of leadership, not because he had no faults, not because he was an Could it be that our markets are now discounting these events?
orator but simply because of the example he set in his work. Within Sharply lower commodity prices can mean deflationary collapse, but
those generations were John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and they can also predict rapid technological improvement. High Ameri-
Henry Ford each of whom accomplished specific things, but whose can stock prices can be an investment mania, but they can also por-
greater contribution to America may well have been the examples tend a nearing period of rapid economic expansion. America, by
they set as to what could be done. example, will be the epicenter of any such technological advance.
When men first set foot on the moon, it was not just current tech- Timing is always the difficult part. I am sure that an extended pe-
nologists who put them there. It was the examples set within Ameri- riod of astonishing technological advance is in our future but when?
can society by its past generations of great entrepreneurs, inventors, Will a period of contraction come before it? The answer is to plan
engineers, and scientists that instilled the individuals and the country for both. As I was advised by my mother 40 years ago, Hope for the
with the leadership by example that made them believe they really best, prepare for the worst, and take what comes.
could go to the moon. John F. Kennedy deserves credit for mobiliz- I think that 6 billion people, the miracles of science and technol-
ing resources and setting a goal, but he could never have convinced ogy, and the examples of our great innovators will not be denied.
Americans that they could go to the moon regardless of his great Having made self-sufficiency preparations as insurance against the
skills of oratory. One cannot convince people of such things by lec- worst, I actually expect the best a technological expansion between
turing to them. They were convinced by example by Edison, 2000 and 2020 that will completely transform human civilization.

media, the House of Representatives (previously so weak that they

CONFIRMATION OF THE BOTTOM seemed powerless) has impeached Bill Clinton. Nor does this appear
to be an isolated action. In Polls Apart, The Wall Street Journal,
An additional reason for optimism is the increasing evidence that a December 22, 1998, p A18, reported the results of a national survey
moral bottom (as opposed to just another new low) has been reached in by Rasmussen Research. Unlike other Administration-friendly poll-
American politics. Regardless of unprecedented political pressure and sters and reporters, Rasmussen did not stop with the usual question as
the incessant squalling by the Administrations fellow-travelers in the to whether the responders wanted the Senate to convict and remove
the President. (As with others, the answer to this question was only At present, between 3% and 4% of the children in America are
37% affirmative.) The Rasmussen poll also found that 61% of Ameri- home schooled a number that is growing very, very rapidly. Even if
cans believe that Clinton deserves to lose his job. Of the 61% - 37% = public schools were not academic and social nightmares, the micro-
24%, 10% have equal contempt for Congress and the President; 10% processor and communications revolution would cause the decentrali-
are worried that removal from office might be bad for the country; zation of education and the destruction of the educational monopoly.
and 4% flatly oppose the elevation of Al Gore to the Presidency. The fact is that academic quality can at least be doubled and the cost
Moreover, 39% think Clinton has committed impeachable offenses of education reduced by more than 10-fold by means of Internet and
worse than those for which he has been impeached. CD-ROM technology. In addition, as children are removed from state
The media spin of this result as a two-thirds approval rating for schools, these schools can no longer be used as centers of indoctrina-
Clinton is as false as Bills testimony under oath. The American peo- tion and social engineering. Future American education will consist of
ple and even their House of Representatives have reached a key moral a mixture of self-taught remote home schools including grade one
reversal point. Whether or not President Clinton is removed by the through college and even graduate school and more conventional
Senate or is left to twist in the wind for the next two years and then group schools run by private enterprise at one-tenth the current cost of
relegated either to retirement or to jail like so many of his cronies the public education. All will have much higher academic quality.
bear market in national morals is over. As the new bull market in per- Public, tax-financed, socialized education will soon disappear.
sonal behavior gets under way, it will augment and amplify the techno- While the tens of millions of personal tragedies that this degraded rem-
logical transformation in prospect for the next millennium. nant of socialism has caused can never be reversed, at least this night-
mare is finally coming to an end. Across America, by 2020, many
TRILLION DOLLAR GORILLA? public school and university buildings will have been converted to
other uses by entrepreneurs who purchased them at auction.
