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BIBLIOTHECA INDICA: (oLLEcTION oF PRrENTAL Works ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, Naw Series, No, 1408, A BILINGUAL INDEX NYAYA-BINDU. sarafaeg | Rape S580] ISIRWILLAMJONES| IMDCCXLVI-MDCCXCN} Manananorapmrava SATIS, CHANDHA VIDYABHUSANA, M.A, Pu. Principal, Sanatris Celle, Cotte: PhblogialSertry, Anite Sotety of moat: ad Fellow of the Caleatta Univer. caLourra PREFACE. The present volume contains an Index of Sanskrit and ‘Tib- otan words occurring in the original text of the Nyaya-bindu and its Tibetan version respectively. ‘To enable scholars to interpret, accurately the technical philosophical words in Sanskrit and ‘Tibetan, I have taken great pains to show the mutual correspon dence between words of the two languages as used in the two texts of the Nyaya-bindy. ‘Tho Nyaya-bindu was a stranger to Brihmanic India until it was discovered among the palm-leaf manuscripts preserved in the Jaina temple of Santinatha, Cambay, and published in the Bibliotheca Indica series of Calcutta under the editorship of Professor P. Peterson in a.v. 1889. ‘The Tibetan version which existed in the Tangyur (Mfdo, Ce, leaves 347-355) has been pub- lished in the Bibliotheca Buddhica series of St. Petersburgh (Petrograd) under the editorship of Professor F. J. Sherbatski. ‘Tho Index presented herewith is based upon the Sanskrit text of the Nyaya-binda as edited by Professor Peterson as also on the ‘Tibetan version as edited by Professor Sherbatski. Professor Peterson lias also edited a Sanskrit commentary on the Nyaya-bindu called Nyaya-bindu-tiki by Dharmottartciryya, while Profossor Sherbatski has edited the Tibetan version of it. A bilingual Indox of this commentary is under preparation. Another edition of the ‘Tibetan version of the Nyaya-bindu together with the commentary of Vinita-dova has lately been pub- lished in the Bibliotheca Indica series of Calcutta under tho odi ship of Professor Louis De Ln Valleo Poussin of Ghent, Belgium. While engaged in preparing my Index I was informed that Profes- sor Sherbatski was publishing a new edition of the Sanskrit Nyaya- it to Calcutta in 1911, the Professor very kindly asked mo to publish my Index of the Nyaya-binda in the Bibliotheca Buddhica series of St. Petersburgh When I was expecting Professor Sherbatski’s Sanskrit edition and making arrangements for sending the copy of my Index to St, Petersburgh, the great European War broke outon the Ist August 1914, and I iv PREFACE. was obliged to abandon the project of having my work published in the Bibliotheca Buddhica series. ‘The Council of the Asiatic Society of Bengal having kindly agreed to include my aforesaid Index in the Bibliotheca Indica series, I bring out the present edition without farther delay. Sanseert Couteak, Cavcorta. The sth Ontsan 1918, § Satis Cianuea Vinrannusans. INTRODUCTION. ‘Tho Nyiya-binduy, called in Tibeton Rigs-pabi-thigs-pa is » most abstruse work on Buddhist Logic. It is divided into threo chapters dealing respectively with (1) perception (warm SEAN), (2) inference for one’s self ( @tabgart S575} 54 FEN TST) and (3) inference for the sake of others ( wxrafgarn SQA SAA Estey SFIS) . ‘Tho Nyaya-bindu is a work of Dharmakirti (SSQ5) who, besides this work, wrote a number of excellent treatises on Logic such as Pramina-virtika-kariké, Prambua-vartika-vrtti, Pramfna- viniécaya, Hetubiudu-vivaraya, Vada-nyaya (or Tarka-nyaya), Santandntara-siddhi, Sambandha-pariksl and Sambandha-parikel- vrtti, None of these treatises is now available in Sanskrit but the ‘Tibetan versions of all of them are preserved in the Tangyur, Mdo, Ce. ‘The colophon to the Pra SRST ANANSI AQT IN | wR Tg yges! SIGS EA THATS BATT AGT ETS gregaprasrs® Fesrgerges TAS RAE THAT IITA SES ae] (Wangyur, Mdo, Ce, leaf 258). Nykyacbind, -vartika-karika runs as follows:— “Here is finished the Pramanavartika-kirika. which is a work: of & family of the Decean, who exposed largely the errors of all the vicious toxts (of the Tirthi- ” iwrropverion. kas), whose fame filled tho entire earth and who as a grent sage hhad no rival.” Lama Téranitha, in his History of Indian Buddhism called “ Chos-byni,” ! says that Dharmakirti, ac- cording to all accounts of earlier sages, was born in the south in the kingdom of Cidamani which he identifies with Trimalaya. Dharmakirti, whose father was a ‘Tivthika of the Brahmana caste, was well versed in the Vedas, Vedaiigas, art of healing, ote. By occasionally attending lectures of the Buddhist preachers, le was so much impressed with the purity of Buddhism that he became a convert to it. He came to Magadha where he was reosived into the fraternity of Kearyya Dharmapila. Gradually he attained to groat proficiency in the three Pitakas and knew in all 500 sitras and dharanis by héart. According to some ‘Nbetan authorities Dharmakirti was a nephew of Kumérila Bhatta the great philo- sopher of the Mimirbsi school. “Though ‘Tarénitha does not attach much value to he affirms that Dharmakirti lived in disguise for a long time with Kumarila from whom he acquired all the secret doctrines of the Brahmanas. ‘Tradition goes so far as to say that Kumirila, being defeated by Dharmakirti in a debate, adopted the Buddhistic faith at the last stago of his life. ‘This tradition is recorded not only in the “Chos-bymi” but is repeated also in the ‘Dpag-bsam-jon-bsais” as follows -— RASA 9 Ser sere gar fer ARR rag esree ANKEN ERA GQ gaa Agah gsr sareagtgyge gsc BRATS (pag: bsam-ljon-bzaii, edited by Sarat Chandra Das, p. 106). Life of Dharma-kirt. Dhecmakirti and “Upon this Kumirila was enraged and appeared with 500 attendants for debate. Being defeated ho with his attendants became, in pursuance of his extraordinary pledge, followers of Buddha.” Dharmakivti farther withstood the Nirgranthas, Rahuvratin ‘and others, who lived within the range of the Vindhya mountains. While sojourn- ing there he was invited by a neighbouring king who as a token of honour had the following inscription recorded at his gato:— appear RW | yaa pargererg] Sargnerspy Mayes A | Harare gery AA ACS |] (Dpag-bsam-Ijon-bzai, p. 108). Dharmakint's triamph, “If Dharmakirti, the sun among dispntants, sets and his doctrines sleep or die, the false doctrines of the Tirthikas will then rise.” Returning to the south Dharmskirti challenged by criers those who were ready for debate. ‘The majority of the Tirthikas fled ; and some actually confessed that they were not equal to the fight. After defeating all ‘als in the Deccan and some parts of Northern India, he, towards the end of his life, built a monas- tery in the land of Kalifiga where he died Dharmakirti was a contemporary of the ‘Tibetan King Srof- san-sgam-po, mud must therefore have fed early in the 7th century A.v. This is borne out by the fact that he was a pupil of Dharmapala who rotired from the university of Nalanda by a.v. 635, when Silabhadra was at the hend of the univ Hwen-thsang, who visited Kauéimbi in Decomber, 4.0. 