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September, 2016
Calendar of events:

5 M Labor Day, No School
6 T Staff Meeting, NO LUNCH BUNCH
12 M Parent Board meeting, 9:15, downstairs
Sports Blitz begins for MWF & Pre-K
13-22 Class Gathering in the library, 9:15 a.m
20 T Music Program for T/Th begins
23 F Cabrillo Marine Program
26 M Lead teacher meeting, library, 12:30 p.m.
28 W Fall Parent Evening Out at Mijares

Conferences for MWF & T/Th
3 M Staff In-Service, NO SCHOOL
5/6 W/Th Chapel begins, 11:40 a.m. (Parents,please wait a couple weeks)
7 F Music Program for MWF & Pre-K begins
10 M Parent board meeting, 9:15 a.m., downstairs
14 F Reptiles Visit
20 Th T-Th School photos
21 F MWF & PreK School photos (and Parent Board)
23 Sun. Family Dinner, Lower Level
27/28Th/F Pumpkin Hunts
31 M Lead teacher meeting, Library, 12:30 p.m.

Classroom Gatherings
T/Th Red Door: Tuesday, September 13th
MWF Red Door: Wednesday, September 14th
T/Th Blue Door: Thursday, September 15th
MWF Blue Door: Friday, September 16th
T/Th Green Door: Tuesday, September 20th
MWF Green Door: Wednesday, September 21st
Pre-K Yellow Door: Thursday, September 22nd


By the sign-in clipboard you will find little forms to fill out if someone other than you will be
picking up your child. Even if this person is listed in your childs file, this added note is VERY
helpful. So, please take the time to fill it out and leave it with the clipboard or teacher.

Cubbie Policy
Please do not put favors, gifts or goodies in the childrens cubbies. Invitations to parties or gatherings
are fine, as long as everyone is invited. If you would like to bring a special snack for the children,
please check with your lead teacher first and remember we do have some children with allergies.


The three year olds and some of the two year olds are learning to use the toilets at school!!!
Part of that process is learning how to wipe. Teachers will talk children through the process
of gathering toilet paper, wiping themselves and then washing their hands. Please practice
these skills at home. Teachers do not wipe the children, so remember when your children
come home they may not be as clean in that area as you would like.
It is very helpful if you send your child in clothes he/she can easily manipulate. Elastic
waistbands seem to be the best.
If your child has come home in clothes labeled school, please return them to the office
once you have washed them, so we can keep a good supply on hand.

Please make a special effort to keep our children safe.
Please hold your childs hand as you come and go from school.
Please keep younger and older siblings with you at all times.
Do not leave any children unattended in the car.
Please finish all cell phone calls before entering the school gate.
Your children deserve your complete attention.
Bring your child on time to school.
It is difficult for children to enter into the play or circle time if it has already started!!
Dont forget to bring a photo for your childs cubbie
if you are in the MWF or T-Th program.


Stacy Armillei, President

Welcome parents! Fall is soon upon us, and with it all of the wonder and excitement that
St. Georges brings to our kids. I am already looking forward to the school Pumpkin
Hunts, the fall art projects, and the annual St. Georges Thanksgiving Feast!
The Parent Social Committee and Fall Family Dinner committee are doing a wonderful job
of putting together two upcoming events that you will not want to miss . . . so please save
the date!
September 28 -- The Fall Parent Evening Out at Mijares! Share in a delicious
margarita, some tasty Mexican food, and get to know your fellow parents
without a little one in tow. Stay tuned for more details!
October 23 -- The St. Georges Annual Family Fall Dinner! This family event,
held at the school, is a real highlight for both kids and parents. With
everything from a taco truck, desserts galore, face painting, and arts and
crafts, it is a tradition you wont want to miss. As the date nears, look for a
flyer in your childs cubby.
T-shirts, tote bags, and hoodies oh, my! Special thanks to Beth Shupper and Jennifer
Zinn for designing, ordering, and selling the St. Georges apparel and tote bags. By now,
you should all have received your tote bags. All pre-paid t-shirts have been ordered and
will be placed into the childrens cubbies upon arrival.
A huge thank you to the Hospitality Committee Megan Abel, Lauren Delphey, Lisa Eich,
Sophia Kim Choi, Susie Park, and Lyttle Sullivan who did such an amazing job hosting
the Back to School Coffees. I hope you all had a chance to stop by and grab a delicious
bagel or cup of coffee. It was such a great way to kick off the year, and I truly enjoyed
the chance to meet so many new families.
I am so honored to be a part of this years Parent Board. Please do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for the Board, or just
want to say hi. I would love to help!

