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Stephani Anugrahman
35 minutes Grade 3

Lesson: Timeline

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Family history is important for us to remember Family Timeline

Gods work throughout our life. God gave us
creation mandate to be fruitful and multiply as
we will become His steward. Learning our
family history will make us reflect how our
family became Gods steward.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
1. What is timeline? 1. Define what is the meaning of timeline
2. How to make our family timeline? and the use of timeline
2. Be able to make their own family
timeline by putting many important
events (moreover birth and death) in their
family in chronological order.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
1. A3 Horizontal Timeline Layout: Original layout from the teacher
2. Model of a timeline: [Material needed: 2 m rope, clothes pin, year and important
event written on paper] Take the long rope and paste it on the board. Arrange
some important events like birthday, graduation and death and put in on the rope
using the clothes pin.
3. Teacher family history
4. Students family history
5. Crayons with 2 different colors
Beginning the Lesson
2 mins 1. Review: Teacher will remind the students about their birthday timeline activity.
Ask them:
a. How did you do that?
b. Did you stand in order? What was your starting and ending point?
5 mins 2. What is Timeline: Teacher will explain to the students, Our family history can be
written like how you have written on your book. You have made a paragraph
about your family history. But do you know that there is another way that you can
use to write about your family history. We call it timeline! Similar with what you
have done with your birthday date. Ask the student if any of them know what
timeline is. Then explain to them that timeline is graphic representations of the
chronology of events in time. Then what is chronological means? Chronology is
an arrangement of events or dates in their order of occurrence; which event
comes first and which one comes later.
Stephani Anugrahman
35 minutes Grade 3

10 Developing the Lesson

mins 1. Example of Timeline:
a. [Optional] If the time is enough, teacher can show the students the timeline
using rope and clothes pin [Materials and procedures are attached in
preparation section]. One clothes pin represents a particular year. Arrange the
teachers family timeline on it and ask students to determine to which side
of the timeline that shows events that happen earlier.
b. [MUST DO] Teacher will show them the timeline template that they will use
to make their family timeline. Model them how to make the timeline based on
teacher family history. The timeline will start from when the oldest family
members (from their extended family) was born to when the youngest
family members born or to their latest important event (like if there is a
family members who passed away recently or their moving day to
15 2. Steps to Make a Timeline: Teacher can explain those 4 steps of making timeline
mins while giving the example:
a. Choose your starting point and ending point
b. Identify which are the important events in your family. Highlight/circle/
underline all years mentioned in your family history paragraph. [Suggest the
students to underline birth dates and other events with different colors.
Birth dates will be the most important one in this lesson]
c. Plot all birth dates chronologically (from the earliest to the latest) on the
d. Add the rest of events that are highlighted/circled/underlined with different
color. Draw some picture that can help them understand the timeline.
3. Make Your Own Family Timeline: Ask the students to give thumbs up if they
have understood about the instruction, then give them the timeline sheets and
ask them to take 2 crayons with different color. Ask them to start working on it by
referring to their family history paragraph.
3 mins Closing the Lesson
1. Review New Vocabularies: Ask them to stop working and keep their timeline for
working on it next time. Gather students to sit on the carpet and review the
students about two new words that they have learn for today:
a. Timeline
b. Chronological
Formative Assessment Differentiation

1. Making their own timeline based on the 1. The Rope and Clothes Pin model can
teacher examples and layout. help the visual learners understand more.
2. Teacher can help those who are
struggling at making the timeline.
3. Students who have done their timeline
can add more events that they think is
important OR draw some small
pictures that represent the events that
Stephani Anugrahman
35 minutes Grade 3

happen in their timeline for each of the



1. Word Definition:

2. Steps to Make Timeline (Adopted from):

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