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Chapter 1

1. According to the theory of the environmental determinism, which of the following areas
would have the most productive settlements?
A. Tropical regions
B. Temperate regions
C. Mountainous regions
D. Artic regions
E. Arid regions
2. Which of the following would have the smallest map scale?
A. Map of Alaska
B. Map of Kentucky
C. Map of the world
D. Map of Nashville, Tennessee
E. Map of avenue of the Americas, new York city
3. Which of the following applies to all aspects of human geography?
A. Ethnicity
B. Gender
C. Climate
D. Space
E. Density
4. Louisville, Kentucky, is located in a valley and is built on the Ohio River. Its streets patterns
follow the orientation of the river. There features refer most directly to Louisvilles
A. Situation
B. Site
C. Relative distance
D. Gentrification
E. Absolute location
5. Europe and Asia are primarily divided along the line that extends along the
A. Alps, black sea, and Indian ocean
B. Himalayas and Indian ocean
C. Ural mountains, black sea, and Caspian sea
D. Transylvanian alps and Danube river
E. Volga river and dinaric alps
6. If its 2pm. In your city and it is 12pm in Greenwich, England, what is your citys approximate
A. 15 degrees west
B. 15 degrees east
C. 30 degrees west
D. 30 degrees east
E. 45 degrees east
7. Which of the following is not one of the five themes of geography?
A. Region
B. Place
C. Maps
D. Location
E. Movement
8. Kentucky, Canada, the Ohio river valley, a German-speaking region, and northern Ireland are
all classified as
A. Functional regions
B. Formal regions
C. Perceptual regions
D. Heterogeneous cultures
E. Shatter belts
9. Saying Louisville, Kentucky, is located at 38 degrees north, 85 degrees west is giving
A. Relative location
B. Region
C. Absolute location
D. Functional region
E. Cognitive map
10. Which of the following is not used by geographers to determine absolute location?
A. Equator
B. Distance from the ocean
C. Latitude
D. Prime meridian
E. Longitude
11. Which of the following statements most closely aligns with the theory of environmental
A. The physical environment interacts with human groups in shaping the cultural
B. Humans create a series of reactions to the physical environment in which they live
and choose from a set of possibilities the best course of action to suit their
C. The physical environment may affect human choices, but human groups ultimately
can shape the physical environment to fit their needs
D. The physical environment directly causes human actions to take the forms they
E. Resources drive the creation of a set of tensions between the regions of the world rich
in food and those most needing it.
12. Niamey, the capital of Niger, if located at 13 degrees 31 minutes north latitude and 2 degrees
7 minutes east longitude. This is Niameys
A. Relative location
B. Region
C. Absolute location
D. Node
E. Site
13. London has become a world city in part because of its proximity to ports and other places that
foster development. This reason for Londons historic growth relates to the citys
A. Site
B. Sovereignty
C. Situation
D. Redlining
E. distance decay
14. The spread of influenza would most likely be associated with which form of diffusion?
A. Expansion
B. Hiercrchical
C. Relocation
D. Contagious
E. Stimulus
15. Who was the first to coin the term geography?
A. Plato
B. Aristole
C. Eratosthenes
D. Graphical
E. Vernacular
16. 1:100,000 is an example of what type of scale?
A. Word
B. Line statement
C. Fractional
D. Small scale
E. Large scale
17. What is the name for the phenomenon that the farther a feature moves from a hearth, the less
dominant is?
A. Central place
B. Concentric circle
C. Regional analysis
D. Distance decay
E. Sequent occupance
18. What geographic approach suggests that humans possess the ability to dominate their
environment rather than they are defined by the environment?
A. Animistic approach
B. Temperate approach
C. Environmental determinist approach
D. Socioecology approach
E. Possibilist approach
19. If an area has the objects in it that are tightly arranged, it is said to be what?
A. Dense
B. Clustered
C. Dispersed
D. Scattered
E. Regionalized
20. What type of map has all lines of latitudes and longitudes meeting at right angles, creating
much distortion at both of the polar regions?
A. Mercator Projection
B. Robinson Projection
C. Molleweide Projection
D. Azimuthal Projection
E. Goods-Homsoline Projection
21. Which type of map would have the largest scale?
A. World map
B. Continent Map
C. Country Map
D. Regional Map
E. City Map
22. The relationship between an object on the surface of the earth and the same object on a map
projection is known as what?
A. Map Class
B. Map projection
C. Map scale
D. Map distortion
E. Map direction
23. The delivery area of the Pittsburgh gazette is an example of what type of region?
A. Functional region
B. Formal region
C. Vernacular region
D. Statistical region
E. Urban realm
24. A fad is started by a television celebrity of wearing shorts with a shirt and a tie. The trend
spreads throughout the united states. This an example of what type of diffusion?
A. Expanision
B. Contagious
C. Stimulus
D. Relocation
E. Hiearchical
25. A city is located on a river that is prone to flooding yet provides trade advantages that bring
measurable wealth to the city. Which statement would best fit?
A. The city has a good site yet a poor situation
B. The city has a good situation yet a poor site
C. The city has trade advantages that outweigh the disadvantages
D. The city has flood disadvantages that outweigh the advantages
E. The city should relocate because of the flooding problem.
26. What geographic theory suggests that the landscape and climate dominated human actions an