The newsletter Strategic Investment by James Davidson, Lord With this transformation will also come an end to the most oppres-
Rees-Mogg, Jack Wheeler, and their co-workers, available from 1217 sive and pernicious of Americas tax systems. Property taxes, whereby
St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, November 18, 1998 issue, re- each home owner must buy his home again from the state, year by
ports that the Clinton Administration has intervened repeatedly in the year, regardless of current income and under threat of seizure of his
U. S. stock market to push the market up at politically convenient home by force if he cannot pay, are an outrage an outrage that has
times. These include particularly the period before the 1998 elections only been possible by self-serving socialist appeals on behalf of the
and instances corresponding to crises during the Clinton scandals. children. The bitter irony is that the schools built for the children
Davidson marshals significant arguments and evidence to support have ultimately become a net destructive force in their young lives.
this allegation. Readers may want to request this issue of his newsletter I have had the privilege of watching an unusual experiment that
and reach their own conclusions. That this would be criminal and ille- demonstrates the pressure building in America for educational change.
gal conduct would, of course, be of no consequence to this Administra- When the six children in our family home school (ages 12, 10, 8, 6, 6,
tion but this does not prove that they have done it. Those who trade and 1) lost their mother 10 years ago, I converted their home school
significant amounts of stocks should look into this possibility because, into a self-teaching school with no teacher at all. I have spent less than
if true, it would markedly degrade the usual trading indicators. 10 minutes per day on this school during the past 10 years and its
Regardless of questions of legality and morality, the existence of graduates are outperforming most of their peers in college and beyond.
such an enormous player in the markets (one whose interests do not Four years ago, these children started putting their school on CD-
respond to the usual profit and loss incentives) would be very disrup- ROMs in such a way that it and all of its books and teaching materials
tive. Perhaps this will be Clintons last gift to his trial lawyer benefac- could be inexpensively communicated to other families. They were
tors. Imagine the investor lawsuits that would inundate federal courts helped in this by several family friends. For the past two years, the
from people who lost money because of federal market manipulation. children have marketed this Robinson Curriculum on 22 CD-
ROMs to the home school community. Their entire advertising budget
AN ELEMENTAL VICTORY has been approximately $150,000 and they now have about 30,000
students. That is $5 to find and sell to each student!
One casualty of the enviros wars against the periodic table is the While public school costs are over $5,000 per student year and av-
fumigant methyl bromide, which has been slated for a ban at the end of erage home school costs are about $500 per student year, teaching with
the year 2000. With farmers struggling under historic low food prices the Robinson Curriculum costs about $50 per student year. It is avail-
and consumer savings reduced to zero percent to offset the cost of fed- able for $195, postage paid, from the Oregon Institute of Science and
eral tax increases, the loss of methyl bromide was going to be an espe- Medicine, 2251 Dick George Road, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523.
cially serious event. It is used very extensively in agriculture. While this story, even when told in detail, is a remarkable one, it is
A provision in the 1998 federal appropriations bill has moved the not a story of geniuses and revolutionary new ideas. It is largely a story
deadline for this ban out four years, to January 1, 2005. There is, as you of an education industry which has become so ridiculously ineffective
might expect, not a shred of evidence that human-produced methyl and costly that six farm kids with a good work ethic and about a year of
bromide has a negative effect on the environment. actual effort can blow a noticeable hole in it. Their school is now
larger in number of students than most American universities.
EDUCATIONAL BOTTOM How does this compare, however, with conventional wisdom? Are
there not numerous reports that computer education products and pri-
Yet another positive indicator for the future is the bottom that has vate education businesses have had very poor financial results? Yes,
been reached in American education. In Wired Schools Are Nice. but the reason is that most of these businesses so far have been de-
Competition Is Better by Jason L. Riley, The Wall Street Journal, signed by educators whose ideas are derived from either the public
December 10, 1998, p A22, Milton Friedman (Nobel Laureate in Eco- school system or the computer game markets. Neither of these works.
nomics) is quoted as saying: Our public school system today is not It is traditional educational methods that work. These were devel-
only a socialist enterprise, its an almost completely unionized enter- oped by scholars during the past two millennia and adopted in the Eng-
prise. Its a monopoly a real monopoly, not a fake one. (A reference lish-speaking world during the past five centuries all before the
to the Clinton Administrations antitrust suit against Microsoft.) recent socialist school failures. Those methods delivered inexpen-
Friedman further said, I have not seen any movement in business sively and effectively by 21st century technology are superb. Bill
in general, until recently, to try and promote an educational system un- Gates dropped out of Harvard and helped bring an information miracle
der which the customer, namely the parent and the child, has final say to every home. Now public school dropouts can extend this miracle
and final choice about the schooling the child gets. using the PCs and Internet to obtain and deliver first-class education.