636, found there the ruins of a monastery where Dharmapala had refuted the arguments of the heretics. It seems that in 4.0. 635 Dharmakirti was very young as Hwon-theang does not mention him. On the other hand Itsing, who travelled over India during a.n. 671-095, declares eloquently how Dharmakirti “ made further development in Logic alter Dignaga.”! ‘Ago of Dharmakirti. 1 Lame 1 tha’s Geschichte dee Baddbiamus von Sobiefver, pp. AT5-185. 1 ftaing translated by Takakasa, pei viii inrnopvorion. Dharmakirti, whose avowed intention was to support Dignaga, did not sometimes rofrain from opposing him, Dignaga in his Nyiya-pravesa! men- tions a fallacy called the “ contradiction of the middle term to the real major term” ( murataaa, Zr AEAGT RFS ARTY YTASGTA) and another called tho “con- tradiction of the middle torm to the implied major term ” ( =~ fraraafiex Seren gay yess sya Ni ‘The first fallacy is illustrated as follows :— Sound is eternal, Because it is a product of effort. Here there is contradiction between “product of effort” which is the middle torm and “eternal” which is the real major term, and therefore the reasoning is fallacious. ‘An illustration of the second fallacy is given below :: comeat ting The oes ete are for tho uso of another, Goniraton oft Because they are composite thinge, Tiocus, ““*ieFtt Tie w bed, seat, eto. Here the major term “another” is ambiguous in as much as it may signify either a composite thing (eg. the body) or » non composite thing (e.g. the soul). There would be a contradiction hatwaen the middlo farm and the major term if the word “another” were used by the speaker in the senso of non-composite thing, but understood by the listener in the sense of a composite thing. This reasoning which involves a “contradiction of the middle term to the desired or implied major term,” is fallacious. Dharmakirti in his Nyaya-bindu* does not recognize this second fallacy in as much as it is, in his opinion, included in the first, A word, which is the major term of a proposition, can as such admit of only one meaning, and if there is ambiguity between the meaning expressed and the meaning implied the real meaning is to be ascortained from the context? Dhsrmakicti opposer Diguiga, Contradiction of tho middle term to the real major torm. 1 Tangy, Mo, Ce, eat 186. * Npiyebinda, ASB, Chap. II, pp. 118.116 nvrnopucrion, + ix Digniga! mentions yet another fallacy called the “non-erratie Non-erratio etadiction, contradiction” (fawztatiarét Qajarg’ ASTABNE) which he includes among the “ fall tainty.” Tt takes place when two contradictory conclusions are supported by what appear to be vi A Vaigegika philosopher say: Sound is non-eternal, Because it is a product of uncer- reasons, e.g. asa replies:— Sound is eternal, Because it is audible, ‘The reasons employed in the nbove cases are supposed both to be correct according, respectively, to the tenets of the Vaiseq and Mimatnsi schools, but as they lend to contradictory conelu- sions they are uncertain and as such fallacious. Dharmakirti in the Nyiya-bindu® rejects this fallacy of # non- erratic contradiction,” on the gronnd that it does not arise in connection with inference and is not based even on the seriptnre, ‘A reason or middie term, which is valid, must stand to the major term in the relation of identity, causality or non-perception, and must lead to correct conclusion. ‘Two conclusions which are con- tradictory eannot therefore be supported by reasons which are valid. ‘Two different sets of scripture too cannot be of any help n the establishment of two contradictory conclusions inasmuch ripture cannot override perception and inference, and is anthoritative only in the ascertainment of supersensuons objects, ‘The non-erratio contradiction is therefore impossible. Uddyotaknra, a Brahmapic logician and anthor of the Nyaya- iarmativts ana tatagor. Yartika, quotes Dharmakirti’s definition of kart evitcie ech other a proposition ( RFRST SBTEISR ) froin tho 1d discusses at length the Bud- ‘Vada-vidhi* (same as Vada-nyaya) 1 Nyiya-pracinin the Tenge, Mio, Co lent 16 # Nigel, Chap 1, p16 2 eet refed stant sfaatfe ofereecr nt: UNsipnevariea, 138, 121, ASM). 2 Geanceueage gage ge | © (videsnsipa in the Tangy, Mao, Co, lon 390). Ahist definition! of addhya (major term). Dharmakirti in the ‘Nyaya-bindu defends his own position against the attack of Uddyo- takara who is designated as aSastrakira.t ‘There is no doubt that Uddyotakara and Dharmakirti wore contemporaries and that the Vada-nyaya preceded the Nyaya-vartika which was followed by the Nyaya-binda. Sansxer Conroe, Carcorr ‘The 15th October, 1010, $4718 Canna Vaprannosaxa, 1 Nyévartiba, 1:29, pp. 116-121, ASB hanya” of anineyn” a fllowa— wetia fafa swafire: whic | sequreigeri sraerensecren he above ‘Tibetan version se RTOS Fy ER egmsRynekwaa | nF qa'&age Bargaqrge: Rargepranrsranara® |) (Pramipa-ramncenrn, Chap. UE, in Tangyar, Mo, Ce, pp. 1-18) # Myiya-binde, Chap. IE, pp 10.201 A BILINGUAL INDEX OF NYAYA-BINDU. SANSKRIT WORDS WITH TIBETAN PQUIVALENTS. a a ai wl Aw ue Aes OG Rees ARR, UE VUE we RRR RRR ARR we qe eee we Ron ROB, RU ULE Rey OG ULE wee a TSA R ao RS weary were yardigy: Saercraigs RRacngyardigel gesardiges ary Bye Aare) abs aes ahaa = a weit aa wfercrry wnat. er. arndtore wnt... anat: wat anit: amatta ... waren... faa afia SANSKRIT WORDS WITH TINETAN EQUIVALENTS SB we nt en FORE ee SRR ae + URIS UE PORE ae Ce . aR ay + aRar§ » AR . arsige's . ABN REC RARE . S52 . Rergeys) + RITES . Eergyaaysays + BR (gen) ARABS! (gen.) ARABNA (Gon. . BRSBsrass aRaparPTay _ aRTARS . SK Sercrat . Ry Rarcrardigst RRA ayaa aaa aaray A BILINGUAL INDEX OF NYAYA-RINDU. 