A. possibilism

B. environmental determinism

C. global environmentalism

D. human/landscape analysis

E. cultural ecology

27. A polar projection showing true distance in one direction is an example of which type of map?

A. Mollewiede

B. Mercator

C. Goodes-Homsoline

D. Azimuthal

E. Robinson

28. The concept of the South means many things to many people, and many people draw the South using
different boundaries. This is an example of a
A. formal region

B. functional region

C. industrial region

D. agricultural region

E. vernacular region

29. What geographic feature usually distinguishes the time zones?

A. 5 degrees of latitude

B. 5 degrees of longitude

C. 15 degrees of latitude

D. 15 degrees of longitude

E. 30 degrees of longitude

30. Which term refers to the physical characteristic of a location?

A. situation

B. site

C. relative location

D. absolute location

E. place

31. What is another name for a meridian?

A. parallel

B. longitude

C. latitude

D. poles (north and south)

E. equator

32. Verbal, representative fraction, and graphic are all forms of

A. maps

B. scales
C. geographic themes

D. cardinal directions

E. intermediate directions

33. The science of mapmaking is known as

A. topography

B. cartography

C. demography

D. projection

E. toponym

34. Distortion is especially severe on

A. globes

B. small-scale maps

C. large-scale maps

D. topographic maps

E. maps of cities

35. The name given to a place on earths surface is known as

A. site

B. situation

C. toponym

D. relative location

E. absolute location

36. A ships position is given as 0 degrees latitude and 27 degrees west longitude. We can conclude from
this information that the ship is located

A. on the Equator

B. on the Prime Meridian

C. on the north or south pole

D. on the International Dateline

E. equidistant between the Prime Meridian and the International Dateline

37. Which is not an example of a functional region?

A. the circulation area of a newspaper

B. the area of dominance of a television station

C. the marker area of a supermarket

D. area served by a sports franchise

E. the area dominated by a particular crop

38. The frequency of something within a given unit of area is

A. concentration

B. density

C. distribution

D. pattern

E. diffusion

39. Economic development through international trade is an example of what type of diffusion?

A. contagious

B. hierarchical

C. relocation

D. stimulus

E. expansion

40. Elements of globalization of culture include all but

A. uniform consumption preferences

B. enhanced communications

C. unequal access to cultural elements

D. uniformity of cultural beliefs and forms

E. maintaining local customs and traditions

41. A polder is
A. the conversion of a saltwater sea to a freshwater lake

B. the creation of a low-lying delta area

C. a piece of land created by draining water from an area

D. a project to seal off the sea

E. a political organization to manage water distribution

42. Which is not a common practice of transnational corporations?

A. relocate command centers from more developed countries

B. relocate nonessential employees to locations outside command centers

C. identify the distinctive economic assets of each region in the world

D. organize production according to a spatial division of labor

E. move factories from high wage regions to low wage regions

43. Reebok followed Nikes lead to incorporate gel padding at the bottom of the heels in their running and
basketball shoes. This would be an example of what type of diffusion?

A. contagious

B. hierarchical

C. relocation

D. stimulus

E. expansion

44. A map that maintains distance but distorts other properties is known as which type of map projection?

A. Mercator

B. Robinson

C. Molleweide

D. Goodes-Homsoline

E. Azimuthal

45. A map showing the whole world with slight distortion to all four properties, rather than having one
property correct and others drastically distorted represents which type of map projections?

