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Introdution to automation

what is automation -- ?
user action - to verify the element
if they need to repeat - no of times
software tools - write a script
Manual testing - knows the behaviour
set of actions performed by the tool - to test our applications

Why automation
Testing - repeat - System performance
Time effort
Task efforts
when to automate
new implemenation - stable - project
single resorce - eight test case
4 resource - 100 testcase
5 days
to avoid time
script - handle - testcase
proper result - incase of test repeated

purpose of automation
Testcase -- reapeating
regression testing

- open source automation testing tool

- exclusively for web based applications
- you can work on multiple operating system using selenium
- OS

browser support

Selenium version
1.0 RC -- Selense commands -- triggers Javascript event - in web apllication
Javascript triggering mode
proxy server
speed is less

2.0 WebDriver -
uses browers native langauge - to test the application


Selenium IDE
How to download & Install
IDE Components
- Menu Bar
- Tool Bar
- Test panel
- Log/ Reference/UI Element
no programming language


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