3 afta... afaaa ... afraa ... afrras afrcrert afarrat afte afare aa wait vaguatay wqyafat agratar equator sig equa: agueait ssquvait aqueant eg aenT + REED ARE LOR 2 ee 2 Oe Loe SMe ORR RE ae LO BW + nt SRR RB Red AG Rey ek RB, RRL Be Rereh5 Reereraa ReqaK§ avagers ATASAVRN ayaseras Rayya agers age arcs, ays BRR RSagS BraRaprerg RagRaprs Sep gS SQN gae Safar Fa Srsfiqpreray Seger ary, rsRapsrest Srspaary agra... saree agra. aaatait aq win sterfos atanfermt: eae oncitg sorviiarg vo SANGRRET WoRDS WITH TINETAN BqUHEALeNS Rs Safir aR Srsfiqera, ae Sys fiqqsrarsqyay are Esrgagys AS Berg aerts3 qe Bergagaras eRe R, — ESrA RAST we ww Brgy Lem Baregrseryay qe Esrgyssey sre veo Ergyayaga qe Esrgrgceq aN ga§, are ae] Ww Rsrg wR 5K (inate) eee ayenye ABATE! we Reever] Rew, Rok aS) RL ANA RR aryagah ga 48, UE ae oa wa aa wau aaa way wie wat ways staary wife... A oInENoUSL IxDEX oF X¥RVAMNDE qe REBAR A qe ROH RE ue yen ue MEL OS ane we we ae wee we aR Le LBUEG REPAY WB UB ASS APG ROD, LOE, ARAL RS, ARG AE we ve aay mata araiFRTaS ar y4 aT sara 1584 Esrgaays argaysay Berga BAN AIRS (sen) sapere, agers, we 6 SANSKRIT WonDs WITH TIBETAN EQUIVALENTS, atfga wee wits enters onfore safer anette anefiie afate suehiaras wa eure erry wprraiq waratg sofiraran sfrma wee SRR ee Rea, Reg Ree Ro ERE US we 7 OMe + RB ROG REG RUBE wee Qe + ee POR ee + tee + ROM ROG ROS, RRR Rods RoE RR, we + MEA Lowe SRK oe asa ere aA ate Fayreraig ageraagad agers aaryareggay Ryrsegareygag Bsryaipraryer yyy aRA ssfirara afirena was wat... seater... warty squat. wafer ... adfmarerae ota: se Re CS PORES ORE qed POR ae ue a er PR ae Ee A AE RoW, LOG NA RRB ae RR ROB, eds ROE ROS, URL, AU GUS PRR UR. yee. FRM SOR RG ARR ay RT argc, Satya Biasrerast Raragaag gas paras 35 aragers RErarss garagardisci Bx ag aay a wafea ... afanm ... afraart afeaa afeaz ... atta atau wafata wafate ‘eufatfaa: wafer safrent sever... SANSKRIT WORDS WETH TIBETAN. rQUIVALENTS ae qk Ae ae we aoe ue Ae RR RR Seed aya Rggasray Ryeyergd PRATT ARS wats carey ARATE! araraagas ail geree Rraspra gararsy aay AARC 35 mysaga Breas Revers Srageres Fragprersg agg argce agererardige wera mew. wafaura ae \ MIGINGUAL, IupeNX OF NyATASRENDT ® Ree UE Res ALE ee oe Ee Reeve we Re8, RR WE wR RR wee ROB LES RAE ee RRR UR Re me Reds AR Rea wee wR co) ARR RR aye aged ae BRS aRaR aR age eabbal age ag RGanq 0 SANSMMEF WoKDS ITH THHATAN WatTivanmNTs A miuanuuat, tsa om N¥AYA-tOMD n Sr RR ce et RTE stm... ORR en seer 55 warm ae STARR Whe Re RE mnt aRTAITS afezery OS CO LY , wife ce Re Ree tes, | ATRIAL r VERS ene ae ARB AAG NRE, afe® .. ORB ARE ne EMITS as wfe®: ... weeene Ragas BX ! wre RRR RRS, RISER 2 ue x. ws oe we Ne ee ane RPSTENRY wee RF oar . we y are. oe REAR ALR, arena, wa eR AR Re wa. Rh RG | wae ee ee ARNE SperNRAAN ET AT RE eR af Ree Garren apse are arSasr2t a wae Re RTE, srr HAG RS, TSR | eR a UR oe RAISER RAIA ue i = sufern qe. ars \ cama. AR aR ~ oo ae wee wee \ (instr.) arena... VSR SERS avai we aya . , wa RR z aay OR . ge #5 i We wor RRO eae eee a aes ae RM ve BBFEIA (nom) RT Re Led we AO are we UR RY wry ARG URAL, ARS] ; ~ = Ute | aif A BRR we Td wafer... RRR Wee oR at RR RA RES AR AUK, BRE RRR RE yew ROSNER, ARE OR ae 4 ayn Say Fare rae FRGrgT Ty Fag as qerereg arrest agg aerga ages aang auger gta xfa fa efe xf Bo co re refered od A uMnasanat, fins. OF NTAYA-BINDE Is ORR RRR ARE + RM RG ROS, RE RGA BAB ARE ALS RE + RES RS AL PRR ae + MPRA ued FRR we ARRAY UE Ree RRR RUG URE cto SORE ae Reds ROG Re, Rae UE RE RR RL LORE ee arg avg aegryss Garg ars Rgcerg aac aA aR any anya Rtas aR a ARR era SY aa gS ais as abe h 4 SANSKRUP WORDS WITH THHETAN RQUivAlo gw Soe aC a LOR = ARR RRS Lek ue ORR 7 7k ye RE RRR 2 ORE Oe Loe A soe wR FRR Res, tee, @ ada 2 al ppbbateageraaaaaga WHA AVES aygTS iG Fert Reergy wo grag aay 4 AA RgRtral guersal et agAaN ABA e is = aa ay am gacaqa went: warm. aq. eqrantt ware wamfar suerfay suena sama... woeat saat... yma ... A nakaNGuah, (NPR WF WYRYASHINDE Le + RH RLS 2 RE wes 2 ue acs 1s Re AO we SaaSty ae re LS Rees Rea, Regs RoE ROS Rs RRs Ae + Res hee en FOR RES AR AML ake Ee RES RR RU geaa gs RR es ayes Sparel NS aay Faseyay AAaare) aR aR aga = Faasrg Rar sReway SRT RRNA, SRST! SRayrerages SAARI Saar ORR cs Qe RR Qe LORS RE are UR: + RRR zl Ree zl REE RAL RRR, ae Rees te ARS UL ARR ute Re LORE Ho aay sRayrs il aya Byss a5] sperm) spears ap apersrgrs en] om aa 75 asaya Basreaysy aRTeTS ae RR gon) 5 CATE AT ATT, a ua war g4a4 4 ua ai wate 1 Ee + RES ARE Lue FOR ae SOR LOE RB REE MS ane RRR RO SRB FOR Loge ae + RB RES Rey we ~ ROR ReB, Re, RGR SOB ae 2 MERGE + Ree RRS Lue ter 2 ORR Lok " Reeryaysa eX a" aes aan aap i ayy Fasceye aR Frames Fas 5 55 58 aan al arekegy Pehg5 SANSKRIT WORDS WITH TIBETAN RQUIVALENTS, a Se RO ae LR + RENE SR LR LR + RPS ARE + RPS RRB UE RRR = RRR + ROB ROG Res, ROE RRR qe ORR ee Ree, Rou, Red, Re ROS, Ree, RRB RUG, URE ROB, Rk ERT any se aA Oy ya rg rage gage aaa] sat aot Bags 3 a ayaa agsrg agers agers ager gh aRA Sap AN ae aan wa. way gente, atey whey A pILINOUAL INDEX OF NYAYA-BINDS. ORR ee + ROS, RE UE + ROE REE + REAR 2 ARGUE SRR 2 ke ee we ROE ae + ROB, RAL See Roe eRe ae oe we PORE ae ORR oe 2k PRR ae ARO 83g 3arcy gery grey gers’ aay Tags Ey aR aa RTA aa ear wa AMARA SRN afaa gS Fy rt aan dgR Rea 5 apy aren meet SANSKRIT WoRDs WITH TIBETAN EQUIVALENTS Roe te a Rees Nes RR ARE ULE a Re ae ROR NB Les RE RES, ey ae AE Rea, Rod, Ree, ROE ARG UR ARB RLY, UE yee ue ARG RR RR RR Wee BURR RR RRR wR ‘Sey ‘Seyygcasg9 gare aGarg are a Repirace}s§ Raw AaAGAR (nom) Sawraarges a1 ar Ws any afar RR we BVA, 7 ane a9 orera: us TAHA sngneita use BATTS gS forsafen vee Fares giyss aT ae aRGeA ae RRB RKe ABTA We eR Bask witfa: se ARS aR a] Ee tem, RF RE RR RRB ULE RE ae Remy AR Rac Ane HORNER AF RRS RRL UR, VES UG RE aq wee ROR ROS RB, AR BU AE FE ae ANS RAR ay vee Ree ax wee RB Rota ay aut aur wane. aat ager agafa .. aafaag .., SANSKRIT WORDS WEFH TIMKTAN mQUIVALENTS. SR ee + NE RR RE + RH LB LOS, AL ARs ORM RE ee RES ROE Ae, RRB AAG URE Ce ate Rees RRR Roane a en ARE ALE SRB ae + and so keR LOE RRR ae Ree RRA SOR Rhee RWW AE aa a4 Ray as ai 5585 5855 aya RRS we Wa... argiar aera areraar ara ii fafa vives saat A MILINGUAL DEDRX OF KYATA-DINDY. 