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fr. oTkd S. s6sgd,

trdq, 6Ed
qtffc , 011-26131498
ffg : chairman@aicte-india'org
(Ministry of Hurmn Resource Development Cio\rt cf lrdh)
Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kuni, New Delhi - 110067
Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, Phone : 01 1-26131498
E-mail r chairman@aicte-india'org

F. N o. 1- 29lC M / NCr E I 2017 I Ot-O2-2017

Date: 02-02-2017

The Directors/Principals of all AICTE Approved

Notes on
Students on Developing Innovative concept
Sub: National Level competition for Engineering
Accessible Technologies'
universal Accessible Design in Built Environment,

Dear Sir/Madam,
rn'ble Prime Minister to highlight the
"NationalAccessiblelndianCampaign"hasbeeninitiatedbyH( India"
technologies relevantto India under "start-Up
need for innovative ideas to develop designs and
,,National Level competition for engineering students oh developing
ln this connection, an online
Design in Buirt Environment, AccessibreTechnologies"
innovative concept notes on Universar Accessibre
The ToP concept Notes from each
shall be held by cBR NETWORK in collaboration with SVAYAM'
in 3rd week of April' 2Ot7' A copy of the STAND-
unr,nu.r,n, disciplihe shall be given awards in Delhi
eligibility criteria, methods of participation etc'
INDIA letter containing details about the competition,
enclosed for your ready reference'

With Regards
Yours SincerelY
[Science &Technologies on Accessible Needs of persons with Disabilities]

National Level Competltion for Engineering Students On Developing lnnovative Concept Notes On Universal
Accessible Design in Built Environment, Accessible Technologies.

Accessible Architecture, Accessible Transportation

Accessibility can be viewed as the "ability to access" and benefit from some system or entity. The concept
focuses on enabling access for people with disabiiities, or special needs, or enabling access through the use
of assistive technology; however, research and deveiopment in accessibility brir-rgs benefits to everyone'

Accessibility is not to be confused with usability, which is the extent to which a product fsuch as a device,
service, or environment] can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness,
efficiency and satisfaction in a specilied context ofuse.

Accessibility is strongly related to universal design, which is a process ofcreating products that are usable, by
people with the widest possible range of abilities, operating within the widest possible range of situations.
This is about making things accessible to all people [whether they have a disability or notJ.

The CHAPTER B of Rights of persons with disabilities ACT that was passed in the winter session of Indian
parlianier.rt in 2A1"6 has intrclduced a mandatory clause on accessibility. RPD ACT 2016 states that it is the
duty and responsibility of the appropriate governments to ensure the following:
I. nLLt)) '^'"^-.^.^^rt.
LU ll dtr)PU
2. Access to information and communication technology.
3. Mandatory observance of accessibility norms.
4. Time limit for making existing infrastructure and premises accessible and action for that purpose.
5. Time limit for accessibility by service providers.

Research needs in developing ttniversal design

"National Accessible India Campaign" initiated by the Hon'ble prime Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi ji
highlights the need for innovative ideas to develop designs and technologies relevantto India under "Start Up
India' Abhiyan. We are all aware accessibility is the key to inclusion and equal access for people with
disabilities. An accessible barrier-free environrnent is the first step towards fttlfilling the right of people with
disabilities to participate in all areas of community life. )ur engineers have an important role to play in
developing innovative designs relevant to Indian context as well for applications in other countries.

The focus areas chosen by the Accessible Indian campaign is to create an enabling and barrier free
environment, with a focus on three verticals:
1,. Built Environment;
2. Public Transportation and Information
3. CommunicationTechnologies.

The Concepts from students shall be based on the three verticals. In addition we wish to add:
' "Digital accessibility -Universal design"
. Accessible working environments in rural and urban areas,

National level concept note competition on accessible design

The idea of organizing national level competition of concept notes on ideas building and sharing stems from
the need to find locally appropriate solutions to develop our country barrier free and accessible to every
person.'l'hese concept notes helps further to develop into research and start up India initiatives.
guidelines) on the website exclusively designed
Student can upload the concept notes {following the
Students will be provided resource
for this purpose. There is no entry fee to join itre competition'
designs to help them to develop high quality concept
materials/videos, PPTs on universal accessible
the notes and give ranking score to all concept notes
notes. A panel of iudges will evaluate concept
based on the following criterion:
I. Innovation and originalitY
II. Relevance to Indian context
IIl. Cost effectiveness and opportunity to scale up
IV. Quality of technical knowledge

Key features of the online competition:

in addition to the active
also extend financial support to implement this programme
on universal desigr1 and accessibility, to
z. A dedicated website is createcl to access resource materials
concept notes to evaluate on give ranking' announcement of
submit concept notes, expert panel to access
3.Ateamofeminentiurymembersshallgivearankingtoa|lconceptnotesfrom6engineering &
Electrical -Electronics-Computer Science- Architecture'IT]
disciplines fcivil-lviechanical
eminent NGOs.
development etc shall be
4. The other disciplines of engineering, education, and health, rural
included in the future competitions'
5. All participants shall be giver.r ranking and certificate'
panel of experts
NETWORK. The top concept notes from each engineering
disciple chosen by the
shall be given awards in i function in Delhi in the 3" week of
April 2017'All students who
ranking' All
particip;te shall be a given a certificate of participation with their respective
top awardees from different engineering
concept notes shall be uploaded on the weLsite. The
invited to come to Delhi to receive the award from the
discipline from differeti shall be
consist of a citation and memento'lYayarn Foundation shall publish
dignitaries .The award shall
the innovative concept notes'

Please note:
Dares: 1-2-20 17 to t0-3-2017
Free Registration:
Who can ParticiPate?
Any student stuiying in 5ft-Bs Semester studying in Technical /engineering
colleges apProved by AICrE
l I
How to submit? not-l
grotlp concept notes. ['l'he grouP should
Student can choose to submit individual concept note or
exceed 10 students Per grouP)

For more iuformation and registration:

l.Please visit website:
http; /f stqndindia.ccrlrI
Needs of persons with DisabilitiesJ
[science &Technologies on Accessible
Stand lndia app
l:-L*:-il/ilx{r,qIg*ill$.t"tt 4U please foilow beliw'
STAI,iD lndia ?{}17 l.o,u,rrI norr availahle on ipomo. To access on mobile,
App Store
3. Download tfo-o ^pp from Google Playstore or Apple [http:l/bit']vlzij\A?-7N J

4. Join @standindiaZ017 room

We h3ve created ieparate rooms for each universiw and e4gineering colleges which allows to students froln
respgctive colleges to submit concept notes.

2. Contact Dr Indumathi Rao or Mr Shashidhar Kashyap - 9880618880 or 9738712009

3. Send email to ideasEa*efw*rk?SXS@g:x;rii-cErxn


b u cb:S.J {r tttl.op lS"

cc m

Ii:t i:i:iiSiii: - Associate Member Rehabilitation Intentational-Member.
i",.:t:*:.:li.:::.!'-,t: 1:-.,rr-*$ 1;.:
Global Partnership for Disability and Development
734,1st Block, 6th Main, BSK III Stage
Karnataka India
0 09 1.-80-267 2 4221., 2 67 2427 3
ideasianetwork2 S13 @gmail.con:
h rtrr : / /r,yrr."vr'. i -a d d.l c-! /
Gp,Iji+i-li- i:i-.Iief

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