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COCP - Orientation Center for Public Tenders

Summary Public Relations and Ethics in Public Administration

Author: Luiz Henrique Stutz Sardella
CONTENTS 1 - 2 Human relations - Social 2.1 - Urbanity 2.2 - Civility 2.3 - Soli
darity 3 - Ethics in Public Administration (Decree 1.171/94) 4 - Quality in serv
ice to the public 5 - The Public Service 6 - Ethics and quality service 7 - Team
work 8 - Server, Body and Public Opinion 9 - The Modern Profile of Public Servic
e 10 - Factors of Positive Relationships
This paper aims to present the issues Public Relations and Ethics in Public Admi
nistration for students and candidates for vacancy in public tenders. It is wort
h emphasizing that the issue should be studied more thoroughly with the help of
didactic material itself and, if possible, through the books in our bibliography
. Good studies! - Luiz Henrique Stutz Sardella. PUBLIC RELATIONS 1 - Concept Hum
an Relations Human Relations - Human relations are contacts of friendship or lov
e, professional or social, that people have with each other, establishing an exc
hange of communication and values, and satisfied direct interests, mediate and i
mmediate, concrete or abstract, etc.. 2 - The Social Relations When we refer to
social relations, we talk about human relations within the society in which we l
ive. In society we follow the rules (which are not always laws), or customary no
rms. These customs rule what we consider right or wrong, moral or immoral, good
or bad, etc.. Eg: If the place to give rise to the elderly (intermediate) Incest
(although not a crime, is reprehensible). These standards, which do not come un
der any written law has three pillars: urbanity, civility and solidarity.
2.1 - In Urbanity urbanity is the social conscience of those who live in society
. It is respect for the rights, duties, responsibilities and limits of man as so
cial being. 2.2 - Civility is hard to imagine the man as a social being, if we l
eave aside the environment that surrounds him. The objectives of our Constitutio
n and social development, eradicating poverty, illiteracy, etc.. Indeed, civilit
y is the commitment of the individual with their social evolution and their coun
terparts. An anti-human development entails moral disorders as suicides, addicti
ons, alcoholism, delinquency, etc.. 2.3 - Solidarity is the feeling that is base
d on primordial consciousness of human sharing and social-integral between simil
ar beings, precisely because they are similar. It's the way the individual demon
strate reciprocity sentimental towards their peers, especially in critical momen
ts of difficulty. 3 - Ethics in Public Administration (Decree 1.171/94) Whenever
we try to define what is ethical, colliding in a very common problem in busines
s, sociology, subjectivity. When discussing what ethical or moral in our mind au
tomatically refer personal criteria on these concepts. However, as the main focu
s is the open, seek a more generic concept and consensus. Thus, ethics is the st
udy, analysis and valuation of conduct
human, in line with the concepts of good and evil, in a given society at a given
time. Ethics in public service also follows this concept, but has a greater foc
us on public servant in the performance of their service. Although the Decree 1.
171/94 has as objective to regulate ethics in the federal civil service, particu
larly in the executive branch, these rules can and should be extended to state a
nd local servers, and also to the Legislative and Judicial. To improve learning
and knowledge of the subject suggest reading the body of the Decree 1.171/94, re
ady at the end of this handout. 4 - Quality in the public service concept - is a
managerial tool in business. An ally in search of better business results susta
ined, taking people as the main element to create and enable these results, and
therefore, a factor that adds value to processes and activities across the organ
ization, serving the needs of all parties interested. Of course, the above conce
pt when it comes to organization, meaning that it should also be applied to publ
ic service. It is well known that the Administration has principles in common wi
th the private sector. Are some characteristics of quality service to the public
: communicability, presentation, attention, interest, responsiveness, efficiency
, tolerance, discretion, conduct and objectivity. Communicability - the server m
ust communicate easily be expansive and clear your settings.€Presentation - Goo
d external appearance and in their placements.
Attention - Respect concentration.
Courtesy - politeness, civility and education. Interest - the server should alwa
ys be aware and purposeful to help. Agility - agility, speed. Efficiency - achie
vement of tasks with fast, quality and proficiency. Tolerance - the tendency to
admit opinions, ways of thinking and acting. Discretion - quality of being discr
eet. Conduct - the conduct of the server must be impeccable. Always seeking educ
ation. Objectivity - Convenience. The acts must meet their goals without bureauc
racy. The objective of providing quality service to the public is strictly meet
the specifications and the implicit and explicit needs of the citizen. Since tho
se wills which fall into the expectation and desire of the citizen, since these
are provided and are offered by public service. 5 - The Public Administration Pu
blic Administration in the direction of this study is the entire state apparatus
to perform the task for which it was created, since protection of borders, secu
rity of peace, even the minimal needs of common people.