28 ROH ROe an Re ee an oe ae ww He RE ae aC + MERE ORE ae Re. Rory, yds Rag Ragga Bae acagy gn § avg ash Faris, Aaperac Aaperaa agg a AISSTEL yrs aap a ast 5 ast aang SITET a5 Py wifey... abite ent... SANAKRET WORDS WITH TINETAN, RQUIVALENTS. eRe 2 ae oe HRW arnt LB oe 1 eB ee . ue ORR ee qe. RR LORE oe ARB oes RoR Rew ORR ee al LOR ee LR ee HORE ae 2 ES RE ae AIQSTSST ager eye aR AWA aya SATS srg ara, srry OF et ADEE Bs anes Rah RX 8 age aiea aT RAVER SS AYA gas Ban gyaa wifiay .. FUGUE shits OME ae xfits ORR efit ORE a an ue rem: LOE gem: aCe seamen: URS nee we LOE rer + RR RUE Foran LORE am LOHR a + ETRE ar RE see wom: ae w ae eit: PRE ee wt . te wt oan es with: ORE fe SOAR INLINGHAL INDEX. OP SYAYA-RINDD 25 AYR agg AIT, ayyerg RRS BSA SC asada) agyerasgea a ago 5a sPeagcg wey Hi Berergaiet coat apa Haya ABST Aapsrat aBsrapisray aps 5 SANSKRIT WoRDs WITH TIBETAN EQUIVALENTS, ee, wl ROBLES ALS AR RE ve Res WARE UR Rds Ros Les At Ree ae RB hee ue WR RG US 585 spay aypar EL apparel sparen apr avery anata, arerea5 aren aps 2 & 0 rays at ax 9g i a2 a on ay a a fe aerate ave ante afer afer afer faa fam. fame al RESALE ARE WU AE RB AR AER LG G RE AR RRR REE LLB, RG AREAS, RE RoR UL Re ARE AG LS LGUs RE NG RAL Ree Re RL ae UR AGRE ae ARR RRR a ads aay ardigzl R aga aS asigy ARR gS qarga ARR aN4 aa agen agg Rg A ares FA Frere Frevmatg free fav SaNskRIT WouDS WIT TINEYAN EQUIVALENT, ROH UE ee RE we ARR wm ARR ae we ue us AR aed we we Rou, tee. Ree Rees ARR see RM ARE Me Rare teres, agar aera aNeresyaay Agta aNarer ayia] agra ARSTAISAS, ARTA Ar ANTS SRS aay ABA SEAS TAS ay arg are = ayes Esra Ears fram... fasta... fafes ata aarafieg ... saat AT ws Ww 1 a wanerer: aaruiai ... m a OT wet wearing qe Rare aX ans Earax aoe Barc ye gare aaren' 58a BS Re q ae INGA MERE Rar Sars) Ae arg Are areca d5 a we RSL BAT AR Bap dig§ ze Re A ae Bares ged ARR SERIE] as kay we 3 sue aera we UR ayaa Rw FAaRersN ay 30 SANSKRIT WoRDs WHHL THWEtANe RQUIYALeNTS A mUIMGvAL INDRS. OF yKvAcRINDE al WEE a ARR eee pp SS ATSS] WATE nee ROU Ree | RATET MRM AM GF wart. wee ARE nee SVETRAT Pr ee TER | BRE RS aa we eR mB FATGSS t RET ae Roe gana weraige sat MTSE sfUe ARR spas 3541 Reyers, sam ee RRR APT WAGE Mee esrgrdg gy BARAT ae RMR ne RAVE WERT ete AQ afer... Sue ASNT WERT te BAT vuferaare COE BATRA ufewe RR ee MERTF wferre Re . eea We Rae wf Re BS WHT Re agar gc'sa, wfate a Rea Reuteg, | SETS were Eee agian ' WA oe we vee ARISTA Sree RR ee TAT SYS | WA ae RAL ARTEL ie a witfr ve ROG FEV (nom) Rem =a SSW ARG AS 8 \ WAR a Moe BSR Wey ee RR RATT ; BUT wa WRB, REFS e tena ARE we BR ROARK WT Re yay We RR eves sepgRR BU Ea ARTY, aa OR ne ERA WHE RR | WE ae UR HRT BF 2 SANSKRIT WoRD® STH TIMETAW RALIVALENTE, | A muxovaL inpax oF NvéYA.a1¥DU, a saaETe yee IA8 a auH aR ace va oe AR oe FR wee UR 2 RR | We RRR ee QRRTAL wie teeta i WET ae RD gered, wentarday RR ee GER al BAT a RR ROB R, BHR waa: RRR agear . RES AL RES ~ wafer we aya WAT Re aga g 35 _ ws ae “a we ARR aa ae geste ages BIBT ee 8 eee wa ee ES bel Rad tp wa 85 ata wee i wafer AGERE NAF waa cee Reon | a BEM gaverdigcisrs een “ we Ute ee ' wa. OS ae wees } wwe. RGAE ence ve RR | wa oe vee ROGUE WE NS wl i WMT ae Ro sr Ce anfeq yee saga a arerq ae SANSKRIT WoRDS WITH TIRBTAN EQUIVALENTS 1 Ae wee RR + ute wee RR aed wR UR ERAT AA RH wt a5 ue BSR qeyees oo. FSRTFS ad THF TES we Bara ve SaTan5 we aria wR. aA AU ages al we aga gs w ARK VR + a5 a n A pitanouat, tnDex OF NYZPA-HNDU, 35 ue Ces RR AE ne RR AR ee Lees Une we ve we + RAG RE Loe qe al ACORSURNCS RGAE WL e RRR aes Ree ROR RB ROS, REI G ars Sg jar qns aay xg aaa asad asa sigan acar ores aE aR adsl aesig ss SERRA (oom) aE SANSKRIT WORDS WITH TIORTAN EQUIVALENTS, + REG AOE 2 ARG RRS REE UR RB AG UG, ARE RH NG aye Lee RE ae Se PORE ae ao ARE oe SORE ee ERS see 2 ae ac + Red Se Ee] aes ee aca ARG Egan ERaerax gah aay ae a achpagab gg sas Bay iers Ean airs, aps spr BR Sree aeayA BTS, um ufer meat uf = = wu weg. a 4A aiuaxouaL rxDEX oF NvETA-tENDL, aw RRO vs RE ae SR os ue RR RRs Tvl ANS ac en + RRB RAG NLS POR we + ROB ROS ARR, RAGE RE SAM a en 2 ote Co + Ree as aq! & Ae BS eager Bd are eat ayaa AR ARVN Araya gee a ah aaa 55 Ea . Bae ye< § ya 8 sansunir words wer rinevAw equivAceyrs A suaxovan inose oF wrivA-piNDU 2 a aq 1 ORR ee BAT WOT RAL BAR Re RB ee RT meses Sn RE URE ERT WOT MR ae BARR | cS ST REE BERR R . AR Reve STRAIN FMT Re RATS AT aaa Qe BR coe ” OS AATSS AA ater LOR eae Reese aaa ou Raqgagecast aa RS a eqauitt qa Rapgayand WU ee RR eee aw foe RB ROS, BAST Fae RBH ROW Re, ARSE ROE ae FOR ae BARE we BABTF AG ee Ree RTS, FEE a RS ae RANTS FE ee Ree RRR a ! u RBS A 32 ae RRR 7 wee RRR ee aM 7% MBRUBUG FT A se APSR NG A Re REV AAG ALE TA Re SS | w ce AB ee ae TART UO TARR i Ae ERR BA RAT Ee SRRNG ante SRNR AVA wee te i afer ae Ae Rar aan gee ee Bap | AUP Re RAREST WT RR SR | fer UE ee AT 40 SANSKRIT WoxDS WITH TIDETAN QUIFALEN=E A-MUNGUAL INDRX OF NATA-tHNDE a femtg a SQFSTRRTAI fame oe Ree RR | APTA Fre ROR RRR we STAR ANT Se = Fare ae ROG RRR ARTA, bal ce ars | FR Re ERT FR a REI fee ae tek ee RAN FR RR ee RRB Prema a Qk ve aR RagarErS4 PN ee Bae Frematrent Qt + apraRagarerss > MES Reggae Bia fare Re . QRS] Frame RE ene Regge Beyergaor a Rea RRL Fram En Be RH FR ARR ee RTS Fede ahte ae... Rep RA SANG Fe RR ee RNAS Fanti se RM ee ARPS, frat Re . AERA fertiavar ee EargraapnQg fara... RRR RRR ae , * faata RR wa fee Re BASH] faefa We . Ryd PT agers | fata... we RB . BYAS5 feuia ApS fate... eee KeGees, FRA farang ... oe BAperaney wee ae | fate as BTA] Feumatq NRE ee mgprerdgn Bx | fe gee ee BRITE RFE FRRME ee ates. BAER eter on Ant 399755 Foe RR eae ERY faites ORE oe BRB RS RS, fe a Ra BRST! i fata a god Sa] | 6 42 faaz Afeaa a ied ies aie dues: SM¥AKRIT Gonos wit rETAN_RQUIVALENTE, WRC, WA RR RNR we ah we yard a ware er x ae sera we aves RR RRS aay asersecarg ae AShaqwscgee smh qn ac ae Ace are SAI we ASTER ee, gas Rares AE AE RerFragge Ree RVR ASAIS ae SeRagas, ue SaFagyariy ayy yee Serragga ds oAh Rees ARE Sedraiggas eeu ate afata