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Ali Almosawi

John Overton High School

November 2016


Should abortion be legalized?

Word count:


Should Abortions Be Legalized

Should an innocent baby be punished for his mothers poor actions? Well, many are

being punished in the process of abortions. The fight against abortion has been going on for

hundreds of years, but no one is stepping up to do anything to change it. No man or woman

should decide in matters of life or death for the life of an innocent human being. The only result

of an innocent death should be natural cause. Abortions, when the womans life is not

threatened, should always be illegal no exceptions. No one other than god should decide who

lives and who dies. Research has shown that many abortions have been performed for sex

choice, reluctantly, without full disclosure, and without parental agreement. These could have all

been prevented by the mother. The mother should take consequence of her actions, rather than

kill and innocent that is coming from haven. Even in rape cases, abortion is not the best choice,

the baby shouldnt be blamed for his dads actions, nor is blaming and taking a preborn life is

right. Blaming the innocent unborn and taking his life away just so the mother can find closure is

not a mature choice. Although there is a lot of evidence defending both sides of the argument, the

cons compensate the pros to legalize abortion in the United States.

If rape was an acceptation for abortion then many problems would have been faced by

telling the difference between a rape victim and liars. Making a woman prove she was raped just

in order to qualify for an abortion would be horrifying. There will surely be woman with her

mind set on an abortion would fake a rape incident just to get what her mind is set on. Many

women will accuse the incident of rape just to get out of the problem they got themselves in. This

would also cause great damage to the real rape victims. Allowing a fetal deformity exception for

abortion is like acting like God and deciding which lives are not worth living .Even if that was

the case no human being should have the choice of deciding whose life is worth living. It is cruel
to kill and take the life of a human being for not being perfect. If it isnt for the handicapped

there would not be a society as good as one we have now a day. Many in the United States are

defective before birth, but still live a long heathy life and also give to society improving it. No

one should have control over who dies and who lives other than god, no matter what color what

race, religion or kind

Abortion is an issue that has, and more than likely always will be a controversial subject.

The reasoning for this is because not everyone lives the same type of lifestyle, and most people

who are against it, tend to be people who have never been in or have known someone who has

been in a situation where they genuinely know that having that child has zero positive outcomes.

On the other hand, that doesnt mean that people should just act recklessly and then use abortion

as birth control. It is something that should only be used in a case of stuck between a rock and

hard place emergencies. Another issue tends to be the issue of religion. And this is where the

people with the strongest feelings against the topic come from. Understandable to an extent

because their religion has taught them their whole lives that abortion is a completely

unforgivable sin. The issue is with that factor though is, that America was created to be for

people to have freedom, and one of the most important reasons people moved here was to have

freedom to believe in whatever they want. So if peoples only reasoning against abortion is

because it is against their religion, it isnt a valid argument.

Abortion is something that should be handled on a case to case basis, but also, it is

something that if it is being considered, they should have to at least defend their reasoning in

front of a court. Sometimes just hearing it out loud in front of other people will be enough to

make them change their decision. It should also be kept in mind, that if people really dont want

the child, just because its not legal, doesnt mean they wont still find a way to get rid of it. The
only difference is instead of it being done safely and controlled by the government, it will be

done in unhealthy and unlawful ways. Just because abortion is legal, doesnt mean it is morally

right. It is just a subject that the world will never be able to agree on.

Another issue that always comes up is what to do in the situation of rape. Should the woman be

forced to raise a child and have to see the face the man that destroyed her life in the child every

day. And should the kid have to grow up with a mother who will never be able to fully love him?

People think rape is something that only effects the mother. Its hurts the kids just as much.

imagine growing up knowing your whole life that your father was a rapist. just imagine the

embarrassment when their friends start asking him why their dad isn't around. Imagine growing

up you're whole life with the guilt that you are the product of your mothers worst nightmare.

And even worse, imagine growing up thinking that because your dad was that way, that you are

going to be that way too. And then it gets on to the topic of is it just producing more people with

the genes to be bad people like that.