A. Mercator
B. Robinson

C. Molleweide

D. Goodes-Homsoline

E. Azimuthal

Unit 2 - Pop & Folk Culture and Language

1. In the United States, the largest concentration of Amish are found in
A. Rhode Island, New York, and West Virginia
B. Tennessee, Arkansas, and Kentucky
C. Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois
D. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana
E. Utah, Arizona, and Nevada
2. If four languages have similar words for numbers and the names of fish, but
different names for a certain disease, what might be concluded about the time at
which the disease first diffused?
A. The disease spread among a population that later divided and evolved into
four different
B. The population divided and evolved into four different languages,
and then the disease
C. The disease spread to two different populations that later divided into two
D. The disease and language spread to four different regions at the same
time at the rate.
E. There can be no conclusion drawn about the initial diffusion of the disease
based on language.
3. Which of the following is true of popular culture?
A. It is practiced among a homogeneous group of people in the world.
B. It is more static than folk culture.
C. It incorporates traits that diffuse quickly to a wide variety of
D. It spreads primarily by relocation diffusion.
E. It promotes regional diversity.
4. The term cultural diffusion refers to the
A. Modification of Earths surface by human actions
B. Integration of behavioral traits within a group
C. Spread of an idea or innovation from its source
D. Relationship between human cultures and their physical environment
E. Assimilation of a minority culture into the host society
5. Which of the following areas has the greatest linguistic fragmentation?
A. Korea
B. Scandinavia
C. Caucasus
D. Argentina
E. Quebec
6. Cultural landscape can be defined by as
A. The types of art, music, dance, and theatre practiced in a particular region
B. The ways that people in differing cultures perceive the environment
C. The forms superimposed on the physical environment by the
activities of humans
D. The diversity of distinctive cultures within a particular geographic area
E. A particular within a geographic region dedicated to cultural activities
7. The popularity of which of the following is an example of the trend toward
A. Time-share condominiums on the coast of Spain
B. Ski resorts in Chile
C. National parks in Costa Rica
D. Recreational canals in Florida
E. Artificial lakes in Texas
8. If a Spanish speaker and a French speaker come together to conduct trade and
revert to the authentic form of English they both learned in their schools, English is
known to them as a(n)
A. Creolized language
B. Language branch
C. Isogloss
D. Pidgin language
E. Lingua franca
9. Which of the following is the dominant language family in India?
A. Sino-Tibetan
B. Dravadian
C. Afro-Asiatic
D. Indo-European
E. Altaic
10. In which of the following countries has conflict related to its multilingualism
escalated to widespread
threats of secession?
A. United States
B. Germany
C. Japan
D. Canada
E. India
11. Which of the following places is least influences by conflicts related to
A. Nigeria
B. Venezuela
C. Quebec
D. Cyprus
E. Belgium
12. Someone in Pennsylvania orders a soda, someone in Georgia orders a coke,
and someone in Chicago orders a pop. All three terms are in English and are
referring to the same thing. These boundaries best fit the description of a(n)?
A. Language group
B. Ideograms
C. Pidgin language
D. Isogloss
E. Language pollution
13. Which term has been essentially thrown out by modern-day geographers?
A. Mutual intelligibility
B. Creolized language
C. Dispersal hypothesis
D. Language convergence
E. Language divergence
14. The language that is most widely practiced and taught in a particular country is
considered a(n)
A. Official language
B. Pidgin language
C. Creolized language
D. Standard language
E. Indo-European language
15. What is the 2nd largest language family in India?
A. Indo-European
B. Indo-Iranian
C. Dravidian
D. Sino-Tibetan
E. Austronesian
16. All the following are part of the Indo-European language family EXCEPT
A. Portuguese
B. Bengali
C. German
D. Hindi
E. Turkish
17. An essential difference between the standard language of a people and an
official language is that
the standard language is
A. The chosen, generally accepted variant of a language, while the
official language is the legally declared language of a country to be
used in all government interactions.
B. Usually spoken by outsiders, while the official language is what is on all
official documents.
C. The form spoken by commoners, while the official language is the kings
form of the
language, taught in the grammar books
D. Used widely throughout society, while the official language is only used for
E. Unchanging, while the official language changes with changes in
18. A symbol that is drawn to represent various meaning of terms is referred to as
A. Pinyin
B. Isoline
C. Ideogram
D. Shatter belt
E. Isolated language
19. The main language family representing the Middle East is
A. Austronesian
B. Afro-Asiatic
C. Indo-European
D. Sino-Tibetan
E. Dravidian
20. The spread of baseball to China is most closely an example of which process?
A. Agglomeration
B. Cultural convergence
C. Centripetal forces
D. Balkanization
E. Conurbation
21. The main language family that represents the largest part of Southeast Asia is
what family?
A. Afro-Asiatic