So the quality of public service is directly linked to the essence and nature of
States, being one of his concerns, and should have control in case of deviation
s. 6 - Ethics and quality of care concept - set of principles essential to a par
ticular discipline of manners, morals and conduct of people. Strictly speaking,
ethics is used to conceptualize duties and establish rules of conduct of the ind
ividual, in carrying out their professional activities and their relationship wi
th customers and others. It's called professional ethics. The basic principles o
f all codes of professional ethics:
- - - - - - - - - -
Honesty at work, loyalty to the company, Formation of a professional conscience;
execution of work at the highest level of income, respect for human dignity, co
nfidentiality, accountability to the immediate superior; observation of the admi
nistrative rules of the company; treatment courteous and respectful to superiors
, peers, subordinates hierarchical, and supporting efforts to improve the profes
Are considered offenses against the dignity of work:
- - - -
Using information obtained in the position and influence to gain personal advant
age, make a declaration which constitutes a danger of disclosure, offer services
or provide them at lower price to keep him in charge if another person; Refusin
g to provide cooperation in different dependencies of
- - - - - - - -
entity to work; provide service badly or unfairly delayed; delegate to third par
ties private function entrusted to the server; foster discord; Use influence ped
dling to favor with heads; Reject collaboration in carrying out certain work, wh
en necessary ; not provide aid to fellow; Be selfish behavior in the transmissio
n of experience and knowledge, and make indecent publications and inaccurate.
7 - Teamwork As seen, the human relations should be studied with the aim of impr
oving the same, both the social circle in the macro (society) and in the micro (
agency or company). In an institution where its employees work divided by functi
ons, the system resembles a human body. Each employee has its place, but if they
do not interconnect can harm the system as a whole. Imagine if our heart beat,
but not send blood to our brains. It would be useless. In modern times individua
lism has wasted space. Every service is a result of shared efforts, and should b
e divided among all team members responsibility, the glory of success, as the we
ight of failure. For an efficient teamwork is essential integration of professio
nals, so as to understand one another's work, and everyone understands the whole
and its part. 8 - Server, Organ and Public Opinion Public Service is any servic
e provided by the Administration
Government (or whoever is authorized by it), according to legal rules and under
control of the government. The constitutional order of 1988 (art. 37, § 3 CF) i
mposed on the State the duty to provide public services, he gave assurances to u
sers claim the use of these services. With the evolution of our customs, laws mu
st also change. Thus, that old idea that a "public official" was gained through
life and can hang your coat on the chair and go out, is already outdated.€The p
ublic servant, and bound by the laws and principles of Directors regarding the e
ffectiveness of their services, it also has to worry about public opinion on the
organ it serves. The harder it is public acceptance, the greater must be the co
mmitment of the servers in order to create ways to improve the image of the orga
n. For example we have the Military Police, which despite the excellent services
rendered by the fault of a corrupt minority (massively publicized by the media)
has so compromised his image. In contrast, the Fire Department, which is a sist
er institution, has the acceptance of the target audience very well. Mainly infl
uenced by activity purpose: saving lives. 9 - Profile of Modern Public Service W
e all know that the past administration has brought our debts as fruit. Mismanag
ement, with uncompromising ethics and morality, added to lavish mandates of our
government when they saw the power, generated a hole in Social Security almost i
rreversible. The politics of profligacy and privilege always favored the powerfu
l over the people, who really should be the
Target delivery of basic public service. With the finding that the government ha
s always been a terrible businesswoman, was the tendency to privatize. Law 8987/
95 was issued to meet the constitutional law and drawing the profile of modern p
ublic service in Brazil. Today many public services are offered by concessionair
es or permit holders of public service which are still far from ideal, but at le
ast act offering less corrupt than before the government offered. 10 - Positive
Factors Relationship Tests conducted by researchers about management group were
inconclusive about what prevails, if the individual qualities or attributes coll
ectively. However it was evident that the groups where members knew and respecte
d their differences divide the attendance, earned more than groups focused on th