The global warming Petition Project continues to erode the myth of

a scientific consensus spread by the warmers. At the recent Rio de
Janeiro United Nations annual warmer lovefest, the Clinton Admini-
stration signed the global energy rationing treaty. Perhaps the coming
Senate vote on Clintons removal from office should be held simulta-
neously with the Senate ratification vote on this promise to turn off
one-third of Americas energy supplies.
At this U. N. meeting, copies of Petition Project materials, includ-
ing the letter from Frederick Seitz, the 8-page review article, the Wall
Street Journal editorial, the Petition, and a summary of the signatories,
were hand distributed to every official delegate. As a result, Stephen
Schneider (the mediocre Stanford professor who first sought fame as a
global cooler, but has now hit the big time as a global warmer), who
had wangled 15 minutes to address the assembled mob, found it neces-
sary to devote his entire speech to trashing the Petition.
The newest craze among global warming scientists is a cliff
effect. For this, the calculations are jiggered so that little or no hu-
man-caused change of temperature or climate is observable in the early
years (corresponding to the failure to find their beloved greenhouse Figure 2
signal in real experimental data), but in later years there is suddenly a
catastrophic effect. Since this entire prediction is not testable in the pre- A famous case in point is that of Linus Pauling (an outstanding
sent, this hypothesis frees them from experimental refutation. chemist) who, after adopting in 1968 the recommendations of health
The warmers are now grousing that we have not given them suffi- food advocates that he take Vitamin C and parlaying this interest into
cient detail about the Petition signers and their fields of specialization. some valuable theoretical work on nutrition, ended his days (which
We never will! But when the time arrives that a maximum effect on were extended to the age of 92 probably, in part, by hormesis) in
the Senate vote is necessary this information (all one thousand pages partial personal and professional disgrace and disrepute.
of it) will be hand delivered personally to every U. S. Senator. Ironically, Pauling rose to public prominence during the Teller-
Pauling debates and the controversy over atomic testing in the atmos-
CHEMICAL HORMESIS phere. Using a linear extrapolation to zero of the harmful effects of
radiation, Pauling demonized Teller (who was working to build Amer-
In a series of articles, BELLE Newsletter Vol. 6, No. 2, Vol 6, No. 3, icas nuclear deterrent to Communism) as a murderer on the basis
and Vol. 7, No. 1, published by the Northeast Regional Environmental that the tiny increases in low-level background radiation from nuclear
Public Health Center, School of Public Health, University of Massa- weapons tests were killing people especially the children. We
chusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, explores the phenomenon of chemical now know that, due to radiation hormesis, Tellers weapons tests were
hormesis in biological systems. This phenomenon parallels radiation probably extending human life spans rather than shortening them.
hormesis, which has been discussed many times in Access to Energy, Even then, however, Pauling was practicing life-extension by
especially with respect to the work of Bernard Cohen. Cohen has chemical hormesis. He consumed one to two alcoholic drinks per day
shown that low-level radiation from radon actually decreases the death on the basis of studies showing that this practice extends lifespan. The
rate from lung cancer by a very significant amount. NOAEL for alcohol seems to be at about one ounce of ethanol per day
Figure 1 summarizes chemical hormesis in a variety of toxicologi- but one must always remember individual biological variation.