Joyce Davison, Librarian and Georgie
Catch a DRAGON by the Tail Reading Program

1. Help your child pick out one book at a time and remember to take only 2 home so there
are some for the other children to choose from.
2. YOU are the one who should handle the check-out process.
3. YOU are to print your childs name, the date and the color of his/her classroom door (B,
G, R, Y) on the next available line on the card. It is important for you to do this. I know that
some of the children are practicing printing their names but I cannot always figure out their
letters or they use up a lot of the card trying to write.
4. Place the check-out card in the wooden box on the cart and enjoy the books.
5. When returning books, please place them in the box on the counter near the book cart.
If the books are damaged in any way: torn pages, marks from pen, pencil or crayons, food, or
dirty hands, I will have to charge you the replacement cost of the book so others can enjoy
the book also.
6. At home, a good idea is to have the children have clean hands, no food or drink available
while looking at the books or having you read to them. Also, having a special place to keep the
books away from little sister, brother or animals is another good idea and you will always know
where the library books are to be found.

With these easy 6 steps you can help me keep the library program running smoothly.
Thank you.

There are a few good books on the cart about how to take care of books we borrow.
A favorite is, A Perfectly Messed Up Story by McDonnell

Happy Reading!


Katie Valdes, MS, RD, CSSD

Whether your child takes part in a high-energy sport such as soccer or a lower energy sport
such as baseball, proper nutrition and hydration are very important. Being properly fueled
will help keep you on top of your game. The following are some guidelines to keep your body
running smoothly:
Make sure to show up to games and practices properly fueled.
Some good choices 3-4 hours before game/practice are:
Peanut Butter (or other nut butter) on Whole Grain Bread with Honey, Apple and
Chocolate Milk or Water
Sliced Turkey Pita Sandwich, Fruit and Chocolate Milk or Water
Whole Wheat Pasta with Marinara Sauce and Grilled Chicken and Water
Scrambled Eggs with Whole-Wheat Toast and Fruit and Water
30-60 minutes before game/practice:
Fruit, Applesauce or Fruit snacks
Granola Bar
Graham Crackers
Hydrate with water
Spread meals throughout the day. Start your day off with a good breakfast,
followed by a healthy snack, well-balanced lunch, another snack and a wholesome dinner.
Know your schools cafeteria menu and review it so you can make good choices.
Remember everyone is different. What may work for somebody else, may not work
for you. Eat what makes you feel good before exercising.
Dont try out new foods before exercise. Save it for a day you dont have a game
or practice.
When the weather is very hot or humid outside a sports drink may be necessary.
Sip (not gulp!!) on them during breaks.
Make your plate a Performance Plate:
carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, whole grains, etc.)
fruit and veggies
lean proteins (chicken, turkey, eggs, lean meat, etc.)
Get your kids involved in grocery shopping and food prep.
Keep fruit ready to eat on the counter.
Slice up veggies and have them in ready to eat containers in the fridge.
Place nutrient rich foods at eye level.
Place sometimes foods in harder to reach places.
Do not label foods as good or bad. Rather refer to them as sometimes foods.
Be an example for your kids and provide healthy after game snacks:
Chocolate milk and almonds
Yogurt Parfaits
String Cheese, Apple Slices, Pretzels and Single Serve Nut Butters
Mini slider sandwiches, fruit
Chilled Water
Sports Drinks on hot days
Know your teams food allergies to have an alternative snack for that player if
When bringing sports drinks avoid flavors with red food dye. Red food dye has
been known to cause adverse reactions in some children.
Kids will eat healthy when given the opportunity.
There is only so much pizza someone can eat.
Be mindful of late night game snacks.