B. Indo-European
C. Austronesian
D. Dravidian
E. Niger-Congo
22. When European settlers established relations with Native Americans, a new
language was created to ease translation for both groups. What is that language
A. Constitutional language
B. Trade language
C. Creole language
D. Official language
E. Indigenous language
23. Which of the following best exemplifies folk culture?
A. A dialect that is similar in two different regions of the country
B. The purchasing of rap music by white suburban youth
C. Cajun music
D. Eating Chinese food in New York City
E. The burial of the dead
24. The worldwide devotion to the game of soccer is an example of what type of
A. Relocation diffusion
B. Contagious diffusion
C. Hierarchical diffusion
D. Stimulus diffusion
E. Cultural diffusion
25. Which distinctive cultural region in the United States has its own food, music,
and language along the border with Mexico?
A. Italian-American
B. Swedish-American
C. Cajun
D. Creole
E. Tex-Mex
26. Which of the following is the best example of folk food?
A. Hamburgers in the United States
B. Pizza in the United States
C. McDonalds French fries in Germany
D. KFC in China
E. Blowfish in Japan
27. Where is the hearth of country music?
A. Galveston, Texas
B. Montgomery, Alabama
C. Atlanta, Georgia
D. Nashville, Tennessee
E. Charlotte, North Carolina
29. Which language is the primary lingua franca?
A. Mandarin Chinese
B. Hindi
C. Germany
D. Spanish
E. English
30. Which very famous music artist in the 1990s became extremely famous by
starting out and becoming
popular specifically in college towns?
A. Brittney Spears
B. Snoop Dog
C. Nirvana
D. Dave Matthews Band
E. Backstreet Boys
31. According to acculturation, how many generations on average does it take for
an immigrant family yo
lose its primary language?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. They never lose their primary language.
32. The main language family representing the bulk of Sub-Saharan Africa would be
which of the
following families?
A. Afro-Asiatic
B. Austronesian
C. Niger-Congo
D. Austro-Asiatic
E. Afrikaan
33. The hearth of the Indo-European language family is said to be from which area
in the world?
A. Gaul
B. Indus Valley
C. East Timor
D. Anatolia
E. Mesoamerica
34. Which of the following modern day sports did NOT take off in popularity within
their first 15 years in
the American mainstream media?
B. Golf
C. Snowboarding
D. Skateboarding
E. Football
35. Which of the following is a folk cultural group that can be primarily found in the
Dakotas and the south-central Canadian plains?
A. Amish
B. Aborigines
C. Hutterites
D. Makah
E. Basques
36. Languages that come from the same family and then evolve into different
branches are said to go
through what?
A. Language convergence
B. Language divergence
C. The formation of a pidgin language
D. A process of language standardization
E. Glocalization
37. Which Indo-European language branch represents the majority of the Eastern
European languages?
A. Romance
B. West Germanic
C. Slavic
D. Indo-Iranian
E. East Germanic
38. Which of the following is NOT a Romance language?
A. Spanish
B. Swedish
C. French
D. Italian
E. Portuguese
39. Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. What language
branch is it a part of?
A. Indo-European
B. Sino-Tibetan
C. Afro-Asiatic
D. Austro-Asiatic
E. Nilo-Saharan
40. The language of the United Kingdom is broken down phonetically into Scottish,
Irish, Cockney, and
A. Languages
B. Dialects
C. Phonics
D. Isoglosses
E. Lingua francas
41. Which two countries alone have close to 2,000 and 6,000 languages spoken in
the world today?
A. China and India
B. India and Nigeria
C. Papua New Guinea and India
D. Thailand and Papua New Guinea
E. India and Thailand
42. Which of the following would NOT be an example of an ethnic neighborhood?
A. Little Italy in New York City
B. A Jewish block of Hoisaidic Jews in Brooklyn, New York
C. Chinatown in Eastern Los Angeles
D. Little Havana in Miami
E. The Japanese in Seattle
43. Romanian, Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese are all part of the same
A. Language family
B. Dialect
C. Toponym
D. Trade language
E. Isogloss
44. Pork production and hog raising are almost nonexistent in the Islamic world.
What best explains this
lack of pork production?
A. Ethnic taboos do not allow Muslims to eat pork.
B. Religious guidelines do not allow Muslims to eat pork.
C. The pork is not a customary food preference in the Islamic diet.
D. Muslims dietary preferences rend more toward cattle production.
E. The Islamic Region exalts vegan as having religious purity.
45. The largest language in the Afro-Asiatic language family is
A. Hebrew
B. Mandarin
C. Russian
D. Arabic
E. Javanese
46. In what area of the world did hip-hop or rap originate?
A. Bronx
B. Compton area of Los Angeles
C. Newark, New Jersey
D. Atlanta
E. Detroit
47. Which Romance language is the most widely spoken in the world?
A. English
B. Mandarin
C. Spanish
D. French
E. Portuguese
48. Which of the following languages is incorrectly associated with the country?
A. Hindi - India
B. Egypt - Arabic
C. Urdu - Afghanistan
D. Bengali - Bangladesh
E. Javanese - Indonesia
49. Facebook, Twitter, Google has been banned in which of the following countries?
A. South Korea
B. China
C. Philippines
D. Thailand
E. Bhutan
50. Folk culture spreads through which form of diffusion?
A. Yoyomese diffusion
B. Contagious diffusion
C. Stimulus diffusion
D. Hierarchical diffusion
E. Relocation diffusion