afte. afetag@a etait: tated afataat: afiae .. wage aaserei aa waNTE ana aare anf arert anata... area A MLINGUAL INDEX OF NYYA-RINDU, 48 we we RRB WS AG, us qe ye ue we Re aoe qed ue we aoe Reds ROE RS, we Rees gee qe ae we as ue we RyRagzaa say AWNATSA, (nom.) om yk mayan FTNABA (gen. BpTABSR (gon) Hyer aga aS AERA ASTER aOR ARR TST AS Arssageyst§ a5 BaIN ssa aya Bae Bet Bo a5 BAR SSS ays a arenas grew... arefa maton... ara... ‘wafaara wait wet we wren SANSKIAY WORDS WITH TIDETAN EQUIVALENe. we wl RR ARG RR RS RE AG, WERE + the RR we ae WO We B55 wepatGaaD ah era a5 $5 gue a Hi qn ars yA aygaeersycr SANZ (gon) fatwar ta az aa dae sore starrer, ‘dfafea ... dfafea ... anaa irae dinfeq ... aafeafir: wien aur dada dene a A BILINGUAL INDE OF RYAYAMUINDE 4 Ree ye ROH VEG AT aes RR at we wR GU qe c.. ey We RR RAB, UU. we RoR REAM wer RoR qe Reds Rees US ROR eye qea 8 agers aysy ager BS agra agererige 35 3a agers atanagas agers agarerss§ agererssyTae Aye) Res as aaNSS ages 5 46 SANSKRIT WORDS WITH TIMETAN FQUIVALENTS @ afer afer atgay afguarurafate afenrangafats Re, VES, Rey RAG BUG, we REET, Ree, RE ae QB, Rees ARE qe ae ae ROB, ARB LLG, ars qo RR UGE we ARR ae UR ae hae ue are 4 aR, Ferg gee dig§ Rasen Feeaa}, gearsescaqak FSaearhss REwsehay aSera98 greedy ers} agora gaa ey ery sers afennfex afanitag fate: afew wee wag saerq . see are afin... MtaNoWAl, INDEX OF xVAYASRINDO. " RRR ane we RR we ARR RA ER UE we RR Rebs REE ERR AG US we UR we Rees yee ROBLES UB AAG UU AE ww Rrsqacarges appar RSsreah RSs a8 gSes0, RxasaQ Rss Rarag, Rxsrrerdias 38 agg Bs aga Ba agree aigearerSargeyey gy Fare aaa RASA ERE wry, ARTS, ARTS A, aeaifey a sie ae aren ara area ener wt eR ARBAB US, ae aR ane RR WARE ue are nee RoE LOS er ven wR ae ue we ROB ALD UR, RRS, UE RES RRM, RS us AAG US ARIST S5 4 5]58021 QSISTSL AAT IS ST SS ABFA SAT SSAGA TIS, SAT SANT SAS S55 garage Saapgrsrsyaa SRISTS OT gars 7 SRISTSSA BAST 3yer35 aR oT ACN S ARRT SSE ARATRS SSE aR gus gre grnays area areas area... anata... a arent areasat araagq ... ena... arvana. areit arett arafad, aration ara ara ara A MAENQUAL INDEX OF NVAYA- HIDE 49 Re Re RRR we ae RE ee RRR A. as AR at qe RR RAK Rees ARE EMG ARGUS ULE we BR we BM eB, RoW, ROS, ue ee gees Areas Foss AGIAN TIP SAG AQT TTI gra ges aa geeks gesdgas gevenaea cae aetg yeas SVAAFE ARTA gS agren ged agregar q5 agra gh agen grea y RYT TTA agg anratg ... aaa era... Suara erent ararat area fas fate fate fats fats Be 3 SANSKRIT WORDS WITH THnETAN RQUIWALENTE aes wes ane us RE UR RARE RRL ee we ae REE RE AL RA UR wR we ROBE UE qu qe UR ages ga ESAT TIA 35 Baraagyayy say agrers agrsa gat SREP SAN aes agoangsra we fea fe feqvarua fafa at ata ear wares erat worm... eanitg |. aaa aay Ae ue AAS w uw ROH REG UR Ree Lem ee VSL Bw eH Neds Reds, RSME RR Ue ye RK RE UR A tutannuat, INDEX OF NYaYACBINDL 51 aha 5555 ays ABS gTHI ayes Rag aye ac ack ROR ROAR seal RCA SS, ss sengqdiga 35 scalggges§ ACRAT TBST (gon.) aCARRAC Re aaA THA RAST scaty as! a5 eqerq Rat Peat Renata... Sunsinin WonDs wh HO WR the we wR + RR wR RR ON ue at el vet yee + Red, Ree, RLY ROB, ROS Rees We UE ese + ARR RGAE Ree RB A WETAN. VQUIVALENTS, sqTsoe agra aaicabiaian vial acre - actysaa 5 acSiads3s§ aC 8] Sq] ACR Saygaa ai SHAS ES ECT A NILINGUAL INDEX OF NYAYA-BINDU, TIBETAN WORDS WITH SANSKRIT EQUIVALENTS. me r * co antes ans RRA, aa ao ascega anda qT 211, 213 82, 84, 90, 114, 116, 118, 127, 129, 180, 182, 188, 140, 158, 199, 206 61 129 28, 51, 108 oL bL 104, 118, q9l war aft soa waa sume wear [re se =a itfa: 7H enfang sefeerrt sama: a TuMerAss WORDS WITH SANSKRIT NQULPALIENR, pfrernradtianentse etheresrso Berg . wa 2 aa a Oe BYR. ve WL oe Bante Ey we —:185, 219, 220 ae RYSR'35 we OL a ae fre agpra dig 35 172 vee Faery BA. we THe ve agra we BD ve free, BAA. we We af ARS Me ce BySS 28... ce AT aga al aufes BRSSSS4 TTT oT aaAR, we Be a fier Bra aAs 189... ctf yAEA vee 207, 212 ve RE RT _ QBS we MO . aah PaaPragns 188 ce RT ABT 10 ce finer pag 3y BT ce ETT ORM fare paraigna 33— Wa. vee STITH ARI. 4 186, sare 5 he we «SLAM te ~ 124, 195 ) a1 Ree . UBL Ua Passrat we 8B a oe ae . ve 51, 128,202,219... Pasays 4B ve mo 80, 89, 97, 99, aq fein * i. 160, 101, 111, aR Co oe 119, 121, 204, etq5... we BLO we Re 216 Raat. 0. 62. ce SRS ow oe MO ne aS we 51, 105,11, Be AKG. we 97 oo ve wf 119, 122, 128, , , 122, 128, 110, 189, 190, 195 124, 125 a4 7 ae 6, 189, - Feyayssg3 .. 05. vee TART ARG]... we 187, 190 ve 36 ‘UMREAN WORDS WHTW SANSKRIT EQUIVALENTS fh eruaneest smoms oF avasu-nme. 7 SRST tag go7, ae FET. 73, 76,158 te Ce ve mat RESTS... Ma ce he aR aT.. ~ UT. 8 q . mM ot SIRNA 15 « ( aNg 7 ce ft aaa... 8B a a. ve 105, 1 188, fare geass ww, oe ATI. 199, 166 ve ffs FRR et Oe er aR. ss 199, 174, 218 7 areal ws ss 108 oe Fam RT, cae aa no. ve fafa | 5 we Ba ve wah aga we Me ee Ata ReeSyshs% aig, vn fer SS... 55, 62,82,85 fate RPA RS 198, ve WAT @aisret we 1 we father Tags Oe ve eferuter aan ay... 97,200... ce fa 56 maa aa e5 ve 49, 191. afeq MO ve afar aaa Bara WMT. ve wf 84 oes oe STE amr «47, 72, 73, 76, 77 fers 0 ae ™ ae 58 . ce anf area... os 87, 158, 161 . fate “ 1000 ae a aapra'y + 1B, faite TR oT. ve aT apres 166. ve Feit SFIS, we 1B we Ra aapras, ve 1A, we fate JANA we BA, we gatfarGinst.) AAPTTSARAT ST; —1g2 oe fremrafart 8 38 fnepi Wonns WTAE SANSKRIT KQUITALENTE fs omaxovas woex OF NrarA-eiOE 30 arenes Iss © fexaratvardt ghqeR eX We Ram ARPIRA ... 80, 165, 191 . fanz a 1820... ve By (loo) aapraa we 168 a fae qa 93, a aT QAM. Th fees y wn. ae AR 7h aT a5" up. ve QR BIB ¥ 125, 198, 141, 149 we agen we BL ws : wate El ee ne 200, = IRR Be ve ET yal 15, we BRE ae wats gra 55,127, 208, 110, are ae ee v8, Bd, 62219... Farr gratis rons ce arn agra "gs we Bh ae we fame re a re > RBS oe front rr Be eos —— ass5 we BB we TUR aqae .., os 61 “ 1 fete oe He gui we GEES we nem FR ee Fate a Aas. os 126 . ve aaa ae ™ ~ x aan wd Pe) we fe MTB bia . . Tarareyeror 00 we afgnrarea SH 1 ; ces (ortea artery] Hiwaah fate g ni OR geek we BB nee ce ae a oe Mate, TSA... 108, 185, 198 ane 168 a ns ” sy we Th gant any we M9 ve Tenet 6 “nen yrs Se yeas goss AeHR aS gv " oe EARS. AERIS ... ayer ays agsags SyTARN FARA agra ga3y 93 agra gos SATAN TINGS ages gyre agra ga RSy agra gan agraa gone PypraySrsg agra gaa agregar AT 104 166, 168 198, 182, 188 200, 212... 