Katie Valdes MS, RD, CSSD

Yellow Door
The Yellow Door children have had a wonderful beginning to the school year. The
children have adjusted easily to the classroom routine and expectations. Its been a
pleasure to see the children continue with old friendships as well as start to make some
new friends.
We spent the first couple of weeks getting to know each other. Besides learning
everybodys name, we talked about brothers and sisters and our families. We also spoke
about different hair color, eyes, body parts and clothes. We weighed and measured
each child and had them draw a self-portrait. We save these papers and they will do
this activity again in May. We also spent a week talking about friendships. How do you
make a friend? What do you like to do with friends? How can you be a friend? We also
started "friendship role plays" where the children acted out common play situations and
we brainstormed different actions and outcomes.
The children have been busy exploring the activities in the classroom. Among other
items, the blocks and baskets are out every day. Fire trucks, the doll house and the
castle are popular as well as the easel out on the balcony. Many children also enjoy the
playhouse and dress-up area. Most days, manipulatives have stayed out on one of the
tables to be explored. Manipulatives are different toys/activities that especially
encourage the growth of fine motor and/or cognitive development. I love watching the
children explore this table. Another area the children love is the free art table.
They cut, draw, stamp, tape and glue so diligently! You will be finding many items in their
cubbies from this area!
Soon we will be having color days. This year we will be exploring colors in a new way. I
want to expand on prior knowledge of colors; we will be discussing how colors make us
feel, and different shades and tints of colors and the color wheel. The children can
bring in an object each day for our color box. We will be doing exercises with the items
(How many red items are there? How many green?). There will be many color mixing
activities to give the children hands on experience with making secondary colors.
One of my favorite traditional autumn units is "apples". We will taste a variety of apples
and learn about the apple tree life cycle. At the science table we will weigh and compare
different apple varieties. Another apple classroom activity will be the Apple Store
adjacent to the loft. The children will be able to take and fill apple orders for
shoppers wanting to buy apples. This is a perfect age to provide props for play it
helps get the childrens imaginative juices flowing!
It was wonderful meeting with you during fall conferences. It is a great opportunity to
get to know you and your child better. This is going to be a great year!

Blue Door
Miss Babs and I are so proud of your children in the T-Th class. Our first full day went
as well as we expected! While we experienced some tears, which can be a normal part of
this transition, the children settled down very quickly and found something of interest
that led to a very fun day! We will see an easing of the tears with each successful day
they experience and before you know it, the tears will be gone. So, Parents, take a deep
breath and know that you are doing the right thing and your children will be fine.
The family pictures have been very helpful. Thank you to those who have taken care of
this for us so quickly; for those who havent completed this yet, please get your family
pictures to us as soon as possible. Everyone is so proud to share their pictures with the
other children. The cubby pictures are helping the children learn where their own items
are kept for the morning. Again, if you havent given me a picture for your childs cubby,
please do this soon.
We make as many trips to the bathroom as necessary and already have children who tell
us when they need to go. We will ease back on the frequency of the trips as the children
adjust to being in our school environment and understand that they can let us know when
they have to go, at any time.
As we help your preschoolers adjust to their new school schedules, we will start offering
them some fun, open-ended activities. We always give the children the choice to do the
project, never insisting, always encouraging. In this first year at school, our desire is to
make projects available but not mandatory.
As I mentioned above, a huge majority of these activities are open-ended, but what does
that mean? Open-ended activities are projects that are done without a specific end
product. For example, we had shaving cream available for the kids to play with. Picture
finger painting, but it smells good! The process involves being comfortable getting your
hands dirty and provides a tactile experience new to most children. The kids are welcome
to explore and play for as long as they want and come back to it any time even if they
already washed their hands.
Another example of an open-ended activity is something I call pretend cooking. We place
baking supplies, such as bowls, spoons, muffin tins and the like, along with uncooked rice
on a table and let them cook to their hearts content. We hear about some of the usual
baked goods like muffins and cookies and hear some creative delicacies like soup pie!
Let your imagination run free! And, just like the open-ended play that shaving cream
provides, the pretend cooking can go on for as long as the child is engaged in the activity.
As we enter the month of September, we will continue the open-ended concept while
providing the children introductions to some new ideas. For example, we will have a glue
collage project soon that will allow the children to start working on the idea of how much
glue is needed to adhere two items together. They will be given multiple items to choose
from and can glue as much or as little as they wish. We will water color paint, and
introduce scissors and very simple cutting exercises. Later on in the month, we will have
a unit on sea life and talk about the creatures of the sea. Be on the lookout for the jelly
fish swimming in the classroom! And as the month winds down, all of the fall colors will
soon replace the ocean as we learn about the season of autumn.
In October, I look forward to our scheduled conference and meeting each of you. We
will have the opportunity to get to know each other better and can share our thoughts
and goals for the upcoming year. The beginning of October will be a time to learn about
reptiles and amphibians. It will also be the beginning of our weekly music class on
Tuesday with Miss Amy and chapel on Thursday with Rev. Amy. Both of these activities
provide the children with the opportunity to sing and be a part of a social gathering and
what their role is in that type of setting.