Unit 3 Exam
1 The term balkanization refers to the
A Fragmentation of a region into smaller units
B Introduction of an economic system of free enterprise
C Spread of Slavic languages
D Industrial growth in less-developed nations
E Military and economic alliance of a group of countries
2 The worlds three largest monotheistic religions originated in which of the following regions?
A East Asia
B Southwest Asia
C Eastern Europe
D Western Europe
E Africa
3 A country in which the majority of the population are Shiite Muslims is
A Iran
B Morocco
C Saudi Arabia
D Egypt
E Indonesia
4 Which of the following is an example of an ethnic religion
A Islam
B Mormonism
C Buddhism
D Judaism
E Roman Catholicism
5 Violent confrontations in Ambon, Aech, and East Timor illustrate the problem of holding together
the physically and culturally diverse country of
A India
B Indonesia
C Brazil
D South Africa
E Yugoslavia
6 A formal caste system of socioeconomic segregation based on family and occupation was
prominent in which countrys tradition?
A Vietnam
B India
C Russia
D Saudi Arabia
E China
7 Which of the following lists religions that all started in southwest Asia?
A Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam
B Islam, Judaism, Christianity
C Shintoism, Sikhism, Judaism
D Taoism, Christianity, Hinduism
E Judaism, Animism, Buddhism
8 Which of the following has the highest concentration of Muslims?
A Vatican city
B Northern Ireland
C Pakistan
D Sri lanka
E Vietnam
9 Which of the following is a universalizing religion
A Shintoism
B Judaism
C Islam
D Confucianism
E Taoism
10 The golden temple, located in Amritsar, India (in the northern state of Punjab) is primarily
associated with which religion?
A Islam
B Hinduism
C Eastern orthodox Christianity
D Sikhism
E Buddhism
11 Religions that attempt to attract all people to their beliefs are known as
A Ethnic religions
B Universalizing religions
C Monotheistic religions
D Polytheistic religions
E Syncretic religions
12 What are the two major branches of Islam?
A Sunni and Shintoism
B Shiite and Sunni
C Sunni and shamanism
D Shiite and shamanism
E Shiite and Shintoism
13 Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest site for which religion?
A Buddhism
B Shintoism
C Hinduism
D Sikhism
E Islam
14 In addition to India, which country is home to the largest number of Hindus?
A Pakistan
B Senegal
C Sri Lanka
D China
E Nepal
15 Which of the following states is most similar to the concept of a geopolitical nation-sate?
A Canada
B Russia
C United Kingdom
D Belgium
E Japan
16 After the 1991 gulf war, the Kurdish people residing in and near Iraq are classified as a
A Nation-state
B Multinational state
C Stateless nation
D Perforated state
E Supranational organization
17 A pilgrim wishing to visit the hearth of Islam would most likely visit which modern-day country?
A Iran
B Syria
C Israel
D Saudi Arabia
E Lebanon
18 Which of the following religions did not originate with a founder or innovating prophet?
A Buddhism
B Hinduism
C Islam
D Taoism
E Christianity
19 A primary differentiation between a state and a nation is that the state is a
A Political abstract, whereas a nation is a human group
B Mutable concept, whereas a nation is permanent
C Fixed on geographic item, whereas a nation is not linked to a territory
D Product of history, whereas a nation is a product of people
E Controversial issue, whereas a nation is more peaceful
20 Which of the following is best classified as a centrifugal force?
A National Flag
B State-owned news station
C National research laboratories
D Ethnic discrimination
E Common languages
21 A pilgrim going to a religious temple in northern India would most likely be a
A Taoist
B Muslim
C Eastern Orthodox Christian
D Hindu
E Buddhist
22 Governments such as those once controlled by the Taliban in Afghanistan and the ayatollah
Khomeini in Iran, where religion rules the state, are classified as
A Landlocked
B Parliamentary
C Federal
D Theocratic
E Microstates
23 Sikhs in India, Muslim Palestinians in Israel, and Kurds in the former Iraq are all considered
A Multinational states
B Nations without a state
C Nation-state
D Frontiers