Many would agree that there are tons of people that just should never have kids and sure as

heck shouldnt be parents. Not having parents that are prepared to be parents puts the child at an

extreme disadvantage in life from the very start of it. People underestimate all that you need to

do to raise a good child that will do good in society. Whether they like to admit it or not, kids are

always going to be a product of their raising, And of course, there are always some exceptions,

but for the most part, its almost cruel to start a new person in this life without giving them the

things that they need to succeed.

Another large section of people that get abortions is teenagers who got pregnant in college, high

school, and even middle school. now, just take five seconds, to step back, and think about what
you were like at age 13. Is there any way in the world you would have been able to raise a child?

Of course not! You are no where near even being raised yet yourself! And the same applies to

kids in high school. At that point in your life, you have no money of your own, no official proof

of education until you get a diploma, and good grief, you have never even experienced what real

life is like outside of the walls of your high school. You have never had to work a serious job,

make hard decisions on your own, make sacrifices, nothing. If you havent experienced life

yourself, how in the world do you expect to be able to teach your kids to be able to. We want to

be producing kids for the next generation that will be able to benefit our society as it moves

forward, not have to struggle through it and just learn how to survive instead of live.

People make abortion an extremely personal topic, but realistically, you have to look at it as how

it effects society as a whole. Some believe abortion should be legal because there are certain

people that as a society we just dont want to reproduce, and continue the genetics that create

addicts and murderers and rapists. This is of course an extremely harsh extreme of this view, but

to a lesser extent, many people really do feel this way. Its just not meant to be personal, Its

meant to be realistic. There are billions of people on this earth, and if a tiny percent of all of

these people feel that they need an abortion, its not like it is making a large dent in the

population. It just mean less people will be put into this world at a disadvantage, it is just simply

not fair to them. these people feel that all people should be born into this world with parents who

are in a place where they are able to love, nurture, educate, and provide their child like they

deserve to be.

On the other hand though, life isnt perfect, and sometimes, just because you were born in a bad

situation, doesnt mean you're always incapable of making a better future for yourself. The

difference is you will just have to work much harder to be able to get level with the people who
were raised by people who already were told by their families how to be successful and happy in

life, where as these kids will have to work harder to figure it all out on their own. But, this is not

a reason that makes it okay to all people to not have your child, it is simply just a factor that the

child is going to have to either use to his advantage, or let it destroy them.

Knowing that you are an inconvenience to your parents, is the source of many emotional and

psychological problems for kids who have parents who werent ready to have them. It is the

cause of many abandonment issues. It is also often times what causes people to become very

attention seeking, typically because they do not always tend to get enough of it at home.

So lets say a kid gets adopted by this amazing family, do not let it fool you, that does not mean

things are going to be any greener on their side of the grass. Many adopted kids have just as hard

of a time. People severely underestimate the effect growing up with people who have the same

blood as you has on people. They are the only people on earth who literally understand exactly

how you think and this is because half of you is their genes. Now imagine growing up in a family

where even though they might be great people, they just are nothing like you and cant relate to

you. This is an issue for many adopted children. They grow up feeling very alone and genuinely

thinking they are too different to belong anywhere. Of course, this does not always apply, but it

is also something everyone should take into consideration.

People are very quick to put their foot down and decide they are firmly for or firmly against

abortion. Whether each side likes it or not though, it is a subject that has severely negative effects

on both ends of the argument. That is why even to this day, americans views are still split almost

straight down the middle. According to Gallup's annual Values and Beliefs survey, 46% of

americans side with pro-choice, and 47% side with pro-life. That is remarkably close, which of

course is why is is by far the most complex and morally challenging subject our generation faces
in modern politics. Times are changing, and so are the situations people are put in. But does this

mean that what people have always believed in is something that must change too? This is the

real question that every current political social issue boils down to. When the people can answer

that question, they will be able to know the right ruling for almost every social issue. Now, the

only issue, is trying to find the answer to that question.

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