The children in the MWF class have returned ready to share the new experiences that a
second year brings them. It is always such a pleasure to see the excitement on their
faces when they arrive for the first day of school. It is a huge contrast to their
experience from last year and with growing confidence they know that they can
accomplish new challenges. They have welcomed Andrew, Henry, Jack, James, Jaye, JR,
Makenna and Riley to our class; you would never know they werent with us last year. One
of the rewards of being a teacher is witnessing the progress a class makes. Each
student has shown tremendous growth and maturity. This class is more than ready to
take on the new challenges that this year will bring.
As we ease into our familiar routine, Miss Bonnie and I have started offering simple
activities for the children. One popular project is stringing Fruit Loops cereal to make a
necklace. The project may seem simple yet having the ability to pick up a small object
with just your thumb and pointer finger, known as the pincher grasp, is a fine motor skill
that we have developed. Being given the opportunity to practice the pincher grasp as
much as possible aids the preschooler in their mastery of this skill. A bonus that I
delight in seeing is the creations of the necklaces themselves. Many of the children
take the time to create a pattern with the cereal. This is a pre-reading skill they are
doing! Throughout the year, we will make this activity available, but introduce pony
beads, which are smaller, to the children for a variation on the project. And offer a
more permanent necklace or bracelet!
We will begin offering fun units of activities with your children as we enter the month of
September. We will start the month off with a unit on community service people. The
children will learn about the importance these services represent as police officers,
firemen, postal workers and a doctor. The Cabrillo Marine Museum program will visit us
soon which offers a wonderful hands-on experience for the preschoolers to learn about
sea life. One open-ended activity that the children love to be a part of is the painting of
white butcher paper. It is somewhat magical that they paint a rectangular shaped paper
with blues and greens and I can shape it into the ocean to display on our bulletin board!
They love being a part of the magic that decorates the classroom.
Later on in September, as autumn arrives, both classes will start exploring what that
means. Soon we will have leaves, apples, and of course, pumpkins decorating our room.
October will bring Halloween and the difference between what is real and what is
pretend. We will start exploring the different types of mediums available. Look for Q-
tip painting with watercolors, golf-ball painting, gluing projects and much, much more.
Starting in October, we will begin our monthly music class with Miss Amy. The children
love spending time with her singing songs and dancing to Amys singing. Chapel will also
begin and from that Wednesday on, we will be in our classroom at pick up time.
We will have the opportunity to meet in October for conference as well. This will provide
us the chance to discuss how the start of the school year has evolved with your child and
cover any concerns you may have.
This year is off to a great start! I cant wait to share with you all the wonders of