cal systems. The general finding is that toxins often have a positive When Pauling became interested in Vitamin C, he adopted the
effect on the health of organisms at low doses. This has serious impli- health food industry view that Vitamin C supplements strengthen the
cations for Environmental Protection Agency regulations based on lin- immune system. He refused, however, to accept hormesis. For exam-
ear extrapolations to zero dose that condemn even the slightest trace ple, he convinced George Fegan, a famous Stanford pathologist and
of a toxin in the environment. In many (possibly most) cases, the EPA immunologist, to undertake a study of immune system stimulation in
actually damages overall human health by these regulations. rabbits by Vitamin C. Fegan did observe an increase in immune sys-
As shown in Figure 1, the beneficial effect of a chemical toxin usu- tem activity. He concluded, however, that this effect was the result of
ally rises to about 150% of control and extends over a ten-fold dose oxidative destruction of biological macromolecules by Vitamin C and
before falling to the NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level). the resulting stimulation of the immune system by biochemical break-
down products chemical hormesis by a substance with (at higher
doses) a toxic effect. Unwilling to accept the idea that Vitamin C was a
toxin, Pauling rejected Fegans conclusion.
Pauling was so upset by the data showing that Vitamin C oxidation
products attacked macromolecules (proteins and DNA) that he deliber-
ately destroyed the career of a young graduate student whose thesis
work had demonstrated this and had examined the reactions carefully.
Later, when my coworkers and I (See Suppression of Squamous
Cell Carcinoma in Hairless Mice by Dietary Nutrient Variation,
Mechanism of Ageing and Development 76, pp 201-214 (1994))
showed that the growth rate of cancer in mice was increased by moder-
ate doses of Vitamin C and then decreased at higher, toxic dose levels,
Figure 1 Pauling became so angry that (even though we had worked together
for 15 years and I was then President and Research Director of the
Pauling Institute) he ultimately spent over one million dollars of the
cancer research funds of that Institute to hire lawyers instructed to
carry out his response to my experiments on Vitamin C and cancer
I will see that you never work in science again. (He and they lost.) STARK RAVING MAD
In general, better nutrition probably decreases the incidence of can-
cer by strengthening immune response, but after cancer has estab- l The Bard, Barred in The Wall Street Journal, November 4,
lished itself better nutrition increases cancer growth rate by providing 1998, p A22, reports that drama Professor Jared Sakren has now sued
a richer mixture of essential nutrients. Arizona State University for racial discrimination. He argues that his
Vitamin C is a toxin at high doses to cancer cells and to normal firing resulted from his European descent and his use of works written
cells. At lower doses, however, it apparently has a hormetic effect by male European playwrights. Professor Sakren was fired by radical
suppressing cancer incidence, but stimulating its growth rate after can- feminists within ASU who objected to his use of the works of a sexist
cer becomes a part of the organism. Humans eat about one kilogram of European canon William Shakespeare.
food per day, so the doses in Figure 2 roughly correspond to daily hu- l The Oncoming Monetary Collapse by Lawrence M. Parks,
man intakes of 3 to 192 grams per day. The lethal dose of Vitamin C Vital Speeches of the Day Vol. 65, No. 1, available from FAME, 211
for mice is a little over 200 grams per kilogram of food. East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017-4707, reports that U. S. frac-
Notice the close similarity of Figure 2, which displays the growth tional reserve banking (guaranteed by tax money) has created $5 tril-
rate of squamous cell carcinoma in mice during our experiments, and lion out of thin air and underwrites $60 to $70 trillion in derivative
Figure 1, which summarizes the general hormetic effect of toxic speculation by banks (guaranteed, without limit, by tax money). Fed-
chemicals on the health of biological systems. Both qualitatively and eral Reserve Chairman Greenspan (who implements this program) has
quantitatively, this Vitamin C experiment fits the hormesis hypothesis. called this lender-of-last-resort use of tax money a moral hazard.
Pauling drank one or two drinks of hard liquor (usually gin) per Since 1940, the American fiat money system (a system that has
day, did not smoke, and increased his Vitamin C intake from 3 grams failed hundreds of times in many countries) has reduced the value of
per day at the age of 67 to 18 grams per day at the age of 92. By ignor- the dollar by 95%. If increases in American productivity stolen by this
ing the possibility of radiation hormesis and falsely demonizing Teller, system are included, then the value of the dollar has dropped by 99%
he managed to obtain a Nobel Prize for Peace. By practicing chemical during the past 60 years. Americans save very little. Why should they?
hormesis, however, (whether he recognized it or not) he increased his l Flagrant Foul in The Wall Street Journal, December 23, 1998,
chances of living in good health for many years. p A14, reports that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has re-
Edward Teller told me ten years ago that he was taking Vitamin C, called more than 10 million toy basketball sets. The sets have been de-
so that there would be one thing that Linus and he agreed about. clared a hazard because, since the sets introduction in 1976, one child
has strangled in the netting. The Journal calculates that this mortality
PETR BECKMANN PUBLICATIONS rate is one thousand times less than that faced by an American each
time he rides in automobile and asks, Whats next shoe laces?