e differences as a problem. Factors that group can not be ignored are the size a
nd structure. Larger groups earn more in activities that require less manual lab
or and coordination, fewer orders, but objective. Smaller groups work well if th
ey are well structured, taking advantage of the good characteristics of its memb
ers in a systematic manner, seeking the subjectivity of the members. The behavio
r receptive, although depends on provocation usually offers answers satisfy. The
server that needs to provocation should not necessarily be considered static. T
here are people even offering a service potential, when provoked, they act with
great interest and results. Ex: Judges, Firefighters, Police Officers, Promoters
of Justice ... Unlike the defensive behavior. Often, personal problems, psychol
(Depression), desestimulação (poor wages, few guarantees) the server offers a
defensive posture. Avoid contact with the customer or user does not offer soluti
ons, presents only the difficulties, etc.. Empathy - an affective response appro
priate to the situation of another person, not the actual situation. The server
also be educated, must exercise empathy. Always try to meet the needs of users,
from the point of view these. However, you do not need to buy a crystal ball to
know what goes through the mind of the customer. It suffices that through mutual
understanding both to exercise empathy. The close dialogue and interested in un
derstanding back practicality, the effort is worth it. As evidence, try to remem
ber some point in your life that you needed to hear a story, an increase announc
ed by a pompous political discourse, for example. The person could be talking to
another language, that you still expanded its channels of perception to underst
and what she was saying. Instead, try to remember any time someone spoke to him
very boring without you and stop after a few seconds, I had forgotten what peopl
e say. A drunk for example. In the exercise of public mutual understanding shoul
d be studied, practiced and used in day-to-day not only for the purpose of enhan
cing understanding, but rather to provide a public service excellence. After all
, you will certainly occupant of public office soon, should know that the final
recipient of public services provided by servers is the people themselves.
Presidency of the Republic
Casa Civil
Cabinet Subcommittee for Legal Affairs
Decree No. 1171, OF 22 JUNE 1994
Adopting the Code of Professional Ethics of Civil Servants of the Federal Execut
0 PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC,€using the powers conferred upon him by art. 84, se
ctions IV and VI, and also in view of the provisions of art. 37 of the Constitut
ion, as well as in arts. 116 and 117 of Law No. 8112 of December 11, 1990, and t
he arts. 10, 11 and 12 of Law No. 8429 of June 2, 1992, DECREES: Article 1 is ap
proved the Code of Professional Ethics for Civil Servants Federal Executive Bran
ch, that with this low. Article 2 The organs and entities of the Federal Public
Administration direct and indirect implement, within sixty days, the measures ne
cessary for full observance of the Code of Ethics, including by the Constitution
of the Ethics Commission, formed by three servants or employees who hold effect
ive position or permanent employment. Sole Paragraph. The constitution of the Et
hics Commission will be reported to the Federal Administration Department of the
Presidency, with an indication of their members and alternates. Article 3 This
Decree shall enter into force upon its publication. BrasÍlia, June 22, 1994, 17
3 and 106 of the Independence of the Republic.
ITAMAR Romildo Canhim FRANCO
EATE not replace the text published in the Gazette, 23.6.1994. ANNEX
Code of Professional Ethics for Civil Servants Federal Executive Branch
Section I Deontological Rules
I - The dignity, decorum, the zeal, efficiency and awareness of the moral princi
ples are primed values that must guide the public servant, whether in office or
function, or outside, since that will reflect the exercise of the vocation of th
e state. Their actions, behaviors and attitudes will strive to uphold the honor
and tradition of public services. II - The public servant must never disregard t
he ethical aspects of conduct. Thus, not only will have to decide between legal
and illegal, just and unjust, convenient and inconvenient, fit and unfit, but ma
inly between honest and dishonest, according to the rules contained in art. 37,
caput, and § 4 of the Federal Constitution. III - The morality of government is
not limited to the distinction between good and evil, it must be added the idea
that the end is always the common good. The balance between the legality and pu
rpose in the conduct of public servants, it might strengthen the morality of the
administrative act. IV-A public servant's remuneration is funded by fees paid d
irectly or indirectly by all, even by himself, and therefore requires, in return
, that morality is consistent with administrative law, as an inseparable element
of your application and its purpose, erecting himself, as a consequence, in a f
actor of legality.
