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Ducting is exceptional super-refraction.

occurs when the trajectory of a radar beam bends towards
the earth's surface more than normal. In other words, the
rate the elevation of the radar beam changes with distance
away from the radar is less than normal. The radar beam will
tend to increase in height above the earth's surface when
moving away from the radar site because of the earth's
curvature. In a super-refraction situation, the radar beam
could be increasing at a lesser rate with height than normal
as the beam moves away from the radar site or the beam
could even be bending back down and getting closer to the
earth's surface in spite of the earth's curvature. It is ducting
when the radar beam actually bends closer the earth's
surface with distance away from the radar. The bending
could be strong enough for the radar beam to bounce off the
earth's surface.

Ducting is caused by strong low

level inversions (temperature increases with height).
Ducting can also occur when a strong cap (EML) of warm and
dry air exists in the lower troposphere above very moist air.
Ducting causes the radar to be able to sample much further
distances than normal. Ducting increases ground clutter also
since the radar beam remains closer to the earth's surface
for a greater distance and can even bend into the earth's
surface. Ducting is more common in the morning hours since
this time of the day experiences the strongest low-level
inversions (due to cooling of earth's surface through
longwave radiation emission) but ducting can also occur
anytime a strong cap exists in the lower troposphere.

The advantages of ducting are increased radar range, being

able to sample storms further from radar, and being able to
sample lower elevations within storms further from radar.
The disadvantages of ducting are increased ground clutter
and increased anomalous propagation (due to radar beams
bouncing energy back from hitting earth's surface or
sampling storms beyond the radar's maximum unambiguous

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