With the November 1998 issue of Access to Energy, we enclosed
the annual green flier for gift subscriptions and for publications by Petr GOOD READING
Beckmann available from Golem Press, which is operated by Mrs.
Beckmann. These books and booklets are a wonderful supplement to l No Nation Can Survive Cultural Rot by Charley Reese in
Access to Energy, which Professor Beckmann founded and edited for Conservative Chronicle, October 21, 1998, p 11, available from Box
20 years. The CD-ROM of 21 years of Access to Energy (see below) 37077, Boone, IA 50037. Reese says Im not optimistic, but if there
contains all of Dr. Beckmanns issues. is a solution to the problem of social gangrene, the first step must be to
We are currently completing a CD-ROM that will contain the first shoot the television set. Its difficult for any parent to compete with a
25 years of Access to Energy in a fully searchable format. The price multibillion-dollar persuasion industry employing some of the best
will be the same. If you recently purchased the 21-year CD, we will creative talent in the world. Never underestimate the influence of this
send the 25-year version at no cost when it is ready. pervasive form of communication. It is very good at what it does. It
In addition to Petr Beckmanns popular books, the technical books can sell toothpaste and it can sell cultural rot.
he published (written by him, and/or by others) are superb. Some of The second step is to get the children out of the government edu-
these are applicable only to scientific specialties and some are gener- cational system. It will never be reformed. Control of it will never be
ally useful to scientists. They are not listed on the green sheet because returned to local parents. It is an instrument of the state state-funded,
non-scientists might find them difficult to read. One-third of Access to state-staffed, state-controlled. It preaches the state religion, which at
Energy readers are, however, scientists. the time is secular egalitarianism.
Therefore, we list these books below. They are available from l Missile Defense for Populations. What does it take? Why are
Golem Press, Box 1342, Boulder, CO 80306, except as indicated. The we not doing it? by Angelo M. Codevilla, published by the George
sold-out books are also listed, since readers may wish to track them C. Marshall Institute, October 15, 1998, 1730 K Street NW, Suite 905,
down in used book outlets. Washington, DC 20006. The few antimissile systems being developed
Elementary Queuing Theory and Telephone Traffic by P. Beck- by the United States have been deliberately engineered downward by
mann $5.00. order of the Clinton Administration so that they will not be able to
Elements of Applied Probability Theory by P. Beckmann $10.95. defend the people of the United States. This is more serious than per-
Orthogonal Polynomials for Engineers and Physicists by P. Beck- jury. It is treason. People who live in fear are easily controlled.
mann $30.00. l The Coming Great War by Richard J. Maybury. See
Ecohysterics & the Technophobes by P. Beckmann sold out. or write to Henry-Madison Research, P.O.
The Structure of Language by P. Beckmann - sold out. Box 84908-D, Phoenix, AZ 85071. Maybury describes the downside
Depolarization of Electromagnetic Waves by P. Beckmann - sold potential in Asia and Africa. Codevilla shows how this nightmare
out. might be averted if the U. S. deploys space-based strategic defense.
Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Rough Surfaces by P.
Beckmann & A. Spizzichino sold out. ACCESS TO ENERGY
Continuous Transitions in Open Waveguides by V. V. Shevchenko
$30.00. Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
Statistical Antenna Theory by Y. S. Shifrin $35.00. $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, by air mail only, $40). Corporations
Radiation from Apertures in Convex Bodies (Flush-mounted An- $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy, Box 1250,
tennas) by I. Zakharyev, A. Lemanski, & K. Shcheglov $30.00. Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks must be in US$ drawn on a US bank. Past issues $3
Einstein Plus Two by Petr Beckmann $40.00. each. 100 page 21 year index $20. CD-ROM of 21 years of back issues $95. Printed 21
years of issues and index $145. CD-ROM, printed 21 years of issues, and index $195.

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