170 82 27 ae M4, 142, 144, 147, 149, 161, 165 116, 124, 166, 181, 200, 201, 208, 207 58 125 170 128 129, 180 126 46, 58, 59, 105, 170 111, 115, 125 212 raat srearq aratagay aaa are area rear aa ana, ara anata area arg, ang aferrara- afste ang, a ang Barak, ATER Ay Be a 2K nt at oN MN mH NY Ra A TY TR GN TR i} 2 Be * qa Ga i 4 ti a Be w RRSaS VT 1 118, 120 57, 195... 62, 175, 178, 181. 68 M4 4 116 a8 102 8B 179 i02 188 14 81, BB, G1, 62, 185, 186 154 62, 64, 68 i 146 fram frost frat fre fafa frat fasta at ery weta we ae wera sore 6 FRR a, vee Ta (loe.) =85] se one ae a “= SS ce TM spy]... ig ce WERE SENS... we OT, ce sBqTR |. 171... we aERANARA tag ve abit i ABTA. 175, 191 wT seyesagaga .. gy, ve ae ASS] we OB ve RENT Regge. NA RE A wa aE me 183, 188 aeayny eM ce &T ae AA oe wart : © zy . v.46, 100, 104, 105, wi 219 a : 127, 198, 161, a afin aio, a3 ul ta RNP YA oar, a Paste] 3T | Sayayys ano. ware ee Bersy AO TTA bd Bae 96,170,198. afeq SNAGTAG ST... 94, 121 . ereeiag Sqx5 os 187, 188 cn Reagqedysg} op. ranieg TFN ve UE SNRQAIN 114, 206 ce area Seg 1B, ve RAE BR ue a) Bye me TBE em ReRagy an, 215 Re Sayers mo. sa NEST SerFagqyss .. 114, 192 ve Bar BARR 169, ce TE Sehagqassyy ou. ve Basia Bergak we 188 wafer avragsysqy ou ., Reka ot finetan woens WHE AAKEKRET ROUIPALERTA A mntNQUAL INDEX oF MFAYACINDE 6, SaFragqaR ... 207, 200 Pwd Ergayoy uz. TT SeRageesas 09, agree BeYQET 195 a a ENRAg .. 115, 206 1 Raat EVYQgTSa iso. ve aft arg 1490 we ESrgRcey] 18, 89, 182, 188. ga aay ™ a] a Berg seyerh 88, 39, 185 ce TE aes a EVE 8h. ve RTF ET ENSSATENTS 0s ne a pees ENQAFTER STS 45 0. ve RT ae “8 - wate Esrgaoys sa. ve STE SAYENR 185. ate Evgagvas . 05. ce RETAIGT TIANA 186 . a auafes a = Byes os, oan Se BRqaras oe 182, . aati \ ys os we 1 ~ we afar ays. om —_ BTR 99,189 0 vo SC ane... anny i ve aN esrgayys OUT eRe 29. ce BRT Reyes. MB, no, me 125 a fig soe SBRSSAAAR ... 151, 200 ce fate ErgaTsBq8 ATF 204 faattaraa aResh . n ce we ESSA AAI. BOR. wag SON ee wn s he eye 208 . soretitares SER ae oe Aq ae ae wut sag > 66 ‘TINRTAY WonDs WITH SANSKRIT EQUIVALENTS, ¥ @@ A up nm PP SP SPS? 2) $9 Boi oa apy... SPAT YT... aA apapaerseysror Rxersoh aps aps]. aber... aBSraperay ay 221 Pa 80, 88, 41, 43, 128, 188, 151, 154 9 158 44, 141... 114, 194, 217 80 9 104 199 218 120 1a ul au 164, 207 140, 200 us 182 (xfa] sat suufex surafate afenitara- afte fe, ore w eateat: 5585 Lz Bey RB apr 5b ABS 165 apa. 190 sper 38 BATE ... ol ABSA... TL agg arse ve 188 5T aa PT 116 18, 198 ARR aN 115, 217 ABARINAN VET — 14d, 149, 165, 182 aA BA 194 ap Sarg BSS 107 HARI uL SHANA ERX... 98 FT we 200, 216 aRTSBR 149, 165, aA. 188 67 faate aah wart ee eat Pera a Raarq 3g (loc) SHAT frat free fr 68 ‘THHATAN WORDS WITIE SANSKRIT EQUIVALENTS, A miaxOUAL INoRX OF NYAYACHINDU. 69 FAN ae 99,48, 58,02, ve for PI 195. ce Raat ays 41, 195. 7 FN a8 oe FINE 207 ce ferns BAG To ve fae BP eae ee ( ayy. - 8B oe fer RapergcgerGe: “4 on eeennie saaygrs we DT ae favre RR oa ABA 18K ve wan (gen,) wn FG 1B wef aga egg 1B ER FN e162 wafer FAN. 02. od wife A... ve 8B, BA, SABRE ve aera, week BR. oo od HTT. = 127, 210 we FANE Bea AF (low) ayssr RFT ART 105 reste FIN. 198, ca water SBA BOT a ve aera Coe 0B ce ORE pall noes - gees we. eee im ayy Bh we SR on 8 WA. we 19B eC Cl atin vos a ™ * AMAT 07a ve a eeargss .. 100. ve fee os “oo a “ “ = . a wae 198 a BNI 220 mrareerfar Ra RRS is it SENN... 290 area al ne ii ABRTS vee 128, 180 se BA (loe.) BAe ae 180, 167 ve TE AYAGR 119, 121 SB Bae i 3 Be 186, ve SEE ANAK ve 195, 218 ve Raia 70 SURRTAY WORD WITH SAKMERIT RQUIVALENIS A iutaow An 1x09x OF NVAYA-HENDE n 18g. se RAW (loe,) SSIS SSF we WNT a aae we De ve Fa%H loc.) GAN SAAN MT vee Bare [loe.) 1B. ss fier (loc) RANSSAAN.., BT... we Bane 195 ae we wba ( SRT 5 ve 82, 108 ce aBTRAT SG Be fea sry. 149, 218 he ABA's Wow we with FAN SPAN we «1M vee BRT ASFA .., 12, ve OR en i a) cc QOH Bw ve [at] aT REA BB, a ae oof, - TH wv. 64, 85,97, 121, . 0 waete Tas . wee 90, 182, 191. dua oi Harygreadys 53 . afeme se 82 . . Re 5. >: Rares. 140, 141,145, RR gaa 80 ae nae 151, 171, 172 a RSasqncargey lus. ve afganfax Ho a a TAR z 70 . ve frat (Fra) Berea... wae -201,207,208, fear ee ce Be a s ie x ryaC Ba 164 we wee SBS... wa. 3,25, 99, 142, 175, aq FeneeeRa Ld ~ 188, 218 Sxersay ve 209, 311... ofan SANSA pe . cous Reersadiss is... Hae gasraqaeya .., 161,152, 154, 171, aig, a . 172, 207 FANTINI, ... 171 ae “ afer FANSFABF TPS —158, 161 . size RSrsghsF 4 io. ve BRT SATSVAIGATA... 201 sahy easa3 we Dae we BRT RAT SSAA AGE 153 quia Fdsrza8 we M6 ve BRR BTATE RASS § we BT ee ss BH (loe,) Rxeas8 a WB we afar n " Foes0h 55 Faereragat AGRIC... gyal agg Bas AQT BANA. AQASAZA aga, aca aigE'AR "TAN WORDS WITH SANSKRIT RQUIVALENTS 154 70,76. 2 27 46 ae . 48, 47, 118, 149, . 194) 195, 217 46 165, 166 84 ee oe oT 185 AT 64 82 100 18, 28, 89, 41, 47, 48, b1, 59, 60, 64, 86, 106, 108, 202 si 5a aia aats Fetes a al vy EHS SH aa 2 oe pO: a z aap NY IY sy Jy Jy oy A MINKA INMRS oF WvAYA-RINDE, 145, 172, 218 69, 70, 78, 110, 114, 195 - 110 54, 73, 81 ve QB 62 132 + 68, 117, 128, 154, 169, 182 2, 80, 88, 62,99, ... 108, 115, 116,117, 126, 127, 129, 188, 147, 195) 80, 88, 106 179 68 61 61 176 166 we 12 117, 185... oe 9 112, 182... og a 2494 4g anata En SIBETAN WORDS WITH SANSKRIT RQUIVALANEE A suman noes ov ariviceinoe, 7% Pax: Be u Rasy 838 16h ae 5 a tet Be 168, 187, 190, ho . 204, 210, 216 Ra BR ae | Rasy MWe yo + 104,218... Oe Rargaye... ve OB ay ve SIT R59, lr. ait: RR a AT ve TA Saath _ aly xf Rev 10H wart RasTgNrsy 85 ais er wera Faqs. BB. a ReeryaysBsX 195... ce CARRE Rae BT, 188 eR RAGFS 1B. il a Raiex 99, 115,192,145, ... wer Rad . a T YS97S = Yaa, 181,201, Rao. os 60 os wR aaa . Rea 14,89,48,97, aw Rear aye vet 18h bo, a 172,177 Rasa we 182, ATE Rah ML ce RR aa a Ra ; + 110,190,195... Raarges we GLUT ow we agate RR 12, wee Ra BH 19. ve RE ag V0 we mR 28,178, 195 ce RS aR 84, 106, 108, 145, ... (gen.) 4 ee Ot a Cos 185, 189, 195 “ 55 m2, se G4 (nom.) Rasa a5 we OL UT . aera Rg 82,197, 121,122... & Parone 129, 132, 189, ARVSATSVNAIY toy. coe ATARI, 202. 218 | BX a6 "TIBETAN WoRDS WITH SANSKEIT EQUIVALANTS A aE RRacagyaraiga aS aw Reng awg aay i WSs as Rye Wyse wn Ryaareswigcl ya are W384 RASTA ashanral Rayos argeranersl a8. 