Red Door
The children are adjusting very well to their new classroom. It is great to see their
confidence grow and grow with each day that they are at school! They are becoming
more comfortable with the teachers and each other and its great to see them
While inside the children like to look at books on the rug, play in the water table and
hang out in the loft. Some of them are very interested in the paint easel as you can tell
from the amount of beautiful artwork coming home each day as well as the amount of
paint on their clothes, shoes, bodies, etc. Thank you for continuing to send them in
comfortable clothes that you do not mind being dirty or stained. It is very important in
our classroom for the children to feel like they can explore all the materials without
having to worry about anything.
Some of the children are so busy with the cars or blocks that they never make it over to
our project table but those activities are just as important. The projects that we have
been working on in the classroom may look cute when hung up on a wall but keep in mind
that they have a much bigger purpose than that. For example, the children made sparkly
glitter art the other day which looks pretty yet also used many new skills. Squeezing the
glue bottles helps to strengthen their small muscles in their hands and develop their fine
motor skills. Shaking the glitter containers teaches cause and effect as well as
creativity. This entire process facilitates language development as the children discuss
how much glue they want, what color glitter they see and what they think of their
creation when they are done. So whenever you receive any projects in the cubbies, keep
in mind all the hard work that went into something that may look so simple. The children
are working hard with a purpose at preschool!
They seem to really enjoy working together to accomplish their goal! The children
really love to listen to the songs at circle time and seem to especially like the flannel
board pieces (language development, visual stimulation, interactivity; not just super fun!)
Soon I will be able to lengthen our circle time by adding stories or extra songs. Soon it
will be one of our most cooperative times of the day! The family photos have been very
comforting for some of the children while others just like to name all their family
members to whoever will listen. Please try to get yours to me if you have not yet done
While outside the children love to "cook" in the mud, build with the large cardboard
blocks and swing on the swings. We have been working hard at cleaning up as a group.
Thanks, we have been having so much fun so far!

The MWF class seems to really enjoy their new schedule. I feel like we are off to a very
good start. Circle time has been so much fun this year because the children have so
much to add to whatever we are discussing that day. Soon I will introduce the calendar.
We will discuss what month we are in as well as the day and the date. As a class, we will
count the numbers of the calendar each school day. Circle time has been running longer
and longer due to all the questions or comments that the children have to add. It is very
exciting to see.
Show and Tell has begun and is a huge success! The children are so excited to share
their items and equally as interested in seeing what their friends have brought to share.
Some of the children choose to just hold up their item to show their friends and
immediately put it away. Some of the children have so much to say about theirs that
they would go on and on if they could! Most of them fall somewhere in the middle and
each approach is great! It is so fun to watch.
Soon we will be working on Ocean themed activities and are looking forward to a visit
from Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. There will be a touch tank as well as an informative and
interactive puppet show. As you look at the projects coming home, I want to remind you
that a lot goes into these projects and what may look like a simple finger paint project is
actually the result of hard work from the children. They first tried to find their paper
by discussing with a teacher the first letter of their name and together they found
theirs. (Name recognition is one of the first steps to independently writing their names.)
As they moved their fingers or hands through the paint, they were participating in some
very important sensory experiences. They were discussing the colors and textures with
the teachers as well as with each other. All of this is very important in their language
development. Each step has a purpose and each child works through their project in
their own personal way to create something unique!
In October we will begin to discuss Halloween and make some festive Halloween
projects. We will talk about our costumes and the difference between real and
imaginary. Sometimes Halloween can be confusing or scary to young children so we
choose to only discuss and create with the light and fun Halloween images.
Our Sports Blitz class starts soon as well as Music class and Chapel. We have already
begun practicing our chapel songs. Thank you to all who continue to bring your child on
time to class, it really helps us to fit in all the important things we need to do in a day!
Green Door
The MWF Green Door children have jumped back into school with enthusiasm. Although
the children have come from three different classrooms, they all seem quite
comfortable with each other and in the Green Door. From day one they have been chatty
and energetic, diving into the various activities the Green Door has to offer.
On the yard the children are enjoying the usual activities such as climbing, biking and
swinging. They are loving the water tables and hose in the hot weather too. A few
children are beginning to hang on the monkey bars and others are practicing pumping on
the swings. Others are cooking up mud creations, digging rivers and finding various
In the classroom the children are becoming familiar with the MWF routine. We are
gradually introducing our schedule, job chart and circle time routines as we settle back
into school mode.
At circle time we have started the year exploring and discussing shapes and colors. On
Monday, when we talked about circles, the children eagerly pointed out all of the circles
that they could find in our classroom. They also enjoyed playing Which shape is
missing? where they have to guess which shape has been hidden from the group of
shapes on a tray. This fun game gets the children thinking about and discussing the
attributes of different shapes.
At activity time, dress up was an immediate favorite. I had to get out more outfits to
accommodate everyone who wanted to participate. The housekeeping area was bustling
with the children cooking, having tea and caring for babies. At the free art table the
children were busy using scissors, staplers and lots of tape. They began writing notes,
stuffing envelopes and delivering mail to one another from the very first day.
Other children created a construction site under our loft and spent their time taping off
different zones with masking tape. Some popular projects were wood turning structures
and circle painting with cups. The wood turnings took planning and a steady hand as the
children thought about the placement of each piece, many of which were carefully
balanced on one another. The circle cup paintings were done standing up with the
children's whole bodies getting into stamping the cup to make colored circles.
Babs and I are really enjoying this group. They are a social and enthusiastic bunch. They
enjoy sharing their thoughts and are not shy about asking questions or telling us what
they need. I love the confidence and energy that they have brought to the Green Door.