E Landlocked states
24 Which of the following cities is a holy place to three of the worlds main religions?
A Mecca
B Medina
C Jerusalem
D Delhi
E Beijing
25 Which of the following was a centrifugal force in the India/Pakistan relationship in the late
A Commonality of language
B Commonality of religion
C Differences in political border interpretation
D Differences in religion
E Commonality of climate
26 The civil war in Rwanda is most closely an example of
A A religious conflict
B An ethnic conflict
C A pluralism conflict
D Ethnocentrism
E An ethnic enclave
27 What is the best example of voluntary segregation?
A Barrios is Spanish Harlem in new York city, united states
B Ghettos during world war 2 in Munich, Germany
C Refugee camps in Bangkok, Thailand
D Ethnic neighborhoods in japan
E The ethnic landscape of los Angeles, united states
28 the German migration into the united states showed the process of ___, which meant usually
within three generations, all of the migrants descendants spoke English
A Assimilation
B Acculturation
C Barrio
D Pluralism
E Voluntary Segregation
29 What is the worlds fastest growing religion?
A Christianity
B Islam
C Hinduism
D Buddhism
E Judaism
30 Which of the following is the largest proselytizing religion?
A Hinduism
B Christianity
C Islam
D Buddhism
E Shintoism
31 A place of worship in the Buddhist religion is often referred to as a
A Mosque
B Minaret
C Synagogue
D Pagoda
E Basilica
32 The two primary eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism each have their hearths located
A Jerusalem, Israel
B Western Saudi Arabia
C Eastern china
D Southeast Asia
E Northern India
33 Which of the following religions is the best example of a polytheistic religion?
A Shintoism
B Judaism
C Atheism
D Christianity
E Islam
34 What is the largest denomination of Christianity?
A Roman Catholicism
B Greek orthodox
C Methodist
D Baptists
E Mormons
35 Animists can be found primarily in which region in the world?
A The caucuses
B Southwest Asia
C Southeast Asia
D Sub-Sahara Africa
E Northern Africa
36 Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the most important holiday in which religion?
A Christianity
B Islam
C Judaism
D Hinduism
E Buddhism
37 Which religion is the largest universalizing religion in the world today?
A Christianity
B Islam
C Buddhism
D Judaism
E Hinduism
38 Which of the following best exemplifies a nation-state?
A Romania
B Vietnam
C Argentina
D Zimbabwe
E Denmark
39 What two areas are the hearths of the worlds five primary religions?
A Southern India and eastern china
B Southwest Asia ad northern Africa
C Central Europe and southwest Asia
D Northern India and southwest Asia
E Eastern china and southern Europe
40 Which of the following religions is a monotheistic religion?
A Hinduism
B Buddhism
C Judaism
D Shintoism
E Animism
41 Which of the following terms is not associated with the Hindu religion?
A Passover
B Brahma
C Caste system
D Shiva
E Vishnu
42 All of the following are examples of multinational states except
A Canada
B Denmark
C Belgium
D Russia
E United kingdom
43 Which religion allows its adherents to follow other religions simultaneously?
A Buddhism
B Hinduism
C Islam
D Judaism
E Christianity
44 All of the following are nations without a state except
A Basques
B Kurds
C Thais
D Zulus
E Hmong
45 Buddhisms hearth was
A China
B Japan
C India
D Israel
E Saudi Arabia
46 The belief that one ethnic group is superior to others is an example of
A Genocide
B Ethnocentrism
C Ethnic conflicts
D Ethnic homeland
E Ethnic landscapes
47 A tragic event, like 9/11, that united people in a state together for a time can be viewed as a
A Centripedal force
B centrifugal force
C Acculturation
D Ethnocentric idea
E Ethnic conflict
48 The apartheid system occurred in which of the following countries?
A India
B Senegal
C Rwanda
D South Africa
E Pakistan
49 Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Vatican city are all examples of
A Theocracies
B Barrios
C Ethnic homelands
D Monotheists states
E Secularist states
50 Which country has the highest number of Sunni Muslims in the world today?
A Pakistan
B Bangladesh
C India
D Indonesia
E Iran