127, 128, 188 60 57 117, 128, 219 180 127 198 2, 27, 80, 81,33, 84, 46, 59, 82, 90, 129, 180, 182, 185, 191, 193, 195, 219 2s 66 14 BL 62 ay (abla) ar eargura ag (loc) ate ie a ad atom aq (instr.) wing watt werrderg wis: aaq wifma wife aguefay- weunity A pIUNGUAL tNDHS OF NiATACRINDE AAA... ve 82, 168. aya. 58 Aya... a) rn a 221 ¥ 19 179 180, 147, 163, 175, 187 130 84 180 177 ARSTASAT EY oe 178 RSIS 8, 128, 126, 145... SATE 188 sash. 189 STITT IAA. 128 aRTaR ve hb BARTS 93817) 174, 176, 178 ARTA we 16 sRRTRYS ve ATE aufax a autg ol wen avdtenarg sam aarti ai omit wart wet aay aay sweat wafae Re fea 8 ‘iorrhy wonDs ITH sAnsxieT EQUIVALENTS. A niuissvat, NDR oF xvAeA-nheED 70 ARTESIAN 178, fare BRR ne ber eri had Os TARR 6. ce See ae OS A, ve are] | ANF 199 ce RR aR M4, ace ( BFR BR saw ANA Bk, we ate ayaa on Oh we TE BF. ae 190, 191,195, we ARTS oe 186 ce Rear aaa. a. ee oe ARTE. 189 OG BAA 8. . aaah (nom) ayes 146 dara AREA 1p wet Agee 108 eee ad ape} ws 168 ret (nom) agarardignd Be 180, 167 vo STRATE Aaa 175, ce wt a tio, aR... 89,71,72,73, 77. wm _ 211, 212, 218 . ’ eae ANVEINACINA =— 171, 207... we Maren ais we TD ae QRVSAACINT 2 TA: ARR TTS HO. 118, wr 1A thom.) aR hae ASW oan. Asam aaa 58,81,201 we ARSINCTIT aa, vo wee Cr | a ee 555 Abas ww UM, ae ayaa ip, ve THT Ra AR eT, WW BRR 108 RE als 111,122,182 oe 1 ay oe 8B Sd %0 TIMETAN WORDS YITICSANHRRIT RQUIVALENTS. A nnaxavat. INDEX oP raya EDD 8 a ve BBs ve Ofna 116, 117... oe refer aa... ba 128, 128, 120, we 176 mena ee 178 fet aay 185. Cd | - om 7 ARTSY 67. ve Re fireTerEy - ~ (om) BARS 179 ve fe tarat: ARR. 188, 008,019. tJ mG rr 168 ete ORI. 180 eee 154, 171... ce fer assis a a wea 161 refers AR OR ws eee an BR eT , se Set Rabeabesuhles fedeetete ARES aT 2 teatata eens Besa BAYSA.. 200,206... . wey See age e > sectizatts 2 .. I RTARTA, ce wafer Hy . sur . 218 on on grew FAS... as. ce SUES os os met Fae * . 201, 208,310... any MT. ve afar BVP. wt ve Bet aly afateq@s eae ” “ vo mB Mw ve Bae mt. oo (Bm) SNS ve 201 a ve RTT 207 ait Co a se HT Tee ve erfor ma 164, 21 12... Br 4 207, 30.2 2 afate | a ve ane 8 SINETAN WORDY WEEK SANSKRIT RQCIVALERTS A wasauAL tabex or arAra-niO. ca aT SRST 175. ve BRR TATA aN gh ce feu aryagretaX 6, ve RET weabs® ou, ce fewer FR hae a STTGNS 19,94, 154 vo fifa SNSRA.. 187, 195,206,215... rare SSAA ., mm a ow 4 ut fe SSB el. we ffi ee al . TaPGR ee. ve Rae 70,76. am 28 Po a gfe es ond AT we EE 195, 2 aASAER gy ” ne FR ses we [rel] srasgya® uy. qa eae o> 4 ae ve fareteg] SARA 28, 149... fre FREE BT ae ai gory we MT od RNA... we BT eT ges 17,30... ce fern PRN ee 1TB we wafer TANSA 15B ve Fe ay ARTES, 175 uf + qT32 co we ve [seweat] ABSTAR we 188 ve SrafeeRr aa ea vs 198, 195, 199 yard ENSIGN Tha TT srgsgca we UT geranre RU ae 68, 117 ve BIT 5N5 ae 187, 207,209,211... setecar ar. we 12,98. far Rag 191, 207. oe aT at unsta® wonDe wit saKRKRET KaUIVALENTS rR, 48, 58, 54, 69, 70-... v4 74, 76-80, 97, 99,110, 111; 16, 180, 188, 186, 141) 145- 147, 149) 161, 167, 171, 178, 200,010.” SSSFIY 185 yrary 158 q 79,81 ge 79, 81 R 187, 191, 217 ese. 46 Rom SRaa5 217 XT kay 219 FGA. q9t RFS 179 gee, 114 gryBay 07 yaa 142 Bq 3% 164, 166, 168 BFSAT§ 20H a fa aur fauty afore m wT waiter ute afeme ufearfe, fore faadte m9 a nm 2 Pasay SENET awdas awe. ‘ 3 a BS ‘ ‘ geaardigag ges 35 A mmunsowat, INDEX OF prAYACBINDD, 173 2a os 48,97 104, 120, 128, 182, 188 we 149 oe 187 we 188 ve 128 aq 71 WL we 49, 97, 100, 112, 121, 191, 196, 200, 203 1 od 101, 102, 104, a 118, 195 we 165, 195... se 208, 215... 118, 204... 60 Bo ary (we) ata we wen we ome mci Oo [ite] pitewrarea] wa wae Bea aaget: 86 ‘Twweray woRos WITH SANsKNIT EQUIVALENTS, 3871 96, 108 ... . oa #8 fa 81,84, 97, say ons FaThasas5 as Saha... no Saar... 68,04... BsTaF 101 194 “19 a5 194 81 210 102 197 209 1, 218... 212 211, 218... 207 176 ate faite fetta Faiteorege ax ery ex feito faite: faite sien aie arate nite area ata fear afatent A nmaxouat, aspex oF xydya-mDt geet garg RADA... qacee agra... agra... ageag... ageaa ... ARNE... agg... agg t§ ager aaa... aang agers sy agrany ea: agers TFN 28, 142... 146 114 155 4 83,40. 61, aw 78, 76, 80, ... 2, 87 ‘98, 110, th, 14, 168, 184, 187, 194, 195) 195 BAIL... 1s 56, 58, 117 188 187, 188... JL 116 176 60 areat oi arity afer aafert wafufir: wae afer walt wanfars 88 THNETAN wonns wirm saNeKRET egufeaLNTs A. mtasowat, INDEX OF NFITARINDG “ i a. wn 88, 82, 84, 94,96, ... sritar 4h os Sfex 189,190 Ml. wn Refer R53 - R53. 110, 111... vate rhe a fre Bry , ¥ aa 116,191,198... ei 151, 164,171,172... @aatfaw yaae se 100, 112,118,114... gtr EN 182. sean ay 179 ce ET 148 ce BAe a se BBs 8 ares a 97, 158, 169,176, ... + SE) ve BO ve af vy "189, 198 raps — ’ ASHIK 98a RT aragyey veh enter reaps-qccg $s a4 a RKTT 165. se Seto a ra ae 14 Sar — ‘g aay... 8B we ert A BB, fez i . 5 j 158... ce OR ATE ve fe ' 216 ee . Taam ayry ve 108 we cafe radon B75 87 . Pa NYT} LT, 8... ve fend | ' 4 eee rN AY... 147, 182... we fers # 129 Nis AYTT a 171, 182... ve fei ENG i wet > an argeeta5 us. fern ‘anny 29. cave ROT ee a9. ave agrees 1a, ce eferarere, RaraaSAs 15. xfemm angen Bs we 1T6,177, 214. Ra aias ss 47,125, 163,218... aga gaX we 6B ae afez: NGG 116 wore 12+ 90 MEEHAN WORDS WITH SANSKRIT RQpIVALENTS, Rogers; .. 81, 128, 182, 185, ... 152, 162, 170, 189 151, 168, 207 220 221 182 188 123 127 130, 167... 151, 201, 209 112, 114, 131, 122,... 125, 164, 184, 187, 190, 191, 195, 202, 209, 210, 218 184 57 162 87,90, 116 80 141, 208, 204, 215 ... 118, 196... 125 144, . fame A RULANGUAL ENDRX OF NYATACRINDU, Rapere.. 99 Resp s+ 100, 101. RATE oe WT on Sragysh RAN ... 149, 151, 218 Frage aS ws 44, 118, 194 Rraggnd sry74 196 Rage ys... a7 HagyeaTws... 148, 165, 166 Rapes BL FART BB aes Rasy. 206 RSA. 162 RrsRoyrg, we 119 SysRaare) we 184, 191... RraRaera 48,83, 82, 85, 90, ... RegRARTersATA 187 . sAaers} 48,69, 70, 71,78 .. RRR 9 Rater. 5B BrsRarsarS... 9p Brgpiawrsia 3 49, 69 fae: squeal square aquest aqua: 2 yyy AH a Sb 9 RH Sh 3b y A Zh oh a THIVERAN WORDS WITH SANSKRIT GQUIVALENTS, 85 64, 195 161 62, 188 180, 167... 125, 141... 221 54, 78, 114, 145, 198 110 78, 76,77 12 190 oe 49, 69. 70, 74, 79, ... 