Miss Amy and I have enjoyed getting to know your children as they have taken some
steps of independence. This is a great group! We have talked and sung about feelings
and what makes us happy or sad. Even our faces change when we feel different ways.
The children are learning that although separation from parents can be scary, their
family will always come back to get them after school. Childrens feelings are very real
to them. Thank you for your positive assurances and for listening to your child.
Curiosity abounds in the Green Door. The children are intrigued by our new gecko, Spike,
and like to quietly watch our guinea pig, Snowball, to see if he will emerge from his
house. Inside our classroom, the children are busy cooking in the kitchen or trying on
different dress up clothes and trying on different adult roles. They love to paint at the
easel or use crazy gadgets to paint paper. These movements help them develop large
motor skills. Some children are racing cars down the track to see which will jump the
farthest and some are curling up with a book in the loft. Some children think they are
simply playing with playdough or cornmeal. However, this manipulative play helps children
learn in a very literal way. They see that cornmeal falls through slotted spoons and holes
in sifters, but it stays put in a pan. A wise teacher said, If it hasnt been in the hand, it
cant be in the brain. Squeezing the sifters and manipulating playdough also helps to
build strong muscles in fingers and hands. This will help them have the strength to open
and shut scissors and hold a pencil.
Outside, they love the fun equipment. They like the bikes and cars and sand and water
on the play yards. There is parallel play, but there is also cooperation in digging deep
watering holes for thirsty animals. The children are learning to get drinks of water from
the cooler all by themselves, too. They like to be independent and decide what to do.
Child-directed play allows children to explore and make choices that will encourage social
interaction, cooperation and problem solving.
We are off to a good start. Yes, there have been a few tears, but there have been even
more smiles and giggles of delight as the children explore their growing world. There is
so much to see and do in the Green Door. Miss Amy and I are looking forward to a great
year of work through play!


As the children come into the Lunch Bunch room they find the plaque on the wall that
corresponds with the color of their classroom door. They place their things there and
take out their lunch. The children are free to sit at any of the tables. Some like to sit
with friends from their classroom and others like to sit with friends from another door.
Once seated, the children open up their lunch items (with the teachers help IF needed.)
They must eat something healthy like their sandwich, a piece of fruit or some
vegetables before moving on to the treat type foods. After they are finished they
throw away their own trash, put their lunch container by their other things and get
settled with some books and perhaps a stuffed animal for quiet time. Music will be
playing as the children quietly visit with one another. Once in a while they will watch a
short age-appropriate dvd.
Of course they cant wait to get back outside to engage in all the fun activities. Some
will head for the tire swing while others get busy digging in the dirt and adding water
for whatever imaginative scenario they have in mind.
This month we start offering an extra activity during Lunch Bunch. They may string
apple jack necklaces, paint with apples, have an apple relay and do some apple tasting.
October has more fun activities focusing on Halloween! Look for the Lunch Bunch
schedule in the Sunday night email or posted on the patio window by the Lunch Bunch
notebook. You just never know what we will come up with!
We end the afternoon with clean up time and going back into the lunch room for stories,
songs or perhaps some games.
So, if you havent signed up for Lunch Bunch yet, check out the notebook on the counter
outside of the office.
We would love to have all the children joins us in the FUN!

Kid Quotes
After twirling like a top on the swing, one child said: Oh, my eyes are busy.
Teacher: You mean dizzy?
Child: No, busy!

Teacher: Sorry kids, no seconds. We have only one birthday cookie left.
Child: Lets cut it into 15!

Teacher: I noticed that you love wearing the firefighter clothes, do you want to be a
fireman when you grow up?
Child: No, I am going to be a gardener.

Teacher: Where are you taking those kitchen things?

Child: We are taking them to our vacation house.

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