Unit 4 Exam

1 One would expect to find a population with a relatively young age structure in
A Less Developed Countries
B Highly Developed Countries
C Countries with a low death rate
D Countries with a low fertility rate
E Countries with a high standard of living
2 Of the following countries, which has the fewest people per unit of arable land?
A Guatemala
B Bangladesh
C Argentina
D Netherlands
E Egypt
3 In which of the following countries is life expectancy projected to drop the most by the year
A Luxemburg
B Namibia
C Russia
D Japan
E Mongolia
4 Why does the natural increase rate not accurately demonstrate population change for the sub
global regions?
A NIR data does not include immigration and emigration
B NIR data is not specific enough to focus on the fecund woman
C The NIR does not change in a region without a cultural decision to change the birth rate
D HIV/AIDS have dramatically altered NIR data
E Mortality Is increasing because of decreased fertility rates in more developed regions
5 By 2050, which country is projected to have the highest population in the world?
A China
B Japan
C Russia
D India
E United States
6 Which Country is in the region with the highest concentration of people?
A Brazil
B Nigeria
C United States
D Czech Republic
E South Korea
7 The number of people under the age of 15 plus the number of people above 64 divided by the
number of people aged 15-64 is defined as
A Carrying Capacity
B Primary economic sector
C Dependency ratio
D Ade-sex Pyramid
E Infrastructure
8 By 2015 life expectancy in several African Countries, such as Namibia, is expected to decline by
more than 10 years. What is the principal factor causing this demographic projection?
A Cyclical poverty
B Crop Shortage
C Ecoterrorism
D Infrastructural decay
9 If a country has a crude birth rate of 41 and a crude birth rate around 9, then in what stage of the
demographic transition model is it in?
A Stage 1
B Stage 2
C Stage 3
D Stage 4
E Stage 5