1175, 178, 195, 212 19L ae ‘71, 78, 77, 78, 96, 118, 119, 121, 122) 170, 174, 177, 184, 198 213 116, 195... 118, 114, 195 115, 116... afer ant safe eats aya aya Agards A stumwovAL INDEX oF NFAYA-AENDD. 200 189 118, 19... 44,166. 47, 85, 87 218 207 18 158 97,121 .. 71, 78, 108, 155 57, 63, 70, 115, 153, 181 90, 162, 178, 179 .. al 221 51 49, I, 62,69, 85, 86, 97, LL, 112, 119, 121, 122, 190, 191 97, 119, 121, 190 ... 27 aay cae eure sam mT ae (era) suHRe eat suet ss 4 TIBETAN WORDS WITH SANSKRIT KQUIVALENTS. A IMLANGEAL INDEX OF NYAYACHINDOS “9 SReprTAge§ ae, sat | aw Sa 1B, 188... sme Rare, we ae 76,77, ... Suerte a4 169... OH Rar wT suena | ay SRAWTERAgRS 1 ce Sum roe a SRA... we surfer non a 97, 121, 122,191 sre 5B — se Ma wax rT fare ARHITRIR us. ve Reefer \ 199 fate R05 182 a 8B 165 waa Five s+ 184, 198, 219 Sh | Brerisy uy. cS \ 4] ne ee aR Be yas... ss 163, 161... 7 ERTS we OBL . a ARR Heads. 0. amas... RR ara + 110, 105... er BR ae aya 28,86 40 90 om Pa 140 rit a 182,168,172, wee wa Ww. oe Be LIB... ca wa. we 140 . sat Say 55... UT vee BART instr.) BY a are eT wee De waa Ra, we 10 sa STARA 6 208, we DTT Fe we MD ae fe STIBSINTT 209. ve OTT 13 1 96 TIBETAN WORDS WITH SANSKRIT EQUIVALENTS. | A MILINGUAL IXDEX OF NYAYASBINDEL | Bae 888.08 | AN aus TT LI9, 121,192... fer 164, 171, 172, : 496, 188, 180 . 182 | Garsregge TB vf SR eB RT Cr ve fee gargs ve 89,92. a fer aaga ... oo moh, 189, 154, ... xfer $ 5 198, 201 ra te wR aer: ene "A 41 ” fea argreg 49,53, 54 vf prIQTSA 1890 ; Rergaara tis” aaa 189 bd age ETAT. Srey ws 48 cH oe Frey Grgeegy 69,70, 71,78, 74... xfe x 1 ; 77, 78,79, 81, ee cd 97, 110, 180, sh | 188, 134, 185, AT we 198, a 1 167, 171, 173, Aas35 ... —.., 82,182, 198, 142, waa ' 201, 208, 204, 184, 193,217, ... 1 207, 209, 211, ais | 213, 215, 216 Roar @erqak 100, 101, 112, ... fr RTA RAS we BB ce ERAT Il QNST§.. 1ia, 114, 194, RETA we 28 es “ we \ 128, 182, 200 an argee.. ABABA o 81,90. wou | ws oe Me al agerazsrgyy 3 eaant | GNA TATIA 9, ve | Qvgaa.. te set gy 7 | aergaa... + 104, 152... wef ' =, ey SIAR... 119,121,122, ... ews 221 TH ' aes ~ 189, 218 fe | Rar ws 102,191. we fe aT 1 Gerggaeteprs og, wtf gs eM OTe } AR we 1, 74 82 fe RE gaprs Began, 185. wan A oe BLOT ee { | 1 a. aR aaa SEry IS san TRS Esr sary aT ASS aR Sysersgereh TTT... SISTSATA maT S4 masa aT may... Ras agers 5 aRagaR BS. aq 5h aR : Aas, ed 16 102 92, 189. 180, 167... 102 168 87 62, 198 82, 104, 184 195, 47 155 137 97, 110... TINRTAN WORDS WHTH SAXBKRIT_RQDIVALRNTS, oar wed (weretgare) waratgart wert atfepracaratt wre way wom RAT sage ergs 34 aertay ARTS ... as an age 180, 187, 200, 201, ” 208, 206, 215 208, ay 182 184 188, aq 182 104, 118, 140, ... 149, 151, 171, 176, 207 218 WT 194 182 40, 62, 74, 84, 111, 119, 120, 121) 129, 125, 127, 140, 151, 161, 175, 177, 182! os 58, 85, 86, 110, ... 117, 121, 168, 171, 191, 195, 201 ata a5 fave 100 ‘VIMETAN WoRDS WITH SANSKRIT EQUIFALENTS. acer WERT, AR RRTAR AR a. Ag Tarra Agra Re Sereray Ba Sercrardigel .., a5 a5 a oF. cc a BgaRs Bye RE Ryrerg ... gar ga 188, 154, 216 Bl, BB 53, 60 2 iw 62, 147, 187, 188, ... 189 ae wie, watt ay waa ae apa wardigal... pra Reargakys aR ay a4 aR aR Sigg aR age aay RR. Res Beas, Bye aa. RTE A RILINOtAL INDEX oF NYALA-RINDL 28, 82, 90, 97, 122, 158 28 1a 188 aul, 212 172 110, 14 a BL ea ee 56, 62... 82 87, 158 ... 80, 99, 104, 118 ... 118, 196 41, 48, 58, 165, ... 19%, 217 149 51, LLL, L19 WT faut 192i 44 a eae aaga q 4 ot toe TmNpTAs WonDS seITM SANSEREL RAPIFALENTS: Roe ac . scR scqry acaay aq 26, 62 28, 28, 58 102, 104, 182 128, 194 89 ACASSTEN SATA 38, 01 sciagae yyy Aa ac/Sq... RCHB ANE. acne scFnes hh} ARRT . ACRGR aca SH aN aoagy aN aca 187 48, 51, 6, 60, ... 61, 62, 69, 72, 82,85,99, 100, 118, 116, 184, 186, 188, 191, 195 1s9 195 189 (eratgare] as war ean: eaer aqua: ere aa ware erat, aura wet A BIUNOUAL IXDBX OF N¥ATASRINDL RCRA IS 108 seciqgeh acaagg ges vs 100 RCARR: 53. ArAg AAT 107 acaay S85 106 acaggaigsa a5 59 RPT aay qs 1, 87, 221 RTTTAFAR ... 202, 215 aqiq a Re 97 RAS... 7 Ress, 184 Rye. 146 Re. 26 Rayaga 86, 218 STE 8 122, 190, 191 Raggy BL Rapgegnean ... 69 Roars BA .., 1, 87, 91,221 104 TUWETAS WORDS WITH sAMSKREY |QUIYALESTS | A niaxouat, one OF WYEYA-RINDU vos Bae OT am Qe. we ate Rag xen aaregrqe®BR 99). wat Ry. a 78, 77, 158 ad BNR wate & we we OT . we fear ae we we 2,88, 92 we URE awe... we Bae TH Ae. we 87,91. se fee Fc aly 5 we a 62,90... a frat . AT ve Fret arar 9] lw ve BRET ana oo fret ar RANE... x . - a a ies aR... we 186 ve fatter ar Rae} s+ 82, 85, 97, 100, safe PA 108, 110, 144, ATER 1 a fara 158, 163, 164, ac 11, 74, 276, ARTE... 116, 168 a frat 201, 202, 206, seaer Si 209, 210, 212, NT AT we 1B we OU 219 ~ ~ a an ao we 79,81 es ei ORT AC BAAS, 178 e ve anfeng orkiapyer’ vs 180, 167, 176, «safe 1 Pare 207, 211 4 or Raer sia, ve WL ae ve Q . ea [area] or keerei3, ve 11, 180, 116, rte ae my 14, 167 4 2 7 oo 8 Oy RTaBTEN we cafe ol 5B oe mFS QOL OMT FESR 14, ce RR aN. 200, 208 awe Fe 5B TL ve fier oe BB ean SIN ce anor 14 108 NMEEAN WORDS WITH SANSKREE HQUIVALINTS. A AILINOUAL INE Oy NYAYAGHINDE 107 FRITS 192 ve erent RWAFA a, Baar as m2. cE RaRGES ah, ae ANq oa vet RY 207, a1 ve after GNI 38,27, 80, 33, ae SysR 95%... 109, 186,187, mre ATR 1, au ae ce TBA ee ANesaayaa ” . . forafet on a ve 178, 174,176. ar aaa 19. a Sat ar ETS RT nah ven Sk aha. OB. ce rant Aaa ae ec ANAT... ve WM ve fe Rant 85 . ee aa wee tee 198 . ae fa Raye. os ow ART eT eee RISE 105. ce eabatay t see pw AgN; vee 142 a NET | AISAES... ne whe w fe NT 182 saat ayagye 219 oe ER agar Saye1 209 ait fag ayadseras ger | ANSTO... 189 wut AMR. 220 . RRND ATeT ARH. |. 178,176 ha Hadyes] aio ve RIT ANAT BT factear AR 8 ve fa Nara ., 199 freer Amereages ay da Raat ! aaeramc ae... ge farrtare Los HWeeAN WORDS WHITE SANSKRIT EQUIVALENTS, ANTS ve 188, 184,185. FTE ASATTAS ae 188 wee we farraae ABYSS we Base ve fate ARIAS! . 15 ce afer 57 greases Be ce ETAT creative commons jution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported You are free: to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the wark to Remix — to adapt the work Under the following conditions: Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). 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