V - The work of the public servant to the community must be understood as an add
ition to their own welfare, since, as a citizen member of society, the success o
f this work can be regarded as its greatest asset. VI - The public should be con
sidered a profession and therefore falls within the private life of every public
servant. Thus, the facts and acts recorded in the conduct of day-to-day in his
private life may increase or decrease your good concept in functional life. VII
- Except in cases of national security, police investigations or interests of th
e State and Public Administration, to be preserved in the process previously dec
lared confidential, in accordance with law, advertising of any administrative ac
t is a requirement of efficiency and morality, being their omission ethical comm
itment against the common good, attributable to those who deny. VIII - Everyone
has the right to truth. The server can not omit it or falsify it, even against t
he interests of the interested party or public administration. No state can grow
or stabilize themselves on the corruptive power by misconduct, oppression or li
e, always annihilating even more the dignity of a nation. IX - Common courtesy,
good will, and time dedicated to public service effort to characterize the disci
pline. Mistreat a person who pays taxes, direct or indirect means to cause him d
amage. Likewise, damage to any property belonging to public property, deteriorat
ing it, by carelessness or ill will, is not only an insult to the equipment and
facilities or the state but to all men of good will who have devoted their intel
ligence , their time, their hopes and efforts to build them. X - Let the public
servant anyone waiting for a solution to the racing industry as it carries out i
ts functions, allowing the formation of long queues, or any other kind of delay
in providing the service, not only is the attitude toward ethics or act of inhum
anity€but particularly severe material damage to the users of public services.
XI - 0 server must give all his attention to the lawful orders of his superiors,
watching closely for compliance, and thus avoiding the negligent conduct. The r
epeated mistakes, neglect and the accumulation of deviations becomes sometimes d
ifficult to correct and even characterize recklessness in the performance of pub
lic service. XII - Any unexcused absence from the server to your workplace is de
moralizing to the public service, which almost always leads to disorder in human
relations. XIII - 0 server that works in harmony with the organizational struct
ure, respecting their colleagues and fellow citizens, contribute and everyone ca
n get cooperation, because his public activity is the greatest opportunity for g
rowth and enhancement of the Nation.
Section II Major Duties of Public Servants
XIV - are fundamental duties of civil servants: a) perform, in time, the duties
of the position, function or public job that holds, b) perform their duties with
speed, efficiency and perfection, ending or prioritizing resolving procrastinat
ory , especially when queuing or any other delay in delivery of services by the
sector as it carries out its duties, in order to prevent material damage to the
user, c) be honest, just, fair and just, showing all the integrity of their char
acter, choosing always, when faced with two options, the best and most advantage
ous to the common good, d) never obstruct accountability, essential in the manag
ement of assets, rights and services of the community in charge, e) treat the us
ers of services by improving the process of communication and contact with the p
f) be aware that their work is guided by ethical principles that are manifest in
the adequate provision of public services, g) be courteous, polite, and availab
le, while respecting individual capacity and limitations of all users of public
services, without any prejudice or distinction of race, sex, national origin, co
lor, age, religion, political or social position, refraining thus causing moral
damage to them; h) to respect the hierarchy, but no fear of denouncing any misus
e of the structure on which is founded the State Power; i) to resist all pressur
es from superiors, contractors, stakeholders and others who seek to get any favo
rs, benefits or undue advantage due to immoral actions, illegal or unethical and
to denounce them; j) ensure, in exercising the right to strike, the specific re
quirements of the protection of life and collective security; l) be regular and
assiduous service, convinced that its absence causes damage to the work ordered,
reflecting negatively on the entire system; f) report forthwith to their superi
ors any act or fact contrary to public policy, requiring the appropriate action;
n) keep clean and in perfect order at the workplace, following the most appropr
iate methods its organization and distribution o) participate in activities and
studies that relate to improving the performance of their duties, with the purpo
se of achieving the common good, p) shall be the work dressed appropriately to e
xercise the function q ) keep up with the instructions, the service standards an
d legislation relevant to the organ in which it exercises its functions; r) sati
sfy, in accordance with the standards of service and the instructions above, the
duties of his office or position, as far as possible , safely, and quickly, alw
ays keeping everything in good order. s) to facilitate the surveillance of all a
cts or services for those eligible; t) exercise with strict moderation functiona
l prerogatives conferred upon it by refraining from doing so against the legitim
ate interests of users of public services and administrative jurisdiction; u) no
t, absolutely, to exert its function, power or authority for a purpose other tha
n the public interest, even observing the legal formalities and not committing a
ny violation of the law expressed v) to inform and notify all members of the you
r class about the existence of this Code of Ethics, encouraging its completion.