10 In the demographic transition model, which stage would traditionally involve an agricultural
A Stage 1
B Stage 2
C Stage 3
D Stage 4
E Stage 5
11 Which area of the world is experiencing the most rapid population growth?
A East Asia
B Central Europe
C Western United States
D Sub-Saharan Africa
E Eastern Australia
12 What stage in the demographic transition model has the highest growth rates?
A Stage 1
B Stage 2
C Stage 3
D Stage 4
E Stage 5
13 Which of the following demographic data has the greatest impact on growth rates?
A Birth Rates
B Literacy Rates
C Per Capita gross domestic product
D Immigration rates
E Life Expectancy
14 Which of the 5 regions is not one of the most populated areas of the world?
A East Asia
B Southeast Asia
C Western Europe
D South America
E Northeastern United States
15 A population pyramid looks like an upside down triangle. Thus area has a karge percentage of
A Immigrants
B Parents
C Youth
D Women
E Elderly
16 The Hmong tradition of bringing family members to the United States after some family
members have migrated is an example of what?
A Environmental pull factors
B Intervening opportunity
C Intervening Obstacle
D Chain Migration
E Brain Drain
17 An area has a carrying capacity of 100 people, yet 150 people are living in that area. The area is
A Maladapted
B Utilized Efficiently
C Voluntarily Organized
D Overpopulated
E Sustainably populated
18 Which Country is most likely to increase its percentage of the worlds population the most in the
next 20 years?
A China
B India
C Nigeria
D United Kingdom
E United States
19 Stage 4 in the demographic transition modelis characterized by what demographic factor?
A High Birth Rates
B High Sex Ratios
C High Death Rates
D Overpopulation
E Zero Population growth
20 The movement of Mexicans from farmland to Mexico City is best described by which migration
A Cyclical movement
B Intercontinental
C Interregional
D Urban to Rural
E Transhumance
21 What demographic equation is used to determine natural increase rates?
A Births plus deaths minus immigration
B Birth plus deaths plus immigration
C Birth plus deaths minus emigration
D Births plus deaths plus emigration
E Births minus deaths
22 Dividing a countrys population by its total land area gives a geographer what statistic?
A Physiological density
B Arithmetic density
C Spatial density
D Clustered density
E Agglomerated density
23 The One child Policy in China has been relatively successful in controlling birth rates, natural
increase rates, and doubling time. This is an example of what means to control population
A Increasing death rates
B Decreasing birth rates
C Increasing birth rates
D Decreasing death rates
E Zero population growth
24 Which of the following countries is most likely in stage 2 of the demographic transition?
A Pakistan
B South Africa
C Tanzania
D Thailand
E Colombia
25 In which wave of migration to the United States did the Italians begin coming into the United
A 1st wave
B 2nd wave
C 3rd wave
D 4th wave
E 5th wave
26 Which of the following events would be considered a migration pull factor?
A Revolutionary takeover of a government
B Failed Harvest
C Flooding of a river
D Opening a new factory
E Civil War
27 Millions of West Africans who migrated to Nigeria during the 1970s, when the countrys
economy expanded, were expelled during the 1980s, when the countrys economy declined.
This is an example of
A An economic migration factor changing to an environmental migration factor
B Emigration changing to immigration
C Forced migration changing to voluntary migration
D A pull factor changing to a push factor
E A push factor changing to a pull factor
28 A physical feature, such as a body of water, which hinders migration is an example of
A An environmental push factor
B A forced migration
C An intervening obstacle
D A political pull factor
E An environmental incentive
29 Most immigrants to the United States during the peak of the 1840s and 1850s came from which
part of Europe?
A North and East
B North and West
C South and East
D South and west
E Latin America
30 Migration to the united states declined during the 1920s primarily because of
A Economic depression in the United States
B Forced migration after World War 1
C Imposition of quota laws
D Declining demand for industrial workers
E Declining demand for domestic workers
31 Brain Drain is
A The large-scale emigration of talented people
B The process by which people are given reference for migration
C People forced to migrate for political reasons
D A cultural feature that hinders migration
E A net decline in literacy
32 The largest number of undocumented immigrants to thee united states come from what country?
A Cuba
B Mexico
C Philippines
D South Korea
E Dominican Republic
33 The U.S. center of population has moved steadily to the
A North
B Center
C East
D West
E South
34 Which is a current intraregional migration in the United States?
A Rural to Urban
B Urban to Suburban
C Metropolitan to nonmetropolitan
D Net emigration from the northeast
E Net immigration from yoyomaville
35 The largest interregional migration in the united states of African-americans has been
A Northwest to southeast
B North to South
C South to North
D East to West
E West to East
36 In the United States, which is likely to cause virtually all population growth in the next couple
A Natural increase rate
B Net In-migration
C Crude Birth Rate
D Declining Death Rate
E Urban expansion
37 The Most prominent type of intraregional migration in the world is
A Rural to urban
B Urban to rural
C Region to region
D North to south
E City to city
38 A country with a large amount of arable land and a small number of farmers will have a
A High physiological density
B Low physiological density
C High agricultural density
D Low agricultural density
E High arithmetic density
39 If the physiological density is much larger than the arithmetic density, then a country has
A Inefficient farmers
B A large number farmers
C A small percentage of land suitable for agriculture
D A small percentage of land suitable for agriculture
E Too few farmers for the large areas of land suitable for agriculture
40 India and the United Kingdom have approximately the same arithmetic density. From this we
can conclude that the countries have the same.
A Level of output per farmer
B Number of people per area of land
C Pressure placed by people on the land to produce food
D Number of farmers per area of land
E Level of input per farmer
41 The average number of births woman bear in their lifetimes is
A Crude Birth Rate
B Crude death rate
C Total fertility rate
D Natural increase rate
E Life expectancy
42 A decline in a countrys crude birth rate would result in an increase in the countrys
A total fertility rate
B life expectancy
C doubling time
D crude death rate
E life expectancy
43 Of the following 5 countries, the lowest crude birth rate ifs found in
A Uganda
B Denmark
C Colombia
D China
E Mexico
44 Of the following 5 countries, the highest natural increase rate is found in
A Uganda
B Denmark
C Colombia
D China
E Canada
45 The lowest crude birth rates are found in countries in which stages of the demographic
A Stage 1
B Stage 2
C Stage 3
D Stage 4
E Stage 5
46 Country X has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 15, while country Y has a crude
birth rate of 20 and a crude death rate of 9. Which country has a higher natural increase rate?
A Country X
B County Y
C The rate is the same in both countries
D The rate depends on total population, so it cant be computed from this information
E The rate depends on the immigration, so it cant be the computed from this information
47 For every 1,000 babies born in Mozambique this year, nearky150 of the mwill die before they
reach their first birthday. The rate of 150 deaths per 1,000 births is known as the
A Crude death rate
B Infant mortality rate life expectancy
C Life expectancy
D Total fertility rate
E Terminal population rate
48 The percentage of people who are too young or too old to work in a society is the
A Dependency rate
B Life expectancy
C Population pyramid
D Sex ratio
E Demographic ratio
49 Thomas Malthus concluded that
A Population increased arithmetically while food production increased geometrically
B The worlds rate of population increase was higher than the development of food
C Moral restraint was producing lower crude birth rates
D Population growth was outpacing available resources in every country
E Crude Birth rates must balance Crude Death rates
50 In comparing Malthuss theory to actual world food production and population growth during
the past half-century, principal difference is that
A Actual food production has been higher than Malthus predicted
B Malthuss theory predicted much higher food production than has actually occurred
C Actual population growth has been much higher than Malthus predicted
D Malthuss theory predicted much higher population growth than has actually occurred

Population increased geometrically while food production increased arith

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