Section III Prohibitions to Public Servants
XV - and closed to public servant, a) the use of office or function facilities,
friendships, time, position and influence to obtain any favors for himself or fo
r others, b) deliberately harm the reputation of other servants or citizens thei
r dependents, c) be, according to its spirit of solidarity,€condoned error or v
iolation of this Code of Ethics or the Code of Ethics of their profession;
d) use of trickery to procrastinate or impede the lawful exercise of duties by a
ny person, causing material damage or material, and) stop using the technical an
d scientific advances in his power or his knowledge to perform his / her f ) to
permit that, likes, dislikes, quirks, passions or interests to interfere with th
e public in dealing with the administrative jurisdiction or with colleagues or s
uperiors lower g) claim, request, induce, suggest or receive any financial aid,
compensation, commission, gift or advantage of any kind for themselves, relative
s or any person for the performance of their duties or to influence another serv
er for the same purpose; h) alter or misrepresent the content of documents to be
forwarded for action i) mislead or attempt to deceive any person in need of car
e at public services; j) divert public server for serving a particular concern,
l) withdraw from public office, without explicit authorization, any document, bo
ok or well of public property; m) make use of privileged information obtained un
der its domestic service, for themselves, relatives, friends or others, n) shall
be drunk in the service or be habitually o) give collaborate with any instituti
on that acts against morality, honesty or dignity of the individual, p) engage i
n unethical professional activities or connect your name to questionable project
XVI - In all the organs and entities of the Federal Public Administration direct
, indirect autonomous agencies and foundations, or any body or entity exercising
powers delegated by the public, shall be established an Ethics Commission, resp
onsible for guiding and advising on professional ethics server, in dealing with
people and with public assets, and you know specifically of acts or procedures l
ikely to censorship. XVII - Each Ethics Committee, comprised of three public ser
vants and their alternates may bring, craft, process, act on, to consider facts
or conduct be in violation of rule or principle ethical and professional, can st
ill meet for consultations, complaints or representations made against public se
rvants, the distribution or the industry in which the violation occurred, whose
analysis and deliberation are called to serve or protect the exercise of public
office or function, as long as formulated by the authority, server, administrati
ve jurisdiction, any citizen who identifies himself or any recognized associatio
n. (Repealed by Decree No. 6029,
, 2007)
XVIII - The Ethics Commission shall provide the agencies responsible for impleme
nting the framework for civil servant career, the records about his ethical cond
uct for the purpose of instructing and promotion and support for all other proce
dures related to career civil servant. XIX - The procedures to be adopted by the
Ethics Committee, for investigation of act or fact which, in principle, against
ethics in accordance with this Code will have the summary, only listening to th
e complainant and the server, or just this, if the investigation results of know
ledge of craft, while always resort to its Minister of State. (Repealed by Decre
e No. 6029 of
XX - Given the potential seriousness of the conduct of the server or its recurre
nce, could the Commission
Ethics submit its decision and its expedient for the Permanent Commission for Di
sciplinary Action in their body, if any, and, cumulatively, if any, the entity i
n which, in his profession, the public servant is registered, for disciplinary a
ction reasonable. The delay of the procedures prescribed involve ethical commitm
ent of the Commission itself, while the Ethics Committee of the superior court a
nd their knowledge and action.
by the
XXI - The decisions of the Ethics Commission, in consideration of any fact or ac
t before it or by it, shall be issued in summary form, omitting the names of the
parties, posted on the agency itself and sent to the other Commissions Ethics,
created with the aim of ethical awareness in the public service. A full copy of
the entire proceeding should be referred to the Federal Administration Departmen
t of the Presidency.
(Repealed by Decree No. 6029, 2007)
XXII - The penalty applicable to public servants by the Ethics Committee is that
of censorship, based on the respective opinion, signed by all its members, with
science's fault. XXIII - The Ethics Commission may not refuse to substantiate t
he prosecution's lack of ethics of public servants or contracted service provide
r, claiming the lack of foresight in this Code, it shall use the analogy, custom
s and ethical principles and Moral known in other professions; (Repealed by Decr
ee No. 6029, 2007) XXIV - For purposes of computing the ethical commitment means
a public servant is one who, by law, contract or legal act, provides services w
hether permanent, temporary or exceptional, even without financial compensation,
provided directly or indirectly connected to any organ of state power, such as
local authorities, public foundations, parastatal entities, public enterprises a
nd joint stock companies, or in any sector in which the State's interest. XXV -
In every organ of the Federal Executive in which a citizen is to take ownership
or be invested in public service, should be provided before the Ethics Commissio
n, a commitment to obey and observe the rules established by this Code of Ethics
and all ethical and moral principles established by tradition and morality. (Re
voked by
Decree No. 6029, 2007)

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